#lovepurposed (marin)
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luckhissoul · 1 year ago
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@lovepurposed asked :: ❝ i've got my eye on you. you got the look of a troublemaker. ❞ (from Marin)
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he had been back three months now. sometimes it felt like a million bloody years, other times it felt like he had only gotten back a mere 24 hours ago. he had spent nearly a year in that german hospital. time passed too quickly. coming back home was not like walking into a nice warm place, it wasn't like - anything really. just the cold empty of a too big apartment that an investment here and there had gotten him. he didn't like being up there alone, he rarely ever was. bars, lounges, the girl at the liquor store just a few blocks down, it didn't matter really. company was easy. but most nights he found himself having wandered off here. it wasn't the sort of place you brought a date or dropped a pin to friends so they could meet you. it was someplace carved out away from his actual life. for the past two months he's been coming here. drinking just enough that he remembers his name and the steps it takes to get back to his place. just enough to numb an edge that won't be dulled down. he's never been sullen, never sulked in his whole bloody life but there was a cloud over the days lately, there were memories that stuck and then the ones that the injury had stolen away. how long had he stared at his mom's face until it had registered? he doesn't like thinking. coming here was good for that. they put on a good show, too.
it's a funny thing to correlate, isn't it? now that he's outside of the place. seeing her standing there like she was something real. not just some beautiful thing spinning brilliantly from that little hoop. just a woman, standing there in front of him. cut out against the night. she looks the same, she looks different. he looks at her then and he smiles around an unlit cigarette. she's got the softest eyes. well, that was a funny thought. thinking like that could get a man in trouble. and he had already had his share of that. he takes the cigarette from his lips. "in my experience, that's never a bad thing." a tone a lot lighter than he had expected. but then again there's no reason to play debbie downer when there's a pretty girl pausing to give you her time. he stands up a little straighter. "want one?" he offers, holding out the cigarette in her direction.
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swallowsandamazons · 1 year ago
Closed RP with @lovepurposed [Marin&Ely]
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It wasn't a good idea... but then, how many of their ideas were? They weren't Blackbeard or anyone important. Their job wasn't plans it was just doing what they were told, keeping stock and running messages. How could they possibly have come up with a plan to escape a gaggle of soldiers by themselves?
The Queen Annes Revenge had stopped off at port to stock up on a few items. Ely had gone to land alone, as they usually did, to speak with merchants and gather what the ship needed. They had no reason to anticipate fowl play. As soon as they'd noticed the soldiers lying in wait, they'd taken off running. No doubt their plan was to rinse Ely for information and use that to seize the ship.
Ely knew they probably wouldn't hold up well under torture. They weren't that kind of pirate. They hadn't even killed anyone yet. They were, however, small and fast. So they ran. It was too late when they realised that the soldiers were working together to trap them.
Backed up to the high sea wall, there were only two options; let themselves be caught and undoubtedly crumble under the pressure or jump. They couldn't swim and it was a long way down but what other option was there?
What would Blackbeard do?
They jumped. Arms and legs flailing, heart racing. The ice water hit them like a wall and the under current caught them, dragging them beneath the tide. They gasped in shock and felt a searing, burning force push into their lungs.
The next thing they knew, they were coughing and spluttering- unloading the sea contents that they'd inhaled onto whatever surface they'd been hoisted up onto. Perhaps some amount of sheer luck had caused the tide to wash them up on the beach?
Gradually, Ely looked up, blinking painfully against the sting of sunlight and salt. There was the hazy shape of a person there... a girl?...
As soon as Elys vision came into focus and they noticed what was clearly wrong with this image, they attempted to scramble backwards. The panic sent them sprawling in the sand, twisting their arm painfully underneath them.
"S-sorry... I-I..." Their voices tore at their throat. It wasn't like that mattered, anyway. Any coherent strains of speech had completely left them.
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unfinishedbusincss · 2 years ago
🫢 (Marin for Anne because why not sdkfah)
Send 🫢 (or “oops!” if you can't see the emoji) for my muse's reaction to yours walking in while they are changing / getting dressed !
