#lowkey probably doesn't want to be there LMAO RIP
greeds-indulgence · 1 month
They definitely pulled out all the stops at this party, that's for sure.
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subastian-swallows · 1 year
Angsty Thoughts
I'm curious...
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This is probably a "me" thing lmao, but what if:
Sebastian simply needed a replacement for Anne.
We hear a lot about her being an ingrained part of the trio and obviously when she got sick, it most likely felt like a part of both Ominis and Sebastian was now missing.
I have this really upsetting headcanon, that Sebastian mistakes his "feelings" for you, simply for the benefit of having someone, both capable of helping him find a cure, as well as, have the ability to potentially do it.
I love/hate the idea, that Sebastian is so focused on finding a cure for Anne, that he doesn't really care for friendships or relationships for that matter. With Ominis, it's ingrained, he's practically a brother and so it's natural. But even this is tested when Sebastian still chooses dark magic.
Truthfully, if Anne was to get better, would he need you?
Obviously, friendship wise and romance wise, sure...if that's what he wanted or came to find in the end. But what if he never saw you like that and just saw a talented wizard/witch to gain a better chance at helping Anne. (Ouch - I know)
I think it would be really fun to delve deep into the mindset of a true chaotic evil Sebastian, who, for the love of sister, just destroyed everyone else in his path.
As you can tell, angsty vibes have taken me into the dark side and I just find Sebastian being a little mean brat, such a fun concept to play with.
I also find it really heartbreaking and lowkey interesting to think about, the possibility that Anne blames you for letting Sebastian go down a dark path and if, let's say she gets better, would she turn him against you?
He just got his sister back, he wouldn't need you....right?
ANYWAY LMAO, this is just my angst thoughts coming out as I write fluff... (Clearly just love headcanoning too much, instead of actually writing. RIP)
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agaypanic · 4 months
"what type of girl would malcolm prefer?" "what type of girl would reese prefer?" wrong. what kind of guy would they prefer
you are SO right
i honestly feel like the personality/attributes of the ideal girl would be similar to the ideal guy
with malcolm, blonde hair is def a plus. and you should be smart (but probably not smarter than him bc he'll feel threatened and get bitchy lol). i think an athletic guy would go good with malcolm, mainly bc i love brain x brawn pairings lmao. malcolm would especially like you if you can defend him from reese, but he'll also lowkey complain like "i can fight him myself you know"
with reese, he'd probably like a guy who's really ripped, but doesn't make him feel bad/insecure about his physique. yall remember the episode where jessica makes malcolm and reese think the other is gay, and she showed reese's magazines to malcolm that are covered in ripped dudes? he has those because he wants to look like that, and he wants a bf who looks like that lol and he'd probably love working out together
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oddball-artz · 9 months
I am gonna flood your inbox, just warning you now 🤗
So, you want questions? I'll give some to ya.
1. How tall is Dalia?
2. If she was granted anything she could want, what would she want?
3. Any family? If so, who's she closer too?
4. How does she feel about colorguard? Is she good at it?
5. If she was friends with one of my own oc's? Who, and why would she be friends with them?
6. Lastly, if she was dared to eat dirt for 20$ would she?
Sorry for all the questions! I wanna know more abt her, and squeeze her like she's one of my blorbos.
Here we go, in order! :]
1, Dalia is 5'6, and she's also 15 and weighs around 160 pounds just to cover bases
2, if she could have anything, it would probably be peace of mind. She's usually worried about something or someone, and she puts her concerns about and need to protect those close to her above her own needs. She wants a way to just shut out her thoughts and have the peace her epithet can provide to others, but if she tries to use her epithet on herself it doesn't work, so she's constantly seeking out ways to get that peace, but her thoughts never go away, she can push them to the back of her mind but they're always there and she wishes they weren't. (Lowkey needs therapy tbh)
3, alr family wise she has a pretty big family(so many cousins but I'll make a tree later, I promise) but for immediate family she has 2 siblings, both younger. The middle kid is Esme, and she's 9, and she's pretty close with Dalia (even though some days she makes her wanna rip her own hair out bc omfg does this kid not listen). The youngest is named Jasper, he's 8, and he's sweet, but that doesn't mean he doesn't cause trouble, it's just that when he just does it's more sneakily than when Esme does it. When they play together, it's just basically this (https://youtube.com/shorts/7EVy_Bh6lNk?si=qKcONC0YZzcMUH2b sorry idk how else to link it) Dalia regularly walks in on them being like this and is used to it at this point. Her mom is pretty distant and is constantly working, and Dalia wishes she was around more. Her mom(named Avery) also just kinda pins her siblings onto Dalia whenever her dad isn't home. Her dad(named Carter) is a stay at home dad who's trying his best. He's got a lot going on, but despite it all, he's pretty close with Dalia. They have the same sense of humor, so if you put them in a room together, they constantly crack jokes at each other. He was on drumline when he was her age, and that's part of the reason she joined guard bc she wanted to be involved with the marching band like her dad. She looks up to him a lot.
4, she likes colorguard a lot, but there was definitely a learning curve. If you saw her at her first performance compared to her latest, you wouldn't think it's the same person. She gets super nervous before performances tho (she cried because of her nerves before her first real performance) but the more performances and practice she got under her belt the better her nerves have gotten(she still gets a little panicky before big shows and parades, but nothing compared to how it used to be)
5, Prolly Sabrina, i feel her idgaf energy would ground Dalia in a way(I have a lot of friends with that energy and idk why but it grounds me, so now figuring out why is Dalia's problem lmao) They also have similar music taste(Dalia playlist coming soon) If they were friends they'd totally send eachother fanfic for fandoms they're both in at ungodly hours of the night lmao
6, short answer, no (but if you push, yes.) Long answer no, and not because she's above eating dirt for cash but because she knows she'll probably get made fun of if she does. She folds to peer pressure pretty easy tho (people pleaser) and could probably be convinced to if you pushed her about it.
