#anyway peace and love<3 this was so fun to draw i need to actually draw again
anna-scribbles · 10 days
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adrien in my outfit from a few days ago✨ feat. my claws out converse
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velvet-games · 4 months
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in the middle of working on a lucifer redesign :)
thoughts/explanations + minor character analysis under the cut (this was supposed to be short but it ended up being very thorough lmao):
honestly love his canon design so I'm kind of working from that more than I'm trying to rethink stuff from scratch
I'm gonna admit right now that a lot of the design choices were very self indulgent lol; I just want him to be pretty :<
circus stuff~
I've seen a lot of people raise their eyebrows at the circus motif, so I was going to try something different, but I actually think it makes a lot of sense!
I think freakshows/circus acts have been tied to this idea that certain identities/abilities are strange and shameful, only valuable as dehumanizing entertainment -- they're mistakes, freaks of nature
but at the same time many circus performances require a lot of skill and work and love that can go unappreciated, each and every performer at the very least a person worth respecting
I think lucifer sees hell as a freakshow/circus he's been forced to lead and try to control
a bunch of wayward toys meant to be bright and beautiful that have been twisted into something terrifying
and he needs to discover a more empathetic, appreciative, and loving way to think about sinners
and also to realize that it's not about him or his mistakes; it's about a group of people with their own emotions and autonomy that he needs to respect
all that to say: we're keeping the circus ringleader thing!
I think a whip would make more sense for a ringleader, esp since alastor has a staff already (but they're enemies/foils so maybe their designs should reflect each other?)
there's room to turn the whip into a snake maybe
in the pic I made it look like his tail bc I considered making his actual tail a goat tail (cute! but the longer one suits him better I think)
maybe an apple on the top/handle still
the tux honestly looks a little too formal/cool for him most of the time lmao
so I think he should take off the jacket/have the toymaker apron on instead unless he's fighting
vaudeville doll~
lucifer has a lot going on tbh: circus ringleader, angel, devil/demon, snake, goat, vaudeville porcelain doll, toymaker, etc.
I think I'm gonna take out snake just to simplify a little, but I'll talk about that more later
I was also going to take out porcelain doll but
1) the rosy cheeks are super cute
2) fits with the circus theme
3) fits with the idea that he's both a toy and toymaker (an angel that tried to play god)
uhhh there's a couple self indulgent doodles of him in a vaudeville doll dress lol. not relevant to the design at all; I just like drawing stripes and ruffles
I ended up making him sort of androgynous in a lot of ways? (not that he wasn't already lol) which works for him I think
part of it was the vaudeville doll thing; I wanted to give him (keep?) the eyeshadow and add those little vertical marks you see on them sometimes
also because I really liked the puff sleeves in one of the references I used; it kind of emphasizes an extended hourglass shape with the puffy pants
plus I love drawing the more classic tuxedo shape <3 very yummy lines and details
I fucking LOVE when people draw him with messy hair, so I made that permanent
I also think (esp since he's blond) having the hair stick out in tufts kind of makes it look like a star (morningstar, lightbringer, etc. etc.)
even more so with the pointy horns (those are also fun to draw cause they're right in the corners of his widow's peak)
I drew a random triangle on one of these as a reminder to keep the pointy/triangular shape language throughout lol
squares would def be wrong with the implications of sturdiness and stability
I think circles would be wrong too? he's vulnerable and ultimately very soft inside so I kept a lot of round lines, but I don't think he's the traditionally bubbly/friendly/peaceful archetype circles are usually used for
triangles are apparently dynamic, dangerous, and unpredictable, which is a little closer to what I'm going for
(shape language is a very flexible rule btw; I'm not saying they determine everything about a character or that one shape has to mean exactly one thing)
he's also a depressed, tortured soul, so I feel like he should look just a little unhinged and exhausted <3 (hence the eyebags on top of the messy hair)
angel stuff~
(sidenote: cherub and seraph are singular, cherubim and seraphim are plural. even the show gets this wrong tho, so feel free to say whatever ig)
I'm pretty sure most people agree lucifer was probably a cherub? cherubim only have 4 wings so I might go with that
I do think it makes more sense if he's higher ranking like a seraph tho ... it's hard to decide whether to go with the show's ideas about angels or actual religious texts cause both are interesting in their own ways
ARHHGHJF idk how I feel about his nose
again I thought about taking out the snake motif, but he honestly looks good w/o a nose (I mean it's there obviously but you can't see it if it's just snake slits lol), and I definitely like the idea of him having a forked tongue or his eyes turning into slits when he's angry
also also
mini rant on animal motifs in hazbin:
I get the impression that a lot of people think it's a bad thing that you can't tell what animal a character should be? and/or that a motif has to be clearly present in the entire design to be good
and I kind of just accepted that until I started thinking about ozzie's design from helluva boss
like the original demon he's based on is really just that fucked up and mixed with animals you can't always identify
and chinese dragons are like a billion different animals even though they sort of just look like lizards at the end of the day
like obviously if you want the audience to associate a character with a specific animal (like if you want people to think a character's spooky because they're a spider or something), then you do want the animal motifs to be clear/consistent
but sometimes you just want certain elements there and it doesn't matter if the audience picks up on it (at least consciously)
and I think with someone like lucifer, having a lot of animals/concepts mixed together in an ungodly combination makes sense lol
so idk
maybe we'll just give him the nose/tongue
I did try just giving him a button nose in some of these for the doll thing tho
urgh I hate realizing I should've designed certain characters together lol
I took out the rosy cheeks in my original charlie design since I wasn't thinking about lucifer, so I put them back in this time lol (and generally thought about how they should be visually related)
I like that it enforces the idea that charlie's lucifer's creation (toymaker makes a doll in his own image yk)
also they both have puff sleeves now :) (charlie's design is basically princess dress silhouette but make it a suit)
I also gave her goat ears, so I figured lucifer should have them too? idk because I like the way his hair looks a lot better without them, and I kind of like the idea of giving them diff combinations of goat features (maybe she should have a goat tail?)
also drawing this made me realize I have no idea why charlie has a puppy nose??? I thought it was the goat thing for some reason but that doesn't make any sense
maybe I'll just give her no nose
anyway! fucking incredible if you read all of that; idk what possessed me to write so much about a half-finished design lol. feel free to leave suggestions/answers to the questions I had!
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fluffytriceratops · 2 months
I am DESPERATE for some 2k3 Donatello dating headcanons, literally give me anything PLEASE I AM OBSESSED
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 - 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 [𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟑]
notes: i gotchu bestie. <3 lemme know if you guys want these for the other 2k3 turts as well! :D also sorry for taking literal ages to get this request done for you! thank you sm for requesting i hope you have a wonderful day/night! <3
warnings: brief nsfw mentions, mature language, 
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @rheawritesforfun @s-s-ironnie @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @drowninghell @lec743 @raphielover  @raphslovemuffin80 @squirrelfurs @bibiz82 @pheradream-15 @kikithedreamerwriter @m1dnyt3-w0lf @scholastic-dragon @moonsua1 [if i've forgotten anyone i'm so sorry please comment or dm me and let me know and i'll add you right away so i don't forget in the future!]
(if you would like to be tagged in my future tmnt x reader related work, feel free to let me know and i'll happily add you!)
i love you all sm! i'm sending all the virtual hugs and well wishes to you!! <33
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- as usual, 2003 donnie has an obsession with coffee. so if you get this mans some coffee expect an INSTANT marriage proposal. [honestly what ver of donnie doesn't have a coffee addiction?] 
- likes to do your hair. it's calming to him and helps him think. hes watched a lot of youtube videos and stuff for it, so he knows what he's doing too. he likes to try new styles n stuff on you. everyone knows when he's particularily stressed or can't seem to figure something out because you seem to have a new hairsyle everyday until he's fixed whatever it is that's bugging him, 
- will also handmake beads and stuff to put in your hair. <3 
- makes jewelry for you, esp out of silverware and other things. it always turns out so beautifully. 
- late night drives. donnie has insomnia and his brain works a lot during the night/evening. so expect to hang out a lot with him during this time. driving at night at new york is super pretty and peaceful too. esp when it's just the two of you. [so long as you don't mind the hectic city hehe-]
- cuddling with him while he works. includes sleeping on him/in his lab when he works really late into the night. he'll later carry you to bed. 
