#lr: press
yueebby · 8 months
do you ever just write a fic completely and then just absolutely hate it
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cxlliefxngames · 5 months
acht sings abt toilets 😌
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letraindemanu · 11 months
Agenda : Salon du train miniature à Bourges
Agenda : Salon du train miniature à Bourges
Episode 396 – Le Cercle Ferroviaire du Cher 160 et le Saint-Mandé Club Ferroviaire organisent un salon du train miniature à Bourges (Cher) les 11 et 12 novembre prochains. Plus d’une trentaine de réseaux sera exposée et une cinquantaine d’acteurs économiques seront présents sur 3700 m². C’est une exposition riche et variée qui est annoncée.  Même si les deux association sont historiquement…
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watchilove · 11 months
Hublot Classic Fusion High Jewellery Ref. 543.WX.9004.LR.9904
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genericpuff · 4 months
are thanatos and hypnos still twins in LR?
Yep! They even share the same color swatch list hahaha
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Biggest visual tells between them:
Thanatos has whites scleras with black irises whereas Hypnos has black scleras with light blue / white irises
Hypnos dresses in comfort-casual office attire with pressed out jeans and jackets, sweaters, etc. whereas Thanatos cares less for appearing formal and often wears dark-colored ripped jeans, leather jackets, etc.
Thanatos has both earlobes pierced, Hypnos has a single industrial piercing
Thanatos is about 1" shorter than Hypnos (don't ask where that missing inch went LOL)
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i don't think i have enough words to describe how, or why; the kissing scene in ep 8 of LR is my absolute favorite out of the entire show. fire is short-lived, sparks are temporary; but the flame of sunjae's love for sol has been lit for fifteen years — kept safe in the cavern of his heart. on anyone else, the idea of someone feeling the same way for over a decade is excessive; atypical, obsessive — but on sunjae, it's unquestionable fact. the bright warmth of his emotions is so palpable — so convincingly authentic, that it seems like the most natural thing in the world. of course he still loves sol. of course when she tells him that she liked him too; (a line straight out of his wildest dreams) — after a split second of dazed disbelief, he runs for her. he runs TO her. the stunning inevitability of the kiss that follows: how sunjae bends down into the depths of his own longing; how sol reaches up to match his own desire. how he pauses, the heavy molasses of his eyes darkened by desperate hope: how he waits for sol to press her lips to his; the seconds of sacred sweetness stretching between their skins. the heady passion of their mouths meeting at last: the soft sounds of separation finally being erased. how, even after; when sol reaches to trace the scar on his forehead; he leans in again, still seeking more confirmation that he's wanted, that she's longed for him the way he's longed for her: wanting more of her touch, her skin, her self. wanting more of sol. always, always, more of sol.
i'm wholly in love with their love: the burning brilliance of it. aren't you?
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constantcrisis19 · 1 year
Bleeding Out - Part 3
Simon "Ghost" Riley x GN S/O
Main Page
Warnings: Blood and injury, Needles, Violent thoughts, References to Ghost's backstory.
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Ghost grit his teeth when you went limp against his back, his desperate grip on your thighs tightening in a way that would have been painful for you if you weren't currently conscious. He pushed into the medical tent like a man on a mission, ignoring the various moans and cries of suffering soldiers and shoving past anyone who didn’t get out of his way fast enough.
He gently lowered you down onto one of the open beds, your sweaty hair falling into your face as your head lolled to the side, Ghost reaching out in a brief moment of weakness to brush the limp lock of hair out of your face before turning his attention to the wound on your thigh.
The neck gaiter that he had tied in place over the injury was stained a deep red, the cloying scent of iron so thick that Ghost could practically taste it even through the thick fabric of his balaclava as he peeled the sticky soaked cloth away from the wound in order to get a look at the damage. 
He felt grateful for his mask since he couldn’t help how his face twisted up into a snarl at the frankly obscene amount of blood that had oozed into your clothing, soaking your right side all the way down your pant leg to your boots, staining the material a deep crimson.
One of Ghost’s hands released his hold that he had on the cloth that he’d wrapped around your thigh in favor of grabbing the wrist of the person that had made the mistake of touching his arm, his grip so tight that he could feel the bones grind together under his fingers.
“Uh… sir? I’m here to help, what’s the situation?” A soft voice abruptly broke through the rush of blood ringing in Ghost’s ears and he was unceremoniously dragged from whatever haze he’d fallen into, causing him to violently snap back into focus.
He managed to pry his dark gaze away from your sallow figure, bringing his attention to the person who had been brave enough to approach him, the wide green eyes of a medic warily watching him as if he were a feral animal.
Ghost let go of the medic’s wrist as if the touch had burned him and he curled his fingers into a fist in order to hide the way that they wanted to tremble and, in an attempt to distract himself from the panic he could feel lingering on the edge of his awareness, he turned his attention back to the saturated fabric that was plastered to your leg.
“Deep laceration on upper left thigh from a bullet. They were conscious and verbal about two minutes ago before they began showing signs of hypovolemic shock and became unresponsive.” Ghost replied in rapid fire as he pressed down on the wound, continuing to apply steady pressure and trying to ignore how your unnatural lack of reaction to the painful contact made him want to hit something.
“Okay. Elevate their legs and keep applying direct pressure to the wound. We have a category one! I need a suture kit and an IV, stat!” The second half of the medic’s commands were directed to the rest of the staff that were bustling about the packed tent, more medics hurrying over with the necessary supplies, and it took every ounce of self control Ghost had to keep from taking a swing every time someone accidentally brushed up against him in their rush.
“Blood pressure is dropping, start them on two liters of LR.” The green eyed medic warned as someone set up an intravenous drip, pushing the needle into the tender skin of your right arm before taping the tube down to keep it in place. 
More people joined the fray and Ghost viciously repressed the urge to bury one of his knives deep into the eye socket of the medic that bullied him out of the way since he knew that it wouldn’t do him any good in the long run, so he stepped away and allowed the other man to take over, the medic cutting your pant leg away from your thigh and pulling the unsalvageable neck gaiter away, letting it hit the floor with a wet sound before replacing it with a sterile pad of gauze.
Ghost just stood there and watched in complete silence as the medical team surrounding the cot all frantically tried to keep you alive, all their voices blurring together into a cacophony of indecipherable noise as the feeling of something wet dripping down his side distantly registered. 
He looked down at himself and swallowed back bile at the sight that greeted him. The majority of Ghost's right side and thigh had been stained by your blood due to the fact that he’d carried you for so long, the thick red liquid marring his already filthy fatigues. 
He numbly tracked a drop of crimson with his eyes as it slowly oozed down from his hip to his thigh before being soaked up by the fabric near his knee, the sensation of blood creeping down his leg making his skin crawl.
Ghost’s gaze snapped up from his soiled fatigues when someone came up next to him, his eyes darting over to the medic that had been brave enough to approach him, their hand hovering over his shoulder for a moment before thinking better of touching him and dropping their limb back to their side. 
“We have the situation under control now, but we’re already running low on space so we need you to wait outside the tent, sir.” The medic spoke softly, the woman hovering in a way that spelled out her desire to usher him out of the medical tent, but he didn't move. Ghost’s feet were rooted to the spot, medics and patients alike all moving around his still figure as if he were a shark in the water. 
