#lovelace would also! make fun of him!!
topayitfoward · 2 months
Doug Eiffel would cry to Hera for hours about a tummy ache btw
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commsroom · 3 months
It’s my birthday too! !! Happy Birthday! I wanted to ask you about Jacobi since he rotates around my brain like he’s on a microwave plate 24/7. Just, general Jacobi thoughts, go crazy , I think about him all the time
yayy, shared birthday!! i hope you had a good one. you're actually the second person who told me it was their birthday too... june 21st birthday club!!
i feel a little guilty saying this, since it was your birthday too, but jacobi is one of my least favorite characters. not to say i don't have things to say about him, but. i don't care for him at all.
some things i can say about jacobi:
i think the most compelling thing about him is that his character arc is a perfect loop back around to his backstory mini episode - two people are dead. he feels responsible. he's out of a job. what now? in things that break other things, he deflects. he rationalizes - "it wasn't anyone's fault; everyone was just doing their jobs" - but is that really true? or is that what he has to tell himself in order to live with himself, and to keep doing the work that he wants to do. when jacobi says "i was wrong and people died, and the only thing i can do is not be wrong again" to kepler in the finale, it's as much about the deaths that weigh on him. maxwell's most of all.
... and i think there's potential for change there, now that he's able to confront it, but in a lot of ways that's the start of a character arc rather than the culmination of one. i will never believe that jacobi wants to spend any more time around minkowski, eiffel, and hera (nor vice versa, really) - they are also the people who killed maxwell to him, and they will never be "his" people. but i think if you were going to write about post-canon jacobi and that theme of survivor's guilt + escaping destructive cycles, lovelace would be a good counterpart to him for that - she's further along on that journey, he expresses a kind of respect and even almost-friendship for her that he doesn't for the rest of the hephaestus crew, and she has a more... biting sense of humor; i think they could actually be friends (or at least narrative parallels) given the right conditions.
and speaking of narrative parallels: he actually has a lot in common with minkowski. jacobi plays at being a rebel, a loose cannon, etc. because it gets people's guards down, but he's very, very patient, calculating, and measured. he is not an impulsive person, and more than that - he's a follower by nature, and a rule follower. jacobi doesn't believe in the "bigger picture" for his own sake, but he is deeply committed to maxwell's bigger picture. he wants to be told what to do, he wants to feel like he has a purpose within a greater system/structure, and - crucially to dirty work - he wants to be able to shirk responsibility when something goes wrong. jacobi craves certainty, he needs that faith in the judgment of the people who give him orders, and i think what dirty work does by positioning jacobi and minkowski as narrative foils highlights a lot of similarities in their faults.
(it does drive me a little crazy when people compare him to eiffel or say they'd get along under different circumstances, like... no? for all his other faults, eiffel is distinctly anti-authoritarian and sincere. they're like, coworkers with different politics who would really rather not speak to each other if at all possible.)
appearance-wise: i firmly believe he needs glasses (the line about his eyesight not quite being good enough is the kind of thing he'd downplay + it's a fun inverse of people drawing maxwell with glasses when she canonically doesn't need them), he has very specific military masculinity issues (thanks to his father) (and gabriel urbina once said jacobi's car is probably the civilian model of something used in the military) so i think he keeps his hair very short, and. i actually don't think he has notable burn scars. i respect that it's a distinct design choice, but canonically i think it makes more thematic sense that he wasn't personally, physically hurt by that accident (and i think someone would probably have made a remark about visible burn scars on the guy insisting he "is that good" with explosives.)
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stray-tickles · 1 month
Read on AO3
Eiffel doesn't really mind the tickle fights, but it's a little unfair that he can't get revenge.
Doug Eiffel had plenty of vices. Many had been left behind on Earth, one or two he’d brought with him. He liked to indulge, sue him. He liked things that made him feel good, tasty food, quality movies, calming cigarettes, and he liked good company.
He was honest enough with himself to admit that he kinda sorta didn’t mind Lovelace finding out that he was ticklish. Or that she’d told Minkowski. They were his friends, his only friends really, so what, was he supposed to complain? Like, oh no, woe is me, my friends keep making me laugh until my thoughts go fuzzy and I feel like I’m on a cloud. Yeah, terrible.
They had to know he was at least okay with it. It was kind of hard to hide when he was all giddy and melted, and he wasn’t being any less annoying despite this supposed comeuppance.
It was a little disappointing that he couldn’t get them back. Lovelace was very certain and smug about how non-ticklish she was, and trying to launch an attack on Minkowski was doomed to failure. The one time he’d managed to sneak up on her, he wound up getting punched in the face.
Yeah, it was fine that he couldn’t get them back. Even if Lovelace got really smug sometimes, and Minkowski couldn’t relax without being forced to at gunpoint.
He’d really like to be able to threaten revenge right now, though.
Lovelace’s laugh followed him down the corridor. “You know I’ll catch you eventually!”
Eiffel knew that, but it didn’t make the chase any less fun. He ducked around a corner, short of breath and smiling. “Hera?”
Hera laughed. “Do you want me to open an airlock? Suck her into space?”
“Not just yet, I’ll keep you posted.”
“I don’t know why you’re even running. I mean, it’s not like you don’t-”
“Shut up!”
“Eiffel you’re running into a…”
He turned another corner and froze. Oh no. Dead end.
The footsteps following accelerated, causing panic to seize Eiffel as he turned around.
Lovelace laughed evilly. “Gotcha!” She cried, stalking towards him like he was a prey animal.
Eiffel squealed, shrinking back until he was up against the wall. “Nooooo!” He whined, squeezing his eyes shut, and despite knowing the futility of it, his arms still shot forwards to counterattack.
His eyes shot open when there was an unexpected and loud shriek.
They both stared for a moment, wide-eyed and frozen. Then, a slow smile spread across Eiffel’s face. “I thought you said you weren’t…”
“I’m not!” Lovelace protested, feeling her face flush. She wasn’t ticklish, she’d never been ticklish, so what the hell?
Eiffel took a step forwards. Had he always been that tall? “Oh, so if you’re not ticklish then you won’t mind-”
She bolted in the other direction before he could finish speaking. Nothing good would come of standing around. While she was familiar with the steps of this game, it wasn’t like she’d been on this side before. Was it normal to feel this… smiley?
Eiffel laughed and took chase. Oh, this was good, this was sweet. “You know I’ll catch you eventually!”
Lovelace almost called him out for not coming up with his own taunts, but between the nervous giddiness in her stomach and running, she decided not to waste her breath. She swung around a corner, grateful that she was faster than Eiffel, and flew into the broom closet, silently closing the door behind her.
Loud footsteps came to a stop not far from the door, and she held her breath.
Lovelace’s eyes widened. “Hera don’t you dare!” She hissed.
She could hear Hera having a conversation with Eiffel outside. It was a little disconcerting when she also heard Hera whisper, “And why not?”
“I’ll kill you.”
“Hmm, you’re not exactly selling me on taking your side here…”
She was teasing her. Hera was teasing and she couldn’t do anything about it. “Fine! I-I won’t kill you.”
“There you go!” Lovelace felt her face warming from the anticipation and how flustered she was getting. Hera continued. “Honestly though, why are you even hiding?”
“I-I…” The question pulled her up short. What else was she supposed to do here?
“I mean, you said you weren’t ticklish, right?”
She cringed back against the wall, “I wasn’t!”
Hera paused. Oh. So that was it. She giggled. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid.”
“No!” She wasn’t afraid, not of Eiffel of all people! Not of…
“You wouldn’t be scared of a few tickles, would you?”
Fuck. She was grinning now, full of nerves and embarrassment. What was is about the word? She sank to the ground, blushing heavily and struggling to keep the nervous laughter in.
Then the worst thing happened. The door opened.
“No!” Lovelace whined, covering her face with her arms.
Eiffel stood in the doorway for a moment, frozen. Then, unbearably, he stopped being frozen.
He gasped. “Oh my goodness! Look at you!”
“Go away!”
He sank to his knees, sliding over to her curled-up form. She recoiled, giggling nervously, and he grinned. “You’ve gotta stop being so cute, my heart can’t handle it.”
“I’m not!”
“Oh yes you are!” He sang, hovering his hands over her teasingly, increasing the giggles and making her squeeze her eyes shut. Why, how could she feel it when he wasn’t even touching her, when she couldn’t even see?
Hera tutted in false concern. “Careful Eiffel, you’re scaring her!”
“Noho he’s not!” Fuck, these two were evil together.
“Hmm, fair point, she did run away real fast.”
