makuzume · 4 months
Toge Accidentally Uses His Cursed Speech on You (Part 1 & 2; SMAU + FIC)
🔅Content: angst; injury; s2 spoilers; gn! reader; implied relationship; mentions of death (civilians); slight cursing; Shibuya trauma
🔅Synopsis: After the events of the Shibuya Incident, you haven't heard from Toge ever since. You decided to go to him but the both of you get into an arguement and out of frustration... he spoke.
🔅a/n: for the sake of convenience, Part 1 and Part 2 has been merged together to make it easier to navigate.
[JJK Masterlist] [Part 3]
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🔅PART 1🔅
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🔅PART 2🔅
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🔅Word Count: 3.3K
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You jumped off of the stone wall, attempting to gently land over some of bushes, trying your best to make the shock mostly be absorbed by your healed leg. However, the pouring rain caused the soil beneathe you to turn into wet mud, making you lose your balance and immediately slip upon landing.
"Argh..." You slightly winced, hurt as your whole body fell further into the ground, failing to protect your broken leg from receiving zero pain.
'I deserved that' you thought to yourself. Afterall, there was no one else to blame this accident on other than you.
You, who came here on your own accord, jumping over a wall no one told you to, who else would have been responsible? 'Maybe Toge, if only he had sent just one text message explaining himself', you thought to yourself in your defense, mentally rolling your eyes in frustration. But still, you honestly can't bring yourself to blame him, afterall, you figured he's been going through so much right now.
Fortunately, despite your late arrival in the night, Toge happened to be awake at this hour and had heard the ruckus you were making.
From the window, he saw your failed attempt at a perfect landing, and without a second thought, he quickly stood up and put on his robe, immediately hurrying to tie the knot closed, rushing to get himself covered before coming outside to help you.
Instinctively, he went to reach for both strings of the robe on each side, but it was only when he couldn't feel the soft, towel-like strips of one of fabrics on the left side did a sudden realization hit him:
His arm. He only had one arm now.
It was another instance for him to be reminded that he had lost a part of his body: a horrible mark of the events in Shibuya, a memory of all the lives he wasn't able to save, a reminder of all the friends he had failed to protect....
A sickening darkness grew at the pit of his stomach once more as he recalled all those horrible memories.... it was the same awful feeling he'd been experiencing these past few days while he was all alone, trapped in his room, and never even having a second's worth of peace.
Shaking his head, he pushed away those thoughts for the time being and just let the robe loosly hang over him, his only remaining arm going inside one of the sleeves.
Toge was still not used to how to maneauver his body right now, so much so that he still has to even remind himself from time to time about the new state of his physical appearance.
He hurried out of his room and into the garden, little splashes from the puddles staining his legs on the way. When he reached you, you open your eyes, taking your attention off of the pain you felt in your leg to find Toge hovering over you.
Surprised you were when you first laid eyes on him. He was wearing his robe open to you, allowing it to show all the dark bruises, scars, and thick bandages covering his bare upper torso. It was a painful sight to see, causing you to frown slightly.
Other than the appearance of his physical condition- he looked awful, emotionally. The bags under his eyes becoming evidence for his lack of sleep while his pupils showed a loss of light in them. His expression was exhausted, and his aura was different- not like the usual playful and relaxed Toge you once knew.
Seeing him as he stood in front of you now.... it felt like he was a different person, and you were taken aback for a moment because of it.
"...Mustard leaf?" His voice was dry and his tone was low- more empty of life.... but he still somehow manage to speak with just a bit of genuine concern as his eyebrows expressed slight hints of sadness and worry.
His form slowly crouched down, mildly struggling to bend himself from all the injuries he had on his side. Regardless lf the pain, he did it anyway in order to help you.
Using his only arm and his body as a support for you, he helped you stand up. You were able to feel him struggle slightly, Toge's body slightly more unsteady and frail as the both of you walked- His breath quietly quivering with each step, and he would take a sharp inhale of air every time you leaned just a little too much on him as he helped carry you over to the nearest gazeebo.
You felt bad for making him lift you... for making him become drenched along with you.
