Elio Perlman
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Indie rp blog for Elio Perlman loosely based on Call me by your name movie and book. “Is it better to speak or die?” 
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wehavefoundthestars · 1 month ago
He can't believe that he just made a scene in public. Not one with shouting but still a scene nonetheless. What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he have kept everything inside until they were back at the hotel? Once outside, he takes a few deep breaths of the fresh air and tries calming himself down. At moments like this, he wished he still smoked because he could use one right now.
Of course, Elio wants to make this work; he does. Why would he otherwise fly over all the way here? Viveka seems like a nice person and Daithi… Oh, how much he cares for that man. If only he had the words to express it. He feels like a little kid who needs to learn how to share his toys for the first time at this moment. It's ridiculous really. He had never thought to end up in a situation like this but then again Daithi had told him from the beginning how things were.
He should head back inside because he has no clue how long it will take before Viveka returns and doesn't want to keep them waiting.
elio's silence makes him crinkle his nose up a bit . he's used to people making a face in reaction to viveka's story when she tells it so expecting it maybe was worse from him . nonetheless , he sighs out softly when the other begins to ramble his thoughts away . he knows it's new , different , scary .. but he wants everyone happy . himself included . he's right , they shouldn't be having this conversation in a hospital waiting room . but , he doesn't stop him , interuptting would just put it in a worse situation he thinks so he nods quietly for the moment . but before he can hardly get his name out , the other is getting up .
' elio -- ' but his voice is lost in quiestness because he doesn't want to cause any more of a scene . not more than they might have already with the hushed irritated voice of elio , and his own desperate pleases that begged to be leaked . he knows he wants to go after him, but keeps himself planted for the moment . elio needs space , which is a very real situation playing in his mind now . what if elio freaks out and wants to go home ? or spends the rest of his time here not wanting to see daithi ?
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
“For you, I was a chapter. For me, you were the book.”
— Tom McNeal
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
"Maybe I just collect books as a hobby," Elio pointed out before admitting, "But you're right I do read a lot although some of these are for my courses not actual free time reading."
"I just hope I won't become the noisy neighbour." He says his cheeks turning red, "I play some instruments you see... I wouldn't play at night of course but I still need to practice from time to time."
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At her question, he nodded, "Sort of I mean I'm studying but before this, I had a very tiny lousy place that I was desperate to get out of. However, this is the first time I'm moving without any help from my parents so my packing skills are... Well not that great as it turns out."
“Mhm.” A hum to indicate that she had understood. Books. “You obviously read a lot.” It was more of a question than a statement, but it wasn't like Elio necessarily had to answer it either.
“For a little over four years. It's very nice here, quiet. No noisy neighbors to disturb your reading.” She smiled. Elio looked very young.
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“Have you moved out of home? From your parents' house, I mean. Like... a lot of people move here to study at uni, you know? So I thought you might be one of them.”
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
He thinks he needs more than some solid food to return to his normal self. Time would heal his wounds physical and mental ones. Still, he merely nodded because he was thankful for his help and knew Lian meant well.
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"Really?" Elio said eyes widening, "Also I don't know about the you teaching me part. People have tried and failed before so I'm not sure it would end well but I appreciate the offer."
"Thank you but I'm good for now." He reassured him with a small smile before continuing to eat. His mind couldn't help but wander towards all the people who wouldn't be eating with their families after tonight, and it was killing his appetite. No matter how much he tried to push away the thoughts of what happened they just refused to leave.
"I don't get how I came out this well," He finally mutters after a silence, "It doesn't seem fair."
“Thank you.” Flattered by Elio's compliment, Lian smiled. “I'm glad you like it. But more than that, it should help you get back on your feet. There are lots of vegetables in it.”
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His question as to when he could move in with him elicited a soft laugh. “If you like, I can cook for you more often. I can teach you. And then you'll cook me something one day. Yeah? Ah, if you want more… there's still plenty left. Don't hesitate if you're still hungry.”
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
Serious question,
How does one these days find new people to write with? I try to follow new people but no one seems open to plotting or writing. Just wondering if there is some secret way I don't know of.
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
Reblog if your rp partners (and followers) are great writers and you love each and every one of their portrayals!
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
"I know I didn't have to but I wanted to," Elio said while he watched her unwrap his gift with great care.
"Oh gosh did I overdo it?" He questions eyes widening when he notices her tears, "I swear it didn't cost as much as you think it did!" He visibly relaxes when she calls it beautiful and Elio closes the distance between them to hug her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry! But you deserve all the gifts and love in the world Valerie. You're the most kindhearted person I've ever met."
He pulls back a little to look at her face. "Do you want me to help you put it on?"
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it has come to be a sound that has been reserved for him , since he was her reason to be happy in the first place . she never told him this , since she did not want to put that much expectation on him , it was the truth . her fingertips trace his cheekbones until he pulls back , near jolting away . her eyes widen somewhat comically , though her fears she has done something wrong are soothed when he says he got her something for the holiday . " y --- you did not h --- have to . . . but t -- thank y -- you . " it does not even matter what it is , she is sure she will adore it so very much , keep it forever . she takes the package into her hands , delicately tracing over the paper that it is swathed in . slowly & carefully , she undoes the wrappings , not wishing to just tear into it thoughtlessly . when she has it opened , she gazes down at the box , then at him , before removing the lid to uncover delicate jewelry . she is almost afraid it would disintegrate under her feather light touch . " t --- this is . . . . b -- beau -- beautiful ." she feels choked up , her eyes blinking as tears gather . she covers her lips , looking at him
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
"It took me a long time to learn my other instruments so I wouldn't be so sure it will go that smoothly but I'll definitely try!" He has never considered playing this so he had no clue how difficult it would be but it would be a nice challenge.
