#lowering cholestrol
curaehealth · 2 years
How Does Guava Aid In Lowering Cholesterol Fast & Naturally?
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Cholesterol is a waxy substance that our liver produces and is present in our cells and bloodstream. Our bodies use it for digestion and making certain hormones. However, too much of anything can lead to health troubles with time. If so is the case for someone, they must start working on lowering cholesterol. Eating a balanced diet, exercising, jogging, reducing sugar, etc., are some things one can do to maintain cholesterol levels. One fruit that exceptionally helps in this subject is guava. There are several factors of this fruit that keeps our cholesterol in check. Read ahead to learn about those factors.
Can Guava Reduce Cholesterol Level In Our Bodies?
The Guava Leaves Can Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides
Every health enthusiast knows how vastly the Ayurveda industry is spreading nowadays. The reason is the long-lasting and positive effects of natural by-products and herbs. If you look into the solution to cholesterol in Ayurveda, several herbs come into suggestion. It includes rosemary, guava leaves, artichoke leaf, etc. They all are equally beneficial in bringing your cholesterol level back to the normal range. The benefits of guava leaves are that it lowers triglycerides and LDLc. Triglycerides are a type of fat that our bodies derive from butter, oils, rice, pizza, cookies, etc. Any extra calories left in our system contribute straight to triglycerides. It is crucial for our health that we do not let it get out of control. Hence, we need remedies like guava leaves that can lower them naturally. They have anti-hyperlipidemic properties that do not permit the cholesterol to take a hike. The best way to consume these leaves is in the form of tea. Let the water infuse the flavor and nutrients of dried guava leaves. Be ready to give it a nice boil and gulp it down. The effects shall be visible within a few days.
They Are Better At Sugar Control
You can blame high glucose levels and sugar for causing cholesterol problems. The regular cravings for delicious desserts can cause you severe health issues. The sugary food items encourage our liver to make more LDL while reducing HCL. This disbalance is what welcomes diseases like cholesterol and diabetes to our bodies. The best way out is to modify your diet that has minimum sugar and fatty acids. Cutting these two down will hugely impact your health in more than one way. Then, make an effort to prioritize food items with a fair amount of fiber and vitamins. Soon enough, you will touch the low cholesterol mark by following this diet. Well, you may have guessed that having guavas are essential to include in this diet. It is a low-sugar fruit that suppresses your appetite and provides ample vitamins and minerals. Also, it doesn't spike our glucose level, which eventually will not increase our cholesterol level. Thus, do not forget to consider guava as your breakfast or mid-day snack.
Its Soluble Fiber Absorbs Cholesterol
The strongest reason for guava to be successful in lowering cholesterol is the dietary fiber in it. These fibers are excellent for gut health as they enhance our digestion and bowel movement. You can treat diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux, indigestion, gas, etc., with the help of fiber. Similarly, it aids in bringing our cholesterol level within the normal range for our health betterment. In fact, if you are thinking of building a heart-healthy diet, foods rich in fiber are a must to include. It is because of how conveniently they absorb extra cholesterol from our bloodstream. Having almost ten grams of soluble fiber is enough to help you decrease your cholesterol. You can gain it through many sources like oatmeal, dry fruits, apples, avocados, guavas, and so on. Guava serves both insoluble and soluble fibers in a considerable amount. The percentage of insoluble is comparatively more than the soluble ones. However, they both share their own advantages that are helpful in weight management, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc.
This Fruit Promotes Good Cholesterol
There are two types of cholesterol in our bodies that we have divided into good and bad. The LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is the bad cholesterol, while the good one is HDL (high-density lipoprotein). Now, our food choices should be healthy enough so they can promote HDL levels. It will absorb the excess cholesterol and take it back to the liver. From there, the liver flushes it out of our system. To do so, you should eat guavas, strawberries, raspberries, beans, legumes, dark chocolate, etc. They all have specific properties and nutrient power that increases HDL in our bodies. The other alternative would be to go for health supplements. Each dosage comprises enough nutrients to meet your body's daily requirements. Not to forget that vitamins and minerals are also the back of encouraging good cholesterol in our bodies. Besides, try to avoid food with high carbs & sugar with low nutrients as they will increase LDL.
