#lower right back pain treatment :
luveline · 5 months
omg jade i heard you asking for hotch reqs and i RAN to your inbox
what about hotch taking care of r after they have a lil baby?? i think if i saw that man hold a new baby id die!!!! he could hole their whole head in the palm of his hand 😭😭😭
Every time you move, your hips and more intimate regions hurt like a hot poker. You probably won’t cry, but you require some tylenol and some sympathy to carry on. “Hotch?” you ask. 
Silence. You tip your head back over the armrest to find him. Even upside down, he looks handsome, sitting in the two seater with your little bundle of agony in his arms. Or, arm. The baby rests neatly in the curve of his forearm, his free hand dedicated to the baby’s small back. 
“Who is she talking to?” Hotch asks your baby gently. You know what he’s doing immediately. 
“You get so hung up on the Hotch thing, if you didn’t want to be called Hotch, you shouldn’t have introduced yourself as Hotch.”  
You’ve been calling him Hotch for years, you aren’t going to suddenly kick the habit now. 
“She was my subordinate,” Hotch tells the baby. “She couldn’t have special treatment, even if she is the prettiest subordinate I ever had. It wouldn’t have been fair.” 
“I wouldn’t mind some more tylenol.” 
He raises his gaze. You twist into a painful but better suited position to watch him move the baby closer to his collar, his hand covering the entirety of the baby’s small head. Hotch said Jack was a little baby too, but you’d been terrified regardless, and no matter the size, it was too big for you to come out of the ordeal unscathed. Tylenol isn’t so much wanted as required. 
“I’ll get it for you,” he promises. 
“Thank you, Aaron.” 
“Oh, you’re welcome, honey.” 
He stands and shifts your tiny baby further into his chest, little snores pressed to his collar. “You okay to take him? I’ll make you some lunch at the same time.”
“I can’t eat.” 
“Just chips and a sandwich, honey. You can manage that.”  
You open your arms, letting Hotch lower your baby down into your arms and the surrounding nest of blankets. “You need to go see where Jack is,” you say. 
“I know,” Hotch says, kissing your cheek quickly. “I’m gonna make his lunch too. I’ll be right back.” 
You cuddle your baby to your chest and lean back. Your baby Hotchner is, as previously stated, so tiny, but he’s a nice weight against you, and he sleeps like a champ. You thought easy babies were a myth until now. So far he’s done nothing but sleep and stare at you whenever you talk. You think it’s love, or the surprise of seeing the voices that talked to him nonstop while he was in your belly now out in the open. He does the same to Hotch whenever he’s awake. 
You haven’t named him yet. You asked Jack for help, but he’d recommended you name your new baby Mister Awesome, so you’re at a loss for now. It doesn’t matter, though. He’ll have a name eventually. Until then, he’s the baby. And he’s very well loved. 
You wish he hadn’t hurt so badly to bring into the world, is all. 
Somewhere deeper in the house, Jack tumbles down the stairs, to Hotch's audible horror. “Are you alright? What are you doing, buddy?” 
“I’m being quick!” 
“Please be careful!” There’s the sound of a kiss. “You sure you’re okay? Yeah? Gonna go and keep Y/N company?” 
“Yeah, dad.” 
“Okay, thank you. I’m gonna make your lunch now, any requests?” 
“Peanut butter. And chips. And pretzels. And orange slices? And–”
“How about I bring you lots of everything, bud?” 
“Yes. Please. Hug?” 
They must hug, though you can’t see or hear it, as Jack walks into the living room with wildly tousled hair and a smile. He climbs over the back of the couch even though he shouldn’t, dropping onto your feet, a tangle of arms and legs. “Hi, Y/N.” 
“Hi baby. You hungry?” 
“Dad’s gonna make me a sandwich.” 
You reach over to collect his hand in yours, squeezing his fingers gently. You’d thought for sure that having a baby in the house would upset him, if only because his usual routine was disrupted —he’d had to make room for you first, and now suddenly there’s a new baby taking all the attention? it’s not what only kids usually want— but Jack’s an easy kid too. He squeezes your hand back, shimmying up the couch to lean on your leg. It aches, every touch to your lower half a reminder of the pain further inward, but he’s not rough. He climbs further onto your leg and rests his cheek on your shoulder. 
“Is this a cuddle?” you murmur. 
“Pretty please.” 
“No please required.” You frown to yourself, trying to juggle the baby into the opposite arm so you can wrap the one closest to Jack around his shoulders. You manage it poorly. “Dad makes this look so easy.” 
“He has longer arms,” Jack says with a shrug. His nose jabs the skin just above your chest. “Don’t worry about it.” 
“I won’t. Thank you, babe.” 
Jack touches the baby’s back. “He’s sleeping?” 
“Yeah. Must be weird getting to sleep all the time and then suddenly being born. At least he’s not crying.” 
You and Jack lay with each other for a while, watching the baby snore as you whisper about what Hotch is making for lunch. You wish he’d brought you the tylenol before he started, but he’s got a lot going on. You’re glad he’s the one making lunch (though you can’t be expected to right now, considering). The idea of having to stand there and butter a sub roll sounds like a low level of torture. 
“Don’t let me fall asleep holding the baby,” you tell Jack, your eyes drifting closed as Jack snuggles closer to your face.
“I can go get dad.” 
“I’m here,” Hotch says swiftly. You drag your face to the side to see him in the doorway, two dinner trays balanced with ease in his hands despite their obvious weight and full glasses on either side. “Don’t fall asleep, I’m coming. Sorry about the wait.” 
Hotch puts your trays on the coffee table and scoops the baby from your chest, leaving behind an awfully warm patch of skin. 
“Tylenols on the tray,” he says, smiling at you lovingly. “You okay?” 
“Fine. Jack’s gonna feed me.” 
To his credit, your lovely stepson offers to really feed you, but you’re not so tired now there’s food in front of you. Your stomach groans in want. 
Hotch stands looking down at you, baby somehow even smaller looking in his arms. “Need anything else?” 
You hold half of your sandwich up to him. “Eat that.” 
“I’m fine. My hands are full.” 
“I’m not asking, Aaron. Take it.” You force the sandwich on him. “We both know you only need one hand.” 
He’s cautious not to rain crumbs down on the baby. You make no such fuss, bread and lettuce falling down into your lap as you eat. Jack can’t stop giggling, “You’re not s’posed to eat like that!”
“Sorry!” you say, “I’m just so hungry!” 
“It’s okay,” he says. “Dad will vacuum you.” 
Hotch’s mouth is full to bursting, but his nod is vehement. He swallows hard. “I’ll mop you, too.”  
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kykyonthemoon · 5 months
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How to take care of your on-period girlfriend
During that time of the month, you receive special treatment from him.
ಇ. Character x Female Reader
with Rafayel, Xavier, Zayne and Caleb.
ಇ. Tags: fluff, domestic fluff, established relationship, pain & comfort
ಇ. Word count: 3k4
ಇ. Note: Some details in this fic are inspired by in game Tender Moments.
ಇ. Requested by Mỗi ngày nhặt một anh làm chồng and an anonymous reader on my ask box.
ಇ. Masterlist ♡ Request a fic ♡
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In the middle of the night, you awoke with such discomfort in your lower belly and an aching feeling throughout your body. You knew it was that time of the month; in fact, it was a few days late due to recent work-related stress. You didn't expect to have your period today, so waking up at this hour with discomfort all over your body was quite uncomfortable to you.
Your hand found the phone on the nightstand beside the bed. Rafayel has left you several messages and missed calls. Perhaps you fell asleep without realizing it due to fatigue. You decided to get up and use the bathroom for a while. That's when you discovered you were missing what you needed most at home.
You grumbled and switched the phone screen back on. You were reluctant to disturb him at this time, especially because he was attending an exhibition in another city and you were not sure if he had returned yet. But you were upset and missed the times like this when he took care of you. Just before dialing his number, your phone rang.
"I've seen you online for a while. What's up? Can't sleep?"
Rafayel's voice rang out from the other end of the line, full of energy still. You just answered with a few short phrases, summarizing the current situation for him and told him that you were about to go out and get the necessary supplies.
"Just stay there." Rafayel stopped you. "Do not go anywhere. Wait for me."
You were a little confused why he had told you to stay home. But just now, you were too tired to have the strength to ask. Besides, you could not go out in this state, when you just wanted to faint on the floor.
You washed and changed into a new set of pajamas. Luckily, you found a spare sanitary pad left over in the closet that was sufficient for your needs. As soon as you got out of the bathroom, you heard the front door open. Rafayel appeared there, with a bunch of bags wrapped in both hands.
“How are you now? Does it still hurt?"
You shook your head, primarily to reassure him. But glancing at your pallid face, he knew you were lying. And you were taken aback when he arrived here, at this hour.
“Didn't you leave Linkon for the exhibition a few days ago?”
“That event was nothing special. I was on my way home when you called. I stopped to get you a few things before coming here.”
"Just a few things?" You gazed at the mound of items Rafayel had just purchased and set on the floor. "Why does it look like you bought everything in the store?"
Rafayel grinned at you. He softly aided you in getting down, leaning your back against the cushion and placing your feet on the couch. After that, he began taking out everything from those bags, which startled you a lot.
He had purchased you sanitary products in the form of pads, panties, tampons and even menstrual cups. One of each type and brand. There were also several pain relievers, vitamins and more. When he noticed your amazement, he said:
“Since I don't know which type you usually use, I bought one of each.”
Rafayel laughed. And you, even though your face was pale, felt so content due to his silliness.
“You could have just asked me.” You responded.
“I won't be able to see your surprised smile then. Since I've made you laugh, I must be a fantastic boyfriend, right?”
You slumped entirely back on the couch, still laughing but murmuring: "You must be a fantastic fool."
Lemurians' bodies are not like humans, you appreciated Rafayel's efforts to learn about your cycle and care for you in this manner. He plopped down on the couch next to you, lifted your legs and placed them on his lap. His slender hands rubbed them gently.
“Does it hurt a lot?”
You shook your head. “It doesn't hurt much. Just mild cramps.”
Rafayel nodded. He still remembered you often got cramps in your legs every time your period came. He continued massaging your legs before moving on to your tummy.
“What about this place?”
When your lower abdominal contractions resumed, you let out a tiny cry. Rafayel immediately withdrew his hand. “Sorry… Did I hurt you?”
“I-It's okay…” You tried to smile. “I'll probably feel better after a good rest.”
Rafayel's expression shifted slightly. His hand returned to your lower abdomen, continuing to gently rub it. “There you go again. Just say you're hurt when you're in pain. No need to try to act strong in front of me. Did you forget about our agreement last month? Whenever you have your period and are so weak like this, I will become your bodyguard.”
In the lying position, you could see half of Rafayel's face illuminated in the warm glow of the nightlight. His eyes were both concentrated and kind as he continued to ease the pain in your stomach. Suddenly, you couldn't help but jab your finger into his face. He pouted and puffed out both cheeks. Just like a puffer fish.
“Okay, it's all my fault. Now I will let Rafayel take care of me without worrying that I'd bother you.”
"Good. Even though I don't know how to take care of humans, I guarantee you'll be satisfied!”
Rafayel joyfully grasped your hand and kissed the palm to make it less cold. He continued rubbing your abdomen, singing a melody that put you at peace.
“Get some sleep. When you wake up tomorrow, I will still be here, right next to you.”
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As a child, you imagined your knight arriving in shining armor on a white horse.
It turned out that your knight did not have a horse, but rather a white Hunter's uniform and a coat that he had just removed to wrap around your waist.
It happened when Xavier and you had just finished dealing with the Wanderers on the outskirts of Linkon City. Late at night, an unusual incident occurred. You hurriedly arrived to take on the task, unaware as that time of the month had come.
Perhaps you were too preoccupied with work to remember when your period would start. After finishing the task, you were dismayed to realize that the blood on your dress was not the blood of the Wanderers at all.
Xavier discovered it through your frightened eyes and trembling body. Immediately, he took off his coat, wrapped it around your waist to cover the blood stains, and even carried you a long way home on his back.
Your arms were wrapped around Xavier's neck, your face completely hidden in his shoulder. You felt so embarrassed to let him catch you in such a messy state. However, Xavier continued to soothe and console you. He said:
"It's not a problem at all. You don't need to be embarrassed about this very normal thing."
Even though it still did not feel right, you said nothing more. You were exhausted enough, and your aching body was screaming for a rest.
Xavier took you back to your apartment. You thanked him profusely and quickly went to take a shower. After that, sensing the silence outside, you assumed that Xavier had returned to his home. Unexpectedly, you caught a pack of painkillers on the table. Next to it was his phone.
You did not intend to peek, but because the phone screen was still on, you accidentally saw the content that Xavier was reading: How to take care of your girlfriend during her periods.
You chuckled to yourself. It turned out Xavier was learning how to take care of you. Then, his hand appeared out of nowhere to take the phone back.
“Are you done? Take your pill now."
Xavier gave you a cup of warm water. You smiled: "I thought you went home."
He slowly dropped himself into the seat next to you. “You are so hurt. How can I go home?”
"I'm alright. I'm going to sleep soon, tomorrow I'll feel better.”
Xavier did not seem to take your word for it. He grasped your hands.
“Aren't you going to be in pain for two or three days to a week?”
“Did you just read that on the internet?”
Xavier pondered for a time before nodding: “I... am not very familiar with these things. But I'll stay here until you feel better. Is that okay?"
You gave him a nod and a smile. Xavier got you a painkiller. After taking it he let you lean on the sofa, held your hands tightly, rubbed and breathed on them to bring some warmth.
After a while, your lower abdomen started to hurt. Xavier expressed concern as he noticed your expression:
“It hurts a lot, doesn't it? May I give you a massage?”
He waited for your approval with a nod before placing his hand on your tummy. He gently stroked it clockwise and inquired: "Is this better?"
You shook your head. One hand pointed to the lower abdomen, somewhat below where Xavier's hand was lying. “Here.”
“I see.”
Xavier's fingers went lower, causing you to flush slightly. Xavier said again:
“I only have two hands. One is warming your right hand, the other is massaging your belly. What should I do with your left hand?"
You gazed down at your hand. It wasn't chilly enough to warrant staying warm, but Xavier insisted on it. He also came up with a new idea:
“How about you put your left hand on me.”
You were astonished for a second. "Put it… on you?"
"Yes. Here..." Xavier raised his shirt slightly, showing his abdomen, and glanced at you with anticipation. You sheepishly placed your hand there, and he pulled his shirt down again. “Is it warm?”
You nodded, not sure what else to say. The warmth from his body made you feel heated within. Xavier proceeded to rub your hand and belly. Your hand, which had been put on his body for a short period of time, now became restless. It crept gently upward, to where you could feel his heartbeat quickening.
Xavier stared at you, considered for a time, then said nothing. Since he had let it slide, your hand glided down, past a layer of firm muscles, and then a bit further…
“If you continue to be so naughty, I'll get angry.”
Xavier leaned close to your ear and murmured, his tone irritated, but his gestures seemed to lean heavily on you.
Your fingers twitched slightly as you attentively watched Xavier's slightly furrowed expression. He went on to say: "When I'm angry, it will be quite terrifying. So be a good girl for me.”
Your hand, which was resting in Xavier's, was drawn to his lips as he pressed gentle kisses against it with heated breath. His eyes darkened somewhat; perhaps it was simply the light. You whispered an apology and returned your hand to its previous position. Xavier gazed at you with a small smile.
"If you're sleepy, just lean on me."
"Yes." You responded gently, placing your head on his shoulder and yawning loudly. No matter what the situation was, with him by your side, you would always be safe.
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You were astonished when Zayne showed up at your door late at night after his shift. Seeing your pale and fragile appearance, he asked you to go to the bedroom for some rest. After faltering a few steps, you nearly collapsed to the floor.
Fortunately, Zayne's dominant arms caught you in time. With one quick movement, he lifted you up with ease.
“Put your arms around my neck.”
Zayne said, and you obediently followed. He carried you to your room, put you on the bed, and drew the blanket over you.
"Give me your hands." You placed your hands on his. Zayne stroked your hands briefly to warm them up before placing them beneath the blanket. "I will make you some tea. Remember to keep yourself warm."
You nodded sheepishly. Your eyes followed Zayne's wide back as it vanished beyond the bedroom door, and you wondered how he knew you were on your period.
You were not convinced this was a coincidence since Zayne prepared you a cup of jujube tea that he had brought with him. He used to give you that drink on days like this. He said it would make the pain less severe. And it was true.
"Drink this. Then eat the red dates, too."
Zayne handed you a cup of tea that he had just blown to cool down the heat. He sat down next to you on the bed. You ate a jujube, turned to look at him, and noticed his palm was already open in front of you.
