#love when little details from my fics pop up irl
hoohoobeanie · 3 months
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this is soooo gold rush coded like
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voxofthevoid · 7 months
April Anniversary Final List
I've compiled the 15 fics/ideas you guys picked in response to this post into a detailed list (under the cut). The numbers (51, 43, etc.) are now obsolete because I've added another idea to the list—yes, the total is 94 now, 77 untouched—and plan to keep doing it, which will alter the numbers owing to the way they're organized by ship(s). The doc will stay publicly available (...though I should really go through it and fix all the typos and errors).
Like I said in the OG post, I want to write a scene of approximately 1k for each of these. That's easy enough, usually, but I also want these to be coherent, standalone scenes—connected to the overall fic 'verse, yes, but a self-contained short story nonetheless. And we all know that's not my forte. So, yeah, it's gonna be a hell of a challenge.
These WIPs are not getting struck from my list once I'm done though. I'll be poking at them later, the way I do now—one at a time, until I'm out of the fandom.
Also, the usual disclaimer: If health/IRL fuckery pops up, I'll postpone or cancel the project. Hoping that won't happen, but you never know.
#1. 51 @nearalways
Canonverse pet play featuring a developing relationship, in which Yuuji jokingly says Gojou’s like a puppy and Gojou takes it and runs with it. Yuuji discovers the dubious joys of pet ownership.
#2. 43 @naeldeus
Satoru and her bigass tits single-handedly turn Yuuji from an ass woman into a chest woman, and Satoru’s reaction to Yuuji staring at her tits is to basically smother Yuuji in them in the guise of a hug. It escalates predictably.
#3. 31 @fluffys-nightmare
Yuuji makes a binding vow with the Angel to let her kill him and Sukuna after Gojou’s unsealed, except it doesn’t go as planned and the end result is Yuuji and Sukuna completely merged.
#4. 55 @laughing-sock
A curse user’s failed technique leaves Yuuji with a plush-like replica of Gojou, which Gojou lets him keep. It’s harmless until Yuuji accidentally activates a connection between the doll and Gojou.
#5. 36 (anon)
Sukuna kills the Angel so they can’t unseal Gojou. Teen!Gojou drops into the timeline and retrieves the PR, but they can’t open it. Yuuji has complicated emotional sex with teen!Gojou and spends every spare hour gazing plaintively at the PR. Teen!Gojou is in it mostly for the sex at first, except that doesn’t last.
#6. 45 (anon)
Post-canon where defeating Sukuna still leaves Yuuji with all his loved ones dead. He’s trying to busy himself by helping rebuild society when a new 6E+Limitless user is born, named “Satoru” to honor the last one, and a few years later, the Gojou clan asks for him to be the kid’s bodyguard.
#7. 71 (anon)
Gojou dubcons Megumi in his dorm room while mocking him about his crush on Yuuji, and when Yuuji bursts in after hearing concerning noises, Gojou offers Megumi to him.
#8. 67 @yaoshifollower
Canonverse breakup-makeup AU in a no-Shibuya context, spanning the time from Yuuji’s first year to his early-mid twenties. The sukuita parts are hatesex culminating in cannibalism; goyuu is the endgame.
#9. 03 @lo-55
Gojou tries to seduce Yuuji by rapebaiting him—sleeping on and near him in provocative clothing. Yuuji resists until he doesn’t.
#10. 73 (anon)
Yuuji semi-accidentally seduces Higuruma after their fight in the Culling Games, and during the one-month time skip after Gojou’s unsealed, he manages to semi-accidentally romance both men to the point of inevitable heartache.
#11. 74 @kubo-chan
Pre-canon where Kenjaku pays their favorite child a few in-person visits, finds that Yuuji’s body is rejecting Sukuna’s fingers, and lets their scientific curiosity run a little wilder than usual. Years later, Gojou finds Yuuji while investigating unusual curse activity.
#12. 08 @cunt-recesses
Omegaverse-canonverse alpha/alpha where 20-something Gojou adopts Yuuji, who was being raised by a Sukuna-focused cult.
#13. 50 @zalondra
Omegaverse-canonverse alpha/alpha where becoming Sukuna’s vessel triggers Yuuji’s rut early, a couple of days after he’s accepted into Jujutsu Tech, and since the higher-ups aren’t willing to risk Sukuna’s vessel losing control during that hormonal mess, Gojou volunteers to help him through it.
#14. 42 (anon)
Someone makes the mistake of letting Gojou teach sex-ed to the first-years. It’s a pretty typical class for Nobara and Megumi, but Yuuji's living a different porn scenario every week.
#15. 24 (anon)
Sukuna–Yuuji role reversal where Yuuji’s more interested in his vessel’s teacher than the vessel himself, and Gojou gets too much of a thrill from playing with fire.
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like-rain-or-confetti · 4 months
Thank you for explaining. It's a shame you had to go through all that. Your writing for Twilight is one of the best I've found, I love it. I hope you strongly consider coming back, I miss it so much. But it's understandable if you don't, and I know it's easy to say this from my side, but please don't let miserable people continue to meddle and control your life, thougths and art. I found your blog when I was in the worst state of my mental health and it helped me so much, so thank you 💕
The truth is that miserable, desperate people will always be willing to start wars and point fingers at others to prevent them from looking in the mirror and facing their rotten selves. That's why they get so angry at others, to try to fill their inferiority problems. Accusing others of what they themselves are.
And I'm sure if you start writing for Twilight again, you'll have many behind you, screaming with joy. Every now and then I reread the Dimitri, Caius and Romanians fics. It's a safe place for me. Know this. 🙏💘
Its sad to say I'm not the only one. This happens to lots of people every day. I worry that about the impact it could have.
I made this blog for fun, for the stories that would pop up in my head with nowhere to go. It's supposed to take us out of reality even if just for a moment. It stops being fun when it gets twisted by reality and put under a microscope to figure out what could and couldn't be in between the lines of the tiniest of details.
Whilst I'm fine with the drama and don't wish anyone ill will or anything. Its taught me a lot about boundaries that I need to have. I can't let people over the Internet make me doubt myself and my intentions. I hate that I've been accused of such horrendous things with pitiful evidence because I can now say three years later in other fandoms and in IRL. Those accusations never left the fandom. Only in the twilight fandom have I ever been accused of anything and surely that has to mean something.
I've always said it and will continue to say it. Anyone reading this, I am just a person on the Internet. Don't let anything I say impact you. Leave me here on this blog in the Internet. Don't carry my words with you unless they have a positive impact on you.
Remember, I'm here for a fun time. Not to hurt anyone. Not to antagonise or anything like that. Here for a giggle.
I didn't delete all my fics in the end because I had people telling me the very same thing. That they loved going back and some of their favourite fics were in there. As much as I was pissed off and absolutely done, in the end, I couldn't do it to those who I'm so lucky to have appreciate my work and even to this day go back for them. It warms my heart.
It feels good to be able to talk about what happened because it wasn't the goodbye I had ever wanted. I didn't know what to say but I knew I had to go for my own sake. To be able to talk about it and not panic, or feel upset about it is freeing.
So thank you for asking, and I'm glad I made a difference for someone by taking the edge off as they got through difficult times. I feel even more lucky enough to have people stick around even after. Finding such support is rarely guaranteed, and wow am I lucky to have gotten so much of it.
I'm glad my work could help you through healing and it's a blessing to think my silly little ideas in my head are kept so fondly to others. Its people like you who make this all worthwhile. ❤️
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ya-girl-mc · 4 years
Sweet Indulgence
Character: Kuroo Tetsurou × Fem Reader
Concept: Y/N and Kuroo spend their Valentine's evening with a homecooked date night dinner; then came "dessert" 😏
⚠️ Warning: Sexual content (also contains a minor spoiler from the Haikyuu!! manga since I referred to a lil detail there for Kuroo's character in this fic)
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day ya'll esp to those who'll be spending it alone (me lol 😔✊). This fic was requested by a dear irl friend of mine who's one of the biggest Kuroo trash I know so here ya go 😉
☆☆ A Haikyuu!! Fanfiction ☆☆
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"Damn it."
Kuroo's disgruntled voice caused Y/N to look up from her morning coffee as she gazed at him inquisitively. "What's up?"
A deep frown etched on his face, he sighed and set his phone down on the table, his attention once again on his half-eaten breakfast. "The Chief. He needs me to work overtime tonight, of all times. I swear that old man is giving me way too much load for how much I'm getting paid-"
Y/N brought up her coffee mug to her lips, gazing at her boyfriend sympathetically as she listened to him rant about his rather unfortunate office life. While Kuroo loves and is adept at his new job at the Sports Promotion Division of the Japan Volleyball Association, his overbearing boss made matters far from pleasing.
Ah yes, the toil of the working class.
"-and we even made those dinner reservations tonight for Valentine's Day."
Oh, right. Like any typical run-of-the-mill working class couple, Y/N and Kuroo were looking forward to a classy dinner to celebrate the 14th, yet the unforeseen circumstances seemed to have derailed their evening plans. Huffing in annoyance, he set his utensils down and shot her a guilty look. She was quite disappointed of course, but it couldn't be helped; it's all part of the game, as they say. "It's fine, we could always go at a different time. You do what you gotta do."
"You know, when you act all level-headed like that, I can't help but feel even worse," Kuroo sighed, thoroughly frustrated at how his boss managed to ruin their dinner plans.
She grinned at him as an idea occurred to her. "What time do you get off work today?"
"Probably 8 or 9, at the latest. Why?"
"Great!" Y/N chimed, chuckling sheepishly as soon as she noticed the impassive expression on Kuroo's face. "Well...not because you have to work overtime since that definitely sucks. I mean, I'd have enough time to prepare us a fancy dinner for date night." Her eyes lit up in excitement, her mind already racing with ideas as she began to ponder on what dishes to prepare.
Kuroo grinned at her in amusement, feeling himself gradually get over his workplace woes. Glancing at his phone, he briskly cleaned up after himself and proceeded to grab his belongings. "Thanks for the meal, but I'd better go on ahead. The earlier I can get there, the sooner I can get everything done."
Y/N followed suit and ushered him to the entrance of their shared apartment. It was pretty rare to see Kuroo invigorated on a weekday morning as he usually lazed around with her for a bit before they both headed off to their respective offices; the idea of a scrumptious date night dinner prepared by his lover definitely served as extra motivation to get through the day.
After adjusting his tie, she proceeded to ruffle his hair to try and straighten his stubborn bed head, but to no avail. "I don't know how you can seem to pull off going to work with bed hair, but anyway, do your best today, Kuroo-san!" She teased and saw him off with a salute.
Damn it, how adorable.
In one swift motion, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close, his lips pecking hers ever so slightly as he pulled away, chuckling at the dazed expression on her face. "I'll make it up to you later, I promise. Then, I'll be off." He waved at her as Y/N watched his retreating figure, her heart still pounding from their prior interaction.
As I thought, cohabitation really is the best.
It was just about past 7 in the evening when Y/N arrived at their apartment with an armful of groceries. Despite getting off from work as early as 5:30, she lost track of time in the supermarket, completely engulfed with the multitude of ideas that raced through her mind. Cooking was a passion of hers, and there's nothing she enjoys more other than spoiling her significant other with her culinary prowess.
Unloading the bags on the kitchen's countertop, Y/N's eyes scanned over the ingredients, thoroughly pleased with her purchase.
Seared rib eye steak paired with a classic red wine jus, a creamy and delectable potato au gratin as a side dish, and a decadent chocolate mousse dessert for that extra indulgence...ahhh it's perfect! I'll make sure that every penny spent on these ridiculously expensive ingredients will be worth it!
Y/N threw an apron on and proceeded to undertake the necessary preparations for each of the dishes, determined to salvage what's left of her and Kuroo's Valentine's Day plans with probably the best dinner she'll be preparing by far. She recounted on the recipes she had sneakily studied in-between working hours, finding herself completely engrossed with the tasks at hand.
Okay, the gratin's baking in the oven...once there's 30 minutes left to its cooking time that's when I'll start preparing the red wine jus. Then I'll be searing the steak, let it rest, then prepare the mousse in the process. Yep, I got this in the bag!
Once more immersing herself in her culinary escapades, Y/N was finally down to the last task of whipping up the chocolate mousse when the front door opened, signaling Kuroo's arrival from work as the wonderful aromas that wafted from the kitchen uplifted him from his weariness. With her back turned towards him, he shut the door and sauntered towards the kitchen, a scheming grin on his face as he crept towards his oblivious girlfriend.
"Y/N," he breathed teasingly into her ear, causing her to yelp in surprise.
"Goddammit, Tetsurou!" She hastily switched off the hand mixer to avoid splattering chocolate mousse everywhere, shooting him a dirty look in the process. "You're lucky I only had a mixer in my hand! What if it was something else, like a-"
The sight of her handsome lover, still clad in his office attire with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, rendered her speechless. He chuckled as Y/N continued to gawk at him, stepping closer to wrap his free arm around her shoulders. "Happy Valentine's Day." Kuroo tenderly pressed his lips on her temples as he handed her the bouquet.
Ahh, great. Now I feel like crap for yelling at him like that. Unable to suppress the smile that made its way to her face, she sheepishly accepted his gift, standing on her toes to plant an appreciative kiss on his cheek. "T-thank you...and Happy Valentine's Day, too."
The warmth that adorned her cheeks just made her even more irresistible, yet Kuroo tried to reel in his urges as he allotted a reasonable distance between them. "So, what did my cute lover prepare for date night?"
As if on cue at his inquiry, her eyes immediately lit up. "Well, I started off by preparing the potato au gratin since that takes the longest to cook. I infused the cream with a little thyme, rosemary, and a dash of lemon zest to cut back on the heaviness. Then, for the rib eye steak, I-" Kuroo simply listened on as she rambled, the corners of his mouth turning upwards as she explained the entirety of the cooking process of each of the dishes she had prepared. While he didn't understand a majority of it, it was utterly endearing for him to see her so engrossed in the fervor of her culinary passion.
So basically, she prepared a fancy potato dish, a steak dish, and chocolate mousse for dessert. Damn it, she's just too adorable when she goes all out.
"-so anyway," Y/N continued, grasping Kuroo's attention once more. "Can you check if the mousse tastes fine? I'm a bit concerned that I may have fallen short on the sweetness." With a spoon in hand, she scooped a generous amount and held it out for him to taste.
Taking it into his mouth, Kuroo's eyes widened as the dessert's decadence flooded his taste buds. The mousse was not overbearingly sweet due to the dark chocolate she used, yet it still delivered the right amount of indulgence for a dessert; the perfect balance of flavor was definitely to his liking. "Wow, that's delicious!" He exclaimed and was tempted to beg for another spoonful.
Y/N grinned, her pride swelling up at his positive feedback. "Yay, glad to hear! I'll be popping this in the fridge to chill while we have dinner."
Setting down the bouquet of flowers on the countertop, she proceeded to take the bowl; however, Kuroo had something else in mind as he held her arm and leaned closer, peering at her inquisitive expression. "Why don't you give it a taste as well?"
"Uhm...okay." As she reached for another spoon, Kuroo snatched it away from her and shook his head dismissively. Scooping a spoonful of the mixture, he applied a dollop of mousse on his fingers and held it out, a mischievous smirk on his face.
The atmosphere between them suddenly shifted, and with Kuroo eyeing her so earnestly, she couldn't help her cheeks from flaming up at his promiscuous gesture. Amid Y/N's brief contemplation, he brushed his fingers across her lips and gently pushed them into her mouth.
Her heart thumping at how unbelievably alluring Kuroo was at their proximity, she locked her eyes with his, her tongue slowly lapping up the remnants of chocolate mousse. It was long gone, yet she continued to suck fervently on his fingers, earning a shudder from him. She slowly took it out of her mouth, keeping her gaze trained on his. "You're right, it is delicious."
Kuroo's eyes darkened with lust as he took a step closer, running his thumb across her lip to collect all remaining traces of the mousse. His tongue slowly darted out of his mouth and licked his thumb clean, grinning as Y/N simply stared at him, her mouth slightly agape. "I know that you just prepared us a delicious dinner, but there's something else I'd rather eat right now."
