#low cost cosplay
fullmetalgirl98 · 1 year
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I made Hifumi's earrings!! **
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mappingthemoon · 2 years
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Low Cost Cosplay: Wednesday
via Lonelyman (@lowcostcosplayth) • Instagram-Fotos und -Videos
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Ya gotta love the Low-Cost Cosplay Guy- he turned his leg into a horse.
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Some of the stuff he comes up with really is low-cost, like using dry ice, fruit & veggies.
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Croissant Cinderella.
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Panties, Q Tips and a bra.
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And, his cat.
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Cat dress anyone?
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This one cracks me up- here, he used his arm, but the pig!
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coolnonsenseworld · 11 months
i might be too late for ur pins preorders but discovering u have a polish store made me so happy bc wow shipping that maybe wont be twice the price of what im ordering?? sign me up i cant wait for your next shop update
It would be so much easier if I had a shop that takes different kind of currencies, but these cost like a leg and a rib 🤣 Also I am so happy to hear about an interest in that store! 😭💖
Got you a slav Keith
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diseaseriddencube · 1 year
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trigunbrainrot · 2 years
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Dehydrated Rasin Man helps local family, news at 11.
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vykko · 2 years
And here we see my shitty attempt at a scout cosplay bc why not
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just missing the hand bandages
Also need to get a tank top a size down
like it’s supposed to fit loosely but it’s almost too loose
Also I’m very sorry about the bare acne, I know it’s horrifing but the lighting conceals it pretty well lol
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batalhasepoesias · 11 months
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Cospobre da estreia do Hobbit \o\
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renthony · 4 months
On Cosplay, Fast Fashion, & Waste
Fast fashion and disposable outfits in cosplay community spaces give me anxiety. Seeing people openly talk about throwing their "trashed" cosplay away after a single con makes me sad. Some costumes are crafted with such low durability that they fall apart beyond repair if you look at them the wrong way. I've met a ton of other cosplayers whose idea of "cosplay repair" ends with a stapler and some hot glue.
I never ever ever ever want to shame people for not knowing something. Crafting is hard. Making a low-quality costume isn't a sin or a crime. If you're new and still learning and don't really know what you're doing yet, that's fine! No harm, no foul, no bruise.
The cosplayers who do make me grouchy, however, are the ones who are unwilling to try. The ones who are flippant about throwing away a cosplay without trying to mend it, repurpose it, reuse it, or pass it along. The ones who intentionally make a costume just durable enough to last a single day, then toss it in the trash with zero thought.
My sewing and costuming experience started when I joined the ren faire, and I had to make my costumes sturdy enough to survive multiple weeks of heavy use, with the durability and freedom of movement to allow sword fighting on the living chessboard. I was taught how to shop for inexpensive fabrics and materials, but use high-quality, long-lasting techniques so that my costumes didn't disintegrate after a single day of performing. I have made extremely durable, cost-effective costumes out of bedsheets and thrift store fabric, as have many of my friends.
That experience has carried over into my cosplay. I am not happy with a costume unless it can go through three consecutive days of stage combat and high-intensity walking around outside in the heat, go through the washer and dryer, and come out completely unscathed.
Again, I never want to needlessly shit on other people's cosplay. Cosplay gatekeeping sucks and is no fun for anyone. At the same time, fast fashion is just as rampant in cosplay as it is everywhere else, and it sucks to see how wasteful it is.
You can make things durable even with cheap materials. Stop making flimsy costumes that you're just going to toss. Stop making piles and piles of waste. Please stop buying fabric just to slap a costume together with glue and throw it in the trash. If you are going to invest time and money into making something by hand, make it durable and comfy and worth the effort.
Even if you only want to personally wear it once, you can sell it, give it away, trade it, do something other than toss it in the trash. Show some love to your costumes, show some love to the planet, pick one action you can take to make your cosplay a little less wasteful. Being obsessed with the myth of a "personal carbon footprint" isn't helpful, but we as cosplayers should try to at least make things that'll last longer than 24 hours.
