#loveeee the light and shadows here
lionfloss · 2 years
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by David Bartus
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puckpocketed · 2 months
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who is #43?
Hello !! First off thank u for visiting. If you clicked read more by accident rip sorry it’s a lot of text. ENJOY!!! <3
1. This was the photo reference I used. I really did mean it when i said he photographs well!! I really like how scrungly he looks at times lol. v paintable
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2. here’s a timelapse for your viewing pleasure in video + gif form <3
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3. Process breakdown below. I am not formally trained, so don’t take any of this as professional advice!! The way i paint has been compared to channeling some evil contract with a demon also. So um . Im saying that i dont remotely think that this is efficient or correct, its just whats comfortable for me <3
3a) the dreaded lining phase. I have 2 modes of operation when it comes to painting - either i go full-dick with fancy inking/sketching + cel shading (rare, unrefined, haven’t figured out a nice workflow yet) OR i do a very very basic chicken scratch set of lines like so:
It’s less about being realistic here and more about laying down some guide lines for the chaos ahead. If i thought i could get away with it, I would start every rendered painting i do with laying down colours — but unfortchh ive tried that before and it usually ends in really weird proportions. Even with the lines i still need to make adjustments. This is something no people except me would notice but look at the above sketch; the eyes are too big and slightly too far apart, the forehead is too small and thus the hair is also not quite big enough… I have a bad habit of drawing eyes too big on faces, they’re my favourite facial feature to draw.. i barely resisted giving him big cow eyelashes (I love big cow eyelashes… all of my OC’s and most of my more stylised fan art of characters get big cow eyelashes… god…. Big cow eyelashes SAVE ME……….)
Anyway. Structure of the face + hand somewhat established. <3
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3b) Underpainting!! Okay stay with me here . Ever since i figured out i dont have to paint in 03925893853 different layers, I’ve joyfully painted on 1 layer as much as possible. I dont have the brain power all the time to be managing layers so I simply dont work with that many layers. For this painting, the skin in its entirety was painted on one layer, the hair on another layer, and the effects on the last layer. There was a placeholder background off-white/grey colour for a while there, and I duplicated the line layer — one for figuring out where to lay colours, and one hidden for later so i could check back to see how accurate to the sketch/proportions were to the actual painting. 6 layers, 2 of which i painted the bulk of the piece on, 1 more at the end.
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3c) here’s where I started carving out features. I think about objects in terms of volumes and light rather than lines. i love painting and sculpting because of this!! Here you see where I’ve begun to define his features — his eyelids, his bags, his nostrils. Just refining what was there before. The suggestion of facial hair before i gave it up and left it for later (his face is so naked the WHOLE time)
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3d) nose bridge highlight, suggesting his eyebrows, a cheek highlight. A touch more coral red and muted yellow pull away from the grey/blue underpainting. Strategically leaving some of it peeking through.
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3e) i truly start messing with the fidelity of his features here. Red lipstick <3 and some violet/blue for shadows on the right side of his face.
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3f) the part where it starts looking like q.hughes to me (though, my friend said i got his vibe pretty early on which is such a compliment.. waaaaa…..) I love this part of every painting i do. I know it’s definitely not the Correct order since other parts of the entire painting are simply Not Rendered or Done, but whos gonna stop me?? :3
I love love loveeee painting faces. Adding the little shinies to his eyes + lips + upper lip + nose … you don’t know how much of a difference it makes until you do it. Also i snatched his eyebrows
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3g) i really pushed the red/coral/ochre/orange here. Note the yellow highlights on his cheekbones, the forehead, and the thin thin line of pink right between where his bottom lip ends and his chin shadow starts <- very important . To ME!!!!!!! Also highlighting his waterline and adding his lashes was so so fun <3
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3h) FACIAL HAIR!!! And I started rendering his hand. Some micro adjustments made to his face for proportion check.
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3i) i start painting his hair in earnest and realise his forehead is too small so i make the adjustment. I really love how it falls into his eyes in this photo. <3
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3j) i make some final adjustments to his eyes — a bit smaller, closer together. And i refine the outline of his jaw, push the stylisation of it just a little.
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3k) Finishing details; his flyaway hairs, his moles, a bit of texture on his face, shadows cast by his hair, his little forehead cut <3
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3l) i adjusted his hand here, added more texture to his skin, refined his hair a tiny bit more, and made the decision not to fuck around painting his jersey because i wanted the focus to be his face <3
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3m) Canucks blue and green. Captain at 23. His form bleeds into the background. He is the franchise.
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theee most fun ive had painting anything. and i finally feel... warmed up? if that makes sense. art for me is like. if i dont do it in a while it feels like nothing goes right when i come back to it. i hate that feeling, and the most difficult hurdle to clear is letting myself feel that until i get back into my Zone. after all this time i feel like im BACK !!!!!!!
i loved painting this fella. hes SO Shaped. <3
Apologies i simply do Not have the energy to write the alt text for all of these so i hope the little blurbs are okay aslkjasdklj. i gotta post and go to bed . if u made it this far, thank you for reading!!
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andy-15-07 · 7 months
Night Change
masterlist ! pairing: Coriolanus Snow x reader
SUMMARY : When two souls become one
GENRE: fluff, loveeee
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The opulent ballroom glittered with crystal chandeliers and elaborate floral arrangements as Y/n descended the grand staircase, her ivory gown cascading around her like a waterfall of silk and lace. The room hushed in awe at the breathtaking sight before them. All eyes were on her as she made her way towards the altar, where Coriolanus Snow, the enigmatic and powerful leader of Panem, awaited.
Coriolanus stood at the front, dressed in a tailored suit that accentuated his authoritative presence. His steely gaze softened as he watched Y/n approach, captivated by her radiance. The air seemed to crackle with anticipation as they locked eyes, a silent promise passing between them.
The ceremony commenced with the officiant's words flowing through the air like a gentle melody. Y/n and Coriolanus exchanged vows, each word spoken with sincerity and love. As they slid the rings onto each other's fingers, a tangible connection formed, sealing their destinies together.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the officiant declared, and a wave of applause erupted from the gathered crowd. Y/n and Coriolanus shared a tender kiss, sealing the union they had both longed for.
The reception unfolded with opulence, the ballroom transformed into a dreamscape of music, laughter, and decadent cuisine. Y/n and Coriolanus moved gracefully through the throng of guests, their connection evident in the shared glances and subtle touches that passed between them.
Amid the festivities, Y/n found a moment to steal away with her new husband to a quiet balcony overlooking the city. The night air was cool against their skin as they gazed at the sprawling lights below.
"Coriolanus," Y/n began, her voice barely above a whisper, "I never imagined I'd find myself here, married to the most powerful man in Panem."
He turned to her, a small smile playing on his lips. "And I never thought I'd find someone who could challenge me, who could understand the complexities of this world we live in."
Y/n's eyes softened as she looked into his. "I love you, Coriolanus Snow, with all that I am."
He pulled her closer, his arms wrapping around her waist. "And I love you, Y/n, more than words could ever express. You are my equal, my partner in every sense."
The night continued with dancing and revelry, the couple moving effortlessly through the sea of well-wishers. Yet, amidst the celebration, a shadow of concern crossed Coriolanus's face.
"Y/n," he said, his voice low, "I know that my role in Panem has garnered its fair share of enemies. Are you prepared for the challenges that may come our way?"
She met his gaze, her eyes unwavering. "I am prepared for anything, Coriolanus. As long as we face it together."
He nodded, a mixture of gratitude and determination in his eyes. "Together, then."
The following days were a whirlwind of celebrations and newfound responsibilities. Y/n took on her role as the First Lady of Panem with grace and poise, standing by Coriolanus's side as they navigated the intricacies of political life.
Despite their united front, challenges did arise. Whispers of dissent and disapproval circulated among the Capitol elite, casting a shadow on their union. Y/n faced public scrutiny with resilience, standing firm beside her husband. Coriolanus, in turn, took decisive actions to quell the unrest, demonstrating to the Capitol that their leader's happiness was not to be trifled with.
One evening, as they strolled through the rose gardens of the Presidential Mansion, Y/n spoke softly to Coriolanus. "I never expected this life, but with you, I am willing to face whatever challenges come our way."
He took her hand, his thumb caressing her knuckles. "Y/n, you are my anchor, my source of strength. Together, we are unstoppable."
Their love story unfolded against the backdrop of political intrigue and societal expectations, a tale of two souls bound together in a world that sought to tear them apart. But through it all, Y/n and Coriolanus faced each obstacle with unwavering commitment, emerging stronger and more united than ever.