Unable to hold himself back any longer, Kuroo slipped his hand behind her head, pulling her close as his lips urgently met hers. The force nearly made Y/N stumble, but his arm immediately went around her waist, stabilizing her position as she met his kiss with fervor. As their tongues intertwined, both of them could detect a hint of sweetness from the remnants of the chocolate mousse which only intensified their thirst for the other.
Y/N struggled to breathe as Kuroo's tongue relentlessly explored her mouth, the hands that held his blazer beginning to tremble. He took her bottom lip into his teeth, the sharp sensation causing her knees to buckle as he backed her up into the countertop, pressing himself even closer to her. Her head was beginning to spin, and if it weren't for Kuroo's lean stature holding her in place, she would have collapsed then and there.
"T-tetsurou," Y/N gasped out as Kuroo trailed his lips across her jaw and down to her neck, wincing as she felt his teeth graze the skin. His hands wandered down to her waist as he hoisted her up on the countertop, his tongue darting out to soothe the love bites he left along her neck. Pulling away momentarily, he eyed her with raw passion and need as he loosened up his neck tie, the seemingly mundane gesture igniting Y/N's desire.
"Strip for me." His voice was low, commanding, yet she could sense the desperation it conveyed. Her heart pounding wildly, Y/N proceeded to remove her apron and unbutton her blouse, her face burning at how Kuroo's eyes scrutinized her every move; however, her current position hindered her as she struggled to discard her skirt. Leaning back on her forearm, she slightly lifted her hips and slipped off her skirt with her free hand, causing Kuroo to grit his teeth at how unbelievably erotic the entire scene was.
Now down to her underwear, Y/N attempted to pull him towards her yet he shook his head defiantly, his finger trailing from her lips down to the swell of her breasts. "I meant all of it."
"You should've clarified it earlier," she huffed, completely flustered at how Kuroo enjoyed making her squirm.
He then responded to her quip with his own. "I didn't think that needed to be clarified, Y/N."
Completely at a loss on how to respond, she sighed in defeat and conceded as her hands moved to discard the last few pieces of clothing, eventually swallowing hard as she noticed how aroused Kuroo had gotten through his slacks. He wanted to take her then and there, but as his eyes wandered to the bowl of chocolate mousse atop the counter, he decided to have a little bit more fun; it was Valentine's Day after all.
Y/N followed his gaze and immediately caught on on what he was planning to do, sighing internally as the dessert she painstakingly made will be used for a completely different purpose. Yet, she fidgeted in anticipation, unable to deny how much the prospect turned her on. Kuroo chuckled, the gestures she displayed serving as all the confirmation he needed to proceed.
Reaching for the bowl and a ladle, Kuroo scooped a generous amount of mousse and poured it on her body, his own breathing picking up as he watched the slightly viscous mixture cascade down her bare chest. "That kind of tickles," Y/N remarked shyly, keeping her eyes trained downwards as she couldn't bring herself to look at him.
As I thought...this is kind of embarrassing after all.
Kuroo sensed her apprehension. He leaned towards her and pressed a reassuring kiss on her cheek, a gentle smile adorning his face. "I'll be cleaning this off of you in no time."
Before Y/N could process the implications of his words, she flinched in surprise as Kuroo's tongue boldly lapped up the mousse on her chest, her hands immediately moving towards his hair as she trembled in pleasure. His hands on her thighs, he abruptly pulled her closer towards him, her legs wrapping around his waist in the process. The sweetness of the mousse and the lustful moans Y/N released overwhelmed his senses as he ran his tongue over her nipple, her hands tightening its grip on his hair in response. It was starting to hurt a bit as she pulled at the strands, completely lost in her own passion as he stimulated her, yet Kuroo didn't mind; rather, it only encouraged him further as he began to take her nipples into his teeth, causing her to cry out at the sensations he induced.
"T-tetsurou...enough, please," she begged in-between gasps as she lifted Kuroo's head from her chest, her eyes dazed and completely overcome with desire.
"All right, all right. I'll stop," he rescinded, pulling away from Y/N slightly as he grinned at the panicked expression on her face.
"N-no, that's not what I-"
"You want me to touch you elsewhere, right?" Kuroo once more reached for the ladle and poured a generous amount of mousse along her thighs. In an instant, he was down on his knees as he positioned her legs atop his shoulders, the new angle allowing him an enticing view of her soaked core. Glancing up momentarily at her, he shuddered in pleasure as he noticed the lustful way she was looking at him.
Licking his fingers clean, he kissed hungrily down her thigh, his tongue darting out to lap up the sweet mixture. Y/N moaned uncontrollably, twining her fingers with the strands of his hair in an attempt to keep him in place. Kuroo's mouth eventually reached her inner thigh, the warm breaths he let out teasing her entrance. He looked up once more to seek out her permission as the single nod she managed was all the confirmation he needed.
His lips and tongue began to stimulate her most sensitive parts, Y/N's grip on his hair tightening as she gasped out in pleasure. She was intoxicating, the high-pitched noises and gestures she made guiding him in his ministrations. As soon as his lips touched her sweet spot, she jerked in surprise, causing Kuroo to cease his actions. "What's wrong? Did that feel good for you?"
Y/N nodded earnestly as she looked down at him; the sight of Kuroo on his knees with his head in-between her legs was just too much to take. Taking her silence as a signal to continue, he resumed his earlier actions, her every response, no matter how miniscule, fueling his own arousal. He decided to take it even further as the deliberate moans he let out caused Y/N to whimper at how pleasurable the vibrations felt.
"T-tetsurou...!" She gasped, her insides tightening which signaled her fast-approaching release. Kuroo made no attempt to stop as the movement of his lips and tongue intensified, pushing her on the verge of coming. Her entire body began to tremble and it wasn't long before she finally climaxed, her upper body slumping forward as she struggled to regain her breathing.
Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Kuroo swiftly stood and allowed Y/N to lean into his embrace, his hands stroking her hair as her breathing eventually evened. "You okay?"
"Y-yeah, thanks for that," she mumbled in embarrassment, her head pressed against his chest as she listened to his heartbeat, her eyelids gradually becoming heavier.
However, Kuroo was far from being done. He tipped up her chin, all traces of his earlier composure long gone from his face. "Sorry Y/N. We're not done yet. Not when you got me all worked up from that." He drew back and gently pulled her arm, his hands moving to provide support as she hopped down from the counter, her legs slightly wobbling. Her entire body still felt quite sensitive from the remnants of her earlier passion, yet she was eager for more.
His hands moved frantically as he turned Y/N around and pushed her down, her front pressing against the cool surface of the granite countertop. She heard Kuroo curse under his breath as he took in her new position, her face burning at how much more exposed she felt; yet, she couldn't deny the anticipation she felt for what's to come. "Hurry..."
"Shit, hold on...let me just-" Kuroo was frantic now, completely engulfed in his own desire as he reached for his pocket for a condom; he always kept one in hand for "emergency purposes", as he claimed. Holding the packet momentarily between his teeth, his fingers fumbled as he unbuckled and unbuttoned his slacks. Ripping the wrapper off with his teeth, he proceeded to put the condom on, positioning himself behind Y/N. He wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her close as his other hand held his throbbing length. "I'm going in."
He plunged himself deep, both of them moaning uncontrollably at the sensation of their joined bodies. Her insides were unbearably warm and tight, yet she still managed to take in the entirety of his shaft so easily. Snapping his hips forward, Kuroo let out a throaty groan as their position allowed him to reach even deeper parts inside of her. Completely overcome with his overwhelming need, he began thrusting wildly, his grip on her waist tightening.
Y/N grasped the edges of the countertop at the sheer force of his thrusts, her entire being staggering at how relentlessly Kuroo made love to her; but, she was not one to complain as she eventually moved her hips along with his, taking him even deeper than before.
"Shit...Y/N, you feel so good," Kuroo moaned, his teeth nibbling along her earlobe. It was during times like these when she and him indulged in each other that Kuroo strays from his usual composed and laid-back demeanor; she took pride in being able to witness and experience this completely different side of him.
Their lustful moans echoed throughout the apartment, yet despite her current state-of-mind, Y/N managed to recollect herself, well-aware of their neighbors risking on hearing them. She brought up her hand to her mouth to silence herself; however, Kuroo withheld her attempt to do so, too far gone to care about such matters.
"It's too late for that now. Don't hold yourself back, let me hear you." The unbearably seductive manner he had whispered those words fueled Y/N's desire ten-fold, and it wasn't long before she felt her incoming release as her insides tightened, eliciting a throaty groan from Kuroo.
"I-I'm close...Tetsurou...!" She began calling for him even louder then before. Gritting his teeth, Kuroo wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to a standing position, the new angle allowing him to plunge himself even deeper. His release was fast-approaching as well, his mouth falling atop her shoulder to stifle the lewd noises he was making. Y/N reached up and grasped his hair to keep him in place, her hips moving urgently against his as he showered her neck and shoulders with kisses.
It was just too much to bear, the lustful noises she made intensifying at the sensations he invoked. Moaning out her name, Kuroo lifted her leg and increased his pace, the pleasure of their love-making pushing them on the verge of insanity as they eventually climaxed, Y/N's entire body slumping against his body. Their chests heaving, Kuroo brushed his lips against her cheek, carefully pulling out of her as he collected her languid form into his arms, both of them gradually coming down from their high.
"I love you," he murmured tenderly, his lips brushing against the top of her head.
"I love you, too." Y/N's hands grasped his blazer, glancing upwards to return his smile with her own, both of them in a state of euphoria. It was short-lived, however, as she immediately recollected herself, her panicked eyes darting around the kitchen. "Oh my god, the gratin! And the steak, it's probably oxidized by now...and the chocolate mousse! Only you got to eat it, Tetsurou, you idiot!"
Kuroo couldn't hold back his laughter as she scrambled around the kitchen to collect her discarded clothes, abruptly switching the oven off before moving to check on the remaining dishes of their long-forgotten date night dinner. However, he stopped her in her tracks as he gathered her once more into his embrace. "Before that, I think we should clean up the counter - and more importantly - ourselves first. Besides, even if you feed me burnt crap, I'd still be happy to eat anything you make."
He'd expect her to swoon over his words, yet she only shot him a narrowed look, her hands pushing against his chest. "Butter me up all you want, you're not escaping dish duty tonight."
Kuroo chuckled and watched in amusement as Y/N marched to their bathroom to take a shower, his hands reaching for a rag and disinfectant. He proceeded to wipe the countertop clean, the grin on his face widening as he did. "It was still worth a shot."
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aclosetfan · 3 years
ask game number 10?
(ask game) thank you so much for asking!!!!
YESSSS YESS haha yessss someone chose 10!!!!!! So pumped for this one. For new fandom members (lmao I’m like a damn fandom historian), battle of the band fics got really popular for half a second b/c of the punks. I outlined my own where the punks are included but with a twist. No powers au, multi chap fic.
My outline is really detailed because I know I’m going to be writing this one!! It’s just too much fun, but I’m only gonna give you the jist, I don’t want to spoil too much :))) I’ve got like six pages of notes and I’m still not done mapping it all out. It’s supposed to be goofy as well as a big s/o to everyone who watched cringy amvs on youtube in the early 2000s <3
Brick (lead guitar), Butch (bass), and Boomer (drums) are three brothers with a shitty garage band. They think they’re hot shit. They’re not hot shit (not yet). They’re good at playing their instruments but they don’t have a big following (or any good songs). On a good night, Mojo (their adopted father) indulges them and brings the crowd to a stunning total of 1.
One day, Boomer gets it in his head that he doesn’t want to be a punk rocker anymore. It’s dumb, he’s bored, and obviously, he is the next Picasso, so he quits the band. Brick all but disowns him as a brother. Butch is like dude I’d be cool staying in the band and Brick goes “you don’t have a choice!” Butch is like “aight, but now that Boom’s gone, can we maybe play a song I wrote?” Brick’s like, “no!” Butch is like “aight. That’s fair it’s dumb anyway. No harm, no foul bro. How are we going to get a new drummer as good as Boomer?” Brick’s like, “we’ll find someone better!” They won’t because, to give credit where credit is due, Boomer is quite a good musician.
Butch is like well this still sucks though cause we just got all those t-shirts. Like we’re broke af and they’ve got Boomer plastered on the front of them too. We can’t just replace them. Brick’s like “we’ll find someone better and someone who looks like him nbd.”
Brick and Butch don’t know any other drummers and they certainly don’t know anyone who drums and also looks like Boomer, so they make flyers~  
“Annnd,” Brick chirped, grabbing the page from the printer, “done. There. Perfect. We just need to make like a thousand more of these and post them around the City.”
Butch yanked the flyer from his hand with a frown, his eyes jumping around it before he grimaced, “Man, I dunno.”
“Must have blonde hair, blue eyes,” Butch looked up, “reads kinda neo-nazi-ish.”
Brick ripped the page from Butch with wide eyes, rereading the flyer. After a second he hissed, “Ah fuck. Fucking Boomer.”
“He ruins everything.” Butch solemnly agreed.
“Fascist can’t even be punk.” Brick huffed, glaring at the flyer.
Together they sat back in their chairs and regarded the flyer before turning their attention back to his cracked computer screen. After a few moments of hmm’ing and haa’ing, Brick snapped his fingers and leaned over his keyboard. He made the font big, bold, and red so it couldn’t be ignored at the bottom of the flyer:
“Dude,” Butch nodded, reading over his shoulder, “it’s beautiful.”
And then the boys post the flyers everywhere. Including their school, where most people ignore them regularly. Their flyers however become popular scratch paper for the art department where one Ms. Bubbles Utonium stumbles upon them. She takes it as a sign. She’s a bit of a drum hobbyist, but her dad has had enough of the racket and she needs to find a new place to play. She’s not practiced or anything, but she fits the four requirements to a “T”. She has blonde hair. She has blue eyes. She can play the drums. And she isn’t a skinhead! She thinks it’s silly they even had to clarify that. She’s not too into punk music but even she knows fascists can’t be punk! So on the day of auditions, she shows up with her drum sticks and gets in line!!
Brick and Butch are floored when Bubbles Utonium comes strutting in. They only know her because she’s a popular cheerleader at their school and shares an art class with Boomer, who only ever complains about the perky upbeat girl. Their first thought is to laugh, but when she starts playing, they’re like “oh?” She’s inexperienced, but she’s got a knack for it, and (as Butch points out) she is not a skinhead. Since she’s the best they’ve seen all day they offer her the position on the condition that she dresses like a dude when they play because of their t-shirt dilemma. She tells them that’s no problem, she likes playing dress-up, but they’ve got to work band practice around her cheer schedule. They agree.
The RowdyRuffs are a band once more.
Boomer btws is NOT AT ALL jealous. Not at ALL. Nope. (he totally is and he’s very obvious about it). In one of the early band practices that he barges in on to “check out the new drummer,” he’s ten shades of betrayed when he sees Bubbles of all people in his seat. He does not like Bubbles. Bubbles thinks Boomer is the bees-knees. He doesn’t like her because she’s good at just about everything he wants to be good at—except for drumming, which he proves then and there and is like “your new drummer sucks, later losers, you wish you still had me, by the way, dad wanted me to tell you he’s making tacos and they’ll be ready in ten.” Bubbles is not deterred by his behavior, thinks how he plays is really cool, and wants him to teach her, which he continuously refuses to do, but that doesn’t stop her from pestering him. (eventually, he does tho just a fyi; Bubbles is hard to resist)  
Jumping forward in time, Princess becomes involved as their PR manager and decided that Bubbles shouldn’t act as Boomer anymore. They need “horny old man money” and everyone’s like ooooh yeah, horny old man money, neat! So, in all her genius, Princess decides to make Bubbles “Brat.” And boom! Here’s our first powerpunk girl.
