#lucius's mom's name is helena?????
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thatlilgremlin · 1 month ago
✧・゚: ✧・゚: I'll make her my wife :・゚✧:・゚✧
➤ Warnings: Fluff
Lucius peeked his head downstairs, his father had told him to stay in his bedroom while he and mother were taking care of guests but he was getting bored so he wanted to see who the guests were. As soon as he got to see a glimpse of the living room, his father spotted him.
“Speaking of the devil. Lucius, come, come meet the guests”, Abraxas said, gesturing him over.
Lucius walked down the stairs, he finally saw who the guests were; a very skinny woman with a long hooked nose, black hair that stopped at the top of her back and dark eyes contrasting with her pale skin, beside her was a little kid, who he assumed was her daughter, looking the exact same — although with shorter hair long enough to only graze her shoulders.
“Lucius, this is Eileen, an old friend of mine”, Helena introduced the shabby-looking woman, “This is Severus, her kid and your new friend. Now, could you both go play in your room while your father and I talk with Eileen?”
Lucius nodded and looked at Severus who looked back at him but didn’t move from her mom, Eileen had to nudge her to move forward, Lucius took her hand and walked to his bedroom; when she entered the room, she looked fascinated by how big the room was, it made him smile.
“So, how old are you, Severus?” He asked, trying to start a conversation with the little kid.
She looked at him and stayed silent for some time before opening her mouth and saying in the smallest shyest voice, “Four”
He almost aw’ed, she was so very cute and obviously had problems communicating, “We’re six years apart then, I’m ten”
She didn’t answer, she went back to looking around the room, Lucius knew striking a conversation wouldn’t work with her so he decided to try another approach, he went to his small bookshelf and took a book he used to read at her age; ‘Introduction to the Wizarding World for Muggles and Young Wixen’.
“Do you know how to read?” He asked, she shook her head, he smiled again, “Do you want me to read for you?” She looked at him in surprise for a second before nodding almost shyly.
He sat on his bed and patted the spot next to his, she walked over and carefully climbed on the bed, sitting at a reasonable distance where she could still see the book without getting into his personal space. He opened the book and started reading, it was a thick-ish book, with about two hundred pages of words and illustrations; he read it out loud, showed and explained what the moving drawings on pages were, he looked as her eyes lit up with every new page of information.
Then, slowly, she started coming out of her shell, asking more questions, even moving a bit closer to see better, no longer scared of being too close for his liking as he seemed to not mind. They read for hours, laughed at some puns the author gave and, soon, the sun set and the two fell asleep sitting against each other.
Eileen and Helena opened the door and saw the pair, they aw’ed at the sight of the sleeping children. Eileen picked Severus up gently, the two kids woke up from the movement.
“Bye bye, Lucius”, Severus said sleepily, waving over her mom’s shoulder as she was carried away.
“Goodbye, Severus”, Lucius answered, his mom started tucking him to bed, “Mom?”
“Yes, darling?”
“What’s the most unbreakable bond?” He asked sleepily, rubbing his eye.
“Mmh, I guess marriage, why?” Helena answered, stroking his long-ish blonde hair.
“I think I’ll marry Severus then. When I get older, I’ll make her my wife”, he said confidently.
“Oh”, she answered then gave him an apologetic smile, “You can’t make Severus your wife, darling, he’s not a girl”
His eyebrows raised at the announcement of misgendering the little kid, “I’ll make him my husband then”, he said, his eyebrows furrowing in determination.
Helena’s smile became more gentle at his childish innocence, she was just happy they were getting along, “Of course you will, my darling”, she gave him a goodnight kiss on his forehead before leaving him to sleep.
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bellaretrix · 1 month ago
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✮well. My name is Bellatrix. Bellatrix Black, of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. I am 18 years of age, and in my 7th year of Hogwarts. Slytherin Prefect. Pure Blood✮
Other of My... Many Achievements
✮Master Dueller
Notes from Duelling Coach:
Bellatrix has almost prodigious skill in Duelling, she has unnaturally high levels of agility and reflexes, which will be very helpful with future duels. It should be noted that she does display an unsettling level of cruelty with her duels, often using unnecessarily aggressive spells in retaliation to simpler, milder charms.
