#luca fantilli x you
quinnylouhughesx43 · 1 month
The Girl I’m in Love With lf63
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summary: Luca is desperately trying to find someone who can be comparable to his best friend, who he is hopelessly in love with. He’s gone on date after date, all of which fail. He meets a girl online who he hits it off with does it work or is it another bust because of his best friend?
warnings: use of y/n, singular use of pretty girl, no others?
word count: 4.1k
notes: please do not copy my work to post anywhere else. this is a piece of fiction. any type of event in this work that relates to the real world, such as Luca playing hockey is a known fact and can be proven. any other events in the piece of work that occurs that seems close to a real life event that has happened to you or someone you know, is purely by happen chance.
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Luca stared at his reflection in the mirror, fumbling with his tie. The fabric felt like a noose around his neck, tightening with every twist. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. The cologne he had picked up off Mark’s dresser smelled faintly of his own grandfather's pipe tobacco, and he hoped it would be a good omen for the evening ahead. His date was a woman named Elena, someone he had met through an app. They had talked for a few weeks now, sharing laughs and stories, but now that the day to go out was here, he felt like he was about to step into a minefield blindfolded with extra phalanges attached to him.
He checked his phone one last time. No messages from Y/N, his best friend. Her absence today was a bitter reminder of how every time he goes out with someone he thinks of her. His mind floods with what could bes if he would just tell her. If he would just let their relationship move over their line of friendship. Y/n and Luca already have many memories of shared jokes, quiet moments, and the way she looked at him when she thought he wasn't watching. Luca had been on numerous failed dates over the semester, all in an attempt to fill the gaping hole that was meant for her. All dates ending early because Luca couldn’t find the heart to stay when his heart wasn’t in it.
It was all so infuriating, but tonight he was determined to put the thoughts aside. If Y/n could put him to the side the whole day, he could put her to side.
The doorbell rang, and Luca took one last deep breath before opening the door to greet Elena. She was beautiful, with a smile that could light up the room.
‘Sure, it could lighten up the room, but could it lighten the darkest of rooms?’ Luca’s thoughts pierced through the barricades he tried so desperately to place for the evening.
Luca discreetly swallowed and tried to ignore the pang of guilt in his chest as he led her to the car.
‘You can’t do this again. Don’t do this again.’
Those words echoed through Luca’s mind as he reached the car. Before Elena could even get her hand on the door handle, he turned to face her with a heavy heart. The streetlights cast an orange glow on her puzzled expression, and he felt the weight of his confession pressing down on him like a boulder. “Elena, wait please.” Luca’s voice wasn’t as strong as it usually was and he mentally cursed himself.
Elena paused, looking at him with genuine concern. “Is everything okay, Luca?”
For a moment, Luca wavered, unsure of how to explain the tornado of emotions swirling inside him. But then, the words spilled out like water from a broken dam. “I’m sorry, Elena. I know we were looking forward to this, but I can’t do this. I can’t go out with you, knowing that all I’ll do is compare you to someone else. It’s not fair to you, and it’s definitely not fair to me.” His eyes searched hers, hoping she’d understand.
Elena studied him, her smile fading into a look of quiet contemplation. Then, she sighed and took his hand, leading him back towards the apartment. “Come on, let’s talk,” she said gently. The warmth of her touch was surprisingly comforting, but it only served to amplify the ache in his chest.
Inside the air was thick with unspoken truths and the scent of Elena’s perfume seemed to cling to the walls, a testament to their failed attempt at a normal evening. After turning on lamps and grabbing them both bottles of water, Luca took a seat on the recliner, feeling the leather conform to his tense body. Elena took a seat opposite him on the couch, her eyes never leaving his.
“Who is she?” Elena asked, her voice soft. It was the question Luca had been dreading, but now that it was out there, why keep it in anymore?
“Her name’s Y/N,” Luca began, his throat dry. He could chug his water and his throat would remain dry.
He watched as Elena nodded, she had her ideas about this. The way he spoke about y/n when they talked prior to tonight gave indications.
He took a deep breath, his heart thumping in his chest like a drum. Beating so intensely all he could hear was the sound of the lub and dub of his heart. “Y/N is... she’s the person who knows me better than anyone else. She’s seen me at my worst and still sticks around. She laughs at all my jokes, even the terrible ones. She’s the first person I call when something amazing happens, or when I need to rant about my day. And every time I go out with someone else, it’s like I’m cheating on her, because all I can think about is her. Whenever the food is ordered I’m still ordering food I know she’s going to eat because she always orders something new and ends up hating it, so I have to eat her’s and I give her what she really wanted. I think about the way she’d laugh at the same story, or how she’d look at me in that perfect moment when I know she’s listening, really listening, to every word I say. How I always seem to catch her looking at me and she’ll turn a little bit red, then try to deny that she was looking. It’s like I’m constantly holding onto this hope that maybe, just maybe, she feels the same way too. And I know that’s not fair to you, or to any of the other girls I’ve gone out with, but it’s just... she’s different, Elena. She’s the air I breathe and the reason I wake up every morning. I can’t help it. She has become so much more than just my best friend. She’s... she’s like a piece of me that I didn’t know was missing until I found her… A piece that’s actually been missing from today and my whole day feels empty. I feel empty.”
Elena’s expression softened as she listened, her eyes filling then spilling over with a few tears. She herself knowing all too well how he was feeling. Elena experiencing the same feelings, only her best friend is already in a relationship. She’s pining for someone completely unattainable.
The room was so quiet, it was as if the air itself was holding its breath, waiting for her response. She leaned all the way back into the couch, her hand playing with the hem of her dress. “Luca, she said, her voice a gentle caress. “You need to tell her how you feel. You can’t keep going on like this, hoping she’ll just figure it out by some miracle or waiting for some grand romantic moment to happen. Life isn’t a movie, and she may have no idea that you have the slightest bit of romantic interest in her. And if she doesn’t feel the same way, then at least you’ll know, and then you can move on. But if you don’t speak up and you keep going out like you are, you’re going to keep hurting yourself and the people you take out. It’s not fair to either of parties involved.”
Luca dropped his head into his hands and tugged at his hair, the words echoing in his mind like a caged bird desperate to escape. What if he did tell Y/N and she didn’t feel the same way? Would she look at him differently? Would their friendship survive? The thought of losing her in any capacity was too much to bear, but the heaviness of his secret was slowly suffocating him.
Elena reached over and placed a comforting hand on his knee. “I know it’s scary, Luca, but you can’t keep living like this. You’re my friend now, too, and I want to see you happy. You need to talk to her. Maybe she does feel the same, or maybe she doesn’t. But at least you’ll have the answer and you can move on from there. Whether it’s together or apart, you’ll be able to breathe again.”
Her words were like a jolt of electricity, shocking him into action. “You’re right, Elena. I can’t do this anymore. I’ll go over now. If I wait, I won’t do it. I’ve waited too long already,” Luca said, the decision made with a suddenness that surprised even himself. He stood up abruptly, the recliner rocking back and forth with the force of his retreat.
Elena nodded, her smile understanding and encouraging. “I know it’s scary, but you’ll be okay. Just go from the heart and tell her what you told me. Sometimes, that’s all it takes to start something beautiful, or to find the closure you need. Either way, you’re taking a step in the right direction.”
Luca took a deep breath, his chest tightening at the thought of what lay ahead. “Thank you, Elena. You’re a great listener, and... well, I’m sorry tonight didn’t work out the way we planned.” He offered a small, sheepish smile.
She laughed a bit and rolled her eyes reaching the front door. As she was stepping out it she waved, “Good luck Fantilli. Not that you’ll need it.”
The door shut with a gentle click, and Luca stood in the quiet embrace of the living room. His hand hovered over the screen of his phone, fingers trembling slightly. With a deep breath, he typed out a simple message: “Hey, I’m coming over.” He hit send before he could talk himself out of it, and the weight of his decision settled in his stomach like a rock.
In the hallway, he grabbed his jacket and keys, feeling the cool metal against his palm. The urgency in his step as he dashed to the car was almost palpable. His heart was racing like it was trying to escape his chest, the beat echoing in his ears. The headlights cut through the night, illuminating the path to Y/N’s apartment.
As he pulled up outside her building, Luca’s hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. The tie that had felt like a noose earlier was now a comforting reminder of his resolve. He took one long deep breath, willing the words to form in his mouth. He had rehearsed this moment in his head many times, probably each time he ended up here after each failed date. But now that it was real, his thoughts were a tangled mess.
His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out with trembling hands. He had hoped for an enthusiastic response, a sign that she felt the same way. But what he saw on the screen was a single, desolate word: "Don't." His heart plummeted to his stomach, the weight of it feeling like it might drag him into the abyss. He read it over and over again, willing it to change, for it to be a typo, a misunderstanding. But the more he read it, the more real it became.
He sat in the car, his eyes glued to the door of her apartment building. The red neon sign of the pizzeria across the street flickered, casting an eerie glow over the sidewalk. The rain had started to fall, and it pattered rhythmically against the car's windshield. Luca always respected and never ignored what Y/n asked of him. But this was something that he couldn't ignore. This was about them. He had to talk to her, no matter what she said.
Pulling a shaky a deep breath in, he shoved his phone back into his pocket and stepped out into the night. The cold rain hit him like a wall, soaking through his clothes in seconds. He sprinted to the building, feeling the water seep into his shoes with every step. His heart hammered in his chest like a drummer in a rock band, setting the tempo for his chaotic thoughts.
The lobby was a welcome respite from the downpour, the warmth wrapping around him like a blanket. The scent of old carpet and faint whispers of rain-soaked earth filled the small space. He took the stairs two at a time to the third floor, his feet echoing off the walls. Each step felt like it was taking an eternity. The door to Y/N’s apartment was like a gateway to the unknown, and Luca’s hand hovered over the knocker, his heart threatening to break through his ribcage. The anticipation was a tangible force, pressing against him like the very air itself was holding its breath.
With a tremble, he brought his fist down and the sound reverberated through the corridor. The seconds that followed felt like hours, each one a silent scream in his ears. Finally, the door creaked open, and there she was, her eyes wide with surprise and a hint of annoyance. “I told you don’t come over,” she said, her voice carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken words.
Luca shivered, not just from the cold rainwater that clung to him like a second skin but from the sudden realization that this might be the moment that changes everything. He stepped closer, the droplets of water falling from his clothes creating a small puddle around his feet. “I know, I know you did, but I had to see you, to tell you something. Something I can’t keep inside anymore.”
Y/N and Luca lock eyes for only a moment. A moment is all Luca needs to notice the red discoloration and puffiness that circles her eyes. “Y/n, why have you been crying?” The words slipped out before he could stop them. The look of shock on her face was quickly replaced by one of irritation.
“That’s none of your business, Luca. What do you want?” Her voice was tight, and she held the door open only a crack. The apartment behind her was dark, save for the flicker of a TV screen.
“I know I shouldn’t have come up after you said no, but I couldn’t ignore your message. Y/N, is everything okay?” He asked again, his voice softer this time, filled with genuine concern. “Well no, clearly no everything isn’t okay.” Luca corrected running the back of his neck. “We’ve not talked all day, you didn’t respond to my texts or answer my calls. What’s going on?”
Y/N took a deep breath, the kind that fills the chest but doesn’t seem to reach the lungs. She stepped aside and opened the door wider, gesturing for him to come in. The apartment was a mess of used tissues and half-eaten takeout. It was a drastic difference to the usual pristine state she maintained. “I don’t know what to say, Luca. I’ve had a rough day, and I don’t really feel like company right now.” She said, her voice a sad whisper.
He stepped inside, his eyes scanning the room, taking in the sadness that seemed to have painted the walls a darker shade. The TV played some old sitcom, the laugh track echoing through the emptiness like a mockery of her current state. He followed her into the living room, his eyes never leaving hers. The rain had left a trail of water droplets from the door to where they now stood, a sad metaphor displayed through him for her feelings.
“You said you needed to tell me something? Something about you can’t keep it inside anymore? Must be important to come here after another date. So go on, do tell.” Y/n words barely passed over the knot in her throat, the tears in her eyes miraculously held back. Her arms were crossed over the center of her body and she was standing more to one leg than the other. She was giving Luca a look that screamed, “why are you here when you have someone else”
Luca felt his heart drop into his stomach, his earlier resolve now a distant memory. He took a step back, his hand running through his hair.
