#lovelace happy feet
lord-of-the-weird · 4 months
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before haircut, after haircut
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queer-hercules · 2 years
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I reallllly need to take tests for a state certified GED (the college I want doesn’t look too favorably on home schooling records) and that costs money. Money that I am saving for Christmas gifts and meds.
SO! Look what I can do!
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If anyone would like a commission done, please reach out! I have a brand new sketchbook and so many ideas! I mainly have done realistic pet portrait collages in black & white for clients but I’ve drawn movie character collages as well for my own phone background!
Plz let me know!
I’ve also done this tribute to the great Robin Williams
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shinolavolume1 · 2 days
I want to go for a night on the town off the jaegermeister and then go spearfishing for our dinner out of a runoff pond on the side of the highway and the bluegills all have 3 eyes like the simpsons fish. ee eat them beer battered and crispy and then it gives me the power of underwater breathing because it's radioactive and altered my dna to have gills so i jump into the pond and a 6-pack plastic ring IMEDDIATELY gets caught around my neck like John Goodman in happy feet. i mean Robin Williams. he played lovelace the rockhopper penguin or macaroni penguin i dont remember. but his voice sounded really funny because its robin williams who has many iconic roles in cartoons such as the Genie in Allandin, the bat from Ferngully, Fender Pinwheeler, Mark and Mindy, gay guy from Birdcage, and more. Anyway long story short i don't make it and they give me a viking funeral
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months
Rexidala but make them Happy Feet
I just had The STUPIDEST AU idea
Okay so. To preface. I was kind of obsessed with the movie Happy Feet as a kid. And one of the songs came up on a suggested playlist on my drive home, Boogie Wonderland.
I am not imagining characters as penguins. I am imagining them with the General Vibes of the penguins.
Specifically: Dorky Rex in a bowtie looking at his love interest with stars in his eyes, kinda unpopular because of A Mutation, and a love interest that's way out of his league. And, very importantly, his gaggle of Adélie hypemen
(I'm thinking Rexidala, because. Padme is out of everyone's league)
This isn't really a fic AU, it's more a "someone draws a couple scenes inspired by the movie" kind of art AU.
The image in my head is Rex standing flushed and grinning after his lil tap dance number...
And absolutely losing their shit with the rapping and hip-hop dancing around him (lower down because of squatting/breakdancing) are Fives, Jesse, Echo, Hardcase, and… I wanna say Kix?
(Where's Anakin? Don't know. Maybe he's the penguin equivalent of a mad scientist in a cave. Maybe he's Lovelace or the leopard seal or one of the zoo penguins or something. At any rate, he's doing his thing and uninvolved in the love story beyond maybe being Padme's Good Friend, to mirror Rex finding himself a hype squad.)
Rex in a lil bowtie and suspenders and tap shoes.
The hypemen in backwards baseball caps and open hoodies and sneakers and doing those exaggerated 'look at my boy go' gestures.
They are having the time of their lives talking up this nerdy guy they found and decided was their Buddy now.
(The Amigos get their moment at about 2:38 if you want to know what moment in the song got me thinking about Fives and co deciding to hype up a buddy.)
Again, they're still human and all, they are also just in a wild dance AU with heartsongs as a whole thing.
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amf-studios · 24 days
Another faux-kai I made for pride month, this is Dadelie!
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Fun fact, most animals have examples of homosexuality! And among them, Penguins are quite notable for it being ridiculously common among them.
In fact, it's even noted that gay penguin couples will adopt stray eggs and take great care of them, and that idea is what inspired this guy!
Dadelie is the embodiment of a wholesome stay at home dad! He typically inspirits fathers and father figures and makes them filled with a massive amount of affection for their kids! And also make a lot of dad jokes.
I mostly took inspiration from Lovelace from Happy feet(particularly his sweater from the second movie), Ned Flanders, and Patton from sandersides. The name is a combination of Adelie, and Dad.
Dadelie is a D rank of the heartful tribe, and is a water attribute. His soultimate is: a Father's love! Which heals his allies.
He also has the inspirit: Parental affection, which passively heals affected allies while affected.
I hope you enjoy my goofy Lil bird dad here!
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acaciapines · 2 months
hey! for the fic ask game: 3, 5 (for the wolf 359 daemon au), 8, 38 and 42?
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
somebody being a least a little bit nonhuman <3 but more broadly i really like writing about human/animal dynamics, both in the nonhuman sense obviously, but also even in my daemon aus--what do humans say about animals? how much is true and how much is just something humans have put onto the animal, rather than what the animal is?
i also think i write a lot about grief, and the ways grief and trauma both can manifest in ways seen as 'unpalatable.' how youre supposed to survive these sorts of things, and how a lot of times the answer is that maybe things dont get better, but they do get different. ie i have a lot of bittersweet endings and i dont think that'll ever change.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
oooh ive always hoped somebody would ask what the hell doug-nix and miranda-alphaeus would get up to after the epilogues, 'cause this never got in there (i dont think at least), but i've always had it in mind that they move out eventually! get a place of their own, which would leave minkowski, hera, jacobi, and sometimes lovelace whenever she stops by living together.
i just feel like. miranda and doug are outsiders to that crew, yeah? neither of them remember the people they once were, so. might as well try making something new and better together.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
this one is particularly topical 'cause a song is actually the inspiration for the current fic i'm writing! grand canyon by the wind and the wave. literally such a frisk and chara song, ALSO a really good roadtrip song, so ive meshed those together and now im working on a post-pacifist chara&frisk centric roadtrip fic! coming out....idk. may probably.
i also think twelve feet deep by the front bottoms could make a real fun onesided dessriel fic. something about 'i get left out of every plan they make / that is what i have to do / to be the only kid from highschool who is still in love with you' REALLY gets to me.
38. Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular (whatever that means to you)? Which ones? Why do you think they were so successful?
i think the one that surprised me the most was garden of earthly delights, which was my madoka magica daemon au. seeing as its been Forever since anything madoka has come out (plus daemon aus are Not popular anymore lol), i didnt know there was still an active fandom there, but there WAS, and all my commenters were amazing and lovely and it was so fun seeing everyone trying to uncover the mystery in real time!!! if i had to guess WHY it got popular, i think i'd guess it was the aspect of mystery...something to keep people coming back and commenting!
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
the comments that always stick with me the most are the people who come to tell me that it was my fics (usually either i know im not well or alterhuman) that either helped them feel SEEN as otherkin/therian, or helped them discover that this was a thing they even could be. i think thats been one of the most rewarding things about sharing those stories. theres not a whole lot out there in the ao3 otherkin tag, yknow? and it makes me so happy to know i've been able to help people.
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poemoftheday · 8 months
Poem of the Day 27 October 2023
Richard Lovelace. 1618-1658
Gratiana Dancing
SHE beat the happy pavement— By such a star made firmament,   Which now no more the roof envìes!     But swells up high, with Atlas even,     Bearing the brighter nobler heaven,   And, in her, all the deities.
Each step trod out a Lover's thought, And the ambitious hopes he brought   Chain'd to her brave feet with such arts,     Such sweet command and gentle awe,     As, when she ceased, we sighing saw   The floor lay paved with broken hearts.
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crowfonder · 2 years
yeag okay happy feeyt time
Okay take two since tumblr ate this post last time.
Okay so it starts with penguins being horny unironically. So these penguins Norma Jean and Memphis fall in love and have egg. So as is penguin religion for sone reason the guy penguins watch the eggs and the gal penguins leave to fish so theres this blizzard and Memphis drops Egg which in penguin religion is absolutely terrible. Flash ahead to all the eggs hatching, Memphis' egg doesnt budge. So Gloria (little gal penguin WHOS VOICED BY P!NK??) and her dad come over and lil babu gloria taps at the egg until some peets pop out and Memphis is like "YAY OK BABY I HAVE BABY" and Mumble (Memphis' baby) pops out but hes tapping his feet and Memphis is like "wtf" and Mumbles like "my feets are happy :)" but they tell him to stop being autistic and so theres that. So as kids they are supposed to have a heartsong which is a penguin religion thing used to attract mates in the future so Gloria belts out something wonderful but Mumble sounds like a dying cassowary and just grows up as a mommas boy outcast. At sone point hes nearly eaten by a predator bird but hes a smart baby and asks ab the ring on his leg and this bird is like "alien. Abduction" but really he was just observed by humans n shit but this gives baby Mume enough time to hide in a hole until they leave! Ok so now all the baby guins grow up, Priest penguin gives a speech ab the graduating n shit. So theyre all at this party and Glorias sibging and for some reason theyre singing queen how do the penguins know queen. So Mumble gets excited and starts not only dancing but also honking and he gets kicked out which is sad. He wakes up alone and is like "hahah lol very funny this is a prank right" until this fucking RUSSIAN LEOPARD SEAL TRIES TO EAT HIM??? So he panics and scrambles on land and these hispanic guins (ONE OF WHICH IS ROBIN FUCKING WILLIAMS) tease the seal with him until it leaves, call themselves "the amigos" then take him to their land or whatevs so he learns about them making nests with pebbles n shit. Then theyre like "how do you get girls" and hes like "well we sing" but he cant sing bc he sounds like a drowning furby when he tries. So they hang out n such and then belly slide down a hill but a tractor falls in the water and hes like "amigos wtf was that!" And theyre like "dont know dont care" so they take him to this guy named Lovelace who is some sort of guru ig?? Some fat penguin with a plastic ring stuck round his neck claiming he speaks to mystic beings??? So Mumble is like "have you ever been ubducted bc i met a bird with a ring kinda like that" and Lovelace (WHO IS ALSO THE FUCKING NARRATOR) gets irrationally mad and tells him to leave. AND THEN LEAVES TO FUCK HIS BITCHES, IM NOT EXAGGERATING GO WATCH IT. and so he leaves with the amigos and goes home like "Guys i know whos taking our fish!" But tge priest guin us like "YOU UPSET GOD WITH YOUR TAP DANCING" and his momma is like "leave my kid alone!" And his dad us begging him to be normal and hes like "its my fault hes this way, I DROPPED HIM' yknow for dramatics so hes like "fuck yall! Imma go find those aliens and save our fish!" So he leaves and the amigos take him back to Lovelace who is now choking so they have to guess what hes attempting to say. They go to the ekeohant seals who basically tell him to give up and Mumble is like "guys, tell mom i love her" and JUMPS OFF A FUCKING CLIFF??? WHAT??? So he swims off to find the humans but washes up unconcious on shore and is taken to the zoo. So theres a heart breaking scene of him trying to talk to humans but hes just bird screaming at them until he loses his voice and it broke me, dude. So after three months hes literally hallucinating and contemplating just givibg up but this lil girl taps at the glass. So he starts tap dancing and the girl leaves and hes like "damnit, i messed up huh" but she comes back with her mom so he dances until hes surrounded by a crowd. So they dont make it clear in the next scene but he ends up back home for some reason (maybe eligible for release?) And hes like "GUYS WE GOTTA TAP DANCE FOR THE ALIENS" but the priest Guin gets mad again like "FUCK YOU YOU UPSET GOD THATS WHY THERES NO FISH" but Mumble has a tracking device on his back and itsa beepin. so now half the birds are singing and half are dancing. So norma is like "MY BABY IS ALIIIIVE" and greets him until she brings him to Memphis WHO HAD LITERALLY GIVEN UP BECAUSE HE WAS SO GUILTY OVER LETTING HIS SON BE EXILED?? so hes like "dad we gotta dance" so he teaches his dad to dance. All these humans arrive and now all these penguins are dancing so these humans are recording now and it goes VIRAL. So now its this montage of humans fighting for fishing restrictions and penguin rights?? Flash forward, happy eva afta for the penguins!! Gloria n Mumble hit it off and everyone is happy :) 
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testosteronefag · 2 years
@ everyone reblogging that post where i said happy feet should have had gay sex : what i wanted to say was "mumble should have given lovelace sloppy head" but i held myself back. for you
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thedeadthree · 1 year
hiii :D ❤💘🍰 for lilia & lucinde?