“No.” Ghost declared bluntly as he turned his attention back to the crowd swarming the cot that you were laying on, noticing how the medic shot him a startled look out his peripheral vision, but he didn’t care. Let her judge him, let her question his intentions. Let her think what she wanted, but he wasn’t going to move until he got confirmation of either your recovery or your death.
And the poor soul who drew the short straw and was tasked to give Ghost the news better pray to whatever God that they believed in that it was the former.
“I’m sorry?” The medic asked, their incredulousness battling with their self-preservation in the face of Ghost’s blatant refusal to be separated from you. Ghost turned his head just enough to make eye contact with the medic standing next to him, the rest of his body eerily still in a way he knew other people found off-putting as he leveled the medic with his signature cold stare.
“I’m not leaving until they're either stable or dead.” Ghost declared, his tone leaving no room for argument, but the medic he was talking to was either an idiot or was unaware of Ghost’s reputation because she stubbornly persisted. 
“But-” She began to say before Ghost unceremoniously cut her off.
“How’s their condition?" He asked, his voice low and rough. He could feel the cooling, sticky blood oozing between his gloved fingers as his hands clenched and released reflexively, his fingertips tingling as he wished for the familiar weight of his rifle.
“Uh, it's still too early to tell…” The medic began hesitantly before sighing, seeming to reluctantly accept the fact that Ghost wasn’t going to be leaving anytime soon. "But we're doing everything in our power to help." She told Ghost with a worried frown, her concerned gaze like a physical weight, her unwelcome sympathy causing Ghost to glance away before he did something that would make Price give him that disappointed look in order to wipe that fucking annoying look off the young woman’s face. "Do you know them? Are the two of you close?" 
The question caught him off guard and helped clear some of the red from his vision, Ghost’s dark eyes shifting back over to the cot he had deposited you on as if magnetized, his gaze visibly softening from his usual blank stare when he caught a glimpse of your familiar figure in a gap between the medics swarming you. 
Ghost watched as personnel read off stats from the various machines that you were hooked up to, each announcement so bogged down with medical jargon that Ghost could only pick up on a few terms here and there as they worked to keep the area around the wound clean as it was meticulously stitched shut.
"...yes." He admitted quietly and, while Ghost wasn't exactly thrilled with telling some random medic about his attachment to you -in fact, he would rather go through several hours of torture over voluntarily being emotionally vulnerable- it was a necessary risk he had to take if he wanted to appeal to the women's sentimental side and gain more leniency when it came to being kept in the loop about you during your stay in medical. “Are they…? Will they pull through?”
The medic opened her mouth to reply but was unceremoniously cut off when the people that were crowding around your cot burst into a flurry of movement, the medics shouting to each other as they all scrambled for medical supplies. And while it may have looked chaotic, it was clear that there was in fact a method to the madness.
"We have a shortage of A+ and O- reserves. We’re going to need to perform a direct donor-to-patient transfusion if we have a chance of bringing them out of critical condition." A random voice that Ghost didn’t recognize called out just loud enough to carry over to where he was standing, and Ghost's blood ran cold.
"What blood type are you?" The medic next to him suddenly asked, sounding equal parts frantic and determined, her tone pulling his dull eyes away from the medics crowding around the cot that you were laying on to her. Her eyes were wide as she stared expectantly up at him, Ghost eyes widening as he caught onto what she was implying.
"I’m A+." Ghost replied immediately, already rolling up his sleeves to reveal his pale skin, his body moving before his mind even caught up with what he was doing, his feet taking him toward you and subsequently all the medical personnel that were currently treating you.
"We have a compatible donor!" The medic trailing behind Ghost yelled to be heard over the commotion as she followed him, easily keeping up with the rapid pace he’d set. It didn’t take long for him to be surrounded, Ghost ignoring how each unsolicited touch reminded him of the smell of petrichor and rot, the telltale squirming of maggots against his skin, and instead stubbornly kept his gaze locked onto your sallow face now that he was close enough to see you.
"We're doing an emergency transfusion." A male said as he rushed over to the pair, giving the female medic at Ghost’s side a needle and a tube while another medic simultaneously rolled up his left sleeve and wrapped a tourniquet around his bicep before tapping his inner elbow with two fingers in order to find a vein.
“Sir, have you had any unprotected sex in the last six months? Or have any blood-transmitted diseases we need to know about?" The male asked as he wiped down a patch of skin before pushing the hollow needle into Ghost's vein, almost as if he already knew that Ghost was clean and was just asking because it was protocol… so it seemed that his reputation proceeded him.
"No. None." He replied, holding eerily still and watching with keen eyes as medics prepped the major arteries in your arm, connecting you up to Ghost on the other side of the tubing.
Ghost felt an odd tugging sensation in his arms as the transfusion began, glancing away from you for the first time since he’d walked over and down at the tubing just in time to see blood so dark that it almost looked black being pulled out of his veins and down the tube, lazily making its way towards your own arm.
"Here, take a seat." The female medic from earlier said as she reached for his arm, Ghost jerking away from the threat of her touch and causing her to pull her hand away, the woman intelligently choosing to instead gesture to the unoccupied chair at your bedside that someone had dragged over. "Let us know if you start to get dizzy or feel nauseous, alright?" She asked as he obediently sat down, her kind eyes a stark contrast to the usual distant and clinical gazes he'd get from most medical personnel who worked for the military.
Ghost gave her a single, succinct nod in lieu of a verbal reply and turned his attention back to the blood that was traveling through the tubing, his free hand loosely wrapping around the arm of the plastic chair that he’d claimed. 
“The blood is dark.” He said suddenly as she began to step away, halting her in her tracks before she once again turned to face him, what was originally meant to be a question coming out more like a statement because of the cold numbness that was spreading from his chest and Ghost fingers subconsciously tightened on the unforgiving arm of the chair, his grip now more of an attempt at grounding himself than anything else.
When Ghost managed to pry his gaze away from you, he noted that the medic looked surprised, the shock only lasting a few seconds before she seemed to some conclusion or another and her features softened into sympathy and understanding. She clasped her hands in front of her and gave him a soft, reassuring smile as she patiently explained the phenomenon to him.
"Oh. It's perfectly safe. What you're most likely used to seeing is the bright red blood, yes?" She asked and Ghost was begrudgingly impressed with her ability to maintain steady eye contact with him when there were even some higher ups that he’d had the displeasure of meeting who couldn’t say the same. 
He didn’t look away as he nodded, confirming what she’d already suspected and she shot him another gentle smile before continuing. "It's just a chemical reaction with the oxygen in the air that makes it that color but, while it's in your veins, it's actually much darker."
Ghost is the one to break eye contact first, unable to keep looking at her kindhearted expression without wanting to scream at the woman that he doesn’t want her compassion, that she shouldn't waste such a useless emotion on someone like him, who didn't want or need it.
He nodded to make sure that she knew that he’d been paying attention and turned his attention back to you, his hands clenching as he resisted the urge to reach out and take your limp wrist into his own, to measure each sluggish beat of your heart from the source despite the slow beep of the machine next to him.