As they stood together on the balcony of the Presidential Mansion, gazing out at the Capitol skyline, they knew that their love was a force that transcended the boundaries of politics and power—a love that would endure, unyielding, against the tides of time.
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greenlightbulbonawire · 2 months
Misfits (yeah like the Arcane song)
Author's note: Iiiii loveeee Rio soo much dgxbddhs
Twenty ninth chapter
The floor creaked as you walked in and something shifted in the shadows, you turned to face it, but all you saw was a black smudge flying your way. Ekko rammed into the creature that tried to jump on you and it yelped as it crashed to a side of the house. The boy grabbed your arm and pulled you closer to him. The creature was getting up and creeping towards you two. But you didn't think it was trying to hurt you, maybe it was just scared. Ekko grabbed a chair leg that lied by his foot and held it up, ready to strike the creature down at any given moment.
You held your hand in front of him, trying to keep him from hurting the creature. The light of the billboard showed you its facial features as it came closer. It looked like a big salamander? It opened its mouth, letting a low grumble escape and Ekko raised the chair leg, but you grabbed his wrist and restricted it from any further movements. Its big eyes, almost fully black with a blue rim looked deeply into yours and you outstretched your hand to it.
The creature shifted it's attention to the hand and sniffed it. For a moment it hesitated before it let out a combination of a hiss and shreak and rubbed its head against you. Ekko dropped the chair leg onto the ground and stared at you with an opened mouth. The sound startled the creature and long scales running along its neck rose up. The boy took a step back and the creature raised its head up, turning it sideways before looking at you again. You stretcher your hand to Ekko, waiting for him to take it and when he did, you pulled him closer.
You let the creature sniff his hand too and after it did, the same sound escaped its mouth, exept this time, it was a lot quieter. Then it opened its mouth again and licked yours and Ekkos hand with its split, ash pink toungue, leaving your hands wet. Ekko had a disgusted expression on his face and you couldn't help but chuckle at that, and the creature also seemed to be amused by it. You looked at your spit-covered hand and then you whiped it into Ekko's white tank top.
He looked down onto his shirt and then up at you, with an opened mouth and groaned.
"You've gotta be kiddin' me."
He whispered and shook the wet hands, trying to rid it of the spit. The creature was looking at you, waiting for what you'd do next. It seemed to take you as the one in control, even though you were far from that. You reached your hand to it and petted its head. It closed its eyes and leaned into you touch. Its skin was smooth and cold, not slimy or wet as you expected it to be.
"C'mon, let's get out of here."
"But what about it?"
"We'll come back to it one day, but we should go home now."
You sighed and followed the boy out of the building, the creature followed you with a confused look on its face. Ekko started his hoverboard and you did so too, the creature sat nearby and watched you. When you hopped on, you gave it a sad look and turned to follow Ekko, who was speeding away already.
"I'll be back."
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littleladylav · 6 months
Blue Shadows in Wonderland
Chapter 1 - Into Wonderland
Lavender had always been curious about a lot. She’d ask a lot of questions, and no matter how annoyed her teachers or classmates got, she’d never let that get to her!
One day, she was outside, under the willow tree in her backyard. She stared up at the leaves, extending a hand up towards them as if she could touch them without standing up. She’d never be able to, she knew that much, but it was nice to try!
She was about to zone out when she heard a rustling in the bushes. She raised her head from the trunk of the tree, sticks getting caught in her curly hair, and looked over at the bushes. She saw a purple hind paw, and when she looked closer… was that a rabbit in overalls?! She stood up, bewildered, before sneaking over to check it out.
“God [BOING]ing [CLANK]it, Caine, I’m going, I’m going!” It was, indeed, a small purple rabbit in pink overalls, and he seemed to be communicating with this “Caine” person using a headset.
Just as quickly as she’d heard those words, the rabbit started running away, and Lav—she had nothing better to do—followed.
It took about ten minutes of running through the forest to get to what must’ve been the rabbit’s burrow, which it dived into, leaving Lav to try to crawl through. She groaned and reluctantly got down on her hands and knees, crawling into the tunnel and getting dirt all over her jeans in the process. “Mr. Rabbit? Where are you going, Mr. Rabbit?!”
Soon she’d lost sight of the light in the tunnel, and that was when she misstepped and fell. Shapes whirled around her, making her feel dizzy and disoriented, before she finally hit the ground. That was definitely going to bruise. She stood with a hiss of pain, finding the rabbit staring at her.
“Why’d you have to follow me, kid?”
He shapeshifter into a more humanoid form, basically becoming a 14 year old’s fursona. The periwinkle pelt stayed, along with the corn yellow eyes and teeth and the pink overalls, but otherwise he was completely different.
“Well, kid. You’re stuck here now; welcome to Wonderland.”
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scmewhereelse · 1 year
Hello I loveeee your prompts, is it too much to request something about what Joe saw in Zach that made him think he is perfect for Cammie? (Cause I believe the theory that he set them up) also, his feels throughout as their relationship progresses? Thanks a lot!
Not me starting to reply and then promptly forgetting it in my drafts for four months, remembering it and obsessing for five days *crying emoji* Than you so much, though, and here you go!!<3<3
Do you ever think that maybe Zach knew about the Circle’s interest in Cammie before Joe did? That his initial interest is spurred not only by Joe’s stories (Matthew Morgan’s daughter, Joe’s best friend’s daughter, a pavement artist: incredibly skilled and so much trouble), but by the name Cameron Morgan travelling from mouth to mouth; whispered in corners, days - weeks - before Zach ever meets her? *
I don’t think Joe set out to have their relationship (necessarily) become a romantic one. He cares about these kids more than anything else in the world, and if inflicting them upon one another can protect them in any way, he’ll do it. They each might just be what the other one needs. To hone their skills. To become better. To become something more than themselves, the sum of their parts.
Zach might have volunteered or Joe chose him to track Cammie that day in January, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that they were always going to meet each other because Joe cannot afford for them not to. Two young, incredibly talented operatives-to-be, more than prepared to cut each other down to size. Cammie is talented and knows it but also trusts too much in her own infallibility while Zach is too sarcastic to know what’s good for him, keeping everybody at arms length.
Joe thinks their first meeting goes well enough, all things considered. Cammie’s pride is stung, but she’s caught Zach’s attention and kept it, which Joe counts an success in and of itself.
So Joe watches as Zach’s gaze follows Cammie in the school halls and how the emotion behind his eye changes as the semester passes by – suspicion, jealousy, curiosity, admiration, care – and knows he is onto something good. He’s not surprised Zach’s attention has latchet onto her, professionally or romantically. Zach deserves those normal teenage experiences Joe never had. He wants him to experience first love and first kisses, the feelings of vulnerability that comes with it and the soaring heights as well. Someone needs to keep this talented, disastrously lost boy out of the same shadows Joe himself got lost in. He will do everything in his power to drag Zach into the light, kicking and screaming, but someone needs to keep him there and if Cammie can do it, Joe’s all for it.
Joe isn’t exactly happy when he finds out Zach read Cammie’s report from the fall semester, earning him a conversation about how friendships require an equal exchange of information to build trust and how he could easily alienate Cammie without it.
Still, it keeps Cammie on her toes. Engaging with Zach – always a step ahead of her, knowing things she doesn’t – forces her to both recognise her own strengths and admit to her weaknesses. She needs to wield these things, to know them and control them. This, Joe knows, is what will keep her alive in the field and he’s not above using Zach to teach her.
The semester ends and looking at Zach, Joe realises there is no way back. He would not be able to untangle these two, even if he wanted to.
Then whispers about a Gallagher Girl start circulating where they shouldn’t. Joe must be more nervous than he realises, because Zach wheedles his way onto the job and Joe lets him. Rachel disapproves, arguing his age, his experience, his schooling. Still, Joe brings Zach with him to Boston and the rallies, realising Zach will do this with or without Joe’s blessing and there’s nothing Joe could do to stop him. At least this way Joe can keep an eye on Zach and he can in turn keep an eye on Cammie (who, by the way, is very determined not be kept an eye on, making all of this very difficult).
Zach and Joe only talk about Zach and Cammie once. It is too late to warn him off; Joe never wanted to do that. He knew what would likely happen when he introduced them, but he also knows just how difficult it is to love someone working in this profession. You might trust their skill, their instinct, but part of you will always worry for their safety. And Cammie already has her fathers recklessness and a target on her back bigger than the moon. - Joe might love her, but he loves Zach too. Zach, who has already been through so much, who deserves love, and care, and rest just at much as anybody else. No, Joe doesn’t warn him off. Instead he tells Zach to keep her safe, but keep himself safe as well. That he is not alone and never will be. That he is loved and always will be.
