#love you guys miss you all so much and most of all happiest of birthdays to my most beloved boy 💓💞💖💕💘💓💞💖💕💘💗
kyunsies · 2 years
happy birthday my beloved changkyunie <3
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trafalgarloves · 1 year
Your boyfriend, Eren, does not take birthdays lightly, especially when it comes to yours. Over the years you’ve known him, he’s always done something to surprise you.  Whether with a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant whose name you can’t pronounce or a small picnic at a beautiful flower field. He has never been the type to half-ass things. 
Though it's a surprise you’ve never had a birthday party while dating him. It's almost always been just the both of you celebrating. Of course, you know all of his friends and have become quite close with them throughout your relationship. They always make sure to wish you a happy birthday since, to them, you are one of their own. Still, a party has never been set in place, but you didn't really mind since Eren made the day special no matter what. 
Still, to your surprise, when Eren wakes you up that morning with just a simple kiss and a half-asleep mumble of happy birthday in his very sexy morning voice, you can’t help but wonder what he has planned for the day. 
You continue with your routine, wondering if he’s planning something you guys haven’t done or maybe even something similar to the previous years. You’d be grateful no matter what. 
What you don't know is that behind the scenes, Eren is planning you a surprise birthday party. Like always, he’s going all out with a bounce house and everything else you could imagine. He even went as far as to get food catering and some vendors who make your favorite snacks.
Now, Eren has never been one for secrets, so holding this in was such a challenge that you can't even imagine. If only you knew how long this had been in the works and how hard it was to not tell you, considering he's a chatterbox and tells you anything down to the tiny inconveniences that happen to him throughout his day. 
You can't believe your eyes when it's finally time for you to arrive. His house is decked in decorations of your favorite colors, with numerous pictures of your happiest moments hanging along little strings for everyone to see. 
You can’t help but get emotional, considering how he manages to top the bar every year. He puts so much effort into your day because, in his eyes, it’s the most important day of the year, considering it’s when the love of his life was born.
All of your loved ones are present, and of course, your bestie is recording your reactions and taking pictures to create more happy memories. She couldn't be happier that you are being loved the way you deserve. 
Once the festivities begin, you better believe that Eren will be kicking everyone out of the bounce house for you guys to have your own time in there. Being a child at heart, he can't help but try and wrestle with you. Also, he doesn't miss the chance to feed you your birthday cake when the time comes. 
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sanaxo-o · 5 months
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Magnetic (Eric Sohn)
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Too @sohnric : Happiest Birthday my Eric Stan 🥺. Omg you’re older now damn…okay to start off I hope you enjoy your day to the fullest and keep on being unhinged like always 🥺. Thank you for always being there for me and saving my ass from Izzy 🧍‍♀️. I love you loads and I hope you always know that. This is just something small I prepared for you since well…it’s your birthday. I hope you enjoy this even tho it’s not that good 🥺😭. Love you <3 and yes this is the reason why I did not ask you too beta read the Eric fic 🧍‍♀️💔. P.S don’t worry I did not stay up the whole night. I set an alarm clock to wake up sat 3:30 😚. I hope I wake up 🧍‍♀️. If it comes late then you know why that is! Well last but not least, enjoy your day to the fullest :) let’s keep on talking about Weak Hero Class 1 and what not in the future too <3
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Warnings/Genre: friends too lovers, cursing, making out, mentions of food, Eric is kind of flirty (I tried), sunshine x moon trope, reader is very oblivious, reader is a psychology major (idk if psychology majors have jury or no but I searched on google and google said arts students have jury so I think I am right but ik it’s wrong!), drinking but not really since they don’t drink in the scene (reader is just getting the after effects of drinking), reader likes to crochet! A small joke made out of the Shakespeare drama Julius Caesar 😭. I guess that’s it…lmk if I miss anything!
Word count: 6,077
Sana: Hihi, I am back with an Eric fic (I have more Eric fics than I have for my own bias wow). This is just a small something I wrote for bar so I hope you guys also like this. A special and huge thanks to @quaissants @strayed-quokka and @o-onikix for beta reading this and helping me in the process. And also a huge thanks to @sungbeam for making the banner for me 🥺🫶🏻. Love you. I was too scared to ask ally to beta because it was not my best work 💔. I was gonna add the other banner for this but then my friends moms said that it looks like he has a pacifier in his mouth so I was like nvm 😭.
Taglist: @cloverdaisies @sohnric @mosviqu @deoboyznet
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All this was new to you. These feelings, these butterflies wandering in your stomach, the feeling of love, those red cheeks, the feeling of falling in love and at last, him. He was new to you.
All these feelings you had were so new for you. Deep down you always knew and expected to love a man similar to you, and yet he was the complete opposite of what you could’ve imagined.
That is why it was a complete shock for you when you understood your true feelings for Eric Sohn, who was the complete opposite of what you expected your partner to be.
He was like the sun, always bright and drawing everyone's attention, annoying the hell out of them. And you were like the moon, lover of quiet places because they’d let you wander around your own world.
He was the polar opposite of you. You liked having your own space while he…well he loved getting into other’s space and annoying the hell out of them. That’s how you liked to describe him most of the time.
If anyone ever asked you what you thought about Eric,the first thing to come to your mind was ‘He’s a good guy but he’s noisy.’ Which is true! No matter the time or place,Eric would always have at least some energy to spare for you.
Sometimes you admire him for having that much energy in him. Like how can someone go a whole day screaming here and there without feeling tired or having a sore throat??
Blinking your eyes,you look down at the crochet you were working on, only to sigh in disappointment when you realise that you had messed up the pattern, again.
Still continuing with your work,you pay no mind to the people around you who were talking and screaming loudly with their fellow peers. You were fixated on finishing on whatever this was going to turn out to be.
“What’s that?” You hear a voice ask from beside you which makes you halt your hands and look up, only to give out a small grin when you realise that it was none other than Eric Sohn.
“Ah well…it was supposed to be a cute frog but I don’t know what it is anymore.” You mumble quietly as you go back to crocheting the now demonic frog (that was your personal assumption).
“I think it’s cute though.” He says softly as he looks into your eyes when you look up at him again.
You divert your gaze everywhere around the room, just to ignore his. Everything was now interesting, even the guy who was hogging the food. Your cheeks continue growing bright in colour as you try your best to avoid his intense gaze.
“You do not have a good taste then.” You say with sass as you elbow his stomach when he snorts at your reply.
“Really? But I am friends with you. Does that still mean I have bad taste?” He says cheekily and places his head on his hands which were placed on the table. Looking up at you he brings his hands up and pokes your cheek softly.
“That’s not what I meant! You know that!” You yell at him but soon a small smile comes up on your lips when you feel his fingers poking your cheek continuously.
“Your words, not mine but, let’s leave it like that. I came here to ask you something else..” Eric says that as he sits up properly while fixing his now messy hair.
You stop your hands from crocheting as you push Eric's hands away from his hair when you realise that he is just making them more messy than they already were.
“Your eyes are pretty..” Eric whispers softly. You momentarily stop fixing his hair, as you stare into his eyes for a moment, only to cough to hide your embarrassment.
“Stop that..” you say shyly as you fix his last strand of hair and move away from him to keep some gap between you two which you had closed without neither of you guys realising.
“Stop what? And you coughed on my face, thank you very much.” He says sarcastically as he grabs your handkerchief to wipe his face jokingly.
“Whatever,” you mumble as you snatch your handkerchief from his hand and go back to crocheting. “What did you want to talk about anyways?” You mumble as you again fix your gaze on the frog (which had these huge ass eyes and looked more like a demonic creature hence, the name.) you were crocheting again.
“I was wondering, since we’re free after our jury today and the sem is over now.. We would mostly be free, right?” He asks cautiously as he takes away your frog and places it on the table to have your full attention on him.
“Where are you going with this?” You ask in complete confusion when Eric takes ahold of your hand in his and places them on his lap making you face him.
“Promise that you won’t back out once I tell you about the plan.” He says while putting his pinky finger in front of you, urging you to lock yours with his as a way to keep the promise tact.
You stare at him and then at his finger for a moment before letting out a small sigh at his childish behaviour. “Fine, promise. Now tell me..” you say with a small grin when he breaks the fingers apart but still having a hold of your other hand in his large ones.
“We have a sealed deal, okay? This gesture means that I can break your finger if you don’t stay true to your word and break our promise!” He says while pointing his finger at you. You only smile at him and nod your head when he boops your nose with his finger.
“Everyone was planning to go to the amusement park tomorrow in the evening…I was wondering if you wanted to join us? Wait- no I want you to join us.” You stare at Eric when he says that.
You didn’t hate going out per se, but you would rather just stay at home on the last day of the sem,catch up on your lost sleep and the dramas—be a couch potato in general.
You had a lot more time to have fun with your peers and friends the day after. You just needed some alone time away from everything and just focus on yourself.
Before you could even back down you remembered how you had promised Eric to not back out of whatever he was about to ask.
“For how long?” You ask him as you stand up and grab your stuff to exit the cafeteria with Eric by your side.
“Just for a few hours. We were planning on going to the new restaurant which had opened up but if you get too exhausted we can just go over to your place and order some food. I know how you get when you’re exhausted..” he says with a smile as he grabs most of your stuff and carries them for you instead of you having to ask him to do so.
You smile at his gesture knowing how he would always step in first to help you out even when they’re just small things.
You liked how he was always so observant and not full of himself unlike some people you knew in the past.
It’s the little things he does which makes your heart beat grow faster. It makes you feel like you just came back from running somewhere or as if you dashed through the hallways to reach your class on time.
It’s as if your heart starts pounding whenever he is closer. You sometimes wonder if you can hide your feelings well or not. Because even from afar, he looks so…surreal. The only thing that comes to mind when your eyes meet his is ‘oh my gosh, his eyes are so pretty’. You do wish to drown in those deep eyes, sometimes.
If staring at him for the whole day was a paid job you’d probably be a billionaire by now because of how much you stare at him.
“Maybe we can go to the nearby club when I am more free? Just the two of us are fine.” You tell him as you grab your books from his hands and enter your class, not waiting back to hear his reply knowing he was just going to agree with what you just said.
Standing beside Eric you look around in awe amazed by the different kinds of rides in the park.
You notice Eric walking away for a moment saying he wanted to buy something urgently so you paid him no mind and just gave a small nod at him acknowledging his words.
you were so immersed by everything that you failed to notice his return. He came back, holding two cotton candies in his hands.