Sun-scorched shoulders littered as much with freckles as scars and pockmarks peeked out from the neck of the shirt as Anne continued the ritual of undressing. She'd learned early on of the ills of the sun, and even in the high heat wore her many layers--her vests, her coat, her sweat-stained blouse, her many belts, her boots. They only ever came off at night, and only ever all the way off when bathing or fucking, neither of which she'd done in a fair while. It wasn't until she stood bare-cheeked, the last of her sleeves finally untied and the blouse coming off over her head, that she heard the squeal of the door falling in on its rusted hinges.
There should have been thought. Should have been realization and peace. But Anne was a wanted woman in too many ways, too used to keeping safe. Her sword was in her hand in the time it took to blink, Anne spinning so fast her long red hair fanned out behind her, her sword as naked as she--or vice versa.
Thank Christ she hadn't had anything to throw, or Marin's face would have been well on its way to unseemly swell of purple and red. As it was, Anne only huffed, tossing the sword back onto the small trunk where it lay beside its scabbard and her discarded clothes.
"Need to learn to fuckin' knock," Anne chided under her breath before raising her voice, "or at least how to fuckin' announce yourself. Could've taken your damn hand off before you got a word in." Anne was glad to have her back to Marin, though, to hide the light dusting of pink burning on her cheeks. Self-consciously, Anne retrieved her shirt and began to pull it back on.
"The fuck do you need, anyway?"
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imprvdente · 1 year ago
𝐓𝐀𝐆 𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐏 🐬 for @lovepurposed
& lovepurposed / marin & fish (we return to each other in waves; this is how water loves)
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 years ago
@lovepurposed continued from here (x)
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"I don't have any muggle lock-picking skills." Elio countered, "We do have right to get access to knowledge but there's a reason why these books in particular are in the Forbidden section. You normally have to get permission to get in here because some of these books contain dangerous information." Or at least that's what he's been told. He's never actually been in here so how would he know for sure? He still can't believe he let Marin talk him into doing this. Rule-breaking wasn't something he did and yet here he was.
Most people would probably blame Marin for being a bad influence but it's not like that… Okay, maybe a little on this occasion. People were so fast to judge others just from hearing rumors. Elio never paid much attention to them even if he heard them. He would rather get to know someone before making any kind of judgment on their character.
"I mean yes you convinced me to come along but it's not like you dragged me here unwillingly." He blinks in surprise when the lock opens. "I can't believe you just actually did that. Without magic. Muggles really do know some stuff we don't." He walks inside of the forbidden section and motions for her to follow him. "Have you ever been in here before? I got no clue where to look." Lighting up his wand would help but that would only increase the risk of them being caught, something he would rather avoid at all costs. "I mean are these sorted by subject or something? I know what the book is called but that's about it…"
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neverhangd · 2 years ago
@lovepurposed literally asked for this. ♡ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ♡
Time for another round already, darling? --Oh. Hello, you.
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Naughty, naughty, signing these poor unfortunates up without their consent. Road to Hell and all--though I somehow doubt there was good intention here.
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Ladies first. You, my darling, wouldn't know how to be a proper top if you have a manual and a master class in it: true or true? I don't need to cheat to know a praise whore when I see one. Nowhere happier than on your knees being petted and told what a good girl you are, hey? I'd love to stop here, darling, and leave you to stew in your pretty little panties over just how easy you are to read, but I'm afraid it's time for a SHOW. Lightning round--and--go.
You haven't heard the word "shibari" I recommend you run to your preferred pornographic website and look it up immediately. The same for "cock-warmer," though erotica might do you better for that. If I had to guess I'd say your specific fixation is...fingers. Must be a sucker for pianists. If you haven't been fucked still in or half-in lingerie you should try it--and consider suspension in your next romp, mmm? Got a strong feeling you'll learn something new about yourself you can thank me for later.
And now you. Lets make one thing perfectly clear between the two of us first, shall we?: I don't like you. I'd say I'm sure you're in fine company, but.... Well. Our mutual friend here isn't in those ranks. So then.
