miruchikio-blog · 6 years
Assignment 4
< final statement >
 i suppose that craters size is affected by geological character.
the more wider and deeper, that region's geological feature is more soft and easily erodible than other region.
from given dataset, i get mars craters data and make data management
d/D ration - Diameter graph show that middle area of MARS ( -30' ~ 30' of Latitude ) have  high d/D ratio. the results suggest that surface of middle area of MARS may have fine-grained materials.
 < main code >
import pandas as pdimport numpy as np
import seaborn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 ## dataset importdata = pd.read_csv('marscrater_pds.csv', low_memory=False) 
## unnecessary column delete.. just trying..
data.drop('MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1', axis=1, inplace=True)data.drop('MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_2', axis=1, inplace=True)data.drop('MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_3', axis=1, inplace=True)data.drop('NUMBER_LAYERS', axis=1, inplace=True) 
# New variable making
data['d_D_ratio'] = data['DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG'] / data['DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE']  
# divide Latitude of mars into 6 group eg. -90~-60, -60~-30, -30~0, 0~30, 30~60, 60~90
def LATI (row):
    if (row['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'] >= -90.0) & (row['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'] < -60.0) :
        return 1
    elif (row['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'] >= -60.0) & (row['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'] < -30.0) :
        return 2
    elif (row['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'] >= -30.0) & (row['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'] < 0.0) :
        return 3
    elif (row['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'] >= 0.0) & (row['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'] < 30.0) :
        return 4
    elif (row['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'] >= 30.0) & (row['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'] < 60.0) :
        return 5
    elif (row['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'] >= 60.0) & (row['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'] < 90.0) :
        return 6   
        return 0
 # subset data to d_D_ratio over 0.001 and creating 'LATI' variable
sub1 = data[(data['d_D_ratio'] > 0.001)]
sub1['LATI'] = sub1.apply (lambda row : LATI (row), axis=1)
 #check data set
print("<<< sub1 data set info check >>>")
 desc1 = sub1['d_D_ratio'].describe()
print (desc1)
 desc2 = sub1['DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE'].describe()
print (desc2)
 desc3 = sub1['DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG'].describe()
print (desc3)
 desc4 = sub1['LATI'].describe()
print (desc4)
 print("<<< Diameter according to LATITUDE  >>>")
c11 = sub1.groupby('LATI')['DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE'].describe()
 print("<<< Depth according to LATITUDE  >>>")
c12 = sub1.groupby('LATI')['DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG'].describe()
 print("<<< d/D ratio according to LATITUDE  >>>")
c13 = sub1.groupby('LATI')['d_D_ratio'].describe()
 ## basic plot Association Between DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE and DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG
scat1 = seaborn.regplot(x="DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE", y="DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG",  data=sub1)
plt.title('Basic Scatterplot for the Association Between DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE and DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG')
 ## bivariate bar graph plot
seaborn.factorplot(x='LATI', y='DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE', data=sub1, kind="bar", ci=None)
plt.xlabel('Latitude group')
plt.title('Crater Diameter')
 seaborn.factorplot(x='LATI', y='DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG', data=sub1, kind="bar", ci=None)
plt.xlabel('Latitude group')
plt.title('Crater Depth')
 seaborn.factorplot(x='LATI', y='d_D_ratio', data=sub1, kind="bar", ci=None)
plt.xlabel('Latitude group')
plt.title('d/D ratio')
  < console output > 
See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy
  sub1['LATI'] = sub1.apply (lambda row : LATI (row), axis=1)
<<< sub1 data set info check >>>
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 76742 entries, 0 to 374206
Data columns (total 8 columns):
CRATER_ID                 76742 non-null object
CRATER_NAME               76742 non-null object
LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE     76742 non-null float64
LONGITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE    76742 non-null float64
DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE         76742 non-null float64
DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG      76742 non-null float64
d_D_ratio                 76742 non-null float64
LATI                      76742 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(5), int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 5.3+ MB
        CRATER_ID CRATER_NAME  ...   d_D_ratio  LATI
0       01-000000              ...    0.002680     6
