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What Love Says...Love is the only thing you can literally take with you, and it’s not a thing.
Love is always in you, with you, and around you. Love is energy. Energy cannot be destroyed, it changes into other forms, this is true of you, of me, and of love. Love transforms us and the world around us. Listen to the whisper of love as you breathe. You can hear, see and feel love energy with each breath you take – you are love expressed, you are interconnected through love to all of creation.
We often say things like; speaking from the heart, listening to the heart, following the heart, because the heart is dynamic, unifying, intuitive and creative. With each beat your heart maintains a loving connection to all that was, is and ever will be. Connected to love, truth, wisdom and inner standing.
 When you speak lovingly from the heart, the love energy can be felt by others. When you think loving thoughts, energy from your heart (frequency) expands radiating up to 14 ft from your heart. When you act with love, the love energy flows into whatever action you take. With your thoughts, words and actions you are a creator of love!Be at home with love in your heart and take love with you when you go. 
Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts creator of What Love Says Invites you to play with great love in your day. #love #heart #energy #breath #Lovetransforms #loveisenergy #yourheartisyourhome #illustrator #storyteller #whatlovesays #bethelove #betheloveyouwanttosee #mondayvibes
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harmonyhealinghub · 7 months
Embracing the Empowering Truth: "I Am Loved" Shaina Tranquilino March 5, 2024
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In the vast tapestry of human existence, love stands as a universal force that has the power to transform lives, uplift spirits, and bind us together in a profound way. Amidst the chaos of our daily lives, it's easy to forget the simple yet profound truth that each one of us is loved. This realization, when embraced wholeheartedly, can be a source of immense strength, resilience, and joy. In this blog post, we'll explore the empowering mantra "I Am Loved" and its transformative impact on our well-being.
The Power of Affirmation: "I Am Loved" is more than just a collection of words – it is an affirmation that holds the potential to shift our mindset and shape our reality. Affirmations are powerful tools that help reprogram our thoughts, fostering positivity and self-belief. By repeating this simple yet profound statement, we open ourselves up to the abundance of love that surrounds us.
Recognizing Different Forms of Love: Love comes in myriad forms, and acknowledging the diverse ways it manifests in our lives is essential. From the warmth of familial love to the bonds forged with friends, romantic love, and even self-love, our world is rich with expressions of this powerful emotion. Understanding and appreciating these various forms of love contribute to a more wholesome and fulfilling life.
Navigating Self-Love: Central to the affirmation "I Am Loved" is the concept of self-love – a cornerstone of mental and emotional well-being. In a world that often emphasizes external validation, cultivating a deep sense of love for oneself is revolutionary. It involves accepting flaws, celebrating achievements, and recognizing our intrinsic worthiness of love. Self-love is not selfish; it's a foundation upon which we can build healthier relationships with others.
Resilience in the Face of Challenges: Life is a journey filled with peaks and valleys, and during challenging times, the affirmation "I Am Loved" serves as a beacon of hope. When facing adversity, the knowledge that we are cherished and supported by others can provide the strength needed to persevere. Love becomes a source of resilience, allowing us to bounce back from setbacks with newfound determination and grace.
Building Meaningful Connections: Beyond its impact on individual well-being, the affirmation "I Am Loved" fosters a sense of connection with the world around us. Recognizing the love that exists in our relationships, communities, and the broader human experience reinforces our shared humanity. It encourages acts of kindness, empathy, and compassion, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond ourselves.
In embracing the empowering truth "I Am Loved," we tap into a reservoir of strength and positivity that has the potential to transform our lives. This simple yet profound affirmation serves as a reminder of the abundance of love that surrounds us, both within ourselves and in the world. By incorporating this mantra into our daily lives, we open ourselves up to a deeper understanding of our own worthiness and the interconnectedness of all humanity. So, let us carry the conviction that we are loved and share that love with others, creating a brighter, more compassionate world.