“I... I didn’t go on the date. I called it off. Because I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t pretend to be interested in someone else when all I can think about is you.” Luca gasped for air he was talking so fast. “Every laugh, every smile, every moment of connection that they claim to feel with me is a joke. Because all I want is to be with you, to be experiencing it with you, not them. You’re the one I want to share my life with, Y/N. You’re the one who gets me, who understands me, who makes me feel alive. I don’t want to live in a world where I can’t hold your hand, kiss your forehead, tell you how much you mean to me every single day. I don’t want to be just your best friend anymore. I want to be your everything, like you’re my everything. That is if you’ll let me.”
The words hung in the air like a question mark, heavy and pregnant with hope and fear. Y/N’s eyes searched his, looking for any sign of deceit, but all she found was raw honesty and pure love. And in that moment, she knew she had to tell him the truth. The tears began to flow, a river of emotions that had been damned up for so long. But she was smiling, a smile that was a battleground of happiness and sadness.
“Luca, I didn’t talk to you today because I was hoping if I didn’t and the date went bad you wouldn’t come here and get my hopes up again. I’ve been feeling the same way for a while now, but I didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t want to risk losing you as a friend. You’re everything to me, Luca, but I was scared of what would happen if we tried to be more. What if we ruined what we have?” Her voice was shaky, but the words tumbled out like they had been waiting for this moment for an eternity.
Luca’s heart raced with something other than anxiety for the first time the whole day, hope. He stepped closer, taking her hand in his, feeling the warmth of her skin against his cold palm. “We won’t mess this up, I promise you. We have something real, something strong. And if, by chance, we do, we’ll fix it together, just like we do with everything else. I can’t keep pretending that I don’t want to be with you. I want to be there for you, not just as your best friend, but as your boyfriend. To hold you when you’re sad, to cuddle with you while you watch tv, to annoy you when you’re stressed, to be the first person you see when you wake up. I want you to wear my jersey to my games and make yourself a jacket for playoffs. I want all of that, Y/N. With you. And I know we can do it. We just have to trust each other and take this chance.”
She knew he was right, they had to take this risk. They had been dancing around each other for too long, afraid of what might happen if they stepped too close. But here they were, their hearts laid bare in the middle of a stormy night. “So…does this make me your girlfriend?” Y/n asked with a sly smile across her face.
“Damn right it does.” Luca beamed.
Without another word, Luca stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her in a fierce embrace. The cold, wet fabric of his shirt and tie seeped through her clothes, and she let out a squeal of surprise. “You’re going to get me soaked!” she giggled, but she didn’t pull away. Instead, she leaned into him, her hands coming up to rest on his shoulders.
The tension in the room dissipated like the storm outside, replaced by a warmth that filled every corner of the apartment. They stood there for a moment, just holding each other, feeling the beat of their hearts sync up like they had always been meant to. Then, Luca leaned down and kissed her, his lips pressing gently against hers. The kiss was soft and tentative at first, as if they were both afraid that this was another one of those fleeting moments that they’d wake up from. But as she responded, kissing him back with the same passion that had been reflected in her eyes, he knew that this was real.
They broke apart, both breathing heavily, and Y/N spoke again, her voice still shaky with emotion. “You have clothes here if you want to stay,” she said shyly, gesturing towards her bedroom door at the end of the hallway. Her offer was filled with unspoken promises of lazy mornings and shared secrets whispered in the dark.
Luca’s smile grew even wider, the corners of his eyes crinkling with happiness. “Only if you want me to stay,” he said, his voice low and earnest. He didn’t want to assume anything, not now that the walls had finally come down. His right hand moved to cup her cheek, “if I do stay, I can sleep out here like before. I want you comfortable.”
Y/N looked up at him, the sadness in her eyes slowly fading away. She nodded, her voice a soft whisper. “But I want you to stay with me. I want to wake up next to you, not just in the same apartment. I want to fall asleep listening to your breathing, knowing you’re right there beside me.” She took his hand and led him to her room, the TV faded out into the background as they disappeared down the hallway.
Luca’s smile felt like it could split his face in two. He followed her, his heart feeling lighter than it had in weeks. The room was a mess of blankets and pillows, a testament to her emotional turmoil from earlier. He took off his soaked jacket and laid it over the chair, the tie joining it like a snake shedding its skin. She handed him one of his old hockey t-shirts and a pair of shorts.
As he changed, his eyes kept darting back to her, watching her in the mirror. She was so beautiful, even in her sadness. He didn’t know how he’d ever thought he could keep his feelings hidden.
The shirt that was once too big for him, was now too small. “Uh, I don’t think this is going to work.” Luca laughed. He took it back off and tossed it over to y/n. When she put it on, the shirt went down just above midthigh. “I sleep shirtless most of the time anyways” Luca shrugged, still admiring her.
They both climbed into the bed, the mattress dipping slightly under their weight. Y/N laid her head over Luca’s heart, listening to the steady rhythm that matched her own. The rain outside had turned into a gentle pitter-patter, almost a lullaby for the two of them. “Thank you for coming over, even when I said not to,” she murmured, her voice muffled by his chest.
Luca tightened his arms around her, the warmth of her body seeping into his cold skin. “I couldn’t stay away, not when I finally grew a pair and was ready to go for what I wanted.”
They lay there, their hearts beating in a duet that filled the quiet room. The rain outside had turned into a soothing lullaby, lulling them into a peaceful silence. Y/N’s eyes grew heavy, and she nuzzled closer to Luca’s chest, feeling the comforting rise and fall of his breathing.
“Good night, Luca,” she whispered, her breath a soft caress against his skin.
He kissed the top of her head, feeling her cheek grow warmer against his chest. “Good night, pretty girl,” he murmured back, his voice thick with emotion and grogginess.
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martiny0rk · 8 months
Luca Fantilli
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trevuorzegras · 6 months
✿ umich cheer au part one ⬚͒ㅤㅤㅤ♪
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ⓘ all works for this series can be found on the #wrong time is an inconvenience au tag! ❤︎
fem!reader x mark estapa
mentions of fem!reader x cole sillinger
mentions of mark estapa x fem!oc
faceclaim: jules leblanc
find the series masterlist, here!
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colesillinger: my girl. ❤️
liked by adamfantilli, bluejacketsnhl, and others
user1: uhh did y/n dye her hair??
↳ yourusername: i very much did not. still very much a brunette. 🙃
↳ user2: wait what? yourusername
user3: i’m so confused
user4: dude did you mean to post this.. cause..
jadewinters: what the fuck??
↳ colesillinger: is there a problem jaden?
jadewinters: watch yourself sillinger.
user5: what is going on??
user6: isn’t y/n back at uni..?
↳ user7: yeah y/n is also NOT A BLONDE.
liked by yourusername
user8: he just openly posted about him cheating.. ok..
user9: y’all act like a man can’t have friends 🤣🤣
↳ user10: they’re kissing, if that’s friends then 💀
user11: interesting.. 🙃
(PINNED) colesillinger: coming at me like i care, she was boring so i traded up 🤷‍♂️
↳ user12: you’re so fucking odd bro
yourusername: good to see where you stand. this definitely could’ve been handled privately; but if this is how you want it, so be it. have a good life, and an amazing nhl career, cole. 🩷
↳ user13: this is actually so upsetting. she’s genuinely too kind to be treated like this.
user14: i thought you guys were end game wtf
adamfantilli: yk i love you dude, but what the fuck is wrong with you bro
↳ user15: even adam knows ts is wrong
this post has been deleted.
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yourusername: been a very productive day! 1) got cheated on. 2) went to a hockey game! 3) went to a post hockey party! 4) met some of the team 5) got absolutely shit faced with jadewinters oh! and i took this beautiful picture of dylanduke5
liked by edwards.73, luca.fantilli, and others
(PINNED) yourusername: i have practice tomorrow, and jade let me do this. whatever #goblue 〽️
lhughes_06: i really shouldn’t have left you alone at umich. 💀
↳ yourusername: can’t believe you never introduced me to your team, especially since they’re this fun to be around
↳ lhughes_06: ?? that’s EXACTLY why i didn’t introduce you to them. yourusername
user18: cheerleader meets hockey players
markestapa: hope to see you again y/n
↳ yourusername: boy i gave you my number
↳ jadewinters: oh did you now 😏 yourusername
lhughes_06: so it’s YOUR fault that y/n met the hockey team. jadewinters
↳ jadewinters: shut up mr nhl
user19: they seem like such a fun group 😭
user20: DUKER 💀
umichcheer: the second slide is correct! (also we’re ignoring the caption.)
↳ yourusername: oh… thanks guys love you
user21: the cheer account being in the comments LMFAO
user23: y’all on about the umich guys when y/n is RIGHT THERE HELLO???
liked by yourusername
user24: can’t wait to see more of y/n at the hockey games 🥅🏒〽️
luca.fantilli: OH YEAH
user25: the picture of y/n and jade awe 😭
user26: hope you had fun!
user27: puck bunnie
↳ yourusername: i prefer umich fan but thank you!
↳ user28: LMFOOAOAOOA yourusername
dylanduke5: oh i look dashing!
↳ yourusername: of course you do duker pooker 🥰
edwards.75: me and y/n become bestfriends if anyone is wondering
↳ yourusername: he accidentally drank my drink three times and kept apologizing, + said he’ll be my bestfriend & buy me whatever i want if i forgave him
user29: so many unexpected duos omg
user30: beauty
user33: cole fumbled and she’s living her best life LMFOAOAOA
rutgermcgroarty: no one talk to us we’re doing hot girl shit *hair flip*
↳ yourusername: boy go to BED 😭😭
user34: y/n it’s 3 am. 💀
its 5 am i’m so tired but i wanted to get at least one chapter done since i haven’t really worked on anything recently. find my masterlist, here!!
taglist | @wnderify (comment 2 be added)
also little psa! i love cole, so don’t even start with that please, it’s for the plot guys trust!
240 notes · View notes
toasttt11 · 20 days
prompt- “You know you don’t have to ask for a hug, come here sweetheart.”
She rubbed her eyes hearing a knock on her door that had woken her up, she yawned rubbing her face throwing the blankets off her and getting out of her bed.
She looked through the peek whole seeing a very sad disheveled Luca and frowned in concern quickly unlocking her and door and opening it, “Lu?” She softly asked making Luca’s head snap up and notice she opened her door.
“Can i come in?” Luca asked quietly his voice wavering.
“Of course.” She spoke softly moving to the side to let him in her apartment and shut the door behind him.
She watched as Luca started pacing slowly in her living room, “Lu?” She called out softly making him stop pacing, “What’s wrong?” She asked in worry.
Luca let out a long breath looking at his girlfriend, “I miss Adam.” He admitted, he woke up from a bad dream just missing his brother terribly. It had been a hard adjustment to be away from Adam for the first time his entire life.
“What do you need to?” She stepped right in front of him.
“Can i have a hug?” Luca asked emotionally looking at with sad eyes.
“You know you don’t have to ask for a hug, come here sweetheart.” She softly reminded him wrapping her arms around him and holding his head against her chest rubbing his scalp feeling him melt into her.
Luca let out a soft sigh feeling the tension leaving his shoulders, “Can i stay with you tonight?” Luca hopefully mumbled to her.
“Of course sweetheart.” She softly told him pulling back from the hug and holding his hand taking him to her bedroom.
Luca slipped his shoes off and flopped onto the bed next to her immediately cuddling into her side holding onto her tightly.
She softly ran her fingers back through Luca’s hair till she felt him slowly fall asleep and kissed the top of his head before going back to sleep.
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mommahughes19-23 · 1 month
Even Though I'm Leaving - E.E
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warnings: mentions of death, mentions of cancer, grief, DO NOT READ IF THIS WOULD TRIGGER YOU!
Based off of attached song/my personal journey fighting cancer!
"SHES FUCKING GONE DUDE - SHE'S GONE AND I CAN'T BRING HER BACK." Ethan screams out as he clutches the #73 jersey he had got you for your senior prom gift, the summer before you would both start at UMICH.
6 months, 26 weeks, 182 days, 4,380 hours, 26,280 minutes, 15,768,000 seconds ;
that's how long Ethan has been hurting ; how long his world has been flipped upside-down for ; how long he hasn't been able to properly function as a human being, including basic tasks. Who could blame him though... most importantly it had been 6 months to the day that you had left this world. You and Ethan had met your junior year of high school, you had transferred that year to Bellerose Composite High School, Ethan being the first person you met as he was in most of your classes. He was also the one out of his friend group to suggest you sit with them at lunch, and by the time junior prom rolled around it had been 6 months with Ethan and you knew then he was the one.