“Here.” You hear his voice beside you.
Looking at him your eyes gleam with happiness when you take notice of the pink coloured sugary sweet in his hand which he was offering to you.
“Thanks!” You say happiness evident in your voice and your features as you take a few bites out of the cotton candy.
“Woah, can we ride that?!” You shout in excitement as you grab Eric’s hand and pull him towards the queue to buy the tickets for the ride.
You look back at Eric when you see him just standing behind you with a straight face, no expression adorning his facial features as he smiles at you nervously when he notices your excited gaze looking back at him.
“What’s wrong?” You ask once you notice his nervousness.
“Are you sure…you want to ride that?” He asks while scratching the back of his neck while trying to look anywhere but you.
He could feel his cheeks heating up in embarrassment knowing he’s just ratting himself out by trying to avoid getting on the ride.
“Yes! I have always wanted to try this out with someone!” You say with excitement as you wave his hands around trying to convince him to get on the ride with you.
“Since you’re insisting and begging so much…I might as well get on the ride with you. Don’t worry, you can hold onto my hand if you get scared!” He says with fake enthusiasm (and probably even gaslighting himself into believing that he would be fine on the ride) as he grabs your hand and drags you towards the ticket counter. “Ticket for two please.” He requests the cashier.
“We don’t have to ride it if you’re scared or something..” you reassure him when he starts walking towards the first seat of the ride.
“No, I want to. I told you I am there to protect you, didn’t I?” He bluffs as he lets you settle down in the ride before getting in right after you.
After helping you fasten your seat belt,he looks around the area in wonder when he feels the ride moving slowly.
He could feel his palms getting sweaty with fear and nervousness when the ride started moving, but he tried his best to stay calm and collected.
Closing his eyes he pays attention to the sounds going on and off through his ears as he tries to drown them out when he feels your warm hands embracing his sweaty, colder ones.
Peeking through his right eye he could see you looking ahead with excitement when the ride came at the most exciting part.
“Can…can you hold my hand?” You hear his small voice squeak through his throat as he holds out his hand for you to hold it.
“And you said you were the one to protect me.” You tease as you immediately grab his hand in a tight grip to help him calm down.
“Woah okay…” you turn your head and look at Eric’s flushed face as you rub your thumb against the back of his hand in a way to give him some comfort. “Why is this going so sl-” before he could complete his sentence a loud scream escapes his lips as he pulls you closer to him with great force.
Letting out a scream you look ahead of you as you feel your heart thump in fear that’s what you hoped so when Eric clutched your hand tightly while pulling you closer.
You could feel his breath fanning your face making you shiver. Closing your eyes you look away from his face as you look around the view when the ride starts to slow down.
Loosening your hand which was gripping onto Eric’s, you slowly let go of it as you immediately undo your seatbelt and get out of the ride when the ride comes to a complete stop.
“Oh..let’s go to a restaurant or somewhere..” you mumble tiredly as you start walking away from him. Too embarrassed and shy to look at Eric’s face.
“Aren’t you tired though?” Eric mumbles once he catches up to you. Gripping onto your hand he takes hold of your purse so that you can walk more freely.
“You don’t have to do that..” you say softly as you try to take your purse back from him only for him to gently push your hand away in reassurance.
“It’s fine. I can handle that.” He says as he pulls you closer by your waist and leads the way to his car. “Oh…is this the frog you were crocheting?” He mumbles once his eyes catch the small crocheted item made by you.
Keeping it in the backseat, he helps you put your seatbelt on. “Let’s head back over to my house. You already look exhausted with all the activities you did.”
You look over at him when he says that. He really does pay attention to the small details related to you. “I thought you wanted to go out and have some dinner with the guys?” You say softly while eyeing his side profile.
His lips which always looked so kissable, you admit to yourself that there were times when you had thought about kissing Eric but he does not have to know that, now does he?
“Hmm no it’s fine. I would rather spend the night with you than listen to them talking about some stupid things.” He says with a chuckle as he gives your hand a light squeeze in reassurance. “Oh by the way, can I have the frog you crocheted?” Eric asks once he had stopped laughing.
Looking at you for a split second, his eyes travel down to your lips for a split second only for them to divert back to your eyes.
“Why would you want that?” You question back, your brows furrowing in confusion as you grab your purse from the backseat and stare at the crocheted frog which was handing on the chain.
You didn’t exactly like it because it was not your best piece, you were still learning and you just crocheted for fun and to help you with stress.
You made the frog crochet into a keychain because you did not want to throw it away despite it not being the best thing you made.
“I like it, it’s cute!” He says with a smile on his face. His cheekbones rising up making his cheeks look puffy (in a cute way of course).
“It’s so not cute, Eric..” you say with a sigh as you shake your head at his silliness when he whines at your answer.
“Why can’t I just have it? I like everything you crochet..” he replies back once the car comes to a halt at the red light. “Come on, let me have it. I will treasure it the same way I treasure you..” he says softly as he places his hand on your thigh to convince you.
Looking up at him you break eye contact almost instantly when you notice him staring at you intensely, “Look at me..” he whines as he places his hands on your cheeks and makes you stare at him. Squishing your cheeks together he lets out a small laugh while looking at your lips which were in an ‘o’ shape. “Give me the frog please.” He pleads while batting his eyes together in a fast motion to try and convince you (well hopefully).
You could feel your heart beating at a fast pace again. If you could, you would just kiss him but that’d be too reckless of you, no? Snapping out of your thoughts you clear your throat and speak up.
“I can make one for you especially..” you say, your words coming out a bit jumbled because of your cheeks getting squeezed together.
“You can?” Eric asks softly as he slowly pulls away from you and turns ahead when the light turns green.
“Of course, since you so badly want the frog I can just make something else for you. Something better..” you say with a nod as you keep your bag in the backseat again.
“But I would still be happy if you gave me the frog crochet..” he replies in a sing-song voice as he turns on the radio to play some songs.
You sigh when he says that, there’s no winning against Eric when it comes to something he wants. You knew how stubborn the latter was. Youjust couldn't argue with him, especially with those eyes of his, which would always sparkle when talking with you (it might be your delusion speaking, but you always saw his eyes sparkle when talking with you and you only).
You smile in delight when Eric plays Best Years by 5sos. He still remembers your favourite artist. He was also the one who accompanied you to the concerts and saw you going crazy, so it was kind of an unforgettable experience.
You sigh in satisfaction as you look out the window in content while humming and singing along to the lyrics of the song while Eric drives the car.
Entering the house you place your bag on the counter table as you go in the washroom to wash up.
Knowing Eric, he might already be ordering some food so that was least of your worries. The guy knew your favourite food all too well.
Turning on the shower you wait for the water to get hot as you strip off your clothes.
Once it is lukewarm, you enter the shower as thoughts start to occupy your mind.
Did you really like Eric? Or was your heart just not functioning properly? And….and those butterflies wandering in your stomach when he does or remembers something you like. Oh gosh! You never felt this way for any guy before, that’s for sure.
You and Eric are like the polar opposites, everyone knows that. They still wonder how you and Eric are still together as friends knowing how the other guy is.
You were someone who always preferred your own space, you liked being in your own shell and just being lost in your thoughts.
Eric was the opposite! He was always outgoing, just like everyone calls him the social butterfly and boy was he true to that name given to him.
He could instantly make anyone comfortable with him be it a small kid, an adult or someone older than him. He had that kind of charm in him.
Getting the bottle of shampoo which Eric had you start washing your hair with it as you think back to the time when Eric had approached you.
Sitting at the back of your stats class, you try your best to pay attention to what the professor was saying but it was not that easy.
The headache you were having since the morning was getting worse, now it was truly your fault for going to a club with your friends on a Sunday night knowing you had early classes the very next day.
But what could you do when you just wanted a few drinks to get your mind of all the stress the major you were majoring in was giving you?
To put it simply, it’s not easy being a psychology major. The amount of assignments which are piling on your desk at the dorm and at your house along with all the essays you have yet to turn in.
No matter how many times you stay up all night the work just keeps on increasing, as if you broke the stop button.
So when your friends offered you to tag along with them to the nearby club for a few drinks how could you even turn them down? So of course you went along with them and had a little bit too much.
Massaging your temples with your eyes closed you try your best to think of something else. Anything to distract yourself from the massive headache you were having.
“Here, take some painkillers.” You hear a voice say from beside you. Turning your head around you could feel your voice getting stuck in your throat when you see the man sitting beside you.
Messy blond hair, he had decent casual clothes on. A pair of a hoodie with a cap on top of his head which was now in his hands since he was trying to fix his strands of hair which were getting in his eyes.
“Let me help you.” You say softly as you lean closer towards him and help him fix his hair.
You don't even know where you got this confidence from but it’s as if your hands moved on its own before you could even comprehend what you were about to do.
Leaning closer to his face you fix his hair as your eyes stay focused on his hair. You try your best to not look anywhere else but the oversized hoodie was revealing his collarbones and you were oh so tempted to check him out but you stopped yourself.
“You have pretty eyes.” You hear him say. You did not even know his name and you were already blushing at something a stranger said to you? How could he have such a huge impact on you so quickly was beyond your imagination.
“Oh thanks haha.” You say with a shy voice as you move away from him before you do something you’d regret (example: kiss him).
“Oh here. Take it.” He says once you move away from him. Sliding the pills to you he grabs your bottle of water which was beside him and opens it up for you.
“How did you know I was having a headache? I don’t think we've ever met each other before.” You question him while taking a pill in your hand.
“Oh well we have a few mutual friends but we never talked with each other before. I was at the club yesterday and noticed you.” He explains himself while grabbing a random paper which was lying beside him to doodle on it.
“Ah I see..thanks for the medicine…?” You furrow your brows when you realise that he never introduced himself to you.
“Oh! It’s Eric but you can call me anything you’d like. Maybe…yours?” He says with a flirty and cheeky smile adorning his oh so handsome face. Standing up from the chair he gets ready to leave the classroom only to turn around to look at you again. “See you around..” he waits for you to complete the sentence.
“Y/N,” you say with a small smile. Scrunching up your nose, you close your eyes when he pats your head with his hand.
“See you around, Y/N.” Eric says as he starts walking away.
Flashback end
Turning off the shower you leave the washroom with a bathrobe wrapped around your body.
Opening up the closet of Eric’s you look through his clothes when your eyes catch the black hoodie off his. The same one he was wearing on the day you both met for the first time.
Grabbing the hoodie you slip into the clothes as you start drying your hair with the towel Eric had kept for you.
