#lovely eruanna
vellatra · 25 days
"Fireflies" by Owl City (because it's in my head) and Silen Fah!
The house was dark and quiet. Tannufia lay snugly against me, one arm draped across my chest, snoring softly. Everything was cozy and perfect... why had I woken up?
A faint noise caught my attention and I strained my ears. Was that... sniffling?
I carefully lifted Tannufia's arm, rolled out of bed, and moved quietly out to the living room, pulling my nightshirt on as I did. There was no mistaking the noise now. I walked into the girls' bedroom.
Maddie was sprawled on her belly, drooling on her pillow. She wasn't having trouble. But Trajeda was curled up in a trembling little ball, with the sheets over her head, crying softly.
"What's wrong, Blueberry?" I asked, pulling the sheets back a little. She sat up, leaky eyes shut tight, and held her little arms out. "Come 'ere, honey." I scooped my daughter up, holding her close and rocking back and forth a little, like Tannufia and I had done many times before. "S'okay. You just had a bad dream. It's over now. You'll be alright...."
"Daddy!" she sobbed, rubbing her face in my shoulder. "Daddy...." and that was all I could get out of her.
So I thought for a bit. "Hey Blueberry," I said, carrying her out of the room so we wouldn't wake Maddie. "You wanna see somethin'?"
"...H-huh?" she said, lifting her head a little and wiping her eyes.
"I'm gonna show you what nighttime looks like on Earth," I said, grabbing a thick throw off the couch and wrapping it around us.
"Really?" she said, perking up, tears almost forgotten.
"Yeah really. But get yer hat - it's cold out there." I held her up to the hat hooks so she could reach. She put hers on, then grabbed mine and stuffed it on me. It was a little off-kilter, but it'd do its job so I didn't care. I stepped into my boots and carried her out on the porch.
"Whoaaaaa," said Trajeda, staring wide-eyed at the sky. She wasn't allowed outside past her bedtime, and - since she was young and her bedtime was early - she might never have seen the stars before, I wasn't sure.
"Them's the stars, " I said. "They're always there, but the suns are so bright, you only get to see 'em in the winter, and at night."
"They PRETTY," Trajeda breathed, still staring.
"They sure are pretty, Pumpkin."
"Earth got stars too?"
"Sure does," I said. "But Earth's only got one sun, and it's like Peta, it goes down every night. So on Earth you get to see the stars all year long, after bedtime."
"I wanna see Earth," said Trajeda, still dazzled. "The sky so... sparkly!"
"And that ain't the only thing sparkly," I said, stepping off the porch and heading down the street. Hopefully the buuds would be out tonight.... I took the stairs by the gate and came up at the top of the town wall, squinting into the woods. "Hey look," I said, pointing.
"Oooh," said Trajeda.
"Them's the buuds," I said. "They're always glowin' but you only see that in the dark."
"Mama showed me buuds up close once," she said. "They cute!"
"You bet, honey."
"Earth got buuds?"
"Naw," I said. "But it's got fireflies."
"Yes ma'am," I said. "They're bugs that come out at night and light up, kinda like that. Except fireflies turn on and off, so you get a nice field full of 'em and there's all these twinklin' lights in the grass. S'real pretty."
"Lucky," said Trajeda, with a little pout in her lips.
"Hey now, Silen Fah's real pretty too," I said. "Earth don't got buuds, or two suns! An' all the tree trunks are brown."
"All of 'em?"
"Well, there's a few kinds that're white but yeah, pretty much. And Earth don't got farshanthis plants neither," I said, heading back down the stairs and stopping at one of the neighbor's porches, where several were potted. "Also, you don't get people with colorful hair neither," I said. "All the Earth people got is black, brown, red, and yellow. And white if yer old. You don't get nobody like you or yer mama."
Trajeda leaned her head back on my shoulder, with a shy little smile. "Okay, Daddy. Silen Fah pretty too." She fought back a yawn. "Thanks fer showin' me stars."
"Anytime, Blueberry. Let's get you back to bed," I said, turning from the neighbor's porch and going up the street again. Trajeda nestled into the crook of my arm, and by the time I got home, she was peacefully sleeping again. I tucked her carefully in - leaving the warm quilt wrapped around her - and went to curl up with Tannufia again.
