#lt workshop
starz8loves · 2 years
BLAAAAZE!! 🔥🔥 This hair 😍
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Blood Gifts: Lieutenant Mira By Cristi Balanescu.
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drunkcodicier · 1 year
Free April fools idea GW is too coward to use:
Primaris lieutenant army of renown: you may compose your army only of unique primaris lt. models following the rule of 3 and transports. Named characters get their chapter buffs.
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
Ghost is shocked by your immunity to being tased.
I received an ask from an anon for this story. Unfortunately, either Tumblr ate it, or I accidentally deleted it; I can’t be sure because I trust neither of us. Gladly, I remember the gist of it. I hope that anon sees it. (Sorry, anon, and thank you for the ask.)
You push open the workshop door, and notice a curated display of taser gear spread across the table for today’s training session. Ghost, your lieutenant and trainer for the day, occupies a corner, busy with extracting all sorts of stuff—taser guns, pulses, stun batons—from bags and placing them on the table. He catches the sound of your entrance and turns halfway to face you.
“You’re early,” he mutters under his breath.
“I just couldn’t wait, Lieutenant,” you reply sarcastically.
He huffs. “We’ll see about that once training’s over.”
You approach the table, and look at the equipment. You reach out and grasp a taser gun. It looks exactly like a pistol but bulkier and has yellow elements to distinguish it from firearms.
“Could you please remind me how this baby works?” you ask.
He turns his entire body towards you and contemplates your question. Although the training session is just half an hour away, and he doesn’t technically need to explain anything, you’re his weak spot. So he leaves the gear in the bag, walks towards you, and begins to give you a detailed explanation.
It almost feels like a private session, but you have ulterior motives—you’ve already been through a similar class in the past and are eager to skip this one. Despite your repeated attempts to convey this to Ghost, he remained adamant that this course would be a refresher for you and, thus, necessary.
“Once you have a clear shot, you press the trigger.” He concludes.
“Like this?” you ask, directing the taser towards your right foot and squeezing the trigger. It stings, but your previous training has taught you how to get used to the feeling and handle the pain better. Or at least make it look that way.
Your poor lieutenant stands speechless as he looks at the now-fired taser gun. He slowly looks down, where his shocked eyes trace the two wires extending from the device, connecting to your foot.
“What the fuck did you do?” he shouts, gesturing towards your leg.
“Jeez, Lt., you seem stunned,” you comment.
“Are you having a laugh, soldier?” He scolds you with as much authority as he has left from what he just experienced. He drops to the ground, working to remove the wires from your foot. He stands up, alternating his gaze between the device and your leg. Finally, he turns to you.
“How come you’re not in pain?” he asks, confused.
You shrug, unaffected, and pick up another taser from the table. “Maybe the first one was defective; let’s give this one a go,” you suggest, aiming at your other foot and firing.
“Are you out of your mind, Y/N?” he screams in a high-pitched voice and kneels again to retrieve the second taser from your foot.
“Come on, Lt., it’s not as bad as it seems!” You reassure him with a grin, seizing a third taser from the table. This time, you point it at Ghost’s leg. “Wanna see?”
He lifts his knee and gathers his arms close to his body. He looks like a pitcher, ready to throw the ball in a baseball match.
“No, no, thank you very much”, he protests.
“Sure?” You ask and aim at his other leg on the ground.
“Absolutely certain, you maniac,” he says, switching legs. “How far are you willing to go to skip this class?!”
“Not too far,” you reply with a smile, “as far as these two wires go when they get propelled from the taser gun.”
“Cut it out!”
To his relief, the rest of the team enters the room, and Ghost instantly transitions into his authoritative persona. He places both feet on the ground, protrudes his chest, and places both hands on his waist. He clears his throat.
“Take your positions, everyone,” he commands, “everyone except for you, Y/N.”
“Why am I excluded, Lieutenant?” you ask with a pout and a playful wink. “Is it because I’m unfazed?”
“Nah, soldier,” he replies and walks behind you to tidy the wires from the already-shot taser guns, “it’s because you’re a live wire—always keeping me on my toes.”
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maitanii · 11 months
an: i don’t know how to write fanfics of x reader, it’s not really my thing. but i had fun writing this. so enjoy <3 i listened a lot to the 1975 while i was writing this and i didn’t know what to put as a title. this is just me loving inui seishu.
cw: bonten timeline (this takes place in 2013) | Implicit sexual content | toxic relationship (not the main one) | alcohol consumption (both reader and Inui drink a beer)
wc: 6k
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"I'm looking for a job."
"Thanks, but no."
"I’ve seen the sign you have at the entrance and the job offer on LinkedIn."
The young man's eyes never leave the car magazine he's leafing through disinterestedly throughout the entire conversation. A pen is gracefully held behind his ear, and a grease stain adorns his pale cheek.
"Can I at least talk to your boss?" You put your hands on your hips. The man lets out a deep sigh before forcefully closing the magazine's pages. He raises his gaze to meet your eyes and forces the most insincere smile he can muster. In his green pupils, there's nothing but annoyance.
"Of course."
With heavy movements, he takes two steps with his long legs and elegantly opens the flip phone on the counter. After a few moments of awkward silence, another phone rings in the room. You search for the object producing the sound. When the phone's beep stops, a toilet flushes. The small wooden door behind the counter swings wide open, revealing a massive figure zipping up his pants.
"Seishu, damn it, you don't even let me go to the bathroom," The blonde man laughs, sarcastic, before returning to his serious expression. "Sorry, boss." He shrugs, raising his thumb and pointing at your figure, standing in front of him. "This girl here says she's looking for a job."
You look the sturdy man up and down who stands before you. You swallow hard as you examine the tattoos that decorate the side of his head.
Draken raises an eyebrow, looking at Inui, who leans on his arms at the counter, amusedly watching the scene. The tall young man with the tattooed skull returns the girl's gaze before extending his hand.
"I'm Ryuguji Ken," shaking his hand back, you pronounce your own name. "So you're here for the job offer... Do you know anything about motorcycles?"
"Not exactly. My father was a big enthusiast. But I learn quickly and make good coffee."
Inui continues to look at you with a poker face. Did you really come to apply for a job at a motorcycle shop without knowing anything about the subject? What's next, studying international relations and trying to build a bridge?
"Oh, I see," Draken says, touching his chin with two fingers, looking thoughtfully at the ceiling. "You're young, pretty, and you seem nice. You might attract some customers and be of help to us. You're hired. You start tomorrow."
"Yes!" Your exclamation only emphasizes the vein that protrudes on the blonde man's pale forehead.
Inui looks at Draken in disbelief.
"How is she supposed to help in the workshop if she knows nothing about motorcycles, Draken?"
"I put up the sign at the entrance because I needed someone at the counter, not to have another mechanic," Seishu tightens his lips and closes his eyelids. "Besides, if she needs help, you're always here in case something comes up, Inupi. It'll do you good to have some company to improve your social skills."
