Explore tagged Tumblr posts
Remember those new releases on my YouTube channel I was gonna reveal soon?
Well, here you go~!
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1b072d0e2fafc98f5e0c8cd674d94fae/c3506f2d19389049-e0/s540x810/19869bda03baa6e562807f646f7cea1442c1e856.jpg)
Consider checking my YouTube channel out if you're interested~!
Here is a fast way to do so - https://www.youtube.com/@Lu-Zijing/community
(The sketches are from Monkie Kid (LMK) and Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF), the two shows the videos are about-! The bow is a raw sketch of my logo, though the character holding it is also canonically using a bow!)
#lmk#lego monkie kid#monkie kid#sun wukong#fanart#art#lmk fanart#monkey king#sketches#digital art#macaque#lmk macaque#monkie kid macaque#six eared macaque#lmk mk#mk fanart#mk lego monkie kid#mk#monkie kid mei#lmk mei#mei#red string of fate#tian guan ci fu#天官赐福#lu紫晶#lu zijing#the amethyst archer#tgcf#edits#my edits
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Here are some more I like!
Jay Chou/周杰倫
The King of Mandopop!
I have a huge crush on their lead singer Sheng Hao. Look at this guy
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0ba4561f5edff2a5151f098ebdea2b35/cd5e41fc1fcb4721-dd/s540x810/f7a5e6e6b5e0048bca24dd17eb809c0c99a7dfdf.jpg)
Young Drug/回春丹
I just found out about Matzka last night. It’s Taiwanese Reggae and the members are all Indigenous from the Paiwan tribe. I’m obsessed. I’m about to listen to this all day.
So as I understand it this is actually a competition TV show from last summer with multiple nine-member girl groups competing? But some of these groups have had some bops. The groups are
Here’s a Spotify playlist of Next Girlz songs if you’re into C-Pop girl groups
You should also know about:
Power Station/動力火車
They’re indigenous- from the Paiwan tribe!
She’s indigenous- of Amis descent!
Eric Chou/周興哲
Crowd Lu/盧廣仲
Spotlight on Taiwanese Artists
I’ve wanted to make this post for a long time.
If you’ve been considering broadening your musical horizons, think about trying these, MY top 4 (admittedly #basic) Taiwanese artists. I was going to do a top 5, but actually I love these four so much more than anyone else, they’re in a tier of their own.
1. Jolin Tsai/蔡依林
This lady is like the Britney Spears of Taiwan, a gay icon, a fashion icon, and absolutely GORGEOUS. Known as the “Queen of C-Pop”, she’s been around forever and I hope she doesn’t go anywhere!
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1517906eaa49c1c327d57e2834e30ca7/b9f5bc51a5343e57-8a/s540x810/34f8333b0c20792e649f2d945ad22cfd303c239f.jpg)
Recommended Songs: She has recorded 210 songs and I can’t even BEGIN to choose the best ones. But I’ll try; here are some hits:
I’d also recommend the video for that one ^^
2. Accusefive/告五人
These guys are hot on the scene right now and I’m obsessed! They’re relatively new (formed in 2017) and all over the place. They will even be performing at midnight at Taipei’s massive 2024 New Year’s party, which is kind of a huge honor. I actually really love how catchy their songs are and the way they keep it simple and use repetition. I also live for the way the male and female singers’ voices blend!
Recommended Songs:
3. EggPlantEgg/茄子蛋
These guys are great. They’re on hiatus as of 2022 but they’ve got some great indie stuff in Hokkien/Minnan/Taiwanese. They’re actually hugely responsible for the resurgence in “T-Pop” in Taiwan!
Recommended Songs:
4. Mayday/五月天
I don’t know this for a fact but this has GOT to be Taiwan’s most famous band. They’ve been around forever. I really don’t know what to say about them, everyone just knows them. They’ve toured all over the world, have broken countless records, and have influenced entire genres of music in the Chinese-speaking world.