(The Circle comes for Cammie and it’s real, it’s real, it’s real. They didn’t get her this time, but what about the next time? and the time after that?)
A man reveals his past and Joe takes off, running from every letter-combination known to man, leaving Cammie’s safety in the hands of people he does not know. He doesn’t know if he has ever been this scared (except he does; he hasn’t), and he feels guilty beyond measure involving Zach. They will never let him see light of day again if they discover him working with Joe, but Zach has access to her. He has sources and incentives to keep her safe. So Joe allows it, relies on him and works with him, pushing the guilt to the back of his mind, because what other option is there?
The CIA gets him anyway and Joe wouldn’t have done anything different, because the alternative would have been so much worse. The Circle takes him and Joe wouldn’t have done anything different, because Zach and Cammie will find the journal, just as he need them to. The tombs explode, and if he was conscious he wouldn’t have done anything different because the two of them are alive. They will live to fight another day. Together.
Except Cammie disappears and Joe’s not there to learn just how well he taught her or just how much she takes after her father. He’s not there to warn Zach off from taking off after her or hug him when he returns, unsuccessful. He’s not there when Rachel cries by his bedside or when Cammie finally, finally returns, worse off than when she left. He does not see Zach’s trembling hands or hear in his voice the guilt eating him alive when he explains that Cam killed someone. She killed someone and Zach wasn’t there. He wasn’t where he should have been. He promised he’d protect her and he didn’t. (The same guilt will eat at Joe when Rachel finally tells him. He failed to be there when it counted. He failed Matthew. again. again. again- but more importantly: he failed to protect his daughter and Joe will never forgive himself for that.)
He wakes up and he forgives Zach for not protecting Cammie, for not finding her: there is nothing to forgive. This burden was never his to bear, even if it feels that way, even if he loves her. The fault does not lie with Zach, nor with anyone else but the people who took her. (Who tortured her.) He asks only that Zach stays with her for what comes next, knowing the redundancy of his question. The two of them are as inevitable as the push and pull of the tide, a force of nature too powerful to be influenced by the likes of Joe Solomon. He loves them more for it.
(What do you call those, who created gravity so that the sea might pull away from the shore and return again stronger? A god, perhaps. Or maybe just Joe Solomon.)
*he says in oot he hears about it in summer, nevermind
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hollandorks · 1 year
ik i could've commented this but idc so here i am. in ur transcendent battinson fic i rly rly liked these quotes:
"He wanted to devour her."
"He was made of shadows, made to stay in them, made to stay out of the light. And she was the sun, trying to burn those shadows away. But there was no light without shadows, and he could never be the brightness she deserved. Not ever. "
"He pulled her closer and breathed her in. “I don’t care,” he said. “I should care, but I don’t. Not when it’s–not when it’s you.”
"She belonged in his arms, he thought. She belonged against him just as she was. He never wanted to let her go. "
they just...shivers. up my spine and thru my heart
thats it that's all i have to say ily
My favorite type of ask 😭 especially because I worked really hard to make his thoughts echo her POV!!
I loveeee seeing what lines resonate it makes me so happy!! Thanks for sending this and for reading 🥺
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look at how much the plants are already growing!! sorry for the creepy shadowed late night photo lol but they loveeee that grow light lightbulb I put in the lamp. I got up at 6 today for a 6:40 telehealth appt and I am sleeeepy. but I have made the executive decision to put my hair up instead of showering since I only have one mtg with a guy I’ll barely ever interact with again + one mtg with my team lead today. should be a pretty easy workday so I’m going to try to get some other stuff done. here’s my list:
telehealth appt
module review mtg
AS mtg
make changes to module and circulate
call CVS to add new insurance info
contact AM about prior authorization
email Shane to switch auto insurance
email HR again about vacation ugh they are really dragging their feet on this
schedule DMV appt for tomorrow (2:30)
add booster shot appt + oil change appt reminders to my calendar
text JE about checking in
write LP letterrrr
find stamps so I can mail IRS documentation agh I begin to despair of ever seeing my tax return
start doing paring edits to ML essay (I can do this on my phone if I want to crawl back into bed at any point during the day lol)
short run with Pip & long walk with Ruthie
set a timer, put on a podcast, and spend 30 min decluttering the laundry room
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fairycosmos · 2 years
I went somewhere once at 2 AM, a particularly dark place with lots of hurt energy. I´d seen a shadowperson before as well as objects that move themselves etc. but I chocked it all up to me being stressed or sleep deprived and didn´t really believe in ghosts. I started getting nauseated once we got on the road to the complex and once I saw a shadowperson on the steps I was like, let´s gtfo here please bc it felt as though it had been expecting us and I got CHILLS. The person I was with saw it too. I ended up getting flu sick and until we saged the house I was getting sicker by the minute. The moment we saged and told it essentially to gtfo my sinuses cleared up as if I´d never been sick in my life. It made me a believer, but I still don´t believe in traditional ghosts. I believe in parallel worlds and that certain places and certain times have certain windows a person can tap into depending on their sensitivity that day or in general. That being said, I don´t think a ¨ghost¨ is an embodiment of someone who has died. I think it´s a mass of energy governed by its influence(r)s, such as the emotional energy of the room or a memory or desire that occurred in the space, the time of day, etc. I think these energies require sensitive matter to become more material: worn objects or structures, water, or sensitive person(s).
Given the place´s history, part of me thinks that energy was desperate for a healer--but I don´t know if to transform it, commune with it, or be consumed by it. The window opened for it, and it found company, victim, or conduit; to this day, I don´t know, but I still see shadowpeople occasionally, and I chock them up to travelers caught or appearing in quirky spacetime windows. The one where I´m at can affect matter but generally doesn´t. It used to lie beside me at night and watch me from the window when I´d leave the house, but I never got malignant feelings from it. But I did from the one we saw urbexing, who I never saw follow us home but we (both!) certainly felt its manipulative intentions all over us.
Moral of the story: Don´t urbex without a full stomach, a good night´s sleep, and some protective trinkets in your pocket. Watch your thoughts and be careful about what you do and say in the location you go to and shower and sage when you get home. Stay safe, everyone and happy almost Halloween (the time during which the veil is the thinnest it gets all year)!
truly crazy to read!! i hope it wast just lonely, and waiting for friends or something not very nefarious. though even that is very sad and tragic in its own way. i also always wondered if cleansing with sage was a myth or not, but it's bizarre that it like, instantly healed you. makes you stop and think at least. i don't know what to make of it really. also i loveeee ur theory on ghosts lol slightly off topic but if you ever write a horror novel based around it - i'd so be down to read it. my friend doesn't think theyre dead loved ones, she thinks theyre beings from other dimensions that sometimes slip into our world. so a little like what you said. i always think shadow ppl are bc of my exhaustion/mental illness, but who knows. theres been stories about them forever. also, IDK how you found the courage to lie beside a presence at night, even if it wasn't malignant. i would need all the lights on and tv on and to call my mother lmfao. thank you for sharing, and happy (almost) halloween! i hope you have a lovely night.........x
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Jumping onto virginity anon’s last Rhett ask: Under normal circumstances, I would say that getting called by another girl’s name during sex would be so humiliating and degrading, but here I kind of like it? Cause she kind of took the power back in the relationship, even though it wasn’t on purpose. When Rhett sobers up I bet he will be mad as hell. Or even he doesn’t remember it! So she’ll be all, well, now that I’ve got what I wanted I’ll be moving on and he’s got to drag her off to show her.
rhett catches you in town three days later. he slams his truck door shut and notices you coming down the sidewalk with a light spring in your step that you always had. you lock eyes with him and you’ve got this cheery smile on your face. not so much the innocent and desperate look you would have when rhett would show up.
“angel face. you haven’t been ignoring me have you? i texted you yesterday and the day before. i wanted to come round while your daddy was out.” he leaned against his truck, arms folded with the brim of his hat shadowing his face and grin. “no, of course not rhett. i just thought we both got what we want. i don’t have to see you as often anymore.”
he tipped his hat up to meet your gaze with a quizzical stare, his grin faltering. “sweetheart, i haven’t got anything from you. that’s the problem.” you rolled your eyes and kicked the dirt on the ground with your shoe. “don’t be silly, rhett. the bar? three nights ago? i don’t need you all the time now.”
you saw the cogs turning in his brain and his grin dropped altogether. “jesus christ.” he groaned bitterly and ran his hand over his face. his eyes darted around to check no one else was listening into this fateful conversation. “that was you?” he inched closer to you with a low whisper.
