immcrtalize · 7 days
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immcrtalize · 7 days
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Sean Sagar
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immcrtalize · 7 days
Aria turned away slightly at Damien's earnest reply. It was better to ignore when he was like this, sincere in the face of her teasing. Aria was grateful for him. She didn't know many people who would still be as dedicated to their family as he was, but she had to admit that it sometimes made it difficult to figure out how she really felt about him. "Stop doing that with your face," she groaned, punching him slightly. "You'll give people the wrong idea." As she spoke, she began to onload her cart, smiling at the cashier as she pulled out her wallet. "Is it sick that I'm actually looking forward to it? I miss my sweet girl needing me."
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Damien couldn't help but pause at her words, his face flushing a bit. She wasn't wrong. Though they hadn't worked in the past he couldn't deny that those feelings never really went away. He knew she was teasing him but he couldn't help the seriousness in his reply. "You know I do" Following behind her with a soft smile, he snatched a box from the shelf just before they entered the line. "Oh please, we both know that when the real troubles come up she'll run to you. That time of the month, fights between friends, boy troubles or girl troubles..that'll need mom and ice cream"
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immcrtalize · 8 days
"You and me both." There was a wistful element to her voice. Sometimes Aria wondered what her life would look like if she didn't have a preteen. Maybe she would be living somewhere else or maybe she would have opened her own dance studio by now. Regardless, life would be different, she was sure. Still, Aria couldn't bring herself to regret the decisions that had led her to her current place in life. Even though she sometimes caused Aria to stress, Alicia was the best decision she'd ever made and Aria wouldn't have changed that for the world. "I'm down," she replied almost immediately. "Angelo won't care." Aria laughed at the idea of it. "It's 100% fake," she assured her best friend. Aria hadn't really dated seriously since she and Damien had broken up years ago, and she knew that the people in her life sometimes worried about her, but she was fine. She didn't need a man around. Not when Damien was around to open jars and reach high shelves. "I think we both deserve to get dressed up and dance a little."
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"Ugh, me too." Devika sighed. Her mother had told her on her thirtieth birthday that the thirties would come with more backaches, stressful moments, but that she would be the happiest, and well, Devika was still waiting to feel the happiest. "I swear to God. I love my job, but dealing with people can be so stressful. Which, I'm sure you understand." She chuckled. After all, Aria also worked with people, and, she also had a little person waiting on her at home. "Sometimes I can't even believe you have a kid, Ari, let alone one old enough to make decisions for herself." Devika teased her best friend, letting the scent of burning incenses fill her lungs. She absolutely adored Alicia, and being the not-so-little-one-anymore's auntie had been one of the best things that had ever happened to Devika. "You know... I've been thinking... we should take advantage of our child-free weekend and, well... why don't we go all the way to Seattle tonight? Maybe dance a little, flirt a little..." She then playfully nudged her best friend. "Or is fake-boyfriend Angelo be jealous?" The manager didn't think he would, but it was fun to tease Aria just the same. / @immcrtalize
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immcrtalize · 8 days
who: open @hemlockstarters where: bella's books
Sebastian ran his fingers gingerly over the shelves of books. They’d received a new shipment just this morning and he’d yet to organize them all. In his personal space, Seb thrived on chaos. His room was an amalgamation of torn papers featuring lines he'd thought of or overheard and wanted to include in one story or the other and piles of books he’d yet to read, but in his professional life, Sebastian craved organization. He needed things to remain in their own spaces, which wasn’t always feasible in a space so controlled by patrons. Sighing, the bookshop clerk slipped a novel into its appropriately alphabetical space and glanced over his shoulder. “Feel free to browse,” he commented. “If there’s anything you need, I’m happy to assist.”
