#lowkey cute af ngl
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mindsafe · 2 months ago
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her succulent is a small, pale thing that is mostly self-sustaining. once a week, annie lightly tousles the soil with her finger && assesses its quality: not enough water && the rosette shrivels; too much water, && sturdy leaves become soft with rot. it's a double-edged sword between negligence && conscientiousness to a fault. reiner ( @st4rsinclined ) is of a similar build. not enough care, && he'll give in to the relief of self-destruction; too much care, && he'll mistake compassion for something superficial, seeing himself out the door, while muttering some nonsense about ‘ not wanting to be a burden. ’ idiot. reiner is mostly self-sustaining. once a week, annie quietly counts his pills, mouthing the sum under her breath. he's been good the last little while, but it's become a habit she can't seem to break.
annie is a creature of habit. she is prone to late nights && early mornings, sleeping in on days when she can afford to; she is prone to long baths && quick showers, taken at peculiar hours; she is prone to oversized pullovers && wool socks that gather at her ankles; she is prone to blackberry jam, spooned onto buttered bread; she is prone to checking the quality of soil ( && of pills ). reiner has a way of disrupting existing habits, && introducing new ones.
❝ --there's a good boy. next time, eat before taking the pills. that's how you prevent stomach irritation. it helps with metabolizing as well. ❞ she skirts around a simple synonym like it's a dirty word. annie has no love for drugs.
she is a creature of habit in a way that would make it almost too easy to fall into the trap of a self-cannibalizing routine, && has witnessed firsthand just how endemic substance abuse is to the ‘ elite ’ scene. CAFFEINE: for bolstering alertness; NICOTINE: for taking the edge off; ALCOHOL: for keeping up with social demands; BETA-BLOCKERS: for easing performance anxiety; all that && more. when the curtain falls, there is no ‘ class ’ left in classical. it's a performance, after all. annie is not exempt from the demanding nature of performance,
in the weeks leading up to a performance, annie slips into habit ( as usual ): scrubbing skin raw with lavender soap ― it improves one's mood, or so she's been told. there's a buildup of mineral in the shower head causing stagnating water pressure. they should get that fixed // in the weeks leading up to a performance, annie slips into habit ( as usual ): wearing oversized sleeves that hide ruined cuticles. her father would kill her if he finds out that she's been picking at her nails again // in the weeks leading up to a performance, annie slips into habit ( as usual ): brewing cup after cup of peppermint tea ― it's all she can stomach.
she wears her anxiety like a bad stick-&&-poke; it's a part of her, but it's easy to hide ( behind habit ). reiner isn't quite as subtle. distinct slips in his own performance give him away ― subtle changes in posture && intonation; minor details which offset the mood by a margin. in some ways, they have more in common than either would ever care to admit: vulnerability frightens them; they'd sooner smother their demons with pillows than let them breathe. maybe that's why she can sympathize with the war inside his head; maybe that's why she's patient while he searches for his words && swallows them, over && over.
in the meantime, she make them coffee. he likes his black; she likes hers with two cream && two sugar. linoleum is cold against the soles of her feet, but the mugs in hand stain calloused fingers with their warmth ― cheap things. annie purchased them as a set of TWO while thrifting one summer: ONE for herself, && ONE as a spare; now, she shares this small part of herself with him ( her own extension of the olive branch ). annie sets down both mugs at respective ends of the table && returns to the body of the kitchen, with eyes on her bagel as she coats it in a generous helping of jam.
she's no therapist, && she isn't pretending to be one. however, in this moment reiner doesn't need to be watered with gentle affirmations && new coping strategies; he needs sunlight. he needs a friend. annie can be that.
❝ --i can't speak for anyone else, but for what it's worth. . . i know you're not made of glass; i know you can take care of yourself- we know you can take care of yourself. ❞ she amends. ❝ that doesn't mean you need to face this alone. bertolt && i. . . we worry, yes. but it has nothing to do with PITY, && don't you dare think otherwise. it's because we CARE. . . it's because we want you to smile again, the way you used to- even the way you did just now. . . it's because you'd do the same for us. ❞
annie joins him at the table, one leg crossed over the other. she takes an especially unladylike bite out of her bagel, dark jam dribbling down her chin. this is home. this is where she can be the most authentic version of herself. reiner can be honest with her; && she can be honest with him. it's nice.
❝ --a run? not the worst idea, actually. ❞ annie hums, && takes another bite, followed by a slow sip of coffee. ❝ you know. . . whenever i can't sleep, i take a shower. there are certain scents that are supposed to help with stress && whatnot. . . or at least, that's what i've been told by my accompanist. ❞ she confesses. mina is a nice girl, but prone to believing almost anything she hears. annie's just relieved that she hasn't fallen for a pyramid scheme yet.
a thawing gaze flickers across the slip of seemingly useless paper. it takes a moment for her to register the familiar pattern ( give her a break, it's not even seven ). if she remembers correctly, there is a strategy that almost always secures a win, but the details of said strategy are lost in the early morning fog. . . annie takes a gamble instead. as the second player, she's already at a disadvantage, but it's not over; it's just begun. she draws an awkward looking o, dead center.