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allatariel · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aegnor | Ambaráto/Andreth | Saelind, Andreth | Saelind & Finrod Felagund | Findaráto, Andreth | Saelind & Adanel (Tolkien) Characters: Andreth | Saelind, Adanel (Tolkien), Finrod Felagund | Findaráto, Aegnor | Ambaráto Additional Tags: Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth, Forbidden Love Series: Part 2 of Unfinished Tales Summary:
Adanel interrupts Andreth's ruminations after Finrod's departure.
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freyaithris · 5 years
Name: Meytileth
Other names: Eruanna (father name) Orwalauriel (mother name)
Name meanings: Warrior woman (Meytileth) Gift of Eru (Eruanna) Tall and golden daughter (Orwalauriel)
Approximate birthdate: 1280 years of the trees
Approximate age: 6110 (formation of the last alliance)
Gender: Female
Occupation: High Queen of the North, Crown Princess of the Noldor
Nationality: Noldor
Blood: Noldor, Vanyar through Finarfin, Teleri through Earwen
Hair: Golden with mythril streaks, waves, falls past her ankles
Eyes: Sky blue, upturned
Skin: fair, unblemished
Build: Willowy
Cloths: Regular - Dark lilac kirtle, light blue over gown, silver shoes
Mourning - Black kirtle, black and silver over gown, silver shoes
Battle - Green tunic, brown leather breeches, brown leather corset, knee high brown leather boots
Accessories: Regular - Silver chain crown, silver belt
Mourning - Silver belt
Battle - Leather belt, leather half gloves
Always Worn - Silver necklace, silver ring
Distinguishing Features: Height
Good Traits/Habits: Loving, Loyal, Kind, Willing to help those in need
Bad Traits/Habits: Holds grudges, Prideful, Doesn’t give second chances
Likes: The Valar, Animals, Family, Dwarves, Music
Dislikes: The Simarills, Morgoth, Orcs, Sauron, Seeing others in pain, War, Bloodshed
Talents: Smithing, Languages, Swordplay
Hobbies: Playing the harp, Walking in forests and by the sea
Strengths: Loving heart, Desire to help those in need
Weaknesses: Letring go of the past, Refusal to see past mistakes
Fears: Losing her family, War, Failing those who need her
Weapons: Zweihander - Durindana, rarely used, summons the undead army of Durin the Deathless
Short sword - Echeleb, Thorn of Silver, most commonly used
Long bow
Affiliations: The White Hall, Imladris, Moria
Family: Finwë - grandfather, Indis - grandmother, Finarfin - father, Earwen - mother, Fingand, Finrod, Aegnor, Angrod - brothers, Galadriel- sister, Fëanor - uncle, Nerdanel - aunt, Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Amrod, Amras - cousins, Fingolfin - uncle, Anaire - aunt, Fingon, Turgon, Aredhel, Argon - cousins, Findis, Írimë - aunts, Orodreth- nephew, Eldalote - sister-in-law, Finduas - great niece, Gil-Galad - great nephew, Celeborn - brother-in-law, Celebrían - niece, Elrond - nephew, Elladan - great nephew, Elrohir - great nephew, Arwen - great niece, Haldir - husband, Orophin - brother-in-law, Rúmil - brother-in-law, Narui - sister-in-law, Ithris- daughter (future), Kili - son-in-law (future), Melichen - niece (future)
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saphylee · 6 years
OC Facts Meme
I was tagged by both @thereluctantinquisitor​ and @leothelionsaysgrrrr​. I’ll go with Thelrand because Thelrand. ;) I’m tagging whoever wants to do this <3
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B A S I C S :
Full Name: Thelrand Vaharel Lavellan (Vaharel is the clan he was born in)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/him
O T H E R :
Family: Rajmahel (father), Titheria (mother), Aranehn (sister), Talim (maternal uncle), Myriani and Nanin (cousins, Talim’s children)
Birthplace: Orlais, Dales
Job(s): Warrior, a captain of the Inquisition army
Phobias: heights, deep water
Guilty Pleasures: Hair styling. He loves to braid and pin up his long hair and sometimes adorn it with beads If he can find anyone willing, he will style their hair as well. He also loves to cook to destress.