“Spill it out here.” He said. You looked at him for a moment and then did what you were told. Zayne smiled with satisfaction, patted on your head, then took back the almost empty cup of tea from your hand to it on the night table.
“Feeling better?” Zayne inquired pleasantly as he assisted you in lying back on the bed. 
You smiled faintly and said:
“Just a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit better.”
He laughed at your childish behavior. “If it hurts too much, you'll have to go to the hospital.”
You frowned and shook your head vigorously.
“Don't want to? If so, you need to get a good night's sleep. When you wake up, you will definitely be better.”
You gently tugged on Zayne's arm, whispering: "So... Can I get special care from Dr. Zayne? That way I'll get better faster..."
He looked at you with smiling eyes then nodded. You shifted slightly to the opposite side of the bed, making room for him to lie next to you. He instructed. He said:
“Turn around. Then slightly bend your knees closer to your stomach.”
You did what he told you. Your back turned to him, and very soon, you felt the warmth from his body enveloping you.
Zayne embraced you from behind. One of his hands went under the pillow to lift your head up a bit, the other was placed on your stomach. His hand appeared to be large enough to cover your entire stomach. With a delicate touch, his hand began to travel in a circular rhythm on your lower belly.
At first, you felt ticklish and heated given the embarrassment caused by his touch. In addition, Zayne's steady breath was blowing on your hair from behind. He asked:
“Feeling better yet?”
"Yes." You replied softly. “Doctor Zayne's hand is so warm…”
You caught his quiet laughter. He pressed his body closer to you, while you just wanted to hide your face in the pillow. Then, you suddenly remembered what you had wanted to ask him just now:
“How did you know my period would start tonight? You even brought me tea.”
“Can you guess how?”
“Hmm… Let's see. You knew the exact date last month even though I didn't tell you about it... And the month before that too..."
Doctor Zayne allowed you to think about it for a minute. Zayne's knowledge of the days your menstrual cycle would start was most likely due to his perfect memory. Thinking about this, you turned around and his lips brushed your forehead.
You froze for a second. Doctor Zayne gazed at you. He was so near that you forgot what you were about to say.
"You've got the answer yet?"
Your face became as crimson as the jujube tea. His breath danced over your cheeks as you responded:
“Um… I already knew the answer… Dr. Zayne is so busy, yet he still remembers my cycle?”
“I remember everything related to you.” Zayne spoke, his expression very serious and full of concern. You reluctantly turned aside.
"T-Thank you…"
You noticed Zayne's body pressing closer to yours. He buried his face in your hair and the nape of your neck, his hand continuing to rub your lower abdomen. He whispered:
“Get well soon. Although I hope that what makes you better is not painkillers or tea… but me…”
The corners of your mouth stretched out, smiling so widely that you could not close it. You grabbed his rough hand that was placed on your stomach and replied:
“Doctor Zayne has always been my elixir!”
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The door to your room opened in the middle of the night, and Caleb emerged, blocking the entire entrance. He was holding a hot compress bag, a glass of milk, and sanitary pads.
"I'm here to rescue you, Pipsqueak."
Caleb turned on the nightlight to see your pale face and unkempt hair. You were writhing on the bed, in anguish from your period. You could only send him a text message with the strawberry emoji and a sobbing expression. He arrived at your bedside about five minutes later.
He assisted you up, gave you some painkillers, and then pressed the hot compress bag on your stomach. You frowned.
"Do you need to be so harsh with someone who is sick?"
"It's on you for not listening to me. Even though you knew you were about to start your period, you still had the urge to drink lots of cold drinks. You only listen to me when you're in pain?"
You grimaced and rolled over on the bed. Due to your sudden movement, you got cramps in your shoulder blades. You cried loudly for help. Caleb just sighed in helplessness. He helped you lie upright again and rubbed your shoulders.
“If I'm not here, who would you whine to?”
Since you knew Caleb was home, you texted him. However, you did not say anything after that. The anguish had utterly drained you. Caleb couldn't stand to torment you any longer after knowing about your situation. He leaned you on his lap and helped you sip your pain reliever and warm milk. The hand on your back kept rubbing you.
"Is it so painful? "Can you try to get some sleep?"
You replied by shaking your head. Caleb patted you some more. "Then I will stay here with you. Okay?"
This time you nodded. Caleb drew you closer. He removed the hot compress bag from your tummy and began rubbing it with his hand. All of a sudden, your childhood came back, when you had your period for the first time and Grandma was not home; there was only Caleb. Even though you had learnt in advance that all girls would have to go through her period every month, you were nevertheless terrified when it arrived. Fortunately, Caleb was by your side. He raced to get sanitary pads for you, poured hot tea, and helped you warm your hands and feet.
At that time, you were really timid. And perhaps from there you saw the differences between you and Caleb. Both of you were no longer innocent children. This unusual feeling also steadily grew since. 
"Lucky you're here…" You whispered, a hand softly tapped on Caleb's.
"Of course. I'm always by your side, pipsqueak." He responded, then lavished you with several delicate kisses on your hair.
"Caleb… Don't disappear, okay?"
Surprised, he said, "Where can I disappear to?I still have to comfort you with your favorite meals tomorrow."
"Tomorrow…" You instantly recalled having a date with Caleb at the amusement park. But this unexpected menstrual cycle ruined that plan. "I'm sorry…"
"No problem." Caleb stroked you on the head. “You can compensate me another day. For now, you just need to rest well.”
“But I still feel like it's my fault… It's been a while since you could have a day off, yet we can't go out…”
Caleb smiled gently. He tucked your loose hair behind your ear. When he looked into your eyes, he said:
“If you're bored, we can watch the series you like together tomorrow. Or play some games.”
Upon hearing that, your mood brightened a little. You loved spending with Caleb, whether it was a date outside or just hanging out at home. They all brought joy to you.
Caleb placed a kiss on your forehead. He went on:
“Don't think too much about it. Go to sleep now so you'll have the strength to bother me again tomorrow."
You laughed. Caleb was always such a teaser, but that was the reason why you were so happy around him.
Coaxing you for a while, when you started to fall into a deep sleep, Caleb whispered softly in your ear:
“Being able to come home and be with my pipsqueak, that's the best kind of vacation for me.”
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dumbblond3 · 2 months
Ellabs x reader
CW: minors DNI, dubcon, vampires
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They’re the hot older couple you see from across the bar. Abby with her arm resting on the back of the booth they sit in Ellie at her side. The lingering glances they cast make it clear they’re scouting out their next victim.
It didn’t take you long to notice them and god are they your type. Their intimidating presence, the natural dominance they exude. You think it’s too bad they’re together as you imagine what a night between them would be like.
Lucky you they take notice of your shy glances, your disinterest in the others that approach you, and the fact that the friends you came with seem too distracted to notice if you went missing.
Abby approaches you first coming from behind leaning down to introduce herself. You’re caught off guard at first but more than pleased to see her standing there. As she gets your name she brings up Ellie who you learn is her wife Abby tells you they’ve been eyeing you all night.
It isn’t long until Ellie appears at your other side pushing a drink your way, distracting you from the odd aftertaste of whatever she gave you with her sweet ramblings. Something about the way they talk to you is hypnotic their words hold this power, and when Abby’s in your ear saying how beautiful you are whispering that they could just eat you up, you know she means it.
It isn’t until Abby suggests that you take things somewhere more private that you realize how fuzzy your head feels. You struggle to exit the bar and before you understand what’s going on you’re in the back of their car.
Hands are all over you. One of them pulls you into their chest the other pushing the end of your dress up and you can barely manage a whisper to ask them what’s going on. Your worries are hushed with sweet promises of pleasure, saccharine kisses left on your neck followed by words of praise.
Soon you’re stumbling into their apartment failing to take note of its luxury in your drunken state, collapsing onto their fluffy duvet without a second thought.
With a quickness Abby and Ellie are latched onto either side of your neck making sure your mumbles of inexperience are drowned out by moans and whimpers. You end up with your back to Abby’s chest her tongue lapping at your right side as Ellie’s practically on top of you marking your left.
Their treatment becomes increasingly rough as you struggle to keep up mentally with the pleasure they give you as Ellie’s hands go lower their kisses get hungrier, and as you feel her push into you there’s a sharp pain at your neck.
The fogginess in your head grows tenfold as your mind is filled with them, their touch, their scent their teeth. The conscious part of your mind is trying its hardest to snap you out of this trance the realization hitting that they’re biting you.
No longer just scratches of teeth against your collarbone their teeth are deep in your skin as spare drops of crimson drip down your chest it’s far too late for you to do anything but take what they give you.
Ellie finally unlatches from her place in your neck and suddenly you’re reminded of her fingers deep inside you as she begins to move them with fervor.
The pleasure they’re giving you is too much, every sensation takes you further away from the reality of what’s happening, how crazy it is that you’ve ended up between these two.
By now your head is fully lolled onto Abby’s shoulder and you can distantly hear the sounds of her cooing words of encouragement as you’re brought closer and closer to release.
Your moans are getting louder and they know you’re close. Ellie’s forehead is against yours and Abby’s holding you tight to her chest as you cum- harder than you ever have before. As the waves of your orgasm wash over you it’s all too much for you to handle in this state, but even as your world fades you don’t feel fear only comfort in their warm embrace.
AN: thank you for reading, requests are open!!
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moonstruckme · 2 months
our girl with the emt!marauders is constantly in pain lol. how would you feel maybe writing about one of the boys getting hurt for a change? she gets called to take whoever home! it can be funny cuz it’s usually her ass who needs saving. (only if it’s tickling that writin itch)
Thanks for requesting babe!
cw: back injury
emt!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 708 words
Sirius is already hobbling out of the front door when you pull up at the curb, James hovering beside him like he’s about to keel over and Remus walking behind them both with a worried indent between his brows. 
“Hey.” Sympathy bends your voice as James opens the door for him. Sirius grimaces, slowly lowering himself into the passenger seat. “Wow, I didn’t expect it to be this bad. You can’t straighten up at all?” 
“Nope,” James answers for him. He comes around to your side of the car and leans through the open window for a kiss. “He’s strained a muscle in his lower back. Only thing to do right now is rest and ice it.” 
Remus passes Sirius his seatbelt before he can reach for it himself. “Try to keep still,” he murmurs, brushing a kiss across his temple before looking at you. “Please try to drive extra carefully so he doesn’t hurt himself, love. And don’t let him do anything at home.” 
“This has got to be the first time I’ve been asked not to help out around the house,” Sirius teases. “I’d like to use my current privileges to extend this dish-doing ban indefinitely, please.” 
You find yourself in agreement. Is Remus really worried about Sirius rushing home to do chores? Just last week you had to show him where you keep the broom. You’ve lived together for over a year. 
Your dubiousness must show on your face, because James laughs and says, “He’s already injured himself worse by trying to put the moves on Remus.” 
“Hardly my fault,” Sirius says dismissively. “He’s very tall, have you noticed? I don’t have the proper equipment for mountain climbing.” 
You snort, and he grins, a true show of resilience by a soldier down. 
“I won’t let him do anything,” you tell Remus solemnly. 
“Thanks, lovie.” James plants another kiss on your cheek, rounding the car to lead Remus back inside. “Rest and ice,” he reminds you. “Keep an eye on him!” 
“I twinge something in my back and suddenly it’s like I’m not even allowed to speak for myself,” Sirius gripes.
You laugh, putting the car into gear. “Welcome to my world.” 
You take Remus’ cautioning very seriously, drifting into all your stops and easing slowly around each turn. The drive takes about twice as long as it usually would, but there are no incidents. When you get home, you do your best to give Sirius the princess treatment the boys always give you when you’re injured or ailing; you insist on opening his door for him and helping him inside, you set up a mountain of pillows to support the ice pack behind his back, and you put the remote in his hand so he can choose something to watch while you make the both of you lunch. 
“I feel very lame,” Sirius says as you come back with sandwiches and drinks. It’s a repetition of the same complaint you heard every time you started to slow down for a turn or glanced over to check on him during the drive here. “But I will say, this luxury service is starting to make up for things.” 
“Really?” You grin at him. “You’re not experiencing any urges to get out the vacuum or lift heavy things?” 
“Oddly enough, no.” 
“Crazy.” You take a bite of your sandwich, cozying up on the other side of the couch to watch the film he’s chosen. 
“You know,” Sirius drawls, “I realize I’m making this all look very easy, but I wouldn’t reject a cuddle.” 
You turn, and your boyfriend is looking over at you with a raised brow. You smile sheepishly. “I don’t want to hurt you.” 
He scoffs. “Sweetheart, if I’m too injured to cuddle, they may as well put me down. C’mere.” 
You scoot to the other side of the couch, curling into your boyfriend’s side but covertly leaning your weight against the back cushion instead. 
“Better.” Sirius kisses the top of your head firmly. 
“We probably shouldn’t tell Rem and Jamie about this.” 
“Oh no. When they get home, the story is that I was miserable being laid up all day and didn’t enjoy it at all. God forbid I have to do it again tomorrow.”
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beomie3 · 2 months
lavender - choi yeonjun
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boyfriend!yeonjun x fem!reader
content: established relationship, period sex, yeonjun pampers you after being in pain from cramps all day, runs you a lavender bath, soothes your period cramps with a special remedy ;)
warning: fluff & smut, cursing, bath sex, cream pie, fingering, cramps </3, extreme princess treatment <3
wc: 2.5k
♫ lavender - laundry day
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“junieeeeeeee” your voice comes out muffled from under your pillow, face stuffed in it as a strong wave of cramps tighten in your abdomen.
your face is scrunched as tight as you can get it, fists clenched around the linen of the pillowcase, wrinkling it in the same spot all day as your cramps came and went as they pleased.
“another one baby?” he runs out from the kitchen, hand towel thrown over his shoulder as he was just preparing you soup for dinner, despite you not having much of an appetite all day.
he comes over to where you laid on the couch, kneeling down next to you and examining your face, a worried pout on his cute lips.
he cupped your face in his palm, his fingers coming up to stroke your hair.
“i’m so sorry,” his eyebrows furrowed, wanting to do everything in his power to help you and hating that he couldn’t just magically make the cramps disappear with the snap of his fingers.
you admitted that the sight of his handsome face briefly distracted you from the anguish, just focusing into the depths of his eyes and letting their deep brown magic entrance you.
just then, you noticed the shape of his eyes change from worrisome to intrigued, like an idea just sparked his mind.
“let me take care of this,” he slightly tilted his head toward you, eyes tentatively searching yours. “okay, baby?”
you nodded, a tiny smile appearing on the corner of your lip as he fiddled with the ends of your hair.
"come here," he cooed, leaning down to scoop you up in his arms, hands sliding beneath your shoulder blades, his chest pressing into yours as you inhaled his fresh scent.
"up we go," he lifted you so that your chest was pressed to his, legs wrapped around his hips, chin resting against his shoulder; body limp in his arms. he carried you down the dim hallway of your shared apartment and into the bedroom, where he laid you down onto the fluffy sheets, still unmade from this morning.
he covered you with the sheets as you curled up into a ball on the bed, quickly running into the bathroom and you heard the squeak of the faucet followed by the cascade of water in the tub. he was running you a warm bath; exactly what you needed.
the white noise of running water in the distance was so soothing, you could’ve dozed off for a while. he was taking a bit longer than usual to run this bath, you admitted. so much longer, that you began to wonder what he was doing in there.
he came back into the room with your fluffy white robe and your slippers, bringing a genuine smile to your lips at his thoughtfulness.
“let me help you love,” he helped you sit up, a gentle hand on your lower stomach softly adding pressure in small circular motions. he helped you slide out of your clothes from today, technically still your pajamas since it was an incredibly lazy day.
you noticed his eyes linger on your chest for a second longer, knowing he couldn’t never resist the sight of your soft, bare chest.
he caught your eye and his cheeks turned the slightest hue of scarlet, helping you into your cozy robe; so much better. leaving your underwear on so you wouldn’t stain the sheets, you sat at the edge of the bed.
“ready? here let me carry you there,” his arms were already extended out to you and you weakly laughed.
“yeonjun- i can walk you know…” you scooted to the edge of the bed, and just as you were going to stand up, a cramp hit you right in the guts. the worst one of today.
you immediately curled back into your ball from earlier, and he knew right away when he saw you clutch your stomach.
“oh baby,” he laid next to you, eyebrows furrowed, lips pouting. he knew you needed space in this moment, so he offered his hand as something you could squeeze while your cramps subsided.
his hands were always so soft, so delicate. you even felt bad squeezing them too hard.
“never mind, i probably can’t walk,” your voice came out small, followed by a weak laugh.
