#lucas protection squad
hawkinsbnbg · 1 year
Steve: Hey, where's Eddie and Robin?
Dustin: They're just over here– Argh shit, we lost them to the crowd again!
Lucas: How can we find them? There are too many people here!
Erica: I know a way.
Lucas & Dustin: What way?
Steve: I don't feel good about this...
Erica: Just watch me, losers.
Erica: Steve Harrington fucking sucks!
Steve: Wha–
Eddie & Robin from an Italian ice cream vendor: Who the fuck is talking???!! You piece of fucking shit–
Erica: There they are.
Fun fact: The trick always works perfectly with everyone. One time, they even found Erica when she was gunning for the person who had insulted Lucas. Needless to say, Dustin had *died* in cold blood.
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miaisagirllover · 1 year
its always “steve may have triggered b’lly due to him being abused” and never “b’lly may have triggered lucas due to him being bullied for his race”
oddly peculiar that u guys are putting the feeling of a white guy over a black kid but idk man thats just me and my post-muffin sugar rush
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
This is what I wanted, right?
TW: Major character death.
Link to alt ending in comments.
If you asked anyone, they'd tell you just how much Max dislikes her asshole of a step brother, Billy. They'd tell you how she curses him to filth almost daily. 
Dislike was too weak a word, because she downright hated him, wished one day he would leave and never come back. 
God, she can't recall the number of times she laid in bed and prayed for him to just vanish. He was by far the worst person Max had ever met in her fourteen years of life. He made her life hell.
He blamed her for their move, he blamed her for the way Neil treated her. 
It wasn't like it was Max's fault that she was well behaved, and Billy was always getting into trouble. It wasn't her fault Neil was an asshole to Billy.
None of this was her fault, right?
The call came at almost four in the morning, Max remembers being annoyed with the shrill of the household phone as it pierced the silence that envelops the surrounding area. 
She could hear Neil's gruff voice as he spoke to whomever had interrupted their rest. 
He was about to lay into them, Max could tell, before he stopped short and the sound of the phone slapping against the wall echoed in the young girl's ears.
Her stomach began to twist itself into a knot as she slipped out of her bed and padded into the kitchen where she found both Neil and her mother with tears spilling from their eyes.
She didn't dare speak. She was too afraid to, because in the years she's known her step father, he's never been one to cry. Yet here he was, silently bawling his eyes out into her mother's nightgown while she visibly bit back sobs.
It was painfully obvious no one was going to speak, so Max softly cleared her throat and spoke, her fingers twisting into the loose fabric of her pajama shirt.
"What's going on…?"
Max was wholly unprepared for the way Neil's steel blue eyes fell on her, she could feel herself freeze up from the intensity, but even after looking directly at her, nobody spoke. 
The young girl wracked her mind for any inkling of what might've happened. It had to be serious for Neil to be freely crying. But, why wouldn't anyone just tell her? They both knew, but Max was in the dark. As always, she was on the outside of whatever everyone else knew. 
It was like the reason for leaving Cali all over again. No one had told her exactly why they had moved, all she got when she asked was a "ask your brother," when she questioned Neil about it.
With a frustrated huff, the red-haired girl crossed her arms over her chest, lips twisting into a frown. "What did Billy do this time?"
That question seemed to have done it, because a second later Neil was dropping to his knees and letting out an anguished cry. Her mom was by his side immediately, but her gaze found Max's and her eyes softened in a way Max had only seen when her mom was telling her one of her random pets had died.
But Max didn't have any pets...and why would a pet dying be connected to Billy—A gasp ripped through her as she furiously shook her head, the reality finally settling in as she connected the dots.
"M-Mom...is Billy okay?" There was no verbal response, only a tearful shake of her mom's head as she let out another round of tears.
Max could feel her heart plummet to her stomach as she yet again began to shake her head, this time in disbelief. 
It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. She was clearly misunderstanding. 
Billy was just hurt, right? Probably laid up in a hospital bed, giving the nurses a hard time while they fretted over him.
But one glance at the heap that was her mother and step father, she knew.
"Ma...Please, is Billy d—" she stopped herself from finishing, a startled sob sans any tears bubbling from her own lips. 
She felt so confused. Isn't this what she dreamed of? A world where Billy was gone. A world where he was no longer around to bother her and her friends?
She fucking prayed for someone, or something to take him away.
She had never shied away from telling her shithead of a step brother that she wished he would just die. He always cackled at that, and flipped her the bird like it was some kind of joke between them. It wasn't. She wanted Billy gone.
But, now he was. He was gone. She should be happy. She doesn't even know how he died. No one had said. Or maybe they didn't know just yet. 
There was no happiness, no relief. Just pure pain and guilt. 
She hadn't even cried over him dying, it felt unreal. Like at any moment he would come flying down the street in the Camaro as loud ass music blared from the tinny speakers. 
Neither thing happened. No tears and no Billy.
The days following Billy's death had gone by in a blur, Neil had jumped ship the morning after that God awful call, leaving her and her mother to grieve alone, to remain alone. He wasn't coming back, that much was obvious from the things he took with him, from the way he'd just seemed to vanish without even saying goodbye.
Billy left without saying goodbye too.
Max felt numb almost, like that night in the kitchen had drained her of any and all fight. When the news broke to The Party, they dragged her to Mrs. Byers house and ordered pizza. She wasn't hungry, but she picked at her two slices until just the crust remained.
She couldn't figure out why the pizza hadn't at least tasted good.
It tasted like ash on her tongue, and it wasn't until just the crust remained that it dawned on her.
It was a month after Neil and Susan's wedding when Neil had shoved some money into Billy's hand and demanded he take his sister out to get something to eat. 
Max hadn't seen the fear in her step brother's eyes because Billy had covered it with a scowl and dragged her to the nearby pizza shop. It was just off the beach, and they had the best garlic knots according to him.
Max was skeptical to try one, but once she did, she all but scarfed down almost half the order, Billy had simply laughed and dug into one of his slices of Pizza. 
(He made sure to order some more.)
However, instead of biting into it like everyone else would, the older boy simply ripped the crusts off and popped them into his mouth; leaving the slices otherwise untouched as he happily munched on them. Only now beginning to rip into a few garlic knots.
Max scrunched her nose up at that. She couldn't believe anyone actually liked the crust. It was the worst part of the pizza. She said as much and Billy had gasped in surprise at her.
"Maxine, are you telling me you actually enjoy the nasty ass tomato paste and gooey ass cheese?" It was Max's turn to gasp at the boy sitting across from her, "that's literally the point of the pizza, asshole!"
Billy for his part, just shook his head and snatched up her abandoned crusts before sliding his own plate in front of her. The girl just squinted at him, which prompted an eye roll from the elder, "If you're not gonna eat the crust and I'm not gonna eat the pizza, we can just trade off, Shitbird."
Max was satisfied by that and happily nodded her head as she tore into the now lukewarm slice.
From then on, Max and Billy shared pizza just that way. He ate the crust, she ate the slice. Even after moving to Hawkins, and the strain it'd put on their already weak relationship, they continued with the weird habit. Their parents didn't understand, but neither cared when the food was at least not getting wasted.
Max's stomach churned at the memory, she didn't have much of a chance to dwell on it before she was racing to the trash can, the barely settled contents of her stomach splattering the inside of it.
Her body was tense as she heaved, her grip on the bin was turning her knuckles white but she didn't right herself or let go until the last wave of nausea freed her entirely. 
When it had, she dropped her head between her legs and finally let out a loud cry.
It was as if once she started, she couldn't stop. The floodgates had finally opened and all Max could do now was cry. All she wanted to do was cry, cry, cry.
Mrs. Byers, at some point, emptied out the garbage can, but Max stayed perched beside it, her eyes unfocused and watery as her group of friends settled alongside her silently. 
It only startles everyone a little, when Max croaks out,
"he only liked the crusts, like a fuckin' w-weirdo…" No one had to question who she was talking about, it was rather obvious to all the teens; but still, they all seemed shocked at the confession. "Said the rest of the pizza was just a soggy triangle of bread."
She breathes out a humorless laugh, shaking her head at nothing in particular, "I think he just refused to admit he was lactose intolerant or something. He never ate cereal or used milk in his coffee. If mom made mac and cheese, he left it on his plate."
Neil would get upset with him, but there were only a few occasions Max could recall where he actually made Billy eat the pasta.
It was Steve who spoke up, his brows furrowed in confusion, his tone was hollow, but his face held a twinge of realization. "No fucking wonder he'd come into Scoops to just buy ice cream and throw it away..." 
Nancy turned to face her friend, her mouth opening and closing unsurely, but it was Will who beat her to speaking, shyly saying, "uh, Steve. I think he did that just to see you."
Max couldn't help but agree to that. She knew her brother was absolutely infatuated with Steve Harrington, though he would sooner die than admit that.
Which, bitterly Max notes, was exactly what happened.
Max tuned out the rest of the conversation, it wasn't intentional, she just couldn't keep up with the chatter. It felt pointless to pretend she was interested in anything at the moment.
Eventually, Jonathan offered to drive her home, even though nobody else was leaving, she agreed.
 Despite the dread that filled her stomach at the thought of returning to a Billy-less Cherry Lane, she let herself be guided outside. 
The feeling was persistent in a way it hasn't been since that night, but she let the eldest Byers boy take her anyway, she didn't really have a choice.
When she was getting out of the car, she noticed Neil's truck was missing, that wasn't surprising, but what did surprise her was that in its place was Billy's Camaro, but it wasn't there when she left earlier in the day.
Hopper must've brought it back for them. He was absent from the meet up today, which usually only happened because of work. El hadn't been there either, which was unusual, but Max hadn't dwelled on it.
He parked it as neatly as Billy always does...did.
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messrsbyler · 2 years
just saw a tiktok where you have to pick between characters to find your fav and this big tiktoker chose brenner over mike because “mike fell off and i kinda like brenner” i’m- tell me you are GA without telling me you are GA. like okay not everyone understands mike’s character (which is already annoying imo) but even then you’ll choose an abuser over a member of the party? someone who kidnapped, tortured and experimented on little kids? really now? i- 🧍🏻🧍🏻🧍🏻
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resident-gay-bitch · 2 years
rewatching stranger things s1 and it’s traumatic. i’m going though the emotions rn.
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Chris listened to Lexi as she spoke and she was quite surprised that she wouldn't be returning back to twenty squad. "As long as you're back with SWAT then I'm happy." She admitted to her friend. "It really hasn't been the same around here without you and I know Luca is being over protective, but he knows you'll be in safe hands and who knows, maybe not directly working together is for the best."
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wileys-russo · 8 months
Could you write something for Alessia where reader is her sister and gets her first england call up. I feel like less would be such a good older sister, slightly protective and over bearing but also just making sure reader is fitting in and has no trouble.
the call up II a.russo x sister!reader
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the call up II a.russo x sister!reader
you'd been sat with a few of your club team mates watching a movie together at beths house when you'd gotten the call, shock written all over your face as you glanced down and saw the contact name.