Recommended Songs:
lmao I’ve hit the Audio Limit actually but You Get It
#I saw most of these people last night ehehehe#there’s more! I should make a playlist maybe idk#music#Taiwan#Spotify
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【羅開新聞中心 葉怡君桃園採訪報導】台灣地區運動賽事獎金最高-兩百二十萬美金的「2018裙襬搖搖LPGA台灣錦標賽」,於風和日麗的桃園市的大溪高爾夫俱樂部展開第一天賽事��英格蘭選手Jodi Ewart Shadoff(茱蒂•尤爾特•夏多芙)抓下七鳥,交出無柏忌的六十五桿佳績,在第一天賽事領先眾女將。韓國選手Haeji Kang(姜海智)及美國好手Nelly Korda(奈莉•柯達),雙雙以六十七桿緊追其後。 延續上週在Buick LPGA Shanghai(別克LPGA錦標賽)第三回合擊出一桿進洞的手氣,夏多芙對於今天的表現感到滿意,她說:「比較長的球道,確實適合我的打法,雖然這裡的果嶺不大,但我今天打出不少靠近球洞的好球,同時推桿也有一定的水準,幫助我暫居領先位置。」 台灣選手以徐薇淩的表現最佳,在第六洞抓下一頭老鷹,殺進領先群,以低於標準四桿的六十八桿,與前世界第一柳簫然(So Yeon Ryu)、去年的韓巡獎金后李晶恩(Jeong Eun Lee)、泰國選手Moriya Jutanugarn(莫莉雅•茱塔努岡)並列第四。 對於第四年征戰LPGA巡迴賽的表現,徐薇淩說:「雖然今年成績是有起伏,但很滿意已經擁有擠進每場賽事前十甚至前五名的能力,同時也期待明天會有好天氣,持續有穩定的表現。」 今天擊出高於標準兩桿的七十四桿,旅日台灣一姊盧曉晴對失誤過多的表現並不滿意。盧曉晴說:「日巡賽球場的草紋和大溪球場的不大相同,今天有些短推沒有掌握好,希望明天比賽能修正這些缺點,交出好成績。」 今年顯著進步的侯羽薔,全場搶下四個博蒂、兩柏忌,以總成績低標兩桿的七十桿,是台灣表現最佳的業餘選手。對於今天的表現,侯羽薔表示:「賽前並沒有多想成績,但今天的好表現感到非常開心,後面三天的比賽會持續努力!」 主辦單位特別為賽事當周過生日的球員慶生,包括李美林(Mirim Lee)、Ally McDonald(艾莉•麥當勞)、Megan Khang(康梅根)及台灣業餘小將盧昕妤(Hsin-Yu Lu)。大會不僅送上典型裙襬搖搖特色的粉色紫色相間杯子蛋糕,更有贊助商「迷克夏」提供嚴選的台灣茶葉禮盒,為她們今年的生日增添特別的回憶。 盧昕妤為日前TLPGA巡迴賽-建大輪胎盃冠軍,比賽結束後接受採訪,表示目前狀況還不錯,覺得很興奮、也很榮幸能獲得裙襬搖搖基金會的推薦參加比賽。 第一天比賽球場豔陽高照,雖然是上班日,吸引眾多觀眾進場觀賽。裙襬搖搖高爾夫基金會會長王政松及執行長邱鳳玉帶著女兒,一起到球場替選手加油。 為鼓勵觀眾進場支持選手,主辦單位舉辦了「18洞集章禮活動」,只要成功與十八個球洞專屬插畫合影,集滿插畫印章,即可於現場兌換超實用福袋一只,包括防曬噴霧、濕紙巾、零食等,每日的數量有限,送完為止! 更多賽事訊息請上官網查詢http://www.sslpgataiwan.com/?ocale=tw; 歡迎球迷利用ibon平台購票,或於比賽當日至球場購買,購票詳情請瀏覽 http://www.sslpgataiwan.com/pages/tickets。 門票全數收入扣除行政成本後,將全數捐做普悠瑪事故的急難救助之用,歡迎球迷進場支持喜愛的選手,也為在普悠碼事故中受到影響的同胞加油。一連四天精采賽事,將於每日十二點到四點於民視無線台、民視新聞台、Hami Video、中華電信MOD同步轉播。