You're a switch of my least favorite kind, specifically because you aren't a switch. You aren't anything. (You're a malleable state of matter dredged up from the foam of the sea--but that's for another time.)
The issue I take with you with all this is because you have no preferences of your own. Easy to misinterpret as "easygoing," I know, and I know you've allowed yourself the delusion of just that. Even "no preference" sounds sweet for what it is. But we both know the truth. The, if you'll pardon the metaphor, hungry maelstrom at the core of the matter, hmm? You have no preferences because you have no "you." You're a mirror at best, reflecting back what you think others want to see--their kinks included.
There are things you like, of course. Eyes. Hands. Thighs. Things in pairs, you might notice--mirrors. You can't enjoy yourself by yourself unless it's for the pleasure of another, and that's always stumped you. So let Daddy give you a hint why, yeah?
What is left in a mirror when there's no one to reflect?
--And that's time. Do come back to see me.
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clemencetaught · 1 year ago
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For their specific verses :)
this one definitely has standards :'D ( platonic bingo for patrick ( verse three ) w/ @lovepurposed )
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"I suppose it should be an honor to be seen as compatible with our future president." And yet, it's said with disdain coloring the edges of his voice. Believes in a better world? Would call Patrick out on his lies? Would take care of Sun?
Well the last of three certainly won't be happening for a very long time, if ever.
Patrick takes a sip of his tea; this is not the place ot let it out, not when the current president's eyes are more perennial here. "That being said, our wonderful future president probably would be more interested in...someone other than this old man."
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There is an understanding amongst the victors. Anything that happens in the arena is in the name of survival and what comes after is also in the name of survival. Coping. And sometimes, the means to cope, the means to live in the machine known as the Capitol is less than beautiful. Less than the glamorous the Capitol citizens has adorned them with.
Marin would know that well.
"...If you need help, let me know. I'll see what I can do for you."
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dctrreids · 1 year ago
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from marin! blue is a given. purple is a learning curve since she hasn't had a conventional start to her life. exposed to those things she'd enjoy them though. patience is iffy because she's not generally a patient person but i think she's patient with kids and partners. and she's not...impolite, just more teasing when she gets comfy.
so what i'm hearing is they need to go on a date and play chess
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imprvdente · 1 year ago
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As silence settled between Marin and Fish, she hoped it could be broken by the gentle roaring of waves. Oh, how she missed it, how she missed the way it used to lull her to sleep. Now, she fell asleep to the buzzing of the Capitol's streets and the loud, suffocating quietude of her penthouse. And she was always awoken by the same nightmares, her screams filling up her beautiful bedroom.
Did they hurt the ears of whoever was always listening, she wondered. Whoever they were, the ears pressed against the wall, did they worry about her? Had they formed an attachment to the mermaid from District 4, that poor girl ripped from home they heard crying every night? While she did not know who they were, she had gotten attached to them. After all, they were always here, watching over her in a sick, twisted way. What kind of reports did they give to the President? The girl is going insane. The girl is becoming paranoid. She looks over her shoulder, and her entire world smells like roses now.
It used to smell like the sea.
Marin still smelled like it. Like sea salt, like the waves, like the beating sun of August. She was her last memory from home, and yet it felt like she was fading too. Devoured by the gaping jaw of the Capitol, a mouth that took and took. Relentless, insatiable.
Fish wanted to hold her, bury her face in the curve of her neck, and grab a little bit of her before she would vanish back into the waves. Marin was like seafoam, fragile and soft, rolling on the shore in a vaporous cloud, before being swallowed back by the ocean. If only she could hold her...
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But her voice dragged Fish out of her thoughts. She frowned for a second, surprised. Something she wanted to show her? "Alright," she replied with a smile, "I'll follow you. Where are we going?"