“Give it to me straight. I want to know if they’ll live.” Ghost said suddenly into the silence that had descended over the two of them and the medic took a deep breath, her lips thinning into a thin line.
"Well, due to your help, they’re odds have just gone up exponentially. They'll probably need a few transfusions though, and you'll need breaks between every one in order to eat, drink and replenish your strength. It's not going to be pleasant for you, but it's doable." She stated softly, her hands unclasping as she paused for a moment in order to seemingly think something over before voicing her thoughts. "Though, you're free to stop giving blood anytime you'd like, I'm just saying there's a better chance that they'll pull through if you do multiple sessions."
“I’ll give whatever it takes.” He admitted quietly, his tone determined and reverent in equal measure as he gave in to the impulse to reach out and lightly brush his calloused fingers over the thin, sensitive skin of your wrist, sliding up your arm to the joint of your elbow where the tubing was taped down before just resting there.
He could never tell the medic the truth about how far he was willing to go for you no matter how nice she seemed because the level of devotion he held for you was something that would scare off any normal person. 
He would most likely be stripped of his rank, discharged, and locked up in a padded room with white walls before being drugged up to his eyeballs if he ever confessed to how deep his obsession with you runs.
He would do anything to make sure that you would stay with him. He would destroy cities, tear down governments, kill anyone who got in his way without a second's hesitation. 
He would go to the ends of the world to bring you back, so giving you his blood, that he’d already spilled several pints of over the years -enough for him to be dead ten times over- for a violent cause that wasn’t even his, was nothing compared to the atrocities that he’d be willing to commit for you.
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krirebr · 15 days
Saw your conversation about the bloody heart. 👀
that heart ransom’s eating out of your hand is andy’s
Ok, so technically, Andy survives his encounter with you and goes on to participate in @paperweight91 's half of the au...
But if he didn't???
Warnings below for gore, violence, and Ransom and LR being themselves
Ransom would be so proud of you as you reached into Andy’s chest and tore out his still beating heart, offering it to Ransom for first taste. He'd suck the blood from it, maintaining eye contact with you, his hand on your wrist. Then, after kissing you deeply, both your mouths bloody, he'd press the heart to your lips, so you could take the last taste, feel it as it stopped beating.
It's the closure you needed, tearing out the heart of the man who tore out yours.
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silviakundera · 3 months
The Princess Royal ep 27 and 28
The moment when both Li Rong and Su Rongqing are like SHIT, your brother stepped into our game of thrones.
Damn it Su Ronghua, omg this is making me more heated than in the book.
now they're giving me the future flash of his death to make me sad but NO. NO! ACUALLY IDC. everything is your fault. 😤
blah blah romance with Shauggan Ya NO. NO NO NO. JAIL FOR 10000 YEARS
It's divorce era! SRQ's absolutely full proof plan has NOT devolved into a scenario that will lend PWX more power and cause his ex to soon start humping him like rabbits.... right... right?????
but who caresssss when my bro Cui Yulang is back in town 🎉
THE WAY HE HAS BOTH SRQ AND PWX SO PRESSED because they know he would hit that with the fury of god lololol
Look I do hate Consort Ruo but this whole poisoning the emperor thing is her 1 good idea
I am a simple woman who enjoys watching SRQ realize he's been clowned. And drunk Cui Yulang and exasperated Li Rong passing back & forth messages
Every time he brushes back a tendril of hair, I can hear her from the novel, "Be normal!"
They kept it! So I can be a softy and I admit was a bit charmed by this minor character when LR shared her view of someone with talent and perhaps desire to be of use, but who in her life never accomplished anything... and then he stops pretending to be a shallow pretty face for a moment to confess the real reason he wants to work for her is simply that he thinks she cares about people. I was disarmed by the way he doesn't think she'll believe that - but she immediately does (how few people have believed that about her, how few people have taken him seriously)
They even included PWX's petty ass fucking with the carriage 😭
Oh pleaaaaseeeeee Cui Yulang trying to come up with complaints about Li Chuan and everyone is like ?? ?? 😭😭😭
MY BODY IS READYYYYY for Li Rong digging a big pit with spikes and convincing Consort Ruo to enthusiastically jump in
Please don't let me down drama, I want that whole scheme!
For once the Su Rongqing and Li Rong scene actually worked for me. I did feel that moment where she bluntly references that this battle is heading in 1 direction: one of them will fall. We can see the blow hit both them. SRQ has been stubbornly in denial that this fight is against her faction but he's not taking her down - not truly. Not this time. But she just ripped all pretense away.
(this is where the story gets me to care about their dynamic. not as a love triangle, which it never really has been. but as 2 broken things that used to huddle in the dark to keep warm, now with a new chance in the light... and this is what they're going to do with it? fight to the death? it's sad.)
My darling Pei Wenxuan has not actually lost in brains from jealousy. Good for him.
(In the novel during this time he's secretly plotting shit about the exams and hiding it from LR, because of the whole 'we used to be the leaders of 2 competing factions in the last life' thing that LR was originally concerned about but then the glow of love made her stop being concerned about it, but guess!! what!!)
(I'm 98% sure they are gonna simplify that conflict.)
"Would you like to have the Inspectorate Office?" yaaasss lets goooooo
Su Rongqing, having no idea of wth is going on: Am.... I about to be clowned ?
as of Round 3 (work in progress):
Li Rong: 2
Su Rongqing: 0
Cui Yulang: my sincere love & devotion, whatever what's worth
[preview shows that next 2 episodes start some horny sneaking around ! whee!]
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magadauthan · 5 months
Ep 25: Live Through
@trigun98watchparty My time has come.
I watched "Live Through" in Japanese and English for this recap. For science. It's not because this is my favorite episode, no. That has nothing to do with anything.
--How did Milly and Meryl get Vash away from LR? Does 1 ile = 1 mile? Did they swipe Legato's Cinderella coach?
--that floppy hair *swoon*
--Some have criticized Meryl for ducking outside as soon as Vash begins to talk. Perhaps that is merited, and she does carry a good measure of guilt for following him, but it felt to me more like she wanted to give him space and / or privacy. Having loud emotions all over the place is frowned on in Japanese culture, and Meryl is very, very polite. Maybe she just doesn't know what to do and panics (Vash has not always been encouraging in terms of having her around, in general). Either way, it tears her up inside to hear him wailing in despair.
--Obviously Meryl has been home tending to Vash while Milly works. It's nice to see Meryl recognize that Milly is busting her butt, but she doesn't know how to address Milly's feelings, either.
--Vash should not be up and about - he's weak and feverish and not a little delirious. Good thing Milly can carry him.
--Get in there, big sis, and tell Meryl it's okay that she loves him. She's absolutely right in that Legato would have found a way to make Vash shoot him whether or not the two of them were involved. Never hold back in matters of the heart.
--My favorite scene. Meryl, alone in the light of the fifth moon, diligently mending Vash's coat. She wants to put him back together and make him whole again, even if she gets hurt in the process. She's desperately in love with him, and she holds the kind person he is close to her heart... but he was the one who put the hole in the moon. How can she reconcile that?