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it shouldn't surprise him that annie knows the side effects, knows that repercussions for taking it how he will.  he's caught her a few times, though he's remained in the shadows  &&  quiet  ––  the way that each pill was delicately counted, replaced back into the orange bottle as if nothing had ever happened.   to her defense, bertolt does it sometimes too; he knows that he takes them too often, knows that that anxiety creeps up his spine when he least expects it  &&  it's almost enough to send him running most days.  he should be annoyed with it, should claim that he knows what he's doing, but there's warmth there instead  ––  the thought of someone caring enough when they don't have to.
he had left, after all.  he had stepped away from them  &&  into his own hell  ––  he's only recently started occupying spaces once more  &&  he doesn't belong in them.  he inserts himself like he was made to be there in order to drape away the fact that he's the ghost that's haunting the apartment.  bertolt  &&  annie move around one another like it's automatic, learned from time spent together; reiner is a phantom that trips over his own words  &&  still can't find his way in the dark.  
sometimes, reiner debates making his exit.  sometimes he wonders if their space is better off without him in it;  like the photos on the fridge.  the ones that contain porco  &&  pieck, udo  &&  some of the other cadets that have been training at the facility as of late.  it makes him feel hollowed out inside; sometimes he looks at porco  &&  sees marcel  &&  wonders if this is his punishment at the core of it all.
❝ that's what the bagel is for. ❞  he gestures toward the cooling piece of bread that's on a plate  &&  debates for a long moment.  his stomach has long since lost the want for it, but he takes the plunge  &&  chews anyway, makes a point of swallowing  &&  taking another bite.  there's nothing hateful in the motion  ––  it's an extension of an olive branch, saying that she's heard  &&  he's filling his stomach now to help with it.  besides  —  he hates being sick to his stomach  &&  that's what happens the most.
her words though pin him in place  ––  there's an exposed nerve that feels like it's lit on fire by them, sharp crystal gaze cutting into him.  he can almost feel where they're cutting away at walls  &&  exposing muscle, showing him that he isn't good at this  ––  that hiding away behind smiles  &&  too much chatter can only get him so far.  he shifts in his spot, runs his tongue along his teeth, picks at the edge of his bagel  &&  feels his stomach sour further.
he knows he's been slipping up  ––  it's in the notes of his therapists journals of their sessions, the ones that the office submits back to magath  &&  promises to give him even worse notes if he keeps it up.  if there's something he loathes, it's the way that his former commander looks at him, the way that pity curls at the corners of his eyes  ––  because he had held so much promise,  &&  now he's a shell of himself.  he's a shell of that cadet that raised his head  &&  put himself through hell in order to pass the tests that needed passing.  he's a shell of the boy who had turned man  &&  who had died out there, even though he had come back  &&  marcel hadn't. 
it's why reiner hates being home; he sees the way that karina looks at him  &&  there's nothing warm in her gaze.  she flits around him  &&  plays concerned mother well, but it lacks the normal warmth that once curled around her words.  instead of being able to brag about her son being in the army, about making his way steadily toward the title of vice captain, now he is an empty shell.  sometimes he stares at walls  &&  forgets where he is, his mind somewhere else  &&  his hands steadily beginning to shake.  sometimes he nicks himself when shaving  &&  for a long moment he can't breath with dilated pupils as his mind sees marcel, sees his own blood from his own injuries that day.  there was pride when she thought that he was going to make something of himself  ––  no doubt another part of her feud with a man that doesn't want her  ––  but now?  now reiner is a source of disappointment.  he sees it in her eyes constantly.  it's suffocating.
&&  he can't see it in anyone else's eyes.  it feels like it's choking him, even hearing the soft inclines of annie's voice  &&  the way that she attempts to keep her voice down so that bertolt doesn't wake up.  it makes his shoulders bunch up to his ears  &&  there's half a thought to change the focus, make a joke, deflect.  he's gotten fairly good at those lately.
but he takes a look at annie  &&  analyzes her words  &&  realizes that it's not the right move.  he lets his shoulders drop, lets himself exhale as he swallows thickly  &&  closes his eyes tightly for a moment.  counts down from ten before he reopens them.
❝ it has nothing to do with you being personable. ❞   a quiet frown finds its way to his face; he knows that annie isn't the softest, but he's never seen her as this ice queen like most have.  he understands  ––  there's pressure in performance  &&  she does what she does to protect herself.  it's admirable.  they've always bickered like this  ––  but he's never once doubted that there was friendship between them.  ❝ && for the record, i'm demi.  it doesn't matter if you have a dick. ❞   for what it's worth, that does make him smile  &&  makes his cheeks flush. 
he opts to take a seat at the table, the chair creaking softly underneath his weight.  he takes another bite of his bagel  &&  gives himself a moment to group, to think of the right thing to say.  it's rare  ––  but sometimes annie is like trying not to spook a wild animal,  &&  if she's willing to give him an ounce of this much attention, then he wants to respect it  &&  give it back. 
❝ i'm tired of everyone being worried about me.  looking at me like at any second i'm going to break. ❞    teeth bite at tongue for a moment before he runs his fingers through his hair.  he's used to bullshitting his way through his therapy sessions.  he's not used to being honest with someone  ––  he doesn't like it.  that exposed nerve flares again  &&  he pinches at the bridge of his nose before he pushes his chin into the palm of his hand.
❝ you  &&  bertolt don't look at me like that.  not outright.  i don't…everyone else does.  i just don't want to deal with it from you two, too. ❞  it's a horrible excuse, but he finds he does mean it.  that he hasn't realized how much he's appreciated the normalcy that bertolt's stupid apartment seems to provide.  it's one of the only spaces where he finds he can actually be himself.  
honey eyes followed annie's footsteps; even this feels far more safe than any of his sessions.  ❝ thank you, for the record.  for caring.  i'm up this early because i can't fuckin' sleep so i went for a run. ❞    nose scrunches up  &&  he satisfies in the crunch of bread.
he slides over a piece of paper, a simple grid drawn over it with an x in the top right.   