Regardless, even if you refused, no way would Toge leave you alone in the rain, all sad and pitiful. And you knew that. Because that's just the kind of person he was.
Despite the fact that he had been ignoring you for days, his actions now had served as a reminder that he did in fact still cared about you, you took note.
Yes, there had been a bit of akward tension with the current situation the both of you were in, but he would never even dare of becoming so uncaring and hurt your feelings to do anything like that
Toge was trying to carefully set your body down on one of the benches, mildly challenged as he did so while keeping his gaze low.
Perhaps he was embarassed that he's not used to maneuvering around with a missing arm just yet, or he's embarassed at the fact you came all this way and somehow endded up getting hurt just because he never replied to you.
You felt small stinging sensations underneathe your cast as you were as you gently settle on your seat, slighthly gripping your fist to hold back the pain you felt in your right leg.
You spoke up, a bit embarassed "... sorry... for making you come out like this..." A quiet moment passed before he responded by shaking his head gently, lightly waving off his hand as he gestured a polite 'don't mind it'.
It was silent, only the sounds emitting any noise being the rain hitting the soil and the droplets trippling against the roof above you.
"Salmon roe." Softly, he spoke, and you slowly drove your gaze towards him, his eyes looking at you rather seriously. With slow movements, he gently gestured towards the house, then towards the garage, then at you. Your eyes furrow at the action, understanding what he wanted to comunicate despite lacking the use of words.
"...No, I don't want to be taken back to the school after a shower." You said quietly, a slightly stubborn attitude taking over as you look away in disagreement. But this wasn't a good time to argue. He absolutely wasn't in the mood to bicker and wanted to get away from anything and everything stressful adding to his plate.
He gestured again to the house, then at the garage but a bit more sternly, to which you reply a cold hard refusal.
"...No." in an equally stern attitude, you stated, a slight glimpse of sorrow seeping through your voice as you look down "....I'm not going."
Toge showed hints of frustration, his expression a bit more irritated but also trying his best to retain his composure towards you, but his emotions were beginning to get the best of him once more.
It wasn't like Toge at all: Toge who was always so patient and calm... what exactly changed him since Shibuya? One can't help but wonder what were all the things a person had seen to make him act so different.
"Toge. Look at you. You were already gone for DAYS and not talking to ANYBODY" You gestured towards his body then at his face worriedly "You're thinner and lost the hope you had in your eyes... what happened to you..? What did you see...?" You spoke with worry. "it's scary to think what else you're going through while you coop yourself up in that room by yourself...."
He remained quiet, understanding where you're coming from.
It did make him feel a bit bad, suddenly leaving everyone to find out for themselves what was happening to him. But he figured that everyone was probably having their own mental breakdowns during this time as well, so maybe they need some time to process it too-... or that's what he wanted to believe the case to be.
In truth, he just wanted to rot and suffocate in his own suffering alone.
You were his best possible source of comfort, and he never even given himself the choice to be consoled by you. In fact, you were the last person he wanted to be with right now.
He didn't deserve your affectionate gazes, your gentle touches, your soft voice, your reassuring words... he knew you would be the gateway to end his suffering... but that's the thing, he refused this comfort willingly, he doesn't want this depressing feeling to end.
Toge let himself sulk in his own misery, torturing himself. All because he believes he deserves it.
"Toge, I know it's just horrible, everything. It's absolute bullshit.. But I hope staying quiet here for days had given you the time you needed to be by yourself.... staying alone in your room any longer might do more damage to you than you think."
You were right, he thought. But it didn't matter to him.
He wanted to drown in suffering, drown in guilt, hoping one day he may never wake up from it.
But that would mean escaping his own sins- so he always found himself needing to take back what he said mentally, remembering to endure the twisted thoughts seeping into his mind because he doesn't believe he shouldn't take the easy way out.
"Toge... I saw their bodies too... some of them, at least... When they took some of them back to the hospital... Our friends..." your voice spoke weakly, almost as if it was about to break as you lightly tremble.
You weren't there when it happened, and you felt bad about it. The most you could've done was helping in treating the survivors with your amateur use of Reversed Curse Technique while listening to their horrific experiences.