(Sorry this took so long to make lmao, and tysm for asking questions about her. Sorry if this is kinda bad. I'm a better artist than I am a writer)
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emulation-0 · 1 year
ok jjk 221 lets get into it
mixed feelings on the unboxing. it was hilarious how unserious they all were and i didn't actually care that much because i love seeing all of them together <3 shoko <3 momo <3 kirara <3 maki <3 miwa <3 hakari <3 hana <3 lowkey i missed inumaki too. twas nice!! but the tone shift was really weird, i was hoping it would be more high stakes than that and it really feels like theyre going back to the 'let gojo handle it' mindset which. feels very much against the point considering the last thought we had from him before the culling game was 'i have faith in all of them.' its like nothing has changed since then.
it's also really weird that nothing has really been said about tengen. all of their actions have been pointing towards them being very untrustworthy and on their own side, and it just so happened that their goals at the time aligned with yuki and co's, but there's just been nothing. it feels very anticlimactic. they knew that gojo could have possibly died upon being unsealed and said nothing, they could've ended the culling game at the beginning and said nothing. like it goes back to yuki getting really mad at them back in ch 201 i think and then just going along with the plan and dying. it feels like there's no point, no fanfare, nobody cares about the really important parts. it feels like tengen's existence was unimportant and pushed aside despite their actions and existence being the reason (or helping the reason) why jujutsu society is so shitty?? idk if this makes a lot of sense but even their conversation with kenjaku in the last chapter... it just feels like tengen means nothing. that's annoying. but anyway
gojo's unboxing was so unserious but i hoped maybe he would go a little berserk when he was actually out. the ripped jacket was cool and i wish gege kept it, that wouldve fucked so hard but he's still suffering the disease of making his men buff when they shouldn't be :/ whatever i guess. up until sukuna showed up it really did seem as if he was going to go berserk which i was so here for!!! especially since the angel was kind of hyping it up. alas it was not to be 😔 which is annoying!!! at least we got a your mom joke? but anyway!! im glad at least gojo vs sukuna is happening first because its not as if kenny really wanted to fight him anyway unless some bullshit with their technique happens like last time with yuki. which would be stupid. but also im not sure how i feel about this upcoming battle though. it would tie back to the 'six eyes and ten shadows killed each other in the past' but one, it feels way too soon for that, and two, i think with the way gojo said 'you? a loser that had to run away from yuuji?' is hinting towards another conflict between sukuna and yuuji. i have many thoughts about this and i'll probably derail later so let's bookmark it here *
gojoken fight would be kind of stupid because if theyre leaving it all to gojo (😐) he would probably just one-shot them. realistically. yuuta coming to fulfill his promise to kill gojo's best friend for him would feel better personally because then his words would actually hold weight lmao and maybe he'll die too!! if gege is continuing his pattern of getting rid of the special-grades (unless he's only getting rid of the adult special-grades which is 😐but whatever!!!) yuuta doesn't really serve a purpose in the story rn anyway besides being gojo's temporary replacement so it wouldn't be a pointless loss either. especially if such a fight would show gojo that his students dont need to depend on him and they have grown in his absence. like he had faith in them to when he first got boxed!! though in that case maybe yuuta's death wouldn't be the best way to express that. unless kids like hakari and maki picked up the slack. idk. my thoughts are a mess rn bear with me here 🙏
* ok so in the last panel too gojo says that he'll win and sure, he could, because sukuna's not even at full strength yet. it makes me wonder where the other five fingers are since if they kill each other wouldn't it be a little pointless if sukuna was missing some fingers? you'd have to get rid of the rest of him through yuuji and that would be stupid. bookmarking this for later also * but anyway!! the game is changed now since sukuna has the ten shadows technique and knows how to use it better than megumi can so theres likely a real chance gojo would get hurt. maybe he'll even lose an eye this time and live to tell the tale considering hana and inumaki got to live (but then again are they really characters in the story anymore? 💀) if he did get hurt that would make it easier for a students vs kenjaku fight to take place as well
and about yuuji. sukuna's not 'running' from yuuji because he's scared but i'm sure that he's wary at least. there was that comment: 'right, this brat is from back then...' which was ambiguous in its meaning (im pretty sure he was saying 'this brat has been strong since back then [pre-sukuna]' or something like that but the possibility of some heian stuff going on is equally interesting!! and weird!!) but yeah. and its not as if being trapped in yuuji was a very convenient place to be anyway. gojo was probably just taunting him saying he was running from yuuji but he is wary of him at least!! especially since he's so sturdy or whatever. so i hope that between gojo vs sukuna someone gets hurt or dies because i think another fight between yuuji and sukuna would be a nice wrapping up. yuuji's active involvement with jujutsu started with sukuna and it would be cool to end it with him, too
not only that but there's also the whole 'if you die i'll kill you' 'so start by saving me, itadori' 'i have a few suggestions about how we can save fushiguro' thing thats going on between yuuji and megumi. we all know it so i guess i won't say it but that's more fuel for the sukuna vs yuuji fight right
* i think gojo is going to lose. if not against sukuna then he's going to lose against something. i'm torn between not feeling great about 'leave it all to gojo' and the adults' feelings that kids shouldn't have to take on adult problems but i think he's going to lose against someone and then the kids will fight so we can have both perspectives? the confidence with which he says 'i will win', the history between six eyes and ten shadows, the one-eye imagery in official arts combined with the weird timing and tone of his unboxing feel like they're spelling defeat but i'm just wondering how it's all going to tie in. like what order are these events going to happen? who's going to do what? how's this going to play out? which isn't even theorizing that's just waiting for the next chapter to come out kldehwjakfdjzhs since gege has dashed all my hopes and expectations. don't even know whos going to die anymore. but whatever!!
this ended up being very long 💀 if i've said anything that was immediately obvious sorry lmao
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evidently i need to have at least three works rotating at my head at any one time, bc i just started on zombie apocalypse AU tes/hes
anyway does anyone have suggestions for the setting. the only thing i got going for it right now is that it literally takes the world ending for hestio to go "hey wait maybe i should do something about my feelings". normally i would redact homophobia out of a story altogether, but in the case of tes/hes i think them feeling like they can't realistically get together is an important part of their dynamic. in the canon universe i used the vatican's "sacred sheep can't get married" stance, but for this AU i replaced it with general modern-day homophobia (rip)
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it's going to be a modern AU instead of being set in the canon universe, because canon universe tesilid already has enough problems without a zombie apocalypse and i can't deal with all that.
which 1) means that he won't have his stigmata restrictions? which means (gasp) he probably dated at some point?? some people would have asked him out - him being extremely handsome is an important part of his character after all. and with his pushover personality i think he would have gone out with some people and have had some extremely terrible experiences. which tbh is sad bc i do want this AU to be exploring the both of them having their first romantic relationship 🤔 so maybe i'll change that up idk
i think tesilid will still be very stuffy and proper even without the restrictions by having some crazy strict and controlling guardian. plus, tutorial era tesilid did have a very strong moral compass, he is intrinsically motivated to do good and help others.