- painting on his shell/body for funzies. and if he does the same to you don't expect it to look too great because 2k3 donnie can't draw for shit. 
- donnie will gift you homemade cards with stick figures on the cover cuz again he cant draw but he knows you'll adore it no matter what just because he made it. plus you think its funny as hell and he adores your laugh. 
- hes actually really good at photography. and he has loads of pictures of you. you two go out and take pictures together sometimes. it's always a lot of fun. and they always turn out great. 
- late night talking sessions are a normal for you. 
- donatello tries his best to get you to sleep at a decent time, but sometimes you'll refuse if he isn't coming to bed with you just to get him to go to sleep earlier. he'll probably lay with you for a while, unable to actually sleep. maybe he'll read or listen to music to help pass the time. sometimes he will also sneak back out of bed once you've fallen asleep, and when you catch him you give him a good talking to. 
- he really needs to take better care of himself. he's always putting those he cares for above himself. so you're always there to make sure he's okay and that he's doing what he needs to do to be happy and healthy. 
- you guys hardly ever fight. donnie isn't one to argue with you. he's a very gentle and kind soul. he rarely raises his voice. (but when he does you find it hot as FUCK- lets be honest--) 
- fix it felix. always fixes things for you, even if you dont ask it of him. if he's at your place and notices something needs to be fixed he'll just do it for you. even if you insist he doesn't have to, he will anyway because he loves you. it brings him joy. and honestly, you should just let him because it probably stresses him out a little thinking about how your door isn't closing properly or your car sounds funny or your light keeps flickering- 
- you like to prank him on occassion, this includes the whole "i filled my tank with the special gas-" or "i let them put premium air in my tires and they gave me a really good deal". it freaks and stresses him out, at least in the moment hehe. its very funny but keep in mind he'll get you back. 
- him reading to you sfghfdgkjhdfg (id die please-) esp if you have trouble sleeping or something. 
- coffee dates are a must. even if you dont drink coffee. 
- donnie napping curled up on your chest/on top of you. you tracing the grooves of his shell. you've learned he finds this very comforting and it helps him fall asleep. 
- hes a definite switch- lmao.
- very gentle and understanding. he's like your personal diary or therapist and you're the same for him. 
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goldengroovy · 2 months
you've actually given me tamaren brainrot i cannot stop thinking abt them now.. feed me your headcanons if you have any to share please
Renee x Tamarack Headcanons!
Author Notes at the bottom!
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-> Tamarack and Ren were very distant with each other.
-> Tamarack had hidden herself from the world. Her shine was now dull, and unlike how she acted years ago, she was closed off to the world.
-> Ren noticed, because how could she not? She remembers the time that Tamarack had so boldly gotten into her face. Now, it feels like she'd apologize for even being in her line of sight.
-> Renee would smile at Tamarack whenever she'd see her. It's not exactly an apology for how she'd exclude Tam from the group for being a girl, but it was something. She wasn't brave enough to talk about it yet, and she felt like Tamarack didn't really want to talk to her.
-> Tamarack would try to smile back at her. It was different from the smile she wore when she was younger. Back then, she would smile so wild that you would see her gums. Now, she'd just perk up the corners of her lips. Ren didn't even notice that she had braces.
-> Ren was too scared to think about Tamarack. Tamarack was too busy thinking about how others perceive her to perceive Ren.
-> They're a little more at peace with themselves during these times. It's inevitable, they started talking.
-> Renee's more comfortable with the fact that she's a girl. Tamarack's more comfortable with the fact that she likes girls. This leads to.. flirting?
-> Tamarack thinks its a little funny on the fact that Renee strayed away from girls only to end up as one. She tries not to poke fun at it too much.
-> As they matured, Tamarack started hanging out with Qiu more. Renee happens to be in a lot of places where Qiu is.
-> Qiu is, unsurprisingly, the bridge between them.
-> The two start with awkward, friendly, compliments. But slowly, they start cracking jokes, and poking fun at each other. Somewhere along the line, Qiu doesn't need to be there for them to get along.
-> Renee is a little unsure of how she feels about Tamarack. She likes her. But how deep does that like go? Is it, like, a like like? Does Tamarack even like girls? Does she even like girls?
-> Tamarack is always sure of how she feels and what she wants. She's sure that she wants to kiss this girl and make her feel beautiful.
-> It doesn't need to be said, but Tamarack makes most of the first move. Renee however, is too flustered to reciprocate. She backs off, thinking Renee is uninterested.
-> Their relationship falters for a while, until Renee admits how she feels on a random tuesday during midnight.
"Have I ever told you how sorry I was for how I treated you when we were kids?"
"Like, a million times now Renee. Sweetheart, I appreciate the apology, but I forgave you long ago."
"Well.." She yawns. "Have I told you about how good you look in red."
"Hm?" Tamarack laughs. It's the nicest sound Renee has ever heard. "You're the one with red hair."
Renee's laying on her bed, phone in hand. She wonders if Tamaracks doing the same. If she closes her eyes as Tamarack speaks, it feels like she's right next to her.
She cuts off Tamarack as she rambles about her day.
"I missed you." She pauses. "I think I love you."
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I mayyyy or mayh not have gotten carried away.. like just a little. a tad. a smither if u will
cant believe my tamaren agenda is WORKING!!! if u make tamaren content i will literally write/draw u anything i am not joking. I LOVE THEMM!!
anyways wink wink ask me to draw / write more tamaren content and my life is urs!!!
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snailythefan · 11 months
Hi Snaily! How have you been? Im here for a pretty serious ask.
My boyfriend has been drawing for a while, I honestly think he's doing real good. But recently he's been feeling down about his art, he doesn't know why he should bother improving his art if his style is *basic* to some people, and it hurts a lot for him. He knows he should be drawing for fun and not force improvement to stress him out, but there's only so much I can do as his loving partner who doesn't draw at all.
So... what was it like for you, Snaily? When you started drawing many years back, how did you not feel like shit looking at how it could be better but you don't know how? What advice can you give to a beginner artist?
(You can answer this privately if you want btw, and ask me for his art if you need to see them. Much love <3)
hi peng!! always nice to hear from u! I'm gonna reply to this publicly because to be honest i can't resist to give this kind of advice to any and all beginner artists (but i am putting it under a readmore because as you know i love to ramble and this will get LOOONNNGGG and will Truly be The Ramblings of a Mad Man (gender neutral))
firstly, since I hear that he feels hurt by the idea that people out there might find his style "basic". That's a rookie mistake (that literally everyone makes when they start getting Serious about Art). The mistake being Caring Profoundly About an Outside Audience that's Ever Watching and Judging.
Which I literally cannot blame him or anyone for it, ESPECIALLY in this modern social media landscape where newer artists feel like they gotta get GOOD at the VIRAL RAT RACE so you gotta get that sweet, sweet validation in the form of likes, reblogs, retweets etc etc.
So that's my first tip I suppose: don't fall for the entrapment of being obsessed with getting any and all sorts of SWEET VALIDATION during your art process. This is hard to condition yourself to! I myself fall prone to it! It's actually kind of natural. Even if the validation you seek isn't online, surely you're expecting it from your peers or teachers or family members or whoever gets to look at your sketchbook (or you know, your medium of choice).
You want people to notice your art and all the effort you put into it. It's okay! DO welcome those who do!! But never NEVERRRRRR NEVERRRRRR commit the mistake of placing the value of your art on how much praise it gets from others. That's a one trip road on having an Absolute Bad Time. THE ONLY PERSON you should be looking to make happy with your art is YOURSELF first and foremost!!! Always!!! This is the Golden Rule!!!
So people (imagined or otherwise) think his style is """Basic""". Okay! That's literally not a crime anyone can arrest you for!! So what if you're LITERALLY starting and your art looks """basic"""!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE CRIME HERE!!!! CAN'T MY MAN JUST CREATE IN PEACE!!!! LET HIM COOK!!!!!
If he's starting out, i think it's pretty expected of him to just have a "basic" style you know? He shouldn't be ashamed of it! The best chef in the entire world right now didn't start making The Most Delicious Food To Ever Grace Anyone's Plate on DAY 1. They probably started with a goshdang sandwich. Many of them maybe. Until they could make the Perfect Sandwich even in their Sleep and only until then they felt ready enough to explore Further Possibilities In The Kitchen.
(Is this metaphor working? I sure hope it is!)