Lovelace shoved a hand in his face to shut him up. “It’s reflex!”
He faked a grab at her and the hand was retracted with a squeal, getting a laugh out of Hera and Eiffel.
She groaned, burying her face in her hands. “Just do it already, it can’t be worse than this.”
Eiffel chuckled. “I mean, if you insist.” He said, one hand latching onto her side and wiggling his fingers mischievously.
He was prepared to duck to avoid getting punched. He was not prepared to see Isabel Lovelace, badass space marine, burst into giggles and go completely boneless. It felt like his heart had exploded in his chest. “Awww!”
“Nonono- shut up!” Lovelace squealed, kicking her feet weakly. She’d definitely never felt this before. It was like vertigo or electricity emanating from that one spot and balling up in her stomach, teasing out laughter. She felt the impulse to squirm away, but found that her bones had turned to jelly. “Eiffel!”
“Hmm?” He was grinning at her. Somehow that made it worse. “Problem, Captain?”
His other hand joined, both now scratching at her ribcage. “I cahahan’t- plehease! It-”
“Tickles?” Eiffel supplied.
She snorted. “Fuck! I guhehess!”
“How’s the whole ‘not being ticklish’ thing working out for you?”
She batted at his hands, although it felt like she had all the strength of a kitten right now. All the laughing was going to her head, making her feel loopy. “I’m not!”
Eiffel snorted, squeezing at the fleshy parts of her sides and drawing a loud shriek. “You may want to reassess that.” He teased.
“I have a theory.” Hera said, amused.
Lovelace tried to turn and bury her face in… something.
“Uh, yeah Hera, it’s called ‘Captain Lovelace lied to us!’” Eiffel said sarcastically, one hand moving to scratch at her neck and send her giggles into a higher pitch than she’d thought herself capable of.
“Hmm, no, I don’t know if she did.” Hera mused. “I think she was telling the truth.”
“Ah yes, this is the very picture of ‘not ticklish’.” Eiffel chuckled, deeply enamoured with the blushing, giggly remains of Isabel Lovelace.
“Shut up!”
“Make me, giggles!” He taunted, clawing at her stomach and earning a loud snort and further kicking.
Hera laughed. “What she said to me was that she wasn’t. As in, wasn’t before. My theory is that this is a new development. Let’s say, from when her craft first docked with us.”
Fuck. That actually made sense. Lovelace didn’t have any evidence but… it felt right. People had tried tickling her growing up, partners had tried as she got older, roughhousing and sex, nothing had had an effect on her like Eiffel’s evil hand vibrating into her stomach. “Yohohou fucker!”
“Oh my gosh, that makes so much sense!” Eiffel exclaimed. He scratched under her chin teasingly. “Of course the Dear Listeners couldn’t resist that smile.”
Lovelace squashed her head down, only succeeding in learning that apparently her ears were also ticklish. “Eiffel shut uhuhup!”
“I’ll have to thank them on my next broadcast.” He said. “Dear Listeners, thank you so so so much for this adorable gift.”
“Gonna kill yohohou!”
“Aww, but I’m having fun!” A finger tried to find her belly button through her shirt, earning an incoherent shriek. “Aren’t you?”
The question had her pulling her arms over her head again, giggles pitching higher. It was stupid, Eiffel was being dumb and silly and… Yeah, she kind of was having fun with this. Between the laughing and the playing and how goddamn teasing they were being, this was just… fun. She felt giddy and giggly in a way she hadn’t in a very long time, and she couldn’t even stop it because someone was doing it to her. Someone she trusted and cared for.
Eiffel noted the fiery blush spreading to her ears. “Oh? Oh my god you are having fun, aren’t you?”
“Fuck off!”
“That’s not a no!”
“Screw you!”
He wormed a finger under her arm. “Tell me to stop then, Captain giggles.”
“Eiffel!” She shrieked, jolting when his other hand started poking around her stomach and sides. She couldn’t catch her breath, she couldn’t- “Hic!”
Eiffel chuckled, relenting. “Okay okay, hiccups are definitely a sign to stop.”
Lovelace hiccupped again, trying and failing to glare. “Yohou’re the- hic- worst.”
He grinned, resisting the urge to ruffle her hair. “So? First tickle attack, how do you feel?”
Like I’m floating. Like that was overwhelming and the best cheer up I’ve ever had. Like I’m never going to stop smiling. “Like you’d better- hic- count your days.”
“Yeah, you’re very scary right now.”
“Sleep with one- hic- eye open.”
“Of course.”
Another voice joined, making them both jump out of their skin. “You know, there’s protocol on what to do if you find two crewmates in the broom closet.” Eiffel turned to see a smirking Minkowski. “But I’m not sure if that applies.”
He huffed a laugh, standing up. “Hey Commander.”
She crossed her arms, looking between them. “Do I want to know?”
Lovelace considered her options. She could not handle any more people knowing about this than already did, Hera and Eiffel were already too much, let alone Minkowski. Maybe Eiffel wouldn’t say anything?
Then she remembered that she had sold him out to Minkowski at the first opportunity, and that hope went up in smoke.
Eiffel chuckled. “Well, you see…”
“We were making out!” Lovelace blurted. It was the first lie that came to mind, unfortunately not a believable one, based on their expressions.
“Anyway, as I was saying-” Eiffel said.
“No!” She flew at him, clamping a hand over his mouth. She felt his grin widen, and only had the amusement in his eyes as a warning before his fingers dug into her sides, making her shriek with laughter and double over, failing to wriggle out of his grip for a few seconds.
When she did, she darted behind Minkowski, glaring at an innocent looking Eiffel.
Minkowski glanced over her shoulder at her, failing to hide her amusement. “Thought you weren’t ticklish.”
“I wasn’t!” Lovelace protested.
“Seems it was a correction from our Dear Listeners.”
“Ah, I see.” Her grin widened. “How unfortunate for you.”
Lovelace felt herself flush. How was she supposed to live like this? She fixed them with her best scowl. “Never again.” She growled and turned to walk away.
Eiffel and Minkowski exchanged a smile. He held up a finger, waited a moment, then faked running after her.
Lovelace span around, fists raised. “Don’t you fucking dare!”
They both laughed, and maddeningly, she could feel herself smile too.
“Bit jumpy there.” Eiffel teased, winking at her.
“You-” She pointed at him. “You’ll pay.”
He grinned. “Okay.” Sounds like fun.
She backed away, glaring at them both until she was out of sight. Then, since they couldn’t see, she let the smile she’d been suppressing spread across her face. Okay, that was horrendously embarrassing and she kind of wanted to crawl into a hole, but… It was fun.
Besides, she could always get revenge.
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tvmigraine · 7 months
Random Doctor Who RPG Facts about the Paternoster era
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A possible Time Lord is still alive in Victorian England. Running the Diogenes Club is Dame Regina Smythe. The club itself is able to change size, miraculously gain rooms and have its interiors change on a whim, making it appear as a TARDIS. The game suggests they could be a Time Lord who's been chameleon arch'd, but I like the idea that it's an incarnation of the Doctor.
The Artful Dodger was a real person - specifically, they were Sam Swift the Quick (The Woman Who Lived). He isn't immortal but he ages at an incredibly slow pace (basically making him Jack Harkness). He looks after street urchins called "The Raggedy Children" while continuing to do crimes.
There is a giant Labyrinth underneath London. One suggested theory is that it's a dying TARDIS, due to its ability to traverse through history when travelling through it.
Madame Vastra and the Doctor both stopped a Krynoid Pod from hatching in London.
Ada Gillyflower (The Crimson Horror) has her own K-9. Their K-9 is an actual dog that's telepathic.
The political history of Who is further complicated by a wholly new Prime Minister for London - his name is Nathan Fairfield.
There is a female splinter of Scaroth. Her name is Scarlett Valentin and she is both an actress and opera singer hailing from Paris. The book states that she stole her skin from a prostitute in order to specifically appear young and healthy.
A splinter of Clara works for Torchwood - her name is Rhona Austen. It is suggested that she was only recruited as bait for the Doctor, but she is said to be a capable Torchwood member.
Jackson Lake's TARDIS (Tethered Aerial Release, Developed In Style) is available for aerial rides above London. It is now a business run by a brother-sister duo called Henry and Charlotte.
The Silence are a threat in London - specifically there is one called The Revenant Reverand, who uses his position hiding in a church to place suggestions into people's minds.
One of the main plotline hooks they offer is continuing the adventures of Victoria Waterfield, exploring what she did after leaving the TARDIS. It is not what I expected in this book.
