#lowkey it makes me embarassed !!! but one of the kids is cute so idk
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alienmiilk · 6 days ago
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i dont have a continuation for this but prime au where they fall into the Cooler Void™ in s2ep1 and they have a whole other side-adventure in a desolate post-apocalyptic landscape (that may or may not be connected to my fankids au
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amazingmsme · 1 year ago
Hcs that have come to my mind after recent asks youve gotten:
1) Tinky kicks his left leg like a dog whenever someone (Ted!!) scratches his belly. He also sticks his tongue out too, he basically becomes a docile housepet to his ler (which Wiggly thinks is a weakness Tinky needs to work on !!!)
2) Wilbur absolutely accidentally taught the lib about tickles. He never minded nor cared for it, but he kinda enjoys when it happens. I can see Wiggly being like "So... if I do this- you humans will laugh? Just like that?" And Wilburs like "Uhuh, usually yeah. Now it does differ from man to man, but you're on the right track pal." And not bat an eye abt whats abt to go down. (idk something about characters w accents that makes brain go agdkzljc-)
3) First time (or one of the times) Curt brought Tati home to his ma's place is when she found out he was ticklish. His ma, bein an absolutely sweet mother, either A) gives the two a room alone but warns Tati that Curt's got a sensitive neck & ears OR 2) is so excited to see her son, who in return is happy to see her, that she gets all gushy and starts grabbing his cheeks like a little boy. For a sec Curt forgets Tati's there, but when Mama Mega starts lightly tickling him he recoils in embarassed giggles.
(I love the uprise of the starkid/tcb tk community)
Tinky ABSOLUTELY acts like a cute lil puppy when he’s tickled & it honestly endears Ted to him & that bastard is such a mean tease & is still pretty damn salty about his situation, so he really doesn’t hold back! Wiggly walks in on them & is like “EUGH! Have some respect for yourself!”
Bro you’re making me simp for the man decked out in denim head to toe😭 (I was when Black Friday first came out, it was just overshadowed by MacNamera & by now I lowkey forgot about him) but he’s so smooth about it & brushes it off to keep talking but Wiggly is hung up on that & his smile just keeps growing & is he closer? Wilbur’s definitely sure he’s closer. & now he’s starting to catch on & tries to back track & say how he isn’t ticklish but most people are, but it’s little kid shit, really, far beneath someone like you but Wiggly insists that he be taught about this “fun, silly little weakness you all share” & calls his brothers to help
Dude Curt’s mom is so embarrassing, idk how he can stand it! She loves him so much & just wants him to be happy but damn she doesn’t have to be so cringe about it! Tati is sooo amused & thinks it’s really sweet that he has such a great relationship with his mom (she’s totally not jealous or anything) & teased him about being a mama’s boy. But I feel like his mom would accidentally tickle him & then tell her how she’s “gotta be careful” with him because he’s “always been a sensitive one” & he’s like “OKAY MOM BYE” & once they’re alone & they get some things off their chest, Tatiana decides he could really use some cheering up & puts that information to good use
& bro I had no idea there were so many of us! It’s not like 5 years ago when it felt like I was out here all by my lonesome (god I can’t believe it’s been that long since tgwdlm)
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folkloreguk · 6 years ago
A/N: I got a request to write this ages ago ago and I never did bc I’m literally horrible at responsibilities!!! So idk if the person who requested this will ever see it, but even if they don’t, I hope some of you others enjoy it!!
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idk exactly what it’s like being a jongin stan
once he almost snatched me but I saved myself
but he’s already stressful enough not being my bias
him as a bf???
you’re the luckiest person on the planet
everybody would probably be jealous bc you’re actually dating the prince of korea™
but we know his looks aren’t even the greatest thing abt him
so much laughing
listen even if you think you’re not funny, he will
and his laugh is so contagious!!!!
you’d be sitting at a fancy dinner and he’d suddenly laugh uncontrollably
but you couldn’t even be embarassed bc he’s so cute
generally, I see Jongin as someone who loves going on dates
he wouldn’t really mind where, as long as it’s with you
you’d go out for food, visit zoos, or simply go for a stroll through some cute stores
he’d love holding your hand in public and ocassionally kissing you, when he felt like there weren’t 4625 people watching
also pls protect him from hurting himself
this kid just dances too hard
you’d probably get exclusive sneak peaks of the new choreos bc he can’t stop practicing
he’d probably accidentally spoiler you with dancing whilst brushing his teeth or something
“oops…you’re not supposed to have seen that yet”
probably does aegyo daily to get what he wants
including: kisses, hugs and attention in general
I bet he’d be SO cuddly :((
he loves sleep right?? he wouldn’t let you get up in the morning for sure
he’d try to change your mind by kissing your face and hug you really tight
he’d have no problem with being cheesy with you
like telling you he loves you a LOT and organizing cute lil dates
ooh and he'd love taking you on walks with his dogs!!!