The tension in the room thickens as Inui grudgingly accepts Draken's decision, though he remains skeptical about the new addition to their team. With a deep sigh, he shifts his attention back to the tools in his toolbox, muttering something under his breath.
On the other hand, you do your best to conceal your excitement and nerves. You are determined to prove your worth, despite your limited knowledge of motorcycles. In truth, you don't care much about the specifics of the job; it's all about paying the bills for your apartment. Even though your mom insists on helping, it's too much for her. Several cafes rejected your job applications due to your refusal to accept exploitation or wear specific uniforms. That's why having a job just 20 minutes away from your house, with a consistent schedule and no split work shifts, feels like a great opportunity.
You are more than ready to embrace this new chapter in your life at D&D MOTORS, at least for the next few months until you earn your degree and sort out some other aspects of your life.
The one who isn't willing to embrace the concept of working with someone else is Inui Seishu. As you stand there, happily texting your mom about the new job, you can't shake the feeling that there's more to him than meets the eye.
Inui Seishu is the typical man who hates Twilight. You haven't asked him, but you know it. It's not like you have the opportunity to exchange more than two words with him. Every time you try to ask him something, you get a 'uh-huh' or a 'look it up on the computer' as a response. The only moments when you have more chances to talk to him are when you make a mistake in naming a part of the order or point something out. Then, Inui's sermons, as cold and abrupt as he is, echo off the walls of the shop. Later, Draken arrives to tell you it's not a big deal and gives you a pat on the back.
Even though you have only been here for two weeks, you have already gotten used to the penetrating smell of burnt oil and gasoline at D&D MOTORS. Your mother isn't exactly thrilled about you working in such an environment, especially with the rise of gangs in Tokyo, but she can't complain much if that job helps you pay the rent. Every day you look at the calendar, hoping to get to the final exams of your degree and say goodbye to Tokyo to return to your hometown.
“My co-workers are not dangerous, Mom, I promise. I have to go in. Love you,” you close your phone and open the heavy glass doors of the shop.
Draken is looking at the day's schedule, and Inui is starting to set up his toolbox next to the radio he uses to play some music during work time. The doorbell rings when you enter, catching Draken's and Inui's attention.
“Good morning. You are a bit late today. Everything okay on the way here?” Draken comments as he continues to write things in the notebook. A few days ago, you mentioned that you don't live in a good area of the city, but it's what you can afford. Inui, at his boss's words, lifts his gaze and finally greets you with a nod. His expression remains as serious as ever.
“Hello,” you reply with a smile, trying to appear as relaxed as possible. “Yes, my mother called, and I couldn’t hang up sooner. Sorry,” you make a slight bow. Draken laughs lightly.
“No worries, woman. I arrived a couple of minutes ago. Inui is always the first to arrive.”
“I just like to get up early,” the blonde says without much emotion.
Draken approaches you, leaving the counter.
“Today, we have a couple of customers waiting for us to take a look at their bikes. You know how it works. Inui inspects, and you write down what he tells you, understood? I have to handle several orders, so I'll be at the counter for today.”
“Understood,” you nod as you hang your coat on the rack. You are determined to show that you can be a valuable worker. Draken pats your shoulder before turning to Inui.
“Inui, you know the drill. Today, you're in charge of the initial inspection. I trust you'll do a good job with Eiichiro. He really likes your way of working.'” Inui nods without saying a word.
Both of them go to their respective tasks, and you prepare to assist your colleague in the inspection.
The discomfort in the air is palpable. You can't quite understand what part of your personality Inui finds displeasing. But you are at work to work, not to make friends, so you have to swallow your colleague's attitude without complaint. After all, the pay is generous, you don't have split shifts, and Ryuguji (or Draken, as he has asked you to call him on the third day) is a great guy.
When the first customer arrives, you watch carefully the meticulousness and attention to detail with which Inui works. It's evident that he has outstanding technical skills. You begin to take notes of his observations, trying to learn as much as possible.
You can't help but be acutely aware of the silence that envelops the workshop. The client goes away to run some errands while the revision is being done, and Draken is nowhere to be seen. Inui's work seems almost unnaturally quiet except for the occasional sound of 'hum' or 'pass me the screwdriver,' amplifying the awkwardness of the situation." . Every move appears as if it's part of a silent ballet. He almost looks bored, if it weren't for the light reflecting in his eyes. Eyes that look at you from time to time discreetly, as if waiting for you to make a mistake. You almost feel like a child waiting to be grounded. The absence of chatter or the usual workshop sounds adds to the discomfort, making you feel like an intruder in this world of expertise.
With a notepad in hand, you begin to take notes of your observations, the sound of the pen scratching against the paper echoing in the quiet space. You have already familiarized yourself with the brake locations and even sketched a few diagrams detailing the engine parts. But in the hushed environment, you can't shake the feeling of unease, like an outsider trying to blend into a world where silence reigns, and every movement holds a weighty significance.
Whenever you think you have identified a possible issue, your eyes meet Inui's unwavering gaze. Although he doesn't speak a word, his discreet look seems to silently pass judgment on you. After a few minutes of inspection, you cautiously venture to ask a question. "Could it be an issue with the engine's synchronization?" you ask. Inui nods slightly, but his expression remains unflinching. Soon, he redirects his attention back to the motorcycle.
You decide to delve deeper into your theory. "Perhaps it’s a blocked exhaust valve," you mention, tilting your head, hoping for a response or a sign of confirmation. Once again, Inui nods with a minimal gesture, without saying a word. He stands up while removing his gloves and shakes them against his pants. You close your eyes as you watch him smear grease on the fabric. That stain won't come off easily, not even completely.
As if he was a mind reader, Inui speaks for the first time in ten minutes. "I don't come to the workshop to stay clean. The dirtier my uniform is, the harder I've worked in a day," he says. You nod at his words, although you don't entirely agree with his statement.
"Oh, of course, it makes sense,". It doesn't make much sense, but who are you to contradict someone who seems to have no thoughts behind their gaze?
Back when you still lived with your mother and came home after a night out, you tried to make as little noise as possible to avoid disturbing her. In those moments, you felt the same way, measuring your words and avoiding causing any disruption. The lack of conversation and the absence of the usual workshop sounds only make the situation more uncomfortable.
Tearing the page where you’ve been taking notes from the notebook, you leave it on the seat of the inspected motorcycle, and then follow Inui through the workshop. Appearing submissive is something you hate; but working with someone who makes you feel like a burden with every step is even worse.
“Hey, Inui”
“Am I bothering you?”
“Right now? Not much.” Inui grabs a denim jacket from the rack and drapes it over his shoulders. Draken looks at him from the counter, raising an eyebrow. ” I need to step out for a moment.” You watch how he touches the pocket of his jacket, probably making sure he has the pack of cigarettes he always carries around “I  won't be out long. If Eiichiro comes back, you take care of it.” Nodding towards you, Inui proceeds to leave the premises. It has started drizzling not long ago. 