I understand that sewing can be incredibly intimidating, but basic stitching really isn't that complicated if you have a guide and the right tools. I personally need assistive devices for sewing thanks to my hand tremors and tendonitis, but those tools do exist, and can make things easier for both disabled and newbie sewists. I use rotary cutters instead of scissors, I keep a supply of needle threaders on hand, I have multiple little gadgets that help me sew in a straight line so my shaking hands don't screw everything up. There are tons of tools available, tons of tutorials online, and if you're interested in learning, there's a whole world out there to explore.
If you don't want to do all the crafting yourself, that's totally fine, but if you are going to hand-make your costume, you should try and make it durable. It's better for the planet and it's way less stressful to go to an event when you know your costume won't fall apart on the con floor.
If you have zero idea where to start, here are some books with crafting techniques I've found very useful, both in cosplay and regular household sewing I do for my family:
Make, Sew and Mend: Traditional Techniques to Sustainably Maintain and Refashion Your Clothes, by Bernadette Banner (who also has an incredible YouTube channel)
Cosplay Fabric FX: Painting, Dyeing & Weathering Costumes Like a Pro, by Julianna Franchini
Creative Cosplay: Selecting & Sewing Costumes Way Beyond Basic, by Amanda Haas
Level Up! Creative Cosplay: Costume Design & Creation, SFX Makeup, LED Basics & More, by Amanda Haas
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fullmetalgirl98 · 2 years
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Ore wa Samatoki-sama da,
kisama wa dare da??
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Am I the Asshole for taking my SIL to an anime convention?
My (42M) SIL (29F) has autism and was living with my MIL until she suddenly passed away from heart failure back in 2022. My wife (40F) and I both knew SIL likes to cosplay and go to conventions. Figuring that’s something she and MIL did together, I decided to tell her I want to take her to an anime convention the following year. We chose one that worked out for all of us, timeline wise, along with the costs of transportation, hotel, etc.
Now, this may be a controversial opinion, but I hate anime; nearly all of it is hypersexualized (aside from one, which I’ll get into in a moment). It makes me cringe that my oldest daughter (13F) loves anime, and that that’s all she ever wants to watch. Personally, I feel she’s getting too old for cartoons, but since I also have two younger children, I let it slide.
Prior to actually leaving for con, SIL had sent emails of videos and blogs all about attending anime conventions. Clearly eager to prepare us. She also had outbursts over all sorts of things and lashed out at us on multiple occasions; her emails were often filled with negativity, and simmering rage. In between all of this, we had her relocate to an apartment closer to us.
Anyway, SIL, my daughter, and I go to the airport, we get to the hotel and check-in. We explored the city for a few hours. Now, before all of this, SIL claims she has a “low heat tolerance”, and complained the entire time whenever we walked from Point A to Point B; yes, the city the con was at has good transit and yes I insisted we walk anyway. It’s good exercise! This led to her throwing a fit when we reached a museum I really wanted to check out. We took an Uber back to the hotel and I don’t hear from her again until the next day when we met up to have lunch.
She’s cosplaying a character I don’t recognize and doesn’t tell me anything about them when I asked; it was clearly supposed to be a boy character, though.
Next day, I got a text from SIL; she unexpectedly got her period. Great. Since she asked, I run and get her some pads, only to have to wait an hour in line. Also great. She’s cosplaying another character I don’t recognize. Some magical creature or a doll of some kind. Anyway, us three go into one of the viewing rooms to screen this anime SIL was insistent on showing us. Some Sherlock thing. My daughter likes it, and I’ll admit, I enjoyed it too; I think it is very kid friendly.
Last day, once again, I don’t see or hear from SIL until we meet up in the hotel lobby waiting for our ride to the airport. Seems she had a good time though. She was dressed as one of the kids from that hero anime my daughter likes. She also bought my daughter an axolotl plush (her favorite animal). Going through security was hell; SIL had the nerve to have an attitude the whole time (again later claiming she was overheated and cranky from her period). After we got home she claimed she was never traveling anywhere with me again.
In the days following, she returned the luggage my wife had leant her, having booby trapped it with a photo with the glass broken. Then informs me that her account was overdrawn (I would have gladly paid for more than I did, if she hadn’t been so bitchy).
When we went to her apartment to discuss this, she made the same claims: that she was tired and cranky from the heat, made worse from her period, that I was stressing her out half the time, but that she was grateful despite that because when her mom died, anime conventions were the first thing she was ready to give up.