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theloulouge · 10 months
Reminder Reflections 130
When a man truly cherishes you, he feels a compelling need to connect with you daily. The idea that someone is too occupied to make time for their significant other is a misconception. Love has the power to break through the busiest of schedules. Don’t be misled by excuses of constant busyness. Moreover, even a man who seems unprepared for commitment can find himself changing his priorities and…
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shadowworksoul · 2 years
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As we bring #libraseason to an end, I'm reiterating some heavy relationship knowledge. Stop torturing yourself with the same devices as the people who came before you. There's nothing more beautiful than real love... especially when you are being corrected by its intensity. Let love transform you. ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ #lovewins #lovewinstheday #loveheals #lovetransforms #loveiseverlasting #loveiskind #onlyloveisreal #ascension #love #lovequotes #twinflames #relationshipquotes #relationships #healthyrelationships #introspection #selfawareness #selflove #selfrespect #selfcare #shadowwork #perception #behavioralpatterns #selfesteem #friends #family #familyandfriends #generationalcurse #generationalwealth #childhoodtrauma https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj-ntLRO-Ow/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shayyourlovedivayt · 21 days
How Dinner Dates Can Lead to Dating Mistakes
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America's #1 Love Coach Shay Levister || Certified Love Transformer®
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Sooo... last night I was at @middlechurch for the Jazzy New Year's Eve service .. and I couldn't resist taking photos of the place. O, how I miss being there every Sunday! #instaphotos #church #newyearseve #loverevolution #lovetransforms #loveperiod #happynewyear https://www.instagram.com/p/BsHClkyFFmE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pxk93h3nkceb
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iamemeralddream76 · 4 years
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Good day beloved Virtual Multiverse Residents, How's everybody doing today? I come today pondering whether we have to understand others' love/love styles to honor and respect them fully? Let me first start with how I am using love in this post, found in the Christian bible in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. As humans, the objects of our love show up in different ways. Does that mean that how you love is more valid, respectable, worth, and honorable than mine? Does that mean that the love style one chooses is less valid, respectable, worthy, and honorable than yours? If their love aligns with what's mention in the bible, then why judge or scrunch up your face in disgust. If what we see is patient, kind, unassuming, practiced, liberating, understanding, kindhearted, sympathetic + empathetic, supportive, enduring, ever-evolving, honesty, and endless.  Then why not celebrate love when it shows up. Why not learn from it when it's in your presence. Allow ourselves to receive and give it. We all can learn from each other the nuance of love and its many styles. Don't let the diversity of how loves manifestation hinder you from learning, validating, respecting, honoring, and seeing its worth. Its manifestation is ethnicity, race, gender, age, body type, gender expression. Or its structural nuance such as monogamous, open, polygamy, polyamory, triads, etc.  Let love continue to Win. When love wins, we are transformed, healed, and set free. By: Emerald Enigma (EE) #lovewins #lovetransforms #loveheals #lovefreedom https://www.instagram.com/p/CNTBlvQsiiP/?igshid=1u89euqakfor1
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joeguggia · 4 years
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Peaceful colors #flowers #garden #architecture #create #value #succulents #roses #hydrangea #heart #lovetransforms #lovemyjob #createvalue #sales #muscle (at Orcutt, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDMOECAlmUB/?igshid=fv1ibc925j0q
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squeakinpups · 5 years
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Love more. Love transforms. I was trying to take a selfie for a post today. As I went through the attempts, I realized they looked different based on what I was thinking about. Love is a beautiful thing and it makes us beautiful, too. (First photo, I obviously don't love selfies. 🤣) Bryan Porter ❤❤❤ #thinkingofyou #nofilters #keepingitreal #lovetransforms #love #beloved #heismyhappyplace https://www.instagram.com/p/B7T-2cDnQZE/?igshid=wmxy7wu5hufh
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shijumoni · 5 years