"... I can't unsee it... though... it made me think about you... I can't ever imagine what it must've been like for you in there." With a shakey breath, you whispered, trying to even comprehend the scenes he must've witness or the weight of responsibility Toge must be pinning on himself.
Suddenly, a wave of flashing images enter Toge's mind as if a slideshow started playing. The memories were accompanied by the same sinking and gut wretching feeling he had during that night, the same feeling he thought he was able to surpress well enough these past few days for it to never re-emerge again.
But he was wrong.
You lifted your head towards him, a knowing look and spoke with s worried tone. "Toge... whatever happened to the civilians in Shibuya was not your fault."
Your sudden choice of words had taken him aback.
'You heard what happened?' He first thought to himself, but then an immediate tightness was present in his chest and his breath had suddenly seemed to have gotten caught in his throat.
'That's wrong.'
'It was my fault.'
'I led them there.'
'All the civilian's deaths were because I led them there. All of them.'
He didn't want you to know, he prayed you wouldn't find out.
There was so much shame that he felt whenever he would remember that he was the cause for leading so many people to their deaths.
He felt so much shame that he couldn't even dare face you, which was another reason why he'd been pushing you away for days on end.
"...I can't imagine what you must've felt, but I know it was horrible." You said, speaking with such a pained and concerned voice.
You understood how this might've made Toge feel, and you knew he would be blaming himself for all the unpredictable deaths of those innocent lives that were caught up in Sukuna's attack... which is why you made the effort to be there for him.
His voice hitched quietly, his mind whispering for you to stop. His breathing got heavier as if the air suddenly thickened; His jaw lightly trembling as he remembered.
Everything else around him becoming mere background noise to him, his awareness to his surrounding fading. He couldn't think straight.
You noticed his sudden shift in behavior, his previous stoic and serious demeanor disappearing. His body was tensed and his expression afraid, terrified even.
It was barely audible, and all you could hear was a low and shakey grunt.
"What...?" Was all you could reply, unable to hear his quiet whispers.
Once more, he silently whispered.
Concerned, you slowly began reaching for him, ever so gently touching his arm with the tips of your fingers to ease him, to ease his nerves, however, it only did quite the opposite.
At the moment, he only felt your touch, every other one of his senses drowning into nothigness. The moment your hand lightly glazed the skin of his arm, the memories suddenly flooded his mind. The deaths of civillians, his murdered allies, the transfigurations, the sorcerers getting killed... It was all too much for him. Too much.
Overwhelmed, he did the unthinkable. Suddenly...
He spoke.
"..GET AWAY FROM ME" Toge yelled, quickly retracting his arm away from you by instinct.
With that being said, the curse fulfilled the command.
The next thing you knew, you felt yourself harshly sent flying from one end to the other, across the entire backyard of the clan's abode.
It didn't feel like it was just a gust of wind like you had imagined, no. It felt like suddenly being struck by a train at high speed or hitting the concrete after falling from a building the second the curse was activated.
Toge's eyes widened and immediately snapped towards your direction when he heard the sound of your voice screaming as you were thrown.
It didn't help that your instincts came at the worst possible time. In a pitiful attempt to lessen the impact of the fall, you allowed your body to make use of its training, instinctively posing the way you were always taught to land in while sparring with Maki and the others.
Though this time, you forgot to take into consideration the handicap you had at the moment, and unfortunately for you, your feet would need to be the first to hit the ground with the stance you thought could protect your body best.
It was a big mistake- The fall absorbed all the shock which injected itself onto your already broken leg.
You released a scream, but you still couldn't stop the landing just yet. As the force of the throw continued to push you forward, you end up rolling for a few more meters before abruptly hitting the stone wall on the other side of the yard. Your senses numbed for a moment and your vision blurred; Your mind was disoriented, but your heart was crushed.
It was fucked, your leg, that's what you were sure of. Not even your level of healing could save this one, bitterly you thought as you tried your best to use your reverse cursed technique to at least lessen the pain.