You follow his figure with your gaze, observing how his hair sways gracefully with each step his military boots take.
“This guy... “ Draken's voice breaks the silence with a comment that is more for himself than for you.
“He's peculiar. “ you add.
“He's really damn weird.” Both of you laugh at his comment “But he's a very good person and a great friend. He didn't have an easy adolescence when it comes to making friends.” As he pronounces the last word, he gestures with his hands as if making quotation marks. “Give him time, you'll get along well.”
The conversation with Draken continued for a few more minutes. The rain began to intensify. Eiichiro should have arrived a while ago, and Inui hadn't arrived either.
"Inupi didn't have an umbrella, did he?" Draken asks. You shake your head. "Here, take one for him. He's probably in the alley on the other street, having a smoke, and he can't come out in this downpour. I'd go, but I'm waiting for a call. If Eiichiro comes, I'll let him know to wait for a moment."
Taking the umbrella that Draken hands you and another for yourself from the umbrella stand, you nod and start walking to the location. It must be a frequent spot for him to know where he is with such assurance.
As you approach the alley, you hear hushed whispers beneath the sound of falling raindrops. Suddenly, laughter fills the air. You clutch the umbrella you're holding tightly and press the other one close to your chest.
"Inui, I brought you an—"
The words you were about to speak are left unspoken. The scene unfolding before your eyes is hard to comprehend. Seishu's back is visible in the darkness of the alley, but the hands gripping his scalp and exploring his back under his jacket are unmistakable.
When you were taking a step back to return the way you came, both figures become aware of the sound and turn around. Seishu raises his eyebrows, and your gaze instinctively goes to his swollen lips. In an instant, you cast a glance at his companion. You couldn't see his features clearly, but slanted eyes and white hair greet you in the darkness.
"...umbrella. Return carefully."
Dropping the umbrella to the ground, you run back to the workshop. Embarrassment starts to course through your body, and your cheeks begin to burn. Suddenly, laughter begins to bubble up, and when you arrive at the workshop, you close the door and bend over your stomach, laughing.
Draken is just finishing his call when he sees you walk in the door. Hearing your laughter, a smile spreads across his face. The redness doesn't leave your cheeks, just like the feeling of embarrassment that penetrates your mind.
"He..." You still haven't caught your breath enough to articulate a word properly. "He was..." Opening your mouth to laugh again, you raise your hands to start clapping your fingers together, mimicking two people kissing.
Your boss laughs again.
"Oh, so you've met Kokonoi."
Approaching the counter to pick up your water bottle and take a sip, you heard the door beginning to open.
"Now," your coworker's voice made you jump, "now you're really bothering me."
Inui Seishu's lip balm has the scent of vanilla although his mouth carries the taste of tobacco. Kokonoi loves the former, but he detests the latter. However, whenever he sees Seishu, he doesn't waste much time before capturing his lips, entwining his fingers in his long blonde hair. He is the one who gives him that lip balm; the same one that Akane carries in her school case whenever they go to the library. This brings him closer to understanding what it would be like to kiss her.
But he's sure that Inui Akane wouldn’t have hands as big and calloused. Nor such a broad back. Nor the prominent Adam's apple in his throat. That's why closing his eyes and kissing Seishu is the simplest way to live out his fantasies
"I have a business trip tomorrow. I'm going to Hong Kong for a couple of weeks."
Oh, that's great," Inui replies, his attention still on his phone. The screen congratulates him for completing another Candy Crush level when he presses the lock button. "Are you going with the Haitani brothers?"
"No." Kokonoi's coat costs more than the entire D&D MOTORS shop and the rent of all the buildings in his neighborhood. Seishu watches closely as Hajime adjusts the collar of his shirt, covering any possible marks decorating the smooth skin of his neck. Any mark that brings him thoughts of Seishu; any mark that reminds him that it doesn't belong to Akane." "I'm going alone. I'll leave you money for the taxi and for another shampoo."
"Yes." Turning towards him, Kokonoi approaches his body lying on the bed and grabs a strand of hair. 
"I don't like the scent of the one you use. It's too strong."
"Ah." Seishu moves his hand aside to sit up on the bed. He takes his white T-shirt from the end of the bed and starts to get dressed. "Lately, my hair has been falling out quite a bit. Draken told me this one would help, but it's true the scent doesn't suit me much."
"Certainly not." Checking the time once again, Hajime gives a final look to the hotel room before approaching the door. "Goodbye Inupi, take care."
The sound of the closing door echoes within the four walls. A sigh escapes Seishu's lips. The king-size bed, covered with high-quality Egyptian cotton sheets, is too big for one person. Surrounded by fluffy pillows, he sat on the mattress and watched the flat-screen TV mounted on the wall. He could take the opportunity to watch "House of Cars" and entertain himself. He had asked for the day off from Draken, so he wasn't in a hurry to go back anywhere. Although, in his day-to-day life, he never really rushed for anything. He didn't even have to go back anywhere.
He decided to lie back down and rested his forearm against his forehead. The distant sounds of the city served as a lullaby; Koko always chose hotels away from the crowd. He had time to stay in the room until six, and it was only four. He considered taking a nap but opted to check his mobile phone again. He had an unread message from Draken.
"Look at what you're missing out on," he smiled upon seeing the photo that accompanied the text. It's a blurry picture of a plate of Takoyaki and some fingers with silver rings peering in the lower corner of the photograph. You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to know that the low-quality jewelry belonged to you. Tomorrow you would come complaining that your fingers were turning green. He would take the opportunity to call you Hulk, and you would get angry and say, "are you implying that I'm a monster?"
Seishu laughs before locking his phone and closing his eyes, sinking deeper into the tranquil cocoon of the luxurious hotel room. Outside, the city's lights began to twinkle as evening settled in. 
There are good days and bad days. Today was one of the latter kind. 
The guy you had been seeing had been leaving your messages on read for three days. It's not like you had grown too attached, but he provided some company outside of friendship. On the other hand, you had continuous arguments with his family for the most absurd reasons. Your roommate thought it was a good idea to finish your cereal box without asking and to constantly bring her boyfriend into the common areas of the house. To top it off, you got your period before leaving home. You felt like a matchstick being dragged across the box, destined to turn into white phosphorus at some point.
When your umbrella wouldn't close at the entrance of D & D MOTORS, and you arrived fifteen minutes late (with wet hair and socks) for your shift, the last thing you wanted to deal with was your coworker's comments.
Draken had to go on a business trip to pick up some parts in Osaka and was going to take the opportunity to see some old friends. Considering the time he spent at work, you were sure he could use some time away. However, this also meant more time with Seishu. And that didn't excite you much. He had been quite irritating lately. You had heard Draken talking about a fight with his boyfriend (or whatever their relationship was). You didn't care much about people's sex lives, except when it directly affected you. Whatever was going on with Inui, he was taking it out on you at work. So the best thing that could happen to him today was to keep quiet until the clock struck six, without sermons, sharp comments, or unnecessary sarcasm.