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guinevereslancelot · 11 months ago
i actually love the comeback of bucket hats and mom jeans and big glasses and fanny packs and clunky shoes personally. i was born to dress like a dorky tourist from the 90s
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lilianne-tarot · 22 days ago
PICK A CARD: Your Future Spouse’s First Impression of You? ✮⋆˙
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Hey there! Welcome to my first pick-a-card reading on this blog page—I hope you all enjoy it! If I make any mistakes, please bear with me. Comment down what you felt about the reading and if it resonated with you and show some love, Your support means everything to me!<3
How to Pick Your Pile: Take a deep breath, clear your mind, and look at the images below. Which one pulls you in the most? Trust your gut! Once you choose the image, The number below your chosen image is your pile. If more than one catches your eye, that just means there’s extra tea for you—go ahead and read both!
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⊹₊⟡Pile I
First Things First: The Vibes Are Mysterious AF. Your future spouse’s first impression of you-Intriguing. Confusing. Obsessive. You are not someone they can just glance at and move on. this spread is screaming mystery, but not in a “cold and distant” way—it’s more like "Who ARE they? Why do I want to know everything about them?" There’s something about you that feels just out of reach, like you’re showing them a version of yourself, but they can sense there’s way more underneath. And that? That’s addictive. It’s the kind where they need to figure you out. They want to know what makes you tick, what you’re thinking when you glance away mid-conversation, and what you’re dreaming about at night. And it’s not in a shallow, superficial way—this person is genuinely captivated. But here’s where it gets interesting— because while The Moon makes them curious about you, the Eight of Pentacles makes them respect you. They see someone who’s dedicated, who works their ass off at whatever they care about. Whether it’s your career, hobbies, or just the way you present yourself—you give off this “I put in the effort” type of energy. Like, they can tell you’re serious about your stuff and that immediately makes you stand out. That alone makes them take you seriously. Okay, But Here’s the Gag—They Lowkey Feel a Bit…Uncertain? Now, listen—The Moon is also about illusions and uncertainty, so while they are intrigued, they might feel like they don’t fully “get” you at first. And that? That’s messing with them. They’re probably used to reading people easily, but you? You’re hard to pin down, and they love it…but also hate it?? It’s like, are they flirting with me or just being nice? Are they interested, or am I making this up? The Two of Wands here tells me that they immediately start thinking about possibilities with you—but they hesitate. Not because they’re uninterested, but because they’re trying to figure out where they stand. They respect you and your dedication, seeing you as someone with substance. They feel pulled toward you but also slightly intimidated or uncertain because you’re not easy to read (Love that for you😂). And darling, let’s be real—when someone is this intrigued by you from the jump, That’s a recipe for obsession. You might notice them observing you before making a move, trying to decode you.
This pile has the most unpredictable energy among the three. Your future spouse is unsure where they stand at first but feels a pull towards you. LOL, they might initially think “Whoa, Do they even notice me?” They might even romanticize you in their mind before truly knowing you (CUTE ngl) because your energy leaves so much to the imagination.
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⊹₊⟡Pile II
Ooooh, okay, let’s get into it. Babe, your future spouse’s first impression of you is giving emotional enigma meets graceful chaos, and I’m obsessed with how this energy is playing out. The moment they lay eyes on you, there’s an instant curiosity. You come across as graceful, emotionally intelligent, and balanced, but here’s the kicker—they know there’s more going on beneath the surface. Like, they can tell that you keep your cool externally, but they sense this quiet storm of emotions underneath. It’s intriguing to them because it’s like, "damn, how do they juggle everything?" when you meet them, or they just get the sense that you’ve got a lot going on but still show up with poise. It’s giving “this person could be drowning in responsibilities but would still remember to send their bestie a ‘drink water,’ text.” 😭There’s this duality to you that catches their attention. You seem emotionally available but also like you’re carrying something—like you’re transitioning into a new chapter, leaving something behind and they feel that energy before you even say a word. They immediately respect you but they also feel this lowkey urge to protect you, Because on one hand, you’re exuding this soft, nurturing energy but on the other hand, they can tell you’re used to handling your own business and might not even need them like that. And WHEW—does that intimidate them a little? Yes. yall pile 2 give me the energy of a particular line I heard on TikTok, which was something like "lead me when I want to be lead"😂So when they meet you, your future spouse immediately clocks that you’re in transition—maybe you’ve recently moved, changed jobs, ended a relationship, or you’re just shifting into a new phase in life. But here’s the real tea—they don’t just find you attractive, they find you mentally stimulating. Like, you’re not just another pretty face; you make them think. Your vibe is that of someone who has been through some shit but has learned and grown from it, and they immediately wonder, What’s their story? What shaped them into this person? And suddenly, they’re invested. “Holy shit, I need to know more.” You make them think—they don’t just want to know you, they want to understand you.
SO OVERALL This pile is soothing and warm, but also very self-aware and mature. Your future spouse feels safe and understood with you, like you’re someone they could see themselves building a peaceful life with. This is wayyyyyyy less confusion here compared to Deck 1; they pretty much immediately know you’re a rare find.
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⊹₊⟡Pile III
Your future spouse’s first impression of you? WHEW, they’re looking at you like you’re a whole standard—not just “crush-worthy,” but someone they gotta step their game up for. Their First Thought? “Damn, they’re sharp.” Like, no joke, the moment they meet you, they immediately pick up on your sharp mind and no-BS attitude. You give off this queen-level aura that’s like, “I see through people. Don’t play games with me". 💅. love it—but also have no idea how to approach you at first because you don’t seem like the type who’s easily impressed. Your whole energy screams “I’ve got my shit together.” And babe, they feel that. They’re looking at you like, “Okay, so this person is intelligent, confident, and carries themselves like they own the room—how do I not embarrass myself in front of them?” But it’s not just about confidence—you also have this elegance about you. You’re not loud or flashy; you’re just refined, polished, and unbothered in a way that makes people want to impress you. LOL also one thing, you make them feel like, "“Are they always this serious? Or do they have a goofy side?” You walk in, and it’s giving the main character energy without even trying. Here’s where it gets really interesting. Because at first, they see you as this composed, independent person who doesn’t need anybody. But then, there’s this subtle warmth about you that catches them off guard. I can feel that you’re someone who values fairness, generosity, and kindness—but only for the right people. You’re not out here wasting time. You know your worth, but when you do let people in? You’re the type to genuinely care, support, and uplift those around you. And that contrast? Whew. It messes them up in the best way. It’s like, “Wait… they’re not just powerful and intimidating… they’re actually thoughtful and kind, too? What kind of dream person did I just meet???” Your future spouse is immediately caught up in their head about you. Their first impression of you isn’t just “oh, they’re cute.” It’s deep admiration mixed with a little bit of panic.