Unfortunately that was also the year that things took a HUGE turn, as that would be the same year that you had been diagnosed with stage 2 ovarian cancer. That was also the first time in your entire time knowing Ethan that you decided to shut him out. To text him and tell him unfortunately you had some stuff come up and wouldn't be around much for a little while. To say Ethan was confused and hurt when he tried to call you minutes after reading that text and you sent him straight to voicemail, he decided he would give you time. Meanwhile your brother and him texted all the time and you could see what toll it was taking on him to have to keep your condition from Ethan.
"Sweetie, you're going to have to face him sooner or later." your mom says from the other side of your room door. Since getting the news you had began to isolate yourself more and more, there was no point in trying anymore when you weren't sure how long you had to try. "Well I choose later thanks, now if I can get back to planning what flowers I want on my headstone that would be great." you respond back. "Sweetie, I had to tell Tara and Lee. I-" You swung the door open "YOU WHAT? What the FUCK MOM???? I told you not to say anything before I was ready." you half screamed half sobbed. "Sweetie, they are worried about you, you haven't been over there in a week, Ethan is barley eating or sleeping, I didn't know what to do when they asked the other evening at dinner." she responds. "Wait what do you mean Ethan isn't sleeping or eating?" you ask "Sweetie, Ethan hasn't eaten a meal since you stopped responding to him, Tara says she's lucky to get him to even have a granola bar." she says. "I can't deal with this right now." you say closing the door in your moms face.
It was later that week you decided to break the news to Ethan.
It was during lunch on that Thursday you walked up to his usual table, your heart pounding in your chest. He looked at you, he wanted to be mad, to tell you to fuck off, that you had broken him by ghosting him. Yet after school there he found himself with you in your room. "E, I wanted to tell you, but I don't want to be a burden, and you have hockey and I don't want-" With tears streaming down both of your cheeks Ethan pulls you in for a kiss, one that leaves you breathless and wanting more, but you know it's not the time. "Baby, we are going to fight this, together, you are never a burden my angel, you have got this 100%." he says. “This will be just another obstacle we face, one that we will get to tell our grandchildren about.” he continues. “Because my love you are so strong, you will beat it. Promise.” he finishes as he interlocks pinkies with you, his way of showing you he’s truly here for the long run.
When it came down to discussing potential college opportunities for the both of you it was no question University of Michigan was where you two wanted to call home for the next 4 years. You being a gymnast received an offer to come on a scholarship and well to say they had been eyeing your boyfriend for as long as you had been attending his high school games is an understatement. Ethan could remember the day you both got your acceptance letters as if it was yesterday.
"E, did you check the mail????" you asked as you both walked toward Ethans' Alberta house. "How in the world would I have checked the mail if I have been at school with you all day?" he responded playfully. "Well you big bully, I got my acceptance/rejection letter yesterday and I want to open them together." you say pulling the sealed envelope out of your bag, prompting Ethan to grab your hand and pull you to move faster. "YOU GOT IT AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO CALL ME???? YOU DORK" he says playfully. As soon as you both get to the Edwards mailbox Ethan finds exactly what he is looking for. You and Ethan walk into the house, dropping your stuff by the front door and make a beeline toward Ethans room. Sitting down on his bed you count together and open the letters.
Your sophomore year at UMICH is when things started to go downhill. You ended up getting a small 3 bedroom place with Rutger and Marks girlfriends, Farrah and Kayleigh. For you it was a matter of declining health and the girls hated their roommates at the time. The girls had also been a big help at the games, specifically away games, helping you navigate stairs and such as you became weaker and weaker. So when Kay suggested maybe you would be more comfortable going through the chemotherapy process in a more private setting, you jumped at the opportunity. Ethan was basically living with the three of you by the time you were fully settled having him set up his very own drawers in the bathroom and your bedroom.
So here he was now, in that same bedroom almost a year since you two had shared it, surrounded by his hockey team and select significant others, with your jersey in hand. It had not started like that for him that day however, Ethan actually had no intention of going to your place, not that day and not any time in the near future. How was he supposed to dig through his soulmates personal items, items that held countless and priceless memories of how much her and Ethan truly loved each other. He couldn't, and he wouldn't, however when he received a text from Rutger and Luca saying everyone had a free day and the girls needed to start clearing space to sell the condo, he would be dammed if he let anyone else into your shared world. 2 hours later as the girls let them in saying their hellos he noticed a few of the other guys were already there. T.J, Dylan, Tyler, Mark, and Seamus all sitting on the couch.
"E, I- we know this is still really fresh and hard for you, but we are all going to be here for you ok?" Kayleigh says trying her best to be sympathetic but strong for her boyfriends best friend. Ethan looked up realizing he was being spoken to as Mark rests his hand on his shoulder. "Hey, we can take as much time as you need dude. Do what you have to do man." Ethan leads the way into your room, a room that has been untouched by any human presence since your last day there. When you made the decision to leave UMICH, you had just gotten the news that it was now in stage 4 and there wasn't much to be done anymore. You decided to spend your last few weeks at home with your family without telling anyone, not Ethan, not the team, not the girls. You didn't want goodbyes, you didn't want to leave the world knowing how much it would truly hurt those you cared about. You also knew that if you told Ethan he would INSIST on being there by your side till the day you stopped fighting and you refused to be the reason he put his life on hold. You knew he would insist on trying to fight this more, to just try one more round of treatment, to try one more pill, at this point if someone told Ethan dancing the Macarena could cure you he would be doing it on repeat all day every day.
You were tired though, tired of all the chemotherapy, the physical toll it was taking on you, breaking you down into nothing, taking everything you love from you slowly. First gymnastics, then the promise of a life with your soulmate, and now the will to fight, you couldn't take this anymore. Needing help from the guys and girls as you got weaker and needed assistance of a wheelchair, you felt you had become a burden. So when Ethan went looking for you after not hearing from you the previous day, Farrah telling him you had gone to your 6pm class but never come back, his heart stopped. Where did you go? Were you ok? Had his worst fear come true?
He called you, 164 times that week, not knowing you were finally slipping away, not knowing that you had finally found your peace. Calling your parents, who couldn't bring themselves to answer, knowing why he was calling, it wasn't until he got the call from his mom that it was confirmed. You were gone. You had been gone 3 days after you left. The next few weeks were a blur between your funeral and all the condolences he was getting, he took a few weeks off of school to go home and be with your family and his.
"Yeah, uh thanks guys." he says making his way into your room. "We don't want to overwhelm you bro so we are gonna be out here. Let us know if you need anything." Luca says. With that Ethans head snaps up as he drops the stuffed animal he had picked up off the bed. "What- no you- wait I can't do this by myself." he starts feeling his chest get heavy and his lungs reduce in size. "I don't even know where to start or what to do you can't leave me." he begs. The boys look at each other and after silently letting the girls know they would be out in a little Rutger and Luca sit on your bed. Ethan begins by opening your closet, the overwhelming scent of your perfume, and just of you hits him like a brick. Noticing his lack of movement Luca and Rutger get up and walk towards him, "Take your time E, we are here for you." he says. Ethan begins to start taking your shirts off hangers and thats when he sees it, right under his team issued raincoat he had lent you once. The yellow and blue that could be seen from miles away catching his eye as if to almost taunt him, your jersey.
When you and Ethan had been accepted to UMICH you both received some goodie bags of gear from your respective sports programs. Ethan being the guy he is knew he needed to get you in his name and number ASAP so once he found out what number he was assigned, he jumped at the opportunity to plan with some of the guys to customize a blank jersey from the book store for you. Your senior prom Ethan had come over early, while you were still getting ready actually, his plan was to gift you the jersey before prom. Your parents being the way they are, they denied Ethan a peek before you were ready and he ended up having to give it to you in the limo. You had worn it to every single home and away game you attended which was all but maybe 2 games and Ethan couldn't feel prouder to see his name claim you in a subtle way.
Ethan presses the piece of clothing to his chest and silently begins to let the tears flow. "You know I told my parents I don’t think I am going to accept the offer from the Devils." he begins. "What are you saying dude??? Why would you tell them that?” Luca says. "Well without yn I’m nothing, I don't deserve to be happy or live out my dream when she's supposed to be by my side." "Dude, you loved her and we get that but you can't throw away your future just because yn isn't here. You know she would want you to continue and make a life for yourself." Rutger responds. "I went to development camp, is that not enough for everyone? If she's not with me I don't want to do this anymore, I should have done more, tried harder to get her to fight." he says breaking down more and more. "You can't blame-" T.J, who had now come into the room with the other guys stared, "THEN WHO THE FUCK DO I BLAME? WHO DO I GET ANGRY WITH WHEN I REACH FOR HER AND SHES NOT THERE?" Ethan looses it and screams out. "I DO BLAME MYSELF, I PROMISED HER SHE WOULD BEAT THIS FUCKING THING. NOTHING YOU SAY WILL MAKE ME FEEL DIFFERENT. I DON'T DESERVE HOCKEY, I DON'T WANT TO BE HAPPY WITH OUT HER." "Ethan, bro, where is this coming from? We had a blast at development camp what's gotten into you? Talk to me." Seamus says. "SHE'S FUCKING GONE DUDE - SHE'S GONE AND I CAN'T BRING HER BACK." he screams clutching the jersey closer to his chest and takes a deep breath. "I love her, we were supposed to grow old and be together for the rest of our lives. Why should I move on when she doesn't get to?" he continues slightly less aggressive.
Luca walks over to him where he's now collapsed onto the floor. "I was waiting for the right time to give you this." he starts holding out a sealed envelope with the word Ethan written in your handwriting on the front. "What- what is that?" Ethan asks taking the envelope from his friend. "Look dude, the day before y.n left she asked me to hold on to this, to let you take your time to grieve, but she knew you would be a stubborn asshole. She asked me to give you this when you lost all hope." Luca explains, "She didn't tell me the content of the letter but I'm hoping it might help." he says. All the guys made eye contact with each other and Seamus spoke up, "We will give you a moment dude." and a moment later Ethan sits on your bed and opens the envelope:
Ethan, I'm afraid, won't you stay a little while and keep me safe cause there's monsters right outside. They keep telling me to be hopeful, to have faith, to be honest baby I don't know how much more 'faith' I can have anymore. I want to be honest with you my love, because that is what we have always prided ourself on being, I'm writing you because it's not looking good. Every day is another battle to fight and I know they don't think I do but I hear it in the doctors and nurses voice, I'm not getting any better my love. Please know one thing that I hope can bring you comfort and that is that I have accepted my journey and I am at peace with whatever happens. As much as I don't want to leave you and the guys and my family, I am tired, so very tired of fighting, we have been fighting for years now and I need you to know I couldn't ask for a better partner to have fought this battle with. With that being said baby I need to leave you with my last hope for you when I am gone.
I know you won't listen to any of the guys, and that is why I have asked Luca to give you this incase I don't get to say this to your face. You CANNOT and I WILL NOT let you self-sabotage your future Eth, I know that you are going to feel like there's no hope, no point in experiencing these AMAZING milestones without me. I know you will tell everyone you no longer care for the sport of hockey, that you don't and won't allow yourself to experience playing for the Devils because you feel you no longer have anyone to share your incredible journey with. Ethan babe, that's SO far from the truth, because as long as you live I will be with you my love, where ever you go and what ever you do I will ALWAYS be in your heart and in your soul. You should know that even in death you won't get rid of me that easy Edwards.
Just 'cause I'm leaving doesn't mean that I won't be right by your side. When you need me and you can't see me in the middle of the night here's what I want you to do baby : Close your eyes and say a prayer and know that I know you're scared when I'm not here but I'll always be right there even though I'm leaving, baby I promise I ain't goin' nowhere. I know I act tough, but there's a churnin' in my gut cause I just can't call you up when things get rough anymore. I won't be able to wrap my arms around you and comfort you when you need me most, but know that I continue to route for you wether I'm physically here or not. Baby boy you have so much potential, so much love, so much light, so much joy, and so much passion please don't throw it all away after all of the hard work you and I have both put in to get you here.