Shock overwhelmed Toge- it would've had him frozen in place but his insticts made him disregard all his negative thoughts and sprint towards you faster than he had the time to even register what had just happened.
Once he reached you, he quickly crouched down, not caring about the pain he felt as he did so, observing your current state, his mind clouded with shame.
He hated himself. Every fiber of his being hated himself for hurting you. He felt disgusted over his cursed speech for ever doing this to someone as kind, understanding, and loving as you.
Everything Toge had ever feared to do... ever since he was young....
He let this happen again... to someone he loved.
For a moment, Toge was a bit relieved to see you still able to move... but the overpowering amount of guilt still filled him to the core.
He wanted to call out your name, but stopped himself for a second as he took the time to think if it was a 'safe word' to say that wouldn't activate his curse again. Afterall, he's already done so much damage of using it just once on you.
"Y-.... y/...n...." anxiously and hoarsly he spoke, his voice low, unsure on how to approach the situation.
With his hand reaching out to you, hesitantly he spoke again "...y/n."
Very slightly, your body gently back away from his reach, a sign he immediately took to back away from you: You didn't want him to get near you. Were you scared of him? Did you hate him? Had he broken your trust?
As your mind began to defog, you sat up slowly, bit by bit regaining more of your vision again. The pain was slowly seeping in more to your broken leg as you gripped the upper part of your cast, grinding your teeth, and silently trembling. Toge could only watch in horror as he takes a few seconds to reflect on his own actions.
You were quiet. Extremely quiet. He hated it. Why aren't you yelling at him? Cursing at him? What were you thinking? How hurt are you...? The only sound being the drops of rain that were hitting the ground as you looked down with a look of disappointment visible in your expression, slowly regaining your composure.
With a heavy sigh to calm your uneven breath, you spoke "... I know you're hurting... I am too... but the last person I thought that could ever hurt me.... was you." You spoke quietly and slowly, your head low and your voice dejected, still gripping on your leg as your breath further turned uneven.
"y/n.... I..." He immediately paused again, stopping himself from even risking the accidental use of his speech again. He hurriedly tried to take his phone, rummaging through his pants as his hand trembled, but before he could even begin typing what he wanted to say to you, you weakly raised your hand, stopping him.
"I shouldn't have pushed you." You looked at him as your eyes had small pools of droplets resting at the lids of your eyes- droplets he knew were not because of the rain. Your caring, gentle, and soft gaze beginning to fade, just like how he felt your trust in him starting to disipitate
You made a few attempts to stand up slowly, failing miserably each time as Toge had his hand hover over you, wanting to assist you but respecting the boundaries you had just put up.
It still hurt though, pretty bad. But honestly what hurt most was not the fact you were thrown across an entire backyard, but because Toge had used his curse on you.
Falling onto the ground again after another failed attempt at standing up, he reached for you, but pulled back the last second- afraid to hurt or even scare you.
A second of panic passed before he gestured towards the house and signals you to wait.
He hurriedly ran inside to call someone else to assist you. It took only less than a minute for him to find someone before he hurriedly ran back into the garden, and once outside, he immediately looked over to where he last left you- only to find no one.
You were gone.
Confused and panicked, he immediately began searching the area, calling your name while his body was numbing the pain he was having from all the movements he was making right now.
"y/n..." He called out to you, his tone sounding slightly beggining to sound desperate "y/n...!" With a little more volume, Toge yelled.
He wanted to talk to you, help you, at least aid you and get you dressed before having car send you home if you didn't want to see him right now.
In the streets, he looked left and right for any clues that you might've left as he was mentally cursing himself for letting you leave the place in such a state.
He curses himself under his breath. Oh how he wished that he could have been actually affected by it, for he deserved it.
Immediately, he brought out his phone, opened your contact, and quickly stared tapping on the keyboard.
waiy pls
come back
i didnt meanm it
promisr to god i dindtt mean what ibsaid
i didnt menan to spoeak
i didnt mean to say sanythjng to you
im sorry
im so sorry
it was my failt im so sorry come back
im sorry i hurt you
if u dont want tk talk to me plesase let me get someone to take you home ols
im so sorry.
