#low density living
mienar · 6 months
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small town buzz
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fitforestfairy · 6 months
When I find articles like this. I'm pretty pleased to see that this is the way I pretty much regularly eat!
High protein
Low/moderate (complex) carbs
High satiety foods
High fiber
Low caloric density
Mostly whole foods
Lots of cooking at home
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5-htagonist · 7 months
what i dont understand is, why isnt building housing out of homeless encampments, using the existing infrastructure as bones, to create real shelters with utilities, while directly improving both the city and the unhoused people who are staying there, and keeping the community formed there in tact?
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cottoncandyopinions · 9 months
Is it normal for teens and young adults to get genuinely excited to wander around Ikea?
Or is that some boring small town type behavior?
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yarnings · 10 months
So the government's new plan for housing sounds like a superficially good thing that's going to have a lot of problems that will make the existing issues worse.
Huh... it looks like they're flat-out admitting that they're going to make the existing problems worse?
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luncheon-aspic · 1 year
There's probably more people in the mall near my house rn than in the entire village where I'm moving -_-
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"As solar panels heat up beyond 25°C, their efficiency decreases markedly. Green roofs moderate rooftop temperatures. So we wanted to find out: could green roofs help with the problem of heat reducing the output of solar panels?
Our research compared a “biosolar” green roof — one that combines a solar system with a green roof — and a comparable conventional roof with an equivalent solar system. We measured the impacts on biodiversity and solar output, as well as how the plants coped with having panels installed above them.
The green roof supported much more biodiversity, as one might expect. By reducing average maximum temperatures by about 8°C, it increased solar generation by as much as 107% during peak periods. And while some plant species outperformed others, the vegetation flourished.
These results show we don’t have to choose between a green roof or a solar roof: we can combine the two and reap double the rewards...
How did the panels affect the plants?
In the open areas, we observed minimal changes in the vegetation cover over the study period compared to the initial planted community.
Plant growth was fastest and healthiest in the areas immediately around the solar panels. Several species doubled in coverage. We selected fast-growing vegetation for this section to achieve full coverage of the green roof beds as soon as possible.
The vegetation changed the most in the areas directly below and surrounding the solar panels. The Baby Sun Rose, Aptenia cordifolia, emerged as the dominant plant. It occupied most of the space beneath and surrounding the solar panels, despite having been planted in relatively low densities.
This was surprising: it was not expected the plants would prefer the shaded areas under the panels to the open areas. This shows that shading by solar panels will not prevent the growth of full and healthy roof gardens.
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What were the biodiversity impacts?
We used environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys to compare biodiversity on the green roof and conventional roof. Water run-off samples were collected from both roofs and processed on site using portable citizen scientist eDNA sampling equipment to detect traces of DNA shed by the species on the roof.
The eDNA surveys detected a diverse range of species. These included some species (such as algae and fungi) that are not easily detected using other survey methods. The results confirmed the presence of bird species recorded by the cameras but also showed other visiting bird species went undetected by the cameras.
Overall, the green roof supported four times as many species of birds, over seven times as many arthropods such as insects, spiders and millipedes, and twice as many snail and slug species as the conventional roof. There was many times the diversity of microorganisms such as algae and fungi.
Encouragingly, the green roof attracted species unexpected in the city. They included blue-banded bees (Amegilla cingulata) and metallic shield bugs (Scutiphora pedicellata).
How did the green roof alter temperatures?
The green roof reduced surface temperatures by up to 9.63°C for the solar panels and 6.93°C for the roof surfaces. An 8°C reduction in average peak temperature on the green roof would result in substantial heating and cooling energy savings inside the building.
This lowering of temperatures increased the maximum output of the solar panels by 21-107%, depending on the month. Performance modelling indicates an extensive green roof in central Sydney can, on average, produce 4.5% more electricity at any given light level.
These results show we don’t have to choose between a green roof or a solar roof. We can combine them to take advantage of the many benefits of biosolar green roofs.