I will love you with all of my heart and soul for the rest of time my New Jersey Devil. Make sure you allow the guys in during your hard times. As much as I know it's not me, they care about you and love you just as much, (though they will claim they love you more than I did, to which I say LUCA EVEN FROM THE GRAVE I'LL KILL YOU) and they want the best for you babe. I can't wait to hear all of the stories of your first season in the NHL, know that though I physically won't be in the stands, I will be at every game as long as you are thinking of me. Most importantly my love, you deserve to have a family, before you protest (I know you are) I mean it , you deserve to experience everything we have ever dreamed of, and I know you don't feel like it will ever happen but I'll be here to say I told you so when it does. Don't think of it as I'm not with you anymore, just loving you from afar my dear.
I love you so much, take your time to get yourself together, but then remember baby, it's game time.
your forever angel, Y.N
And with that Ethan knew he had some very big choices to make. If only you were here to make them with you.
IM SORRY IVE BEEN MIA... I am going to be absent for the next week, I put in my notice at work so next week I start school up again and work almost every day lol.
First and foremost thank you to @quinnylouhughesx43 for helping me structure an idea. Second, I would like to say that before ANYONE accuses me of stealing other blogs works let me be CRYSTAL CLEAR: I am fully aware that there are stories like this floating around already, I actually reblogged one about jack the other day (highly recommend if you haven't read it yet to read it its on @lukehughes43 blog). At the same time this was a completely original idea I had and wanted to put out. I apologize if there is any similarities as I was partially inspired by said jack fic.
I hope you enjoy as this is one of the only written works I have put out. Feedback and Suggestions are welcomed.
also thank you to my baby girl @quinnylouhughesx43 for the banner <3
xoxox, M
Tagged : @babygirlboeser @quinnylouhughesx43 @lukey-pookie-hughes43 @skylershines @63kaprizov
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goldfades · 10 months
✮ 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤, jump then fall au!
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au masterlist! masterlist!
♡ ─ word count | 2.6k
♡ ─ summary | the story of how our little paloma came to be, and why adam has full custody of her.
♡ ─ warnings | mention of pregnancy (obvs), mention of abusive/manipulative relationship, some birth stuff but nothing graphic like at all, think that is all??
♡ ─ taglist | @literatureluster @valluvsu @lvrzegras @iminlovewithtz11 (fill in form in my navigation in you are interested!)
♡ ─ ev's notes | im finally back lol, the last nonnie inspired me to continue my series but i also saw the adam/luca content on instagram and i was like... yes i love these men with my entire soul. anyway, this is more background/filler chapter on the whole story behind adam/his ex. also idk if i did a good job making emma kind of unlikable but i couldn't make her too much bc at the end of day she is dovey's mom yk LMAOOO. but yeah, i was gonna include a little court segment but i didn't think it was necessary. this is kinda a summary of the timeline so yeah BUT YETH WE ARE BACK AT ITT!!!!! will be writing a more christmas-y one soon though i pinky promise :) LASTLY, my inbox is always open for au thoughts. please send them in, they literally make my entire day!
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September ushered in a peculiar kind of unease, a restlessness that only settled within the corridors of high school, unbeknownst to Adam. The weight of impending change hung in the air, a feeling that clung to him as he navigated the familiar chaos that came with being a teenager.
It began with a murmur, a whisper weaving its way through the complicated tapestry of gossip. The news was illicit, news that would shatter the simplicity of his teenage years. Adam's ex, Emma, a figure exiled to his past, was harboring a secret that would bridge their worlds in a way he never anticipated.
The autumn breeze carried an unusual tension as Adam found himself standing before the door of Emma's house, a place he thought he had left behind in the remains of the failed relationship. She had called him about two hours ago, telling him that she had needed to talk to him immediately about something very important. He hesitated for a moment, hand poised to knock, before the door swung open, revealing Emma's worn expression.
"Adam," she greeted, her eyes avoiding direct contact, as if unable to meet the weight of his gaze. They hadn't talked in a couple weeks, since they had broken up.
"What's going on, Emma?" Adam asked, sensing the gravity of the situation even before she spoke.
A heavy sigh escaped her lips, laden with the weight of the secret she carried. "We need to talk," Emma murmured, gesturing for him to enter.
"Yeah, figured." He sighed. He didn't know if he was able to trust her after all the lies she had told him over the span of their relationship. This may be one of her ploys to somehow get him back.
He went into the familiar home as she guided him up to her room anxiously and his mind was racing. What could possibly be so important that she couldn't text him, or tell him over the phone?
They reached her room and he sat on her bed as Emma paced anxiously, the rhythm of her steps echoing the gravity of her secret. Finally, she turned to face him, her eyes brimming with vulnerability that he hadn't seen in a while.
"I'm pregnant," she confessed, the words hanging in the air like a storm about to break.
Pregnant? Her words hung in the air for a few moments as he looked for any sign of deception in her expression. But no, she looked like she was about to break down in front of him. The room seemed to close in on him, and he could feel the weight of the past and the uncertainty of the future colliding.
He couldn't even process it. "What?" Was all he could mutter.
Emma's gaze wavered as Adam's single-word response lingered in the room. The weight of the secret settled between them, an unspoken acknowledgment of the life-altering reality they were now forced to confront.
"I didn't plan for any of this," Emma continued, her voice shaky. "I never wanted it to happen."
Adam's brow furrowed as he tried to process the mix of emotions swirling within him. Anger, confusion, and a distant sense of responsibility danced on the edges of his thoughts. His head was spinning with questions.
"Why now?" he questioned, the frustration evident in his tone. "Why didn't you say something sooner?"
Emma's eyes welled with tears, and she seemed on the verge of unraveling. "I didn't know how. I was scared, Adam. Scared of your reaction, scared of what it would mean for both of us. I mean I have school and-and I can't have a kid right now."
The room felt suffocating, the air heavy with unspoken accusations and the weight of their shared history. Adam's mind raced, torn between the desire to understand and the lingering mistrust that had defined their past.
Adam's jaw tightened as he absorbed her words, a tumult of conflicting emotions churning within him. "Scared?" he repeated, a sharp edge to his voice. "You think dropping this bombshell now will magically make things less complicated?"
He didn't want to sound like an asshole but he couldn't help it. All she was thinking about was her future, her life and nothing to do with what his dreams, the ones he's had since he was younger. How could he go into the NHL with a kid and unstable ex?
Emma's tears flowed freely now. "I never meant for it to be like this. I just... I needed to tell you. I can't do this alone, Adam."
He rubbed his temples, trying to alleviate the growing tension. "You should've thought about that before. Now, what? What do you expect me to do?"
She reached out tentatively, as if seeking reassurance in the midst of the storm. "I want you to be a part of this, Adam. Our child deserves that, at least."
He takes her hand and his gaze softens as he heard her voice. Our child sounded so sweet, but he didn't want to go through what she put him through again.
He sighed heavily, a mixture of frustration and concern etched on his face. "Emma, you can't drop something like this on me and expect everything to be okay. We're not together anymore, and I can't just rearrange my life because of this."
Her eyes pleaded with him, desperation evident. "I know, but I can't do it alone. I need your support, Adam. We created this life together."
He pulled his hand away gently, creating a bit of distance. "Support? Emma, you've never supported my dreams. You made me doubt everything I did. I can't risk my future for this, not when I don't even know if you're going to stick around."
As the room descended into silence, the air seemed to crackle with the tension of unspoken truths. Adam's mind, however, echoed with the memories of a relationship colored by manipulation and emotional turmoil.
He couldn't shake the vivid memories of countless arguments, where Emma would twist his words, making him question his own sanity. Her subtle undermining of his dreams and aspirations left a trail of self-doubt that lingered long after their fights and maybe relationship had ended.
Emma's manipulation often took the form of subtle remarks disguised as concern. Every success he achieved was met with a backhanded compliment or a comment that subtly belittled his accomplishments. Her words had a way of eroding his confidence, making him second-guess his abilities. Was he even that good of a hockey player? Was he as smart as everyone would tell him?
She played on his insecurities, subtly exploiting vulnerabilities he hadn't even acknowledged. Emma's behavior manifested in controlling behaviors, whether it was telling him who he could spend time with or subtly isolating him from his support system. The gradual corrosion of his social connections left Adam feeling increasingly dependent on her for validation.
Emma's manipulation extended beyond words or fights; it was their daily interactions. The constant emotional rollercoaster left him drained and disoriented. Adam had become used to walking on eggshells, terrified of setting off another emotional outburst.
Adam found himself grappling with a mix of anger and resentment. The secret of her pregnancy now added a new layer to their complicated history, one that threatened to entangle their lives again.
The heaviness of the past hung in the air, a palpable reminder of the emotional scars that had yet to fully heal. The silence in Emma's room mirrored the unresolved scars of their relationship, leaving Adam to confront the challenging path that lay ahead.
He thought he had ended this relationship for good but now, he truly couldn't leave. Knowing that if he wouldn't stay, she would raise the baby alone and he would live forever with the knowledge of his kid somewhere with her. If they were to be together again, even just to raise the baby, he would promise that he would try to shield the baby from his mother as much as he could.
Emma's eyes brimmed with tears as she pleaded, "Adam, I'll change. I promise. I never realized how much I hurt you until now. I want to be a better person, for you and for our child."
Adam hesitated, his gaze flickering between her tearful eyes and the haunting memories of their past. The room seemed to close in around him as he grappled with conflicting emotions.
"Okay, Emma." He sighed. She let out a sob of joy, bringing him in for a tight hug.
JUNE 11, 2021
Summer arrived quicker than either had expected and soon enough Emma was in third trimester. In the sterile confines of the white hospital room, Adam stood witness to the arrival of their daughter. It was a moment of transformation, where the happiness of newfound fatherhood collided with the stark reality of uncertainty. Emotions played on his face, he had no idea how he was going to deal with any of it.
But as soon as tiny newborn baby laid in his arms, all the worries and uncertainty had faded into background noise as he held her with all the care in the world.
In that moment, everything else seemed to fade away. The worries, the uncertainties, the complexities—they all became distant as Adam cradled his daughter. Her tiny features, scrunched face, and the weight of her presence overwhelmed him, he couldn't help but tear up. She was perfect in every way. In that moment, he promised he would never let anyone hurt her in anyway possible.
He felt a surge of love, a protective instinct that whispered promises of care and unconditional devotion. The uncertainty that had clouded his thoughts seemed inconsequential in the face of the profound connection forged with this tiny being.
"She's perfect," he whispered, his voice barely audible in the quiet room. The fragility of the newborn, the embodiment of a shared history and a future full of unknowns, stirred something deep within him. All he knew was that he loved her more than anything even if he'd only held her for a few moments.
Emma, watching Adam with a mix of exhaustion and affection, couldn't help but smile. "She's got your eyes," she remarked, a tender note in her voice. His pretty, big blue eyes. The first thing anyone ever notices about him.
Adam nodded, his gaze fixed on the tiny features of his daughter. "Yeah? Well, she's got your everything else," he added, a gentle chuckle escaping him. The weight of fatherhood settled on his shoulders, but in that moment, it felt like a privilege.
The room seemed to shrink, focusing solely on this new family unit. The soft whimpers of the newborn, the beeping of the monitoring equipment, and the distant sounds of the hospital—all merged into the backdrop of a moment that felt suspended in time.
Emma looked at Adam with tired yet contented eyes, a silent understanding passing between them. The room, once filled with the tension of labor, was now a cocoon of familial warmth.
Emma whispered, her voice hoarse from the exertion of childbirth, "She's beautiful, isn't she?"
As Adam and Emma marveled at the beauty of their newborn daughter, the hospital room's door creaked open, and Adam's parents entered with a blend of excitement and nervousness. His mother, a mix of emotions painted on her face, rushed forward to embrace Adam.
"Oh, Adam, sweetheart, you're a father!" she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears of joy.
Adam smiled warmly, hugging his mother. "Yeah, Mom. Meet..." His words died on tongue when he realized they hadn't picked out a name for her yet.
"We haven't decided on a name yet," Emma adds quietly as she yawns.
"What about Paloma? Like your grandmother. It's perfect, just look at her."
Adam's eyes met Emma's, and for a moment, a silent agreement passed between them. Paloma—the perfect name, a homage to his grandmother, a symbol of heritage and a new beginning. They exchanged a nod, and Adam turned back to his parents.
"Paloma," he said, a smile breaking across his face. "Her name is Paloma."
The decision settled like a warm blanket, wrapping around the newborn with a sense of identity. Paloma, their little dove, had found her name in the embrace of a moment filled with love and the promise of a shared journey ahead.