MIA HI DEAR ! i hope ur doing well hun! the infamous dears truly have a vice grip on me rn ty ty so much !!!!!!! 🌸✨💕
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❤: what are three of your oc's positive traits?
the darling lila is a maverick (an unorthodox or independent-minded person), rather astute (having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one’s advantage), and alluring (powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive.) !
💘: what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
lizzie lovelace a pop princess caliber face in music, and a former romantic partner of her fathers along with jazzy, together make the dynamic duo that keep lila centered and the first people who hear anything and everything before anyone else on her life. jazzy was actually the first person she met in middle school following her relocation to new york from new orleans (and before that ! paris! her parents loved to move places on whims sajnxka) and save for the BOTB have been inseparable ever since ! she was then introduced to rowan through jazzy and the trio with lizzie have been her anchor since as well! her partner in crime and the go to to cure her bad days! she can be a lot but they truly have her best interest at heart something she didnt have from her parents and for that they mean the world!
🍰: when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
her birthday is april 19th, 1997 and she is 26! lilia is an aries sun, a libra moon and a leo rising! i would say the card i most align with her is the death card in reversal at her best and upright at her worst. mars would be her ruling planet and her ruling number would be 1! she veeery identifies closely with a very much amount of the traits belonging to her sun and moon and rising ! especially her moon and rising but also a lot of her sun sign as well!
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❤: what are three of your oc's positive traits?
lucinde known by her stage name "lucy less" (formerly lucinde lawless to match sevens but she shortened it following their breakup :') ) is felicific (relating to or promoting increased happiness), captivating (capable of attracting and holding interest; charming.), and wistful (having  or  showing  a  feeling  of  vague  or  regretful  longing) !!!!!
💘: what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
seven. seven always will be and still is in spite of the way things ended. she still carries a torch for him these years following and from a distance wishes him well. (if you hear sobbing its me!) the close second and she tells him he's the first would be her brother! he too has a band of his own and is the drummer for an experimental noise rock outfit. OF COURSE there's rowan the remedy to all her bad days wizard in making her smile the best thing since sliced bread and her best friend. and iris who shes been friends with since they were in pre-k, devyn, orion (she had a "secret" crush on him that he probably knew but didn't tell her to save her from the embarrasment that he knew kjsndak), and of course the fans of her band MALWARES (formerly error 404 i just thought it sounded cute!) !
🍰: when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
lucys birthday is november 11th, 1997 and she is 26! shes a scorpio sun, sagittarius moon and aquarius rising! the world is the card in tarot that i think i love the most for her. and her ruling planet would be pluto and her ruling number would be 2! on stage she is the archetypal scorpio and off there is so much of her sign she relates to! along with her moon and rising as well that she closely relates!
#🎠: mia#alfheim-elves#i will for sure be making a piece to introduce the side characters for the dears ! they mean the world to me as well!#THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK DEAR YOUR A TREASURE! this was so cute to do!#astrology asks my favorite asks in the world on par with music ones AHH the astology nerd in me was SHRIEKING <3#oc: lilia laurent#oc: lucinde lau#leg.txt#leg.asks#leg.ocs#there are a couple things with their signs that arent quite right but i wanted their signs to closely reflect them as people !#sjhdhncjh so this was almost done and then i went to undo something and the whole post was erased but ! we are good now <3#technology smites leg AGAIN jjajsknak 🥀🥴#there is a fic i plan to write with lila realizing her feelings were real feelings for G and shes on the phone with liz and jaz and its AHH#like her having the thought she had been on a MISSION to be unlike her parents only to not be any different and the weight of her actions#liz BEE lines to lila its a whole thing and i am very looking forward to writing it <3#leg says kjsnkjan manifesting that the writing gods are merciful and i can write it!#lucys brother is also VERY into astrology and is wholly convinced she and seven are cosmically meant to be ksjmskja#but is also very VERY bitter he broke her heart so in equal parts is rooting for them and like 🥀😠 adskmlskjasn#and of course i cant thank enough ash for the loveliest banners ever 🥀✨😭 TY !!!!!#changed my mind lizzie was a romantic partner of her dads before he met her mom and has been a friend of the family since <3#they sort of dropped lilia on her because lilia ADORED liz and she became a mother figure soon after :)#they could go party with their friends and liz was like ?? but lilia needed SOMEONE to be there for her so she took that mantle ! 🥀❣️
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softforloki · 1 year
Chapter 10: Family Dinner
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Chapter List
Word Count: 3,237
Summery: Loki drags his feet to dinner with his girlfriend, her daughter, and his brother. Information is revealed and revelations are had.