“Christmas is approaching, have you thought about asking Santa for a watch?”
“What?” The vein on your forehead starts to throb.
“I’m asking you if you've thought about being on time for once. Draken should start deducting hours from your contract.” 
When his words meet silence, Inui places the wrench he was holding on the floor. He turns his body to face yours. His green eyes inspect you from head to toe with an indifferent look. Instinctively, you cover your stomach with your hands. Has he noticed that you look more bloated today? Without saying a word, he turns his head and goes back to his business.
“Are you going to start working now?” he asks.
You don't know if it's the stress, the piercing pain in your lower back, or the bad weather. But the tears in your eyes start to burn more and more.
“What have I done to make you treat me like crap?” The words flow from your throat before your brain can process them.”If you want, I can talk to Draken and ask him to switch my shift. But I don't deserve to be treated like this.”
“Like what? Look, I don't understand what's wrong with you today.”
“It's not today, Inui, it's every day” Tears began to roll down your cheeks. Damn it, you didn't want to cry today. At least not in front of anyone. “I don't expect us to be friends, but lately, it seems like you hate me, and I don't want that either.”
Seishu looks puzzled as you bring your hands to your eyes and try to wipe away the tears before they fall from your cheeks. How badly had he behaved? He wasn't the most careful person when speaking; his parents always nudged him when he was opening Christmas presents to make him put on a better face. Words kept coming out of your mouth, but Inui had stopped listening to you a few minutes ago, thinking about the interactions of the past week and measuring the words of what he was going to say next.
“I don't hate you. Not at all. I had a fight with someone important to me, and it affected my behavior. I'm sorry.” Bowing slightly, Inui prays that this will be enough to stop your tears.
“...and you're always so obsessed with me being a few minutes late; are you that obsessed with the time?” Your eyes remain hidden behind your hands, which continue to wipe away the salty drops endlessly pouring from your eyes.
He clicks his tongue and straightens up at the same time. With all the gentleness that his calloused hands allow, he delicately grabs your forearms to separate them from your body.
“Hey, did you hear me?” Moving away abruptly, you bring your arms to your chest protectively ”I don't hate you, okay?” He continues speaking. “To be honest, I'm just like that. I thought you knew” You raise an eyebrow at his words, sniffing the mucus generated by your tears with your nose.
“Did you think I found you that unpleasant?”
“No, I didn't mean that” He laughs lightly, putting a hand in one of his pants pockets, and handing you a tissue. His laughter is a very pleasant sound. “I'm not the most expressive person, I guess. I don't know, I'm a bit reserved. I don't usually express things the way I should. But I don't hate you, not at all. I haven't stopped to think about how I made you feel with my words, to be honest.”
Your reddened eyes meet his. For the first time, you notice that there is no boredom in his gaze. Just genuine concern. Despite your anger and frustration, something in the way he looks at you makes you lower your guard a bit.
“Well, that's a start, I guess” You murmur, feeling the tension slowly subside and bringing the tissue you had taken from Inupi to your nose. Inui nods as if he agrees with you. He seems uncomfortable, but he's willing to try to resolve the situation.
“I'll pay more attention to how I act, I promise.” You smile at his words.
“I've never heard you laugh” The poker face disappears from his face. The slightest blush decorates his cheeks. “I like your laugh, Inui.”
“Of course you like my laugh, you sound like a newborn piglet when you’re laughing” A mischievous smile appears on his face.
“Take that back!” Grabbing a cloth from the seat of a motorcycle, you start whipping his shoulder. Laughter begins to resonate in the shop as his Adams apple moves with every sound.  “Good thing you have a boyfriend, because you're terrible with women.”
Taking the piece of fabric from your hands, Inui Seishu stands in front of you with an eyebrow raised. For the first time, you are aware of how tall he is. Despite his soft features, he has a very masculine jaw. Your eyes instantly shift to your hands, where you hold the other end of the cloth tightly.
“I don't think I'm bad with women in any sense. You can ask one of my ex-girlfriends if you want tho.”
The rainy days are the least crowded in the store. Only half an hour left before closing time, and it didn't look like any customers were going to walk in through the door. In the fridge, there were a couple of beers that Draken had bought for the Friday night shifts.
"You're going to laugh at me." The glass of the Asahi bottle was freezing the tips of your fingers. Inui had taken the last Kirin.
“Oh, believe me, I don't need to know your favorite movie to laugh at you. You give me plenty of reasons already.”
“I know, but I know you, and you're going to annoy me day and night.” 
“It's Twilight, isn't it?” Silence fills the room before a deep laugh erupts from his chest. The sound quickens the pace of your heartbeat. It’s too pleasant, too familiar. If death were to knock on your door at that moment and offer you the chance to hear something for the last time, you would choose to hear Inui's laughter.
“Yes” You answer without thinking, with a smile on your face and a blush spreading across your cheeks. Your favourite movie isn’t Twilight, you don’t even like vampires. It was probably a 2000s sitcom or some Adam Sandler comedy. But you were still enchanted by the mischievous smile Inui fixed on you.
“Kokonoi has always hated Twilight” When he spoke those words, Seishu fixed his gaze ahead. He never talks about him. And you don’t really want to know.  You observe how  a sad smile makes its way in Inui’s face. 
“And you don't?” You ask, giving him a light nudge in the torso.
“I love it” In response, your body turned automatically, your mouth opening in surprise.
“NO WAY” Now it’s your turn to laugh. Inui's eyes fixated on the dimple that occasionally appears on the right side of your face. He likes it (the dimple and your laugh).
“Draken and I went to watch Breaking Dawn Part Two at the cinema last year. Some girls invited us for a drink after the movie. It was fun.”
“Oh well, you use it as a flirting technique” You roll your eyes. A strange knot forms in your stomach as you speak those words “That doesn't count.”
“Pf, I don't need to say I like Twilight to flirt. Just covering this up with a bit of concealer is enough” His fingers pointed to the red mark that covered a quarter of his face.
Your eyebrows furrow at his words, and a wave of questions and emotions fill your mind. Why would someone as attractive as Inui feel the need to hide a birthmark?
“Why would you do that? You have a beautiful face.”
A lopsided smile appears on Inui's lips before he took a sip from his beer bottle. You can be as blunt as him when you want. (He also likes that)
“You're very kind. Try telling me that when we're not drinking” he says while flicking your forehead with his free hand.
“Inupi, are you laughing at me?” Grabbing his cheeks between your hands, you gently squeeze his face between the sleeves of your sweater. “You have an enviable face. You don't have to be ashamed of a birthmark.”
“It's not a birthmark” Setting the beer aside, the young man grabs your wrist and rolls up the sleeve of your sweater on your forearm to let your fingers touch his forehead.
Feeling the wrinkled skin under your fingers, you shiver. It indeed wasn’t a birthmark; it was a scar. So Inui decides it’s time to tell you everything. The fire, Akane, Kokonoi, Shinichiro, his adolescence. Throughout the monologue, your hand continues to caress his head, alternating between his forehead and some strands of his hair. (He appreciates that). His voice didn't waver at any point. It almost sounded like a rehearsed speech, bordering on robotic.