Adam's frustration simmered beneath the surface as he and Emma found themselves ensnared in yet another argument. The air in the room crackled with tension, a silent precursor to the storm that was about to erupt. Paloma, blissfully unaware in her crib, slept soundly, while her parents grappled with the unresolved issues.
"I can't keep doing this, Emma," Adam muttered, his jaw clenched. The weight of unresolved issues hung heavily between them, each word an echo of past disagreements. "We need to talk."
Emma, her expression defensive, crossed her arms, a subtle defiance in her stance. "What's there to talk about, Adam? Everything's fine."
A bitter laugh escaped him with the weight of their shared history. "Everything's far from fine, and you know it. Paloma needs stability, and you can't keep pretending that everything's okay when it's not."
Emma's eyes flashed with irritation. "I'm her mother, Adam. I know what's best for her."
Adam's jaw clenched, frustration palpable. "You barely spend time with her but refuse my help. Every time I ask you to be a part of her life, you find an excuse. This isn't fair to Paloma, and it's not fair to me especially when you dragged me into this in the first place."
Paloma stirred in her crib, a subtle reminder of the fragile peace that hung in the balance. The argument, a reflection of their complicated past, loomed over them, threatening to unravel the delicate threads that held their connection together.
Emma's gaze hardened, and she retorted, "I didn't force you into anything, Adam. You were a part of this too, remember?"
Adam's frustration escalated, his voice sharper. "I was a part of it because I wanted to be a father to Paloma, not because I wanted to be stuck in this cycle with you. I can't keep watching you push me away, I wanna be apart of her life-"
She scoffed, a bitter edge to her tone. "You act like I'm the bad guy here. I'm doing my best, Adam."
"You dragged me into this," he continued, a sharp edge to his tone. "I fought to be a part of Paloma's life because I wanted to, but you make it impossible. This isn't about us anymore; it's about her. You need to step up and be a mother, like you'd wanted to almost a year ago when you decided to have her."
Emma's eyes narrowed, defensive walls fortified. "I am her mother. But you don't get to dictate how I should do things. I have my own life, Adam-"
"And Paloma is a part of that life, whether you like it or not!" Adam yelled, the frustration in his voice reaching a boiling point. "I can't keep covering for you, Emma. My mom asks where you're at and half the time, I don't even fucking know. You can't just show up when it's convenient for you and disappear when it's not."
Paloma's soft cries began, the room filled with the sound of her distress, a reflection of the anger surrounding her. Adam's frustration transformed into determination. "I won't let you keep hurting her with your inconsistency, especially when she's old enough to remember. If you can't be a constant presence in her life, then maybe it's better if you're not a part of it at all."
The words hung in the air, a heavy proclamation that seemed to mark the unraveling of their already strained connection. Emma, caught between defiance and vulnerability, met Adam's gaze with a steely resolve, setting the stage for a tumultuous chapter in the story of Paloma's fractured family.
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thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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cailins-posts · 3 months
Love on Ice- Adam fantilli x reader
Adam fantilli x reader
On a crisp winter morning, NHL prodigy Adam Fantilli and his girlfriend, Y/N, ventured out for a family skate, eager to embrace the magic of the season. As they arrived at the rink, the air was alive with the sound of blades gliding gracefully across the ice.
Adam held Y/N's hand tightly, guiding her towards the frozen expanse. Surrounded by the laughter of children and the chatter of families, they felt a sense of warmth envelop them despite the cold.
As they laced up their skates, Y/N couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness. She had never been the most graceful on the ice, but with Adam by her side, she was determined to give it her all.
With a reassuring smile, Adam took Y/N's hand and led her onto the ice. His touch was steady, his presence reassuring as they glided across the surface together. But as they picked up speed, Y/N's legs wobbled beneath her, threatening to send her tumbling.
With a gentle laugh, Adam caught her just in time, pulling her close to his chest. "I've got you," he whispered, his breath warm against her ear. And in that moment, surrounded by the icy embrace of the rink, Y/N felt a surge of gratitude for the man who had stolen her heart.
Undeterred by her falls, Adam patiently coached Y/N, teaching her the basics of skating with unwavering patience and encouragement. With each stumble, their bond grew stronger, their laughter echoing across the ice.
As they skated hand in hand, they were joined by the rest of the Fantilli family, their smiles as bright as the winter sun. Together, they carved graceful arcs across the ice, weaving between the other skaters with ease.
But it wasn't just about skating for Adam and Y/N; it was about cherishing the simple moments spent together, wrapped in each other's arms. And as they glided across the rink, their love soared to new heights, a testament to the power of laughter, patience, and the magic of the ice.
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mirrorballhughes · 10 months
if you want me to go more in depth about any of these or how they broke up or anything ask me in my ask box!!
her favorite thing about luke is his hair, she adores his curls so much.
el loves watching him on the ice. every game she watches her eyes get drawn to him.
while luke has just fully moved to jersey, she would purposely call jack and ask how everything is going and tell him how she doing and always says “oh yeah storm matched me up with this guy going on a date tn.” just because she knows lukes definitely home and is listening to pair’s conversation.
once the pair broke up el totally ghosted the hughes family. she felt really bad, caleb or her parents would update them on her. she would always stay at home for breaks, never wanting to go to the hughes as she knew she couldnt stand to see luke.
last summer was when el started working on her album, it got finished during the winter. she was working on it still while with luke.
quinn is her favorite hughes brother, she sees him as another older brother and goes to him for everything if caleb is busy.
during spring break after lukes departure she called quinn to see if that extra room in his apartment was available so she could come stay with him. she couldnt be around umich or anywhere the couple would hangout.
the team was very helpful during els and lukes break up. they didnt play sides, they were always there for the pair.
when her and storm go out, el whenever she drinks she always ends up taking some guys ear off about luke.
shes mostly seen in the youngest hughes boys old hockey shirts, but when shes mad at him she’s usually always wearing jacks or quinns.
even when luke left umich she was always sporting his jersey, up until seamus was like “lets switch it up, you pick a random jersey for a game wear it” so she ends up wearing a different jersey every game.
ellen was very understanding when el came back around. she knew how heartbroken the exes were, and she still knew that spark was still there. el and lu were destined to be with each other.
mark and luca were the best guys there helping her through everything. when adam left adelaide was always there for him.
lukes favorite thing about adelaide is everything. he couldn’t pick but maybe if he could, he would say her laugh.
the nickname el was off limits to everyone. lukes gears were turning the one time jack called her it and lets say that didn’t end well for jack when they were outside playing hockey with each other.
luke was at his lowest once he walked out those two doors. he wanted to turn back time but at the same time this was his dream. he couldn’t change this.
duker would call luke with updates about adelaide. only bc luke begged him after duker said no. but he obviously changed his mind.
luke only tried moving on once, but he ended up calling the girl adelaide and well thats the end of that.
he hated how jack and quinn got the blondes attention, he tried reaching out but no responses.
luke still looks through the crowd in hopes to see his girl in the stands but shes never there. one game was but she had some guy on her hip. luke was pissed the whole way home.
when lukes drunk after games girls come up to him and hes always showing pictures of her and telling them what’s happening in the said photos, the girls think its sweet.
luke stalks els instagram, he just wanted to see how shes doing. occasionally liking photos but never commenting.
he knew she was writing music, he had heard some of her unreleased stuff. she would never show him anything new.
luke made sure ethan gave the freshies on the team the adelaide is off limts talk just in case they tried anything.
he always watches the monday questions videos, and the tiktoks the blonde makes. smile on his face hearing her laugh and get along with his friends still melts his heart.
before luke left umich, when she would film the team he would always quickly run away from the camera just because he thought it was funny and he knew he was leaving soon and couldnt take her with him.
luke grew distant before the break up, he only grew distant because he wanted her to get upset with him and break up with him. but she never did.
at devs practice before they hit the rink, the hughes brother always has headphones on listening to els music and dawson gives him shit for it, but in a nice way.
whenever jack gets messages from el, he always ignores his older brother which makes jack laugh and is constantly telling the boy about the conversation.
during breaks luke was always excited to see el. but when its just the hunters parents and caleb his face drops.
caleb is slightly annoyed with luke but answers anything he asks him. but the annoyance slowly dies in caleb when he realizes how srs luke is about his sister.
the couples favorite thing to do is stay in and watch movies. el is a big cuddler and lu just loves being with his girlfriend so he enjoys it.
before games lukes ritual is to kiss els face multiple times then grabs her hands to spin her around like the pair was dancing, then head into the locker room to get ready.
once the pair announced they were together the hugheshunter had to throw a party, which was a tad bit dramatic but it was a night to remember.
they love night drives, they love driving and not stopping.
stargazing, they love it especially during the summer at the lake house.
they pair was together for about almost a year then they broke it off after an argument.
they mutually hate seeing each other with other people, they get jealous so easily.
during lukes nhl draft the couple snuck off to have a sit down talk about it el whispering how proud she was of him luke throwing on his jersey on to her, then pulling her into a kiss.
they love kissing each other.
adeluke’s first kiss was about a month into their relationship, taking it at a pace they both agreed on. luke brought her to a beach at ann habor, and they ended up kissing.
they are both mad clingy. luke gets the most shit for it, el always sticks up for him though saying if they were in a relationship they would understand. (they meaning all of the team and their friends)
jack always fake gags whenever they are seen doing couple shit, ellen scolds him for it.
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drysdalesworld · 7 months
based on my latest poll results, here is the order in which (i hope) my works will be worked on & published.
this weekend:
the orange peel theory — q. hughes
phase one of attmm (jamie’s version) — j. drysdale
next week/weekend:
attmm (luca’s version) — l. fantilli
boys w/ a laboring s/o (requested)
whenever/when i have time:
sixteen candles — p. jackson
summer lovin’ — j. drysdale
this isn’t set in stone so i might decide to publish a work earlier that is not set to be posted a certain week/weekend or decide to post it another time. this is to just motivate me to actually finish & start some of these works for you guys 💓💓
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uluvjay · 3 months
Puppy Love-A. Fantilli
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Adam Fantilli x fem! Reader
In which a dinner in Italy leads to a romantic night inside
Warnings?; Smut, fluff, oral(f receiving), unprotected sex(a big no no), cursing, light fingering, kissing, teasing, nicknames, pet names, light alcohol consumption, prob some errors
“Baby?” You called out for Adam as you returned from a day of shopping and touring the city with his mom.
Walking further into the hotel room you found it empty, assuming he was out with Luca you sat your bags down and turned towards the bed when a little note in the middle caught your eye.
Be ready by six and where that dress I like- Mo x
A cheesy smile tugged at your lips as you read his words, checking the time to see you only had two hours left you made quick work to jump into the shower.
After shaving and exfoliating your entire body from head to toe you finally emerged, starting on your hair before applying a bit of makeup due to a full face most likely melting off due to the heat.
By the time you were finished it was almost six and gave you the perfect amount of time to get dressed in the white sundress Adam loved, pairing it with a pair of sandals and your everyday jewelry.
A knock sounding on the door right as you picked your clutch up, you moved towards the sound and opened the door to reveal your boyfriend.
Dressed in a white linen shirt and dark dress pants, his hair styled back, the familiar scent of his soft cologne filling your senses.
“Mio Dio” He whistled at the sight of you, enjoying the way a soft blush tinged your cheeks.
“Hello to you too handsome.” You greeted, stepping out of the hotel room and into his extended arms, placing a soft kiss to his cheek.
“You look gorgeous baby.” He spoke into your hair before pulling back, his hand resting in yours as he began to guide you through the hall towards the elevator.
“Thank you.” You spoke, turning to face him as you waited for the metal box to reach your floor.
“So where are we going?” You asked, smirking as he looked down at you with a look that told you, you wouldn’t be getting an answer.
“Somewhere.” He shrugged.
“Adammm” you whined playfully, “will you please tell me?” You asked as you stepped into the elevator.
“Nope, you’ll just have to wait and see.” He smirked pulling you close as he placed a small kiss to your head.
You didn’t ask anymore as you two made your journey towards wherever he was taking you, an easy conversation flowing as you caught each other up on your days.
Eventually after walking for about fifteen minutes you stumbled upon a beautiful restaurant, pulling open the large door Adam motioned for you to enter first as he followed closely behind.
“Hello, do you have a reservation?” The hostess asked politely.
“Yes, Fantilli for two at 6:20” Adam smiled.
