#love making art people didnt follow me for. it's fun it's freeing
mozquito · 2 months
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goemon and jigen in the style of samurai jack
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chalkeater · 2 years
Im soo happy i made the art of the height comparisons thing but oh my god some people are just So Wrong about the canon heights or are completely misunderstanding the SIMPLE point/joke/au/headcanon whatever- i was TRYING to make. Like on one hand i totally agree that yeah youre right Noelle isnt THAT SHORT im 6’2 and she’s 6’0. Monsters are just tall in my source but if people are gonna agree with me they should at least not be wrong about it .. how many times do i have to read “good headcanon but its not canon” girl its my little personal joke and indulgent thing “um Noelle is actually taller than susie anyway” no Count the pixels?? “youre wrong noelle is canonically shorter-“ im not stupid im just suggesting people consider a little fun idea that isn’t canon on purpose
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skyartworkzzz · 4 months
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💜 My name is Sky (she/her), Im a brazilian artist whos constantly hopping between multifandom and original stuff! Be warned that some of my content may involve sensitive topics that I usually censor accordingly, but heads up to that in cases I dont!
☁️ CURRENT HYPERFIXATION: Cult Of The Lamb ☁️ ☁️ ART TAGS: #myart , #skyartworkzzz || TEXT TAG: #stfu sky ☁️
☁️ ORIGINAL WORK ☁️ - @streetdogsthecomic (tags: #streetdogs , #streetdogscomic , #street dogs , #street dogs comic) - Infiniteverse (tags: #infiniteverse)
☁️ MASTERPOSTS ☁️ - Cult Of The Lamb - Undertale + Frans
💜 >> ALL MY LINKS << 💜
Down below is some boundaries and FAQs that could be important to newcomers, so feel free to take a read! :D
Please do not DM me to chat unless ure a mutual, a commissioner or have smtng to tell me, I am not comfy with strangers
I am not okay with art generators, so please do not throw my work into those machines
Please avoid getting too comfy on the inbox, suggestiveness is fine to an extent until u start being too descriptive
Still on the topic of NSFW, please avoid saying/doing anything of the sort when it comes to my sona(s) or me. It makes me rlly uncomfy
DNI if u support Isr4el
📍 FAQ 📍
Can I make fanarts/fanfics/video-edits of your work? - YES OFC!! Id love to see it too! So feel free to tag me <3
Can I dub/translate your comics? - Yeah!! As long as u make sure to credit me, I wont mind! ^^
Can I trace/edit your art? - Unless it is for PERSONAL usage (that is, what you do will not be posted publicly), I am not okay with people drawing over my work and posting it as their own. With credits or not, it'd still upset me
Can I use your art on my video/post? - As long as u credit me somewhere visible, I am fine with it!
What's with the @sky-without-artworkz acc? - OKAY SO funny long-story short, when I made this Tumblr I didnt kno what a Primary Blog was and, at the time, that acc was my main for everything until I wanted smtng more organized for Art only. But instead of revamping my whole page, I simply made a new blog, which is this one ure following rn Sadly, Tumblr still does not allow to switch which is the main blog, SO if you see a @sky-without-artworkz interacting with things that u tag @skyartworkzzz to, dw! Thats me!
This post shall be edited if anything else comes up, for now have fun and tysm for ur support! 💜💜💜
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emmetofthestars · 5 months
hiiiii would LOVE to know whats going on between crow and spy!!! (if you have any others youd like to be asked abt please feel free to say, but the recent art of them.. soo good)
:3 ACTUALLY UHM WHICH ONE is it the one with the slugcats. hehehee....... i love slug
(oh also note, crow uses she/he, just to clear up confusion for the following text if you didnt know)
idk theyre fucking. they hates eachother. they dont like eachother. but also spy is a dumb fuck and kinda has a thing for crow (surface-level sexual attraction) which he only expresses by taking joy in constantly harrassing and trying to sneak up and back-stab crow, when shes just trying to chill and snipe (for petes sake /q). basically hardcore targets crow when he feels like it. uses dead-ringer too. he kind of doesnt have a reason to hard target more important targets like charon or minnie because BLU in general are incompetent enough in his eyes that he doesnt have to give a shit because. like. who cares. RED keeps winning anyways. also charon is edgy at least and threatening at most, and minnie is minnie. crow hates the shit out of him and has nothing for him. he doesnt, like, secrectly like spy, no he really really hates him and wants to kill him any moment possible. he will break any rule to get back at spy. but also she thinks about him alot. like she straight up loves to hate spy she has fun hating him. more than anything. so when he doesnt have spy to beat up or spit at, hes just kinda bored and has no points of interest. its also to a point she might purposely make herself mad thinking about him because the rush and anger makes her feel good. i actually havent been centralizing this as much in some things ive been writing but i am writing for fun... ill figure out how to centralize it blehhh. also uhm.. uhmm twiddles my thumbs IDK but... i kinda want quastions about daisy and achilles.... and uhm am i forgetting someone... oh i kinda wanna tallk about carl again... but im thinking moreso daisy and achilles rn... not them both together, just in general. i kinda have to develop them more
i was about to put this in tags but its too much and i wanna put it in the og post. its irrelevant to crow and spy tho
ocs are a never ending battle of developing and also balancing for me.. atleast for blu team i really have to make sure theyre all balanced out and also developed equally.... i actually didnt like that carl and iris used to both be too much of scaredy cats, as well as gary. so i left the scaredy cat job to carl and now iris is less scared and moreso numb and vindictive. gary used to dislike seeing people in pain but i thought that doesnt align with BLU teams theme at all so now its more like gary just doesnt give a shit. they dont want to murder not because its immoral but because its not fun to them, and they wanna have a splash in a pool instead or something.
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goqmir · 11 months
sent out trick or treat asks to mutuals! it was fun and scary and delightful and scary! i love yall. if u didnt get one either i accidentally missed u (sorry!) or u are a relatively new mutual i am intimidated by (which is a lot of new moots who followed me from my yoshi art! i love you im just nervous of all the cool people i just met thinking im weird or something lol)
if u got one feel free to not respond or delete the ask if u dont want to answer it or it makes u nervous <3 it was mostly just a way to poke at and awknowledge my favorite mutuals teehee
anyway im probably not doing much tomorrow so this was my own little halloween celebration. thank u all for playing along. happy halloween!
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red-dyed-sarumane · 8 months
tagged by @itstimetodrew for 15 questions!! thank u!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
i'm not really named after her but i do share a name with an older cousin
2. When was the last time you cried?
last month when i finished pmd eos again. the music and the friendship and the self sacrifice always gets me.