文章來源:羅開Golf 頻道
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趙麗穎最近成為了Dior的中國區宣傳大使,她還和Angelababy、劉嘉玲一起為品牌拍攝了一段關於"love"的英文宣傳片。其中有一句"what would you do for love?",3個人的英文發音沒有對比就沒有傷害,引起了網友的熱議。不過橘子君不是想討論他們的口語,而是我在搜"趙麗穎 英文"的時候,發現了趙麗穎的英文名!拼了老半天,不知道怎麼讀,Zanilia不止橘子君不知道,趙麗穎剛起這個英文名的時候,也愁壞了。在微博上調侃"砸你倆"?為了起一個不和別人重名,又跟自己名字貼合的英文名,也是煞費苦心了...最後還是百度給了我答案,音譯可以讀成"詹妮麗兒"。哈哈哈不會讀的可不就變成"砸你倆"了嘛...Zanilia的這個名字,使用率還挺高呢。2016年東方衞視跨年的海報上,中文名旁邊就寫的這個英文名。之前趙麗穎���騰訊微博,也用的這個名字。看完趙麗穎的英文名,橘子君又非常好奇的去搜了其他明星的。你還別說,"砸你倆"竟然不是最奇怪的,有一些還真的不知道要怎麼讀。先說幾個大家比較熟悉的...李宇春叫Chris Lee楊幂叫Mini用了"幂"字的諧音。mini,米妮也是迷你,小巧的意思。古力娜紮叫Gulnazar感覺讀起來很像歪果仁讀中文,有沒有?和古力娜紮差不多的,還有迪麗熱巴,她叫Dilraba是不是很像?據說這是維語的讀法,迪麗熱巴的全名其實叫"迪麗熱巴·迪力木拉提",她的英文全名是"Dilraba Dilmurat"大S叫Barbie HsuHsu是英文"徐"的姓氏,Barbie是"芭比"的諧音,就是芭比娃娃的寓意。但是Barbie又有烤肉架,燒烤野餐的意思。真是名字裡都透著吃貨的feel~小s叫Elephant Dee沒錯就是大象elephant。其實她英文名是Dee,但她超愛大象的,於是就把大象加在了名字裡,手腕上也有大象的紋身~說到拿動物起名,橘子君還想到了葛天,她叫PanDa,大熊貓。因為叫了國寶的名字,還鬧過烏龍,大熊貓假懷孕的時候,好多人以為是她...梁靜茹也是動物名,她叫"Fish"因為"茹"的廣東話發音很像魚,所以...唐嫣的英文名是Tiffany Tang一聽Tiffany就想到夢幻的蒂芙尼藍,美糖糖的英文名也和她本人一樣,滿滿少女感~劉詩詩叫Cecilia Liu譯成中文是"塞西莉亞",這個名字是由拉丁文來的。在拉丁文裡,雖然"塞西莉亞"有盲人的意思。但取做人名時,寓意是漂亮、溫柔的名流貴婦,樸素平淡的女子腳踏實地、心地善良。也有人說它是天空的意思,寓意和平寧靜,享受生活。真的非常適合劉詩詩啦~這麼好的寓意,用這個英文名的人也很多。張柏芝也叫Cecilia還有韓雪劉亦菲叫Crystal Liu是水晶的意思,如水晶般閃燿透明~南韓女星也有一個"水晶",就是鄭秀晶啦,不過她的英文名是Krystal,劉亦菲是Crystal。關曉彤叫Traey Miley這個名字橘子君是真的不會念...百度也找不到這兩個單詞的意思,用翻譯一搜,出來的結果就是"關曉彤"。李小璐的英文名叫"Jacqueline Lulu"也是相當長、相當難念的名字了,譯成中文是"傑奎琳"。楊穎是Angelababy這個不用說大家也知道啦,英文名比中文名使用頻率要高多了。叫Angela的還有不少,比如王詩齡啊...張韶涵啊...還有超級女聲安又琪↓很多時候我們都簡稱Angelababy叫"baby",可你們知道英文名真的叫"baby"的人是誰嗎?