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[Part 3] [Back to JJK Masterlist]
Credits to @makuzume on Tumblr || Do not steal, translate, modify, reupload my works on any platform.
554 notes · View notes
rorynni · 6 months
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toge’s reaction to yuuji thinking his technique is cool is so cute
17K notes · View notes
cckaisen · 6 months
୨ৎ˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 jealous much ?!
req ! making the jjk men jealous jus because.
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ಇ. summary. fem!reader, hints at yandere!yuta since i can’t resist him☺️💗💗
ಇ. including. gojo, nanami, toji, yuji, megumi, yuta, toge, sukuna.
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11K notes · View notes
inkmooon · 7 months
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Gojo + Yuuta + Inumaki
11K notes · View notes
pacchipa · 7 months
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( Yuuta x Toge )
10K notes · View notes
sqtorux · 2 months
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ˋ°•*⁀➷ · the first "i love you"
⤿ (early relationship) where you say 'i love you' for the first time on call but hang up on them right after lol
♥︎ incl: gojo, geto, nanami, choso, toji, sukuna, yuji, megumi, yuta and toge.
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5K notes · View notes
gojosprettyprincess · 8 months
Thinking about...
Big strong submissive men who manhandles you effortlessly and pounds you so rough and mercilessly because they think they can't fuck you good enough so they end up going overboard with it, picking you up from the bed with big strong arms and placing you right on their cock while gripping onto the fat of your ass, rutting his hips up into you fast and recklessly while whimpering and breathing heavily beneath you. His fat cock stretching your tight pussy walls around him as he's stabbing every inch of his cock deeper and deeper inside of your tight little cunny.
"Ngh- uhh fuckk mommy a-am I doing a good job??, am I making you fe-feel good??" he cries out, voice cracking as he's whimpering below you, not knowing that your pretty much fucked too dumb and good to even give him a response. But aww it's not his fault, he just wants to make his mommy feel good and praise him, that's all :(((.
Yuuta, Armin, Toge, Choso, Zenitsu, Yuuji, Kirishima, Kenaki, Izuku
10K notes · View notes
makuzume · 2 months
Toge Accidentally Uses His Cursed Speech on You (Part 3)
🔅content: gn!reader; angstyish flavor; Toge's POV
🔅synopsis: After your sudden disappearance, Toge had been worried sick for days and searched everywhere for you. He meets up with Panda in hopes of getting some answers.
🔅a/n: My most requested post is here. Part 4 is practically done and will come out soon, felt like there wasn't enough juice for y'all in part 3 so pls accept it as my apology (P.S. lemme know who wants to be tagged)
[JJK Masterlist] [Part 1 & 2] [Part 4]
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🔅Word Count: 2k
"y/n is not here." Panda said as he looked at the ground in front of him, reluctant to meet his eyes.
The darkness from the evening sky made it a bit harder to view the expression Panda had on his face right now, however even from just the voice alone, Toge could vividly hear a tone of disappointment mixed in his words.
"Tuna mayo." Toge said, his voice beggining to beg as his eyebrows furrowed, matching the current tone of his desperation.
Panda could only sigh as he heard his pleading, slowly raising his head to look at his friend. He shook his head lightly. "Look, I'm not hiding y/n from you. You can even check the entire school and you wouldn't be able to find anything..." He said as his paws gestured around the school plaza, the school buildings, and the small garden where they were currently at right now.
"But you already did that yesterday, ...remember?"
Even if Panda truly were lying about your whereabouts, Toge wouldn't be even able to blame him for doing so.
From just the way Panda was acting right now and just the day before, he seemed more disappointed rather than glad to meet Toge, even if it had been the first time they've seen each other since the Shibuya Incident.
It appeared like Panda was already well aware of what had happened to you by the time the two friends reunited, and this only made Toge feel more ashamed to face him right now.
Even if Panda and Toge were much closer, Panda still did not hesitate to take your side regarding the accident.
Toge slumps his only arm to his side, a defeated expression appearing on his face as he failed, once again, in finding out where you had gone.