3. Do you have kids?
no & i dont want to for lots and lots and lots of reasons
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
i used to play soccer & do swimming when i was young but now the only sports i do are mental gymnastics
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
how they act like are they quiet or loud or grumpy or fun loving or serious etc
7. What's your eye color?
legally blue
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies. i have a very particular taste in horror so i dont always like them but i much prefer them over like "and then everything worked out & they were happy" endings.
9. Any talents?
qc calls me mad talented whenever she sees my doodles so in honor of her im showing off my art here
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10. Where were you born?
in the us. im a pennsylvania resident for those who didnt know
11. What are your hobbies?
digital painting mostly but i havent done that in a month unfortunately. secondly i LOVE LOVE LOVE messing with vocal synths i may not be good but its like my favorite thing. related i like fucking around in my daw but i dont know shit about music so im just having fun being bad. last year i picked up making character plushies too & this year i want to expand that to trying to make rime's hoodie for myself but i doubt it'll go well lmao. i write if feel like it but its mostly to get scenes out of my head & i dont really try to be good. media wise i like to keep up with the niconico daily ranking for vocaloid songs & sometimes i play video games. i dont like to watch things id rather read books but it doesnt happen often. everyone who follows this account also knows i love to over analyze vocaloid songs too.
12. Do you have any pets?
i live with 4 dogs but theyre more my parents pets than mine.
13. How tall are you?
5'4" or like 162cm
14. Favorite subject in school?
in high school it was english & german in college it was ethics
15. Dream job?
none. i like what i have now where i go in, do my tasks, and get to come home free of stress and paperwork to do whatever the fuck i want. i dont deal with customers or anything. worst thing that happens to me is an egg explodes. peak type of job. but i dont want to do this all my life either.
taggingggg @andromedako @estradasphere @kukiyuuri & whoever wants to do it!
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ruthytwoshakes · 2 years
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Art licensing info and bio below.
Im RuthyTwoShakes, Ruth for short .nice ta meet tcha ! Previously known as Daffoduck or Daffysbrainrot. I draw war criminals and beautiful ladies. (most often they are both.) sometimes fluffy dog people n other stuff! It/its. But beautiful babes can use whatever pronouns they want helllll yeahh
not very good at responding to anything, but I appreciate every comment I get :D ALSO HEY IF YOU HAVE A TF2 EVENT YOU WANT ARTISTS FOR OR A FUN ART COLLAB THING reach out!!, I do not bite except for when I do but I cannot bite you for you are in my phone. ASK BOX IS OPEN ALL THE TIME TOO GIVE ME IDEAS AND I MIGHT JUST FORGET ABOUT HTME!!!
Other sites:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC38E05EtHpfj75Iqld2c2sg?sttick=0
Artfight: https://artfight.net/~RuthyTwoShakes
Wanna Use my Art?
some rights reserved - CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed (Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International)
You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially.
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit , provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made . You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
This work by  RuthyTwoShakes is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
if you’d like to make fanwork of my characters, redesigns, or stories, I’d be honored! Please send it to me so that I can see your wonderful creation :3
Current Projects:
• TF2 Horse Land (yeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeah!!) sketches are done! Horses will come soon. not actual Horse land btw it was actually super racist https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/732184080892002304/sneak-peaks-at-a-new-project-teehee-turndeed-them#notes
• TF2 Class Swap - sketches are done! Just gotta figure out how to add a little more flair to their outfits. https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/722513284945805313/howdy-everyone-i-got-super-inspired-by
• MissFire AMV(s) - not even close to finishing whoopsies sorry lesbians https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/731001880846729216/bonus-sketch-hehe
• Kid Fortress Au - hough. Got so many idea in brain. No time. So sad https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/731960714323001344/think-i-forgot-to-post-this-before-but-boom-kid
• TF2 Face Studies - https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/731316033133150208/howdy-homos-heres-some-studys-i-started-back
• TF2 Girlmode - teehee my first ever project. Should really finish it. https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/708138916429070336/hey-i-made-the-tf2-but-women-i-love-tf2-ggrgsgdg https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/711305702595018752/women-and-pyro-and-pauling-i-love
• Glider - my boys,, love both of them so much. (Oldest to newest order) https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/716061402526269440/everyone-alert-little-weird-man-alert https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/716224290162360320/jump-scare-jump-scare-1000-nightmares-forever-oh https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/730031866599669760/raaaaaa-thank-you-qucihee-male-living-space
Completed Projects:
• silly gay tf2 memes: Trans Fems https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/708546538842030080/figured-i-should-make-one-for-trans-mascs-too https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/708579375961030656/its-nonbinerey-time-when-the-non-binary-said-its https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/708640313249513473/l-e-s-b-i-a-n-s-didnt-add-anything-else-because https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/708770670835892224/oh-yeaaah-mu-lu-mu-time-men-the https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/729823820963250176/sup-bro-your-pic-of-soldier-saluting-the
• TF2 Wrist Health Poster - https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/730095606308208640/howdy-everybody-i-loved-captainhanyuus-wrist
Important tags:
daffys drawings - all my old art yay!!!!!!!!!!!!
ruths doodles - all my current art :3
Ruths Artfight - artfight hooray
Epic TF2 Projects
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betweenlands · 3 years
HELP i didnt understand any of the fallen london stuff so i assumed it was just smth u guys had made up??? but then i searched it up and found out it was a free game and long story short i think this is genuinely the fastest that my brain has ever latched onto something . how could u do this to me (/pos)
hi anon! welcome to heck the neath!!! it's great to have ya! :D
fl's a good game, we've been playin' it for years now. it's got its low points, but it's also got some really fun worldbuilding and writing to back all that up. i would say it's solidly in a niche where like... if you can handle tumblr, you can handle the weird assumptions the game makes about you being allo early on, and that's kind of as bad as it gets? (well, unless you're us and you have a sideblog where you get to follow the cool people who critique character writing in the revolutionaries and other factions, but that's lategame).
anyway, feel free to send us a calling card, we're Anise Hunt on there! make sure to participate in the Grand Clearing-Out that's going on rn (we'd rush getting a Lodgings as fast as possible), because you can get a lot of really good early-game resources that way and either sell them for echoes or save them for later!
and also if you have any questions -- either about the au or about fl as a whole -- feel free to hit us up, we love talking about the absolutely wild worldbuilding! also if you're not following @redstone-sun be sure to do that, since they're the actual au writer (and also you should follow @sweetest-honeybee and @mine-sara-sp, who have both made amazing art for it)
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flower-zombie-rob · 3 years
Yo! I got a lot of new followers since i last posted my oc related stuff, so lets introduce you shall we?