Biosolar roofs can help get cities to net zero
The next step is to design green roofs and their plantings specifically to enhance biodiversity. Green roofs and other green infrastructure may alter urban wildlife’s activities and could eventually attract non-urban species.
Our green roof also decreased stormwater runoff, removed a range of run-off pollutants and insulated the building from extremes of temperature. A relatively inexpensive system provides all of these services with moderate maintenance and, best of all, zero energy inputs.
Clearly, biosolar green roofs could make major contributions to net-zero cities. And all that’s needed is space that currently has no other use."
-via GoodGoodGood, May 12, 2024
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todaysbird · 4 months
do you have any cool rare corvids
i've tried so hard to answer this question and it just gets deleted every time, Tumblr please let the birds post
NOTE: rarity is subjective. I'm American, so a lot of these birds I've never seen, but that doesn't mean their populations are low or they're hard to find. I took rare to mean infrequently discussed/looked over in this case.
There's 100+ species of beautiful corvids, but hopefully this handful serves as a good sampler :)
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Albino ravens of Vancouver, B.C.; there's a high population density of albino birds here, and birds carrying the genes keep having more albino babies!
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Pied raven, a now-extinct color morph of the Common Raven
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Magpie-jays!!! There's two species, white throated and black throated (this one is black throated), and these guys are total jesters. Masters of silliness. They also live in matriarchal flocks!
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Javan green magpie! there's lots of colorful magpies (greens and blues!!), but I mentioned this fella specifically because they're sadly Critically Endangered at this time.
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PIAPIAC!!! This African species of corvid resembles a lot of crows, but with a smooth, shiny beak & vibrant eyes that can be purple to bright pink!
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Black-collared Jay - a handsome fella, not to be confused with his close relative, the White-collared Jay
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the Unicolored Jay - pretty common in their range in Mexico, but a handsome feller nonetheless
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TUFTED JAY!!! very silly head
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polishmymarble · 2 years
#PolishMyMarble - is a Mosaic and Marble Polishing Company in Kolkata. Our Marble Polishing Service is one of the most popular services that#we use high-quality chemicals that are safe for you and your family#but also effective in removing any imperfections in the marble surface. Polish My Marble - is a Mosaic and Marble Polishing Company in Kolk#we use latest technology#machine and high-quality chemicals that are safe for you and your family#but also effective in removing any imperfections in the marble surface. Marble is a popular and preferred material for tabletops#worktops#fireplace mantles#and flooring. Marble is a low-maintenance stone that adds value to your property beyond its visual appeal. In contrast#marble is porous and somewhat soft#rendering it vulnerable to scratches and discoloration.#The density of polished marble is higher than that of unpolished marble floors or countertops. This is because polishing increases the surf#For many years#polished marble also keeps its brand-new#shining appearance and feel. For the living room#kitchen#and walkways#the sparkling appearance keeps the surface appearing clean all the time#making the purchase profitable. A well-polished marble countertop or floor can last for many years before displaying signs of deterioration#Cleaning a polished marble surface is also rather simple. A dust mop#moist mop#or even an auto scrub neutral cleanser would be enough to clean the surface. Simple maintenance is all that is required to keep the marble'#Marble polishing is commonly used in homes#halls#and hospitals because it repels disease-causing bacteria and pests. A polished marble surface is also quite easy to clean. The surface may#a wet mop#or even an auto scrub neutral cleaner. To maintain the marble's sparkling and lovely feel#simple care is all that is needed.#As a consequence#you'll never have to worry about your kitchen being contaminated by bacteria and fungi or about having to replace the entire floor because
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bestanimal · 15 days
Round 1 - Phylum Onychophora
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(Sources - 1, 2, 3, 4)
Onychophora is a phylum of long, soft-bodied, many-legged animals. They are commonly called Velvet Worms due to their velvety texture, and the human propensity for calling any small animal with a long body a worm. Onychophora is the only animal phylum in which every extant (non-extinct) member is fully terrestrial.
