#love how he just can't say ''yes i did'' like a normal person
ohnoitsjetster · 18 hours
Didn’t Herbert West technically TECHNICALLY try to baby trap Dan in Bride of Reanimator?
(Im sorry this took forever to respond to. life got in the way, of my silly little words)
technically, yes. The main intention was the same. But "Baby Trap" does not even start to explain the shit Herbert pulled in Bride of Reanimator.
thoughts? you want THOUGHTS? alright how about let me break down exactly what Herbert did here:
That man stole Megan's heart from an evidence locker and stored it in his fridge. When Dan tried to leave Herbert, He offered the heart to Dan with every ounce of reverence he could deliver without getting down on one knee.
that is to say, Herbert anticipated that Dan would leave him and saw that he loved Megan. So his reaction was to steal Megan's actual physical HEART, and give it to Dan as an offering to force him to stay.
He vaguely explained that he was about to baby trap him with it, to which Dan agreed because of his blind love for Meg, and his blind love for Herbert, and because, in the words of Bruce Abbot, "no one will ever get rich overestimating Dan's bad taste."
(This could maybe be because the world of Reanimator uses weird sci-fi logic where the heart contains the person's personality or life or whatever, and it'd actually bring Meg back (even though these movies seemed pretty brain-focused thus far), in which case, pretty good manipulator leverage! nice job, Herbie! Otherwise, its either because Herbert knew Dan would like this weird creepy gesture of love, or because Herbert thought this weird creepy gesture of love was a normal and good idea, and coincidentally Dan was that same wavelength of out-of-touch freak as Herbert, because they're just meant for each other or something. That last option is my personal favorite)
So, then Herbert goes around the hospital STEALING more body parts off corpses (former patients who also presumably received some form of care and attention from Dan), trying to create Dan's perfect woman based on his shallow perception of whatever it is that straight, allosexual, relatively neurotypical men like (maybe since Herbert can't be what Dan wants romantically, he can create it for him and earn love that way (that cannot be good for His internalized transphobia)).
so then he meticulously assembles a woman like an Ikea cabinet and proceeds to give Dan the worlds most sensual elevator pitch, using... a line that he heard Dan use with his girlfriend when he was eavesdropping on them having sex. He tries to explain why this is the perfect woman for all your woman needs! Like uhhh sex, and... sex, and lawyering? maybe murder? (I guess he thinks it'd be nice to have a woman who can kill for you and defend your crimes in a court of law. That does sound useful in their situation)
Then he watched the Bride fight Francesca like some sort of underground girlfriend fighting ring, as if the larger and stronger girl would win ownership of our poor pathetic Dr Cain. Unfortunately Herbert's creation broke down to nothing when it removed its own heart to give it to Dan in the same exact gesture with which Herbert showed Dan the heart earlier.
Pure heterosexual coincidence, of course. There is absolutely nothing odd about Herbert's gift to Daniel being a grotesque amalgamation of everyone Dan loved instead of him and everything those people had to offer Dan, fueled by the pumping of Megan's heart (whom Herbert had hated and competed with), a heart both stolen and offered willingly, one both frozen and thawed, both beating and dead. There Dan stays, too close, yet too far. (am i reading into it- You Bet)
Yup. Pure coincidence. And also nothing suspicious about it being a creature created of such concentrated love, reverence, devotion, and bitter fear of rejection, that at the moment of being pushed away, it entirely self destructs because its only purpose was to love Dan and be loved by him. Its only purpose was to be perfect for Dan, to be enough for him, to be some action of Herberts blood sweat and tears that could ever be wanted by him. But of course Herbert doesn't understand Daniel - understand people - as well as he hoped too. Dan is horrified. No clearer rejection than that. If we see her as an extension of Herbert, it's obviously the last straw. Herbert truly did everything for Dan, not only was he still unlovable, but repulsive, an affront to... what have you; god, nature, some simple short-sighted ideal of what a human should be. Above that Dan could see the seams of the uncanny imitation of his past loves, and the love that laid beneath was too much for him. Too loud, too fast, too raw and bloody. So it dies. The heart is given, and thrown away.
What I'm trying to say is that shit was crazy. Herbert could have done a much more cut and dry baby trap. He could have reanimated some random kid, forcing Dan to stick around and protect it. That would have been its own special kind of fucked up and is probably a good fanfic prompt. But noooo, Herbert had to do the most psychosexual, convoluted, batshit, traumatizing, bloody, gory, and frankly unnecessary declaration of love that could be achieved by one little scientist with nothing to his name but a little green potion and every mental illness. I for one think it was a fantastic idea.
No tldr, ur just gonna have to match my freak on this one. Hope my mad ramblings made some sense. Peace and love
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I didn't notice that Kyun was used again in the manga. I think everyone knows how this onomatopoeia first appeared in the manga, yes ofc Kishi used it for Naruto.
