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Help a couple out yeah? You guys are rad thank you :)
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If you don’t love yourself, how can you give your sweet love to others? 💕 #loveyourself #loveyourbody #changetheworld #communitynotcompetition #loveequalslove #wildwomenunite #allyouneedislove #lovelovelove #nikitagill #inspiringpoetry #femalepoets #powerofshe #wonderfulwildwomen #thefutureisfemale #loveyourtribe #yogatoyoupdx #staywildpnw (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btyb3Lzg_FB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1esbzu13b5v8n
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Me hace feliz saber que cada año hay más personas amorosas y conscientes , que cada año hay menos represión y contención , que cada año desaparecen los closet’s de las vidas de muchos, y que cada año hay más libertad de expresarte , de ser tu mismo , de dejar de ocultarte , de fingir y pretender para no ser juzgado mal. Siempre me ha parecido absurdo juzgar a una persona solo por sus preferencias , todos somos humanos y merecemos las mismas condiciones y derechos, merecemos igualdad de trato, merecemos la libertad de amar a quien nos plazca y quien nos guste, merecemos respeto de estar con quien seamos felices y brillantes. Hay muchos puntos sensibles y falta mucho que avanzar aun en este camino, todo es un proceso pero se que cada día estamos más libres , más felices y más locas! “Mi libertad llega hasta donde empieza la tuya.Tú libertad llega hasta dónde comienza la mía.” #LGBT #loveislove #bisexualpride #loveequalslove #pridemonth #pride🌈 (en LGBT Equality World Wide)
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Thankful’s Part 2: I find it sad that we as a country Thanksgiving has turned into a money grab! Now I know not everyone feel the way I do. Shopping now started early and lasts two days. I’m choosing to make gifts this year as to avoid the homo sapiens that will do whatever it takes to get this “new”mass-produced object. Shopping isn’t bad and buying isn’t bad but it has been corrupted. I currently work at a well known company that thrives from the from this time of year. However to accommodate for the rise in shipments. I work crazy overtime and hours are longer than usual. This means less time to spend with my family and friends. We don’t become closer as people by buy the “hottest new toy”. We become closer by socializing. Now yes I can find a new job. However it’s not that easy for everyone. From the leaders of our country to the corporate companies, they thrive on the backs of the working class. And those willing to buy what they have to sell. Now, that being said I hope you truly enjoy the time spent with your friends and family. You only have one life to live, so go live it!! Talk to your family get to know them, not the gifts they want. Ask them how school is going, ask them what they wish to do with their life, or talk about politics and religion. If you want someone to see the way you see and understand who you are then talk to one another. Parents love your children they are yours and they need guidance. they have new points of view that will be different then your owe. Children love and listen to your parents they have lived longer and do know a thing or two, but they will not always share your point of view. We need to become united as a people, as a country! Stop this bullshit of I’m black and I’m white! We are all worthy and have a life to live. I do not agree with most of what people do. I don’t even like leaving my studio. But I can’t live in a box forever. I have to chose to function and more forward even when I live in a place that is completely opposite of who I am. But that doesn’t mean I can walk out my door judging and acting foolish. So with that happy Thanksgiving! #happythanksgiving #loveequalslove #ichoosetoliveamortallife #yourchoice
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#LoveIsLove Love = Love #loveequalslove CaliSurfboardDesignLove=Love©CaliLili™ SurfboardDesignLove=Love Prop from the set of "eVe N'god this female is not yet rated ™© 🏄♀️! Dream Big, Tiny FootPrintZ™ Hey! I'm Cali🐬 A MultiCultural island*Child*Wild ™ @ CaliLiliCiti™ 🌊 i Make 1OfAKind Signature Pictures Words MusicInMotion™ 🐣HandMade 2MakeADifference™✌ Checkout : My 🎶 Music Link on Profile My aim : To Nourish Thru Pictures Words Music In Motion™ 🐬 Cali Lili™: not just fun 2 say ( I dare u not to smile) it ALSO stands for the dedications of my art : 🌊 #WomensRights #CivilRights #Surf #ClimateScience #STEM 🐳 I work with my FeMPoWord™ Team @ my #Sustainable #GreenSpace #SurfShack #EcoHome #Surfers #BlackLivesMatter #WOC #KiteSurfers #SkateBoarders #HandMade #MotherOcean This MultiMedia Content is Intellectual Property belonging to ©Cali Lili™ All Artist Rights Reserved Rigorously Documented Rabidly enforced
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Love wins
Can't believe I'm alive to see this happening. I'm so happy!
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#LoveIsLove Love = Love #loveequalslove CaliSurfboardDesignLove=Love©CaliLili™ SurfboardDesignLove=Love Prop from the set of "eVe N'god this female is not yet rated ™© 🏄♀️! Dream Big, Tiny FootPrintZ™ Hey! I'm Cali🐬 A MultiCultural island*Child*Wild ™ @ CaliLiliCiti™ 🌊 i Make 1OfAKind Signature Pictures Words MusicInMotion™ 🐣HandMade 2MakeADifference™✌ Checkout : My 🎶 Music Link on Profile My aim : To Nourish Thru Pictures Words Music In Motion™ 🐬 Cali Lili™: not just fun 2 say ( I dare u not to smile) it ALSO stands for the dedications of my art : 🌊 #WomensRights #CivilRights #Surf #ClimateScience #STEM 🐳 I work with my FeMPoWord™ Team @ my #Sustainable #GreenSpace #SurfShack #EcoHome #Surfers #BlackLivesMatter #WOC #KiteSurfers #SkateBoarders #HandMade #MotherOcean This MultiMedia Content is Intellectual Property belonging to ©Cali Lili™ All Artist Rights Reserved Rigorously Documented Rabidly enforced
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The gals at NC Pride! #loveequalslove @alisonlynne @sjanegray @andreagreenberg @megunderhill
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