#love of tomorrow
l0veoftomorrow · 4 months
Hello all! This is the official introduction post to my Visual Novel/Dating sim!
This post will be progressively updated when I’m adding more characters/things, but currently I only have the demo figured out, some art, and one of the characters!
I am a beginner coder, so I will do my very best to try and code it accordingly…
I will try to update frequently with the progress I’m making!
some of you may know me as @olinblogin!!! I’ve written a popular lmk story on wattpad/ao3 called “Fate lies within”, as well as an ex-background artist for another dating sim (which I will not name for safety reasons)
My name is Olin, I use they/them pronouns, but occasionally as well bun/bunself!
Please be aware that I am a one-person team, so it’s gonna be difficult for me to pump out backgrounds, characters, etc… but I’m certainly going to do my best!
Here are some showcases of concepts for this game!
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please be aware that all of this art was done during my school hours and likely will not be the same in the demo/final game!!!
I do not currently plan on making any sexual content in this dating sim, as I find it pretty unnecessary.
There will absolutely be NO r@pe/SA in this story, it’s so common in the VN/Dating Sim community that it’s genuinely uncomfortable and glamorized, sexualized, and defended.
I don’t mind people sending in asks that are genuine criticism! As long as you aren’t being rude or sending hate/harassment I will gladly answer you!
I’m okay with people asking suggestive things in my asks! Just be aware that it probably be put in the game.
Warnings that will be put in the game;
this game will contain: graphic violence, body horror, mild language, stalking, possible yandere tendencies, etc. (still adding to this)
Please do not send ANY hate or harassment to people I interact with, this includes in askbox submissions! If you are going to come into my askbox and give me genuine critiques, please be respectful while doing so! I’m sure you all know that but I still wanna reinforce that :3
You’re allowed to have headcanons of my characters! All I ask is that you don’t mischaracterize them in terrible ways (ie, making them an “UwU-softyboy, or turning them into r@pist, or changing their sexualities for your own benefit)
Riley Woodings (the hermit in the bunker)
Harrison Vern (aka Burger Boy)
I currently don’t have any other characters set in stone just yet, THEURE still in their concept stage!
There will be a various amount of different routes you can take in the game, here’s how it will go.
A boring day - just a setup for the storyline
Call of the Forest - go to the forest, stay home, venture around town
Burger Boy - achievable by going through town and choosing to go into the burger restaurant
Beyond the Surface - If you decide to go up to the bunker
Don’t go there - Going to the mansion
Whispers of Wisdom - Go to the forest, but immediately turn back
Beyond the Horizon - don’t go through any of the character routes, just stroll through the forest
Together for a day - going on a date/outing with the character of your choice
What’s over there? - Go to the well, but don’t look inside of it
endings/ending routes (incomplete)
Bad ending - you die
neutral ending - you still have the possibility to get a good/bad ending
good ending - you can still play on
Stay Hidden - Hide hide from [no name yet] in the mansion (neutral, choose carefully)
Into the Depths - Looking into the well will get you pushed in and you will die (bad ending)
Chopping block - Getting caught by [no name yet] on the hiding sequence (bad ending)
Run Rabbit - after hiding you run out of the mansion (neutral/good ending)
Breaking and entering - go into Riley’s bunker without knocking first, how rude. (Bad ending)
there will be plenty more to come but this is just the stuff I have right now!!!
Love you all(/p)
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olinblogin · 4 months
Sup guys!
Recently I’ve made a new blog to aid in sorting my Visual Novel/Dating Sim I’ve been working on coming up with for the last couple years!
The blog name is called @l0veoftomorrow where I’ll be trying to update it frequently!
And no this does not mean I’m not updating my LMK story anymore—
I’ve had the idea of this for a good while now and decided to put it into play!
If you’re interested in that stuff go check it out, I only have the introduction/information post up so far.. but there’s plenty to come with updates!
Love you lots
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theriverbeyond · 7 months
Ideal work schedule:
I show up and am given a list of cognitively engaging but achievable tasks
I complete the list
I leave immedietly
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cloudyydraws · 1 month
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doctorsiren · 24 days
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The books reveal that Ford is actually a secret partier
(Available as a print on my Etsy Shop)
(wips under cut)
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anna-scribbles · 26 days
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adrien in my outfit from a few days ago✨ feat. my claws out converse
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bxnnie-bxwl · 11 months
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my favourite character is coming back!!!!!
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marisatomay · 2 years
there should be an oscar category called “movie my dad completed without falling asleep on the couch” and it’s more prestigious and contentious than best picture
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beesorcery · 6 months
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happy 18th birthday to neil and his tunes
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abnomi · 16 days
been trying to get back into animation
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original gif below ^^ teehee!
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l0veoftomorrow · 3 months
Riley ref sheet update! (WIP)
Here’s what I have for Riley so far, please keep in mind this is still a WIP/rough sketch so not everything will be exactly as is :3
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Smelly ass wolf man—
I know I promised I’d try to update this blog frequently but a couple things are coming up in my irl life, that doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop posting, just know I’m a bit busy atm—I’ll be posting info on Riley and Burger Boy soon!!!!
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nipuni · 24 days
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14 and not 14 😌
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mumblesplash · 10 months
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in honor of last season’s poem being called “”end poem”” (all quotes mandatory) this season i made one out of pieces of the actual end poem
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axoqiii · 3 months
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shujin trio,,my babies..,.,
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obsob · 11 months
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hmm anyway. holds u in my arms
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lizardkingeliot · 3 months
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Take us back to the beginning, if you will, of this story of butchery.
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