"How did you not feel like shit looking at how it could be better but you don't know how?"
Well that's a fun question because to this day I get extremely frustrated whenever I realize my Art Level isn't up to my standards. But THAT'S OKAY- even in my case!
If you're Serious About Art (as in, you LOVE making art) you'll constantly feel like you're having to catch up to artists that are doing MILES better than you. Which happens to everyone. Truly it's only the curse of having A Good Taste In Art (so you automatically Set Standards For Yourself based on what you personally consider Great Art).
So again, something to not be ashamed of. But also something to Learn To Live with. I get it!! I truly do!! You see some guy online who apparently is only 14 and they're already making compositions with complex perspectives and an amazing sense of color theory and you'll want to bite off your hands!!!! But you can't let that stop you!!
You're just gonna have to learn to Fail, Constantly. Failing Gracefully! Sucking At Art Again and Again!
You might think this conflicts with the Golden Rule (i mean, if you're not happy with your own art- then what's the point yeah?)
But it's all about Love babey. Loving the process of failing constantly, because deep down you REALIZE you're learning how not to suck little by little.
It's also an exercise in letting Spite guide you. So what if you're bad!!!!!! What if you've somehow committed the crime of being A Bad Artist!!!!!! The cops will never catch me fucker!!!!! SEE HOW I DESECRATE THE HOLY ACT OF "CREATING GOOD ART" AHAHAHAHA!!!! LITERALLY NOBODY CAN STOP ME!!!!! <- the attitude to Have. Yes you gotta be prepared to be Unhinged and to have active Disdain towards 4th Plane Entities that are probably judging your art quality. (Unless my experiences aren't universal and nobody else feels a salacious self-satisfaction whenever they draw something that looks like an affront to The Universe, knowing they can just Try Again).
Anyway those are the benefits of sprinkling a little Spite alongside all the Love for the process of Making Art.
At the start you might feel like you're only making bad art. So! Own it! unironically my life philosophy is that everyone should make more BAD ART!!! ARTISTS OF THE WORLD UNITE TO MAKE MORE BAD ART, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR CHAINS!
that's for the mental approach at least.
So, what about the technical side? How do you actually take all those feelings of inadequacy and wrangle them into something productive that will help YOU get better at the art you want to make?
with the warning that i am a self taught artist so i might not the the perfect person to ask, but truly the most IMPORTANT skill you want to hone is OBSERVATION and COPYING WHAT YOU OBSERVE.
Basically you're gonna study the artists you like! You're gonna stare REAL HARD at the details in the art they make! And THEN. You're gonna try to copy THAT! Hell, you might even want to TRACE what they do at first** (**THIS ADVICE IS FOR PRACTICING. DO NOT TRACE AND THEN POST ONLINE FOR OTHERS TO GO "hey man wtf this is just you tracing X Artist" DO NOT!!! DO THAT!!!) just so you get a feel for what they have in their art that You Don't and learning how to slowly replicate that.
That's how I learned the ropes at least. Literally printing manga panels and then tracing over them during my Peak Weeb Years. Ah little snaily, how time flies. Another thing i liked to do was watch speedpaints of artists i liked but at like -2x speed. So it was a slowpaint and i could STEAL THEIR SECRETS <- another valuable art skill
Anyway, that's what I think it's the most important (to observe!)
...but also you might want to either take art classes OR watch a buuuuunch of tutorials on youtube for The Basics (basic anatomy! shading! values! color theory! perspective! gesture drawing!!!)
You feel like shit about your art? Fine! Then realize your life is your own and you have the absolute power to change that directly!! GO ON YOUTUBE AND LEARN THOSE BASICS!!!!!! don't be like me and struggle this much with perspective after years of making art!!!! (Though in all fairness, even those good at it struggle with it lol)
So! I am all out of advice for a newer artist.
Peng if you could forward this to your bf i would be very grateful. Good luck to you two!!! Thank you for reaching out!! And remember!! Never give up!!!!!
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mrmoonytoonie · 3 months
Bendy and the Dark Revival Rant (negative and long)
Idk why I'm making this, maybe for just peace of mind and y'all can bash me in the comments if y'all want or tell me your own opinion if anyone actually reads this stupid thing. Warning I might be all over the place and this isn't scripted so expect foul language and emotion and unprofessional things.
So I'll like to start with that I'm a MASSIVE fan of Bendy and the Ink Machine and have since alpha chapter 1. That game is my childhood and what inspired me to take drawing more seriously.
The "Ink Demon"
So Bendy and the dark revival, literally disappeared and came back out of nowhere lol. I was actually excited and hyped as hell when it was first announced, glad to know Bendy wasn't forever dead (literally sobbed my eyes out when we killed him in chapter 5). But then nothing, no updates, no news, NOTHING, but I still had hope even when everyone was leaving. Then yay the game is here! But my stupidity and something I should have done was that I should have watched the trailer and someone play it to save my money. I got the game when it came out for the PlayStation and immediately played it going in there blind, even though I couldn't even see what I was playing 97% of the time due to it being too dark even with all the house lights off in the middle of the night it was fun at first! Then the fucking "ink demon" part came up, I was so damn excited to see him in better graphics only to have that THING show up. I had to do a double take to see if that was even the ink demon and to my disappointment it was, I'm not going to lie I don't see how people like it, to me it stripped him from all his creativity and made him into a basic ass demon to the point it's not even close to being Bendy related. I'm not gonna lie I did like the voice at first but later its so damn annoying! Like spit that shit out dude, there is no reason for you to do all that! Also how the programmed him is so lazy and annoying and broken "Oh no hide the ink demon is coming", now at first I was excited to have the chase of my life but NOOOOOOOOO, literally just tells you and you hope to God he decides to spawn in where he is supposed to because he will spawn when there isn't any hiding places. Oh and the hiding places are another annoying broken thing, when I'm trying to hide sometimes you have to look at it at a very specific angle and pray it works. Anyways, so at this point we saw little Bendy and ... The Thing, at this point we already know the "big reveal" was that little Bendy is that thing, like anyone should have seen that coming. ALRIGHT so the end, WHAT THE FUCK EVEN IS THE ENDING?! Like why is it just the same ending to BATIM?! Also trying to control Beast Bendy was so damn annoying and wacked! Also what was even his motive? Why the hell did he need Audrey to turn into Beast Bendy? He didn't need it before why need it now? But literally everything gave me more questions then answers and you could have made a better ending than whatever the hell Meetly gave us.
Honestly there is so so much about Bendy and the Dark Revival that I absolutely despise but that would end up making a whole book if I continue so imma just complain on how they massacred my boi. Also if you like BATDR then that's great! I'm glad that people can enjoy things even tho I don't. It's just I feel like I'm going crazy because I don't see anyone else who doesn't like it. Also I didn't expect the game to be easy but it was just so unenjoyable, I was expecting to have the thrill of being chased down hallways and stairs, to fight searchers and the butcher gang, to see old characters that I love and adore only for it to have none of that and just becoming a headache and a broken mess. For someone (Me) who played BATIM over a hundred times to only play BATDR only 3 is just sad. Anyways thanks if anyone reads this, this was just something to help me.
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allmentalyart · 3 months
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Shaytan with an updated design? Rainbow lightning? Smells like new art!
Shaytan is one of my more older OCs and the one I created right after starting with my art journey. I had quite a few OCs already for my book writing, but Shaytan never was planned till one day I just had a very clear image of a black and yellow coloured dragon, who can shoot lightning and has a collabsed fin covering his right side of his face. That's how I created this lovely bean! He now got a rework of his design to fit better to the new designs of his parents.
What you should know about him: He is an Allmentaly on the loose, traveling the seas of Draja (my original book world) as a pirate, hiding the fact that he actually has tasks to do as an Allmentaly. Lucky for him, the times where the Allmentaly were desperately needed are over during his time, so taking time off of his main job is find. However, since I am writing a book about his adventures as well, this time of peace is not for long and Shaytan will find himself in the need of accepting who he is and what his mission is in this giant world.