Evoking pity is disgusting. Just remembering how his family's friends acted after the fire makes him angry. The looks they gave when they discovered the mark beneath the bandage, the whispers when they left his sister's room, the loneliness of his parents. Everyone went to say goodbye to Akane, but no one stayed with the Inui family. Except Koko.
"And at what point in your story do heels come into play?" Your voice disrupts his thoughts. He notices your hand is no longer on his head. Sitting on the floor, imitating his posture, your pinky timidly caresses the back of his hand. A shy smile decorating your face, inviting him to speak more. "When did you start liking heels?"
He was never a cheerful child, but he was a child who loved to laugh. Akane always tried by all means to erase the poker face from his expression, and most of the time, she succeeded.
At some point during his speech, his pinky ends up entwined with yours.
The day Inui Seishu cuts ties with Kokonoi Hajime, the workshop is swamped with tasks. Christmas is in two days and people want to be able to travel with their bikes. Draken never stops answering calls, and you attend to customers, jotting down the problems they describe and directing them on where to park their motorcycles for Inui to inspect later.
It's not traumatic, and no tears are shed. It's expected by both parties. They haven't slept together for weeks. Inui is always straightforward with his words, and that day is no exception. Koko chuckles and affectionately caresses his cheek. His white hair is tied in a braid, and a diamond adorns his right ear.
"One less Christmas gift to buy, huh?" A mischievous smile spreads across his face."Take care, Inupi. You always know where to find me."
A light drizzle falls over Tokyo. Upon entering, Inui fixes his gaze on the scene unfolding before him. The last customer has just left the shop when you place a Christmas hat on Draken's head. He's smiling as he bends down slightly. Seishu closes his umbrella and approaches the counter. Your eyes meet his, and your hand extends a piece of red fabric, shaking it slightly.
"I'm not going to wear a Santa Claus hat."
"I know you're not going to wear it yourself," you say, circling the counter and getting closer to him. "I'm going to put it on you."
"I don't have another choice, do I?" he asks, but your arms are already outstretched, and the synthetic fabric is caressing his still damp hair. Seishu's impassive face doesn't reveal any emotion, but a slight glint in his eyes indicates that he's not as annoyed as he's trying to show. When you finish placing the hat, you lightly pat his cheek.
"Look at yourself!"
"I'm not going to."
But even with the worst expression on his face and speaking with as little energy as possible, the smile struggling to break through gives him away. As you step away for a moment to go to the bathroom, Draken winks at him. Inui's middle fingers don't take long to show his boss his shiny black-painted nails.
"Nice color."
"Screw you."
"Thanks, buddy."
Seishu approaches the motorcycle he has to finish fixing. A liquid leak can be repaired in 45 minutes if he hurries.
"Teach me how to ride a motorcycle."
The blonde pauses in his work. You? On a motorcycle? You, who trip over your own shadow and seem always about to cry when it gets cold and you forget your jacket? (he always ends up lending you his) Well, no, he's not going to fix the bike’s problem in 45 minutes.
"Don't you think it's a bit dangerous to learn to ride a motorcycle in this weather?"
You sit down next to him on the floor and decide to watch as he resumes his work on the motorcycle.
"I can live with the risk it poses."
"All right, then. But I won't do it. Ask Draken," he says, rolling his eyes at your words. You huff. Not even a Christmas hat can motivate him.
"Draken is going to Osaka tomorrow to spend Christmas Eve with his friends."
"I know, he invited me to go with him."
"And? Are you going?"
"No, my parents want to have dinner with me" Inui lets out a sigh.
"Oh, well, that's fine," you reply. "So I guess we'll see each other on Wednesday. Don't think I'm going to stop insisting tho" you add.
Seishu smiles inwardly. He doesn't expect you to stop. (He doesn’t want you to.)
As you stand up to start tidying up the workshop, Draken says his goodbyes to both of you. He still has some packing to do, and he has to leave early in the morning, wishing you both a Merry Christmas.
"Why the sudden fixation on learning to ride a motorcycle?"
"I want to impress someone."
In all your interactions during the few months you've known each other, Inui has been the one to speak plainly. You always try to express things differently, frustrating everyone who dislikes indirectness (Him).
Seishu begins to remove his gloves. A small wrinkle forms on his forehead as he furrows his brows. Your shoes suddenly become the most interesting object in the room. So much so that you can't, and don't want to, take your eyes off them.
"Do you think you can impress someone by taking them on a motorcycle ride that could potentially end in the hospital?" Inui is the first to break the silence. His hands finish cleaning the motorcycle he has just repaired.
"He's used to my clumsiness. I don't think he'll be too impressed." The heat begins to rise in your cheeks as you speak each word.
Inui arches an eyebrow, intrigued by your words. But still, he doesn't say anything immediately. Instead, he stands up and places the gloves on the freshly repaired motorcycle. His eyes carefully examine your shoes for a moment, trying to see what's so interesting that you can't look at him.
"What if you tell him how you feel instead of trying to impress him with daring maneuvers?"
A mix of surprise and nervousness is reflected in your gaze. You know Inui always gets straight to the point, but speaking openly about your feelings is a bit more unfamiliar territory. However, you have resolved to take a step forward.
"That sounds too easy for the person I'm trying to win over. Don't you think a good dose of bravery on a motorcycle might be more effective?"
Inui smiles slightly, as if enjoying the wordplay.
"Oh, c’mon." Placing a hand on your head, he affectionately ruffles your hair. "What could be braver for you than being honest with yourself and others?" Fortunately, your brain can't throb like your heart is doing at that moment because, knowing Inui, he would drag you to the hospital in a heartbeat. "But, okay, if you think impressing him on a motorcycle is the best way to have a chance with him, then go ahead. I'll try to help you."
Your lips curve into a grateful smile.
"You're great, Inui, tha—"
"However, I have a condition. Actually, two." Placing a hand on your chin, he holds your head still to look into your eyes once and for all. Your shoes will have to stop being interesting for a few minutes. "The lesson will take place as soon as we finish the shift." As you open your mouth to reply, his finger moves to rest on your lips to prevent you from speaking. "And when we finish the lesson, invite me to watch 'Twilight' tonight and ask me out on a proper date. I'm not a fan of indirects."
"And what if I already have plans tonight?" you comment, gently withdrawing the hand that prevents you from speaking. Seishu smiles without taking his eyes off yours. His eyes reflect, for the first time in a long time, happiness. Your fingers interlace with his and his thumb caress your hand instantly.
"Then," leaning in close to your ear, you feel his breath on your ear. You love the smell of his shampoo "now you have better ones."
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mangekyuou · 2 years
Straw Hats x Fem reader familial fluff! I wanna see the Straw Hats reactions when they find out their sweet stemstress crew member actually secretly made plushies of all of them, including different cute outfits! BTW, Chopper plushie has a LOT more different cute costumes!