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Naruto got existed by the anticipation of fighting sasuke... 「キュン」 Kyun is a common onomatopoeia in Japan when you fall in love and also used for feeling spark or thrill in one's heart. SFX for momentary tightening of one's chest caused by powerful feelings Or to have butterflies. 「ゾクゾクする」 zokuzoku suru- Thrilling is an expression for shaking, to get chills, to be shaking as from joy or excitement Or having tingling sensation (excitement). In here tightening (Kyun) happening in his lower abdomen.
何だ... にの気持ち下腹の辺りがキュンとする それに... ゾクゾクする
nanda... Kono kimochi shita bara no atari ga kyun to suru Sore ni... zokuzoku suru
"What... is this feeling? My lower stomach feels tight/feels butterflies! And... I feel a thrill/ shivers."
This expression is generally uses when butterflies take flight in your stomach when you're sexually aroused. It is that feeling in your stomach when you get turned on. So it literally means he's being sexually excited. In the middle of his thoughts he also remembers when Sasuke tells him he's also interested in fighting him too, where Naruto reacted ドキ ( "doki")
キュン - onomatopoeias that express strong affection (mainly love). The feeling of excitement is like your heart beating hard and constricting. It's similar to when you're so happy you can't breathe. What makes people feel excited varies from person to person.
So, キュン means pounding, fluttered,thump etc... once, instant (ュン feels it is once and gone), a bit light but very sharp (since with キ sound)
-My heart skipped a beat!
- I got this tingling sensation.
- Heartthrob
e. g:
sono eiga de mune kyun shimashita ka ?
Did that movie make your heart skip?
neko ga kawaisugite Kyunshi suru
The cat is so adorable, it's killing me! ( just an exaggeration)
kono mae, anata no nage kissu ni mune ga kyun to shita.
Last time I saw you, my heart skipped a beat from the kisses you blew (to) me.
4.この絵にキュンとしました 。
kono e ni kyun to shimashita.
I felt a flutter of excitement when I saw this picture.
キュンとした (kyun toshita) has nuances such as "I was touched", " I was moved" , "I was impressed" etc...
[It means you see a picture, and instantly hit by an emotion hard to describe, but it is pleasant]
kono inu kawaii ne. mune ga kyunkyun suru wa.
What a cute dog! My heart gets pounding.
futoshita shunkan no kangaeteru koto ga issho na tokoro. onaji taimingu de onaji uta wo kuchizusan dari suru koto ga aru to kyun to suru
We tend to have the same thoughts at certain moments. It makes my heart flutter when we start humming the same song at the same time (lol)
7.かわいい犬を見て『キュン』 死しそう になった。
kawaii inu wo mite Kyun shishisō ni natta.
When I saw the cute dog I died from cuteness overload.
[N̳o̳t̳e̳:̳ there's no English expression that can be literally translated キュン死 but it can use, “to die from cuteness, to die from cuteness overload, OR so cute that I died”. キュン死 can also be used when you "almost died because someone's too hot,sexy etc., " in that case, the translation be like " die from hotness or sexiness" or something like "he's so hot and I can die". ]
8. 彼女の事を思うと胸がキュンとなる。
kanojo no koto wo omou to mune ga kyun to naru.
When I think about her my heart flutters.
nan kai mite mo, kyunkyun suru ne
No matter how many times we watch (him), he (still) gives the butterflies, doesn't he?
N̳o̳t̳e̳:̳ キュンキュンする is used to describe a situation where you are so happy that your heart beats fast, or that you find it difficult to breathe in a normal way, etc. It is almost always used for young people being like that, especially when they are meeting somebody they like/ are in love with. Used in a situations when you say: - My heart is aching. - I got this tingling sensation
10. 彼を見るたびに、胸がキュンとする感じがします
kare wo miru tabini, mune ga kyun to suru kan ji ga shimasu
Whenever I see him, I feel a flutter in my chest.
11. 胸がキュンときました。
mune ga kyun tokimashita.
My heart skipped a beat. (N̳o̳t̳e̳:̳ It is often used when a love began or similar emotion. Mune-kyun is an abbreviation for chest-kyun, which means that your chest tightens with excitement.)
N̳o̳t̳e̳:̳ When a person of the opposite sex that you like shows a cute expression just for you, you feel doki. ``Kyun'' is a momentary feeling of happy elation. As you can say, it's a happy feeling when you see something cute. When you see something cute, you use "kyun" to describe the heart-warming emotion you feel at that moment.
There are times when music makes you go 'kyun' or movies makes you go 'kyun'. I think it can also be used in a broader sense. Originally, it was a word used to describe love or the excitement you feel when you meet someone of the opposite sex. However, if you are deeply moved, you will also feel excited, so it is an exciting situation after all.
キュンです (kyundesu) is originally means when your heart pounding / flutters its an exaggerated meaning from onomatopeia キュンキュン (kyunkyun). when you see something cute your chest become painful in love in other words its a word used when your heart beating fast the short term for "my chest pounding!" what kind of situation you can use this is when your heart flutter by the action / words of the person you like or looking at the pet or when you see something cute your heart is pounding / flutters and finally when you're happy its kyundesu.