Honestly, This is the type of first impression that lingers. They’re not just walking away thinking “Wow, that was a cool person.” No, no. They’re going home, replaying the conversation, trying to figure out how to impress you next time, and probably texting their best friend like, “I think I just met the most unreal person ever.”
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majoryeager104 · 3 months ago
dad touya headcanons dad touya headcanons dad touya headcanons
hehehe here u go <3
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Touya as a dad?
Hands down the cutest thing to watch
like, not only is he obviously gonna be protective af
but he’s also so soft when it comes to his kids
bc he doesn’t want them to experience the same feelings he did growing up
so he pushes them to be great
but also gives them room to fail, and helps them learn to try harder
’unachievable’ dreams aren’t a thing when Touya is a father
he wasn’t given the chance to become a hero and live his dreams
So he will never push his kids to give up on their own dreams, or put them down for them either
They wanna be an artist? Dads gonna get em the best supplies
a singer? He’ll find someone to give them lessons and he’ll listen to every little song they come up with
They wanna be a hero? He’s teaching them everything he’s learned and helping em make ‘special moves’
They want to be a makeup artist? He absolutely lets em do his makeup whenever they ask
They wanna be a villain? Touya only considers talking them out of it once, changes his mind, and now teaches them how to pick pockets and lets em (secretly) join him on smaller missions to ‘show you the ropes, but don’t tell mom 😁’
the list goes on and on and he’ll do it all with a smile on his face because he never wants his kids to feel like their dreams are unattainable or a burden to him.
so there’s that 😭😭😭
deefinitely has days where he takes the kids out while you rest, bc for one you get to chill, for two he absolutely loves spending quality time with his kids every chance he gets
If he’s still with the league after having kids, he usually walks into the hideout with rainbow colored nails
and he’s flexing them on EVERYONE
like “check out how awesome my daughter is at manicures”
Toga is lowkey jealous
so occasionally Touya lets her babysit
which is also the cutest thing ever
bc she’s so sweet to the kids
Shiggy just stares at them like “u made those? But they’re so cute?? and you’re ugly as fuck??”
Shiggy then gets bitch slapped into next month
by Touyas kids
bc “my dad is NOT ugly uncle Shiggy 😤😤”
yes uncle shiggy
one big happy family of villains who never had big happy families
but that’s okay cos Touyas gonna make sure his kids do have that 🙏😭
aka Touya would be like an actually great dad
and his other reason for making sure to be a good father
The one he doesn’t mention
is that he’s proving to Enji that it IS possible to be a supportive father
like Touya is absolUTELY gonna rub it in Enjis face when he sees that Touya’s kids actually like him lmao
like that meme of Enji and Aizawa that’s like ‘your kids say happy Father’s Day to you on Father’s Day?!’
Except it’s Touya just smugly like “yeah believe it or not my kids actually like me because yk I actually care about them 🤷‍♂️”
so he’d have way too much fun doing that
but just generally I think he’d love being a dad
and I think he’d do it well 🥺🥺
Ngl I was cackling writing the “they wanna be a villain?” Part bc why can I see Touya carrying like a whole baby strapped to his chest on a mission 🤣🤣🤣
Banner creds to artist! (If anyone recognizes the artist lmk)
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yanderemommabean · 14 days ago
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I redrew the art I submitted a few years ago for you :D I hope you like it, ngl I think the original thing I put was cringy af bc I rlly liked rilliane from evillous but lowkey the bee king feels like he wants to be evil but ends up not being evil at all
I always love art beans send!!! SHUSH IT WASNT CRINGE! Not to me at least 😭 I thought it was sweet
This looks so cute!!!! I freaking love it! Ahhh thank you so much!!!!
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staycorpse · 2 years ago
how do you think corpse would be with a tall gf??
Corpse x Tall! Gf 🖤
author’s note: that’s all i can think of at the top of my head rn 🥹🫶🏽 thanks for requesting this! hope you enjoyed! 🫧
not me forgetting how tall this man is 🥴
it’s a mix of him being your biggest hype man nd being a troll
right off the bat, just want to clarify: i don’t see him having a preference over his partner’s height. honestly i see it as something he doesn’t give a fuck about. he loves you for you, period. whether you’re taller or shorter, it doesn’t matter to him.
if you are confident about your height, best believe that both of your feeds will be of the two of you slaying fit checks like it’s nobody’s business!
every post on his platforms will be of him hardcore simping over you, how such a baddie you are- becomes a whole stan acc
best believe you will be the album cover or single cover on any of his music projects
if it’s something you are insecure about, he’ll go out of his way to hype you tf up! every. single. time 👏🏽
like for example, you’re planning on going out nd dressing up. nd you’re debating between wearing those cute heels/platforms or some regular flats
the correct option is to wear those cute heels/platforms 🤷🏾‍♀️ especially if it’s what you wanted to wear in the first place!
