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#loveyourneighbours #socialanxiety #hofkwartierdenhaag #noordeindedenhaag #binlovers #gettinginspired # (bij Magasin Horaz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqU_XCLIkNr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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unfoldingmoments · 13 days ago
Loving God when we can’t see him
We have to mourn that we cannot always feel intense love for you as we should. At times you reveal yourself to us so charmingly that heaven itself could scarcely be happier than the world becomes when you are with us in it. But when you are gone and we are in the dark, oh, give us the love that loves in the dark, that loves when there is no comfortable sense of your presence. Let us not be dependent upon feeling, but may we always love you, so that if you did turn your back on us by the year together we would not think less of you for you are unspeakably lovely whatever you do.
If you give us rough words, yet still we would cling to you, and if the rod of discipline be used until we tingle again yet still will we love you, for you are infinitely worthy of love from all men and angels. Make our hearts to love you forevermore. With all the capacity for love that there is in us, and with all the more that you can give us, may we love our Lord in spirit and in truth.
VERSE OF THE DAY (COMMENTARY BY SPURGEON) “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and yet hates his brother or sister, he is a liar. For the person who does not love his brother or sister whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” (1 John 4:20)
God looked on us with an eye that saw all our sin and misery, yet he loved us. And he wants us to have a love that, while it sees all the imperfection and all the undeserving in our fellow men, still loves them. If we do not love those whom we see, the apostle says that we lie when we talk of loving God whom we have not seen.
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gentlespiritgirl · 2 years ago
I just wanted to take the time to thank God for this community. It’s been just over a year now that i have been sharing on Tumblr and i have gone from under 200 followers to OVER 700 followers!! 🥳
I thank the Lord for each and everyone of you 🤍 your messages, prayers and posts have truly blessed me and it’s a joy of mine to be able to glorify God through this platform.
May the Lord bless you and KEEP you. May His face shine upon you and be gracious to you, your loved ones and family members alike ☺️🙏🏽
I’m coming up on 200 followers and I am SO thankful! Joining this social platform has been a joy to me in life 😌 God is faithful. He really is y’all! ;)
📖✨ “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:23‬ ‭‬‬
I just wanted to encourage you all to click on the link in my bio! Through this link you will be able to follow me on other social media platforms like tiktok, instagram, twitter etc. I also have my text message community which is a blessing I thank God for using me in! ☺️
Click the link in my bio because you never know what new community you would like to join!! 🤍
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troubledontlast1 · 1 year ago
We demonstrate our love for God by what we do to one another. #loveyourneighbor
Your view of God will be reflected in the way you treat others. #loveyourneighbour
They can't love you without first loving God.
"7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."- 1 John 4:7-8 #loveyourneighborasyourself
If we the church are not being a friend to the sinner, then how can they perceive Christ as one? #loveyourneighbors
It's hard to convince people that a God they can't see loves them, when a church they can see doesn't seem to like them. #loveyourneighbourasyourself
If we claim to love God but don't love each other our love is nothing and meaningless. #loveyourneighbours
It is not possible to love God and hate your brother. #lovegodlovepeople
🔥Subscribe to my YouTube channel and podcast,👉🏾"Uplift Past Crossroads"👈🏾🔥
Befriend me on Facebook/LinkedIn = Sean Christopher Jenkins
🔥Follow👉🏾@troubledontlast 👈🏾IG/X/Snap/TikTok/Threads for more🔥
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#lovegodloveothers #showgodslove #showinggodslove #treatothershowyouwanttobetreated #treatothersthewayyouwanttobetreated #treatpeoplehowyouwanttobetreated #treatpeoplethewayyouwanttobetreated #loveallpeople #loveeveryone #loveeverybody #loveothers #loveothersasyourself #loveothersasyouloveyourself #lovingothers #lovingsinners #loveoneanother #loveeachother #loveeachothers #loveothers #loveoneanotherasihavelovedyou #loveofgod #godslove #lovinggod #lovinggodlovingeachother
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reaper81pr · 2 years ago
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Each time I saw him I couldn't wait to see him again I wanted to let him know That he was more than a friend I didn't know just what to do So I whispered "I love you" And he said that he loved me too And then he kissed me He kissed me in a way that I've never been kissed before Kissed me In a way that I want to be kissed forever more Then He Kissed Me - The Crystals Model: @itsbambitoyou #valentines2023 #valentines #lovemonth #loveyourskin #loveyourself #loveyourbody #loveyourneighbours #VermontModel #dream #thoughts #ethereal #etherealbeauty #ethereal_softness #fineart #fineartist #fineartphotographer #artphotography #art #artmodel #artisticpose #artisticphotography #vermontphotographer #giffordhart #giffordarthart #BeExcellentToEachOther #TheGoodIsOutThere #standwithukraine (at Fairfield, Vermont) https://www.instagram.com/p/CorvKM3OUhw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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silencetakobana1stworld · 5 years ago
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A blessed Sunday People #remembertoloveoneanother💝 #Godislove #loveyourneighbours #loveyourenemies❤️ #loveyourself #iloveyouall #Godlovesyoumore (at Gaborone, Botswana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4rIt8aH3gh/?igshid=n66ejqodcomp
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catsinthebagdesignposts · 3 years ago
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Choose to be entangled with love and compassion.
What my Coffee say to me April 10 - drink YOUR life in - get back to pure unconditional love for self and others. Have a hoot with love! Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts OWLways loves creating an illustration and positive message for your OWLsome mental health. 