"Kyun" is an onomatopoeia, so even if you look it up in a dictionary, you may only find a wide range of meanings and uses, or you may find a way of using it that is not mentioned in the dictionary. Ultimately, you have to infer the meaning from the feel of the word and the context.
When Sasuke sees "Itachi", he is suddenly struck by "memories of his older brother"...
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As he Saw the Edo Tensei Itachi's profile he recalled → Itachi's old profile (so distant) → kid Itachi's smiling face from the front (also the forehead poke)→ reaching towards him (thought he would gouge out his eyes)→ his final forehead poke with a smile-> his death
This whole recalled scene have the gap that needed to fill (the truth behind the lies).
Sasuke was obviously surprised & shocked because "someone he thought was dead suddenly appeared in front of him..."
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Sasuke goes "kikyun" when he finds his big brother who was dead jumps through the trees in front of him and in the next panel it shows Sasuke's shocked face unable to believe what he just saw, and then instinctively glared towards his brother's direction...
So, キキュン is the sfx that made in his abdomen after seeing his beloved brother for the first time in a long time.
[in the manga it is an effect that conveys emotions, but if they actually added this sound in the anime, I think it would just sound like Sasuke had an upset stomach]
For just a moment, Sasuke has entered a space that is completely cut off from the outside world. Of course, there are no onomatopoeia in the description of the memories he is tracing... it is a world of complete silence. But in a world where even sound is blocked out, it's as if everything has frozen... And Sasuke's eyes are looking somewhere in the distance... he seems to be looking at Itachi, but he's probably not looking anywhere. Sasuke's expression is indescribable... He reminisced about Itachi's past and his abdomen goes "kikyun" because of this unexpected encounter....because he was sure that the person running in front of him was Itachi.
I wonder if this "kikyun" sound actually occurred in the abdomen, or if it is a mental description of "that's how it felt".
"キ (ki) " sound is a "sound" that actually accompanies pain or with a slight pain, like something stabbing you in the stomach and the "kyun" sound is more of a "sensation" that expresses the heart-pounding with joy.
The pain of painful memories + the desire to be with his brother + amid fond memories + the two conflicting emotions of anger and happy + wanted to spend more time with his beloved Brother are all tangled up inside Sasuke= maybe this is how the combination of ki-Kyun happened.
it may be anger. Remember what sai said when he was blaming Sakura before Shikamaru told her about the mission to kill Sasuke in ch. 559, “When I look at Naruto these days I can feel... (his) sadness... and when I think of Sasuke... my stomach gets hot... and I realise that it's anger”. However, I don't think it's anger because that's not the whole meaning of "kyun." And from the panel it wasn't looking like Sasuke was getting angry.
Conclusion: Seeing his brother it brought back old memories of his brother and evoked some strong emotions, making him feel very moved. You can use "kyun" when you are shocked in a positive way. It is clear from the context and from the second page that his abdomen goes kikyun because he was literally shocked. It is enough to evoke strong emotions in anyone if they had seen their brother risen from the dead.
kishi uses "onomatopoeia" and "background" to express their feelings. This technique by Kishimoto is interesting because it allows the reader to use their imagination in various ways. キキュン seems to be an original word created by Kishi and I've never heard anyone using it.
Sasuke tries really hard to talk to Itachi and chase him. How much of a big brother boy is he? He's so cute!! Sasuke suddenly let out all his pent up thoughts and doubts on his brother... That's how much he'd been suffering and carrying it all by himself up until now.
Itachi doesn't show even a trace of his true face in front of Sasuke, that he showed in front of Naruto and the others... Itachi has things he has to do, and he knows very well that "he should never have met Sasuke" because he, who is supposed to be dead, unnecessarily gets involved with Sasuke. Now, he clearly distinguishes between what he should do and what he shouldn't be involved in, and he strictly follows that line... "I'm essentially a dead man... I won't say any more," and keeps running away from Sasuke...
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this is a very honest expression of Sasuke's true feelings
Sasuke had always chased after Itachi. he imitated his brother and chased after him. Feeling the responsibility of having the proud Uchiha clan name left to himself, he desperately tried to surpass his brother, chasing after his brother's back, but the more he got to know his brother, the more the wall of "perfection" stood in Sasuke's way. From an early age, he wanted to be acknowledged by his father, and desired to hear from his father "as expected from my son or That's my son" and not "Keep this up just like your older Brother", but his father and others saw him as "Itachi's younger brother" and always being compared to his overly excellent older brother, he was underestimated. But that did not stop him from idolizing his brother. And he loves his brother very much. Even amongst his family members, Sasuke places Itachi on a high pedestal.
But through this unexpected reunion, Sasuke was able to see and understand his brother's "convincing way of life"... even if he couldn't accept it. he returns to his childlike state when he is with his older brother. And Sasuke finally called Itachi "兄さん = big brother". The fact that he can honestly say "Big Brother" means that Sasuke is returning to being the "real Sasuke". Fighting while relying on each other's backs is "proof of teamwork" and finally....showed their trust by standing back to back naturally.