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⟡    ֺ   𓂂  headcanons  ,  with a seamstress/seamster crewmate who made them plushies.
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✸     characters! . . .  the straw hats.
✸     cw(s)! . . .  platonic. the request says seamstress, but this is gn! no pronouns used. not proofread.
✸     notes! . . .  loved this sm !! i hope i did it justice. thank you so much for requesting !!
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luffy absolutely LOVES his, hardly even letting you finish talking before grabbing onto the plushie that looks just like him and running out the door to fly it around like an action figure
he can be a little rough with it. he teared up seeing that he broke the little plushie’s arm off within the first few hours of having it.
you reassure him that it’s okay and that you can just sew it back on and it’s good as new
chopper, like luffy, loves his plushie. he gives you a lot of compliments about how it looks just like him. he gives you the tightest hug
chopper brings his mini-me with him everywhere. because of all the cute outfits that you’ve made for it, he is always matching outfits with the plushie
the reindeer doctor definitely sleeps with the plushie right by his side
usopp keeps his plushie on his workshop desk between his lamp and a cup of pencils and pens where he can always see it
he has developed an unintentional habit of talking to the plushie and showing it his blueprints and new weapons as if it was a real person. there’s something comforting about it
nami keeps hers in the vanity of the girls’ room, so she can see it in every room when she’s getting ready for the day in the morning and when she’s getting ready for bed at night
she loves changing her plushie’s outfit every day. it becomes part of her daily routine
like usopp, nami definitely talks to hers from time to time, ranting about her day or what crazy things luffy has managed to get them into
robin finds her mini-me quite adorable. you know she loves cute things. she couldn’t have asked for a better gift
she keeps her plushie on the nightstand next to her bed, wanting it to be the first thing she sees in the morning and the last thing she sees at night
there are nights were she can’t sleep, her mind refusing to let her relax. she holds onto her plushie and is reminded of you and the rest of the crew, her family
franky adores his mini-me. you even gave it, its own little bottle of cola ?? he could just hug you forever
he adds a little voice box (with your permission of course) to his plushie and records himself saying a few of his catchphrases. so when he does squeeze it, it lets out a little “super!!”
that’s his little son :,)
just when jinbei thought there was no way you could get any more precious, you place the plushie version of himself in his hand
he takes such great care of his mini-me. it’s so nice to see him eating with his plushie sitting on his shoulder. or when he’s going for a swim and his mini-me is sitting on a beach chair not too far behind
brook thinks his little skeleton plushie is so precious. he loves your attention to detail. he finds you including his scar very endearing
you even made it a little tea cup that matches his tea cup
he definitely has tea parties with his mini-me and invites you <3
it’s a gift from you, of course, sanji loves it !! how thoughtful of you to make something for him
he’s not really sure how to explain it. it gives him a mirror of how you see him and you care for him. it’s really comforting. he can’t help but smile and every time he sees little plushie him
zoro is not really vocal in his appreciation for his plushie. he’s not really one for plushies. it worries you that he doesn’t like it at first because he’s just looking at it without saying anything :((
but he does love it !! he does !! he even loves that you made his swords to match. you’ll see him from time to time napping on the deck with little plushie zoro in his lap or right next to him
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© MANGEKYUOU  —  do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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sinner-sunflower · 7 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 5/?
PART 1 , PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
Shirtless Luci omo
Leviathan in my head is the green and gray guy from that one picture Luci has in his workshop. The one that looks kinda like an inverted him.
I wanna say that Zestial's dialogue was put thru chatgpt cos English is not even my first language, ain't no way in hell I'm doin that manually kalsjdlka
This took me too long to write. I miss writing Belphegor's dialogues.
Likes, Reblogs, And especially Comments are soooooo appreciated &lt;3 <3
Lucifer's show and tell earned him looks varying from worry to disgust.
Lucifer: This is done by something ancient, as old as God himself. It was the reason for the First Heavenly War.
Asmodeus: Wait, Lucifer. Are you telling me this is Roo?!
Mammon: Bloody hell, didn't we seal that bitch for good?
Leviathan: Luci, are you sure?
Lucifer merely looks back to Belphegor.
Belphegor: Very. Although we casted a very powerful seal, her energy sometimes leaks out. Nothing major.
Beelzebub: What makes this different?
Belphegor: I.. do not have an answer to that as of now. We can attempt to cast a seal again but the power of the Sins will not be enough. We need every bit of high power Hell has.
Lucifer: I wouldn't have called you all here otherwise.
Zestial raises their hand to interject.
Zestial: Prithee, pardon, my liege. But who be this Roo thou dost mention?
Lucifer: The Root of All Evil. Don't know how it came to be in the first place. In the war, it got weakened enough for God to banish it to a dark pit that is now Hell. But after I gave humanity the fruit of knowledge... it regained power. The Sins and I barely managed to weaken it again to seal it below Sloth. We were incapacitated for a long time.
He catches his daughter's eyes.
Lucifer: It took each of us close to a century to recover.
Carmila: If I may, your majesty- us overlords cannot afford to lose our power- especially for as long as you said.
Zestial: Carmila speaketh true. Thou art the loftiest powers of hell, sin incarnate. And his majesty hath the blood of angels. If it hath drained thee so deeply, envision its effect upon a mere mortal soul.
A certain TV overlord let out indignant laugh.
Vox: Are you serious? You think we'll let ourselves lose power for this shit show?
Paimon: You would think before you badmouth your king, sinner!
Lucifer moves to sit on the table, propping up a leg to rest his elbow on. He didn't bother to button his shirt back on- these demons can use the reminder.
Lucifer: You can do whatever you want. I gave you free will, didn't I?But, do remember- death reaps from the bottom first. You are free to go as you please.
The Vees stand up first, muttering curses under their breaths.
Valentino: Ugh! I knew we shouldn't have come. A waste of fuckin-
The moth overlord was cut off by his own screams the moment he passed through the door.
At the same time, Angel Dust doubled over, hand clutching his throat as he coughed violently.
Husk and the others went closer in concern, willing Angel to breath slow while also asking him what's wrong.
Valentino stops screaming as he is held by Vox and Velvette. The Goetia's look on in curiosity while the other sinners all stood up in surprise.
Angel, still holding his throat, gasps.
Angel: No way.
Husk: Angel?? Are you okay?!
Angel let out a single chuckle that slowly turned into maniacal laughter.
Husk: Kid, you're scarin' me.
Angel: I'm free.
Husk: What?
Angel: I'm fuckin' free!
Angel continues to laugh some more while the sinner put two and two together.
Valentino: What the fuck did you do?!
The overlord shouted a the king.
Lucifer: Oh right! So that's what I forgot.
The Sins began to snicker behind their King as Valentino become even angrier. The rest of the overlords who were planning to leave as well are now rooted in place.
Velvette: You can't just do that! You said we could leave! The fuck happened to free will?!