“Perfect, right this way Mr and Mrs. Fantilli”
You blushed at the name but didn’t correct her, you couldn’t help the butterflies that fluttered around in your stomach at the name.
You and Adam had talked briefly about marriage but you were both young, and with you still having a few years left of college and him just starting his career you both felt it was best to wait.
Adam pulled your chair out for you as you reached the table before taking his own, the hostess left you with menus and let you know your server would arrive shortly.
“So what will you be having tonight Mrs. Fantilli?” Adam smirked as he watched you examine the laminated paper.
You blushed at his words, the sound of it coming from his lips causing warmth to spread throughout your heart at the thought of that being your name one day.
“I’m not sure, everything looks so good” you shrugged eyeing the multiple dishes that sounded absolutely mouth watering.
“Not as good as you thought.” He spoke up causing the both of you to break out in a fit of soft giggles.
“That was cheesy I’m so sorry.” He shook his head.
“It’s okay, I liked it.” You smiled, eyes meeting his briefly before the server approached the table and began to take your orders.
After placing your orders, you two waited for your drinks and bottle of wine Adam had ordered and soon fell back into your earlier conversation.
The night seeming to slip away as you two got caught up In each other, the food tasting absolutely Devine and next thing you knew you two were sitting side by side looking out at the beautiful waterfront view as you finished off the bottle of wine.
Adam’s hand had slipped from around your shoulder and now rested dangerously high on your thigh, wine always did get him touchy but you would never complain.
“Thank you for tonight, I’ve had a lot of fun.” You smiled up at him, placing a soft kiss to his lips as he turned his head in your direction.
“Of course baby, you know I love to spoil you.” He smiled, his lips meeting yours once again however this time the kiss was heavy and hot.
Adam’s hand raising to grip the back of your head as he pulled you impossibly closer, his tongue trying to find its way into your mouth is what reminded you of your surroundings.
Pulling back you sucked in a breath of air, gazing into his now lust filled eyes you could feel your core throb with the idea of him.
“Take me to the hotel Adam.” You breathed.
Adam had never been so thankful that he’d paid the bill the second you two were done eating, the restaurant allowing you to finish your wine before heading home.
“Yes ma’am” he smirked and soon you two were up and hastily making your way out of the restaurant.
The walk back to the hotel seemed to be half of what it was there, making it back to the hotel in record time he had you two up onto your floor and in your room in no time.
His hands immediately circling around your waist as the door slammed shut, your clutch falling carelessly to the ground as Adam lifted you from the ground.
Wrapping your legs tightly around his waist you kissed him back with just as much force as he kissed you with, hands tangling in his dark hair you tugged slightly at the roots earning you a soft grunt in reply.
He walked you two towards the bed before laying you down on the soft mattress, a whimper escaping from you as he pulled his lips away from yours.
“Adam” you breathed as he began to trail kissed down your body.
“I know baby, I know.” He cooed, lifting one of your legs to his shoulder as he kissed the length of it before slipping your sandal off and doing the same to the other leg.
Dropping your legs he dropped to his knees in front of you, pulling you down the bed by your ankles he rolled your dress up getting a view of your damp panties.
“Fuck Angel.” He groaned at the sight, his fingers making quick work of the spoiled material before he made himself comfortable and dove in licking a trail through your folds.
“Oh fuck.” You cried at the contact, hands immediately slipping into his hair tugging hard as his lips wrapped around your clit.
You moaned loudly as he ate you like a starved man, his tongue tracing shapes and his name over and over until soon his fingers joined.
The addition causing your hips to buck shamelessly against his face, crying out when his nose bumped your clit.
“Adam!” You panted as you felt the band in your lower tummy getting tighter and tighter by the second.
“Can feel you getting close honey, go ahead and come for me pretty girl.” He panted as he pulled back slightly before diving back in.
His movements merciless now, doing his best to help you reach your high, and truly he didn’t have to do much more before your thighs were shaking around his head and a sharp cry filled the space of the hotel room.
You were both panting as he crawled over your body, his face glistening in your release as he dropped down to kiss you.
“I love making you come for me.” He smirked cockily.
“And trust me, I love coming for you.” You giggled.
He shook his head before standing back on his feet and stripping his clothes, helping you stand as he did the same to you.
He kissed you softly as he laid you back down on the bed and came to rest above you on one of his elbows.
“Ready pretty girl?” He asked softly as he ran the tip of his cock through your folds.
You nodded in agreement, mouth dropping open in a silent cry as he pushed inside.
“Fuck” he groaned in your ear, allowing you to get adjusted to his length before he began his movements.
Adam could feel your soft touch travel down his back before soon your nails were digging into his skin as he sped up, sounds of slapping skin mixing with your soft moans filling the room.
“Sound so pretty for me baby.” He praised, lips leaving wet kisses around the skin of your neck and jaw.
You couldn’t think straight through the pleasure, to consumed by the feeling of all things him, the way his lips felt hot against your skin, and how good he took care of your body, his cock never missing that sensitive spot deep inside you.
You were too distracted to notice his hand inching downward until you felt the added pleasure against your clit.
“Adam..fuck.” You heaved, the pleasure becoming overwhelming as you felt your body heating up, that familiar sensation building up fast in your lower stomach for the second time tonight.
“I know baby, can feel you clenching me so tight.” He groaned, burying his head in the crook of your neck as he sped up his movements just a bit.
The change in speed causing a beautiful cry to slip from your lips, your nails raking down his back as your body began to shudder.
Your mouth dropped open in a silent scream as you felt your orgasm wash over you, body arching into his as white clouded the sides of your vision for a moment.
Adam continued his movements as he fucked you through your high, desperately chasing his own that he was right on the edge of.
He came with a hard grunt, his hips stuttering against yours for a moment before he came to a stop, allowing himself a moment to catch his breath before he dropped down beside you and pulled you into him.
He smiled when he felt your lips against his hot skin as you placed kisses on his chest, his hand coming to stroke your damp and now messy hair.
“You did so good baby.” He praised quietly.
“Thank you” you blushed snuggling more into his strong frame.
You two relaxed for a bit longer before Adam was up and helping you towards the bathroom where he started up the shower.
Making sure to take his time, Adam washed your hair before your body, you leaned against him enjoying the feeling of his large hands on you.
You did the same to him, though the hair washing was a bit of a challenge due to his height you two made it work.
Exiting the shower he gave you one of his old Michigan shirts to sleep in while he pulled on clean boxers.
Climbing into bed he pulled you close to him, enjoying the feeling of having you in arms after being away from you all day.
“I love you so much, you know that right?” He spoke up softly.
“I know, and I love you so much more Mo.” you whispered back before snuggling into his warmth and allowing sleep to swallow you.
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swissboyhisch · 3 months
The Littlest Devil
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Pairing: Jack Hughes x Reader
Summary: The team were excited to meet baby Hughes. But you got to surprise the team when they come to visit for the first time.
Word Count: 574
Warnings: Babys and fluff
A/N: Shout out to one of my friends on here! My darling mutual asked for Dad!Jack and here it is.
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With the Devils’ season finished it meant your boyfriend could spend time at home with you and your newborn daughter. The little girl was 2 weeks old, and you had spent the weeks tucked in bed with your mother-in-law waiting on you, hand and foot. You were allowed to leave the bed. If it wasn’t Ellen, it was one of the other girlfriends or wives you were close with from the team. They had supported you well while Jack had been finishing the rest of the season. 
“Are you sure you want the team to come over?” Jack asked for the millionth time as you got dressed in something other than pyjamas. “We can always reschedule if you’re not feeling up to it.”
You rolled your eyes at Jack’s protectiveness but wasn’t surprised. He was holding your baby girl against his bare chest as you changed. He swayed side to side, pressing a kiss to her head. The two of you stand and admire your baby when you finish getting dressed. She looked so much like you but with Jack’s eyes and a hint of curls on her head. Just like her daddy.
“I want to see my niece,” a voice spoke up coming up the stairs. Luke poked his head in and lit up seeing Jack hold his niece. He immediately held out his arms as he closed in on Jack. “Give her here.”
Jack relented after Luke didn’t take no for an answer. He passed Luke the bub before he moved to hug you once more. The man looked into the mirror and admired you, swaying gently so as to not hurt you. 
“I’m out,” Luke chuckles when the two of you hug, taking the bub downstairs to leave you alone for a moment.
The pair of you took a moment to yourself. Jack smiles and twirls you slowly to admire the outfit. Seeing you thrive as a mother was making him love you so much more. The quiet moment between you was broken by the doorbell. You could hear the bell ring through the house.
“Some of your guests are here,” Ellen smiles as she spies you two coming down the stairs.
Jack was so excited to introduce his gorgeous girl to his favourite people in the world. Luke made sure to stay hidden from the team so as to not ruin you and Jack’s moment. Luke passed your little girl back to Jack before going into the lounge room first where the team was gathered. You and your little family took a moment before stepping into the view. 
“Looking hot mama,” Nico grinned, going to hug you. 
“Thanks Cap,” You smile, accepting the hug.
Nico turned to his best friend and awed when he saw your baby up close. She was the perfect mix of the two of you if you ask him. The cute little New Jersey Devils jumpsuit was the perfect outfit to introduce her to the team. 
Jack grinned, passing the babe to Nico, the guy who took him under his wing when he was first drafted, “It’s only fair the captain holds her first.”
“What’s her name? You didn’t tell us,” Dawson asks from his spot on the couch. 
“Nicola,” Jack reveals with a big grin, “Nicola Ellen Hughes. Named after my best friend who took me under his wing when I was drafted first to New Jersey just like him.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras 
@francesfarhadi @cixrosie @dasiysthings @dancerbailey3 @puckmaidens 
@cole-mcward48 @sammiejane22 @rleigh-47 @Devilsandpensfan @luca-fantilli 
@books-hlmc @kajasagmo @poufsouffle21 @linneasblog
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trevuorzegras · 6 months
✿ umich cheer au masterlist ⬚͒ㅤㅤㅤ♪
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ⓘ you can find all parts to this series, here! this will be x reader instead of an oc, however i will be using #wrong time is an inconvenience au tag as a guide. this hashtag is where you can also find all the works for this series. ❤︎
fem!reader x mark estapa
mentions of fem!reader x cole sillinger
mentions of mark estapa x fem!oc
jules leblanc will be my faceclaim throughout this series, however you can imagine whoever you want, as she is just here for media reasons. enjoy!
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⊹ prologue!
One of Umich’s best cheerleaders y/n y/l/n finds out her boyfriend Cole Sillinger has been cheating on her, through instagram. The breakup is extremely public, and messy. Soon enough her bestfriend, Jade drags her to a hockey game, and then a post hockey game party, where she meets Mark Estapa. She instantly feels a connection with him, the two becoming friends easily.
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⊹ chapters!
she was boring (chapter one)
more coming soon . . .
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⊹ blurbs / short imagines!
coming soon . . .
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warnings + extra information!
first and foremost, most things that'll be in this fic are most likely untrue. i will try my best to make things believable, but at the end of the day, it's a fic.
number two, this is mostly going to be a social media fic, as i see that it does the best.
three, this is purely for entertainment, if you have anything negative to say, you can scroll.
IMPORTANT I an oc by the name of jjde winters will be mentioned throughout this series, Jade’s faceclaim is jayden bartels. she will portray readers bestfriend, so don't be confused if you see jayden used throughout the series.
also, cole did not date tate in this series.
excited for this fic, please make sure to check out my navigation, here!
check out my college hockey masterlist, here!
taglist | @wnderify @bunbunbl0gs @alwaysclassyeagle @bunting58 @callsignwidow @crazycat-ladys-blog @hughesfein
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toasttt11 · 24 days
prompt- “did you just put my hoodie in the wash?!” “yeah.” “love, my phone was in there!” 
“Babe!” She called out through their apartment, “Have you seen my phone?” She asked walking into the laundry room seeing Luca pouring the soap in to the washing machine and starting a load of their laundry.
“No.” Luca shook his head haven’t seen her phone, “Did you check your purse?” Luca asked knowing she just got home and there could be a chance she left her phone still in her purse.
“Yeah it’s not in there.” She told him frowning in frustration.
“Where did you have it last?” Luca gently rubbed her back.
“I had it in my hoodie last.” She answered her voice trialing off as she realized where her phone might be, “Did you just put my hoodie in the wash?!” 
“Yeah.” Luca trailed off looking at her confused.
“Love, my phone was in there!” She exclaimed rushing to the washing machine and stopping the cycle immediately.