She also claimed the photo she broke was taken the same year she first attempted to take her own life, and that triggered a panic attack on top of the meltdown she had after returning home.
And the kicker: apparently her mother barely spent any time at conventions, and only sometimes tagged along because she “wanted a vacation”.
Now she claims that I -I repeat I- ruined that Sherlock anime for her. And now is planning to attend a few more cons…Alone.
So what say you? Am I the Asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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genericpuff · 1 year
I don't know if you have seen the last thing RS posted on instagram, and I don't wanna sound mean or like I'm criticizing every single thing she does, but, why does this feels a bit off? Like, I know every author needs money, and that's why they sell books, special editions and merch from those books. But seeing how some people who went to that last "book signing" now want to order or buy ANOTHER lo book just to get an autograph or that "exclusive doodle" feels a bit... Idk, bad? Like, the fans have to spend more money than other fans just to get this stuff? It feels a bit like what happened with that Persephone + Ares book that had a special edition that was all black, but costed more than the regular edition so the fans had to spend more money if they wanted their lo novels to look good together. Idk, maybe i'm just seeing too much into it, but I still wanted to ask your opinion on the matter.
Love your work, btw. Lo rekindled is so good, and your art is beautiful!
so I looked into it and yeah! it's off! it's super off!
story time, but there's this band I'm really into where, 1-2 years ago, they had released two new separate EP's, and they were selling them individually as special editions, only for them to then SELL THEM ALL OVER AGAIN AS BUNDLED VERSIONS AND THIS JUST LIKE
there was also a time where this Youtuber musician my husband was really into was selling vinyls, and we managed to snag a copy in the hour that they were available, only for them to start selling SIGNED copies the week after they had sold out of the original prints
it's just an overall "ech" move because it really screws over your audience for paying attention/getting in first, y'know? That's what's such a big deal about being in a fandom, a lot of people like being "first" so to sell something under the precedent that it's "limited edition" just to print more with an even COOLER thing attached feels like such a fuck you. They're literally just trying to gouge more money out of people who have already bought the thing and "need" the exclusive copy.
This just goes to show btw there was nothing stopping her from signing books personally at SDCC. That feels like such a middle finger to the people who paid money to go to and be at SDCC (travel costs AND attendance costs) esp the people who cosplayed as LO characters and were clearly specifically there for Rachel just to be given a stamp and shooed away with zero conversation (as I talked about in a previous post) and then find out later after you've already gone home days later that you can get a PERSONALLY SIGNED AND DOODLED COPY if you go and buy a brand new book in one specific bookstore. That's so lame man, I can't even.
Just to add btw, not related to your ask really, but it really goes in conjunction with it, there was a tweet recently from Rachel advertising some new t-shirts.
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But people who bought the shirts reported that they're INCREDIBLY cheaply made and don't look anything like the products listed. You can even see the low ratings on them but when you actually view them-
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I do not feel the need to say it any louder for the people in the back, it's being spoken clearly at this point - WT and Rachel are cashing out on what little merit they have left, they do not care.
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bogmonstergeneral · 1 year
One of my favorite things in the whole wide world is an ultra-accurate cosplay. I’m talking exact name brands. Obviously, this can be tough, because media in question will very rarely go out of their way to tell you what the character is wearing. Shoes, in particular, are very difficult.
I really like shoes. More so, I really like good leather shoes. The kind that last you your whole life. Currently, I’ve been hyperfixated on Metalocalypse, and today, we’re talkin boots.
Welcome to:
Bog’s Boot Basics: Metalocalypse Edition
I think people are scared of leather. I’m here to tell you that leather will not hurt you. You will not save the planet by buying a pleather boot. Actually, not only is pleather horrible for the planet, it’s also gonna cost you more in the long run because pleather isn’t built to last.
Say it with me: Leather is more sustainable than pleather.
I’m serious. Stop buying pleather boots off amazon for your cosplays. Stop buying pleather, period.
Most of the boots (and sneakers) I’m showing you today will not only elevate your cosplay, but also last you for the rest of your natural days. If you buy them secondhand, they have probably lived longer lives than you. Leather fucking rocks if you take care of it.