“Wait, let me help you.” You hear Eric’s voice say as soon as he walks in the room.
You look at him through the mirror as he helps you in drying your hair with the towel.
“You’re wearing that hoodie.” Eric says with a grin as he grabs the comb to untangle your hair.
“It’s comfortable..” you mumble with a small smile on your lips.
Sitting on the couch, you take a bite out of your pizza slice as you turn on the TV to watch the series.
From the corner of your eyes you notice Eric taking out a packet of ramen making you let out a groan in annoyance at his behaviour, “Why can't you just eat some of the food which is served right here instead of making some noodles which you inhale almost everyday?” You question him once you have swallowed your food.
Eric just shakes his head as he smiles at you sheepishly. You knew winning against him was useless since he won’t listen to you either ways so you just let him be and continue eating your food while sipping from your can of coke (very original 🙄).
Giving him a slice of pizza which was in your hand you rest your body against the armrest of the couch as you place your legs on his lap so that you can be more comfortable and relaxed.
Heaving out a sigh you look at the TV screen when a question pops into your mind. You give Eric a look as you notice how his whole attention was on the TV.
You always wondered why that man was never dating anyone when so many girls out there were quite literally dying for him. Even the slightest bit of attention given by that man to them made them feel accomplished.
Well technically in their eyes you were the one person who has accomplished their dream. Which was too close with Eric and well…you might be the only girl who would get his whole attention whenever you want it.
The man would quite literally drop whatever he was doing just so he could talk with you. That was also the reason why everyone used to call him a simp and a lovesick puppy for running around everywhere just to be with you.
“Why are you not dating anyone?” You ask suddenly while staring at Eric’s side profile. You widen your eyes when Eric starts coughing while holding his chest.
Immediately sitting straight you grab the glass of water which Eric had brought along with him. Standing up you walk beside him in hurry as you help him drink the water while rubbing his back soothingly hoping it’d help him calm down.
“Feeling better?” You asked nervously once Eric had stopped coughing. Once he gives a slight nod to your question you sign in relief as you go and take a seat beside him.
Taking a seat you grab ahold of Eric’s hand while massaging them gently.
“Why did you ask that question so suddenly?” Eric mumbles as he takes a big gulp of water while trying to control his breathing.
You just simply shrug at his question as you look away from him, anywhere but him. You did not have it in you to look him in the eye after asking such an absurd question.
“I was..I don’t know. Curious maybe?” You say in a hushed tone as you slowly bring your gaze back at him. If someone saw you right now, they’d think you dreamt about something scary because of the way your eyes were shaking. “I mean don’t get me wrong! It’s just that…everyone wants you as their boyfriend but you never pay attention to them. Why’s that?” You question him slowly.
“Do you want me to be your boyfriend?” Eric asks softly as he fully turns his body towards you to face you.
You could feel yourself choke at his choice of words as you immediately let out a nervous laugh when he says that.
“What are you talking about? I am serious Eric…” you say with a shy chuckle as you slap his shoulder gently. Trying to play it off coolly.
“Well then what about you then? A lot of guys I know like you, they even asked you out but you always turned them down. Why’s that?” He asks the question with his brows raised, waiting for you to answer his question.
You look down at the ground in wonder. Why did you turn them down? It’s not like you were waiting for someone else or were you? You immediately shake your head when you realise how Eric was avoiding your questions.
“Don’t change the subject!” You say with a glare as you flick his forehead gently.
You smile softly when he acts as if the flick hurted him knowing damn well that he was just acting to tease you.
“Do you just not see it?” Eric says while rubbing the back off his neck shyly.
You stare at him in confusion when he says that.Notice what? The way he pouts whenever he’s eating something he likes? Or the amount of tattoos he has on his body? Or maybe the fact that he's always having the same heart eyes when talking with you? Well of course you would ignore the last bit! But he doesn’t have to know that, now does he?
You just shake your head at his question, waiting for him to make himself clear so that you can assure yourself that whatever your hunch was telling you was in fact correct! “I like you silly..” Eric finally says with a small airy chuckle leaving his lips.
He moves closer towards you so that he can pull you closer, “I have never paid this much attention to someone before but you. It’s like…I am magnetised whenever I am with you. I cannot feel myself wanting to leave your side whenever we both are together. I always try to play it cool when it comes to you but I just seem to fail at that. Everyone knows that but you..everything about you sticks to my heart. It’s like…it’s something I cannot express in words.” He says softly while pulling you closer.
All you could ever think about at that moment was, ‘Oh my god?’ You couldn’t get yourself to believe it when Eric brought himself closer towards you, you immediately snapped out of your thoughts.
“Is it fine…if I?” You give him a small nod when he asks that.
And there it is, the spark you always felt whenever he did something oh so small but it always somehow made you feel special.
The way he gently grabbed a hold of your chin slowly moving to the back of your neck while his other hand gripped onto your waist, squeezing it lightly he pulled you closer while moving his lips in sync with yours.
You could feel yourself shiver at his feather light touches, especially when his hands started to travel up towards your spine. The lingering sensation stayed there even when his hand was already engulfing in your hair.
You immediately entangle your hands in his hair while kissing him to deepen the kiss.
You wrap your arms around Eric as you pull him closer towards you. You never thought you’d ever be cuddling with Eric like this.
I mean you never thought of Eric as someone who’d enjoy being the one being cuddled but looking at the man right now you could tell that he was enjoying this more than anyone.
You slowly snuggle closer to Eric as you listen to his calm breathing. You never thought that this day would come but here you are, laying on the same bed with Eric Sohn, cuddling together.
To say the least, you were content with what you had at the moment. This is all you could ask for.
Entering the auditorium you sigh in embarrassment when you see Eric, Sunwoo and Haknyeon playing around with the props which were lying on the stage.
It’s been a few months since you both made your relationship official. Everyone around you was obviously more than delighted to hear it, I mean the lovesick boy's love was finally accepted by you.
And ever since you guys made the relationship official, of course you guys were named for being the cutest couple and for making the singles in the group more single than ever because of how you and Eric flirt all the time when together.
You walk towards them with your hands behind your back as you let out a chuckle when Eric falls on the ground dramatically.
“Et tu, Brute? Wait no…Et tu, Sunwoo?” Eric says with hurt as he looks up at Sunwoo who was holding the sword in his hand with a crazy smile on his face.
You widen your eyes when Haknyeon pours some water on the floor as a way to depict the blood shed by Sunwoo.
You notice how Chanhee, who was sitting on the edge of the stage, starts hiding his face because of his friends behaviour.
You just go and take a seat beside him while you wait for Eric to take a notice of your presence.
You were about to open your mouth to speak with Chanhee when a loud voice beams through the whole auditorium making you laugh, “Y/N!” You immediately stand up from your seat and open your arms, waiting for Eric to hug you like always.
“When did you get here, sweetheart?” Eric mumbles, his face being placed on the crook of your neck as he melts in your warm embrace.
“Just now while you were imitating about being stabbed. I was about to talk with Chanhee when a certain someone came running here.” You say with a teasing smile.
You laugh when Eric glares at Chanhee playfully before holding you closer, “Mine!” Eric says to Chanhee before sticking his tongue out at him.
Chanhee just sighs and nods at the younger’s behaviour as he stands up from the seat to walk away from you both.
“Where are you going?” Eric questions in confusion when Chanhee starts walking away towards Sunwoo and Haknyeon who were, well…throwing water at each other.
“Not interested in looking at you both being all lovey dovey in front of me!” Chanhee shouts back as he gets on the stage which was a great mistake because he apparently became the boy's next target.
“You’re just jealous because you don’t have a girlfriend like Y/N!” Eric teases and laughs loudly when Chanhee throws a middle finger at him while trying to save himself from the two boys.
Diverting his attention back to you he offers you a smile as he takes your hand in his while walking towards the exit door only to stop when you start looking through your bag.
“Here..” you take out a small crocheted keychain which was of a flower. It was abit tiny in size but it’s something Eric would cherish so you were more than happy to make something so special for him.
“For me?” He asks in astonishment while gently taking it from your hand. Scared it might fall apart if he grabs it aggressively.
“Sweetheart, it’s beautiful.” He mumbles while immediately attaching the keychain on his bag.
“You like it?” You ask with happiness. You were glad he liked the item you crocheted. When he gives you a nod you immediately hug him tightly. “I am glad you do! I was gonna crochet something else but then it turned out to be Sunwoo in evil form so I discarded it.” You say with a smile as you pull away from him.
Eric laughs at your choice of words while holding your hand tightly in his grip.
“Want to get some ice cream?” He asked once you were out of the auditorium.
Seeing you nod enthusiastically, he immediately starts dragging you towards his car.
Well as they say, opposites do attract and you were glad you found Eric. He was kind of like your other half, you never thought or even dreamt about this moment but here you were, going on an ice cream date with your boyfriend.
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mggssocks · 1 year
pov: ur a a-list singer/songwriter and actress. You were in glass onion w/ Madelyn who you ended up becoming good friends with and drew has a giant crush on you and you just pretty much tease him lol <3 (whitneypeak on Instagram as fc but most pics are from Pinterest)
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liked by madisonbaileybabe, drewstarkey and 1,728,269 others
madelyncline happiest of birthdays to the ramen noodle lover that always happens to be asleep yourinstagram <3
view all 6,918 comments
yourinstagram why would u post slide 4
↳ madelyncline ur best picture tbh
↳ yourinstagram ykw ur so right
madisonbaileybabe gonna need financial compensation for the amount of times it took to get that first picture
↳ yourinstagram lunch on me tm
*drewstarkey followed you*
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liked by zendaya, drewstarkey and 2,365,709 others
view all 15,863 comments
zendaya beyond proud of you
↳ yourinstagram ty, Z. love u.
madelyncline you’ve officially reached 2/4 of the egot status I love that for you
↳ yourinstagram stawpppp 🥹
arianagrande 🫶🏼🫧
↳ yourinstagram ty, love you and miss u soooo much
Madelyn’s Story:
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Drew responded to Madelyn’s phone but you had it because you were taking pictures of her.
drewstarkey: tell her I’m single
You showed Madelyn and the two of you laughed about it.