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1 கொரிந்தியர் 13 2: நான் தீர்க்கதரிசன வரத்தை உடையவனாயிருந்து, சகல இரகசியங்களையும், சகல அறிவையும் அறிந்தாலும், மலைகளைப் பேர்க்கத்தக்கதாக சகல விசுவாசமுள்ளவனாயிருந்தாலும், அன்பு எனக்கிராவிட்டால் நான் ஒன்றுமில்லை. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. (KJV) #Love #lovetransforms #loveyourbodyday #loveunicorns #loveforthewater #loveyourplate #lovelife #lovepieceandhappiness #lovegeocaching #lovemycharacters #lovePeoples #loveyourgarden #lovemel #loverboy #loveyourenemies #loveliestpeople #lovewhatyouhave #lovemykieren #lovetakephoto #LoveGeorgia #lovebible #lovedisneyland #lovethatone #lovemynanna #lovehavelocknorth #LoveMyFireFighter #lovethismovie #LoveThyHealth #lovechangespeople #lovethewayyouworkit (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3kNUZogZ5p/?igshid=zq0ddqype9kd
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elayagaia · 5 years
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May your emotions flow easily... may your inner feminine guide tell you it is ok to cry, to feel, to surrender to some emotions, to let them out of your heart, to let the salt of your tears purify your being... as the moon is getting fuller in this intense energy wave of September, so it is nice to try and ride with flowing grace all the different "weather" if you see what I mean... and to not let any old world patriarchy make you think you are small for feeling all of it, this Life and showing your emotions... it means we have a heart, it means we are alive,it means we love 💚 and so we fill the world with love. The feminine is rising everywhere... whether it is accepted or not, in love all will be transformed...💖 my own magical jar of love.... #elayagaia #elayamagic #emotions #emotionalhealing #healingtears #itsoktofeel #femininehealing #innerfeminineguide #femininerising #lovetransforms #magicaljar #moonguidance #moonemotions #september2019 #heartfrequency #alive #fortheloveoflife #protectemotions #sacredfeminine https://www.instagram.com/p/B2IIfMUIb2K/?igshid=h1ky60l95v7g
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prncsslyssaart · 6 years
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Happy Saturday friends💕
May we all ask for and work towards displaying the fruit of the Spirit in every word and deed today.
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speremint · 5 years
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Some people really are clowning tonight and it be like that 
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Love TRANSFORMS everything! Chickadee, dee, dee, dee! 
What my Coffee says to me March 23 - drink YOUR life in - love is inside you, it's everywhere in everything and everyone! YOU are the catalyst for LOVE transformation! (What my Coffee says to me is a daily, illustrated series created by Jennifer R. Cook for YOUR mental health) Buy my creations on Redbubble 
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Reposted from @kelly.j.smith.11 Watching John Lewis's body carried one last time over the Edmund Pettus Bridge Writing voter mobilization postcards was the most fitting activity I could think of to do while watching. We must rename the bridge in his honor and WE MUST FULLY RESTORE THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT NOW. #PoorPeoplesCampaign @middlechurch #LoveTransforms @nysppc - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CDHzjyID2fK/?igshid=1076xcv377xot
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lindsayryan · 3 years
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I’m not a fan of “transformation stories”when I talk about beachbody, because 1) I don’t have an impressive number of pounds I’ve lost. 2) I truly feel that health & wellness is about more than what the scale says. My transformation in my health and wellness journey goes deeper than that. Me, 2016 - 6 years Ago: Self-hate that I hid from the world. I second-guessed myself constantly. Going through stuff no one would guess. Battling an internal fight with suicidal ideation. Spending 3-4 hours a day, at least 3 days a week at the gym. But make no mistake, I wasn’t healthy. I was there for escape. Just trying to make it to the next gym day. ❤️️ Me, Now: Inner healing. Freedom. Confidence. Restful sleep. Consistency. Self love. 💜 Am I at my “perfect weight”? Who cares? Am I taking care of myself? Absolutely. #mytransformationjourney #juststart PS: this is not to discount other’s journeys to health. I work with a team of women who have had amazing transformations in their lives, and I am proud of them beyond belief. This is just… my story. Theirs is different and just as inspiring. 💜💜 #coachgang #buildeachotherup #lovetransformation https://www.instagram.com/p/CaXeVrKIGFl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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