“you taught me a lot.” you leaned on the ball of your foot closer into him with a playful tone, practically thanking him. his jaw tensed and his nostrils flared. how could he let you slip out of his grasp like that? the string that was wrapped around his finger was becoming looser. “tonight. i’ll pick you up at eight and i’ll take you out. show you how to do it properly this time.”
you took a step back and started to make your way back home. “sorry rhett, i’ve got a date tonight. see you around!” you called over your shoulder back at the furious cowboy. he slapped his hand on his truck and cursed under his breath.
the story evolves!!!!
thank you so so much for this wonderful idea dear anon!! 💌 i absolutely adore it and loveeee putting the smug cowboy back in his place!! 💖
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ruensroad · 5 years
Ahhhh I just discovered you and your MDZS fics and I AM IN LOVEEEE!!! I’ve been binging the whole day! Your stories are sooo great ;-; I esp love you dragon god au! Could I request maybe 13 (I swear it’s a coincidence) or 33 for Wangxian in that au? Hope you’re having a great day/night!
Aww thank you so much! I’m still amazed at how popular this AU has become! :D
Prompt from this list here.
Prompt 13 & 33 | “Sleeping with you was the best sleep I’ve gotten in years.” & “You should see yourself when it’s 12 am and the moon comes in and hits your face just right; you have a soft natural highlight at the tip of your nose and all your features come out. It’s like your skin is working right in front of me.” | Wangxian
He’d fallen asleep in his husband’s arms. Fallen asleep. Wei Wuxian was still not sure what was more surprising, the fact it’d happened at all, or the fact that he’d been invited.
He’d been in dragon form, he remembered that much, his giant head cradled in the loop of Lan Wangji’s arms, so close he could hear the beat of that strong heart against his scales, and had drifted off to the soft petting to his mane and the low humming that was his husband still trying to sing for him even while slowly falling asleep himself.
It’d been terribly endearing, too much for his own heart to take, but then he’d woken up.
The headache was still there between his eyes, as it always was, but it was nothing like the pain of the day before. A good day then, he was reassured, before he felt the brush of fingers through his hair.
He realized then, feeling woven shadow and cloud on his skin, that he was no longer in his dragon hide, but he was very much still in his husband’s arms. Right, Lan Wangji kept a steady sleep schedule, didn’t he? Of course he was already up. Of course.
But before he could panic, that soft humming stared up again, sweet and low. He blinked and looked up, hesitant and curious, to see Lan Wangji watching him, aware of his wakefulness, and looking relaxed and almost tender. Wei Wuxian felt his breath catch to see that icy exterior vanished completely, and content warmth in its place.
Face slack, eyes half lidded, Lan Wangji was a like a physical balm to the screams of his soul and he was leaning into his touch before he could scare himself out of this terribly good, wonderful thing. Amazingly, Lan Wangji let him.
“Wei Ying,” came a soft chiding, but the fingers obediently stopped combing to resume the petting, tracing over his temple and cheek before sliding back through his hair. Wei Wuxian melted into him instantly.
“I can’t believe I fell asleep,” he admitted, purring, and was startled to see an almost smile light his husband’s face. The utter delight that elicited in his heart was even more startling.
“You were tired,” Lan Wangji murmured and brushed back a wild strand of his hair behind his ear. “How did you sleep?”
“I actually slept,” Wei Wuxian told him, which was answer enough. “With you, somehow. Best sleep I’ve had in years.”
A slight furrow in that perfect brow hearing that, and Wei Wuxian propped himself up on his elbow to lean over him, smiling wide.
“Don’t worry, Lan Zhan, even asleep I can watch over you,” he said, as though that were the point that needed reassurance. “I will never let anyone disrupt your sleep.”
“Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji chided again, his ears growing red, furthering the delight in his heart. He tugged on Wei Wuxian’s unbound hair and shook his head.
“I mean it, Lan Zhan,” Wei Wuxian softened, thinking to all the nights awake with only Lan Wangji’s gentle breathing for company. “Oh how I wish you could see yourself at night, Lan Zhan, with the firelight on your face, making everything about you soften.”
Lan Wangji looked surprised and Wei Wuxian leaned in more, earnest. “I mean it, you’re beautiful. All that natural highlight… like your skin is dancing to the music of your soul for me.”
“Wei Ying…” His husband seemed speechless and reached up to tug his ear that time, not hard enough to hurt, but Wei Wuxian yelped anyway, since it seemed expected. “You did not say you were a poet.”
“Hardly a poet,” Wei Wuxian laughed at him. Such a serious looking pout! “But I do love listening to the music of the world around me and yours, Lan Zhan, is the best music of all.”
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bow-woahh · 5 years
My incoherent thoughts on She Ra S4
EP 1-8
All the WINKING, arguing
Like wow this season beens all hurt not enough comfort damn
The fighting is so much like truly did not expect this much angst but here we are
I kinda wanna cry wow
And there's still 5 episodes to go omg guys halp
Catra saying "I thought winning would be different." LIKE NO SHIT
EP 9 - "Hero"
Razz making a pie? We LOVE to see it!!
What a g swift wind wow. Always checking up on the old lady
Adora you have too much faith in Razz lmao
Mara had a cool base wowoh
Light Hope being a buzz kill as per usual
Mara charming a hologram >>>>>>>
What IS the Heart Of Etheria Project ahhhh
Razz is glitching though what
oooOooO the Heart Of Etheria Project is a BAD BAD??
wow I did not expect this plot twist ouch
"You can save the world we love." — That episode was heart breaking
EP 10 - "Fractures"
Shadow Weaver — I hate her GOD
Double Trouble THE sassss
They @'ed the hair poof
Frosa having a bedtime that's so cute
"Scorpia, I knew you'd come back..." "Everthing isn't fine!" "Just leave. Like everybody else." — god Catra is going through the motions wow
Scorpia mentioning Catra and Adora being like "HEY, STFU TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE" is iconic and radiates such "don't mention my ex energy"
Bow nEver shouts wow
Wow Glimmer using your queen powers like that what a dick move
Scorpia crying is juST awwwWWW
Can Adora and Bow bring Scorpia please? What fun would that be
I love how Adora calls him swifty like wow
Was Bow just sick on an 1000 year ship? Me too
"If they don't trust me, I don't trust them." MY FUCKING HEART EVERTHING IS FALLING APART NOOOOOO
EP 11 - "Beast Island"
"It's...beast island" Such dramatics lmao
Her sword isn't working ooF
The transition from Glimmer to Micah shining a weapon on their face
The Heart Of Etheria??? Is it on Beast Island?!
"And he so cool!" Adora's just— lmao
oH no she got access NOO
Micah has no concept of TIMEEE we LOVEEE
"Glimmer was right...Glimmer was right."
Glimmer low-key paralleling Catra last season is—
EP 12 - "Destiny Part 1"
We are reaching the end and I'm SCARED
"Not in the skull plant things," lmaooooooOooO
Of course Entrapta is living her best life on Beast Island
my heart HURTS seeing Catra on screen now wow
"You came back," GOSH MY HEART
Low key Shadow is talking sense but STFUUU WITH THIS MY QUEEN BULLSHIT
Im having so much fun right now
Never have i been so stressed about a show in my life omg
Adora being like "you wanna see our ship?" WE LOVEEEE
"I'm glad we're friends"
Just as they left WOWWW
I'm scared for Catra
EP 13 - "Destiny Part 2"
"Your days were numbered the moments you crossed me" OUCH
Catra's acrobatics >>>>>
"I didn't need Adora."
woWWW wait to hurt my feelings? (She wants her thought)
Double Trouble STOP
"You betrayed me."
Awwwwwwww Catra's face
She's heartbroken
They put in some sense tho
Like WOW
Glimmer being all ominous ouch
"We're the good guys."
Light Hope is the real bad guy wowow
"What are you waiting for. Do it." GAHHHHHH MY BABY
Catra sees things so black and white wow being in Horde does that to a gal
"I am not a weapon." YES ADORA!!
BUT LIKE RAZZ SAID "She-Ra is you"
Like WOW
That was a ride.
This season in a nutshell:
Tumblr media
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nyadere · 5 years
Reposting this bc the link got messed up when I changed URLs!!
My all time favorite Destiel fics, in no particular order. (More to be added over time) {last updated 10/08/2019}
Too Much TV Will Rot Your Brain by EndlessRain Rating: G Words: 7397 Summary: “Angel?” John asked. He had been in Heaven for a pretty long time, and had been hunting even longer, and he never had heard of angels actually existing.
“Oh for God’s sake,” Ellen said, “That’s your kid’s boyfriend!”