✮Specialist in Charms
Bellatrix displays a high amount of proficiency in charms, given how she has an affinity for the shielding, stunning and summoning spell. She is currently in NEWT level Charms.
Bellatrix has completed the course in apparition and is now registered as an apparitor in the MoM.
Bellatrix is an almost shockingly natural Occlumens, as one could be a natural Legilimens, as of now, she has completed 5 out of 6 natural tests by ministry sent Legilimens.
Well. That’s enough of that, my father and mother already sing enough praises of me. On to people I know.
Narcissa Black - Cissa, my younger sister. @trulynarcissa
Andromeda Black - Andy, my youngest sister.
Sirius Black - A disgrace of a cousin. @dogstarboy
Rodolphus Lestrange - Not much comment on him.
Lucius Malfoy - Cissa’s friend.
Molly Prewett - Classmate
Gideon Prewett
Fabian Prewett
Arthur Weasley - Classmate
Rita Skeeter - Horrible gossiper. Mother has told me to stay away from her.
Ted Tonks - Disgusting Mudblood. @the-oneandonly-teddy
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Apart from that, this are some of my flattering pictures. (Faceclaim- Helena Bonham Carter)
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NSFW content
Alright, that’s the end of the introduction, I’m the mod, my name is Helli and my main is @hellincarnation
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dont-be-so-shy · 4 years ago
ok so,,, i think imma try a longfic abt the batkids getting stuck in the yj universe. except batman don't exist so they're not heroes (expect cissie and simon)
so imma introduce you to my lesser-known characters below the cut:
babs, dick, jason, tim, cass, steph, duke, and damian are people most people already know, but we also got luke, simon, wendy, helena, harper, cullen, bette, cissie, isabella, kitrina, charlie, olivia, tristan, riko, colin, and carrie
luke: aka lucas fox, aka one of the two sons and four children of lucius fox, aka a vigilante named batwing and ceo of his own company foxtech
simon: simon dark is a really small-time character. so basically, he was created with a mix of mad science, magic, and twenty dead teenage boy's bodies. yes, i know it's creepy. he has enhanced healing and the ability to use each one of the faces of the twenty boys he's made of. he can also do magic, mostly clairvoyance, which for him means being able to tell the secrets someone's keeping from him and see farther than the horizon. he also has enhanced strength, telekinesis, the ability to psychically link people (like miss martian), and the ability to dimension-travel. in canon, he looks a mess of different skin tones and frankenstein stitching but in my fic, he's gonna be looking like a normal(ish) boy.
wendy: wendy white, sometimes called wendy harris, graduated mit alongside her twin brother, marvin, at sixteen and became a caretaker of titans tower. she and her brother were attacked by wonderdog and she fell into a coma while marvin died. her father is a gotham villain named the calculator, who wanted the anti-life formula (i don’t what it is but apparently it’s really powerful) to wake her up. he was defeated but she woke up on her own. she's paralyzed from the waist down and she became babs' apprentice, codename proxy
helena: helena bertinelli, was supposedly the daughter of a mafia guy and his wife, but it turns out she's actually the daughter of the wife and some other mafia dude. well mafia dude (the bio dad) hates the mafia family mafia guy (the other dad) is a part of, so he ordered to have mafia guy and his family killed (helena had older and younger siblings, i think). he told the killer to spare the lady he had helena with and kill the rest of them but the killer done messed and killed the mom instead of helena. helena hates mafia and crime so when she becomes huntress, she has nothing against killing. she's actually still young tho, she left boarding school in switzerland to come back to gotham and be a vigilante. she's also part of the birds of prey and has been both batgirl and batman
harper and cullen: the row twins/siblings. cullen was attacked by his classmates for being gay but the second time he was attacked, batman and robin (i think it was tim) stopped the bullies. harper, who's insanely good with engineering, became bluebird with a few handmade weapons and cullen stayed home. in my fic, he's gonna be catlad, trained by selina, in the field and coeus, fitting the greek myth theme, when on comms 
bette: bette kane is somehow related to kate kane, who's bruce's cousin and also batwoman. bette was the first batgirl but when dc rebooted she was made flamebird then hawkfire instead. in my fic, she's batgirl in the field and medusa behind the screen