It’s a hit with the crowd that the band is slowly starting to amass. After accidentally hearing Butch goof around on his bass, Buttercup ((((Bubbles’ sister, who at the beginning of the story takes pity on Butch and Brick and volunteers to help teach her sister how to be “punk rock”. She is also forced to drive Bubbles to and from band practice (because Buttercup is being punished for failing math)))) encourages him to pitch his songwriting to the rest of the band. He refuses. Brick’s the guy who writes the songs, who’s very bad at it.
However, after another shitty song about some mystery girl Brick swears he doesn’t have a crush on, Bubbles has enough and assigns the boys some songwriting homework. Butch writes a banger and their little band gets more recognition. They’re now playing sizeable gigs, but wait! OH NO! Bubbles and Butch aren’t going to make it to the show on time. Boomer’s like, “shit Brick! The show must go on, dude, but where are you going to find two people who know how to play the exact same instruments as Butch/Bubs, know all their cues, and all the songs in the next ten minutes????” Brick looks at Buttercup (plays bass like Butch/almost at all the band practices/has a lovely voice despite what she says) and Boomer (who was Bubbles before Bubbles) and goes “huh, genius, I wonder.” Buttercup’s like “oh no, wait wait! I’ve got stage freight!” To which Brick says, “get over yourself and join my shitty fucking band!”  
And that’s how we get our Brute <3 (named by Brick). She’s a hit!
They just keep getting bigger and bigger as a band, and record labels are starting to take an interest, so after Brute debuts, everyone’s like welp, Brick needs his counterpart too. And it’s eventually Blossom, but that comes about in a roundabout way because Brick’s feelings are still hurt (she’s the girl he was crushing on, but she rejects him). Eventually, Bubs is like “listen, Brick, we need a Berserk (Butch name’s this imaginary person), and it's coming down to the wire. Blossom can do it. I know she can. It’s for the band.” So, he sucks it up and Blossom hesitantly accepts (she’s very much preppy pop to whatever Berserk is lol so it’s difficult for her at first). After a heart-to-heart with Brick, they make amends (I think I’ll leave it platonic for now tbh) and their first show altogether is a hit!
As always, there’s a happy ending :) They get their record deal lol.
I can’t write songs. I’m shit at poetry, but I was thinking about just choosing irl music and mashing them up, so the music is still “original” but people can also be like omg I remember that horrible song from my emo “phase.” I have to find a good song list first. If anyone’s still reading send me some recs. The music I like is too embarrassing.  
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hardskz · 5 years
Who are some of your fave skz writers? For each genre, angst, fluff and smut? Hehe🌱
i don’t read any reader insert fluff and angst fics due to reasons oops so i’ll try to make up with it for an extensive smut writer rec :’) these are just some that immediately popped into my mind! i’m probably also mentioning blogs that are no longer active (or maybe they’re on hiatus who knows) but if you’re new to the community in general, here’s some good stuff you maybe haven’t stumbled across!
@moonyskz | moonie hasn’t been all too active recently since she’s busy irl, but that shouldn’t stop you from checking out her stuff!! she’s mostly known for her iconic jisung corruption oneshot and may i say i was the anon that requested that i feel so accomplished pls let me flex lmao rip oh and she inspired me to make my own smut blog so all hail moonie legend
@skz-maze | ivy is more active on @moonlit-jeno and focuses more on nct smut nowadays, so if you stan skz and nct you are in literal heaven i tell you. i ATE up her stuff every time she posted (still do). ivy could write about getting fucked by jeno behind a dumpster and i’d still call it a masterpiece her writing style is one of my personal favs
@sparklyafterdark | nami just recently posted again and is one of the blogs i deadass look up too. i lost count how many times i reread nami’s fics it’s the writing style i tell you. if i had to decide the holy trinity of skz smut writers on this hellsite it’s basically nami and ivy and moonie so yeah there are my two cents about that.
@staysdarkhours | it’s been a while since kit’s shown any sign of life on that blog, but when she posted her works, she DELIVERED. she covered the entire spectrum – from dom reader to sub reader from filthy threesomes to soft dom felix i was well fed at that time meaning you will be well fed does that even make sense i dont think so whatever.
@violethhj | cherry is one of the VERY few blogs i know who have existed before this blog did and is still quite active. compared to others, cherry’s blurbs are definitely on the shorter side but is that a bad thing? absolutely not! her dialogue makes up for it ugh!!! and the best thing: she’s come a long way and has improved lots so yeah show her some love regardless and her minecraft fics
@whoredhrs | it’s been a while since princess updated, but just like all the others, check out her blog regardless. may i say she’s the sole reason why i developed a breeding kink honestly go binge read her stuff. and don’t forget to check out her asks too! so much discourse uGH HER MIND
@darkforskz | don’t believe whatever bullshit star likes to spout about herself. she’s a great ass writer, her concepts have me QUAKING. even her shorter blurbs i written with such finesse where i think??? how can she pack that much imagery in so little paragraphs??? she’s currently on break on that blog, but she’ll most definitely respond if you shoot her an ask! or if not, at least you can make her day when she logs back in.
@honeybinnies | i’d say out of all writers i’m putting on this list, nia’s writing style is definitely the most ‘poetic’ one if that makes sense. she focuses more on soft smut, but the way she writes is packed with metaphors and romantic imagery so regardless if you’re not horny but want to appreciate some nice smut, head over to her blog!
@skz-dark-hours | oh look i’ve finally mentioned some more newer names KLSADFLKAJ ok so lilo is fairly new here i’d say (sorry if you aren’t bb) and she’s taking requests right now! so go snatch the opportunity while you still can fellas! lilo’s blurbs are definitely on the way longer side from what i perceive, and she also like to add aftercare in most - if not all – of her works. if that’s up your alley, check out her blog!
@honeyfelix | cherrie is also one of the blogs that emerged quite recently and i’ve been hooked on her stuff from the start on. she too, is one of the people with extensively long blurbs filled with lots of detail, A+ dialogue, and lots of imagery. reading through her asks is also something i highly recommend, they’re really,,, uh,, something. 
@starrychannies | to be honest, i’ve only gone through a reading spree of sunny’s ateez works, but from what i’ve read, somepne give that girlie a trophy just her mind??? the plot she has instore for the kinks??? from her skz fics, i highly recommened the chan fic and honestly it’s still a mystery to me as to how some writers can magically write soft dom and then hard dom with a snap of a finger sunny definitely has that down.
look it’s almost 1 am and i for sure missed SO MANY OTHER writers so i’m sorry if i missed you sjdhjk but yeah i hope you found some new blogs?
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spookiifi · 4 years
2020 Fic Review
Tagged by the lovely @octobertown thank you hun!
Total number of completed stories: HOAH.... 35
Flowers Maul x Sasha Smut (That’s all y'all are getting for now, prepare yourself)
If you need the master list <--- here it is
^^^^ See above
Total number of words:
Y'all I really don’t know. It’d take a full two days to figure out. Maybe longer.
Fandoms written in:
I started the blog with slasher content. I stuck with it for around 5 months or so. Then I fell back into the Star Wars/Clone Wars fandom and it was lovely. I’m not saying that I didn’t like the horror fandom. People started asking questions and to tell you the truth, I just wasn't feeling it. I still love everyone’s fics, but I don’t see myself writing horror fics/headcanons anytime soon.
Tbh, I was scared to death because I thought people would leave.
Now I tell myself that I can write whatever I like, and that it shouldn’t matter.
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?
I wrote way more than I expected. Though I feel like I could’ve done better with each fic. Maybe I’ll go back and revise some
What’s your own favourite story of the year?
Droplets (Smut warning) and Fluffy Little Thing were my favorite to write. 
I’m really proud of myself with how I described the smaller details in Droplets. And the overall domestic relationship with the two is lovely. I also found myself stopping and actually acknowledging the fact that I’m writing this intrusive amount of smut.
Fluffy Little Thing was so damn fun to write. I didn’t say it in the end, but Maul portrayed the “Get rid of the cat, I won’t take care of it” person to having the cat as a little companion in the castle. I let the readers figure it out <3
Did you take any writing risks this year?
Oh yeah, I wrote a hella ton smut, and angst that I lot of people avoid thisangstfic
I was afraid af to post smut, this was my first fic involving smut. I was nervous as hell and almost deleted it.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?
Not really. I post for the fun of it. There’s no actual goal rather than keeping myself happy and sharing it with other fandom members.
Most popular story of the year?
I’m pretty sure it was a head canon for a reader with Michael or Jason. It pops up in my notes a lot. 
There’s also the pennywise smut that pops up sometimes...a dark time indeed.
As for Star Wars, this smut fic got the most notes
Most fun story to write?
I have two!
Back when I wrote for the horror fandom, this fic was the first and the most fun to write. It’s more of a science experiment than anything.
And this angsty one (trigger warnings for nightmares and body horror  from my Sasha and Maul fics
Honorable slasher mention ft. Art the Clown here!
Most unintentionally telling story:
I’m guessing this has to with lore and character development??
I feel like Pink Haze and Reasoning have to do with lore for both Sasha and Maul. I felt comforted just as much as the characters, and I feel like that’s a good thing.
Biggest disappointment:
I hated how Tease came out. Sometimes I feel like I should delete it and write something new.
Biggest surprise:
Y’all still want to bang a clown??? Is that still a thing still?
^^^This fic has over 100 notes. Forget what I said about the Star Wars fic. Ya’ll insane.
I’m still grateful for all of the love and kindness you guys have given. <3 Let’s hope 2021 will be a wonderful year, both writing and irl. Love you guys. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.
Tags. It’s okay if you don’t want to bbs <3 @justalittlecloud @tinalbion @bisexual-horror-fan 
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levyfiles · 5 years
helloooo!!!! since you are my fave blog about shyan content, i must ask: what are your favorite fics???
AHhh! I–OK well, Lately I’ve been finding more and more fics that fill my heart right up with every gorgeous headcanon there is, but If we’re talking all-time favourites, I have finally compiled a List from the moment I started reading shyan fic in 2018 of fics that have ruined my life; all of them here in no particular order.
Be All My Sins Remembered by spoopyy
Summary: In every lifetime, they find each other.
Review: This fic manages to take you on a long journey through what feels like a series of AUs and they all weave in and out of the wealth of their relationship with some vivid descriptions of the historical settings their journey takes them through. As someone who grew up reading Anne Rice’s epics through historical events, this fic is right up my alley. A vampire Shane passing through the wave of human society’s climb searching for a reincarnated Ryan again and again, trying to hold on to him and keep him through great tragedies and timeframes that just don’t let them be together. This was one of the first fics I read when I was only a lurker and to be quite honest, I need to give this one a nice re-read, maybe for the book club which would be loads of fun. Either way, 10/10. Would be Hurt in the heart again.
Perfect Fit by @beaniegara
Summary: There’s a legend that says anyone able to take all of statue Shane’s cock will summon the god to the mortal realm. Given the statue’s excessive size, no one has ever succeeded to prove or disprove the story.Until Ryan that is.
Review: Listen. You wanna talk actual fandom legends. This fic is one of them and it pulls out all the stops on being delicious and evocative. Also features one of my favourite incarnations of size queen bergara. Good stuff and you’re really rooting for Ryan in this lol. 
Everything’s Weird and We’re Always in Danger by the beethechange
Summary: Ryan perches on the edge of the bed, an indistinct shape that Shane can only just make out in the dark, so he turns the lamp back on. He wants to see Ryan’s face, wants to know that he is alright. Ryan’s cheeks are damp, his hands fisted in the hideous flowered duvet.
“It won’t go away,” Ryan says miserably. “I’ve been like this since we got here, basically, and it won’t fucking—”
“Ah,” Shane says. “Well, you know, sometimes fear…adrenaline…they can affect people. Physically.” He waves his hands indistinctly crotchward. “It’s a, a scientifically known phenomenon.” Shane feels a little better staying in the realm of scientifically known phenomena.
Review: Word of advice. You see a fic is authored by beethechange, run don’t walk because you’re absolutely always going to be treated to the best of banter, the best of prose, chemistry, organic execution and feels right up the bottom end of your heart. This fic, this changed everything I thought I knew I wanted out of a bed-sharing fic. It’s got a little bit of two treats here. You got a sex-pollen-esque situation mixed with bed-sharing and holy fucking damn that is more than you think you deserve, but read this because you do deserve the best of the best. The build up, the dialogue, the surprisingly hilarity of it, the hotness woah, and The Aftermath. When you think you know what you’re in for, you’re wrong and you’re most pleasantly surprised. Get this fic in your life and honestly? while you’re at it, you could do a clean sweep of every fic in her list of works and while my less than adequate reading time management may still be short on some of her most well-recommended pieces, I have an adamant faith that Bee doesn’t disappoint. Go get y’all juice.
Maelstrom by thewindupbird
Summary: Here’s the thing about driving halfway across the country to see someone. You can’t really deny, after that, that you’re pretty much head over heels for them.
Review: Listen. One morning on a day off, I just laid in bed and read this– all 40k+ words– while lying there clutching my pillows, hurting and loving every moment of it. The descriptions of Americana, the slow steady metronome rhythm of Ryan’s feelings as frightened and helpless as they feel when you’re relating deeply to them juxtaposed with the deep-seated struggle of understanding what it is to be with someone you love so much but your mental health is burning quiet holes in your ability to express it in a way that can be understand. Ryan’s fierce determination, breaking through the silence of their non communication is really Everything to me in this fic. i think I really left my heart in the scene in Shane’s parents kitchen. That finished me. Read this fic and understand the deep relief you get when you’ve finished a fight with someone you fiercely care about and they understand you and you understand them and it’s OK; it’s gonna be all right. Augh. 
A Burial on Box Hill by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: The Celtics believed that the yew flower symbolized both immortality and death. Meanwhile, for centuries, the buxus flower was seen as a symbol for safe passage into the afterlife.
Or,Shane and Ryan were never the same after investigating the Black Forest of Germany alone.
Review: Let me just quote my bookmark comment here. Usually I flee from tragedy like a cat spotting a cucumber but the brevity and the prose dragged me in and now I’m a functioning mess. Bless this fic. Oh my god it’s short and reads like one of those quick horror stories you’ll read to your friends just as the scary stories are transitioning from the urban legends to the ones that feel real. Big warning for main character death but still read it if you appreciate a good story told.
Body Farming by shiphitsthefan
Summary: Failed suppressants and a surprise heat: the worst of cliches, and here Ryan stands, living the trope on location with the alpha he’s hopelessly in love with. Even worse, they’re spending the night in the famous Bell Witch Cave, completely alone and with no way to contact the outside world.
Ryan knows he can survive and keep his preheat a secret, as long as Shane will stop being so protective and concerned. After all, it’s not like Shane wants to bond with him.
Review: Now judging from the reactions of many people I’ve spoken to, big heavy ABO kink is not popular here but guys, GUYS. This one. Let this one in I promise it is not what you think it is. The dynamic is organic and the worst side of the trope is subverted in all the best ways and lord help us, the smut is hot, like swelteringly smoking. It’ll stay with you. 
Believer by cellard00rs
Summary: Some demons and otherworldly creatures love climbing up the power ladder. Shane is not one of these. He likes where he is (thank you very much) and has no interest in moving up. All he wants is to give his friend Ryan a nice birthday gift. So, naturally, everything goes to hell.
Review: This fic is another fandom legend. When I think demon!Shane. It’s this and one other one that always pops right into my mind. This was my first exposure to the bureaucracy meets the supernatural!Shane trope and I was sold from the get-go. The Shane in this fic is everything I imagine a demon!Shane is and his ginger care for Ryan, the concept of their bond and how even though Shane is a demon and responsible for keeping the supernatural a firm secret from Ryan and the rest of the world, his skepticism is relayed through his status as a demon. I want to talk more about it but I think so much of the enjoyment comes from the surprises as the plot unfurls. 
Heartbeat by quackers
Summary: So the guy Ryan sits next to at work is a vampire. That’s no big deal, right?
