#lovely tea meme
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lemon-illustrations · 5 months ago
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Booo-tea 👻
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the-mold-is-coming · 10 months ago
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When your bestie has gossip at the nursing home
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yetanothersomebody · 1 month ago
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"A true English gentleman must always enjoy himself a nice cup of tea, my boy".
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kindred-spirit-93 · 12 days ago
me waiting for my 17th cup of tea to brew as i procrastinate on my 743 overdue tasks
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kirbykonka · 8 months ago
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Edit: why tf does Pippin have the most votes overall?
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iocity · 4 months ago
Every time an artist draws Usopp with actual visible melanin, two queers get married. So please… if you’re not homophobic draw him black 🥺🥺
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starrynightsxo · 1 year ago
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the whole of elfhame when they saw jude was the rightful Queen of Elfhame and cardan's wife.
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rieturnsblue · 1 year ago
they're alright. i promise. keeping them safe on my desktop.
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snezka-049 · 10 months ago
Me and SCP-049 drinking tea🐰
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bagofcheetodust · 2 years ago
@eldritchbanana68 gave me a wonderful promt/meme in the official Massive Monster server and I couldn't help myself drawing it so credits to them ^^
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trek-tracks · 7 months ago
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I actually don’t like Earl Grey tea
Why is Captain Picard a hipster?
He liked Earl Grey tea before it was cool.
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starman-john-tracy · 22 days ago
Fifteen, randomly selected, rapid fire questions! 🔥
Favourite board game?
What was your major in college?
Night owl or morning lark?
What never fails to make you laugh?
Would you ever sky dive?
Do you have any tattoos?
Cannonball into a pool or dip a toe first?
Do you have your own Netflix account or do you use someone else’s?
Do you know how to perform a magic trick?
Coffee or tea?
How many pull ups can you do in a row?
How many redheads are you friends with?
What type of milk do you put in your cereal?
What’s a cause that’s important to you?
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
"You sure are curious." John tilts his head, that classic Tracy grin sliding into place - he quite likes a good, complicated set of communications, and even if this is an interview in disguise, at least he gets to give it from his Space Station.
"My favourite board game is Scrabble," He decides, mostly because he always wins and the Tracys are nothing if not competitive, John included. "Though the boys enforce a strict English-only rule on me, which seems a little unfair when they let Kayo use Malaysian words." That doesn't mean he can't get them with British English though. Once, he almost had Gordon trying to fist fight him over the word knackered, and he'd been made to call Parker to confirm it was, in fact, a real thing.
"College? Well, I did an Astrophysics and Laser Communications double major at Harvard." John folds both arms across his chest and lets himself just float as he answers. "With a two-semester placement over in Oxford, England. That was where I first properly met the Lady Penelope."
John's Father had been friends with her Father since long before Jeff even went to space, so John's known Penny since she was a little girl with blond curly pigtails and mud on her expensive skirts. As soon as John had arrived in England she'd decided that she could simply not stand for him to remain the only billy-no-mates at Oxford, and that they were to be firm friends - whether that's what he wanted or not.
"Time doesn't work quite as nights and mornings when you're in space." John shrugs, "But I've racked up enough late nights on the telescope back home that the answer to that is probably night owl."
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"What makes me laugh...?" He has to actually think about this one. "I'd say my brothers, Gordon in particular, but I'm worried that will only insight him more..."
"As for sky diving, it wouldn't be the first time." John's shoulders roll through a shrug, "You don't become a pilot, let alone an astronaut without practising for emergency ejections."
John reveals that he has no tattoos, would always rather dip a toe into the pool first to check how cold it is, and that he has perhaps-not-entierly-legal global access to every TV station and film network in the globe at his fingertips, so why would he need a Netflix account?
"Sometimes, being up here on Thunderbird Five feels like a magic trick." He confesses, a little more softly, "Humans? In space? With nothing but sheet metal, borosilicate and their own ingenuity to support them?" He shakes his head - even after all these years he can't get over it, "Absolute magic."
As for tea or coffee, John, unlike the rest of his brothers, is, absurdly, more of a tea drinker. Which, really, is all Lady Penelope's fault and likely part of her grand scheme to make him into a civilised human she can hang out with. She'd started it early - inviting the bedraggled science student to sit with her as she took her early morning tea; English Breakfast with dainty biscuits and continental pastries that even he couldn't resist. John had started joining her regularly, and then, pretty soon he'd renounced coffee entirely and turned to the British side of hot beverages.
Penelope had been so proud to have converted him.
She sends loose leaf up to space twice a month.
"I've never counted how many pull-ups I can do in a row," John shrugs, never as much of a show-off in the gym as some of his brothers, "Enough, I suppose? This isn't- You're not trying to see if I'm fit for rescues, are you? Because I can assure you I'm perfectly competent." His brothers and Brains keep such a strict eye on his diet and exercise regimes that it's hard to be anything but.
John laughs at the redhead question, and he cards his fingers backwards through the curl of his own ginger forelock.
"None, I suppose, unless my Grandma counts? I've seen pictures of her in her youth with hair as bright as mine." He's got several saved in the holo-album he takes out when it's just a little too lonely up on Five. "I think Eos would be a red-head too," He adds, "If she had a choice in the matter."
"Hmm. Cereal is hard to come by on Thunderbird Five." John thinks for a moment, "Crumbs and floating liquids can be exceptionally dangerous to the sensitive machinery up here. Most of what I eat is pre-packaged, nutritionally sound spacefood, designed by Brains." And it tastes like wet cardboard, "I had to fight hard to get them to put me in a bagel toaster."
"As for a cause that's important to me... International Rescue seems too obvious." John laughs, "But Tracy Industries make an awful lot of donations to worthy causes, don't you worry."
"I guess the best piece of advice I've ever received was from my Mom. I asked her once, sometime around the start of high school. I got, uh, picked on a lot, by the other kids, and was generally a bit of a weird science nerd." He laughs uncomfortably, "So I asked her if she had any advice and she just looked at me, ever so seriously, and said 'Take a deep breath.'" John's countenance cracks a little, "Just that. Not calm down or relax, or you're overreacting, or quit being dramatic. Just 'take a deep breath'. In this world," He adds, teeth catching on his bottom lip, "I think you have to be kind, and above all very patient with people." John's quite proud to take after his Mom in that respect, "...Plus it's pretty handy for the job."
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cyellolemon · 2 years ago
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Homophobic dog Haro!!!! Happy pride month <3
(this is him when Furuya Rei only gives attention to other men instead of him)
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Also have a gay cat meme Haro.. (probably him when Rei brings Kazami home and Kazami gives him treats)
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picsfortheday · 8 months ago
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totaled-drama · 2 years ago
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The sillies!!!!!
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livinxdead · 1 year ago
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