“Oh shit.” Luca cursed and rushed over to machine helping her find her hoodie thought out all of the soaking wet clothes.
She pulled out her phone sighing when it wouldn’t turn on at all.
“Well you needed a new phone.” Luca awkwardly smiled at her, knowing she was taking about getting a new phone soon so it could’ve been a worse time.
“But i’m still sorry.” Luca softly apologized kissing her cheek softly, he never meant to put her phone in the washing machine.
“It’s okay. I did need a new phone anyways.” She easily accepted his apology knowing Luca would never do that on purpose and her phone was so old and beat up, she was just waiting for a reason to go get a new phone.
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turcott3 · 7 months
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wrapped around your finger
luca fantilli x fem! reader (ft. umich hockey team and gfs!!)
warnings?: cursing, alcohol, unprotected sex (p in v, public sex, spanking, choking (not really but kinda?), hair pulling, happy ending🥳
“are yall ready yet?” rutger yells from the foyer.
“yes one second.” you yell back, deciding against the extra setting spray. it wasn’t hot outside, it’s not like you were going to sweat it off.
“we gotta go, i want a good view.” luca says grabbing his keys out of the bowl and heading outside. you opted to ride with luca since the group had to split but you always found yourself gravitating to him. the two of you had never spent time alone together but you always had a slight attachment to him, better described as a little bitty crush.
“have you looked at the set list yet?” he asked you, who got lucky and sat shotgun. the group was going to see post malone, and everyone was excited to go and get sloshed.
“i haven’t, i’ll check now.” you simply state opening spotify and reading it out to him.
“fuck this is gonna be so good.” he says, excitement lining his tone.
“does this venue id?” tyler asks from the backseat.
“no.” you answer quickly.
“may i ask how you know this?” luca giggles.
“i’ve been before, got absolutely hammered.” you say, reminiscing the last concert you attended.
“sweet, tj you’re off the hook,” he says patting the ginger on the back.
“thank god. they would’ve thought i was a fucking alcoholic buying all of those drinks.” he says, relief practically oozing out of him. you pulled into the venue closely behind your friends in the other car.
“everyone got their shit?” rutger asks and everyone replies ‘yes’ before shutting his trunk and locking the car. you made your way inside the venue, quickly finding a place to sit with a decent view of the stage. you loved that this tour was all outdoor shows considering the temperature in michigan in the summer was perfect. you laid your towel out and sat down, luca sitting his towel right next to yours.
“you’re gonna be my designated concert buddy?” you ask laughing at the position he sat in.
“sure am, we never really spend any time together so i figured this was a perfect opportunity.” he smiles and you giggle in response, keeping your cheeks from turning too red.
“drinks for the lot of ya!” jacob yells in a tacky british accent, approaching the group with tj, multiple beers and seltzers for everyone in hand.
“a seltzer for you of course.” luca says, handing you one of the drinks he grabbed.
“you just know my drinking habits so well don’t you.”
“we’ve been to parties together and how many times have i held your hair while you threw up?”
“it was twice luca.”
“and? i still did it.” he says and you roll your eyes, a smile spreading in your cheeks. it didn’t take too long for the openers to begin their set. you had never heard of them so you talked through it. you spoke with a couple of the guys and their girlfriends, luca talking to adam on the phone, sipping his beer. you couldn’t help but notice that he chose to sit with you, but you didn’t want to overanalyze. you drank and drank some more, without even realizing it. you were already somewhat drunk by the time the openers were finished, which wasn’t your intention.
“hey y/n.” luca asks nudging you.
“are you already drunk?”
“yep sure am, you?”
“a little buzz, nothing too crazy yet.”
“i am fully prepared to be absolutely fucked tonight.“ you reply, his expression becoming more difficult to read.
when post malone’s set finally began, you cracked a tall boy open, shot gunning it as well as you could. when you sucked the can dry you threw it on the ground out of breath, almost instantly feeling more drunk than before.
“luca.” you said, your words dragging out in a slur.
“what is it?” he asks, shoving his phone back in his pocket, his eyes reading drunk. you step closer to the boy, wrapping your arm around his back, singing whatever song was playing. you felt him do the same, his hand resting just above your ass on your hip.
the two of you sang together loudly and obnoxiously.
“can i try that?” you ask about the beer he held.
“yeah here.” he says, watching you intensely as you took a large sip.
“that is disgusting.” you reply, wiping your face with your hand as he chuckles. you leaned your head on his shoulder as you listened to the loud music. once the song ended you looked at yourself in the snapchat camera, makeup still in place just as you hoped. you couldn’t tell if the alcohol was clouding your judgment but you were feeling things. all the touching and flirting that had gone on over the last hour had your mind spinning.
“fuck i need a bathroom. luca come with me, i don’t wanna get kidnapped.” you say with a glimmer in your eye. a smirk grows on the boys face.
“okay, hey guys i’m taking her to the bathroom.” he yells at the group before you drag him off by his wrist.
“what’s got you in a hurry, we’ll still be able to hear it.” he giggles, jogging after you. you find a single stall, family restroom unoccupied. you open the door and pull the brunette inside with you.
“ive been wanting to get you alone all night.” you admit.
“i can’t say i haven’t felt the same way.” he replies, slurring his words. you two were both plastered but you know what they say about drunk words. in an instant, the boy pushes you by your biceps against the cold cinderblock wall, attaching your lips hastily and sloppily. your hands find their way into his hair, gripping at the strands as he swipes his tongue over your lip begging for entry. you swear hours pass by before he backs away.
“you look so fucking sexy tonight y/n.” he smirks as you two find your way to the sink.
“fuck you make me so horny.” you mutter, squeezing your thighs together as he picks you up and places you on the counter. your short skirt gave him easy access to your throbbing core, running fingers over your soaked panties and sucking them clean.
“god you taste so good.” he smirks, reconnecting your lips again, giving you a taste for yourself. he pulls away with hazy eyes, squatting down quickly and pulling your panties to the side.
“oh my fucking god.” you yell at the contact. his tongue twisted your already swollen bud in circles, sucking and rubbing it in a rhythmic fashion.
“fuck.” you say, gripping onto the boys hair as you finished, quicker than you could’ve imagined. he stands back up, his face soaked in your cum.
“you’re fucking incredible.” he says and you grab him by his shirt, which you unbuttoned hastily after you aggressively reattached your lips. he helped you finish the job as he pulled away, unbuttoning his denim shorts and pulling his throbbing cock out as quickly as he could. you stared at his tip as it leaked with precum and the pure size of him. he rubbed himself harder with a few strokes before looking back up at you.
“fuck me luca. please.” you beg and he instantly caves, pushing himself into you, his hands pressed against the mirror as he pushed into you for the first time. you moaned at the sensation. his tip hit the sweet spot buried deep inside you without even trying.
“god.” you moan out and he grunts. he thrusts into you deep and hard as he pounds into you at a decent speed. your moans snapping a high pitch after the first few thrusts. the music was quickly drowned out by the sounds of your yelps in a bathroom with poor acoustics.
“such a good girl taking me like this.” he smirks at you.
“you feel so good, god lu.” you say, your fingers gripping the hair on the back of his head.
“do you think anyone can hear me?” you ask.
“i fucking hope so.” he smirks, sloppily landing his lips back on yours as he stretches you out with every thrust.
“get down and bend over for me pretty girl.” he simply requests and you do so, resting your stomach on the edge of the counter. he pushes your skirt up further.
“look at that ass, god damn.” he says spanking you once before placing a gentle hand on your, now bright red, ass cheek pushing himself back into you. he grabs onto your hips pulling you onto him as he thrusts. your eyes roll into the back of your head with overstimulation, your sweaty hand slapping onto the mirror for better stability. he pounds into you at an unforgiving speed, wanting to get a good climax out of it. he wraps his hand around your hair, pulling you up flush against his chest as he continues his quick thrusts into you, turning you from moaning to practically yelling. gently he wrapped a hand around your throat as you looked in the mirror at the two of you. your mascara now smeared around your eyes, his cheeks red and forehead dotted with beads of sweat from the steamed bathroom.
“look at you, taking me so fucking good huh?” he asks, making eye contact with you in the mirror. he bucks into you sharply, a yelp leaving your mouth in an instant. carefully, he picks you back up, placing you on the counter. you could tell by the speed that he was getting closer, but the fact of the matter was that you were even closer. he pushes back into you easily sliding back in, a sensation you could never get used to. the way he hit your sweet spot was almost more intoxicating than all the alcohol you drank that lead you to this moment.
“fuck luca, i’m gonna come.” you moan, your nails digging harshly into his back, your speech broken up by his spastic and deep thrusts. moments later, you feel your body relax as a knot came undone in your abdomen. he fucked you right through your high into his own climax. spilling his seed deep inside you. he pressed his forehead to your chest as the two of you sat, gasping for air for a few moments. he runs his fingers through the salty mix of your climaxes between your legs attempting to somewhat clean you up, his drunk mind not thinking about the toilet paper that sat on the back of the toilet 2 feet away from you. you grab his hand and suck his fingers clean, surprising him and showing him that you swallowed every drop of the nasty mixture.
“fucking god y/n you’re gorgeous, let me help you down.” he says, tucking himself back in his pants, lending his hands for you to hop off the counter. you pull your panties back over your sensitive core, and tug your skirt down.
“lu, can you help me fix my makeup.” you whine, referring to the black streaks that formed around your eyes.
“yes baby, hold still.” he says, your heart fluttering at the pet name. he licks he thumb, gently wiping away the mess from around your eyes.
“how does that look?” he asks as you turn around.
“good enough.” you giggle turning back around.
“luca your hair. i’m sorry.” you giggle as he smiles, wrapping his strong arms around you.
“i don’t care about my hair.” he says as you press your cheek to the warm skin of his chest.
“we should go back.” you say patting him on the chest.
“yeah they’re probably getting suspicious by now.” he giggles, taking your hand and unlocking the door, seeing a long line outside the bathroom. the two of you chuckle as you jog past the impatient people in line, back to your spot on the lawn.
“you missed like 6 songs, where the fuck were you gu- oh.” rutger started before getting a good look at you two.
“what?” you ask.
“oh nothing.” he giggles, whispering to his girlfriend who he stood next to.
“girl where did you go?” franks girlfriend asks, tugging you away from luca’s side.
“i had to uh-“ you start and then turn around to see luca dapping up his teammates, clearly spilling what had gone on in the bathroom, “we fucked.”
“in the bathroom?” jacob’s girlfriend says interrupting.
“yeah we did.” you smirk.
“well was it at least good?” frank’s girlfriend asks.
“oh my god yes. his dick is so big, i don’t think i would wanna fuck anyone else like ever again.” you giggle with them, your drunkness seeping back into your vocabulary.
“you guys would be cute, i see the vision.” she says stepping back and looking at both of you.
“i think we would be too, not to be vain or anything.” you joke.
“go for it babe, luca doesn’t fuck just to fuck. or at least that’s what jacob’s told me. he fucks to date.” she says nudging you on the arm.
“honestly i probably will go for it, let’s see how this goes, hey lu?” you call out, catching his attention instantly. he walks over, hugging you to his side.
“what’s up?” he asks, his thumb grazing over the fabric of your skirt.
“maybe you guys are right.” you laugh and he appears confused. the two of you enjoy the rest of the concert, hugging onto each other and singing your hearts out for the final few songs.
“everyone’s asleep.” luca giggles as you pulled back into the driveway.
“awe look at them so cute.” you reply.
“are you gonna regret what we did tonight?” he asks, his voice in a whisper.
“not in the slightest.” you say placing a hand on his cheek and connecting your lips softly for a moment.
“you have no idea how badly i wanted to hear you say that.” he smiles as you pull away slightly.
“i can’t let anyone else have that dick or that hair. or just that boy in general.” you say locking eyes with him. instead of replying he reconnects your lips once again, the kiss lingering for a what seems like an eternity. an eternity that you hoped would never come to an end.
“we should wake them up.” you whisper on his lips.
“yeah probably.” he smiles, pecking your lips one last time before waking everyone up to come inside.