it would be his two favorite things in the world: dogs and you
he would be quite fine with skinship in public I think??
but he'd save the most for when you're alone with him
he’d really love spending lazy days with you, especially bc he’s usually so busy
you’d cuddle on the sofa whilst watching a movie
if he got bored he’d lazily start kissing your face and neck
he loves joking around so I doubt he’d stop right away if you told him
of course he would if you genuinely meant it
but after a few minutes you probably wouldn’t want him to stop anyways
(lowkey smut ahead in case you don’t wanna read it!!!)
the wildest thing abt him in my opinion
he goes from 0-100 too quick
one second he’s laughing like a smol child
suddenly he’ll be staring you down
I feel like his stares would be so hot
like during making out when he pulls away shortly and just looks into your eyes
you’d actually melt
I feel like he could be kai during sexy time
he'd give you that smirkTM he always did during playboy
you know which one I mean
also loves to be a tease
at the same time, he’s the type to have the giggles randomly during sex
“sorry I just remembered something chanyeol said today”
also gets turned on very randomly
like you’d say something completely innocent but it would remind him of some time you had sex
that’s also why he’d randomly try to make out with you in the whole house / flat
like whilst cooking, when you’re about to shower, while you’re cleaning something, or simply when you’re telling him about your day
which also means you’d get to have sex in like 13 different spots of your home
I also feel like he’s ready to try out new things in the bedroom when you feel like it
probably gets hella cuddly after sex
loves to be the small spoon sometimes??
when you play with his hair and softly tell him about your day he'd get super sleepy
I just genuinely think sleeping and cuddling with Jongin is just about the best thing ever
all in all, he’d be the sweetest boyfriend, because he’s not only cheesy and caring, but you can have a load of fun with him too!!
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peutro · 7 years ago
wonhobi ofc, cckencall, line taeguk! - this is moose who cant remember the login to their mumu For now FAKSDJFL
gives nose/forehead kisses
wonho is the king of forehead kisses. when he’s saying goodbye on his way to work, or good morning when hoseok awakens, or a hello — the FOREHEAD KISSES emerge. hoseok gives out nose kisses when wonho is being cute and when they’re cuddling.
gets jealous the most
listen�� we KNOW they’re both the jealous type, to the point it’s almost kinda bad JKFNGKDJ i’m still inclined to say wonho, just because he’d be more obvious with his jealousy ( with him getting moody ) but also because he’d try to hide it once they’re together, but he can’t help it !!!!! he trusts hoseok, so much, but he still thinks he deserves better and thinks one day hoseok’s gonna wake up and realize that and yea.
picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
this works both ways too… but i gotta say wonho. once they get into a relationship esp, and because wonho literally owns a club, he’s grown responsible with his drinking and doesn’t work to get drunk like he used to earlier in his life
takes care of on sick days
wow a lot of these can apply to both of them, just because you already know they’re gross with each other… but okay, i will say wonho takes care of hoseok more so, just because wonho really … doesn’t get sick, it’s pretty rare for him, but that’s why when he does get sick, i’d imagine hoseok will worry and do whatever he can to make him feel better hmm.
drags the other person out into the water on beach day
hoseok drags out wonho, we been knew this.
gives unprompted massages
i… want to say hoseok…. 
drives/rides shotgun
wonho drives, hoseok rides shotgun — you know i’m right.
brings the other lunch at work
this also works both ways, but i’m gonna say wonho. he drops in and brings hoseok lunch when he’s on his own break and can slip away from work, but the same could be applied to hoseok, whenever he can come visit wonho @ headquarters.
has the better parental relationship
hmm, this is kinda tricky to be honest. wonho’s pretty wtf since he found out he’s adopted and even though he loves his parents, he can’t believe they kept it secret for that long… but also since his dad’s sick he’s been ignoring that and trying to not be so difficult …. but i think hoseok has a great relationship with his parents, even though i’m guessing he doesn’t talk to them as much since he moved to be with his aunt, right ?? but i am still inclined to say hoseok, u can fight me on this. 
tries to start role-playing in bed
hoseok. u know.
embarrassingly drunk dancer
hoseok. i know he’s super good actually, but wonho doesn’t drink to get drunk, thus … would never let himself go long enough to dance.
still cries watching titanic
firmly believes in couples costumes
HOSEOK !!!  wonho would never embarass himself like that.