"go! answer it." beth whispered with an encouraging nod as you hurried to your feet and raced out of the living room, hyper aware of the eyes watching as you did so.
accepting sarina's call the dutch woman got straight to the point. you'd seen her in the crowd at a few of the home games you'd started in, and sure enough she advised she'd been impressed with what she'd seen, offering you a spot at the next camp with the senior team.
she was honest in the chances of you getting minutes in the game against scotland were slim, but the opportunity to train with the senior team and absorb and learn was there and waiting as you eagerly accepted, sarina advising she would see you at camp before ending the call.
your first call was to your parents who were over the moon, promising they'd keep it quiet until the squad for camp was officially announced, though within a few seconds your phone lit up with a flurry of notifications as the news was put into the family group chat making you roll your eyes with a fond smile.
you stood to return back to your team mates but your phone lit up with another call, your sisters name and contact photo she despised flashing across the screen making you snicker with amusement at the unflattering 0.5 angle of her with bed hair and a scowl in high definition.
"hi less." you greeted with a chuckle. "you still haven't changed my contact photo have you?" the blonde sighed knowingly as you laughed properly looking at it again.
"of course not, and i won't be anytime soon unless i take an uglier photo." you teased as she mocked you under your breath. "you're such a little shit. but anyway, why the hell did i have to find out about your call up from luca?" alessia scoffed accusingly and you didn't need to be on facetime to imagine the stern frown which would be plastered across her features.
"because no one in this family knows how to keep anything to themselves, you especially." you rolled your eyes, sending a smile and a thumbs up to beth who poked her head in to check on you, the older girl sending you a warm smile back and retreating to the living room.
"i should have been your first call, i'm your only sister and i'll be at camp too. your first call up to the senior squad is a huge deal!" alessia lectured before dropping tone and congratulating you, the two of you having imagined for years what it would be like if you ever made the senior team together.
you were disappointed not to make the world cup roster but having the extra time to focus on football with your club had benefited you immensely in other ways, and you just needed to consistently remind yourself that everything happened for a reason.
you'd started off your professional career with a short term contract at bristol city, and after a year of starting and a semi successful season you were offered a three year contract with manchester united which had always been your goal.
alessia had already known of the offer before you did of course, ella and mary having to practically hold her down to stop her calling to pressure you into accepting the moment she found out.
but none the less it was an offer too good to decline for any club, let alone your childhood dreams of one day playing for united coming true and to get the opportunity to play alongside and see alessia every day.
the two of you fought tooth and nail growing up as sisters did and always over the most ridiculous of things.
but regardless of that and the near five year age gap you were always close, your relationship only strengthening once alessia went away to college and you weren't living on top of one another anymore.
you'd only played a single season with united, most of it spent on the bench or as an impact sub, but you loved the girls and found yourself falling hard for manchesters charm.
which is why the loan had been quite the shock, no real warning given when the club accepted an offer from spurs on your behalf, both you and grace traded with the hopes of gaining proper game time and starting minutes under your belts.
alessia had kicked off the moment it went public, first at you for not telling her and then at everyone else who would listen to her frustrations which you knew mostly stemmed from a worry of how you would go moving to a different place and a different team all on your own.
only, you weren't alone. with grace by your side you adjusted easily into this new challenge in your life, you and the midfielder growing even closer than you were when you were at united, and now you both found no trouble calling each other a best friend, attached at the hip and practically inseparable.
"-i'll come and pick you up friday for dinner for mums birthday. i love you!" alessia confirmed, clearing pausing waiting for you to say it back. "don't you dare hang up and not say it back you little shit." your sister scoffed as you grinned, forever finding it all too easy to get under her skin.
"love you lessi, see you friday!" with that you hung up, hearing the girls in the other room start to argue over what to order for dinner as you took a moment to let it all sink in.
you'd finally done it.
"you've got your kits yeah? and the tracksuits, and the training ones, and your socks, and your cleats, and you need to be careful you're not wearing anything that isn't adidas branded if you're being filmed or there's pictures taken by the social media team-" your sister lectured over the phone as you rolled your eyes and flicked her to speaker.
"-then you'll get the schedule when you arrive but i'll show you where everything is anyway. if we're not roomed near each other i'll still come and find you every morning and we can have breakfast before training and i'll run you through the daily schedules-" you started to tune her out as you flicked through your closet, humming every now and then to appease her.
"-are you even listening to me?" you only hummed again, completely checked out of the conversation now as you wrestled to get your suitcase closed. "oh my god you've got me on speaker and you've left the room again like last time. OI!" you winced and zoned back in as she shouted loudly.
"no! i'm right here idiot. but i know you love the sound of your own voice so who was i to interrupt?" you chuckled, grunting as you sat on top of your case and finally got it closed.
“ha ha ha, very funny. what the hell are you doing anyway? why are you grunting and groaning are you working out right now?” your sister questioned. “no! im trying to close my case, which i now have!” you sighed victoriously zipping it up.
“you haven’t finished packing?” alessia shouted as you rolled your eyes. “less.” you warned, muting her momentarily as she ignored you and started to rant and rave about how you needed to step up and be an adult.
returning a few moments later you unmuted her, catching her mid story of something you really weren’t all that interested in.
“oh no less you’re breaking up I can’t hear you!” you spoke in a monotone, voice dripping with sarcasm as you scrunched a piece of paper and made glitchy noises with your mouth.
“seriously? you can’t even just say you don’t want to talk anymore? you have to make up some bullshit excuse and-“ her words fell short as you clicked the red end call button with a chuckle, tossing the ball of paper over your shoulder.
you watched the texts fly in from her, unhappy with your attitude and warning you needed to be mature on camp which you silenced with a roll of your eyes, interrupted by your security buzzer going.
“sorry don’t want any.” you grinned as grace’s head appeared in the security camera, the girl pulling a face and flipping you off as you buzzed her in. “cars here! im not comin up, you’re comin down. hurry!” the brunette warned as your eyes widened and you rushed about making sure you had everything.
you jolted in surprise as a knock sounded on your door, flinging it open and frowning when grace stood there with a grin. “aih ya dickhead the car isn’t here yet it’s not even ten, too easy!” your best friend laughed pushing past you as she dumped her own bags by the door.
“you are such a wind up.”
“you nervous?” you asked grace, tapping her knee to gain her attention as the car turned into st georges park and she pulled her headphones down around her neck.
“nah not really. you shouldn’t be either! we wouldn’t have been called up if they didn’t think we wasn’t ready, and your sister is here anyway to look after ya.” grace reminded with a smile, pushing your head with a wink as the two of you rough housed for a bit before the car parked up.
“cameras rollin. how’d i look then?” grace fluttered her eyelashes making you grin. “ugly as ever. come on hillary!” you slid out of the car before she could retaliate, groaning at the nickname.
you knew from the way your phone had been blowing up that your sister was already here, having arrived earlier this morning with lotte and beth.
so it wasn’t any real surprise when you’d hardly stepped a foot out of the car and she appeared, hovering at the top of the stairs with ella plastered to her side who sent you and grace a grin and a wave.
both of you grabbing your bags you flashed a smile and fist bumped the media staff who were filming entrances as you and grace ascended the stairs.
“ready for your first camp girls?” you and grace both echoed back a yes, grinning at the camera before someone wiggled their way in between you both and slung their arms over your shoulders.
"big sister gonna look out for you then?" the staff laughed as alessia beamed and squeezed both you and grace tightly. "well she's got big shoes to follow, we've been working on her backheel." alessia joked, the camera crew moving toward the next van which pulled up which was full of the city girls.
"less get off." you huffed, grace wiggling away and tackling ella in a hug, the taller of the two dragging them inside in a headlock as your sister only gripped you tighter.
"absolutely not, roomie." the older girl grinned smugly as your face fell. "oh you've gotta be kidding me!" you groaned throwing your head back in annoyance.
"she's messin with you, we don't share rooms anymore on camp." a new voice sounded behind you as you managed to throw off alessia's arm and charge toward them. "mazza!" you cheered happily, launching at her as she caught you with a grunt.
"baby russo!" the girl cheered in the same tone before dropping you back to your feet. "just my actual name is fine thank you." you shoved her playfully with a roll of your eyes. "not this camp or any camp after, that is your name now. or we could go with B.R for short?" mary teased tugging on your ears.
"i'm quite fond of her childhood nickname." alessia chimed in with a smirk as you sent her a murderous glare. "don't you dare, or i'll spill one of your secrets. and we both know that i have plenty of them to choose from!" you smirked back as her face fell.
"rat." alessia muttered, nodding for you to follow her as she grabbed your bags and headed for the elevator to show you to your room.
"we'll talk later. you spill some of those secrets and theres more where this came from kid." mary whispered, sliding a tenner into your pocket with a pat and a wink.
you were mid dream when you first heard it, the repeated thudding which seemed to leak into your subconscious as suddenly you realized you weren't dreaming anymore and someone was knocking furiously on your door.
raising your head from your pillow you blinked groggily and rubbed your eyes so hard you saw stars, stumbling out of bed and tripping over the corner of the duvet where your foot got stuck in bed.
hitting the ground with a thud and a grunt the knocking stopped for a moment and you paused, unsure if you'd imagined it.
"for god sakes hurry up!" nope, didn't imagine it.
"what?" you retorted grumpily, mornings your least favourite time of day as you rubbed your face and your sister barreled in past you without so much as a greeting.
"go away alessia its too early!" you groaned, shutting the door and trudging back toward your bed. "you haven't even hung anything up? for god sakes this is a hotel this isn't your bedroom at home you can't just fling shit around and leave your mess everywhere like a tornado!" your sister lectured with a click of her tongue, busying herself picking things up and putting them away.
"i've not even been here for twenty four hours yet less surely that stick up your ass is gonna sting something terrible by the end of the week?" you grumbled, sliding back into bed as your sister shot you a filthy look at her shoulder.
"hilarious. but you have to be professional here and set a good reputation for yourself, especially your first camp. that means up on time, early for breakfast, one of the first to the pitch, extra reps in the gym-" you tuned her out, quite the expert at it by now, eyes slipping closed again.
"urgh get off!" you moaned as a weight settled on top of you, wheezing slightly as alessia made herself comfortable sitting on your back. "you have...forty six seconds to get up yourself before i drag you out of this bed by your ankles and we both know i will!" your sister threatened seriously, checking her watch.
"you're so fucking annoying. this is worse than when we both lived at home, at least then you also used to hate mornings!" you exhaled deeply, star fishing out on the bed as she wriggled and purposefully bore more of her taller form into you.
"twenty nine, twenty eight, twenty seven..." the blonde counted down ignoring your statements. "can hardly get up myself with you on top of me can i bigfoot?" you snapped, alessia rolling off of you and squealing as your leg kicked out to push her off the bed.
"right! three, two, one." and with that she flung the covers off, grabbing your ankles and true to her word yanking you out of bed, your body hitting the carpeted floor with a thump as she loomed over you.
"get dressed. if theres no pancakes when we get to breakfast i will be holding you personally responsible and you will pay for it!" your older sister warned, grabbing your top in hand and hauling you up to your feet, shoving a pile of clothes into your hand and pushing you toward the bathroom.
"stop manhandling me hagrid!" you snapped as alessia chose to ignore you, making your bed up and getting herself comfortable on top of it, scrolling through her phone as you snatched yours from the nightstand.
"hurry up!" you were trying to brush your hair back into something more presentable, face still puffy from your half asleep state as her fist thumped loudly against the door.
with a roll of your eyes you gave up, flipping your head and tying your hair up into a messy bun. poking at the bags under your eyes with a sigh, the impatient knocking continuing as you quickly covered them up with a few dabs of concealer.
"i hope you break your hand." you spoke in a monotone as you flung the door open, barely having ten seconds to step outside before her hands grabbed the collar of your jumper and dragged you out of the room.