Saving my favourite pint for last... there is a Dalek hiding in the criminal underworld called "The Napoleon of Crime". He was pulled out of the Time War following the events of The Evil of the Daleks and is trying to return to the TIme War. After acquiring Cyberman technology (The Next Doctor), he uses it to try and build a Time Corridor and get back into the Time War.
He has two lieutenants - the first is Mister Steele, a partially converted Cyberman who's fighting against his programming. Because of that programming, he is still planning to build a new Cyber-King and convert London, but fights against this so he can remain loyal to Napoleon. The second lieutenant is Miss Lovelace, a clockwork robot that is almost fully human that is entirely devised to be a rival to Steele, all for Napoleon's continued entertainment.
Napoleon also has an alien army thanks to his collected alien wares. On top of Cybershades, he now has Chessmen - pawns in his games that are controlled through Cyberman, Clockwork Robot and other alien technology. He has recruited The Revenant Reverand and Scarlett Valentin before, along with the Borad who is still alive!
Notably Napoleon commissioned the Borad to create a Dalek clone as a form of company - he eventually managed to create Josephine. She has a scrapped, bulky shell made from leftover pieces, being dubbed a "Steelclad". She was originally a woman named Lyssa Marden who the Borad "saved" from a fatal accident, although she does not realise what she's been turned into.
I love this character - he enjoys being a leader of the criminal underworld, especially being a nemesis for the Paternoster Gang (the book suggests Napoleon unconsciously sabotages his own plans because he would enjoy remaining in Victorian London).
Cubicle 7 beat Big Finish, this is way more fun.
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mightymizora · 11 months
WIP: The Portrait
This is the most self indulgent thing I'm writing, but I'm putting this opener out to see if it works at all... feedback welcome.
Lord Gortash requests a portrait of his paramour. The pay is good, the contract legitimate. It seems almost too good to be true...
The request came to the guild house with gold already attached. Wanted, portrait artist. Female subject, three sittings. Half pay upfront. He did not recognise the seal, but Darcus told him it was from the newly minted Lord Gortash, also known as Enver Flymm, also known in certain parts of the back cities as Flymm the Bloody, where they still dared to say such things. The purse held more gold than Guy had ever seen, and Litton laughed at his face when he opened it.
“Oh, dear boy!” he chided, drawing the string again and placing it in the middle of the table. “You are too swayed by money. What of passion? What of love of the craft?”
It was easy, thought Guy, to care only of craft, of passion or love or whatever else you might want when you were the third son of a Patriar, and mummy dearest paid for your garret upfront for the year so you could slum it a little, just for fun. When you had a real life, a real wife, a real child, love started to mean something very different.
“Give it here,” he said. “I’ll take it. If it’s Kerrie Lovelace again, I still have the sketches from the Ravengard commission.”
Lovelace was popular with the Patriars. A half-elf with the wettest eyes he’d ever seen and a permanently quivering, full lip. She was the lover or some, and the favoured subject of far more since Litton had painted her as a beautiful mermaid to mark The Breaking a few years before. The last piece Guy had painted of her had been a garish facsimile of the original with only surface changes, but it had paid fairly. Money seemed to disappear these days. Between clothing and food for little Eva, new dresses for Sal and keeping up with all of these idiots, he was running dry again.
“I’d be careful if I were you,” said Darcus, his tankard resting against his belly. The moon was barely up and he was already deep in his cups. “These new Lords, they ain’t to be trusted. No honour between them.”
“And I’d take it,” said Litton. “Not personally, of course. But you should take it now before Fevras gets wind. At least you might make something worth hanging.”
And so he finds himself being ushered into full halls of the home of Lord Gortash, a surprisingly unassuming and tasteful villa in the new style, all white stone and iron-wrought glass, every wall crammed to the ceiling with art and curios. There are paintings here from the old masters that must have cost a fortune, plenty of Litton’s best (including The Mermaid, he notes, last in the possession of the Jannath’s), and odd pieces of fine mechanica and automata the likes of which the Halls of Wonder would envy. He almost wishes to stop, take it in, but his patron’s pace is unrelenting as he strides through to the very end of the house. It does not seem wise to keep him waiting. 
“I hope it is sufficient light,” says Gortash, opening the door himself to a handsome chamber with full glass windows, a handsome solid desk and a nicely appointed parlour. “You are seeing into the most intimate parts of my estate. I will be present tending to some business while you work, if that is alright with you. I do so like to see a master at their craft.”
“Thank you, my Lord,” Guy says as he hands his cloak to a dwarf standing in the centre of the room, who does not move to bow as she takes it. The woman looks at him with some curiosity, and looks over to her Lord with a sharp smile.
“Ah,” starts Gortash, taking the cloak from her and holding it out. An elf in fine brocade sweeps in to take it, and the woman watches with still amusement as they depart. “This, Saer Ceasebourne, is your subject.”
He feels his stomach churn as he looks at her again. She cocks her head in curiosity as she stares back at him. She does not look angry, but now he looks again she does not look amused. No, the look in her eye is something else entirely, and it makes him feel rather sick.
“My apologies, my Lord, I didn’t-”
“Oh dear fellow, do not fret. Though I keep my servants in better finery than this one wears, for future reference.”
“You forget yourself, Lord Gortash.”
The woman’s voice is dark, deep as the Chionthar, and dripping in threat as her eyes flick from him to Gortash. He takes the momentary reprieve from her gaze to cast an eye over her properly. It is hard to see her body under her plain dark red robes, but he can tell from what flesh is exposed at her neck and down her forearms that she is likely to be freckled all over her pale skin. Copper hair is heaped atop her head in a neat bun, her face marked with long lines of a tattoo that traces her strong jaw and pulls into her eyes. 
Her eyes. They are quite extraordinary. At a first glance brown, but as the light pulls into them they shine an almost pinkish hue. Like unblooded meat.
Gortash smiles at her, bowing his head ever so slightly. "I apologise for the perceived slight. You are my guest here today. And I hope we will both show proper decorum, for the occasion."
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officer-achilles · 3 months
Do they marijuana? : Wolf 359 Edition
+ He wishes he could. He tried once in high school and had a complete paranoid break from reality. Kept him away from the stuff for years. He rarely ever gets high now, but every time he does he suffers from acute paranoia and a rapid heartbeat. Will really only do it if he's around close friends, but even then he's a lightweight and will start blabbering about nonsense within the hour if he isn't dealing with thoughts of his imminent death.
+ Does not use marijuana. But does use CBD lotion to help aid sore muscles and may use low dosage CBD gummies to help her fall asleep. If she used anything with THC she'd end up singing every musical theatre song she could remember- then she'd probably start sobbing about how much she loves her friends.
+ Cannot smoke due to being a computer. If she could though... she would be blazing. She probably has Maxwell write in a temporary code that mimics the sensations of being high. And the entire time she's high Hera is just a giggling, playful mess who flirts with everyone- which means everyone.
+ The only time this man has tried weed is when he was doing research on it- and was encouraged to try it to get a 'real understanding' of what he was working with. Unfortunately for everyone, a high Dr. Hilbert is somehow even less fun and upbeat than usual Dr. Hilbert. He just goes into a catatonic fugue state while high and then once it wears off he goes straight back to work.
+ Yes. She weeds. What are you? A cop?
+ In his own words he's 'tried everything once' and by that he does mean everything. If he had to rank weed as a substance he's taken he'd rate it a healthy B tier, better than bath salts- not as fun as magic mushrooms. He expected more from it.
+ Unlike Keppler, Jacobi has not tried everything, but he does appreciate good kush. Probably does it via bong for the vibes but would prefer to just take an edible and watch shitty action movies with Maxwell once it hits. Only does it when he has complete free time, unwilling to do his job while impaired due to its effects.
+ Takes edibles with Jacobi from time to time and has created a code for Hera that mimics the effects of weed so they can get high together (and cyber kiss). When she isn't being an amazing coder and the most morally upright member of SI-5 she is probably hitting the pen and then roaming around her local Best Buy staring at the electronics. Or she's dragging Jacobi around the Pet Smart to stare at the fish. She also enjoys a good homemade edible and is probably one of the only people on the Hephaestus who can actually tell you what each strain of weed means.
+ He carries with him a pack of cigarettes, a pack of cigars, and some extremely expensive joints at all times- so he always has something to offer to people he interacts with. Cutter has tried weed and does it from time to time but 90% of its effects on him are placebo- as all the cyber-enhancements and plastic injected into him make the weed lose its potency. He takes a singular hit of the bong while in a business suit to impress an investor he's talking to and then claims he's greening out to Rachel not longer after. OR he takes several hits in a row and acts exactly the same as he always does, just with more intense eye contact and a slightly wider smile.