(Last updated 20th April 2021)
This is walter melon
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Hes a hot-headed mess of a phsycopath boy, but we love him anyway. He loves a knife and likes even more to throw them at targets. Hes a little bit of a weirdo so he isnt good with people and is actively agressive to his brother stanlee in a tsundere fashion, loving him deep down, but despising him for existing. He has a very soft spot for his sweet baby honey dew though who he gives kisses on every occasion. He hasn't had the best past as his strange demeanour lead to him hanging around a lot of the wrong kind of people, ones who really encouraged his love of knives and didnt tend to stop him from doing dangerous daredevil things. After an unmentioned inccident, the only one left of that group there for him was Canary and its lead to him having a large distaste for people in general. However, hes an absolute loveable crazy one and we all love him.
This is stanlee melon
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One of the kindest melon bois you will ever encounter, named after stan lee himself, stanlee is very sweet and prone to helping people and just being an in general Samaritan. Many who know him feel an overwhelming need to protect him from any dangers because hes just so darn sweet with his circle glasses. Hes very chilled and tolerable and gives away all his compassion, even to people that dont give him any back. An all round lovely one.
This is phara melon
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She is the older sister who treats her two siblings like children, looking out for stanlee and forever scolding walter for his stupidity and dangerous nature. She looks out for the two of them and shes a lot more mature and gives them relationship help, although single herself. She also has a pink dog named lolly
This is devon cantelope
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They are cool with a capital C. They have that certain charm that just makes people instantly want to be their best friend. Luckily for him, they have a certain eye for a sweet boy named stanlee! They love boba tea to an unhealthy obsession and they arent seen anywhere without their signature denim jacket an sunglasses. Theyre also the only one with they/them pronouns though he/him is also one he uses every bow and again(it usually depends on whether i remember that their pronouns were supposed to be they and just used he accidentally because i was tired, so it stuck)
This is honey dew
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Perhaps even sweeter than stanlee, honey dew is fragile and insecure. Hes the kindest thing and when he falls in love he fallllllllllls. Hell do anything to be around the people he loves and he cant stand to see any of them upset. He is very affraid of a lot of things so jes very hspoy to have walter, a brave chaos boi, to protect him all the time.
Lastly, this is Canary
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Shes the most recent addition. Shes a real emo kid and right dick to people. Shes very reserved and all she has plot wise is that she was the last and only person willing to come to the rescue for walter after an unnamed incident with his toxic old friends.
Story set up: its not super serious its just me having fun
Stanlee and walter are brothers and are human versions of watermelons i have created. They are my lovely melon sons so please treat them well.
Stanlee met Devon and instantly fell in love with their lovely hair, their heterochromia, their love of boba tea and denim, he was hooked. However, so was walter. Walter and stanlee began to both attempt to catch devons eye.
The battle begins. Its not really a battle in stanlees mind since he isnt competetkve, in fact he'd be happy for walter if he managed to score devon. Walter on the other hand is determined to beat stanlee and laugh in his face. He requires the assistance of someone he knows he can rely on, his friend honey dew, the sweetest little thing in the world. Although honey is holding onto a crush of his own, he wants to spend time with walter, so he does his best.
In the end devon just tells walter to give up. Devon wants stanlee and promptly asks that walter leave him alone and stop stalking him and trying to win him over. Heartbroken, walter goes into ice cream eating depression rejection hours.
Honey checks on him regularly and lets him rant on and on about devon until one day he just snaps and kisses walter, very pissed off by how ignorant walter is to his feelings
There we have two happy couples now theyre all lovely. Canary and phara are kinda just there they dont have much plot relevance
Thats all there is so far! Feel free to ask about them, draw them, request them to be drawn, go through their tags, whatever you wanna do!
Their tags(you will see some old cringe art)
#Stanlee melon
#phara melon
#canary melon
#walter melon
#honey dew (alternatively #walter melons love intrest maybe)
#devon cantaloupe
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frogmentarii · 4 years
Haaaa ok so I am doing this cause i saw @fallout-lou-begas steal it from @tarberrymentats and they both looked like they were havin hella fun so i am commandeering this for my own purposes. So lucky for yall its Emi time (art by the dearest @yesjejunus because yall need to see more of her work)
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A) Why are you excited about this character?
Because she's an older woman (57) that breaks a lot of moulds and I love to see it. Aside from just enjoying older characters, Emi isn't a sweet old lady and she isn't here to try and mother anyone. Her drives are entirely her own and while she prioratizes herself and her sister before anyone else, its not always due to complete selfishness and just due to growing up in the wastes (I try to keep her character true to a fend for yourself setting as possible). I think Ill go into detail in another question with this, but I went through a lot of concepts and personalities for Emi before settling on someone who was seasoned and very much a product of the wastes. I think after seeing a lot of other couriers I finally figured out what I wanted to do differently, and that sort of helped guide her to become what she is today.
B) What inspired you to create them?
I think my last line there sort of short answers this. I wanted someone different from the other couriers I saw, and wanted to make one that was distinct or even juxtaposed against some tropes. She's a woman in her late 50s that doesnt try and play mom/granny to the companions, she very much has no stake in what happens to the Mojave, she doesnt care about Benny or that he shot her in the head (such is life in the Mojave, but she did have a job to complete so ripperoni him), and a lot of her motivations are selfish or exist to benefit her sister. She doesnt act 'old' in the fact that she isn't a wise caring soul or a grumpy old man, but rather her age is shown through her experience, and this also shapes her personality. She's never had to formally 'grow up' so she can come off as immature and irritating for her own entertainment, but she doesn't have youthful ignorance for how the world works. She knows how to be responsible but she doesnt have to act like it outwardly, even with her Tragic Caregiver Backstory.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
To a large degree in the beginning, yes, and to specific degrees now, also yes. Writing in general isnt my strong point though I did know what I wanted for her. The main image is there but the details are funky, and Ive been slowly hammering those out as I work along with her and Camila's stories. There's been some huge changes along the way that help push both of them towards an ending I like and that fits them, and even if it takes forever and I never actually write a fic, I'll be happy when she finally feels completed in New Vegas.
Aside from that, she kind of fits in anywhere in regards to AUs. My friend @yesjejunus and I have probably like 40000 fucking aus for our OCs and all of them feel just as organic and their canon stories.
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
So I know I have an 'original concept Emilia' art on here where she looked like Laura Croft and had aviators but that wasnt even her first concept. I had originally wanted to make a petite southern belle type from Louisiana who used a shot gun and had a mean streak, but as I kept playing with concepts Emi really started to lean other places. Another huge change was her personality. Even when her concept got settled as a sniper from Mexico, she was suppose to be an early 30s caravan guard who was way too sure of herself. While there are reminents of that concept still in her, she has a lot more experience in the wastes and in think-on-your-feet situations to back up her attitude. Another thing she required was dropping her "take me seriously" personality with more goofy "i do what i want cause why not" traits.