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From ch. 585 to ch. 588 Sasuke called him 兄さん。But In Ch. 589 Sasuke uses 兄(あに) = ani= (older) brother...-> is actually formal... It is never used by children, and mostly used in a more formal conversations when you tell someone about your brother, or in literary styles.
With each seal, Sasuke's expression changes... Sasuke may have expected Itachi's reaction, but I think he feels a sense of repulsion and ``as I expected'' towards his brother who, even at this point, refuses to show even the slightest bit of his true self. When Itachi reaches the "Monkey" seal in ch. 589, Sasuke eyes quickly change back from Sharingan to normal. Perhaps he got his Sharingan back to remind himself that their "time as brothers" was over. Itachi, who had been making the seal, stopped... His back was still turned as usual, but he was still listening seriously to what Sasuke was saying.
But when their time as brothers ended, Sasuke finally changed back from "nīsan" to "anta" Or rather, it felt like the dream time ended and he was suddenly pulled back to reality, and then he naturally changed back to "anta."
The way Sasuke talks about his "older brother" in ch. 589 as if he were a third party seems to suggest that he has put his childhood memories behind him as the "past" and is now looking towards the "present and future." It also sounds like he is bidding farewell to his "older brother who has become a thing of the past."
The fact that the Edo Tensei seal ended with the boar , perhaps means that the Edo Tensei came to an end with the brothers' " great boar hunt = Kabuto hunt"
In the end Sasuke (again) called him "nii-san" in his mind, rather than calling him "Itachi" Or "Anta". A 16-year-old Sasuke, the expression on Sasuke's face as he gazed upon his brother reminded him of the innocent 7-year-old when he was looking at his brother's back. a lonely face.
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Just like that day... the day of the Uchiha incident, the day Sasuke reminding Itachi to teach Shuriken... he was smiling when he was looking at his brother's back, but then he was saddened to see the broken wall with the Uchiha symbol on it that his brother had destroyed by throwing a shuriken, and muttered in his mind, "Nii-san". The final sweet moment he got from his brother was at that day. Sasuke was probably feeling the same anxiety and sadness he had felt back then when he was only 7-year-old. Even in this last moment his brother was distancing himself from him and running away from him.
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Itachi walks towards Sasuke with his last bit of strength. He looked so panicked as Itachi approaching him and pointed his fingers towards his head, it paralleled the last scene between them, when he thought his brother was going to pluck his eyes out.
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His hand, stretched out as if to flee, passed over Sasuke's head and grabbed him, pulling him towards. Sasuke will never see "Itachi's back" again... This will truly be the last time he sees his brother's back....because this is the Gesture that truly means, 'I am not Lying and I am not distancing myself' instead he closed the distance between them. He no longer pushed Sasuke away with a finger to the forehead. It's a full brotherly embrace now. In Itachi's words, which seem to be honest and straightforward, there is also his "brother's honest feelings" hidden within them. I think that's why he uses the word "always" twice. when he says "I love you," it's unusual for him to use hiragana "おれ (ore) " instead of "オレ." It sounding as gentle and soft as that final smile he gave to Sasuke. Like the gentle words of a mother.
Kishi clearly shows us that Itachi is more than just Sasuke's brother. He established a motherly bond when Itachi was just 5 years old and Sasuke was a newborn baby. We've seen Mikoto carry baby Sasuke and to introduce Kushina. But when it came to a life-threatening situation like the Kyuubi incident, Itachi played the mother role (ch.502). And he checks Sasuke's performance in Academy just like a Father.
Itachi regretted not thinking anything from Sasuke's POV which hurted him even more. He also admitted he tried to use Kotoamastukami against Sasuke himself. He tried to manipulate him, he tried to force Sasuke to follow his own desires, he only saw Sasuke as an object, meant to keep him in the shadows forever. By the end, Itachi confessed his mistakes then stopped trying to force Sasuke into doing anything.
The hand that grabbed Sasuke's head, and said the manly words that he didn't have to forgive " me " forever...He looked straight ahead with gentle eyes and said the embracing words, " I will always love you." It shows the unconditional love between siblings.
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When Sasuke thinks of Itachi, he looks up at the sky. For example, in ch. 403, after hearing the truth about Itachi, he was looking up at the full moon at the Akatsuki hideout.
And when he saw Itachi in the forest, he looked up at his brother's direction... From that moment on, Sasuke entered a "dreamlike time." At that time, he was wandering alone in the darkness, soaking wet like a lost kitten...
But now, he was wrapped in a gentle light, he look up at his older brother as he returns to the sky... He was wrapped in warm love and somehow he looked dazed.
Likewise, Sasuke "looked up" at the beginning of this brother's reunion, and he was "looking up" again at the end of this farewell. Sasuke looks like a little boy who wakes up and realizes his brother is gone. But his brother's "warmth" still remains. 
Sasuke's expression has definitely softened compared to before he entered the forest. Itachi's final smile showed that he still believed in Sasuke... it was a clear, happy smile that showed towards his brother. He tells Sasuke only the truth and lets him choose his own path from there. That's a big difference from before.