2) tbh i also want them to be adults in this AU though because lowkey i don't want to deal with writing teenagers lmao, and they're already 20 in canon. we didn't really get to see their teenage years so i don't really know how to write them at that age.
i can't think of what jobs to give them though. all three of them are definitely tied to jobs they kind of hate, although tesilid doesn't outwardly show it and he's a top performer at whatever it is that he's doing. i thought of tying them down to a modern AU version of the vatican, but the only thing i can think of that takes in a bunch of children and milks them of their worth is uh. very criminal and illegal. and i'm not sure that such an unethical organisation would keep its children alive until adulthood. while i'm sure that tesilid could be made an exception, hestio & ephael would probably be too average to be spared.
oh and also ephael isn't in this AU because i don't know what to do with him. he wasn't with them when the zombies hit and they haven't seen hide nor hair of him since. i'm sure he's fine tho! 😀
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astral-athame · 8 months
ngl I initially thought Cass's clothing aesthetic was "lowkey femme scene" but now I'm thinking it's "vampire seductress" & Caleb + Jayn are fine either way--
@dhampiravidi ((Her aesthetics runs a bit of a both, honestly xD She just wears whatever she's feeling at the time~ Like... I imagine she goes anywhere from (dark) "grunge" leaning stuff ( x x x ) on days when she just wants to wear jeans and t-shirts but make it ~aesthetic~ to full on "vampire seductress", gothy dresses and such ( x x x ) when she's feeling more feminine and wants to be a bit more dressed up just for fun! Usually, though, on a day to day basis, I'd say she sticks to more casual goth-y / emo / punk? kinda looks ( x x x x x ) OR just the tried and true jeans and a (band) t-shirt or a nice, cozy, sweater~ She likes to layer flannel shirts a lot over t-shirts, too - usually a black and white flannel or something leaning into maroon. And I'd say about 90% of the jeans she owns are distressed or straight up ripped, and when she wears ones with bigger "rips" along the legs and such, she often tosses fishnets on underneath to fill in the spaces. And, considering the time period our particular rp takes place (as someone who was in high school in the late 2000s and was, in fact, goth / emo leaning as much as I could afford to be lmao)- in the fall / winter she wears fingerless gloves sometimes, too. Overall, she wears a LOT of black / grey, but she also owns a handful of clothes with actual color xD Like, you'll catch her, from time to time, even wearing something purple or a softer pink color or (usually darker) blues. It doesn't happen a lot, but it does happen- Mostly with dresses. I think as she gets older, too, she starts focusing more on just general comfort than on looking a certain way. I imagine she wears dresses a lot, either way, but she gets more casual with the ones she's wearing instead of trying to dress them up to lean more "goth / scene / etc". A lot of her aesthetic was mostly because those were the kids she hung out with in middle school and high school. She's never been much of a leader type, but she usually does like to fit in with her crew, so it was a lot of almost over the top kinda looks (as teens tend to do when experimenting with how they want to dress / be perceived). It's mellowed out some since moving (again- I think she wears a lot of black skater dresses and jeans or leggings), and probably has mellowed out some more since hanging out with this group. But from time to time, she'll miss dressing up more and she'll just show up wearing something like that outfit I reblogged earlier xD
Cass doesn't like to stick to one specific style of clothing, she's got a pretty sizable wardrobe (not massive, but she thrift shopped a lot in NYC lol) with a nice little variety of things! She gets bored and feels antsy if she sticks to the same thing(s) for too long (which is reflective, also, in her hopping between hobbies which is why she's decent or good at a lot of things, but not, like, great at anything aside from guitar and lyricism ^^;). So it suits her to have a small variety of different aesthetics that are all within similar genres- she can cross pieces of outfits into other categories and mix and match and still feel like she's getting a new "vibe" out of it, so to speak!))
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sayakxmi · 9 months
[Magi rewatch] Episode 9: A Prince's Duty [Part 1]
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I'm sorry you what.
I literally went out of my way to check the English version, just to have the words I'm referring to. Like, military? That wasn't mentioned in the manga. And, frankly, it didn't seem like he was working for any military.
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Ok, you know, this is actually hilarious. Like, it's supposed to be dramatic, but Alibaba really just came up to the guy, asked what happened to the city, just like that, and the guy IMMEDIATELY understood what Alibaba was referring to.
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Man, that's a far more dramatic reintroduction than what happened in the manga. A reminder, that in the manga Alibaba just... paid some guy to take him to Cassim.
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Still funny, but won't top the manga one. That "angry" just did it for me.
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He's going into more details here.
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Alibaba actually falls to his knees here. Makes sense, kinda. Like, in the manga he was probably still very in that Disbelief phase, but here he's literally in front of a grave. He cries, too.
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Ok, a small thing here is how much angrier Alibaba looks? In the manga he's more shocked & scared, I'd say?
Ok, that's a bit different, again. First of all, Alibaba's more concerned about stealing & the fact that sooner or later Cassim will be caught, and Cassim's like YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT? BUT what else can I do? And, nah, I think like the manga captured Cassim's desperation/despair far better by him just going quiet. And also the fact, that it's not about "stealing bad", and more "we're still missing something".
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Mildly creepy, but, seriously, can't hold a candle to how manga made it look. This entire moment, really. Like, in the manga he looks kind of evil, as much as I hate to use that word to describe anything, since, well, it describes jack shit. But other ones I have is "unhinged", and I'm not entirely sure if that's the one I'd consider fitting, either.
Also, the way he grabs Alibaba in the manga seems far more forceful & Alibaba looks lowkey scared. In the anime it was kind of casual, ngl, Alibaba basially being like Hm?
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Also, in the manga Alibaba seemed more aware of the risk of a war happening, and, frankly, in more despair than in the anime. There's just something about the way his eyes looked, kind of empty, that's missing from the anime, yknow? Also, there's more of Alibaba saying stuff like, he can't just do nothing while his people suffer.
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That actually looks awesome. Strongly considering using this as my avatar.
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Morgiana who
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In the manga he actually flinched when the explosion happened, it was way funnier. That being said, Ja'far's expression looks so silly.