*yourinstagram followed drewstarkey*
liked by jonathandavissofficial, yourinstagram and 1,285,092 others
madisonbaileybabe long car rides and lullaby’s
view all 3,938 comments
yourinstagram why’s the sleepy guy kinda.. 🫦
↳ madisonbaileybabe please don’t get him started
↳ obxfan62 Y/N AND DREW?!?!&&:@&,$
hichasestokes Drew’s head just got abnormally big
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liked by drewstarkey, carlaciagrant and 3,726,517 others
yourinstagram MET ‘23
view all 12,297 comments
ynfan19 you looked INCREDIBLE
drewstarkey 😍
↳ madelyncline stay away from my friend
↳ yourinstagram i’m a rebel so we now have to hang out, Drew.
↳ drewstarkey of course
drewfan87 not them lowkey flirting 😭
ynfan36 no cause why do I ship..
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obxfanupdates drew hanging out with y/n via Madelyn’s story
view all 79 comments
drewfan09 stopp Ik they’re hanging out just to mess with Madelyn but they’d actually be so cute
obxfan1222 they’re messing around but I think drew actually has a crush on her tho lol
↳ rudyfan87 who doesn’t though LMAO
ynfan028 no they were joking in the comments but I didn’t think they’d ACTUALLY hang out LMAOA
↳ obxfan76 ME NEITHER
*3 weeks later*
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liked by nick_v_cirillo, madelyncline and 1,697,354 others
drewstarkey just in case you didn’t know, y/n l/n is the coolest person ever (this totally isn’t her making this post btw)
view all 9,726 comments
yourinstagram oh, me? Gee golly how sweet of you, Joseph!
↳ madisonbaileybabe now you know…
madelyncline ykw, i change my mind. I completely see why the two of you would be perfect.
ynfan198 it’s happening! It’s happening! Everybody stay calm! STAY F$@KING CALM!!
drewfan54 the legal name.. oh they’re fucking for sure 💀
↳ drewfan827 pls don’t put that image in my head 😭😭😭
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liked by madisonbaileybabe, carlaciagrant and 2,087,562 others
yourinstagram i really love drewstarkey he really is the best and I’m so in love with him (this definitely is not drew typing this caption just so you know)
view all 14,247 comments
arianagrande ???
↳ ynfan018 the confusion she must be experiencing rn 😭😭
↳ rudyfan91 she’s not in the OBCU (the outer banks cinematic universe) so she wouldn’t understand
dojacat fart
↳ yourinstagram yup
obxfan71 not him tagging himself as a personal shoutout 💀
ynfan61 I need to see where this goes
↳ drewfan09 the slow burn we didn’t know we needed
193 notes · View notes
brokenntable · 1 year
Cravity as Lovers
writing to procrastinate my upcoming A level exams // none of this is proof read whoops
Boyfriend! Serim is the type of lover that wants to always be around you. don't get me wrong, he definitely promotes you both having other friends and hobbies, but he's just like a puppy that follows it's owner everywhere. Definitely the type to never miss a day of good morning and night texts! he wants to know if you're happy and how he can be there for you without overstepping boundaries. he's definitely the type to brag about you to his family too.
Boyfriend Allen! is the type of lover that always wants to help you be your best self. if that means helping you clean your room to help you get out of a depressive episode or stay up until the early hours of the morning studying for a test you're really anxious about, Allen is a giver! he's the type of lover that will wait with you until you're ready, or if you need cheering up will do anything and everything in his power to do so even if it means embarrassing himself a little. he won't mind because its all for you.
Boyfriend! Jungmo is the type of lover that always wants to physically comfort you. you might not even need comfort, he just really loves to cling onto you and check you're okay. holds your hand everywhere. he just likes the feeling of proximity. loves to hug you're waist and burying his head into you when no ones around. you both will be watching a show, every now and then you'll watch as he lifts his head up, reads your face and when he's satisfied you're fine carries on what he was doing. would be the most anxious person if you both were opposites sides of a room with other people in it. he'd just rather be near you.
Boyfriend! Woobin loves to spend quality time with you. he's at his happiest to sit in a room with you, write new music (using you as his inspiration hehe) and just knowing you're with him is enough. he likes to know that you're still in arms distance and he can look at you at any time without feeling obliged to fill the silence, although I'm sure secretly sometimes he wants you to bug him when he's 'busy' so he can hear your voice and remind him you still love him. he's the type of lover that will go see you at work during his breaks so he can be motived to work harder so he can treat you more.
Boyfriend! Wonjin is not only your boyfriend but also your best friend. Definitely the type to spam your messages with memes he thought were funny. 'who are you meeting? I thought I was your only friend' turns out it was your mum or something anyway and he was right. one day you both realise you have no photos together so you go on adventure to take the most stupidest photos you can so you can actually prove you're dating to other people. the type of relationship other people are jealous of because you guys always laugh the loudest at each others jokes. the type of relationship where when in a room with others, you both have an entire conversation with your just your eyes.
Boyfriend! Minhee is the type of lover to remember every small detail about you. he won't remember your birthday and he definitely won't remember your anniversary but he'll remember your favourite flower or the time you spent an extra few minutes too long looking at a pair of shoes and proceed to buy them for you on your birthday. he's the type to take you away from a party early because he knows you hate loud noises and he's not really bothered either.
Boyfriend! Hyeongjun is the type who always matches your energy no matter what. when you're happy he's at his happiest. when you're sad that makes him even more sad. he loves surprising you with new dates or gifts, big or small because he loves to see you happy so much. the type to have Pinterest and saves ideas, or if something will catch his eye he'll take a picture and send it to you. you have your happiest highs and biggest laughs with Hyeongjun but you've also had the most comfort when sad from him too. boyfriend Hyeongjun gives the best hugs (canon!)
Boyfriend! Taeyoung loves everything you love. you're his person, so whatever hobby you're hyper-obsessed with he will also become obsessed with. if you're really big on a current artist or show, no matter if it's not his cup of tea, he will watch/ listen/ research the thing so you're able to talk to someone about it. you're obsessed with bees? every time he sees something bee related he'll at least take a photo and send it to you 'hey, I saw this bubble bee doorstop in the store today. I don't know if you need a doorstop but I bought it you anyway'.
Boyfriend! Seongmin is the type of lover to share his everything with you. his personal life, his favourite moments. Seongmin would be the type of lover to see you as the other half of him. so that means the things he enjoys, his favourite things. if he's enjoying a show he wants you to also watch that show because he wants you to feel the happiness you felt. he's definitely to type to make small matching bracelets and want to wear matching clothes with him.
I am more than happy to expand on any of these btw! I had so much fun writing them <3
I want boyfriend Minhee and Wonjin ngl
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dre6ming · 2 years
The delicate beginning rush
Instagram photo dump
Chapter I , II & III
Instagram photo dump masterlist
Instagram photo dump II
To be added to the tag list click here
Thank you @oh-austin for paving the way to telling a story this way. <I’m sorry if me tagging you keeps being annoying, but I don’t want to take credit for an idea that you inspired>
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Liked by tchalamet , roxanne.02_b1tch and 1.233.009 others.
y/n4real.2002 I wish the happiest of birthdays to my one true soulmate roxanne.02_b1tch. 20 looks so hot 🥵 on you.
roxanne.02_b1tch love you bitch, best birthday ever, thank you babes. 😜
↳y/n4real.2002: haha glad you liked it, cheers to tchalamet for helping me hang the balloons
↳tchalamet: y/n4real.2002 glad to be of help, u two are the craziest duo I know. My crazy girls
↳roxanne.02_b1tch: tchalamet aww we love you too 💓
↳fan45: this trio never gets boring.
↳tcfan4: them dancing and Timmy in the back it’s the best content
billieeilish: aghh so mad I couldn’t make it, love you
↳y/n4real.2002: billieeilish we missed you 😭😭
↳roxanne.02_b1tch: billieeilish we did a karaoke battle of your songs, missed you lots 💜💜
↳fan4839: these girls are the ‘it’ people right now
↳billiefan: we need more pictures of these three
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Liked by y/n4real.2002, billieeillish and 987.675 others
roxanne.02_b1tch #throwback to new year’s, crazy night, we were definitely sober ( for legal reasons 😉) . Photo credit: tchalamet
y/n4real.2002: 🤫 definitely sober. Thanks tchalamet for picture, this was for sure the most PG one 😬
↳roxanne.02_b1tch: y/n4real.2002 damn gurl shut the front door
↳billieeilish: 🚔
↳y/n4real.2002: 🤣🤣🤣
↳fan384: damn I’m so in love with this 🤣🤣
tchalamet: hahaha happy to capture this amazing moment 💜 girls ;)
↳roxanne.02_b1tch: tchalamet we love you darlin’
↳y/n4real.2002: tchalamet best parties are u you 💓
tcfan2: what a time to be alive. These kids be entertaining me so much
↳fan1: omg yesss they are so iconic
↳billiefan393: not them making Timmy take a picture of them in the bathtub
↳tcfan12: icons
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Liked by orlandobloom, fan183 and 1.367.880others
y/n4real.2002 back when filming for Reconstructing Amelia, what a time…what a time… I miss the entire cast and can’t wait to see them at the Oscars in a few weeks, thank you theacademy for the nominations still feels a bit unreal. #tbt #oscarawards
orlandobloom: can’t wait to see you and congrats to the entire team
↳y/n4real.2002: excited to see you and Katy, give little Daisy a kiss for me 🥰
↳fan1: this is soo amazing can’t wait to see them all together, hope they win
fan26: blonde suits you for sure
↳fan90: omg yeah she looks so good
↳hater27: ugh no she doesn’t, she looks washed out
↳fan282: hater27 missed where people asked for ur opinion
tchalamet: that pasta was by far the most disgusting thing I’ve ever consumed, never letting you cook.
↳y/n4real.2002: asshole 😤 and to think I wrote you a whole song. roxanne.02_b1tch care to take his place?
↳roxanne.02_b1tch: tchalamet oh how I’ve waited for you to mess up so I can be crowned bff no 1 🦾🦾
↳tchalamet: roxanne.02_b1tch don’t gloat for too long, I’m coming back for my spot
↳y/n4real.2002: tchalamet I’ll be waiting…
↳fan282: this comment section is the best thing I’ve read today
austinbutler: good luck, crossing my fingers for you
↳y/n4real.2002: thank you, doing the same for you next year 😉
↳abfan23: Austin commented you guys 😭😭
↳fan10.2: no but I do ship them soo bad
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Liked by y/n4real.2002, zendaya and 1.393.939others
tchalamet: barely made it out alive to J.F.K airport today, good thing you act better than you drive. #oscarsmonth can’t wait, crossing my fingers for my sweet little sis y/n4real.2002. Oh yeah and for my movie too #dune 😬 sry
tcfan29: not him being more excited for her than for himself 😭😭
↳fan4g: the best big bro ever, he’s so excited for her.