Sasuke's "love for his older brother" were stronger than Itachi had thought . For his brother, for his family... the "love" in Sasuke's heart was deeper (than expected). Because his love was so great and deep, he ended up carrying more sadness and hatred than he had expected.
In that respect, Naruto understood Sasuke very well. After hearing the truth about Itachi, Naruto said: "Sasuke loved his family and clan... it's because his love is so deep, it's hard for him to forgive"
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These images and the panels that follow in the manga sum up their relationship perfectly. The panel above is the highlight about the "two brothers" and their story....because Kishi started their flashback with this panel (ch.220)
An older brother carrying his little brother on his back was aware of what was going on around him, but the one behind had closed his eyes and was completely oblivious to what was happening. It's really amusing how Kishi drew it: “Sasuke closed his eyes and Itachi was looking at his brother....fully aware of his surroundings.” Itachi knows what's going on with his clan, but Sasuke is completely kept in the dark and was oblivious, that's the whole story right?
The bottom panel is the beginning of ch. 591. Last moments between siblings. Nothing was hidden now, he heard and saw the truth he wanted to hear from his brother. Itachi's back was no longer turned to his little brother, now he was not ignoring him... he was smiling and putting their head together. It was a true "farewell between the brothers".
So, their sibling relationship had its dark phase, betrayal, hurt, pain and lies. But beyond all that, Sasuke always loved his brother.
In the beginning of the manga, because of his brother's manipulations and lies Sasuke had to live a life full of hatred, suffering, misery and he ended up doesn't care about what happens to him.... BUT...because of Naruto...we saw through Sasuke's monologue at the end of the manga about how he will appreciate and value life. Naruto and Sasuke...they have walked completely different paths, they have experienced and learned similar things in parallel. They both have things they lack and yet.....Naruto makes up for Sasuke's, and Sasuke makes up for Naruto's. That is why they are depicted as equals and balancing each other out. Itachi says himself to Sasuke that he can no longer change sasuke and actually thinks naruto is the one able to. And what can really change sasuke's heart is love. naruto's love. After accepting Naruto's love for him, he hopes to see the world more like naruto. Sasuke also emphasis that Naruto never tried to stop him as anything but as his friend, and because of that, Sasuke was saved. When Sasuke said, "You came closer to my heart" , From those words "You came", Sasuke's gratitude, feelings, and "happiness" towards Naruto are fully conveyed... Now, Sasuke's heart is filled. They understand each other's pain and feelings at a level no one else can, and from a very young age they unknowingly bond with each other over these shared feelings and emotions, and that bond withstood. He is now willing to share the burden of that suffering with Naruto (your sufferings and wishes are passed on to me) just as Naruto tried to do to Sasuke the whole time (I'll bear the burden of your hatred and I'll die with you). Sasuke is willing to try it Naruto's way and accepting him instead of trying to carry the burden and sufferings all alone.
He specifically says in his monologue that he would try to hope for better things to happen, try to find ways to love himself and his life, because if he could do it for Naruto, he could probably do it for himself and other things. and he look for ways to cope with life, and relying on Naruto's love to be able to do so eventually. Because even if he cannot do so ever, at least Naruto will be there for him, always.
And the fact that the last words were not spoken by "Naruto" but by "Sasuke" made you realize once again that the story of NARUTO is not just about "Naruto"... it is a story that has been woven by the two of them, "Naruto and Sasuke"
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Love That Burns ~ 3
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,460ish
Summary: You and James grow closer together. The two of you have nightmares of your own.
Warnings: nightmares, past traumas, injuries
Notes: I really can't help myself with this series! I'm just cruising along in writing it so I just have to keep sharing it! Reminder: I DO NOT do taglists. Please don’t ask. Please follow and interact! I appreciate any reblogs, likes, comments, and asks! Also, help me decide the endings! (also, I couldn't find the gif I wanted to use. I might have actually cried a little...)
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James kept his promise to you, no matter how hard it was. While the two of you tried to figure out what you’d do now, James made sure you always had a bed to sleep on, clean clothes to wear, and food to eat. You had never been cared for like this. Yes, at one point you had parents, but they didn’t necessarily care a whole lot about you. Not the way James did.
The two of you wandered from place to place until James decided to build a house in the Canadian Rockies. James got a job as a logger and began going by Logan, while you got a job as a teacher. James hardly slept as he worked on the house. The house was completed faster than you had ever seen. The two of you were only able to afford one small truck, but neither of you minded. Often, James would drive the two of you to his work and then you would take the truck to yours. You would pick him up at the end of the day and he would drive the two of you home.
Like driving to and from work, the two of you found yourselves in comfortable routines. The two of you would make dinner together and help each other clean up around the house. You would take turns doing laundry for one other, even putting the clothes away. It got to the point where you spent a lot of time in content silence, already knowing what to do for the other person.