Onychophorans are predators, preying on other invertebrates which they catch by spraying an adhesive, glue-like slime. This slime can also be used to deter predators. They will target slime at the limbs of their prey, and have even been observed targeting the fangs of spiders. The slime is stretchy, with high tensile strength, and forms a net-like structure when sprayed. It takes about 24 days to replenish an exhausted slime repository, so they will eat their dried slime when they can.
Onychophoran legs are called oncopods, lobopods, or “stub feet”. They can have from 13 to as many as 43 pairs of feet, depending on species. Their legs are hollow and have no joints, instead being moved by the hydrostatic pressure of their fluid contents. Each foot has a pair of tiny chitin claws which they use to gain their footing on uneven terrain. They sense the world via a pair of antennae, the numerous papillae covering their bodies, and a pair of simple eyes, though there are some blind species. Their mouth is surrounded by sensitive lips, and their chitin jaws, used for chewing up prey, look similar to their claws. On either side of their mouth are the oral papillae, openings containing their slime glands. Unlike their relatives, the tardigrades and arthropods, they do not have a rigid exoskeleton, restricting them to habitats with high humidity. They are also nocturnal hunters, and shy away from light, leading them to be most active on rainy nights. Onychophorans have two sexes. Females are usually larger than males, and sometimes have more legs. In most species the males will secrete a pheromone from their many “armpits” to attract females. Mating procedures differ between species. Some species are live-bearing, and some are egg-laying. The oldest known fossil Onychophoran, Antennipatus, is known from the Late Carboniferous.
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Propaganda under the cut:
The little orange guy in my avatar is a velvet worm!
Some species can spray their slime up to a foot away, though their accuracy gets worse with distance.
Apparently, velvet worm slime tastes "slightly bitter and at the same time somewhat astringent.” Don’t ask how biologists know that.
It is hard to evaluate all velvet worms due to their nocturnal nature and low population densities, but of the few species that have been evaluated, all are near threatened to critically endangered. Main threats come from habitat loss due to industrialisation, draining of wetlands, and slash-and-burn agriculture. Many species naturally have low population densities and small geographic ranges, so a small disturbance of ecosystem can lead to the extinction of entire species. Populations are also threatened by collection for universities or research institutes.
While most countries offer little to no protection for their velvet worms, Tasmania is unique for having its own velvet worm conservation plan and one region of forest dedicated to preserving the endangered Blind Velvet Worm, Leucopatus anophthalmus (seen in the 3rd image).
Onychophoran’s stub feet allow them to be sneaky ambush predators which hunt only at night. They move slowly and quietly, with their body raised off the ground. They only use their claws when needed for climbing, otherwise they walk softly on the pads of their feet. They are often able to get so close to their prey that they can gently touch them with their antennae to assess their size and nutritional value before the prey is alerted.
Onychophorans have small but complex brains, and are thus capable of sophisticated social interaction. Some species live and hunt in packs, acting in aggression and territoriality towards velvet worms not in their own group. After a kill, the dominant female always feeds first, followed in turn by the other females, then males, then the young. High-ranking individuals will chase and bite subordinates who climb on them, but will allow juveniles to climb on their backs without aggression.
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3liza · 2 months
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sociopathic capitalist urban developers as a class have managed to fool an entire generation of self-identified leftist "YIMBYs" into bulldozing currently-occupied low income housing and functioning green space including the mature, carbon-sequestering, heat-protectant trees everyone is always crying about to build cardboard "luxury" slums for the Seattle ruling class to use as barbie houses and everyone gets mad at me when i suggest disrupting steady occupancy, neighborhood social support networks, and more intangible established occupancy benefits like not having to deal with packing and unpacking etc which takes at least a year for anyone with any level of dysfunction to recover from, might be bad, and that developers are lying to us about specifically the "need" for destructive new building construction, and that planting their shitty non native decorative trees will replace the mature native growth they had to rip up to build it. like what is it specifically about housing barons that makes leftists so happy to abandon the principles of "believe the capitalists when they tell you their goal is to make a profit above all else". you can literally go on reddit, type in 5-over-1, and find developers and people who work with developers going "yeah we use the cheapest possible materials and cut as many corners as we can make appear 'legal' to build these things, because it makes money". look up "low income housing closing", no one ever shows me numbers on how much low income housing is being lost because those aren't the cool numbers of grim, forward-thinking internet leftist stoicism but actual project housing is constantly being shut down and everyone kicked out because it turns out people who have a lot of problems sometimes have those problems visibly in public and this offends the Bainbridge Island parasites.