The B Vitamins Of Guavas Helps In Regulating Cholesterol Level
We have already established that gaining nutrients is the best way to manage our cholesterol levels. However, the vitamin that works the best for this objective is niacin or vitamin B3. It is valuable for both tasks, i.e., increasing HDL and decreasing LDL and triglycerides. You can find enough of this vitamin in guava, banana, mango, peanuts, mushroom, etc. Or else, you can always look forward to an organic multivitamin capsule. It provides the exact amount of vitamins our body requires to function smoothly. Please note that guava is also rich in vitamin B6. This vitamin works slightly to bring down cholesterol levels. Although it does not contribute as much as vitamin B3, we still need it to maintain our heart health. It works exceptionally in minimizing the risks of heart-related diseases. Also, we need vitamin B6 to prevent clogging in our arteries. Thus, eating guavas will enrich you with both of these nutrients so you can improve your health simultaneously.
Time To Keep Your Heart Healthy!
We all know how cholesterol levels directly affect our heart health. If someone is too ignorant of their increasing LDLc, they are putting themselves at risk of cardiac arrest. The other side effects include stroke, chest pain, diabetes, fatigue, fragile bones, etc. So, we highly recommend not taking this health issue lightly. Any food rich in fibers, B vitamins, and antioxidants is helpful in lowering cholesterol. It is even better if they are low in sugar and fatty acids for us to gain the maximum benefit. Guavas fit the description perfectly; hence, it is a valuable fruit in managing our cholesterol range.
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cnnhealths · 1 month
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dixvlogslive · 4 months
Are Your LDL Cholesterol Levels Off the Charts? Here’s What You Need to Know! 🚨
Hey health-conscious reader! If you’re here, you’re probably wondering about your LDL cholesterol levels. Don’t worry; you’re not alone! Understanding LDL cholesterol and its impact on your health is crucial. So, let’s decode this vital health marker together! 💪
What is LDL Cholesterol?
LDL cholesterol, often dubbed the “bad cholesterol,” is a type of lipoprotein that transports cholesterol particles throughout your body. While your body needs cholesterol for various functions, having too much LDL cholesterol can lead to health issues, including heart disease and stroke. Yikes! 😱
Why is it Important to Monitor LDL Cholesterol?
Monitoring your LDL cholesterol levels is essential for maintaining heart health. High levels of LDL cholesterol can lead to the accumulation of plaque in your arteries, narrowing them and increasing your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Keeping your LDL cholesterol in check is crucial for a healthy heart and overall well-being. ❤️
Trending Google Searches About LDL Cholesterol:
Foods That Lower LDL Cholesterol: Wondering what to eat to keep your LDL cholesterol levels in check? Foods like oats, nuts, fatty fish, and olive oil can help lower LDL cholesterol. Incorporating these heart-healthy foods into your diet can make a significant difference.
LDL Cholesterol Medications: Sometimes, lifestyle changes alone may not be enough to manage LDL cholesterol levels. In such cases, medications like statins may be prescribed by your healthcare provider. However, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before starting any medication regimen.
Exercise and LDL Cholesterol: Regular physical activity can help raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels and lower LDL cholesterol levels. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week to reap the cardiovascular benefits.
Impact of Stress on LDL Cholesterol: Did you know that chronic stress can affect your cholesterol levels? Stress hormones like cortisol can increase LDL cholesterol levels, so practicing stress-reduction techniques like mindfulness, meditation, or yoga can be beneficial for heart health.
To watch the cholesterol exercise video here
Remember, small lifestyle changes can make a big difference in managing your LDL cholesterol levels. Whether it’s choosing heart-healthy foods, staying active, or practicing stress management techniques, every step counts towards a healthier you!