The feelings the two of you harbored for one another continued to grow in the two years the two of you had been off of Stryker’s team. Neither of you was willing to confess to the other, afraid to ruin the peace that the two of you had finally found. That also meant that James slept on the pull-out couch while you slept on the bed in the bedroom. At first, you had put up a fight, saying that the bed was big enough to share, but he wouldn’t allow it due to his nightmares. You understood as you had witnessed his claws coming out during a nightmare just as he had witnessed you setting a bed on fire.
James had been watching you carefully ever since you picked him up from work. Something was off, he just couldn’t tell what. You were quieter than usual, almost like you were stuck in your own head. He sat there, staring at you with a cigar in his mouth, as you did the dishes. It was normal for you to light his cigars without even being asked, but you hadn’t even noticed he had one out.
“Sweetheart,” James called, standing up and heading for you. “Did something happen today at work?”
“Hmm?” You hummed barely glancing his way. “Oh, nothing. I’m just tired.”
“Are you sure?” He leaned his hip against the counter beside you, crossing his arms over his chest. “You can tell me if something did happen.”
“I’m fine, James,” you shook your head.
James grabbed your wrist and tugged you to face him. “Stop lying.”
“I’m not,” you tore your wrist away, still not making eye contact. “I’m going to bed… Goodnight, James.”
James sighed as you disappeared into the bedroom. He wished that you would be honest with him about whatever was torturing you. Unable to sleep, James read or at least, he tried to. It was well past midnight when he smelt it. Something burning. He jumped up and rushed into the bedroom to find the bed on fire with you still asleep and whimpering in the middle of it.
“Y/N!” He shouted as he tried to reach you, but the flames grew higher to protect you. “Y/N!”
James tried again to reach for you, only for the same thing to happen. Quickly, James tore off his tops. Knowing he would heal, James reached through the fire. He let out a few cries of pain as the fire scorched his skin. As soon as his hands grasped your arm, you gasped as the flames disappeared. 
“James?” You were panting as you realized he had a hold of your arm. Looking at him, you saw the burns on his skin healing. “Oh my gosh! What did I do?!”
“I’m fine, sweetheart. I’m healing.” You tried to pull away from him but his grip tightened. “Stop that. You’ll hurt yourself.”
“I hurt you,” tears pooled in your eyes. “I hurt you.”
“Look at me, Y/N, I’m healing.” 
You could see his skin repairing itself right before your eyes but you couldn’t get your mind to believe it. James easily pulled you into him and carried you out of the room. The smell of smoke lingered in the air, bringing the tears out of your eyes. James held you tighter as he laid down on his pull-out bed in the living room. You cried into his chest as he held you, trying his best to comfort you. 
Eventually, your cries died out and sleep took hold of you. James made sure that you were completely asleep before he slipped you off of him, tucked you in, and headed to the bedroom. He wanted to clean up the bedroom before you woke up. Going in there, he quickly realized that there was no saving anything on the bed, mattress included. He stuffed the pillows, blankets, and sheets into garbage bags. He placed them in the bed of the truck before taking the mattress there as well. James was sweeping the bedroom when he heard you.
“James?” Your voice was rough from sleeping and crying.
He hurried into the living room and sat down beside you. “I’m here.”
“Hold me.” 
James didn’t need to be told a second time. Before you knew it, he was under the covers and you were practically lying on top of him. Your fingers began to absentmindedly draw patterns on his chest. James remained silent, waiting to see if you would speak up.
“Thirty-two years ago, my father murdered my mother and then I murdered him,” you quietly admitted. You had never talked about your parents or anything besides being homeless before Stryker found you. James would be the first, besides maybe Stryker, to know what had happened. “He murdered her because she was a mutant… I didn’t even know that… I don’t know what her mutation was…” James’ thumbs rubbed against you, to let you know that he was listening. “I didn’t know I was a mutant until that night. I started the house fire without even knowing it… I killed my father without even trying…”
“Was he going to hurt you?” James’ voice was struggling to hold back the anger.
“Yes… his gun was pointed at me.”
“Then it was self-defense. You did nothing wrong.”
“When the anniversary comes up, I can’t help but replay that night over and over again in my mind… I guess I let it seep through while I was sleeping… I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to apologize for.” He kissed your forehead. “‘M glad you’re okay.”
“Thank you for being here, James.”
“Don’t want to be anywhere else.”
The next morning, James woke up to you curled against him, sleeping soundly. He hated the idea of moving away from you but he wanted to go get a new bed before you could freak. Kissing your head, he slipped out of bed and got ready for the day. He left a note in the kitchen before leaving.
You whined as you began to wake. Without opening your eyes, you could tell that James was no longer lying next to you. Did he stay with you the whole night? Did you make him uncomfortable that he slept on the floor? You finally opened your eyes and sat up with a stretch. Looking around, you could see James, or even hear him.
“James?” You called. “James?”
You sighed when there was no response. You knew he could be out doing chores, but his hearing usually allowed for him to hear you. Standing up, you headed for the kitchen, where you found the note he left you on the counter.
Sorry, I left while you were asleep. Had a few errands to run and I didn’t want to bother you. Be back later. ~ James
You knew that James would be gone until dinner time since the two of you lived far away from the nearest town. Going into the bedroom, you realize that he had gone to get a new bed. You spent the day tidying up the house and getting dinner ready for whenever James returned home.