1       01-000001     Korolev  ...    0.024019     6
2       01-000002              ...    0.001130     6
3       01-000003              ...    0.001738     6
4       01-000004              ...    0.001496     6
5       01-000005              ...    0.002615     6
6       01-000006              ...    0.001426     6
8       01-000008              ...    0.001884     6
10      01-000010              ...    0.001337     6
11      01-000011              ...    0.002534     6
12      01-000012       Dokka  ...    0.034064     6
13      01-000013              ...    0.003214     6
14      01-000014              ...    0.002832     6
15      01-000015              ...    0.021704     6
16      01-000016              ...    0.001858     6
18      01-000018              ...    0.003476     6
20      01-000020              ...    0.040691     6
21      01-000021              ...    0.001829     6
23      01-000023              ...    0.011387     6
24      01-000024              ...    0.001222     6
25      01-000025              ...    0.052645     6
26      01-000026              ...    0.053731     6
27      01-000027              ...    0.052183     6
28      01-000028       Louth  ...    0.038864     6
29      01-000029              ...    0.001117     6
30      01-000030              ...    0.003085     6
31      01-000031              ...    0.004045     6
32      01-000032              ...    0.002968     6
33      01-000033              ...    0.003009     6
34      01-000034              ...    0.002124     6
          ...         ...  ...         ...   ...
374163  30-003511              ...    0.023102     1
374168  30-003516              ...    0.006601     1
374169  30-003517              ...    0.016556     1
374170  30-003518              ...    0.009934     1
374173  30-003521              ...    0.039735     1
374175  30-003523              ...    0.016556     1
374176  30-003524              ...    0.019868     1
374178  30-003526              ...    0.023179     1
374179  30-003527              ...    0.016556     1
374183  30-003531              ...    0.016556     1
374184  30-003532              ...    0.006645     1
374185  30-003533              ...    0.023256     1
374186  30-003534              ...    0.039867     1
374187  30-003535              ...    0.026578     1
374188  30-003536              ...    0.009967     1
374190  30-003538              ...    0.046512     1
374191  30-003539              ...    0.026578     1
374192  30-003540              ...    0.013289     1
374193  30-003541              ...    0.013289     1
374194  30-003542              ...    0.013289     1
374196  30-003544              ...    0.009967     1
374197  30-003545              ...    0.013289     1
374199  30-003547��             ...    0.029900     1
374200  30-003548              ...    0.009967     1
374201  30-003549              ...    0.006667     1
374202  30-003550              ...    0.013333     1
374203  30-003551              ...    0.020000     1
374204  30-003552              ...    0.053333     1
374205  30-003553              ...    0.013333     1
374206  30-003554              ...    0.013333     1
 [76742 rows x 8 columns]
count    76742.000000
mean         0.051168
std          0.039368
min          0.001003
25%          0.018692
50%          0.038339
75%          0.079695
max          0.230769
Name: d_D_ratio, dtype: float64
count    76742.000000
mean        11.022934
std         15.450993
min          1.060000
25%          3.580000
50%          5.870000
75%         12.120000
max        512.750000
Name: DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE, dtype: float64
count    76742.000000
mean         0.379789
std          0.360992
min          0.010000
25%          0.120000
50%          0.270000
75%          0.520000
max          4.950000
Name: DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG, dtype: float64
count    76742.000000
mean         3.161163
std          1.163746
min          1.000000
25%          2.000000
50%          3.000000
75%          4.000000
max          6.000000
Name: LATI, dtype: float64
<<< Diameter according to LATITUDE  >>>
        count       mean        std   min    25%   50%      75%     max
1      5067.0  13.575891  16.627828  3.00  4.280  7.30  15.7800  201.29
2     17870.0  12.929284  17.166422  1.11  4.010  7.05  14.8700  427.15
3     25221.0  10.968872  15.588188  1.16  3.480  5.90  12.3300  512.75
4     18715.0   9.506109  14.491434  1.06  3.140  4.92   9.8000  408.23
5      7950.0   9.692323  12.558601  1.14  3.770  5.62  10.2975  220.30
6      1919.0   7.545571   9.244252  1.08  3.425  4.57   7.5850  120.58
<<< Depth according to LATITUDE  >>>
        count      mean       std   min   25%   50%   75%   max
1      5067.0  0.298145  0.361430  0.01  0.08  0.16  0.36  2.57
2     17870.0  0.346001  0.360894  0.01  0.11  0.22  0.44  3.64
3     25221.0  0.453349  0.364987  0.01  0.19  0.37  0.61  4.95
4     18715.0  0.406766  0.353687  0.01  0.14  0.31  0.57  3.03
5      7950.0  0.270597  0.312241  0.01  0.07  0.15  0.35  3.14
6      1919.0  0.132460  0.249356  0.01  0.02  0.05  0.12  2.36
<<< d/D ratio according to LATITUDE  >>>
        count      mean       std    ...          50%       75%       max
LATI                                 ...                                