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     𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐄𝐖 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒, Marin hasn’t been able to help but wonder where innocence goes when it’s lost — and if it’s something that can be retrieved — like a shiny object thrown into the sea. She’s also wondered if she was ever innocent at all. She’s known from a young age that once they take something — it doesn’t seem to come back. She fiddles with the thistle around her neck as she always does when she’s thoughtful — as if it could summon a woman who would have all the answers. She’s grateful for Angus McCarthy for taking her in — it’s just, not a day had passed that she hadn’t wished for her mother — and when going into the arena, she’d thought of how mothers often kiss the forehead of their child when she’s reaped.
      She’s wondered if it was really a gift — to win, that is — or if the message is that life itself is a curse if you dare stand in the Capitol’s presence. Can a girl who has murdered both innocents and grown men be redeemed? Can she take back the stifling feeling of their hands on her, and learn how to not have to breathe through being touched. Fish makes it look so easy  to reach out to friend and foe alike — but Marin’s not naive enough to think that Fish is okay. She’s just better at playing the game — and that makes her more dangerous. As President Snow moves his pieces around their invisible board, more of their own fall off. Fish will be one of the last standing. And it’s almost better to be out of the game before that happens.
      She isn’t as brave as her mother. Her survival instinct speaks to something else — fear, maybe? Fear of what, she couldn’t say. She’s always preferred to feel small, unseen. It’s one of the reasons she loves the ocean so much — and the stars. Fish isn’t like that — but then, maybe that’s why Marin adores her so — her presence is so big and captivating that it’s just like the stars and the ocean — easy to get lost in. Somewhere safe. Though, in reality — the only place less safe than with her hand in Fish Monet’s is perhaps in a rose garden with an old man who thinks he’s God.
      Perhaps they should put him in the arena. He and his family with twenty four victors. They say may the odds be ever in your favor — but the odds are skewed in theirs. Marin isn’t the revolutionary her mam had been. She doesn’t want to have to fight. She’s a strong enough swimmer but swimming against a current tires one out so very quickly. She sighs. At the very least, it isn’t seen as strange for two victors to be seen together — least of all those from the same district. “Come with me, there’s something I want to show you.”
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realmythsmoved · 1 year ago
Repost and rate your muse's traits, then tag your followers.
Tagged by @uncxntrxllable
Doing this for Victoria/Tori:
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★  ⸻   COMPASSION: 10/10 . Tori is a very compassionate person and always has been. She still feels she can work on it, but honestly she doesn't need to.
★  ⸻   BITTERNESS: 5/10. She can sometimes be bitter (understandably, I think.) about her father and older brother and the whole system that puts the born wolves above the bitten ones. But other than that, she's not really a bitter person. And like I said, those feelings are understandable.
★  ⸻   HAPPINESS: 5/10 Now that she's met Alex, she's a bit more happy with her life. Pre-Alex it would've been like a 3. Maybe even 1 or 2. She has more of a purpose now with their revolution. But she probably won't be fully happy until they win. (Once they do it'd go up to a 9 or 10.)
★  ⸻   POLITENESS: 10/10 She has very good manners. Her mother taught her well.
★  ⸻   CHIVALRY: 10/10. She's a gentlewoman <3 Especially with Alex. And anyone she's interested in romantically. But even with friends and family, she's pretty chivalrous.
★  ⸻   PRIDE: 0/10. She's not really too proud. She could probably use a bit more pride.
★  ⸻   HONESTY: 9/10 So Tori is a terrible liar so she only lies if she needs to and can rationalize it to herself. For example, she lies to protect her and Alex's revolution, to keep others safe, etc. Other than that, she never lies if she can help it.
★  ⸻   BRAVERY: 8/10. She'd probably give herself a 5, but Tori is actually very brave. She started the revolution in the first place, asked Alex to join her, etc. And she's standing up to her father and older brother and the whole messed up society so I think that's pretty brave.
★  ⸻   RECKLESSNESS: 7/10. She wouldn't consider herself very reckless, but if someone she cares about is in danger, she absolutely will be She will do whatever is necessary to try to make them safe. Including risking her own neck. .
★  ⸻   AMBITION: 7/10. Tori's pretty ambitious, I'd say. Not much else to say about this one.