--Vash does look happier.
--He tries to pet the kitty, and Kuroneko gives him a swat, which some interpret as the Trigun Goddess telling Vash to get it in gear. This is incorrect. Cats are just assholes.
--It didn't stop with Legato, now, did it. Knives is pressing harder.
--"Sound Life" must be a song they teach in NML kindergarten. Many people seem to know it, including Kaite and Meryl. (the lyrics really need to scan better, it's so awkwardly phrased)
--This scene is such a tough one. It's lovely - two lovers out under the stars, right? And Meryl is so happy that Vash is considering staying with them. But it's also plain to see that he might have given up. It would be easy, wouldn't it? Let the girls take care of him while he hides. Don't do anything, and wait for an answer.
--What were you doing up so late, Meryl? (we had some ideas)
--There's no way that the townspeople could have captured someone like Vash if he hadn't let them do it. He's so broken that he won't fight back. He's a sinner now, like Knives, like Legato, beyond redemption.
...Knives assumes that Vash would sacrifice himself for everyone else. Someone else sacrificing herself for him had never been part of the equation.
--So many have stopped believing in Vash, or he thinks they have. They turn their backs on him and he accepts it as the normal course of things. Jessica's crush was childish (I was gonna marry Luke Skywalker when I was four, just saying) but even she ran away after what happened to the ship. That's why it's so important that Meryl loves him. She has made her decision, and she's steadfast in it.
--Maybe Vash doesn't realize how much she loves him until she puts herself between him and the gun, and he hears Rem's words from Meryl's mouth and sees Rem one more time. If Meryl still loves him, then Rem can still love him too. Mistakes happen but you can learn from them, and if you have the right people in your life, they will love you through your mistakes and help you to make it better.
--And finally, Vash realizes that Rem's words apply to him, too, and that he is no less deserving of a second chance and a future than any of the others he's impressed those words on. Does that make Meryl the analogue to Alex? I think it does.
--Awww, such a sweet snuggle. And then Vash has to go doof it up like normal and Meryl has to freak out like normal. It's their love language. (TBH I'd punch my husband too if he rubbed his stubbly face on me like that.)
--What happened after that? (we have some ideas)
--Vash gets ready to go. Seeing him wash up and shave is oddly pleasing, a reminder that despite his Plant-ness, he's a regular dude who has to wash his face and brush his teeth and get haircuts and have breakfast and do all that human stuff.
--Meryl wants to say something to Vash, but she's gotten wiser too. She recognizes that even though there might be a lot that she wants to tell him (and, I think, he might want to tell her too), stating her feelings in the open would be a distraction (or even a burden) he doesn't need right then. Milly is right. There will be time when he gets back.
It doesn't come through in English, but he's so gentle with her in Japanese. He knows what she wants to say. In his own way, at that time, he's saying I love you too.
--Vash takes WW with him, with Milly's love and blessing. May you go with God's protection.
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so making that post about meif'wa in headscarves and such made me think about religion in my rewrite and i remembered that i haven't spoken about religious headwear at all, so here is some stuff for Avra. I might post about other religion stuff for LR at some point too.
These are mostly aph-specific since no one religions the way she does lmao. Except for the coin-chain, that's a little something she starts doing that ends up being a cultural thing for Phoenix Drop because surprisingly the way rulers dress does persuade their people to dress similarly.
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Coin Scarves are a Scaleswind thing, and quite an old-fashioned one. You're more likely to see a little old lady (or man, it isn't gender specific) in church wearing one than your average individual. Only hair that is longer than shoulder length is typically put beneath them (hence Avra's little microbangs being out) however in some parts of Scaleswind it is seen as more proper to cover the entire top of your hair regardless of length.
Different colour + metal combos refer to different divine, and multiple can apply to a singular Divine. People often wear them based off of the divine they follow most of all (Irene, for most), however those who only wear them for prayer will wear them according to the divine they're praying too. Pre-O'Khasis/Scaleswind war, royal-blue and gold was the most common combination as those were the colours most associated with Irene, however they're also associated with O'Khasis, so it changed to white and gold when the war began.
Avra gets hers during her little excursion to Scaleswind. Those who worship the Destroyer often thought of her quite highly for reasons, and she is quite recogniseable, so when she was just walking around a little old woman pressed a red and cold coinscarf into her hand and walked away. Red and Gold are colours associated with Shad only by his worshippers, however black and silver is more often used by the gaggle of elderly folk in Scaleswind that dare to worship him as they aren't ashamed of their religion. It is however seen as heresy, so any youth that continue the practice + worship Shad will often wear the red variant.
Avra honestly just thinks its cute (she is wearing it in my recent Shadmau/Shavra drawing :})
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This is a coin veil, inspired by catholic veils because they're so goshdarn pretty. They're the predecessor of coin scarves and while coinscarves are made with opaque, typically thicker material, coin veils are made with lace or sheer fabric.
It is not practiced anymore, it kind of went out of fashion when the elaborate worship of the gods was replaced with the more humble and accessible worship of the divine. Coin scarves were kind of made so the church could try and make those that were fond of veils convert away from the gods, under the idea that 'they're basically the same thing anyway!!'.
Avra gets hers because it was a practice she partook in during her life as Irene, so she kind of was drawn to it. For Donna and Logan's wedding, she had an excuse to wear fancy stuff, so she asked Cadenza to help her make a coin veil. She doesn't remember what it's meant to actually represent, she just thinks they're pretty and comforting. Cadenza makes her a red one, using a bunch of lace she had already made, and it is very long. Avra only typically wears it for events or whenever she's stressed and needs to chill out.
Similarly to coinscarves, colour and metal indicate certain gods, but so does lace pattern and veil length. Worship of Judgement/Death (The destroyer/shad) was often indicated with long black veils with golden coins and the lace covering the face as well as the hair, with the lace usually having patterns of wilted flowers and animal skulls to represent the very decay they worshipped. Of course, this could only be afforded by the very rich, however the rich were often patrons of his temples in larger communities and would supply them with veils for the worshippers to wear. The addition of coins to veils was thought to have started with Judgement/Death worship, as it was believed that if someone was buried in their veil and brought back, you would be able to hear them by the chiming of the coins. Which was good because you didn't want an SK sneaking up on your ass, even back when Shad was thought of highly.
Worship of The Mother (Irene) was done through medium-length white-lace veils which were usually not adorned with coins (though were still called coinveils) but had beads instead, and were typically tied or pinned closed around the chest. The lace usually had floral patterns on it, though not always. Irene herself wore one, however due to lace being very hard to carve, most of her statues depict her wearing a hood instead.
I could get into the impacts of Avra wearing her red little coin veil but naaahhhh.