This all being said: These are not super budget-friendly options. Good new boots are an investment, and sometimes you have to pay a little more. If you’re not able to do that, these can often be found on ebay at lower prices, and very often at second-hand stores.
Ok, that aside, we can jump in.
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I’m stealing a pic from the comic because it shows all their shoes. Although Skwis and Toki’s boot colors are actually reversed here - Skwis wears black boots, Toki wears brown in the show. Blah blah, anyway.
Nathan Explosion
Nathan wears some sort of single buckle, black tall boot. For our sake, we’re calling them biker boots.
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Single buckle, slightly slouchy at the ankle, low heel. No laces or visible zippers.
Nathan does, in fact, ride motorcycles. Because of this, I’m going on a limb and saying these are actual biker boots. Nathan also, in fact, has money, and Harley Davidson boots are a fantastic choice for this.
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Here’s a pair of Harley Chalmers with an extra buckle - no foul there, these are cunty as hell and I’d totally wear them anyway.
Pro: Fucking brutal
Con: Brutal fucking price tag at $200 new.
Honestly, if you’ve got the money and you want a sick pair of boots… buy em. Harley’s last forever.
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The Harley double-zip riding boot is a slightly cheaper option, sitting around $100-$120.
Honestly, these are gonna be easy to find. Your keywords here are “Tall biker boot with buckle” or something along those lines. That’s doable. I also see a lot of secondhand Harley’s going for really reasonable asking prices, so always check all your thrift stores and ebay (depop and mercari are kinda a crapshoot, but always worth looking.)
Skwisgaar Skwigelf/Toki Wartooth
These are the boots that made me make this post, because I saw them and immediately thought “there’s no fucking way they’re walking around in those 24/7,” because those are old school field boots.
Ask any person who’s ever ridden a horse over the age of 30 if they can take a look in the backs of their closets, because they most definitely still have a pair of these boots. Every equestrian had at least one pair of these torture devices, and they will outlive you.
Here’s an example of a black pair and a brown pair:
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Pros: You can get these on ebay for anywhere between $20-$100. Facebook market place is full of them too.
Cons: These were made for you to wear while sitting on a horse all day, heels down. When you walk in them, they will pinch the everloving fuck out of your heels, and this leather is too thick and stiff to soften. If you’re gonna walk around in these on a convention floor, please bring a change of shoes because you will fucking need them.
But these are so easy to find and they usually shine up really well. If you don’t have leather conditioner (which you should if you own leather shoes) olive oil works in a pinch.
You also usually have a couple different calf options here, so you can tack on “wide calf” or “tall calf” or “slim calf” etc etc depending on your needs.
Your keywords here are “Old school equestrian riding/field/hunt boots.” So fuckin easy.
William Murderface
It pains me to say this. But that dildo fuckhead is wearing Demonias.
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Look at him. He knows what he’s doing. I use the term Dildo Fuckhead affectionately btw, please don’t mistake me for a Murderface hater. I love him.
Honestly, I think you could get away with calling these mid-calf’s, but they’re probably technically tall boots.
Obviously I hate Demonias. These plastic fucking emo Barbie boots are worth approximately $8 and a cup of Kraft mac n cheese. They will cost you well over $100. Fuck that.
I’ve heard that older New Rocks are good alternatives? I have a friend that backs that claim up, but I don’t have a pair to confirm that. I’m sure there’s some Doc Martens you could sub in but I couldn’t find any matches under $400.
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These are a pair of New Rocks. They’re… that I guess. Kinda cool. He’s probably not even really wearing Demonias but like, that’s what they are. To me. In my heart.
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Here’s a pair of Demonia Riot-18BK. I guess. They’re about $133.
Murderface somehow has the most difficult boots for me to find. Plenty of cheapo Temu options, but I’m not here to show you those. Please let me know if you buy a pair of Temu boots so I can come to your house and break every fucking lamp you own.
Your keywords are “Tall boot with buckles” or “tall biker boots with buckles” or anything along those lines.
I feel like you’ve got a little more room for interpretation on Murderface’s boots, so long as their tall boots and they’ve got the buckles, you’re golden.
Wild Card Round: Pickles the Drummer
Man is wearing adidas!!! Pickles cosplayers are the comfiest motherfuckers in the convention hall.