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myhealthk · 2 years
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herlilsoul · 20 days
1st september. I decide to wait another 4 months before making any decision. I'll do another check up early next year and see what action should i take. In the meantime, i'll try my best to lower my cholestrol level.
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healthyroots · 1 year
Sunflower oil is a popular edible oil in the kitchen because of its high smoke point & mild flavour. It contains Healthy fats and is perfect for all types of cooking including roasting, frying & deep frying. It is absorbed less by the food making it super light.
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983793760 · 1 year
How to lose weight to lower cholestrol:
Maintaining a healthy weight plays a crucial role in managing cholesterol levels and promoting overall well-being. If you’re looking to lose weight specifically to lower your cholesterol, it’s important to adopt a holistic approach that combines a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy lifestyle habits. Read more
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longjackofficial · 1 year
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LongJack Benefits
Boost Stamina and Energy
Improve Digestion
Anti-Viral, Anti-Bacterial
Lower Cholestrol, Anti Aging
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peppal · 1 year
Flax seeds is a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid that may help reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease. People have been eating these seeds for thousands of years because these seeds are healthy and good for the body. Rich in fibre, protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, they are perfect for any diet.
Flax seeds nutritional value
Flax seeds is a nutritious food that is good for your health as it is rich in important vitamin and mineral. Rich in omega3 fatty acids, which are important for brain function, they reduce inflamation and reduce the risk of heart disease. It's also a great source of fibre, which can help improve digestion, promote weight loss, and reduce the risk of certain cancers.
Flax seeds is also high in linans, compounds found in plants that have antioxidant properties.
1. Heart health
One of the major reasons to eat flaxseed is that it's good for the heart. Flaxseed is a rich source of ALA, an omega3 fatty acid that might help reduce inflamation, low blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Some studies have shown that eating flax seeds can lower bad cholesterol, the bad cholestrol that increases the risk of heart disease. Flaxseed might also help improve blood sugar levels and is beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes who do not have high risk of heart disease.
2. Digestive Health
One benefit of eating flaxseed is its ability to improve digestive health. Flaxseed is rich in dietary fibre, which promotes regular bowel movements, prevents constipation, and prevent colon cancer.
In addition, the fibre in flaxseed improve gut health by promoting the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. This help reduce inflamation in the body and improve overall imune function. 
3. Weight management
Flaxseeds are also beneficial for those who want to control their weight. The high fiber content of flax seeds can help you feel full and prevent overeating.
In adition, flaxseeds are low in calories and can be easily added to your diet, making them ideal for weight loss diets.
4. Skin health
Flaxseed also helps improve skin health.The omega3 fatty acids found in flaxseed help reduce inflamation and improve acne, psoriosis, and eczema.
Flaxseeds contain linans, which balance hormones and make your skin healthier. The anteoxidants found in flax seeds also help reduce oxedative stress in the body. 
5. Hormonal balance
Flaxseed improves hormonal balance in the body, especially in women. The lignans in flaxseed can mimic the effects of oestrogen in the body, reducing menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats.
These seeds help reduce the risk of breast cancer by preventing the body from producing as much oestrogen as posible. Studies show that consuming flaxseed reduces the risk of breast cancer by up to 18%. 
Also Check: Chia Seeds
6. Cancer prevention
Flaxseed contain linans, which have been known to help fight cancer. Linans help fight breast and prostate cancer by reducing the production of hormone that promote cancer growth and are also helpful in reducing the risk of colon cancer.
The antioxedant found in flax seeds can help reduce oxedative stress in the body, which may damage cells and lead to cancer. It might reduce the risk of cancer and improve cancer treatment outcomes.
7. Brain health
Omega3 fatty acids found in flaxseed can be beneficial for brain health. Certain research shows that Omega3 fatty acids are essential for brain function and help improve memory, cognitive function and mood. 
Flaxseed helps in reducing inflammation in the brain, improving brain health and reducing the risk of nurodegenerative diseases such as Alzhiemer's and Parkinson's.