And now to the rainbow lightning! It's the special type of Lightning magic only the Allmentaly of Electricity can cast. It takes quite the mastery of the Allmentaly's respective element and takes years to achieve. Said Allmentaly has to have a connection to their Origin spirit to get this magic even give to them. Shaytan and Frelun (the original Allmentaly of Electricity) are good friends, since Luna was quite eager to teach him to not just ignore the Origin spirit. I'll try to explain the concept of my Allmentalies a bit more clearly in the future. Tho, if you have questions about them already, feel free to ask ^^
Anyways, that's it for todays post! I had super much fun drawing my beloved bean again. I hope I can draw him and the others from my Allmentaly cast more often next month and in August. I specifically wanna give them proper references finally and with my current work on a new base, it's slowly going in the right direction for lots of new references :3
✅Likes, rebloggs and comments are highly appreciated ❌I own the copyright to these artworks! Any usage of it without my consent is prohibited! I don't consent to the usage of my art for AI or NFTs! Stealing and tracing is obviously also prohibited!
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enchantedmirage · 7 months
Tears of Themis x Enstars word vomit, GO.
(more on, what do you wanna say if that ever happens lol)
HI HELLO? This is such a surprising concept since I'm already working on another Enstars AU, but anywho!
The core of Tears of Themis is that it has FOUR love interests, which plays hand in hand with our four agencies, well if that matters since we'll focus more on the personalities.. We'll forgo the dynamics the original four have (like marius being vyn's student, vyn and artem having worked with each other before, luke being part of the group the three are also in)
Now.. speaking of those four though, it's time to draw different parallels with them and a character from Enstars. It'll take a while for me to remember what they're exactly like since it's been about two or so years since I last played it..
Okay, starting off with a guy who works in the same field as you, he is your boss basically and would fuss about you not taking care of yourself- ding ding ding, who do I draw Artem parallel to? Ibara Saegusa.
so THIS stood out "Artem's favorite movie genres are art films and war films." and??? Okay, let's roll from that.
"Put himself to an unimaginable standard" Hmm..
Just a headcanon but they probably enjoy black coffee
Also fun fact he shares a va with Nagisa
(anyway I spent like a good ten minutes scrolling his card gallery)
And then soon after, we're introduced to a childhood friend.. yeah okay.. who works a dangerous job.. mhm.. that's will lie to you for your safety... Mama? Like he wasn't completely Anzu's childhood friend but.
"When he was a child, Luke dreamed of becoming a hero, making a charming appearance in times of need and beating all the bad guys. As he grew up, though, he realized heroes aren't always charming and glamorous and are often a mess instead."
UM?? HELLO???????????? (in shock at this guesstimation)
They're both also really reliable
He shares a VA with Mao!
So then, moving onto Vyn, because my friend's favorite was Vyn and she would always talk to me about how Marius steals her pulls and like?? He's something.. is he a manipulator? Is he a yandere? I don't know but when he said "Destruction precedes creation" it reminded me of the genshin fanart with Albedo as Vyn. ... AND okay, so Albedo, right? He's voiced by Nojima Kenji and the person is DING DING DING, the parallel goes to!
"Vyn is able to face anything with ease and skill, giving those around him a sense of peace, resulting in people involuntarily opening their hearts to display their truest self before him. If one's heart has secrets, they will most definitely be discovered by him."
Natsume, natsume??? I can't think of anyone else who would have this kind of description to fit.
Vyn has a very gentle temperament, but he is not what one may imagine as a weak scholar. He is very reliable in critical moments, and with his ability to maintain a perfect disposition, any weakness he might have is unknown. <- what Natsume wishes he could be/j
Oh, and the two of them have really influential parents, go figure.
However, he is sometimes derisive of common human flaws, such as the tendency to prioritize selfish short-sighted personal gain while still rationalizing those same choices as logical and intelligent <- BAHSHAJKA they're both hypocrites
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Yeah okay, so last but not the least! jsldkjfsl this is super funny because Marius shares a va with TSUMUGI, TSUMUGI AOBA!! Him and Luke were my favorites actually, oh look.. me falling for the childhood friend trope and a character with purple eyes.. ah...
"It is difficult to understand this second young master. " <- Okay, Hiyori. I'm calling it now. Rich kid that gets on people's nerves sometimes? Hmmm
Good at art, though the only person that comes to mind is Hajime.. who is the opposite of rich.
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So conclusion? Yeahhh, four agencies? Nope, we have two cospro and two newdi idols sjdkfjsklj --- This does make for a good idea though! Thanks for the ask :3
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irishvampireboy · 8 months
HI SORRY. i’m back! i started doing dinner stuff and i got really overwhelmed for a couple hours :( things are mostly good now, at least enough to get back to sending asks 👍
you’re so right. that’s literally what tumblr is made for anyways. it’s a shits and giggles website/app. it’s made for the sillies with friends. peace and love really. if you really think about it yknow ??
woahhhh that sounds so pretty! i would love to do like…… white nails and draw a red heart in the middle for valentine’s day. i might repaint mine all black just in spite of that i can do what i wish. i should be bitter about it /silly
that’s totally fair! was just asking because i didn’t wanna clog your blog or annoy you or something around those lines! will try to remember about sending another one within a day or so though (memory issues here omg)
-🦇 <3
HELLOOO! I hope dinner was nice! If overwhelming!!!
Yesssss its just a place to have fun!!!! Like, I'm just here to have a good time. And when im not having a good time. I leave. Or unfollow or block people, depending on whats goin on. Ahaha!
Ohhh that would so pretty! I did white with red stripes and few Christmas's ago butnit was exhausting so i never did it again. Hahaha! It was cute tho!!! I need some pain markers to do fun stuff. Make it a little easier!!!
And no worries! I'll try and remember to scroll though my notes more in the morning. And chrck my actual box now that i know someone might there. 🤣🤣🤣 (i also have memory issues. Right there with you. 🤝🏻)
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ickmick · 11 months
Inktober days 11-15!!
I PROMISE I DIDNT FORGET TO POST THIS, I HAD IT WRITTEN AND EVERYTHING BUT YET TUMBLR DIDNT POST IT??? So erm.... I scheduled it for 'today' at like... 2 pm i think? my time, that is... LOL (turned out the queue didnt work! so its 6pm!)
so anyways, I'll upload yet again on sunday (tomorrow!) since I also need to post on Halloween!! oh boy!! so theres my uploads for the rest of the month, if you want to check back :D
I've actually gotten further than I thought I would! very proud of myself! and you should be too, even if you've only done a few days!
heres week one and week twos posts!
this one actually has the doc drawing >:3c
plus some other fun ones! its all under the cut, enjoy!
heres the key as always, referring to my prompt lists!!
wh = welcome home
hc = hermitcraft (I have 2!)
ink = official inktober
gore = goretober
(actual gore will be triggerwarned! so far none has any blood or violence!)
Day 11
wh: butterfly
hc: mischief
ink: wander
life: lava
oh noooo... our local pesky bird!! he fellll... (attempted a new perspective!! a lil wonky but I tried lol)
and can I just say I LOVE how peaceful grian is in the last drawing? hes so pretty and soft looking!! i surprised myself!!
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Day 12
life: soulmate
I got that major life series brainrot... if you cant tell, haha... and dont even get me started on secret life!! more on that in the final notes >:D
also I didnt finish bigb im sorry BFMSVSSB
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Day 13
hc: fashion
life: safety
GRIAN IN CUTE CLOTHES !! feat mumbo in the corner to make up for the last few times of neglect rip
also, was low on spoons and unfortunately did not finish the potentially adorable moment between the buttercups in grians wings... smth... xD
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Day 14
hc: hermit with a background
gore: parasite
ay more like parasyte, am I right? *ba dum tiss*... ... yeah ok sorry LOL that was def more of a meme drawing ngl
AND THE FABLED DOC DRAWING!!! I posted it on its own already because im unbelievably proud of it!! listen... i know it meant to draw a bg... like a forest or smth... BUT!! i thought it was kinda funny... and I swear i was going to actually di the prompt right! but I ran out of spoons XD
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Day 15
ink: dagger
life: spyglass
gore: fungi
another low spoon day, alas! but hey, at least we have some AHAA shenanigans (simply grian giggling) and a not so scar safe object!! (a dagger!! who gave him that?? /silly)
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whew, there we go!! i think this weeks set was pretty good! (not that I actually drew any THIS WEEK, but thats not the point XD)
also, thank you for all the love so far!! you guys are very sweet :D
Im especially blown away from this post of tango, because it was rushed!! but im appreciative still because the post is sort of funny!! <3
*vauge talk of first secret life episodes!!*
its so good already omg... ive watched quite a few of the povs lol... i wont say anything specfic because I havent properly spoiler warned! so I will leave you simply with the wise words 'the fanfic writes itself' /silly (and oh my god scar giving grian the dang blocks ACK /pos /pos /pos)
heres week fours, 5.1s and the last post (5.2)!!