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What an entrance. And that goddamn moon.
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Well, that looks kind of scary
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Bad shit happening
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Bro, I'm just. What's up with that moon. Why is it so big all of sudden. Ffs maybe there seriously are two.
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Rip Hassan.
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Also, ok, I didn't like this one. In the manga Morgiana steps in front of Alibaba & asks if he actually wants to come with Cassim before doing anything (and he cannot answer her), and when later Cassim grabs Alibaba, she does attack. But the thing is, in the anime she never asks, she just attacks. It's not... horrible, I guess. With the way Alibaba was being dragged seemed pretty obvious that he doesn't want to go, but I liked that small moment of Morgiana, well, just stepping in front of Alibaba first and asking. Because, honestly? Her asking was likely a good semi-wake up call for Alibaba. Does he? And that's what makes him actually confront that thought. But in the anime it doesn't happen.
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Gdi Anime!Morgiana, why are you so judgemental here. "What are you going to do, Alibaba-san? They're still just a band of thieves!"
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All the players are here.
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llycaons · 1 year
ep44 (1/2): damn this is the biggest I've ever seen lwj smile
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starting right off with our 'lwj smiling' part of the episode. I really like how wyb plays lwj as like, he smiles with his whole body. there's a lot of subtle body language that goes into it. you can't see most of that rn obviously but this is such a different expression from how he usually is!
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bold to say about a woman whose name he completely forgot lmao
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the absolute confidence here. love it. wwx didn't seem to want charity back in BM, but now he doesn't mind taking lwj's money
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he's imitating her expression lmao
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here's lwj again with his big ol smile. honestly he looks a bit weird <3
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lover of small children
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it's so strange that mm never told her husband about her past...
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it's so nice to hear this. someone who knew wwx and who witnessed his actions, vouching for his character, instead of random strangers blaming him based on reputation alone
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oh wen ning you goof 😭
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kind of funny that wwx's reaction to being followed in secret is fond exasperation instead of like. anything else. their relationship is quite unusual innit
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he's so precious talking about blood like that 🥺
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:( wwx can hide at CR because lwj is looking after him, but wn doesn't have anyone like that. and wn is still a person, he must get lonely too. for shame, wwx
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I like this little scene. wwx fondly remembering, excited to remember something with himself and lwj
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he has such a beautiful smile for real
also you see a lot of fic talk about how pale lwj is but he and wwx have nearly the same skin tone. some of those fics would have you believe he's like a sheet of paper
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classic 'lwj looks at wwx like he left the oven on' look. also, every translation has had something like this but it seems like odd wording. probably sounded better in the original
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oh god oh fuck. this is such an important scene. wwx remembering the wens, his life here with them. wen qing, and her last words to him. so much of his second life is about grappling with the pain of what happened and moving on, and since it focuses much more on the moving on than the grieving, these scenes are relatively rare and all the more significant for it. it's understated, but this is one of the most cathartic and valuable scenes in the show for wwx
...I wish he could have screamed a little, but his quiet introspection reflects his more mature postres outlook
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and wen ning! wen ning who lost his ENTIRE extended family and the chance to ever have children of his own. he thinks he's the very last one of his clan, and doomed to live an immortal life without a chance of reincarnation. this is the last place he was with everyone he loved, and it's been decimated
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of course as soon as I say that, wwx says the opposite. this isn't a sacred place. it doesn't need to be memorialized. it was the worst time of any of our lives. let it blow away and let us move on. letting the soil pour out between his fingers and leaving it here. fuck. this response is one of the ways he's developed to survive this kind of loss because he's experienced this before, but it's still gotta hurt. wwx all for ripping off the bandage and walking away. lowkey one of the best scenes of the entire series
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back to lighthearted goofs. based on his behavior here I think it's clear he's joking
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I really love the idea of lwj carrying wwx's hurts for him and feeling their gravity even if wwx himself can't. he isn't able to take on that pain for wwx, but he'll witness and respect it, and be present for it. especially if wwx needs to revisit it later and feel how much it hurt, he'll have someone who's made a space for that pain and who will stay with him through it. this little moment with this expression is a really good visual indicating that, imo
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jin ling always seemed tetchier than usual to me here - wwx's reveal has rattled him. lzx also yells a bit in this scene, probably because being tied to someone else for like three days really sucks even if you weren't surrounded by complaining teenagers
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skelly-words · 1 year
Boyfriend!Geto Headcanons
Suggestive MDNI 18+ only
This is very general and not all of these will fit everyone so just pick and choose what applies to you. Some of these are a little ooc, but idk, I'm used to writing full-length fics. I was high and bored, don't hate.
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Geto would ask you out so nonchalantly you wouldn't even know it. It's almost like he tricked you into the date, but you can't even be mad about it because he's so cute.
You two would split the bill on the first few dates if you really insisted, but after becoming an official couple, you'd never touch your wallet again.
I just know this man smells… I'm not even gonna finish that because I have such mixed feelings. Suguru would smell like smoke, rain, and pine trees, but if you think about it, that might not necessarily be good. I’d probably be into it.
If you smoke too, he never lets you light your cigarettes with a lighter. It's always burnt off the end of his, but then he also wants you to always have a lighter in case he needs it. Call him romantic, idc, but it's lowkey annoying.
Suguru would make it a point to do all the "classic" boyfriend things (making you walk on the inside of the sidewalk, opening doors for you, paying for dinner), but he has to point it out. He'd say some shit like, "It's like you want to get hit by a car," or "Don't reach for your wallet. You're making me look bad."
He always remembers any plans you have, even if you only mention them in passing. Whether it be a family dinner or a doctor's appointment, he'll remember it and call you after to see how it went. Sometimes it'll be something menial, like taking your pet to get groomed, but he'll call after anyway just for an excuse to talk to you.
I think Suguru would be the type to give a relationship his all but play it off as not a big deal. He'd fill your room with roses for Valentine's Day, then say it was easy because the flower shop delivers.
He'd be the type to hate when you stress over him, even if it's a nice thing like organizing date night. Especially if your life is already stressful, he'd hate to add on to that.
For that reason, he really appreciates when you do simple things for him that he knows are not a huge trouble for you, but still thoughtful. Getting an extra coffee for him, calling him to say goodnight, offering to drive for dates (he's a passenger princess omm), etc.
Suguru doesn't mind making out with you without the expectation of going further. He’d probably think it's nice to just be close to you for whatever moments you have, and it can be nice to build anticipation throughout the day.