“the warm water will feel nice,” he softly pecked your neck, just under your ear.
picking you up softly, barely enough to even know you were being picked up at all if it weren’t for your eyes fluttering open; he carried you through the dim hallway again, gently kicking the bathroom door open.
you expected the lights to be on, but the bathroom was dim; only orange flickers casted against the wall by candlelight.
he carefully set you down back onto your feet and you admired what he had done. the bath was filled with bubbles and rose petals, accompanied by a tray of your favorite snacks and drinks. scented candles flickering enough to light the bath. it was exactly what you needed.
kneeling to the ground, yeonjun held you by your hips to keep you standing while he helped slip off your underwear. his eyes were tender on you, gently tracing your hip bones as he hooked a finger under the elastic of you underwear and slipped it off slowly.
you couldn’t help but feel a gentle heat grow in between your legs. he knew what he was doing, that’s for damn sure.
“c’mon baby i’ll help you in,” he stood up slowly, towering over you, eyes never leaving yours. like they were undressing you, although you were already naked.
he took each of your hands, leading you to the bathtub, there to help you balance as you stepped in, one foot at a time.
the water wasn’t scalding hot, but it was hot enough to make you sigh in relief. a slightly painful but pleasurable burn.
he helped lower you to the water inch by inch until you were totally in, bubbles fluffing up around your body. you inhaled the soothing lavender scent of the steam: he had added lavender oil and a purple bath bomb to the water. he is so special.
he stayed there with you, kneeling by the side of the bathtub. not much was said, but a lot of looks were interchanged. his eyes were tender, small smile on his lips.
he sat crisscross on the rug on the other side of the bath, hands gently sloshing the bubbles over your skin, fingers massaging the knots in your shoulders. his kind energy flowed throughout you.
the hot water is so soothing against your aching belly and tense muscles. every month, he always treats you, gives you what you deserve and no less.
he lathers a loofah up with oatmeal-lavender soap, gently rubbing it in circles against your wet skin. the sensation is so relaxing you could drift off into a deep sleep.
he gently moves a piece of your hair that had fallen out of your updo with the gentle trace of his touch. he is so gentle with you.
you watch him as he is busy washing you up, love sparking in the depths of your eyes. how did you find such an all-around amazing and caring man?
you’re attentive to his hand that is resting on your thigh underwater, rubbing circles on your knee with the swipe of his thumb.
“junie,” your voice echoes from the pink tile of your bathroom. his eyes glow as they meet yours, 100% of his attention on you at an instant.
you don’t say anything else but lean forward to kiss him. he kisses you back with so much passion, like he’s been dying to kiss you this entire time but didn’t want to disrupt your peace.
he gently scrubs the soap around your chest, abandoning the loofah and using his bare hand to rub the slick foam over the soft, tender skin. he knows your boobs are sore because of your period, so he is extra gentle.
the heat immediately returns to your aching core, making the urge even worse. you need him.
“i need you,” you whisper against his lips and he knows what to do before you even speak any further. he sits up, quickly slipping his black tank top off, hair tousled by the material.
“oh baby, i’ll make you feel so good,” he leans into the kiss, sensing his hand trail even closer to your heat, throbbing by now with how badly it ached for him. you’re so wet, even underwater.
his tongue enters your mouth as his fingers meet your bundle of nerves, so sensitive that you slightly jolt with the pressure.
you let your head fall back onto the shower wall as you sigh in bliss and he kisses your neck, rubbing delicious circles over your clit. he knows exactly what pace you need.
“that’s it love, relax,” he kisses the place under your ear as he watches you melt into his touch, mouth slightly agape in pleasure.
your mouth widens into an o-shape when he slowly sinks one finger into you, entering you with ease with how slick you are.
his kisses are soft against your neck, perfect lips caressing your skin. not too rough yet not too faint. his precise kisses make the pleasure all the more intense. his other hand gently fondled your breasts, thumbs soft over your perked-up nipples.
you were climbing up the mountain of pleasure, but some horny monster inside of you needed something more. something bigger.
“yeonjun i… need you so bad,” you managed to speak through gritted teeth. his fingers felt so good but you felt so greedy in this moment. you could sense the orgasm; how much more intense it would be if you were wrapped around his cock.
“whatever you want, my love,” he presses a kiss to your forehead and you sense that a grin had spread across his face at hearing your words.
he stands and your eyes follow, watching him untie the strings of his sweatpants, dropping them to the floor to discover a stiff imprint that sticks out through his boxers.
your legs squeeze together under the water; you just can’t wait to sit on him, feel the delicious stretch. oh you couldn’t wait.
it’s like he’s teasing you with how slowly he removes his boxers, just waiting for his member to spring up and out when he removes them completely. and sure enough, it slaps up against his abdomen, tip dark red and so ready for you.
you scoot over so that he can step into the warm water, watching the bubbles slosh around when he sits all the way down. he helps you maneuver yourself so that he’s sitting up, legs stretched out in the tub and you’re straddling him, chest pressed to his.
like magnets, your lips reunite and continue what they were doing before, just this time you grind against him, bodies doing all the talking.
some of the lavender oil yeonjun added to the water helps you slide against one another’s skin, the feeling simply addictive as you sense his tip nudge against your throbbing clit.
he senses your urgency and pulls back from the kiss, glancing down at himself; he is rock hard but this isn’t about him. it’s about your pleasure. that’s what he’s all about.
“wanna sit down on it? hm?” his words make your heart race and you nod, nearly feverish with just how badly you want him. he guides you with a firm grasp on your waist, helping you lift up your hips as you align yourself with his tip.
sliding down onto him completely bare, you thought you could explode. you felt every single vein, pulse, twitch. it felt so good against your sore and aching walls.
“oh god yeonjun,” you were nearly speechless once you sat down all the way onto him, feeling his tip kiss the depths of your walls. he felt so full, but the stretch was so amazing, such a good ache.
his eyes were full of need but he was so patient and let you take the time to adjust to his size. he wanted you to use him, pleasure yourself with him. his soft fingers over your skin was entrancing, cock pulsating within you even though you hadn't even begun to move.
“knock yourself out baby,” he held your chin with his fingers, kissing your lips gently and you felt you would go insane with the sound of those words echo throughout the bathroom.
with two hands on his chest to keep you stable, you begin to ride him. starting off slow, and then picking up the pace when you adjusted to his size a bit better. god did he feel amazing around your aching walls.
the eye contact you made could make you orgasm all on its own. his fierce eyes staring up at you and boarding into your soul, mouth agape as he moaned and encouraged you to ride his cock until your hearts content.
he knew a good orgasm would help and oh god are you close. he had already edged you slightly before this, the build-up was so satisfying.
you were in a daze; body still a bit limp and weak from all of the pain you experienced today yet you rode him with passion, feeling your entire body melt around him. he sensed your walls tense up and you threw your head back, eyes shut as you felt his every pulse and throb.
you bounced on him more aggressively now and in his eyes, you were the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen. the way your head was thrown back pleasuring yourself with him, your pretty moans echoing throughout the dim bathroom, candlelight gleaming against your skin like silk.
lavender bath water sloshed and some spilled over and out but neither of you cared. he just watched you and guided you with a firm grip on your waist and you climbed to your orgasm until it hit you like a truck.
a few more rolls of your hips and his tip massaged against your g-spot one last time until a loud slew of moans echoed throughout the bathroom and your body tensed. it was an earth-shattering orgasm. your muscles fluttered all around him sporadically and it drove him to his climax, catching his moans with a deep kiss as he spilled inside of you.
the sensation was so warm and fuzzy within you so much so that your body just collapsed onto his chest. every ache and pain completely left your abdomen and you swore you were in heaven.
his arms wrapped around you as his soft lips kissed your forehead repeatedly, whispering sweet things into your hair as you huffed in unison. he was your everything.
the night went as follows: he cleaned you up and wrapped you in a warm linen towel, carrying you to bed where he helped you into some fresh jammies (his oversized t-shirt and basketball shorts). of course, he brought you your soup and a heating pad just in case, along with some of your favorite sea salt chocolate and some ice cream <3 you both watched movies the rest of the night, and you knew he'd help your every need, no matter how messy it got ;)
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author's note: thank you so much for reading!!! and thank you so so much for over 900 followers and for the endless support, you each mean so much to me <33333
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sanakimohara · 8 months
My friend just introduced me to a new thing
Bully I.N, he’s just super mean to you, pushes you around, pulls your hair, slaps and gropes you. But then when people are around he’s super nice and the compete opposite of what he just did to you.
And he’s only mean to you, no one else. He’d just randomly slap you or when sitting down just puts his hands in your pants, and duh don’t forget the degrading.
I think it plays into people seeing him as innocent and nice when in reality he’s kinky and fucked up
Just an idea for you if you want 🧡🥰
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You and your friend are masterminds, love. 🖤 Now I want to do a series based on this idea! :) but I’ll settle with writing a snippet prequel for the time being… 🖤
[ MDNI ]
Bully Jeongin starts his campaign against you with name calling -and not the cliche creative kind that people can laugh at. No, he prefers to label you with his own perversions. Taking every chance he can get to whisper in your ear, “How’s my little bitch doing today, hm?..” “Is my slut sad already?…” “You’re such an attention whore. It’s pathetic..” “Where do you think you’re going dumb bunny…” At first you snap back insults but overtime his consistent belittling makes you less angry and increasingly compliant. You’d never admit to him that your resentment was slowly twisting into a form of pining. Your pride wouldn’t allow it…
Bully Jeongin elevates to blackmailing you when the opportunity arises. Pictures and videos of you changing, texts or risqué pictures between you and your previous crush that he’s miraculously gotten his hands on, and maybe even a voice note of you touching yourself that he coerced you into making as ‘punishment’ for even thinking about another guy. “You wouldn’t want him to find out about all these inappropriate pictures you took for me, right?” He had you cornered, faking concern as he held up his phone for you to see. You face paled as pictures of you undressing showed on the screen. How’d he even get those? Why did he have them? “J-Jeongin I never took those! N-not for you, anyway…and you know that!” You try to defend yourself but panic starts to set in as you consider what Jeongin would do to keep you under his heel. He grins, shutting his phone off before slipping it into his pocket as he leans in closer to you. His eyes bare into yours, swirling with mischief as he taunts you, “Who do you think people will believe? Me? Or some whiny little slut who can’t keep her legs closed?…” Your heart sinks as his threat echoes in your brain. “You wouldn’t…” “Oh, you know I would. Don’t act so surprised dumb bunny…”
Bully Jeongin knows you go to your classes/meetings early, follows you there when he can, and uses every minute alone with you to do his worst. No one thinks to come check on you. No one even considers the notion that you’re being groped and slapped around endlessly -up against a wall, on his lap, or bent over a desk. You try to scream or cry but Jeongin learns how to silence you rather quickly. Sinking his fingers into your mouth works best in his opinion, but he’s a fan of gagging you with your own panties too. Either way you’re left panting and nearly in tears as he takes advantage of you. He’s careful not to slap you hard enough to leave a noticeable mark, all the while cooing vulgar praises in your ear as you whine from the stinging pain that sears your cheek, and inevitably your ass gets the same treatment. “What’d I tell you about wearing anything under your skirt, little slut?” He slaps your backside again, harder than before, and you whine into his hand that’s clasped over your mouth, shivering as he snakes his free hand under your skirt to rip the lace fabric off your lower half. The cold air hitting your dripping cunt makes you groan softly and you pray he doesn’t notice the effect his torture has on you, but Jeongin knows…he’s known for a while. That’s why he has no remorse for what he does to you, feels no sympathy as he tucks your panties into his pocket, and is all smiles when he finally lets you go the moment people gradually start to fill the room.
Bully Jeongin is incredibly sweet to everyone but you. Greeting them with the kindest smile -one you’ve never experienced in earnest. His charm resonates through each interaction he has with the staff and close friends. It amazes you how cruel he can be behind closed doors but deep down you wait for those moments….secretly craving them. In those fleeting pockets of time he’s true to his darkest tendencies, fully himself, and in some sick way you begin to believe he only feels comfortable around you to be just that….his truest self. That’s the cynical logic keeping you from snapping, admitting defeat, and openly confessing your crush on him. He’d probably laugh at your stupidity if you did…
Bully Jeongin claims you’re one of his ‘sweetest’ friends when someone asks about your connection to him. He’ll flash a smile your way, placing a firm hand on your lower back to bring you close to his side, and stare down into your soul. He’s daring you to tell the truth, playing with your psyche without even trying, and he’ll win the game so easily that it makes your head spin. Everybody loves him, wants to be with him, but little do they know he’s got you to play with. Why would he pay any mind to anyone else when you were such a familiar, willing, and easy target? You don’t deny him when slips a hand into your panties under the desk/table. You stand obediently when he reaches between your thighs to cup your mound, playing with your soaked folds as you try to focus on doing your job/homework. You moan so timidly into his ear every-time he ruts his hardened cock against your ass, which unconsciously pushes back into him for more, and he’ll let you until you’re interrupted or he comes undone in his pants. The push and pull between you two is finite. He likes it that way and so it’ll stay that way.
Bully Jeongin gets paired/assigned with you for projects/comeback prep more often than you think is possible. You can’t fathom how you end up partners on almost every project/task. Even if you are assigned to work with someone else/another member he still weasels his way in. Sometimes you’re sure he threatens/bribes your current partners off to have your full attention -which is true but you don’t need to know that, now do you…Jeongin surprisingly has morals when it comes to anyone else speaking badly about you. He hates it and will put a stop to it as soon as it starts. Why? He’s the only one allowed to treat you the way he does. That’s why. “….don’t say another fucking word about Y/n. She’s mine. Understand?”
Bully Jeongin loves to make you ride his thigh when you’re supposed to be studying/working. He doesn’t care that someone might hear or see you. He cares even less that you’d rather focus without being horny. “I didn’t ask what you preferred to do…” he mumbles against your lips, one hand on your hip to control how fast you pass your bare cunt over his leg, and the other keeping his phone steady as he records the whole time. You beg him not to, blushing in embarrassment as you hear his camera shutter, “Jeongin….d-don’t..” you half whine half moan as he snaps another picture. “I’ll do what I want. You just keep riding me like a good cumslut…” “M’ not…a cumslut…” you scowl in disapproval at the pet name but the expression fades to a dazed one as his hand on your hips travels down to your ass. He grasps it tight, giving the tender flesh a harsh slap in response to your defiance, “It’s cute that you think that. If you weren’t you wouldn’t be making a mess on my thigh right now and moaning like one..” his smile doesn’t match the darkness in his tone and you swallow a whimper at the contrasting factors. The heat in your core begins to unravel with every disgusting insult his gentle voice spills. “Getting off like this is all you deserve dumb bunny.” “Feels so much better than touching yourself, doesn’t it?” “Why don’t you smile at the camera when you cum. Yeah, just like that. Show ‘em’ how bad you want my cock..” He laughs softly as his words bring tears to your eyes, little droplets trickling down your cheeks as you come undone on his thigh, and try your best to smile through the riveting sensation.
‘click’ he snaps another picture of you, making sure to play with your clit to drag out your high as he does, and your smile morphs into the perfect expression of pleasure.
“Look at you being such a pretty whore for me…” Jeongin smirks, rubbing your clit faster to draw more reactions from you, and succeeding much to your dismay.
“Picture perfect slut…”
This was quick and sweet but like I said…I’m considering making it into a mini series. 🖤 (I literally have like 4 currently going on rn…omg…)
I wanna lick the longest, sloppiest, sluttiest stripe up his abs/tummy. Like the urge is so real rn… 🖤 Credits to creator 🖤
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seethesin · 1 year
wake up call
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pairing: Hazel Callahan x F!Reader
tags/warnings: sexual content, hazel & reader are 18+, established relationship, college au, body worship, teasing, oral over clothing, orgasm denial/edging (18+, mdni)
a/n: i too have caught feelings for my favorite arsonist, hazel callahan 😔 have an uncharacteristically short, smutty fic while i work my thoughts out.
loosely based on this prompt. gif pack/gif credit. enjoy :)
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"Baby, it's time to get up."
You're too busy trying to sleep off a migraine to pay attention to Hazel stirring in bed or what she has to say. Even with an eye mask on, any stray refraction of light is enough for a splitting pain to reverberate in your head. You should have drank more water and less tequila last night.
Hindsight was always 20/20.
You and Hazel had met your friends at Mary's, a local gay bar a mile from campus. The bouncers never commented on the fake IDs you thrust in their hands every weekend and barely bothered to check them as they ushered you inside. Your best guess? They'd take every dollar they could get.