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Slashers reaction when their soft, quite s/o suddenly snapped out
Writing Commission Open
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Warning: Mentioned of blood, Implied death and threat, slight mention of bad words, Fluff in the End
Feat: Jason, Michael, Asa and Jesse
Jason Voorhees
-Jason Knew you as his Sweet and loving wife
-so seeing you like this was different new to him. So you're at your Shared Cabin and you're waiting for your Beloved Husband when a trespasser suddenly enters to you lr house and asking for your help
-the Person was covered with blood and several wounds and you knew what you have to do. You sat the person down and went to the Kitchen to get the first aid kit when Suddenly the Trespasser throws an insult with your Husband “The ugly m*ther f*cker!.. I'm gonna kill him!” After hearing that you still calm yourself down and approach to him
-you knew that your husband was about to come so you tend the person's Wounds slowly ane carefully “By the way Are you living here alone?” The person ask you “No” You replied Plainly “You should leave this place.. This place is dangerous! There's a f*cking ugly monster outsi-” Without another word you punch the person so hard making them stumble “What the f*ck!” The person screamed out
-You grab the Vase from the side table and hit the person so hard pouring your anger. After a fee more hit the person was already dead and your hands were now covered with blood. You inhaled sharply when Suddenly a loud thud make your head turns around to see your Husband, Jason. He was staring at you with a Widened eyes “Forgive me” You stormed off locking yourself at your Shared Bedroom
-After a few minutes Jason enters and sat down besides you. He took off his mask and tilt your head so you can see him “What Happened?” he sign making you remember the whole scene “that person throws an insult at you.. At first L just ignored it until they called you a monster and I couldn't control myself anymore so I killed him” You sob out shutting your eyes close
-Jason doesn't mind them calling him ugly or a monster but seeing how it affects you makes him feel a little sad and upset. As you cry, your husband Jason slowly wrap his arms around you and press a tender kiss into your Forehead
Michael Myers
-You were a nurse and your only job is to take care of Michael
-Michael Fell in loved with you at first sight. You're Loving, kind and Gentle with him. Michael might treat a little bit Coldy but he Listens to you Only and that's why Dr. Loomis Wants you to take care Michael
-one night as you about to leave the Hospital when you heard Dr. Loomis that he will take Michael and do something bad to him. Into your shock you immediately run towards Michael's Room to talk to him
-And when you get there you take his hand and tell him about the plan of Dr. Loomis “You have to leave.. Now” You said but Michael doesn't want to leave you “Come. With. Me” A Deep voice spoke up. Looking into his Eyes you immediately sees the Sincerity into his eyes. Hesitantly you nod and let him lead you outside
When the both of you got outside a loud bang suddenly caught your attention
-Michael was being shot. You turn to him and take a look on his wound and without a second doubt you raise your hands up showing that you surrendered and slowly approach the person and when you do, you Swiftly grab the Gun and Shot the person straight to their head. You shot the person over and over again until Michael Pulls you away
-You and him got away and you took him somewhere very private so you can stay there for while. You treated his wounds and give him some food and after that You Put Michael into a room while you change into something comfortable
Michael was sitting on the bed when you came back from the bathroom “You should take a bath” You said making Michael Stood up and approach you “I'm going oit to buy you some clothes to wear and tomorrow we're go-” Your words was Interrupted by a firm kiss on the lips
-Michael was so Turned on seeing you in that kind of state. He really likes it but doesn't wanted you to do it again because he doesn't wanted to put you into a great danger
Asa Emory
-You were his Girlfriend and his Best Student
-Asa loves your Sweet and caring side that he always longing for your Presence and time but this time was very different
-You told him that you're going to a party with your friends and of course he let you be but reminded you tha you needed to be careful
-When the Night has come Asa Gets ready to go to his Hotel and continue his works but when he's about to get there he saw a very familiar face and it was you. You were being cornered by a man
He watches you from afar when his phone suddenly rings up. When he picks it up je heard your Nervous tone “Babe Can you pick me up? There's a man harassing me” You said but Asa were just Listening at you and then he just said that “I'll be coming” Then Hangup his phone
-after a while the man was still not letting you go so you've decided to take the matters into your hands
You grab the man's Collar and punch his face so hard making stumble off his feet “You b*tch!” You harshly kick the man's face making his nose bleeds even more, the man let out a loud groan as you left him
-after you left Asa was in shocked like totally in shocked because he never actually sees you angry before and this is was a massive turn on for him. Man he will do anything in his power to see this side of you again and definitely he will be in trouble when he gets home
Jesse Cromeans
-Jesse treats you as his Little Princess. You're never calm, kind and Passionate about him and yourself
-But Preston just happened to cross the line and found himself being pinned by you on the ground
-Actually it was an accident when you heard him talks ill about your Husband and of course you do liked it so you immediately snapped on him making him immediately regretted his words
-Span Immediately calls Jesse out just to calm you down and when he gets there he saw you holding Preston by his hair and slapping his face so hard “If I happen to hear that you talks ill into my husband again.. I'll make sure to cut that tongue of yours understand?!” Preston only Nods in response
-The whole people at the warehouse witnesses how you discipline Preston in your own way and also making them feared you like the way they feared their boss. Turning at Corner you saw your Husband and you knew that he was smirk under his Chromeskull mask
You approach him and let him wrap his Strong arms around your waist “Let's go to my Office” He sign making you rolled your eyes and let him take you at his office to deal some business🤨
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missy-0-piink · 2 years
having sigma cockwarm ur strap, but ya but him aphrodisiacs 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
and he can’t move until you say so obvi 🙄🙄
Sigma would be so cute, little moans and whimpers leaving him every time he shifts in your lap
“Please, (name), please” he’d already be begging, literally 5 mins into it, the aphrodisiacs heightening his already sensitive body
He could feel the way the strapped pressed into his g spot so perfectly, and the beautiful friction whenever he slightly moved
“No sigma, you know the rules” he’d whine into your neck at the words, trying to hide his blushing face.
He’s so cute, he can’t hold himself back from rocking a little, not even aware he’s doing it.
You grab his hips, moving your hips to roughly thrust against him, once, twice, to emphasise your words, “stop. Moving.”
“Ah! I’m sorry, please!” He’d sob out, tears already streaming down his face. Lord, he’d look so pretty like that
He’d probably cum though, the aphrodisiacs working to make him cum just from slightly rocking on your lap. This is where you’d have to punish him, making him sit on your strap for hours until you finish whatever you’re doing.
My man would be broken by the end of it, red faced, panting and whimpering with every slight movement, tears rolling down his face as he hugs you close and tight (awww how cute, my poor bby is touch starved 🥺)
You’d definitely tell him to move once he’s begged and apologised enough, and this man would start of strong, bouncing on your strap like a pro
Until he cums, and cums again. Fuck, even just at the second orgasm he can’t move, his legs too shaky and unsteady, but he’s still so hard
You’d have to help him move, and by the fifth time he cums, he can’t speak, he just moans and whimpers.
You’d have to be really good with aftercare too, he’s sensitive and just wants comfort after
Td;lr: he’s the cutest guy in bsd
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letraindemanu · 1 year
Agenda : Savoie Modélisme 2023 à Chambéry
Agenda : Savoie Modélisme 2023 à Chambéry
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hjemne · 6 months
I'm on the brink of collapse but am powering thru to write transmac vashwood sloppy toppy and LR & WW hangovers and I have absolutely no clue how it's going to fit in with the rest of this fic that I wrote 7 months ago and it's no doubt out of character both canonically and within the fic but also I'm making myself laugh
(nsfw snippets under the cut)
"I don't, like, have a dick. Well, not a dick dick.”