cissie: cissie has no origin story which means i can still make her arrowette in a batman-less world. cissie king-jones is arrowette. and her mom wanted her to be a hero. that's quite literally all i know. she's part of the batfam instead of the arrowfam for some reason tho 
isabella: isabella ortiz was part of we are robin under the name robina, and is canonically dating duke. in my fic, she's dating harper instead 'cause duke is dating cullen. anyway, she's poor and also, her dad doesn't know she was part of we are robin 
kitrina: kitrina falcone is the youngest falcone who didn't wanna be mafia so she idolized catwoman instead. she was accused of betraying the family so she ran, becoming kittyhawk and helping catwoman and penguin. in my fic, she's known as stray instead 
charlie: charlie gage-radcliffe aka misfit is a metahuman with the ability to teleport (she calls it 'bouncing'). she didn't wanna be a hero and she couldn't teleport with people without killing them, so when her apartment building burned down with her mom and newborn sibling inside, she ran according to her mom's wishes. she resurfaced as batgirl, but when babs finally cornered her, she gave it up and became misfit instead, tagging along with the birds of prey 
olivia: olivia carr was kidnapped by the dollmaker and brainwashed into becoming part of his 'family'. when jim gordon was also kidnapped, he helped her escape and told her to give a note to batman on the gcpd's roof. she was later handed over to a gcpd cop while batman went to save the commissioner but it turned out the cop was crooked and wanted to sell her to some kidnappers so she slit his throat and ran away. she goes by mannequin 
tristan: tristan grey goes to damian's school along with maps, olive, and pom and a few others. he's a metahuman with enhanced vision, strength, and the ability to "transform" somehow 
riko: riko sheridan was also part of we are robin under the name r-iko. she was actually expelled from damian and tristan's school (damian was too actually). she idolizes batgirl, which is why, in the fic, i gave her the name black bat while cass is orphan 
colin: colin wilkes aka abuse is basically a ten-year-old hulk with control over his hulkiness. he's damian's friend and an orphan who got his powers thanks to kobra venom when he was trafficked 
last but not least, carrie!: she's technically from an alternate universe and was robin after jason instead of tim, then catgirl, then batwoman. in this fic, she's catgirl. she uses a slingshot 
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themetaisawesome · 6 years ago
“Aunt Kate”
Description: Kate Kane is home alone on her night off when an old friend knocks on her door to ask for a big favor in a small package.
Rating: F for fluffy
Note: This isn’t really aligned with any canon. I basically made a little fanon for it out of various pieces from multiple sources.
June 20th is my best friend Sam’s ( @thefingerfuckingfemalefury ) birthday, so to celebrate I wrote her this little fic. Sadly, my mind slipped on the date today and this is coming out late.
Happy birthday, Sam! Hope you had a good one!
“I’m sorry, what?” Kate Kane asked.
Selina Wayne nee Kyle stood in the doorway, holding little Helena in her arm and a diaper bag over her shoulder. “It’ll just be for one night. I’ll be back tomorrow morning to pick her up. Mid-afternoon at the latest.”
Kate opened her mouth to say something, but Selina quickly interjected again. “And before you say anything, I am not breaking my promise with Bruce. This isn’t a heist or a jailbreak. I’m just helping out some friends with… an unusual problem.”
“Does Bruce know what you’re doing?” Kate asked with a tone that made it clear she doubted he knew anything about this. Selina’s hesitation in responding confirmed her suspicion.
“What’s a little secret every now and then between a husband and wife?” she finally replied.
“Who are these “friends” you’re helping out tonight?”
Selina shrugged as casually as she could with a baby in one arm and a bag on the other. “The Sirens are back together for one night only.”
“I thought you hated Poison Ivy.”
“Hate is a strong word. Pam barely makes the top ten in number of attempts on my life. Besides, it’s really hard to say no to Harley. Even over the phone. That girl has too much power.”
That much was true. Even most of Arkham’s past and present finest had something resembling a soft spot for Harley.
“Selina, let’s start at the beginning. Where did I fall on your list of options to handle this?” Kate asked.
Selina started at the very top of that list. “Bruce is out of town on a company retreat that he couldn’t get out of, and Alfred is still on very strong painkillers after the Condiment King debacle last week. He’s in no shape to be looking after a child, no matter his protests to the contrary.”
“What about Dick?”