His favorite time with you is that moment when you just wake up and see him for the first time. A big lazy grin spreads across your face and it just makes his heart melt.
His biggest turn-on, call him sappy, is talking about your future. LMAO… but like when you mention wanting him forever or having his kids, it just kinda gets him going.
But physically, I think he'd be into a girl with big, pouty lips. He'd drool when you put lip gloss on. Just picturing how soft you'd be, dragging your pretty lips down his body. You're putting on chapstick and he's hard.
You will never meet a better kisser than him. He's doing shit with his tongue that you didn't know was possible, but it's not awkward somehow. Y’all know where else he putting that mouth. I'm sick in the head.
Anyways, Geto loves to cook for you. He already likes cooking, so making dinner for you can be kinda relaxing. It's almost meditative as he listens to you talk about your day.
I personally hc him as Latino. So that being said, I think he definitely would be into dancing. He's on the floor at family parties (RIP). The tias love him. 100% approval rating.
Suguru wants kids with you so bad too, like he's actually a little insane. Once he knew you were it for him, the next logical step was to baby-trap you. He feels guilty about it now, but at the same time he genuinely wants to have a kid with you.
Ok that's it for now, bye <3<3<3
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simp4ace · 3 years
One Piece short hc: Kill That Cockroach PLEASE!!!😨
a/n: so thanks to some cockroaches this idea popped up in my head when I was screaming my lungs out lmao. just some very short hcs I try to finish before 1 am.
scene: Screaming and asking them to kill that abhorrence
Monkey D. Luffy
Doesn't understand why you are so scared because of that little things? Why the fuss?
Will catch the cockroach with bare hands but refuse to kill it
Thinks it's just as cute as a beetle and even names it Hercules lol
There's a good chance he'll ask Usopp to catch a few more for a cockroach sumo festival...
Until Nami shows up and kicks their ass and stops this madness (she is the goddess)
-100/10, never ask Luffy to kill a cockroach for you, or you will be unable to hold his hand for a long long time or die because of a heart attack, either way, 💔
Roronoa Zoro
He doesn't even bat an eye with all the screaming and yelling
Calmly draw his swords out and swsh! rip the cockroach💀
You even feel sorry for it, being sliced into pieces
After that, he would sit down and continue sleeping as if nothing had happened
But don't you be fooled because of that coolness, he's probably chuckling smugly as you stand there in awe and then admiringly tell everyone how heroic he is (because killing a cockroach is somewhat a considerable amount of merit for humanity)
Cause aw, Zoro is just lowkey flex, but only for you. All and all, 100/10 for our swordsman
Portgas D. Ace
Such a reliable and cute guy, so when he hears the first scream from you, there he is, flying all the way from the other side of the deck to you
No one ever has the right to frighten his lover, even a cockroach, he will not forgive it.
Become overly enthusiastic about annihilating cockroaches, most likely end up smashing some walls or setting things on fire.
Either way, eventually that obnoxious thing will be roasted in the fire, and Ace will proudly look at you waiting for your compliment, surrounded him is a pile of rubbers from the raid.
Knowing too well that you two will be scolded by Marco after this, but for now, just-just kiss and hug him as a thank you ok? because he deserves so 💕
10-1/10 for the damage.
Normally, he's very cute and all, but at times like this, he really is the worst, dammit
Loves seeing you nervously hide behind him, frantically call for help; he's into that poor look on your face so much that he wants to tease you a little more by doing nothing ?
It's only when you hug him tremblingly, looking up at him with puppy dog ​​eyes filled with tears of supplication, that he will kill the cockroach for you
Traditional guys, kill it with an insect swatter, and with one blow only
Demands kiss from you after it, and even though he's such a bastard, the fact is he still saves you from that scary thing is enough to forgive him. Sometimes that one kiss may even progress to something else 👀
10+1/10 for things that happen afterward lmao
Trafalgar Law
Sighs and sighs a lots
Knows very well from the start why there's howling on his ship at 2am. "Must be y/n-ya *sigh*"
Shows up just in time to "ROOM" that disgusting creature out of your room and throw it into the sea, letting the water pressure do the rest
Acting cranky and disinterested as you hug him and chirped happily but deep down, he's really enjoying it (tsundere confirmed)
As in fact, he can easily disinfect the whole submarine and kill all the cockroaches but no, he prefers you to look for him, rely on him, and kiss him for saving your life more 😏
What a sly guy, but well, 10/10 for the quick action, as long as you are not touched by that, everything is fine.
Uhm, no ? YOU are the one who is going to kill the cockroach, not him...
He's just as scared of cockroaches as you are, maybe even worse
Gonna scream with you
Even though he's really scared, he'd still want to be your knight, would try his best to come near the cockroach without crying out loud, but when it starts to fly
Gonna scream with you p2
"JDCBERHGERCEBE" "HJCDVBEERVGEVREV" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the end of the day, it's Robin who saves the world for both of you. She just calmly pick up the cockroach by her devil fruit ability and smash it and smiles gleefully as you two throw yourselves to her and hug her, crying your eyes out
0/10, Sanji might be your prince but when it comes to insects in general, he's just a baby🥺
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dxringred · 2 years
In the vampire Nancy au, do you think Nancy would ever turn Robin? Out of love or only to save her life? Would Robin even *want* that?
Lowkey feel like Robin might like the idea if anything tbh
I’m so sorry if you answered these already and I missed it 🙏
eventually, yes, but only to save her life. i think nancy is, rightfully, of the mind that to love robin is to let her live and die human, not let her spend eternity suffering the same curse she does. (which, frankly, is also a good ending to this au anyway. nancy, who never ages, caring for robin until she's old and grey and eventually passes in her arms while sleeping.) but in the heat of the moment, and a panic, when robin is literally bleeding to death in her arms, she would probably turn her.
i could never decide which take i preferred in the original au, but i think robin would definitely take being turned a lot better than claire did lmao. at first, would probably think it's cool considering that her special interest is vampires and how much time she's spent researching them. but then the hunger would kick in -- the craving for blood, the urge to just rip out a human's neck -- and she would go through a period of almost resenting nancy for turning her; asking how she could do this to her, why she couldn't have just let her die instead of putting her through this hell.
it's an adjustment period. it's obviously going to be stressful, having to get used to her enhanced abilities, constantly smelling and craving blood, suddenly having to stay out of the sun and effectively become nocturnal etc. she's unsurprisingly miserable for a while. but, i think she would slowly get over it, once she's acclimated to the changes, and nancy understands. obviously she feels guilty for what she did and comes to regret it at points, seeing robin so upset, but she doesn't blame her for her anger because she had to go through the same change herself, and she's lived this life for a long time; she knows what it's like.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 3 years
Oh please go into more detail about skeppy kidnapping techno from pogtopia, my brain would like the juicy details
YES absolutely. To begin with, please note that while I jokingly called this a Dark-not-SBI story (dark happyduo is how I originally pitched it?) I'd say the premise could just as easily be adopted for a more general hurt/comfort-y vibe story. I just crave other characters being protective over Techno and it's fun to take that to scary extremes.