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zegrasdrysdale · 7 months
im having a feeling that you don’t write much for this player (because he’s so underrated)
but im desperate for luca fantilli smut
like chain swinging, bruise inducing, dirty, “rough” sex.
maybe it’s ovulation- maybe it’s just me ?
idc i just need him to call me his, claim the fuck out of me 🤝
[ pent up ] l. fantilli
Tumblr media
pairing : Luca Fantilli x fem!reader
summary : after a rough loss, Luca needs to let out some steam
warning(s) : smut ! kinda rough sex, p in v protected sex, oral (m receiving), possessiveness, pet names during sex
author’s note : i also need him to claim the fuck out of me tbh. anon you were so real for that
She sat in her dorm room on campus with her laptop open and homework in front of her as she watched the Michigan boys lose their third game in a row. The horn sounded and she watched all of them basically sulk off the ice. Captain Jacob Truscott sat on the bench for an extra minute as his teammates make their way into the locker room.
It's not like they didn't play a good game tonight. They played well defensively without taking too many penalties, but puck luck was not in their favor as they lost 3 to 1 to Penn State. Several shots rung off the post and she wishes every single time that posts weren't a thing.
(Y/N) pretty sure she almost broke her desk chair every time a puck hit the post. She's surprised that she actually didn't end up breaking her chair. She did break multiple pencils in frustration.
A text comes through about forty minutes after the game ends.
luca ♡ - 10:38 pm can i come to your dorm when i drop my stuff off ? wanna see you
She doesn't say no. She can never say no to Luca Fantilli. He has this thing about him that makes it impossible for her to say no to her boyfriend.
It’s nights like tonight where she’s glad she lives in an on-campus suite with her best friend from home. Luca can come and go as he pleases without disturbing her friend since it’s just the two of them in an apartment-like suite. If he’s not at the hockey house then he’s here with his girlfriend.
She sends her friend a text to let her know that Luca is coming over. Her friend sends her back a ‘🚫👶🏼’ in reply.
Less than a half hour later, there’s a knock on the door of the suite. (Y/N) goes and answers it since she knows it’s Luca. Plus, her room is closest to the door. She’s always answering it.
When she swings the door open, a worn out Luca stands on the other side. He’s in his game day suit and Michigan beanie. He looks exhausted, yet he looks like he needs to let out some frustration at the same time.
“Hi, my love,” she softly says. “I watched the game. You guys should’ve had that.”
Luca just nods and walks past her into her bedroom.
He is definitely not happy with how that game went. He should’ve had a hat trick at least with his half a dozen shots on goal. Either the Penn State goalie had him beat or the post did.
It wasn’t an easy night for any of them. Luca takes loses like this personally.
She shuts the door and follows him into her room. She kicks the door shut behind her and Luca throws his beanie at the wall in frustration.
“It’s games like this where I wish I didn’t play this sport,” he confesses. “Half the time it’s fucking puck luck and the other half of the time it’s skill. It truly pisses me off sometimes. It’s so frustrating.”
Immediately, she’s walking up to him and sitting him on her bed. He looks up at her as she says, “Hockey is just a stupid sport. You get frustrated because you love it. You hate to love it. I understand.”
Luca plays with the hem of her Michigan hockey hoodie. “It just sucks sometimes,” he sighs. “I feel like the worst teammate when I can’t score a goal or set someone up.”
“I know,” she replies as she runs her fingers through his hair. Luca in turn slides his arms up her hoodie and pulls her in close to him so his face his buried in her stomach “Is there anything I can do to help you get out some of that frustration you’re feeling?”
He mumbles an “I don’t know” into her hoodie. It’s a lie though. She knows what he wants. She always knows what he wants after a rough game.
She leans down and presses soft kisses to the top of his head. “Let me take care of you then you can do whatever you want,” she tells him.
Before she knows it, she’s sinking down to her knees in front of him. She lands so hard on the joint that she is afraid she might’ve bruised her knees even though the floors are carpeted.
Oh well. Pain always comes before pleasure anyway.
Luca watches as she unbuckles the belt he’s wearing. She tosses it to the floor with a smile on her face. When he finally realizes what she’s doing, he kicks off his shoes and lifts his butt off the mattress so (Y/N) can get his pants off. The suit pants and boxers come off at the same time because she’s become a pro at undressing her boyfriend.
With a smile and a kiss to his thigh right above his knee, (Y/N) takes Luca’s semi in her hand. He watches her with big eyes as she slowly begins to move her hand to pump him. Soft noises pass Luca’s pretty lips as she slowly pulls him closer to an orgasm.
This usually helps Luca relax. It also sometimes ends with her being unable to walk the next day but it’s a Friday night. There are no classes tomorrow. She doesn’t even have to get out of bed if she doesn’t want to.
She glances up at Luca, whose eyes are watching her every move. She bites her bottom lip for a second before she takes him in her mouth.
Her tongue swirls around the reddening tip of his dick for a second before she put as much of him as she can into her mouth. She sucks for a second before she blows him.
“Fuck,” Luca gasps as she begins to move her head up and down. “So pretty with my dick in your mouth.” She smirks around him and takes him even further. Her hand makes up for what she can’t fit.
Luca’s fingers curl in her hair while she moves her head. One of her hands is on the base of his dick while the other snakes into her shorts so she can get pressure on her core.
Soft whines pass her lips as she uses her own fingers to work herself close to an orgasm. It’s only temporary. Her boyfriend’s fingers will replace hers shortly. She knows Luca can only last so long before he’s pinning her to the mattress.
He pulls her hair back into a makeshift ponytail in his fist. She hums at the feeling as Luca moves her at a pace he likes. He takes his time with her.
One of her fingers slides into her pussy and she whines. A part of her wishes that Luca would just get his hands on her already.
It’s like he can read her mind though because it’s not long after that when he finally speaks up.
“You look so beautiful on your knees for me, baby,” Luca pants. “Need to be inside you though.”
(Y/N) pulls back and licks away a drop of saliva that has started to roll down her chin. “Whatever you want, Luca,” she tells him. “If you need to then use me to let out some of that pent up frustration.”
His bright eyes darken and he pulls her to her feet almost immediately after the last word leaves her lips. He pushes the hoodie off of her body to reveal that she has nothing on under the hoodie except for a pair of shorts and pulls her down onto the mattress. He hovers over her and she can’t help but smile up at him.
Luca leans down and captures her lips in a bruising kiss. She hums and bucks her hips up so she can get some pressure, whatever pressure she can find on her core. He pins her hips down to the mattress for a second before a hand finds its way into her Lululemon shorts and panties.
A groan passes her lips when his fingers run through her folds. “Luca,” she mumbles. “Not tonight. Just fuck me.”
He detaches his lips from hers after a second and finds her neck. He sucks and nips at the skin on her neck right under her ear. She sighs and kisses the swell of his ear. A bright mark will be visible right where he’s nipping at and she truly does not care.
Luca could cover her entire body with marks and she’d happily show them off. She’s never been shy to admit that she is Luca’s girlfriend. Especially when other girls try to talk to him after games or on campus when going to classes.
“Already so wet for me, baby,” Luca mumbles. “This just from sucking me off?”
She nods and hums. “All for you,” she sighs. “I am yours.”
He backs away from her neck and gets on his knees between her legs. She watches as he pulls off his suit jacket and unbutton his shirt. Her eyes land on the gold chain around his neck with the number 63 resting between his collarbones. The chain that she got him last year for his birthday.
She knew he wore it, but she has never seen it on after a game. It’s rare for Luca to wear this specific chain during a game since it was a gift from her for his 21st birthday.
Since it’s on now, she knows it was the chain he wore for the game. It turns her on even more if it’s even possible.
Luca notices that she’s looking and smiles. “Wanted to sport my girl during the game tonight,” he tells her. “Just to have you close.”
His words shoot straight to her core and she pulls him down into a hot kiss. Lips are bitten, tongues are shoved into each other’s mouths. The cool 63 rests against her neck right under her chin. Despite her skin being hot, she shivers.
He peels off her shorts and panties, throwing them to the floor with the rest of their clothes. Luca breaks the kiss to reach into her bedside table to grab a condom. She bites a mark into his chest while he rips open the tiny package with his teeth and slides its content onto himself.
“Ready for me?” he questions as he comes back to hover over her. He lines himself up with her but waits until she gives him an answer. She sucks in her bottom lip and nods. “Need to hear you say it, pretty girl.”
“Fuck me before I do it myself,” is her response. Luca can’t help but laugh. She grows slightly annoyed at the fact that he isn’t blowing her back out and bucks her hips so he slides k to her.
The laughing stops and (Y/N) lets out a soft groan at the familiar stretch of Luca’s dick inside of her. She stares up at Luca and watches the 63 swings lightly in her face.
Luca pushes himself completely into her and lets her adjust to his size. He’s slightly above average, but he’s also kind of thick. It’s a lot to take sometimes and it’s why she can’t walk the next day if it’s too rough.
Right now, she’s hoping he channels all his frustration into fucking her because it’s been a little bit since they have been able to have a moment like this.
“Move, Luca,” she breathes out after a minute. “I’ve been ready for you to move for like ev- oh!”
He pulls nearly out of her before he slams into her. She lets out a loud groan and Luca covers her mouth. “Let’s not wake up your friend, yeah?” he says. “Last thing we need is for her to walk in here and see you begging me to fuck you.”
She nods and Luca uncovers her mouth. He very slowly but very deeply moves into her. Her mouth falls open and she lets her legs fall apart for him. The swinging chain moves the quicker he moves.
In a spur of the moment decision, (Y/N) leans up and softly bites the chain. Luca smiles and shakes his head before he picks up the pace.
The bed begins to creak beneath them but that doesn’t stop them. Luca’s mouth is on one of her breasts while his hand rests on the other one. She gasps when she feels him bite a mark into the skin.
“Mine,” he mumbles. “All mine.”
“All yours,” she confirms. “All yours to do whatever you want- fuck!”
Luca slams into her at the same time he reaches down between them to get his fingers on her clit. She cries out in pleasure before Luca pulls out of her. She whines at the loss of contact.
Then he turns her onto her belly and pulls her hips up to meet his. She sighs happily when he fills her up again. “Whatever I want,” he repeats into her ear. “On your knees, pretty girl. Wanna see how you look while I fuck you on your knees.”
With his help, (Y/N) rises to her knees with him still in her. He wraps an arm around her waist and lightly wraps a hand around her throat. He doesn’t put any pressure but fucks up into her. Her head falls onto his shoulder. Luca kisses her cheek.
“Such a good girl,” he praises. “Letting me do what I want with you.”
She whines in agreement as his fingers find her clit. She sighs, “Luca. Please.”
“Please what, baby,” he asks against her ear.
A sudden knot forms in the pit of her stomach. Her legs begin to shake. “Wanna come,” she pants.
Luca kisses the swell of her ear and cups one of her breasts with his free hand. “Go ahead and come,” he tells her. “I’m not that far behind you.”
It’s not long after that when she’s clenching around his dick. She cries out his name as she comes. All she wants to do is fall onto her stomach but Luca is holding her up.
She sees stars as her vision goes white. She’s pretty sure she has never come this hard in her life, but that’s the affect Luca has on her. She also realizes that she doesn’t mind being fucked on her knees. That’s a conclusion she comes to while out of it.
When she comes down from her high, she’s sprawled out on her belly. Luca is wiping her leg down with a warm rag and is leaving soft kisses on her back. “Sorry if that was too much,” he mumbles. “I just needed to let out some frustration.”
“It’s okay,” she replies. “I liked it. It wasn’t bad. Got some new marks to show off.”
Luca laughs and throws the cloth somewhere on the floor before he covers them up with the blankets on her bed. She cuddles up against her boyfriend and lays her cheek on his chest.
“You’re okay though?” she questions as she looks up at him. “I know you were upset about the loss so I just want to double check to make sure you’re okay.”
He nods and brushes her hair out of her face. “Yeah, I’m okay,” he tells her. “Frustration and anger come with the sport. The last thing I want to do is take either out on you.”
“The only time you’re ever allowed to take frustration out on me is when you’re fucking me,” she warns him. “Lay a hand on me and your ass is on the curb.”
Luca smiles. “Yes, ma’am.”
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goldfades · 10 months
Paloma went with Adam to the pick drop and was so excited to see her Uncle Lu.
yes!!! paloma’s other fav is def luca. she LOVES uncle lu 🥹🫶🏼
when they used to live together paloma would sometimes refuse to sleep in her room and only sleep in luca’s. that was probs the hardest thing for paloma when they moved from mich -> ohio just because she loves luca SO MUCH. he’s def her favorite/comfort person (other than adam ofc)
but when she met cece she’s ofc drawn to her more and then luca gets a little jelly 😭
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