will end up making you late bc he’s trying reassure you that you look great in the heels/platforms. doesn’t want you to leave the house without wearing what you actually wanted to bc you were worried about being taller than everyone else
ngl corpse likes it when you’re even taller bc of the shoes you’re wearing (i didn’t forget him simping over lady dimetrescu from re8 so… 🫠 don’t @ me)
he gets pouty bc you don’t understand how being taller makes you even more beautiful to him
will always compliment you and tell you how beautiful you are
every time you enter the room, you hold his attention without even trying nd you’re just subjected to constant love, praise nd support
he could be on a stream/call with his friends nd will pause for a moment just to tell you that you’re hot af nd that he loves you
whenever his friends ask him if he feels a lil insecure himself about being shorter than you, he shuts that shit down IMMEDIATELY
will always let it be known that it’s never a problem, just an added bonus bc its you
he could get teased himself for being shorter than you nd he doesn’t hesitate to hit anyone back with his sass/put them in check
to him, it’s such a nonissue nd it sometimes makes him laugh that people will find the time to talk shit about your guys’ height difference
will share stories with his friends where he does tease you a bit bc of your height
like for example, you both are in the kitchen and he asks you to get him something from the top shelf
even though you know he’s more than capable of doing it himself, when you do entertain him by grabbing the thing he asked for, he’s just gets giddy about it
like wow is this how girls feel when it’s the other way around? 🤭
one time you thought it’d be funny to pin him against a wall to see his reaction nd he got so stunned! he was a stuttering nd blushing mess 😂 lowkey likes it when you do it to specifically put him in his place when he gets too bratty or sassy with you
if you want to know the quickest way to get him to fold, slowly pin him against the wall without breaking eye contact. you’re welcome 🤪
expect a lot of back hugs! he just can’t help himself. you could be cooking or streaming nd he’ll just hug you from behind. he lives to be the little spoon when you two cuddle.
nd if his head is not laying on your chest so he can hear your heartbeat, he will throw a pouty fit 🤧
he’s really just living the girl fantasy nd he wouldn’t trade it for a second. like he’s so baby girl coded when it comes to you
will sometimes ask you how the weather is up there 😭 which results in a swift ‘stfu babe’ but!!! if you do decide to entertain his bullshit, it’s usually followed up with a sarcastic answer
“currently a thunderstorm rn..” or “pretty cloudy today.”
“aww babe,” he’ll coo, “c’mere, let me make it better.” you lean down to his level nd he’ll just kiss you
even better if you’re standing over him, he’ll just motion for you to lay on top of him or sit in his lap nd he’ll just shower you with kisses
after of giving you your very much deserved love nd affection, he’ll see the smile on your face nd say, “hmm, i think there’s a 100% chance of sunshine today~”
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kennys-shinyforehead · 4 months ago
Headcannons - The beta squad as dads 💚
Keep in mind this is just my person opinion and so if you disagree that’s okay!! Anyways, hope you enjoy :)
- He’s defo a girl dad, like just imagine him picking her out little outfits omggg
- I just know this girl is getting completely spoiled
- OMG and the meals he’d cook for her, she’s eating gooddddd 🍝
- He would definitely sing her little lullabies to help her get to sleep at night, like it’s become part of the nighttime routine at this point
- I lowkey feel he’s a boy dad??
- Imagine him trying to teach his son how to box 🥹🥹
- Ngl though I feel he’d be kinda a clueless dad like this man has no idea how to parent, he’s just trying his best !!
- He’d be one of those dad who do matching costumes with his kid for halloween, I already know it would be ADORABLEEEE
- She’d defo inherit his curls so he’d try to style them but it just always turns out a mess 😭 she’s still cute af tho
- you already know he try involve her in his twitch streams and the chat would go CRAZYYY
- I feel he’d be that protective type of dad, like always making sure she wouldn’t take any messing from anyone.
- BOY DAD BOY DAD BOY DAD, like did you see him with Sheil?!
- He’d always be surprising him with random little gifts just to make him smile
- This little boy would always be up on Niko’s shoulders, he wants to be tall just like his dad 😌
- Niko’s always trying to teach him how to play football and practically forcing him to be a Man United fan, like this kid’s first outfit was a Man Utd kit 😭
- HES A TWIN DAD - one girl, one boy
- these kids would ALWAYS be featuring on SDS, they’d be such a handful like running around and just causing so much trouble but Sharky would just find it hilarious
- Sharky would also try teach his kids football and then they’d play with Niko’s kid and have like mini football matches 🥹
- HE WOULD BUY THESE KIDS SO MANY PAIRS OF SHOES, like those baby adidas and nike sneakers, I just know they would be the most fashionable kids everrrrr
This was honestly so fun to write!! I really hope you guys enjoyed reading it xx
Just a reminder, requests are open 💚 MASTERLIST
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youremyheaven · 8 months ago
As a connoisseur of Venus men what are the dead giveaways according to you? It could be anything even how their insta profile looks. What are your observations. I would love to know ❤
Hehehehe 🤭🤭🤭
The dead give aways are:
1. Overly flirty and simp like (if imbalanced)
Like Venusian men don't play it cool EVER, I don't think they even know how to. If they like you, they will make it very very very obvious and will practically drool all over you. This can take the fun out of a talking stage ngl
2. Extremely straightforward with their feelings
They don't beat around the bush and they don't hide their feelings. If they want you, they'll say so
(this is a positive manifestation of the first point)
3. Facial hair 😍🤤🤤🤤
I've never met a clean shaven Venusian man. They all have a stubble of some kind and it's like a part of their personality or something 😜🫣
It's typically not a super well manicured looking beard, as in, they kind of look like they were born with it??? 🤣🤣
Venus men always give me the vibe of men who were born as a grown man lol
4. Insta profile
Usually very private and lowkey and won't be very active on social media. Or use it at all.
