#lucretia dalt
katieroo28 · 2 years
ope. a little late with this one. sorry to the two people who read these each week.
here’s my weekly recap for December 18th through December 24th, 2022! let me know what your thoughts are! agree? disagree? give it to me, my dumplings.
BEST MOVIES I WATCHED: Dumplings (2004), Inland Empire (2006), Jawbreaker (1999), Shrew’s Nest (2014), The Addams Family (1991), and Addams Family Values (1993)
BEST TV I WATCHED: FINALLY finished The Baby on HBO, Let the Right One In, and Real Housewives of Miami
CURRENTLY READING: lmfao it’s getting embarrassing saying the same three books each week because i’ve hit a wall with my reading/attention span so uh ignore this for now.
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reckonslepoisson · 2 years
Lucy & Aaron, Aaron Dilloway & Lucrecia Dalt (2021)
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Aaron Dilloway and Lucrecia Dalt’s collaborative Lucy & Aaron sees both compromise marvellously. Dilloway produces some of his most restrained industrial and noise, while Dalt reels in her tendencies towards the empty and vacuum-like; wonderfully throbbing, threatening, extra-terrestrial and subterranean music with an engulfing completeness to its sonic atmosphere.
Pick: ‘Tense Cuts’
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🎤what songs remind you of edge?
🎥If you could make a movie/tv show for one of your fics which one would you chose?
🎤what songs remind you of edge?
psycho killer by the talking heads and vienna by billy joel, simply because they're mentioned in the fic. also edge by lucretia dalt, of course, and where is my mind by the pixies, fire by the pointer sisters, and one song that is really really indicative of part 3 jegulus, but is too spoilery for me to mention by name
🎥If you could make a movie/tv show for one of your fics which one would you chose?
edge :) tasohw is basically exactly like fleabag, so that already exists, but i'm deviating a lot from the killing eve plot for edge, so it would be fun to see my version as a tv show
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dendre · 2 years
Pitchfork Annual Tippmix 2022
Ahogyan az már régi hagyomány, dallista után, albumlista előtt szánt szándékkal eltalálom a könnyen belőhető, pontosan mégsem meghatározható év végi picsfork top 10-et.
Még sose sikerült 10/10-re (a top 10-ben lévő lemezeket kell eltalálni, nem a pontos helyezéseket), mert bármennyire is kiszámítható az internetek zenemagazinja, azért mindig van egy kis csavar. 
Idén a tavalyi gyalázatos lemaradásom (lemezhallgatás, zenei világ követés, tippelési hatékonyság) után némileg jobban képben vagyok, de önmagamhoz képest messze nem annyira, mint jellemzően az elmúlt két évtizedben. Az azért nem egyedi eset, hogy felkészületlenül, kissé váratlanul ér, hogy jaj, itt a kislemezlista, tippelni kell, valahogy mindig ráérzek és pont megnézem az oldalt még éppen időben. De hát nagy a rutin, tényleg régi hagyomány ez, 16. éve próbálkozom a telitalálattal (a vb-n eddig hétnél járok).
A lista:
1. Sudan Archives: Natural Brown Prom Queen  2. Beyoncé: Renaissance  3. Big Thief: Dragon New  4. Alvvays: Blue Rev  5. Beth Orton: Weather Alive  6. The Smile: A Light  7. Destroyer: Labyrinthis  8. Special Interest: Dragon New  9. Rosalia: Motomami 10. Jockstrap: I Love You
7/10-zel tök elégedett lennék, de 6/10-nél már szomorú (hatot eltalálni idén nem kunszt, de 2-3 lemez simán felcserélődhet jó pár másikkal).
És bejöhet helyükre mondjuk ezekből valami(k)
Lucretia Dalt: Ay Yaya Bey: Remember  Perfume Genius: Ugly Season Alex G: God Save the Animals 
Dalt igazából tökjó lemezt csinált és sok szól mellette pitchforkosan is, nem értem mért nem azt tettem be - mondjuk a zeitgeist Jockstrap vagy a boomer Smile/Destroyer helyett. Yaya Bey meg olyan, akit csavart labdaként betehetnek simán, sőt nem is lenne meglepő. Az igazi csavart labda persze az lesz, ha nem bírják ki Kendrick nélkül, nem lennék túlzottan meglepve. 