Notes: A short, sweet fic with mostly humor and a bit of angst mixed in. – How (thanks to Gabriel) Dean and Castiel (accidentally) raised each other (and Sam). by Vera Rating: E Words: 69693 Summary: In which, Gabriel meddles with the time line and Castiel becomes Dean’s angel rather sooner than intended.
Notes: This is a must-read, the writing is perfect and the idea is also perfect. Throwing Castiel into the boy’s lives from the start and the dynamic it brings is such an interesting take on the story.
Destiel, Actually by Bloodism Rating: E Words: 15973 Summary: Picture your typical rom-com cliché. Now picture Dean stuck in that rom-com cliché. With Castiel. Because that’s what happening to him - a crazy whirlwind of your typical-and-not-so-typical cliché’s. He’s playing the main lead in all of them and Castiel’s his counterpart. Of course, the culprit is obvious. Gabe’s enjoying himself too much, lying back on his favourite cloud with a tub of salted popcorn.
It was about time someone kicked the two knuckleheads into gear.
“And… ACTION!”
Notes: Funny & light-hearted, featuring everyone’s favorite trickster.
Angel’s Wild by LimonadeGaby, riseofthefallenone Rating: E Words: 389271 Summary: But that’s the whole reason he’s here, isn’t it? He’s not out here hunting Humans. He’s not even hunting deer, or bears, or anything else that featured in Bambi. He’s out here, freezing his nuts off every night, because he’s hunting Angels.
Sometimes Dean wishes that Angels were like how they’re described in the Bible. How people from time too old for him to care much about thought Angels were messengers and warriors of God, protectors of Humans. He knows that how they’re really described in the Bible is actually pretty terrifying, but at least they were told by God that they’re supposed to love Humans, right?
That’s a thousand times better than what Angels really turned out to be.
Notes: Another must-read. This fic is a huge, long and a bit of a slow-burn but its so worth it. One of the first destiel fics I fell in love with, an immersive AU with fanart included.
Things Dean Winchester Loves by tuesday Rating: M Words: 3623 Summary: Castiel makes a list, Sam gives good advice, and Dean takes a while to catch on.
In the Shadow of your Wings by Enochian Things Rating: M Words: 57268 Summary: Dean drains his bottle of beer, sets it on the table and gets up, heading for the kitchen. Maybe to fetch another, maybe to leave. But Castiel doesn’t want him to go, doesn’t want to leave this conversation unfinished; he remembers his regret of just a few hours ago, that Dean had never known how he loved him.
“Wait,” he says and gets to his feet as Dean passes by. They’re standing close – close enough that Castiel can feel the heat of Dean’s body, the vibrancy of his soul brushing against his grace. “Dean, I have to tell you something…”
Set after the S11 finale.
Notes: another long, slow-burn. The buildup in this fic is fantastic, dealing with a jealous and in-denial Dean while poor Cas is dealing with his own feelings. This fic is so in-character I can see it happening in the actual show.
– Everything Comes Back To You by VioletHaze Rating: E Words: 32970 Summary: Dean knew better. Of course he did. But Cas seemed so charmed by the antique-filled bed and breakfast that Dean went along with it when the proprietor mistook them for a couple. Telling himself it gave them a strategic advantage to be so close to the crime scene, he agreed to the weekend special she offered them. When the case ended up being a bust, they stuck around anyhow because hey, the second night was free…
Notes: I love love loveeee this fic. Canon!verse with fake/pretend relationship. Dean in denial with mutual pining? Yes please. – Sam Winchester Sees the Light (And Dean’s Awkward Boner Face) by YamiTami Rating: G Words: 2447 Summary: Castiel is falling and he has to start doing human things to save energy. That means eating for sustenance, sleeping, and learning how to use a washing machine. This leads to a revelation.
Shamelessly inspired by a gifset of Misha putting a shirt on.
The Mirror by cloudyjenn Rating: M Words: 24568 Summary: When Dean touches a strange mirror, he’s whisked away to one alternate reality after another and it doesn’t take him long to realize the universe is trying to tell him something.
Notes: This. fic. is. amazing. I love reading about AU versions of the boys and this one has plenty of variety. Cute with a bit of angst mixed in.
In Your Sweet Little Bungalow by annodominique Rating: E Words: 13680 Summary: All things considered, Castiel has a house. All things considered, Castiel has a life. Without Dean.
It has been seven years since Sam died, seven years since Dean left Castiel, broken and human, and disconnected from humanity. Cas had to cope on his own somewhere along the way. He chose a little town of Oregon to settle in.
Seven years, and Dean shows up at his door on a chilly February night, saying the stupidest set of words to ever be said to Castiel’s face.
“I was–just passing by the neighborhood. Thought I’d drop by…to see you.”
And Cas doesn’t know what to do.
Notes: This fic is so angsty but so worth it.
When the Bough Breaks by captainshakespear, deanisthesun Rating: M Words: 73963 Summary: Years after the Darkness has been defeated, Dean and Cas are living the apple pie life in small-town Kansas. They don’t hunt anymore, and would like to keep it that way, but some young hunters knocking at their door have different plans.
Dean, Cas and Sam reluctantly agree to help out, but what ought to be a simple case becomes way more complicated and dangerous than they counted on. And when the hunt starts to invade the normal lives they’ve carved out for themselves and their kids, Dean and Cas begin to wonder if escaping the hunting life altogether might have been wishful thinking.
Home is Where by ChasingRabbits Rating: E Words: 15170 Summary: Casual vagrant Dean Winchester blows into Palo Alto to check on his little brother. What is meant to be a quick visit ends up drawing out when he meets and accidentally ends up clicking with Sam’s strange, grad student roommate Castiel.
Notes: non-canon verse AU where Cas has Asperger’s and is Sam’s roommate, this fic is very cute.
Out of the Deep by riseofthefallenone Rating: E Words: 488608 Summary: Stay away from the light-beds. Stay in the deep.
It is the first thing hatchlings are taught the moment their fans unfurl and they can swim without their parents to buoy them along. It is the first rule, the first law. It is the beginning of every boogey-monster bedtime story told when they settle against the cliffs to sleep.
Castiel should have listened better.
Notes: I cannot express how much I love this fic. Another huge AU with copious amounts of fanart and detail. Slow-burn, Merfolk AU. I will admit I was hesitant to read this at first as I don’t usually like mermaid/merfolk AUs but this story is so beautifully written and the attention to detail is amazing. Riseofthefallenone never ceases to amaze me.
Going Postal by captainbarnes Rating: Not Rated Words: 6799 Summary: Castiel,
Hi. My name’s Dean, just Dean — that’s all you’re getting out of me.
I don’t really know what else to say, I’m not good at this and I really don’t want to talk much. But it’s for a grade, and I’m already flunking English, so I guess I don’t have a choice.
Your name is weird as fuck.
— Dean
Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak became pen pals because of a school assignment, and they tried not to get attached to one another. They really did. Sort of. Barely.
King of the Road by loversantiquities Rating: E Words: 15890 Summary: Contracted out by the local police in Moriarty, New Mexico, Dean is sent to investigate the happenings around a church outside of town, the Angel-worshiping congregation reportedly flocking to the location in recent days. As it turns out, though, instead of snake charmers or devil worshipers, Dean finds an Angel crucified to the cross, said Angel unreasonably snarky despite being tied up against his will.
Turning over Castiel to the authorities, though, doesn’t work in Dean’s favor. With nowhere to go and Heaven having abandoned him, Dean agrees to haul Castiel across the country on two conditions–he doesn’t smoke in the car, and he doesn’t rob convenience stores in broad daylight.
God, Dean might actually kill him before this is over.
Rock of Ages by winter_of_our_Discontent Rating: T Words: 7430 Summary: It starts because they need a rock. Not, of course, just any rock, but apparently this particular critter needs an Aztec-style obsidian-and-jade dagger right through its human-teeth-and-eyeball-eating heart to actually kill it.
In which Cas gets a ring, and Dean (finally) gets a clue.
So There It Is, I’ve Said It All by PorcupineGirl Rating: G Words: 3898 Summary: “Why, do you have something you need to say to me that you don’t think I’ll like?”
I think I’m in love with you.
“Yeah. I guess so.“
Receipts by surlybobbies Rating: T Words: 1391 Summary: He’s about to put the receipt down, no harm done, when something about it catches his eye. Pen ink, on the back. He flips it around and reads:
With Dean. He shared his pie with me. His smile was radiant.
Dean stares. Reads it again. Nothing’s changed.