Probably has 10 posts total and will look 😍🔥in them but they were posted over the course of 4 years lmao 🤭🤭
Imbalanced Venusian men will follow manyyyy hot women and their following will consist mostly of models and influencers lmao
They just love looking at women. Not in a pornographic way but in a sensual way??? They think like women, so they have a very erotic mind. The type of man who dreams of a woman wearing a certain kind of outfit (down to the last detail) , perfume, with her hair a certain way, them going out and being in a certain ambience. They're just sensorial creatures and every Venus guy who has described his fantasises to me sounded like a teenage Wattpad author lmao
They enjoy romance ✨ and sex alone feels meh to them. They want the whole experience ✨
5. Usually tall and bulky
But they can also be more lean. I've never met a short Venus guy so I feel like they don't exist lmao 🤣💀🤡
But yeah usually they have a very masculine build and physique. They care about it too.
They have a very rogue-ish charm. A rough kinda handsome over the hearthrob vibes of Solar men who look perfect in a classical sort of way.
Venus men have that cave man type appeal 🤤🫣😜🥵 what you'd call "raw masculinity"
6. If they're in love, they go all out
They'll pull out the red carpet for you everytime you step out
They literally want their women to never do anything hard so they go all out with the princess treatment
I've seen them and omg so cute 🥰🥺 my friend's bf is Bharani Moon and he feeds her, puts the shoes on her feet, carries her bag for her etc Venus men just act like they're your slave 😩😩😩they say that about themselves as well. Their biggest weakness is their woman because they'll be completely enslaved to them
they love to give head lmfao and that's not surprising given everything we know about them but these men exist to 🍑👅 they're straight up demonic with that tongue 🫣
They love to please women and they're the type to make you cum 3 times before they've even entered you 🙈🙈🙈 they're good lovers, I'll say that much 🙈
If I had a penny for everytime a Venus man said he wanted me to wet his beard 🥵🤭😩 like hold up king I'm trying to 😩😩😩
They enjoy making love which is rare af in today's porn addicted world. They really truly care about appreciating the woman that's in front of them. Nobody has had sex until they've had sex with a Venus man. I said what I said 🫣😍 they make you feel so beautiful and desired that you become like putty in their hands, which is what they want hehe 🤭
They care about your satisfaction 😜
And they feel satisfied by satisfying you 👀 so they don't even want anything in return 👀not that they'd be mad if you offered but they're not like those men who give to get 👀if ykwim
Yk what it's like when a guy's the perfect mix of gentle and aggressive 😍🫦that's a Venus man for you 🫦
8. They'll spoil the life out of you
Not kidding. You'll be sick of it. They'll ruin other men for you.
They genuinely don't care about spending on themselves, they just need their essentials, everything else will be devoted to making you happy.
This can be hella risky bc they will literally go into debt spoiling their woman and if the woman is a greedy vampiric one, she'll take advantage of his generosity.
My uncle is a Bharani Sun and 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻the way he treats his wife throughout their changing financial statuses is 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 (he's not perfect in any way and that's on his Jyeshta Moon) but people think you have to be rich to spoil your loved ones and that's not true at all. It's more of a mindset, mentality and attitude than anything else ✨
If they're not generous with their energy when they're broke, they won't magically be that way when they're rich.
If he only has ₹10 to spare and buys you , your favourite packet of chips, that's real generosity 😌
My uncle works extra hard so that he can travel with his family and give his wife a break, like how sweet??? How many men do that??? Esp if they're not well off?? Long story short, if he wants to, he will
They genuinely just want you to be able to chill. My aunt spends extended durations at her home because my uncle thinks she has to work too hard when she's at his home?? (She's a housewife with 2 kids) Have you heard of housewives getting paid vacations?? Now you have lmao 😭😂 he stays back at their house and does all the work so that she can genuinely just chill at her parents home 🥺🥺🥺
When she was sick with a mysterious illness no one could diagnose and hospitals started failing them, he went to holistic and ayurvedic doctors all across the state to help her 🥺🥺 (and she was successfully cured 😌✨ bc the greatest remedy for anything is love)
Venusian men in love are just 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻✨
9. They're veryyyy good with kids 🥺🥺
Every breed of Venusian men (Bharani, Purvaphalguni or Purvashada) has spoken about how marriage and kids is a big priority for them and they're genuinely so cute with kids 🥺🥺
They just have that fatherly instinct tbh which makes sense bc they themselves have daddy issues and want to be the dad they never had 🥺🥺
That's it for now, I hope this was insightful 💛💛💛💛
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gorbo-longstocking · 21 days ago
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*Cutely throws them to you* :33
ANYWAYS, can't stop thinking about Ch5 Cara and Ch6 Alga when they were both in the 'same' ass situation (ngl they both are freaky af), so I had to draw them 😇😈
(I just love how they both had their own ways of calming eachother down ❤️)
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. CARACALLA LOOKS SO GOOD IN YOUR STYLE AND ALGAAAAA MY MISERABLE LITTLE BIMBINI. i adore the way you draw hair dude, it looks so voluminous and fluffy… carrotcalla get over here so i can run my fingers through your hair xoxo. still in awe youre drawing stuff from my fic, that something i cooked inspired you to cook as well. not to be all serious for a sec, but that is genuinely the greatest thing any artist can do for another dude. im so happy we get to be in yhis ouroboros of sharing 🥹🥹
also im gonna take this as an opportunity to ramble about their breakdowns and how they’re connected, along with how both of their personalities are suited to calming the other down. because its almost 12 am and im insane >:] buuuuuut
both caracalla’s breakdown and alga’s breakdown were always going to happen one after the other. i did a lot of thinking while planning this fic out, mostly about the scene surrounding caracalla’s flashback and also how alga figures out their situation isn’t a dream. originally, caracalla’s flashback was meant to happen later, and have a bit more of geta and caracalla being haters in the beginning of the fic (which, evidently, wouldn’t have happened anyway because caracalla had a gay little crush before his breakdown, a la needle scene, which actually wasn’t planned) however, i did sort of figure out that caracalla was going to wind up accidentally hurting alga during his hashtag episode. and that pain was going to directly lead to alga realizing hes not dreaming. going along with that, putting myself in alga’s shoes, if i found out i time traveled with no hope of return my crash out would make headlines.