A tavalyi év nemcsak a távolról nekifutásom miatt volt nehéz tippelés szempontból, de a Pitchfork is sokat változott, még az elmúlt évek változásaihoz képest is. És ez idén is igaz volt, az újabb 90-es évtized listáról is leszűrhető az irány, de egyúttal kissé ismét kiszámíthatóbbnak gondolom. Erős a stábban a soulpopr&b-rajongás, tudod, hogy mikor volt tini a szerkesztőség magva, van kvóta, a csavar meg a szeretet valami kisebb nemzet zenéje felé. Folytatódott a nagyon jellemző tendencia, hogy 9.0 felett nem volt lemezértékelésük idén sem, viszont 8.5 feletti a tavalyi 6 db után idén legalább felkúszott 10 db-ra.
Hogy milyen volt 2022? Nem a magam megközelítése ez, hanem ezé a webzine-é: visszaszorult a forradalmi hiphop (vagyis nincs), a női soul örök és egy kicsit visszajött az indie gitárzene is, de nem a pár éve divatos csajrockerek és brit posztpunkosok módján, hanem kicsit indie-sebben. Vagy persze ki tudja, nem én, boomer vagyok, nem tudom mit hallgatnak a tinik. Vagyis egyik nap pont láttam, ahogy egy On The Low-buliban vokóderezett Backstreet Boyst énekeltek vissza a fiúkák a trapperfiúnak, szóval most azt gondolhatnám, hogy azt, de persze ámerikában már pont nem. Az nyilván nagyon nem újdonság, hogy nincs újdonság, tánczene helyett “elektronika” megy, a jazz csak módjával jön vissza a várt visszarobbanás helyett, az ambient továbbra is röhejesen népszerű, az Injury Reserve meg még páran lezárták a traphiphopot (az meg kínjában drum and bass-es alapokon próbál zakatolni), a történetmesélés helyett a hangulatfestés rulezol (kábé ez egyetlen ami “új” tud lenni örökké, mert/és ha a jelenre jól reflektál), de az idei lehetséges élmezőnyt elnézve zeneileg nincs ötlet, hogy merre tovább popzene, de hisz persze nincs nagyon merre.
Idei fogadalmam, hogy 2019-cel és 2020-szal (pláne 21-gyel, ami még mindig fiókban) ellentétben év végén, vagy na jó, január elején összehozok valami listát, amin az első tíz közelében lesz Beth Orton, az Alvvays, Michael Head, talán Natalie Lafourcade, Sally Shapiro, esetleg Alabaster dePlume, netán a Voice Actor, vagy Sona Jobarteh, és hát az Ali. Vagy ki tudja mi.
Az előzmények:
a 2021-es tipp és a végeredmény (6/10)
a 2020-as tipp és a végeredmény (8/10)
a 2019-es tipp és a végeredmény (8/10)
a 2018-as tipp és a végeredmény (7/10)
a 2017-es tipp és a végeredmény (8/10)
a 2016-os tipp és a végeredmény (8/10)
a 2015-ös tipp és a végeredmény (8/10)
a 2014-es tipp és a végeredmény (8/10)
a 2013-as tipp és a végeredmény (7/10)
a 2012-es tipp és a végeredmény (8/10)
a 2011-es tipp és a végeredmény (6/10)
a 2010-es tipp és a végeredmény (8/10)
a 2009-es tipp és a végeredmény (9/10)
a 2008-as tipp és a végeredmény (9/10)
a 2007-es tipp és a végeredmény (7/10)
meg volt a 2010-es évek tipp és végeredmény (5/10) :(
meg volt ez a félévtizedes hülyeség, ami ilyen lett (7/10)
meg volt a hatvanas évek, ami ilyen lett (7/10)
és volt az utólagos 1998, ami ilyen lett (6/10).
Ja, és persze tippeljen más is!