breaks the expensive gift rule during christmas
wonho… this needs no explanation, he would spoil hoseok to no end.
makes the other eat breakfast
this might seem strange, but wonho. ever since his dad got sick, he’s been even more on top of keeping a healthy regimen, and i think we know hoseok’s not… the best at taking care of himself. wonho, knowing this, would make sure to remind hoseok to keep himself on top of things, and also make him breakfast ( and dinner when they’re home and want to eat in, or do something special )
remembers anniversaries
hoseok. although wonho’s not the worst at these, and he does have a planner ( and secretary at work ) to keep him on top of things, he still has those days when he’s overwhelmed with work !!!!! hoseok is just… really good at the romantic aspect of the relationship ( even though wonho was with sooyoung for so long, he’s just … really bad at putting others before work, no matter how much he wants to )
brings up having kids
hmm, i know we’d talked about this a lot, and i’m going to say … hoseok, just because wonho wants kids, he really does, but he’s not gonna be the most vocal about it, whilst hoseok would probably ( once they’re comfortable with each other and confident it won’t completely scare the other off ) drop it in a convo here and there until they discuss it and are ready.
gives nose/forehead kisses
kenta definitely, considering he’s much more out there than yongguk. yongguk’s not one for displays of affection ( although it’s also not so rare, he just struggles with it a lot )
gets jealous the most
hmm i think. kenta might show he’s jealous more so than yongguk ever would, but i think yongguk takes the lead for this. while he wants kenta to be happy in life and thinks he’s lucky to be … well, lucky, he also doesn’t want him to leave his side because kenta’s all he’s ever known, his other half, and he struggles with these two different mindsets — keeping kenta close, and letting him go.
picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
do they even drink omg  ?? i’m gonna say yongguk just because he doesn’t really drink unless its in the comforts of his home, and even then he’s hesitant, because he’s too afraid to like… let go, you know, so he’s always feel to pick kenta up if asked.
takes care of on sick days
hands down, must say kenta. yongguk’s the one who gets sick all the time / hurt, so kenta would take care of him whenever possible / let him bask in his “lucky” presence.
drags the other person out into the water on beach day
kenta would drag yongguk out, the latter’s probably scared of the ocean.
gives unprompted massages
hmm, could go both ways, but i want to say yongguk because he knows kenta works hard and must be tired, but i don’t know if it’d be unprompted because he doesn’t want to just intrude. but also kenta because yongguk does get hurt / bruised a lot and is stressed about well, everything a lot.
drives/rides shotgun
kenta drives, yongguk rides shotgun … but it could work the other way too, idk kjnfndnjfg.
brings the other lunch at work
hmm, yongguk. he just has more time to do so.
has the better parental relationship
tries to start role-playing in bed
kenta. this needs no explanation.
embarrassingly drunk dancer
kenta. yongguk doesn’t dance, period !!!!!  but kenta’s a good dancer considering his day time job, so maybe it’s just more wild when he’s drunk.
still cries watching titanic
kenta. a very emotional card > yongguk who still doesn’t understand, but feels perhaps a small pang of sadness for the ending.
firmly believes in couples costumes
kenta !!! it’s not my fault my muses are emotionally constipated !!!
breaks the expensive gift rule during christmas
makes the other eat breakfast
kenta, because yongguk isn’t responsible for shit, but yongguk would probably try cooking whenever kenta’s around because he actually likes doing it … he just needs kenta to remind him to actually do it too.
remembers anniversaries
yongguk, he’s just really good with dates and stuff.
brings up having kids
HNGJDK is this even possible for cards …. 
gives nose/forehead kisses
i think taehyung would be the more affectionate one between the two, even though jeongguk loves him just as much, taehyung doesn’t feel the need to restrict a boundary between them. but even jeongguk is weak @ times and will do both too !!!
gets jealous the most
jeongguk, he’s secure in his relationship but he also can’t help….. how he feels… my muses are all the jealous type.
picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
i’m gonna say taehyung because jeongguk probably goes out drinking with his coworkers a lot and would give taehyung a heads up and taehyung being taehyung would go pick him up … maybe surprise him sometimes afterwards.
takes care of on sick days
jeongguk takes care of taehyung, although this applies to both of them — jeongguk just ignores his sickness until its unavoidable / until he can’t hide it from taehyung anymore. however, he has a knack for know when taehyung gets sick and will force him to get back into bed right away.
drags the other person out into the water on beach day
jeongguk loves swimming and will bring taehyung down with him
gives unprompted massages
jeongguk 18452852% does this wanting 1. to help taehyung wind down after a long day but 2. also because that leads to shoulder kisses which usually leads to s e x.