anyway, the connection was always going to be there. caracalla has a flashback -> caracalla hurts alga -> alga realizes theyre not dreaming -> breakdown. in my original planning, caracalla was supposed to mimic a lot of what alga did for him during his breakdown for them because he has absolutely zero frame of reference on how to snap someone out of that mental state aside from what (two, alga and geta) people do for him. but that didn’t happen because physical comfort felt too out of character for caracalla. so roughly pawing at their face and rudely talking sense into them was what happened
idk if anyone noticed, but caracalla was 100% trying to do the 5 things you see, 4 things you hear, etc grounding technique with alga earlier in the chapter!
(“Look around the room and tell me what you see!” He snapped and clapped his hands twice to signal it was your turn.
All you managed was to utter another ungraceful, “Huh?”
Caracalla huffed and clenched his fists at his sides. “You’re impossible! How did you do this? Smell me, medicus!”)
i pray someone caught that because i thought it was really funny. ANYWAY.
caracalla is calmed by physical touch and reminders of comfort. when hes having a flashback, he lashes out, he enters fight mode rather than flight, and then after it all, goes to freeze. treating him like something to be afraid of makes it worse, so alga’s natural empathy and lowkey disregard for their own safety for the sake of others (their complexes are fascinating) along with how they naturally comfort makes them a good person to help caracalla. whereas caracalla is blunt and self centered, using his own logic to talk sense into alga. who, most of the time, tends to be very logic based, especially when it comes to their own emotions. ultimately, if they think about it, and he is thinking hard about it, he did gain at least a little bit of something in the past. he has friends, he has a purpose, he’s having fun. for once in his life, hes having fun. theyre still very much in A Situation, but they feel more alive than ever. plus after the events of five and six, alga is deeply endeared to caracalla, which we might hear some of in chapter seven. i need to focus on geta some, i must not let my caracalla bias win
dude idk if that made any sense but theres a fun little behind the scenes look into my twisted mind
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unreadpoppy · 2 months ago
Castlevania nocturne season 2 episode 5
- wet alucard
- Annette continued to be the most sensible person
- richter and Annette trauma bonding over dead mothers. Also they’re so fucking cute I can’t
- oh my god mephisto’s here too amazing
- Olrox props to you ALSO being the other reasonable person in this show and burning the book
- oh juste and your old men wisdom
- “none of us counts for much. All of us will be forgotten eventually. But there’s something miraculous about us being here at all” I’m gonna cry
- this is a really good “don’t kill yourself” speech
- this is what happens when you teach a teenage girl how to control darkness and shit like that
- ohhh i feel so bad for terá and Maria. Sadly I do think they need to be apart for them to find each other
- edouard singing in Italian is so good
- Olrox coming back to America nooooooo you’re like the one good thing here don’t leave
- “come with me��� olrox you’re breaking my heart
- you know what considering Dracula came back to life at the end of the OG series, if he’s still alive it would be funny af if he showed up
- alucard: vampires of my time had more class. Yall just suck
- ngl i lowkey ship the captain and edouard
- erzebet you don’t have enough charisma to pull this off girl
- ok no way this crowd would be cheering (genuinely) but anyways
- “im sure there’s a place on the world for you” ANNETTEEEEE
- I like that the spirits have actually been trying to help/ guide Annette
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cadybear420 · 2 months ago
Maria for the questions thing
Ask Game Here!
First impression: Super strict and snippy, but also cute af and I love the cute heart buttons on her dress. Hugely responsible for my "I might be bi" awakening. Should be voiced by Elizabeth Maxwell.
Impression now: Same as before, along with being a very well-fleshed-out character with a great arc where she learns how to take control of her situations even when they don't go as she plans them. I haven't done her romance route yet but I'm very certain I'll love it.
Favorite moment: Probably that one where she grabs MC by the waist and reels them in as she says "I'm a bad bad girl" into their ear.
Idea for a story: None yet.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think I have any opinions about her that would really be unpopular.
Favorite relationship: Her and Michael. I lowkey ship them ngl.
Favorite headcanon: That she has a huge pyramid of stuffed animals at the foot of her bed. They do not leave
Submitting for HSS Appreciation Week 2025 Day 3: Favorite Characters @hss-appreciation-events
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blondeaxolotl · 1 year ago
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Doll: Look Maurice, the prototype of my outfit arrived! It's so cute!!
Meanwhile Maurice
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Also I have two ship names for them, ones Emo Ballet cause of Doll's ballerina vibes in canon and your AU and come on they're emo AF, and second is Kiss From a Rose cause of the song and Doll's rose symbol vibes
Also sorry this is kind of crap, I did this in class
Oh my god this is amazing
I cannot believe Maurice and Doll got their second piece of fanart and both are of Maurice being a simpy twink this is amazing, I love Doll's outfit it's so cute
Also I love the ship names lowkey HEHEAH, ngl the second one popped an idea inside my head so like, might be plotting evil flutters lashes be aware of that 😇
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tierra-paldeana · 1 year ago
People when they first see Rika: intimidating AF. Probably an arse. Most likely hisses at children.
Rika actually: Laid back goofball. Dies internally from anything cute. Mom friend.