“Y/N?” James called as he entered the house with multiple bags slung over his arms. “I’m home.”
“Hey,” you greeted coming to help him.
“I got new pillows, sheets, and a bed out in the truck.”
“I could have come with you.”
“’s fine. Wanted you to rest.”
“Well, thank you.”
He smiled at you, something that was happening more and more. “Of course.”
After the new bed was inside and all put together, you and James sat down to eat. You both were silent, a question gnawing at you. James could tell, yet again, that something was on your mind.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” James suddenly asked.
Sucking your lips in for a brief moment, you thought about a response. “I… I have a question.”
“You have every right to say no. You don’t have to explain yourself to me. I know that—“
James set a hand on yours, calming your rambles. “Ask.”
“Can you… can you sleep with me tonight?” You cringed as the words left your mouth. “And I don’t mean sexually. It’s just that last night, after the nightmare— Well, I didn’t know I could sleep that well and I—“
“Breathe, sweetheart. Slow down and breathe.” You took a few deep breaths, earning you a small smile from James. “If it helps you sleep, I’ll be there.”
The two of you stood on either side of the bed, the awkward tension filling the room. You eventually laid under the covers first, trying your best to stay on your side of the bed. James followed suit. 
“Is this okay?” James whispered.
“Mhm,” you hummed with a nod.
Silence fell between the two of you, both of you wide awake but staring at the ceiling. You moved your hand slightly, accidentally brushing James’ hand. Before you could completely pull away, he took your hand and pushed his fingers through yours.
“Is this okay?” He asked again. James surprised even himself with the action as he was always too worried about holding hands due to his claws. 
His thumb began rubbing the top of your hand. Slowly, your eyes closed and you fell asleep. James wasn’t too far behind you.
There was something on top of him as James began to wake, but it didn’t worry him. Peeking his eyes open, he also your head on his chest and arm slung over him with one of your legs between his. You were sound asleep. James smiled as he studied the way your face was relaxed against him. The way your breathing was a steady rhythm. You looked more at peace than he had ever seen you. He only wished it could always be this way, which is why he didn’t allow himself to move until you were awake.
It took until you opened your eyes to realize that you were lying on top of James. With a sharp breath, you tried to push yourself off of him, but his arms would not allow it.
“Stay,” he mumbled, having fallen back asleep. “Sleep.” You smiled as you obeyed, getting comfortable again.
This became a new routine: you and James falling asleep on opposite sides of the bed, only to wake up cuddled together. It went on smoothly for months before anything happened.
James was quiet. All you knew is that someone died at work and it must’ve affected him. You let James be, allowing him silence during dinner and keeping your distance when you both went to bed. You wished him a quiet goodnight before slipping off to sleep. That slumber didn’t last long as you felt a sharp pain in your arm. You woke up with a gasp, sitting up. Looking at your arm, there were three bleeding scratches. Next to you, James’ skin was glistening with sweat. He was breathing heavily and his claws were out.
He woke up with a roar, sitting up quickly. You pushed yourself off the bed to miss his claws that came down, cutting the sheets. His roar turned into a growl then turned into panting as his eyes found you on the floor. He looked down at one of his hands and retracted his claws. You stood up and sat on the edge of the bed. James’ nightmares were not new to you, but they hadn’t happened since the two of you began sharing a bed. You had a good guess that whatever happened at work had triggered something inside of him.
“Was it the wars?” You asked softly. He shakily nodded, trying to calm himself down. “Which one?”
“All of ‘em.”
You moved closer to him as his hand combed through his hair. Placing your hand on his face, you gently forced him to look at you.
“Tell me,” you requested.
“Hey…” He grabbed your arm, seeing the scratches from his claws. “I hurt you.”
“It’s just a scratch. I’ll heal.”
“No.” He shook his head. “I hurt you.”
“James, I’m fine. Look.” He looked at your arm again. “It’s healing as we speak.”
“But it’ll scar…” He let go of your arm and flipped the covers off of himself. “I’m sleeping on the pull-out.”
You grabbed his arm before he could stand. “No, you’re not. I’m fine… lay back down, please.”
“No. I can’t risk hurting you.”
“Are you forgetting that I burnt you a few months ago?”
“This is different. I don’t scar.”
“But I still heal. Who cares if I get a scar?”
“I do… I don’t want to be the one to hurt you.”
You put your hand on his face again as you came up to sit beside him. “You’d hurt me by getting up and leaving… Don’t… please.”
“I don’t trust myself.”
“I trust you.” You glanced at his lips. “I trust you, James.” 
You crashed your lips to his, moving your hand to have a better hold of his face. His hands went to your hips, gripping them tightly. When you pulled away, you looked him in the eye.