drives/rides shotgun
jeongguk drives, taehyung rides shotgun usually.
brings the other lunch at work
taehyung brings jeongguk lunch, or they just end up surprising each other and take their breaks together.
has the better parental relationship
i think we established jeongguk has a messy relationship with his parents ?? so taehyung.
tries to start role-playing in bed
i wanna say taehyung … but i think jeongguk would go this far too, especially considering how they met LMAO.
embarrassingly drunk dancer
taehyung. jeongguk is good @ dancing, i’m typical.
still cries watching titanic
this… could apply to jeongguk, he’s sentimental, not that he’d admit it. easy tears up during sad movies but tries to hide it.
firmly believes in couples costumes
ok lowkey i’m gon say both by once again citing the origins of their first meeting. maybe just a tiny bit more taehyung to convince jeongguk of the idea and then he’s 100% in.
breaks the expensive gift rule during christmas
jeongguk. doesn’t understand the value of $$$, he wants to get his man the best.
makes the other eat breakfast
TRICKY…. they’re both bad @ breakfast imo because early risers ?? they stay in bed as late as they possibly can, and if they’re working early, they’ll try to leave the other undisturbed if possible. if it got more domestic, i think it’d be taehyung because jeongguk’s a grouch in the morning and not @ all an early riser … a cup of coffee is a must to get him out of bed.
remembers anniversaries
considering how sappy and invested they both are in the relationship, i’m inclined to say both !!
brings up having kids
i think … taehyung simply because jeongguk wouldn’t think about kids until taehyung brings it up because he’s just … never thought about having his own until he’s with taehyung and then it’d be some sappy shit like imagining raising someone with the love of his life and thinking how great he’d turn out under tae’s influence and yeah !!!!!! a sap
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frankensteindotpdf · 7 years ago
All of them
Who’s your crush/squish?
I......tend to have a couple at a time (go unreciprocation whoop whoop) anyhoo the main one is this girl who is SUPER CUTE AND HAS THE CUTEST LAUGH AND IS LOWKEY EMO AND JUST BRILLIANT TBH and fun fact she’s the one who made me realise I’m bi! annnnd there’s a guy....who I just realised I have a crush on....like yesterday....and I’m dying a little
Who’s your fictional crush/squish?
Hahahahahahaha that talks like there’s one.....Remus obviously...Tonks....Dean Winchester...Jughead .....Rapunzel.....Duke Crocker from Haven (holy crap bro).....I used to have a crush on Klaus Baudelaire and also Yo-Yoji (shut up Carina)..... massive squish on Sherlock Holmes....and more I’m forgetting
Worst joke you’ve ever told?
Crap bro my life is full of stupid jokes I can’t choose one
Worst insult you’ve ever given?
Just really dumb ones, nothing specific
Got any weird kinks?
not any weird ones
How did you find out about sex?
No idea, probably like parents or sex ed classes? I don’t remember
Trashiest thing in your wardrobe?
Literally none? I mean I have trash like a billion HP t shirts but nothing revealing or anything
Worst Phobia?
Needles. I literally cry everytime. 
Hentai or the real thing?
Ew neither thanks
Ever been arrested?
lol i never go outside no
What are you most selfish about?
This question is worded weird....uh my..sketchbooks? maybe? like I don’t really get the q but I never let anyone draw in my sketchbooks so ig that counts?
Who would you let die if given the chance to save them?
Who would you sacrifice yourself for?
Something silly you believed as a kid?
Well I didn’t think “washcloth” was a real term, for some reason (I have literally no idea why) I thought it was just a word my family used but they were really called something else. I mean washcloth is so... on the nose
Weirdest/most embarassing thing you’ve drawn?
I once.....drew a picture....of my crush.....with a stupid nickname above it....and little hearts....and little pics of the stuff he liked.... UGH I CRINGE JUST THINKING ABOUT IT I WAS IN GRADE 2 DONT JUDGE ME
Controversial role models?
I can’t think of any? 
Cringiest fandom you’ve been in?
for like A MONTH I was into... Justin Bieber.
Cringiest thing you’ve shipped?
Trans Gilderoy Lockhart and Snape
Ever had “an accident” in public?
I mean when I was real little I did once after school but like no one was there besides my family so it wasn’t a big deal
What helps you fall asleep?
Honestly watching Bob Ross. He’s just so soothing
What childish things do you still do?
I dunno man...Lots I just can’t think of anything specific
What’s your age?
Grossest thing you’ve eaten?
Some people would say crickets (they tasted great though) I would personally say (not eating but) gargling salt water. I literally threw up. Thanks, father.
Honest opinion on religion?