“Unavailable. He claimed the Titans were running some vital operation, but I could hear Mar’i making a ruckus in the background.”
“Dick couldn’t lie to save his life. Did you try Barbara?”
“With the Birds on some mission that is so secret that if I continued to ask questions Barbara said she’d hack into every piece of technology I own until the day I die.”
“What about Cass?”
“She’s on patrol duty with Damian, Duke, and Harper tonight.”
“Right. Stephanie?”
“With her mom out of town.”
“On the moon with his Young Justice friends.”
“How about Batwing?”
“Luke is at the retreat with Bruce and Lucius.”
“How about…” Kate struggled to come up with a name for a second, as they had already run though so many of their mutual masked colleagues. “I don’t know, what about Lian Harper? I hear she babysits superkids.”
“I do not have time to fly out to Star City, hand my baby over to a 12 year old I’ve never met, and then fly out to D-... where I need to be tonight.”
Kate frowned. “You’re seriously not even going to tell me where Harley and Ivy are asking you to meet them?”
Selina was speechless just long enough to incriminate herself before she put on an awkward smile. “What’s a few little secrets between old friends like you and I?”
“Selina,” Kate said as she massaged the area around a newly made scar on her forehead, “aside from everyone else being unavailable, what made you think I could handle something like this in the first place? I don’t know the first thing about-”
“You’re great with kids! You became a mom before I did!”
“I didn’t meet Jamie until she 8, and I haven’t been in the prolonged company of a baby since I was one with my sister.”
“That’s still more experience than I have. There’s really not that much difference between a 1 and 8 year old. Besides, you’ll have Maggie and Jamie to-”
“No I won’t. Mags is in Metropolis visiting a friend until Sunday, and Jamie is at a sleepover.”
“Please, Kate,” Selina pleaded. “I know this is last minute, but that’s only because I just got the call myself. I need someone to look after Helena.”
“Have you considered that this is a job for Superman?”
“Tried. Mrs. Lane-Kent has him occupied tonight. And before you say anything, the other Leaguers I managed to get a hold of are busy.”
Kate went through the list of Bats and friends in her head one more time. Gordon and Leslie didn’t know Selina as well Kate knew her, even if she had been married to Bruce for the past two years. Kate knew Victoria was away at a conference, Bette was still in West Point, Basil was in Hollywood, and Azrael was not to be trusted with anyone’s children. Ever.
“What about Jason?” Kate asked, realizing she had someone failed to mention him earlier.
Selina’s expression suddenly turned serious. “He is not allowed to look after my child alone. Not after last time.”
Kate never did find out all the details of that particular incident. Superheroes had a way of keeping secrets for a variety of reasons, many of which seemed needlessly dramatic. The sum total of Kate’s second hand knowledge of the incident was that Jason Todd recently had sole supervision over Helena Wayne and at least four other children of various Justice League members and associates over the span of 9 hours. The period ended with at least six explosions, the foiling of a Satanic ritual, the loss of a teddy bear’s eye, and 36.4 million dollars of damage to public property. Jason Todd made more enemies that night than he ever had as Robin or Red Hood.
“Fair enough,” Kate replied. Then, she realized something. “Hey, wait a minute. I come after all of the sidekicks when you need someone to watch Helena?”
Selina blinked. “Kate, I’ve been trying to convince you for the past five minutes straight, and now you’re offended that I didn’t come to you sooner?”
“...fair point, but still, on principle, I should’ve been asked first after Bruce and Alfred. I was the first one to the hospital when you gave birth. I even bought a “cool gay aunt” shirt.”
“And a cool gay aunt would leap at the chance to babysit!” 
“Not without help!”
Selina opened her mouth to speak again, but paused before a word escaped her lips. She took a breath, and then placed her free hand on Kate’s shoulder, the diaper bag at her shoulder swinging slightly. The gaze she used on Kate, with those big, beautiful eyes of hers, gave away exactly how she was going to get Kate to do this for her. “Please, Kate. I need you.” Even after all this time, after all the hijinks and misadventures that she had caused, Catwoman could still use that sensual voice of hers to get anything she wanted. Though, the little routine they had together was hampered this time by the presence of her toddler.
“That’s funnier when you do it in front of Bruce,” Kate pointed out, recalling all the times Selina flirted with her to get a reaction out of the grump who she would one day marry, “less funny when you do it in front of your child.”
