#ltm fanart
clintbeifong · 1 year
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ohmuqueen · 2 months
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crualex-de-vil · 2 years
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Ahhhhhh Lobalore love is in the air, happy Feb 1st 💞
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tarikasan · 11 months
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Such A Great Man, But why he's look shorty?
I guess he's FINE.
⚡ Another fanart 🔥 Large man's
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anj-does-stuff · 2 years
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Part 2/5 of my SHINee project! This time, it's Taemin!
25-30h of my life are gone but it was worth it
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kil9 · 3 years
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shinee x cringe t-shirts doodling
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5tar-light · 6 years
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intaekai · 7 years
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Hello everyone~ I welcome you to #TaekaiTuesday ! Starting 11/7/2017 It would be really nice if you joined ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡ [PLS REBLOG TO SPREAD]
*started by @/taekaibible on twt
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neverthere123 · 7 years
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kikithedeceiver · 6 years
Are you going to translate kagerou daze last chapter? I can’t wait
Well...okay. I’m gonna be honest with the Kagepro Fandom here.
It is not likely Iwill post the RAW manga for the fandom anymore
I will get the manga, yes. But at this point, I don’t evenwant to contribute anything to do fandom to help with access to officialcontents.
It was a very hard decision to make, but with how theKagepro fandom is acting today, I have decided I will not post the Kagepro RAWson Tumblr anymore, and will remove all RAWs I have scanned once I get thesubscription.
TL; DR: At thispoint, the fandom is too toxic, therefore I have no more desire to provide themanga chapters even though there is only one chapter left. Sorry to those whowere not involved in this, but screw it with the antis who now run the fandomand hope you’re happy.
Also still shipKanoKido and don’t see HibiMomo as a “pedophilia ship”
Listen. Back when I joined the fandom, it was a simplertime. Yobanashi Deceive came out, followed by Lost Time Memory and Ayano’sTheory of Happiness shortly after. Those days were simple as we all cried overKano and Ayano, and think of the potential plot LTM revealed as we all waited forMekakucity Actors to come out. We also had awesome contents on translatorstranslating some fancomics (with permission) and a good amount of fanfics andfanarts provided by the fans in this fandom.  
Of course, we had some discourse over which was better:KanoKido or KanoAya; and over Shounen Brave’s MV being leaked online. And wehad major discourse over how MCA went, but in the end it’s just agree todisagree and move on to focus to other medias Kagerou Project was released in,or just move away from the series in general.
Right now with the fandom, however, they cannot agree ordisagree over ships. Majority of the fandom anyway. Today the fandom…other fandoms really, just love to throwthe word ‘incest’ and ‘pedophilia’ left and right with ease and spread theirflames in their posts, tags and replies. In everything, really. Even when theyposted official art, they feel the need to scream in their tag to tell usshippers to fuck off and die for shipping what they think is ‘incest’. I also knowthere are those who are disgusted over my display picture of Kano and Kidokissing, which an old friend of mine edited when that episode of MCA aired(won’t reveal name because I don’t want you to attack them). And even feelgross out over the pic in my blog of Kano petting Kido’s kitty ears.
I want to ask, how can the antis who claim Kano and Kido aresiblings, can see petting as sexual? You could have chosen to see it as abrother petting his sister’s kitty ears because it is cute and fun to tease herfor that, but no. Just because Kano and Kido are alone within a picture…or apanel frame really, you guys choose to view it as a romantic relationshipinstead of a sibling relationship, getting angry over it and spreading hate.
Ironic for antis who claim Kano & Kido are siblings, butjust seeing them together doing something makes you think it’s romantic anyway.
What’s more. Age gaps. Ever since another discourse over ships happened when my friend tried to makepeace with shippers (and sadly failed and upset over it when you guys flamedher), I have heard of this thing called “Half your age + Seven” to dictate whoto date with, and what is appropriately shippable, like HibiMomo. Honestly thispost have the best response over it, but I will quote the replyhere.
so a 16 year old can’tdate a 14 year old? so an 18 year old can’t date a 16 year old? so a 40 yearold can’t date a 27 year old? a math expression should not be the regulation ondating ages…
and if it’s shippingwho tf cares? not hurting anybody because they all fictional…
To be honest, this reminds me of Dead Poet Society. Ifanyone had seen the film, maybe you recall a scene where poetry is calculatedby math as well. This is that level of stupidity. The fandom today is doingsomething what could be considered excrement on what is acceptable over whatis fiction and bringing that over to reality. The reality where your parents,grandparents, classmates or anyone you know also have age gaps, and that reallyyou are more upset over fictional characters dating instead of real-life issuesof incest and pedophilia.