Warnings: Reference to sexual encounters, mentions of past pregnancy, and very brief reference to abortion
. . .
“Is your lady on her way?” Thor asked, lifting his water glass.
“Yes, she’s close.” Loki replied, eyes glued to his phone and its message thread with Selene. He had lived on Midgard long enough to understand that having one’s phone out during a meal was impolite, but he couldn’t quite find it in himself to care. He’d stabbed Thor multiple times- he could handle a little impoliteness.
“I’m excited to meet Raven.” Thor continued, either not noticing or blatantly ignoring Loki’s discomfort. “She sounds lovely.”
“She is,” Loki murmured in agreement, twisting around for the eighth time in his seat to watch the restaurant’s front entrance.
“You and the good doctor have spent much of your energies concealing your relationship,” Thor remarked, eyes sparkling. “I’m also excited to see how you two interact without hiding.”
“Can you do me a favor, Thor?” Loki asked suddenly, turning back around in his seat.
His brother blinked. “Of course.”
“I beg of you, do not interrogate Selene or Raven. They’re not…” Loki trailed off, searching for the words. “Selene is a private person, and Raven takes after her. They may not feel comfortable answering personal questions.”
“Brother, you forget; I know Dr. Lovelace.” Thor chuckled. “I know how she tends to keep to herself- and I know what I’ve been told of Raven.” He looked pointedly at Loki. “I know what lines I ought not cross.”
“I know, I know,” Loki sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I just…. I’d rather not have this night end in disaster. You are a lot, at times.”
“You’ve told me that more than once.” Thor teased, patting his arm encouragingly. “I’m just glad you’ve found love. You deserve to be happy, brother.”
Loki fell silent, shooting Thor an alarmed look.
“I may not have your mind, Loki, but I do have eyes.” Thor said. “I can tell that you love her.”
“You’ve not even seen us together,” Loki grumbled.
“No, but before? The lingering touches? The knowing glances? Even then I could tell something was going on with you two.”
Loki ran a hand down his face, slightly frazzled. “I haven’t exactly told her, yet.”
“Whyever not?” Thor’s brows raised.
“...I don’t know yet if she loves me.” Loki admitted quietly.
“Hmm.” Thor hummed, tapping his chin exaggeratedly. “Hmm.”
Before Loki had a chance to say something snippy, he felt a hand on his shoulder. “Hey boys, are we late?”
“Not at all!” Thor grinned widely, pulling out the empty chair beside him. “Please, sit.”
Loki glanced up to Selene, and he made an odd strangled sound at the back of his throat.
Her dress was a deep green velvet with a V-neck that was deep enough, her moon tattoo- and her cleavage- were visible. It was patterned with tiny silver stars and crescent moons, and the hem of the dress skimmed her knees, offering a rare yet tantalizing view of her legs. Her long bell sleeves draped over Loki’s shoulders as Selene leaned down to press a kiss to his cheek. 
“Hey Lokes,” She purred against his skin, smirking at his bewildered expression.
“Hello,” He murmured, a hand raising to press against her back. “You look magnificent.”
“Thanks. I haven’t had an excuse to wear this in years.” She joked, plucking a piece of lint off the shoulder of his blazer. “You’re not so bad yourself, handsome.”
Loki laughed quietly, the world around him melting away as he gazed at Selene. Her teasing smirk faded into something softer, more full of adoration as she tucked a stray curl behind his ear. He moved his hand to touch her face, his thumb laying at the corner of her painted lips. 
Thor cleared his throat. “Would one of you be so kind as to introduce me to the little one?”
Loki snapped his head up to his brother, startled and ashamed to realize he’d quite forgotten about Raven.
She stood a step behind her mother, her face scrunched in disgust at the public display of affection. She wore an adorably ruffled dress patterned with flowers and vines, and her hair had been neatly plaited down her back.
“Sorry, Thor.” Selene laughed apologetically as Loki pulled out the chair next to him for her to sit. “This is Raven. Rave, this is Thor. He’s my friend from work and Loki’s brother.”
“Hi,” She waved shyly as Selene gently urged her into the chair Thor had pulled out.
“It’s good to meet you, your mother speaks well of you.” He said brightly, offering her a kind smile. He then leaned over to Loki, muttering quietly into his ear. “If she is not in love with you, I’m the queen of England.”
Loki gently pushed him away, scowling. He drank heavily from his water glass to hide his rapidly heating face.
Thor kept conversation flowing with his constant chatter. Loki realized with some guilt that he’d underestimated his brother’s powers of self control as the only ‘interrogation’ he gave Selene was a single question about the timeline of their relationship. They chatted loosely about Selene’s work and Raven’s school, at which point he and Selene regaled Thor with the only slightly-exaggerated version of what had happened at the open house.
Until he ruined it. As usual.
“Do you speak with Raven’s father?” Thor asked Selene after their food had arrived. “I don’t believe you’ve ever mentioned him.”
Loki looked cautiously to the Lovelaces. Selene pursed her lips, her eyebrows disappearing into her hairline. Raven’s fork froze in midair, strands of spaghetti slipping off and falling back to her plate. 
“He’s not exactly around.” Selene answered slowly.
“Oh? Why not?” Thor asked, seemingly oblivious to the rising tension. “Were you two together?”
“Thor.” Loki hissed, pinching his leg. Hard. “Remember our discussion about personal questions?”
“It’s okay.” Selene twisted her fork in her fingers, her expression conflicted. “His name was Jay, and we were dating. We were dating for a while, actually, but when I became pregnant, he decided that he didn’t want to be a part of it.”