Campus 00s, Samba OGs, Handball Spezial, Superstars, and Racer V 2.0 are all going to get you extremely close renditions of his shoes. The racer’s are my everyday shoe when I don’t wanna wear boots and those fuckers are. So comfy. Wear em without socks, who fuckin cares. I bet Pickles doesn’t even own socks.
If you’re going for Snakes N Barrels Pickles, try looking up “red Justin cowboy boots.” Justin’s are my go to brand because they last forever (I have a pair from the 70s) and they’re pretty comfy. They’re work boots, so they’re made to be worn/worked in all day.
If you’re made of money, buy yourself a pair of Tecovas. Those are the nicest cowboy boot you’ll ever own.
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Blam! Bootboard moodboard! I probably should have done this with all of them.
Anyway. Have fun, remember that inaccurate pieces don’t make or break a cosplay, this is just for fun and to elevate whatever you’ve got going on. Wear your shoes until they fall apart (that’s what i do. get your moneys worth), be kind to your feet, be kind to your shoes (actually you can be pretty harsh to leather so long as you do a little aftercare. this is an innuendo, but also please clean and condition your leather pieces.) and be kind to the planet. Leather is better than pleather. You are paying a premium for plastic. Don’t do that.
(Lemme know if this is cool/useful btw. I would be so happy to find boots/brands of clothing for your cosplays. I think my inbox is open.)
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salvadorbonaparte · 3 months
Would you mind sharing your views on backpacking? 👀
Take all of this with a grain of salt because I'm mostly just bothered by backpacking content on Instagram.
I think the concept is fine. I'd actually like to do some backpacking some time.
But backpacking content, as well as most overland* content, always has a really weird vibe. It almost feels like cosplaying poverty if you know what I mean??
It's almost always young people from the so called "West" and almost always they're somewhere in South or Southeast Asia. The most popular backpacking destinations I'm seeing at the moment are Bali (exclusively that part of Indonesia for some reason), Thailand, Vietnam and Sri Lanka. The algorithm has recently also started showing me content from Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.
Since flights to these destinations are usually quite expensive, and many of these people stay abroad long enough that they might need a visa and that accommodation and food would also add up, it can be safely assumed these people have a certain amount of financial stability. Some of them are full time influencers too.
And while travelling with a backpack instead of a suitcase makes sense, and while you want to have an "authentic" experience, the vibe on those videos is often sooooo weird.
They're always like "I just spent 45h standing in a cramped bus without AC because it was only $1. I'm sleeping on the floor of this abandoned building that costs me $4 a night. I only carry 2 t-shirts with me, can't find a laundromat and I'm travelling for 3 months. Yesterday I got scammed and got food poisoning."
And I'm like why are you doing this? Is it really more "authentic" just because it's a foreign country? You can find the same uncomfortable situations and people who live like that all the time in your home country, but when you're abroad it's cool and authentic and #humbling #eatpraylove. Meanwhile there's also people in that same country you're backpacking through who, like, have a comparable standard of living you're used to. Your holiday doesn't have to be luxury resorts but it also doesn't have to be absolutely god awful.
And of course there's also the factor of adrenaline and stepping out of your comfort zone but with these videos it seems like they're almost glamorising having an awful time in an "exotic" country because that's what it's supposed to be like? I guess?
Idk I feel like I should get the opinion of someone living in one of those backpacking hotspots to make sure I'm not just getting annoyed at nothing but I think the vibe is off.
*overland content as in "travelling from XY to YZ without flying - Day 420" type videos. They're often interesting and I follow some of those people and I actually have some ideas for cool overland or long distance train trips but some of the accounts also have a weird vibe. Most of the ones I saw were men and they're like hitchhiking through some desert somewhere and I'm like oh this would feel so unsafe to me as someone perceived female. And obviously they also make lots of content where you know they have lots money because they've been travelling for several months but it has that same fake low budget backpacker vibe.
I hope this makes sense. I'm not sure it does.
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alongthewayfanzine · 3 months
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Below the cut is a detailed FAQ for the zine. Please read before sending questions!
General Information
What is this zine about?
Along the Way is a charity zine celebrating the Linked Universe as a comic, a fandom, and a community.  The overall theme will focus on the found family aspects of the chain and the friendships forged on their journey. Each of the 9 Linked Universe Links will have a section dedicated to them, which will include 1 short story and 3 pages of art.