“I still have some time before she can really understand what’s going on around her. I’m not corrupting her yet.”
Kate sighed. “Fine. Hand her over.”
Selina’s smile grew twice as wide. She turned her child in her arms to face her, planting a series of kisses that only a mother could give. “Alright, Helena,” she cooed, using a motherly tone that Kate didn’t think Selina could use unironically, “you be good for Aunt Katie while mommy’s gone!” She handed both baby and bag to Kate, adding, “I wrote down everything you need to know on a notepad in the bag. Don’t worry, Aunt Katie, you’ll be great.”
“You owe me for this. And don’t call me Katie in front of your kid.”
With the sudden closing of the door, Kate Kane was left alone with the youngest of the Bat children. Helena, being a one year old, looked at her aunt with a confused expression, as one year olds are wont to do. It was something that Kate could sympathize with, as this wasn’t how she envisioned spending the little amount of free time that a life of superheroics allowed her.
After an unbearable amount of silence between the two, Kate asked, “I guess you wanna watch something like Spongebob, huh?”
Helena blew a raspberry in response.
This is going to be a long night, Kate thought.
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pandoraimperatrix · 5 years ago
Four Names for Love
Gotham | BatCat | BabyFic | Multi-chapter | Read on AO3
Summary: When Bruce parted ways with Gotham he was leaving behind more than he thought. Meanwhile Selina is trying to find a way to herself after being abandoned again and on top of that she finds out she was left with a lot more than a heartbreak.
Philia part III
Selina watched over her daughter sleep, and marvelled over the miracle she is. Her full head of dark hair, delicate paper-like still wrinkled skin, the eyes, now closed, she knows, are still misty blue, and although Alfred told her most baby eyes change colours she hopes the blue hue will remain.
‘What will you call her?’ Asked Barbara leaning on the crib next to Selina, she smoothed away some imaginary wrinkles on the baby’s blanket.
‘Helena.’ Told Selina, caressing her daughter’s soft rosy cheek with the tip of her fingers.
‘Helena? Where did you get that from.’
‘A Portuguese painter.’ When Selina got too heavy to move around the rebuilding Gotham, she had decide to get some proper education now she was to be a mother. She enrolled herself in distance education courses, and found out most of the stuff she otherwise would find boring was actually interesting when she didn’t have to worry so hard about her next meal. But it took a fair amount of time and persuasion, and a lot of nagging for her to get to the point that she had to accept that she needed help and that there was people willing to take care of her.
And although she really hated math, she got really interested in art despite having no talent of herself, she had made some awful watercolours before deciding that she liked more knowing about art than doing art. It was weird to get to that conclusion because never before she had been better in knowing than doing.
‘Helena Wayne,’ Barbara stated, ‘it has a nice ring.’
‘Helena Kyle.’ Selina corrected her, annoyed, she was so tired of that stupid conversation but Barbara wouldn’t let it go, even Alfred wasn’t pushing her anymore in that aspect. He had found no trace of Bruce whatsoever and even tough Selina knew he would never give up hope and stop searching, he talked about Bruce each day less. She knew he was bottling it up, and burying himself under his work on the reconstruction of the Manor, but she just didn’t have remaining energy or will at all to try to talk to him about it. She had a new baby to worry about. Bruce left, he left. He chose to leave. One day Alfred would have to get over it.
‘You seriously will never tell her? What will you say to her in a few years? Because she will ask.’
Selina took a deep breath.
‘I’ll have a few years to come up with something then, won’t I? Stop nagging me about it!’
‘Geez, temper! Go to sleep, your affliction is exhaustion, and you heard Lee, you should sleep while she is asleep too.’
That was Barbara now, mom Barbara, annoying as hell mom Barbara. As usual the power went to her head. But unlike when she was a crime lady, she usually meant well.
‘I’m not sleepy. Where is Babs? She’s nicer to talk than you.’
Barbara Lee’s vocabulary consisted in basically four works: ‘mama’; ‘wee’, for Lee; ‘wina’, for Selina and ‘no’. And she mostly used the last one. No ‘dada’ yet to Gordon’s greatest grief.
‘She’s still at Jim’s. I thought it was better having just one baby in the house for the first days.’