Hobbies: Training, cooking, hunting, learning new skills, reading
M O R A L S:
Moral alignment: neutral good
Sins: lust / greed / envy / gluttony / pride / wrath / sloth
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T :
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in-between
hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S :
OTP: Thelrand x Avira (Thelvira) (@lavellanlove) 
Acceptable ships: Canon characters: Dorian (Thelrian), The Iron Bull (ThelBull). There are short term/crack ships: Silver (@leothelionsaysgrrrr), Islanil (@lavellanlove), Eruanna (@dahliadrawthings). Honestly, if there is a connection, it’s an acceptable ship. He’s kind of a slut like that.
OT3: Thelrand X Avira X Katsuro (Thelavuro) (@lavellanlove)
BROTP: Barris (in modern AU), Dorian 
NOTP: Sylathi Lavellan (sees her like a sister).. Other than that, not really. Even if there is no romantic connection, he’s not terribly picky about who to have flings with.
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briarfox13 · 6 years
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I was ever so lucky to get one of the very lovely and sweet @dahliadrawthings portrait commissions, and she did Asha for me <3
Look how beautiful Asha is <3 The hair, her eyes everything is just perfect even Alistair’s rose in her hair (thank you much for adding that in) ^^ There are no wonders to describe how amazing she is <3 Thank you so much!!
I highly encourge you if you haven’t to check out @dahliadrawthings blog and comission you if you can =) She is si nice to work with and very sweet =) Plus her art, especially her Warden  Eruanna she’s gorgeous!! 
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cardsandcatclaws · 6 years
Saving Loki (An Avengers Fanfic) Part.1
Summary: Eruanna, a high princess of an ancient race of beings, leader of armies and assassin goes up against Thanos to protect all she holds dear, even if it means destroying the rest of the universe to do it. With the lives of her friends and family in the balance, it’s not a question of if she can stop him, but how far she will go. Disclaimer!! I do not own any of marvels characters! Other characters are from my own book universe.
It is often in the moments after a disaster that the world holds its breath. In the vast expanse of chaos and destruction, it seemed that even time had stopped. Eruanna, daughter of king Cerian, crowned heir of the Narian empire, stood alone. High up on the battlements of her father’s palace she watched the sky darken, the sky flickering with fire.  Her pale face was set in a grim line as her red catlike eyes bore witness to a destruction far off. The wind around her whipped up her unkempt hair and she breathed it in slowly, her hand tightening on the blade in her hand as a feeling of unease fell upon her. Beside her, her lieutenant and long-time friend, Carlis, also looked to the sky, her one good eye scanning quickly for any source of the threat.
“What do you think it is?” Carlis murmured, glancing over at her.
“Trouble,” Eruanna answered coolly, “Have our armies readied for an attack, double the enchantments and raise the defences.”
Carlis nodded slowly, “What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to have a world with our friend Thanos,” Eruanna said, “he’s out of line and I’ll make sure he gets back into his proper place beneath the heel of my boot.”
“What if he refuses?”
“Then I’ll kill him. And then I’ll skin his children as a warning to others not to cross me,” Eruanna replied, holding up a glittering dagger to the light.
“What about Loki, could he help?” Carlis suggested tentatively, “I know you have a history but perhaps you could put that to use?”
Eruanna sighed and folded her arms across her chest, pausing to think.
“If I thought my husband could be of help, he would already be here, but as it stands, it’s complicated.”
“You married him out of duty and then fell in love, you don’t want him getting hurt by Thanos again. That’s not complicated,” Carlis said, a soft smile forming on her lips.
“It’s not funny Carlis.”
“No, it’s is, after centuries of him professing his love to you and you ignoring him, you cannot bear to see him harmed, I never thought I’d see the day, you finally went soft.”
“I could throw you off this tower,” Eruanna warned, narrowing her eyes at her friend.
“It wouldn’t kill me, and you know it.”
“No, but it would hurt. We might be immortal, but we aren’t immune to everything.” Eruanna reminded, “Perhaps the fifty thousand years you have lived have made you forgetful.”
Carlis snorted and shook her head, “You should go before something comes up.”
“Right, would you be so kind as to open up a porthole for me?”
“Can’t you do it yourself?”
“What’s the fun in having people to order around if you end up doing it all yourself? Eruanna asked, “Besides, time and space manipulation really, not my thing.”
Carlis sighed and raised her hand, her eyes turning from deep red to bright silver. A large pool of blackness appeared in the space opposite the pair.