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immcrtalize · 8 days
"Sausage is fine. Pineapples too, maybe?" Ethan's voice was hopeful. He knew that not everyone enjoyed warm pineapples on pizza but it was something that he enjoyed, and it didn't hurt to ask. Maybe one of these day someone would agree. "You can just have them put that on my half if you're not down." Ethan relaxed back into the couch. Hanging with his cousin again was definitely one of the most enjoyable perks of being back home. They'd practically grown up together as brothers and Ethan had missed seeing him as often when he'd been living in Seattle. It wasn't that Seattle was far or anything, but going from being comfortably surrounded by family at any moment to having to make a concentrated effort to spend time together had been an adjustment. Then touring had happened and Ethan had had to rely on texts and phone calls to keep up with everything that was going on. So, as much as he missed being on the road, doing what he loved, he couldn't begrudge the extra time he got to be around the people he loved. Even if they sometimes drove him crazy.
"Bro, I haven't been brushing up. I'm just naturally talented. And you suck." He almost stuck out his tongue as he teased, but instead, Ethan simply grinned and scratched behind Lola's ear. "Nothing interesting. Private music lessons while I figure out what the hell I want to do with my life again, but mostly just sitting around and letting ma cook for me. You know -- the good life."
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for: ethan ( @immcrtalize ) location: mathias's place, evening
"Do you want sausage on the pizza?" Mathias calls out from the kitchen, while on the phone ordering their food. He had a drink in his other hand, already a few beers into the evening. They were also a couple of Mortal Kombat matches in by now, ping ponging wins and losses. After every win he got Mathias cheered and after every loss he got he'd say, "I hope you know that by the end of the evening I will come out with the last win." Mathias would promise his cousin, playfulness in his tone. He makes his way over to the couch they were sharing, two new drinks in both his hands. "Pizza and wings will be soon." He extends one of the drinks to Ethan, taking a seat on the couch again.
His dog, Lola, decided she had grown tired of being in the room by herself and came over to join them. She walks over to Mathias, sniffing him for a second, before making her way over to Ethan to see if she could get some ear scratches from him. "You're only here because you heard pizza and wings will be here soon," Mathias says, giving Lola a playfully stern look. Taking a sip of his beer, he reaches for the controller, before sinking back into the couch. He begins to mess around with the game, clicking over to the character selection screen, perhaps a new character would help secure a win in this next round. Ethan had won this round, and Mathias was determined to win the next. "Besides brushing up on your Mortal Kombat skills, what have you been up to lately?"
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immcrtalize · 8 days
"Kinda," Ethan replied with a shrug, his voice a bit questioning. "I wasn't really a pirate kinda kid growing up. So I don't really have an extensive vocabulary, you know?" Not like the customer she'd mentioned. "What's your favorite pirate saying, then?"
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isabella has an unamused look on her face as she wipes down the counter. “ahoy? is that really the best you’ve got?” she teases. “i’ve got a guy in here today who went on for about ten minutes talkin’ like a pirate until he ran out of words. think he must’ve practiced that trick for hours.”
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immcrtalize · 8 days
"Oh, that's a good idea," Ethan replied with a smile. Had he still been teaching he'd probably do the same thing. "Are you all doing a themed night or something?"
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"Argh." Norah chuckles, wrinkling her nose back at Ethan. "Oh, I'm wearing my pirate outfit to work tonight. I mean, obviously."
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immcrtalize · 10 days
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The Thing About Harry and Grey’s Anatomy star Niko Terho
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immcrtalize · 10 days
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if you’re hearing FOR MY HAND by BURNA BOY playing, you have to know SEBASTIAN CLARKE (HE/HIM; CISGENDER MAN) is near by! the 28 year old WRITER/CLERK AT BELLA'S BOOKS has been in town for, like, HIS ENTIRE LIFE. they’re known to be quite NAIVE, but being WHIMSICAL seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble NIKO TERHO. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those believing in magic, always having a paper and pencil in his pockets, seeing the world in vibrant colors vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around BRIGHTSIDE long enough!