sorry folks we had to evict 20 poors who had been living in the Sundew Arms garbage apartment block from 1960 with below-market rent in order to build the new and improved condo, which will actually house fewer people per square foot regardless of the number of units because the rent will be higher and high income people don't have roommates or live with family and well all these shiny new amenities and the Peloton in the communal gym and the mini dog piss park and so on....we have to charge at least $2500. you understand. it's the market stupid. we're Building Housing you can't criticize us for Building Housing. there's a Housing Shortage.
well the government says we have to earmark 10% of the new building to Low Income Housing which means we will probably just pay the nominal fine instead or possibly a single unit will maybe at some point be gingerly allotted to someone who has been on the Section 8 waiting list for hang on let me look it up..."randomly via lottery or several years during which you will be continually means tested and/or kicked off the waiting list without notification or explanation". great. i love urban density. this is so walkable. this cheap carpet offgassing is so identity. are we really that stupid
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sexhaver · 2 months
been workshopping this idea of a refrigerator as a fantasy castle/town:
the Butter Penthouse at the top of the door is the king's royal chambers obviously
veggie crisper drawers are the dungeons
bottom shelf with all the soda/drinks is the low-income high-density housing with high narrow alleyways
remainder of the door shelves with sauces and whatnot are the Old Quarter of town where all the bougie fucks live
cheese/deli meat drawer is the dockside district
freezer is the forgotten, abandoned corners of the castle's deepest recesses, containing both powerful relics and ravenous beasts alike
box of baking soda in the top corner is the ancestral safeguard against an unspecified witch's curse that had lain mostly forgotten until the mysterious winner of the latest royal jousting tournament stole it during their own celebration feast; ever since then, misfortunes most strange have begun to befall the king's subjects...
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genderfluid-druid · 5 months
working on a theory of ballpoint pen disappearance using an equilibrium model.
problem: i bought a 36-pack of cheap ballpoint pens two months ago. I keep putting a new pen on the coffee table by my notebooks, and yet, there is never a pen there.
constraints: i live alone, so it's unlikely someone is stealing my pens.
hypothesis: there are many places where a ballpoint pen may be needed, and only one place where pens are introduced into the system. for example, when i take a notebook to the coffee shop to work, i put a pen with that notebook. in this way pens are dispersed to places where i use my notebooks. this is much like how gases expand to fill a container until they reach a uniform pressure, or water molecules pass across a semipermeable membrane until they reach a uniform water concentration, or heat passes between two bodies until they reach thermal equilibrium.
can we use such a model to predict the behavior of my ballpoint pen collection? what implications will that have? for one thing, it posits the possibility that one day my ballpoint pen collection will achieve uniform density across all the places where i may use a pen, and the pens will stop disappearing from my coffee table.
why is it that we have never observed such an equilibrium in practice? well, there are a few possibilities. perhaps the space my ballpoint pen collection is trying to fill is simply too vast, so that the ballpoint pen density at any one point is too low to be observable. perhaps the lifespan of a single pen is so short that there is, as it were, a leak in the system, due to pens dying and exiting the system (via the trash can). perhaps --
wait hang on. Fucking. Post cancelled. I just found three working ballpoint pens in the bottom of my backpack.
conclusion: there is a one-way ballpoint pen valve in my backpack.
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batnip · 6 months
Reversed Karma AU
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A Rainworld Alternate Universe.