+ No. Marijuana is bad. She would never. She actively judges people who use it- even if it's legal.
Rachel Young
+ Ambivalent to weed. Will only hit a joint if someone offers it to her, but has no direct desire to use weed on her own. When she's high she acts exactly the same but more overtly flirtatious to attractive women. She also becomes even more overtly antagonistic to men she dislikes (such as Keppler).
+ This seems like an obvious no right? Wrong. He does do it. Only where it's legal though. Only when he's not working. He doesn't get particularly high, mainly sticking to edibles that have low THC and high CBD- but he will still take edibles. This is mainly to combat his high anxiety levels, and he read an article somewhere once about it offering other health benefits. He refuses to do it with others however, finding it a bit uncouth. He definitely internalized all the DARE seminars he endured as a child so he feels vaguely guilty every time he uses weed and he WILL judge others who use it or are in public while visibly high.
+ Not really. She might have hit the bong in college, but that's about it. She just wasn't super into it.
+ Yes. Next question.
+ Not really, same as Fourier. He just wasn't a fan personally. He plays the straight man for his friends who get high though- he is a fantastic trip sitter.
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nobodysdaydreams · 10 months
A Special Treat for My Wolf359 Friends: Oddly Specific Christmas Songs that Remind Me of Wolf359 Characters
Happy advent dear readers! 'Tis the season for festive head canons, and as a lover of very obscure Christmas music, here are some tunes that remind me of Wolf359 characters. I included links to all the songs listed, so have fun listening! I think most of the songs I found fit, and I found two songs per character (plus some bonus tracks...), so let me know which ones you enjoy!
I included explanations for why I think the songs fit the characters, feel free to disagree.
Side note: Please don't put any spoilers on this post, as I've only listened through season three at this point. If you want to follow my reactions to Wolf359, you can do so under the tag "#Bods Wolf359 Reactions".
Doug Eiffel- Christmas Tree On Fire / Christmas in Jail / Who Spiked the Eggnog?
Why does Doug get three songs instead of two? Simple. Because he deserves them.
The first one is 100% a Doug song. I just need to close my eyes, tweak the lyrics slightly to make them about a fire he started because he didn't do a very simple task that Minkowski asked him to do, and it's Doug singing it in a southern accent.
As for the second one, there are a concerning amount of Christmas songs about alcoholism or spending the holidays in rehab and/or jail. This made it very hard to narrow it down, but this song is specifically about going to jail for drunk driving, so...um...it fits? In a very sad way, but I feel like Doug would sing this in a drunk moment of self-loathing, that Hera and Minkowski would talk him out of.
The third song fits Doug because to be honest the whole vibe of Straight No Chaser fits Doug, and this song reminds me of when Kepler demanded an explanation of what happened to his Whiskey. This is the song Doug would sing after assuring Kepler that he would stop at nothing to find the culprit.
Hera- The Most Wonderful Day of the Year / Somewhere in My Memory
The first song is from the Rankin/Bass Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer movie. It's about toys that were built incorrectly, so they are put on an island where misfit toys go and sing about how sad they are that they don't get to celebrate Christmas with everyone else. I don't think I need to explain why this song fits Hera.
The second song is from Home Alone, and I think it fits Hera, because of the how much that one episode focused on her memories, good and bad. Plus it's a very beautiful song, and I think Hera would appreciate that. This song has a long musical intro, so you might have to listen for a bit before you get to the lyrics.
Renee Minkowski- That Christmas Morning Feeling / Have Yourself a Merry Christmas
For the first one, no, I have not seen the movie, but this song came on my Christmas recommend, and you can't tell me that Minkowski would not go for a big festive Christmas musical number.
As for the second one, it's from the musical "Meet Me In St. Louis", which I'm sure Minkowski appreciates. Any musical Christmas song would fit Minkowski, but this one is a classic.
Alexander Hilbert- The Nutcracker: Russian Dance / A Mad Russian's Christmas-Insturmental
I chose the first song from the Nutcracker, since it's a Russian ballet. I feel like Hilbert hates holidays and would only even consider tolerating classical instrumental traditional Christmas music (even though Minkowski forces him to sing carols).
The second song is also instrumental, and I mean, well, just look at the title of it.
Isabelle Lovelace- Christmas Isn’t Cancelled (Just You) / We Wish You Weren't Living With Us
For the first song: tell me you couldn't see Lovelace singing something like this to Cutter or Hilbert. Very fitting too considering Cutter ordered Hilbert to kill everyone on Christmas. Lovelace would hear about that and chose this as her revenge song. It's another song where I can close my eyes and see her singing it with slightly altered lyrics.
The second song could easily be everyone singing about any of the villains, but it would especially fit the oddly specific situation of Lovelace sarcastically threatening Hilbert when Minkowski tries to make them all play nice and sing Christmas carols together.
Warren Kepler- Christmas Whiskey / Six Cups of Eggnog
I don't need to explain my first choice. Kepler sings this song alone in his office to a full glass of Whiskey, which he saves specifically for December.
As for the second, I can see Kepler singing this to lecture the others on the proper way to enjoy a drink, even though absolutely no one asked and no one cares.
Alana Maxwell- The Season's Upon Us / I'm Getting Nuttin' for Christmas
For the first choice, I don't know much about Maxwell, but I know she doesn't talk to her family, and this seemed to fit that.
For the second choice, the song fits because Maxwell is not getting anything for Christmas, because she's dead, and she did bad things. (I'm sorry Maxwell stans, but I struggled finding songs for her, and you can't say it isn't true, though this second choice does apply to multiple characters).
Daniel Jacobi- This Christmas (I'll Burn It To The Ground) / Please Daddy (Don’t Get Drunk This Christmas)
The first one could fit a lot of villain characters, but I chose it for Jacobi because he loves explosives. That's pretty much it. I had trouble finding songs for the SI-5. But I can see Jacobi screaming this song violently at a Christmas party, right before someone brings up the subject of ducks and sends him cowering to the corner.
The second song is because Jacobi seems to have some issues with his air force father (I was tempted to use the song for Doug's daughter, but figured that would be too dark). A close second for Jacobi was "The Twelve Days of Christmas" because there are a lot of birds in that song, and I love mocking Jacobi's fear of ducks. However, decided to go with other options because A) the 12 days of Christmas is already a pretty well known song and it doesn't fit that well and B) ducks are not explicitly mentioned in the song. But if anyone knows of a Christmas tune about ducks, please drop it in the tags.
Marcus Cutter- You Ain't Getting Diddly Squat / I’m Gonna Kill Santa Clause
For the first one, the song fits mainly because of the singer's high pitched cheery voice and the way he gleefully tells a bunch of kids that Santa hates them, and they're not getting anything for Christmas. I can listen to this, close my eyes, and see Cutter singing this as he happily informs the crew that they're all about to die on Christmas.
For the second one, it's fitting because Cutter ordered the deaths of multiple employees on Christmas, and if he lived in a universe where Santa Clause did exist, he absolutely would try to kill him and take his power. The line "nothing against him, it's just business" and part of the song where he sings about the elves being his prisoners are very on point.
Miranda Pryce- I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday / I Want an Alien For Christmas
This first song choice won't make any sense to you UNLESS you've seen Black Mirror, because if you have, you'll know it makes a disturbing amount of sense. So...for those who haven't seen black mirror and are wondering how on earth this song fits her character, here's the clip to provide some context. Some horrifying, terrible terrible context.
The second song honestly fits Cutter better, but he already had two songs and doesn't deserve a third one. And I don't know as much about Miranda at this point, except she's apparently down with the whole aliens thing, so I figured it would fit here too.
Dear Listeners- Silent Night / A Spacemen Came Travelling
The first one is a Christmas song from the 1920s about a silent night. I don't feel like I need to explain this choice.
The second is a song is a gentle tune about a man from space who comes to visit baby Jesus and his mother and wish them goodwill. I also don't think I need to explain why the aliens fit this one.
Blessie (the plant monster/specimen 34)- Percy, the Puny Poinsettia / Christmas Tree Farm
Yes, any song about plants or Christmas trees in general is appropriate, but this first song is fitting not only because I'm still grieving the death of our beloved Blessie, but also because before I knew his name was Blessie, I named him "Percy the Plant" or "Percival B. Eternal".
For the second one, the singer sings about wanting to go back to a Christmas tree farm, so when I listen to it, I imagine Blessie up in space, dreaming of the day he finally reaches earth so he can be among the other plants, Christmas trees included.