“Don’t look so concerned,” Eruanna said, “Our people are some of the most powerful creatures in creation, they will survive without me for a while.”
“I’m not worried about them,” Carlis replied, gripping Eruanna’s forearm in the traditional salute. Eruanna grinned and winked at her, stepping away from her.
“Thanos fears me, I mean who can blame him? I’m the daughter of the most powerful being ever to live, worry about the weak Carlis, not me.”
The elder naira grunted and Eruanna turned away, taking a deep breath she plunged herself through the porthole.
Starlight mingled with blackness. The dark she wanted through was thick, hands clawed up from the ink, but she knew to keep moving, to focus on where she needed to go. To falter was to lose one’s self to the silence. Eruanna moved like a ghost through the void, an ancient magic clinging to her as she moved, forcing the dark to retreat backwards. A soft light glowed in the distance and she moved towards it, stepping out onto a large passage leading up to a stone seat.
For a moment, she saw death all around her. She paused, her eyes mirroring a timeless sorrow and recognition of the mortality of other creatures that she could never experience. The world around her moving in a current she could swim in. Eruanna called her powers, willing the mirage to leave her. It crumbled slowly, revealing a giant figure standing at the opposite end of the room.
“Beautiful isn’t it?” Thanos’s voice boomed out across the space, “The balance of life and death, mine to control with a snap of my fingers.”
“ Sooner or later they will destroy themselves, Why not let them devour one another, they are a breath in the life of the universe, why bother with the rats that fight one another when there are far greater things?” Eruanna answered softly, moving slowly towards him, her hand tightly holding her blade that was strapped to her waist. “If you believe you are above them, why concern yourself?”
“Because it is my destiny,” Thanos rumbled, “to fix the universe.”
Eruanna rolled her eyes and stood beside him, watching fires burn on a planet below. Thanos said nothing but stood, studying her, waiting.
“And what if I said your destiny is becoming a nuisance that my people will not allow?”
“I would say you are still as arrogant and proud as ever,” Thanos answered softly, settling himself into his chair. “The Asgardians believed themselves to be gods, but they bled like all the rest, you will too.”
Eruanna cocked her head to one side and turned menacingly to the giant.  A soft hiss running through her teeth, her eyes narrowing as she drew her blade. Thanos drew in a long breath, his hand curling tightly around the gauntlet as he pressed himself further into his chair and away from her.
“I told you to leave them out of this” Eruanna snarled, “You gave your word they wouldn’t be harmed.”
Thanos smiled, “So it’s true, you care for him? It will give you then to know he is gone. I can’t say he died honourably, whimpering in my hand. Pathetic.”
A knot twisted in her stomach and she grit her teeth, holding her blade to his neck. “I’ll kill you.”
Thanos rose to his gigantic height towering above her. Unflinchingly she met his gaze as he raised his fist, one arm adorned with a gauntlet, “You think I fear you now that I have this, Eruanna?”
“You should,” Eruanna growled, “That will no more harm me than a bird could harm a deep-sea creature; even with that, I’m still more powerful than you.  I was willing to let you have your fun, but oath breaker, your time is up.”
Thanos pulled his fist back and she screeched, fury boiling over as she lunged at him. The tian released his fist, but his attack met thin air as Eruanna’s body turned to black smoke and hurled up around the room slamming into him from behind, sending him backwards through the wall of the room. She advanced, tendrils of smoke clinging to her as her eyes glowed, her whole body throbbing and buzzing with power as she launched a ball of energy with ease in the struggling titan. It burned a hole in his chest and he screamed out. A smile played across her lips as she stood over him, blade glimmering like the teeth of hungry wolves, waiting for a meal.
A soft laugh poured from Thanos’s lips and he sat up. The whole room shifted and changed about her into a black space, filled with death. All across the spaceships, floor blood pooled as piles of bodies lay, glassy eyes looking to the sky. Eruanna moved slowly, her eyes searching. Holding her breath as she neared a window she saw him. His body twisted and broken.  
Loki’s eyes gazed up at her, his face ashen and cold. Eruanna let out a scream and sank to her knees, all around her the metal of the ship beginning to twist and groan. She knelt, her fingers reaching for him, dusting a stand of hair away from his face as a tear escaped her eye. Taking a deep breath, she looked up. Thanos stood over her smiling gleefully down upon her. Eruanna staggered to her feet, fighting back the rage and grief.