當當當,就是張含韻啦!其實她剛出道的時候,不叫baby的,叫Kristy。不知道甚麼時候改了,現在百度百科顯示的名字就是baby了。孫儷叫Sun Li孫儷的英文名其實有很多歌版本,但現在官方顯示的就是"Sun Li"這個的名字。美版《甄嬛傳》播出的時候,就把孫儷的名字寫錯了,寫成了"Betty Sun",一點都不符合娘娘的霸氣。當時孫儷的宣傳澄清,應該是Susan才對。好啦,看完女明星的,咱們來看看男明星。王俊凱叫Karry和楊幂一樣,取了"凱"字的一個諧音。這個名字最開始是出現在TF公司的自制網劇《男生學院自習室》中,王俊凱飾演一個美國來的轉學生,英文名叫Karry。今年他18歲的成人禮,主題就叫"karry on"。易烊千璽叫Jackson Yee從很小的時候,他就叫這個名字了,Jackson的應援都做到國外了。《放開我北鼻》裡的周嘉誠也叫Jackson,大J小J的會晤~還有王嘉爾,英文名也是Jackson和jackson有異曲同工的,是張傑的英文名,Jason,傑森王源叫Roy橘子君依稀記得,很久之前他好像說過這個名字的來历,是公司給他們找了一堆英文名,然後他從中挑選的。roy和肉是諧音,一看就是小吃貨了!同時royal也有皇家的,高貴的意思,是小王子沒錯了。不過網上也有人說,是因為他有一條褲子上有Roy這個英文單詞,所以才叫這個名字...感覺這也太扯了,求小湯圓給橘子君科普!張藝興叫Laylay還有產卵、下蛋的意思,所以正因為這個英文名,粉絲給他起了一個外號,叫蛋蛋。其實exo成員的英文名,都沒甚麼大的含義,起名字很隨意的,因為他們有個隨意的大boss李秀滿。他是個取名小能手,特喜歡給公司的孩子們起名。exo隊長金俊勉,叫SUHO,"守護"的諧音,因為隊長是要守護EXO的人。金鐘仁叫Kai,中文是"開",就是打開門的意思。同是SM的鄭允浩英文名叫"u-know",有必要懷疑是秀滿boss的作品了...還有黃子韜就叫Tao,鹿晗就叫Lu Han...其實鹿晗學生時代也有過一個英文名的,叫Aries,白羊座。因為鹿晗自己就是白羊座的,所以就直接叫星座的英文了,也是相當隨意...賈乃亮的英文名是Jerry總讓我想起Tom and Jerry(貓和老鼠)...這麼搞笑的名字,還是改過好幾次的,據說賈乃亮剛出道的時候叫Happy,哈哈哈後來改成了Smile...也不知道有甚麼不一樣~為甜馨捏一把汗,還好她的英文名不叫Sweet...而是Jelena。林更新叫Kenny不知道為啥,感覺有點萌萌的,和他糙老爺們的想象有點不符~香港演員關智斌也叫Kenny~羅志祥叫Show想不通這個名字的來历,估計是寓意為舞臺而生,哈哈哈為橘子君點贊。吳磊叫LEO侯明昊叫NEO黎明叫Leon跟吳磊的有點像~陳坤叫Aloys你們會讀嗎?反正我不會...據說這是個德文名呢~其實大部分明星的英文名橘子君都不會念的。方大同叫Khalil看著就拗口啊有木有,不是粉絲肯定讀不明白。張一山叫Zray也是超難念的一個詞,Z...ara?陳小春叫Jordan熊梓淇叫Dylan來,你們念一下試試?哈哈哈舌頭都打結了吧?還有很多男明星沒有英文名的,比如李易峰就叫Yifeng Li,楊洋就叫YangYang除了上面提到的這些人,還有我們非常熟悉的Jay周傑倫、G.E.M鄧紫棋、Eason陳奕迅...眾所周知咱們就不多說啦!當然,叫英文曡字的也很多,比如JJ林俊傑,Gigi梁詠琪,Coco李玟...HAHA本橘...在網上看過一個段子,中國人起英文名叫Apple、Cherry、Angela...是非常常見的,但其實在外國人眼裡,就跟他們起的中文名叫"葫蘆娃"一樣2333...突然發現起一個好聽的英文名好難!最後一句你們覺得誰的名字最搞笑?