It was a small, hole-in-the-wall establishment, but it was fun enough for the group of you to drink, dance, and sing desperately off-key. It was your usual meeting spot on Thursday and Friday nights—sometimes Saturdays if you and Hazel had the strength to get out of bed in the morning—where you all could gossip about your professors and peers. You don't remember much from last night, but you do remember grinding on Hazel after downing three tequila sodas while Isabel bitched about her Econ professor, Mr. Weber.
You were now facing the repercussions of your debaucherous, dehydrated actions.
"Babe," Hazel tries again. Her disembodied voice is farther away now, most likely in the bathroom next door. "You're going to be late for calculus."
Who the fuck convinced you to take Friday classes? Let alone actually attend them?
Oh right. It was Hazel.
At least both of you managed to find off-campus housing at the end of sophomore year. If you had to share a bathroom with an entire floor again, you would have hung yourself with dental floss.
"Professor Hoyt can eat my ass," you grunt, grabbing your pillow and smashing it into your face. The next part of your sentence is so garbled that you can't even understand yourself. You hear Hazel's footsteps reenter your bedroom as the mattress concaves next to you. The pillow is nudged off your face and stray beams of light bury themselves back into your eye mask.
"She better not." Her breath fans against your cheek as you feel her nip playfully at your skin. "That's all mine."
Hazel can't see your exaggerated eye roll, but she feels the grin growing across your face. She mirrors it eagerly, pressing sweet, soft kisses down your cheek. You feel her lips ghost down your jaw before gliding down your neck. You hum quietly, reflexively tilting your head to the side to expose more flesh to her.
Hazel notices and firmly bites at the base of your neck. You moan, caught off guard.
"I can just ask Isabel for the notes after she gets out of Econ." It comes out as a whine as you feel Hazel shift on top of you.
"Mhmm," she mocks, her hands creeping under your nightshirt. Gingerly, she tugs it up and over your head before shoving it towards her side of the bed.
Her hot mouth reconnects with your skin, trailing down your chest, and kissing just over the curve of your breast. Her lips sink lower, enveloping themselves around your nipple as she sucks. Her hands slide up and down your body reverently before resting on your waist. You mewl, rutting your hips forward.
"Haze," you breathe but she ignores you.
Her lips pull away from your breast, kissing across your chest to give short, equal treatment to its twin. Whatever she was trying to do had the opposite effect on you; there was no way you were leaving this apartment when your girlfriend was too busy devouring every inch of your body.
Hazel kisses wetly against your skin as she begins her descent down your abdomen. Suddenly, she halts. Her nose brushes your navel and her mouth hovers just over your loins. She's so close to where you want her and you vocalize your frustration with a growl. Hazel's thumbs hook under the waistband of your underwear as her head sinks lower.
"Use your words," she teases, voice husky as she snaps the elastic band back into your skin.
You whimper, shoving your hips closer to Hazel's face. If you weren't so hungover, you would have clamped your thighs against her cheeks and squeezed. Hazel had a thing for breathplay anyway; she would have loved it.
"Put your mouth on my pussy."
"Yes ma'am."
Immediately, Hazel's hands grope the meat of your ass, tugging you toward her. Her lips kiss against your clothed cunt, her tongue poking out to kitten lick against the fabric of your underwear.
You exhale, squeezing your eyes shut as short, raspy moans push from your throat.
"Fuck yes," you sigh, wriggling your hips to steal more friction from Hazel's tongue. The coil in your stomach begins to tighten as heat radiates from between your legs. Your underwear is soaked from a combination of your slick and Hazel's saliva. You were embarrassed to admit it, but you were already nearing your first climax.
Apparently, Hazel has a sixth sense for impending orgasms because she realizes that too. Without another word, she detaches herself from your body. The bed creaks as she rolls off it. Her footsteps retreat to the other side of the room.
She's gone. You keen.
"Hazel, what the fuck?" Your thighs press together, rubbing feebly to try and salvage a lick of your previous pleasure. It's useless and you give up with a petulant huff.
The brunette chuckles from a distance, the sound growing louder as she returns to the bedroom. You rip your eye mask off, squinting for a full-fledged minute as your pupils adjust to the sunlight. After blinking feverishly, you stare at Hazel, now leaning into the doorway. A sheen of spittle and slick glows from her chin.
"You're up," she states obviously, her arms crossed over her chest. The way they press into her tits makes your mouth water.
"I've been up!"
She snickers.
"Good. Now you won't be late to calculus anymore."
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makuzume · 2 months
Toge Accidentally Uses His Cursed Speech on You (Part 3)
🔅content: gn!reader; angstyish flavor; Toge's POV
🔅synopsis: After your sudden disappearance, Toge had been worried sick for days and searched everywhere for you. He meets up with Panda in hopes of getting some answers.
🔅a/n: My most requested post is here. Part 4 is practically done and will come out soon, felt like there wasn't enough juice for y'all in part 3 so pls accept it as my apology (P.S. lemme know who wants to be tagged)
[JJK Masterlist] [Part 1 & 2] [Part 4]
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🔅Word Count: 2k
"y/n is not here." Panda said as he looked at the ground in front of him, reluctant to meet his eyes.
The darkness from the evening sky made it a bit harder to view the expression Panda had on his face right now, however even from just the voice alone, Toge could vividly hear a tone of disappointment mixed in his words.
"Tuna mayo." Toge said, his voice beggining to beg as his eyebrows furrowed, matching the current tone of his desperation.
Panda could only sigh as he heard his pleading, slowly raising his head to look at his friend. He shook his head lightly. "Look, I'm not hiding y/n from you. You can even check the entire school and you wouldn't be able to find anything..." He said as his paws gestured around the school plaza, the school buildings, and the small garden where they were currently at right now.
"But you already did that yesterday, ...remember?"
Even if Panda truly were lying about your whereabouts, Toge wouldn't be even able to blame him for doing so.
From just the way Panda was acting right now and just the day before, he seemed more disappointed rather than glad to meet Toge, even if it had been the first time they've seen each other since the Shibuya Incident.
It appeared like Panda was already well aware of what had happened to you by the time the two friends reunited, and this only made Toge feel more ashamed to face him right now.
Even if Panda and Toge were much closer, Panda still did not hesitate to take your side regarding the accident.
Toge slumps his only arm to his side, a defeated expression appearing on his face as he failed, once again, in finding out where you had gone.
It's been about two days since you left the Inumaki Clan's residence... two days since he had unintentionally used his damn speech on you.
He lowered his head in shame. Worry, sadness, and guilt filled his mind, and as well as concern about your current condition.
After multiple calls and texts from him, you still gave him no form of response- no message, no voice mail, no anything. Even asking around the school also didn't bear any fruit.
Your presence had completely vanished, and now, he can't even find a trace of you anywhere.
He would've gave you some space, backing off so that you can have some peace without getting bothered by his presence...
but when he tried to ask for an update about your injuries from the others, everyone said that they haven't seen you ever since.
'y/n.... is not in school?'
'Then where the hell did you get treatment?'
'Did you even get any treatment at all??'
These thoughts caused him be to fall into of a spiral of constant worry.
He checked everywhere: inside the school, your family home in the city, your favorite places, the hospital, motels, your friends' places... everywhere. But you were in none of them, to his displeasure.
It made him overwhelmingly worried that the injurjes you're suffering right now must've been extremely painful. The injury that you already had on your leg on top of the injury he had caused you.
How are you? Are you safe? Are you still in pain? Do you need any assistance? Is someone taking care of you?
It made him think that you might be somewhere out there, alone, dealing with all the pain on your own.
He believes that you must hate him so much right now, fearful of him even, to be hiding so well like this. But it's not like this had been the first time it's happened: accidentally hurting someone dear to him.
He's had a bit of history in the past before: unintentionally using his curse on others when he was much younger.
So despite the frustration he strongly felt at the moment, he understood why you've been trying your best to avoid him. He understood how much this must've made you afraid of him, just like how the people he's hurt before becoming afraid of the power of his own speech.
They felt scared of even getting near him, in risk of getting hurt, and there were times that others even referred to him as a freak or a monster.
As much as this idea haunts him: the idea that you would grow to see him the way those people did, his priorities were still centered around your well being. In the end, he only worried more for you rather than being forgiven right now, because that's what should matter most at the moment.
He believes that he deserved to worry, to panic, to drown in guilt, to tire himself out looking all over the place for you. Afterall, he hurt you more than just physically.
He wouln't forgive himself either, so running around clueless with only shame and worry was rather a well deserved punishment he was willingly accepting.
Afterall, he left disappeared without saying a word, pushed everyone away, acted cold, used his curse on you when you were just worried about him- All because he was too ashmed to face anyone for failing to save those civilians.
His mind suddenly clouds again. His vision turned a bit misty from the moist beggining to form in his eyes from remembering the events in Shibuya.
The weakly lit lamp post above them flickered slightly. It was quiet, but it was enough to snap him out of his thoughts, causing him to bring back his senses to reality.
'No. Not now...'
'I need to find y/n.'
Toge reminds himself, shaking his head out of the dark thoughts that were threatening to haunt him once more.
Seeing him sulk with such a gloomy aura, Panda couldn't help but soften slightly. His attempt in having a strict appearance began to weaken.
His shoulders relaxed as he looked at Toge, exhaling out a slow and deep breath.
"...I... can't stand seeing you all depressed like this..." Panda spoke softly, his supposed 'cold' facade breaking its walls upon seeing his best friend's current expression.
Toge looks up at him, curious on his sudden shift in his demeanor.
"...I was with y/n when it happened... I saw... you use your speech." Panda started off slowly before he continued, his eyes turning to the ground. "After you left the yard to get some help, I came out from the bush I was hiding and took away y/n from the area..."
It surprised him. Toge hadn't even considered the fact that someone else was able to help you retreat when the accident happened.
But more importanly, his attention focused on the fact that he was somewhat relieved that someone else was able to help you at least- that you haven't been alone this whole time.
He continued to pay attention to Panda's story, eager to hear more about what had happened to you, and how you are doing right now.
"... We first went to where Shoko was so we could heal y/n's injuries... they were pretty bad.. but at least it got rid of a lot of the pain..."
Toge frowns for a moment, still, he continued to listen.
Panda pauses slightly, seeming to hesitate on how much he has already confessed- but the determined stare Toge had only made his resolve even weaker, unable to resist telling the whole truth from his worried friend. He sighs again in defeat.
"... I didn't know where to go after coming from Shoko... and y/n refused to go to any place I suggestied because... well... y/n didn't want to be found by you... at that time at least..." Panda said a little hesitant, understanding the statement could potentially hurt Toge.
And he was right.
Damn. It was painful to hear: being dispised so much that you'd want to avoid him so bad.
Although Toge knew this might have been the core reason for you going into hiding, it still hurts hearing it. Having it confirmed left a bit of a stinging sensation in his chest.
He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath to collect his thoughts calmly, and speaks with a serious and sound tone. "...Mustard leaf."
Panda, having understood that, responds shamefully "...We called Yuta... and told him everything... y/n made Yuta promise to not say anything... and since Yuta was away for a while, we figured you wouldn't check his home in the city...."
'Yuta's home..?'
Panda was right that he didn't even think about checking there. He was relieved though. Hurt, but relieved.
'At least you were staying somewhere comfortable.'
"y/n's okay... the injuries were still pretty bad... but it's nothing painful..." Toge nods as he looks into the distance, trying to recall the home address Yuta had once mentioned to him in the past, already forming plans to come see you.
"...Please don't tell y/n." Panda hangs his arms pitifully on his sides, head facing the ground with a frown as he spoke with a defeated tone, ashamed for admitting everything.
After taking everything in, Toge's mind becomes much calmer knowing that you were at least in good hands. Still, it pains him knowing that he was still the cause of all this.
For a moment, it was quiet, the only sound present being the occassional flickering of the light bulb breaking the silence.
Toge said with a gentle tone, offering his thanks. "...Salmon."
Panda looks up slightly, his expression still a bit guilty for admitting everything, predicting thaf this will cause him some trouble with you in the near future.
Toge approached him and spread his arm to share an embrace with him, to which Panda gladly returned, knowing that this was Toge's way of subtly apologizing for his previous behavior- for suddenly being distant with him after their last mission together.
"Glad you're alright, fish nerd" Panda hughed him firmly as Toge gripped the soft fur on his arm, then pulling away carefully just moments after.
"By the way...!" Panda exclaims, seeming to have a memory suddenly return to him. "I might be keeping low for a while, so... try not to bother y/n too much while I'm gone."
"...?" Toge tilts his head, looking at him with a mildly confused expression.
"They announced that Mr. Yaga has been sentenced to death for being responsible for what happened with Gojo and Geto in the Shibuya incident... and since I'm his creation...who know what the higher ups might want to do with me too." He shrugged, seeming rather casual about the whole situation.
A slightly concerned expression forms on Toge's face, worried for the fate of his friend.
"...Don't worry, buddy! No need to think about it. I'm not on the target list anyway, I'm just taking extra caution." Panda says with a slightly cheerful tone as he taps his paw on Toge's shoulder.
"...Now.. please take good care of y/n... I know that this might cause us some trouble if you go over there but... y/n is still really worried about you... even though you guys are a bit on bad terms from what you did... So I think it'd be good if the two of you just make up already!"
'y/n is really worried... about me?' Suprised, Toge thinks.
"So just... don't be too pushy, okay..? And don't cause y/n too much trouble. Otherwise I'm going to throw you across your front yard too." With his paws on his hips, Panda playfully scolds.
Toge closed his eyes for a brief moment and nods, mentally preparing himself on the best way to approach you. Suddenly, Panda began to walk towards the back of the school, waving in Toge's direction. His walk then slowly turned into a light jog. "I'll be heading off now. Don't tell anyone we saw each other, it's for your own good too! Good luck buddy!"
Toge couldn't help but subtly smile as he watched Panda slowly disappear in the distance, his form shrinking with each step he further took, and the sound of his paws hitting the ground eventually fading until there was complete silence.
Soon, it was just him and the moon under the clear night sky, surrounded by trees, bushes, and a few patches of flowers in the middle of the school garden.
He looked up into the sky, staring at the stars as if he were asking for guidance from the clouds above.
'What should I say..?'
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[Back to JJK Masterlist] [Part 1 & 2] [Part 4]
a/n: I made part 4 right away bc everyone waited for so long and this might've been not enough satisfying content since it's only Panda and Toge so I offered my soul to demons to gain the energy to make part 4, hopefully did not disappoint
Credits to @makuzume on Tumblr || Do not steal, translate, modify, reupload my works on any platform.
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
Part-time driver, part-time nurse (Charles Leclerc)
Charles spends his off season nursing you back to health
Note: english is not my first language. This is the opportunity to showcase all of my Grey's Anatomy knowledge 😅 jokes aside, this really is knowledge that I have from medical shows and a little research, so the accuracy might not be on point! It was inspired by this blurb!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Cw: reader has a surgery (cholecystectomy), hospitals, medications, mild mention of sex
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"It's really painful, Charles", you groaned, finding a position in bed where you'd be a little bit more comfortable. You had a good pain tolerance and hated hospitals, so when he heard you say those words, he knew well enough that your pain had to be through the roof.
"Let's put this on and then we go to the hospital, okay amour?", he suggested soflty, prepared to gently force you in case you resisted. This was not an okay situation and even though you didn't like the setting, they would be the ones able to help you
"I need your help", you admitted, allowing Charles to lift your torso and dress you with one of his zip up hoodies, "Good, that's good, amour", he cooed, supporting your body on his as you walked out of the flat and into the garage.
"Am I hurting you?", he asked as he lowered your body into the passenger seat, "no, it comes and goes in waves, but it's still at the same place, right here", you winced as you showed him, pointing to your upper abdomen and then your back.
Charles drove to the hospital, his hand holding yours so you could squeeze anytime you needed, "you can park there already, I can walk to the door", you mumbled, "are you sure?", he checked, "yes, handsome", you smiled faintly.
The hospital wasn't too busy since visiting hours had ended a while ago, so Charles parked fairly close to the door, "up, gently, good", he helped you out and locked the car, looking at your face when he heard you laugh.
"We were so busy that I didn't even notice I have my slippers on still", you showed him the fluffy beige footwear, "I think it's trendy, you are going to set a new fashion", he said as you walked to the door of the emergency room.
After being escorted to a bed, a doctor came up to meet you, "Hi, I'm Dr. Richard and I'll be your doctor this evening", he said, greeting you and Charles, "Ms. Y/L/N, it says here you have pain in your abdomen", he stated as waited for your clarification.
"Yes, especially around here", you pointed to the upper right section, "at first it was just here, but then it spread to my back. I wouldn't have come in if it wasn't really impossible to go about my day with it", you sighed as the doctor typed away on his tablet.