8. Diabetes management
Flaxseeds may also be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. The high fiber content of flaxseeds helps regulate blood sugar levels and prevent harmful spikes and dips in diabetics.
The lignans in flaxseed enhance insulin action and help control blood sugar. Studies show that consuming flax seeds may lower HbA1c levels, a marker of long-term blood sugar control.
9. Lower cholesterol levels
Consuming flaxseed has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels. A month-long study in people with peripheral artery disease found that 4 tablespoons of flaxseed powder daily reduced bad cholesterol levels by 15%.
Flaxseed is thought to have these effects because it is rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber binds with bile salts and is excreted from the body. Cholesterol is removed from the blood and carried to the liver to make more bile salts.
Also Check: Mix Seeds
10. Reduce inflammation
In 2007, WebMD reported on a study that looked at women going through menopause. In this study, a woman who ate two tablespoons of flaxseed twice a day with foods such as cereal, juice, or yogurt found that she had 50% less hot flashes. The severity of her hot flashes also decreased by 57%. Women noticed changes within a week of starting daily flax seeds consumption, with maximum benefit within two weeks. Adding flaxseed to your daily diet is easy and can be done in many ways: sprinkle it on cereals and yogurt, add it to smoothies, or use it as an egg substitute in baking recipes. 
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aditi-jagtap-pune · 1 year
Effects of High cholestrol on Heart Health - Aditi Jagtap Pune
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High cholesterol levels have long been recognized as a significant risk factor for heart disease. Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the liver and found in certain foods, such as meat and dairy products. While the body needs cholesterol to function correctly, excess amounts can lead to the formation of plaque in the arteries, which can increase the risk of heart disease.
Two different lipoproteins, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), transport cholesterol through the bloodstream.. LDL, also known as “bad” cholesterol, can build up in the arteries and form plaque, leading to atherosclerosis, which can ultimately lead to heart attack or stroke. HDL, on the other hand, is known as “good” cholesterol because it helps to remove excess cholesterol from the bloodstream and transport it to the liver for elimination.
When the levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood are too high, the excess cholesterol can accumulate on the walls of the arteries, leading to the formation of plaques. As these plaques grow, they can narrow the arteries and reduce blood flow to the heart. This can cause chest pain or discomfort, known as angina, and can also increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
High cholesterol levels can also lead to other heart-related conditions, such as peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and coronary artery disease (CAD). PAD is a condition where there is a buildup of plaque in the arteries of the legs, leading to pain and cramping in the legs while walking. Aditi Jagtap Pune said that CAD is a condition where there is a buildup of plaque in the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart muscle, leading to chest pain, shortness of breath, and heart attack.
While some people may have high cholesterol levels due to genetics or other factors outside of their control, many lifestyle changes can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Dr. Ranjit Jagtap News stated below listed ways to overcome such conditions :-
Maintain a healthy diet: A healthy diet that is low in saturated and trans fats and high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help to lower your cholesterol levels and protect your heart.
Get regular exercise: Regular physical activity, such as walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling, can help to lower your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease.
Quit smoking: Stop smoking since it can boost your cholesterol and put you at risk for heart disease. Quitting smoking is one of the healthiest things you can do for your heart.
Manage your weight: Being overweight or obese can increase your cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart disease. Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise can help to lower your cholesterol levels and protect your heart.
Monitor your cholesterol levels: It is important to have your cholesterol levels checked regularly, especially if you have a family history of heart disease or high cholesterol. Your healthcare provider can help you determine your target cholesterol levels and develop a plan to manage your cholesterol levels if they are high.
Take medications as prescribed: If you have high cholesterol levels, your healthcare provider may prescribe medications such as statins to help lower your cholesterol and protect your heart. It is important to take these medications as prescribed and to talk to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or questions.
In conclusion, high cholesterol levels can have a significant impact on heart health and increase the risk of heart disease, says Dr. Ranjit Jagtap Daughter. By making lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption, individuals can lower their cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. It is essential to talk to a healthcare provider about cholesterol levels and risk factors for heart disease and develop a plan to manage them effectively.