"let go less! i'm not four years old trying to run away in a shopping centre for god sakes i don't need you to hold my hand i am an adult." you huffed, ripping your hand away from hers and storming off ahead to the elevator as alessia hung back for a second to wait for ella to catch up.
"might need this though? and everyone says you're the genius in the family." alessia held up your key card which was the only thing that allowed you to enter and exit the elevator, holding it out of your reach.
"say sorry for being so grumpy." alessia demanded with a smug smile as you tried to stretch for the card without luck, your sister always having had a head or two of height on you with her ridiculously long limbs.
"no! didn't you make a big song and dance about not being late for breakfast? because the only one making us late is you!" the older girl groaned as you punched her half heartedly in the stomach, snatching the key as she doubled over.
"mary she's tryna kill me!" you hid behind the taller keeper using her body as a shield as she joined you with grace in tow, alessia sending you daggers from across the elevator as mary chuckled but remained a nice protective barrier between the two of you anyway.
"alessia!" you protested as your sister snatched your plate, dumping what you'd already chosen and picking your food for you, pushing you away every few seconds with her spare hand as you tried to intervene.
"why are you such a mum? i can pick my own food!" you demanded which was dismissed with a flick of her hand, too busy chattering away to ella to pay you and your whinging any attention.
"you have to fuel your body properly and that means a balanced breakfast." the blonde lectured, holding your plate hostage in her hands as she walked off.
with your food held captive you were forced you to follow her as you sent grace a pleading look who only smirked and shook her head, sat at a different table than the one your sister sat down at.
"baby russo! where have you been hiding then? i missed you." lucy pulled you into a hug as you took your seat beside her and across from alessia who finally slid your plate over to you. "hiding from her!" you grumbled, stabbing your eggs and shooting alessia a glare who smiled and wiggled her fingers at you in a sarcastic wave.
you sighed and glanced down at your plate which granted was loaded, but not with everything you'd have put on it thanks to your sisters apparent new nutritionist qualifications.
your face lit up as mary joined the table, subtly dumping two hashbrowns and an extra piece of bacon onto your plate with a wink as she sat on your other side squishing you between her and lucy as the three of you fell into conversation.
"oi baby russo, sarina wants to see ya." you'd finished eating as millie suddenly appeared, nodding for you to follow her as your face paled a little, head swirling with a hundred worries of why she might want to see you, all of them negative.
"i can take her mills." your sister stepped in with a reassuring smile as millie headed off to grab breakfast. "come on." she stood with a flick of her head as mary squeezed your shoulder and stacked your empty plate on top of hers.
following after your sister you didn't speak a single word, holding your breath until you stepped out of the cafeteria and the noise and chatter of the team ceased, exhaling shakily.
"come here." your sister spoke softly and opened her arms as you settled into them, your own wrapping around her torso as she embraced you, chin resting on the top of your head.
"i know all you can think of is bad reasons why she wants to see you, but if you freak out and focus on all of the what ifs then you're going to ruin this opportunity for yourself before we even start." alessia murmured, rubbing your back comfortingly.
"she probably just wants to check how you're settling in and go through the motions with you. so stop overthinking because i can hear your tiny little brain going into a meltdown." she teased lightly as you cracked a smile.
she let you go but her arm slipped over your shoulder drawing you into her side as she walked you down to the office, pausing a couple doors down and turning you to face her.
"i love you, sarina loves you, the girls loves you. this is your moment, grab it with two hands and make the most of it yeah? show them why you got called up and why you've earned a place on this team." her hands settled on your shoulders as if trying to charge you up with confidence as you nodded.
she might be overbearing, overprotective and over dramatic at the best of times. but alessia would always be your big sister and secretly, you'd never tell her this, without her you wouldn't be half the human let alone the footballer you were, and it flooded you with relief to take the plunge into this next step of your career with her by your side.
again you didn't dare to tell her that for fear of the relentless teasing that would follow. but you didn't need to anyway, she already knew, because sisters always know.
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reddesires · 3 months
What type of lover they are (POTA Headcanons, Noa, Caesar, Blue eyes, and Koba)
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Noa is an attentive lover. He's always observing you on your likes or dislikes, what makes you laugh aloud, and when he needs to listen to your protests or internal conflicts. He's new to the prospects of love, but he's always willing to learn how he can love you to the best of his ability.
•Noa always wants to involve you in his daily life, you don't mind since you know otherwise he'd be busy with his duties, he doesn't mind when he singing to the eagles and you being there, he sees how intrigued you are while watching him bond with the eagles. He lets you know that he very much wants you to be involved with helping him coronate the bonding ceremonies for the young apes. You were shocked but truly touched, so you immediately agreed.
•He'll do just about anything to get you alone. He truly is addicted to your presence, and he'll try to get through all his tasks just so you two can sneak off somewhere. You mentioned that he was always taking you on 'dates' and he was utterly confused before you explained the human terminology, so now he grabs you by hand with a "time to go on date" while leading you to wherever he had planned for that date, you absolutely loved each and every date he has taken you on.
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Caesar is a protective lover. After the loss of Cornelia, Caesar makes it his life's mission to make sure your out of harm's way, he's very endearing about it and in no way overbearing.
•You have your very own protection squad consisting of Rocket, Luca, and Blue Eyes. You give a slight fuss when Caesar tries to convince you to stay behind on hunts so the squad rotates on who is on duty of being your body guard (you do feel bad about it but they don't seem to mind).
•Caesar will always have an arm either over you or pulling you into his side when sleeping, he's a back sleeper so he'll be layed out in an almost sitting up position, his body facing the entrance of the nest incase he has to jump up in defense, he prefers you to be snuggled up into his side with your hand resting on his chest.
•He's on high alert whenever you two travel outside of the colony, always making sure that the area is safe for you to wander in with no fear of danger being around, he tends to walk infront of you with your hand tucked into his so he knows your close to him, despite being on high alert while traveling he always make the time worth while, he just wants to make sure it's safe before he settles to indulge in his alone time with you.
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Blue Eyes is a gentle lover. He's very soft spoken with you, there has never been a time that he's expressed anger towards you, there is disputes that happen but he seems more disappointed and irritated but never outright angry at you. His gentle nature to you naturally bloomed a peaceful love between you two.
•You two spend a lot of time together caring for Cornelius and it almost simulates a feeling of having your own little family and often a 'what if' conversation will occur, Blue Eyes will have little Cornelius in his arms and he'll look up at you with a glint in eye and you know what he's about to say so you smile shyly "what if we had a baby?" his voice that gentle baritone voice gracing your ears as you feel the thin skin on your nose warm at the possibility "the baby would be cute like you. "
•It's a ritual to always touch foreheads before he leaves the colony and when he returns the first thing he does is look for you so you could kiss foreheads to ease your nerves, you always worry for his safety ever since he was attacked by the bear and he returned with the deep gashes, it damn near gave you a heart attack and he got a scolding from you before you gave him a hurried kiss and touched foreheads. He has no protests on either receiving your scolds or your affections. He's happy to be on the receiving end for anything from you.
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Koba is an obsessive lover. He's very much aggro towards the male population even breathing the same air as you and you often find yourself giving him the side eye, you kinda scold him on behaving before resuming on with whatever task needs to be done, with him close behind.
•You two kinda of have a tough love infront of others, you bickering back and forth and act annoyed with each other but in private, the atmosphere is calm and intimate as you lay close together in your nest and he almost clings to you in his sleep since he struggles with nightmares in sleep so you soothe him gently so he'll settle again in the throes of sleep, you don't bother bringing it up in conversation since you know he'll only deny and give a slight cold shoulder so you rather keep it a secret only you are allowed to know.
•You are his weakness, Caesar will sometimes play it safe and come to you so you can convince koba of something, sometimes he'll resist and give mad attitude but 9 times out of 10 he'll come around and finally agree and you of course tease a bit before shutting up and before he changes his mind out of spite. One time you had begged him to take you to a abandoned human settlement and he was adamant on it being too dangerous but he saw how truly upset you looked so he let out a loud sigh with exasperation as he finally relented, you jumped up immediately kissing his cheek with elation, absolutely overjoyed of getting your way and he knew that but it didn't really bother him as much.
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beksboys · 13 days
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luca protection squad (ง'̀-'́)ง
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fluentmoviequoter · 6 months
Because of My Family
Requested Here!
Pairing: David "Deacon" Kay x fem!wife!Street!reader (Street's sister)
Summary: When you return to S.W.A.T. after having your fourth child, you are fatally injured. Your family gives you a reason to fight.
Warnings: angst to fluff, depiction of gunshot wound (r is shot), 20-David is the best group of men in the world
Word Count: 4.0k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist Directory | Deacon Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“Hey, sleepyhead, you’re not on vacation anymore. We gotta get up.”
You sigh and roll closer to Deacon as you argue, “Maternity leave is not vacation. And I’ll remind you that it’s your fault.”
Deacon chuckles as he pushes your hair out of your face and kisses your forehead. “Your brother will kill me if you don’t come in with me.”
“You can take Jim,” you murmur as you press your face against Deacon’s chest. “Do I really have to get up right now?”
“Five minutes,” Deacon answers. “Or I’m pulling you out of bed.”
“I’m sure that was supposed to be a threat, but it didn’t sound like one.”
The baby monitor beside your bed crackles before you hear your family’s newest addition whine. Deacon pats your hip and reminds you to get up as he goes to check on his youngest child. You stand, too, and answer your phone when it rings.
“Good morning,” you greet as you walk to the bathroom to get ready. “And before you ask, yes, I’m up.”
“Whoa, take it easy. I’m just excited to have you back at work,” your brother Street replies. “You plan on being this grumpy all day?”
You chuckle at Street and smile when you hear Deacon having a one-sided conversation.
“Are you nervous?” Street asks.
“No, I’m actually really excited. I’ve loved being home with the kids, but I miss it.”
“You mean you miss me.”
“You’ve been here every single day, Jim. I wish I could miss you, but you don’t let me.”
“You love me.”
“Luckily for you,” you tease.
“How’s Deac? Nervous for you?”
You glance toward the nursery and lower your voice to say, “If he is, he isn’t showing it.”
Street hums before he says, “I’ll see you at HQ. Love you.”
 “I love you, too. See you in a bit.”
You get ready quickly, growing more excited to get back to work. You love your family, but S.W.A.T. has been part of your life for a long time, and you missed it during maternity leave. While you anticipate what your first day may be like, Deacon lets your sitter into the house. When it’s time to leave, Deacon takes your hand and walks you to the car, promising to be by your side at work just as he is at home.
“There they are!” Hondo yells when you and Deacon walk into S.W.A.T. HQ.
“So glad to see you,” Luca says. He smiles, hugs you, and whispers, “You look amazing.”
“Thanks, Luca,” you respond. “Thank you, all of you, for everything over the past few months.”
“She’s mostly talking to me,” Street interjects.
“You didn’t do it alone, Street,” Deacon argues.
“Okay,” you call, raising your hands. “Thank you Deacon and Street for single-handedly getting me physically ready to come back to work.”
Street smiles as he says, “You’re welcome.”
“Not like I’m the one who had a baby and then beat my PFQ records or anything.”
“No way!” Luca exclaims. “New records?”
“Shaved five seconds off my run time and got another pull-up. That obstacle course seemed pretty easy after dealing with four kids, too,” you answer.
Hondo is smiling but looking at you a bit too intently. 
“What?” you ask.