★  ⸻   LOYALTY: 10/10. Tori is extremely loyal. To a fault. The only time she isn't is if she feels someone (her father and older brother Lucas) has betrayed her or her principles first. But other than that, if she cares about you, she cares about you and will be 100% loyal.
★  ⸻   LOVE: 10/10. Tori's a hopeless romantic, what can I say?
★  ⸻   SENSE OF FAMILY: 5/10. If it wasn't for her grandmother, her younger brother, and her mother, this would be at a 0. But thanks to them, it's at least halfway there.
★  ⸻   ATTRACTIVENESS: 9/10. If you're into that sort of thing. Victoria doesn't really care much about how she looks, though.
★  ⸻   AGILITY: 0/10. Tori rarely gets hurt thanks to being a werewolf. But she can be clumsy and awkward, for sure.
★  ⸻   SEX DRIVE: 5/10 At the point I'm writing her, she's never had sex. But she absolutely would with the right person at the right time for both of them. It just hasn't happened for her yet.
I tag: @bewitchingbaker, @the27percent, @lovepurposed (marin &/or lucienne), and YOU if you want to do this. Steal it, idc.
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sirensought · 1 year ago
@lovepurposed  sent  ;  ∗ 15﹕ sender  and  receiver  make  eye  contact  across  a  busy  room . (from westley or marin)
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        it  was  instant.  the  moment  pale  blue  eyes  locked  with  hers  a  gentle  smile  replaced  his  previously  disinterested  expression.  suddenly  he  didn't  mind  being  at  this  insipid  ball  his  mother  insisted  on  him  making  an  appearance  at.  
        he  quickly  made  his  way  through  a  sea  of  guests  thoroughly  enjoying  the  party.  an  atmosphere  he  found  increasingly  difficult  to  pretend  to  enjoy.  though  he  did  put  on  quite  the  act,  chin  tipping  in  acknowledgement  at  the  grins  and  greetings  cast  his  way.  all  pleasantries  and  decorum  despite  how  out  of  place  he  felt  among  the  crowd.  the  sight  of  marin  though,  seemed  to  ease  the  feeling.  
        a  playful  smirk  adorns  eric's  face  as  he  approaches.  playing  the  role  of  the  charismatic  prince,  he  gives  her  a  bow  then  moves  to  stand  beside  her.  eyes  gaze  out  at  the  other  guests  again  momentarily  before  lips  move  close  to  her  ear.  ❛ i  didn't  expect  to  see  you  here. ❜
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fiirstnephalem · 1 year ago
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repost and list 5 songs that inspire you to write your muse  :
Pretty Girl by Maggie Lindemann Crown by Clara Bond Grace by Rachel Platten Beauty in the Struggle by Bryan Martin The Fixer by Brent Morgan
list 5 quotes that inspire you to write your muse   :
i. "She has a way with words, red lipstick, and making an entrance." ~ Kate Spade
ii. "She's an old soul that believes in chivalry, romance, and love." ~ Adrian Michael.
iii. "She loves deeply, regardless of the love she gets back in return, and it is both her biggest strength, and her biggest weakness." ~ N.R. Hart
iv. "Don't tell a girl with fire in her veins and hurricane bones what she should and shouldn't do. In the blink of an eye, she will shatter that ridiculous cage you attempt to build around her beautiful bohemian spirit." ~ Melody Lee
v. “My scars remind me that I did indeed survive my deepest wounds. That in itself is an accomplishment. And they bring to mind something else, too. They remind me that the damage life has inflicted on me has, in many places, left me stronger and more resilient. What hurt me in the past has actually made me better equipped to face the present.” ~ Steve Goodier
tagged: @primordialchoice tagging: @fangsforhire, @rubiesintherough ( for wraith & aedus ), @inmentemusae ( for Eloa ), @cfvoid ( for Bella ), @luposcainus, @lovepurposed ( for Marin )
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panemasterlist · 2 years ago
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# reblog this post to be added. # one month of inactivity will get you removed. to get added again, simply reblog the post again.