↳fan.203: my god this is so sweet
y/n4real.2002: for sure sending that Venmo request for gas money. No way I drove a hater like you for free. But yes, congrats to us, so exciting💓
↳tchalamet: y/n4real.2002 you know you love me, plus I don’t know if I count that as driving.
↳y/n4real.2002: hate all you want, you know my driving is safe
↳tchalamet: barely…
↳tcfan.23: noooo don’t kill Timmy, Y/n we beg of you😭😭
fan.3.x: how did he manage such a sweet post by complimenting and insulting her at the same time, idk
↳tcfan.2: a true king of sass
↳tcfan.love: for sure a king
zendaya: damn did you really forget about OUR movie?!! Way to do Tim, way to go…
↳tchalamet: I’m sorry I can’t help it I’m such a loser.
↳y/n4real.2002: haha zandaya forgive him, his brain his still shaken from our drive :))
↳tcfam23: my god this is more and more entertaining everyday
↳zfan.2: my queen came to call bullshit🥰😉
Tags: @kittenlittle24 @amorx @cryingabtab @lexicox044 @lrissa @feral4austinbutler @sageskywalker @jesssssicaa @rainydayz101 @flwersgarden @bobthefishiesworld @captured-memory @homebodybirkin2003 @galaxygirl453 @butlerslut @chrisevansgirl34 @myradiaz @pennyroyalcreep @macey234 @im-lame-irl @lordandmistress @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @poppet05 @gabbywontlose @4shbug @0-thegoodwitch-0 @hauntedarchivesx @chewiethecatus @sunnyx07 @francesbloomer @jessaroni19 @finelineskies @stargirlbytheweekend @cerenaydins-blog @girlblogger2002 @gigisworldsstuff @my-baexht-Is @xmusselisims @denised916 @bluepeacheslandia @kibumslatina @samaraannhan20 @goldobsessionworld @silliypapercreatorangle @cmrxac @donnamarie23 @justarandomfamdomblog @marlowmode @natsnosehair @xxgggooomm @banksmars
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izzyhughess · 4 months
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liked by jackhughes, sarabhowe, trevorzegras, and 592k others
izzyhughes happy 23rd birthday to my favorite person ever. idek where to start. jack you are my best friend, my rock, my reason for everything. i love you more than life and i can’t wait to spend the rest of mine with you. everything ive done has been for you. these past almost 8 years have been the best of my life. you’re crazy and make me do the most insane shit ever but i wouldn’t have it any other way. i’m so lucky to be able to spend this day, this life, with you. if you know me, you know jack. you know that i’ve never been normal about him and i don’t think i ever will be. happiest birthday to my pretty boy, my fiance, jack.
tagged: jackhughes
view all 638 comments
jackhughes i love you so much izzy i’ll cry
| izzyhughes ur my fav i love u
trevorzegras OH MY GOD??
| izzyhughes hehehehe
sarabhowe this was so sweet it might’ve topped mine
| izzyhughes yours was so cute i loved it
| jackhughes might be biased here but i’m gonna go with the birthday/engagement announcement this year
| trevorzegras @jackhughes i agree 100% honestly
| sarabhowe @trevorzegras i know where you sleep.
ehugs oh my gosh!! i’m so happy for you two!!
| izzyhughes thank you mama!! i love you!!
lhughes_06 not what i was expecting to open instagram to but congrats!
| izzyhughes thank u pukey i miss you
colecaufield WOAH when did this happen??
| jackhughes it actually happened a while ago
user42 oh my god??
user71 was not expecting an engagement announcement at the end of this post but was not disappointed
| izzyhughes hehehe
_quinnhughes at least now your username will be true
_quinnhughes i’m happy for you guys!
| jackhughes thank you bro
| izzyhughes thank u huggy i miss you.
| user53 WOAH two quinn comments?? who paid him.
| izzyhughes @user53 shhhh
user92 so no one’s gonna talk about how they’ve been engaged for a while now..? okay.
| sarabhowe they’ve been together for almost 8 years now.. kinda expected.
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bahnggreen · 2 years
Stray Kids: one shots, series, masterlist, reccomendations ֶָ֢ ·͜·
One shots
Untie. (s) On Bangchan’s birthday, Hyunjin gifts him the best birthday gift he could present to him, and that gift is you.
pay me // s.cb you're having the worst month of your life: you got dumped by your ex, lost your job and now your car has broken down. luckily, the mechanic knows a way for you to repay him.
B00Bs l.k not boobs in general; he’s more of a personality first, body second kind of guy. he loves your boobs, because he loves you.
raspberry sour // b.c after having a few too many drinks at your boyfriend's party you decide to sleep it off in his room. but your alcohol-riddled brain takes a wrong turn and you end up in chan's bed instead. don't worry, though; he will take good care of you.
track 01 — come over (feat. seungmin) the one where seungmin has more to offer than the answers to your finals
Pillow prince // b.c Summary: chan is tired and misses you so much it hurts. he thought he could wait another few weeks till the world tour ends before he could finally meet you again. but things happen and he finds himself needing you stronger than ever.
MINI SKIRT; YANG JEONGIN synopsis. jeongin is trying to remain the sane secure boyfriend, but you decided to wear the worlds most shortest skirt to dinner and he can't stand the way jisung is looking at you.
SUMMARY. you’ve been friends with hannah bang since forever, meaning that you would spend some time at her house and her at yours. your parents weren’t home so you decided to have a sleepover at the bang’s house but you got sick and couldn’t go with them to a family party. you decide to chill out and ended up in chan’s room, falling asleep as you were remembering some memories. but he came home unexpectedly…
just love me for me hj. synopsis: Hyunjin is tired of all the failed dates. He’s tired of people only wanting him for his looks or for his wealth. He just wants someone to love him for him. Hyunjin fails to see that person has been by his side all along.
Troublemaker bc. lf. x reader Summary: You live to tease your two friends during dance practice. Chan seems to finally had enough of your flirting and wants to give you a taste of your own medicine in his own way.
the enemies to lovers project | lee minho 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨'𝘴 𝘱𝘴𝘺𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘺 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦 -- 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘺, 𝘭𝘦𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘩𝘰, 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘵. 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳, 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥.
The Club bc. Synopsis: Friends to lovers such a cute trope... in theory. You go to the club with your two best friends and the clueless man you love, your roommate Chan. Will you be able to stand watching him hook up with yet another flawless girl that you could never compare to or are you finally at the end of your rope.
Kinkuary 17 Han Jisung — anonymous sex // restraint summary: Y/N has always wondered what it would be like to have sex with a total stranger and agrees to meet up with a stranger off the internet, like a total dumbass.
STILL STRESSED? — BANG CHAN ¡📍summary: being chan's best friend = being the happiest person on earth, he always do everything to make you happy, so you decide to do the same when he's beyond stressed.
i saw you and i knew | jeongin | summary- it had been 5 years since you last saw jeongin, your longtime crush. now you both have ended up in the same college away from your hometowns. it’s got to be more than a coincidence, right?
Stray Kids Masterlist
Lix-ables masterlist
SKZ Sunshineseung Masterlist
Seospicybin Masterlist
MASTERLIST SSFW straylightdream
BangChan Masterlist
SKZ MASTERLIST Straylightdream
Hardstraykidshours masterlist
Charmercharm3r masterlist
Planet-dusk masterlist
Strayngesparkyds masterlist
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❀― ...[𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰]◌ೄ 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
BangChan Fics Recommendations
One series //OT8
the girl in my memories //HJ
Jealousy is //OT8
my side | bang chan smau
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crystalcatgamer · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tag by @havenotwillnotreadthebooks, lo, Kefi!
How many works do you have on AO3?
122 🎵 I’ve orphaned and deleted a few along the years, though.
What fandoms do you write for?
Uhhhh. Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (ORV), Boboiboy, Jujutsu Kaisen and more. Currently really, really fixated on One Piece though I haven’t written fic yet, but am cooking so much toxic doomed brothers food (Donquixote Bros)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Vis la goddamn DSMP phase always going to be my biggest mark in the world. Excluding discontinued fics and stuff I’m not happy with anymore for now…
Run, run (Here comes the boy) 1415 kudos
May the odds (Be ever in your favour) 1203 kudos
There are days where I don’t know the person in the mirror (And there are days I don’t care) 1161 kudos
Hold you in my hands like hot tea 1155 kudos
Knowing I’m safe cause you want me 1052 kudos (A sequel to fourth place!)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to every single comment I can, though sometimes I might miss some! I’ll catch them months later lmao. It’s always fun to chat with ppl about what’s in my fic
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back. This is an ORV fic, doomed Doksoo (beloved) and since it’s canon compliant… yeah. ‘Twas full of angst that came from love.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The deep blue of summer nights. This was a cute ORV fic born of me wanting to write Secretive Plotter’s birthday being celebrated by ABFD, SWK and Uriel! They’re my fav rare dynamic
Do you get hate on fics?
I think the closest I got was some discourse on my DSMP fic? To be expected, and it was cleared up soon enough!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I did like years ago lmao, tucked into the depths of the internet. Definitely not on main, for this is a family friendly account sir. It was fun in a way but also I hated writing it most of the time??? More of a reader than a writer I would say. As for what kind… while, I wrote what I liked ☆
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I HAVE THREE (3) CROSSOVERS AND THEY’RE BOTH WITH JUJUTSU KAISEN. Maybe I’m more insane over JJK then I thought I was. In my defence they’re easy to cross. Okay so basically my craziest one is this ORV X JJK one (Something blue, something new) in which I wrote the ship Kim Dokja x Gojo Satoru because I was commissioned to
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope and I hope I never do!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not, but as long as people ask first I’m always open to it.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A FNAF fic I wrote with Kefi (the one who pinged me for this game): Many vegetables, one soup, and a work full of original poems with @thenamelesshaven: You are made of the sea and the stars (and one day you are going to find yourself again)
What’s your all time favourite ship?
[glances at my art gallery] Recently, LawLu from One Piece and… Sharron/Maric from Lord Of The Mysteries
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
We Shouldn’t Be This Kind Of Tired At Our Age! An ORV fic featuring Yoo Mia witnessing Yoo Joonghyuk’s changes with every turn!