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zaphmann · 2 years
In Memory of John Peel Show 230106 Podcast & Playlist
In Memory of John Peel Show 230106 Podcast & Playlist
Lucretia Dalt The First show of 2023 has a Scottish thread and plenty of surprising deviations >> the best new music, independent of the industry system – back this show on patreon Paypal to [email protected] heard in over 90 countries via independent stations (RSS)Pod-Subscribe for free here or Embed/listen at podomatic – itunes Apple, Audacity, Google Podcasts, Gaana, Boomplay, Amazon Music.…
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hatingwithfears · 2 years
TOP 150 ALBUMS of 2022
150- Scarcity- Aveilut
149- Alice Glass- PREY//IV
148- Plains- I Walked With You a Ways
147- Sigh- Shiki
146- Bjork- Fossora
145- Boris- Heavy Rocks
144- Father John Misty- Chloe and the Next 20th Century
143- Vieux Farka Toure & Khruangbin- Ali
142- Palm- Nicks and Grazes
141- Deathcrash- Return
140- Rhodri Davis- DWA DNI
139- Hagop Tchaparian- Bolts
138- Cheekface- Too Much To Ask
137- Sarahsson- The Horgenaith
136- Sam Grendel- BlueBlue
135- Sam Gendel, Antonia Cytrynowicz- Live a Little
134- Makaya McCraven- In These Times
133- Julian Lage- View With a Room
132- Earl Sweatshirt- SICK!
131- Whatever The Weather- Whatever The Weather
130- Absent in Body- Plague God
129- Moin- Paste
128- Cheri Knight- American Rituals
127- Matt Ball- Amplified Guitar
126- Jairus Sharif- Water and Tools
125- Behemoth- Opvs Contra Natvram
124- Monster Rally- Botanical Dream
123- Ashenspire- Hostile Architecture
122- Death Cab For Cutie- Asphalt Meadows
121- Dave Douglas- Secular Psalms
120- Cult of Luna- Long Road North
119- Maria Moles- For Leolanda
118- Full Court Press- Full Court Press
117- Animal Collective- Time Skiffs
116- Luminous Vault- Animate the Emptiness
115- Mizmor & Thou- Myopia
114- KMRU & Aho Ssan- Limen
113- Sofie Birch- Holotropica
112- Avishai Cohen- Naked Truth
111- Philippe Bronchtein- Catch My Breath
110- Nik Colk Void- Bucked Up Space
109- Kelly Lee Owens- LP8
108- Nick Cave and Warren Ellis- Blonde
107- Infinity Knives, Brian Ennals- King Cobra
106- Johanna Warren- Lessons for Mutants
105- Joel Ross- Te Parable of The Poet
104- Brad Mehldau- Jacob’s Ladder
103- The Comet Is Coming- Hyper Dimensional Expansion Beam
102- Avishai Cohen- Shifting Sands
101- Patricia Brennan- More Touch
100- Madeleine Cocoas- Spectral
99- Skulcrusher- Quiet The Room
98- Caroline- Caroline
97- Knifeplay- Animal Drowning
96- Avalanche Kaito- Avalanche Kaito
95- Billy Woods- Aethiopes
94- Mamaleek- Dinner Coffee
93- Silvia Tarozzi & Deborah Walker- Canti di Guerra, di Livorno e d’amore
92- Melissa Aldana- 12 Stars
91- Joy Guidry- Radical Acceptance
90- Binker Golding- Dream Like a Dogwood
89- black midi- Hellfire
88- Akusmi- Fleeting Future
87- Arp- New Pleasures
86- Daniel Rossen- You Belong There
85- Junior Boys- Waiting Game
84- Shearwater- The Great Awakening
83- Florist- Florist
82- Szun Waves- Earth Patterns
81- No Age- People Helping People
80- Lucretia Dalt- ¡Ay!
79- Rich Ruth- I Survived, It’s Over
78- Colin Stetson- Chimaera I
77- Ulla- Foam
76- The Lord + Petra Haden- Devotional
75- Nonsun- Blood & Spirit
74- Bill Callahan- Reality
73- Aoife Nessa Frances- Protector
72- The Soft Pink Truth- Is It Going To Get Any Deeper Than This?