‘Barbara… You didn’t have to…’
‘Oh, don’t be silly. And it’s not a favour, you are paying me back later.’
Selina snorted.
‘Of course.’
The years that went by made changes not only in Selina’s life but also in Gotham herself. With Lucius Fox as its designer, Gotham now was technological marvel even if it had kept its gothic aesthetics. You could see the clash between chromed skyscrapers and centenary gargoyles on the same street. By Helena’s second birthday the Mansion was up again, Alfred made various invites to Selina to move in with the toddler, but she refused. She was finishing her high school degree and working at an internship in one of the new opened galleries opened by Barbara’s old contacts that decided to return to the city.  
When Helena was five and started kindergarten they moved from Barbara’s to a small studio apartment on East End. By then, Selina had returned to work with the underbelly of the Gotham, but now she didn’t go to small stuff, she made enough on her day job to feed herself and her daughter, but she didn’t want to let the label of young struggling mother to define her, and she had a real talent, why not use it?
Each job made her name climb higher on the art world scene as a notorious thief. It made her feel proud of who she was. Of course, it wasn’t something she could share with her kid, but she liked to have something for herself. She loved Helena, so much she never thought it was possible to love someone like that, but she wouldn’t be the kind of woman that the only thing she valued in life was motherhood.
One night she was coming back from a job when she heard screams and found a cop trying to rape a small mouse-haired teenager girl. After saving the girl, almost killing the cop, and promising to make Jim Gordon’s life hell until his trashy employee was locked in Blackgate to rot, she decided to take Holly in. How couldn’t she? It was stupid, another mouth to feed, and a strange person in her house when she was so used to be just her and Helena, but it was also nice to have someone that understood how her life used to be. It was even nicer to show Holly that things could be different.
And life with a traumatized fourteen years old and a bubbly five years old could be eventful. Helena fell in love with Holly instantly, trying to copy the older girl’s every move to the point of being annoying. Holly tried to be kind to Helena, especially in the beginner days when she was terrified to do something wrong and be thrown in the streets again. But a year later she was comfortable enough to tell Helena to shut up when she would talk non-stop during a movie session or call her out when she touched her stuff without permission. But the girls usually would get along well, sometimes too well to Selina’s liking. If she thought that Holly would always take her side for feeling that she owed her forever, she had fooled herself. Between Selina and Helena it was pretty clear with whom Holly’s loyalty lied with.
Selina didn’t mind as much as she pretended to. In truth, between her dangerous live and all tragedy that she had endured and seen over the years, the knowledge that her daughter had so many people that loved her and would take care of her if something happened to Selina helped her to sleep at night.  
When Helena was six she asked Selina the first time. She knew Alfred and others have been telling her stories about Bruce since the beginning, she never forbade it in first place, but Helena had never asked her directly before.
‘Your daddy left, kitten.’
‘To where?’
‘I don’t know.’
‘He didn’t want to be with us?’ Helena eyes were wide with tears, they became green around her fourth birthday, a little darker than Selina’s and with blue and golden specs, they were the most beautiful eyes Selina had even seen. She even commissioned a portrait from her favourite forger.
Selina heart broke and the old pain came back, aching and still very much alive.
‘He didn’t know about you. He left before I found out.’
‘Why didn’t he come back?’
Selina gathered her daughter in her arms pressing her small soft body close to hers, Helena smelt like baby lotion and cookies, Selina breathed in sighing.
‘I don’t know, baby, I don’t know.’
She felt such a failure in those moments, mommy should know everything.
Batman made his debut when Helena was almost ten.
Selina knew exactly who he was. No one else would be that ridiculous or dramatic. His mask had bat ears. It was plain stupid. Yes, her costume had ears too, but hers were tasteful and sexy. Bat ears. Batman. What a nerd.
Yep, I’m ending this chapter here. Insert evil laugh
Lot of telling not showing in this one, but it I had to show all that I told you it would take foreeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeer.
I think you noticed this story changed its tone a bit, no more angsty stuff, that was the plan, things get better as time goes by. But I did let some upsetting stuff out concerning Holly because I didn’t want to deal with that.
Well, this is it for today. Again, thank you so much for the kudos and bookmarks, extra thank you for the people commenting you have NO IDEA of how that helps. Especially in times like these.
Keep taking care of yourselves.
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