General premise is that this is set during Pogtopia (duh), more specifically right after the Red Festival and the subsequent Pit fight. After that whole debacle, Techno leaves the ravine to cool off because a lot of his fellow revolutionaries basically resent him, and certainly don't trust him. He's wounded from the festival/fight - nobody has exactly cared to patch him up of course - and also lowkey sick because he's been spending his time not sleeping, barely eating, overworking himself, etc to tend to the revolution.
This is where Skeppy comes in. Now I'm actually undecided here. It could be fun to make it so Skeppy knows about the Red Festival and he reaches out to Techno first, basically already proving he's the only person bothering to check up on him after all the shit it's put him through. Alternatively, I thought of a scene where Techno messages Skeppy a quip, since it usually makes him feel better. Skeppy responds, but notices after less than three messages back and forth that something is wrong, because he probably knows Techno better than anyone, then he rushes over.
Either way, Skeppy immediately goes to find Techno, brings him back to the Badlands mansion (forcefully or otherwise), and BBH and Skeppy help him recover (which takes a bit because Techno's 'lowkey sick' has definitely turned into full pneumonia)
While he's there, two things happen. 1) Techno bonds with the other members of the Badlands - which at this point would be Antfrost and Sam, also Ponk who is not a part of the Badlands officially but spends a lot of time there thanks to Sam. They all become very attached to Techno very quickly. And 2) Happyduo in particular find out more about what Techno was called to Pogtopia for and how Wilbur was basically using Techno as a glorified war machine, and they decide they will have NONE of that.
After Techno recovers is where the story begins to deviate depending on how 'dark' you want to make the characters. Some of the members of Pogtopia probably come looking for Techno then, because they kinda realize their revolution doesn't stand a chance without them. They try to convince him to rejoin, either through kindness (apologies, begging for his help, telling him they need him) or guilt-tripping (telling Techno he owns it to them, accusing him of what happened at the festival and how the only way he can make that up to them is helping them) or a combo of both depending on which characters show up.
I really would love for Skeppy to give a 'the reason you suck' speech to Wilbur and Quackity in particular lmao. Also, BBH is a shapeshifter who is an absolute sweetheart to Skeppy and Techno but would rip out the heart of anybody who seriously threatens them <3
If you want the more wholesome hurt/comfort vibe, I'm thinking Techno decides he wants to stay in the Badlands willingly and it's all peaches and roses. If you take the more dark route - which is the one I would do and the one I've thought about more - Techno's swayed by at least parts of the Pogtopian's arguments and also his own still existing conviction that the Schlatt administration needs to go. And he wants to return to the revolution, which the Badlands won't let happen so easily.
(the whole "they don't care about him like we do. he doesn't know what's good for him" vibe)
Where would the story go? No clue, all I know is that Techno was going to fall off a cliff at some point and horribly fuck up his leg, much to the delightment of Bad and Skeppy because now Techno can't run away anymore uwu
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SFW- Maki Harukawa x FEM reader 💕💕
Lets go bois..
this was a request but i lost it lmao. but i still hope you like it <333
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Warnings: Mentions of Breaking up, tooth-rotting fluff.
Notes: Fem s/o.
Soft maki supremacy 🛐🛐
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A = Affection: (How affectionate are they?)
-she does struggle to show affection, which is understandable.
-she doesn’t mind holding hands tho
-will let you rest your head on her shoulder, she actually really loves that.
B = Best friend: (What would they be like as a best friend?)
-the quiet but loyal friend.
-will definitely stick up for you
-but also hardly says anything.
C = Cuddles: (Do they like to cuddle?)
-Maki isn’t big on cuddling
-so you’ll have to make the first move.
-she probably stiffens up at first
-but she eventually caves in
-100% blushes the whole time.
D = Domestic: (Do they want to settle down?)
-yes, and no
-she wants to quit the whole ‘assassin’ thing ofc but
-she doesn’t really know what else she can do
-a little bit of existential crisis, but she’ll get through it
-she secretly just wants to make you happy.
E = Ending: (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
-short and sweet
-she doesn’t want to spend too much time thinking about it
- and she doesn’t want it to end in tears
-probably won’t talk to you too much after.
- so sad rip.
F = Fiance(e): (How quick would they want to get married?)
-two or three years
-she needs to figure herself out a abit before she can really settle down
-but she 100% will commit to you
-will work non-stop organizing your wedding
-she knows how much you want a perfect day
-so she’ll make it perfect for her wife < 3.
G = Gentle: (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
-not extremely gentle
-she tries her best tho
-she does really want to get close to you
-but it’s pretty hard
-but again, she’ll always try her best for you. ( so cute)
’H = Hugs: (Do they like hugs?)
-no way
-if you want to hug, she’ll push you the fuck away
-until she feels bad
-very VERY awkward lmao
-she’ll get better for her amazing girlfriend tho ( wow wholesome )
I = I love you: (How fast do they say the L-word?)
-the wedding day
-when no ones around
-running her fingers through your hair
-its very casual and its lowkey kinda terrifying.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get?)
-yes and no
-honestly depends
-if you’re gone out for a while she won't question it.
K = Kisses: (What are their kisses like?)
- small ones really
-nothing too extra
- kissing isn't really her thing
-she’d rather hug. ( ace maki slayy)
L = Little ones: (How are they around children?)
-surprisingly good
- I mean, she did pretend to be the ultimate child caregiver for like 3 chapters.
- she says she hates them but
-we all know the truth.
M = Morning: (How are mornings spent with them?)