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achitachi · 1 year
blergh. sick day. i like routine, but man does it suck trying to get back in it. tg, for working with a very understanding staff this time around that recognizes that i'm great at my job and that my boss is also aware of why and the caveats that come with me being great at my job.
also situation rn isn't great because we are down two paras. one switched career paths. the other we recently found out is very very ill. went in for a routine check up on something else and it went sideways from there.
i'm currently awaiting a referral so i can get an official diagnosis; so i can move forward with what kind of further help i will need. because i'd like to be more fucntional and hopefully have less days like today where i just can't do much beyond resting. i really love my career and would like to be more "present" in my life.
it's been nice finding out the why i'm like this. now if i can just figure out the tools i need for myself to make life more conducive for myself that would be AMAZING!
also, tangent why is looking up vegaterian and vegan recipes so "lifestyle"? i just want to eat more veggies and find more options because doctor is saying less/no red meat and lower my cholestrol. i also have a dairy sensitivity. also D can't have salt. i have to watch my dads sugar (he's diabetic). and i'm the one does the grocery shopping and i love to meal prep (when i have the energy obvs). so yeah, yeesh.
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cnnhealths · 21 days
how can you lower your cholestrol naturally
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dhruthikrishna · 2 years
 addon Health Care | Scan | Labs | Diagnostic Center
How to Prevent Heart Attack?
Heart attack Prevention –
Hear from our founder Dr. Sunil  Kumar in this video & know more about this less known fact about Cholestrol.
To start with, did you know Cholesterol is important for our body functions?
What exactly is Cholesterol – Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in our bloodstream and body cells, and travels in the blood along with lipoproteins.
Two types of lipoproteins carry Cholesterol :
1) High-density lipoprotein (HDL)
HDL is otherwise called “good Cholesterol”. Good Cholesterol is required to build cells, digest fat, and produce various important hormones essential for our well-being
2) Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
LDL is also called “bad Cholesterol”. When our body has too much LDL cholesterol, it can build up in the walls of the blood vessels as plaques. If not managed,  gradually, the plaques build up and block the blood vessels causing heart attack and stroke. 
Hence, it is important to maintain a balance between good and bad Cholesterol. Regular blood checks help you to know your cholesterol levels and take necessary actions. The four major actions one must consider are
Eating healthy – especially fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help lower bad Cholesterol. 
Regular exercise, which includes cardio. 
Limit alcohol consumption
quit smoking. 
Finally, a doctor may prescribe cholesterol-lowering medications if lifestyle changes are not enough to achieve the desired results.
For booking a consultation with our physician, click here to know your Cholesterol levels.
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and You-tube for more tips on Health and Well-being
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aniket-r · 2 years
Cholestrol management- Ayurleaf Herbals
Natural options for lowering cholesterol are available from Ayurleaf Herbals. Our products are prepared with herbs that have a reputation for lowering cholesterol and enhancing cardiovascular health. For a healthy you, say no to dangerous chemicals and yes to nature's power. For a secure and successful method of lowering cholesterol, trust Ayurleaf.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description Aroma: Strong and intense aroma of black tea Taste: Full-bodied, robust, rich flavours of black tea. Health Benefits: Increases mental alertness, Lowers cholestrol, Improves dental health The tea is handcrafted with exotic ingredients in Europe and India under the controlled supervision of botanists and culinary experts. The tea is then carefully packed in pyramid teabags and sealed in individual sachets to retain its freshness. How to use: 1. Heat 150ml of water to just about boiling point and then turn the heat off and let the water cool a bit. 2. Add one teabag to the cup and pour water directly onto the teabag. 3. Stir just once and then let it steep for about 3-4 minutes. Stir again halfway through. 4. Remove the teabag and enjoy your fresh cup of tea. [ad_2]
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red-pilled · 2 years
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Detoxify Your Blood
Your blood is the very essence of your life. It carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body, where they are needed most. At the same time, it helps get rid of waste products from these cells by filtering them through your liver and kidneys to be excreted in urine or feces. The goal of detoxification is to remove harmful substances (like heavy metals) from the body so that they can’t harm other important organs such as brain and heart.