“Spikey, I am genuinely fascinated to know what that means.”
Vash snorts. Loudly.
Wolfwood has never been more enamoured.
“Mr Saverem I am quite literally on my hands and knees begging you to show me your not-a-dick-dick dick.”
Vash whistles. “Now that’s a whole lotta dicks. You gotta be careful talking like that or people might start thinking you’re... gay.” He mouths the last word, eyes widened in mock-scandal and ending with a gasp.
“If you’ve somehow got multiple dicks I think my brain might actually start melting out my ears.”
Vash actually barks out a laugh at that. “You sure it hasn’t already? How do you think testosterone works?”
“I don’t know, I don’t think I ever really thought about it before today.”
“Well, I hope you’re ready to learn.”
“Sir, yes, sir.” he goes to raise a hand in mock salute, then pauses half-way. “We’re ridiculous.”
“I think it’s just you, actually.”
“Vash whatever-your-middle-name-is Saverem,” Nicholas hears himself say above the roar of blood in his ears, “I have literally never been so turned on in my life and if I can’t get my mouth on you in the next 5 seconds I think I will actually explode.”
Nick draws small, haphazard patterns on Vash’s back, fighting the exhaustion that threatens to drag his eyelids shut.
“In the morning, ’m gon do so much googling. ’M gon be the world expert in testosterone, you have no idea.” Vash smothers his laugh against Nick’s shoulder, body quaking as he continues his diatribe.”I’ll read all about every-” he breaks off in a yawn, “everything.”
“You’re very conscientious.”
“Nhuh, ‘m just ver’ dumb.”
“Can’t argue with that.”
“So mean.”
“Just the worst,” Vash agrees, pressing a kiss into his shoulder.
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In the historical record, there appear to be two prominent sects of colonial Voodoo: (1) snake worshippers (2) followers of Don Pedro. The snake worship sect appears to be the precursor to the Rada rite, while the Don Pedro sect appears to be the precursor to the Petwo rite.
Key historical documents pertaining to the snake worshippers include:
Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 45-51 https://archive.org/details/descriptiontopog00more/page/44/mode/2up 
Malenfant, Colonel (1814) Des Colonies et Particulierement de Celle de Saint-Domingue: Memoire Historique et Politique. Paris: Audibert., p. 217-220 https://archive.org/details/descoloniesetpar00male/page/215/mode/1up?q=vaudou 
Key historical documents pertaining to the Don Pedro sect include: 
Archives Nationales d’Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence, E 182, Ferrand de Beaudière to the Naval and Colonial Minister, translated in “Prophet or Cook? The Real Don Pedro” in Geggus, David. The Haitian Revolution: a documentary history. Hackett Publishing, 2014. 
Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 51 https://archive.org/details/descriptiontopog00more/page/44/mode/2up 
Descourtilz, Michel Etienne, and LECLERC, Charles Emmanuel. Voyages d'un naturaliste France, Dufart, pere, 1809. https://archive.org/details/voyagesdunnatura03desc/page/180/mode/2up https://www.google.com/books/edition/Voyages_d_un_naturaliste/wOzA6FsbqJAC?hl=en&gbpv=0 
Drouin de Bercy, Léon. De Saint-Domingue: de ses guerres, de ses révolutions, de ses resources, et de moyens a prendre pour y rétabilir la paix et l'industrie. France, Chez Hocquet, 1814. p. 176 https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=FxYWAAAAYAAJ&oi=fnd&pg=176#v=onepage&q&f=false 
These documents are described in:
Chapter 2 “The Evolution of Colonial Voodoo” in Laguerre, Michel S. Voodoo and politics in Haiti. Springer, 2016. pp. 22-38
Hebblethwaite, Benjamin. A Transatlantic History of Haitian Vodou: Rasin Figuier, Rasin Bwa Kayiman, and the Rada and Gede Rites. United States, University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
Excerpts from these documents are included below, with commentary:
In  Description topographique, (1797) Moreau de Saint-Méry described two variants of Vodou (“Vaudoux”), which seem to be the precursors of the Rada and Petwo rites respectively. 
The first variant of Vodou is described between pages 45 and 51, introduced like so:
“Selon les nègres Aradas, qui sont les véritables sectateurs du Vaudoux dans la Colonie, & qui en mantiennent les principes & les règles, Vaudoux signifie un être tout-puissant & surnaturel, dont dépendent tous les événemens qui se passent sur ce globe. Or, cet être, c'est le serpent non venimeux ou une espèce de couleuvre, et c'est sous ses auspices que se rassemblent tous ceux qui professent la même doctrine. Connaissance du passé, science du présent, prescience de l'avenir, tout appartient à cette couleuvre, qui ne consent néanmoins à communiquer son pouvoir, & à prescrire ses volontés, que par l'organe d'un grand-prêtre que les sectateurs choisissent, & plus encore par celui de la négresse que l'amour de ce dernier a élevée aurang de grande-prêtresse.”
“According to the Aradas, who are the true devotees of Voodoo in the colony, and who maintain the principles and the rules, Voodoo signifies an all-powerful & supernatural being, on whom depends all events that happen in the world. Now, this being is the non-venomous serpent or a kind of grass snake, and it is under its auspices that all those who profess the same doctrine gather. Knowledge of the past, science of the present, prescience of the future, all belong to this grass snake, which nevertheless does not consent to communicate its power, and to prescribe its wishes, except through the organ of a high priest whom the sectarians choose, and even more through that of the negress whom the love of the latter has raised to the rank of high priestess.”
SOURCE: Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 45-51 https://archive.org/details/descriptiontopog00more/page/44/mode/2up 
The ceremony resembles snake worship of Ouidah, where it centers around a snake god (couleuvre). It was presided over by two ministers, who were called “King” (Roi) & “Queen” (Reine), “master” (maître) & “Mistress” (maîtresse), or “Papa” (papa) & “Mama” (maman). With the snake secured inside a box, the ceremony begins with an adoration of the snake and an oath of secrecy. The congregation was then allowed to make appeals to the snake. Many of those present were slaves: “La plûpart lui demandent le talent de diriger l'esprit de leurs maîtres;” (p. 47)
This is followed by spirit possession by the snake god: 
“A chacune de ses invocations, le roi Vaudoux se recueille; l'Esprit agit en lui. Tout-à-coup il  prend la boîte où est la couleuvre, la place à terre et fait monter sur elle la Reine Vaudoux. Dès que l'asile sacré est sous ses pieds, nouvelle pythonisse, elle est pénétrée du dieu, elle s'agite, tout son corps est dans un état convulsif, & l'oracle parle par sa bouche.”
“At each of his invocations, the Voodoo king collects himself; the Spirit acts on him. Suddenly he takes the bok where the snake is, places it on the ground and makes the Voodoo Queen climb on it. As soon as the sacred asylum is under her feet, a new pythoness, she is is penetrated by the god, she becomes agitated, her whole body is in a convulsive state, & the oracle speaks through her mouth.”