Sebastian (nicknames: Seb; Sepe by family) was born and raised in Hemlock Springs, a third generation Springs resident.
In terms of personality, he's always been a very imaginative and whimsical person. As a child, he was more likely to be caught daydreaming than engaging with peers.
While in college, Seb and another decided to start a podcast. It began as a way to talk about the lore surrounding the healing springs but, in its 2 years of existence, has expanded to discuss various supernatural lore from across cultures. As expected, Seb is very much a believer while his cohost is a skeptic through and through.
Now that he's out of college, and considering grad school, Seb is working at bella's books. In his opinion, it's the perfect job for him. He thoroughly enjoys meeting people and discussing books.
Speaking of books, he's currently working on a book. Don't ask about it or you'll be stuck for hours.
wanted connections:
friends (he's been here forever so all kinds of friends)
flings, exes
someone he has a crush on (can be unrequited -- will be a WC)
podcast host (WC)
coworkers/ owner of bella's books
family (i'm thinking of a sibling -- potentially adopted)
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immcrtalize · 10 days
who: open @hemlockstarters
"Ahoy," Ethan announced, swinging his arm and scrunching up his face. "September 19th: National Talk like a Pirate Day. How are we celebrating?"
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immcrtalize · 10 days
"Night's young," Ethan replied ominously before chuckling. He knew that things could change in an instant -- one moment they could be thoroughly enjoying one another's company, and the next searching for the nearest exit -- but he hoped that that didn't happen here. It had been a while since he'd met someone new; back when he'd been touring, meeting new people had been an almost daily thing, and Ethan, the perpetual extroverted, had thrived -- there were so many interesting people on the road -- but having returned to his childhood home, everything and everyone felt familiar. There was nothing wrong with familiar, of course, but Ethan missed the adventure and intrigue that came with uncovering someone, from their quirks to their deepest secrets. "That's not..." Ethan made a move to protest Akiak's offer to purchase his treat, but acquiesced with a nod. His mother had always said that pretending someone from doing something kind for you could stop them from future blessings and Ethan didn't want to be the reason that Aki didn't have all the good things in life. "How about your order something else you know you'll enjoy? We can share. That way if the cupcake flops at least you've got half of something you know you'll love. Deal?"
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Akiak was pleasantly surprised by how comfortable he immediately felt around Ethan. It wasn't often that he'd meet a stranger and instantly warm up to them. He was also thankful that things seemed to be going so naturally smooth, it almost felt as if he had already known Ethan before the date. Not to mention, he was incredibly handsome. Aki can't help but to smile at the comment Ethan makes, teasingly replying, "I sometimes have good ideas." Akiak looks to the menu, watching Ethan scan the different options, curiously wondering where his finger would land. "I highly doubt I'll be leaving here being disappointed in your ability to be a good date." He looks over to him, "you're already off to such a great start. So really, you can't go wrong." He takes a second to think over on what he was in the mood for, ultimately deciding to go with the maple bacon cupcake. "Wow. Way to put pressure on the poor cupcake." Akiak grinned. "See? I told you there was no way you could go wrong." He turns to look at the employee behind the counter, pulling out his wallet. After asking how their day is going, Aki places his order, "I'll have a chai tea latte and one of your new maple bacon cupcakes. A cute guy told me they were all the rage." He looks to Ethan, unable to hide his grin. "I've got it. That way, if I fail as a date, you can at least leave here with a free meal."