 The.. triple affirmative has been found- the affirmative that a ..solution has been found, the affirmative that the..solution is portable, and the affirmative that technical implementation is possible and generally applicable.
I remember that cycle... ancients swarmed the stuff, only privilege given to the founder, Sliver of Straw, was leaving us first.
And then cycle by cycle, our parents left..
Spoilered for absurd about of text, and general spoilers.
Saint never wanted to ascend anything. And by the time every last ancient was dead and gone, cycles passed, and structures fell. The green fuzzy thing was not once fuzzy, growing a coat as the rain sent by iterators stopped.
- - So it trailed along, guilty for what was not its fault, bringing iterators to life again. With a new name, [Pilgrim].
-- Footnote : Karma needs are reversed with the Pilgrim. Dying will up their karma, surviving will lower it. Secret passages will be added to cross gates you cannot with low karma, as it is needed to progress. =======================================
Rivulet is an odd case. I wanted them to obviously give rarefaction cells, as they did to Moon originally. So the tale goes they were created by a rebellious, younger Ancient who was fond of life and the cycle. One who refused the common ideals.
-- The swift little mouse they created, was given their own ability to create low-density rarefaction cells (singularity bombs) and refine them into more high-quality cells which the Ancient learned themself.
-- As soon as the news was spread to the general public of the triple affirmative, they sent the [Technician] out into the world, wearing several pearls describing their mission. ===========
Monk and Survivor lived with their colony, and were sent to scout a new home for the colony by the [Mapmaker]. They are named [Guard] and [Scout] in Reversed Karma. They brought Scout's two slugpups with them, even if the journey was dangerous, finding a new home for Scout pups was important to both Scout and their Sibling.
-- They find the tree in journey's end, Guard staying with the pups there as Scout tells the rest of the colony, including the leader, Mapmaker.
-- Footnote: Monk still brings Moon her cloak and several pearls. =========================================
The [Mapmaker] replaces Gourmand in Reversed Karma, making a map for their colony to follow. They are the leader of their colony.
-- Very similar to vanilla, leaving current living to the tree, showing the colony to the new home.
-- Footnote : Rain is beginning to return to normal, without cold mechanic. =====================================
The [Traveler] replaces Hunter in Reversed Karma, created by Five Pebbles to check on the local group. They spawn in the grounds of Unparralled Innocence. They do not have the Rot due to Five Pebbles more careful creation of a purposed organism compared to No Significant Harrassment.
-- Footnote : Cold mechanics are in work in these areas, as UI and CW were revived later than LTTM and FP.
-- Footnote : You may optionally visit Chasing Wind. ==========
The [Mother] replaces Artificer in Reversed Karma. Their slugpups are both alive, with the same explosive quality. They give Pebbles back his cloak and become a citizen after Sofanthiel locks onto them.
-- Footnote : Mother has bad reputation with scavengers due to passing tolls without payment before the campaign. They get a backspear due to one less hand slot having two pups.
-- Footnote : Rain has returned to normal.
-- Footnote : Mother has reduced food needs compared to vanilla Artificer due to needing to feed their pups. ===============
The [Messenger] replaces Spearmaster in Reversed Karma. They were created by Seven Red Suns to send messages between them and their friends, similar to [Traveler]'s check-ins with other iterators.
-- Footnote : Messenger has a mouth, and cannot duel wield spears.
A note from the OP: I hope you like them.. I've been wanting to show them off for a while. One of my headcannons for iterators was that the natural urges are coded into them with anti-ascension stuff. Like. Make ascension for us, but not for you. This is why they were wildly unsuccessful in finding the triple affirmative. Also.. Tumblr nuked quality of my image :c If u read all this and liked it perhaps a rb?? also hehe funny number thank u all
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highonmarvel · 11 months
Bucky Barnes: You find out your boyfriend’s into photography. 18+!
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content warnings here!
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You had dated Bucky for a few weeks now, but you had never been to his place.