SOURCE: Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 48
Offerings are then made to the snake god, and a second oath of secrecy is taken. This is followed by a sacred dance, where the song “Eh! eh! Bomba, hen! hen!” is sung, and the “mounting” of an initiate is described: “alors le récipiendaire se met à trembler et à danser; ce qui s'appelle monter Vaudoux” (p. 49)
This key historical document is worth reading in full. It pertains to the history of New Orleans Vooodo, as it was copied by the author of Souvenirs d’Amerique et de France par une créole (1883) in her description of Nouvelle-Orléans. 
SEE: [Hélène d’Aquin Allain], Souvenirs d’Amérique et de France par une créole (Paris: Bourguet-Calas, 1883), 144. https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1314161/f158.item.r=vaudoux 
Malenfant’s account is similar to Moreau de Saint-Méry’s (1797) Description topographique. Malenfant likened Vodou to Freemasonry, and there is no mention of “Don Pedro”.
Below is an excerpt:
Les voyageurs qui veulent parcourir l'Afrique devraient se faire initier à une secte connue sous le nom de Vaudou , secte très-sévèrement punie par les blancs, et aussi cruellement que les francs - maçons par les Espagnols et les Portugais.
Il y avait à Gouraud une grande prêtresse du Vaudou, et un noir, grand chef; je n'ai jamais voulu les dénoncer; ils eussent été pendus ou brûlés de suite. J'ai su ce fait par une négresse qui était initiée. Il y a un mot depasse, mais elle n'a jamais voulu me l'indiquer : elle disait que les femmes ne le connaissent pas. Elle m'a donné les signes pour la reconnaissance avec la main: c'est , à quelque chose près , celui des maçons. Très-peu de créoles sont initiés; il n'y a que les enfants des chefs du Vaudou. Elle me le dit sous le secret, en m’assurant que, malgré que les nègres m'aimassent beaucoup , je serais tué ou empoisonné si je cherchais à découvrir le grand mystère de la secte.
Il existe chez les prêtres du Vaudou, une grosse couleuvre privée, cachée sous terre, dans une grande caisse de bois, qu'on lève dans les cérémonies en forme d'autel. On fait des serments entre les mains de la grande prêtresse. Les danses conduisent à des convulsions, qui cessent lorsqu'on boit une espèce d'huile , qu'elle m'a dit être de serpent ; on en frotte aussi les tempes , les jarrets et les aisselles.
Le chef du Vaudou mourut lorsque j'étais à Gouraud. Il avait un grand ascendant sur tous les noirs ; ils lui ont fait des funérailles magnifiques ; on y a dansé le Vaudou. Je n'ai point voulu troubler leur fête : je lui ai donné au contraire vingt bouteilles de vin.
Cette secte me paraît tenir aux illuminés. Il n'y a que des fanatiques , des sots , ou des imbécilles, qui puissent s'inquiéter d'une secte, qui me paraît à peu près celle de la maçonnerie.
Il faut espérer que les philantropes qui ont établi sur la Sierra Léona une colonie libre , parviendront à trouver l'origine de cette institution, qui remonte peut-être aux temps les plus reculés. Les Arradas sont ceux qui m'ont paru y être le plus attachés…
Travelers who want to travel through Africa should be initiated into a sect known as Voodoo, a sect very severely punished by the whites, and as cruelly as the Freemasons by the Spaniards and the Portuguese. 
There was in Gouraud a high priestess of Voodoo, and a black, a great chief; I never wanted to denounce them; they would have been hanged or burned immediately. I learned this fact from a negress who was initiated. There is a password, but she never wanted to tell me: she said that women do not know it. She gave me the signs for recognition with the hand: it is, more or less, that of the Masons. Very few Creoles are initiated; there are only the children of the Voodoo chiefs. She told me this in secret, assuring me that, although the Negroes loved me very much, I would be killed or poisoned if I tried to discover the great mystery of the sect.
Among the Voodoo priests, there is a large private snake, hidden underground, in a large wooden box, which is raised in ceremonies in the form of an altar. Oaths are taken in the hands of the high priestess. The dances lead to convulsions, which stop when one drinks a kind of oil, which she told me was made of snake oil; one also rubs the temples, hamstrings and armpits with it.
The Voodoo chief died when I was in Gouraud. He had great influence over all the blacks; they gave him a magnificent funeral; they danced Voodoo there. I did not want to disturb their celebration: on the contrary, I gave him twenty bottles of wine.
This sect seems to me to be related to the enlightened. There are only fanatics, fools, or imbeciles, who can worry about a sect, which seems to me to be more or less that of Masonry.
It is to be hoped that the philanthropists who have established a free colony on Sierra Leone, will succeed in finding the origin of this institution, which perhaps goes back to the most remote times. The Arradas are those who seemed to me to be most attached to it…
SOURCE: MALENFANT, COLONEL (1814) Des Colonies et Particulierement de Cellede Saint-Domingue: Memoire Historique et Politique. Paris: Audibert., p. 217-220 https://archive.org/details/descoloniesetpar00male/page/215/mode/1up?q=vaudou 
13) Prophet or Cook? The Real Don Pedro
These letters by the judge of Petit Goâve parish reveal that the original Don Pedro was not a freedman but probably a maroon slave, and that Moreau de Saint-Méry (doc. 11) was mistaken in thinking he was Spanish rather than African. Due to Portuguese influence in Africa, Pedro was quite a common name among Kongolese, both for African kings and Caribbean slaves. Significantly, the author uses the Portuguese “Dom” not the Spanish “Don.” Petit Goâve lies west of Port-au-Prince on Haiti’s southern peninsula.
(1 May 1769.) In June/July 1768 and on into 1769, [I] carried out the very extensive investigation for the criminal case against the infamous black slave Pierre, of the Congo nation, who called himself Dom Pedro, and his adherents and accomplices to the number of forty-two imprisoned Negroes, mulattoes, and Negresses. The Negro Dom Pedro was extremely dangerous. He went from plantation to plantation dominating the minds of the blacks by means of performing crude tricks. He informed them that they would soon be free, and he had the slave drivers of each plantation whipped, telling them that they could no longer flog the slaves in their charge and, moreover, that they would not be punished by their masters. He demanded tribute in either money or animals from initiated or compliant slaves, and he imposed it on those who did not remain loyal to him. This investigation involved some 300 documents, and it was brought to an end in February by order of the Council, because the Negro Dom Pedro had been killed in a hunt. 
(15 October 1773.) [The jails of Petit Goâve were full of] the accomplices of a black slave calling himself Dompèdre who stirred up the workforces of the north and south coasts [of the southern peninsula] inciting them to rebellion and to be independent of their masters. 
(Archives Nationales d’Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence, E 182, Ferrand de Beaudière to the Naval and Colonial Minister)
SOURCE: Geggus, David. The Haitian Revolution: a documentary history. Hackett Publishing, 2014. 
In  Description topographique, (1797) Moreau de Saint-Méry described two variants of Vodou (“Vaudoux”), which seem to be the precursors of the Rada and Petwo rites respectively. 