Review: I could talk your literal ear off about this fic. Vampires, man. I love the trope; you don’t know me as a person if you don’t know this at least. And this fic kept me fed all damn year. It was a readable garden. If there is one thing I can guarantee about quackers’ work, it’s that their world-building is a festival of detail. The realms and alternate universes they work with while still managing to keep Shane and Ryan’s voices so familiar and real is a talent not attributed to your everyday author. This fic propelled me into wanting to write more and more because quackers makes stories so much fun! Reading their work is, to me, not unlike the feeling I got when I was younger and finding series that speak to my need to escape this crummy existence, made me want to believe in fun spicy things like a vampire that lived through centuries, cynical but still searching, navigating a world where people are still people, adjusting to differences and prejudices, finding comfort in a guy that understands that and more. I’ve talked about this fic in more than a few different posts so I’d just be reiterating a lot of things I loved about the more historical aspects of Shane’s journey, the way Ryan is so firmly curious and inventive in ways to connect with Shane. Look, even if vampires aren’t your thing, I can promise that if you visit quackers list of work, you will find something for your supernatural-lovin’ palate that speaks to a gentler side of your own curiosity about monsters and the jocks that love them. lol.
I’ll Crawl Home by carrieonfighting
Summary: “Shane was almost unnerved by how quickly he’d settled into this body, this name, this life - his friendship with Ryan was the most time he’d spent with any human before, and yet the man fascinated him.”
Review: This is the second fic I think of when someone says the words ‘demon!Shane’ to me because ohhhh my word, this fic is a masterpiece. I really am hard pressed to find anything better than the feeling I get when I think of demon!Shane headcanons interwoven with the irl Buzzfeed reality and the idea of the Ryan as we know him being protected and watched and loved so deeply by a demon that found him so long ago and wanted nothing but to protect him. I feel an almost vicious glee reliving that moment when Ryan and Shane are on goatman’s bridge and man, I just really love canonical fic mixed with a slight twist. The writing in this makes it work so well with lines that still haunt my heart and soul like “Ryan liked popcorn. So did the demon. Genuinely, not just out of a desire to please the human – he liked the way it crunched between his vessel’s teeth. There were some aspects of taking a corporeal form that were…nice; laughing, coffee, feeling warm. Ryan made him laugh.” FUCK! The beautiful agony of it, watching the demon fall in love with Ryan through the eyes of his vessel. Just stark with pain and unspoken, well-written angst and pain with a perfect ending, I wouldn’t change for anything. I love this for us as a fandom and will always love that author crafted this piece and shared it with us. (Also every time I hear Work Song by Hozier, I think of this fic again and sigh).
Like I said at the beginning, thanks to @skepticbeliever-bookclub I’ve been discovering and re-discovering some fics I hadn’t had the chance to read and or have never even heard of before and my bookmarks list is growing with each new week. So if you get through this list and need more in your life, here you go. Every fic in my bookmarks deserves the community’s attention. If I can just make one special request of you guys? If you do happen to click any of these and enjoy what you read, please take the time and tell the author what you loved about it. It really changes the game out here for fanworks and fan-creators like you wouldn’t even believe and the people who shared these works with us worked hard to make the stories what they are and put a great deal of emotional investment in sharing it. Share more than your silence in return. 
Hope you find something you like here, nonnybabe.. 
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kweebtrash · 4 years
Hey, not necessarily a sex question. But as someone who loves reading fanfic and appreciates fanfic writers, I still can't bring myself to write it. How did you get into writing fanfic, and was it ever weird for you? Do you have any advice on how to feel less weird about it? Especially smut about real people? (To be fair I can't bring myself to write smut in general idk why)
I started writing naruto and yu yu hakusho fanfiction when i was ten and it was just a regular oc and the character i liked. It wasnt good at all but i thought it was the greatest. When i met my sister (non biological) in middle school we decided to come up with our own "anime story". We would write it in notebooks and pass it to each other during class and get in trouble for it. So i guess that was the first time ive written an "original" story. By the time i was 12 i knew what sex was (mostly) and i knew teenagers did it (my characters were teenagers) so i was like oh if they like each other then they should do it. But because i was 12 i was like THATS ICKY TO WRITE ABOUT (in detail) so i made them get in bed and then skipped ahead and wrote THE NEXT DAY 😂😂😂
Then when i got access to a laptop and internet thats when i round "real" fanfiction online and smut back when it was called "lemon/lime/citrus" whatever the fuck that means. I still remember my first one was about neji hyuga LMAO.
I started reading more fanfiction throughout my teenager years and kept writing for anime, wrote bandfiction, created a bunch of OCs to rp with my partner at the time and i think by the time i actually started having sex that i was like ok this isnt so weird to write about anymore. So when we would rp we would just text each other sex scenes and i guess it became normalized because we were doing it irl so writing about it was just like hey! We sorta know what were doing! Oh i also used to watch a lot of porn as a teen? Idk why. That stopped after like a year or so but i found out shit through that, like bdsm, squirting, how utterly gross blowjobs are, what a hitachi wand was, how much i hate spit, etc. So that actually helped me discover like my beginning kinks. Porn is still terrible tho.
I think the first time i wrote smut was with a wrestling fanfic? And i had been reading a bunch of fics that had smut and with my basic knowledge and slowly finding out what phrases i liked in order to describe things it flowed a little more naturally but it was still hard.
Then i think i didnt really write much until i wrote my pentagon story which i think is terrible but other people like it. I guess with my practicing, experience, and sex education it started becoming easier? You can tell in my pentagon story that i was still getting back into the swing of things bc my sex scenes are atrocious and ridiculous 😅
I never really liked reading series myself bc i didnt want just prose and build up. I wanted smut. I was like THATS WHAT I CAME HERE FOR. So i made it a point to write smut in every single chapter so that way people stayed interested. In doing so it also helped me practice and get better. Then i read A LOT of bad kpop fics and was like....why dont these people know that sex isnt like porn??
There is a lot of copying in kpop fics in the sense that a lot of them are written the same way and we get the usual; some u realistic giant dick, "ministrations, pussy, cunt", kitten every other word, thigh riding, everyone confusing abuse with bdsm, "daddy" popping up left and right without going in depth to what meaning that holds, random weird shit. And i realized WOW I REALLY HATE KPOP FANFICS lol. So when i started writing messy i was like OK FUCK THIS IM GONNA WRITE SEX LIKE HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO GO. Then i starting writing smut where the condom broke, they talked about birth control, having a mental breakdown during sex, sexual assault, accidentally wacking each other while moving around, giggling, talking, explaining what you want. This i think helped me a lot, especially with my mental trauma that was associated with sex. I wanted to make it fun and real while also possibly teaching my readers about sex and maybe influencing other fic writers to not just regurgitate what they read.
As far as advice, im not quite sure if i have any?? Maybe i do lol. Take it with a grain of salt maybe?
With writing i would suggest
Read fics you like and highlight key phrases or actions you think are sexually appealing
Practice writing shorter scenes, you can even do time stamps or drabbles, things like that-people love those on here
Look into things. Honestly i knew what a cock ring was but someone requested i USE it in a fic and i was like shit guess i gotta google how to use a cock ring and while awkwardly watching videos of guys putting these things on i learned about metal ones, cages, silicone, rubber, rings, how long you should keep it on for, etc. So RESEARCH! is key too
If youve never had sex before that also helps if you research. Porn can give you a little bit of knowledge in generic motions or toys to use but by no means is it great as far as realism and sometimes its just plain icky.
So porn can be a basis, research can be a middle layer, reading other fics and seeing what you like and dont like is on top, and writing ur own is like...idk frosting lol.
As far as being weird with real people; since i wrote bandfiction and wrestling fics i was used to writing about real people for a little under ten years or so. Also i have a really active mind at night and i have tons of sex dreams that fit into like a story based setting. Thats where all my ideas for prose, dialogue and smut come from. Not everyone ofc has a brain like that but writing down things here and there might work. Lets say you have a favorite idol moment-like some really slutty dance move during a performance, you could time stamp that for inspiration. Save a lot of gifs and pics of them looking *chefs kiss*, listen to some music (i like alina baraz, sabrina claudio, galant, alex tbh, and jooyong for softer, gentler scenes or if you wanna get freak nastie listen to some dumbass jae park, or pretty ricky, or any sex related song thats not pretty lmao. Like rude boy by rihanna or something with a hard beat).
I think its also good to try and picture yourself in a sexual situation. You dont have to look like you, you could make up however you want to look in the scenario, its fantasy after all. Also think "would i like this?" Like i wont write about some idol spitting in my mouth or slapping me or peeing on me or something because thats not stuff that im into and i would be forcing myself to appease someone else and the writing woukd end up sucking big time. This also doesnt help the lack of good fics bc people are just following the requests they get even if they dont like it. I would write about what i think id feel in the moment. Id probably be nervous or if im pretending i could be a cool badass, i would think about things that i find attractive like his (imma use his bc i do write mostly about boy idols) face in the shadows of the light, how nice or soft his lips look, they way hes conveying emotions and looking at me if we were in love or if we were angry, the hold he has on me, why would it be going slow? Is it sad makeup sex? Is it a first time together? Is it just comforting after a bad day? Why would they be rough? Are they angry? Had a fight? Had a slow burn relationship and its culminated into a big explosion? Did they hate each other but hide their true feelings?
So i would suggest not just thinking about sex but thinking about the moment and all the things that lead up to, happen during, and the aftermath of it.
And of course if you don't understand anything or need more info about sex you can always ask me!
I hope this help and sorry its long😅😅😅😅
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multsicorn · 4 years
a few thoughts on writing fic comments
tl;dr.  I was bad at it for ages!  I got better!
Because for the first time since I stopped being able to cheat by writing reblog recs that also functioned as comments - (since people stopped posting fic to tumblr as standard practice) (and, yes I was around, for pre-tumblr days but only lurking, so of course not typically commenting) - I’ve been succeeding at commenting on fics I liked.  Not all of the time, but a large majority.  And doing so without it being a big thing, without it blocking me (much, at least) from ~being able~ to read fic cause of trying and failing and failing, without it driving me crazy... I’m saying, cause those are failure modes I’ve had previously.
So, the how!
* Most of the fic I read is from my ‘Marked for Later’ list, because - unrelatedly to commenting - I find that ‘trawling through AO3 for fic to read’ and ‘reading some fic I will probably enjoy’ are activities I tend to be in different moods for.  Unfortunately one can’t filter the Marked for Later list, but scrolling through a few pages’ worth to find whatever sort of thing I’m looking for still works well enough for me.
* The ‘Marked for Later’ thing is relevant here, though, because it functions as a backstop.  If something’s already ‘Marked for Later,’ and I read it and like it enough to want to maybe reread, but I can’t manage to comment as described down below, I simply won’t change it to ‘Marked as Read.’  And if it’s not ‘Marked for Later’ yet, then I’ll change it to ‘Marked for Later’!
* (if I like something enough to want to be able to maybe reread, of course, and also manage to comment, then that’s time for ‘Bookmark’)
* (yes having a ~system~ makes things seem more doable.  for me.  what of it.)
* ANYWAY.  If I liked a fic enough to want to maybe reread it - when I want more of the trope, pairing, whatever - then it’s time to click into that little comment box down below and write something like ‘I loved this!’ or ‘This was wonderful!’ or y’know some very generic but positive comment like that.  I DO THAT FIRST, without needing to figure out ~what I’ll say~ until I’ve ~started.~
* AND THEN!  Because although ‘I loved this’ comments are great and all, I think that most writers would agree with me that we’d prefer a bit more content in a comment than that... I try to just think of a couple of things I liked specifically about the fic.  A beat, a line, something about characterization or worldbuilding or a certain facet of a relationship or a mood or.... whatever, really!  The point is, that instead of trying to write ~the best comment~, I’m writing the comment that’s not too hard for me to write.  Say how I felt or what I thought or liked about just a couple bits that stick out, and then I’m done; or if I don’t feel done, and I’m moved to, then I can go on in a similar vein for a few more sentences, or a few paragraphs, even, when I’m just overwhelmed with ‘AND EVERYTHING AND THIS AND DON’T LET ME FORGET ONE MORE THING.’
* Because the best comments I’ve gotten weren’t necessarily all the longest, but simply specific compliments or personal responses that particularly resonated with me.  With something I’d been trying to do, or something I hadn’t realized when writing but loved in retrospect.
* ‘I literally lol’ed/cried/squee’d irl,’ ‘I stayed up too late reading this,’ ‘I immediately had to go back to the beginning,’ etc., all count as ‘things I liked/loved’ about the fic too, of course.
* And then!  I get to press ‘Post Comment’!  Cause I wrote a sentence or two or three and THAT’S FINE!  That’s doing great, in fact!  And I won’t second-guess whether the author ~agrees~ with my comment...
* Cause the fact is that I’m sure we’ve also all gotten comments that make us side-eye, ones that aren’t negative (don’t leave criticism unless someone’s asking for it, seriously, and actually I don’t even then), but: someone praising how fluffy a story is when you meant it to come off as creepy, someone questioning a background setting detail that’s from your personal real life.  Someone assuming you take their side in an inter-fandom dispute where you really really don’t.  And there’s always a small chance you’re reading against the author’s intentions, and don’t realize it... and THAT’S FINE.  If we all want to get comments, we all need to take that specific ‘communication isn’t perfect’ risk.
* So I write those sentences, and I take a deep breath, and I press ‘Post,’ and I feel good!  I have Commented On The Fic, and now I’ll be able to reread and to rec and so forth to my heart’s content without feeling bad that I didn’t.  And PROBABLY, in ~99% or more of cases, the author will be happy to get my comment, whether they reply or not, whether I made their whole day or just nudged it a little brighter.  And in that very tiny number of cases where my comment might strike the author as off, well, I couldn’t help it, it’s gotta happen sometime!  It’s not a big deal and I was trying my best.
* And if I’m too busy or too sad or too tired to manage an ‘I loved this’ and another couple phrases, then it’s okay, instead of beating myself up I can just do the ‘Marked For Later’ thing, and as long as this doesn’t happen too frequently then it’s fine, I’ll get back to ‘em later.
* And if it’s one of those cases I’ll get once for every twenty? thirty? whatever fics that I unequivocally love/like enough to bookmark and rec etc., where my honest comment would be ‘loved the worldbuilding, but wasn’t quite sold on the ship,’ or ‘super hot porn, but the setup didn’t quite work for me,’ or... anything with mixed praise and criticism like that, then I can kudos and not comment, just like I do also for fics where I feel like ‘that was nice,’ but nothing more.  And maybe sometime later I’ll come back and manage to comment on just the part I liked without seeming to imply obviously that I didn’t like the part I’m not commenting on, and maybe I won’t, either way it is fine.
* ‘Commenting on every fic I like,’ I maybe should’ve said this earlier, implies for me a fairly high bar of ‘like,’ more like ‘love.’  ‘Every fic I like’ is still too hard!  But ‘every fic I like enough to want to bookmark, and any others where I have something nice that pops to mind to say’ is... doable, at least mostly, and I think it’s good enough.
* Anyway, yes, this does mean I have a bunch of bookmarks I want to rec.  And more to say about that process, too, lol, if my blog is for ~posting what I want!~  And... I’m sorry this has gone on so long, and is so disorganized.  I”M DONE NOW.  *sweeps out*
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giranswife · 5 years
Can’t Lose You
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Summary: Ash has another nightmare, only this time it hits her where it hurts the most. Seeing the one that she loved most being harmed makes her realize that the fear of losing him is stronger than anything.
Warning(s): slight angst, fluff, suggestive near the end
Disclaimer: This includes a canon character x self-insert/oc pairing. Ash is a self-insert/oc based around my irl self, and is my own.
(( I couldn’t resist writing this into a full fic after posting the headcanons. It just sounded like a good idea, and near the end I kind of blend another idea that I had with it. Just because it wasn’t enough to make a whole fic around it. I love their relationship a lot! ))
Ash had gone to sleep a couple hours into waiting for her husband to get home. She thought that it wouldn’t be too long, but after the first hour her head started to bob. Most nights she’d be able to do this, but the night before she stayed up rather late. Not to mention she’s been at the league hideout all day listening to the plan in a couple of weeks. All she wanted to do was curl into bed and fall asleep wrapped in sheets that smelled like him.