1      5067.0  0.023837  0.015140    ...     0.020942  0.031774  0.125940
2     17870.0  0.036521  0.027535    ...     0.028986  0.049502  0.176849
3     25221.0  0.065411  0.041892    ...     0.065287  0.100806  0.207944
4     18715.0  0.063493  0.040681    ...     0.059524  0.092308  0.230769
5      7950.0  0.035955  0.032962    ...     0.024933  0.048222  0.188811
6      1919.0  0.015370  0.015885    ...     0.009772  0.018972  0.152381
 < variables ( Diameter and Depth ) relationship >
 < 2nd Variable - crater according to MARS Latitude >
0 notes
miruchikio-blog · 6 years
< code > import pandas as pd import numpy as np
## dataset import data = pd.read_csv('marscrater_pds.csv', low_memory=False)   ## check data shape print ("<<< check data shape >>>") print (data.head().to_string())
## check data info print ("<<< check data information >>>") data.info()   ## unnecessary column delete just trying.. print ("<<< modify original dataset >>>") data.drop('MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1', axis=1, inplace=True) data.drop('MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_2', axis=1, inplace=True) data.drop('MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_3', axis=1, inplace=True) data.drop('NUMBER_LAYERS', axis=1, inplace=True)   ## check results print ("<<< check modified data information >>>") data.info()  
## Null data check.. i don't need this ##print ("<null check>") ##data.isnull().sum()
## variable check c1 = data['LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE'].value_counts() ##print(c1)
c2 = data['DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE'].value_counts() ##print(c2)
c3 = data['DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG'].value_counts() ##print(c3)   ## new variable making and add col print ("<<< New variable and add column >>>") data['d_D_ratio'] = data['DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG'] / data['DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE'] c4 = data['d_D_ratio'].value_counts() print(c4)
print ("<<< New variable and frequency distribution >>>") c4 = data['d_D_ratio'].value_counts(sort=True,normalize=True) print(c4)
##group test depth_dia = data.groupby(['d_D_ratio','DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG','DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE'])['d_D_ratio'].count() print(depth_dia)
c5 = depth_dia.value_counts() print(c5)
< Console Output >
<<< check data shape >>>    CRATER_ID CRATER_NAME  LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE  LONGITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE  DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE  DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1 MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_2 MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_3  NUMBER_LAYERS 0  01-000000                             84.367                 108.746              82.10                  0.22                                                                          0 1  01-000001     Korolev                 72.760                 164.464              82.02                  1.97            Rd/MLERS                HuBL                                  3 2  01-000002                             69.244                 -27.240              79.63                  0.09                                                                          0 3  01-000003                             70.107                 160.575              74.81                  0.13                                                                          0 4  01-000004                             77.996                  95.617              73.53                  0.11                                                                          0 <<< check data information >>> <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 384343 entries, 0 to 384342 Data columns (total 10 columns): CRATER_ID                 384343 non-null object CRATER_NAME               384343 non-null object LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE     384343 non-null float64 LONGITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE    384343 non-null float64 DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE         384343 non-null float64 DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG      384343 non-null float64 MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1       384343 non-null object MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_2       384343 non-null object MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_3       384343 non-null object NUMBER_LAYERS             384343 non-null int64 dtypes: float64(4), int64(1), object(5) memory