“He’s not my dad.” Raven said quietly but firmly. Her eyes had gone hard, fixed on her plate as she pushed her pasta around. “He didn’t want me. Dads want their kids. They love their kids, and don’t want to leave them.”
Loki felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. He watched as Raven glanced up at Thor, shrugged, and went back to her plate. This was not information that she’d been struggling to grapple, or at least it wasn’t anymore. 
“We don’t talk about him a lot.” Selene agreed, stroking her daughter’s hand.
“I’m sorry,” Thor murmured. “We don’t have to talk about this.”
“No, it’s not a problem. We just don’t bring it up often.” Selene shook her head. “Raven was an unexpected surprise. When Jay and I talked about what we were going to do, we disagreed about how we wanted to move forward. I wanted to have my baby, he…. Didn’t. He couldn't convince me to terminate the pregnancy, and I wouldn’t convince him to participate in it, so we went our separate ways.” She shrugged. “He wasn't eager to stick around or give me any trouble, so it wasn't a particularly messy breakup. We just agreed that we wanted different things and moved on.”
“Did he assist you in any way during your pregnancy?” Thor asked hesitantly.
“Thor,” Loki snapped again. He once again thought of all the times throughout his life he’d stabbed his brother, weighing the pros and cons of doing so again.
“It’s alright.” Selene insisted, taking Loki’s hand. She smiled ruefully at Thor. “Funny story about that, actually: no. I never heard from Jay again. I invited him multiple times to appointments and ultrasounds just in case he was interested in checking in. Radio silence. Never once answered my messages or calls, never asked if I needed assistance with anything, he never even called just to say hi.”
“You and Raven have had no contact with her father since you parted ways?” Thor asked incredulously. 
“You heard the kid; he’s not her father. He’s a sperm donor at best.”
Loki watched Raven, but she didn’t react to any of what Selene was saying. She’d clearly heard this all early enough for her to be desensitized to it by now. He reached across the table to tap her plate and get her attention. “When did Mum tell you about him?” He asked gently.
“We were doing a Father’s Day thing at school, and I asked why I didn’t have a dad.”
“That was first grade, right?” Selene asked, to Raven’s silent nod. “So, she would’ve been about six at the time.” She elaborated to Loki and Thor.
Six. Six years old and she’d known her father hadn’t wanted her. He stared in shock at Selene.
“I wasn’t going to lie to her.” She said without him even having to ask, a hint of sharpness in her voice.
“That would be out of character for you.” He replied soothingly, pressing a delicate kiss to her fingers. “For what it’s worth, you’ve done a wonderful job on your own.”
His voice took on a bit of an edge without intending it to. Jay had better hope they never met, because Loki had choice words for him. How foolish could someone be to throw away the most marvelous woman in the universe? Especially over something that he was very responsible for. Anger simmered under his skin.
He felt Selene squeeze his fingers. He caught her eyes. It’s okay, her gaze said. 
Thor quickly shifted gears, asking Raven about her magic lessons with Loki. She immediately perked up to launch into an excited summary of her latest lesson.
Selene leaned into Loki as the two talked. “He’s not worth your anger.” She whispered.
“But you are.” He argued.
Selene inhaled shakily, moving back to look fully at him. Her forehead creased as she gazed at him, her eyes roaming his face- looking for what? Loki couldn’t say. Whatever she found there made her eyes widen a bit, and her lips curled into a small, stunned smile.
She squeezed his hand, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek, whispering a quick “Thank you,” before turning back to jump into Raven and Thor’s conversation. “I practically scribbled all over his magic books with red ink to limit his curriculum.” She joked. “There are some things that a nine-year-old shouldn’t be able to do.”
“But I wanna teleport,” Raven pouted.
“No, I agree with your mum on that one.” Loki interjected. “That’s quite complex magic and can be dangerous if you’re not careful.”
“He nearly teleported himself into the wrong end of a sword once.” Thor said cheerfully. “Do you remember, brother? We were sparring and you thought to teleport yourself behind me to get the upper hand!”
“I remember.” Loki grumbled. “Thank you so much for never letting me live that down.”
“It’s my greatest pleasure.” Thor smirked, patting Loki on the back.
He let the embarrassment roll off his back as he watched Selene and Raven laugh, the tension from the mention of Jay diffusing. He squeezed Selene’s hand again under the table. 
They’d be okay.
. . .
Loki couldn’t fight the fond grin that crossed his face when Raven situated herself between him and Selene on the walk from the subway station to the Lovelace residence, taking both their hands.
Thor had peeled off early when they’d finished dinner, telling Loki he’d meet him back at the Tower. He bid the mother and daughter farewell with a tight hug for Selene and a fond hair ruffle for Raven.
“I like him.” Raven decided, swinging her joined hands with her mother and Loki.
“Yeah?” Selene lilted.
“Yeah.” Raven nodded. “He’s funny.”
“He’s certainly something.” Loki murmured with an eye roll, though he smiled despite himself.
“I’m glad we did this.” Selene said thoughtfully.
“It wasn’t quite as painful as I thought it would be.” Loki admitted. 
An apology sat at the tip of his tongue. He wanted to talk about his brother’s ineptitude and his bringing up of Raven’s father- or Jay, rather. It felt odd even to think his name, but Raven had made it clear. He wasn’t her father.
Despite his desperation to clear up Thor’s behavior, he was quite unwilling to upset Raven again.
“Are you spending the night?” The girl asked him.
“I’m afraid not,” He replied regretfully. “I promised Thor I’d go back to the Tower.”