It's been about two days since you left the Inumaki Clan's residence... two days since he had unintentionally used his damn speech on you.
He lowered his head in shame. Worry, sadness, and guilt filled his mind, and as well as concern about your current condition.
After multiple calls and texts from him, you still gave him no form of response- no message, no voice mail, no anything. Even asking around the school also didn't bear any fruit.
Your presence had completely vanished, and now, he can't even find a trace of you anywhere.
He would've gave you some space, backing off so that you can have some peace without getting bothered by his presence...
but when he tried to ask for an update about your injuries from the others, everyone said that they haven't seen you ever since.
'y/n.... is not in school?'
'Then where the hell did you get treatment?'
'Did you even get any treatment at all??'
These thoughts caused him be to fall into of a spiral of constant worry.
He checked everywhere: inside the school, your family home in the city, your favorite places, the hospital, motels, your friends' places... everywhere. But you were in none of them, to his displeasure.
It made him overwhelmingly worried that the injurjes you're suffering right now must've been extremely painful. The injury that you already had on your leg on top of the injury he had caused you.
How are you? Are you safe? Are you still in pain? Do you need any assistance? Is someone taking care of you?
It made him think that you might be somewhere out there, alone, dealing with all the pain on your own.
He believes that you must hate him so much right now, fearful of him even, to be hiding so well like this. But it's not like this had been the first time it's happened: accidentally hurting someone dear to him.
He's had a bit of history in the past before: unintentionally using his curse on others when he was much younger.
So despite the frustration he strongly felt at the moment, he understood why you've been trying your best to avoid him. He understood how much this must've made you afraid of him, just like how the people he's hurt before becoming afraid of the power of his own speech.
They felt scared of even getting near him, in risk of getting hurt, and there were times that others even referred to him as a freak or a monster.
As much as this idea haunts him: the idea that you would grow to see him the way those people did, his priorities were still centered around your well being. In the end, he only worried more for you rather than being forgiven right now, because that's what should matter most at the moment.
He believes that he deserved to worry, to panic, to drown in guilt, to tire himself out looking all over the place for you. Afterall, he hurt you more than just physically.
He wouln't forgive himself either, so running around clueless with only shame and worry was rather a well deserved punishment he was willingly accepting.
Afterall, he left disappeared without saying a word, pushed everyone away, acted cold, used his curse on you when you were just worried about him- All because he was too ashmed to face anyone for failing to save those civilians.
His mind suddenly clouds again. His vision turned a bit misty from the moist beggining to form in his eyes from remembering the events in Shibuya.
The weakly lit lamp post above them flickered slightly. It was quiet, but it was enough to snap him out of his thoughts, causing him to bring back his senses to reality.
'No. Not now...'
'I need to find y/n.'
Toge reminds himself, shaking his head out of the dark thoughts that were threatening to haunt him once more.
Seeing him sulk with such a gloomy aura, Panda couldn't help but soften slightly. His attempt in having a strict appearance began to weaken.
His shoulders relaxed as he looked at Toge, exhaling out a slow and deep breath.
"...I... can't stand seeing you all depressed like this..." Panda spoke softly, his supposed 'cold' facade breaking its walls upon seeing his best friend's current expression.
Toge looks up at him, curious on his sudden shift in his demeanor.
"...I was with y/n when it happened... I saw... you use your speech." Panda started off slowly before he continued, his eyes turning to the ground. "After you left the yard to get some help, I came out from the bush I was hiding and took away y/n from the area..."
It surprised him. Toge hadn't even considered the fact that someone else was able to help you retreat when the accident happened.
But more importanly, his attention focused on the fact that he was somewhat relieved that someone else was able to help you at least- that you haven't been alone this whole time.
He continued to pay attention to Panda's story, eager to hear more about what had happened to you, and how you are doing right now.
"... We first went to where Shoko was so we could heal y/n's injuries... they were pretty bad.. but at least it got rid of a lot of the pain..."
Toge frowns for a moment, still, he continued to listen.
Panda pauses slightly, seeming to hesitate on how much he has already confessed- but the determined stare Toge had only made his resolve even weaker, unable to resist telling the whole truth from his worried friend. He sighs again in defeat.