Moreau de Saint-Méry describes the second variant of Vodou on page 51:
“...Qui croirait que le Vaudoux le cède encore à quelque chose, qu'on a aussi appelé du nom de danse ! En 1768 , un nègre du Petit-Goave , espagnol d'origine, abusant de la crédulité des nègres, par des pratiques superstitieuses , leur avait donné l'idée d'une danse analogue à celle du Vaudoux , mais où les mouvemens sont plus précipités. Pour lui faire produire encore plus d'effet, les nègres mettent dans le tafia qu'ils boivent en dansant , de la poudre à canon bien écrasée. On a vu cette danse appellée Danse à Dom Pèdre, ou simplement Don Pèdre, donner la mort à des nègres ; & les spectateurs euxmêmes, électrifés par le spectacle de cet exercice convulsis, partagent l'ivresse des acteurs, & accélèrent par leur chant & une mesure pressée , une crife qui leur est , en quelque sorte , commune. Il a sallu défendre de danser Don Pedre sous des peines graves , & quelquefois inefficaces.”
TRANSLATION (borrowed from Laguerre):
“Who will believe that Voodoo gives place to something further which also goes by the name of dance? In 1768, a slave of Petit-Goave, of Spanish origin, abusing the credulity of the blacks, by superstitious practices gave them an idea of a dance, analogous to that of the Voodoo, but where the movements are more hurried. To make it even more effective the slaves place in the rum, which they drink while dancing, weIl crushed gun-powder. One has seen this dance, called Dance to Don Pedro, or simply Don Pedro, induce death in the slaves; and the spectators themselves, electrified by the spectacle of this convulsive exercise, share the drunkenness of the actors, and hasten by their chant and a quickened measure, a crisis which is in some way common to them. It has been necessary to forbid them from dancing Don Pedro under grave penalty, but sometimes ineffectually.”
SOURCE: Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint Domingue (etc.). Vol. 1. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 1797. p. 45-51 https://archive.org/details/descriptiontopog00more/page/44/mode/2up 
This second, more “fiery” variant of Vodou (“Don Pedro”) seems to be the precursor to the Petwo rite.
Descourtilz mentions the precursor to the Petwo rite in Chapter 4, “Idée des Vaudoux”:
 « Les vaudoux , me dit la véridique Finette (1) , sont de nations différentes ; ils tombent en crise par suite d’une sympathie imconcevable. Réunis sur le terrain qui doit être le théâtre de leurs grimaces convulsives, ils sourient en se rencontrant, se heurtent avec rudesse, et les voilà tous deux en crise ; les pieds en l'air, hurlant comme des bêtes féroces , et écumant comme elles.
» Je passois un jour , poursuivit-elle, auprès de deux de ces espèces de convulsionnaires, et soit que leurs prosélytes aient eu l’intenuon d’accréditer leur système, soit que par ces preuves irrécusables , ils aient voulu profiter de mon jeune àge pour m'initier dans leurs mystères , on m’introduisit dans le cercle, et il fut ordonné à l’un d’eux, par le chef de la horde, de prendre dans ses mains du charbon allumé qui lui fut présenté, et sembla ne point le brûler; à l’autre de se laisser enlever des lanières de chair avec des ongles de fer, ce qui fut ponctuellement exécuté, sans que je remarquasse le moindre signe de sensibilité.
» Dompète ( c’est le nom du chef tout-puissant de la horde fanatique ) a, disent-ils, le pouvoir de découvrir de ses yeux , et malgré tout obstacle matériel, tout ce qui se passe , n’importe à quelle distance ; propriété ficuve bien faite pour en imposer aux crédules, et tyranniser les incertains dont le défaut de confiance est puni par le poison qui leur est familier , et, dans les mains du Dompète, d'un usage journalier et impuni.
» Les acolytes de cette secte ont aussi entre eux des moyens magiques d’exercer leur vengeance. Un homme a-t-il essuyé les rigueurs d’une amante, ou l’infidélité d’une maîtresse habituée ? un piquant de raie jeté dans l’urine de la coupable, le venge de son outrage, en frappant soudain l’infidelle d’unemaladie de langueur, que le vaudoux fait cesser à volonté par une préparauon différente.
"The voodooists," the truthful Finette (1) told me, "are of different nations; they fall into crisis as a result of an inconceivable sympathy. Gathered on the ground which must be the scene of their convulsive grimaces, they smile when they meet, collide roughly, and there they are both in crisis; feet in the air, howling like wild beasts, and foaming like them.
"I was passing one day," she continued, "with two of these kinds of convulsionaries, and whether their proselytes had the intention of accrediting their system, or whether by these irrefutable proofs they wanted to take advantage of my young age to initiate me into their mysteries, I was introduced into the circle, and one of them was ordered by the leader of the horde to take in his hands some lighted coal which was presented to him, and seemed not to burn it; the other to let strips of flesh be removed from him with iron nails, which was punctually carried out, without my noticing the slightest sign of sensitivity.
"Dompète (this is the name of the all-powerful leader of the fanatic horde) has, they say, the power to discover with his eyes, and despite all material obstacles, everything that happens, no matter how far away; a fictive property well made to impose itself on the credulous, and to tyrannize the uncertain whose lack of confidence is punished by the poison which is familiar to them, and, in the hands of the Dompète, of daily and unpunished use.
"The acolytes of this sect also have among themselves magical means of exercising their vengeance. Has a man endured the rigors of a lover, or the infidelity of a regular mistress? A stingray prickle thrown into the urine of the guilty one, avenges his outrage, by suddenly striking the unfaithful woman with a disease of languor, which voodoo can stop at will by a different preparation.
SOURCE: Descourtilz, Michel Etienne, and LECLERC, Charles Emmanuel. Voyages d'un naturaliste: et ses observations ; faites sur les trois regnes de la nature, dans plusieurs ports de mer francʹais, en Espagne, au continent de l'Amerique septentrionale, a Saint-Yago de Cuba, et a St.-Domingue, ou l'Auteur devenu le prisonnier de 40,000 Noirs revoltes, et par suite mis en liberte par une colonne de l'armee francʹaise, donne des details circonstancies sur l'expedition du general Leclerc. France, Dufart, pere, 1809. https://archive.org/details/voyagesdunnatura03desc/page/180/mode/2up 
Drouin de Bercy describes the threat “Don Pedro” posed to the white colonists:
Le Don Pedro et le Vaudou sont une association d'autant plus terrible qu'elle a pour but la ruine et la destruction des blancs, et de persuader aux negres qu'ils ne seront jamais heureux, s'ils n'y sont pass associes. Pour etre Don Pedro, il faut etre bon filou, effronte, entet, endurci aux coups, et ne jamais reveler de ce qui s'est passe dans leurs rendez-vous.
Don Pedro and Voodoo are an association all the more terrible because their aim is the ruin and destruction of the whites, and to persuade the Negroes that they will never be happy if they are not associated with it. To be Don Pedro, one must be a good rogue, brazen, stubborn, hardened to blows, and never reveal what happened in their meetings.
SOURCE: Drouin de Bercy, Léon. De Saint-Domingue: de ses guerres, de ses révolutions, de ses resources, et de moyens a prendre pour y rétabilir la paix et l'industrie. France, Chez Hocquet, 1814. p. 176 https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=FxYWAAAAYAAJ&oi=fnd&pg=176#v=onepage&q&f=false 
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