“Oh.” Raven deflated slightly, before turning to Selene. “Can he stay for a little?”
“Tell you what. If you shower quickly and get into jammies, we can dig out the ice cream.” She replied. “Down for some dessert, Lokes?”
“Always, darling.” He chuckled.
Raven squealed, swinging their arms again. Loki swore his heart had swollen up and burst from the love he felt for that small girl in that moment. Never in his life had he ever thought anyone, much less a child would be so glad for his company. Tears burned at his eyes and threatened to spill over as she squeezed his hand excitedly.
He watched in amusement as she darted up the steps of her home, disappearing down the hallway as Loki and Selene followed a few steps behind.
“I think she likes you more than she likes me.” Selene muttered with a shake of her head as they made themselves comfortable in the living room. “Can’t say I blame her, though. I’m old news.”
Loki chuckled lightly, gently taking her hand. He pursed his lips, organizing his thoughts, brow furrowed.
“What do you need to ask?” Selene asked, squeezing his hand encouragingly. 
“It’s frightening how well you can read me.” Loki remarked with a faint smirk.
“You’ve been inside of me.” She replied blankly. “I think it’s safe to say we know each other by now.”
Loki doubled over, letting out a surprised bark of laughter. 
“Go on, let it out.” Selene patted his back, looking on in amusement as he came undone. “Come on, you’ve got to expect that kind of thing from me by now.”
“I did not expect it in a moment like this,” He admitted, straightening up.
“Maybe I was wrong; you don’t know me as well as you should.” She smirked. “I’m crazy.”
“You’re a dream.” Loki countered, pressing his lips to her hand before his expression sombered. He was quiet for a moment, listening to the sounds of Raven moving around in the bathroom, and the shower turning on. “I suppose I was wondering why you’ve never mentioned Jay before- if you truly feel so cavalier about discussing him.”
Selene shrugged. “You never asked.”
“I didn’t think I should. I was under the impression it would be a painful memory.”
“It was, but, you know. A decade will desensitize you to anything.” She smiled tightly, flicking her eyebrows up for emphasis. “Yeah, it was shitty, but I’m in a place now where I don’t really have the energy or the spite to really care anymore.”
Loki nodded slowly, brushing his fingers tenderly over the back of her hand. “I’d also like to apologize on Thor’s behalf. He’s never had a talent for handling things delicately.”
“It’s okay, I don’t mind talking about Jay. I just don’t really feel the need to bring him up. He’s not an important part of my life. Or, at least he isn’t anymore.” Loki opened his mouth to say more, but Selene raised a hand to show she wasn’t done. “And, you don’t have to worry about Raven. She doesn’t really care about Jay, but the few times he does get brought up she sets the record straight.”
“She truly doesn’t see him as her father.” Loki mused.
“Why should she? He’s never been around.” Selene’s voice took on an edge as she continued. “He didn’t want a damn thing to do with her.” 
Loki drew her into his arms, hugging her gently against him. They sat in silence for a minute, listening to the sounds of the running shower. “If it makes you feel any better,” Loki murmured. “I think you’ve done a wonderful job raising such a kind, thoughtful, and clever young lady. You’ve had a lot to contend with, and in spite of all of it, you work tirelessly to ensure Raven’s safety and happiness. You have done a more than adequate job with her, and I’m sure she’d say the same.”
Selene hummed in thought, twining her arms around his shoulders. “Thank you,” She said simply. “That means a lot.”
“It’s my pleasure.” 
I love you.
. . .
Loki chose to walk home that evening, rather than teleport. He needed to think.
He loved Selene. He was deeply, intrinsically, madly in love with her. It was the kind of love that made him want to savor the tranquil, quiet moments with her. It made him yearn for the mundanity of a domestic life, if only he could live it with Selene and her daughter. It was also the kind of love that made him want to burn worlds to ash if a hair on her head was harmed.
He had to tell her. Soon.
Before it had been a matter of not knowing how she felt and not wanting to rush anything. But now? Now he knew that she’d had to raise a child on her own- all because the father hadn’t loved or felt strongly enough for Selene to want to stay with her. Jay hadn’t been committed enough to spend his life with her or the child he’d participated in the conception of- Loki would be damned if Selene thought the same of him.
His brows were pinched in thought as he wove between New Yorkers power walking through the streets of the city that never slept. Thor had said she loved him. Granted, Thor had only witnessed exactly one publicly affectionate interaction between them before coming to that conclusion, but even still, it bolstered Loki’s spirit. Dense as he may be, Thor had never done anything to lead him into a painful situation- physically or emotionally.
Loki’s mind flicked through every interaction he’d had with Selene in the past month like a photo album. Images, conversations, and loaded glances flashed before him. He’d always had a talent for parsing information quickly, but he’d never used this skill for matters of his heart. He was a tactician and a negotiator, not an adolescent who worried obsessively over feelings.
And yet here he was. Slipping like smoke in between the humans of this city, all while analyzing the likelihood that his partner was in love with him.
He would’ve laughed at himself had he not felt like he was about to vomit.
Whatever I do, I should do it soon. Loki thought decisively. She deserves to know, even if she’s unsure if she feels the same way.
He conjured up the image of Selene, still in her lovely green velvet dress, sitting pressed against him on her living room sofa, bowl of ice cream in hand, laughing at something he’d said. He thought of her hair, just brushing against his shoulder as he leaned into her. He thought of her fingers tracing swirling patterns on his bicep from where she’d wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
He loved her, and maybe she loved him.
He was going to tell her.