What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhh. Being able to churn out stuff at the speed of light. And writing angst (lol)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually having a proper outline, ehe. It’s why I usually write one-shots.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Uhhhh I? Might do it some day? I’m just a bilingual guy who barely passed Chinese. It’s cool when other people who know what they’re writing about do it in their fics tho.
First fandom you wrote for?
Ehe. VIS LA BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA (MY HERO ACADEMIA) but the fic’s been orphaned to the void ✌🏻
Favourite fic you’ve written?
Woah. Tough question, scrambling for it… this one! when I look in his eyes, well, I just see the sky. It’s a Black Butler fic I wrote recently for Whumptober (2023), Elizabeth Midford centric! I love her a lot <3
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laslow · 1 year
"Happppyyy birthday, Inigo!"
He popped his head in-between Olivia and Inigo, arms raised, cape aloof, to reveal…. nothing of note. Just a set of happy little jazz hands.
"They call babies happy accidents, but that wasn't the case here, was it? Since you came into our lives, you've been my happiest purpose~"
His beaming could have taken a few eyes out, but even he couldn't help it if his smile had a mind of its own. Peeping over to his wife's soft fretting, he hummed to himself, pretending to be none the wiser.
"I thiiiink, you're looking for -- 🎵"
With an eloquent flick of his wrist, a bangle with three gemstones inlayed emerged from thin air. A cheap parlor trick, but it was cute, wasn't it?
"Ta daaa! Your mother's choice!"
And a quick snap of his other hand revealed a bouquet, with some gangly gladiolus flowers handwrapped in scrapped scrolls. Charmed to hold their color for a couple years longer. "Annnnnd mine!"
"Nya ha ha, you can stick these in the ground and watch them grow."
"Just like we'll watch you grow from now on." He says, oddities giving way to something wiser than his years. His smile splits plainly, for once, and his voice draws gently from his experiences out in the big, dark world out there. "Cross my heart and hope to live."
[pt 1!]
Speechless, he can only sniffle again, brush a shoulder against his tear-stained cheek. (Are there people whispering? Giggling behind their hands at his display?)
None of it matters when Henry appears, equally as ridiculous and embarrassing as Laslow remembers. He chokes out a laugh, lips twitching into a smile a hair less wide than his father's despite himself. "Father, please--"
He doesn't release Mother's hand. It's overwhelming, realizing they'd planned for this, meant to find him on this most splendid day. How quickly he returns to feeling like a child; shy from all the attention yet invincible all the same because his parents are the ones lavishing it on him.
Pink head tilts curiously. Laslow never could master the sleight of hand--only those over-the-top flourishes he so loves to use when presenting gifts of his own.
An appropriate gasp of surprise follows both reveals. With one last squeeze, he lets go of her hand, reverently taking his gifts. The bracelet's gemstones reflect softly in the light as he tilts it this way and that in admiration. "It's beautiful, Mom. Thank you!" He plants a kiss on her cheek, then buries his nose in the flowers.
Their scent is subtle, yet no less lovely. "Thank you, Father. I know the perfect spot for these in the greenhouse."
Paper crinkles as he jostles the gifts, slipping his bracelet over a wrist before engulfing both his parents in a hug. "I missed you guys so much," he mumbles, clinging tight for as long as they'll allow.
"Best birthday ever!"
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jimiminily · 7 months
🌹𝐻𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑯𝒐𝒃𝒊 🌹
Enjoy your 30! 💜
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Happiest 30th bday hobiiii 🎂🥳💕 A day full of sunshine, when hobi came
I miss him vm like at least he's coming back in like 8 months (17 oct) AND THAT'S VERY SOON (gaslighting myself) AND HOW HE TURNED 30?!?! HE WAS LIKE 26 WHEN I GOT TO KNOW HIM TIME IS PASSING BY SO FAST 😭
He's so adorable and sweet I miss him so much I can't believe we all have to go thru this wdym he's serving in the military ???? Stay safe and happy hobi ♡♡ goodluck with your service I love you so much 🥹💜
Time will pass quickly 🫡
He also wrote a letter on weverse today ♡
" ARMY !!!!!!!!!! this is hoseok~💕🫡
this is really.. fascinating/crazy !!!! my birthday did come...😅
i thought my birthday won't come while serving in the military...
but it's already february 18th ahhahahahah!!!
what does that mean..? it means! 'time goes on...' hahahaha
it's so fascinating that i ended up rambling on. 😅🤣
anyways, this is my first and last birthday i will be spending as an army soldier...! but these days, i really feel your love and interests in a big way hehe
from the reactions from those around me to the events you were hosting, i fully felt it with my skin so i think i feel <that love and interest> more!!! it's interesting and i feel like.. my shoulder goes up too:) (meaning that he feels proud)🤩😋🤩😙
it's all because of having our ARMYs right?🫡🫡😂😂
no matter what situation, in my heart, you all are always in the center...!! it's a big part that i never forgot while promoting/working for over the 10 years. 💝
though i always express and it might not be enough, but thank so much!!
thank you so much and i love you for being our fan and jhopes fan!
thanks to you, i am not lonely this birthday too!!!
i will healthily discharge from the military and greet you cooly!!
thank you!!
-from ARMY, to ARMY- "
No way he wrote "from ARMY, to ARMY-"
Welcome to the team bud 😭 this letter is super sweet :(
And he wrote an advanced letter too for his bday!
[HobisLetter] 📬Letter from jhope
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(in image)
"happy birthday jhope ♡♡♡
it is my birthday !!! 18th of february 2024...
a lot of people will be wishing me a happy birthday then too right ??,,,, kekeke just my wish..
i think it would be good to just tell you how im doing now !!
everyone, im adjusting well and doing welll~~!!
very healthily~~ ♡♡ hahahaha
the memories of getting lots of birthday wishes from you all every birthday is clear.
ive also celebrated my birthday together with you too !!
it is a shame that i have to give my greetings in a different way because i am completing my service.. but right now in my heart, i am thinking of you guys and am have strong feelings missing you even more !!
i was able to receive so many birthday wishes and my birthday was even more meaningful because of you all. this time again, i want to convey how thankful i always am from the bottom of my heart, that much more!!
i love you, for today, let us all have a hope day~♡♡"
And guess what! He also posted an :p
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They celebrated in the military too 🥹🎂💕 have fun in your free time
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Happy 30th Birthday to the gorgeous, super talented record-breaking, history-making Million-seller rapper, singer-songwriter, dancer, record producer, choreographer & Global Icon, the One & Only j-hope who rings in his birthday, trending at #1 WORLDWIDE on /TwitterX! 👏🎂🎉🌟🐐👑💜
j-hope rose to fame as the main Rapper of BTS, the Biggest band in the world! He is a hugely successful Solo Artist in his own right and one of the Best K-act performers, always paving the way! He was the first K-soloist to enter the “Top 100 Most Followed Artists” on Spotify, the first K-Soloist to surpass 16 Million followers and the most followed on Spotify for many years (now 2nd)! He's the 1st K-soloist to debut an album (Jack in the box) with over 60Million streams and the 1st k-Soloist to have 3 albums surpassing 500 Million streams on Spotify! j-hope is also the 1st South Korean Artist in history to headline a major US music festival "Lollapalooza" and the highest ticket- selling artist in Lollapalooza’s history! With his song "on the street" J-Hope is the 1st Asian Act to enter the Top 10 of the Billboard R&B/Hip-Hop Digital Song Sales Year End Chart and the 1st member of BTS to earn a top-40 entry on the UK Singles Chart following its debut at #37, setting a new record as the highest-charting Korean soloist in the history of the chart at the time! j-hope ties PSY as the 4th K-act with the most #1 hits in World Digital Song Sales chart history after BTS! j-hope's solo discography including his songs under BTS has achieved 1,500 #1's on iTunes! He ties Suga as the Rapper with the most songs with over 100 x #1s on iTunes! His first solo mixtape, 'Hope World', in 2018 peaked at #38 on the US Billboard 200, breaking the record for the highest-charting album by a K- soloist at the time. He became the 1st member of BTS to enter the Billboard Hot 100 as a soloist in 2019, with his single "Chicken Noodle Soup", ft BeckyG, which debuted at #81. In 2022, J-Hope's chart-topping debut studio album 'Jack in the Box', scored the 5th biggest Album debut among K-soloists in history! J-hope is also the 1st K-Act to headline Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve in 2022!
j-hope has received 30 nominations and has won numerous awards including a Golden Disc Award in 2023, a Korean Hip Hop Award in 2023 for Best R& B track for "Rush Hour" with Crush and 2 MAMA Awards in 2022 including Most Popular Male Artist! In 2018, he was awarded the fifth-class Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit by the President of South Korea and in 2021, he was appointed Special Presidential Envoy for Future Generations and Culture by President Moon Jae-in to help "lead the global agenda for future generations, such as sustainable growth" and "expand South Korea's diplomatic efforts and global standing" in the international community!
Further cementing him as one of the most influential K-figures globally.
And guess what!!!! >< he will release a new special album!!!!! BigHit just announced it!
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"We are pleased to announce the release of “HOPE ON THE STREET VOL.1,” a special album by BTS member j-hope.
“HOPE ON THE STREET VOL.1” is a special album featuring a total of six tracks and will be released alongside “HOPE ON THE STREET,” a docuseries that trails j-hope’s dance journey.
Please join j-hope as he looks back on his dance journey by listening to “HOPE ON THE STREET VOL.1” and watching the “HOPE ON THE STREET” docuseries.
*Release Date: 1 PM, Friday, March 29, 2024 (KST)"
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Cast Reveal #3 - Antigua - Old School
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First Survivor Season: TS Montenegro (June 2019)
Intro: 28. zilennial. enfj. begrudgingly a morning person and a glass half full person. is happiest cuddling & sleeping in bed or on a roadtrip. writer & poet. humanistic spiritual interpreter. professional ipad baby. the most taylor swift hating taylor swift listener. happiest zero vote finalist. moved cross country recently and is still adjusting to being in CST after a lifetime of PST. cries pretty easily after a lifetime of repressed emotions so don't take it personally. a little pretentious about how much they love music but definitely not in music taste. in a perpetual state of grief & love. misses the beach.
Three Words to Describe You: Effervescent, passionate, creative
Hobbies and Passions: Writing, collaging. Playing online Catan and some video games like Overwatch, Mario Kart, etc. Reading tarot and astrological charts. Pointless debates. Finding humor in everything (genuinely). Going on long drives. Going to the beach. Making playlists for people I love.
What You're Most Proud Of: Myself and how far I've come after all I survive and keep surviving.