“I’m just wondering if we should apologize in advance,” he explains. “We’re going to be more protective than ever.”
“More than these two?” you ask as you point at Deacon and Street.
“Well, there’s more of us now. We just need to make sure you go home to all those babies every night.”
“I appreciate it, Hondo. And, trust me, I remember last time, so I’m prepared for the helicoptering.”
“20-David!” Hicks yells. “50 squad needs backup at a barricade in Norwalk.”
“Let’s roll!” Hondo adds.
Hicks smiles when he sees you, and when Street and Deacon arrange themselves on either side of you, he shakes his head. Whatever level of protectiveness you expect is underestimating how much your team cares about you.
“Rocker said they were called to a noise disturbance after the suspect barricaded himself in the house and opened fire on the responding patrol officers. Apparently he winged one of them, and they can’t track him in the house,” Hondo explains.
“What’s the plan?” Luca asks from Black Betty’s driver seat.
“50-David tried breaching, but the house has reinforced steel beams, and the pulls didn’t work. They suspect that he has more weaponry, so they don’t want to get too close.”
“What’s behind the house?” you ask.
“Uh, a tiny yard that backs up to an alley,” Street answers, looking at a satellite view of the area. "It has an Abingdon Street address, but there’s an alley between it and the house it backs to on Excelsior Drive.”
“Black Betty can’t pull from an alley, but we can hop a fence,” you suggest.
Hondo nods, flipping the map to find an approach route.
“Three side on the back… If we approach on foot from the other side of the alley, Grayland Avenue, he shouldn’t see us coming,” he says. “Let’s do it. Luca, you’re with me, we’ll join Rocker at Elaine and Abingdon. Street, you and Deacon lead the approach from the back.”
You nod when Hondo tells you to go with Deacon and Street. When Luca turns on to Grayland, you jump out of the back of Black Betty and move down the alley.
“Go inside,” you whisper to a child playing in an unfenced backyard.
Deacon raises a hand and signals for you to stop. Street stops directly to your left and waits for more information from Deacon.
“This is 30-David, I have visual of the house from the back alley. There’s a camera on the opposite corner from my location. Do we know if his surveillance works?” Deacon radios.
“One second, 30-David,” a tech back at HQ replies. “I’ll check.”
“This is a boring story,” Street whispers. “Your first call is a noise complaint gone wrong.”
“The automatic weapon adds a bit of suspense,” you reply with a smile.
“30-David, the camera is a fake. Clear to continue,” the tech alerts.
Deacon gestures for you to follow him in a single-file formation, and you end up in the middle. As you approach the fence, Deacon looks through the boards to see the back of the house and shakes his head.
“The windows are blacked out on this side, too. Except for one in the corner.”
“Then that’s the one we need,” Street replies.
Deacon jumps the fence and raises his weapon to cover the backyard while you and Street join him. He extends an arm toward you quickly when you land but moves it back when you nod.
“30-David, approaching the southeast window,” Deacon radios.
Before you take a step, the window slides open, and the barrel of an automatic rifle comes out. 
“Go, go, go!” Deacon yells, shooting a nonlethal round into the window.
The suspect inside opens fire as the beanbag enters; the firing is unplanned and erratic. You duck toward the ground and follow Deacon toward the opposite side of the house to exfil. 
“Deac, where are those shots coming from?” Hondo demands.
“Southeast window!” Deacon answers. “We’re moving to the west side.”
“Deac!” you call, watching as a matching window on the west side comes into view.
“Hondo, we’re stuck in a corner,” Street says. “Now would be a great time to say you have a plan!”
“We’re working on something, hold tight.”
“Kind of hard to do with someone shooting at us,” you mutter.
“Where’d he go?” Street asks.
“Both windows are closed now,” Deacon answers. “Maybe he saw the cops out front.”
You shake your head and point to a window further up. It’s blacked out but slightly ajar, so you suspect he’s still on this side of the house.
“Hondo,” Deacon radios. “Get a plan.”
“We’re trying, Deac,” Hondo answers.
“Try faster,” you add.
“Luca, how would you feel about running Black Betty into the front of the house?” Hondo asks.
“What? Why?” Luca asks.
���They’re trapped at one of the back corners. Can’t get out without taking more fire,” Hondo says quietly, not wanting to concern the other police officers waiting nearby.
Deacon radios about getting a plan before Luca can answer. Hondo looks toward the house and doesn’t have time to reply to you before the suspect opens fire again.
The shots are concentrated at the back of the house, and Hondo rushes toward the front door and kicks it in while the shots are still ringing through the air. He takes careful turns as he moves toward the back corner. When the suspect comes into view, Hondo fires a beanbag round into his leg, knocking him to the ground.
“You’re under arrest,” Hondo says, kneeling beside the man as he handcuffs him.
“Deac, Street, someone give me an update!” Luca radios, moving toward the gate entrance at the side of the house.
“Suspect in custody,” Hondo alerts. “Deacon!”
When the bullets begin ripping through the stucco on the exterior of the house, you, Deacon, and Street fall to the ground and cover your heads. Your adrenaline spikes as the shots continue. When they stop abruptly, you wait a moment before raising your head. The shots were close, so your ears ring as you move to your hands and knees.
“You okay?” Street asks though it’s muffled.
Luca asks something through the radio, but you can’t tell what he’s saying either. You drop your head and notice a growing puddle of blood underneath you. When you try to lift a hand to find the source, everything goes dark as you fall onto the concrete.
Street yells your name when you tip forward, drawing Deacon’s attention.
“No, no, no,” Deacon repeats as he carefully turns you onto your back. 
They see the blood pooling under you and have to fight not to panic. Deacon finds the hole in your vest and pulls his hand back up, swallowing as he sees your blood covering his hand. He moves out from under you to put pressure on the wound.
“Take her vest off and then go get the med bag from Betty,” Deacon tells Street.
Your brother freezes, and Deacon repeats himself. Street nods before he carefully removes your bulletproof vest, exhaling sharply at the sigh of the clean hole through the Kevlar. Deacon lifts you gently so Street can pull the vest from behind your back and checks for an exit wound, but as he suspected, there isn’t one.
“Med bag,” Deacon reminds Street.
As Street stands, Deacon realizes he can’t feel your heartbeat below his hands anymore. He moves one hand up to your neck, but as he leaves stains on your skin, he can’t find any sign of a heartbeat.
“Street!” he yells.
At Deacon’s pained yell, Street immediately turns back and rushes to your side.
“Keep pressure on this,” Deacon demands.
Street kneels over your thighs and presses both hands against your side as Deacon moves forward. It isn’t until Deacon begins chest compressions that Street realizes you’re gone.
“Tell… Hondo,” Deacon grunts between compressions.
“Hondo,” Street radios. “We need an R/A.”
“What happened, kid? We can’t get to the backyard from the front or through the house, so we’re coming around the back. You and Deac stopped respo- who’s hit?” Hondo interrupts himself when he realizes that he didn’t get a response because someone couldn’t respond.
Street says your name as he watches Deacon begin mouth to mouth. 
“Hondo, get somebody to pass the med bag over the west fence,” Street adds.
Deacon hears Hondo yelling orders in the front yard, but his complete attention is on you. He tells Street to apply more pressure to stop the bleeding, and he begins another round of chest compressions. When he breathes into your mouth this time, you cough before gasping.
“Street!” Luca yells from the other side of the fence. “I’ve got the med bag.”
Deacon stands and pulls himself onto the top of the fence, taking it from Luca. When Luca sees the blood covering Deacon’s hands and smeared across his chest, he fears the worst.
“Pull this fence down if you have to, Luca. We have to get her out of here right now,” Deacon explains before jumping back down to help you. “Street, we’re packing the wound. She’s losing too much blood.”
“Deac,” you whimper.
“I got you, sweetheart. We’re not leaving you,” he promises.
Deacon nods at Street, and Street trades places with him. You stretch your hand out toward Street, and he takes your hand in his. When you notice that his hand is covered in your blood, you whisper a thank you for all they are doing to save you.
“I can’t breathe,” you pant.
Deacon looks up from your side and watches you take short, fast breaths. He asks Street to check your heart rate, and Street gives him an elevated number.
“Luca!” Deacon yells.
“Yeah, Deac?” Luca replies.
“Where’s the ambulance?”
“A minute out.”
Deacon licks his lips and turns back to packing your wound.
“Elevate her legs, Street. Twelve inches off the ground,” Deacon says. “Sweetheart, this is going to hurt. I’m sorry.”
You release a muffled scream as Deacon wraps a bandage around your torso and pulls it tightly to keep pressure on the wound. Sirens sound as the ambulance approaches, but there is no way to get you out of the backyard safely.
“Deac,” Hondo says, raising himself over the fence. He stops for a moment when he sees you, and Street and Deacon are covered in your blood, which doesn’t help his concern any. “We’re pulling the fence down right now.”
“Thanks, Hondo,” Deacon replies. 
Deacon situates himself between you and the fence and keeps a hand pressed to your pulse point. When your elevated heart rate suddenly plummets, Deacon says your name. You don’t reply, and Deacon apologizes before he puts more pressure on the wound. The resulting adrenaline spike brings you back, and Deacon closes his eyes when you yell in pain. The fence comes down harshly and loudly, but you don’t react to any of it.
“Oh, no,” Luca mumbles when he sees you, Deacon, and Street.
“What’ve we got here?” the first EMT asks as he runs over the destroyed fence.
“GSW to the lower right abdomen and possible hemorrhagic shock.” Deacon lowers his voice to add, “Her heart stopped twice already and she’s still losing blood.”
“Know her blood type?”
Deacon nods and tells him your blood type. Two more EMTs join the first with a gurney, and Deacon has to pull Street away so they can move you onto it.
“Go with her,” Hondo says. “We’ll be by later.”
Deacon and Street climb into the ambulance and sit beside you. The EMTs work quickly, leaving Deacon’s makeshift tourniquet in place.
“Heart rate and BP are plummeting,” one of the EMTs alerts.
Deacon and Street can only watch, helpless, as the EMTs prepare the equipment to shock your heart back into a normal rhythm. 
“Is she going to make it?” Street whispers.
“I- she’s a fighter, but I really don’t know, Street,” Deacon answers honestly.
Hondo and Luca are waiting impatiently at S.W.A.T. HQ when Deacon finally calls.
“Deac, tell me you have good news,” Hondo answers.
“She- she’s in emergency surgery and they had some trouble finding all of the bullet fragments. Doc said she should be out in about twenty minutes, though, and her heart rate has been stable,” Deacon replies.
“Has been stable?” Luca repeats. “Was it not before?”
“Her heart stopped once in the backyard, and nearly stopped twice more while I was with her. Apparently there were a few more close calls when they first started the surgery.”
“Do they know if she’ll recover?” Hondo asks.
“They don’t know anything for sure. Just, uh, if you want to come down now, you can.”
“We’ll be there, Deac,” Luca replies. “Need anything?”
“No. Thanks, though, for everything.”
As Deacon ends the call with Hondo, he gets another call from Hicks.
“Commander,” Deacon greets, hoping he won’t have to leave you.
“Deacon, I just wanted to tell you that I’ve taken 20-David off call, so you’re all free to stay with her unless there’s some kind of emergency,” Hicks says.
“I appreciate that, sir.”
“Just make sure she’s alright, Deac.”
A few minutes later, Hondo and Luca rush into the waiting room. Street and Deacon have changed out of the blood-soaked clothes from earlier and removed your blood from their skin, but they can still feel it.