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missbaphomet · 1 year
What would your reaction be to a pilot program confining male comedians to safe asylums until they prove they are safe to interact with women and kids? Ideally they would be able to perform under guard and psychiatric supervision, and after a period of years a panel of social workers, doctors and women from the community would assess their compatibility with society at large.
I think you and anyone who thinks something like this is ok are fucking insane <3
Like seriously what the actual fuck. I'm fucking speechless. Not only is this a violation of privacy and several human rights, but this leads to an extremely slippery slope that could be used against people with disabilities as a bludgeon to weed them from the public. If it can be done because of a profession, it can also be done to the disabled, the mentally ill, the LGBT, people who are racial minorities, political dissenters, and literally anyone else.
Further more, what's the part you take issue with? The "male" part, or the "comedian" part? I'm willing to put good money that it's the former. Newsflash, women can be predators too.
Let's not forget the male comedians who have been involved in children's media or own or support charities for children or other issues like homelessness or illness:
Robin Williams - Batty in Fern Gully, Genie in Aladdin, Teddy Roosevelt in Night At The Museum, Peter Pan in Hook, Mrs. Doubtfire in Mrs. Doubtfire, Fender in Robots, Lovelace and Ramon in Happy Feet, Alan Parrish in Jumanji, and don't even get me started on his dramatic roles such as Good Will Hunting, Good Morning Vietnam, Dead Poet's Society, etc.
The Electric Company - a cast of comedians working to boost children's literacy, including Bill Cosby (who later was revealed as a predator, but not towards children) and a then unknown Morgan Freeman
Comic Relief (BBC) - A charity telethon for children hosting many comedians
Comic Relief USA - A charity to fight homelessness in the US, also hosting comedians for events
Bob Saget - founder of Scleroderma Research Foundation after his sister died from the diesease
Jerry Seinfeld - founded and supports charities
Eddie Murphy - Donkey in Shrek and known participant in Feeding America and the Yeah! Foundation
Seth Rogen - leader of Hilarity for Charity, which supports Alzheimer's Reasearch
Ken Jeong - Recipiant of the Visionary Award and donated $50,000 after the Atlanta spa shooting
Jeff Foxworthy - works to fight homelessness in the Atlanta area and won the 2018 humanitarian award from the rotary club of buckhead. Also supports wildlife and wild space preservation
Ricky Gervais - Leader of Red Nose Day in the UK (read: Comic Relief)
Owen Wilson - coastal preservation, AIDS research, arts education, raised money for Elephant Families and Space for Giants
Tyler Perry - The Perry Foundation
Dwayne Johnson - The Rock Johnson Foundation among several other charities
Will Ferrell - UNICEF, Cancer for College, AIDS charities, charities for childhood diabetes
Jimmy Kimmel - ALS Drives, Feast of San Gennaro
Kevin Bacon - SixDegrees.com and their works
And so many fucking more but I trust my point is made
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adenvs3000w23 · 1 year
The Pros and Cons of Anthropomophization
In an earlier post I briefly mentioned how anthropomorphizing animals can be used in nature interpretation. But I also realized how this tool has proven to be a double-edged sword in many cases.
For example, am animal with a cartoony or human-like expression. This is one way that one can interpret nature, by giving it human characteristics to make humans relate stronger to an ecosystem interaction. 
Scientists are extremely wary of applying human characteristics to animal subjects, and for good reason. A cat does not experience emotion and life experiences like language in the same way as humans. The brain of a mouse or a parrot or a fish is worlds apart from the brain of a human. they are not human and never can be. To think that a cat can do everything a human can is untrue, and has bad implications for the health of the cat. For example, some people have tried to make their cat vegetarian, completely ignoring the fact that cats are hyper-carnivorous, which means they can only get nutrients from meat. 
Anthropomorphizing usually applies to explaining animal behaviours through the lens of human thoughts and emotions. For example, when humans smile, a wider grin is associated with joy, laughter and otherwise positive emotions. However, the same is not true for apes. When chimp "smile," they are expressing fear, with a wider grin usually expressing aggression (Lietman 2022). In spite of this, many artwork in many media use this nervous grin to illustrate joyful concepts like laughter and tomfoolery. This misrepresents animal behaviour, and, more concerning, is the way that the animals might have been handled for the sake of a photoshoot.
However, anthropomorphization, though never something to be endorsed in scientific practice, can still be useful in art and nature interpretation. 
One successful way in which it has been used is the 1940s Disney classic, Bambi. With its anthropomorphic animal characters and gorgeous backgrounds, the movie inspired early conservation movements. However, the movies impact was a double-edged sword as this led to deer hunting being stigmatized. Contrary to popular opinion, deer hunting plays an impotant roll in conservation efforts due to the hunter's concern for the environment as a source of sport or livelihood. In addition, deer hunting helps control the population growth of deer how deer hunting may curb the spread of the devastating chronic wasting disease, as well as lessen the impact of overpopulation on plant life.
The 2006 Warner Bros' Happy Feet anthropomorphizes the animals to bring attention to environmental issues like plastic pollution. In the film, a macaroni penguin named Lovelace wore a pack ring around his head which became stuck around his neck. Although the penguin first believed the ring gifted him with special abilities, he later starts to suffocate from the plastic shrinking around his neck. The strife of the penguin character stuck in my dads mind for many years to come, and since he seen the movie, he would always cut the plastic pack rings with scissors before disposing of them. Though cutting the rings doesn't do too much to protect sea animals from plastic, it's is a small change that can slightly lessen the harmfulness to the material to seagoing animals.