usage: 29.3+ MB <<< modify original dataset >>> <<< check modified data information >>> <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 384343 entries, 0 to 384342 Data columns (total 6 columns): CRATER_ID                 384343 non-null object CRATER_NAME               384343 non-null object LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE     384343 non-null float64 LONGITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE    384343 non-null float64 DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE         384343 non-null float64 DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG      384343 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(4), object(2) memory usage: 17.6+ MB <<< New variable and add column >>> 0.000000    307529 0.062500        73 0.090909        71 0.066667        67 0.125000        66 0.058824        58 0.100000        51 0.045455        50 0.076923        50 0.031250        48 0.111111        46 0.071429        46 0.083333        45 0.055556        45 0.033333        44 0.111111        44 0.035714        44 0.040000        44 0.032258        44 0.015625        41 0.043478        40 0.019608        39 0.080000        38 0.034483        36 0.083333        36 0.047619        36 0.020000        35 0.018182        35 0.022727        34 0.038462        34   0.028612         1 0.083659         1 0.032145         1 0.011746         1 0.139583         1 0.043967         1 0.029418         1 0.058961         1 0.004144         1 0.010217         1 0.041833         1 0.006731         1 0.042339         1 0.007267         1 0.182283         1 0.057671         1 0.089941         1 0.023052         1 0.028659         1 0.035338         1 0.077572         1 0.010238         1 0.138085         1 0.019572         1 0.012155         1 0.134986         1 0.070524         1 0.031710         1 0.127566         1 0.050777         1 Name: d_D_ratio, Length: 38943, dtype: int64 <<< New variable and frequency distribution >>> 0.000000    0.800142 0.062500    0.000190 0.090909    0.000185 0.066667    0.000174 0.125000    0.000172 0.058824    0.000151 0.100000    0.000133 0.045455    0.000130 0.076923    0.000130 0.031250    0.000125 0.111111    0.000120 0.071429    0.000120 0.083333    0.000117 0.055556    0.000117 0.033333    0.000114 0.111111    0.000114 0.035714    0.000114 0.040000    0.000114 0.032258    0.000114 0.015625    0.000107 0.043478    0.000104 0.019608    0.000101 0.080000    0.000099 0.034483    0.000094 0.083333    0.000094 0.047619    0.000094 0.020000    0.000091 0.018182    0.000091 0.022727    0.000088 0.038462    0.000088   0.028612    0.000003 0.083659    0.000003 0.032145    0.000003 0.011746    0.000003 0.139583    0.000003 0.043967    0.000003 0.029418    0.000003 0.058961    0.000003 0.004144    0.000003 0.010217    0.000003 0.041833    0.000003 0.006731    0.000003 0.042339    0.000003 0.007267    0.000003 0.182283    0.000003 0.057671    0.000003 0.089941    0.000003 0.023052    0.000003 0.028659    0.000003 0.035338    0.000003 0.077572    0.000003 0.010238    0.000003 0.138085    0.000003 0.019572    0.000003 0.012155    0.000003 0.134986    0.000003 0.070524    0.000003 0.031710    0.000003 0.127566    0.000003 0.050777    0.000003 Name: d_D_ratio, Length: 38943, dtype: float64 d_D_ratio  DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG  DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE -0.016400  -0.42                 25.61                   1 -0.002582  -0.03                 11.62                   1 -0.001863  -0.03                 16.10                   1 -0.001386  -0.02                 14.43                   1 -0.000973  -0.01                 10.28                   1 -0.000925  -0.01                 10.81                   1 -0.000586  -0.02                 34.11                   1 -0.000548  -0.02                 36.51                   1 -0.000528  -0.01                 18.95                   1 -0.000405  -0.02                 49.44                   1  0.000000   0.00                 1.00                 3129                                  1.01                 6298                                  1.02                 6077                                  1.03                 6035                                  1.04                 5941                                  1.05                 5771                                  1.06                 5555                                  1.07                 5454                                  1.08                 5417                                  1.09                 5197                                  1.10                 5087                                  1.11                 4883                                  1.12                 4846                                  1.13                 4686                                  1.14                 4455                                  1.15                 4559                                  1.16                 4394                                  1.17                 4248                                  1.18                 4264                                  1.19                 3995