Rachel Young- Elf's Lament / You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
I don't know as much about Rachel at this point, but a song about working in unfair conditions and regretting signing up for the job you chose seems like it might fit. Whether she'd be singing it about herself or those working under her, that's up to you.
The Grinch song could be sung about many characters on the list by so many characters on this list, but I can imagine Rachel thinking of Cutter every time she hears this song even though she does work for him, and I think the song describes her as well.
BONUS TRACK 1: This one is for Eiffel's daughter, Minkowski's husband, and everyone else left back on earth missing their (presumed dead) family: Blue Christmas
Sadly, I think this one speaks for itself...
BONUS TRACK 2: This is a little tune that Doug Eiffel and I would sing to Cutter, Pryce, Kepler, Jacobi, Maxwell, Hilbert, and Rachel: Put One Foot In Front of the Other
The song is from the movie "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". It's a song where a young Santa and his animal friends encourages the evil Winter Warlock to change his ways and become a better person. Perhaps this song too could inspire many of our morally bankrupt Wolf359 friends to either grab their redemption arc, or as the song says: "walk out the door" (straight out the airlock). And it's a children's song, which I think is necessary, since so many of them seem to have trouble grasping the basics of human decency. Hopefully this will make it easier for them to understand.
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daydadahlias · 4 months
hi hii 🌸 weird questions for writers: 12, 17, 28 and 35 pls? ily
hii adi !! thank u for asking !! ily
12.  If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
Wow, this is like the most interesting and fun question ever. I definitely wouldn’t wish for more wishes because that’s cheating duh. I’m trying to think of what I really struggle with while writing. I think my first wish would be to always remember those super fantastic 2 a.m. ideas I have but never write down. It’s literally the worst thing ever to go to bed having a super great idea and then waking up going “wait, shit, what was that idea again?” I think my second wish would be to always know how to end a scene! There are so many scenes I have that I think fall a little flat in their transition to the next one because I’m just going “oh shit I need to cut this off so I can get to the next.” So I would wish that I always knew the perfect transition line to end a scene. And my final wish… hmm. OOO it would to never have any continuity errors in my writing lol!! I’m not great at math so figuring out timing for fics and the timeline is always really confusing for me and I’m TOTALLY sure about half my fics have some type of plot hole related to the timeline. So, my third wish would be to always have an understandable and cohesive timeline in a fic that has no inconsistencies or continuity errors <3
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
I SHOULDNT! I shouldn’t get into it, Adi, you’ll be here for DAYS. I am having literally the time of my life writing up all the little background details for this fic right now (this is my lil chaptered groupie fic im working on) and I think Most of them will make their way into the text somehow so I won't give, like, too many spoilers But there’s also plenty of stuff that won’t make it in there! Like, I had to make up this fake band for the fic (Lovelace) and to do that, I had to plan their albums/setlist for their tour (so I knew what tf i was talking about when writing). And to do that, I had to write a little bit of every single song they have!! So for the last week or so, I made a masterdoc and wrote a verse or two from every single one of their songs (which is 24 songs so I'm kind of giving 5sos a run for their money). Obviously, a few of these lyrics will find their way into the fic (like I've already included some in the first chapter) but definitely not all of them (because a couple songs are written really badly lmao) so it’s just a pretty cool little secret thing to have to help me write !!! and then there’s also a lot of backstory/history about the forming of the band (and some band dynamic stuff) that me and Ashley have talked about but I don’t know how much of that will or won’t appear in the fic yet <3 there's also the whole planning all the venues and the shows dates and what hotels they're staying at aaaa. I could never work in the industry it's way too much planning. but i think the coolest part of the process so far has been designing and writing the albums <3  
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Aw this is a cute one. Hmm i think the answer is Take Notes Calum tbh!! He was so much fun to write and, honestly, I’ve really struggled trying to write any characters like him moving forward. Like he’s just kind of Weird. He’s very manic pixie dream boyfriend coded. I had the most fun writing Take Notes because it was so silly while also kind of serious and in most of my other work I struggle to really reattain that balance. Like I feel as though I tip either one way or the other and TN was really the only fic that rode the line super well. And I think that was in large part due to the way I wrote Calum in that fic so!! I really enjoyed him and wish I could write him again!!
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Great question because there are a lot of writing “rules” i DO follow pretty closely so it’s hard to know exactly which ones I break. I’ve heard writers say to “avoid prologues” but I really love a prologue so that’s something. OO I will say !! a big rule of advice I got in high school creative writing was “don’t write a hobo in space story” (this is from a really good short story that talked about all the short stories you shouldn’t write lol) which is basically a story where two characters just hang out and talk and nothing really Happens except for them talking. And, honestly, i fucking love a hobo in space story. I love a scene where it’s just two dudes Talking. So i definitely do that sort of thing a lot even though i was told not to lol <3
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galaxythreads · 9 months
Hello! I’ve liked your fics for a long time, and was wondering if you would write something with fem- presenting Loki? There are some gender-fluid Loki fics on ao3, but I Need More To Live. I would write one, but I wouldn’t ever finish it.
I really want Loki to join the avengers in 2012 so that the other stuff doesn’t happen. sometimes I want Loki and Natasha to make fun of the rest of the avengers.
Idk I just really like the idea that Loki and Natasha would be friends. Or Loki and Wanda. (Except for all of the aforementioned characters got done so dirty by MCU. Isn’t that like a trope? Kill off the girl so the guy has a motivation to defeat the bad guy? Like from Green Lantern or something?
And Loki and Wanda got rewritten.). Whatever. I’m PERFECTLY OKAY! *eye twitches*
That kind of turned into a rant. Sorry.
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Here are more of my headcanons, because I’d rather dm someone on tumblr instead of actually making a post on my blog. I’m weird.
-Loki was friends with Tchaikovsky and Mozart and Shakespeare. Maybe even Paganini, or like Ada Lovelace. Or Albert Einstein. Basically a lot of historical figures and also musicians from the 1980s.
-Loki is an honorary gay, because he’s an alien and aliens don’t have human concepts of gender and sexuality. But also you saw that 🏳️‍🌈hand flip🏳️‍🌈 he did in the 1602 episode. I mean, he was just being so gay in that 1602 episode. It was beautiful.
-Loki is a sad little boi. 🥺🥺
-Loki is a good little boi who got did dirty by MCU and Odin. (🥺🥺)
-Loki isn’t always a boy.🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️(unfortunately no gender-fluid flag emojis so 💕🤍💜🖤💙)
-Loki knows all the languages.
-Loki would watch anime and Kdramas if HE WASN’T DEAD.
-Loki is a theater kid.
-Loki is cat
-Loki knows how to play ALL the instruments. He likes cello the best though. Also he has perfect pitch.
-Loki needs therapy. Like two blue whales worth of therapy.
-If Tony and Loki ever had a long conversation, they would figure out how to solve world hunger and climate change and overpopulation AND THEIR MOTHERS. (It doesn’t make sense but just roll with it)
-Loki is a Major Fucking Nerd About Everything.
-Loki likes calculus as a hobby.
-Loki is, (un?)fortunately, a British stereotype.
-Loki ships appledash and narusasu.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Bye, and thanks for letting me dump headcanons on you.
Hi! Thank you so much for sharing all of these with me, it's so fun to see other people's headcanons about Loki and their excitement about his character. I love discussing this blorbo and cracking him open like an onion to peal away layers of trauma and reveal the nerd beneath.
Lol, the amount of times I've thought about doing an MCU rewrite post a1 to fix everything is insane. If I did do this, I'd actually probably start at civil war, because personally, I feel like everything was (generally) actually okay and enjoyable until infinity war. Civil war is just a good place to kick around the fix-its because everything is such a mess.
As far as your request goes, it might surprise you, but you're actually NOT the first person to approach me about a genderfluid, fem-presenting Loki. More like the....4th? or maybe 5th? Idk. I've definitely been approached by multiple people over the years about this. Firstly, thank you for trusting me with your idea and your headcanons, I'm humbled and honored that you would approach me about this because you believed I would be able to write the story in a way that you would find meaningful and enjoyable <3
Second - I really just don't know. My first inclination is to say no, not because I'm not interested or don't care, but mostly because I'm so busy right now I really don't know when I'll be able to get to the story. Plus, I'm really not sure how to go about this. I'd need to figure out what direction I wanted to take the story, because Loki being genderfluid wouldn't change that much except their outward appearance. Loki + genderfluid + Natasha friendship is an amazing concept, but it's not a...plot, if that makes sense? "Fixing" a1 could be 50,000,000 separate things, and if it goes out as a fix-it for mcu, that would be an enormous project. Easily 200k-400k+, which would take me like...uh 1-3 years to write.