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immcrtalize · 10 days
Sean Sagar
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immcrtalize · 12 days
Ethan brought his hands to his hair, mock horror on his face. "How dare you," he gasped. "I'm in the prime of my life." He was joking, of course. Though he had noticed a few grays just that morning. He'd chalked them up to the stress of his career change which felt like a natural conclusion given the proximity of their arrival to the biggest change in his life. "Mom says they're little badges of honor. Proof you've lived and had experiences, you know? But I'm barely in my 30s, I'm not looking to be a silver fox yet." Even though he'd make great silver fox, if he did say so himself. "Honestly, it's my mom taking care of me." He should've been embarrassed to say that given his age but he was still processing the loss of his dream. He was allowed to mope and be spoiled by his mom. "Yeah. You should come over for dinner one night. Mom always makes way more than we can eat. She'd love to feed you." All of his friends had standing dinner invitations. It had been just a matter of time until Andreas had gotten invited. "Bro, if you wanted me to be the pretend other daddy to your kid all you had to do was ask."
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Andreas offered Ethan an apologetic smile as he reached for the kitten. As grateful as he was for the help, he couldn't stop the light tease that follows, "I can start to see the specks of gray hair already." Now that the adrenaline was calming down Andras did feel a little tired himself, he hoped no more kittens needed saving from trees today. "Oh, stop." He gently nudges his friend, "I think you're doing a pretty damn good job at taking care of yourself. You look better every time I see you." He paused, squinting at Ethan, "I do have to ask, did you eat today?" Andreas was probably more concerned that people around town had a warm meal in their bellies than he should've been. In his defense, it was the only way he felt he could lend a helping hand around Hemlock Springs. "I think you're right. Going to the vet is probably the first step in the process. Am I able to steal you to come along for the journey?"
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immcrtalize · 12 days
"Are you offering your services on retainer," Luc asked, eyebrow waggling as he teased, "because I'd totally take you up on that, but then you'd be stuck making almost daily trips to the bookstore, lifting piles of heavy books. It's hard work and the pay isn't good." The teasing was bordering on flirting, Lucas knew, but he couldn't seem to make himself stop. The dynamic between he and Andreas had been easy since they'd met and that hadn't changed now that they were no longer sleeping together. "I'll add one of those bags to my amazon shopping list. Pretty sure I'll look ridiculous rolling down the street with my bag full of books, but oh well."
"Dorito it is then." Luc found that he was actually looking forward to meeting the little guy. He'd never really had a pet before, but maybe that was what his life was currently missing. He'd have to run it by Romeo, though, seeing as he didn't live alone. "Yup, that's him. Maybe you two can have kitten play dates." Was that something people did with their cats? Lucas wasn't sure. He knew that dog owners tended to socialize their pets, but he wasn't sure what exactly went into the care of a cat.
And it seemed like Andreas didn't either. "Yeah, definitely no water bed. Those things are hazards even without a cat around." He laughed a bit thinking about all the things that could go wrong. "I think little Dorito Cheeto Cheez-it, first of his name, will be lucky to have you as a dad," he replied earnestly. "Cat distribution system couldn't choose a better pet parent."
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“I look forward to it.” Andreas replies, casually. While he was perfectly fine on the outside around Lucas, he was a bundle of nerves on the inside. Sometimes he wishes things could still be like they were when the two of them first met. They were casual, and more importantly, he didn’t overthink. These days it was hard not to think about how it had felt to kiss him, or hold him close behind closed doors, and the way the other man made his stomach do flip flops just by smiling. It was also hard for him not to immediately melt internally when their gazes met, especially when Lucas allowed one of his rare smiles slip through. If you were to ask Andreas, he would tell you that Lucas’s eyes held the warmth of a summer day in them and that his smile was enough to make even the sun envious with how it could light up even the gloomiest of days.
However, these were all things Andreas told himself he needed to get over. They were friends, what they had was just casual, now they were ex flings, and they had both made the mutual decision to keep it that way. So, he told himself it was just friendly things he felt and that’s what helped keep him as relaxed and casual around Lucas these days. He didn’t even realize the way gravity seemed to pull the two of them together even when they were simply just walking from one destination to another. What he couldn’t deny was the way Lucas’s light hint of cologne slowly wrapped itself around him with the light breeze and made him smile just a bit more.