USER: alyafae
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USER: capitolhost
USER: hvbris [follows from sinruby]
USER: alyafae
USER: hvbris [follows from sinruby]
USER: rancoeur
USER: avoxdarius [follows from mockingjaybroken]
USER: alyafae
USER: contriite [follows from pctioneer]
USER: hvbris [follows from sinruby]
USER: ohsunshine
USER: sacrificus
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USER: isdeathlystill
USER: tridentwon
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USER: maimedaffair
USER: johannamason
USER: faentasi
USER: lorestold
USER: maimedaffair
USER: mockingjaybroken
USER: hvbris [follows from sinruby]
USER: maimedaffair
USER: alyafae
USER: rancoeur
USER: forwardlion
USER: lorestold
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USER: thebakersboy [follows from mockingjaybroken]
USER: heavensbee
USER: hvbris [follows from sinruby]
USER: ohsunshine
USER: hvbris [follows from sinruby]
USER: alyafae [on request]
USER: hvbris [follows from sinruby]
USER: maimedaffair
USER: alyafae
USER: alyafae
USER: alyafae [on request]
ASTONIA THREAD: peacekeepingsniper
DAMIEN WESTWOOD: chaoslulled
LUCRETIA SNOW: hvbris [follows from sinruby]
ROSALBA SNOW: rosalbasnow
VIRGILIA SNOW: revolutionaes [follows from capitolhost]
IMOGEN WILLIAMS: chaoslulled
MEDEA HUNTER: medeahuntervictorof2
DAMIEN WESTWOOD: chaoslulled
MARIN GUNDERSON: lovepurposed
KAYT BISHOP: inaredflush
KAYLEE TURBO: district6smechanic
CHERRI BAYNETTA: chaoslulled
CODRIN HORNBEAN: hvbris [follows from sinruby]
RHEA BELLS: 51st victor [follows from notsodeadmikaelson]
DEAN STANTON: notapieceintheirgame [follows from mockingjaybroken]
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unfinishedbusincss · 2 years ago
It was not the squall Anne Bonny feared, nor the crashing of the waves against each other and the ship's hull. It was not the gnashing wind she feared, nor the upheaval of the planks beneath her boots, nor even the salt water leaping over the railing like invaders from another ship. The ripping of the sails and the groaning of the hull were fearsome, to be sure, but it was not until the water hit her square in the chest and knocked her overboard that Anne Bonny realized what she feared: death without a fighting chance.
No new air entered her lungs before she crashed into the waves herself, watching as her hat, knocked off her head, floated in the fretful water above her and seemed to be doffing itself in a solemn farewell to the woman who had worn it these last ten years. Sea glass green eyes slipped shut under the waves and against her better judgement, Anne surrendered to death.
It would prove to be a short lived surrender.
Still sopping wet but now drying uncomfortably in the sun--sun!, yes!, shining down onto her face so that she could see the muddy red color of the inside of her own eyelids--Anne groaned and attempted to sit up before choking on a gasp of pain and flopping down again into the soft sand. Her eyes flew open, as did her salt-cracked lips. Her fall from the ship's deck hadn't been without its miseries, then, with her hat and at least one rib among the casualties of the battle with nature. More pressingly, Anne was alive...unarmed...and, as a glance to the side confirmed, not as alone as she had been in the sea.
"What in the fuck happened." She was, however, as verbose as she always was.
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imprvdente · 1 year ago
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Your muse through the ages... Fish in Ancient Greece, the 15th century, the 18th century and the early 1800s
tagging: @uselessdevice (Leah) @omniishambles (Katniss) @collidingxworlds (Abigail) @countlessrealities (Summer) @magaprima @dcmur3 @theresastargirl @lovepurposed (Marin) @dynamoprotocol
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 years ago
"Ask for forgiveness, never permission." (Marin, again, Hogwarts or otherwise)
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"Is this how you justify breaking and entering each time you do this?" He questions while watching her slightly in awe. Marin was doing it with such ease and confidence that it was obvious this was not her first time doing this. Unlike him, who was shifting from one foot to another while nervously looking around expecting to be caught any moment. Whether it was Peeves or Filch or one of the professors he felt way to exposed like this. "Can you hurry up?"
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