Lietman, Anna. (2022, April 30). Chimp Faces: Noticing and Reading Facial Expressions. Project Chimps https://projectchimps.org/reading_facial_expressions/
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finalgirlfall · 8 months
I had been out. On my return, meeting Dorcas on the stairs—Your lady in her chamber, Dorcas? In the dining-room, sir: and if ever you hope for an opportunity to come at a letter, it must be now. For at her feet I saw one lie which, by its opened folds, she has been reading, with a little parcel of others she is now busied with. All pulled out of her pocket, as I believe: so, sir, you'll know where to find them another time. I was ready to leap for joy, and instantly resolved to bring forward an expedient which I had held in petto; and entering into the dining-room with an air of transport, I boldly clasped my arms around her as she sat (she huddling up her papers in her handkerchief all the time, the dropped paper unseen): Oh my dearest life, a lucky expedient have Mr. Mennell and I hit upon just now. In order to hasten Mrs. Fretchville to quit the house, I have agreed, if you approve of it, to entertain her cook, her housemaid and two men-servants (about whom she was very solicitous) till you are provided to your mind. And that no accommodations may be wanted, I have consented to take the household linen at an appraisement. ... Oh my beloved creature, will not this be agreeable to you? I am sure it will—It must—And clasping her closer to me, I gave her a more fervent kiss than ever I had dared to give her before: but still let not my ardour overcome my disgression; for I took care to set my foot upon the letter and scraper it farther from her, as it were behind her chair. She was in a passion at the liberty I took. Bowing low, I begged her pardon, and stooping still lower, in the same motion took [the letter] up and whipped it in my bosom. ... For here, the letter being unfolded, I could not put it into my bosom without alarming her ears, as my sudden motion did her eyes—Up she flew in a moment: Traitor! Judas! her eyes flashing lightning, and a perturbation in her eager countenance, so charming!—What have you taken up?—And then, what for both my hears I durst not to have done to her, she made no scruple to seize the stolen letter, though in my bosom. Beg-pardon apologies were all that now remained for me on so palpable a detection. I clasped her hand, which had hold of the ravished paper, between mine: Oh my beloved creature! can you think I have not some curiosity? Is it possible you can be thus for ever employed; and I loving narrative letter-writing above every other species of writing, and admiring your talent that way, should not (thus upon the dawn of my happiness, as I presume to hope) burn with a desire to be admitted into so sweet a correspondence? Let go my hand!—stamping with her pretty foot. ... Having gone thus far, loath, very loath was I to lose my prize—Once more I got hold of the rumpled-up letter!—Impudent man! were her words; stamping again: for God's sake, then it was!—I let go my prize, lest she should faint away: but had the pleasure first to find my hand within both hers, she trying to open my reluctant fingers. How near was my heart, at that moment, to my hand, throbbing to my fingers' ends, to be thus familiarly, although angrily, treated by the charmer of my soul! (L175, robert lovelace to john belford, emphasis mine)
cut for trauma talk + self-harm mention
thinking about the time M. biked to my house (because i said i was going to hurt myself) and when he noticed a journal in my room he threatened to read it—held it out of my reach, laughed at how he could hold both of my wrists in one of his. when he got home he said he would have kissed me in my room but he knew i didn't want him to. i wonder if he was thinking the same sort of things then as lovelace is apparently thinking in this passage.
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ochoislas · 1 year
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Mirad con qué constante movimiento, parejo y glorïoso como el sol, su noble complexión rige Graciana, como su seno, terso, y su voz, dulce, que con sinuosa gala ambos gobierna, más raudo que las alas de la Fama.
En las felices losas bate el pie, por cada uno del cielo, otro astro nuevo, y ya no envidia el suelo al claro techo; antes bien como un Atlas se rehínche, pues más noble y luciente cielo carga, y carga en ella todas las deidades.
Cada paso atropella amante idea con la misma esperanza que concibe, al lindo pie por su arte encadenada. Virtió tan dulce imperio y pasmo blando, que al detenerse, entre suspiros vimos sembrando el suelo corazones rotos.
Tal se condujo y elevó su canto como a sus rondas traen las esferas el concurso de su armonioso son; y éste imitó con arte tan extremo que el universo enamorado arguye que bailaron las Gracias, tañó Apolo.
See! with what constant motion Even and glorious, as the sunne,  Gratiana steeres that noble frame, Soft as her breast, sweet as her voyce, That gave each winding law and poyze,  And swifter then the wings of Fame.
She beat the happy pavement By such a starre-made firmament,  Which now no more the roofe envies; But swells up high with Atlas ev'n, Bearing the brighter, nobler Heav'n,  And in her, all the Dieties.
Each step trod out a lovers thought And the ambitious hopes he brought,  Chain'd to her brave feet with such arts, Such sweet command and gentle awe, As when she ceas'd, we sighing saw  The floore lay pav'd with broken hearts.
So did she move: so did she sing: Like the harmonious spheres that bring  Unto their rounds their musick's ayd; Which she performed such a way, As all th' inamour'd world will say:  The Graces daunced, and Apollo play'd.
Richard Lovelace
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poemoftheday · 9 months
Poem of the Day 22 September 2023
Richard Lovelace. 1618-1658
Gratiana Dancing
SHE beat the happy pavement— By such a star made firmament,   Which now no more the roof envìes!     But swells up high, with Atlas even,     Bearing the brighter nobler heaven,   And, in her, all the deities.
Each step trod out a Lover's thought, And the ambitious hopes he brought   Chain'd to her brave feet with such arts,     Such sweet command and gentle awe,     As, when she ceased, we sighing saw   The floor lay paved with broken hearts.
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