"... I didn't know where to go after coming from Shoko... and y/n refused to go to any place I suggestied because... well... y/n didn't want to be found by you... at that time at least..." Panda said a little hesitant, understanding the statement could potentially hurt Toge.
And he was right.
Damn. It was painful to hear: being dispised so much that you'd want to avoid him so bad.
Although Toge knew this might have been the core reason for you going into hiding, it still hurts hearing it. Having it confirmed left a bit of a stinging sensation in his chest.
He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath to collect his thoughts calmly, and speaks with a serious and sound tone. "...Mustard leaf."
Panda, having understood that, responds shamefully "...We called Yuta... and told him everything... y/n made Yuta promise to not say anything... and since Yuta was away for a while, we figured you wouldn't check his home in the city...."
'Yuta's home..?'
Panda was right that he didn't even think about checking there. He was relieved though. Hurt, but relieved.
'At least you were staying somewhere comfortable.'
"y/n's okay... the injuries were still pretty bad... but it's nothing painful..." Toge nods as he looks into the distance, trying to recall the home address Yuta had once mentioned to him in the past, already forming plans to come see you.
"...Please don't tell y/n." Panda hangs his arms pitifully on his sides, head facing the ground with a frown as he spoke with a defeated tone, ashamed for admitting everything.
After taking everything in, Toge's mind becomes much calmer knowing that you were at least in good hands. Still, it pains him knowing that he was still the cause of all this.
For a moment, it was quiet, the only sound present being the occassional flickering of the light bulb breaking the silence.
Toge said with a gentle tone, offering his thanks. "...Salmon."
Panda looks up slightly, his expression still a bit guilty for admitting everything, predicting thaf this will cause him some trouble with you in the near future.
Toge approached him and spread his arm to share an embrace with him, to which Panda gladly returned, knowing that this was Toge's way of subtly apologizing for his previous behavior- for suddenly being distant with him after their last mission together.
"Glad you're alright, fish nerd" Panda hughed him firmly as Toge gripped the soft fur on his arm, then pulling away carefully just moments after.
"By the way...!" Panda exclaims, seeming to have a memory suddenly return to him. "I might be keeping low for a while, so... try not to bother y/n too much while I'm gone."
"...?" Toge tilts his head, looking at him with a mildly confused expression.
"They announced that Mr. Yaga has been sentenced to death for being responsible for what happened with Gojo and Geto in the Shibuya incident... and since I'm his creation...who know what the higher ups might want to do with me too." He shrugged, seeming rather casual about the whole situation.
A slightly concerned expression forms on Toge's face, worried for the fate of his friend.
"...Don't worry, buddy! No need to think about it. I'm not on the target list anyway, I'm just taking extra caution." Panda says with a slightly cheerful tone as he taps his paw on Toge's shoulder.
"...Now.. please take good care of y/n... I know that this might cause us some trouble if you go over there but... y/n is still really worried about you... even though you guys are a bit on bad terms from what you did... So I think it'd be good if the two of you just make up already!"
'y/n is really worried... about me?' Suprised, Toge thinks.
"So just... don't be too pushy, okay..? And don't cause y/n too much trouble. Otherwise I'm going to throw you across your front yard too." With his paws on his hips, Panda playfully scolds.
Toge closed his eyes for a brief moment and nods, mentally preparing himself on the best way to approach you. Suddenly, Panda began to walk towards the back of the school, waving in Toge's direction. His walk then slowly turned into a light jog. "I'll be heading off now. Don't tell anyone we saw each other, it's for your own good too! Good luck buddy!"
Toge couldn't help but subtly smile as he watched Panda slowly disappear in the distance, his form shrinking with each step he further took, and the sound of his paws hitting the ground eventually fading until there was complete silence.
Soon, it was just him and the moon under the clear night sky, surrounded by trees, bushes, and a few patches of flowers in the middle of the school garden.
He looked up into the sky, staring at the stars as if he were asking for guidance from the clouds above.
'What should I say..?'