 0.194373   0.76                 3.91                    1  0.194667   0.73                 3.75                    1  0.194986   0.70                 3.59                    1  0.195122   0.48                 2.46                    1  0.195446   1.03                 5.27                    1  0.196203   0.93                 4.74                    1  0.197059   0.67                 3.40                    1  0.198238   0.90                 4.54                    1  0.198488   1.05                 5.29                    1  0.198661   0.89                 4.48                    1  0.198738   0.63                 3.17                    1  0.200000   1.49                 7.45                    1  0.200418   0.96                 4.79                    1  0.201172   1.03                 5.12                    1  0.201717   1.41                 6.99                    1  0.202083   0.97                 4.80                    1  0.202151   0.94                 4.65                    1  0.203008   0.81                 3.99                    1  0.203160   0.90                 4.43                    1  0.204545   0.81                 3.96                    1  0.205357   0.69                 3.36                    1  0.205479   0.75                 3.65                    1  0.205832   1.20                 5.83                    1  0.207944   0.89                 4.28                    1  0.208038   0.88                 4.23                    1  0.208417   1.04                 4.99                    1  0.213636   0.94                 4.40                    1  0.222527   0.81                 3.64                    1  0.230461   1.15                 4.99                    1  0.230769   0.96                 4.16                    1 Name: d_D_ratio, Length: 52716, dtype: int64 1       38357 2        7535 3        3089 4        1546 5         777 6         427 7         233 8         125 9          88 10         44 11         35 13         20 12         15 16         11 15         10 24          8 14          8 32          7 50          7 28          6 30          6 44          6 18          6 21          6 29          6 33          5 27          5 23          5 25          5 34          5   1009        1 1077        1 1299        1 565         1 277         1 117         1 85          1 1908        1 1396        1 884         1 372         1 308         1 276         1 84          1 1971        1 435         1 1201        1 2450        1 51          1 1650        1 786         1 338         1 306         1 114         1 6035        1 1745        1 5555        1 1393        1 1233        1 591         1 Name: d_D_ratio, Length: 281, dtype: int64
0 notes
miruchikio-blog · 6 years
my first python program
1. Python Code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Jul  9 20:54:20 2018
@author: jun """
## inport library import pandas import numpy
data = pandas.read_csv('C:/jun/marscrater_pds.csv') ## read dataset ##print (data.shape) ## check for dataset (384343, 10)
crater_id = data["CRATER_ID"] ##print(crater_id)
## make new dataset lati = data["LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE"]  ## latitude longi = data["LONGITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE"] ## longitute
print(" <<< diameter of craters >>>") dia = data["DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE"]   ## diameter print(dia)
print(" <<< depth of craters >>>") depth = data["DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG"]  ## depth print(depth)
## 5 < diameter < 50 dia1 = data[(data["DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE"] >= 5) & (data["DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE"] <= 50)] print(dia1)
## copy of dia2 = dia1.copy()
## count for diameter p1 = dia2["DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE"].value_counts(sort=False) print(p1)
## percentage for diameter p2 = dia2["DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE"].value_counts(sort=False, normalize=True) print(p2)
2. Console Output