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iamchurch-co · 4 years ago
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#LoveYourNeighbour #godisgood #allnations #sharehisgoodness #ourassignment #missional #iamchurch #getinvolved https://iamchurch.co/blog/love-your-neighbour-sunday https://www.instagram.com/p/CQxqFvVMQcP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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endlesslife-verein · 4 years ago
Danke🙏fürs abonnieren und teilen💓 Hallo, vielleicht bist gerade du lieber Leser, ein Schattenkind wie ich eines war. Du stehst im Schatten deines Geschwisters. Er ist beliebt, erntet jedes Lob und es scheint, als falle im alles zu. Du bist immer in seinem Schatten und du findest dich auf einmal in einer seelischen Dunkelheit wieder. Verzweifelt kämpfst du darum, wahrgenommen und geliebt zu werden. Aber es reicht nie ganz. Du sucht in Drogen, Beziehungen und Arbeit das leuchtende Licht, deinen Scheinwerfer. Aber nichts hilft, bis du erkennst, dass nur du dein eigener Scheinwerfer sein sollst. Du sollst dein inneres Leuchten entdecken und dankbar sein, dass du bist und sein darfst. Dein natürliches Leuchten wird dich nach aussen strahlen lassen und du wirst innerliche Wärme erleben. Wärme durch Alkohol u.a. Drogen ist flüchtig und nicht real. Sei du selbst, du bist wunderbar und wertvoll. Lebe und wandle im Licht. Von einem Schattenkind
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warmpersona · 4 years ago
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leonrochamusic · 5 years ago
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Love is Free August 16th, 2020 I am reminded this morning that we all have a right to mourn the loss of a loved one. It doesn't matter what you believe, who you vote for, what religious institution holds the ropes on your yoke, but losing a brother is a heartbreaking moment. Humans have to grieve, and it is not on us to judge someones healing process.  
Now, if that healing process somehow prevents another human from life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness, well, that is a different story. Let's allow those that don't allow us to mourn freely, because we can only start from inside, that change we so desperately need. That change to love our neighbors, not hate them because someone is convinced they know better. Love, it's free, so why do we hoard it?
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laurenpatrickart · 6 years ago
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Share the love! This shirt can be found on my Redbubble store! Link is in my bio! #redbubble #redbubblestickers #redbubbleartist #stickers #design #fashion #patterns #pattern #illustration #love #loveyourneighbour #loveisaverb #loveyourself #loveisreal #heart #hearts #heartbeat https://www.instagram.com/p/B13aA78gAmb/?igshid=1dx0pw6ai4or3
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gentlespiritgirl · 2 years ago
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New post on my Instagram ✨🤍
God put on my heart that someone needed to be reminded of the identity He has given us! For He sees us as His children, He loves us, He has places value in us and is calling it out of you!!
I pray that this post would be a refresh your heart today, God bless you 😌
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troubledontlast1 · 2 years ago
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If you don't love your neighbor, you don't love God. #showgodslove We demonstrate our love for God by what we do to one another. #loveyourneighbor Your view of God will be reflected in the way you treat others. #loveyourneighbour They can't love you without first loving God. "7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."- 1 John 4:7-8 #loveyourneighborasyourself If we the church are not being a friend to the sinner, then how can they perceive Christ as one? #loveyourneighbors It's hard to convince people that a God they can't see loves them, when a church they can see doesn't seem to like them. #loveyourneighbourasyourself If we claim to love God but don't love each other our love is nothing and meaningless. #loveyourneighbours It is not possible to love God and hate your brother. #lovegodlovepeople Love for your neighbor flows from our love for God. #treatothershowyouwanttobetreated 🔥Subscribe to my YouTube channel and podcast,👉🏾"Uplift Past Crossroads"👈🏾🔥 Befriend me on Facebook/LinkedIn = Sean Christopher Jenkins 🔥Follow👉🏾@troubledontlast 👈🏾IG/Twitter/Snap/TikTok for more🔥 Turn on Post Notification - Like - Comment - Share - Save ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ . . Follow my Instagram accounts: Subscribe to YouTube(in bio)👉🏾@my_daily_bible👈🏾 Subscribe to podcast(in bio)👉🏾@upliftpastcrossroads👈🏾 YouTube👉🏾@upliftwithdrj👈🏾 Fashion👉🏾@glamourmeetsgq👈🏾 . . 👤 Tag a friend who would like this page ⬇️ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #lovegodloveothers #showinggodslove #treatothersthewayyouwanttobetreated #treatpeoplehowyouwanttobetreated #treatpeoplethewayyouwanttobetreated #loveallpeople #loveeveryone #loveeverybody #loveothers #loveothersasyourself #loveothersasyouloveyourself #lovingothers #lovingsinners #loveoneanother #loveeachother #loveeachothers #loveothers #loveoneanotherasihavelovedyou #loveofgod #godslove #lovinggod #lovinggodlovingeachother (at Nashville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckld0SqL066/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reaper81pr · 2 years ago
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Wise men say Only fools rush in But I can't help falling in love with you Shall I stay? Would it be a sin If I can't help falling in love with you? --Song by Elvis Presley Model: @itsbambitoyou #valentines2023 #valentines #DarkValentine #lovemonth #loveyourskin #loveyourself #loveyourbody #loveyourneighbours #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #bnw #monochrome #bnwphotography #bnw_captures #blackandwhiteonly #blackandwhiteportrait #blackandwhiteart #monochrome #monochromaticphotography #monochromephoto #monochromephotographylovers #bnw_and_noir #blackandwhitephotos #blackwhitephoto #VermontModel #giffordhart #giffordarthart #BeExcellentToEachOther #TheGoodIsOutThere #standwithukraine (at Fairfield, Vermont) https://www.instagram.com/p/CokLxHvu40y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wordart-in-german · 2 years ago
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Keep calm and love your neighbor – Bleib’ entspannt und liebe deinen Nachbarn
written in black and red letters on a white background: ”Keep calm and love your neighbor”
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see all my English images here
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