“Deac,” Hondo sighs as he pulls him into a quick hug. “I’m so sorry.”
“Tell me what you need,” Luca offers.
“I already called our sitter, and she’s going to stay the night,” Deacon replies. “I don’t know what else I need to do.”
“You need to be here for her,” Hondo answers.
Luca moves to Street’s side to check on him as Deacon and Hondo sit down. Deacon recounts what happened, how one of the windows was open before the shots came through the wall.
Nearly an hour later, the doctor finally returns and says your name. Every waiting member of 20-David stands, eager to hear how you are.
“How is she?” Deacon asks.
“She is stable and in a room. She owes her life to your team, gentlemen. The first aid you performed and the speed with which you got her here is the only reason she’s still alive,” the doctor answers. “I can only let family come back at the moment, but I’ll ensure she knows you’re all here for her.”
Deacon and Street follow him into your room, and they’re both surprised to see you are conscious. You smile at them when they enter, and they rush to either side of your bed to hug you.
“The bullet damaged an artery in her torso, which we’ve repaired, and there was no other internal damage,” the doctor adds. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Where are the kids?” you ask Deacon. “The sitter-“
“Is staying the night. I called a while ago and told her what happened, and she was happy to stay with them,” Deacon assures you.
“And I can go stay with them after, for as long as you need,” Street offers.
You can tell that they’re upset, but you are too. Lying in your own blood like that and not knowing if you’d get to see your babies again was terrifying, yet there are only two things you want to do: hug your kids and go back to work.
“How long do you think I’ll be benched?” you ask.
“That’s what you’re worried about?” Street responds as he rolls his eyes. “I’m considering quitting and you’re ready to go back?”
“Are you really?”
“I don’t know,” he admits while taking your offered hand. “That was terrifying, and I don’t want to think about losing anyone else.”
“Jim, you saved my life. And I will never leave you, okay?”
Street nods, and you squeeze his hand to remind him that you’re still beside him.
“Can I get some comfort now? Because I was covered in your blood earlier and just want a hug,” Deacon interjects.
You turn toward him and raise your other arm. Deacon hugs you, mindful of your side, and sighs against your neck.
“I love you,” Deacon whispers.
“I love you,” you reply. “And thanks for saving my life.”
“I didn’t-“
“I remember more than you think,” you argue with a smile. “Hey, is everyone here?”
“We’re family and you want Hondo and Luca?” Street asks obnoxiously.
You nod, and Street sighs as he pulls his hand away to get them for you.
“I need to hug our kids as soon as possible,” you tell Deacon.
Deacon smiles as he moves closer to you. “Soon,” he promises.
“Now that just ain’t fair,” Hondo says as he walks inside. “You still look like that after everything you’ve been through?”
“Don’t flirt with my wife, Hondo,” Deacon replies jokingly.
“I don’t know, I kind of like the attention,” you add. “Maybe we should do this more often.”
“Don’t ever say that again,” Luca demands as he lays a kind hand on your shoulder. “Glad you’re feeling good enough to make fun of us and our worry though.”
“Speaking of worry,” Hondo begins. “Street tells us you want to come back to work?”
You nod, and Hondo continues, “Then we will be with you through it all. Recovery, training, we got your back.”
“Thank you,” you say quietly. “Seriously. I know I’ve been joking, mostly to distract myself, but I wouldn’t even be here without all of you, and I can’t thank you enough for that. My- our kids wouldn’t have me anymore, and there’s nothing I can say to make you understand what all of you mean to me and how much I appreciate what you did for me today – and do for me every day.”
“Did your family grow while I was away?” the doctor asks as he returns.
“No, it’s always been this big,” you reply. “Ask them, they love me.”
The guys nod, and the doctor shakes his head before telling you and your visitors you should be healthy again in just a few weeks. Then he says that visiting hours are over and politely asks everyone to leave.
“I’m her husband,” Deacon offers.
“Oh, my apologies. You’re free to stay for the night,” the doctor replies.
“I’m her brother,” Street adds.
“Would you like me to gather cots for everyone, ma’am?”
“We’re heading out,” Hondo says with a chuckle. “We’ll be back by in the morning. Have a good night and call if you need anything.”
“Seriously,” Luca adds. “I live closer than Hondo, so call me first, though.”
Hondo and Luca argue as they leave, and you smile. The doctor talks for a while, but you focus on Deacon’s hand in yours. He cleaned his ring at some point because it is no longer covered in your blood. Your wedding ring is at home, but the silicone ring you wear at work was taken off when you got to the hospital. As you slide Deacon’s wedding ring off, he glances at you but continues listening to the doctor. With Deacon’s ring on your finger, you feel more complete, even if you are in pain and miss your kids.
“I’m going to go find some food,” Street says after the doctor leaves. “You want anything?”
You smile, and Street sighs as he agrees to find your favorite food.
“You’re the best brother ever!” you call after him. “I love you!”
“Luckily for you I love you too,” he replies with a wide smile.
When it’s only you and Deacon, you slide over and pat the bed, asking him to join you. He smiles at the sight of his ring on your finger as he sits, letting you lean against his side.
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” you whisper. “But I’m glad you were with me.”
“I am too,” Deacon replies. “But when you’re released, we’re going home and sitting with all of the kids for as long as possible.”
“That sounds perfect. I love you, Deacon, and you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
“I love you,” Deacon replies, kissing your cheek.
Street returns faster than expected, and when he pushes the door open and says, “I can’t believe I said your first day back was going to be boring,” you can’t help but laugh, even though it hurts your side.
You are alive because of your family, both your real family and your work family, though those lines blur more each day. There is nothing you wouldn’t do for all of them, and you know the opposite is true; they will be with you through everything, just as they promised. While you sit between your husband and brother, you know that you owe more than your heartbeat to your family.
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littlewrensx · 2 months
She hadn't seen or spoken to him in what felt like months. The breakup had been... rough. Though it was a clean break, it had really killed her to not be with him anymore. She had switched to a different department so she wouldn't have to run into him as much. Though it meant missing the rest of the squad, she had to protect her heart. Tonight she was going to have to face him though. Chris was having a party and insisted she come, and she missed her old SWAT family so much. So there she was, standing with Chris and Annie and filling them in on how life was going lately. Her eyes immediately found Luca the minute he walked in, her heart beating faster as she saw him making his way through the party.
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miaisagirllover · 1 year
"he's literally breaking the character in this moment.he doesn't want him to stay away he wants lucas to stay with her. " BOY SHUT YOUR ASS UP JUST ACCEPT THAT HE'S A RACIST AND VIOLENT PIECE OF SHIT
lucas already gets nearly no attention and appreciation by the st fandom (unless its for propping up ships, looking at st'ddie) so for ppl to make a scene about lucas into a sympathy campaign for b'lly is HORRIBLE
and i know imma get like 3 anons in the next hour telling me "oh its just a show" "why are you getting mad someone has an opinion" just know im ignoring yall unless u have a valid fucking point. and considering the anons are probably b'lly stans, yall have no brain so valid points are non-exisistant in ur community
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rebelspykatie · 2 years
Royalty AU where Steve becomes king after his parents die and they set up an arranged marriage proposal with Nancy before they passed away. He goes to visit her with Robin. Steve is overwhelmed and doesn’t really want to get married at all, but definitely not to Nancy. Robin’s crush on Nancy is glaringly obvious and he starts to feel guilty about being the one that gets to marry her.
So he starts hiding in the stables and riding the horses to get away from the palace. Nancy’s stable hand Eddie notices and thinks Steve is being a little shit for not asking if he can go out riding, until he catches him coming back with tear stained eyes. He doesn’t say anything to him the first time, but it keeps happening. 
He finally talks to him and has a moment where he goes uh oh this guy is great, repeatedly telling himself not to fall for a betrothed king. He respects Nancy and doesn’t want to get in the way of this arrangement, but he feels something for Steve so fast. He finds out that Steve isn’t crying over his dead parents, who he actually really resented especially now that he’s caught up in this agreement, but over the situation with Nancy and Robin.
They start taking rides together and get lost in the woods for hours, sometimes having picnics, sometimes swimming in the lake. Eddie’s favorite is when he teaches Steve how to toss knives. He gets close under the guise of showing Steve how to do it, pressing their bodies close together and just breathing Steve in.
Robin brings up his relationship with Eddie one night and Steve just has a complete breakdown, crying over the expectations put upon him by his parents, the weight of running a whole kingdom on his own, and his unexpected feelings for Eddie. Robin opens up about her feelings for Nancy and they hold each other while they cry, thinking it’s hopeless.
Meanwhile, Nancy is scheming with Eddie to figure out how they can switch partners and get out of the royal arrangement. Nancy is meeting with legal advisors and having tea with dignitaries of both kingdoms to discuss the impact their severed relationship would have on trade relations and public approval of Steve if he marries someone not noble. Robin is a royal of some kind like a lady or duchess, so Nancy should be fine. Steve is all alone in his kingdom, so she wants to make sure he’ll be okay.
Eddie is speed running through royal lessons with Mike and Will, learning everything he can about Steve’s kingdom. He starts taking sword lessons from Nancy. When they finally confront Steve and Robin with their plan, both of them sit there in shock clutching each other and it’s like there’s one brain cell pinging back and forth between them as they simultaneously come to the conclusion that it means their crush likes them back.
When Eddie goes back with Steve, there’s an official celebration for their newly announced engagement. Once Eddie settles in, Steve finds out about the sword lessons and suggests Eddie become a knight, where he meets the group tasked with protecting Steve and the kingdom from danger. Dustin, Erica, Lucas and Max are Steve’s personal protection squad.
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
Harringrove Social Media!AU | PART FOUR.
Billy is fed up with the anti, as he should be.
*The next part is a bit chaotic bc of this situation, just a warning lmao.
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waratah-moon · 2 years
Roll for Persuasion
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You were quite content living in blissful unawareness of Eddie Munson, but that all changed when your brother joined Hellfire Club. Now the loud-mouthed metal head was everywhere; and for some reason he's deadset on making you miserable.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Henderson!reader (can be read as bio or adoptive sister - visually inclusive)
Warnings: SMUT (reader is 18+, protected sex), underage drinking (in America), mean older sister/ siblings shenanigans, enemies to lovers
Word count: 7k
masterlist / read on ao3 / send me love 💌
You had never paid much attention to Eddie Munson before your senior year. You’d heard of him, of course; Hawkins was a small town and his reputation as the loud-mouthed metal head preceded him, but the two of you ran in different cliques and had never actually crossed paths.
Eddie never paid much attention to you either. He knew your name and face the same way he knew the names and faces of most of his classmates, but he thought you were just another stereotype. Another cheerleader destined for a life of middle-class suburban drudgery after peaking in high school.
But Eddie was wrong. Behind your strawberry lip gloss and perfectly styled hair you had goals beyond being a housewife. Your dad had always said you were ambitious; too smart for your own good. Your advanced placement classes and extracurricular activities had put you on track for a scholarship to some fancy out of state college and as soon as you graduated you were out of Hawkins.
The only thing you were going to miss about your small town was your younger brother. Dustin was annoying, he was also a major nerd who shared practically none of your interests, but you had a soft spot for the little twerp. It had been hard on him when your family moved to Hawkins five years ago and even harder when your father had up and left. You’d taken it upon yourself to look out for the kid. It had been a blessing he’d found friends in Mike, Lucas, and Will, but you were still thankful to be there for his first year of high school.