okay!! have a good week!! and remember to be easier on yourself!! I hope to see you next sunday for the next week of drawings!! 💜
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neige-leblanche · 1 year
vil time
thisll be quick bc i have like negative vil cards
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No notes!! They knew what they were doing here!! The the trees frame him really well, and the torsion + layering of his jacket's folds help make his position really clear!! (Now that I'm looking at it, I think the lighting might be what sells the pose best, like the blocks of light on his thighs are a lot bigger than on his shoulder) He's in shadow but still saturated enough to pop out against the blue cast over the rest of the picture; I think that was a really great choice to contrast with the orange in his jacket :3
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This specific art. I love it so much. The high contrast background, the darkness in his umbrella that makes his face stick out, the bold saturation and bottom lighting are all so Halloween. My one complaint is that his hands are not very clearly defined, but the position he's in is still obvious to the first glance, due to the definition on his purple clothes + high-contrast highlights on his boots + black clothes. There are also lots of details to notice the longer you look at the card (PRESIDENTIAL ALERT HIS UMBRELLA STICK IS BETWEEN HIS LEGS). His face is located in the upper left focus point if you divide the picture by the rule of thirds, and the foreshortening on his legs combines with the sweep of his cape to draw the eye over his pose. 10/10 this art is everything.
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0/10 WHY DID THEY DO THIS TO THE SAME CARD. This and Dorm Riddle are like thee biggest downgrades. There's nothing making his left arm pop, so it looks like the hand in the foreground is just floating there, while his right hand is in line with his head which like. I'd be more okay with if the rest of the card wasn't such a flop, and it didn't just feel like another weak part of a weak pose. His head looks barely situated atop his shoulders. He's only backlit in a few places; there are mood lights in the back, but they don't seem to be incorporated onto the figure at all, so a lot of his cape and right hand stay dark and hard to see. The big slab of blue light from the coffin draws the focus away from Vil (jail for artists for 10,000 years) and washes out the colors of his hair and clothes. Like they're still relatively saturated?? but it doesn't even matter?? Anyway, illustrations with high value contrast Can be so good, but I feel like they needed to cram so many details into this one that, if they were going for a dramatic and high-contrast piece in the first place, that intention did not carry through. Vil deserves so much better like Vampire Vil Schoenheit of all things cannot be so swagless. Sorry this was mean but I'm right
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God. The Heartslabyul interior decoration style is not my taste at all. Vil looks great though; the lighting is very well-executed and his expression is clear from a quick glance. The flat angling is actually good here; it's a more static composition that creates a peaceful vibe, and a more tilted angle in any direction might make me dizzy with that interior design 😵‍💫
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This actually reminds me of Kalim's ceremonial robes card!! I think it's a more successful execution of a similar concept; the angling is fun, and the purple does pop as an accent color here (not to mention coordinates with Vil's hair). It is in daylight so it's easier to include more contrast, though. I like how much space the candelabra on the right takes up without drawing the eye away from the human figures; I'm thinking it might be because its hues and values are not very bold when in front of the green-tinted background. Obviously Vil's eyeliner helps create a central focus at his face, and I also love how well-rendered his sleeve is; it has very lifelike depth :3 My one note is that the coalescing lines of the the other figure's robes make it a bit unclear at first glance how and where Vil is holding them open, but giving them more space and definition might take some prominence away from Vil, so I think the illustration is pretty successful nevertheless!
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misssakuramochi · 1 year
hey!! if it's alright, i'd like to request for a one piece matchup?
my name is mika, i use she/they pronouns, i am an infj-t, and i have no preference when it comes to what gender i'm put with! i am reserved, anxious, naturally pessimistic yet hopeful at the same time, i can actually be very outspoken and wild out in public (like doing weird stuff while out and about), and i tend to get lost in thought about the things i enjoy.
i like rock and indie music, i play electric guitar, i write and draw, and scroll through tumblr for hours to look at fanart and headcanons of my silly little loser guys (blorbos)
when i was in kindergarten, i ate sand from the sandbox once and i sometimes still taste it in my mouth, after all these years lol
anyways that's it really! tysm for having these matchups open, i was looking crazy hard for open ones but i couldn't find one until this godsend of a blog spawned in my radar <3 ty and have a good rest of your day
I match you with...
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○ While you can be reserved, you come across as having a high-energy, spontaneous nature at your core. You just need someone to draw it out of you. Franky is perfect for that. With his own wild antics any and everywhere, he makes you feel comfortable being yourself. The two of you have a lot of fun together
○ Franky has a way of making you feel like everything will work out, even at your most anxious. Not only is he actually great at giving advice (he's been through a lot deep down, and he's learned a lot too) but he's so self assured all the time you can't help but actually start to hope for the best
○ Creative minds get along well, and while you're creative in different areas, it still draws you together. You love talking about both of your current fixations and projects
○ Franky thinks it's the cutest thing when you get lost in thought. He does it too, and he can always tell the difference between a happy and not so happy lost in thought, as to know of he should just leave you to your peace.
○ Franky BEGS you to play guitar so he can make sick entrances. He thinks you're metal as fuck. He's your biggest supporter and forever backup singer as he will make up songs to go with every tune you play.
○ Franky respects that you're more introverted with your thoughts and need time to process. He's very happy to just sit and tinker on machines relatively quietly while you do your own thing, but he does love to be around you whenever he can be.
○ Franky makes you things all the time. Most often it's little replicas of your Blorbos, or other things related. He tries really hard to make sure he makes things relevant to your interests
○ Franky's favourite thing in the world is to make you laugh. He knows how hard it can be to stay positive, and he wants to be the brightest light he reasonably can be in your life. He's always pulling stupid stunts to get a giggle.
○ BONUS! You mention the sand thing to Luffy. He tries sand. Gets very upset when he finds out its not I'm fact edible, and also does not taste good. How could you trick him like that. Smh. /j
TYSM for requesting! I'm glad you found my blog too! Thanks for your patience and I hope you like your match!!
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HEEYYY! CONGRATS ON 800 LOVE<3 How are you?
It sounded too fun for me to not join your celebration so here it is! i wanna say grishaverse like any character from both book series and i don't have a gender preference and ofc romantically cause i have no romance in my life.
Next year i'm going to study english literature in uni as a second language and i have always wanted to be a writer so studying literature is something i'm really exited about. I'm an enfp! My best friend once said my personality is like Elizabeth bennet's and i never forget that cause it's such an honor. i usually hyperfixate on reading or i binge watch and in the end i burn out for a few days. I LOVE drawing but i can't draw so it's always so funny when i try. I love harry potter's opening music(?) It's SO comforting. i don't use any social media very actively because i get overwhelmed by it really easy. And i apparently love oversharing on the internet.
Im sorry this is long i got carried away. Thank you for existing and please don't forget to drink water and eat, have really great day/night, love you<3
thank you for participating :)
i’m good btw, thanks for asking. i hope you’re good too. first of all, taste. i adore james potter. you and me sound very similar actually, i bet you’re really fun to hang out with.
anyways, i ship you with nikolai!
being a prince, he’s probably done his fair share of reading. i don’t think he reads in his free time, but i do think he’d appreciate a good book or quote. so while he might not read, maybe he’d ask you to read it him or tell him what the book you’re reading is about. and if you were writing, he’d be happy to bounce ideas off you so he could help. might as well put that high education to good use. and i think he loves music. “its enough to make a grown man cry,” is definitely something he’d say to you when he found a piece that he really loved.
i think he’d get along well with an enfp. elizabeth bennet is probably one of his ideal personalities that he’d want in a partner, so if you’re like that, he’d count himself lucky. someone who’s outgoing enough to keep a conversation going, but also someone content to just be calm and serene with him. he’d definitely love witty banter, but he’d also love some peace and quiet too, except i don’t think he likes being alone. so being with someone who’s happy to just be in his presence, and be there if he needs someone to talk to, he’d really value that.
i think he really understand burnout. he constantly has a million things running through his head, and tons of ideas, and there’s just no time to execute them all. once he did have time for his ideas, he’d get really frustrated when he couldn’t execute them well. he’d need some kind distraction, and you’d be more than happy to provide one.
he’d hear you coming, immediately relaxing when you took a seat beside him. “hello, darling.”