"Ouch. You don’t want to just call me up whenever you come get new books to help carry them home for you?” He jokes, playfully winking in Lucas’s direction. “You know, in all seriousness, maybe one of those rolling bags would be easiest. That way if you get carried away with buying books you don’t have to actually carry them home. You can just pull them along and not worry about back problems later on in life.” Was it lame to care about your ex this much? Luckily, he didn’t have much of a chance to ponder that thought before Lucas went on a little ramble. Which only made him even more cute to Andreas. “Dorito is actually a good name. Better than Cheez-It. I’ll go with Dorito.” Then the name Tiger registers, “I think I’ve met your friend? Unless there is more than one cat around here named Tiger, which could very well be the case. Tiger's human was named Raul, who was a pretty cool person to come across. He unintentionally became my meteor shower viewing buddy that night we met.”
Andreas realizes then that now HE was rambling. “Anyway, in regard to the snack stealing, I think you might be on to something. I’ll have to make sure I keep my snacks out of cat reach, and my cups.” He looks over to Lucas as they walk, “I guess my dreams of owning a water bed are out of the question now, huh? Imagine. One small prick and I suddenly have an indoor pool.” He chuckled, imagining the chaos of it all. "Be honest. Do you think I'll be an okay cat dad? I'm worried the little guy will want to run away after a week.”
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immcrtalize · 12 days
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I love this soft and comfy and cozy tzp
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immcrtalize · 12 days
Running into Rowan had been the single most significant event that had happened to Ethan in recent days. He hadn't known when he'd returned home that it would result in reconnecting with an old friend, but Ethan had been pleasantly surprised by the turn of events. The fact that he was now meeting her for dinner was an even more pleasant turn of events.
He was nervous, he had to admit. Rowan had held a certain fascination to him, but it was difficult to deny that they'd both changed in the time since they'd last seen one another -- Ethan had held his dream in his grasp only to watch it slip away, and Rowan... Well, Ethan wasn't quite sure what had happened to change her, but something had happened, that much was clear enough.
As he approached, Ethan cleared his throat, a smile spreading across his face at her greeting. "Right back 'atcha," he replied with a slight nod of his chin as he took a seat perpendicular to her. He didn't want to crowd her -- Rowan seemed like a flighty sort of creature -- but he also couldn't deny that he wanted to be as near to her as possible. "I..." He cleared his throat. The musician was sure that a blush stained his cheeks. "Thanks, Ro."
He hadn't meant to default to the shortened form of her name but they'd been friends for so long, and he wanted to believe that they were still friends even in spite of everything else. "I've never actually been here," he admitted, "but I feel like you can't go wrong with appetizers to start with. Maybe pasta? Pasta's always a safe but satisfying option."
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Starter for @immcrtalize (ethan)
Where: 1889 Steakhouse
When: 7pm (follow-up to this thread)
Rowan’s leg bounced underneath the table. 1889 was fancier than she expected and she wasn't sure if that was better or worse. All Rowan knew was that she appreciated the privacy of the booth. Every time a host or waitstaff passed she felt her heart accelerate. Was she really doing this now?
She had the thought of cancelling, of running home with her tail between her legs, and her secrets intact. It was Poppy's face on her phone screen that kept her firmly in place. She just locked her phone when Ethan came into view. Her heart stuttered and she wiped her palms on her skirt before raising a hand in a brief 'hello.' "You look nice," she greeted with a small smile. Ethan never looked bad, but everyone deserved a compliment. She considered the liquor menu — a drink would look nice, too.
"I didn't get to say it earlier, but I don't see your music as a waste. Even if you're here and not on the road. I always enjoyed the shows," she said, eyes scanning over a few different dishes. Rowan felt like saying that while staring at him would have made him uncomfortable, or he'd think she was pitying him. Neither were what she wanted; she just wanted him to know that she hadn't forgotten his joke or what his music meant to him. "Although, I'm glad you're here because I have no idea what to order."
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