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New Releases coming on my YouTube Channel soon ~ !
There will be both Monkie Kid and Heaven Official's Blessing - 天官赐福 content on my channel next month!
Consider checking it out!! I'm counting on releasing my Debut Video for Heaven Official's Blessing first, so if you're interested in it, consider hanging around-!
Lu Zijing - Lu 紫晶 - The Amethyst Archer
#lmk#lego monkie kid#monkie kid#yt#youtube#theamethystarcher#luzijing#lu紫晶#天官赐福#heaven official's blessing#tian guan ci fu#videos#amv#edit#editvideo#my edit#tgcf#tgcf edit#tgcf amv#lmk edit#heaven official's blessing amv#heaven official's blessing edit
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New Name-! 新名字!
I will be changing my (user)name to Lu Zǐjīng! Also written as: Lu'紫晶
The Lu is taken from LUmarnis, and Zǐ jīng/紫晶 is Chinese for Amethyst - Taken from my Channel name~! The AMETHYST Archer and my love for Chinese Culture/language!
Short said: It's a mix of both Lumarnis and the Amethyst Archer
It's not because I'm not called or using Lumarnis anymore, I'm just making it overly complicated for everyone because I like Chinese and having multiple different names for different purposes- heheheheheheee:3:3:3
*Ahem——* In other words:
My Channel name is: The Amethyst Archer
My full name (and perhaps a more formal name) is: Lumarnis
My (nick/call)name is: Lu Zǐjīng紫晶 - Also written as Lu'紫晶 or Lu Zǐjīng
Lu'紫晶 is what I would use in most conversations, especially with friends/people I'm close or familiar with.
As I guess it would be annoying to write Chinese characters all the time in a conversation if you don't have a Chinese keyboard, and I don't even know if you can write the different tones (Pinyin) EVEN on a Chinese keyboard.. I mean I guess pinyin was made so that people from the West could read the characters easier, so why would a Chinese keyboard have it?
I have written it as Lu Zijing in most cases anyhow. It's easier for me too
It's fine to call me that! Maybe even just Lu or Zijing too!
Please note that Chinese names work a little differently than Western ones. If we took this as a real name: Lu would be my surname and Zijing would be my Given/front name.
And then, I Thank You for reading this far-! —— Until next time ~ !
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Hello and welcome~!!
I'm Lu 紫晶! ~ "Lu Zijing"!
My Channel/Blog is known as "THE AMETHYST ARCHER"
YouTube is my main platform - but Tumblr comes next. You can find me there, on TwitterX, and on Instagram as well.
TUMBLR: Here I mostly post drawings, discussions, and whatever, whenever I feel like it. And is just more active for reblogs and chatting.
YOUTUBE: On YouTube, I'm trying a more persistent release schedule. With specific dates for releases. Read more about that on the community side on my YouTube.
INSTAGRAM: Only drawings and finished products are posted here. Short said It's a more organized place for many of my drawings.
TWITTERX: I'm not that active here, but when I am, it's mostly for discussions, thoughts, and comments.
Links to all social media are found in this post.
I LOVE Cats. Drawing them, petting them, looking at my cat--
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE drawing Chinese Dragons, Wings, and yeah, Cats. Under normal circumstances, I would not turn down a request including some of those in any way.
I DO WRITE AS WELL. I am working on a oneshot right now, but haven't released anything yet.
I LOVE DANMEI and just Asian especially Ancient Chinese Culture.
And ehhhh, for the last one, I'm From the North. of what? Well, you will have to guess.
I hope You will or am enjoying my content! Be sure to leave a reaction to let me know if you did~! But only if you did!
PLEASE NOTE that I use a lot of content and designs that are not mine, but are fanart and likewise.