“are you alright?” you’d ask, frowning when he rested his head on your shoulder and sighed. “bad day?”
“very long day,” he’d answer, reaching for one of your hands. “waste of time, too.”
he’d show you his sketches he drew up when trying to create the flying ship, and you’d smile, taking a piece of parchment and a quill from him.
“i’ve got this,” you’d grin, immediately sketching away. you knew it would be terrible, but the smile on his face would be worth it.
he’d laugh so hard that he’d nearly make himself sick, settling himself into your arms. he’d consider getting you lessons, but he knew you didn’t draw because you wanted to be a great artist. it was purely for fun, and it made you smile, just like you made him smile.
“it’s terrible, darling,” he’d say, wrapping one arm around you while holding the parchment in the other. “i love it!”
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miladyufo · 2 years
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My reflection on 2022 and my goals for the new year, for me to read again next December:
Art-wise I don't see a dramatic improvement like I did last year. Maybe it's because I was still learning the basics in 2021, or because I was trapped in a room alone with nothing to do but draw. That was certainly a mixed blessing and I'm glad I got to devote so much time to learning a skill. Although I wasn't unhappy, long-term it's not good for me mentally; I'm feeling so much better now that I can see my loved ones and go exist in physical spaces again. It's funny to still be drawing out the story I wrote in 2020 while I was very paranoid and discontent. Actually I don't think 2020 me was wrong about things at all but being able to sit outside with my friends and have a meal together makes everything more bearable.
Working on that comic forces me to go outside my comfort zone frequently. But it also leaves me with no time to do studies or practice other things. I think it would be a good idea to take a small hiatus (1-3 months) to build my buffer back up and then resume regular uploads with smaller chapters. For 2023 you — me, using second-person for a minute because I need to tell myself this— should aim to finish up to the night beach scene (future you/me knows what we're referring to). If you go beyond that, great, but you have permission to take a slower pace and leave the climax, denouement and special chapters for 2024 if you want. After the epilogue you can decide if you feel like going further. Hidden Facers has a cool ending (imo) so it's fine to stop there, but if you start the second part you probably want to do the third part too.
Anyway, I did a short NSFW comic about a werewolf this year. I'm happy with the results and it was refreshing and fun to make. Although I have no idea where it should be uploaded or shared. For 2023 I'm planning to make a comic of similar length about an orc.
My (failed) goal for 2022 was to be more active on social media. I made accounts here and there and found lots of great people to follow but I can't be moved to post much myself. Insta feels like it's full of bots and twitter makes me dizzy. Tumblr might be my favorite (I like reading long-form rants) but I haven't used it much. Tiktok would probably shred what's left of my brain but maybe that would be fun?
With regards to my career, living situation, relationship etc. things are no different than they were at the beginning of the year. I am grateful to have had a steady and peaceful year, even if not much happened. I know my own life will be very different by next year's end and I hope that it's for the better. Conditions in my country are getting worse and in some cases collapsing. I hope at least to be able to take care of myself and the ones around me.
Writing out these paragraphs took a while. My thoughts must be more disorganized than I realized. It's mostly just elevator music up here right now. I used to write all the time— maybe I should try to write something like this at least once a month or so for my own sake. Actually, it could just be that I skipped breakfast and lunch today and it's my third coffee on an empty stomach. Over the holidays it's been all chocolate and coffee. Even so, you should try writing more anyway. I mean, I should try.
2022 personal review: A-
0 notes
lennons-lemonade · 2 years
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i like, went to summer camp, came back, and immediately made this. that was a month ago but whatevs. anyways i came home and immediately fixated on the gaang. i just really wanted to draw them in a cuddle pile because i need to. plus i got to include appa as a dog and momo as a cat (which is the first time i’ve drawn either animal in years) and that was SOOOO awesome!!! this piece was a TOTAL trust the process thing. but it pulled through and it was amazing. ADDITIONAL FULL DISCLAIMER: UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE, NONE OF THEM ARE BEING SHIPPED TOGETHER!!!! DO NOT TAG AS SHIPS UNLESS I TAGGED THEM AS WELL!! ty:-)
anyways! here are some closeups of the characters!
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since this is a modern kind of au i gave aang a grown out buzzcut. he kept his tattoos and back scar though because i have fun drawing scars and his tattoos are extremely important to me. he doesn’t exactly run warm, but it’s summer and it’s definitely warm out so he chose to sleep topless which everyone is cool with 👍🏻. he’s trans in this piece but since they’re like family (and i like it when trans guys are shown as comfortable with their chest as cis guys) it doesn’t make a difference.
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i had a bit of difficulty imagining how katara would sleep (because yes, i thought out different sleeping headcanons for all of them). but i like how and where she ended up. i really like how close she is with zuko and aang, but i especially love how tangled up she is with suki! it’s still summer, so she’s in a tank top and shorts. but she gets a little colder than zuko and aang, so she gets a pair of wave patterned socks!
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sokka was… fun?.. to draw. his hair was difficult but i had more references for him than i did for suki, so i made it work. he’s got a lot of little scars on his hands from fishing accidents, which i thought were fun details to include. i also got to draw armpit hair for the first time? that was interesting. he’s wearing socks, like the other characters that are from areas surrounded by water (his sister and his girlfriend). his socks have little boomerangs on them!!!! i was very excited about that!
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suki oh my god okay. she is the most peaceful sleeper here. i gave her loads of little moles and scars which was fun! but tbh, her hair was a NIGHTMARE. not because it was difficult to draw, no it was easy. i just could NOT find any references </3. her socks are boring bc i didn’t want to draw koi fish, and i thought that would be the coolest for her. her shirt is a bluer green than toph’s since kyoshi island is surrounded by water!
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okay so toph isn’t even cold, she just wanted to wear zuko’s turtle duck pajamas. as i did with suki, i gave her some moles and some scars. BUT no socks, because it’s toph we’re talking about. i also just now realized that she has canonically longer hair, but eff that. she chopped it off when she left her parents’ place. but sleepover stuff rq. the gaang totally thought she’d be a snorer and that she’d move loads. they got 1 out of 2 right. she is actually a SUPER silent sleeper, but she does toss and turn.
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zuko is way prettier than how i drew him but i needed to do his scar justice and make a point. anyways , he’a also trans in this piece, why? because i’m trans and projecting. i headcanon that zuko generally runs warm, and with the other’s added body heat, i figure he’d want pajamas that weren’t too hot. so i gave him a muscle tank and shorts. his scar was loads of fun to draw and i wanted to point out that his ear has been affected by his scarring in this piece because it’s an important detail to me.
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wutheringmights · 3 years
Can I be greedy and ask for all of the boys ? And any characters you have strong opinions on? Pretty please? With lots of cherries and chocolate on top? ( for the ask meme ofc)
Anon, I'll finish up all of the boys in the Chain just for you. And trust me, I have an Infinite Amount of Strong Opinions. You have no idea how Opinionated I Am.
If anyone is coming in late to this, here are the boys I have done already and a short summary of my thoughts (click the hyperlinks to get the full Opinion):
Warriors: he's best when he's the trashy anti-Link, and I like him so much
Twilight: kind of boring, but I have a soft spot for him anyway because you never forget your first
Wind: should have been aged up a little so that he can have that identity crisis I'm craving
This... gets long. Really long. 3-hours-of-work-long. Before you read, please note that even when I speak negatively about something, it’s not to diss anyone who does like the thing. I’m not vague posting or being passive aggressive. This is all written in good humor and good faith. 
That being said, let’s a-go!
What I love about them: He has one of the best character arcs of all the Links. I love that he starts off being lazy and kind of a jerk, but grows as a person because he wants to save his friend. And I love that he's truly the most courageous Link. He has no other successful hero of past or legacy to lean back upon to reassure him. He walked into that fight with Demise with no assurance from anyone that he would succeed. Yet, he does it anyway. Because he's a true hero and someone had to be one. And he's rewarded with a curse that he does not initially take seriously. He thinks he's saved everyone, yet he's cursed his spirit, possibly his bloodline, and his entire legacy of the kingdom of Hyrule into a doomed cycle of destruction. All because he dared to face evil incarnate. I love him.