I definitely like the idea and totally respect other’s beliefs, but I’m still working it out. I mean I know mine pretty darn well but the more I learn the more it just sounds really convienient idk
What does your laugh sound like?
From being told to shut up so much it’s changed a lot....It’s kinda squeaky but mostly silent? I’m a bit self concious about it tbh
How would you describe your smile?
stupid. it scrunches up my face all wrong and makes me look even fatter than I already do
Did you go through any regrettable phases?
“Liking” music everyone else liked to fit in
Ever dropped plans/projects and not said a word?
Not one-on-one stuff (though social anxiety makes me want to every time) but like I guess? nothing noteworthy
Personality Type?
Ugliest thing in your wardrobe?
I have this nightgown that I never wear that looks like something out of an 1800s movie...floral pattern and all
Would you wear pajama’s in public?
If I was with friends who were 
Weirdest thing that turned you on?
uhhhh I have no idea 
Pineapples on pizza????
hecc yes
Do you use the XD emoticon?
Only in an ironic way
Do you have a dark sense of humour?
Worst thing you ship?
Ms. Frizzle and Brendon Urie
Top or bottom?
Oh I cant believe I’m answering this on the internet gosh well from my personality I’d say...bottom 
Top or bottom bunk?
Also bottom because I feel like I’ll fall off or break the top bunk
Pettiest thing you’ve cried over?
Dude I cry over everything...My sister said she’d rip one of my books
Pettiest thing you’ve gotten mad over?
Bro again like I usually get upset at myself rather than mad at other people but like at my family basically everything?
Longest time you’ve cried?
lol well multiple times I’ve cried for a few hours straight, I cried through an entire movie once (I’m not evenexaggerating I had to pause it because I was sobbing too hard literally 5 times)
Do you touch the art in museums?
Do you have a fandom OC?
Kinda? I mean just self-inserts tbh
How much do you believe in astrology?
not at all
Have you ever used a base for drawing?
I mean I’ve copied them down but not traced
Have you ever used MSPaint for drawing non-ironically?
yup. there was a time when I had a laptop and sucked at drawing so when I got bored I’d draw on MSPaint
Controversial opinion?
I’m a feminist and I think everyone should be
Ass or chest?
I hate answering this I’m just gonna do it quickly and get it over with female ass, male chest
Chest or genitals?
Genitals or ass?
Any scars?
Yup. I have one on my arm from burning myself while baking in grade 8, and two others on the inside (of the same arm haha) that are from somehow managing to hit my arm off a staple sticking out of an old recliner
Do you pirate anything?
Only music for animatics, but even then only songs I’ve already bought but cant transfer. I don’t see the point. The artists I like I don’t just like for their music (or movies or whatever), I like them as people too. I want to thank them for making such awesome stuff, so a little donation is totally reasonable to me
url for an old cringy social media account?
I mean this one? I wasnt allowed to have social media when I was younger so yay none of that
Any post’s you’ve deleted and why?
Only ones I accidentally reblogged onto my art blog, but I always reblog them onto my main first
How long does it take you to get up in the morning?
depends. if I have nothing to do, hours. If I have school, anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour (I set my alarm real early)
What will instantly turn you on?
idk man nothing really...someone being good with kids is always sweet tho
Fave eye+hair colour combination?
Nothing specific, I like basically all colours?
Have you already named your future children?
If I have any they will be named after someone in one of my billions of fandoms (probably someone from hp)
Do you do drugs?
Just Ibuprofen amirite lol even then I am in pain way more than I take it I hate swallowing pills
How tall are you?
about 5′5 or 5′6
Did you go through a “RANDOM XD” phase?
Dumbest thing you believed?
No idea, probably something from when I was little but idk
Dildo of choice? (besides an actual dildo)
boi i’m not even coming near this question (get it?)
Daddy kink?
I mean I find it hot when some people say it? but not really
Who could change your sexuality just by looking at you?
I’m...bi....so like.....no one? I’m confused mate there’s no way to answer this question
none tbh i dont even know what 2/3 of those mean
What area’s of your body are most sensitive?
besides the obvious my knees, stomach, back, neck....okay everything I just hate people touching me thanks oh and my feet oh gosh I got a pedicure once and it was the worst experience of my life
Weirdest dream you’ve had?
A bunch man, once I had a dream where Peeta was transformed by the Capitol or smth to look like one of my friends and he was also heavily drugged and at my school for some reason and I was trying to help him get to safety....I had a dream where my family and I lived in a trailer park and our neighbour had a big dog that attacked my little brother, first by biting and then picking up a stick with its paws and beating him with it....one where my friend tried to touch my stomach and i panicked, punched him in the face, and then had a panic attack because I felt so bad
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