Lucifer: And why not? You all can leave and not help. I won't stop you. But I am gonna be taking all the soul contracts you have. A small price to pay for staying in the safety of your own home while we risk our lives, no?
The lights of the hotel began to flicker as the aura around Lucifer and the Sins darken, 7 pairs of glowing menacing eyes and smiles show.
The entire room freezes, petrified at the horrifying image they are seeing in front of them.
Lucifer: Or did you forget?
The Devil grins.
Lucifer: You're in my house, bitch.
Might not update over the weekend. Most likely Monday again!
What to look forward for in Part 5:
Satan: Even with all of us, you know it won't be enough. Unless.. Can you even find her?
Lucifer: I don't know.
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rw-repurposed · 2 months
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Ever wanted to play as the Thunderbreaker himself? Or play as these two random OCs that are not necessarily canonically related but still have some connection? Well, now you can!
WILDBERRY SCUG SKINS are available on Steam! Download now! Made by ‪@northeaston
Zen (blue) belongs to me. Spirit (red) belongs to @mineourple Translator (purple) belongs to ‪@northeaston The header image was also drawn by her!
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kazoohaa · 1 year
Headcanons for Dan Heng, Gepard, Serval, and March with a gn s/o that bakes? Please?
𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐒 & 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒. honkai star rail
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— notes. i know like nothing about baking so i actually had to search up baked foods LMAO 😭 i’m sorry i didn’t include dan heng, i ran out of ideas :(
— details. gepard, serval, march x gn!reader (separate). fluff.
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you bake?? he thinks that’s pretty cool!
and it makes him so indescribably touched whenever you gift him some things that you’ve baked yourself before he has to go on duty, like in the mornings before he has to patrol, or in the afternoons and evenings when the day’s work is done and over with
it’s something tasty to munch on (bonus points because it’s made by you!) and a snack that’s easy to bring around with him
(the other silvermane guards don’t fail to notice every time they see him walking around with some little baked treat in hand, and a tiny smile on his face)
(the silvermane guards are your no.1 shippers actually 💯)
gepard hasn’t really tried cooking, baking, etc, but it’s been something that he’s been interested in learning for a while
once tried his hand at baking because he wanted to give you something back — cupcakes should be simple enough? he tried his best, he really did!! it didn’t turn out as well as he’d hoped, but he tried to decorate them as pretty as possible for you
in the end, he made little smiley faces on the cupcakes. they’re a bit wonky, but he’s got the spirit
he got really embarrassed when he eventually gave them to you since they felt sub-par, especially compared to the things that you can make. sheepishly, he suggested that maybe the two of you could have dates where you can bake together, so that he can learn from you..? if you’re fine with that, of course..!
it always brightens her day every time you drop by her store and gift her a pastry! the food itself is definitely delicious, but the thing that really makes her happy is the fact that she’s seeing you &lt;3
serval actually likes your baking a lot, and she’d probably try to bribe you in order to get you to make some more for her lmaoo
“hey, i really liked those biscuits you gave me the other day — do you have any more of them?? aw.. c’mon, i’ll play you a free song if you make me some moreee.... haha, i know i already do that anyways, but..”
her favourites are the types that are good to eat on the go, just something easy to grab while she does something else. since she’s usually spending her time tinkering with different sorts of mechanical contraptions or random instruments in her workshop, it’s convenient to have something either bite-sized or easy to finish while she works
march 7th
super interested in your hobby!! she’d really like while you bake, probably trying to join in at the most fun parts like making (and testing) the icing
march also becomes your (self proclaimed) unofficial photographer for when the food’s all ready to eat! right after it comes out of the oven, she’ll be taking so many photos at different angles and making sure the lighting looks good — so that even though she can’t preserve the taste of the things you’ve baked, she’ll remember how delicious they looked!
as well as using the photos to show off how good her amazing s/o is at baking LMAO
march also slips in a few snaps of you during the baking process, or would poke flour on your nose and then take a silly selfie of you
she’d also pretend to be a professional food critic when she tastes what you’ve made — but she always loves whatever you make, so the rating always ends up being the highest she could give you every time
“your favourite professional gastronome march rates thiiis... five stars!! huh? what do you mean i say that every time?! cute girls like me are experts in rating good cuisine, so i’m speaking the truth!”
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ideas-4-stories · 9 months
Here's the pitch. After a photoshoot for a new promotional poster for Cross Guild. Buggy comes into the meeting room the next day to share a photo the camera guy snuck of them on set. In the photo, Buggy was grinning softly while Mihawk and Croc didnt even seem to be aware. Buggy was fond of the photo cause it didn't look like a powerful emperor and his two Lt. but just three guys chilling behind the scenes [and not despising Buggy]. So fond of it that he got it framed twice, one for himself and one to have in the meeting room. Crocodile and Mihawk express to Buggy that they don't care. Sadden but expected Buggy just sighs, and they go about their day. Later. Buggy sees the framed picture is still in the meeting room. But oddly, his face was expertly cut out of the picture. Lil upset Buggy wonders why they didn't just get rid of the whole picture if they didn't like it. Until Buggy sees the picture he stored in his workshop also has his face cut out. Rude! Buggy is certain Mihawk and Crocodile just hate him so much to cut him out of the picture. That he pouts and sulks and becomes distant. A rollercoaster piece of work. Till Mihawk and Crocodile have to confront him about it. But then they reveal to Buggy that they don't hate him and that his picture was cut out to put into 'manly' lockets they carry. Buggy is baffled but also overwhelmed that Mihawk and Crocodile have just been carrying a picture of Buggy around. But even more -welmed that they actually have feelings for him?
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that's so cute!
Them cutting his face out of the pictures for themselves, while Buggy's like 😢 I mean if they didn't want him to know they could of gotten someone to make more copies of it, or maybe they wanted him to realize they cut it out... but Buggy just thinks they don't like him and actually hates him, which Buggy is valid.
You know, Mihawk and Crocodile are not really good at this type of subtle flirting... if you can call this flirting.
The 'Manly" lockets, Hahahahaha you know that's Crocodile saying that shit. Buggy and Mihawk wouldn't saying things like that. I want to see that Buggy tries his best not to chuckle when Crocodile said 'Manly' lockets 🤣😂🤣
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stormyoceans · 8 months
can you believe that js were sulking at each other before shooting LT? at least aof did us good and made them not only stop sulking but also that they couldn't stop kissing each other's cheeks after his pairing counseling
imagine you're p'aof. you are an esteemed and renowned director in the industry with years of experience behind you. you are ready to start the workshop for your new series when your two lead actors walk through the doors and tell you they are sulking at each other. they're not angry, because that would be too normal. no, they're SULKING. they both feel hurt and want the other to approach them to make things right but neither of them are quite ready to make the first move yet because they're afraid that, if they were to be honest, they'd lose their relationship. you know this because they ask you to mediate between them. so you, p'aof, renowned and esteemed director as we've previously established, sit them down and use your years of experience to help them open up and communicate honestly
by the end of it they're crying and hugging and kissing each other's on the cheek. they never quite stop doing it after that. you text your fellow friend and director who has previously worked with them on another project and ask him if that's normal. the answer you get is 'lol yeah they do be like that. good luck xoxo'. you decide to take a break from directing for the foreseeable future
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starz8loves · 1 year
It’s ALWAYS the footwork!!!