She got ready for bed like normal, stripping down to as little clothes as possible since she gets rather hot in her sleep. Luckily Giran had forgotten to clean the sheets before he left, so they still lingered with his cologne. She wrapped the blankets around her, nestling in the middle of the bed and her face disappearing in the mountain of blankets and pillows.
A few minutes prior her phone had vibrated, a message from him popping up on her screen. She barely had the energy to reply, but she did smile a bit that he remembered to text her. He hadn’t expected to be out this late, but apparently things were taking a lot longer than he had planned. It was a common thing for him to check in with her, letting her know he’d be late but also that he was okay.
It felt a little ridiculous at first, but it eased her mind a lot. She didn’t realize how much she worried until she felt comforted by the idea. But it’s no secret that this kind of business is ugly. Things can happen, and it’s just one thing that he can do to make her worry a bit less. Before she would deny the fact, just because he gets a little smug when she admits that she cares that much.
But now, there’s no denying that fact.
The empty bed was slightly lonely without him. It wasn’t uncommon for her to fall asleep without him, but there was something about tonight that just made her miss him more. As she nodded off, she held a pillow to her chest as if it was him. Breathing in the scent of him, she was able to fall asleep rather fast.
The darkness of the apartment was a small indication that Ash was already asleep. Most nights she’d be on the couch, jumping up the second that she heard the door open. Giran was a little disappointed that he didn’t hear her rambling his ear off about how he was late yet again. Having been gone the majority of the day, the sound of her voice was actually something he looked forward to.
Definitely better than anything else he had to deal with.
She was still in a deep sleep, though tossing and turning while he took a quick shower. Her dreams were getting heavier it seemed, the twitching of her muscles getting a bit worse. She groaned softly, the pictures in her mind getting worse and worse. The nightmares she experiences range from mild to extreme and there’s no in between.
Either she wakes up with no recollection of them, but just the feelings that they bring. Or she wakes up in a cold sweat, remembering every detail and how it made her feel. Tonight was one of those nights, sweat beginning to cling to her forehead and the blankets being tossed from her.
Ash experiences night terrors from time to time, but she hadn’t experiences one in almost a year. They typically are more common on nights that she’s stressed or anxious, but tonight it was merely just a very vivid nightmare. One that left her crying in her sleep, kicking off the blankets and tossing around on the bed.
Images in great detail of the person she loved most in danger, and there was nothing that she could do. It was hell being stuck in that dream, unable to wake up from it at first. It felt like it was dragging on forever, lingering in the back of her mind and burning itself in her memory. She huffed, her chest rising and falling in an almost frantic rhythm.
Even the sound of the door opening and the light flooding in didn’t wake her at first, and at first Giran thought she was just tossing and turning like she usually does. He heard the soft cries first, noticing the slight difference in the way that she groaned through tight lips. He knew right away that she was having a nightmare, having experienced her night terrors first hand after she slept over the first few times.
Having prior knowledge of how to deal with her in this state, he didn’t seem phased at all and untangled the sheets that were closed tightly in her fingers. “Princess, hey, wake up,” He said rather softly, pulling back hair from her face to reveal the pained expression on her face. Her eyebrows were furrowed, lips tightly closed and jaw clenched like a vice.
Shaking her gently, he patted her cheeks and tried anything that could get her to wake up. It took her a couple of seconds, finishing out the terrible dream before she woke up to the feeling of a hand on her face.
She jumped, pulling herself up on her elbows and squeaking a bit under her breath. Her heart hammered against her chest, breath getting caught in her throat as she struggled to see through the darkness. No other nightmare that she’s had hit her as hard as this one did. She’s woken up in a daze like this before, but this time she almost believed that it was real. Any other time and she was pretty sure it was a dream, but this one just felt like a reality.
Which is why her tears were still wet on her face, and she was feeling extremely sick to her stomach. She almost didn’t believe it when she heard the familiar voice, the feelings rushing back all at once.
“It’s just a dream, baby girl. You’re okay-”
Ash swallowed, reaching for Giran’s face and touching her fingers to it. She just needed to feel and make sure he was really there, the other hand touching his chest to feel the heartbeat underneath it.
“Oh my fucking god,” She breathed, tears rushing down her cheeks once again.
He was a little confused, remembering all the times that she woke up from her night terrors and refused his touch. But right now it felt a little different from the way that she frantically reached for him.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him and sobbing into his arms. She just wanted to feel him and touch him. There wasn’t an amount of space that was close enough, and Giran couldn’t say anything but rub her back gently.
He knew better than to ask what the dream was about, knowing that she probably didn’t want to think about it. The best thing for him to do is to console her.
“I love you,” She breathed, “I love you so much. Please don’t fucking leave me.”
It was the first time that she sounded so desperate, sobs escaping as she buried her face in the crook of his neck. It was clear that she was slightly embarrassed, coming down from the desperate high of the dream and finally coming to reality. It took minutes for her to realize that this right here was real, and he wasn’t just some kind of daydream.
“I’m not goin’ anywhere, Princess. You’re stuck with me, remember?”
She didn’t laugh like she normally would, but it was worth a shot.
“I’m serious… I just… I fucking can’t lose you.”
More sobs escaped her lips, and she curled into him until she was like a ball in his lap. Her body was stiff and rigid, and there was so much that he wanted to do to ease her mind. But the truth of the matter was, he couldn’t. He wasn’t going to sugar coat his answer and put a pretty package over it, because that wasn’t the kind of man he was.
His wife meant more to him than anything. He wouldn’t have married her if he didn’t truly love her. The only person in his life that he would give up everything for. No amount of money in the world meant more than this woman right here. She was the one, which is why he wasn’t going to give her a bullshit answer.
She deserved better than that.
“You’re not gonna lose me, baby girl. Yah know how long I’ve been in this business? Not that easy to get rid of me.
Ash swallowed, fiddling with the collar of his shirt.
“I can’t promise you that nothing’s gonna happen. Yah know this kinda life isn’t predictable.”
“I know… You just mean so much to me. I can’t- I can’t be alone again. It just felt so real, and I just… I can’t fucking imagine what life would be like without you. As… cheesy as that sounds.”
She grumbled the last bit, and it made him chuckle a little bit. There was his wife.
“Hey, it’s gonna take a hell of a lot to take me away from you,” He lifted her chin, her eyes glittering with a few tears, “Don’t worry, Princess.”
She nodded, her heart starting to slow a bit. Even though he didn’t give her a bullshit answer, and it wasn’t exactly the most calming thing, it was the truth. Neither of them could really promise each other that nothing would happen, but they could promise to love each other until that moment happens.
If it ever does. But it’s much easier to live with the thought then continue to live in ignorance. And that was something neither of them were going to do.
Ash loved that about him though. That he doesn’t lie to her or tell her what she wants to hear. He’s blunt and he’s honest. What good would it do to lie to her? There was no hiding the truth from his wife. She knew him better than anyone, and she could see through any shit that he threw at her.
“I’m gonna go get you some water-”
“No, please, stay with me. Don’t go.”
Giran huffed a sigh, listening to the desperation in her tone. Her fingers grasped at the material of his shirt, refusing to let him go.
“Alright, okay. I’ll stay.”
“Thank you. Just… hold me for a little bit?” She asked.
How could he say no to that face?
Pulling her further into his lap, he let her nestled her face against his chest and close her eyes. She focused on the warmth against her face, breathing in the scent of him once again. She never felt so safe than in that moment. There was no place that she’d rather be than right there in his arms.
Before they met, she always thought the idea of someone’s arms being home as ridiculous. To her romance was just something that existed in fiction or for those that had the privilege of normalcy. Not something that she’d ever be able to feel. That was… until she met him. The most unlikely person became the only person that she trusted the most.
There were so many reasons why they never would have worked. On paper it seemed like the worst idea and something that would never last a couple weeks. Not only the age difference but just their personalities and their experiences. If she never would have agreed to that drink back then, would she even be here?
The short answer would be no. That small decision would definitely had changed their entire relationship, and she knew that. Which is why she’s extremely thankful that she was in a huge mood for a drink. That even the thought of drinking with Giran of all people sounded like a good idea.
She doesn’t like to think about it much, considering that she’s almost sure that he saved her. He’s given her such a sense of comfort in herself. Because he chooses to love her, even in the tough times. Something that no one else had ever done before. And they share a couple things in common in terms of experiences and where they are in life.
It just works. They work so well that it’s almost scary. She had no idea that she’d come to miss his company when he leaves and miss the feeling of his arms around her. She never thought that she’d be sitting here, crying over the thought of being without him. Knowing that if something were to happen tomorrow, that she wouldn’t be able to move on.
He was the one. She was completely sure of that. No one has ever come close to him, and no one ever will.
“Do you believe in soulmates?” Ash asked.
Giran was a bit taken aback by the question, stopping his treatment of patting her head.
“I didn’t.”
“Because I… really think you’re mine… Wait. What do you mean you didn’t?”
He laughed, knowing that he wasn’t going to be able to get past her. Exactly like he thought. She’s too good.
“No. You said you didn’t. What does that mean?”
She looked up at him, lifting her brows curiously. It was clear that she wasn’t going to drop the issue. Giran knew her way better than that, and he probably shouldn’t have said anything. But the minute he spoke it was too late.
“You think that we’re soulmates too, don’t you?” She asked.
“I didn’t say that-”
“No, but you do! You said that you didn’t which means that your opinion changed!”
He huffed a sigh, watching her tail flick rather excitedly. There she was. The wife that he knew and loved was back, her mood beginning to heighten once again. He was already starting to miss this side of her, even if it included her hounding his ass.
He didn’t answer for several minutes, listening to the sound of her swishing tail and feeling her eyes boring into him. There was no getting out of this one. Ash is a persistent one. The most persistent person he’s ever met, and he’s met a lot.
“Just admit it. You’re a total romantic, cheese ball who believes we’re made for each other,” She said with a giggle.
“Don’t try and change the fuckin’ subject. Spinnin’ this shit on me.”
“Hey, I said that I think you’re mine. Now, you have to agree with me.”
The smug grin on her face was absolutely adorable. This must be how she feels when he teases her. But he had to admit that he loved it. He wouldn’t have it any other way, listening to her rave on and on until she gets an answer.
“If I agree with you, then you’re lying down and goin’ to fuckin’ bed.”
“Fine. We’ll lay down.”
She wiggled her eyebrows, and he almost lost it.
“Alright, fine. I didn’t until you came along. Happy?”
“Yes. I’m very happy.”
She giggled, flopping down onto her back and dragging him down with her.
Kissing him softly, she popped off the buttons of his shirt and grasped the blanket that was all tossed around. Even though she did promise that they were going to be going to bed, the more that she kissed him the more that she knew she’d need more motivation to sleep. Giran rolled his eyes but gave into her, grasping her thighs and wrapping them around his waist.
At least he can tire her out to help get her to bed faster. Hoping to god that she’ll forget what they just talked about. But that’s only wishful thinking.
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scarlettlawyer · 5 years
Phantoms and Mirages Commentary, Part 2
(Part 1 here)
Chasing Phantoms, Chapter 11
Simon hadn’t expected the phrase ‘how you say’ to be uttered by a foreigner outside of fiction, but there it was.
HAHAHAAA. Now that’s what I call good foreshadowing! I also found this sentence rather interesting the first time around because I was, in fact, reading a work of fiction. But also, I thought to myself “hmm… you know, sometimes stereotypes/clichés can be echoed in reality.” I found it quite interesting that the text chose to comment on the choice of words like this (obviously not knowing the truth of Domestique’s grasp of English), and it managed to make me go “well I suppose it could happen?” And just kind of, accept it as an occurrence that really could happen in real life, albeit not often, and certainly not as often as fiction likes to suggest.
It was like a sentence that contained a lampshade hanging, a touch of self-awareness in that this is a fictional story, and something that encouraged me to think how it would be for me to hear a non-native English speaker say this IRL all in one. If I did hear a foreigner say “how you say” (assuming that their English was extremely basic to the extent that they’d struggle to really say anything), I really would not give it too much thought, after all. I’m pretty sure I have heard “how to say” used before IRL in the same manner.
The text saying “it’s weird to hear this said outside of fiction” is a double-edged sword going, “…and this is another fictional instance to add to the list, reiterating this fact” but also “in the context of the writing and the universe, I encourage you to think that this is a “real” instance within the story”.
And then the lampshade hanging actually becomes foreshadowing in retrospect, and ACTUALLY reiterates the idea that it’s a stereotypical type of foreigner-talk not really seen in real life – a go-to for someone faking a lack of English. So much invoked and going on here just in this really brief sentence/moment…
This story, with its later reveal, goes, “actually, we’re not going to have a foreigner talk in an extremely stereotyped way, EVEN if this fact is drawn attention to!”
He remembered the imposter questioning him about his sexuality. At first, he had insisted that it didn’t matter- that it could be whatever the imposter wanted it to be, because he hadn’t ever acted on it.
Man, back when I made this post, I was not even up to this part yet! I didn’t realise the text itself would bring it up so directly. Of course, you have Blackquill earlier going “if Bobby is gay, the phantom must have also known that Bobby is gay”, but I didn’t realise at that time it had actually been a direct question type deal as my post had joked. (Because, for example, if Bobby was open about being gay it could have been overheard mentioned in conversation by the phantom, or if Bobby had previous relationships that the phantom knew about, things like that, since I didn’t have the Full Picture earlier on in the story and for all I knew at that time, Bobby had been openly gay.) So, this small moment actually makes my joke post totally redundant from the “the phantom has to ask Bobby his sexual preferences” angle. XD. But, in fact, this is actually a recurring theme that happened to me as I read these fics. As the series went onwards, I found more and more that it didn’t matter how I joked, the jokes were being rendered totally redundant by the actual source material. I couldn’t believe it – it was amazing and I loved it. I tried to JOKE but the jokes were becoming REAL and often intertwoven with the very core of the fic’s narrative. At a certain point, I just gave up and stopped joking, because I realised it seemed there was essentially nothing I could say or do that the series wasn’t prepared to take up with absolute seriousness and execute, often in a brilliant manner (or include as a joke of its own). I realised that I kinda just had to “shut up and keep reading”, as it were. You were always two steps ahead.
Even if you go back to the very first chapter, which for the most part is very gloomy and depressing, but you still have the phantom interrogating Bobby as to whether he’s “a cat or a dog person”. This exact hypothetical occurrence has been subject to joke posts. Naturally, because it’s such a minor and inconsequential detail, and it’s a lighthearted topic. Now, I know, that the phantom would still very much (feel the) need to know the answer to those sorts of things anyway. You would think they would rely on observation, eavesdropping, approaching Bobby through a different persona to get the answers, etc, and yes, in your fic he does in fact do all of those things in addition to interrogation and questioning. I didn’t find him throwing out the question to Bobby at the start of the fic particularly realistic, but then again, there’s likely hundreds of small inconsequential details he found out through alternative methods, and these were just leftover questions that he still wanted answers to. At the time I started the fic, I just accepted it despite my scepticism because of willing suspension of disbelief and the fact that it’s kinda funny(?). Like, you have this super serious scene detailing a truly awful situation that Bobby is in, but the phantom being like “are you a cat or a dog person???” has an inherent ability to invoke some kind of amusement. (Although mind you, I was too busy focusing on Bobby’s REALLY sucky situation to be truly amused at the time). Back then, I chose to overlook the “realism” aspect, not least because I liked the idea of him asking Bobby this, but now, I can fully accept it because your writing is just that good; meaning I know you’ve thought through things like that quite thoroughly already, and like I said, these were probably just leftover questions he hadn’t had time to use alternative means to get the answers to at that point, anyway.
Still, the new Fulbright had claimed that it ‘didn’t work that way’ and that he needed to know the details for certain.
Phantom: please I’m begging you don’t force me to make any decision on your behalf. I hate doing that, or at least I would if I could really feel hate. I have no real personality and therefore no real basis to pick and choose. I need a framework to work with here, dammit!