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[Back to JJK Masterlist] [Part 1 & 2] [Part 4]
a/n: I made part 4 right away bc everyone waited for so long and this might've been not enough satisfying content since it's only Panda and Toge so I offered my soul to demons to gain the energy to make part 4, hopefully did not disappoint
Credits to @makuzume on Tumblr || Do not steal, translate, modify, reupload my works on any platform.
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xxsabitoxx · 9 months
Imagine you’re going down on Toge and he’s writhing and moaning. He so badly wishes he could say the words that come to his mind but thanks to his curse technique, he can’t.
But you’re sucking him off so fucking good that he literally can’t contain the noises he’s making as his fingers dig into the sheets and pull them till they threaten to rip.
Then, by pure accident just as he’s about to come, he utters out “stop” when he really meant to say “don’t stop”
Naturally, thanks to his technique, you stop. Pulling off him completely with wide eyes and an innocent look on your face. Toge is pissed, not at you but at himself because dammit he just edged himself by accident.
I’ve been giggling for the last 15 minutes over this thought.
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megumiangel · 6 days
。⋆☂˚。 'a man can dream'
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synopsis ○ they have a wet dream about you, fem!reader
gojo, nanami, sukuna, toji, geto, itadori, megumi, toge, yuta
warnings: 18+ nsfw content, aged-up characters, MDNI!, swearing
author's note ୨୧ anon request! nervous to post tbh
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leyiorr · 1 month
ᯓᡣ𐭩 hey so i, like, want u or wtvr...
¡! summary: you're their crush and they've accidentally text you instead of their bsf, accidental confessions!
¡! incl: (teen) gojo, (teen) geto, inumaki, choso
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likes + reblogs are appreciated <3
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gumiiiiezzzz · 3 months
* ੈ✩‧₊˚ oops! smau
summary: the 1st and 2nd year boys accidentally confess they like you (fellow student)!!!
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warnings: f!reader, sfw, yuta’s convo is slightly suggestive, fluff/crack!, kys jokes
includes: toge inumaki, megumi fushiguro, yuji itadori, and yuta okkotsu * ੈ✩‧₊˚
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* ੈ✩‧₊˚ my first ever smau post hehe! lmk if you guys liked or have any suggestions :P
* ੈ✩‧₊˚ inumaki being chronically online just… is one of the best jjk fanon tropes of all time ngl
* ੈ✩‧₊˚ submit requests! (if u want)! please! and thank u! 🫡
* ੈ✩‧₊˚ art creds and spilled frustrations ab ai art below line LMAO
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* ੈ✩‧₊˚ link to header art: https://pin.it/mKP2o2S95
* ੈ✩‧₊˚ yuji pfp art: @11101AM on twt; megumi pfp art: FUCKING AI (i’ll change it for next time, im a boomer i GUESS i didnt realize how much of this was ai art im- 😐); toge pfp art: jujutsu kaisen anime heh; yuta pfp art: @zec3x on insta
* ੈ✩‧₊˚ i think the header is also ai generated ugh :/ i could not find the artist ANYWHERE but if anyone knows lmk i will give credit!!!!!
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cckaisen · 5 months
୨ৎ˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 slideshow freak !
req ! the jjk men react to u lookin a little too good in ur most recent insta post.
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ಇ. summary. fem!reader, crack, yandere!yuta implied, jealousy ofc, suggestiveness, MDNI !
ಇ. including. gojo, nanami, geto, yuji, megumi, yuta, toge, toji, sukuna.
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likes n reblogs r appreciated !! 💗
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seoups · 8 months
accidental confessions!
a/n: absolutely loved this request so i decided to do it both ways and the reader accidentally confessing will be in the next post but it may have a few different characters!
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ccoconutmall · 15 days
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⪼ you get a little glance at the jjk guys happy trail.𑁤
ʚɞ pairing: gojo, geto, nanami, megumi, yuji, yuta, and toge.
warning 𐀔: suggestive ノ characters are 18+.
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© property of ccoconutmall ‘24. please do not repost, copy, modify, or translate.
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rorynni · 1 month
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gamer toge has not left my mind all week
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