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// NGL when i first saw her in the game, i had the same moment a lot of people had of ''oh that's a cute boy- oh she's a lady? wow 😳...'', but before she started to speak proper, i was SO AFRAID they'd make her a cocky smug asshole (derogatory), BUT NO, she's such a good character, only ''intimidating''/serious out of duty rather than because she actively wants to come across that way, super chill, speaking casually, with lowkey flirty vibes and. the way she is so big sis coded towards the protag, being super worried about their safety and finding them cool.........
the way she puts up a front out of duty but really cares a lot........ the way she's not afraid to walk over to people and have a casual chat with them, and the good safe vibes she brings to the people she interacts with.......... i could talk about her all day-
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haisuken · 2 years ago
final thoughts after re-reading tokrev for the 2nd time!
- had to make this a one post because if i do multiple I’ll flood the dash more than I already did 😁🙏 errmmm spoilers!
this is chapter 278 btw like the “last” chapter of the manga !! tb to when I first read this when it came out and i CRIED embarrassing.
— chifuyu starting the chapter in HIS pov was the best idea imo, he’s such a prominent character the whole manga he deserves to end off the manga 🫵🏽
— mikey being a motorcycle racer is such a good idea idk who came up with that but it’s genius and i love it, it literally fits him so well like no joke 😭
— AND DRAKEN being on his mechanical team is PERFECT!!!! them staying together is BEAUTIFUL to me 🙏
— koko and kisaki being business men is very on brand for them since they’re both really really smart but them being business PARTNERS was never something I expected, lowkey I thought we’d see kisaki & hanma together still
— another random thing for me is izana being a director of a non-profit?? like ?? but at least he helped orphans !!!
— ^^ plus mucho being with izana is also interesting I feel like he’d be a business man so like ? BUT kaku helping with orphans is cute and I def see that for him & izana :)
— the haitani’s running a club is VERY on brand for them like I wasn’t even surprised when I first read it 😭 I saw someone say one of them was a DJ ? idk where that came from but sure ‼️
— the akashi siblings (haru & senju) being YouTubers is so fucking funny to me like where tf did that come from 😭 why are they YouTubers??? who thought of that idea 😭😭 pls I need more ppl to talk about it like I never really paid attention to it before so now that I reread it I’m like ??? 😭😭
— but takeomi being a PRODUCER is so fucking silly and I support him in it because he’s so that type of person 😭 he’s definitely the scooter braun of tokrev but not evil as fuck
— are we even surprised shinchiro runs a bike shop? absolutely not 😭 like that’s his entire personality half the manga VERY very on brand for him + he looks good 😁🙏
— inupi working with him is so cute I love inupi sm and he doesn’t have his scar so I think that means he was saved/the fire never happened and I’m happy for him he deserves happiness 🥺🫵🏽
— waka & benkei running a gym is nothing new, and I’m glad they stuck to it in the end 😁
— south makes me giggle hes a fighter which is literally PERFECT for him like it’s so fitting 😭
— not surprised taiju owns restaurants because I think if I’m not mistaken in all the timelines he owns a restaurant like he was definitely destined for it
— hakkai being a model is PERFECT and yuzuha as his manager is BEAUTIFUL like VERY VERY MY STYLE absolutely adore them both!
— the beaver duo wbk are rich af and do real estate!
— the twins running a ramen restaurant is so interesting to be because like ik they do it in another timeline BUT like where did that come from 😭
— ngl…as much as I adore hanma being free and being a freelance photographer I feel like it’s very random and not that fitting……like wdym he isn’t with kisaki…IDK BUT HAPPY FOR HIM !!
— naoto looks so silly but I love his journalist job and emma being a house wife I support it but like we couldn’t give my girl, who is a strong and independent woman, her own job? although ik she loves draken and i support them fully so if she’s happy then 😒
— and michi + hina FINALLY getting married 🙏
overall good ending, kinda crazy ngl because technically now the entirety of the manga doesn’t technically exist since they end up going back and fixing it all in the end with the final time leap BUT still so good 😁🙏‼️
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liveleaker · 2 years ago
Big beautiful eyes with very nice setting hair is attractive af
Ngl lowkey got a homocrush for you
Cute ass gay boy
No homo dawg
I dont knooow man you sound kiiinndaaa homo? 😕
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onlyjaeyun · 1 year ago
THE PROMISE RINGS IM GONNA CRYY SO HARDDDDD. PARK JONGSEONG U SAPPY PIECE OF SHIT U 😭😭😭 i’m so happy my babies r happy idc if there’s angst coming because even the small pockets of happiness in life r so worthwhile 💗💗 the jongseong says hi too 💗💗💗💗 we love a man who’s interested in and cares about your conversations with ur girlies
and nayeon going icb im dating this loser is so real!! not only is seoul’s maneater taken but also nayeon putting a stop to hoonie’s long list of flings hehehehe 🫣 why are all the hoonie pairings in ur aus always sooooo cute idk makes me excited for ur upcoming hoonie au too ehe
hope u are doing well baby <3 (i just did another crazy thing ure gonna smack me for but i can’t tell u until later 🤭🤭🤭)
- 🐈‍⬛
I HAD TO INCLUDE THE PROMISE RINGS BC I FEEL LIKE ITSBJUST SO ONLYJAEYUN 🫣🫣 im so glad you liked it baby and pls he really just loves to be involved and it makes ny heart go crazy i love him so much its unhealthy 🥺
AND YESSSSS nayeon being lowkey annoyed she fell for him when she did what so many women tried so hard for just to fail and then her being all giggly and flustered i love hoonyeon so much ngl 😔 i gotta give y'all the credits for my joon pairings bc usually its one of you guys suggesting them and i just run with it 🤭🤭🤭
and thank you bb i hope you do too and pLS HMU IN MY DMS BC NOW IM CURIOUS AF
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