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jocrude · 8 months
"Art must not be concentrated in dead shrines called museums. lt must be spread everywhere – on the streets, in the trams, factories, workshops, and in the workers' homes."
-Vladimir Mayakovsky
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drunkchasind · 1 year
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The OG 4 (created for CP77)
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The Witches (from an original setting)
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The Grey Warden (from Dragon Age)
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Some informations about them under the cut:
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Name: Faye Seela Valo (tag faye valo)
Alias: V
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 5'9.5'' (the .5 is important)/176 cm
Partner/Love interest: Ozob Bozo (shippy tag faye x ozob)
Age: 27
Random: She's from Vancouver, Canada, but following the passing of her best friend, she left home and ended up in NC after wandering on the west coast for a while. She's an incredibly independant person and knows how to look after herself, but she can easily prove her value, which helped her secure work and contacts quickly in NC. She shares a workshop with Iris, working as a mechanic specialized in mechatronics.
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Name: Harrison Joseph Sutherland (tag harris sutherland)
Alias: John Lambert (from gang years)
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 6'2''/188 cm
Partner/Love interest: various flings, nothing serious after the death of his one true love (Ludivine Hamilton)
Age: 36
Random: He's the older brother of Faye (on their father's side). An avid biker with a fondness for troubles (or is it that he's a magnet for them?). He's a piece of work, BUT he'll get any job done with the wanted results, making him a good merc during his time in NC. He used to be in a gang during his youth/early adulthood, so tricky situations are not something that stress him out; one might even say he enjoys it.
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Name: Iris Isabelle Lorne (tag iris lorne)
Alias: 1ZZ1
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 5'11''/180cm
Partner/Love interest: Declan ''Brick'' Griffin (shippy tag iris x declan)
Age: 33
Random: A very resourceful and imaginative techie, who's outgoing and has a pretty chill view of life. Was raised in a deranged stepfamily and decided to leave it all behind to make her own path. Despite being in a long-lasting relationship with Brick, she never joined Maelstrom (as it was a wish, for them both). Every so often, she does hang out with some specific members, though :)
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Name: Devon Adrian Maggard (tag devon maggard)
Alias: Lt. Maggard
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 6'4''/193 cm
Partner/Love interest: Jessamyn Murphy (shippy tag devon x jessa)
Age: 35
Random: Following a car accident (the same one that cost the life of his brother), underwent an extensive ''rehabilitation'' that gave him back the ability to walk, but at the expense of a ''cyborgening'' which remains heavy to deal with. He's a MaxTac lieutenant (later, commander), naviguating - and ruthlessly adapting to- the many grey zones that come upon him.
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Name: Jessamyn Eva Murphy (tag jessamyn murphy)
Alias: Hræsvelgr
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 5'8''/173 cm
Partner/Love interest: Devon Maggard (shippy tag devon x jessa)
Age: 34
Random: Chosen sister of Egon. She's in charge of ''informations acquirement'' for the organization COVATECH, specialized in botanical biochemistry and evolutionary developmental biology. More importantly, she's the handler of the sentient AI YGGDRA-517, that inhabits the walls of the organization.
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Name: Egon Hyena Stelnar Munroe (tag egon hyena munroe)
Alias: Hyena
Pronouns: She/They
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 6'/183 cm
Partner/Love interest: only flings
Age: 32
Random: Chosen sister of Jessamyn. Now, this one is a bit explosive. Thriving in chaos, with a taste for fire. And how do you control chaos? By giving it Purpose. She serves as an enforcer during certain tasks, as well as associate for tracking informations holders, to aid her sister.
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Name: Srovren Antonius Ismir Halligar (tag srovren halligar)
Alias: Greyson
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 6'6''/198 cm
Partner/Love interest: Isaura Forsythia
Age: 43
Random: Ex-military, stranded from his homeland. He runs a garage, which also serves as a front for a shelter to those in need. The shelter is runned with the help of Elsimi Laurela, a ripperdoc, and Doran Sedras, ''freight coordinator''. He has an illegitimate daughter with his long lost lover.
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Credits for the divider x
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Whaddya like to do outside of battles to pass the time?
I take free time very seriously. I know there are, and were, many soldiers who did not get much of that. It is hard work on the battlefield, but rest and relaxation are just as important! We only have so long before we dominate the other team! Take care of yourself and your results will show in battle, men.
In my free time, I like to talk to Lieutenant Bites. He is very talkative, but we make battle strategies to get food! Lt. Bites distracts and I go in for the kill. Easy dinnertime. He is my right-hand man. I also like to hang out with the Demoman. He and I drink and play poker, but he can beat anyone in a drinking contest any day! Or night. I do not know how he does it, but by God does he do an OUTSTANDING job at holding his beer! I don’t drink with him often though. I think I would end up with the Founding Fathers. Thought that’s not a bad thing!
Engineer’s workshop is an easy second choice! The toymaker has so many doohickeys to mess around with, but he tells me “DO NOT TOUCH”. I have made that mistake once before and he was not happy. Sometimes, he’ll ask for my help and then I get to touch his machines! I like watching him work and I like when he teaches me about the tools, but I could not rely on robots to get the job done.
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broomsticks · 1 year
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@venom0usbarbie i love love love your insight and all the perspectives you bring to chats and betaing and just everything. your DEDICATION is flabbergasting (HOW long was that writer’s guild workshop?!?! and the write-a-thon stats?? and the entire feat that was running a server gift exchange solo???). your art is gorgeous and your writing is beautiful and — have said before, will say again, talking with you always reminds me that the world is So Very Big in the very best way.
wow. wow wow wow. Riddle's Koldovo Circus • 7k, T. this ficccccc. i love how you got the prompts astoria, dolohov, bellatrix, dean, seamus, dark, and high fantasy and crafted a whole entire epic circus au dark fantasy out of it, complete with worldbuilding and maps.
sdfkhsdlkfj: métamorphoses • astoria-centric gen • 5k, M. astoria and her blood curse!!! such a brilliant character from which to explore these family feels. i love the ending. &lt;3
what a delightfully feelsy story: Water & Earth (series) • fleurinny • 3k, E. such a good rooted-in-canon-but-canon-divergent AU that just had me in such conflicted feelings the whole way through.
very accurate title for the first fic of yours i read: a deadly obsession • pansy/harry • 3k, M. it’s me, hi, i’m obsessed with your writing!
decadent, depraved and delightful: Shades of Gold (series) • tom/ginny • 8k, M. you excel at writing this luxuriously descriptive body horror. i hope you have as much fun writing these things as i do reading them!
for an explanation of why i just wrote you a whole ~thing~, check out this post & the ‘mutuals march’ tag below!
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