"I'm going to do an ultrasound on you", he said as he pulled the kart with the machine closer to the bed, the nurse adjusting the drip he put in your arm with pain medication, "you seem to have cholecystitis, which is when your gallbladder is very inflamed and it causes pain. This ultrasound should let us know quickly if this is the case", he said as you lifted your top, wincing at the cold gel as the doctor moved the wand around.
"See this right here?", Dr. Richard pointed to the screen, "it's your gallbladder, and it is definitely inflamed. The course of treatment is surgically removing it", he explained, grabbing a towell to clean off the excess product from your skin.
"Surgery?", Charles questioned, worry sketched in his eyes, "yes, we do it laparascopically, just a few small incisions on your abdomen. It's very simple, you'll be able to go home tomorrow afternoon if we do the surgery in the morning", he said
"Okay, then. Sounds good", you spoke, "anything to take this pain away", you said, holding Charles' hand in your own.
"This is Dr. Pavard, she's one of my surgical interns", he said as a young woman approached your bed, greeting you, "she'll be the one to take you up to your room, she'll take some samples to make sure everything else is good for surgery and we'll do it tomorrow morning", he smiled, excusing himself as he was being paged to another case.
"Can I go with her?", Charles wondered, as the intern looked a little uneasy on her answer, "I'll have to talk to my superiors about it, but you can go up to the room until I figure it out. How does that sound?", she stated and you both nodded, your boyfriend grabbing your bag and walking behind her as she wheeled you along the corridor into the elevator, not missing the double checks some patients and hospital staff gave him.
After drawing the samples she needed, the intern left you and Charles in the room, "how are you feeling, amour?", he asked, holding your hand between his and kissing your fingertips, "I'm fine, the pain meds are working wonders", you sighed, "not my plans for the next few days to have surgery, but it's for the best", you reasoned.
"Do you think they'll let me stay with you?", Charles wondered, "I'm not sure, Charles. They have very strict rules. Joris said one of his cousins couldn't have anyone with her when she was admitted", you shrugged, "it would be nice having you here, but let's not get our hopes up", you attempted.
After telling you all your labs checked out and you'd be having surgery in the morning, Dr. Richard excused himself and spoke to the nurses outside of the room, "I'm going to the bathroom, and I don't need help", you looked at your boyfriend who looked like a puppy you had kicked out in the street.
When you came out, Charles was closing the door behind him, a smile on his lips as he looked at you, "where did you go? I didn't even take that long in there", you quirked an eyebrow at him, "Oh, they told you you have to leave?".
"I spoke to Dr. Richard", he said with a smirk on his lips, "I'm staying!".
"Charles!", you sterned, "you know you shouldn't pull the card at these things!", you reasoned despite feeling a little bit more at ease that you'd have him with you the whole time.
"I didn't pull any card or any strings!", Charles defended himself, "I went up to him and asked if there was a chance, because I'd be here first thing in the morning anyway, and he said he had already asked one of the nurses to get me a pillow and a blanket for that sofa, that apparently turns into a bed if I want it to", he shrugged his shoulders, "I wasn't going to say no".
Despite shaking your head at him, you were grateful that he also wanted to stay with you, "sometimes I forget that I'm dating the principality's pride child", you teased him, making room for him in your bed so he could envelop you in your arms, "thank you, though", you kissed his jaw.
"They also assured me that everyone that saw us wouldn't mention this to anyone, so you're safe", he mumbled, kissing your forehead, "now rest, amour, you'll need it before your surgery".
Early in the morning, the surgical team came to the room to take you, not before Charles kissed your lips, "I love you so much, Charles, I'll see you in a bit", you smiled, nodding to the interns who would be wheeling you to the operating room.
About halfway through the procedure, one of the interns came into the room to assure Charles everything was going as it was supposed to, "thank you for letting me know", he said, watching him leave before his phone rang, Pierre's contact name showing on the screen.
"Hey, man! How are you? Me and Francisca are in Monaco for a few days, do you and Y/N want to plan something?", the French man asked over the phone.
"Hey! Y/N's is actually having surgery right now - her gallbladder was giving her trouble so they're taking it out", Charles explained, "we should be going home this afternoon, hopefully, so if you guys don't mind hanging out at our place, it's fine".
"Oh, I hope everything goes well", Pierre said, saying something to who Charles assumed was his girlfriend, "let us know how it goes and we'll go from there, okay? We don't want to bother you even more".
After wishing everything would go well and requesting that Charles let's him know when you were awake, Pierre ended the call and your boyfriend took the opportunity to update your families.
"She's out of the operating room and she's starting to wake up, they will bring her up soon", one of the nurses smiled as Charles nodded, taking a sip from his coffee as he waited for you.
When they wheeled you back into the room, your eyes looked tired but you smiled when you saw him, "everything went as planned, there were no complications, so it should be a smooth recovery. They'll bring your breakfast in a bit and if you can tolerate that and walk just fine, we'll be able to discharge you when your labs come back good!", your surgeon said before excusing himself.
"Hey, bébé", he smiled, kissing your forehead, "how are you feeling?", he asked.
"I'm good, loopy from the meds, but I'm also quite hungry", you giggled, "I'm sorry I caused you to worry", you began.
"It's part of it", he shrugged his shoulders, kissing your hands, "all that matters is that it went well and you're feeling good. My mother says she dropped by our flat and arranged the place a little bit - it wasn't too messy, don't worry - and she also left a pasta bake; your parents are very happy and relieved it went well. Pierre and Kika are in town as well and I told them that if you weren't too tired, they could spend tomorrow with us, but only of you feel up to it!", he was quick to mention.
"That sounds nice!", you nodded, "I haven't seen them in a while", you recalled.
After eating breakfast and walking along the corridor a few times during the day, the doctors discharged you, prescribing the medications you would need and listing the signs you should look out for.
"Here, amour, careful", Charles said as he helped you up the small step to get into your flat, guiding you to the living room where the sofa was packed with blankets and pillows, "Careful, you don't want to hurt your tummy", he ushered as you sat down, kissing the top of your head.
"Charles, love, the incisions are very small, I have to be careful, yes, but if they said that I could come home, it's because I can move still", you giggled, appreciating his attention even though he was being a little over the top, not letting you get up to grab snacks from the kitchen.
"I have grapes for you", he smiled, coming back with a plate for you, "they're full of the good things you have to eat, so your body heals nicely and you feel better", he said, sitting next to you carefully as you took some to eat.
Later, when you wanted to get up, his hand carefully stopped you, "my love, I need to pee, and I'm not even going to let you think of a way to help. I'm just going to the bathroom and I'll be right back", you added.
"I carry you to the bathroom sometimes after we have sex and you can't do it on your own, I can do it now!", he suggested, almost getting up when you threateningly pointed your finger at him, "I'll be quick, Charles!", you smiled.
When you opened the door to get out, Charles was there, "did you wait outside for me?", you quirked your eyebrow, "I did! I didn't want something to happen to you!", he reasoned, "now you have to drink some water to make sure everything is functioning well, and your meds, too!".
Shaking your head at his worry and dedication, you couldn't help but smile, "I love you, Charles, and as much as I'm a little annoyed at the fact that you're my shadow, I must admit I love having you here with me everyday", you smiled, kissing his cheek and then his lips, "I love you, amour, I just want you to be well".
When the next morning came around, Charles guided you to the living room again, making breakfast for you as you sent a few work e-mails explaining what was happening and why you had to take a few days off when a text from Francisca popped up in your phone, saying they were at the door.
Texting her the code to enter the building, you got up to open the door, figuring you would take the same amount of time until they knocked.
"Hi! Quick, quick, quick, before Charles sees I'm up from the sofa", you ushered them to the living room right as Charles was coming out of the kitchen with your breakfast.
"I saw you, Y/N", he sterned as he shook his head, "you cannot stay still, can you, woman?", he teased, setting the tray on the coffee table and chasing you as you hid beside Pierre, "we've been friends for nearly as long a time as I've been Charles' friend, Gasly, don't gang up on me now!", you attempted as Charles picked you up gently, "hey!".
"You had surgery, Y/N", Pierre began, "if he didn't do it, I would do it myself", he snickered as you showed him the middle finger.
"How are you feeling, though?", Francisca asked once you were all sat on the big sofa, "comparing to the pain I had, I'm great, I swear I never felt pain like it", you answered, taking a sip from your tea and cutting the toast Charles made for you.
"You have a full on breakfast here", Pierre pointed out, "of course we have! Y/N needs to replenish and eat so she can heal", Charles stated.
"Anyone who hears him thinks I've had a whole things done to me and what I had it's pretty common", you giggled, "still, I don't mind the attention", you said as you kissed his cheek while Pierre pretend to barf on the side of your sofa.
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Alastor - [ HEADCANON 2 ]
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Alastor bites. Really bites. It’s to the point he draws blood then proceeds to lap it up just to feel you shiver. Of course you cry out in pain and tear up when he does this but the immediate urge to touch yourself also rises. The pain he inflicts stirs a heat in your core like no other which puts you on edge and fogs your head up with need. He’ll let you squirm against him, knowing you’re struggling between whining for more and making a run for it, but with his grip on your smaller body running from him is never an option.
Alastor tends to make you show off the love bites he’s left on your skin, going so far as to by dainty jewelry for you to wear that’ll draw other sinner’s attention while elegantly accentuating the healing wounds. He gets a shameless sense of pride seeing others marvel at what he’s done to you, every mark deterring demons from looking your way again, and adding to his territorial claim on your soul.
Alastor very rarely lets you mark him back, only allowing it when he’s feeling especially stressed, or is in great need of touch. More often than not you scatter little love bites across his chest or lower neck because he won’t allow you to venture anywhere else and couldn’t possibly let the rest of hell know he’s gifting a sweet thing like you a taste of his skin. He’s got an image to uphold and you don’t mind as long as you get slim opportunities to claim the radio demon as yours in private.
Alastor is no match for the sight of your little fangs. When you smile they’re shown off perfectly, biting your lip makes the small canines peek out, and worst of all is when you smile while licking them -right after killing too. Blood smeared on your plush lips and the tip of your tongue perfectly poised to lick it up….the view touches just the right nerve for the deer demon. He doesn’t know exactly what’s so attractive about seeing your delicate fangs on display but he finds himself thinking about it nonstop.
Alastor enjoys putting a genuine smile on your face. Whether that’s by killing, cooking, or performing any other acts of service for you. Doesn’t matter to him as long as you feel well cared for. He may own your soul and uses that to his advantage st times but to some degree you’re a companion and not just a servant to him. His most “prized possession” is how he’d describe you. He strives to make this obvious to you by never collaring or intimidating you with the threat of being dragged around with green chains if he’s irritated with something you’ve done or said. Instead, you’re given a ring/necklace that occasionally burns your skin as a warning from the radio demon if you are testing his patience or crossing a line he’s clearly drawn for you to follow. Husk is a bit jealous you get preferential treatment from the overload but what he doesn’t know is that your servitude to Alastor wasn’t entirely forced but rather agreed upon by you both.
Alastor’s ears are extremely sensitive. More often than not you can gauge his actual mood or reaction to things by the position of them. It’s a cute natural habit he doesn’t realize is so obvious but since you’re at his side a lot you pick up on the sign quickly. His smile is always present, shifting from menacing to genuine every so often, but the twitch of his ears says more than any expression he makes. The first time he let you touch them his entire body shuddered, visibly relaxing into your curled up form as the two of you laid in his bed, and for the first time he felt no urge to be restless in it.
Alastor doesn’t sleep but will lay with you if asked. Granted, he does secretly count the seconds until you tangle your body with his, reaching your soft hands up to gently pet his ears while humming some random tune you’d heard him sing earlier, but if you ask if he enjoys cuddling he’ll evade the question. “Rest, darling. Don’t concern yourself with me…”he hums into the crook of you neck before kissing your exposed skin. Yet, his ears lay flat as you gently scratch them, fluttering about when you giggle tiredly before whispering back “m’kay…”
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I wouldn’t call these cute headcanons but I wouldn’t say they’re wholesome either… ❤️
I mean it’s only a century or so…older is always better too ❤️ credit to creator…
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drluvsick · 2 months
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𝐎𝐈𝐙𝐘𝐒 — 𝐠𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚
you get injured and giyu blames himself, although, it’s not really his fault, is it? 📝 gn! reader. for @meowzfordayz 4.1k event! might redo this only because i don’t like how i finished it off… we’ll see! hope you guys enjoy regardless! <3
word count : 600+
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“i’m sorry, this is all my fault— ” giyu’s voice shook as his hands trembled. with the snow piling down as the moments passed, you could easily mistake his tremors for being cold. but you knew better from his worried look and somewhat glassy eyes.
“giyu, love, it’s not. stop blaming everything on yourself.” you said back, your voice straining against the pain in your side from which the demon slashed at— blood oozing out as giyu continued to panic.
“if only i’d arrived sooner, this wouldn’t have happened.”
“it’s not deep enough to kill me, i’ll be fine.” you tried to reassure him.
it was all too much, the flashbacks of death, his recent dreams of you in their situations. but he wouldn’t dare break down yet, not while you still needed to be taken somewhere to heal.
he ran as fast as his legs could take him while carrying you bridal style and slow enough so that you wouldn’t feel extra pain from his rushing. he hoped that you were right, that the cut wasn’t too deep, even if it was close to a vital point.
he could see the building of a wisteria house a few minutes later (he’s never been so relieved to see one of these), quickly handing you off and waiting impatiently to see you again after your treatment.
giyu felt terrible. he felt like the worst boyfriend ever as he paced outside the door like a dog waiting for its owner to come home.
could he have prevented this? this wouldn’t have happened had you been paired with another hashira. he’s just that bad. he wishes that you could be with anyone but him, someone that’ll actually protect you and make you happy— not… someone who can’t get over his past traumas and can’t even prevent a demon from attacking you.
he cursed the demon for being stronger than any lower class one. it wasn’t an uppermoon, but a demon with a powerful blood art can be threatening even without some of muzan’s blood.
the sliding door opens, making giyu perk his head up from staring down at the floor.
the elderly lady there smiles, beckoning him to come inside to see how you’re doing, on the way as he’s walking in talking about how lucky you are that the demon didn’t get any permanent damage done. she leaves with a, “i’ll have dinner ready for the both of you soon.”
you smile at him when he’s in view, holding out a hand as he carefully takes it. he kneels down to your level as you sit up the best you can, ignoring his protests for you to lie back down. you give him a small kiss on the cheek.
“it’s not your fault. it would’ve gotten me had you been there or not.” you start off.
“how are you so sure about that?” he tucks some hair behind your ear, interlacing his hands with yours.
“that demon was bad at concentrated shots at one target. it’s better if there’re multiple people, hence why most of its victims were in pairs,” you shrug, “it’s my fault for getting careless, you had nothing to do with it hitting me. i got the job done in the end anyways, and i’m at least alive, aren’t i?”
he nods, kissing your lips. “my heart still hasn’t recovered. it’s like i’m still afraid you’re going to leave any second.”
you smile at him. “i’m not going anywhere.” you pull him closer, his figure hovering over your body as you kiss him again, a little more intimate this time than his fleeting one.
“you’d better not.” he says as you pull away, your head finally resting against the pillow again. you giggle lightly as his own small laughter follows, the only thing on the both of your minds at that moment being so far away from the pain and misery from the world outside, focused solely on each other.
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overluvsick | please do not repost, translate, and/or claim my works as yours !!
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luimagines · 3 months
Reader confronts the boys about the events of loopy from a poisoned plant.
But everything turns out okay because reader likes them too :)
- glitter ✨
The aftermath of loopey plant? Got it!!
You can read the first part right here!
Content under the cut!
Long day finally over with, you get ready to end it as you crawl into your bed roll.
Four was busy sleeping off the rest of the poisoned pollen and whatever antidote Legend had all but shoved down his throat. You're not sure you're willing to deal with the aftermath but the morning cannot come fast enough.
You lied. The morning came too fast.
You wake up quickly and try to figure out what to do next. You turn in your bed roll and see that Four is already awake.
He sees you before you can pretend to still be sleeping and you curse your luck. Internally, of course. Outwardly, you smile at him and sit up, trying your best to stay causal despite everything he said into your ear the day before.
"Good morning." You grin.
Four winces. "Too loud."
You flinch in return and lower your voice. "Whoops. Sorry."
"It's ok."
"How're you feeling?" You whisper and move to sit next to him. You're suddenly not all that tired. You wait on baited breath to hear his answer and if he's retained any memories from yesterday at all.
Four bite his lip and knocks on his own head gently. His own voice is quiet. "I have a headache but that's about the worst of it. I wasn't too bad yesterday, was I?"
You smile. "You slept most of it off. It wasn't so bad."
He sigh and nods in relief. "Good. I was worried I might have made you uncomfortable."