The first day Dustin started at Hawkins High he’d come home talking about Hellfire Club and their leader, ‘Eddie the Banished’. You hadn’t thought much about it, just glad that he and his friends had found a group to belong to amongst the high school cliques, even if it was one of the lamer clubs. That relief soon turned into annoyance when you learnt that Hellfire Club met at the same time as cheer practice, meaning your mom made you drive Dustin and his friends home.
The first time you properly interacted with Eddie Munson was about six weeks into the new school year. Hellfire had run late the last few weeks and you were not in the mood to be waiting around. The nights were getting colder and the cardigan that came with your cheer uniform was doing little to protect you from the chilly October air. After sitting in your car for half an hour you’d had enough.
Dustin had never told you where his club met but it didn’t take you long to find them; you only had to follow the sound of raucous hollering down the hallway to the drama room. The door was shut but you could see the light seeping through the crack above the floor and hear the unmistakable sound of muffled arguing. 
You swung the door open without warning, cutting someone off mid-sentence. “If you’re not in the car in five minutes I’m leaving and you can all walk home.” Your voice cut through the chatter like a knife, all heads whipping around to stare at you.
The young man at the head of the table squinted his eyes, rising from the throne he was sitting on. “This is a private meeting.”
“I’m not asking to join,” you retorted. “I’m Dustin’s sister.”
“Family day is next week.” He studied your face as if trying to place you and your name rolled off his tongue as a question. “I’ve seen you with Chrissy.”
It didn’t surprise you he knew Chrissy. You knew she’d scored special K and oxy off him a few times; you knew most of the cheer squad had bought something from him whether they admitted to it or not. Chrissy had told you, albeit in secret, that Eddie was actually a nice guy. His tone and expression right now made you question her judgement.
“You never said your sister was a cheerleader, Henderson,” he said it like an insult but he was smirking. His eyes trailed up your legs, your short skirt only just covering your thighs.
You shifted awkwardly but stood your ground. “Glad to see all that pot hasn’t affected your critical thinking skills,” you crossed your arms over your chest, tilting your head to the side. “Reckon you’ll finally graduate this year?”
“Why, already planning the reunion? Must suck when your entire personality is school spirit. What’s left to do once you’ve already peaked?”
You scowled, eyes narrowing. “Car, Dustin. Now.”
“You said five minutes,” your brother whined, eyes bouncing between you and Eddie.
“I changed my mind,” you turned on your heels and left, not caring if your brother or his friends were following.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You seemed to see Eddie more often after that first encounter. Either he was making his presence more apparent or your mind had become more aware of spotting him in the crowds. Either way, neither of you spoke to each other, but you did keep making the mistake of glancing at him; fatal errors that left him smirking after you.
You didn’t seem alone in your inability to look away, though. You’d caught Eddie staring at you in the hallways more than once, casually leaning against his locker and twisting his silver rings around his fingers. The difference between you, however, was that Eddie never looked away in embarrassment when you caught him watching you. Instead he would tilt his head, wordlessly testing to see if you would question him, knowing you wouldn’t be caught dead talking to him in public. You’d scowl whenever he did this, slamming your locker shut and forfeiting the contest. 
“Dustin won’t shut up about him.”
“Who?” You knew who he was talking about, but you acted confused nonetheless, picking at your manicure as you sat on the hood of your car.
“That freak Eddie Munson,” Steve said, jealousy coating the name. He was leaning against his own car, parked in the spot next to yours. The two of you often found yourselves chatting as you waited to pick up your freeloaders; you were waiting for your brother, Steve waiting for Robin.
“I know, it’s getting ridiculous,” you too were getting sick of Dustin’s dedicated worship to the dungeon master, but part of you was also glad he was annoying Steve too. “Maybe if you hung out with him more-”
“I have a life!”
“-he wouldn’t have so much time for Eddie,” you finished your thought. Steve groaned, throwing his head back to look up at the sun, Ray-Bans perched on his nose. “Speaking of having a life, have you asked out Linda yet?”
“Have you asked out Gavin?”
You made a retching noise. “Ugh, no. He tripped a freshman in the cafeteria the other day and my attraction to him,” you flicked your wrist. “Just like that, poof, it was gone. He has great hair though.”
“You can have great hair without being an asshole. Believe me, I would know.”
“Would you though?” You reached up to ruffle his hair, managing to mess it up before he swatted your hand away. Your giggling was cut short as Steve tugged your head back by your ponytail, loosening the hair tie until it hung limply by your shoulder blades. “Hey! I spend ages getting these curls just right.”
“And you think this comes naturally?” He stared at you a moment over the top of his Ray-Bans before the two of you dissolved into a fit of laughter. You slumped against Steve’s shoulder as the muscles in your stomach began to ache, his arm wrapped around your waist to hold you steady.
“Interrupting something, are we?” You looked up to see Eddie and Dustin standing in front of you. Eddie was holding a shoe box with a scale model of a water wheel, while Dustin was holding the poster-board portion of his science project.
Steve dropped his arm as you rolled your eyes. “If you needed help carrying stuff you should have asked,” you opened the trunk of the car, gesturing for Dustin to put his science project inside.
“Eddie offered,” Dustin tossed his bag next to the water wheel and shut the trunk. “I said I’d help Mike with his so I’ll be back in a sec.” Before you could protest that you had things to do, Dustin rushed off brushing passed Robin as he left.
“Did anyone tell him he’s heading in the wrong direction or are you all too busy standing around doing nothing?” Robin asked, opening the passenger door of Steve’s car and throwing her backpack on the backseat. She gave you a little wave before she hopped in.
“Coming to the store later?”
“Nah, can’t tonight. Got a test first thing tomorrow morning,” you sighed, drumming your fingers on the roof of your car. “I’ll come by after school tomorrow. Brooke said I need to watch Impulse. She said it’s sexy and scary.”
“The best combination. I’ll see you tomorrow then. Have fun studying,” he gave you a dorky salute before he got in the car.
You hadn’t even realised Eddie was still standing there until he spoke. “Didn’t know you and Harrington were a thing. Can’t say I’m surprised,” he dug around in his jacket pocket and produced a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
You crossed your arms, already annoyed. “Not that it’s any of your business but we’re not together.”
“Why not?” He stuck a cigarette between his lips, lighting the end. “He seems like your type. You know, an asshole.”
“If assholes were my type I’d be all over you,” it came out more as a sneer than you had anticipated but you stuck with it.
“Who says you aren’t?” When he saw your horrified expression he explained. “I see the way you look at me.”
“I only look to make sure you’re not watching me. You’re a stalker, Munson.”
“Stalker? Does the whole world revolve around you now, sweetheart? I wasn’t aware.”
“Your world does since you seem to be obsessed with me,” at this point it was pretty clear, even to you, that you were deflecting. But there was some small amount of truth in the fact that he watched you as much as you watched him. “I hate you, Eddie Munson. And I’m pretty sure you hate me too.”
Eddie smirked, blowing a spiral of smoke upwards, “it’s a thin line between love and hate.”
You blinked as you processed his words, a knowing smile appearing on your lips when it dawned on you why they sounded so familiar. “You think you’re so clever, don’t you. Now tell me, what do girls usually say when they realise your lines are stolen song lyrics?”
“That’s up to you, sweetheart. You’re the first,” he winked as he left you standing shellshocked.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
It was a chilly Tuesday night, and while you would have much rather be curled up on your couch watching Moonlighting with your mom, you’d instead been dragged to a dingy bar on the outskirts of town by your friend. She had a crush on one of the bartenders; a community college student from the next town over. Inside the bar was thick with cigarette smoke and the floor was sticky with years of spilt beers. An amateur band had taken to the stage and were playing a very subjective form of music. But your friend had assured you that this bar didn’t card.
You shrunk into one of the booths, fingers gripping a tall glass of very foamy beer. You kept glancing across to where your friend sat at the counter, overly affectionate in her flirting with the man behind the bar. Stupidly, she’d been your ride here, meaning you’d either need to convince her to leave or call your mom up to come and save you. Neither seemed like great options. You looked over at the stage, the band was now playing a slower song and you had to admit it wasn’t half bad.
The guitarist was pretty good. You watched him as he concentrated on the riff, his fingers moving quickly along the neck of the guitar, his long hair and the dark stage lights obscuring his face. You couldn’t look away from his hands and suddenly very uninvited thoughts entered your head. Dirty thoughts that had absolutely no excuse to be there, especially about a man whose face you’d never seen. You shook your head trying desperately to shake free the thoughts, but they were somehow gripping onto the corners of your mind; digging in their heels and setting up camp.
You were busy trying to think about other things like kittens and rainbows that you’d barely noticed that the band had stopped playing. Only the scattered applause from the few drunken patrons woke you from your dream state. The band began packing up; unplugging amps and disassembling the drum kit and you contemplated introducing yourself to the mystery guitarist. There was something about him that felt magnetic, but you decided to watch him from a distance for a little longer. There was no point talking to him if he wasn’t cute, after all.
Every time you tried to catch a glimpse of his face something was in the way; either the bassist was chatting with him about something or other, or the bartender was refilling his drink. You were about to finally give up and admit that it was a lost cause when you looked up and saw he was alone at the corner of the stage closest to you. He was fiddling with one of the tuning keeps when he pushed his hair back, the stage light in perfect position to illuminate his face. His annoyingly handsome face.
“No,” you breathed, sinking into the booth with your head down. You did not just spend the last 20 minutes building up the courage to talk to the cool guitarist for it to turn out to be Eddie fucking Munson. You braved a glance up to see him staring right at you, “fuck.” He was smirking, just like always, as he packed his guitar into its case.
Maybe he’d leave you alone. Maybe he would pack up the amps and head off. You didn’t really believe that, groaning as you saw him making his way towards you. 
“Sure you’re in the right place, sweetheart?” He slid effortlessly into the booth opposite you.
“Wait, this isn’t the nail salon?” You feigned confusion, expression quickly souring as his arms stretched over the back of the booth. You didn’t like that he was getting comfortable. You didn’t want to like it.
“Like the set?”
“You’re not Duran Duran.”
Eddie scoffed, “I’m taking that as a compliment.” He leant forward, “what are you doing here, Henderson?”
You glanced over at your friend, it was the first time you had checked in on her in a while and the innocent flirting had advanced to making out as she and the bartender swallowed each other’s tongues. 
Eddie followed your gaze, “oh.”
“Yeah,” you downed the last of your beer. “She’s my ride.”
“I can drive you home,” he said it easily, as if it was no big deal.
You were hesitant to take him up on the offer, but due to your friend’s current activities you might just have to. “Really?” You weren’t sure how you’d manage the drive home in such close quarters.
“Sure. You can help me load the amps.”
After managing to pull your friend apart from her make out companion long enough to tell her you’d found a ride home, Eddie had stuck to his guns and made you help him pack the amps into the back of his van. His van smelled warm, like old spice and smoke, with the faint earthy hint of weed. It was nice and cosy, a safe haven from the frigid December air outside. You waited for Eddie to turn on the ignition, but he hesitated.
“Why do you hate me so much?”
“What?” You weren’t expecting him to ask you that. It was true that you’d told him those three big words before, but it was more of a heat of the moment explosion than the truth. “I don’t actually hate you.” He just got on your nerves and if you were honest you weren’t even sure why.
“You obviously don’t like me.”