Loki being genderfluid IS something I've thought about just adding to my fics in general now (i'm really not sure, because I love cis male Loki, and I know it's canon that he's genderfluid, but I kind of disregard most things from the series anyway?) but Idk?
+ and this is just a personal one for me, but I don't know how to include Loki being genderfluid as a major part of the plot/story right now. Like, for example, I've been in the process of dumping all of my religious lgbtq+ trauma on peter parker in a (massive) one-shot that revolves around Peter learning to accept himself as being gay, but the point of the story is that Peter doesn't accept himself at first and the conclusion is when he does. (I don't know if I'm ever going to share or finish that fic by the way, so don't look for it) I don't know how to take the concept of this story, turn it into a fix-it for Avengers 1 with Natasha, and have a meaningful story about being genderfluid at the same time?
Like to me there's two different ways to go about lgbtq+ stories: a story about being gay that is intended to talk about lgbtq+ experiences and focus heavily on that, vs a story where the character is lgbtq+ and it's just part of their character and not something we spend a lot of time talking about because we don't need to. The story isn't about them being lgbtq+ specifically, it's about the character. Recently, a lot more media has started doing the latter, which is really, really nice because I don't feel like being lgbtq+ has to be justified every 20 lines.
The story I'm writing about Peter Parker is the former. It's about being gay. The entire story revolves around it. What I can tell from what you're saying is that you want something where Loki just IS genderfluid, but it's not something we spend a whole lot of time discussing because the story isn't ABOUT being genderfluid, it's about fixing mcu with genderfluid Loki as the main character, if I'm understanding this correctly? Which is fine and I absolutely support it because there is nothing wrong with writing genderfluid Loki and I wholeheartedly support those authors.
So i guess to shorten this - because this isn't just like a ~5-15k one-shot (which are about the only length of requests I can successfully complete right now), as respectfully as I can, I'm going to have to lovingly turn you down. I'm not saying no, I'll never write about genderfluid Loki, because I'm like 90% sure I will eventually, but I just don't know about a fix-it for MCU from the first Avengers. One suggestion I have is maybe, if you really really need to see this come to fruition, is to just write a bunch of one-shots that are interconnected based on each of your headcanons and then publish it as an interconnected series, not so much a full length novel like I would write. I can easily see this being a really enjoyable series. Best of luck
~galaxy <3
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
During this relisten I have been paying attention to potential evidence supporting this response to my character parallels post. The thoughts I have marshaled so far are,
Eiffel projects onto Hilbert. (This is relevant, bear with me.) He tells him - right after Hilbert tries to kill them and rips apart Hera's brain, no less! - that they're not so different. In Bolero, he tells Hilbert's memory that he wanted to believe even someone who had hurt so many people could change - he was clearly invested in Hilbert's improvement as a sign he could improve too, and vocalizing that makes him stop drinking, because he still has the chance to be better.
Why does this matter? Because in Desperate Measures, Eiffel tells Maxwell,
I knew it. I knew underneath all that sparkle and charm you were just as bad as Hilbert.
If he's projecting onto Hilbert, you could also read that as "I knew you were just as bad as me". Especially when he continues,
Hell, you're worse. You made Hera think you really cared, just to stab her in the back. Even Hilbert never sunk that low.
Eiffel claims he was pretty good at being a dad before things went wrong. I can easily see him being the 'fun' parent, who breezes in to bring presents or have a good time but doesn't stick around for any of the hard stuff. He made Anne think he cared. He had a responsibility to her, and then instead he was selfish and impulsive and got her and other people hurt. Even Hilbert didn't do that. But Maxwell did.
So yes, I can see Eiffel reacting badly to Maxwell because of the nature of her betrayal, just as he reacts strongly to Pryce for the same reason. But he dislikes her from the start. The response on the linked post suggests he picks up on her facade, and there could be something to that. Eiffel is aware he's putting on a show. In "Super Energy Saver Mode" when he's imitating Minkowski, he says
You are the most incompetent excuse for an enlisted man I have ever met. The only things you’ve done for the past 500 days have been sleep on the job, endanger our lives, and continually make stupid jokes just to hide the fact that you’re -
He might have been planning to say "worthless" or "filled with self-loathing" or something similar, but the point is, he's conscious that his behavior is an act to cover up characteristics he finds shameful or undesirable. Later, when Lovelace shows up, he tells Minkowski he knows a thing or two about telling lies. And, as the linked post notes, he sees through Cutter right away. Maxwell is the only other one to have such a strong negative reaction to Goddard's recruitment attempts.
Taking this all into consideration, my best guess is that after the Urania picked Eiffel up, Kepler and Jacobi sent Maxwell (the member of their team with the least god awful social skills) to play good cop and try to get some intel out of Eiffel - which, I'll note, is exactly what Minkowski had him do to Lovelace when she first showed up. However, Eiffel immediately saw through Maxwell's "sparkle and charm", picked up on her insincerity, and held on to that impression throughout her time on the station, even though her overtures to Hera probably were a lot more sincere. He saw her as someone who would put on a cheerful, funny front and pretend to give a shit but, when the chips were down, would take the selfish option and get people hurt. Like he said, from the start he knew - or suspected - that she was just as bad as him.
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fayoftheforest · 2 years
hey hey!! random question but what do you think kyle's kids are like? or even cartman's kids. i've just been sitting in my little corner with my own little characterizations so i figured might as well break out of my shell a little and ask other ppl what their interpretations are, and ur rlly fun!! :D
Thank you so much for the ask!! I love all your art of Kyle and Cartmans' children very much, it's fantastic :D I thought long and hard, and have come up with these wildly unfounded headcanons for Kyle’s children, partially influenced by kidfics I have read by authors such as Hollycomb and Sekrit (credit to the latter for being the first to name Kyle’s kid Benji!)
Benjamin Bartholemew Broflovski: I’ve always headcanoned Kyle’s middle name as Benjamin. Likewise, I hc Bartholomew is a family name on Gerald’s side, so Kyle wanted to honour that too. Plus, he's a big fan of alliteration :D
Benji is an overachieving, do-no-wrong golden child. He plays a lot of soccer in his youth (watched over by Soccer Mom Kyle) but switches to basketball in high school after a generous growth spurt. He’s also academically gifted, getting great grades in all of his classes. His favourite subject is history, specifically early civilisation. Would you like to know how the ancient Egyptians mummified the dead? Or the process of constructing an ancient Roman road? Well, he’s going to tell you anyway, and the lecture will last no less than two hours, and no, you don’t get a break. The only time that Benji does not exude confidence is when it comes to dating when he's older, wherein he’s a flustered and stuttering mess. He’s got the Bitchless Broflovski curse, I’m afraid 😔
Despite his radiant childhood, he goes through a rebellious phase in his early teen years. He starts to worry that people see him as boring or stuck-up, and so acts out. I doubt he’d go full goth, but maybe he’d get busted for drinking on school property or something, camped out behind the bleachers with some of the Bad Kids. Kyle gets SO MAD that the full name is cracked out: "Benjamin Bartholemew Broflovski!" but Benji figures if it’s pissing his dad off, then he must be doing something right. This behaviour spirals out of control until he has a bit of a scare (someone gets hurt, but not seriously), and after Kyle comes to his rescue, the two have a good ol’ heart to heart and all is well once more :) 
During the brief moment we see him in Post Covid, Benji is shown wearing a kippah, which could indicate that he’s an orthodox Jew. However, Kyle’s lifestyle does not seem to adhere to orthodoxy on the show, and I imagine he’d raise Benji as a reform/liberal Jew, just like I think Kyle is. The kippah could be because they’re at a Denny’s Applebees Max, and some Jews choose to cover their heads when eating, but I believe that, like Gerald, he simply wears his all of the time. As the post-covid conclusion is a utopian vision, Benji has been raised without the same antisemitic bullying that his father experienced, and so has no shame or self-loathing about being Jewish. He’s proud and he’s passionate about his faith!
Ada-May Sheila Broflovski: Kyle strikes me as the kind of guy to name his daughter after a famous feminist figure. Ada is after Ada Lovelace, who’s widely considered to be the first computer programmer! The ‘May’ is a family name, double barreled because he likes the ring to it. Sheila is of course after his mother, who he may have his gripes with, but still loves very dearly.