"Why would you have made me uncomfortable?" You lean forward, trying to keep your smile innocent and less shark like.
Four blushes and looks away. "I have the vague suspicion that I was speaking out loud for a good part of that but I can't seem to tell if I actually did or not."
"Oh." You tilt your head. "That's not so bad. I don't think you were."
"Really?" Four looks back at you, relief flooding his gaze. "Thank goodness."
Your grin turns sharp anyway. "So when do I meet your dad and grandpa?"
Four stills and curls his lips into his mouth. "...Come again?"
"You wanted a summer wedding, right?" You tilt your head. "I was thinking about it and I think you've got the right idea, but I've always my wedding to be outside and the summer might get too hot. So an early summer or late spring wedding might work best if we got that route."
"Oh my god." Four covers his mouth as horror begins to step in.
You giggle and kiss his cheek. "Think about it, yeah? Let me know what you think. I'm not opposed."
Warrior carried Wind back to camp in record time.
Wild returned with Legend, Hyrule and Four and sicked them all onto the groaning and pained boy in front of you.
You tried to stay closer but word spread fast and soon everyone had a hand in helping Wind get back on his feet. Even if that included distracting you in the process.
The day ended before you knew it and everyone was settling in for the night since Wind was now stable and more coherent than he was hour before.
You crept close to the boy and laid nearby, just in case Wind tried calling out to you again. Feeling a little brave, you grabbed onto his hand and let your eyes close shut.
Wind tightened his grip on your hand, calling you name weakly into the air. Your eyes were open in an instant.
"I'm here, Wind." You answer him, crawling a little closer to the boy. you sit up, hoping that the angle would allow him to see you. "I'm here. I never left."
He groans and turns in your direction. "Really? I thought you wouldn't come."
"No." You don't let your voice waver. "I was always there. You just didn't see me."
Wind doesn't seem too convinced but he's also exhausted, no doubt from the treatment everyone had painstakingly shoved down his throat. "I'm tired."
"I know." You smile softly. "It's late. You should sleep."
"What happened?" He asks you instead. "I don't remember what happened after the plant. It was pretty."
"Pretty poisonous." You grit. "Don't go near that thing again. It hurt you really bad."
"Ok." He doesn't fight you on this. "Is that why everything hurts right now?"
"Kinda, yeah." You tell him, because it would be mean to lie. "And everyone freaked out when you were poisoned, so the guys might have been a bit rougher on you than they should have been. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive them."
"They owe me."
You laugh. "Sure, buddy. Sure they do."
"Of course. I'll be right here when you wake up."
You managed to get Hyrule to the group camp with less damage than you thought would be needed.
Hyrule wasn't helpful in the slightest, but you're thankful to the shadow that has been helping you thus far.
He comes to his senses a few hours later, after you've filled the others in the situation. The Traveler groans loudly and rolls over. "My stomach hurts."
You don't have it in you to feel sorry for him. "Probably because you literally ate the dirt." You shake your head. "Let me get you something to drink; maybe that'll help."
"Thank you." He looks your way but doesn't move from his spot on his bed roll.
You get him some water and mix in some white power Twilight said would help him with any stomach problems. He had a bit of humor to his voice but you're willing to bet that was just because he was holding back laughing at your rendition of the earlier events.
You were a bit dramatic about it but Hyrule doesn't need to know that.
You come back and give it to him with little fanfare and sit nearby. "Here."
"Thanks." He starts to sip it closely. "Why does my everything hurt?"
You smile a little, amused that your little turn of phrases were making their way through the group. "You were literally dragged all the way back here. Not dignifying, but I didn't have many options."
He hums and continues to slowly drink the water. "....That would explain why it feels like I fell down a mountain."
You see the shadow tease Hyrule's hair in the distance. It's subtle but Hyrule visibly relaxes. "What damage did I cause?"
"None." You shake your head again and move to sit closer to him. You can at least pretend that the shadow is you, just so no one asks questions. "Unless you count damage to my psyche from the strange things that came out of your mouth."
"Oh god, don't tell me I confessed." He whines and drowns the last of the glass to avoid eye contact.
"I said it, didn't I? I told you I loved you. Crap. I'm sorry-"
"No." You stop him before he can continue with that train of thought. "...But you did now."
Hyrule freezes.
You're also left staring at him.
The shadow acts quickly and pulls your head down so that your lips touch Hyrule's head. You pull back quickly with a bright blush.
"We'll talk later." You steal the glass away and scurry as fast as you can to busy yourself with something unimportant.
Hyrule will be fine. Right? Right.
You were absolutely correct.
Twilight and Sky had found you and had tease you relentlessly once they managed to pry you away from Time. The Old Man didn't seem to want to let you go.
It would have been a little more humorous if he hadn't looked on the verge of tears at the thought of you leaving him.
You stayed with him, because anything else would have sent the poor man into a panic.
It took a total of two days for the effects of the pollen to calm down and for Time to be restored to his quote unquote, former glory.
Luckily for him, he didn't seem to remember most of it. Only that he kept looking at you in a way that had your chest clenching and your breathing coming out in short bursts of pure emotion.
It was maddening. ...And the boys weren't helping you in the slightest.
You had to clear the air at the first chance you got. You didn't want to continue this strange dance you've found yourself in with the Old Man.
You pulled him aside and were ready to interrogate him when your words died on your tongue. There he went again, looking at you with the most tender and adoring look you had ever seen on a man, let alone him. "...Link. What is it?"
You can't bring yourself to be accusatory. Something about the flower changed him. He's never been this vulnerable on this journey. What had he gone through?
Time raises a hand and runs the back of it on your cheek. "...I thought I lost you."
"Never." You grab his hand, holding it close. "You could never lose me."
"I found myself powerless." He takes in a shaky breath. "Tell me. What changed between us? What did I do?"
"N-nothing." You gulp, feeling your legs go a little weak at the sheer power he carries in his voice. "You called me a flower... and then wouldn't let me go. It was innocent."
Time doesn't seem convinced. But he doesn't have enough in his memory banks to dispute this. "Very well."
"Link?" You hold his hand a little tighter. "....It was the most romantic things anyone has ever said to me. I... should thank you."
"I hardly doubt something said in the midst of confusion and loss of cognitive function would be considered romantic." Time glares at the ground. "I could do much better now that I'm sober."
Your breath hitches in your throat and you decide to get a little brave and reckless. You lean closer and nearly poke your nose with his. "Prove it."
Something ignites in him. A wicked grin blooms on his face. "Are you sure?"
"Yes." You whisper. "Because I would have said the same thing about you."
You ended up needing to change your shirt.
Wild was apologizing profusely and on the verge of tears afterwards.
Legend was kind enough to help you with the mess and steal one of the Captain's shirts for you to wear while Four and Sky helped Wild get himself situated and settled.
You sighed and fixed the way the clothes clung to you. It highlighted just how skinny Warrior was but you didn't want to think about that when you were more worried about Wild and his current state.
You rushed back quickly. Wild was sniffling and whining like a kicked puppy while Hyrule brushed his hand through the Champion's hair, trying to calm the other boy down.
"How is he?" You whispered as you got closer.
Hyrule looked up at you and cringed. "I'm sure you can guess. He might have ingested some of whatever it was that made him this way. He says his stomach hurts a lot despite not eating anything. I'm inclined to believe him."
You sighed and copied the movements the resident healer performed on your friend. You lean in and kiss Wild's forehead. "I'm sorry, buddy. You'll feel better soon."
Wild looked up at you and swallowed harshly. "Promise?"
"I promise." You smile tensely. You look to Hyrule for confirmation and he looks just as lost as you feel. You repeat yourself anyway. "I promise, Link."
He groans against and curls up tighter. "I'm sorry...'bout your shirt."
"Soap and water exist." You wince, trying to keep your voice light. It was your favorite shirt, but you don't want Wild to feel worse. "Legend is taking care of it."
"Oh... ok."
"You've been very nice and good to me." You whisper. "I don't think I have the capacity to be mad at you. Much less for this. I like you too much, Wild."
"I like you too." He tries to look up at you. "...I didn't like that plant."
"I don't like it either." You agree, if only to make conversation. "Let's not get close to it again, yeah?"
Wild nods and closes his eyes, reveling in the way your hands feel in his hair. "I'm never cutting my hair."
You giggle slightly. "Good. I'd miss it."
He smiles.
It had taken many hands to get Twilight to behave enough for him to be treated.
You didn't think he would be as possessive as he was. He growled in ways you didn't think was possible and nearly tried to bite Time.
It was... fascinating, if a little scary.
You watched him and tried to calm him down with the others. Eventually he fell asleep.
Only to wake up less than hour later.
You wanted to yell and scream. He had just calmed down. What mess do you have to deal with now?
"Ow my head..." He sits up in his bed roll and hold his head in his hands. You step closer to him and poke his shoulder. "How're you feeling Rancher?"
"Like I got kicked in the head." He mutters under his breath. "What happened?"
"You got poisoned." You smile softly, gathering that it was more or less safe to be next to him now. "And then hugged me. And smelled my hair. And I think you kissed it."
Twilight had gone completely still in the time that you had begun talking. You noticed but decided to keep going if only to save yourself from blushing at the reminder of his not-quite-kiss.
"You also tried to punch Warrior in the face, bite Time and wrestle Wild." You shrug. "Sounds normal if you ask me."
"I won't." He rubs his forehead. "...Did I do anything else? ....To you?" He adds hesitantly.
You feel just as hesitate but honestly? He wasn't all that bad, if a little too honest. You shake your head. ""No. You were well behaved."
"Thank Ordana."
"I like you too by the way." You blurt and lean closer. "And you don't have to be scared to talk to me, ok? I like talking to you too, Link."
You kiss his cheek, if only because it's fair- implies your traitorous brain. You don't see Twilight short circuit, but you do see Warrior and four give Twilight some thumbs up from their corner of the camp.
"Get better soon, ok Darlin'?" You copy his subtle drawl and watch in gremlin delight at the way he completely flushes red.
"YeAh." He clears his throat, unable to meet your eyes. "I will. I will."
The loud curse that slips past your lips was enough to get the group to look over to where you were.
Legend and Twilight naturally started laughing at the sight of Warrior face first in the dirt before you called out for help. Wild and Sky responded quickly, helping drag the unconscious young man to the middle of the camp where it was safe.
You instantly started explaining what you say and how he reacted, giving your own ideas about what might have happened without actually being there to witness it.
Time and Four got to making a spot to put his body where he would be comfortable until he slept it off.
You hovered around like an anxious hummingbird. You had all this energy and no where to spend it. Feeling your plight, Hyrule and Wind took it upon themselves to keep you occupied before you started to mother hen the Captain while he was unconscious and unable to defend himself against it.
Thankfully, it didn't take that long for Warrior to wake up- complaining quite loudly that he'd swear off drinking for the rest of his life.
You had the sudden suspicion that it wasn't the first time he had woken up such a manner- even though you knew that there was nothing alcoholic in the vicinity. Still, you decided to commend him for the attempt. "Good. We'd hate to deal with you hung over as it is."
He groaned and rolled over in his bed roll.
No one bothered to correct him in his incorrect assumption that he had been drinking with the boys.
Time had snorted at the claim and at his reaction but there was a subtle wince to his face that you couldn't help catching. Was Time familiar with the feeling as well?
You shake your head and make your way next to Warrior. "Hey."
"Hi." He grumbled, clearly not happy with his current predicament.
"What do you remember?"
Warrior tenses up before he can stop himself. He clearly remembers something but he doesn't to tell you, less you confirm it for him.
You smirk. "Do you remember the kiss?"
He shoots up. "What?!"
Given that you're not entirely sure what going through his head, you're willing to make a bet and let his own mind fill in the blanks for you. Besides, fireside cuddles sounds nice- but if he had something else in mind you don't think you're inclined to turn down that offer either.
You giggle and kiss his nose to tease him further. "There wasn't none but you mentioned it. If you ever want to follow through with what you told, just let me know."
Warrior looked horrified.
"Let me know." You repeat yourself to get through to him. "Ok?"
His voice is small and disbelieving but he nods slowly. "...ok."
It took a while for Legend to cooperate enough for you to bring him back to camp and get him checked up on. He wouldn't stop going on and on about how you were one of nicest people he's ever met and that he never wanted to leave you and the thought of leaving you made him sad-
Honestly, you had to tune him out for the most part. If you continued to listen to him talking and rambling you would have probably started crying. You never would have guessed that Legend was incredibly sentimental underneath it all.
You had to leave him to the care of the other boys while you went to collect yourself off beyond the forest line.
With time, when you no longer felt all mushy and soft for the boy had to grow up way too fast just to survive, you made your way back to the camp where Legend was looking properly hung over.
He groaned and maybe vomited a little given the looks Wild and Four were giving him as Time cleaned his face. You're a little ashamed that you more or less ran away from him but you doubt he would have wanted you to see him like that anyway. Right?
Eventually, you gather up the courage to get close to Legend and sit next to him where he would actually notice you. He sees you and rubs his face. "I was told you brought me back."
"Yeah." You admit quietly. "I found you first."
"I already told everyone to stay away from that stupid flower."
You pale slightly. In your attempt to rid yourself of the embarrassment, you had completely forgotten about the plant that got Legend into this mess to begin with. "Oh. Good."
Legend nods and rubs his head a bit. Warrior steps in to give the Vet a glass of water. He drinks is greedily.
"Do you still want to braid my hair?"
Legend chokes.
You bite your lip. "I wouldn't mind it."
He looks at you with a scarlet face and with wide, almost scared eyes. "Oh my god, what did I tell you?"
"I lot of things," that you don't think you have the strength to go into right now. "But it's really not that bad."
Legend smiles, but it's not like he believes you.
You'll just have to prove it to him.
After you successfully managed to drag Sky throughout the unmarked trail back to the camp, you started barking out order to the boys to help him. They rushed to put their hands to work.
Hyrule first went about healing any injuries he may (read: absolutely) have obtained.
Four and Warrior went about making a tonic to help rid the pollen slash poison out of his system while you went to clean yourself off and pretend everything Sky said to you didn't actually happen.
When you returned feeling better about yourself and the current mess, you found that the boys had managed to corral the chaos of the camp as well. Sky was stable and dinner was already over the fire. It would be ready in a matter of minutes.
Luckily, Sky didn't stay asleep for long and soon it was as if nothing had ever happened.
But you decided that you still needed to get some answer out of the boy.
The following morning, after everyone's morning routines were done and over with, you found yourself guiding Sky away from everyone else just to see how much of yesterday he actually remembered.
He seemed unable to meet your eyes.
"Good morning." You bump your hip against him. He nearly falls over but catches himself. Sky's blushing. "Good morning."
"Sleep alright?"
"As good as I could given the pollen from that weird flower." Sky scratches the back of his neck.
"Oh perfect, you brought it up first. I was going to ask you about that."
Sky blushes harder. "Yeeaaah? What about it?"
"What do you remember? Do you remember what you told me?" You tilt your head, not bothering to acknowledge how awkward he no doubt feels. You feel a little vindicated since he made you drag his dead weight all the way back to camp on your own.
Sky looks away.
That's all the answer you need.
"Did you mean it? Truly?" Hope enters your voice before you can stop it. Sky catches it because of course he does.
"Yes. I did." He mutters. "I also recall that you said... you said that I was pretty too."
"You are!" You kiss his cheek, taking your shot. "Ok?"
"More than ok." Sky takes your hand softly, lacing your fingers together. "....Do you really think I'm the good child?"
"....you're one of the best ones here."
"I broke a chandelier on purpose to get an item."
"....my statement still stands, honey. But I'll remember that."
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dirty-jammies · 1 year
Late Night Desires PART 2! ✨💗🌙
Astarion x Fem!Chubby!Reader x Halsin
(Reader is AFAB and is referred to with she/her pronouns and terms like "good girl". )
AN: Thank you all SO much for all the wonderful comments and likes on part 1! And a super-duper big thank you to everyone that voted in the poll! 😁 Don't worry, I intend on writing more for these dudes, so if your favourite poll option didn't win, look lout for it in a future fic! I hope part 2 is to your likings! This is super-horny, super-filthy, and super-delicious... Just like our favourite bloodsucking twink and bear daddy~ Enjoy!
Lying back on the soft grass, you bit your lip as you watched the two men above you appreciate each other's bodies with their hands, lips locked in a passionate kiss. Astarion’s soft, pale hands exploring the swells of Halsin’s muscles, and Halsin's huge hands sliding down the slender curve of Astarion's waist. 
You were still feeling the gentle waves of residual pleasure wash over you from your previous orgasm, sweat cooling on your skin in the midnight air, but you could feel yourself getting excited again watching the two men. You dropped a hand between your thick thighs and whimpered as you brushed your oversensitive pussy, soft and wet and relaxed from Halsin's expert fingering. Your noise alerted the two elves and they parted from their kiss, looking down at you.