What I hate about them: You know how I called Twilight boring? I should have saved that critique for Sky. LU Sky is actually the most boring interpretation of his character. All of his negative traits? Gone. All of his positives? Also gone. He's the blandest version of himself, and like Twilight, I now feel like I gotta add some spice to him to make him more interesting while still keeping him recognizable. Even so, he's still one of my favorite Links.
Favorite Moment/Quote: When he kicks Twilight's ass at sword fighting. That's stuff is *chef's kiss*
What I would like to see more focus on: You would think that there would be more angst out there about him realizing that he's actually been cursed, but it's still kind of hard to find. He's the Cursed Knight! The beginning of a terrible legacy! Imagine meeting a bunch of heroes for the first time, and instead of being relieved at having someone who understands your experiences, you're filled with horror at realizing that your victory was a false one. You didn't win. Your spirit will never be at rest. Imagine dealing with that realization for the rest of your life. You could never be at peace.
What I would like to see less focus on: I love that he loves his wife, but he's more just the fact that he's married, y'know? I would like to see a little less blind devotion to Hylia and Zelda, and more complicated feelings about being manipulated into being the hero.
Favorite pairing with: Sun/Link/Groose OT3! I have no reasoning behind this other than I like Groose and Groose definitely had a crush on SkSw Link.
Favorite friendship: I won't answer Groose again even if I want to, so I'll say Warriors. I cannot begin to describe how elite this friendship would be if you gave it a chance. They're just two boys dealing with unique positions of leadership and responsibility. They would probably even bond over being shitheads at different ends of the shithead spectrum. It's so good, okay?
NOTP: Ghirahim. I'm not too adverse to this one, but the ship hinges on whether you can redeem Ghirahim or not. In my opinion, Ghirahim is awesome because he's such a fun villain. Redeeming him ruins the fun.
Favorite headcanon: I have a whole life story planned out for Sky. Basically, he lives to be close to 500 years old by the power of the Triforce. He is the Link throughout the Era of Chaos who banishes the Dark Interlopers to the Twilight Realm and seals the Triforce in the Sacred Realm. He actually seals himself in the Sacred Realm as well to keep the Triforce safe, and he fought Ganondorf in when he broke in. Sky, like Time and Wind, does not get a happy ending.
What I love about them: Four is origin of the heroes of Hyrule being known for being children. What a legacy to leave behind. He's such an interesting case of an incarnation of the Hero's Spirit, too. He fought Vaati, and he did his job so well that Demise's next incarnation had to be Ganondorf. Four did his job the best out of everyone, and it came at the cost of creating a magic sword that changed him permanently. I like to think that the Four Sword was not meant to split him, that it was a mistake he made with the design. And it's sad, isn't it? You made a defective sword, and like any good sword, it has a symbolic double edge. It gifted you with so much, and yet he can never be the same again. And his story is never well-remembered because it is overshadowed by the Links who fought the King of Evil. He's does so much, yet his legacy is underappreciated.
What I hate about them: I want to prepare you for this Opinion, because I know it's unpopular. Are you ready? Okay. I don't like the Colors. I'm sorry. I want to like them, but they don't interest me at all. Because they are parts of Four’s personality, they have to be one-note archetypes which does not make for exciting storytelling. I also haven't found a fic yet that has been from Four's POV that did the internal monologue of the Colors in a way that wasn't a pain in the ass to read. Maybe if someone can figure out how to do the Colors in a way that doesn't feel like a drag, I would like them more. But in the end, I think Four himself is more interesting than the Colors.
Favorite Moment/Quote: The fact that he didn't want to touch the Master Sword because he doesn't trust magic swords. That is every I need to know about his opinion on his own adventures.
What I would like to see more focus on: I want more of Four as Four. It's getting harder to find content of Four being his own person first and the Colors second.
What I would like to see less focus on: Four being the Colors first and his own person second. There is something about viewing Four as this cover identity for the Colors that doesn't feel right. There's a balance that needs to be strike between his ability to split, how that affects his every day life, and his own identity of being Four. I think I may have read one fic that hit that sweet spot for me, but still.
Favorite pairing with: Shadow. I'm such a sucker for befriending and falling for the enemy. That is all.
Favorite friendship: Dot! Their friendship is super cute. I like the idea of them being super close when they were younger and struggling to keep the friendship going as they age due to how much their paths in life diverge.
NOTP: This isn't necessarily a Four or an LU problem, but people who ship the Colors together? Bro. C'mon.
Favorite headcanon: I'm torn between two different Four and the Master Sword headcanons. On one hand, Four thinking that the Master Sword is just legend until he meets Sky and everyone else is just a fun idea. He sees the legendary sword for the first time and his mind is blown. On the other hand, I also like my Four with a side of hubris. What if he had the option on his quest to draw the Master Sword himself? What if he could tell that if he did that, the consequences would be terrible. He's not sure what would happen, but he knows it would be terrible. So he decided to make his own sword instead to disastrous results. Wouldn't that be tragic or what?
What I love about them: Last winter, I did a two hour powerpoint for my friends about the Legend of Zelda timeline. During that powerpoint, I was rating every iteration of Link. What I said about the Hero of Time then holds true to my thoughts of LU Time now. Time is the original Link, more so than Sky in the lore and Legend/Hyrule in real life. Every other hero is a reflection of him. So the fact that his story is about the loss of childhood and the tragedy of that is incredible, and you can see those themes reflected in every other game. Moreso, he’s the only Link with a confirmed tragic ending. Not only does he end his life unsatisfied, but his adventure is failure on every timeline. In the adult timeline, Hyrule is swallowed by the sea. In the child one, Ganondorf returns again. In the fallen timeline, Hyrule fell. I like the idea since that the games themselves are the legends that are past down about each hero, Hylians have also remembered Time as a tragic figure. Yet, they also remember that the happy moments for his life come from small acts of kindness. Even someone as sad as him finds joy in helping others, even if it’s just to small deeds that will not be heralded as grand heroic quests. It’s beautiful.
What I hate about them: This is more about Mask than Time, but Mask is not an adult in a child’s body. He did not rewind time in Termina enough to be considered mentally an adult. He’s a young teenager at best, and that’s me being generous. He is a child who was forced to be an adult and despite the gods being done with him, he cannot conceive of ever having a childhood again. So he can say all he wants that he’s an adult, but he is not. That’s just what he thinks he is.
Favorite Moment/Quote: Anytime we get a flashback to him being a younger adult is great. I want to see more of his in this his early adulthood.
What I would like to see more focus on: I think I just want more of Time being... not a bad leader, but being an imperfect one. I honestly think he’s only the leader because he’s the oldest and enough of the heroes recognize the title of Hero of Time. But he is not the leader type, and he is struggling to keep it together and has to defer to Twilight and Warriors for help a lot. 
What I would like to see less focus on: I’m not the biggest fan of Dad!Time for any of the Links. He’s not emotionally ready for it. And I think he defaults to treating the boys like adults because that’s how he wanted to be treated when he was their age. 
Favorite pairing with: Malon. He has this great partnership of equal respect with her and it’s just. So good.
Favorite friendship: Linebeck. I know. This exists only in my head. But if these two ever meet, you cannot convince me that they would not get along swimmingly. It would be so good (once Linebeck gets over his crush on Time and stops hitting on him, of course).
NOTP: Child Timeline Zelda. Let me explain: I fully believe in Bi Time supremacy, and when in OoT, he definitely had a crush on Sheik. However, one of the worst parts of rewinding time and being in the child timeline is that Zelda is a completely different person now. They may have been friends in the other timeline, but her life experiences are completely different now. She is not the same person as he once knew. And it’s tragic to know someone as who they could have been, not as they are.
Favorite headcanon: After Termina, Time spent a lot of time with the Nabooru because out of everyone he knew, she’s the only who took him seriously even as a child. She has big older sister energy, and he considers her a part of his family. However, being treated as such made it easier for him to ignore his issues and put off his healing process by a few years.
What I love about them: Veteran of Heroes! What a freaking title. I love that he keeps on finding adventures, and that he keeps hustling. Even if he complains about never getting a break, you can tell that he loves helping others. He loves being on the road, never settling down, and finding adventure after adventure. Honestly, if any of the Links had a calling to be a hero, it’s him. Is he tired? Sure. Is he a little jaded after having saved Hyrule and a bunch of other kingdoms multiple times? Yes. But at the end of the day, he likes being a hero. This is who he is. His complaining is not genuine; he just plays the martyr because, at this point, he’s earned the right to.