71- Kendrick Lamar- Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers
70- High Pulp- Pursuit of Ends
69- Soul Glo- Diaspora Problems
68- Dawn Richard & Spencer Zahn- Pigments
67- Bartess Strange- Farm to Table
66- Burial- Antidawn
65- Keiji Haino & Sumac- into this juvenile apocalypse…
64- Beth Orton- Weather Alive
63- Jenny Hval- Classic Objects
62- Angel Olsen- Big Time
61- Nils Frahm- Music for Animals
60- Daniel Bachman- Almanac Behind
59- Wilco- Cruel Country
58- Boris- W
57- Goose- Dripfield
56- Steve Lacy- Gemini Rights
55- Sun’s Signature- EP
54- Gang of Youths- Angel in Realtime
53- Mary Lattimore & Paul Sukeena- West Kinsington
52- Aeviterne- The Ailing Facade
51- Pusha T- It’s Almost Dry
50- Black Country, New Road- Ants From Up There
49- Ashley McBryde presents: Linderville
48- Alina Bzhezhinska & Hip Harp Collective- Reflections
47- Pinegrove- 11:11
46- Various Artists- Here It Is: A Tribute To Leonard Cohen
45- Bonnie Light Horseman- Rolling Golden Holy
44- Chat Pile- God’s Country
43- Oren Ambarchi- Shebang
42- Oren Ambarchi, Johan Berthling, Andreas Werliin- Ghosted
41- Horse Lords- Comradely Objects
39- Anja Lauvdal- For a Story Now Lost
38- CC Sorensen- Phantom Rooms
37- Kali Malone- Living Torch
36- Heart of The Ghost- Summons
35- Miles Okazaki- Thisness
34- Weyes Blood- And in The Darkness, Hearts Aglow
33- Maggie Rogers- Surrender
32- Loraine James- Building Something Beautiful For Me
31- Eli Winter- Eli Winter
30- Oded Tzur- Isabela
29- Sharon Van Etten- We’ve Been Going About This All Wrong
28- Max Richter- The New Four Seasons: Vivaldi Recomposed
27-Heith- X, Wheel
26- Ian William Craig- Music For Magnesium_173
25- Cecile McLorin Salvant- Ghost Songs
24- Medicine Singers- Medicine Singers
23- Joe Rainey- Niineta
22- Andrew Bernstein- A Presentation
21- Bill Orcutt- Music for Four Guitars
20- Danger Mouse & Black Thought- Cheat Codes
19- Tanya Tagaq- Tounges
18- Destroyer- Labyrinths
17- Lambchop- The Bible
16- Sault- Air
15- Claire Rousay- Everything Perfect is Already Here
14- Jeremiah Chiu & Marta Sofia Hunter- Recordings from the Aland Islands
13- Yayamoto+Fowler+Parker+Hirsh- Sparks
12- Nickolas Mohanna- Sight Drawings
11- Jasmine Myra- Horizons
10- William Parker- Universal Tonality
9- Michael Giacchino- The Batman
8- Beach House- Once Twice Melody
7- Surya Botofasina- Everyone’s Children
6- OHYUNG- Imagine Naked!
5- The Smile- A Light for Attracting Attention
4- Sarah Davachi- Two Sisters
3- Immanuel Wilkins- The 7th Hand
2- Big Thief- Dragon New Warm Mountain
1- Rachika Nayar- Heaven Come Crashing
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rockhyrax · 6 years
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Night lives. With Lucretia Dalt, John Also Bennett, Michele Mercure, Lili Schulder, Maya, Dan, Chinatown streets.
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jgthirlwell · 3 years
playlist 08.30.21
Boys Noize  Strictly Raw Vol 2 (BoysNoize Records) Henry Cowell Music For Strings (CPO) Noveller Aphantasia (Bandcamp) Lingua Ignota Sinner Get Ready (Sargent House) Aaron Dilloway and Lucretia Dalt Lucy And Aaron (Hanson Records) Valgeir Sigurosson Kvika (Bedroom Community) Flying Luttenbachers Negative Infinity (ug EXPLODE) Billie Eilish Happier Than Ever (Interscope) Liars The Apple Drop (Mute) Sophie Birch Planetes (Seil Records) Nick Cave & Warren Ellis Carnage (Goliath) Beatriz Ferreya Echos + (Room 40) Wolves in the Throne Room Primordial Arcana (Relapse) The Bug Fire (Ninja Tune)
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dustedmagazine · 7 years
Various Artists — Monika Werkstatt (Monika Enterprises)
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 In lockstep with our retreat into personal screens on digital devices, electronic music creation has become increasingly portable and solitary, suited to a corner in a tight urban apartment or riding public transport with a laptop and headphones. Digitalization means artists can compose collaboratively without ever meeting up, like a chess match played over the mail. Against these prevailing trends, the music on Monika Werkstatt was spawned during an actual geographic retreat organized by Gudren Gut, out in the countryside north of Berlin, with eight other members of her Monika record label.  