“Poor little thing,” Astarion cooed with sarcastic pity, “needing more already, are you?”
You trailed your gaze down Halsin’s body, over his broad chest, down his stomach that was mouthwatering layers of muscle and fat, down the hair-dusted treasure trail where it disappeared into his leather leggings which looked to be on the verge of bursting at the seams thanks to the very obvious erection the druid was sporting.
“I am, but I’m not the only one,” you said with a smile and extended your leg, using it to brush over Halsin’s covered cock. The druid let out a quiet groan at the treatment and you made your desire known, “I… I want to take both of you, with my mouth, and with my…”
“A wonderful idea,” Halsin praised and leaned over you, dragging the pad of his thumb over your soft lips, “I'd love a chance to feel your sweet mouth, little one.”
With his considerable strength, Halsin helped you flip over onto your stomach, letting out a pleased rumble at the view, “What a treat… So supple and round,” he remarked, moving to your front, “like a decadent dessert for us.”
“Isn’t she the sweetest?” Astarion purred and took a handful of your thick ass, fingernails sinking into your soft skin and making you whimper at the light, pleasurable pain, “Mm… she’s still leaking back here.” You whimpered as Astarion’s hand came down to cup your pussy. You gasped harshly as he laid a firm smack over it, making blood rush to your face in embarrassment at the feeling and the lewd, wet noise it made alongside Astarion’s accompanying laughter.
Halsin took your face in his hand and made you look up at him. He smiled at your docile, doe-eyed expression, “Are you ready?” You nodded and you could see his eyes darken with lust, “Do you think you can be a good girl and take all of me?” Again, you nodded, more eagerly this time, the praise tickling your brain and making you squish your thighs together. You licked your lips and smiled up at Halsin.
“Such a needy thing, isn’t she?” Astarion teased, and you could hear him stroking himself again, getting himself hard again, “I’m glad you decided to join us, Halsin, perhaps together, we’ll finally be able to satisfy her.”
You rolled your eyes playfully and looked over your shoulder at your vampiric lover, “Oh, right, I’m the insatiable one…” you teased right back and Halsin laughed heartily.
“I have a good feeling we’ll all end the night satisfied, little one, now please look back this way,” he gently guided your face back towards him, and your eyes widened as you saw he had lowered his leggings, letting his manhood free from its leather confines at last, “Do you like what you see?”
You moaned at the sight and could hear Astarion groan from behind you as well. It was at least nine inches of thick, hard cock, with a soft bush of hair at the base and two heavy-looking balls that seemed to be sloshing with potent seed. You felt your mouth water and you swallowed the drool accumulating in your mouth before you boldly leaned forward and kissed it, feeling the thick vein along the bottom throb at the affection. Halsin’s hand cradled your cheek as though you were made of glass, “I will try to be gentle, but you are making it quite difficult to hold back…” he warned and lined his cock up with your pretty, pouty lips.
You could feel your arousal growing once more as you slowly took Halsin’s length into your mouth. You felt the bulbous head slide past your tongue, his foreskin sliding past your lips. You moaned around his length at the musky, masculine smell coming from his loins, and you felt a dribble of your slick slide down your inner thighs.
“Very good, darling,” Astarion praised softly and you moaned around Halsin’s cock as you felt Astarion line up his own sizable cock with your drooling pussy, “now get ready,” he quickly slammed home, his narrow hips colliding with your cushy ass with a loud smack, and you cried out around Halsin’s thick length. You heard Astarion shudder out a moan behind you, “So fucking hot and wet, you’re simply divine, darling…”
You felt your mind grow fuzzy, thoughts turning into pleads for ‘more, harder, faster!’ Halsin’s slow, careful drag of his cock over your tongue to bump against the back of your throat contrasted Astarion’s greedy, fast slams into your cunt, your body jiggling with the movement.
“Such a perfect girl,” Halsin sighed as you worked your tongue along his frenulum, “taking the both of us so well~”
Astarion’s hands sank into the plush fat of your waist, holding you steady as his hips drilled into you, “Nnh, yes, such a perfect little pet, with such a delicious body… tell us who this body belongs to, darling~” he purred.
Halsin withdrew his cock long enough for you to gasp in a breath and cry out “You! It belongs to you! Astarionnnh~Hah-Halsin!!” Your eyes rolled back as Halsin stuffed your mouth once more, this time sliding all the way into your throat, his huge hands holding your jaw as you did your best not to gag on the huge cock. You could taste his salty precum smearing on your tongue. Delicious.
“You’re so good… so good,” Halsin growled, giving himself over to his pleasure, “Gods, I’m close…”
You moaned around him, eager to get a taste of his cum, when Astarion thrust inside you as deep as he could go, grinding, /grinding/ against your sweet spot and making you whine around the length stuffing your throat. Astarion landed a hard smack on your ass and you whimpered, hearing him grunt.
“Do you want to switch? You did want to breed her, after all.” he teased breathily.
Halsin nodded tightly and you felt your jaw go slack as he withdrew his cock. You saw it, dripping with your saliva and his delicious precum, twitching hard. You whined as Astarion pulled out of you slowly and you felt his hand pet your back soothingly, “Don’t worry, love, you won’t be empty for long~”
The two men switched positions, you smiled seeing how creamy Astarion’s cock had become as he fucked you. Slick evidence of your arousal was glistening on his cock, making it shine in the moonlight. Astarion’s hand wove into your hair and you leaned forward, licking his cock from base to tip.
“Dirty girl,” he rasped with a grin, “tasting yourself on my cock?”
You hummed an affirmative, looking up into his beautiful red eyes as you continued cleaning him. You felt Halsin’s hands spread you open and your breathing hitched, feeling the druid’s cock prod the back of your thighs.
“She’s so wet,” he remarked, “are you ready for me?”
Astarion let you go long enough for you to look back at Halsin. You could see him stroking his cock, staring at your twitching pussy with an almost intoxicated look. 
“Yes, Halsin!” You panted, shaking your hips and making your ass jiggle for him, “I want you to fuck me, too!”
Astarion moaned and urged you on, “And then what, pet?”
You whimpered needily, wanting Halsin’s cock to stuff you full, “Y-your cum… I want you to cum inside me, Halsin, please!”
“Very good, darling,” Astarion praised and the both of you watched as Halsin’s face gained a look of absolute rapture as he sunk into you. You choked on a loud moan as you felt his massive manhood slip into your wet pussy, dragging along your juicy, twitching walls. You felt a droplet of drool leak out of your mouth.
“Silvanus preserve me,” Halsin groaned, long and loud, “you feel so good, so tight…” he hissed, stilling when he was only half-way in.
Astarion turned you back to face him, and he traced his thumb over your mouth, collecting the drop of drool you let slip on the pad of his thumb before he pushed it back in your mouth. He sneered down at you, but you could see the love in those crimson eyes, “/Messy/ girl, you’re already falling to pieces, aren’t you?” He pressed his leaking cockhead back to your lips, “Suck.”
With bleary eyes, you obeyed, moaning around Astarion’s cock as Halsin continued to press into you. You whined as the druid finally bottomed out; you felt his heavy balls pressing tightly to your oversensitive little clit, you felt his huge hands bracing himself on your squishy waist, but most distracting and pleasurable of all, you felt his flaring cockhead kiss your cervix, his girth pressing tightly against your walls! You flexed around him, begging Halsin to fuck you stupid while your mouth was occupied.
Soon you were rocked back and forth, the men settling on a pattern that rocked you back on the druid’s massive cock, then forwards so Astarion could fuck your throat. They made sure neither your mouth or pussy was empty at a time. You clutched the grass beneath you like a lifeline, you felt like you were losing your higher brain functions. Nothing else mattered in this beautiful moment other than the pleasure you felt, and the pleasure your lovers were taking from you, greedily fucking your sweet little holes like their lives depended on it.
You heard Halsin let out a deep groan and his hands migrated from your waist to your hanging belly, holding you tight, his own warm belly and chest pressing into your back as he took you in a more bestial position. The thought of Halsin losing control as he pounded you, losing his own grip on propriety and fucking you like a wild animal, made you scream around Astarion’s length and the vampire withdrew from you briefly and cupped your jaw as you whined long and loud, announcing your second orgasm of the night. Halsin fucked you through it, rasping and grunting filthy praise all the while.
“Perfect girl, cum on my cock, such a good girl. Surely you can do it again for me, yes?”
You nodded helplessly as you convulsed around his pistoning cock, drool freely dripping from your parted lips, “Uh huh!” you could only whine in reply.
With a long index finger and thumb, Astarion squished your chubby cheeks together, making you pout. You heard him click his tongue down at you, “What a greedy girl we have~ Already cumming again?” he used his other hand to guide his cock to your mouth, lightly slapping your cushiony lips with his angry red cockhead, “help me cum and we’ll see to that third orgasm you need.”
Haslin let out a breathy laugh from behind you, groping your soft ass as he slowed his pace, letting you recover a bit, “Third, fourth… however many she wishes!”
“You’re already spoiling her!” Astarion whined, but you could hear his smile, even when you closed your eyes to obediently take his cock back onto your tongue, “Though she does beg to be spoiled, doesn’t she? To be pampered and fucked full all day long. Thaaat’s a good pet~” he cooed to you as his fingers wound into your soft tresses.
With a nod from you, the two men resumed their steady pace. Astarion in, Halsin out. Halsin in, Astrarion out… The noises you three were making filled the air around you; your sweet, muffled whines mixed with Astarion’s low voice spitting vile taunts mixed with sincere, divine praise, and Halsin’s rough, almost animalistic growls and grunts as he became more and more desperate. The symphony of your voices was accompanied by the filthy, wet noises of Astarion fucking your sloppy mouth, and Halsin drilling your gushing, oversensitive pussy. You felt your breasts and stomach swinging under you with every movement, felt Halsin’s broad hips slapping your cushy ass with every deep thrust he gave, dragging his heavy cock along your sweet spot before it squeezed against your cervix. You felt his heavy balls kiss your hard little clit before he dropped a hand under you to circle it, making your eyes roll back. You wondered if you would cum again before the men did?
You didn’t have long to ponder that before you heard Astarion hiss out a strained warning, “Fuck, darling, I’m going to cum,” he pulled your hair back hard and you whined in pleasurable pain. You looked up blearily into Astarion’s gorgeous red eyes that were burning with intense lust, “I’m going to shoot straight down your throat, you will swallow every last drop,” he ordered, withdrawing for a moment so you could breathe, “then you’ll thank me for the meal. Understand?” he grinned sharply as you nodded, his smile nearing on crazed, and he licked his lips before plunging down your throat. 
Your eyes rolled back in your head, Halsin continuing to pound you while you felt Astarion release pump after pump of hot, bitter cum right down your throat. The vein on the underside of his manhood throbbed against your tongue. The vampire’s head rolled back and he let out a long, beautiful moan as he fed you. Halsin slowed down his pace for a moment, letting you swallow the thick fluid as AStarion withdrew his spent cock.
Good, obedient girl that you were, you smiled up at him hazily and licked your lips, “Thank you for the meal, Astarion~” you panted, showing him your empty mouth.
“Perfect pet,” Astarion praised and caressed your beautiful, soft face, catching his breath, “Now, let dear Halsin finish you off!” he nodded back at Halsin and you cried as the druid started up at a punishing pace.
You writhed beneath him, sweat dripping onto the grass under you as your toes curled in the night air. Both you and Halsin were beyond the point of words, just crying and moaning and grunting and screaming as pleasure overtook you. Halsin took greedy handfuls of your plush fat, using it as an anchor to pull you back on his cock, drilling deeper and deeper, hitting spots inside you never touched before. It was all too much! Too much! The feeling of that massive cock fucking you with intent to breed, Halsin’s strong arms holding you in place while Astarion’s hands now held you as if you were a delicate, priceless gem, the taste of Astarion’s cum at the back of your throat. You couldn’t hold back your voice, whiny and far-gone.
“Gonna cum gonna cum gonna cum- Halsin! HALSIIIN!” You screamed into the night as your body bent, thrashing as orgasm overtook you. Your vision went white as Halsin growled behind you.
“Gods, yes! Cum on this cock!” He railed you through it, body on top of yours, nearly pressing you into the dirt as you squirted around his cock, “take my seed, take all of my- oh fuck-!”
You felt yourself spasm in your lovers’ hold, cumming again, gentler, as you felt Halsin empty a torrent of hot, sticky cum into your womb. Halsin gasped for breath as he gave a few final thrusts, as if ensuring every drop of his seed was safely planted in you. He slowly pulled out and you whined at the sudden loss, and you held a hand over your well-used pussy to make sure nothing leaked out. 
Halsin laid back on the grass, and Astarion guided your boneless body to lay next to him. You immediately curled around Halsin, one of his strong arms wrapping protectively around your shoulders. Astarion joined his other side, also being pulled to cuddle on top of the druid.
You sighed blissfully. Your sweat had cooled in the night air, but you were warmed by the men near you, and you could tell the feeling was more than mutual. The moon and stars shone above you, providing light so you could see your lovers’ satisfied smiles. 
Astarion fluffed his hair, which had gotten more than a bit tousled during your fun, “Well, Halsin, I sincerely hope you enjoyed yourself as much as we did,” he propped his chin up on one of Halsin’s pecs and gave him a coy smile, “I would very much like to do this again~”
Haslin let out a quiet laugh and his chest rumbled with it, “If the both of you would be willing to have me again, I would love that.”
You nuzzled into Halsin’s neck and pressed a warm kiss to his sticky, sweat-lined skin, “Mmh~ I’d love that. There’s so much I’d love to try with you two.”
Astarion grinned and reached over, tasking your hand in his own, “Really, darling~? Do tell us, then. What could possibly be on your mind?” Halsin and Astarion looked down at you, curious with a faint spark of renewed lust.
You shook your head, “I’ll tell you next time,” you let out a yawn as fatigue creeped up on you, “but… don’t let me stop you two from fooling around if you’re not spent yet.” you added with a playful smile.
Halsin pinched your cheek and you giggled, “Naughty little thing,” he teased, but he cast a glance at Astarion, “Though… if you wanted, Astarion…?” he left the question hang.
Astarion huffed and hid his blushing face on the other side of Halsin’s neck, “And you call me insatiable!? I need my beauty rest!”
Halsin laughed and pulled you and Astarion closer, “Well then, beauties, why don’t we rest? We can regroup with the others in the morning.”
You and Astarion agreed, and snuggled up to the cuddly druid until the sun eventually bathed your bodies in it’s warm embrace. Though you had to admit, now you would prefer the embrace of your vampire and your druid any day.
AN2: Oh!! Taglist! I'm gonna tag everyone who liked to the taglist post I made PLUS everyone who commented about part two on the first part lmao~
@bamblepee @nova-starion @rosaliemizzrym @cross-stitch-grandma @serendipitous-fernweh @winnieshitposts-blog @audreonne @missusbarnes-rogers @darkprincemara @iwannabealocalcryptid @flowerfoxsstuff @teramjna @huuvu @somewhereonliknow @exophelia @absinthe-adonis @aquarivsrot
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effetsecndaires · 2 months
— 𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞. (𝟐)
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➺ PAIRING | sanemi shinazugawa x reader
➺ CONTENT | mention of injuries and needles, this is mostly shinobu x reader tbh... but sanemi is here dw ☝🏻 word count: 1,5k ish
➺ NOTE | read part 1 + I'll be tagging people who showed interest in a part 2 below! also it's currently 4am, I'm terribly sorry if this turned out awful 💀
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“Miss Y/N!”
You raise your head to see Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho rushing towards you, worry etched onto their faces as you cross the gates of the Butterfly Estate. A Kakushi is carrying you on his back, his steps steady yet urgent as your crow leads the way.
"Urgent! Injured in battle! Right leg severely damaged! Left hand missing fingers! Immediate medical attention required!" it squawks, its wings beating rapidly as it nervously circles above then flutters down to perch on a roof nearby.
Everything happens so quickly.
One moment you're hanging limp on a Kakushi's back, clinging to consciousness for dear life — the next, you're being gently lowered onto a stretcher, a needle swiftly inserted into your arm. Your uniform is all torn and bloodied, barely hanging onto your battered body. A chunk of your skirt has been ripped and used as a makeshift bandage to stop some of the bleeding on your leg, but it really hasn't been doing much to help.
You're whimpering in pain when Sumi hurries to your side, her hand coming to support your head while Naho starts unrolling fresh bandages, her hands trembling slightly but steadying as she works.
"You'll be alright, Miss Y/N!” Kiyo reassures you, though her voice wavers slightly. "We need to get you inside and properly treated!”