You know! In spite of my initial reactions to changed!Bobby, it’s really interesting and kind of thrilling to see him be ‘cruder’ and more open. I quite liked it. It pops up a few times and it’s always fun! Unlike my reactions to things like his smoking (which, of course, he later gives up), by the time I’ve settled down to the idea of a changed Bobby, seeing him say some things that original!Bobby would never say don’t give me any real discomfort that makes me yell “YOU’RE NOT BOBBY!”. Rather, having already eased somewhat into a changed Bobby, I can accept it and in fact believe it as a solid part of his new character. Not only that, but I like the new character that has emerged after having been Randy Liberate. Bobby Fulbright reasserting himself, but it’s unrealistic that he’d be exactly the same as he was before. The smoking or complete abandonment of ideals of justice are what I balk at because it’s not really the core of who Bobby is, and that’s why these things are ultimately done away with as Bobby leaves Randy Liberate behind. But a newly acquired openness, crudeness and wariness/cynicism of justice remain, and I don’t balk at those – I accept them as part of who the new Bobby is. I love the original Bobby to bits, but I also like what the new Bobby brings too.
Chasing Phantoms, Chapter 12
However, the notion remained that if indeed there was a second accomplice, that person was still out there. Perhaps aiding the Phantom even now.
Perhaps… 🤔 I wonder, where on earth could they be? 😉 “PERHAPS aiding the Phantom even NOW”, oh you must have enjoyed writing that line.
The Phantom’s second accomplice was Domestique LaSoote. The man who’d aided in the Phantom’s release was sitting right there in his living room.
THE MOMENT this is brought to light, I was immediately like ���OH. Yeah, so that means that’s not Bobby – it’s the phantom. No question. Game over. Get out Blackquill, now, for your own sake, please, but in an unsuspicious way.” Or, at the very least, you literally can’t verify for sure and you should always veer on the side of caution with these things. ALWAYS assume the worst. Or, a game of trying to discreetly determine if it’s the real Bobby without tipping the phantom off if its not Bobby. Aaaaaaah.
“Fulbright, I need to speak with you for a moment. In private, if you will.”
All I know is that if it was me, my immediate thought would be “if he’s the phantom’s accomplice, that would leave the phantom easily able to come in and take Bobby’s place – therefore I can’t know if that’s the real Bobby or the phantom.” But Simon acted fast and had a lot on his mind and to take in. I’m sure if he had just a little bit more time to process what he realised, he would have clued on quickly too.
Chasing Phantoms, Chapter 13
Okay, I actually did get very afraid that Taka was really dead. Would have been unbelievably awful. ;-;
Man the phantom was/is SO dislikable to me this chapter, or at least, for all of the most of it. Like, go to hell, phanty. XD
Me: you might be my favourite character but right now you’re being REALLY annoying, not even in any kind of funny/”redeeming” way just a plain aggravating way, and you need to go away
It comes back to what I said in the previous post about me mistakenly thinking “the author” didn’t care much for the phantom, and kinda wanted us to dislike him for the major jerk he is. Plus his seemingly “out of character” behaviour kinda rubbed me the wrong way, until it’s actually addressed towards the end of the chapter.
Which, in itself, harkens back to that fic I mentioned from somewhere on the PWKM in my previous commentary post. But this time around, although I was not fond of the phantom currently presenting himself in this fic, I was still determined to read it, because the fic itself was still super, super good.
“An experiment, really. I’m quite excited to see the outcome.”
“No, you aren’t.” “Hah, well, I’m interested in the results regardless.”
“I suppose that’s as close to a compliment as I’ll ever get.” The Phantom took a flourishing bow, gun still pointed directly at Athena as he did so.
OH MY GOD I THINK I KINDA MISSED THIS LINE THE FIRST TIME AROUND. HE ACTUALLY TAKES A BOW. I’m imagining it done Edgeworth-style… WE STAN A SARCASTIC, SMARMY LITTLE EMOTIONLESS JERK. Me: ok, ok phantom. I love you this chapter a LITTLE for this, at least. Or a lot. Heh. But your little ultimatum towards Blackquill is still sickening to the core!
The phantom’s little breakdown, the crying… none of this I fully appreciated the first time around. Past me was something else…
Now this scene with Simon exposing the fact that the phantom wanted his attention is interesting in that, reading it again, I was actually quite surprised to find that Blackquill indeed never outright states that it has anything at all to do with romantic attraction or whatever. But as far as their discussion just before the phantom gets that brain surgery states, it’s exactly what he’s thinking, and exactly what I assumed too… He just never says it out loud, in those exact words.
I’d assumed so strongly that it must have been directly stated here somewhere by Blackquill. And when that scene before the surgery pans out between them, I then figured: “huh, so the phantom must indeed have been confronted with that accusation but come to realise that the need for attention was deeper than that.” I figured that huh, he considered it seriously but came to the conclusion it was untrue. Except. Now that I know it was never specifically stated, that interpretation mightn’t have occurred to him. He maybe went straight to realising he had some very deep issues goin’ on unrelated to romantic inclinations or whatever.
Blackquill goes on to spend the next few months straight-up assuming that the phantom has/had the hots for him……… Only to have that notion shot down by the phantom himself.
The fact that he doesn’t say it outright, but is still thinking it though, is like….
Blackquill, in vague and indirect terms, from his perspective: I’ve got it. The reason you’re acting so strangely. You’re gay for me!
The phantom: [suffers breakdown]
His guesswork had paid off, though part of him was beginning to think this secret had been better left uncovered.
Blackquill: wait WHAT. are you for real right now. I was literally just pulling stuff out of thin air here. You’re actually attracted to me?! (Now there’s a scary and creepy thought…)
Blackquill, under the misconception that the phantom felt a really messed-up and twisted romantic interest & attraction to him: [shudders] TMI… SOME THINGS ARE DEFINITELY BETTER LEFT UNCOVERED
And………… This scene with the phantom being kinda shattered and breaking down…… does resonate more with me, with the knowledge that the motivation and need for attention and acknowledgement was not motivated on the romantic scale, but rather went deeper than that, as you say. Although, it is hard to say, since I hadn’t appreciated it nearly enough on the first readthrough. That is ALL I shall say for now on the matter. All in due time… :P
Chasing Phantoms, Chapter 14
Breaking these flimsy binds was just like pulling off a band-aid. One had to be quick and decisive. He pulled them apart in one fluid motion and the chain, unable to bear with such sudden force, broke into several pathetic fragments. Athena flinched in shock, then went straight on to looking exasperated. “You know, I’m starting to think you’re one of the most terrifying people I’ve ever met.”
“You’re welcome.”
Sdkjsdjnsdln ok Simon that was awesome. “just like pulling off a band-aid” I’M YELLING...
A good five more minutes passed in which everyone worked frantically with their shovels. Their shoes and pants became stained with mud, but no one complained. Not even Edgeworth, whose outfit was likely the most expensive.
The image of a mud-stained Edgeworth though… omg.
Chasing Phantoms, Chapter 15
Okay, I am so curious regarding the intricacies of what the dynamic between Domestique and the phantom was like. I’ll bring this up again from different angles in a later chapter commentary(s) but. Yeah!
“I’m just saying that maybe you shouldn’t be out carrying an unconscious body by yourself, Boss. It’s gonna look mighty suspicious.”
Like first off, he calls him “Boss” here, when it’s later established there’s not supposed to be any real hierarchy – rather, they’re supposed to be accomplices (?). Then again, the title might be being used sarcastically or insincerely here. Although, Domestique does actually take orders from the phantom… That is consistently shown to have been the status quo as well. Hmm.
And even if they’re “supposed” to be on equal footing, the phantom is in a position of power over Domestique because there’s so many things the phantom can leverage in order to force him to do what he wants. So there’s that too.
I also took this statement sincerely the first time around reading it back when I didn’t know Domestique very well – I thought it almost sounded like he was showing concern. But now I see it as much more flippantly spoken. It’s not the phantom he’s worried about, really. The fact is, Domestique has been unwillingly caught up in all this and he doesn’t want it all to blow up in their faces, cause he’ll have to deal with the fallout too when/if that happens. I guess that’s the main takeaway here.
“What part of sit down and behave is so hard for you to grasp? That ‘stupid bird’ is more obedient than you are.”
Oh, also, when we initially learned about the “Bobby has been buried” thing I got extremely worried because I figured it would be another huge thing to add to Bobby’s trauma, as my initial horrified thought was of him being buried in the ground, conscious, with nothing to do but to wait. And wait. Thinking he was going to just run out of oxygen and die. That was such an unbearable thought. I’m so glad he at least actually “slept” through most of the ordeal. Now the phantom did initially say “motionless” when the worst is assumed, but does not add this specification when the reality is unveiled to Blackquill, so hah, yeah, at least in that sense I’d thought things were worse than they actually were. Relieved my thoughts weren’t the case…
Chasing Phantoms, Chapter 16
…Wait. Wait. There are TWO ways to read one of the phantom’s parting sentences:
“Death is the only option I have left. Are you the one attempting to save me from a sentence that is justified now?”
“Death is the only option I have left. Are you the one attempting to save me from a sentence that is justified now?”
I’d always read it the second way though.
“I would do so if there were any alternatives. There’s a lot of strings we’d have to pull on both Interpol’s end and the local police department’s end, but I see no other options. The only person qualified to impersonate the Phantom, ironically, is Bobby Fulbright.”
Reading this honestly blew my damn mind, I. Right now, I’m not even able to put into words how great and brilliant I found this upon reading it for the first time, to be honest. :D
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smoochews · 6 years
what are your favorite writers and your top favorite works from them?? like a top ten
I saw this ask in the middle of work and I wanted to scream aksldfjalks I’m gonna tell you rn that I got really overwhelmed with the amount of authors that have earned a spot in my top favs that I actually cut this to just the authors that I have most recently visited (this counts as returning multiple times to reread a certain fic… which happens… a lot)
@arckook Ria is one of the first authors I ever read from for k-pop fanfiction. Until Ria, I was just highkey on that Haikyuu volleyball gays/imagines and I’d like to believe that she was one of the main reasons why I began to invest myself heavily into the kpop fandom. I’m always amazed with each piece she releases. Her style is so unique and hypnotizing. There’s a big section in my heart reserved just for Ria that I don’t have enough words to convey. plz support. plz love. she’s the best
- To The Stars (Jungkook, BTS): Zombie Apocalypse AU, Enemies to Lovers AU, series, violence, angst, drama
This read is not for the light hearted. You have been warned. You will sob hysterically. You will feel rage seep into your bones. You will punch a hole in your screen. MC is an entire badass, but so broken and vulnerable; somehow she manages to keep herself together and carry on. Even when she hates Jungkook with every cell in her body, she makes sure to keep him alive, watch his six, just as he does for her. There’s only a handful of works that have kept me as heavily invested and on my toes every step of the way. And that list begins with To The Stars
 @brokeandjetlagged I cannot tell you how many times I’ve made a fool out of myself in public while reading Bailey’s work…. like lord help me I can’t stay in my chair…
- We Take A Shot (Baekhyun, EXO): Office AU, boss!Baekhyun, one-shot, fluff
Even after re-reading it 2-3 times, I cannot help the obnoxious laughter escaping my mouth….sounding something along the lines of a screeching seagull. Dorky Baekhyun trying to be Mr. Businessman really killed me. LIKE PLZ THE HOVER BOARD asdfjsj I’m laughing just thinking about it
- Hurt Me, Heal Me (Yixing, EXO): Hospital AU, nurse!Yixing, one-shot, fluff
Honestly, I would pay to be Baekhyun in that moment. Someone kick me in the face if that meant I could spend some time with nurse Yixing. He’s so adorable and I highly relate to MC being a mess when he thinks that she’s Baek’s girlfriend. Overall, this fic makes my heart go kyuu~
- Bromance .2 (Minseok, EXO) : College AU, frat!Minseok, enemies to lovers AU, series (ish), fluff, smut, drama
enemies to lovers…. honestly I’m not entirely sure of what to say other than that you should read it
@sehun-smut ngl. one of the reasons, besides me passing out, that this rec list took so long to make is bc I stopped to re-read both of these fics…. no ragrats… I don’t think you’ll understand until you read all of their work… so like… you know what to do…
- Business in the Front (Baekhyun,EXO): Restaurant AU (ish), one-shot, smut
Older Baekhyun is a kink okay. I’ve never wanted to call someone daddy more in my life than while reading this fic… and like to begin with it’s hard for me to imagine Baek being zaddy, so that should say A LOT.
- Deceitful (Chanyeol, EXO) - Mafia AU, series, smut, violence
I think this is the first honeytrapper fic I’ve ever read in my life. I mean I was aware of the job description but not the actual title. I must say I’m thoroughly aroused and equally terrified.
 @exhoe-imagines I really adore Ruby and Jewels. Like, they’re so funny and interactive with their followers; and their content is always breath taking. highkey power couple energy
- Can’t Hold Back (Jongdae, EXO): Enemies to Lovers AU, one-shot, smut, drama, slight angst
You already know Jongdae is fucked the minute he sees MC’s bathing suit on the ground while she’s in the pool. You already know that when he went home that evening, his meat was begging for mercy by the end of the night. jfladskjf okay I’m gross, I know, but carrying on– the growth between Jongdae’s and MCs relationship is really heartwarming. Could not have asked for more from this fic
- Lucky (Baekhyun + Chanyeol, EXO): College AU, one-shot, smut
@yehet-me-up I will never not be in love with Sarah. Her Exodus Mall series really takes me back home. Often times when I’m feeling down and sick, I return to Sarah’s page and re-read that series. To say the least, I find home in Sarah’s writing.
- The Problem With Wanting (Kyungsoo, EXO): Mall AU, series, fluff, slight angst, smut
listen to this song and just take it in…. I think this was the first fic I read from the Exodus series and it will always hold a special place in my heart. This fic in particular is what I find myself coming back to again and again, time after time, and I always feel renewed. I feel youthful. More like… you know that feeling you get when you realize you’re falling in love with someone? That’s this. Please read. Please.
- Disqualified (Kyungsoo, EXO): Friends to Lovers AU, one-shot, angst, fluff
Imagine twisting a knife in your gut and slowly removing it through the opposite side of your body. That’s this fic. But like. With love. askdjflksjd I really love the way Sarah portrays Kyungsoo. Her descriptions of his thoughts, mannerisms and quirks make me feel like I’m watching a movie. Everything is so distinct and the atmosphere feels tangible. idk words. I just love Sarah.
@snakescript I don’t know too much about this author but I’m totally and completely enamored with their writings. 
- Make The Devil Cry (Taeyong, NCT) : College AU, one-shot, light angst, smut
I’m weak for the “playboy” tamer… and tbh I feel like this would be Taeyong irl. Hard and complex to the eyes of an observer, but a major softy and sweet pea to the eyes of a listener. I’m upset of how little attention this fic has bc the world is really missing out on a diamond.
- Face Like Thunder (Chanyeol, EXO): Mythology/Greek God AU, one-shot, light angst, fluff
I would like to file a complaint. My heart is crying and my love for Chanyeol is soaring and I’m ACHE FOR THE MAN. Lmao I’m not even a Chanyeol stan but this fic got me thinkin’
@johobi you can always count on Jo to make you cream your pants in the middle of Target (stay away from the baby section kids)
- Bloom / Snared (Yoonji/Yoongi, BTS): Mafia AU, smut
honestly, Yoonji can wipe the floor with my body, in pool of my own blood, and I would thank her. I really really love the way Jo depicts Yoonji here. I can just feel that fem fetal power and that in itself got me ruining my underwear.
- Tooth and Claw (Jungkook, BTS) : Werewolf AU, smut
I’ve never related to furry more in my life than while I read this fic. high key wanna be rawed and torn in half by his king kong schlong … idk how MC survived, but she’s my idol.
- Dig Deep + Interval (Yoongi, BTS): Space AU, smut
I’m ngl. I really went to Pornhub and looked up tentacle porn after reading this. Y’all can @ me, roast me if you like,,,, but you’re a got-damn liar if you say this doesn’t get your blood pumping. p sure I wrote this on my tags but i didn’t even know I liked tentacle porn until then…. I hate myself
 @bread-jinie idk where to start…. there are so many things I can say about Kat…… im tongue-tied…. 