Why You'll Win: I think 3rd time may actually be the charm!
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First Survivor Season: Stings Tierra del Fuego (July 2020)
Intro: Howdy party people, my name is Maddison and I’m super excited to (potentially) play with all of you! This is about as exciting as my tinder profile, so I’ll notably mention my love for basketball and being a plant mother. I’m a 26 y/o lil bisexual and I work in marketing (thrilling!)
Three Words to Describe You: silly, goofy, cowboy
Hobbies and Passions: listening to live music, watching women’s sports & anything outdoors!
What You're Most Proud Of: Leaving my small, rural hometown and building a life for myself that feels authentic and open to possibility.
Why You'll Win: I can win this game because I am open, adaptive and flexible to others gameplay.
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First Survivor Season: Athena Azores (July 2017)
Intro: I'm Raffy. I wasn't planning on playing a game so soon after, but it is Jay hosting and I love them. So here I am again to make a fool of myself.
Three Words to Describe You: Prideful, Sentimental, Bold
Hobbies and Passions: Reading, writing, and playing video games
What You're Most Proud Of: I am most proud of my senior thesis I wrote in university. It taught me a lot about where my skills as a writer lies and the joy of research. I’m actually working towards creating more analytical essays on some of my favorite TV shows and video games (though I still have to get around to it)!
Why You'll Win: Because I am headstrong and determined to do my best in everything!
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First Survivor Season: Supreme Madagascar (February 2016)
Intro: Hey y’all! I’m Steven and I’m a Florida guy without the Florida vibes. I work as a line cook and love Pokémon, board games, and reality tv. It’s also my birthday month so please be nice to me
Three Words to Describe You: Optimistic, competitive, opinionated
Hobbies and Passions: Watching reality tv, Pokémon, and baking
What You're Most Proud Of: That I am able to always push myself to overcome what scares me and grow as a person from it
Why You'll Win: I know what I am successful at and hopefully can balance the things I struggle with to make my way to the end
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First Survivor Season: TS Kiwayu (March 2015)
Intro: Hi kids it’s everyone’s fave elusive icon back from the grave to play again! Currently using she/her pronouns and am a fresh crispy 26 years of age! Unfortunate facts about me include that I’m a swiftie, I identify as a slytherin in ironically, and i’m mentally stuck in 2004! 🫶🏼 Excited to dust off the ole brain cells and play again with everyone!
Three Words to Describe You: Kooky, Kwazy, and Kunty (can i say that?)
Hobbies and Passions: Spin/the gym in general, reading, and arts and crafts 🫶🏼
What You're Most Proud Of: My fiancé and I recently bought property in the year 2023 and we never thought that would happen so that’s probably my most proud moment 💅🏼
Why You'll Win: Because I’m funny but also snakey and everyone loves the mean one with the good one liners
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crescendeyes · 1 year
turning 30.
7 July - I went to Terry's wedding in hopes to repay all his kindness and love he has showered me over the past couple of years. I have never been more thankful for someone eventhough I've rejected him for more 20 times in the past 2 years.
Going to Brunei for the first time, not knowing anybody; I was destined to stick by the groom through this very challenging time for him. Why did you ask? Well, his wedding is what we would call "a shotgun wedding" aka unexpected pregnancy.
Context: Terry and Rachel got pregnant after dating for 4 months and decided to be good christian families and marry each other.
The entire wedding was honestly interesting, not only was I pushed in different directions to look for a new bf from his family members but Terry himself teased me by asking me if I wanna find a Bruneian boyfriend. It got pretty exhausting and tiring after awhile, I even yelled at him to stfu for the 5th time.
Low and behold, I met Bryant, omg Bryant. LOL.
Both Bryant and Ryan (the groomsmen) were tasked to "take care of me" during the wedding dinner cause Terry would never be able to anyway. He was far too busy getting high off his tits and drunk to even care bout me - so I understand and oblige.
Bryant was the first dude I really noticed cause, well, he was the only other dude covered in tattoos and he looked somewhat normal compared to the other jarringly Bruneian Chinese people there. But the INFJ in me was strong, I was too shy to say hi or introduce myself. Funny thing is, so was Bryant.
Of course, extroverted Ryan (his bestie) decided to walk up to me and introduce themselves to me (thankgod) cause I wouldn't have done it myself.
TLDR: We ended up getting pretty fucked up and blacked out for most of the wedding. Turns out Bryant and I were pretty close the entire night (we didn't remember a single thing). We spent the night knocked out on my bed cause Bryant had a flat tyre sending me back to my hotel.
But who could blame him? I mean look at me I'm gorgeous LOL. OK, jokes aside, we did end up spending the rest of my days in Brunei together cause Terry ended up in the doghouse with Rachel for the 2 nights after seemingly abandoning her at their own wedding and attempting to kiss me (you cannot make this shit up guys).
Upon leaving the country, I found myself missing Bryant and wishing we had more than a couple of days together....we spoke bout this for 2 nights in a row after I left and he decided to fly down after.
The reason was simple:
My birthday celebration - she turned 30 guys haha
To spend more time and explore what this could potentially be
My birthday wasn't something to shout about. It didn't really matter to me how I celebrated being 30 but it mattered who was there for it. I had an amazing time either way cause Bryant was there. I really think losing Aaron was a manifestation of what Bryant came to be in my life.
Someone who is unexpected, calm, kind and caring. OMG I don't think I have ever been more in love. My heart swells in the happiest manner when I talk to him eventhough it is thru the phone. It was amazing.
Come my actual birthday, I had to fly off to Copenhagen with my family and I was DREADING it. I wish I could back out of this truly. I wish I could just take the 2 weeks I am off to spend it with Bryant anywhere I want. I wish I could just do it.
Bryant said he would be home at mine when I come back cause thats how much he misses me too. And for the love of God, bless this man cause eventhough we are doing LDR it doesn't feel like it.
So, work is shitty but turning 30 brought in an unexpected love I didn't think I would find <3
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husbandhoshi · 2 years
i love your blog though and i miss messaging and seeing how everything is going :( but since the last time i messaged i’m now in a relationship! it’s the most fun and happiest i’ve ever had/felt and they’re definitely making life better to manage with what life likes to throw at us :} ngl i was a little nervous sending a message bc i didn’t think you would remember me 😭 i’m glad that you remembered though and i’m hoping on sticking around much more often now that spring break is approaching for me too!! i forgot how fun tumblr can sometimes be when you’re in the right environment and i feel like your blog and the community you have feels like we’re all kinda besties in a way but also not in a weird creepy way sbdbsjd but i hope your spring break goes well and hopefully it’ll be so much fun <33 and i’m excited to hear about your birthday celebrations when the time comes and how it goes :}
sending you all the love <3 -🦭
omg thats wonderful!!!! i’m so happy for you! how’d you guys meet??? how long has it been?
and nooo ahh ofc i would remember you!! and thank you for the kind words i rlly appreciate it 🥺 people ofc get busy and life comes first but it’s always nice when i hear back from old friends. i’m glad i can be that space for you and im always always happy to see you in my notifs!!! yes im manifesting a rlly fun break for you too i hope it’s restful and you make a lot of wonderful memories 💞
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jadeittic · 2 years
HS + Y/I: 2022 (SERIES)
WARNINGS: girl is back from the dead..... swearing(?), basically your ordinary ig comments
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liked by yourinstagram, sydneysweeney, aarontaylorjohnson, and 3,726,382 others
loganlerman A true model, I see.
tagged: yourinstagram
view all 34,253 comments
username shes so gorgeous what the fuck
username charlie kelmeckis and sam button reunion ❤️❤️❤️
username < yn and logan 3
username logan will u introduce me to her plz sir
username guys shes looking at me
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liked by harrylambert, camimendez, emmalouisecorrin, and 4,255,892 others
harrystyles HS + Y/I. YN LN.
view all 36,637 comments
castanedawong Drop dead gorgeous.
yourinstagram i look so rich
username saying that like you arent
username she knows what shes doing
abbycowen would leave anyone for u
username notice how shes staring at me 😳😳 she loves me fr
username sorry but shes looking at me…
username WIFE. MY WIFE.
username m-m-m-mommy…?
username oh my gosh i swear i had my clothes on a second ago. where did they go? wtf
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liked by louispartridge, sofialillis, julesleblanc, and 1,658,361 others
yourinstagram stream hs + y/i 😊 thanks
view all 53,162 comments
emmalouisecorrin beautiful beautiful girl <33 oh you look good too, harry
username YN AND EMMA 🙇
username i have hs + y/i on repeat rn i cant get enough of this album
username oh my gosh his arms. choke me with them sir
nattyiceofficial god youre both so gorgeous
username someone’s going to france tn, and that someone is named me
username i stopped breathing
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liked by username, and 11,365 others
harrystylesupdates harry styles seen at a restaurant with yn ln, logan lerman, and ana corrigan for yn’s bday!!
view all 3,912 comments
username ynrry in public again?!?!?! my life is complete
username oh my god!!! its great to see him again!
username why does this man look so lost
username me when my mom needs to get more stuff but im already next in line at the cashier
username HES SOOOOOO
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liked by analuisacorrigan, loganlerman, conangray, 3,470,238 others
yourinstagram sucks to be a third wheel today 😔 good thing i have haz with me
tagged: analuisacorrigan, loganlerman
view all 46,927 comments
username logan and ana are so cute
username power couple
username HAPPY 28TH BABY
zendaya happy happy birthday sweetheaaartttt!! - tom and z
username YN LN IS 28 GUYSSSS
username this is so cute what the actual fuck
username manifesting birthday posts from so many celebs (and the boys) 😊
analuisacorrigan happy birthdaaayyyy, yn!!!! logan and i are so glad you spent your birthday with us and harry! love you sooo much<3
username totally not bashing my head rn
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liked by momonatamada, peytonlist, simuliu, and 5,873,255 others
zayn Happy 28th to (still) the most annoying person I know. I hope you had the best day today. I just wanted to say that you’re one of the best people to enter in my life.
I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss those stupid and corny jokes you’d shout for everyone to barge into the room and hear what you have to say. Or when you purposely forget a clothing or item so we would be late for late for events.
I miss you a lot, YN. We miss you a lot. Gigi, Khai, and I love you lots. Happiest 28th, YN x
tagged: yourinstagram
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yourinstagram love love love u so so much zaynnnnn<3333 wanna see u and the two soon ❤️
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liked by zayn, clairo, mrdrdawson, and 4,262,746 others
niallhoran Guess whattttt! It’s YN’s birthday!!! You’re now 28. I hope your back doesn’t start to hurt soon, we wouldn’t want to hear you complain about that now, do we? It’s your day today, love! I want you to enjoy it the best you can. I’m forever grateful for everything you’ve ever done to the boys and I. You are the nicest person anyone would talk to, even if you’re mad.