“This isn’t real,” She murmured, “This is another trick, you always were a coward Thanos.”
“Its real princess, he’s left you all alone…” Thanos answered smugly. Eruanna shook her head and laughed bitterly.
“Death can be rewritten, nothing is set in stone, not while I live…” She replied, meeting his gaze with a firm defiance, “I would have let you continue this crusade of yours Thanos, but now, I’ll take everything from you.”
She moved forward, the smile on Thanos’s lips faltering as her hand became flame. She took aim. With a yell, she freed the fire from her palm. It sailed through the air, hitting the cool steel wall where Thanos had stood.
Eruanna’s eyes watched the fire smoulder on the wall, struggling to comprehend how she had lost him. Freezing her heart to the rage and confusion, she pulled a map from the pouch strapped to her waist and pulled the ring from her finger whispering an enchantment as she dropped the gold band onto the parchment. The ring moved across the page, circling an area nearest the top corner. Smiling with satisfaction she studied the objects back in the punch and summoned a porthole. As she stepped into it she looked towards the stars, then dived into the blackness.
“I’m coming Loki, hang in there…”
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jecrisparfois · 7 years
( 11-365) The Chronicles of Eruanna and Eruedraith ( Final)
Soon the two and the whole entourage of animals were back at the other hallways and the magical forcefield of the final corridor had disappeared. “Do you really think Father will be down here?” Eruanna asked her brother hopefully.
“I hope he is Eruanna,” Eruedraith said wrapping his arm around his sister and they continued down the hallway which was made of a beautiful mahogany wood.
As they walked further the temperature got colder until the children were huddled in between the creatures that had followed them from the last hallway. Together they made it to the end of the hall which did not have a door like the rest of the hallways, only a large opening in the wood hallway. On the other side of the opening a snowy landscape appeared and so did a cage which seemed to be made out of glass. The children ran forward hoping to find their father. Once they reached the glass they realized no one was in it, though there was a drop of blood in front of the cage. Suddenly a loud thump startles the children. As they turn around around they find a man with golden hair, and green eyes. He was clearly an elf based on his ears. The children stood silent at the sight. “Hello Eruanna and Eruedraith, it is nice to finally meet you. Your father talks about you everyday. It gets quite annoying actually,” the strange man said looking down at the children.
“Who are you and where is our father?” asked the twins in unison angrily.
“My name is Soralan I am the most powerful Elf in existence and I needed to prove that so I was going to kill your father. Until I realized that there was no way to kill him not until I killed you two first,” Soralan said with a large, toothy grin.
The children stood in silence not knowing what to do until they heard a muffled scream. Turning around they came face to face with their father who stood inside the glass cage with blood dripping from his nose which seemed to be broken. Eruanna raised her hands with instinct and the glass melted away. The children both ran towards their father who bent down to wrap his arms around the small elflings. “You shouldn’t have came here it’s not safe,” he said pushing the children behind his back to protect them from Soralan.
“But father you lead us here with all the gifts and holograms!” Eruedraith said confused by his father’s words.
“No my son that was Soralan and his tricky magic I wouldn't have ever asked you to come here. The reason he can’t kill me is because when you two were born my magic was transferred to you and magic in the elven kingdom is a part of our soul. We all have to die for my death.” Feynven said to his children.
“Thank you for explaining old friend, now since the reunion is done with if you could all stand in a line this will be quick and easy,” Soralan said with a gleeful chuckle.
“No! Cronha,” Eruanna said and the creatures that had followed her brother and herself ran towards Soralan as the twins raised their hands and blasted the elf with weakening charm. Then Feynven said a charm unknown to the small children and a sword materialized in his hand.He also attacked the man who was bewildered that these children were able to weaken him and also get his own creatures to turn against him.
“Stop! I will kill you all for this unfair duel!” Soralan said as he a black lion bit him.
“He is right, children call off the beasts and end that weakening charm,” the twins father demanded. As soon as the animals were called off and the twins ended their charm Feynven grabbed Soralan off of the ground and stood him up straight.
“You deserve no mercy, and you will get none,” with that a sword was plunged into Soralan’s chest and soon the ground beneath him was no longer white but a vibrant red. Feynven pulled his sword from the dead elf’s body and he turned towards his children as the sword disappeared.