What? -
The Fourth Wall by entanglednow
Rating: T-E (this is a series so different parts have different ratings)  Words: 40,339 Summary:  (There’s not an exact summary for the whole thing since its a series of 15 different works but basically the boys discover fanfiction about themselves and things get wild) I can’t believe I didn’t add this one before but its one of my all time favorites! I’ve read it multiple times because its just that good. Lighthearted and funny. This series also includes Samifer which I’m a big fan of (but if you’re not into that each part is appropriately tagged so you can skip over it). 
Someone Who’s Feeling For Me by ellispark Rating: M  Words: 45,876 Summary:  Dean sees her for the first time in nearly six years in some no-name town in Idaho, and it's panic at first sight. Lisa Braeden, the one woman Dean ever actually had a shot at a real life with, back from where he buried her in his mind. And her hand is on Cas's arm like it's no big deal, like it belongs there. Cas, Dean's dorky, sweet, badass, angelic best friend, and he's just standing there next to Lisa and not moving her hand away. Dean feels the jealousy rising, and it's not directed where he expected it to be. Because it takes this exact moment for Dean to realize he's in love with his best friend. He's in love with his best friend, and Lisa is looking at Cas like he's the best thing since automatic rifles, and Dean is utterly fucked.  Notes: Lots of pining, supportive Sam, angst with a happy ending, the good shit.  - Everyone is Trying to Get to the Bar by Balder12 Rating: E Words: 8,111 Summary:  Dean still has enemies in Heaven. True!form Castiel to the rescue!
Notes: I love true!form cas fics and this one is written beautifully, the ending seemed a little rushed to me but other than that I really enjoyed this fic.
As You Pass Through Me by wannaliveindeansdimples Rating: E Words: 30,548 Summary: Cas has lived in this house all his life... and since his untimely death. The last thing he wants is a new roommate, but it seems he's getting one anyway.
Notes: a wonderful non-canonverse AU with ghost!Cas....but there’s a twist! This fic is incredibly cute and entertaining and makes me smile everytime I read it. There’s a little bit of what could be considered dub-con in a few chapters but before said chapters the author usually has a note at the beginning.
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Seromina || Firsts
For Sero Ship Week Day 3: Firsts at @seroshipweek​
SUMMARY: Ashido tends to overshare her personal life on social media so it’s only fitting that she shares her favourite moments on it too, right?
But this time, it’s only for one pair of eyes.
GENRE: sero hanta x ashido mina, social media au (I think?)
TEXT from your queen 💕
follow @iloveutapeboi on insta its private but dw youll be accepted start from the first post!!!!!!!!
[Image: Candid of Sero taken from the side; slightly blurry, low angle as if the photographer was trying to be discreet as they took it. He’s wearing an orange hoodie with black stripes. He’s grinning at someone in front of him and he holds a bitten meat pie in one hand. In the background, there are barely visible bowling lanes.]
Caption: the first time i thought to myself “maybe seros actually cute and i actually like him in a like like way” if that make sense lol. maybe there were other times but this was the earliest memory i could think of. this was after that laser tag game we all played and you did your whole dramatic self sacrificing for me (lol quickest way to my heart - take a laser tag shot for me). 
[Image: Image of the city taken from inside a bus. Half the image is of the seats of the bus whilst the other half are buildings of the city. A few people are in the shot, but they’re faces are unrecognisable.]
Caption: first time I realised I was in loveeee (i love youu) how cheesy amirite. its a bus because i realised it when we were going back to ua together after a field trip and idk i just had this light bulb moment ok ugh this is too cheesy were done here ily but im cringing too hard at the cheesinesssss (two posts in and im already dying but im pushing thru!!!!)
[Image: 2 puppies being held by someone who is clearly Sero by the look of the arms and his orange black striped hoodie. One puppy in each arm; a white pit bull and a brown one.]
Caption: our not-so-official first date?? idk if you’d call it that but like......we were alone together so idk??? u know i was going to actually confess today but the dogs were so cute they distracted me!! so i forgot lol!!! (theyre only sliiiiiightly cuter than u dw dw!!! 🤣)
[Image: Sero’s silhouette inside a movie theater. He’s facing the camera but it’s too dark to see much other than the shadows of his face and the glint of his white teeth in his grin. In the far left of the photo, the Lego Movie is playing.]
Caption: our official first date (tho i guess it was kinda rushed??? considering i literally told u i liked u like an hour earlier lmao but i wouldnt have it any other way ❤️)
[Image: Ashido’s room, taken from the doorway. The bed is unmade; the curtains are drawn back to let the sunlight in; the desk is a mess of school books and loose sheets. Ashido’s arms are outstretched in front of the camera; she’s forming a heart with her hands.]
Caption: place we had our first kiss!!! (tho we failed like five times and kept laughing!! the movies are wayyyy too serious - they make it seem like ur not allowed to laugh!! our kisses are so much better😘)
[Image: Pathway leading up into a park where cherry blossom trees frame the edges. There are a few passerbys and one dog, legs a blur, running through the image.]
Caption: place i asked you to be my boyfriend because SOMEONE STILL had this WEIRD idea that?? i??? didnt?? like?? them? EVEN AFTER?? LIKE FIVE DATES?? AND FIVE KISSES???
[Image: UA Heights Alliance common room. Looking through the windows, it’s night and there’s no one in there but there’s food wrappers strewn across the coffee table and the floor.]
Caption: place you said your first i love you (ok i suppose i shouldnt be salty about the boyfriend asking thing because first ilys are such a milestone!!!! ps. im still sorry i panicked when u said it lmao i love how we laugh about it but i know from sources coughbakuyellingthat1tapeboiwasstressingashell that you almost cried ilyyyyyyyy ❤️❤️❤️)
[Image: Close up focus of Sero’s lit up face. He’s giving a close-eyed smile to someone slightly to the left of the camera. Just making it in the frame is a slice of bright blond hair. The background is blurred but it is clearly of a busy beach; the sky is blue and there’s not a cloud in sight. There are two figures, one shirtless with red hair and one wearing a wetsuit cut off at the lower thigh with what might be black or dark purple hair in the water in the far background.]
Caption: when i said my first i love you (i love you toos and i love yous on phones dont count!!! and also u are sooooooo cute in this photo!!! not that ur not always cute ofc 😋)
[Image: Text screenshot. (Sent) Ashido: IM SO MAD AT U SERO HANTA ANSWER MEEE (Receiving) Sero: NEVER U TRAITOR (Sent) Ashido: UR THE TRAITOR!!!!]
Caption: first fight :( one of the saddest chapters of my life i hope we never do that again ❤️
[Image: Rice with natto on top, chopsticks on the side. The dish is on top of pink, patterned napkins.]
Caption: first (of many!!!!!!!!) anniversaries (see??? taking pics of food is VERY important!! and u dared to make fun of my ‘attempts at being aesthetics’!!)
[Image 1: Necklace in shape of a crown with engraving of words “Alien Queen”.  Image 2: Necklace is flipped over with engraving of words “Ashido Mina”.]
Caption: first (of many!!!!!!!!!!) anniversary presents (I LOVE IT SO MUCH WHY R U SO NICEEEEEEE ITS SO CUTE IM WEARING IT EVERYDAY ILY)
[Image: From the side, Sero smiling softly, looking up at a beautiful orange sky to match his brighter orange hoodie. His eyes are wide but he’s happy. Behind are a few trees.]
Caption: I love youuuuuuuuuuuu sero hantaaaaaaaaaa and dont you forget it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *spam of heart emojis* (also u r seriously wearing the same hoodie in like five of these pics w h y)
TEXT to your queen 💕
im actualy cryin can i call u
TEXT from your queen 💕
oof  [Image: google search bar “how to comfort crying boyfriend”.] ofc u can!!
Sero: How long have you been planning this? I love you so muchhhhhhhh. I’m crying, can you hear my tears? How did you do it? Did you go to every place or were you planning this from the beginning?
Ashido: *laughter* You can’t hear tears dummy. And you’re not meant to cry! Its meant to be a happy thing! *more laughter*
Sero: ...Glad to know your happy about my pain. ...Its amazing I have literally no words Ashido. I love it-I love you and I love us. Thank you so much.
Ashido: Awww don’t make me blush. It was nothing!
Sero: What do you mean NOTHING? Don’t insult yourself Ashido Mina this is...I don’t know-EVERYTHING!
Ashido: Okay that’s true. I’m awesome.
Sero: I’m going to treasure this forever. You’ll never delete this account right?
Ashido: *giggling* Course not!
Sero: It’s too amazing. Seriously, and I gave you the most cliche relationship present ever.
Ashido: Eesh don’t worry! I love my present! Besides it was the final piece for the account!
Sero: If you say so. You know, I don’t think a meme war counts as a fight...in a relationship...