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Emi can get along with anyone at a surface level, for a small while, if it will benefit her or she wants to pass time. She really doesn't have interest in folks who arent interesting or beneficial in some way. Since I don't really offer her much, and am a bit of a wet bag, she might yank my chain for her own funsies or she'd have no interest.
And while I did indeed give Emi my go with the flow attitude, I think I wouldn't be able to keep up with her. Emi is very fast paced and doesnt necessarily have regard for those she decides to pick up as drinking buddies for the night. Def dont trust her with my life, and knowing the shit she gets into I'd def want to steer clear of it....like a trainwreck its much better to watch her from a safe distance, lol.
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
A lot of affection from a meta standpoint? I've worked with Emi and Cam a lot since creating them, and they've def come a long way since their original concepts. I wouldn't say their story is quite where I want it yet, but I am quite happy with it overall.
That, and Ive met so many awesome writers along the way with Emi. Not all of my friends have posted fic but the amount of world building and having our characters interact and talking OCs ive done with them has placed both Emi and their OCs in a special place for me. Sure her having her own story is fun but I much more prefer the bonds Ive created with people over OCs and I think thats a bit more of a cherished component to character creation for me.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
Literally? That she likes to be irritating if she feels she can get away with it (or even if she cant). Actually? That she has a very "I shelter you and feed you therefore I make the rules, period." stance on how she takes care of her charge. She lets a lot of shit slide with Camila but things get very Rapunzel-esque at times.
H) What trait do you admire most?
How sure of herself she is. Even if its to a fault, she trusts herself and her judgements. That sort of confidence is something I strive to have haha.
To a lesser degree, and more of a meta point I wanted to make with her, just...her appearance I suppose? To me she's attractive, but she also has a lot of traits that aren't conventionally attractive and that's played a lot into how Ive wanted her to be. Again she's 57 years old. She has age to her body, her skin wrinkles and droops, her tits sag, she has the body of someone who uses chems, and yet despite her age and breaking of beauty standards ive made it a point to show that she is desired or thought of as attractive in non fetish specific circumstances. She herself, while aro, also still has an active sex drive and I really wanted this to be a backseat part of her character, as I feel like fandom in general shafts older women in this department (this also goes for a lot of her non 'old lady' traits I give her too). She still has sexual needs and is still very much sexually active, and she is still found to be a regular sort of attractive and is desired by those she gets involved with.
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
Yes? Ish, to a degree. I didnt have to but I wanted to. I also did a lot of headcanoning with post Mexico for her early life which, afaik is free real estate for lore/nothing super detailed has been given in canon.
Given that she and Camila both shape their stories as individuals, I did have to split up some canon elements to follow two seperate characters, but other than that I really just had to make sure Emilia's story wasnt "boring" in the fact that she again, has no real stake in what happens to Vegas/the Mojave.
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
Cackles in 'which au will I obsess with today'
For the most part yes, however I love placing her in new things or different stories. She may be 'my courier' but really shes just the frog granny that goes into whatever au I am feeling at the time.
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mandaloriangf · 4 years
given the topic of reylos and fandom, im gonna say a thing and i hope it makes sense, but if it doesnt definitely feel free to point out
as context, i spent most of my entire 20+ years of life engrossed in fandom. im the white autistic girl exploring sexuality and identity through fandom lenses that these communities love to trot out as the reason why fandom criticism is a form of oppressive rhetoric (its not).
fandom has always been an actively hostile space to those it considers "other" (black people overall and most especially black women, gay men who are treated as concepts and not people and told to be silent on the trend of harmful abusive slash fiction). it has not ever been a fully welcoming community
but i really do believe reylos ruined fandom as a concept overall
to elaborate, the size and proliferation of reylos sparked a league of discourse that left the boundaries of star wars entirely and instead focused around a singular question, applicable regardless of media content you consume. who is fandom for? this question split the identity of fandom in twain.
reylos, and quickly following behind pro-shippers and anti antis, answered that fandom was for "everyone" but in reality encouraged an environment where fan content was never questioned or criticized regardless of its contents or implications and that to do so indicated something about you as a person rather than your critical debate skills or media consumption. fandom was a space for pleasure, sexual and literary, first and foremost, and nothing could infringe on that. it is considered the ultimate escapism and ultimate freedom, through the thin veneer of fiction. nothing you say or do reflects anything about your person because none of it is real, it only FEELS and is meant to feel good, via catharsis or fluff or erotic fanworks. the fiction you write is a means of exploring your happiness through a vehicle of media consumption, with no bearing on reality whatsoever, so even if you write objectively awful triggering topics, the only request is that you at least acknowledge its fucked up even if you do NOTHING to protect other people from it. it is a position of inherent selfishness actively hostile to marginalized peoples, most especially women of color.
on the other side of this divide is anyone with a functioning brain. grossly oversimplifying the situation but this is already long enough lmao.
the faults of individuals acting in these debates is almost tangential. awful people of all stripes were drawn to both sides of the divide to leverage power gained from getting clout through discourse, but one side was significantly more accepting due to the inherent nature of their position. if you thought fandom was meant to be fun and nothing else, all you really had to do was apologize and everything would be swept under the rug. obviously plenty of people get away with this shit no matter what, but we have to notice the trend of genuinely awful and abusive reylos and anti-antis continously able to remake and move accounts with no issues
this discourse moved from star wars into the general online conversation, and then was taken back to individual fandom communities. and fandom was absolutely torn apart. anyone who couldnt stand it packed up and left, artists were driven out by the droves of people who liked their art and saved it but refused to share or reblog it, fanfiction writers didnt get any interaction unless they went out of their way to cater to the niche specific fanon interpretations regardless of how much it clashed with the source material, and reylos and their legacy fostered an active culture of harassment.
reylos didnt just ruin star wars
reylos ruined *everything*, even for the communities of people they hold up as their martyr, white autistic girls like myself exploring identity.
there is no content for questioning people anymore. there is no content of exploration. there is no fic detailing recovering from abuse with loved ones while exploring facets of yourself you couldnt face. im sex repulsed and wlw, can you imagine how hard it is for me to find something that covers these topics that isnt straight up porn?
these problems are compounded even MORE for anyone who isnt white, to levels i am shielded from thanks to my privelege. and now, when people like stitch find publication to discuss her experiences in an open forum, she is subject to a harrassment campaign that is now the norm.
its monstrous
(sorry for the long ask rip, hope u enjoy the impromptu essay)
i wouldn’t say reylos are the ones who ruined fandom but instead they are the natural progression of a community where racism has run rampant and it’s run rampant for the reasons you listed.
reylos in particular are especially sinister in the way they utilize progressive language as a way to shield themselves from criticisms of racism and make themselves feel justified in viciously attacking and driving out poc who speak up. and that way they can make the fandom a safe space for themselves and only themselves. and other fandoms do the same.