Gut is one of those low-key but ubiquitous musicians who's been pushing from the periphery for decades. In the 1980s and 1990s, she was a Berlin noise provocateur in Einsturzende Neubauten, then led the all-female and oddly upbeat goths Malaria and worked in the greater Bad Seeds circle along with Anita Lane. In this century, she's pursued electronic work along the lines of Mouse on Mars, exploring forms that are heavily processed and minimalist but not quite as anonymous as techno. I Put a Record On, her album from ten years ago, is a small masterpiece of personal rumination and experimentalism colliding with digital pop.   
As the hostess of the Werkstatt, her history guides the spirit of this collection. A rural retreat like this would seem like opportunity for an extended jam session, but of course the electronic approach doesn't really work that way. Personalities aren't subsumed when production takes precedence over playing. These tracks were forged collaborative, but in most cases, individuals stamp the final track with their name and their personae. Artists like Sonae and Danielle de Picciotto work in what becomes the prevailing style of the collective, a cloudy, reflective elektronische Musik that's been at home in Germany for 20 years. Percussion is drawn from clicks and looped noise, melody arrives in tides of tone.  
But it's not all distant textures and sub-bass in counterpoint. Some of the personalities are just too extroverted for that. Pilocka Krach's "Sternhagen" is a fragile instrumental that flows well with others. On the other hand, she gives us "Who's Afraid of Justin Bieber,” which doesn't just ogle the boy a bit, but it does so over the synth stabs that recall "Billy Jean.” Islaja follows this up with a reading of a fragment from Sappho in Ancient Greek. This kind of horsing around, mixing pop and avant is surely helped along by the fact that this was a female-only retreat. The camaraderie even adds a bit of a hop to Lucrecia Dalt's track, the most ominous here, and otherwise apiece with her insular darkwave. One can sense multiple voices in the most singular productions, nudges from peers towards a common ground.  
The tracks on the final side of this double LP set gives the Werkstatt top billing, and a consensus emerges. Insistent beats become the foreground, peaking with "555minimal" where a tidy four-on-the-floor carries us past emergency alerts and blasts. Vocals drift in occasionally as spoken contemplation. It wraps up in appropriate optimism, with a collage of soothing noises titled "Beginning,” implying more ahead, but also making this collection a self-contained world. Manifesto deployed, minds met, and superior music is the outcome. Sometimes idealistic endeavors work out as planned.  
Ben Donnelly
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mellamame · 5 years
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juniormissperfect · 8 years
"Immortal" - Westside Dance Project teen contemporary duo, 1st overall, Nuvo Anaheim, January 2017 ★ Choreography by Jessie Riley ☆ Dancers ☆ Lucy Vallely, Megan Goldstein ♪ We Are A Plot Device ~ Regina de Miguel, voices Lucretia Dalt, Ania Nowak
[ This could well have been a trio as the original poetry piece explores the edge of life with a neopagan triple goddess: Lamella ~ Chimera ~ Gaiana ]  
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womenofnoise · 3 years
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Lucretia Dalt
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earinfluxion · 4 years
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Ear Influxion 2020 Favorites
Life changes and priorities left me without much time to write about music in 2020. Despite that, Bandcamp Fridays have rekindled my love of discovering new music, connecting with and supporting artists directly, and engaging more deliberately as a listener. In a way, not writing about music allowed me to more fully do all of those things.
Here’s a list in alphabetical order of the various works that have moved me in some significant way. I’d planned to write a blurb about each one, but since that is taking some time, and we’re already into January, I thought I’d do this differently. Instead of linking to reviews from the past year, I will add links to this list as I add reviews after the fact. Many of them are already written, but it’s grown in scale to the extent that I don’t think it would make sense to publish them all in line here.