“You don’t like me,” you pointed out, remembering the first conversation you two had shared and the insults you’d both made at the other’s social rank.
“I do like you,” he sounded earnest, his voice soft.
You paused, “you like me?”
“Yeah, you’re not what I thought you’d be like.” You frowned and Eddie cringed, “I didn’t mean-” he attempted to grasp for the right words. “I thought you’d be a stereotype, but I was wrong. I’m sorry for what I said when we first met.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“Not really,” he leant back against the headrest, his face turned to watch you. The moonlight reflected in his dark brown eyes showing shimmering flecks of amber. “Dustin talks about you a lot. He talks about Harrington too but I’m more interested in what he has to say about you.” You couldn’t help the smile that escaped through your well maintained facade of indifference and Eddie caught it. “That’s the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen.”
You blushed. What on earth was he doing to you? You looked down, a million thoughts raced through your head but the one you focused on was telling you to get it together.
You didn’t hate Eddie Munson, but you didn’t exactly like him either. You didn’t even know him. All you knew about him came from what your brother had told you. He liked metal music, played the guitar, and led the most epic DnD campaigns. He was cool, according to Dustin, Lucas, and Mike, and he’d taken the three freshman under his wing on the first day of school. Eddie Munson hadn’t done anything to make you dislike him, in fact the way he was looking out for your brother and his friends should endear you to him. He’d even apologised for insulting you the first time you’d met. Maybe Chrissy was right, maybe Eddie was a good guy.
You weren’t sure what made you lean in, but within seconds you were kissing him. He tasted like tobacco and beer, and ever so slightly like juicy fruit. His mouth felt warm, his tongue lingering against your bottom lip, like he wasn’t game enough to make the next move.
“Kiss me,” you urged, tugging his head towards you. That seemed to be all the encouragement he needed because the instant his lips met yours for the second time all bets were off.
He groaned as your fingers curled against his scalp, his hands landing on your hips and pulling you across the centre console onto his lap. He shrugged off his jacket, tossing it in the backseat and his movements made your back bump against the steering wheel. You didn't care, too focused on the feeling of Eddie’s hands travelling beneath your sweater, your own hands tugging the material of his raglan shirt away from his skin. You shivered as his thumbs brushed below your ribcage and you wanted nothing more than for him to explore further, but you were in his van. And his van was in the parking lot of a shady bar. And people were beginning to file out of the shady bar into the parking lot.
“Eddie,” it came out more like a moan as his lips moved to the skin on your neck.
“Hmm?” You didn’t want him to stop, you never wanted this to stop.
“It’s getting late,” it took every fibre of your being to place your hands on his chest and push him back. You hoped to God he could see the disappointment in your eyes under the flickering neon of the Hideout sign.
“Oh,” hands slipped out from beneath your sweater and landed on your waist. His fingers toyed with the belt loops on your jeans. “You need to get home.”
“I don’t want to,” you really didn’t and Eddie’s mood seemed to lighten at your confession. “But I should. I’m sorry.”
“No, s’fine,” he cleared his throat and loosened his grip on you allowing you to clamber back into the passenger seat. “You live on Vine, right?”
“Yeah,” you felt a little out of breath and you straightened your sweater as he pulled out of the parking lot. You couldn’t figure out why he made you so nervous. You’d been with boys before, popular boys too. But Eddie was different and you weren’t sure why.
The drive was silent for the next couple of minutes, tension thick in the air as you gathered up the courage to make a suggestion. “Eddie?”
“Yeah?” You could see his knuckles whiten against the steering wheel when you said his name. 
“If you don’t have anywhere to be,” you drifted off. Snap out of it, just ask him. “Do you want to come in? Everyone will be asleep.”
You could just make out his grin as street lamps flashed passed. “Absolutely.”
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You told Eddie to park a few houses down, saying you didn’t need to explain to Dustin why his friend’s highly recognisable van was parked out front of your house in the middle of the night.
“My brother’s room is next door so don’t talk too loudly,” you hurried Eddie into your bedroom, softly closing the door behind you and sliding the lock shut. It had taken some begging but your mom finally let you put a lock on your door after Dustin kept recording Saturday Night Live over the top of your tapes of The Love Boat.
The room felt suffocatingly quiet and you were certain Eddie could hear the hammering of your heartbeat, so you moved over to the cassette recorder and chose a tape; the opening notes to More Than This softly played through the speakers. Eddie took a seat on your bed, looking around the room while you twisted the vertical blinds shut and closed the sheer pink curtains. 
“For some reason I pictured more posters of Ralph Macchio.”
“They’re all inside my closet,” you kicked off your shoes and sat cross-legged next to him. “Along with my shrine to Thomas Magnum.”
“Is it the moustache that does it for you? Because I’ll tell you know if I grew one I’d look like a 70s porn star.”
“Wouldn’t that be kind of hot?” You moved a little closer to him, your knee pressing against his thigh.
“Have you seen the guys in porn? Definitely not.”
“I think I’ve seen maybe one porno in my entire life. Something where a girl orders a pizza-”
“With extra sausage? Then you’ve seen most of them,” he’d placed his hand on your knee now, slowly inching it up your thigh.
“This is not how I thought my night would go.”
He started to pull back but you grabbed his hand to keep him close. “Are you regretting it?”
You shook your head, your fingers intertwined with his. You wondered if his rings would leave indentations in your skin when he gripped your thighs. “No, not at all.” You took a deep breath, ready to admit to the butterflies that had been sitting in your stomach since you’d left the Hideout. “You just make me nervous.”
Eddie’s eyes widened. “I make you nervous? Princess you terrify me. I’m shaking in my boots here.”
“So we both feel the same way.” You dropped his hand back against your thigh, pushing it slowly between your legs. You still had a pair of thick denim jeans on but Eddie got the message. “Maths states they should cancel each other out. You should kiss me to make sure.”
“If that’s what maths says,” he leant forward and you instinctively fell back, your head hitting the quilted pillow. Eddie was hovering over you, his lips soft and pink about an inch above yours. He dipped lower, brushing against the underside of your jaw, below your ear, and over your cheekbone before he finally pushed your lips apart with his. This kiss felt different from the last, not as flustered or bruising. His tongue moved languidly against yours; it felt like he was trying to memorise the shapes and textures, taking his time and eliciting little gasps when he nibbled and sucked. You lost yourself in the feeling of him, time slowing and the sounds of Brian Ferry’s vocals becoming nothing more than a humming buzz of white noise.
You were normally great at multitasking, but Eddie had left you in a haze. You’d done this a few times before, notable players including the asshole basketball star in your sophomore year and the college kid who’d returned home for the holidays when you were a junior. You’d even slept with Steve a few times over the summer out of sheer boredom, but none of them had made you tingle with electric energy the way Eddie did. You were so focused on the rhythm of the kiss that you hadn’t even realised he’d unzipped your jeans until his fingers pushed your panties aside and dipped between your folds.
“God you’re so wet already,” you squirmed when you felt the pressure of his finger against your clit, a little whine getting stuck in your throat. “Is this okay?”
You nodded wildly, hair falling in front of your eyes.
“Need you to use your words, sweetheart.”
“It’s good Eddie. I need more,” you jerked your hips upward and he obliged by rhythmically rubbing your clit. He could only do so much with his hand down your pants, his movements awkwardly affected by the denim. “Faster.”
“I can’t, your jeans are in the way.”
You huffed, pushing him back so he was sitting on his heels. You pulled off your jeans, frustratingly throwing them to the ground. You ripped off your sweater while you were at it, leaving you only in your panties and your bra. “Better?”
“Your underwear is still in the way,” he sounded genuine but you could see the smug glint in his eye.
“Take off clothes, you’ve got your dirty sneakers on my bed,” you folded your arms across your chest and watched as he appeased you. “Have you got a condom?”
“In my wallet, yeah. But I left it in my van.”
You got up and went to your wardrobe, opening a drawer and tearing a condom from the roll hidden beneath your underwear. You turned around to face Eddie and saw him watching you from the bed. He had made himself comfortable, stretched out on top of your floral quilt, his hands clasped behind his head. Your eyes trailed over his body, taking in the tattoos that painted his chest and arms, the line of dark hair on his pale stomach that disappeared beneath his boxers, to the hard bulge prominent beneath the checked fabric. 
You handed him the foil packet. “Hope it’s not too big.”
“Ouch, that hit me right in my ego.”
“Like that’s hard,” he moved across the bed as you slipped below the covers. You watched as he pulled his boxers down, his cock hitting his stomach. He was bigger than you’d expected, and his dick was oddly pretty. His hair was neatly trimmed and coarse curls sat at the base, you imagined they’d provide a delicious friction against your clit. The head of his cock was perfectly rounded too, flushed a deep red and leaking at the tip.
“You’re drooling,” he’d rolled the condom on and had dipped below the covers, his thigh pressed against yours.
You realised your lips were parted and you quickly shut them, frowning. “Am not.” You pulled off your underwear and straddled his lap. His cock pressed against your cunt and you ground down. “Shut up.”
“Just saying I’m not opposed to you blowing me.”
“Not happening,” your hand wrapped around the base of his cock and held it steady against your cunt, lifting your hips up so the tip breached your entrance.
“There’s always next time.”
“In your dreams,” you sank down on his length, his cock stretching your walls exquisitely. When you sat flush against his thighs, you could fill the head nudging at the spongy spot deep inside your core.
“This is better than my dreams, believe me,” he gripped your waist, helping you slide up and down on his length. You rolled your hips, changing the angle and he let out a guttural groan. “Fuck, do that again.”
You arched your back, your hips doing most of the work. You reached down, your hand between both your bodies as you rubbed your clit. Eddie couldn’t take his eyes off the space between you where your bodies met, watching as his cock slipped and disappeared inside you, only to emerge glistening wet before repeating the motions. “God, I can feel you squeezing around me, fuck, princess, keep doing that.”
“Eddie.” He’d replaced his fingers against your clit with his own, his pace was sloppy and desperate but it was just what you needed. 
“I’ve been thinking about fucking you since we met. God, I’ve dreamt of your pussy but it’s so much better than I ever imagined. It’s magic, sweetheart. You have a magic pussy, I swear.”
His words sent you over the edge, your legs trembling as your hips stilled against him. Eddie bucked into you a few more times before he too came with a shuddered moan. “Fucking hell.”
“Fucking hell,” he agreed, brushed the hair that had again fallen in front of your eyes behind your ear. “You are a devil woman.”
“Yep," he helped you off his lap, his hand naturally gripping your thigh when you settled onto the mattress next to him. You were pleased to find that his rings did leave little marks against your skin. "Tempting and taunting me with your perfect body. I was an innocent man before I met you.”
Your head fell against his shoulder, watching the rise and fall of his chest. “Innocent? Really?”
“You’re not playing along, you have to play along.”
“Oh sorry,” you cleared your throat. “Now that I’ve put you under my spell I can do whatever I want to you.”
“No, evil sorceress, please don’t use me to satiate your sexual desires. I won’t be a part of your satanic bidding, for I’m just a humble, God fearing farm boy.”
“How much backstory do you have for this character?”
“Too much. We’ll work on it. Get you a pair of devil horns and really flesh it out.”
Eddie stayed for a while, talking to you in hushed whispers long after both sides of the cassette had been played. He ended up crawling through your window just as the sky began to lighten.
“You look tired, honey. What time did you get in last night?” Your mom poured coffee into her mug, frowning at you.