Why is it Important to Detoxify Your Blood?
Did you know that blood is the most important body fluid? It transports oxygen, nutrients and waste products around your body. It also acts as your natural defense system, helping to fight disease and infection. But did you know that it's also a carrier of toxins?
The benefits of detoxifying your blood are many: reduced risk of heart disease; increased energy; improved brain function; better sleep patterns; stronger immune system. And there are so many ways to do this! In fact, blood detoxification is something that every person can benefit from—whether they're healthy or not.
So what's the best way to detoxify your blood? In short: drinking lots of water! The more hydrated you are, the easier it will be for toxins to get out of your system by stimulating sweating or urination (or both). There are plenty more ways besides this—more on that later in this article—but for now let's focus on how much water should be consumed each day in order for detoxification efforts to succeed at their fullest potential.
How to Detoxify Your Blood
The ancient remedy of black sesame seeds can cleanse your blood. How to detoxify with sesame seeds:
Soak 1 teaspoon of black sesame seeds overnight in 2 cups water. In the morning, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes, then strain and drink hot or cold.
Add ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon to the tea for additional detoxification benefits.
Another popular method of detoxifying your blood is through diatomaceous earth (DE). To prepare DE for internal use:
Add 1 tablespoon DE powder to 8 ounces water; stir until dissolved; drink immediately (this mixture may be flavored by adding herbs such as rosemary or basil).
Detoxifying Your Blood with the Ancient Remedy of Black Sesame Seeds
Black sesame seeds are a great source of iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. They also contain vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6 and E; they are a good source of protein and amino acids.
Black sesame seeds contain phytochemicals that help to cleanse the blood by binding toxins in the body. They can be added to your diet in many ways: sprinkled on cereal or salads; incorporated into muffins or breads; eaten as part of a trail mix with other nuts or seeds; ground into flour for use as an alternative thickener (such as in sauces); added to stir-fries/stews/casseroles etc...
Top 3 Foods that Naturally Detoxify Your Blood (Recipes Included)
Collard Greens (and other leafy greens)
Kale (and other leafy greens)
Radish (and other root vegetables)
4 Herbs That Naturally Cleanse and Rejuvenate Your Blood
These herbs are powerful tools when you're trying to achieve a clean, healthy blood flow. Ginger is a well-known anti-inflammatory that helps reduce swelling in the body and stimulates circulation. Turmeric is another great herb for detoxing the liver, which removes toxins from your bloodstream before they can do any damage. Cinnamon is an antioxidant that has been shown to lower LDL cholestrol levels in the body, which can help prevent heart disease by reducing inflammation throughout your circulatory system. Lemon contains vitamin C and potassium that promote healthy cell growth and clear up skin blemishes (and it smells delicious).
DIY Juice Recipe for Detoxifying Your Blood
Juice Recipe:
3 carrots
1 cucumber
1 apple (or similar fruit)
1 lemon (or similar citrus fruit)
1/2 cup of black sesame seeds (and/or other seeds, such as flax or hemp)
1/4 cup cilantro
You can detoxify your blood using herbs and foods
You can detoxify your blood using both herbs and foods. This is important because a toxic blood can lead to many health problems, including allergies and inflammation.
The symptoms of a toxic blood include fatigue, skin rashes, headaches and dizziness. If you have these symptoms it's time to do a detox! Here are two ways that you can cleanse your body naturally:
Eat foods rich in antioxidants like berries and green tea - they help clear out toxins stored in the liver.
Drink lots of water every day - this helps flush out impurities from the kidneys into your bladder so that they're out of the body completely (remember: peeing is good!).
There's no reason to suffer from bad blood. You can detoxify your blood with herbs, foods, and juices that are readily available in most grocery stores. This is a great way to get started on your journey toward good health!
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