Other than that little discourse fiasco, there are otherthings, but I will not go into detail. Instead just says this tiny fandom justfeels too entitled with their belief and doing uncalled for things likebackstabbing and limiting others to enjoy supporting the fandom in their ownway. Also to let the antis go free by just sit by and watch. I understand thosewho are just tired and don’t want to deal with them. But for those who actuallyenable the antis to do what they want because you guys just don’t care, youguys are part of the guilty party as well by letting them grow and think it’sa-okay to be like this.
With that being said, I do not feel the need to post thefinal chapter anymore. You guys will have to figure it out yourselves or justwait and hear bits and pieces of it maybe. But I don’t even want to post what Iknow. Instead I will just share those RAWs with who I am friends with and whomI trust, plus those who are more mature because instead of flaming, they justlet others enjoy what they ship and do their own things.
The chapters being taken down will also remove myself as aRAW provider to the fandom, which I am thankful because I do not need to dothis anymore, as I, again, I hate scanning and always believe I would get intotrouble.
I know there are those, like my friends and mutuals I havehere on Tumblr, who wanted to read the manga since they do not have access tothem where they live. I am sorry for doing this to them too, but it just isn’tworth it in the end.
Instead, I will spend my remaining days in the fandom asjust someone who hears bits and pieces of Kagepro fandom here and there while Iam enjoying myself more in another fandom or doing other things I enjoy inlife, instead of spreading hate when someone doesn’t agree with you. I willstill look forward to Jin’s next album and when Mekakucity Reload to come out, andalso I might finish my KanoKido Oneshot requests and multichapter stories Iwanted to finish, but that will take a longtime since I’m planning to focus other writing instead.
But what I look forward to the most is when the series’ end,so then it can be put to rest for real and I can officially leave and let thefandom to slowly die. Might hear some things, but it will be a dying fandom atthat point.
The asks are still open for yelling. But it will just provea point. But right now, I believe I have blocked a lot of anti, which goes toshow how toxic this fandom has become. If I do get any asks/anon hate though,feel free to blacklist #discourse and #negativity, dear followers. Tumblralways had that option at least, you guys just need to use it when you’re onthe app without xKit. Also I will just answer those asks once, then block them afterwards (if you’re sending an ask through anon, you’re IP blocked).
If you guys read this whole thing (over 2 pages at thispoint), then I thank you for reading this. And more so if you understand what Iam doing. Sorry to those who are upset over this, but not to the antis who areupset and possibly raging if they read this.
Because with antis running the fandom, I want no part in itby providing them the last manga content.
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tallphonse · 8 years
📺 & 🌴
📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows?1) FMA (how shocking)2) Steven Universe3) Lie to Me4) Voltron: Legendary Defenders5) Adventure Time
🌴 - A island you would visit?Cuba! It’s my father’s home country :))
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fuckyeahkagepro · 6 years
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Kagerou Project fandom history / KageDaze Recap - #1 Wannyanpuu’s Fan Designs x Outer Science Parallels and etc.
subjects in order of appearances (from left to right): [Jin’s Hibiya initially debuted Sept. 30, 2011, in Kagerou Days.] [some songs were already made/debuted before this.] [Hiyori did not yet have an official design.] [Wannyanpuu’s short haired Hiyori design came first, and was fanmade by them for the KageDaze fan pv.] [* Jin (series creator) then asks Wannyanpuu to join his team.]
a) Wannyanpuu's Hibiya - December 17, 2011 [KageDaze fan pv] b) Jin's Hibiya - Children Record / "Opening Song" for Kagepro [2012] c+d) Wannyanpuu’s short-haired Hiyori fanarts by Wannyanpuu e) Wannyanpuu's short haired bob haircut Hiyori, just around and before “Shirori” appears at the end of Wannyanpuu’s pv. f) Shiro Hiyori = ‘Shirori’ is a fandom name ("Shiro" = 'white') [meaning the white/shadowy hue she has as a ‘Kagerou’ / ‘Heat Haze’] g) Wannyanpuu’s Hibiya+Hiyori as good friends (fanart by Wannyanpuu) h) Jin’s Hibiya+Hiyori as childhood friends [Outer Science pv, towards end] i) Wannyanpuu's Hibiya just before "Kageoru[!Hibiya]" waves "[bye]" [after Hiyori dies by truck, and Hibiya fades to black] j) Jin's Hibiya just before "Saeru" (in the form of Kuro!Konoha) waves "[bye]" [Outer Science, debuted Aug. 31st 2013] [as Hibiya dies by truck/Saeru]
Kagerou(s) and Hibi+Hiyo being friends outside of pv/post-pv:
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[^ art by Wannyanpuu, the group/OT4?]