- maki is usually pissed when she wakes up
-she’s so done rn
-but after a few minutes she'll go downstairs, make you breakfast and ask what you dreamt about.
N = Night: (How are nights spent with them?)
-nighttimes are pretty plain
-if you want to hug her, you’ll have to make the first move
-she’ll be too tired to object/
O = Open: (When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
- by force honestly
-she really doesn't like talking about it
-if kokichi tells you something and you bring it up she’ll have no choice but to tell you
-otherwise you’ll probably never know.
P = Patience: (How easily angered are they?)
- has almost no patience
-she can tolerate you, but around everyone else she’ll lose her shit
-she screams every time you end up in traffic
-she fucking hates it.
Q = Quizzes: (How much would they remember about you?)
-almost everything
-she’ll remember whatever she thinks is important
- which is enough to let you know she loves you < 3 ( wholesome )
R = Remember: (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
- the wedding day ooovejvoiengisg
- it's the like the moment she realizes
- “oh shit, this is actually happening.
-will not let anything go if something wrong happened on that day.
-make sure it's perfect.
S = Security: (How protective are they?)
-very,very,very protective over her s/o
-whenever you two go out she watching everyone 24/7
-is not gonna let anyone give you that look. (gross af)
-she will also throw hands (silently of course).
T = Try: (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
-would try really hard
-without letting anyone know
-like secretly planning everything
-not letting anyone know
-then bam, an incredibly cute 3-course meal at your fav restaurant (even if it's just mcdonalds)
U = Ugly: (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
- as said before
-she's a total road rager
-someone cuts her off while shes driving
-my god
-you’ll never hear the end of it
-rip your ears after she's done screaming her lungs out lmao.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
-doesn't really care
-she goes through phases of wanting to look perfect to not giving a fuck.
-but she loves to be told she's beautiful.
-its her favorite compliment.
X = Xtra: (A random headcanon for them.)
-has one giant bunny rabbit plushie
-she just does
-dont ask me why
Y = Yuck: (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
-*cough* kokichi *cough*
-how is that even a ship?
-anyways mostly people who are fake
-is it slightly hypocritical?
-does she care
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
-hogs the blanket
-as much as she loves you she will take 100% of the blanket.
-also she moves a lot
-like a lot
-it's pretty common for you to wake up on the floor
-she’ll definitely apologize tho.
Hope you enjoyed < 3
-Mod Mahiru
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tea-twords · 3 years
Group #2 for Windtrace headcanons!
In this group: Arataki Itto, Barbara, Beidou, and Bennett
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Arataki Itto
Oh boy
Ohhhh boy
He was introduced to windtrace through the Travelers, and really wanted to try it
He loves games like Hide and Seek, so he was super pumped for this
Sakoku decree is over yayyy
People can travel yayyy
I'm just trying to make some sort of sense for Inazumans in Mondstadt
His first game consisted of Aether, Lumine, Himself, and Thoma, with Him as the Hunter
He played several rounds with just about anyone he knows after that
He's a better Hunter than a Rebel, but doesn't mean he isn't naturally great at that too
As a Hunter, watch out
He will find you
And he will wreck you
He can scan the area pretty well, but his favorite and most used way to find a Rebel is to try making them laugh or make some kind of noise
That sounded a little spicy, these are not spicy headcanons
Common things he'll do is joke around, start trying to scare random things thinking it's a person, and of course tease whoever may be around
"BOO! Aw, guess that ones not you..how about HERE! Nope..."
"I'm gonna getcha~!"
"The tickle-oni's coming for youuu!"
You make even the slightest sound and he's fucking bolting straight at you
It's literally the scariest thing ever
He is Kazuha and Thoma's worst nightmare
Such a tickle monster when it comes to this
Rip Aether, Kazuha, Thoma, Gorou, and Yoimiya
He's caught almost everyone at least once before (Including Liyue people!) It's not uncommon for people from different regions to play together here
There's only one person he never and could never catch
And that is Sayu, literally a professional ninja who specializes in being sneaky
Damn this is getting long, I gotta talk about Rebel now
As a rebel, he always picks a good hiding spot and disguise
He's won countless games of hide and seek before, don't take this guy lightly
He used his power-ups to the best of his ability when trying to hide
Sometimes, if he knows he's about to get caught, at the last second he'll come out of his disguise and scare said Hunter by yelling "BAAH"
Still knowing he'll be caught
Yoimiya has fallen victim to this too many times
One time he even managed to get away from her after scaring her
He's just so good you know
He mainly loves playing with the travelers, and his Inazuman people (Ayaka, Thoma, Kazuha, Gorou, Yoimiya, and Sayu)
Lowkey likes playing with Kujou Sara and even Ei sometimes
He challenges Sara a lot as like a "rematch"
He usually loses, but he's definitely got a few wins against her
Akakshd I love this guy
Ok moving on
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She's not that great at it lmao
BUT she still loves it!
She's better as being a Rebel than a Hunter, because she dosen't have to do much
As a rebel, she usually pick a hiding spot in which would blend in with the setup around her
I feel like Barbara's the type of person to stay in one spot, and make some bold moves if the Hunter gets too close
Like if she knows the Hunter figured out where she is and is coming for her, she'd use the power-up where you go invisible for a few seconds to get away
It's worked a few times for her, but usually the Hunter can hear her giggling about it after she hides
Speaking of laughing, after she gets caught, she'd be non-stop giggling (even without tickling) because she's just having so much fun! Even if she did just lose lmao
As a Hunter, she's not completely awful, but she's not the best at it
She's trying her best though!
She isn't good at spotting movement very well, but she's got good ears
So a little like Itto, she'll try getting people to make a noise as her main tactic
Which includes teasing, if she knows the person well enough
Which she probably will, with her status and all of her fans, she may not feel comfortable playing with just anyone
So whoever she does play with, she's comfortable
And probably comfortable enough to tickle them once she finds them, if she manages to
Some people she loves playing with are Jean especially, Klee, Diona, Noelle, Bennett, Fischl, Sucrose, Amber, and Traveler!
But she loves playing with a lot of people
She really likes meeting and playing with people from different regions too!
She loves Xinyan and Yun Jin, exploring other types of music is fascinating!
Also because she loves their personalities too lol
She really likes Chongyun, Xingqiu, and Xiangling as well!