As the Kakushi lift the stretcher, you feel a wave of dizziness wash over you. The Butterfly Estate's familiar surroundings start to blur along with your vision as you’re being carried towards the main infirmary, the scent of medicinal herbs growing stronger with each step.
You want nothing more than to reassure everyone, to tell them that you’ll be okay, that it really isn't as bad as it looks... but the pain and exhaustion only make you drift in and out of consciousness. You can’t fool anyone—not even yourself.
The last thing you see is Shinobu stepping forward and nodding to the Kakushi as they carefully set you down on the treatment table, her gentle voice following:
"I'll take it from here.”
Your eyes squint in the harsh light as you look around and try to make sense of your surroundings. The sun makes it hard to see and your head feels fuzzy, the world around you swimming in and out of focus.
You barely catch the sound of your crow’s wings as it flies away to alert the hashiras of your awakening, the flapping quickly fading into the distance.
How long have you been here for?
You remember fighting an upper moon, but everything after that is a blur. You can’t even remember how or when you were brought to the Butterfly estate. Is this even Shinobu’s estate? Or did another pillar find you and carry you to theirs?
You barely have time to properly emerge when you're met with a gasp of your name and a familiar red-haired boy rushing to your side. You blink, watching as his hands hover uncertainly before resting gently on your good arm.
“Tanjiro,” you manage to whisper, smiling faintly.
“You're awake! How are you feeling? We were so worried about you!” Tanjiro exclaims, his eyes shining with their usual tenderness as you reach out to pat his head. Behind him, Genya appears, his expression a mixture of relief and anxiety.
“I’m alright... Just a little tired and achy. How long have I been out for?”
“You've been sleeping for a week.” Genya responds.
“A week?!”
Shit. This can't be good. So many things can happen in the span of a week. The thought of having left everyone down fills you with a terrible feeling. What if one of the villages needed reinforcements while you were asleep? What if more demons had attacked? Are all eight of the the pillars still alive?
Your mind races with worry, your brain feeling like it's about to overheat.
When you finally find it in yourself to start asking questions, the door to your room opens and Shinobu calmly walks in.
“Shinobu! How… how's everyone?”
"Everyone’s fine. We've all successfully returned from our missions so far, you don't have to worry." your mentor responds.
"What about the slayers that were sent to back me up? I… so many of them were injured."
Shinobu's expression grows a little somber as she nods. "There... There's been a few losses. Oyakata-sama wants to visit their resting place with you, once you're back on your feet," she continues gently. Your heart clenches in your chest, but you nod regardless.
"I’m sorry. I should've done more to protect them.”
Your crow returns and sets on your belly, your unharmed hand coming to pet it.
"You did everything you could. Surviving an encounter with an Upper Moon is already impressive." Shinobu adjusts the blankets around you, her hands deft and practiced. She then gently places a hand on your shoulder, providing some much needed comfort. "You need to focus on getting better so you can help us save more lives when the time comes."
"...Okay," your voice trails off, uncertainty coloring your tone. You find yourself staring at your bandaged hand and leg for longer than necessary, the reality of your condition only now sinking in.
This was bad. Really, really bad.
What purpose could you possibly serve now, with two missing fingers and possible lingering damage to your body? How are you supposed to wield your sword in this condition? Will you even be able to return to your position as a Hashira?
"Rest is essential for you now," Shinobu’s kind voice interrupts your train of thoughts. "I did my best to get rid of the poison in your body and clean your wounds, but you're going to need several months of rest to make a full recovery."
Just then, the door to the room slides open with a loud, forceful thud. All four of you startle, and you wince as the sudden movement sends a jolt through your injured ribs. You glance toward the door with a scowl, meeting Sanemi’s gaze.
Jesus Christ. Does he always have to be such a brute all the time?
Shinobu's fists tighten at her sides, a vein popping on her forehead at the sudden interruption - though her signature smile remains.
The Wind Hashira stands there for a moment, his jaw clenching at the sight of you awake and his younger brother standing beside your bed.
To your relief, he doesn't make a scene. That's a first.
Instead he goes to stand beside Genya, and although he seems to completely ignore him, he doesn't look nearly as angry with him as he was the last time you saw the two of them interact. The sight of it warms your heart, and you allow yourself to lay back and relax a little more.
"You could've gotten yourself killed. What were you thinking, fighting an Upper Moon by yourself!?" Sanemi's voice is gruff, filled with a mix of anger and concern.
Well. One thing’s for sure, he’s still the Sanemi you know.
"How the hell did you even survive this?" he continues, looking you up and down from the missing fingers on your hand to your severely damaged leg, and your overall battered body.
You let out a soft sigh, choosing your words carefully. "It was a close call, but the sunrise saved me. I wouldn't be here if the demon had attacked just ten minutes earlier." you reply, trying to keep your tone light despite the gravity of the situation.
Sanemi grunts in response, his eyes narrowing as he takes in your injuries. "You’re damn reckless, you know that? You should've told me this was a solo mission."
"I was just doing my job, Sanemi." you say quietly, your gaze shifting to your crow who's still enjoying headpats. "The village was already in shambles when I got there and half the people hadn't been evacuated. If I hadn’t intervened when I did, more lives would have been lost. Besides, I didn't think it would end like... that."
Sanemi sighs, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "Just...dammit, try and be more careful next time," he mutters. "Rengoku’s spot is still vacant, we can’t afford to lose another Pillar."
You smile faintly as you nod, appreciating the unspoken concern behind his words. "Yeah… I know."
"It's safer to go on missions in pairs right now. Those fuckers are getting stronger by the day, and we’ve lost too many promising swordsmen because they were out there alone trying to prove something."
As the room falls into a more comfortable silence, you notice Genya glancing nervously at his brother. He's been dead silent this whole time, not wanting to bother or interrupt. Sanemi’s eyes flicker towards him, a rare softness in his gaze — though it is short-lived.
He rolls his eyes and lets out an annoyed tut before reaching out to briefly ruffle his brother’s hair, calloused hand tousling the mohawk as he turns to leave. You don't miss the soft, almost shy smile that stretches across Genya’s lips, or the way his eyes shine a bit brighter.
Sanemi pauses at the doorway, casting a final look back at the two of you.
"I can't always be around to make sure you two idiots don’t get into more trouble," he mutters, though his tone carries an obvious hint of affection beneath the gruffness. "Watch each other’s backs, and for the love of God don’t do anything reckless." he turns to you. "You, focus on getting better. We’ll handle things until you’re back on your feet."
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tags: @alexthecutiepie @oooonie @xcalkenf @lora80808
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killerpancakeburger · 6 months
Soap giving you a massage...
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TAGS: Soap x GN! Reader, Fluff, a bit suggestive, Civilian! Reader, Anxious! Reader, mention of chronic pain.
A/N: Trying out a new format! But with a bit of a story in the middle lol.
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Soap who notice you tend to roll your shoulders, stretch your neck, and pinch the muscles there at the end of the workday. You explain that, being an anxious kind of person and working at a desk, you end up with neck, shoulders and back pains on a daily basis, despite correcting your position and stretching regularly. Massages are the best remedy but they don't exactly come cheap, and trying to do them to yourself just isn’t the same.
Soap who look up massage videos and ask some tips to the military physiotherapists provided by the army.
Soap who tries to practice on his teammates of the Task Force. Price being the most sore out of them, he agrees quickly. Gaz does too after some begging. Ghost resists until he learns it's for your own benefit, only then he relents.
Soap who show up five minutes before the end of your shift to be sure to catch you, taking in your grimace of pain as you stretch out. 
Soap who enters your office casually and asks how your day's been going with a bright grin, hardly containing his enthusiasm at the idea of surprising you with his “gift”.
Soap who take advantage of the fact that after greeting him, your eyes return to your computer screen while you're turning it off, and easily sneak behind you.
“Ya sore?”
“Same as usual,” you shrug.
“How ‘bout this?” he questions, putting his hands on your shoulders and pressing his thumbs in your trapezius muscles in a circling motion.
You tense at first. The contact is not unwelcome per se, but it is unexpected, so you can’t help but stiffen.
“Johnny, what are you doing?”
“Helping,” he pouts. “Does it not feel good?”
You stay silent, focusing on the contact.
His hands are deliciously warm; his fingers are gentle, yet firm enough to really be felt. His touch is stronger than yours, but it's a good thing. Pulling, pushing, pressing, kneading skin and muscles.
Common sense would dictate you put an end to this compromising situation right now, but the treatment feels too good to stop. 
Concentrating on the dance of his fingers and the relief they bring to your aching muscles makes it hard not to give in; to close your eyes and forget about what isn’t his hands on your skin.
You come back to reality when he calls out your name. You hum in response.
He chuckles at your reaction.
A carefree, warm kind of sound, distinctively Soap in nature, that you were always fond of; but when echoed so close to your ear, it sends a shiver of pleasure down your spine, a twist in your stomach, a throbbing between your legs.
“Take it ye like it then?”
His tone is pleased, playful.
Your face bursts into flames as you realize his proximity; eager fingers digging into your skin, clever mouth a breath away from your ear, his sultry voice caressing you everywhere at once, baryton smooth like silk. It is a small mercy that he's standing behind your back, sparing you from his piercing blue eyes; a mercy that he can’t see how flustered he made you.
“Gimme some reviews. Don't hold back, Ah can take it.”
You bite your lower lip at that sentence, I can take it, holding back from asking what else he can take from you, as a taunt.
“It's great. You’re doing great,” you reply flatly, trying to sound unaffected. 
“That's it? I know ye have a better way with words.”
Teasing and feigned sulkiness interlace in his comment.
Soap who cheekly mentions that he purchased a massage oil, but if you prefer to keep your clothes on, it's fine.
Soap who respects your boundaries, kneading the sore spot in your lower back without going one centimeter lower.
Soap who hardly contains his comments but enjoys silently how malleable you are in his hands, how your eyes are closed under his ministrations like a cat, the way you hum in pleasure every now and then.
Soap who suggests you take a nap in his bed before heading home after seeing how blissed out and groggy you are after he's done with you.
Soap who's been pining after you for a while and, after all the touching, all the noises you made, and the kiss on the cheek you gave him as thank you when he wasn’t awaiting it, needs to excuse himself to the bathroom to take care of the problem in his pants.
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doromoni · 10 months
A Rivalry Misunderstood | LN4
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Ships : Lando Norris x McLaren Driver! Reader
Genre : Angst , Romance
Warning : Toxic! Lando , Possessive! Lando
Summary : You’re the new Golden Rookie of McLaren F1 , a driver loved and accepted by everyone. But Lando may beg to differ.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Quickly passing by every motorhome as you joyfully skip through the paddock , signing merchandise and taking photos with the fans. The Sprint race had just finished — with you getting your first Formula 1 win as a rookie! Well technically, but you were happy either way. Congratulations and pats on the back were constant from your team and even competitors as you made your way towards your own motorhome.
Life as a rookie in formula 1 had its ups and downs , majority of the people around have been supportive. However, oddly enough, you expected the least person to be against you would be your teammate … yet, here we are. You never understood Lando’s dislike towards you , it was so out of the blue and you could not think of anything you could have done to earn his mistrust.
You were always on your best behavior, and you always made an effort to be friendly towards your senior driver. You always made sure that you were cautious and that you didn’t step on any toes.
Busy with your thoughts, you reached your motorhome. So here you are, walking towards your designated driver room. Nearing the hallway of your destination.Head filled with thoughts but at the same time empty, not noticing the built figure as you turned the corner. Both bodies weren't aware of the other person, bumping into each other with a thump.
The person was heavy for sure, a built composed of lean and hard muscles. How would you know? He was currently lying on top of you. You were pressed by his chest, while he was on top of you. Yup … definitely muscled, you can feel it through your fireproofs
" Urghh, watch where you're going " you groaned in pain. Suddenly , you were face to face with the your teammate, Lando Norris.
His face was painted with an expression you cannot understand ... His toned arms were beside your head, trapping you between him and the floor . You stared at your co-driver, his hazelnut brown wavy hair, dark emerald eyes as green as the amazon forest, and a jawline that could rival a sword.
Unconsciously, your hand trailed the bridge of his nose to the soft and plump lower lip that the man possessed.
" What the hell are you doing" Stopping yourself from examining him more, and finally connected the dots. You were pressed on the floor by Lando Norris! The person who hated you and wanted you gone.
Almost automatically, you put your hands on his chest — an effort to push him . But alas, your efforts were null, when he suddenly pinned your hands above your head.
Struggling from his iron grip, and sighing into submission and decided to use your brain rather than brawn. Since trying to force yourself out would do you no good, knowing that he was much stronger than you were.
Having enough of his attitude and his harsh treatment , you realized being nice was never going to work— and that you don’t actually care about what he thought of you. And for the first time with him , you set your foot down and served him the attitude that he served you all the time that you were his teammate.
"I think your male bravado is content now, right? having a girl defenseless and restricted. I suggest letting me go now " you felt his hold on your wrist grow even tighter.
Steeling your front , you stared back into his glare, challenging his piercing glare.
"Why? Do you have somewhere to go? Have more people to suck up to? Don't you think that's low ,even for you?" A dangerous glint in his eyes. And an animosity in his voice that you couldn't decipher. He drew his face closer to yours, you felt his breath on your cheeks , an inch more his lips would touch yours.
Suddenly finding the situation amusing, a chuckle slipped your lips. Your chuckling then turned into laughter, and this stunned Lando, as he stared at your face, still sharing the same breath.
He can’t beat you on track, so he now uses other tactics to up you. Funny.
"Funny, such accusation are done by you , don't you think? Oh that's right its because the team actually prefers me now over you. Now that I’ve actually given them a win... hmm or maybe we all should be like you and bow and cower when max’s car shows in the mirror? “
Of course that wasn’t true, you just wanted to aggravate the English driver more. Once again, you tried prying your hands off his grip.
"Shut the fuck up . You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. " Lando bit back with so much animosity. You were definitely scared now .
Realizing that you are in the middle of a hall way and is still beneath Lando, you once again struggled to push him off.
" You know what, let go of me! I need to go to the debriefing for Pete's sake" You started squiggling trying to move away from under him, when an deep growl vibrated through your ear, causing shivers down your spine and goosebumps littering the nape of your neck.
"Don't.Move" Hearing him swallow and steady his breath, you smirked as you lay still below him and glared into his eyes challenging him further
Lando finally lets go of you as he stood up. Scrambling to your feet and dusting yourself off ; adjusting your driver suit and fixing your hair. You the felt his stare on you.
"What? The hell are you staring at?" With a scowl, you folded your arms and returned his stare with a glare.
"You changed your fireproofs" You looked down at your clothes . Your race suit was half open and your fireproofs were showing.
"What? Even my uniform you've got issues with? Should I also have my uniform exactly like yours instead? " you asked with a sneer as you patted the crease on your pants
"Stop trying to be different from everyone on the team! Fucking mooching on every mechanic . Know. your. fucking. place “ The British driver said scathingly.
Suddenly pissed, you decided to provoke Lando even further. Having enough of his bullshit. You drew your body near his , going on your tippy toes and placing a delicate hand on his chest, slowly dragging your fingernails to draw patterns on his fireproofs, feeling him tense under my touch. Fuck it! You were already a slut in his eyes anyway.
Slowly moving your lips to his jaw then towards his ear and whispered
"Does that make you angry, hmm, Lando? little ol me taking your precious spotlight? People adoring me instead of you. “ You tutted , making sure your voice held rotting sweetness
“All eyes on me. Does that make your blood boil? You getting nothing while I have everything, Lando?" Adding emphasis on his name, you gently moved your hand towards his hair and pulled.
Feeling Lando freeze and grow rigid from your touch you chuckled, you were about to move away, when you felt a hand wrap around your waist and suddenly pinning you against the wall with force.
" Don't fucking test me princess. Your playing a dangerous game. No one will look at you, I'll make sure of that.... Don’t prance around trying to win everyone to your side, you’re only mine to look at “ His lips ghosting the shell of your earlobe as he pulled you into his embrace even tighter.
Your breath hitched when you felt his teeth nip your ear. His lips traveled down your jaw to your neck, harshly biting the skin he traveled. He licked the junction of your neck and your shoulder, sucking and lapping his tongue over the bite. He let out a moan while you whimpered.
" Baby? I Never knew you could taste this good" Speechless , you stared at him as he licked his lips, your mind trying to gather any thought it could process.
"Win all the races you want, I don’t care. But don’t fucking flirt with anyone … and I don’t care if he’s your engineer. " With a kiss on the cheek and a squeeze on your waist , Lando was gone
You stood shocked, heart pounding, in the deserted hallway,trying to piece everything that just happened.
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