“I’m sorry you two had to see that. Now come here I haven’t seen you in many moons, and i’d like a proper hug. I love you two dearly. Thank you for coming and saving me my little elflings,” he said with a small smile that resembled Eruanna’s.
The three shared a well deserved hug and once they parted they all took each other's hands and left the bloody and frozen setting behind them. Once back in the castle the reunions continued to be just as great and emotional. When Feynven and Caladhiel, the twins mother, reunited, more tears were shed than droplets of water in the ocean. Finally, the royal family was together and would never be separated again.
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allatariel · 5 years
Last updated August 19, 2006
She watched him ride away in the moonlight, contemplating as the pale light shone silver in his golden hair. A tear fell from her eye as she recalled how similar his brother had looked riding away from her all those years ago. As he passed out of her vision, she turned, wiping the tear from her cheek, and shut the door to the house, then returned to her seat by the fire.  She sighed as the words of their conversation turned over in her mind.
“Andreth dear, what troubles you, why have you not gone to bed?” The familiar aged voice cut through her thoughts.
“I was seeing to Lord Finrod. He rode away north,” to him, Andreth finished in her thoughts, staring fixedly into the fire. “He and I became lost in conversation not long after you and Belemir retired for the night.” She then turned towards the grayed woman, “Are you well, Adanel?” She asked in concern, moving to stand, “It is late for you to be up and about, you need your rest.”
“Nay, Andreth, I am fine, it is for you that I worry,” said Adanel as she waved Andreth back to her seat where she resumed staring into the fire, and came to sit in the chair Finrod had occupied not an hour before. When she had settled she looked at Andreth. “I can hear the disquiet in your voice, I see it in your eyes—they have not been so in many long years. What troubles you, child?” Adanel asked her with the care and concern that only many long years as friend, teacher, and mother could instill.
“Child,” Andreth puffed softly in retort, “even my youth is long past. I am no child, Adanel.”
“You will always be a child to me,” Adanel chuckled, her eyes sparkling as she continued earnestly, “and my child as well, although it was not my blessing to have been the one that birthed you.” Andreth turned to look at her then, reaching for Adanel’s hand and smiling through the tears that had just begun to freely fall.
“The more I learn of them, the more I understand him, and the more it pains me. If we were not meant as kindred so alike to love in this way then why do I love him now more than I did then? Why does it grow and flourish and not wither and die as my body is and will? That is the way of Men and our hearts!” Andreth then collapsed to the floor at her feet, sobbing in Adanel’s lap against the hand she still held. Adanel had just begun to soothe her when Andreth’s tear streaked face snapped up to stare into her eyes, “Adanel, give me your wisdom, though you are but of Men as I, we are women both, and I know no elleth to ask.” Andreth’s eyes implored hers for comfort and Adanel raised her hand to smooth Andreth’s hair.
“Andreth, I know not of what you speak,” she told her gently as she continued to stroke her hair, “has Lord Finrod left you thus? Do you love him?”
“Nay, I do not,” she said as she sniffed back her tears, and then continued in clarification, “or rather I love him as you love Magor, or perhaps more closely as my mother loves Belegor.” She took one of her hands from Adanel’s lap and wiped the tears from her face before going on. “No, it is Lord Aegnor that I love and have loved since that morning when first we met many long years ago in the green hills. It is for love of him that I have refused all suitors, not wishing to be bound to a man I would never be able to love. And ere he left I learned from Lord Finrod that for my sake, my love has and will never take to wife one of his own kindred.”
“Then happy this news should find you,” Adanel brought her hand gently to Andreth's chin and smiled, “young and vigorous you are yet, for all your protesting.”
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cardsandcatclaws · 6 years
Saving Loki (An Avengers Fanfic) Part 2
Staring across the devastation that was before her. Her feet, though firmly planted in the wrecked scrap of a spaceship could not bring themselves to move forward, so she stood, searching the floating corpses for any sign of life through expanse. With every creak of twisting metal, she reached for the sword, her eyes avoiding looking to the furthest end of the ship.  The sick feeling was back in the pit of her stomach and for a moment she considered leaving. A voice deep within her screamed at her to run but she ignored it, stooping to examine each body, checking for life. It wasn’t long before she came upon faces she knew and she stopped. Heimdall lay dead, a spear having torn apart his ribcage. Slowly she reached over and closed his eyes.