Ada is a quiet child. Raised in her older brother’s shadow, she’s not as naturally gifted at sports, and despite her namesake struggles quite a lot with math. Kyle loves both his children equally of course, but sometimes he doesn’t know what to make of her, because she’s not very expressive and quite emotionally closed off at times. She really enjoys reading, particularly nonfiction, so Kyle finds ways to connect with her by talking to her about the books she enjoys, and reading her favourites with her.
Ada doesn’t have too many friends whilst growing up, which Kyle stresses over to no end, but she doesn’t mind too much, happy in her own little world. In high school she makes friends with Moisha, Cartman’s son, and they start the school paper together. This kickstarts her passion for photography, as she follows Moisha around with a camera whist he asks people invasive and leading questions. The pair get into a lot of trouble together, and many hijinks ensue. Kyle blames it on Moisha's upbringing by his inept father and secretly misses the days when Ada didn’t have so many friends.
Tzedakah (charity work) is one of the most important commandments that Jews are obligated to observe, and I can see Ada really connecting with this mitzvah. She loves helping people in need, and works on many, many charity drives and events throughout her youth. She inherits a strong sense of justice from her father, and I love the idea of them bonding over this! They volunteer every Wednesday night at a soup kitchen together, and Benji sometimes comes too, making it a family affair :D
So, those are my main headcanons for Benji and Ada at the moment! I’d love to hear anyone else’s thoughts if they’d like to share theirs as well. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to ramble!!
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angel-lyah · 1 year
🎀.°Grace Lovelace; Lore”
“I always wanted to be on TV, being a star would be a childhood dream come true. So you can imagine how happy I was to receive a colorful envelope?„
- Mary Bel Martinez
• Grace Lovelace; The beginning
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Grace Lovelace is a character with a focus on feelings, her goal in the series is to teach children and their neighbors how to express their feelings and how healthy it is to be honest with yourself.
Grace is a kind and lively girl, she loves to play with her friends and help them with literature. In some episodes it is mentioned that she lived in the big city with her parents, but moved to seek adventures and self-knowledge.
It was believed that she would be a romantic match for Wally, as she made romantic poems for him in several episodes broadcast on TV. However, the Show stopped being broadcast before a romantic event occurred between them.
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• Mary Bel Martinez; The journey
Mary was a dreamy girl, smiling girl and loved theater. Her biggest dream was to appear on TV and be a Hollywood star. She persisted in her dream and never changed her mind. She spent sleepless nights dreaming and praying for a company to hire her.
Her family was normal but they never gave her the support she needed. Everything she could do she did alone.
Then the happiest day of her life came, she was finally hired.
“Working with Welcome Home was a very important step in my life, every day was full of fun... full of fun„
That's what she thought before things drastically change. Gradually, her identity was erased, she no longer heard her own name come out of the mouths of the directors. It was common for her arms to get purple spots because someone from the studio decided to take her somewhere that she didn't want to go. Her privacy was also erased, and although such actions were not sexually oriented, taking her clothes without her permission is still horrible. It was frightening, and in that fear she realized something...
“They...call me Grace all the time, control me all the time, use me all the time...all the time I feel like a puppet„
This went on for months, years... and then something happened, and we all know what: Welcome Home stopped streaming and everything disappeared.
What happened between the scenes? We don't know, we just know that a beautiful girl with brown hair was found abandoned in the forest. Her bones were fractured and deep cuts lied on her wrists and ankles. Whatever happened caused her to partially lose her vision too.
“Mary Bel Martinez was still alive, but something died with her„
Her parents didn't recognize her, her friends didn't recognize her: “Where is my daughter...my daughter has green eyes and a kind smile, that thing is not my daughter!„ - that's what they said, and then they left and cut contact
She was completely alone now.
She was referred to a psychiatric hospital for professional help. It helped. After that, she was able to return to society, as someone completely unknown.
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"How is she now?"
—She is "fine" now. I heard that she started to work as a teacher at a kindergarten. Even though she's gotten cold, quiet, and a little mean, she still loves kids.
"What do you mean Partially Blind?"
—She doesn't talk about it much, she says she sees everything red and black and so dark it's impossible to walk down the street without her Green Cane (Ps: Green canes means the person has low vision, White means completely blind and Red means blind and mute).
"Black Glasses?"
—They don't help at all, actually make her completely blind, but she prefers it that way, it's more comfortable, she says.
.°Thank you so much for reading!!💜
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kaes-wonderland · 2 years
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❥Warning: Haikyuu (Romantic) Rarepair
❥Finished: February 4, 2023
❥Kae’s Notes: Since TikTok might get banned, I’m going to be moving my ship and general headcanons from there to here. But today, I will be giving you some headcanons on a rarepair featuring Sarukui and Fukunaga! Please no hate, this is just for fun! See my navi for more &lt;3
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They met in high school when Fukurodani and Nekoma were at a training camp together. They at first didn’t like each other, all because they were both just way too quiet and a bit awkward, so that gave the other the wrong vibe. Although, they did start hitting it off towards the end of camp and really liked each other. Sadly, they never got each other’s numbers, and they wandered through life always thinking about the other. They were reunited at one of the comedy nights Fukunaga was apart of and they just…smiled at each other. Finally exchanging numbers, they ended up just taking a stroll around the city…getting to rekindle their high school friendship
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SHŌHEI has all sorts of bizarre nicknames for Sarukui, leaving them just baffled at the fact he just comes up with them on the spot. Little do they know, it has a notebook FILLED with random names it thinks of at 3 a.m. But the main nicknames are Ya-kui/Kui and Shō/Fuku <33
SARU is VERY clumsy, getting scrapes and bruises daily, so Fukunaga always puts those “kid’s” bandaids on the boo-boos like the ones with animals or Care Bears <333
KUI’S post-timeskip occupation says “civil servant” so I believe, with the help of Shō, they would become a culinary teacher at a high school.
I LIKE TO BELIEVE that Yamato dated Osamu during their college years (because I have a headcanon that they also went to culinary school) but they broke things off mutually after two-ish years as really the only reason they were “dating” was to not feel alone…Same with Fukunaga and Komori.
THEY HAVE THAT RELATIONSHIP where all they have to do is look at the other with a big smile and they are both rolling on the ground laughing. They have plenty of inside jokes that make them look insane in the eyes of society…but do they care? Not one bit.
NEITHER ONE OF THEM went to their school’s prom. Either cause they were too socially awkward, or they didn’t have anyone to go with, but they didn’t go. So now, that they are together, Fuku will randomly play a song while Kui is cooking and will make them stop cooking just to dance with it. Slow dancing always make them shed a few tears, but it always ends with them sneaking sweet pecks in between moves
FUKUNAGA loves affections, as physical affection is his love language, but Sarukui has a hard time adjusting to cuddles because they are more of a rambler than the huggy type. But kisses have always and will always be fair game!
I PERSONALLY LOVE PAIRS that are, or are very close in height as much as height differences! But…Yamato ALWAYS playfully banters about how much taller they are compared to it, only though they have one inch on him
FUKUNAGA is hard of hearing, and can only hear things that are really close to it.
SOOOOOOO, due to the headcanon above, the two hold hands EVERYWHERE they go. If they don’t, Fuku will wander off if he sees something cool, and Yamoto has a hell of a time finding it.
AS AN ANNIVERSARY PRESENT one year, Fuku had NO idea what to get Kui for a gift so it got them a panda bear teddy and now Saru can’t sleep without it
YA-KUI helps Shōhei write his material for when he performs for his comedy nights, and they always ends up laughing so much they are crying and often bring a few friends to listen in and give opinions as well
WHEN THEY FINALLY move in together, Fuku had pet ants and Saru started to have mini panic attacks about “what if they get out? what if they eat me in my sleep?” So with a heavy heart, Fukunaga gave them to a friend so that his Lovelace wouldn’t have to worry further
THEY LIKE TO PLAY pranks on each other. Not those obnoxious YouTube couple pranks, just little jokes here and there…April Fools Day is one of their favorite “holidays”.