Ashido: Of course it does! I was soooo angry at you. How could you side with Kirishima?! It was so frustrsting! You wouldn’t BELIEVE!
Sero: ...Trust me I believe. *muffled* Especially after you taped me to the ceiling.
Ashido: What was that?
Sero: Nothing! Also how’d you take the pic of your room with your arms in front of you? Is it...*whispers loudly* sorcery?
Ashido: *giggling* You got it. I have a second quirk that I-...I kept secret. Yup. But I’m telling you because you’re my boyfriend and all.
Sero: And I will totally believe you, because you’re my girlfriend, and all. Hey, I know you need your beauty sleep but can I come over--
Ashido: Yes!
Sero: --tomorrow--wait, what?
Ashido: Oh. Well-
Sero: *muffled snort* Someone’s desperate.
Ashido: *huff* Shhh! You can come over anytime!
Sero: Would you really not mind if I came over now? At like...*shuffling* eleven?
Ashido: Is that even a question? If you come over now, I can add it to the journal!
Sero: The journal?
Ashido: The account Sero!
Sero: Okay...Why? It’s not the first time I’ve been to your house. Firsts was the theme right?
Ashido: Yep! And I can make it ‘First night spent together’ wink wink.
Sero: …*muffled laugh* Whatever floats your boat.
Ashido: But you’re getting a cab here right? You better not walk out this late at night!
Sero: I mean, we’re both training to be heroes if we can’t walk out at night then what could we do--
Ashido: Sero you butt!
Sero: --but yes I’m getting a cab.
Ashido: Good! You better stay on the phone the whole time too!
Sero: Of course. I love you Ashido Mina.
Ashido: And I love you Sero Hanta! ...Wait are you still wearing that orange hoodie?
Sero: ...*distant mumbles* Why do you hate my beloved hoodie so much?
Ashido: *equally distant mumbles* If you wear it one more time the photos will think you have one hoodie.
Sero: What would you say if I said yes?
Ashido: I’d say we’ve got our next date planned and you can guess what it is.
Sero: ...I mean, I wouldn’t say no to any time with you anyway?
Ashido: Pfft, stop being cute. Just-alright, whatever. Tomorrow? At whatever time we wake up I guess?
Sero: It’s a date.
A/N: completely forgot that they live in the same building so pretend it’s holidays or something 🤷 buuuut i hope you enjoyed this was harder than expected so im rlly sorry if they seem ooc 😳!! Thanks for reading!!
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yellowledbetterman · 7 years
tagged by @iariotact so thanks loveeee
Rules: Go to your music library and put it on shuffle, and then answer the questions with the songs that you get.
1. This song describes your personality: i wanna be well by ramones (too true)
2. This song describes what you want/wish from your life: its only rock’n’roll (but i like it) by the rolling stones (accuracy)
3. This song describes how other people perceive you: lonesome and a long way from home (damnn)
4. This song describes the love of your life: not for you by pearl jam (this is either great or a huge insult lmao)
5. This song describes your life at the moment: i wanna be your boyfriend by ramones (??)
6. This song to make love to: do the evolution by pearl jam (goddamn thats... hardcore)
7. This song to dance your heart out: nothingman by pearl jam :’(
8. The song that will make you cry: breath-demo by pearl jam 
9. The song about your future: working man by rush (FINALLY ONE THAT MAKES SENSE)
10. The last song you will ever hear in your life: lights by journey (godamnnnnnnn)
11. This song describes your next life: shadows of the night by pat benatar (wtf)
12. The song that makes you feel better: gone by pearl jam (um no)
13. you end up listening to just one song for the rest of your life: wish you were here by pink floyd (yesyesyesyesyesyes)
i wish that turned out better lmao.  but thanks for the tag! if yall see this and wanna do it, be my guest. :-)
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captnbarnesrogers · 8 years
Right Side Up
Pairing: Foster Dad!Tony x Foster Daughter!Reader, Pepper Potts, OC (Sister Janice), OC (Cathrine Wright)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of a drug abuser, angst, not much really this is all fluff
Summary: After Pepper leaves, Tony still wants to give his love to a kid who didn’t experience love. He meets a teenage girl at an orphanage who loves Captain America and is the smartest kid he’s ever met
Word Count: 2783
A/N: As requested by the lovely @purplekitten30! I’m just gonna put this out there, science is not my strongest subject and it makes me feel v stupid hahaha so I made shit up! I AM STARTING A TAG LIST SO IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TAGGED IN MY FICS SHOOT UP MY ASK BOX WITH SPECIFICALLY WHICH FICS <3 ASK IS LINKED AT THE BOTTOM :)
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He did everything he could to make her stay but staying meant living to see him suffer as the man who was always trying to save the world. He could never keep the world safe, not by himself but that’s what he felt like, it was the world against him and him alone. It was date night and Pepper didn’t plan for it to be this way but it had to be, there was no other way.
“Like a banaid.” She whispered to herself. Pepper stepped into the large house and smelled the pasta that filled the air of their home. She loved him, no doubt about that, she just couldn’t see him hurt himself anymore.
“Honey, you’re home!” He was so happy to see her, light passing in his eyes, “I made carbonara.”
“Tony we need to talk.”
“Sure, we can talk about anything you want.”
“I have to- I gotta leave, Tony.” Tony’s posture straightens and panic washes over him,
“Wh- Wait, why?”
“I spent so long, Tony, so long always looking out for you and for once I asked to take you away, away from everything but of course you choose the world before you- before us and I just- I can’t do it anymore.” Before she knew it, tears were flowing and his hands captured hers,
“Pepper, honey, I can change, if you stay- Please, you know I can do it.” Pepper shook her head and Jarvis dropped her bags down,
“I’m sorry, Tony.”And just like that, Tony’s world turned upside down. She was gone, she slipped through his fingers and she wasn’t coming back like all those times before. Tony walked to the dining table where he left his surprise. He and Pepper had discussed kids, they wanted to give their love to another person who didn’t feel love but it was too late. But hey, if he could get by on his own, maybe he can raise one on his own.
Tony got out of bed on Tuesday the week after, loneliness still lingering in the air from Pepper’s leave. Today was the day he was to visit the orphanage. He was quite excited, as much as his face didn’t show it. He put on his blue suit, straightened out his tie, and put his sunglasses on. He made his way out to his car, saying goodbye to Jarvis. As he drove, he felt nervous. Not nervous about meeting the kids, just nervous he might not find a kid. He was welcomed warmly at the door with children waving at him, yelling out that ‘Iron Man is here’. He took off his glasses and looked around before he was greeted by a woman in a white uniform.
“You must be Mr Stark,” He nodded and shook his hand, “I’m Sister Janice, I’m the head organiser and Principal here at the Yellow Brick Road, we have over nine hundred children here aged two months to seventeen years old, I’m sure we’ll be able to find you an angel of your own.” She smiled sweetly at him and gave him a tour of the facility. It was big. All the children seemed to get along well and they helped each other out. Tony smiled, “So, what age were you looking for?”
“Nothing specific,” he shrugs, “do you mind if I uh… take a look around myself?”
“Not at all, Mr Stark.” Tony smiled at her and he wondered off to where his feet lead him. Children ran past him, giggling and laughing. Within minutes his loud footsteps echo through the some what empty hall of the third floor. He sees a door lightly opened and a silhouette of a girl lightly shadows the crack. He tries to walk away but she catches onto him just in time.
“Hey, you can come in you know?” Tony reveals himself to you,
“Uh… Hi, I’m T-”
“Tony Stark, the rumours are true, the Iron Man is here.” He takes a seat beside you, your Dr Marten boots up on the table, a Captain America comic covering your face from his sight, you take a peak from the top of your comic,
“So, do you have a name?”
“Uh huh.”
“You know, it would-”
“Shhh, I need to know if Captain America saves America.” Tony chuckles at your sarcasm, you were more like him than he’d care to admit, you were perfect.
“I can assure you, he does.”
“Hey, no spoilers, man!” There was a moment of silence before you put down your comic and faced him, “Y/N.”
“My name is Y/N Wright.”
“You have a last name?”
“That I do, Mr Stark.” You got up from your seat and made your way to the white board, “Y-N W-R-I-G-H-T.”
“How’d you get here, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Not at all, I don’t really mind talking ‘bout it anymore.” You sat back down and looked at him, a sense of false strength filled your eyes which Tony picked up on as quickly as you put it on, “My mom left me here when I was nine, told me she had shit to do but she ran off with her meth addicted boyfriend and my dad? That bastard was never around.”
“I see… My dad was an alcoholic and talked me down like I was trash.”