“Be at peace, Asgardian.” She murmured, getting to her feet slowly. Squaring her shoulder’s, she moved on, her feet leading her to the place she knew he lay. This time she was ready, and she crouched beside him, a saddened smile playing across her face. Carefully, she leant over him and placed a kiss on his forehead, closing her eyes to hold back a flood of tears. She sat beside him, cradling him in her arms, singing softly as she had done when he had been sick. Memories flooding back to her as she held his broken body close to her heart.
“Why must you go?”
“My people need me Loki”
“But I need you too… stay.”
“I can’t.”
“I thought you loved me?”
“I have to go.”
Eruanna gazed out across the blacked space beyond the window, looking down at him once again. A tempest of emotions swirling about her insides as she sat still.
“You damned fool Loki” she hissed, “you goddamn selfish fool.”
Taking another deep breath, she closed her eyes, her whole body trembling as her mind searched desperately for answers. Death can be rewritten. This is only temporary if you will it to be. Eruanna tried to ignore the thought but a long forgotten conversation came to mind and she began to think it over.
“So, what can you do then?”
“Many things, but Papa says that I’m not allowed to use most of my powers,”
“But what good is that, having powers that you can’t use?”
“Father said that I could upset the universal balance if I use certain abilities…”
“And? If you have powers the universe wants you to use them, Eruanna, you never take orders from anyone anyway, so the way I see it is, you should do what you want, not what you are told.”
Eruanna looked down at her husband and then back out to the window, the stars glittered like thousands of crystals in a careless night. Her heart felt empty. What good is all this power if it cannot be used? Gently she laid him back on the floor and smiled grimly, her mind made up. Thanos had shown he willing to destroy to fulfil his desires. In war, there is only what you must do not what is right. Her father’s words came back to her as she leant over him, pressing her lips to his she breathed into his lungs.
Getting to her feet she dug around in the rubble and found a small bowl. Cutting a small lock of her hair, she placed it in the bowl and repeated it with Loki’s hair. Tying the two locks of hair together, she carved open her palm, painting a circle around them in her blood before spilling some over the locks of hair. From a pouch on her belt, she pulled out a variety of crystals and herbs, grinding them into dust before adding them to the mix alongside a small vial of pure light. Hurriedly she forced Loki’s mouth open and poured the mixture down his throat before holding her hands over his chest.
“Time to wake up Loki.”
Slowly her skin began to glow gold, her eyes growing black as the room around her darkened. Coils of darkness slithered into the cracks, smothering light so only the circle remained. Softly she began to whisper enchantments in an ancient tongue, her magic flowing through her as the world around her hissed and warped.  Eruanna’s eyes remained fixed on Loki as the cast the spell. The words fell quickly from her mouth, her breathing slow and rhythmic. Speaking the last line, she lent and kissed him.
Sitting back up, Eruanna studied his face. There was no twitch nor sign of life. No breath held within his body. For a moment she wanted to scream at him, but she was tired and empty. Bowing her head she remained still, tears finally falling in beads down her face as she gave in to sorrow.
“You know…” a soft voice said, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry before.”
Snapping her head back up she looked across at Loki. He lay, one eye open a small flicker of a smile playing over his face. Slowly, and with considerable effort he sat up, wincing with each movement. Eruanna wiped away the tears on her sleeve and scowled at him
“If you want to remain alive, you’ll say nothing,”
“Would I do that?” Loki murmured, his nose beginning to wrinkle as his taste returned, “What did you make me drink? Its revolting. What happened, was I dead? Did you bring me back? Why?”
Eruanna sighed, rolling her eyes at the tirade of questions and tried to think of a clever reason to give him but couldn’t. Shrugging she scrambled to her feet and held out her hand to help him up. With some effort, Loki managed it, groaning as every muscle fought against the movement.
“You haven’t answered my question,” Loki continued, his eyes glimmering in the half light as he studied her face.
“I may be somewhat attached to you,” Eruanna answered, avoiding his gaze, her feelings still swirling from events
“Well, I don’t blame you-” Loki said grinning, “I am after all the more desirable brother, no?”
“Don’t get cocky, I could leave you here.”
“Not up for a conversation then,” Loki retorted, his smile fading somewhat, “We do however still need to talk about what happened in New York.”