- Wings (Chanyeol, EXO): Friends to Lovers AU, angst, fluff
I think this fic is my favorite work Kat has written so far. It’s like she knows the right words to tug the strings of my heart and play me like a puppet. A heartbroken but hopeful puppet. MC and Chanyeol always looking at each other but never at the same time breaks me; thankfully, the ending patches me back together.
Honorable mentions bc I’ve grown v tired and cannot continue with full details for info regarding everything, in addition to the fact that I’m inpatient and I want to post this ASAP:
@kollectionn GOD SENT. DO NOT PLAY AROUND. YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE. YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. THE WORLD WILL END AS YOU KNOW IT. THEN BE REBORN FROM THE ASHES AS C WILLS IT SO. (sorry for the all caps but I feel INTENSELY about C and her works of art; If I can recall correctly, I believe she said that she would begin to write her own non-fanfic when she finds the time. I think she has the power and ability to write best selling novels that would leave J.K. Rowling quaking in her boots. Plz go and love C. Don’t ask for updates. Just show her all the love she deserves and more; I haven’t been lately and I feel terrible for it; I hope she knows I love her!!!)
@dropsofletters lemme tell you somm’… this author is so talented and diverse in her work that I find myself scattered with the amounts of fandom’s she holds in her clutch. I’m so thankful to have found her page on this godforsaken website bc she caters so much to this world. Talented. Spectacular. Amazing. Blessing to Society. I don’t think I’ve found any multi-fandom writers that has spread out as far as she has. She’s one of those authors that has exactly what you’re looking for, even if you don’t know what it is. An Angel.
@layhyunnie beautiful. ethereal. whimsical. Inspiring. I mean literally inspiring. I wrote a few drabbles after reading Guardian bc I wanted to try and bring to life a world outside of our own, to step outside reality, just like I felt while reading their work. 
- Guardian (Yixing, EXO): Supernatural AU, series, fluff
Again… I’m v tired… so here’s a short list of authors I meant to add here, along with their fics/full details of why I love them:
@knockknocksoosthere / @underthejoon @marshmallow-phd @kpopfanfictrash @yeolology @yeolology @whimsical-ness @remembeo @lofiexo @nochugguk @noona-clock @noonachronicles @oilblotter @soobadnoonecanstopher
((If you would like to know more about my interests in the unfinished authors, or any authors above for that matter, then please leave me an ask!! I will answer them when I am no longer tired akjsjdf I cannot reply via chat as this is only a side blog))
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yumi-michiyo · 6 years
[The Shortest Distance] - extended author’s notes and meta
Watch this space! Instead of making a whole new post for each chapter, I'll be compiling everything here as I post the chapters. [Updated 27th January 2019]
Rating: M for language and explicit sexual content. TW for mentions of eating disorders and anxiety
Genre: Slice of Life/Angst/Friendship/Humour/Hurt/Comfort/Fluff/Romance/Friends to Lovers
Couples: Marley Rose/Quinn Fabray (main), side Santana Lopez/Rachel Berry, side Finn Hudson/Brittany Pierce, side Wade "Unique" Adams/OMC
Pairings: Marley Rose/Quinn Fabray, mentioned Marley Rose/Jake Puckerman, Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray friendship, Quinn Fabray/Santana Lopez friendship, Marley Rose/Wade "Unique" Adams friendship, all the friendships okay
Summary: It starts with a friendship composed of books, lazy summer afternoons, and understanding; and blossoms into more. Slowburn Fabrose. Season 4 canon divergence!AU.
Links: FF.net | AO3
On the origins:
This. Work. Took. Too. Long.
Seriously, the plot got written, scrapped, revived and revised, scrapped, etc. far too many times to count. From being a slight supernatural!AU like For You I'd Burn the Length and Breadth of Sky, to a fic running parallel to canon, to a canon fix-it fic... I'd all but thrown in the towel on this. Most of it only existed in a scraps folder in my Google Drive, and I'd go add more unconnected scraps whenever I needed a break from other WIPs.
Eventually, the scraps accumulated such that there was some semblance of plot, and I got very fond of some long scenes; enough that there was motivation to turn it into a fic on its own.
On the writing process:
A few scraps and loose ends from my other Fabrose fic found their way inside, but quickly grew into their own thing. I think the reason why I've struggled so much with this fic is because I don't have a good handle of Marley's character. I'll be the first to admit that I don't even like many of the canon main characters, and that my headcanons are mostly derived from other fanfic, but there isn't much Marley in the first place, meaning I had to work hard lol.
Most of the actual writing took place in transit, on my weeny iPhone 6s screen, with my overworked thumbs. Not something I recommend to casual writers. I upgraded my phone! Now I have a much larger screen for on-the-go writing, and a new mechanical keyboard for editing/more stream-of-consciousness ramblings.
On the chapter titles:
A special mention! I don't think I've written much about how I choose my fic titles; I think it's because half the time it's a slapdash process, and the other half comes with a lot of thinking.
I love music, and it shows when I use plenty of song lyrics in fics and titles. My taste in music is pretty eclectic, but I can assure you that I actually like all the songs I pick for my writing, and I'm not just picking random profound-sounding lyrics off the Interwebs lol.
I do have a few criteria for picking song lyrics. One, it has to be relevant to the subject lol. Two, it has to have some depth which alludes to whatever hidden message is in the fic. Three, of course it's something I actually enjoy, as mentioned earlier. I think this is really important because I do pick up music recommendations from fanfic, and treasure them for the positive assocations brought from fic I've enjoyed. I think it's important to do the same.
Instead of linking endlessly, I've created a YouTube playlist collecting all the music used in this fic. Find it here.
Prologue: Title is from Marina and the Diamonds. I loved her first album Electra Heart and not because she was covered on Glee; Marina has this punchy, catchy style with awesome lyrics. She later released Froot, another genius work that needs a lot more attention than it's gotten.
Part One: Another Marina and the Diamonds lyric. Can I just take this opportunity to plug her album?
Part Two: Sam Smith, my love. His music always makes me want to write the angstiest, most heartbreaking things. He's one of the few artists out there now who writes the most obscure and complicated feelings into music.
Part Three: This was supposed to be the title of the entire fic, but I forgot lol. I like the Charles Bukowski quote better, but at the very least this wonderful song from Leonard Cohen gets a mention.
Part Four: Very different in tone from all the previous songs mentioned. I found the Arctic Monkeys' lyrics to be deep and intriguing, which is interesting compared to their melodies and catchy beat.
Part Five: This was a struggle! There are so many good songs out there with really great lyrics that could fit into the chapter and the themes I was going for, but in the end, I went back to Lea (as I tend to do for my fics). I wanted that aimless feeling Marley has for most of the chapter.
Part Six: I love Yellowcard. I've been a fan for more than a decade, for their excellent lyrics and wonderful melodies, their instrumentation and their creativity. Most of their songs deal with heartbreak, so it's rare that I come across a song of theirs that encapsulates so well what I wanted to convey in their early relationship.
Part Seven: One of my best buddies, IRL and in fandom, loves K-pop. She's been trying to brainwash me for years, and so far she's been having quite a lot of success; I've written a few things that are inspired by K-pop lyrics. The inspiration for this fic came from a new song from Mamamoo, which is made up of four very talented ladies.
Part Eight: I haven't been discovering music for a while, but Paramore's latest album was a pretty refreshing find. I was looking for something light that described the mood of this chapter.
Part Nine: Apparently, Vienna Teng's work has been something of a mainstay in fandom; which makes sense, with her poignant lyrics and soulful piano ballads. I discovered her through the Studio Ghibli fanfics written by Saddletank, who makes extensive use of her music with great effect.
Part Ten: I discovered the genius of Fleetwood Mac through Glee. It was the perfect time, now that I was going through things IRL that made the music relatable and meaningful. While not one of my favourite songs, the lyrics resonate best with the chapter.
Part Eleven: William Ryan Key (better known as the frontman of the pop-punk band Yellowcard) recently launched a solo career. He writes the gentlest, most profound acoustic ballads I have ever heard. Most of what I envision Marley's music to be is his work (with elements of Kina Grannis' artistry and Sara Bareilles' lyrics), and I would pay good money to hear Melissa actually perform his songs.
Part Twelve: Those who read my fics can definitely tell that I'm a massive Sara Bareilles fan. The woman is a delightful human being, and an immensely talented singer-songwriter (is it obvious I have a thing for talented people?). Again, the reasons for picking songs is really to set the mood and atmosphere for the chapter; the lyrics may or may not be directly relevant to the story.
Part Thirteen: Kina Grannis recently rose to fame performing a cover of Elvis' Can't Help Fallin' in Love With You in the movie Crazy Rich Asians. I love her style and interpretation of songs.
Part Fourteen: It's rare when canon and fanon intersect, and I'm always very happy to make a big production out of it. I loved Melissa's performance of this song, and I was actively looking for some way I could give it a nod. And so when I was writing this chapter, I listened to it on repeat.
Part Fifteen: It's always nice when things work out :) earlier I had a Marley song, and now it's Quinn's turn (conveniently ignoring Puck's part lol). While Marley's part was about taking the plunge, Quinn's was about getting over past hurts and building a stronger relationship.
Epilogue: I've used Sara Bareilles' music plenty of times in my work. Normally, I hate reusing music, but it was impossible to pass up the opportunity to use this beautiful song to wrap up a giant labour of love.
General Meta:
Prologue-Part One: These two chapters were intended to set the tone of the early relationship between canon!Marley and canon!Quinn, which then contrasts their new/old relationship when they meet again a few years later. They establish a friendship out of common interests (and a lack of anything better to do) which I think also gets them to understand each other a little better. I hope.
I took this opportunity to also set the friendship between Marley and Unique. Strong female (?) friendships are something always lacking in Glee, and I wanted to pay homage to these two awesome ladies. Also, Unique and Marley's friendship acts as a foil to the one Quinn and Marley start to forge here - because, clearly, the latter two are gonna end up together lol.
Part Two: Rachel gets introduced! Again, more comparing and contrasting: Quinn and Rachel's friendship vs Marley and Unique's, Quinn and Marley's friendship vs Quinn and Rachel's. Our girls also start to open up to each other. Recently, I've been following Chuck Palahniuk's writing advice (which I have printed out and stuck on my wall): Instead of characters knowing anything, you must now present the details that allow the reader to know them. Instead of a character wanting something, you must now describe the thing so that the reader wants it.
Part Three: A bit more background, a bit more development. In the previous chapter Marley opened up to Quinn about her eating disorder, in this one Quinn starts to open up about some of her past. It was hard writing this one mostly because Marley, unlike Rachel, wasn't privy to a lot of the things Quinn went through (this plays a big part in their relationship after they get together later down the line).
Rachel and Santana are together in this one! I would say more stuff about foils, comparing and constrasting, but by now you should've noticed it's something I do a lot. It's crucial that they're together in this fic because the girls do help our clueless pair move things along.
Also, I think y'all are pleased that I finally had Quinn dump her (off-screen) boyfriend lol.
Part Four: I loved writing this chapter. Now that we've established the friendship between our girls, I panned out a bit to cover more of the world they live in, and the people and events that shape their lives. It was a bit of a challenge since Quinn is now working, and Marley still a college student, but I hope I've done a decent job.
I get the feeling y'all hate me for putting Marley with some random man, but I think it's important. Marley is still very underdeveloped as a character herself, with loads of confused feelings. She needs to mature a little more emotionally, make decisions for herself, experience a little heartbreak, before she can be ready for an emotional minefield like Quinn Fabray.
It's not a coincidence that Quinn's ex is named Blake, and Marley's (soon to be ex?) is named Alex, by the way... Also, speaking of names, it will likely never be mentioned in the fic but Stan's full first name is Æthelstan (poor dude). Valentino is an arowana because of that fantastic expression. I headcanon that he's always judging the goings-on in that apartment.
In which the girls take a step forward after nearly 60k+ words of slowburn - trust me, it was killing me almost as much as it was killing you guys. But I was trying to make it was organic as possible, and as y'all know Marley doesn't have much of a stable romantic background to draw from, and her closest role models are all certifiably insane.
There are a lot of challenges upcoming for them, which I will have to spend a good deal of time delineating. I am really invested in these two at this point.
Part Six: After all that slowburn, my brain kinda went into overdrive. The draft I had for this fic originally ended here, but I couldn't do that to you guys aren't you glad I didn't. So the first half came into being, with its gratituous fluff and their friends' reactions.
The second half came while I was developing Millie's reaction; I wanted to make a comparison between Millie and Judy as single moms. But to be a foil to how open Millie is, Judy had to be the bad mom. I hadn't intended her to come off as so cruel, but she's not truly evil. Quinn has to get her sharp tongue from somewhere LOL.
Also! Finn and Brittany! I gave them a brief moment in my other fic For You I'd Burn the Length and Breadth of Sky but killed Finn off uwu. I've been fond of this rarepair for a long time now, and it seemed fitting to put another rarepair into this fic. Additionally, I am such a sucker for couple angst, like the Rachel/Santana/Finn/Brittany dynamic. They really deserve a fic of their own, the poor things, but we'll see how it goes. This fic is primarily a Marley/Quinn, and will remain that way because I lack the mental capacity and patience to write a fic with two main couples without wanting to gouge my eyes out.
Some of you active and astute readers might notice a lot of mentions of stuff foreshadowed earlier in the fic, with extremely tiny throwaway moments being revisited in this chapter. I assure you this wasn't intentional, and I'm in no way the awesome and masterful writer all this makes me out to be.
Part Seven: Dear god, I was so busy with life I totally forgot to write the author's notes for this chapter... Anyway, the entire thing is about tying up loose ends. They're dealing with their problems while the shadow of Marley leaving hangs over them, and making the best of their time together.
And yes! I heard a lot of happy squeals when this fic finally earned its M rating. For those of you who are wondering about the sudden sexytimes in the middle of bigger issues, well... let's just say that it has consequences.
On a side note, I hope none of you out there were rooting for Marley to stay in NY. Don't worry, this is a romance fic, and there will be a happy ending.
Part Eight: When you don't have time to update the author's notes when you update the story... This was a pretty interesting chapter to write. Mostly because I was figuring out how they build up after the loose ends in the previous chapter have been taken care of.
Not really knowing Marley's canon character has been an obstacle in writing this fic, right from the beginning. She's also not a popular fanfic character but I do like a challenge.
Can you tell I watched La La Land as research for life in LA for this chapter? The music has been pretty stuck in my head too but none of it really fit the mood for this chapter, so I was forced to omit it. But yes, some of the bits and locales in the movie sneak into this fic.
Part Nine: Quinn's trip to LA, and the various things they get up to. Lots of indulgent fluff and smut, and a dash of plot at the end...
Part Ten: I love the friendship Marley and Santana have in this story. My headcanon for Santana is that she's the tough, worldly big sister type, and she's taken Marley under her wing. This is my attempt at advancing the plot by exploring the conflict in the long-distance relationship, with plenty of Marley-Santana-Rachel interaction (and throwing in loads of foreshadowing). Since there's so much heavy content, there's plenty of fluff to go around, padding the spaces between character development and plot. The Skype cooking idea was taken directly from my real life :)
Part Eleven: Mostly fallout from the drama in the previous chapter, and more advancement of the plot. It's intentional that there's so much drama, because it's something they both have (thanks canon) and I believe it's important for a healthy long-term relationship that they are able to resolve it. Also, Shelby is a convenient villain here, though I loved putting Beth into the mix, and having the characters react to the non-canon pairings in this fic. Doctor C makes a reappearance, as does Millie. Their growing absence from the main story is also intentional; Marley is growing into a character of her own, and she becomes less reliant on them.
Part Twelve: Initially I thought this chapter was going to be filler ahead of the big decision, but I was wrong. There was so much plot in this one ugh. I wanted Finn and Brittany to get their turn in the spotlight, but it had to be relevant to the plot as well. I wanted Marley to show us how much she'd grown over the course of the story, and from her canon self.