“Not too late,” you pushed cereal around your bowl. “We got sidetracked by a girl who used to be on the cheer team and when I realised the time it was too late to call.”
“Next time, call anyway. It makes me feel better knowing you’re okay,” she patted your shoulder, adjusting the bow on your ponytail. “I hope you had a good time, you need to have fun while you’re still young.”
“I’m sure she had a blast,” Dustin smirked, his eyebrows wiggling. You shot him a questioning look but ignored him like you did most mornings. Once your mom had left the kitchen, Dustin leant across the table. “So I heard something funny last night.”
You kept your expression as neutral as possible but internally you were cringing. “Oh yeah? What did you hear?”
“Kind of sounded like someone falling out a window at 5am.”
“Wow, that’s so weird. Crazy what you hear early in the morning.”
“You had a boy over,” Dustin laughed in a sing-song voice.
You clapped your hand over his mouth and looked wildly around for any indication that your mother was in ear shot. “Shut up, virgin.” His brows furrowed and your expression faltered, you wanted him to be quiet but you hadn’t meant to be mean about it. “Sorry, low blow.”
“You know Suzie is waiting till marriage.”
“Doesn’t help that she’s in Utah.”
Dustin ignored you. “So, who’s the mystery man?”
“Just some guy. Probably won’t see him again.”
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
After the first time, sneaking around with Eddie became your new favourite hobby. It became a normal part of your day to steal kisses in mop closets, or find hastily written notes stuffed in your locker giving you compliments or asking you to meet him in the woods during your next free period.
What started out as a hot and heavy romance filled with make out sessions and Eddie almost breaking his neck sneaking out of your window slowly turned into movie nights and pancake dates at the diner off I-69. During one such night where Eddie had finally caved to watching Romancing The Stone, he’d introduced you to Uncle Wayne as his girlfriend.
“Girlfriend? When did that happen?” You’d asked in an attempt at a nonchalant tone. Underneath the blanket your heart was pounding.
“A few weeks ago. I figured when you started coming ‘round to watch movies and you weren’t trying to get in my pants there was something more to this than just sex.” He grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl on your lap. “Is that okay with you?”
“Yeah. I’m okay with that.”
Since you now had a boyfriend, you wanted to go out and do things on a Saturday night. You hadn’t planned for your night to be spent chaperoning your brother while he hosted Hellfire in the basement, but your mom didn’t trust a group of teenage boys to behave. She had a singles mixer in Indy and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow so she’d left you, the responsible older sister, in charge. At least that meant Eddie was around, even if he’d be spending his evening playing DnD with your younger brother instead of playing adventurer and tavern wench with you in your bedroom. 
“What kind of pizza do you guys want?” You didn’t bother descending the steps instead choosing to poke your head around the basement door and call down the stairs.
“Extra sausage!” You could guess who called that one out.
You sighed, descending a few steps so you could see the boys sitting around the table. “I’m going to need a straight answer, it doesn’t work if you just shout different toppings at me.” You were wearing skimpy pyjama shorts and you could feel the boys’ eyes creeping up your bare legs. When you scanned the table Mike and Gareth quickly looked away, their necks flushed red at being caught gawking, but Eddie just smirked, his eyes still stuck on you and his tongue tracing his bottom lip.
“Get two pepperoni, one cheese, and one supreme,” Dustin looked around the table for approval, which he got in the form of nods. “No one wants mushroom pizza, Jeff.”
The problem with Dustin hosting Hellfire was that they’d drank all your soda. You had your head stuck in the fridge trying to find a can of something fizzy to drink when you felt a smack against your ass.
You jumped, hitting your head on the shelf in the fridge. “Jesus Christ.”
“Nope, just me,” you spun around to see Eddie grinning playfully at you. When you frowned, hand pressed against where you’d hit your head, he pouted. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you but your ass was right there.” He pulled you against him by your hips, smoothing your hair flat and pressing a sweet kiss to the top of your head. “There, all better.”
You smiled into his chest, the sharp pain had suddenly disappeared. “What do you want, idiot?”
“Just came to see what the plan is tonight since your mom is away.”
“I think Lucas and Mike are staying over. Might be a little risky.”
“No biggie, I’ll park in the next street and sneak in through your window. Risky is hot.”
“I forgot danger turns you on." You kissed his cheek. "Pretty sure Gareth was checking me out when I came downstairs.”
“Have you seen these shorts you’re wearing? Almost made me cream my pants, Jesus H. Christ.” His hands cupped your ass and squeezed the flesh. “So distracting, you’re throwing me off my game.”
“Since when do you have game?”
“Pshaw, I have game. Got you to sleep with me, didn’t I?”
“But you love me.”
“Mmm, I do.”
Your skin felt like it had been lit on fire. He loves you. You hadn’t said those words to each other yet. It had only been a couple of months since you’d started seeing each other. You thought you felt something like love for him, but you weren't sure. You’d been feeling something deep, something that pulled at your heartstrings, something that made you feel safe.
You pulled back to look at him, searching his eyes for any hint of regret. Maybe he’d misspoke, maybe he was just playing along.
“I do love you,” his hand slipped beneath your sweater and stroked the skin on your lower back, it was like he was grounding himself to the moment. “You don’t have to say it back if you’re not ready.”
“I am ready,” you nodded, your hand cupping his cheek. “I love you too, Eddie.”
He dipped his head down to reach your mouth, his lips slotting perfectly against yours. You let out a sigh, relaxing into his body as he sat you on the kitchen counter. Your legs wrapped around his thighs pulling him closer until you could feel a growing hardness pressing between your legs.
“Ew, ew, ew,” your younger brother’s voice shattered your reverie. Your stomach dropped and it felt as if you were plummeting back to earth. Your head shot back and you saw Dustin, alongside the rest of the Hellfire gang standing inside the kitchen. “What the fuck?!”
You went to pull your body away but Eddie’s hand on your back kept you in place. “Relax, Dustin,” he spoke steadily, but you noticed his pupils were still blown and he had a dreamy sort of calmness to his expression.
“Relax? You’re devouring my sister. We eat here! What’s going on?”
You hopped down from the counter but stayed close to Eddie’s side, his arm still tightly wrapped around your waist. “We’re dating. We have been for a while.”
“Oh my god,” realisation hit Dustin like a semi truck. “He’s the guy who’s been sneaking into your room at night? She’s the hot chick you’ve been seeing?”
You lightly hit Eddie’s shoulder, “you told them? What did you say?”
Eddie winced, “not a lot.”
“You said you had sex at Lover’s Lake last week!”
You swatted his chest, a little harder this time. “Eddie, oh my god, why would you tell them that.”
Gareth laughed, “ha! We totally thought you’d made that up, that’s awesome.”
Eddie waved his hand dramatically, “see I told you it was cool!” At Dustin’s look of horror he frowned. “I’m sorry, we didn’t think you’d find out this way.”
“We were going to tell you,” you nodded. It was a flat out lie you definitely weren’t planning on telling Dustin anytime soon but he didn’t need to know that.
“When? When I’m bailing you out for public indecency?”
He was not letting this go, you had to pull out the big guns. “Eddie’s coming over for dinner tomorrow. I’m going to introduce him to mom.”
“Oh,” Dustin’s expression changed. He knew you must be serious if you were introducing Eddie to mom, you’d never introduced a boyfriend to your mom before.
“I am?” You stomped on Eddie’s foot and he got the message, “yes, I mean I am. Super excited.”
“And he’s staying over tonight,” you added. Eddie would just have to deal without the sexy addition of risk. You’d much prefer to have him leave via the front door than falling out the window again.
“But they’re staying over tonight,” Dustin gestured to Mike and Lucas.
“And we do not need to hear your weird sex noises,” Lucas chimed in from the sidelines, Mike nodding.
Your eyes widened, “excuse me?”
“Our sex noises are not weird,” Eddie said taking an odd amount of offense to the comment.
“Not what I was going to say, babe. We’re not going to have sex with you lot down the hall.”
“We’re not?” Eddie asked.
At the same time Dustin snidely remarked, “never stopped you before.”
“Dustin, please be cool about this. I know he’s your friend, but we like each other a lot.”
“Yeah, man. Like a lot, a lot.”
Dustin looked between you two, noticing how you’d never pulled apart from each other. “Fine. This is going to take some getting used to but okay. But if you hurt him,” you raised your eyebrows at Dustin, waiting for him to explain how he would exact his revenge on Eddie for hurting his precious older sister, but Eddie was watching you. Your brain reset. He’d said if you hurt him. 
You blinked. “Wait, if I hurt him? What about if he hurts me?”
“You’ll be fine,” Dustin brushed off your concern. “Eddie, however, would never recover if you broke his heart.”
“It’s true princess. I would forever be a broken man.” He brought your hand up to his lips and placed a chaste kiss to the skin.
You sighed in defeat but still squeezed his hand. “Don’t worry, I plan on keeping your heart safe for a very long time.”
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Thank you @edwrite-munson for this request! Oh my god guys this fic drained the life out of me please send me some love 💌
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This blog was super helpful in regards to 1980s teen bedroom decor!
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holdyuhmuda · 3 months
One of my favorite aspects of the SWAT is the bond they set up between the members
Luca, Hondo, Deacon: First up we have the elders, the longest remaining members of 20-squad. Now we see more of this trio in the first couple of seasons especially when Deacon is going through his financial woes. We revisit them again when Sanchez comes around. You really see how they're in the know and keep the younger children in check.
Deacon and Hondo: The old members of SWAT especially during those seasons when Luca is in and out you really see their bond come alive. It's an interesting duo that you wouldn't expect to work so well due to a difference in personalities but you know Deacon is Hondo right hand man. It's great considering Deacon was passed up for Hondo during the Raymont shooting.
Deacon and Chris: My lil cute duo. I love the pseudo father and daughter relationship they have going on. They might have their issues every now and then but you know they're always looking out for one another.
Tan, Chris, Street: The babies of 20-Squad in their lil cohort. You might see Tan third wheel every now and then with the Chris/Street romance but these 3 have each other's back. You really see the bonds between the trio when Street is grieving his brother's death, Chris is grieving Erica and when Tan first started dating Bonnie and was looking for advice. Trio keeps the jokes alive and are always ribbing one another. Case in point the TLC competition
Street and Hondo: I'll be the first one to say I thought Street was more trouble than he was worth in the beginning and that Hondo shoulda hang him out to dry but you can't deny the bond these two have. Street went through so much character development and matured as a young man due in part to Hondo. He never gave up on that boy even when he kicked him out SWAT. Hondo always looked out for him and Street never forgot that and paid it forward. Hondo was there for him when he ran into trouble with his Mom and Nate forced drug runner issue. Street had feel a type of way when Hondo abandoned them and headed Mexico and he was there during the AI video framing of Hondo.
Chris and Street: I know they have their lil romance but I couldn't forget their beginnings as a deep friendship bond. Chris from time Street joined was there for him even when everyone lost hope and he burned his bridges when he dealt with his Mom crap. Chris always looked out for him and wanted more for him and he did the same with her especially when she was grieving Erica. Their romance is cute but what I really loved from them originally was their friend despite the fact that it started with their lil will they won't they dance.
Honorable Mentions
Hondo and Luca: Is there anyone on this team Luca wouldn't go the mile for. Very protective of his teammates and his leader. That was obv when Hondo and Deac were in the hostage situation and when they had to support Hondo during the AI video
Luca and Street: I mean they are roommates what more can I say
Chris and Luca
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