THEY ARE absolute sweethearts, always trying to make the other or really anyone smile…but man can they be chaotic when they want to be-
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©k_kae- 2023 — all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, or repost my works and claim them as yours. But reblogs and likes are alway welcomed. Thank you, stay positive シ
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salmonandsoup · 2 years
so if the vampires are a mafia but theyre the good guys, who are the villains to their story?
they're a mafia because unfortunately, in the world they live in, sometimes you have to turn to illegal acts to level the playing field and actually get some justice. crime doesn't come out of nowhere, and they're fine doing dirty work in order to make sure other people have what they need.
the main antagonist comes in the form of lewis lovelace, louisa's wretched older brother (though other forces ally with him to give him more backbone than him just all by himself). all he wants is money and power, and is perfectly willing to use louisa as a bargaining chip and a punching bag. this, of course, will not slide, and so reuben and the rest of the brit squad (peter, nicky, louisa, and tomasso) snatch her away from her own wedding and escape to europe and eventually america (to which they meet feliks, that whole shebang happens, and then everyone teams up), but lewis keeps hunting them down, first using finley, then the organization that liesl and ibán are a part of, and then even through becoming a vampire himself.
now the fun part comes in the fact that these guys are all stuck in a time loop, and only lewis is 100% aware of the fact, using that to manipulate people and gather more resources each loop. every time he manages to kill louisa and/or another core member of the mafia, he wakes up back as a twenty-something in 1889. why they're all stuck in a time loop, nobody knows... not just yet. lewis wants to break it and keep everything he amasses through each loop, though the mafia still slips through his fingers every single time, and the mafia, once they learn they're stuck in it, wants to break it and destroy lewis and everything he represents (which is white supremacist hegemony).
the answer to why they're stuck in the loop is because of finley, funnily enough. the man is no stranger to the occult, and basically pled to anyone or anything who'd listen to keep louisa safe until he could. and Something Listened. Whatever Listened now rests inside lewis, and while it gives him more power with each loop, it also keeps lewis stuck in the loop and makes him suffer, and when everyone else gets over what keeps them stuck and making the same bad decisions, they're freed from it. the best and worst part? if lewis would just try to be a better person, he'd ALSO eventually be freed from the loop. but he refuses. all he wants is power. and so white supremacy turns on itself and eats itself. the only way to beat it is to team up and realize just how much it fucks over EVERYONE, and stomp it to death.
(thank @oops-i-accidentally for the eldritch time loop fuckery; that's their specialty and we both went HAM when we approached that concept)
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mightymizora · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Nobody has tagged but I'm going to post two bits anyway, because I need to finish the first at least and maybe this will get me to bloody do it.
Breath and Rosewater, extract from Chapter 5 with Glim and Astarion:
The night has a heavy heat, a pressing humidity rising from the water, but it is to be a party, and she has made that clear to all of them. They will have one last night with the Tieflings before they leave the grove and venture out alone. 
She has even dressed for it, as silly as that is, but she wants to feel different, lighter. She has shrugged off her heavy jacket, her well-stitched shirt, and is instead in her simple, well-tailored trousers and a light soft undershirt that covers her enough not to be too indecent. She has pushed back her hair with a splash of clean water, and placed a new pair of gems in her ears. The Zhent had seen her coming, muttering something about her kind not being able to resist something that sparkled, but she wanted them and the fizz of joy she feels as she places them in her ears at Astarion’s mirror is simple and uncomplicated. Cabochon rubies deep as blood, hanging from drops of finely turned gold.
“Tarting yourself up for a good night, darling? Oh, but you look adorable. Like a puppy in a ribbon.”
“You’re in a fine mood tonight, I see.”
“I just feel like the goblins would have thrown a better party. It’s a shame, you seemed such good friends with them.”
“I seem to recall you thinking they were quite expendable at the time. Some light snacks, some target practice.”
“Well, set me to it, and I’ll find my fun.”
“That’s why I keep you around, Astarion. Keep you on a leash, point you at whatever needs savaging like a good little attack dog.”
She smiles at him, but he doesn’t smile back. There is an absence, a shade of something over his face, and she feels a deep discomfort in her stomach.
“Listen,” she says, “let’s not be at each other tonight. Let us have a truce.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m always a delight.”
“Well, maybe I’m not. And I’m sorry.”
His nostrils flare. “You always have to do that, don’t you? You shouldn’t. Stand in your stupid little boots and don’t apologise. You’re much more interesting when you don’t.”
“Two dogs together.”
“Well, quite.”
To her left she spies Zevlor, looking out over his people with a distance in his flame-touched eyes. It feels right to speak to him first.
“Time to be host. Have fun, Astarion. But if you’re going to go for one of our guests, try and make sure you don’t kill them. Go for one with a bit more meat.”
“I promise nothing.”
And secondly, from The Portrait, which is new:
Her eyes are on him and they fill him with a dread bile, the sense of water at the back of his teeth flooding his mouth. Her eyes, a rose-brown that he has mixed and mixed and mixed again and cannot quite seem to get right. Her eyes are on him, the rabbit in the eyes of the fox.
The request came to the guild house with gold already attached. Wanted, portrait artist. Female subject, single sitting. Pay upfront. He did not recognise the seal, but Darcus told him it was from the newly minted Lord Gortash, also known as Enver Flymm, also known in certain parts of the back cities as Flymm the Bloody, where they still dared to say such things. The purse held more gold than Guy had ever seen, and Litton laughed at his face when he opened it.
“Oh, dear boy!” he had chided, drawing the string again and placing it in the middle of the table. “You are too swayed by money. What of passion? What of love of the craft!”
It was easy, thought Guy, to care only of craft, of passion or love or whatever else you might want when you were the third son of a Patriar, and mummy dearest paid for your garret upfront for the year so you could slum it a little, just for fun. When you had a real life, a real wife, a real child, love started to mean something very different.
“Give it here,” he said. “I’ll take it. If it’s Kerrie Lovelace again, I still have the sketches from the Ravengard commission.”
Lovelace was popular with the Patriars. A half-elf with the wettest eyes he’d ever seen and a permanently quivering, full lip. She was the lover of some, and the favoured subject of far more since Litton had painted her as a beautiful mermaid to mark The Breaking a few years before.
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swampcreature · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You
Thank you for the tag @lady--lisa!!
Tagging @owl-mug @teagrammy @william-jennings-bryan and anyone else who wants to do it.
What book are you currently reading?
I haven’t done a lot of reading for enjoyment recently nor have I really thought about picking up a book soon. Maybe once finals are over I'll get something.
What’s your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year?
I didn't see a whole lot of movies in the theaters this year, and the ones I did I didn't really like, but I liked the Baz Luhrmann Elvis movie the most out of them.
What do you usually wear?
I dress really casually. Right now, it's usually sweats, or a sweater or a cardigan and t-shirt, and jeans. I like fun multicolored socks and shoes. High school me used to dress like Vriska when we got no-uniform days though and I'm glad I graduated out of that.
How tall are you?
On the tall end of average height.
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Scorpio. I share a birthday with Bob Ross and the Great Depression.
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
IRL I go by my full first name, but online I use a nickname.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
No. I think she'd like the path I chose though, even if she would be a little disappointed in the fact that I don't really do the thing she found passion in anymore. I'm still in university though, I have time to make it up to her.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
No, and honestly I kinda prefer being single.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I have a fairly decent memory and am good at remembering deadlines and stupid trivia. Even things I thought I forgot (usually I just end up making some association and going oh yeah that's just like blah blah blah.)
I cannot wrap a present for the life of me. I can never manage to get the paper to fold right or the tape to look neat. Slap it in a bag, put some nice tissue paper in there, and call it a day.
Dogs or cats?
I like them both but I prefer dogs cuz that's what I grew up with.
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
Ughhhh I haven't finished anything in a while but i'm kinda proud of this line. I'm malding though cuz I have to scrap it cuz the scene flows better from the other character's pov.
"However, Andrew has always been inclined towards sin, so despite everything, it is natural that he gravitates towards a being as sinful as Antonio. Perhaps they’re cut from the same sinful cloth, both demons seeking a soothing hand, an honest tongue, and a kind heart. If his damnation comprises of an eternity playing games, drinking, and spending time with Antonio in this manor, then Andrew doesn’t think he minds at all.
"How cruel it is, that God allows him to meet someone who understands him so fully and uniquely, and still deny him the privilege of making him his soulmate."
What’s something you would like to create content for?
Identity V fandom doesn't have nearly enough femslash fic. The sapphics are starving.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Ride the Cyclone. Fantastic musical, fantastic characters, Jane Doe is my sweet daughter and deserves the world. Also recently taken an interest in Ada Lovelace, 19th-20th century classical music, and Ace Attorney.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
This last semester of university. It's just been so incredibly draining. I'll be going abroad next semester though so should be some more excitement.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
I can do pretty good accents (if I listen to someone with that accent for long enough.) When I was younger I used to be able to do a good Russian accent cuz I watched so much hetalia and now I can do a decent Clone High JFK voice.
Are you religious?    
No but I consider myself spiritual.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
A spa day. Especially a pedicure.
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