Is the zine digital or physical?
Both! The zine will be produced as a digital PDF and as a physical book.
Will there be extra merch?
Yes! There will be a keychain, a bookmark, and 3 sticker designs available in addition to the zine.
What's the content rating for the zine?
The zine will be limited to a maximum content rating of Teen, or PG-13. The tone of the zine will be optimistic, so we won't be including any intense content.
Will the zine feature AUs or ships?
No, this zine will not feature any specific AUs or ships. Along the Way is focused on the friendships between the Links.
Regarding headcanons, we will be sticking as close to canon as we can. Widely-accepted fanon (i.e. Time and Warriors knowing each other from the War of Eras) can be acceptable, but is discouraged.
If you have a specific question about what is and isn't alright to include, ask the mods.
What's the production schedule?
You can find the full timeline, including contributor deadlines, here.
Finances and Charity Information
How much will the zine cost?
Right now, we are planning on making four bundles available--digital only ($0), physical zine only, merch only (3 stickers, 1 bookmark, 1 keychain), and full (physical zine + merch). Prices are still being figured out, but the current estimate is around $30-35 USD + S&H (calculated separately and varies based on location). The price will change depending on how many people order, and we aim to keep prices as low as possible!
After contributor sign-ups close, we plan on holding another interest check to more accurately gauge how many people are planning to order before pre-orders open. With that we should be able to make a more accurate price estimate.
What are the shipping costs?
Shipping within the US is estimated to be around $15 (though this is subject to change depending on weight and size).
The zine is based out of the United States, so the unfortunate reality is that shipping costs will increase with distance.  We have plans to coordinate shipping to Europe and Australia, and potentially South America and Asia if there is enough demand. Details will be determined later on in the process.
How is the money being used?
Along the Way is a nonprofit charity zine. Money will first be used to cover the cost of creating and shipping the zine and associated merch, after which all additional proceeds will be donated to the AbleGamers Foundation.
What's the AbleGamers Foundation?
A charity focusing on "creating opportunities that enable play in order to combat social isolation, foster inclusive communities, and improve the quality of life for people with disabilities". They have won several awards for working with disabilities and give their own awards to games with accessible features. You can learn more about them on their website here!
Contributor Information
Who can contribute?
Writers and artists will comprise the majority of the zine, but cosplay and crafts are also welcome.
Contributors must be aged 18+.
How many contributors are there?
Each Link has been assigned one writer and two artists, for a total of 9 writers and 18 artists. We also have 5 merch artists (with a few of them doing page art as well!)
Will contributors be paid?
Since this is a nonprofit charity zine, contributors will not be paid. Depending on our budget, we may be able to offer free copies of the zine, or free merchandise. Details will be determined later.
Where do I apply?
As of 8/29, applications are now closed!
Communication with contributors will be handled using both a private Discord server and direct email.
Discord will be used for announcements and deadline reminders for contributors.
Official communications will be through our email, [email protected].
How can I contact the mods?
For the general public, feel free to send an ask to this blog. For contributors, Discord is the best option for general questions (Discord handles are listed below). For urgent needs, email us!
Can I send questions through Tumblr?
Yes, Tumblr asks are open! I (mod G3) will do my best to answer as quickly as possible, though please note that Tumblr is not the most direct method of communication with the mods.
If you are a contributor, we would prefer you use either Discord or email for communication.
I don't have Discord. Can I still be a contributor?
Yes! All official communications will be through email, so it's okay if you can't join the Discord.
Who are the mods?
We have four mods on our team!
Mina - Project Manager
Pronouns: she/her
Tumblr: @zarvasace
Discord: zarvasace
G3 - Social Media Manager
Pronouns: they/them
Tumblr: @that-g3-artist
Discord: that_g3_obsessive
Kahl - People Manager
Pronouns: she/her, fae/faer
Tumblr: @vagueandominousvibes
Discord: chrestomanchi
Zola - Human Spackling Paste
Pronouns: they/them
Tumblr: @zolanort
Discord: zolanort
Official mod intros are under #meet the mods!
This FAQ will be updated as more details are figured out. Follow this blog for updates on the zine's progress!
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