AHRKH: Beams From a Spiritual Panorama (Golden Ratio Frequencies)
Ellen Allien: Auraa (BPitch Control)
Atom™ <3 (Raster)
Autechre: SIGN (Warp)
Autechre: PLUS (Warp)
Daniel Avery: Love + Light (Mute)
Julianna Barwick: Healing Is a Miracle (Kranky)
William Basinski: Lamentations (Temporary Residence Ltd)
Bellows: Undercurrent (Black Truffle)
Frank Bretschneider: abtasten_holden (Faitiche)
Cabaret Voltaire: Shadow of Fear (Mute)
Caribou: Suddenly (Merge)
Richard Chartier: Variable Dimensions 1-6 (LINE)
CLEARED: The Key (Touch)
Lucretia Dalt: No era sólida (RVNG Intl)
Destroyer: Have We Met (Merge)
Beatrice Dillon: Workaround (PAN)
C. Diab: White Whale (Injazero)
The Fear Ratio: They Can't Be Saved (Skam)
Feu St-Antoine: L’eau Par La Soif (Éditions Appærent)
Gallery S & MoMA Ready: Gallery S (HAUS of ALTR)
Ghostwerk: Ghost Dive (Schematic)
Grand River: Blink a Few Times To Clear Your Eyes (Editions Mego)
Giuseppe Ielasi: Five Wooden Frames (12K)
Ital Tek: Outland (Planet µ)
KMRU: Jar (Seil)
Thomas Köner: Motus (Mille Plateaux)
Gabor Lazar: Source (Planet µ)
Sophia Loizou: Untold (Houndstooth)
Kevin Richard Martin: Frequencies for Leaving Earth Vol. 4 (Bandcamp)
Monolake: Archæopteryx (Imbalance Computer Music)
Morusque: The End of Music (Bandcamp)
Chad Mossholder: Receiver (Somewherecold)
Jake Muir: the hum of your veiled voice (Sferic)
Oneohtrix Point Never: Magic Oneohtrix Point Never (Warp)
ONO: Red Summer (American Dreams)
pinkcourtesyphone: Leaving Everything To Be Desired (Room40)
Potter Natalizia Zen: Magari (Ecstatic)
Lyra Pramuk: Fountain (Bedroom Community)
Ana Roxane: Because of a Flower (Kranky)
SAULT: Untitled (Black Is) (Forever Living Originals)
Scanner: An Ascent (DiN)
Simon Scott: Migrations (Touch)
Shit and Shine: Malibu Liquor Store (Rocket Recordings)
Geneva Skeen: Double Bind (Room40)
Richard Skelton: LASTGLACIALMAXIMUM (Corbel Stone)
The Soft Pink Truth: Shall We Go On Sinning So That Grace May Increase? (Thrill Jockey)
Speaker Music: Black Nationalist Sonic Weaponry (Planet µ)
Squarepusher: Be Up a Hello (Warp)
Sufjan Stevens: The Ascension (Asthmatic Kitty)
Rian Treanor: File Under UK Metaplasm (Planet µ)
Yaeji: What We Drew (XL)
Ye Gods: Dumah (L.I.E.S.)
Flora Yin-Wong: Holy Palm (Modern Love)
Zakè: Orchestral Studies Collectanea (Past Into the Present)
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tapecase-space · 4 years
Louise Episode 81 - Do whatever you want all of the time
featuring music by Sunset Rollercoaster, Melmann, Philip Jeck, Jlin, Liv.e, Ric Wilson, Ela Minus, Eddie Gomez, Bill Evans Trio, and Pascal Rogé with the voice of Louise Bourgeois from the films, "Louise Bourgeois - Ich bin, was ich tue" by Nigel Finch, and "Louise Bourgeois - Die Bildhauerin und ihr avantgardistisches Werk" by Guichard von Camille also featuring the voice of Daniel Milman in his lecture entitled, "Louise Bourgeois and Psychoanalysis" also featuring an ambient field recording by Lucretia Dalt programmed and produced by @small_ernst Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa
 Thank you for listening 💙
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caramelcat · 4 years
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Playlist: Good Fortune fill, Triple R, September 27, 2020
The Shangri-Las - Past Present & Future
Nubya Garcia feat. Ms Maurice, Cassie Kinoshi - Source
Ripple Effect Band - Madjandemed
Novelette Barnett - Fire De A Town
Bab L' Bluz - Gnawa Beat
A. Billie Free feat. Angel Bat Dawid - Flourish
Emma Donovan & the Putbacks - Pink Skirt
Jamila Woods - Sula (Paperback)
Baby Rose - Marmot
Donna Summer - Whispering Waves
Emily A. Sprague - Star Gazing
Joanna Brouk - Chimes And Bells
Saariselka - Into the Wind
Ichiko Aoba - Funeral Procession At The Seashore
Spires That in the Sunset Rise - Sax Solfa
Sarah Louise - Your Dreams
Alison Cotton - How My Heart Bled In Bleeding Heart Yard
Elysia Crampton Chuquimia feat. Siete-Octavos - Spring Of Wound
Lucretia Dalt - Di
Alberthine Sarges - Free Today
Nina Simone - I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free
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