<<< diameter of craters >>> 0         82.10 1         82.02 2         79.63 3         74.81 4         73.53 5         72.66 6         70.11 7         63.57 8         58.40 9         55.24 10        52.37 11        51.31 12        51.08 13        49.78 14        49.43 15        48.84 16        48.44 17        47.20 18        46.03 19        45.85 20        45.71 21        43.75 22        43.57 23        43.03 24        40.90 25        39.51 26        36.85 27        36.41 28        36.28 29        35.82   384313     1.00 384314     1.00 384315     1.00 384316     1.00 384317     1.00 384318     1.00 384319     1.00 384320     1.00 384321     1.00 384322     1.00 384323     1.00 384324     1.00 384325     1.00 384326     1.00 384327     1.00 384328     1.00 384329     1.00 384330     1.00 384331     1.00 384332     1.00 384333     1.00 384334     1.00 384335     1.00 384336     1.00 384337     1.00 384338     1.00 384339     1.00 384340     1.00 384341     1.00 384342     1.00 Name: DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE, Length: 384343, dtype: float64  <<< depth of craters >>> 0         0.22 1         1.97 2         0.09 3         0.13 4         0.11 5         0.19 6         0.10 7         0.05 8         0.11 9         0.00 10        0.07 11        0.13 12        1.74 13        0.16 14        0.14 15        1.06 16        0.09 17        0.04 18        0.16 19        0.03 20        1.86 21        0.08 22        0.03 23        0.49 24        0.05 25        2.08 26        1.98 27        1.90 28        1.41 29        0.04
384313    0.00 384314    0.00 384315    0.00 384316    0.00 384317    0.00 384318    0.00 384319    0.00 384320    0.00 384321    0.00 384322    0.00 384323    0.00 384324    0.00 384325    0.00 384326    0.00 384327    0.00 384328    0.00 384329    0.00 384330    0.00 384331    0.00 384332    0.00 384333    0.00 384334    0.00 384335    0.00 384336    0.00 384337    0.00 384338    0.00 384339    0.00 384340    0.00 384341    0.00 384342    0.00 Name: DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG, Length: 384343, dtype: float64         CRATER_ID      ...      NUMBER_LAYERS 13      01-000013      ...                  0 14      01-000014      ...                  0 15      01-000015      ...                  0 16      01-000016      ...                  0 17      01-000017      ...                  0 18      01-000018      ...                  0 19      01-000019      ...                  0 20      01-000020      ...                  2 21      01-000021      ...                  0 22      01-000022      ...                  0 23      01-000023      ...                  0 24      01-000024      ...                  0 25      01-000025      ...                  1 26      01-000026      ...                  4 27      01-000027      ...                  3 28      01-000028      ...                  1 29      01-000029      ...                  0 30      01-000030      ...                  0 31      01-000031      ...                  0 32      01-000032      ...                  0 33      01-000033      ...                  0 34      01-000034      ...                  0 35      01-000035      ...                  0 36      01-000036      ...                  0 37      01-000037      ...                  1 38      01-000038      ...                  0 39      01-000039      ...                  2 40      01-000040      ...                  3 41      01-000041      ...                  0 42      01-000042      ...                  0           ...      ...                ... 372782  30-002130      ...                  0 372783  30-002131      ...                  0 372784  30-002132      ...                  0 372785  30-002133      ...                  0 372786  30-002134      ...                  0 372787  30-002135      ...                  1 372788  30-002136      ...                  0 372789  30-002137      ...                  1 372790  30-002138      ...                  0 372791  30-002139      ...                  0 372792  30-002140      ...                  1 372793  30-002141      ...                  1 372794  30-002142      ...                  0 372795  30-002143      ...                  0 372796  30-002144      ...                  0 372797  30-002145      ...                  0 372798  30-002146      ...                  1 372799  30-002147      ...                  1 372800  30-002148      ...                  1 372801  30-002149      ...                  0 372802  30-002150      ...                  1 372803  30-002151      ...                  0 372804  30-002152      ...                  0 372805  30-002153      ...                  0 372806  30-002154      ...                  0 372807  30-002155      ...                  0 372808  30-002156      ...                  0 372809  30-002157      ...                  0 372810  30-002158      ...                  0 372811  30-002159      ...                  1