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ccsthemovie2 · 3 years
trick or treat 2021 letter
hi there my ao3 is zagspect and thanks in advance for making me a piece of fic or art in this fun little exchange! heres some food for thought to munch on.
i loooove slice of life, character moments, outsider povs that make things we’re used to in canon seem absurd or funny or weird or scary, humor, horror-in-fluff’s-clothing, sweetness-found-in-horror, and also just plain sweetness. feel free to get weird or experimental with your writing if you think the moment calls for it :3 im not really requesting anything sexy-nsfw in this exchange so pls keep things down to a nice pg13 (high-rated gore for higurashi work is an exception, lol, like, it’s when they cry. that’s just part of the deal.)
cardcaptor sakura (trick or treat!)
clear card manga spoilers are fine with me! manga and anime canon are both fine, and mashing them up is cool too. no aus past that though, please!
clow reed
the big man himself! scare me with his his manipulative tendencies, his eternal pushpull fear of both being eternally relied on and being no longer needed, the way he treats other people, especially people who love him. (yue! the madoushi! i am into both of these being unrequited romantically on his end, but he’s not gonna just gonna tell them that, you think he’s straightforward like that?) what’s daily life like in the clowse? creating a new card, what’s that like? does everybody get along with the normal, non magic neighbors? 
yelan li
what’s up with her??? what’s her relationship with her children like, what are the responsibilities of a magician family’s head, how weird is it that clow is kind of back all of a sudden, what’s her thoughts on sakura? fleshing out a minor character is always fun :]
eriol & li
okay, so, we get to the end of the original series. syaoran returns to hong kong. ????????. syaoran is in cahoots with eriol to (vaguely alluding to cc spoilers in case you haven’t caught up in the manga), do some pretty serious magic behind sakura’s back.
so, like... what went down in the ?????
kero & sakura & yue 
they’re FAMBILYYYYY. magic found family i love them so much. show me the depths of their care for her, and hers for them, the way there’s absolutely some ice to break with yue but when he gets loyal he will DIE for you, the way sakura can mend the rift between kero and yue, the way the two of them are balancing this wonderful openness and equality with oh yeah, she’s eleven, we kind of said some seriously dark stuff in the haze of sleepover talk didn’t we? 
ruby & spinel & eriol 
pre-canon or mid-canon or post-canon! what’s the dynamic between them, a quiet night in, a day out telling people that you’re connected by whatever lie you find funniest. going to tomoeda and having to pretend youre a kid, a teen, and a cat, but goddd you could all go for an elegant and adult glass of wine right now (especially the cat). what horrors are lurking in that house from the clow era that no one cares to address? like emotionally and also because it’s a magic wizard house with magic stuff in it. 
i am here for any and all angles of this ship- all together, your touyukis, your yuetouyas, your yuekitos if you wanna get in on a rarely seen angle! (but pls have touya and/or yukito be 18+ at a time where yue shows interest in them). i wanna see the way they interact! how they deal with, you know, the everything! pre-relationship pining, going on a date, touya and yukito in college wondering if they’ll end up having different majors, different paths for the first time. yukito seeing yue on video for the first time (OH NO HES HOT), yukito and yue figuring out internal boundaries, etc etc etc.  
naoko and touya 
the girl who loves ghosts and the guy who sees (or, used to see), ghosts! does she follow him to one of his haunts (pun intended)? does he have to go to her for ghost sensing advice now that he’s a regular old human? does he have to save her from a ghost that means her harm? how excited is she to tell sakura about the COOL GHOST I MET WITH YOUR BROTHER OMG U DIDNT TELL ME HE LIKES GHOSTS??? and how much does sakura wanna sink into the ground lololol
revolutionary girl utena (trick or treat!)
ohh, what a place of scary happenings! tell me a fairytale, even if it’s not such a good idea. pre, mid, postcanon, im fine with it all. feel free to weave a web with easter egg references to any other media you feel is right for the moment- utena is all about Genre and Stories!
shadow girls 
i love them i love their whole everything. i wanna see a play, i wanna see them interact with other characters! what if they do a play AS the other characters, ooooh.
THE GIRLS WHO INVENTED LOVE THEMSELVES. ive read a thousand stories of them finding each other and it never gets old. id love to read about their life post-ohtori, especially the not-so-happily-ever-after parts- the old wounds reopening, the fights, and how they work through it, wont lose each other ever again. 
what’s spookier than toxic masculinity? both of them miserably stuck, saionji obsessed with touga, touga believing anyone who believes in friendship is a fool. bro we are taking shirtless pictures among 500 potted cacti....why does my heart hurt..... oh shit its the cactus i rolled onto it ow ow
nanami being nanami! she’s got no clue how to act ever, she’s desperate, she’s trying SO HARD. i’d love to see a nanami finally getting out of there, too. leaving home with nothing but the clothes on her back, diamonds in her necklace, and a wheeled suitcase of raw eggs.... (crunch crunch crunch)
higurashi when they cry (trick or treat!)
i’m a gou/sotsu enjoyer and gonna prompt about that a lot but original flavor is, of course, great too. pls dont go too heavy on info outside the main 8+saikoroshi+gou/sotsu? i haven’t read those. ive read umineko+ciconia though so references there are fine :3
college days! getting together, crushing on each other, poly relationship figuringouts? dates that are just club meetings with kissing and all the ridiculousness of that.
gou/sotsu era TOXIC LESBIAN EPIC MOMENTS!!!!!! obsession and desperation and satoko putting all her emotional eggs in rika’s basket no matter how angry she is with her, rika’s love for satoko across 100 years and how that all crumbles (to satoko) in the face of rika’s Cool School. rika wanting satoko to go to school with her so so so bad. deep pain and misunderstandings and acting badly (like, murder badly), and then, we hope, atonement and something new beginning? i love character moments where someones so obsessively in love it feels like its eating them up inside.
rena & satoko
look, rena’s smart and really pays attention to how people feel and i think, before or after satoko becomes a looper but especially after, she would make an attempt to have a heart to heart with satoko. and satoko, as a looper, will politely brush her off, will go you dont know me you can’t affect me. youre just a chess piece. when i get to the miracle world where rika loves me, ill listen to you. this you is here to die, or to kill. 
oh eua is just using satoko up like a bar of soap and it takes satoko way, way too long to realize. evil girltalk/crush advice from the witchmom perhaps?
meakashi made me LOVE her. internal shion moments, perhaps? shion being an empath (decides what ppl are thinking and instantly believes it)? shion in gou-era wanting to talk to satoko about st. lucia’s, but she never shows up to dinner?
okay i think that’s all for now!!! thanks and i hope you have fun!!!
