immcrtalize · 19 days
who: romeo @halfwcytohell where: their place
"Want a drink," Lucas called; half of his body was currently positioned inside of the fridge, the choice between orange and grape soda taking longer than anticipated. Grabbing cans of both, Lucas finally closed the refrigerator door and plodded towards the living room. He set the cans down and settled onto the couch. "Couldn't choose" he explained. With one hand he gestured towards the cans, signaling Romeo to choose the one he wanted. Lucas would take whichever was left, which was, in his opinion, the easiest way to make a decision. "Okay," he continued when they were finally settled, "would you rather always be an hour early or an hour late? Discuss."
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int3nsely · 4 months
― open to: females, 20s, sub or bratty ― plot: the concept of ‘the car was too packed so you have to sit on my lap and the bumpy road is really making this way more exciting than I planned it to’ lives rent-free in my head. Could involve multiple partners / her being passed around later, please give me a hint at your preferences in the tags. Bonus points if she knows or believes he has a crush on her and provokes him on purpose.
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― “Did you really have to put on a skirt? For a fucking road trip?” Lucas hissed through gritted teeth low enough for no one but her to hear. They hadn’t even had hit the fucking forty minute mark and he was desperately trying to keep his composure. The air was fucking musty as shit, with everyone squeezing into an already tight car and every inch that wasn’t occupied by limbs, was crowded with sleeping bags and other shit. He’d been pumped for this trip all week – a whole give days up in the mountains and just hanging out together after not seeing each other more than sporadically for years? But of course it was just his luck that she’d squeezed herself onto his lap. With a skirt. A skirt that continuously rode up her thighs. Trying to keep his blood where it belonged (his head, preferably as far up as possible) with her scent lingering in his nose and her ass practically grinding against him, made the drive a living hell for him. Lucas tried keeping her from moving around too much by grabbing her hip, but his fingers brushed over a little bare skin not even voluntarily and it took a really big amount of effort not to moan. “Can you at least lean forward a little so I don’t choke on your hair?”
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elysianconfess · 9 months
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dilvras · 1 year
⭒ una feria así era justo lo que necesitamos.
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' ¿verdad? ' indaga a compañía, encontrando concordancia en línea de pensamiento foráneo. ' creo que es una buena forma de volver a estabilizar los ánimos. ' después del sabor amargo que ha dejado el final del festival y el apagón, al menos podían centrar enfoque en algo diferente. ' ¿has escogido disfraz? ' / @lucasjenkins
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sallytwo · 1 year
does anyone even care about lucas wolenczek “i love you man. you’re my friend” . does anyone even rememebr or care
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geminiscene · 3 months
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josh o'connor and mike faist behind the scenes of challengers (2024) dir. luca guadagnino
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norfaith · 18 days
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childhood — grandfather and marsh’s death. when lucas was just a boy, he always had the sense that he would die young. he didn’t know how, and he didn’t know when, but he simply felt that it would happen once he knew what death even was. after his grandfather died, he spent a lot of time thinking about how the man must have felt when he was dying, slipping away day by day – with disease and old age ravaging him from the inside out. he wondered how his grandfather could smile as he died, he wondered if it hurt. part of him almost believed it didn’t, because how could he smile while clearly in pain?
when he was six years old, he found a bunny just off the side of the road. it was by itself, no other bunnies in its company, no mother to cozy up to in the winter months. lucas’ mom let him keep the bunny, a bunny soon after named ‘marsh’. marsh listened to everything new that lucas had to share. marsh’s nose twitched in presumed enthusiasm when lucas’ voice grew louder, more content. marsh was his best friend, until he wasn’t. lucas could recall having a nightmare one night, a nightmare resembling ones he’s had in the past. fear had trickled into his heart as he dreamt, frightening images so vivid, trepidation palpable as he slept with little marsh snuggled between his arms. when he awoke, that was the last time he’d see his little marsh, because he’d died in his arms. in fear, lucas’ arms seemed to squeeze a little too tight, unintentionally suffocating marsh and killing him. this devastated lucas irreversibly, he felt this death more intensely than his grandfather’s. because he’d caused it. it was his fault.