What I hate about them: If you can’t tell by now, I have a, uh, different interpretation of Legend from popular canon. Fandom Legend is not right to me. He is unrecognizable. It is hard to write him because I feel like I have to balance what other people think Legend should be versus how I think he is. The people who are big Legend enjoyers probably feel the same way about my version of Warriors, and that’s fine. I’m not going to gel with every character and I don’t expect everyone to gel with how I see characters either. It’s goes both ways, y’know.
Favorite Moment/Quote: I like how subtly he tried to approach the Wolfie problem at first, trying to ask questions and get more proof before confronting Twilight. It’s a good touch.
What I would like to see more focus on: If I had to choose one thing, it’s this one throw away line about him never wanting to settle down. I’m telling you, folks! He likes his lifestyle! And did you see him when he does presenting the origins of the hero? He’s not bitter about being a hero! Legend is moody, but he is not angsty about the whole hero thing. Have fun with him please!
What I would like to see less focus on: If you can’t tell by now, Legend is my least favorite Link. There is a lot I want to see less of, but just to name one thing, it’s the headcanon that Fable is his sister. I live and die by common born Link, and whether he’s a legitimate heir or the royal bastard, I am more than bored with the persistent Prince!Legend content.
Favorite pairing with: Marin. It’s a good tragic story and I like it well enough. She’s cute, and he’s cute with her.
Favorite friendship: Warriors. I’m with everyone else on these two have peak sibling energy. They tease and pick on each other, but only they are allowed to mess with each other. They’re each other’s bully, and it’s always good to see.
NOTP: I do not have enough energy to have a lot of strong opinions about Legend’s romantic relationships, but I will mentioned that I have lost a lot of love for Ravio recently and am liking seeing him with Legend less and less. I have no better reason for this than the fact that I finally played ALBW and hate how many of my hard earned rupees he’s taken from me by withholding important, lifesaving items. Rat bastard.
Favorite headcanon: Remember my headcanon about him being the coolest bad boy folk hero on the block because everyone thinks he kidnapped Zelda? Yeah, I still stand by that one. I did good there.
What I love about them: If there is any Link that I would call a gutter rat, it is this one. I struggle a bit to talk about Hyrule since his games gives us so little, but in the end, I always fall back on him being a hero of the people. He is the one who has nothing and relates the best to people who are at their lowest. Yet, he is still a hero. He earns the right to be a hero because he helped Impa in her time of need. He’s selfless and competent. Even if he never got a traditional education, I bet he’s wicked smart too. He is the Link that symbolizes all of the parts of the Triforce the most. And, god. I cannot talk about him without mentioning the blood sacrifice part of LA. It’s such a cool concept, and I cannot imagine what it must be like to go from being the rough and tumble, win-at-all-costs fighting to protecting yourself first because if you don’t, the consequences are disastrous. It’s paradoxical, and it must be such a different mindset to fall into. But it must also be a blessing in disguise since now he has a reason to finally care about himself.
What I hate about them: Who started the Hyrule is innocent headcanon? Come over here because we need to exchange some words. If there is anyone who would be a realist and know how the world works, it’s this guy. And while we’re here, who came up with the Hryule is always lost headcanon? I also have some words for you. And you know what? WHILE WE’RE HERE, who let him be named Hyrule? I’m have more than choice words for you. His name scheme is the bane of my existence and the express reason why I don’t write him more. God.
Favorite Moment/Quote: That one panel where he takes utter delight in Warriors hiding from his scorned lovers? That is a central pillar in my understanding of Hyrule.
What I would like to see more focus on: Again, his relationship with other people. Even if his games are lacking in NPCs, we know from lore that he’s a good guy who will jump in to help others. He must know plenty of people, and I want to see who exists in his world with him. 
What I would like to see less focus on: I have an on-going joke with my brother that certain characters are Catholic, even if Catholicism does not exist in the world of the thing we’re watching or playing. Of course, we’re not being serious. we’re just joshing around. So imagine the gut punch I feel whenever I see people say Hyrule is Christian and realize that they’re being serious. I just can’t take it seriously.
Favorite pairing with: Aurora. It’s cute and I’m a sucker for that hero and royalty dynamic, especially when the hero is a peasant. It’s so cheesy, but I love it.
Favorite friendship: Legend. But not the way everyone else pairs them up as the grumpy one and the sunshine one. I think of it more as them being the pinnacle of boys being boys. They’re shitheads. They do stupid shit together. They both have a dark sense of humor. They joke that they’re practically the same person sometimes.
NOTP: uhhhhhhhhh.... Is he paired with anyone else?
Favorite headcanon: I love the idea that he just likes his way of life and refuses to accept anyone saying otherwise. Legend wants to teach him to read? Sorry, but he’s never had to read before in his life so he’s pretty sure he’ll never need it anyway. Want to participate in the treasured Hylian tradition of piercing your ears when you come of age? Why would he ever do that when a monster could rip those earrings off? He’s stuck in his ways and it frustrates everyone else to no end, but he has no interest in ever changing.
What I love about them: When I was 9, I spent my time online on Legend of Zelda forums. I remember one of my forum friends saying that they wanted a Legend of Zelda game where Link lost. And I think of that friend whenever I think about Wild. BOTW Link is the best Link that has ever been. He is the epitome of every trait we associate with any Link. He’s smart and sassy. He’s hard working and kind. But underlining all of that is the fact that he’s still the one who failed. If Demise’s Curse in SkSw is the set-up, the Great Calamity is the payoff. And I haven’t even talked about how confirming him as being non-verbal before the Calamity does so much for his characterization. I don’t even know where to start or how to articulate it. By game storyline alone, Wild is one of my favorites.
What I hate about them: You guys knew this one was coming, but I’m going to have to say it anyway. Fandom Wild.... not good. I’ve said it for half of these boys so far, but god is it true. I have a way I see Wild that is rarely done in the fandom. Fandom Wild has a lot of the traits I also see in Wild, but to all of the extremes. I will mention one thing in particular as being a pet peeve, and it’s how some people headcanon him as always being nonverbal. I know what they’re trying to do, and I think they’re on to something, but they’re also missing the point of what BOTW Link’s character arc is. I just wish more people would forget fandom and work more off of the games for how to characterize him.
Favorite Moment/Quote: Weirdly enough, my favorite moment is when he got mad at everyone for making fun of his Gerudo outfit, so he dumped Goron Spice in his cooking. It’s encapsulates a part of his character I think a lot of people forget about.
What I would like to see more focus on: I think he has a really complicated relationship with his past. He said himself that his old self felt like a different person, and I think that should be explored a lot more. That idea actually fascinates me so much that instead of CTB, I almost wrote a character study fic about Wild. His emotions are not as simple as feeling guilty about letting his friends die and not preventing the Calamity. His emotions would be so complicated and because I don’t have the time to explore it, someone else needs to do it for me.
What I would like to see less focus on: There is a weird fascination with Wild having memory loss and essentially being like a kid again. And this feels infantilizing to me. It honestly bugs me a lot every time I see it.
Favorite pairing with: I can’t decide between Zelda, Mipha, and Revali. They’re all different dynamics and they’re all good.
Favorite friendship: Paya. I firmly believe that Paya is Wild’s best friend. I am the only one in the world who believes this. But I am also the only one in the world who is correct. 
NOTP: Wild is good with everyone. Good for him!
Favorite headcanon: An essential scene of my Wild character study I will never write is one where his horse dies. He goes into shock and walks back to Kakariko to talk to Impa. But once he goes to her, he breaks down in tears and has an absolute melt down over the horse. And Impa sagely says, “It’s not about the horse, is it?” She’s implying that he’s actually mourning the loss of his friends, Hyrule, his life, everything-- but through his tears, he keeps tell her that she’s wrong. He barely remembers them. He doesn’t know them. He doesn’t have any feelings about them. He just really loved that horse. But Impa refuses to listen to him, just repeating over and over again: “it’s not really about the horse.”
And that’s it! That’s all of my opinions! I know a lot of my opinions are polarizing, but everything I said is in good faith, and I am not trying to diss anyone for how they approach these characters.
I welcome you to send me your Opinions on the Links, even if it’s just to disagree with me. I’m cool with it, and I like knowing what everyone else thinks!
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