#lowkey loving the colors
turkeydinner-jpeg · 3 months
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i found this rainbow star blanket pattern on etsy, completely fell in love with it. and i rarely use patterns, let alone pay for them, but this one i just needed to. ive seen people make these big star blankets before and theyre gorgeous..... so i decided to use some of my less desirable yarn to make this pattern.
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i love the shape though, so im totally going to go back and make this in yarn i genuinely like! this is just leftovers that i dont have a better use for. depending on how big she gets, she might end up being a picnic blanket, since this is made out of heavier acrylic. also the lighting is atrocious i promise the finished thing will be so much better please
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but i absolutely love the texture so far, this would make a great baby blanket!! highly recommend this pattern, its fairly easy and the pattern is super well written. right now its on sale for about $5, get into it if youre liking this kind of thing!! (also @lithyena since you were asking about it earlier lol)
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lafirechicken · 6 months
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I think they deserve the biggest nap known to man
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izel-scribbles · 1 month
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my life was a storm, since i was born / how could i fear any hurricane?
inspired by this painting
(closeups + wip shots under the cut)
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i might do another drawing with lyrics from "it will come back"
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shanalikeanna · 14 days
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The Princess -Based on the wonderful fic Pluck My Heartstrings by @pluck-heartstrings
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rexscanonwife · 5 months
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I don't know if anyone else has done something like this but I've wanted to do it for a little while now, it's sort of a play on the art vs artist trend but it's a self insert vs self version! ^ 0 ^
Feel free to do one of your own and tag me if you feel like it, but I really just wanted to do it for fun! 💖🫶💖
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kizunarae · 2 months
So, you're telling me that the Robin Hobb that wrote this
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— Kettle, Chapter 37 of Assassin's Quest
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— Molly, Chapter 38 of Assassin's Quest
This Robin Hobb actually intended for Fitz and Molly to be end game????
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kazehita · 8 days
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A Dawntrail scholar ✨
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cashweasel · 8 months
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Two things about me:
☝️he is like cocaine to me
✌️so is men in gym clothes
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whaliiwatching · 11 months
Read the first two chapters of your fic. Going to explode. It's so good!!!
Your writing style is very expressive and (though I'm familiar with neither setting's slang) the way you handled the slang felt super smooth and natural? I have trouble trying to use 30s slang for Noir without it coming off as a Joke, but all of it felt right for Hobie Noir and Pav. The chemistry between all of them!! The dialogue! Also the way the story seems to pace itself well between memorably different settings makes it very readable.
Final note, I'm eating the "Carries a switchblade to cut his webbing because organic-based-web doesn't have a release mechanism" headcanon. Because that's metal as hell. Best.
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thank you!!!! i'm so glad people are enjoying it :) have a dressed-up hobie!
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lucraven · 4 months
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The silliest of guys
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shinkaishoujo103 · 7 months
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hi. saint spell luca michaelides. you agree.
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frenchfry99 · 6 months
🧵Threads and needles, pins and stitches,,,📍
Been brainrotting over mob Sunny lately, so I had to make them a design
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tw blood below the cut
Being left emotionless and willingness, Sunny is a simply loyal and reliable person to work with. His main job is to assist Poppy in taking medical care of family members/in cleanup of crime scenes, but would do pretty much any other work he's assigned to do by others.
Despite his cold demeanor, Sunny is very caring about the "family",,, but only as far as they have injuries, get sick etc. He doesn't feel the need to engage in any social interactions with others, doing it only if they're told to.
Aside from being a nurse, Mx. Aster is a designer who tailors the majority of "family's" outfits.
They mostly stay at the mob headquarters, since she's not the most useful in slose combat or anything of that sort (not physically well), can be required for stealthy and quiet job I suppose??
In a fight he prefers to attack from longer distance, using his shears or daggers to throw at the opponent. But anything could happen-
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They may be tweaking a lil,,, but not to worry, not like anyone would witness it or remember
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template by @/clownsuu
Idk if there's any use in making this relationship thing since they can't really have their own opinion on things
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yumemiruuuu · 3 days
Xie Lian’s at his limit 😔
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zizzlefizzle1 · 7 months
Posting this here bc I’m not finishing it-
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We love edgy lesbian fish women
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alpacacare-archive · 9 months
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i bet that even as humans they still refer to themselves as skeletons
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myebix · 11 months
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