“Nothing happened Loki, you chose to leave for a while, you said you didn’t want me around, you wanted to destroy humanity, so I respected that choice, as for being married, it’s a minor complication,” Eruanna answered, beginning to make her way to a surviving corridor. Her skin slowly crawling with irritation.
“And since when did you respect anyone’s choices? I mean for all you know, I could have wanted to remain deceased.”
“Well I can kill you just as easily as I brought you back,” Eruanna threatened, turning away and doubling her pace.
“Eruanna wait,” Loki called out, “just stop, for one moment… I haven’t seen you in years, I died, or at least I think I was dead. The first thing I see when I wake up is you.  You left after New York to be with your people, why come back for me now?”
Eruanna groaned softly and paused, biting the inside of her cheek thoughtfully as Loki waited, his brow furrowed as his eyes searched her face for any sign of an answer. A small impulse began to take a hold of her and dance impishly about her head.  Slowly she made her way back over to him, stepping over a dismembered arm. Reaching him she stopped and without a second thought, she leaned in and placed a quick kiss on his cheek, moving to gift another to his lips. For a moment, it felt like the most natural thing in the universe. Then, she remembered everything that had past and she pulled away. Loki moved to pull her in and she wriggled free of his arms and wiped her mouth on the back of her sleeve looking sheepish.
“I’m sorry… I don’t, that was a mistake” she mumbled, dodging his gaze, instantly regretting toying with him. Loki drew out a long breath and nodded, his face already lined with a familiar frustration that had been too common in their relationship.
“After everything that’s happened, a kiss? And then you say you made a mistake?”
Loki’s face was lined with confusion, behind his eyes bubbled darker emotions that Eruanna had no desire sitting further but she was tired, her patience wearing thin. She wanted nothing more to leave the collapsing vessel and return home to safety and comfort, but the god of mischief was being for more a problem than she remembered him being in the past.
“You left me alone on Asguard, Loki,” Eruanna reminded him, “A naira, alone, on a planet of people who despise my kind. Your brother protected me out of love for you, but I was alone. It’s more than you deserve… I’m just happy you are alive.”
“That’s not answering my question. You saved me. Why?” Loki demanded, folding his arms across his chest, his tone becoming harsh, evidently growing tired of her dodging him.
“You know why,” Eruanna snapped stepping further away from him, “I’m not going to answer something you already know. If you don’t know the answer, you’re smart enough to figure it out.”
“I want to hear you say it for once,” Loki answered, “I know you didn’t choose to be with me but here you are. Why can’t you just admit that you love me?”
“Because then it would be real,” Eruanna growled, her eyes beginning to glow as her temper bubbled, “I brought you back because I care for you, but don’t ever make me say those words. I married you because I had to.  You were kind enough to me and for that I am thankful, but I cannot say that I love you, it is not in my nature.”
“You just said it,” Loki quipped, a slight mischievous smile playing across his pale face.
“Don’t steal my words out of context, I’m not in the mood.”
Loki raised his hands up in mock surrender but continued to smile.
“I’ve missed you Eruanna.”
Eruanna turned away and felt her smile falter, her eyes fixing on the stars in front of them. They seemed dimmer than before, blinking slowly the air seeming to thicken as though rotting.
“Don’t get too comfortable…” Eruanna mumbled, feeling her face heat up as his charming smile burrowed past her defences, “My father might behead me yet.”
“What did you do?” Loki said, his eyes following hers as the stars faded in and out of existence.
“I tipped the universal scales…” Eruanna murmured, “you remember that magic I said was forbidden, and you told me I usually ignore the rules? I ignored the rules.”
“What do we do?”
“We don’t do anything… I need to find the person who killed you and end them: balance restored.”
Loki said nothing. Instead, his eyes slowly began to drift over the piles of bodies lining the ship, his face unreadable. Gingerly she reached out to comfort him but thought better of it and pulled her hand away. Choosing to make her way to where she had left the porthole. Just before the opening she stopped and looked back. Loki still stood, frozen as though part of the ship itself staring across the devastation. Eruanna groaned softly under her breath then taking a few steps away from the dark gate, she caught his attention.
“Loki, their dead, come on, leave them.”
Slowly, as though being dragged by an unseen force, Loki moved over to her. Gently she took him by the arm and pulled him away from the metal graveyard and out through the porthole into shining sunlight.
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