"Of course I thought of you!" Elio said while getting out his wrapped present which contained a few new mugs for Cam his collection and some Christmas cookies. "I hope you'll like it."
"Aye, I guess they musta bought et durin' th'pandemic or summat," he lied smoothly. As long as Elio accepted the gift, he was happy. It's not like it was a lie that would be painful in any way.
Convinced Elio'd believed him, Campbell hugged him back with a wide smile. "Ye're an amazin' musician, I'm sure ye'll be enchantin' us all in no time!" He pulled back with a grin, face flushed with pleasure that he'd picked something good.
"Oh, I dun need a gift, I'm jest glad ye taught of me at all."
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
"Good, that's good," Elio said, relieved now that his friend knew he could reach out to him if he needed help and would keep it a secret. There wasn't much else that he could do. Not without Wylan telling him what was going on.
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"They definitely were fun." He agrees with a smile, "Don't you worry about me though," He says dismissively, "I still sneak away to find a book and a quiet spot to read. I don't need anything else to amuse me." It was true that it was more fun to hang out with someone of his own age and get to talk but he would survive.
Wylan's question caught him off guard and he blinked a few times before he said anything. "I… I still don't know if we're staying for good but I might do it if only to pass the time." Especially now he didn't have any other friends.
"I… No, I don't know yet… But… What about you?" Elio questions looking at him frowning, "Are you going to stay here? For the rest of your life, I mean? That hardly seems right for someone as smart as you."
A smile and a nod. "Yes, of course, I'll let you know." He couldn't possibly tell Elio that sending him a letter just wasn't possible. Unless Wylan got someone else to write it but that brought too many risks that were best left avoided. Anyway, Wylan wouldn't feel right giving anyone else Elio's address so that idea was promptly discarded.
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"I feel bad that you now have to go to those awful parties yourself. It was always fun when we could sneak away." Even if it had resulted in disapproving glares from his father and a stern lecture later on, it had still been worth it. Those moments had made Wylan feel normal. Like he was actually worthy of friendship.
"Are you planning on studying at the university here, or do you have other plans?" If Elio had the chance to pursue education that would lead to something he was interested in, then he should definitely do it. He could perhaps live out that academic life for the both of them.
"Have you settled on a career you want to do? Well, I suppose it's still a bit early to make a big decision like that."
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
@heretoboogie continued from here (x)
"No need to apologize!" Elio said still admiring the instrument. "Second hand really? This looks brand new." He mutters more to himself than to Cam. "The stuff people want to get rid of these days it's ridiculous."
He beams at Cam and after carefully putting his present down gives him a hug. "Thank you so much. I don't know how to play it yet but I can't wait to figure it out! I feel like my present for you now isn't as great though..."
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
@mccklynaive continued from here (x)
The way she laughs makes his heart flutter and he briefly leans into her touch until he jumps up. "Wait a second I nearly forgot I got you something for Christmas since I know you do celebrate!" Walking over towards his backpack he gets out a wrapped present. Inside of it was a gold necklace with her zodiac sign engraved in it. "I hope you'll like it."
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
🌺 send this to blogs you think are wonderful 🌺
Thank you so much you amazing human being -squishes-
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
" m -- merry c -- chr -- christmas , elio . " Valerie says gently , smiling at him . though then a thought comes to her . " and a happy first n -- night of h -- han -- hanukkah as w -- well . " she adds . she was not that well versed with the holiday , but she was learning all she could ; for him .
A big smile appears on his face at her words, quickly followed by surprise at the mention of Hannukkah. He hadn't thought she would remember that part. "Thank you Valerie," Elio says softly, "Merry Christmas to you too my love."
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
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"Uhm... Chris'mas present? I dunno ef ye celebrate, but-" He shrugged. "Fer ye, anyway."
"Well I'm actually Jewish but it's fine! Since living in America I kind of celebrate both. This is a very lovely gift Cam, it's beautiful where did you get it?"
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 months ago
"You couldn't?" Elio repeats eyebrows shooting up, "I mean I'm glad you can't… Not that I think you're the type to harm anyone but I thought everyone had the same kind of magic." Did that sound stupid? Definitely ignorant but then again it seemed like there was a lot Uther hadn't told his citizens and it was not as if you could go around and ask about it to random strangers. That would lead to a one way trip to the dungeon or worse.
"Thank you for saving me and leading me back to the village," Elio says turning around to look at her with a smile. "Will I be able to see you again?" He hears himself asking to his surprise, "I want to thank you properly when I have my things back." There's no particular plan as to how he would repay her kindness but perhaps he could bring her some dinner and they picnic somewhere? Or would that look too much of a date? Either way, he still had time to figure it, out if she even wanted to see him again.
"Not particularly," she agreed, with wry amusement. The risks were just too great to spend any time in larger cities - the knights of Camelot were far too dangerous in their quest to eradicate all the magical beings within the kingdom. Even travelling the short distance into the village was terrifying enough, and the knights rarely patrolled so deep into the woodlands.
"I know," she gave him a small smile over her shoulder, as she continued to step over the fallen branches and dodge the thick, spiky vines that seemed to dart out in front of them. "Uther lies. I couldn't hurt you even if I wanted to," she admitted. Her powers certainly wouldn't help her there - she could hardly heal someone to death! "We're almost to the road now," she nodded towards a clearing up ahead of them.
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