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(it was a supposed happy ending post-pv verse, but .... ?) [art by Shidu/Sidu] [* note: Shidu (later Sidu) not much later then created/designed Konoha (+Kuro!Konoha?)]
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[^“Kagerou”!Hibiya, waving “bye”] (from the fan pv)
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 (”Saeru” having taken the form of Konoha [Outer Science])
(previously in Children Record/Lost Time Memory known as Kuro!Konoha or simply a “dark!Konoha” by the fandom, [including Japanese fandom, so not just english fandom] before that, then became “Saeru” as we know him now (”Clearing Eyes”) * plot-wise in LTM though he is essentially “Saeru”, we just didn’t know for sure * back then, anyway... also note this is Music Route Lost Time Memory * not novels route, not manga route, not Mekakucity Actors anime route) (also note: the framing and placement of Hibiya’s hand reaching out, above.)
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(... yeah)
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(Wannyanpuu’s alternative designs for their fan pv/fanmade Hibiya and Hiyori.)
(* these are around from pre-Konoha no Sekai Jijou.) (* note the “14″ and “15″′s) (* also, a long haired Wannyanpuu Hiyori near right.) (* also note the dates of these sketches in regards to debut dates.)
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Wannyanpuu went on to design Mary and not much later, Momo. Wannyanpuu also went on to create the pvs/music videos for “Imagination Forest” / “Fantasy Forest” [feb. 03, 2012], “Konoha no Sekai Jijou” / “Konoha’s State of the World” [with Sidu], “Kisaragi Attention” [may 27, 2012], and “Otsukimi Recital” [july 02, 2013, some time later on].
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Konoha was initially designed by Sidu as a girl. [note her fandom name is “Beta Konoha”] she was apparently changed to a boy Konoha because they thought Kagepro had too many girls at the time, so it was to balance out the cast. (* note Headphone Actor already existed before this, however!) (hi Actor...) Sidu since went on to create pvs/music videos for: - Konoha’s State of the World [March 30, 2012]
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[*Hiyori’s now-official design debuts here.] [* Hibiya begins to sacrifice himself for Hiyori, while Konoha tries to save them / Hibiya particularly.] and...: - Toumei Answer [May 30, 2012] (*movie/art by Wannyanpuu) [* Ayano’s debut, with Shintaro’s design, pre-Mekakushi Trio info] [* from Mekakucity Days album] [in between, “- in a daze” (novel 1) releases the same day.] [* however, translations were lacking for quite a while, along with other novels.] - Children Record [July 31, 2012] (”Opening” for “Kagerou Project”) [in between, “A Headphone Actor” (novel 2) releases on Sept. 29, 2012] - Lost Time Memory [March 29, 2013] (* during this music video, Shintaro selflessly saves Saeru [as “Kuroha”]/Konoha [??] from suicide. Various routes happen here.) - Yobanashi Deceive [Feb. 17, 2013] [* Kano’s pv debuts] [by Sidu] [* he is one of the last main characters to get a pv in this time frame.] [* Fem!Kano as a design / personality also debuts here. (Yes, she is canon.)] then: - Ayano’s Theory of Happiness / Ayano no Koufuku Riron [April 22, 2013] [in between, “The Children Reason” (novel 3) releases on May 30, 2013] - Yuukei Yesterday [Aug. 04, 2013] [in between, “The Missing Children” (novel 4) releases Aug. 30, 2013] [* literally the very day before Outer Science, below.] [* Saeru takes over Konoha’s form for the first time here, killing Konoha.] - * Outer Science [Aug. 31, 2013] [Saeru takes over Konoha here] [* and then kills ... everyone. along with Hibiya. (above.)] (* please remember novel translations were very hard to come by during this entire time, and the english fandom had to rely on rather vague summaries.) now / present day, long after all that (and more novels, manga, MCA): - “Saeru” (Snake of Clearing Eyes) is FINALLY getting a backstory (?!) (BONUS:)
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... KageHibi ? [official art by Wannyanpuu] (... among other psuedo-‘Kage+Hibi’ arts.) (... no comment on another certain Hibiya ship from this era.) ( I DON’T MAKE THE RULES )
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tarikasan · 1 year
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⚡ Another fanart 🔥 Large man's 💙 Man
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ohmuqueen · 3 years
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5tar-light · 6 years
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Taemin - MOVE, 1 hour study
art blog
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