And DO NOT ever take any art or content and repost it somewhere, without permission or credit. No matter if it is written on the post or not.
Please report any who might repost my art without giving credit,
Status: Active
/ Currently focusing mostly on Bungou Stray Dogs (BSD)
Hashtags to quickly find categories of my stuff will be added soon. Including them will be some of these:
#LUZijing'sARt #LUZjing'sFAnart #LUZjing'sRAmbles
Relevant LINKS and INFO:
About Me and My Channel
Different names - The story behind them: N/A
What to call me?
My Social Media
My Art - Last updated on the 25th of February
Flaming Cat
A Night Full Of Stars
Lunar New Year of the Dragon
Lunar New Year of the Dragon without text
BSD FanArt - Last updated on the 30th of July
Nakahara Chuuya digital Screenshot Redraw + drawing process
Dazai Sketch "I went a bit wild with the colors in the darker nuances"
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAZAI OSAMU!!! (19th of June 2024)
SOUKOKU Age 15 Manga Cover Redraw INCLUDING Speedpaint
Carnival ride/carousel
BSD Discussion - Last updated on the 16th of August
They are sold in Magazines??! Gorgeous Official art!!
So this IS official art, after all, My thoughts, Soukoku
Official Art Outfits/Clothes Appreciation Post!! LIKE DAMN-!!!!
Fitzgerald DOES speak Japanese, but...
A Reblog: Chuuya WASN'T happy when Dazai left -that IS clear- but it's not like he was a sobbing mess for months either
So... BSD CHAPTER 117—!!!!!!!
A Reblog: Is Amenogozen truly killing people?
Official art parallels between SSKK and SKK..!!!!
Is this Official art or not?? SSK
BSD CHAPTER 119 - what is going on Fyodorrrr-!??
Dazai's bandages..?
LMK FanArt - Last updated on the 31st of July
Color Shift: Wukong and Macaque
Color Shift: Red Son and Mei
Sun Wukong Design
Macaque Design
My Fancomic: Forgotten Memories - Not started yet
MK doodles on paper
Wukong and Macaque on paper
Yin and Yang, Shadow and Light
Sun Wukong - ATTACK!
An exercise in perspective with the Golden staff
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sketch
The Demon Bull King, Sketch
MK, the Monkie Kid, Sketch
Descendant of the White Dragon Horse - Mei, Sketch
Expansion of "Descendant of the White Dragon Horse - Mei, Sketch"
MINI-COMIC: With SWK and MK - "What.....?" "...What...?"
POV: Realization came. Or you could just call it smug Wukong~
Quick Analog Sketch of SWK
Mo the Cat (Screenshot Redraw)
Color Shift: MK and Wukong
LMK Discussion - Last updated on the 28th of May
A Reblog: How many layers of ‘glamour’ does Macaque have?
A Reblog: What if it is his clones?
S5 Trailer: Is that The Black Tortoise of the North MK is attacking?
Crossover FanArt - Last updated on the 2nd of May
A kinda crossover.. New releases from my YT channel with sketches from both TGCF and LMK
Other/Reblogs - Last updated on the 29th of July
Go watch Heaven Official's Blessing - 天官赐福, It's good :D
BSD: A book about how to live, a book about how to die - AMAZING detail-!
WRITING TIP: An Injury doesn't always need to be accurate in fiction
Fandoms on YouTube so far -
The Owl House (TOH)
Tangled The Series (TTS)
LEGO Ninjago
LEGO Monkie Kid (LMK)
Heaven Official's Blessing - 天官赐福 / Tian Guan Ci Fu (TGCF)
Bungou Stray Dogs - 文豪ストレイドッグス (BSD)
Content on YouTube so far -
Lyric Video
Humor Video
MEP Part's
#The amethyst archer#Youtube#Amv#lego monkie kid#lmk#the owl house#toh#editvideo#my edit#art#ninjago#oc art#Digital art#MusicVideo#Theory#Edit#tts#luzijing#Lu Zijing#紫晶#Lu'紫晶#myart#edit#theory#analysis#humorvideo#video#editing#editor#jttw
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