Part Thirteen: A lot of people thought they'd broken up in the previous chapter. I made them properly break up in this one >:) I wasn't going for a big dramatic shake-up or anything; the point was that people have relationship troubles. A lot of people have difficulty being an us, and this was supposed to be the result of the major cracks hinted at earlier, and the final part of their development as individuals before they can be in a relationship with each other. There's a lot of fluff and recovery; they have to break up to figure out how to be together, if that makes sense (but they do get their happy ending!)
Part Fourteen: The timeskip is important. It shows how far they've come, and the difference in how they now interact. While I can't show you how much Quinn's grown since this fic is from Marley's POV, I put as much of it into the story as humanly possible, and without making Marley into some mind-reading alien. Things are different now. The first break-up was necessary to put their past behind, and by getting together again, they're both prepared to work hard to grow from that. I do believe that it was absolutely necessary for them to break up to know exactly what they've lost.
Part Fifteen: The idea for this chapter came when watching Bones, and when talking to some friends. I needed to have them overcome what happened in the past, and symbolically walk forward together. Then I remembered a throwaway line about Rachel workshopping Jesse St James' musical, and the chapter pretty much wrote itself from there.
Epilogue: Not much in this one, honestly. I wanted to tie up loose ends, represent them moving forward without hesitation, and bring the story to a conclusion worthy of such a long journey. The smut was a bonus treat for everyone that's been following this.
On Marley Rose:
Confession: I don't watch Supergirl. There's only so much my poor heart can take from shipping non-canon lesbian couples who have a ton of onscreen chemistry, but who are paired off with guys. Bitter? Not I
So I take canon!Marley, pad her personality with a lot of extrapolation, add a hearty dose of logical explanation for inexplicable quirks from canon, and toss her into this fic to do a lot of growing up. If this sounds like a recipe, I think I'm too hungry.
Melissa's current turn on Broadway is inspiring a lot of the fic's direction.
On Quinn Fabray:
If it isn't already obvious that I'm in love with Quinn Fabray (and Dianna Agron for giving her so much depth), this fic should just help you reach that conclusion lol. no thanks to R*** M*****
The other Fabrose I wrote is from Quinn's POV, who basically spends the whole time sorting out her issues and stumbling into something she had never imagined could happen to her. This one is from Marley's POV, and also features her sorting out a ton of personal issues.
A lot of Quinn's character and experiences with her mother is taken from real life LOL.
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jjungkooksthighs · 4 years
HIII ITS ME HEART FLUTTERING ANON 😁 SO! FAV CHAPTERS EEEE first of all chap 1 had me hooked obviously from the start, and for chap 2 i lovedddd how it set the scene for how they first met and then when they ran into each other again ... literal tingles up and down the way he TALKED to her??? “pretty omega ... i won’t bite” AHHHHHHHHHHHH
and then all of chapter 3 was so good the way he was talking to her again was sooo good so possessive and it was incredible like i don’t know if you understand literally LITERALLY it makes my body tingle and then chap 4 when he carried her through the forest and hes all like “you wouldn’t want me to lose control would you” AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
and then chapter 5 i love that you wrote her a sweet best friend and also that scene where she imagined him .... GOD ur incredible. and then the ENDING. when taehyung popped out .... i’m actually double biased with taehyung and jungkook and so when that happened i was like JHDJSAIWIQKSJJS more tingles it was so well written please
... then chap 6. do i even need to say anything? thigh riding i CANT i almost passed out and he made her admit that she had her own fantasies and nobody could do it like him .... also the end when he was like “it won’t be just your legs that ache in my wake” AHHHHHHHHHHHH LIKE I SWEAR MY WHOLE BODY JUS. IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT OTHER THAN AHHHHHHHHHHH
chap 7 ... the whole dancing scene was so hot and then he told her to come to him OOOOO ANTICIPATION
finally chap 8 GODDDD first of all i love grinding like literally you don’t even understand and so when you wrote that in i was like EEEEEEE and then she went down on him and at the same time she got off on his leg that was so so sexy but then they have to go apart again :( until the next chapter !
so. in case you haven’t noticed it’s very hard for me to pick a fav chapter. lol. BUT i would def say chap 6 and chap 8 for obvious reasons, chapter 3 and 4 were also really sexy but i think my fav will be chapter 9 actually i’m anticipating it a lot and i’m sure it’ll be nothing but amazing ... that’s not pressure it’s me having faith in you cause you’re an amazing writer and i’m so excited to see what you come up with next hehe
i hope tbis wasn’t too long and annoying to read but yeah ily
Chapter 1 of COC was written during a lust filled craze following the Idol performance at Gyeongbokgung Palace that they boys did for that BTS week on Jimmy Kimmel’s show. Kook really was in a rare form following his 23rd birthday and that performance truly had me salivating over him from start to finish. I saw Jungkook and my eyes did not stray from him once and not a day later, I was working on a fic that I had no idea would become the 40k plus piece that is now COC. 
Chapter 1 was brought you to my overwhelming horniness after that performance and it’s interesting that you were lured to my fic in the same way Jungkook allured me to him even from the moment I first saw him back in 2013. 
You caught that little bit with him biting her in chapter 2, huh?? XD I am impressed. Perhaps he was joking, perhaps he knew from that second he saw her that she was destined to be his mate and therefore was hinting at a future mating mark???
Moving on, Jungkook is indeed a very possessive individual (from what we know of him irl in that he’s said “what is yours is mine and what is mine is mine”) and I wanted to depict that side of him in addition to making that trait even more abundant in his character in the story since wolves themselves are very territorial and possessive creatures. If Jungkook irl likes to stake his claim on things, then you can only image how much more enhanced that side of him would be if here were, say, a werewolf. 
I am glad you Jungkook’s characterization in the way that he converses with those around him (especially reader) and when I was writing, I wanted reader to feel shy and even more, I wanted you guys as the readers to “feel” the tingle that she does when he speaks to her. The fact that you do means i succeeded in that and I am very, very pleased to hear it!
As for his comment about “losing control,” let us just say that every single time that reader is around him, it takes him an enormous amount of self-restraint not to let his urges take hold of him that she brings out whenever he inhales her pheromones that make his baser being howl with need for in addition to her own personality that he finds very refreshing and adorable. On top of all that, she’s the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen, so he’s quite taken with her and she with him. I wanted to instill that desire between them as well within their conversations and hopefully that is conveyed in the chapters, too!
Chapter five....that one was one written after quite the dream I had. I will say that one was genius if I do say so myself. It was so long and i had so much I wanted to do with it and the final product I was actually really satisfied with. I’m happy to know you were, too, hun! It’s funny you say you are double biased with Tae as someone I know very well irl is biased so hard for him that not even Kook can sway her attention (and lbr how can one NOT look at Jungkook when he’s sin incarnate when he wants to be and cute lil baby boy when he feels like being sweet?)
LISTEN CHAPTER SIX I WROTE IN ANOTHER LUST FILLED HAZE OKAY I MAKE NO APOLOGIES FOR THIGH RIDING I MEAN HAVE YOU SEEN HIS LEGS??? HAVE YOU??? LITERAL ORGASM MATERIAL ISTG I WOULD RIDE THEM WHENEVER, WHEREVER AND HOWEVER HE WANTED IF HE LET ME. MY URL LITERALLY IS JJUNGKOOKSTHIGHS OKAY I MUST PAY HOMAGE TO THE CREATIONS OF THE FINEST MAKING TO MAN (honestly though everything about Jungkook is a gift from the gods). i cannot tell you how many times I have thought about fucking myself over his thighs okay it’s just not healthy and let us leave it at that. Ahem, anyways.... chapter six really was something, huh? That whole chapter got deleted off my computer after I closed the file and forgot to save it and so had to rewrite the whole thing from scratch. It was a sad day when that happened, but I got right back to work and finished the reworked version about two days later. I had worried for some time that that chapter wasn’t as hot because of the diction in it, so hopefully you were able to immerse yourself in that and get those tingles there, too XD
Chapter seven was especially long and that one was actually deleted originally after some comments about the diction and so I had to rewrite it and repost it so that people would be able to understand it better. That whole dance scene is very close to my heart as it was taken directly from that little dance break Jungkook does in his My Time performance during their online MOTS: One concert. The song he sings is also My Time, which is my favorite solo song (in combination with Euphoria because they are both my children and you can’t pick favorites with children lbr), so that whole little show he puts on for reader is very special to me since I love the song (and dance) so much. 
Chapter eight was hot af, I admit it. He really did a number on reader in chapter seven and so she wanted to show him how he made her feel and boy, did she deliver. He fell even harder for her when he realized she wanted to please him despite her inexperience and it was a godly experience for him to be able to teach her how to use her mouth on the only cock that she will ever have in her mouth or her cunt. :) They are animals after all, for only animals do what they did in that chapter in terms of her literally rutting against his leg and getting off while she drank his seed after blowing him. Anyways, it was hot and I confess, my mind really was somewhere south while writing that. 
Oh, and to clarify, they don’t separate in that chapter (and I have begun to write chapter nine and they are not apart in that one either. Well, in the beginning at least ). 
So, chapters 6 and 8 were your favorites, huh? Looks like your favorite ones are the ones with smut , eh??? Interesting... I will say that chapter nine will not have any smut in it, but I think you will be pleased with it when you read it. You will have quite a lot of emotions hit you during it and I hope to do you justice when I post it, hon. 
Thank you so much for giving me such a long and detailed response. You may think I found it annoying, but I assure you that I did not. Rather, I thought the opposite in that it was endearing and I want you to know how grateful I am that you took the time to write all this out and send it to me. I wanted to give you a response that was just as detailed and thoughtful as I appreciate you for doing what you did. So, I guess what I am trying to say is thank you for this. I enjoyed reading your thoughts and i hope you will be appeased by my reply in turn, sweetling. 
0 notes
41/50 Ghost/Living Person AU KiriDeku
Izuku is a ghost that haunts depressed Kirishima at night and sometimes joins him in his dreams
This has been going on for years
Starting when they were like 4 or 5 and Izuku was feeling down about being labelled as Quirkless and Kirishima was hurt by his own Quirk and started hating it and himself
They talk and bond and stuff and Izuku encourages Kirishima all the time
Fanboying together in the dream world where Kirishima masters lucid dreaming early on so they can do pretty much whatever they want
When they hang out as irl Kirishima and Ghost Izuku, they’re a little more real with each other since random thoughts and distractions don’t just appear at the slightest whim
Reality keeps it real
Izuku confides in Kirishima about Katsuki’s bullying and learns that he didn’t need to follow a toxic person like that, even if they had the makings of a great hero
Kirishima talks about his fear that his Quirk will never be strong enough to help anyone and will just end up with him hurting over and over again
Izuku isn't sure if Kirishima is real or just a literal dream guy until they go to UA and that's how he discovers his Quirk. 
Izuku may or may not have gotten OfA, haven’t decided.
If yes, they meet the first day when Izuku enters the 1-A classroom and things proceed as normal.
If no, they meet in the cafeteria (cause Izuku is in the general ed section), maybe during the panic that the VA caused when they broke into the school, and they literally run into each other, are forced to squeeze together and Kirishima can touch Izuku? That’s never happened in the real world? 
Izuku is seeing his dream guy in front of him? What? He just grabbed his arm? OH SHIT HE’S USING HIS QUIRK TO PROTECT HIM?! HELP, THIS BEAUTIFUL BOY IS BEING AMAZING AND IZUKU IS NOT GOING TO SURVIVE THIS.
Kirishima thought Izuku was a Quirkless kid (he said so himself when they were talking) who was either an actual ghost (not so out there in a world of random powers) or someone he just made up so he could talk his problems out with
Lot’s of screaming “YOU’RE REAL?!”
If yes OfA, say his Quirk strengthens his empathy and mental capabilities along with physical strength.
If no OfA, it’s a secret Quirk that has always been active, but neither of them thought it could be anything other than a dream/hallucination
They find out it's a kindred spirit thing that really does need a large amount of empathy and emotional capacity in general.
Izuku has both in spades
Connected with Kirishima early on because of their similar feelings of self-hate and resignation regarding their Quirk status.
Izuku decides to explore more and try to control and accidentally ends up haunting Uraraka while she was studying and made her scream so loud a nearby hero came to investigate. 
Izuku apologizes 5 eva and Kirishima thinks it's hilarious since he's so used to Izuku just showing up. 
Izuku tries to concentrate on Katsuki and after a couple of failed nights where he just hung out with Kirishima instead, he manages to haunt Katsuki after falling asleep next to his notes on him. 
Proceeds to scare the life out of Katsuki and offers to buy a new set of text books since he made him blow his up by accident. 
Katsuki's mom refuses and actually wants to pay Izuku to do it again because that was the funniest thing she's ever experienced. 
She loves haunted houses. 
They figure out that he's able to haunt someone if he focuses on them, but only if he's not afraid to and that he can only join their dreams if they're sleeping at the time of the haunting. 
That's why he took so long to haunt katsuki. 
He accidentally haunts aizawa during school when he's knocked out during training.
Everyone sees Izuku's actual ghost leave his body and then just vanish, only to appear next to aizawa. 
It either leaves through his mouth like a cartoon or just a transparent, muted version of Izuku remains in place when Izuku’s body falls to the ground.
It is very scary for a lot of people. 
Katsuki was the one who knocked izuku out and was actually scared shitless when the ghost rose and looked him in eye before vanishing. 
Aizawa tries erasing the ghost, but can't since it's only an extension of Izuku
He tries again on the vulnerable body and the ghost vanishes, but it rises and reappears when he stops erasing it. 
Someone stupidly tells aizawa not to do that anymore because it's actually scary and Katsuki is trying really hard not to explode. 
Kirishima just walks over and picks up Izuku's body to take him to the nurse's office. 
He asks ghost izuku is he wants to join his body in the office or stick around to watch the rest of practice. 
He picks practice. 
The fight keeps going, but Izuku keeps accidentally jump scaring everyone when he starts to focus on them too much. 
There are many accidental quirk usages in this moment. Along with shrieks. 
He tries to stick with just Kirishima or Aizawa, but it's hard. 
Kirishima thinks it's hilarious. 
Aizawa agrees, but says instead that it'll be good for training against unexpected enemies or allies popping up. 
They all learn that Izuku can still feel and sense things around his body when he suddenly feels warm from recovery girl's quirk. 
Years of haunting kiri made him able to tell when he's about to wake up and he warns everyone when he does so they aren’t worried when he disappears for too long 
Only to focus and reappear by Kirishima one more time to say thanks. 
Katsuki wasn't expecting this and exploded part of the wall away
Izuku is waiting for everyone when they get back to class and is so sorry, but they forgive him. 
Mostly because scaring bakugo is funny to everyone. 
Tsuyu points out it was bakugo's fault anyway since he's the one that knocked Izuku out. 
That night, izuku ends up back with Kirishima in the dreamscape
It's been a while and they both kind of missed it. 
Kirishima encourages izuku to keep exploring the uses of his quirk. 
See if he can make it a stealth thing. 
Izuku says he'll think about it, but he's just glad that his quirk lets him spend time with Kirishima/Eijirou/Eicchan (his bestie of several years now). 
Kirishima blushes and is like "how dare with the flirting. Warn a guy." 
Izuku Is a little flustered and starts babbling about how he meant that he's glad he got to know Kirishima before going to UA because  Kirishima has been such a big part of his life even if he only thought of him as his dream guy and Izuku stops and turns even more red than he was before he started his rant.
Kirishima is just wide eyed and blushing hard too and is like "I told you to warn a guy…" and then just grabs izuku's hand (they can’t really feel it cause dreamworld, but it’s the thought that counts) and they both smile until Kirishima says "I am pretty dreamy." and Izuku laughs so hard he wakes up.
One of my detailed outlines that I want to make into a fic, but can’t seem to get it beyond this stage. There is so much trope cheese. Someone please write this for me. It’s so cute in my head and my eyes and soul need it to happen. 
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