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ardenttheories · 4 years
ardent, I have a real rough question to ask you. is it worth it to read hs^2? Ive been avoiding reading it because I didnt want to ruin what I loved about homestuck, but seeing the amount of art and interaction makes me feel like I'm missing out. I know it's not going to be good, but do I still take the risk? are there homestuck fanprojects you'd suggest instead?
An anon asked:  Hi, may I ask what is your opinion of fan creation inspired from Homestuck? I'm not the biggest fan of where homestuck is heading but was wondering on your opinions of fan comics. I'm leaning towards reading them over Homestuck2 because of some of the writing that Hussie and his team of writers have produced in Homestuck2 feels off and a bit weird for Homestuck. (Ps. Have a lovely day.)
I forgot to answer the anon when I first got it, but since both mention fanvantures, I’ll combine the two!
I would absolutely not recommend reading HS^2, personally. There’s just a lot wrong with it that I genuinely don’t like and am deeply uncomfortable with. Futanari Jade making Rose cheat on Kanaya to have a baby she then completely abandoned is really just the tip of the iceberg, from what I’ve read and seen; there’s also just an outright lack of care for triggers (the warnings for which were taken off chapter by chapter, so you’ve got no idea what you’re going into anymore) and so much bullshit around facts from Homestuck not being taken into consideration during writing (for instance, Rose tells Terezi about the Exiles despite Terezi being the one who told Dave about them back in Act 5).
It’s uncomfortable, sloggish, uncaring, actively written to ruin Homestuck for fans, and overall just unpleasant to read. Not only is it a bad continuation, it’s just bad fiction in general. Some of this of course is exacerbated by the writers themselves, which is another reason I refuse to read it; I do not want to support them in any capacity. 
I wouldn’t say you’re missing out. There’s some genuinely interesting things in HS^2, but a lot of it is overshadowed by how bad it is. That’s why I stopped reading, personally. You could always give it a go, see what you think and if you can handle it or if it appeals to you - because it’s different for everyone! Some people genuinely like it, and that’s okay, too - but I wouldn’t recommend it.
If you read the Epilogues just fine, you should be okay? But if they were rough for you to read, I’d definitely say HS^2 will be worse. You can still enjoy the content on the peripheral, though; for instance, acejams/sarcasmprodigy draws some HS^2 bits, but only really the designs that she likes. Consuming fan content while avoiding the comic itself is no issue, as far as I can tell.
That said, I’d 100% recommend reading fanventures. There’s a lot of benefits to them, actually!
Firstly, since they’re made by fans doing it for free, there’s a lot of love that goes into them. You know that what you’re getting is going to some degree be a homage to Homestuck, and that even if it’s an AU or divergent somehow, it’s still going to be loyal to characters you love. 
There’s a lot less - and I mean a lot less - bullshittery in fanventures than HS^2 proper. It’s done for fun, for love! It’s going to connect with you, as a fan, a little more, because it’s literally written by fans for fans; by people who know what the fandom wants because they’re actively part of it. 
Also, the writers don’t want to ruin the characters, so that’s an incredible bonus.
That said, here are a few fanventures I’d recommend:
SOULSTUCK: A fanventure that takes place in the Soul Eater universe, following Roxy and Dirk as they work towards getting that sweet, sweet final Witch soul to become a proper duo. I haven’t read too much of it, but the art is beautiful, the writing is well in character, and it’s also pretty faithful to the original Soul Eater while staying uniquely Homestuck, too.
Guidestuck: A pretty wellknown fanventure that started up again recently, following a kidswap universe where the kids’ initial sprite prototypings (the Harlequin doll, Jaspers, Bec, and Cal) are the kids (Cal Strider, Bec Harley, Quinn Egbert, Jaspers Lalonde), and our kids are their associated items (John’s a plush toy; Bro and Dave are dolls; Jade is a puppy; Rose is a cat). Also features a very unique look at what Alternia would be like if the lusii were the sapient species, and the trolls the symbiotic one.
TLCstuck: Double Death of the Author: A fairly interesting redo of Homestuck, taking control of the narrative a little after Game Over - so, essentially completely changing the story of Homestuck partway through Act 6. There’s a FAQ to give you more information - on how it’s written, how it’s changed, and how it works overall. 
Note for TLCstuck, though; it’s very explicitly ship-neutral. This means that although characters’ sexualities remain the same, no actual shipping generally happens in the comic. It also, since it continues from Game Over, doesn’t have a lot of the content that occurred in the Retcon timeline - including DaveKat and Davepeta (alongside the other combosprites). Keep this in mind on whether or not you want to read it, but I think it’s still a good read regardless.
Act 8: Might be one you’ve seen in the tags before! Unsurprisingly, it picks up after Act 7, and works a little like TLCstuck in that it changes the narrative from that point on. Just before the kids can go through the door to Earth C, the white door explodes. It’s animated beautifully, drawn amazingly well, and is well written! If you want to continue Homestuck’s story with the Retcon changes, this would be best for you to read. 
Well, that, or...
Act Omega: Like Act 8, it picks up after Act 7, only this time before they can claim their reward, a foe we’ve seen before appears to take the win from their grasp. It’s incredibly well animated and drawn from what I’ve seen so far, with an amazing initial fight sequence. It’s well written, and even from a cursory read-through, they reintroduce most of the main characters (including the Alpha trolls) for a second try at characterisation. Pretty nifty!
Homestuck: Subscript: I know significantly less about this one, except that there is some gorgeous art and design in it. It’s an interesting take compared to the others, since it actually happens on Earth C - so it’s more of a HS^2 replacement than anything else I’ve shown so far. It’s also incredibly different, though, and takes a little more a of a Candy route in so far as it focuses a lot more on relationships. It depends on your tastes!
Karkat goes to a Convention: Everything I know about this comes from a friend talking about it. It’s entirely satirical, I think, and a bit of a pisstake more than anything else? It’s quite literally what it says; actual Homestuck Karkat ends up at a normal, everyday convention. From what I understand it does get more detailed and involved as it goes on, but it’s also good for laughs. 
Abodebound: A webcomic a friend of mine wrote! It’s a completely original fanventure, essentially a fansession. There’s music and animation, as well as Homestuck-eqsue writing and original comedy, and some really sweet videos. I’ve never read it all the way through (life’s a bitch like that) but it’s what inspired me to create my own fanventure, and for something completely original but with the same feel as Homestuck, it’s pretty spot-on. 
Also, though it’s never been finished, what little exists of Heinoustuck is a delicious treat if you’re into horror. And Prequel -or- Making A Cat Cry: The Adventure is a really good Skyrim comic done in the old Homestuck style. Definitely NOT Homestuck, but it’s got the same art and humour, as well as games and animation - so it’s pretty sweet to look into, if nothing else. 