adolescence — academics and noah’s death. growing up in providence, rhode island was mostly unremarkable and uninspiring. he lived with his parents and his older brother, noah. noah was his favorite person in the entire world, he believed he’d never come to meet another that possessed the drive he had, that had the good judgment he did, that was so loved by everyone he’d come across. nothing seemed to ever go wrong for noah. lucas, on the other hand, found inspiration in books, textbooks and literature specifically. his love of learning developed at a rather young age, helped him excel in his academics, helped him learn what was clearly not being taught in his classes. he criticized the education system frequently, but there was only so much a teenager could do on his own. there was only so much he could do when nobody else seemed to care. 
when lucas entered high school, his parents worried that he was being bullied. he didn’t make many friends, he chose to stay home reading than going to parties. it wasn’t that he was being constantly bullied, perhaps a shove a few times a month, he simply didn’t connect with those who threw the parties. courteous invitations would arrive for him, probably because his brother was close friends with so many people, who knew the hosts personally, and lucas remained uninterested. he joined a book club at school, which was the extent of his socialization (student council aside). 
at fifteen years old, he was walking home from school after meeting with his book club, thoughts racing with ideas of where the story will take the protagonist in the subsequent chapters, when he was halted in his tracks. as he stood paralyzed on the sidewalk just down the block of his house, there stood noah at the edge of their roof, gazing somewhere into the distance. gazing somewhere past lucas. lucas truly tried opening his mouth to yell for him, but no sound escaped. his lips remained sewn shut. he couldn’t react. he couldn’t feel. and then noah stepped off of the roof, lucas’ screams stifled in his chest. it was his mother’s screams as she made her way outside that shocked every muscle in lucas’ body, willed heavy footfalls forward until he was sprinting down the road and standing in front of his sobbing mother and dead brother. his death was claimed to be an accident, a fall from the roof while sitting on the edge (as he was known for doing), and lucas could never confess what he knew to have seen. lucas grieved, at least he believed he had, but the nightmares continued. ever since he was a boy, they always crept back into his subconscious. every few weeks, variations of the same dream plagued him. different shadowed faces engulfed by darkness — and he — always standing over them to collect. the years passed and he continued to excel academically, that went entirely unchanged. 
adulthood – university, brennan and best friend’s death. after high school, lucas was accepted into harvard university, where he double majored in journalism and political science. he fell in love there, he made a best friend here. both who died within three years of each other. his boyfriend, brennan adler, was found murdered behind the science building, and his best friend overdosed at a party. it’s unmistakable that death seems to follow him, that much is clear and undeniable — for he continues to be the common denominator in all of the deaths he’s had to endure. 
yet again, lucas grieved. or so he felt he had. he’s certain he knows how considering his various run-ins with his irreversible foe. books are always there to comfort him, education is there, social justice issues that demand the attention of the public are there to distract and fuel him. his passions have always been a comfort, and he dives into them wholly. upon graduating from harvard, lucas becomes a part time tutor and full time activist, all the while accomplishing two masters degrees at cornell university in ithaca. he’s visited his parents every few months, his mom primarily, since she accepts him as he is — since she accepts him no matter who he’s ever chosen, and chooses to love. 
doctorate and beyond. in his late 20s to early 30s, lucas achieves his doctorate and he’s finally reached the end of his education. from here, he becomes a press secretary and senior writer for the city’s paper. he loves the job, it’s enjoyable, it’s satisfying, it makes a difference in their messed up world. but for a reason he always struggled to identify, there’s an emptiness in his chest, like a gaping hole awaiting to be filled. he gets signed as a ghost writer, hired by those big and renowned, and here he makes a sizable income. here, he feels the passion flow through his hands until it's printed onto paper — no matter the name that precedes the writing. a few years of this while working as a press secretary, he quits his day job and becomes an adjunct professor at harvard, his nightmares still adhered to his psyche, the misfortune he feels he brings to the lives of others real and ever present. 
he remembers his grandfather, remembers wondering how he could smile through the pain — now he knows exactly how.