[45528 rows x 10 columns] 8.00     46 32.00     3 12.00    25 16.00     8 10.00    22 37.32     2 49.34     1 10.66    15 15.87     8 13.32    10 40.43     1 30.16     3 30.13     2 10.64    18 30.43     4 9.16     42 38.90     2 38.18     3 43.44     3 14.76    12 47.21     2 9.43     19 17.38     7 9.32     21 15.45    12 32.96     6 11.51    18 43.18     1 30.95     3 48.40     1          .. 45.87     1 13.91    18 27.93     4 45.78     1 31.58     5 11.74    22 7.98     34 30.51     3 11.22    19 7.78     51 42.56     2 46.40     1 29.91     2 31.79     4 7.99     33 39.24     1 13.89    16 31.65     1 7.46     20 13.61    11 15.80     7 31.98     1 21.89     6 34.48     2 21.61     3 7.95     40 49.66     1 47.63     3 47.62     3 30.12     2 Name: DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE, Length: 4139, dtype: int64 8.00     0.001010 32.00    0.000066 12.00    0.000549 16.00    0.000176 10.00    0.000483 37.32    0.000044 49.34    0.000022 10.66    0.000329 15.87    0.000176 13.32    0.000220 40.43    0.000022 30.16    0.000066 30.13    0.000044 10.64    0.000395 30.43    0.000088 9.16     0.000923 38.90    0.000044 38.18    0.000066 43.44    0.000066 14.76    0.000264 47.21    0.000044 9.43     0.000417 17.38    0.000154 9.32     0.000461 15.45    0.000264 32.96    0.000132 11.51    0.000395 43.18    0.000022 30.95    0.000066 48.40    0.000022   45.87    0.000022 13.91    0.000395 27.93    0.000088 45.78    0.000022 31.58    0.000110 11.74    0.000483 7.98     0.000747 30.51    0.000066 11.22    0.000417 7.78     0.001120 42.56    0.000044 46.40    0.000022 29.91    0.000044 31.79    0.000088 7.99     0.000725 39.24    0.000022 13.89    0.000351 31.65    0.000022 7.46     0.000439 13.61    0.000242 15.80    0.000154 31.98    0.000022 21.89    0.000132 34.48    0.000044 21.61    0.000066 7.95     0.000879 49.66    0.000022 47.63    0.000066 47.62    0.000066 30.12    0.000044 Name: DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE, Length: 4139, dtype: float64
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miruchikio-blog · 6 years
1. I choose marscraters and simple question -->
   " is crater's location associated with diameters? " 
2. my topic is relationship between crater location(Latitude) and diameter size
3. i'm interested in exploring the association between location and crater's size ( diameter and new variable - d/D ratio)
4. according to "Geographical Distribution of Crater Depths on Mars" by Tomasz F.Stepinski, global distribution of d/D ratio provide "observational" support for existence of cryosphere with varing depth.
6. if i get data of crater's size according to latitude, we can guess geological character of mars
< Literature Review >
The purpose of this review is to examine the distribution and formation of mars craters for finding second topic.
There are many kind of formation and shape of mars craters. first topic simply is that what associated with diameter and depth of craters.
From literature review, depth-diameter ratio can be indicator of MARS geological charcacter.
 Methodology of Review
http://scholar.google.com were employed to search for literature review
The keywords used in searching websites were : Mars Craters, Mars Surface, Astronomical Photometry, Depth, Diameters, Impact Damage, Mars Photographs
 Overview of Research Studies
In specific region of mars – Amazonis-Memnonia region, Depth to Diameter ratio for fresh craters display greater than expected.
Average of depth-diameter ratios are approximately 0.23(+-4), 0.25(+-3) for simple crater and complex crater repectively.
However, in Amazonis-Memnonia region, depth-diameter ratios are approximately 0.29(+-5), 0.21(+-4)
The increase in depth-diameter ratio is considered due to geologic character on mars.
 Discussion and Second Topic
MARS cater formation can be affected by geologic character.
Therefore, geological material and properties of MARS can be infered by investigating depth-diameter ratios.
Using dataset that has 378,540 craters information, MARS geological character according to latitude could be obtained statistically.
Barlow, N.G. (1993). Increased depth-diameter ratios in the Medusae Fossae Formation deposits of Mars
In its Twenty-fourth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Part 1: A-F p 61-62 (SEE N94-12015 01-91)
 Barlow, N.G. (1993). Depth-diameter ratios for Martian impact craters: Implications for target properties and episodes of degradation
In its Mars: Past, Present, and Future. Results from the MSATT Program, Part 1 p 1 (SEE N94-33190 09-91)
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