“Bucky?” you call as you rap your knuckles against the wood, pressing your ear to the door to hear for his approaching footsteps, but after a few moments, they don’t sound. You try your luck at pushing down on the door handle, to find it’s unlocked.
“Bucky?” you call again, peeping your head into his home. The lights are on, and he said he would be home around this time—he would’ve called you if he changed things—so you guess he’s just busy with something else.
You call his name again as you close the door behind you and take a few steps in. The front door opens right into the living room, where some pictures are scattered on the far wall. You tilt your head at them as you drop your bag, taking slow steps to study the art.
You gasp at what you see; dozens of photos of you, that you have no idea how he got. Polaroids of you leaving work, buying groceries, having lunch, cleaning your home, even sleeping cover the wall in such density you can hardly see the white paint that lies beneath it. Everyday activities you can think of you do unconsciously, he has got to have at least five of them, all on different days.
You take a step back and squeal as your back hits something, but a cold, metal hand is over your mouth before you can scream and an arm is snaked around your waist before you can run. Holding you tight against him, Bucky kisses your temple, and then leans down to press his lips to the shell of your ear.
“You’re captivating,” he says, voice low and words spoken slowly and deliberately, falling as near-whispers to your ears, “But I can’t help but feel like you get a little shy around me, sometimes, and I don’t like that, when you act coy. So I do this,” he moves his hand from your mouth and gestures to his collage in front of you, “So I can learn about you.”
That’s how he knew all those things. Bucky had bought you a stack of novels, four of which you had been eyeing and one of which you hadn’t but had ended up adoring, but you’d never told him the kinds of books you liked, in fact, you couldn’t remember ever discussing reading with him, or ever reading in front of him, not once could you recall even holding a book in his presence. You were drawn to Bucky because he’s a great listener, but how could he know what to look out for if you’d never said it? You brushed it off, guessed that maybe the shows you watched together hinted at your taste in literature, maybe he had seen some books when he had been over to your place, or maybe just the way you spoke about life taught him what you’d look for, but still, four out of five? It seemed way too much to just be organic.
Other ways were more subtle, how he’d know just the right question to ask to get you to continue your story, how he had noted when you walked on the right side of the stairs, you tended to trip because they were slightly uneven (something you had never taken note of despite years of living in your flat), how, whenever you ate ice cream at your place, he knew exactly which spoon to give you, among others, all little things you didn’t think much of—he’s a good listener, that or he just got lucky—but, no, it was too good to be true.
“I’ve seen it all, but the one thing I’ve never seen…”
He holds you tighter still against him as his left hand reaches into his pocket. He raises it back and you hear the skint of a knife as a cold blade floats just a hair away from your throat.
“… is you bleed.”
You take in a sharp breath of air as you clutch his wrists, your right hand circling his hold around your waist and your left grasping at his vibranium hand to try to pull it away, but it doesn’t even seem he feels your efforts, let alone is affected by them.
He presses the tip of the knife against your chin, just enough to make you raise it so he can plant a soft kiss to your neck. He twists the knife and traces the flat of it along your jaw, then down the side of your neck, across your shoulder. He turns the blade to slice through the thin strap of your top, letting the string fall aside. He flips the knife closed and tucks it back into his pocket.
Slowly, he turns you to face him, your terrified gaze meeting his curious blue eyes. He studies you for a moment, then plants a kiss to your forehead and reaches to the coffee table to grab a camera. He takes a few steps back and raises it to his eye, squinting as he points the lens your way. You’re paralysed in the moment, just as you’re frozen in all the photographs behind you.
There’s a flash and a slip slides out of the slot at the front. He pulls it out and holds it between two fingers, shaking it a few times to reveal the picture. He smiles lovingly at it, like adoring the sweetest art, before flipping it to show you. Your petrified stare looks back at you, paralysed in time as you are, a few tears staining your cheeks that you hadn’t even realised had spilt.
He sets the equipment and polaroid aside before taking a step towards you; you take a step back and he stops moving, holding his hands up, palms exposed, to shoulder-level, like trying to appear friendly to a wild animal.