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mrfutureboy · 3 years
I would like to know when you started drawing and where your passion for fanart started 😊
Oh FUCK dude i did not see this i’m so fucking sorry this is so late 😭 damn you, tumblr, for not fucking notifying me!! Anyway buckle up this is gonna be much longer than you asked for <3
Honestly ive kinda been drawing all my life! I hope that doesnt sound dumb cuz obviously almost everyone drew pictures when they were kids, but i know that it’s been a consistent hobby for me since i was little. By the time i was in 3rd grade I was hoarding notebooks to draw in. Cuz that’s something fun about me: i had a real huge habit of drawing in things that werent sketchbooks. Through middle school and beyond I did buy/receive sketchbooks, but I started out with various kinds of notebooks. One I had from like 2nd grade was like a hardcover, stationary-type notebook that I drew cats in lol, and I have 2 velvet lisa frank notebooks from 3rd grade. In high school and college I had a really bad habit of drawing in the margins on my notes and on handouts the teacher/professor would give. Those classes where the prof just prints out all the notes beforehand and gives them to you to follow along? Oh man, I spent so many classes barely listening while I drew on them! I also used to draw on my physics homework and tests and sometimes I even got extra credit for them (thank you jeff :D). I actually have a folder of various drawings I’ve kept from that 8yr time period and a lot of them are on classwork 😂
Obviously, I’ve been doing a lot of digital art lately, which I’m sure is what u were more curious about rather than the shit about drawing on my homework. I got a surface pro as a graduation gift in 2016 bc prior to that i had a wacom tablet and a janky ass laptop, so the gift was kinda a 2-in-1: i can do schoolwork AND art easily! i like digital art a lot and honestly im still learning new things abt it every time i draw. I use Leonardo currently (i’ll skip that story) but I started out doing digital art on sketchfu WITHOUT the wacom tablet in maaaaybe 2012??? 2011??? does anyone on this site remember sketchfu? Honestly couldnt even tell u how i found that site hahah the internet was just full of wonders back in the day. RIP sketchfu. Once i got the tablet tho some time later i used sketchfu still (i think) but also gimp and krita i believe.
Oh i suppose I should mention that i took art all four years of highschool and also minored in it in college! So it’s something i did academically as well as for fun. I keep thinking about going to art school for realsies but idk. I’m already $$$ in debt from my first degree i dont feel like adding to that 😅😓
Ok now for the second part of your question: I’ve also pretty much always done fan art! Ive never really been one for OC’s, EXCEPT for the self-insert superhero double life “comics” i wrote about a poodle named Sassy when i was in third grade. And then the knock off “comics” i wrote at a later time which honestly it was weird that i did a knock off of my own thing rather than just adding them to the original or making it a spin off with at least one of the og characters. Cuz it wasnt a spin off!! But anyway there wasnt really much to any of these characters; i just needed vessels to get my weird ideas out.
So anyway yeah most of what ive ever drawn has been fan art or self portraits, because its just easier for me to take characters that already exist and bend them to my will (artistically). Well excluding art assignments in school i guess because i would usually have to draw something specific and therefore not something self indulgent. But yeah ive drawn for lots of fandoms like the earliest i remember is warrior cats. Then theres things like pokemon and warriors and random other books i read thru middle school (i used to read a LOT but now im practically illiterate); spn, sherlock, and marvel through high school; and then marvel and bttf thru the end of hs and beyond. Idk i also have always loved looking at other peoples fan art and so im like “shit i wanna do that too!”. Tho i will say marvel was my biggest fandom and the one i had the longest interest in, so that was probably where the passion REALLY came from cuz I was drawing marvel stuff for such a long time (tho not posting shdjsk u have to trust me), but ive been doing fan art forever :)
(Of course, a lot of the fan art i was making prior to recently was drawn in lined notebooks or on homework sheets or what have you, and I wasn’t posting really any of it, but i was still making it and a good chunk of it still exists. Oh i should also mention most of it was with pencils or ballpoint pens like i wasnt doing anything too fancy. There was some digital art in the highschool-college time frame but it also really wasnt…much. Honestly i barely posted any of it here but I know some of it’s on deviantart)
I cant pinpoint the exact time I started getting more “serious” about my art in general, but i know the first pandemic lockdown gave me more free time and i was less stressed about schoolwork so i just kinda had a good outlet. (Tho i will say that prior, I had been in a life drawing club for a short while, and i had also been working on a personal sketchbook project that had me pretty ~inspired~ to do art. Also i watched twin peaks around this time and it inspired a lot of Feelings and i was making funky collages and other art pieced that were sometimes related to that. Some of those are on deviantart)
Honestly I think the Big thing with my digital art was coincidentally getting back into BTTF the summer of the 35th anniversary bc the fandom here was THRIVING and i was like “oh shit wait i want to contribute!” But as i kept drawing i kept wanting to improve and that leads us to right now where im constantly trying new things (whether subtle or obvious) and challenging myself to do full body drawings with different poses, and doing screencap redraws and what have you for various reasons (backgrounds, proportions, pose, etc)
So yeah :) Basically I’ve been doing fan art forever (I didnt even get into all the mediums ive tried but that’s another conversation bc this is already so long and convoluted) and it’s kinda coincidental that ive suddenly really gotten back into it and have improved dramatically in such a short time. Thank you so much @rovermcfly for the ask and again im really sorry you had to wait so long for a response! Stupid tumblr
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Hi Everyone, one of your resident writers here deciding to finally host one of these things. I have a few milestones I passed, and it feels like time to celebrate. What better way then to let everyone write and let me rage my love for your stories. Since you all are mad talented epic fucking writers. 
As you all know, Im a softy angsty dark smutty random ass fan, so honestly write whatever your little heart desires. It can be drabbles, epic long as hell, can be set in a series your working on (in this case be sure to let me know thats your plan so I can get an understanding of your story) Head Canons, etc etc etc. anything really. Im also going to throw out, if your thing is making moodboards, feel free. I honestly think that they are stunning. 
There is a reason its called Any-FUCKING-Fandom FIC CHALLENGE. Any fandom goes. Im not going to limit anyone to just one thing. The ones im familiar with is Marvel and Supernatural.If you choose some other one, be sure to let me know so if im not familiar, I can look it up. Thats all I ask.  
Have a great time with this, I look forward to everyones submits. Any questions, do not hesitate to send me a message or ask. Please Reblog.
Much Love always. 
Can be anything you want to submit, writing or art work. 
Non Con and Dub Con is allowed
Underage, Messing with animals, toilet play is a hard NO for me. I dont think this should really have to be added, but Ive seen many challenges include this. 