additional personal information and statistics
moral alignment: neutral good
mbti: infj – the advocate – introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging traits. these personalities tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things
positive traits: faithful, gentle, honest, intelligent, modest, passionate, agreeable, amiable, appreciative, aspiring, athletic, charming in a modest way, compassionate, considerate, creative, dedicated, earnest, empathetic, understanding, ambitious
neutral traits: cautious, obsessive, vague at times, thorough, quiet
negative traits: perfectionist, calculative
fears: heights, those closest to him dying young, having a gun pointed at him, spiders – his arachnophobia is pretty bad
interests: reading, writing, literature, social justice issues, poetry, exercising
habits: tapping his fingers against his thighs when he’s growing frustrated, pacing back and forth, thinking with his knuckled pressed up against his lips, rubbing his forehead, adjusting his glasses on his nose
love language: acts of service – believes that actions speak louder than words. he likes being shown how he’s appreciated
diagnosis: complex ptsd, generalized anxiety disorder 
chronic illnesses: asthma
dossier and statistics
birth name: lucas arthur sullivan
legal name used: lucas
nicknames: luc, luca, lucky
species: human
gender: male, he/him
sexual orientation: pansexual 
languages: english, french, italian
ages: 32-35
birthday: january 7
astrology: capricorn 
former residence: providence
current residence: boston
citizenship: u.s. citizenship
education: cornell university for two masters degrees, harvard university for his doctorate degree
majors: journalism and polisci
former occupation: press secretary and senior writer, tutor, activist 
current occupation: published ghost writer, adjunct professor at harvard
current car: black hybrid volvo s90
usual means of transportation: biking, walking, or bus
body build: lean/athletic, muscular
hair color: brown
hair length: wavy, brushes along forehead 
eye color: dark brown
height: 5’11”
birth father: noah sullivan 
birth mother: clara sullivan
siblings, deceased: noah sullivan
significant other, deceased: brennan adler
children: verse dependent
pets: birman cat named annabel lee
bodily scars and notable injuries
one inch scar along back of right shoulder from an injury
birthmark dotting his hairline
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prodboycat · 2 months
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CHALLENGERS (2024) dir. luca guadagnino
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tylerposey · 15 days
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Lucas Aurelio & Luke Thompson as Paul Suarez & Benedict Bridgerton "Oceans Apart" — Bridgerton (3.07)
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huntedvideo · 2 months
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'demonic possession is allowed, but keep it classy. sexy. you know how it is,' @movemnt / lucas.
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mentallyadinonugget · 2 months
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immcrtalize · 20 days
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if you’re hearing if you’re hearing SO FAR AWAY by SUGA playing, you have to know LUCAS DE LA CRUZ (HE/HIM; CISGENDER MAN) is near by! the 33 year old owner of the hummingbird b&b has been in town for, like, THREE MONTHS. they’re known to be quite PESSIMISTIC, but being RESPONSIBLE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble TAYLOR ZAKHAR PEREZ personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those ALMOST MADE IT OUT, BACKWARDS BASEBALL CAPS, and HAIR JUST A LITTLE TOO LONG vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around DOWNTOWN long enough!
lucas was born and raised in hemlock springs, but unlike the majority of people who live or visit the city, he was never enamored by it. in fact, he firmly believes that the spring's healing powers are a hoax and will go on record to say as much.
lucas couldn't wait to escape hemlock springs. so, when his 18th birthday rolled around, he promptly applied for colleges outside of washington and never looked back.
that was, of course, until about 6 months ago when he received the notice that he'd inherited the bed and breakfast. it had been owned by a distant family member, and was now his.
if fate was real, this was its way of laughing in his face, he was sure.
he considered selling the thing and being done with it, but the hummingbird b&b has been a staple in the town for generations and the process of attempting to sell it would have been more hassle than it was worth. so, begrudgingly, he returned to town, the unhappy new owner of a quaint and rather popular b&b.
the majority of the day to day runnings of the hummingbird are left to his manager while lucas looks for other things to occupy his time, hopeful that he'll once again be fortunate enough to escape the clutches of hemlock springs, but he's not holding his breath.
potential connections:
old friends
folks he knew when he was away (i haven't decided where he lived, so i'm quite open here)
regulars at the b&b
failed dates and attempted hook ups
some sort of significant romantic connection, pending chemistry maybe. maybe even an unrequited crush, or they're both crushing on each other, they just don't know it yet
the manager of his b&b
friends, please
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ace-with--a-mace · 2 months
bitches be like "we need more evil women in media" and they cant even handle tashi duncan from challengers (2024)
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azuremist · 6 months
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barbwalken · 4 months
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Day 14
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discobiscotto · 6 months
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Cracks yet another bottle of champagne across the stern of this Ship 🍾🚢🫡
Had to do my own spin on Kenna’s fanart using my own versions of them as young adults.
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