Thank you thank you thank youuuuu YN for entering my life. I wouldn’t know what to do if you weren’t here since day 1. No one will ever replace you. Love youuuu and happy birthday ❤️
tagged: yourinstagram
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liked by dualipa, harrystyles, tchalamet, and 5,284,381 others
louist91 It’s someone’s day today! You’re almost reaching your thirties, YN. I’m so glad I got close with you and became your best friend back then with no problems. I will always be looking forward to your salty cookies, your overcooked and dried cakes you somehow always manage to ruin every single time.
Just a quick message: Please don’t change, YN. Don’t let anyone change you, not even the media. Just so you know, we’re always here for you. The boys and I are here to help you. You don’t know how much you mean to me. Happy happy birthday, YN! Hope to see you soon. ❤️
tagged: yourinstagram
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yourinstagram totally not crying rn. totally not crying over you message lou. totally not. love u sm it hurts
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liked by 5sos, zendaya, mckennagraceful, and 4,183,487 others
liampayne It’s this lady’s birthday today! I can’t believe you’re 28 already. I remember you saying you wouldn’t want to age older than 23.
YN, your capability keep me out of problems has been one of the greatest attributes I appreciate a lot about you. I still remember back in the days when we were still in the band and how you kept the staff very busy with your naughty antics. I wouldn’t want to ask for anything more. Have a wonderful birthday, YN. Happiest 28th.
tagged: yourinstagram
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yourinstagram paynooooooo ❤️❤️❤️ this is probably the sweetest message you’ve written to me in our whole years of knowing each other. miss you smmm!
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liked by louist91, mrsamclaflin, anyataylorjoy, and 5,636,193 others
harrystyles Happy birthday to the coolest person I know. You’ve been there since day 1 and i’m very thankful of that. Good friends are always hard to find. Thank god I found you. You mean very much to me more than you’ll ever know. I remember when you invited me and the boys to your first ever solo concert. God, you were nervous. You didn’t know how to sing in front of all those people without us beside you.
And look at you now, hitting awards here and there. Hell, you’re now performing with me in a few days! I’m so proud of the person you’ve become, YN. I hope you never change. Love youuu and happy 28th birthday, YN ❤️
tagged: yourinstagram
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yourinstagram i dont even have the words to reply to all the messages all of you sent me today. i love you all so much i cant explain it ❤️
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ynupdates yn ln via ig story!
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lovecanyon · 3 years
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last show, long island.
dad!harry x reader.
It was a particular sappy day. During rehearsal Harry repeatedly sang Kiwi three times, not wanting to end the last rehearsal of the U.S leg of tour. But he had to.
The night before he shed tears to his girlfriend because everything went by so fast and he wanted to stay in the moment forever.
On the other hand Y/N was slightly grateful that they could finally settle down but she couldn’t lie and say that she wasn’t going to miss dancing with his fans.
Call her selfish but she wanted him all to herself.
When it hits six thirty Harry starts to change out of his causal clothes and into his custom outfit made by Gucci. He stares distractedly at his girlfriend breastfeeding his son as he gets ready.
She was such a heavenly woman.
Sarah and Mitch left their child with Mitch’s parents because they were staying with them for a while after tour was over. His mom offered to watch Beau but Harry immediately declined respectfully because he needed his son with him at the most important night of tour.
“Thanks for coming tonight again darling.” Harry speaks up as he puts on his rings. He was always grateful to have a woman especially someone like Y/N with him.
He always knew he was out of her league and in reality he was. She was a well known activist and both her parents were prominent people political world so her being with a rockstar didn’t make sense to the public.
Harry was worried that she would get hate but instead he got it. He’s heard it all before but it coming from the relationship he was the most happiest in hurt.
He remembers getting into a huge fight with her about a dumb article which ended up with him sobbing in her lap on the kitchen floor.
But deep down inside he knew they loved each other especially their bundle of joy.
“It’s nothing H, I wanted to come.” Y/N smiles at a shirtless Harry walking towards her. The baby below her let’s out a gurgle signaling that he was done feeding. “Can you burp him please. I need to change.”
“Of course pet.” 
Right away he grabs the burp cloth throwing it over his shoulder before grabbing Beau who was making grabby hands to him. Y/N goes to Harry’s clothing rack where his stylist Lambert left her clothes that Alessandro Michelle styled especially for her to match her boyfriend.
A couple of days prior she threw him a birthday party with the help of her dad’s. without the designer harry and Y/N probably wouldn’t have met.
She changes out of Harry’s damn hoodie and her crochet shorts —. She takes off her nursing bra before slipping on her dress —. The new mom has never experienced her breasts leaking but during the midst of her boyfriend’s tour she was horrified.
Y/N didn’t know that breast milk was seeping through her shirt until she was pulled aside by Sarah. After that she was introduced to breast pads to stop the leaking from showing. The drummer was truly a life saver,
Harry went out and bought a bunch for her after finding out the situation to make her feel more comfortable. He cared for her so much.
After slipping the pads inside the dress she walks over to Harry who was patting their Beau’s back. Suddenly a huge burp comes out of him making them burst out laughing.
“Damn little guy.” Y/N beams making Harry grin at her. He starts to rock Beau to sleep making her dim the lights before softly sitting down next to her boys.
It doesn’t take that long until Beau is passed out against his father’s bare chest. He always goes to sleep faster with Harry. it was a habit that Y/N didn’t mind.
He quietly gets up and gently puts his son down in the bassinet before moving to wrap his arms around his girlfriend’s waist.
“You looks so fucking gorgeous.” He growls into her neck biting into her skin making her laugh. “So. Fucking. Flawless.” He grabs her jaw kissing her in between each word.
“I love you.” Y/N grins biting her lip as she wraps her arms around his neck pulling herself closer into his warm chest.
“I love you more.” He mumbles leaning his forehead against her’s. She shakes her head before pressing her lips against his. Not even a couple seconds into the kiss a soft knock comes from the door. He groans lowly at her pushing him away.
“Go get it.”
Y/N turns around making Harry slap her ass. A sharp breath comes out of her as he laughs walking to the door. Jeff was revealed on the other side making him move out of the way so he could walk in before shutting it.
“You ready yet. They need you in the box.” Jeff whispers to Harry aware of the sleeping baby in the room.
“Yeah I just need to put on my vest then I’ll be ready.” He mumbles walking to the rack where his clothes were hung. He grabs the vest off the hanger and puts the article of clothing on.
He looks at Y/N through the mirror who was putting on her heels —. She looked like a fucking goddess that he couldn’t take his eyes off of.
Harry had to get dragged out by Jeff because he didn’t want to leave his girlfriend. He rushed out when she whispered that he would get an reward tonight if he would be good. He obviously obliged.
Y/N goes out right when Golden starts to play. Gemma whom she met up with earlier was waiting for her along with Glenne. The three of them screamed and jumped up and down when they saw each other.
It may be the last show but it was the happiest night ever.
Y/N was carefree dancing to her man’s music with the best people ever. She loved supporting the love of her life. If music was his passion and he loved it so did she.
During Adore You Harry started to laugh at his sister and girlfriend dancing around with each other making everyone start to record them. He throws Y/N a bunch of kisses before doing his iconic shimmy. She lets out a big grin behind her mask and you could tell she was happy by the way her eyes crinkled up.
During Cherry Y/N’s pulls out her phone out of her pocket of her Love on Tour jacket that a crew member gave her. She takes a few pictures of him then sends them to Anne who requested some.
Finally the last song Kiwi started to play. Harry was dancing around stage in his rockstar world that he has always dreamed out and finally he was living it.
Y/N could tell Harry didn’t want to end the show when he started to play Kiwi for the third time. It was bittersweet but he knew it had to end.
The band started to come together to say a final thank you. They started to bow making the crowd grow louder.
He didn’t rush off the stage like he normally would instead he slowly walked offstage. He nods at some fans and grabs a boutique of flowers from one.
Harry immediately spots his girlfriend making him rush over to her. He gives her a bone crushing hug swaying her back and fourth which makes the arena start to go even more crazy.
He knew a bunch of cameras were pointed at him but at this point he didn’t give a fuck. She was the love of his life and the mother of his child. It couldn’t get any better than that.
“These are for you darling.” He whispers in her ear before leaning back and handing her the flowers. She grabs them with a huge grin before pushing him away to accept the hugs from Jeff and Glenne.
Harry moves to hug his dad greeting him before rushing to his girlfriend again wrapping his arm around her waist before starting to walk backstage.
For a moment he stops to take a final look at the arena with Y/N before heading backstage for the final time.
As they make their way to the dressing room Harry hugs and thanks each crew member. Of course he was stalling, he seriously didn’t want to leave.
When the dressing room door shuts tears start to well in his eyes. He was watching Y/N pack his bag with his essentials that he brought with him to every show.
Y/N rushes towards him when she hears a sniffle making her frown. She cups his face as her thumbs wipe away her boyfriend’s tears.
“Baby it’s bittersweet. Everything will be like this again okay, don’t cry please.” She mumbles watching him close his eyes before digging his head into her neck. “I love you so fucking much you rockstar.” She pulls his hair making him wholeheartedly laugh.
A coo breaks them apart. Beau legs were up in the air signaling the baby was awake. Harry shrugs off his vest before going to pick up his son as Y/N finishes packing.
When she’s done she calls the security to take their bags to the car because it was probably packed out front which meant they needed to leave faster.
Y/N quickly changes out of her dress and into the causal clothes she was previously wearing. After, she holds Beau as Harry moves to change out of his preforming outfit. He puts on a pleasing hoodie along with his grey sweats.
Before they they put Beau in the car seat Harry puts a sweater on him to protect his son from New York’s cold weather. After he makes sure the baby is comfortable before putting on the car seat cover —.
They hurriedly make their way out of the building and into the car without any photos being taken of them which they are grateful for.
Once Beau’s car seat is buckled up Harry runs to the drivers side and swiftly hops in. Y/N grabs his hand stopping him from turning on the car.
“You did amazing. Seriously you surprise me every fucking show. Your something special harry.” She tells him which makes him almost start cry but instead he gives her a big grin and leans in to kiss her.
“I love you so much darling.”
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