“Are all dad’s just assholes?” You laughed, Tony let out a chuckle with you, “You know, I’ve check out your work, the armour… It’s impressive but-”
“But? You have an input?”
“What? A sixteen year old can’t have some type of scientific input?”
“Well I-”
“Don’t judge a book by it’s cover, Iron Man.” His mouth was shut because he knew you were right, “You all ears, Mr Stark?”
“Yeah, yup, sorry.”
“I was going to say, you could coat the suit with fluronatrugen, it’s gonna help the suit a lot, the damage control would be better and if the suit does have a slight bit of damage, it tends to repair itself.”
“Huh… I uh… I never thought of that.”
“Did you mean to tell me that a sixteen year old girl has out smarted you?” You look at him with false shock and begin to laugh. Both of your laughs die down and he stands up and straightens out his suit,
“Well uh, it was nice to meet you Y/N.”
“You too, Mr Stark.” You hold out your hand for him to shake but he pulls you in and pats you on the back,
“I’ll see you again, soon.”
“You know where to find me.” You smile at him and salute him out of the classroom door. Tony jogs down what seemed to be the longest stairs he’s ever been on.
He spends the next couple of weeks getting to know you, stopping by the orphanage every day to see you. Sister Janice even let you out with him sometimes. He showed you his office and the place where he made his suits. It was in that very room where he saw your potential. Without any help, you fixed his glove, made it even more powerful but easier to control.
“You like science?” He asked, handing you a cup of orange juice and a cookie,
“In love with it.” You say, fiddling with the light of his glove, “I wanted to do a science degree at NYU when I finished high school.”
“She has dreams! I am proud,” For the first time in your life, you found someone who was proud of you. It was like a perfect song sung in your ears. You gave him a small smile and proceeded to hug him.
Tony bid you goodnight with a kiss on your head, dropping you off to your room. He finds Sister Janice and talks to her about the most interesting girl he had a conversation with when he first came here. With no hesitation, Sister Janice gathered all your files and forms, signing each one with a happy face but a heavy heart as you were one of her favourite students and seeing you leave would be one of the hardest things for her to do. Tony went home and set up the bedroom beside his. He worked on it all night, making sure everything was perfect. He noticed your liking to Captain America so he put the comics neatly on the desk. He dusted his hands off as he looked at the finished look of the room. He smirked to himself, perfect.
He picked you up after school as always but today seemed slightly different. Sister Janice let out a tear when you waved goodbye and your bags were packed in the back of Tony’s car. But everything seemed to fall into place. Your eyes widened, your smile reached from one ear to the other, and you tackled Tony.
“I can’t believe you adopted me, you’re the real peeps!” You say excitedly, playfully punching his arm,
“I don’t even know what that means but thanks.”
“It meannnssss you’reeee theeeee besttttt!” You lay your head on his shoulder,
“Don’t go laying your head on my shoulder, I fixed up your bedroom for a reason.”
“But I loveeee youuuu!” He laughs at your silliness, one of the many traits he’d found he loved about you. You became a different yet real person when you were with him. You were fun and open, something he noticed you hadn’t really done before. “C’mon, Tonyyyy!”
“Alright, alright! I love you too!”
“I knew it!” You laugh at him, “Hey, can I put on some ACDC?”
“You like ACDC?”
“No, I hate them, that’s why I listen to them… Of course I love em!”
“Your sarcasm is so extreme, sweetheart.”
“You’re worse.”
“I’m not denying it.” He lets out a chuckle and puts his arm around you. He pulls up to the largest house you have ever seen in your life,
“Holy shit...” You gasp, “This is where we live?”
“What? Too small?”
“It’s fucking huge, Tony.” Your mouth agape when you step out of his car, you admire the view when suddenly, you feel Tony’s hand pat you on the back,
“I’ll help you set up, you’re room, c’mon.” He guides you up the stairs after Jarvis greets the both of you and he then shows youu your room, you open the door and your heart skips a beat. It was perfect, it was exactly you.
“Oh my fucking god...” Your eyes direct to the desk of Captain America comics, “Tony, these must’ve cost a fortune!”
“Knowing Captain America has it’s perks.”
“A-and this room… Jesus, you went all out!” You jumped on him, wrapping your hands around his neck, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” You chanted. He rubbed your back and put you down on the bed,
“It’s alright, I want the best for you, Y/N.” You wiped away the tears forming in your eyes,
“I am not- I’m not worth a cent.” You look down, shaking your head,
“You are worth everything to me, sweetheart and this is just the start.” He takes you into his arms and dries your tears, “You’re now my number one priority and I won’t have it any other way.”
“Because I see something in you. You’re smart and beautiful… Like me.” You both let out a small laugh, “You’re gonna do great things, Y/N and I’m lucky enough to be one of the people to witness it.”
“You believe in me so much, I’ve never had that.”
“So I should be believing in you and I have a surprise for you.”
“Like this already wasn’t?” He walks over to your desk and pulls out an envelope. He hands it to you and you read it, “You are invited to the New York City University Sci… Oh my god! A scholarship?!”
“Guaranteed entry for when you graduate, I showed them what you could do and they would be honoured to have you.”
“This is- I don’t even know how to-”
“Just become a Stark and that would be enough.”
“I thought I already was...” He let out a laugh and dragged his hand on his face, 
“C’mon, I’ll cook dinner.”
Five months had past and you were now settled into your new home. Tony was an amazing father to you and put you first before everything. He did things even he thought he could never do like make you hot chocolate and help you with homework. You’d never been so happy in your life than you had been these past five months.
“Good morning, Tony, good morning, Jarvis!” You took a seat at the table where pancakes and fruits were laid out,
“Good morning, Miss Y/N, Mr Stark, there’s a woman at the door, she claims it’s important to see you.” Tony grows curious as Jarvis would usually make clear if it was Pepper. You could both hear yelling from the door. It wasn’t Pepper. Tony opens the door to revel a dishevelled woman looking furiously at him, all of a sudden she slaps him across the face hard enough to make him turn a cheek.
“How dare you Tony! How fucking dare you! You have no right to take her away from me, I want her back!” He couldn’t make out who this woman was and why she was so angry,
“Who ar-”
“Mom?” He hears behind him. The woman lets herself in, walking up to you and caressing your face,
“Oh darling, I have missed you so much!” She exclaimed. She stunk of alcohol and a mixture of marijuana and cigarettes. You pulled away from her drunkenness, “Come home with me, Y/N, I’m home now. H-he has no right to take you away, he didn’t raise you, he wasn’t there when you were growing up. I-I-I was there!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Jarvis, call the police.” Tony said,
“You can’t do this, Tony, you can’t just come into her life and play house when you left us a long time ago!”
“Mom! You’re drunk, please, leave!”
“So you’re just going to stay with your dad? The guy that couldn’t give two shits about you when I was pregnant!?” Then something clicked in Tony’s brain, your last name. Something happened sixteen years ago, a one night stand and he didn’t stay the night. He left straight after. She tried to call him a few months after but he disregarded it, thinking she was crazy.
“You remember.” She says laughing, sluggishly, “I called you. I called and called and you never returned them.” He saw the panic in your eyes. You began taking steps back, you were so confused and so upset. You had so many questions. Tony wasn’t your foster father. He was your father.
“Cathrine, I was young and selfish, I didn’t know, I thought you were making things up… Y-you had a reputation, okay?” He took one look at you and his heart was torn in piece, “Y/N...” You shook your head.
“You need to leave, I don’t want or need you anymore.” You said sternly to your mother before running up to your room in tears. She eventually gave in and left, making Tony vow to look after you. He hesitantly opened the door to your room. He found your on your bed sobbing.
“Y/N I-”
“Why didn’t you want me?” The question that just broke him,
“I was so stupid back then, Y/N… I was selfish, I never knew how to love and your mom, she was known to lie to get what she wanted and when she told me she was pregnant, I just- She’d done it to different people and-”
“And you didn’t care to check!? I lived sixteen years without a dad and with an alcoholic mother who chose her boy toys over me!” Tears were streaming down your face, “A-and here you were living the lush life...”
“I didn’t know how to love, Y/N! I didn’t know until I almost lost the girl who kept me grounded…”
“Where is she?” You asked with a rough voice,
“Well, I messed things up with her but she was the only woman I ever loved and because I loved her, I learned to love other people too… I learned to love you and if I had known you would be my kid, I would turn back time and raise you with no doubt.”
“You would?”
“I would, within a heart beat.” He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close, “I’m gonna make up for those sixteen years, Y/N, even if it takes the rest of my life.”
“I love you, dad.” He places a soft kiss on your head,
“I like the sound of that.”
TAGS: @acklesdowneyandhiddles-ohmy
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