“Calm down,” he coos, taking very slow and small step towards you as you begin to tremble slightly. Despite his careful movements, he’s near right up against you before you realise it. He places his hands on your shoulders and moves to stand behind you, and you can do nothing but let him steer you to an armchair, your body in shock and refusing to respond.
He kneels down in front of you and smiles, brilliant white teeth nearly setting you at ease before he once again pulls out his knife and spreads your legs slightly.
He ghosts the blade over your exposed thigh, never touching, but so close you can feel the coolness radiating onto your increasingly warm skin. You grip the armrests, body growing rigid as you strain to feel for when he’ll cut you. When he does, the knife is so sharp it doesn’t even hurt as he draws a line from the middle of your inner thigh to just before your knee. You watch in horror as crimson drips and runs down to the leather of the chair, running slowly but enough to form a very small pool.
“You know you’re soaked right now,” he murmurs, maybe more to himself to you, and you snap your head away from your blood to him, but he’s focused on your crotch. He slowly turns the knife to run the handle down your slit, and you writhe and whimper at the single motion. Everything you’ve done since you’ve arrived—first your inaction and now your unconscious response to him—proves, your body could never deny him.
“Bucky…” you breathe, his name nearly coming out as a whine, maybe a plea, but for what, you aren’t sure. Bucky, though, doesn’t seem to have that problem.
He leans down and presses a kiss to your bleeding thigh before looking up at you with red lips, “I can help you out, alright?” he promises, dipping his head to leave another kiss as he slowly runs the handle of his knife up and down over your slit, still above your shorts, and you grind against it, needing more, “Just let me take some pictures…”
[taglist; @cjand10]
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bogleech · 1 year
It actually is miserably easy to cause at least the local extinction of an insect; the majority of insect species are so specialized that there may be only one rock in a whole forest that they're still reproducing under, because of some precise combination of moisture level, temperature, elevation and immediate food sources, so if someone moves that rock, that species is now gone from that particular forest. There's a tiger beetle that was last recorded only from one sandbar right down the road from my house! It's actually named after our Columbia river here in Oregon, but after the construction of one dam decades ago, they're now only found in Idaho. Why only that one sandbar? When you're only a centimeter long, that's basically a small continent, the river may as well be an ocean, and the soil on the surrounding shores is different in density, so they probably didn't find it suitable to lay their eggs in even if they did manage to cross their "sea." That kind of thing is wildly common; there's also insects that will only lay eggs in one given type of soil only recently after a landslide has exposed it, there's insects that only live in the sawdust left by animals like woodpeckers and only as long as it stays completely dry, and there's beetles that only breed on a single kind of tree exclusively when it's just beginning to recover from a forest fire. This level of specificity isn't rare or extreme but average enough that just one person's backyard can be one species' very last holdout for a thousand miles. Not even the entire yard; maybe only one leaf pile or one neglected pot of dirt. Don't feel paranoid about this or anything, there's no way you can account for every one of these possibilities just living your day to day life, and odds are low that you'll come across the very last of a species left in our whole world, but the last in your neighborhood, or district, or sometimes even country is entirely possible. The very least people can do is cut down on lawn chemicals or bug zappers and generally leave living things (including native "weeds") alone if there's no way in which they're harming or hindering you. Not long ago I posted about finding antlions near us. In the history of inaturalist.com not a single other person found antlions in this or any surrounding county, and I only found them in one single patch of especially fine sand under some tree roots. A week later the whole area flooded, and I don't know if any of them managed to survive deeper underground or anything, because when we last went that sand was also covered in paw prints from someone bringing their dog. That's all it might have taken to erase that little habitat!
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We still have one from when we found them, and it's a common species in other parts of America, but it's not impossible that we're now caring for the last antlion anywhere within a day's drive from us. I hope I'll be proven wrong some day, but I've lived here seven years now without ever seeing them before, anywhere in all our sandy riversides!
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