All that being said, Properly label your work for anything thats needed. 
Please send your request in a ask, with the number, category and whom you want to write for, and if its anything other then marvel, most Evans films and supernatural, what fandom they are a part of. 
AU, OC, Y/N, etc is allowed. 
There will be no date to have it submitted by, I know people have lives and cant always get to stuff ASAP. Or the muse has stepped out. No worries, I got you. Submit when you can. 
Anything thats over 500 words, please use a ‘KEEP READING’ Lets not clutter our friends blogs up. (if your on mobile, i understand its not easy to use, no worries.) 
If there is a prompt you REALLY want thats taken, let me know. Im pretty freaking flexible. 
Please Reblog this for people to see, I appreciate it. 
You dont have to follow me, although be cool if you did
When you tag this, please use #sweatersanyficchallenge and tag me in the fic
Also probably send me a message if I dont respond in a timely manner. Im around most the time, so if thats the case, I didnt get the notification. 
HAVE FUN with this. 
Dialouge Prompts- 
“Please don’t lie to me again, I can’t take it.” @official-and-unstable-satan​ @nekoannie-chan​ with steve or brock @kitkatd7​ with cowboy!steve
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.” @kitkatd7​ with steve
“Is the cat in a onesie?” “Uh, no? @buckeroonie323
“If I die, I’m haunting you first.” @yespolkadotkitty​ with geralt and jaskier @iwritethingstoo with gambit
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?” @averyrogers83​
“Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.” @stuckonjbbarnes​ with steve @constantaking​ with bucky/natasha
“Have you seen my hoodie?” “Nooo.” “You’re wearing it, aren’t you?” @nekoannie-chan with Steve or Brock
“Why are you awake right now?” 💕anon with Chris
“Wake up! Please wake up.” @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​ with andy
“woah, don’t pass out on me.” @xoxabs88xox​
“you really can’t take care of yourself." @voila-tout with steve
“You don’t get to say anything to me!” @lielullabye with steve x 10!percent
“You’re such a dork.” @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​ with andy
“Try to keep quiet.. we wouldn’t want to get caught.” @shield-agent78​ with bucky @hoseokchild​
“I’m not hurting you, am I?” @just-the-hiddles with sir thomas sharpe
“Did you BITE me?!” @mandywholock1980​ with loki or steve
“Untie me already- I want to touch you!” @happygowriting​ with curtis
“Wow… you’re easy to rile up.” @simsadventures​ with alpha!steve
“I got a WHOOOOLE collection of toys- let’s try em!”
“Hey… do you think we could switch positions this time?” @deboryanne​ with (18+) Peter Parker
Song Prompts-
Sam Smith- Fire on Fire @shellbilee with Chris or Andy
Bad Company- Ready For Love
Alex Clare- Too Close
NoMBe- Freak Like Me
Saving Abel- Addicted @official-and-unstable-satan
Kaleo- Break My Baby
Lana Del Rey- You Can Be The Boss @inforapound​ with javier pena
Jace Everett- Bad Things @nellblazer​ with grey!bucky
Eminem- Not Afraid
Imagine Dragons- Im So Sorry
Picture Aesthetics Prompts- 
1. @donutloverxo​
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2. @celticheart72 with logan and oc
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4. @mr-skyline-r34​ with Noel Miller
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5. @celticheart72 with logan and oc.
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6. @what-is-your-plan-today​ and @icanfeelastormbrewing​ with jake jensen and oc.
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8. @that-damn-girl​ with Bucky (fic and moodboard)
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janaikam · 4 years
30 questions about me
@landturtlealyce thx 4 the tag boo ilysm
name: officially on tumblr jay but the real ones call me janai
gender: u can call me whatever and i will probably responds
star sign: virgo
height: taller than alyce
time: currently 11:44am not sure what time it’ll be once i finish tho
birthday: september 17th
fav band/group: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh probably big time rush and one direction. tbh i dont listen to a lot of new music so i’m very much stuck in the 2000-2010s music range
fav solo artists: ed sheeran, lewis capaldi, sam smith, basically anyone who can make me cry through song
song stuck in my head: currently nothign because its still early and i have yet to listen to music today
last movie: ummm all the way through was probably rise of the guardians (which is so good omg im in love with jack). i did wach most of barbie the island princess at a sleepover but fell asleep before the end (don’t judge me it was four in the morning)
last show: i wanna say a series of unfortunate events was watchin with a fren on discord and we just finished the other day 
when i created this blog: i think i made this thing late 2016 but i didnt really start using it until 2018/19
what do i post: mostly reblogs, every now and again i might post a fic or maybe my attempt at making art
last thing i googled: new york song (it got brought up with friends and i was like jay z is also in that song right? i was right lol)
other blogs: this is my main @luxyweek is where i hosted luxy (luka x xy) week @mlficadoption is the dead page where people can send in fic ideas for others to write if they want @jmajkawrites wow can’t even tag it cause i haven’t posted there, but that is gonna be my writing blog once i finally get it properly set up
do i get asks: sometimes mostly when i’m being a fool on main or i reblog one of those fun ask games. i have a bunch of those pass the love ones that i keep meaning to answer 
why this url: this is just the username i’ve been using all my life so when i first got to tumblr i was like yeah this works
following: 318
followers: 242 (love all y’all)
average amount of sleep: 7-8 hours sometimes more sometimes less
lucky number: 8 no reasoning just 8
instruments: i used to play the piano before i stopped about 2 years ago
what im wearing: ‘pjs’ its really a fancy hoodie dress i got online for very cheap
dream job: man i wanna know this too i really don’t know what i wanna do because i find so many different things interesting. all i know is that whatever i do i wanna be able to work from home for part of it 
dream trip: probably just a trip around east Asia. I’ve already been to Japan and I really loved it and I wanna just explore those areas more because it’s so different from where I’ve traveled before
fav food: oxtail most likely
nationality: american
fav songs: just the way you are - bruno mars, hold me while you wait - lewis capaldi, introducing me - nick jonas
last book: Tale as old as Time by elizabeth braswell. its apart of those twisted fairytale series and it was so good highly recommend reading it
top 3 fictional universes i’d love to live in: 1. the universe of black bird of the gallows by meg kassel(one of my favorite books ever) i know its not THAT different from this world but the myth that is created in the story is so good that i wanna just go there and research and explore it myself 2. the keepers of the essence worlds (another book series ik. it’s by rebekah aman) wonderful world building and there are so many worlds hidden inside i just wanna explore them all 3. uhh stealing from maddy and alyce the world inside of my brain
tagging: @emsylcatac @pawsomelybuggy @iveofficiallygonemad and anyone else (also feel free to ignore the tag)
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