And of course Thoma, Ayaka, and Yoimiya when they came to see Mondstadt
Just let me have my crossovers
Out of everyone she's played with, the person she catches the most would be either Sucrose or Chongyun,
Probably Chongyun but who knows
She plays the most with Jean, however, because she's always working, and Barbara gets worried for her often
So what better way to destress than a game of hide and seek with your little sister and some of your friends?
Actually in the real world that's not very true but it is here so just go with it
In conclusion, Barbara isn't very good at windtrace but is super caring and still has a lot of fun!
Moving on!
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Beidou my second Queen (after Amber)
She's heard about Windtrace from whenever she sailed to Mondstadt for trading a few times, but never had the time to play
She does now
And she's a natural
A naturally skilled Rebel, and even better Hunter
When she went to Mondstadt, she happened to be giving Xiangling a lift as well as to get the trade stuff done, and figured she join her to play a few rounds
Beidou, Xiangling, and the Two Travelers played for a while, and both Beidou and Xiangling learned how skilled they were
Beidou's really good, she found out
As a Hunter, she's literally almost like a female version of Itto
I feel like she's such a big tickle monster when it comes to this
She definitely uses her senses when it comes to finding people, but often resorts to teasing them into laughing or making a sound
Just like Itto
Will wreck anyone she finds
Just like Itto
ESPECIALLY Traveler and Kazuha
Just like Itt-
Such a big sister figure to everyone
Just lik-
Lmao sorry
But yeah even Xiao likes playing with her
And may or may not see her as the kind of older sister figure she is to lots of people
Despite him being a couple thousand years older lmao
Everyone loves Beidou
As a rebel, she's also pretty good
Choosing her hiding spots and disguises very carefully, Beidou can be pretty tough to catch
Not saying it's impossible however
Shenhe's managed to catch her a few times
As well as Kazuha
And Ningguang
But she's still really good
Her favorite people to play with are:
There's a lot of people I can't list everyone by name
But probably the Liyue kids (Chongyun, Qiqi, Yun Jin,), Liyue Adults (Zhongli, Shenhe,) Liyue Adepti (Ganyu, Xiao) Liyue people in general, Kazuha ofc, Thoma, A whole lot of the Mondstadt people, Travelers,
I cant list everyone there's too many
She loves the game and loves a lot of people
She would be so fun to play with I can't stress this enough
I think that's everything about her, so next person!
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He has so much fun he loves it
His awful luck messes him up at times (a lot), but other than that he'd be pretty darn good!
Makes a better Hunter than a Rebel, mainly due to his luck giving away his position lmao
As a Hunter, he's definitely good at it
He's not the best, but he has his fair share of wins and loses
Not really the kind of person to tease, because honestly he'd probably just get himself flustered more than the Rebel lmao
He has tried it before, when playing a 1v1 round with Amber
They are two of the most ticklish people in Teyvat, so teasing makes them both flustered, but Amber manages to stay quieter
He tried teasing her by saying "When I catch you I'm gonna tickle you~" totally not something she's done to him before but it came out like:
"When I find you, I'm gonna t-ti-...tic...tckl you!"
Save him
Mf actually managed to get Amber giggling at him, not because of the actual teasing, but the sad attempt to
Even though she lost that round, she still finds it hilarious
As a rebel, he would be pretty good if not for his luck
Being a good strategist comes with being an adventurer, and he tries his best to put that to use
Sometimes as soon as the Hunter gets free something would fall on top of Bennett, make him say "ow", and he'll fall out of his disguise
The Hunter can hear him like "UHHH"
Sometimes if they're nice, (Eula, Razor, Aether, Diluc) they'll be like "You need a moment there?"
"U-uhh, yeah! Sorry-"
"Take your time"
I find that so fckn funny
But if the Hunter isn't so nice (Kaeya, Albedo, Lumine, Sucrose surprisingly)
They're gonna dash for him
And he is gonna get his shit wrecked
Maybe not Sucrose, but I feel like she def has it in her
Teasing works so well on him omfg
His face would get bright red and he would start verbally keysmashing
Hhh I love him so much
His favorite people to play with are Razor and Fischl, and they've played countless games together
He plays with the Dragonspine gang (shadows amidst snowstorms) sometimes too
He loves it
It's so fun
Okay I think that's all I can think of
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eremiie · 3 years
What are your biggest ones?👀
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whew okay.
- when characters are like. out of character but tremendously. i'm talking the character is simply in there for the name sake & the face. like people can def make characters out of character & make it still work for the sake of the story but when like the character is genuinely just a whole nother person i just assume they're only writing it bc they want the characters name & face in it LMAO
- like anon mentioned, bad punctuation, grammar, etc. also like. when people do quotes and don't use punctuation... sometimes it's a mistake but something about it bothers me so. so. much. like this "hello i like you" put some fucking punctuation or ill rip my eyes out thanks!!!
- there's certain words that ick me out. they aren't inherently bad words but they just have a stigma against them in the fanfic world / SOMETIMES they show lack of creativity..... i've seen some words used well though. like a handful of times. this is lowkey a me thing. (ex: orbs, using some outrageous name for a vagina or something. idk)
- when people write in scenes that add no value / simply make no sense and it's usually because they're projecting onto a character but in a way that's blatantly obvious. fiction is supposed to be fiction duh but something ab the fact that i can tell your projecting icks me outtttttt (ex: armin getting drunk but like just bc author wanted to see him drunk. it had no placement in the story. fuck is he just chugging it for.)
- EXCESSIVE EPITHETSSSS like bro don't be scared to say characters x's name. like when people overly use "the blonde haired man" "the green eyed boy" "the dark skinned one." i swear.... at one point you begin trying to avoid the name so much that you begin overusing the epithets themselves...
- random language switches.... this isn't that much of a big deal for me because i don't see it often namely because aot characters aren't japanese besides mikasa and when i do read fics it's probably for aot, but like a character just switching languages just because they want to include random phrases is sometimes ickyyyyy. it can be pulled of well ofc but. why is deku going "you always act like this, baka!" on a random tuesday morning.
- bad buildup. self explanatory, when it comes to anything— romance, smut, fights, etc. if the build up was jackshit im dipping.
- when the plot gets crazy and derails in a way that doesn't make any sense for the story. like it's a college au with no premention or build up character A getting kidnapped to reveal character B as a super spy.... was it supposed to be a plot twist or did you just decided to add this in 5 mins ago cause you thought it'd spice it up.....
i can't think of anymore but i see them when i see them. im picky.
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