“I trust you, James,” you repeated. “Let me show you just how much.”
next chapter >
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radarchives · 2 years
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154 notes · View notes
whirlybirbs · 15 days
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— CAN'T WE BE SEVENTEEN? ; shoto todoroki ; 焦凍
summary: he's loved you since he was seventeen. pairing: f!reader x pro hero!shoto ; reader was a 1-A student tags: mutual pining, heavy make-out, thinly veiled sugar daddy shoto, reader does not go pro, touya might be a dick but he's a hero now, shoto is bad at feelings wordcount: 5.6k a/n: i do not fucking know what came over me, enjoy your food my little todorokinas. yes the title is what you think it is. no i will not elaborate.
You never did go pro.
Truthfully, you thought there would be more pushback when, in your senior year, you announced your plan to pursue a degree in early childhood education with a focus on non-conforming quirk development. 
The War changed a lot. It changed you, your classmates, and the world. But, through it all one thing stuck with you:
What if someone helped Tenko Shimura?
How different would his life have been? How different would history have spun? 
You graduated at the top of your class and joined the faculty at Chiba Prefectural Preparatory School for Quirk Specialties two years ago. 
Chiba Prep was opened eight years ago in response to a societal cry for more infrastructure around what was dubbed "non-conforming quirks": a nice way to say quirks that can injure, maim, or kill. Maybe even all three on a bad day. Some parents still see their child being labeled as a non-conforming quirk user in the national database as akin to social suicide. 
You see it differently.
Your quirk allows you to manipulate emotions — anger, sadness, betrayal, love, hatred. If you can feel it, you can sink it into another's psyche deep enough to drive them to act. You can even imbue things with feelings. For example, a cup of warm milk can transform into more than just a simple comfort, now it can hold the feeling of home and safety, or even exhaustion strong enough to put even the biggest foe to rest. 
You could easily use your quirk with nefarious intent. 
You could steep hatred in someone's bone so deep it drives them to harm themselves. You could sew fury so solid into someone's mind it drives them to violence. 
Just a touch and you can control others with something so intrinsically personal it only exists within themselves: their feelings.
What makes you any different from little Asuke, a shy little girl with a quirk that allows her to see people's greatest fears, and then manifest and control them? You're convinced she can use this for good, if only with practice. In your mind, her future is bright and glimmering. Perhaps she will become a therapist, focusing on exposure therapy? Or, maybe the most prolific horror novelist in their time? 
Or, bright and sunny Tao — a transplant whose parents sought out Chiba Prep's specialized education — whose heteromorphic quirk makes his bodily fluids, namely saliva, eat through nearly anything but his own biologics. A sneeze is quickly the most dangerous thing in the world for the cheery, lizard-bodied class clown. 
He's just a boy given a quirk that needs more care. 
He isn't a villain-in-training. 
None of them are.
It's important to teach them that young — and as their teacher for Year 3 of their elementary schooling, you aim to hammer that in as much as possible. They deserve to feel normal. To feel loved and supported. They aren't scary, they're children. 
So, you take it upon yourself to insist on pushing for privileges like field trips. There aren't many public spaces that welcome the classes of Chiba Prep with open arms. Over the years, there have been plenty of incidents. But, a day trip into the city to visit Tokyo's Hall of Heroes is green-lit with bubbling excitement from both faculty, the children, and their parents. 
You usually keep your history as a graduated member of Class 1-A quiet. 
After all, you never did go pro.
And even still, Shoto Todoroki never stopped thinking about you.
He remembers that weekend everyone moved back in for their last year before graduation. He remembers you smiling at him, and helping him drag up a duffel of luggage from the common room to his dorm. You made a joke about how you're sure he got taller over the summer, and how his hair is longer now. You said you liked it. 
It was the beginning of the end, then.
His crush was a silent, smothering thing. It made it hard to think. Shoto had enough on his plate thanks to Touya's acceptance into the Villain Rehabilitation Program and his father's insistence on staving off retirement. Not to mention his parent's divorce — no matter how amicable, it was still a separation. Add on training, tests, studying, finals, and j-term classes... And a desperate, writhing, burning crush on the nicest girl in class? 
Touya's elbow digs into Shoto's side.
It drags him back to reality — to the stifled quiet of the historical Hall of Heroes. 
Suddenly, the doors to the wing squeak open, and a tour guide ushers in the elementary school class. The buzzing excitement and wonder are visible on each of their faces as the attendant — one of the HoH's lead tour guides — excitedly explains the newest, in-progress addition to the Hall:
Endeavor's wing. 
There's a whisper of awe that ripples through the children as their teacher and co-teacher follow, and as the class moves through the large, open space. They're staring up eagerly at the gilded statue in the center of the room. It's larger than life and intimidating. Years ago, Shoto might have had to fight the odd tremble in his knees at the reminder it brings: to be small in his father's shadow again. But, things are different now. 
Very different.
Touya scoffs. "I thought this wing wasn't open to the public yet."
"They're just children," Shoto hums, turning his back on the gaggle across the way to inspect the large mural winding along the back end of the installation, "I'm sure it's—"
"Oh, ho, no way!"
Shoto quirks his brow at his brother's outburst. His elbow digs into Shoto's ribs again. 
"Ain't that the pretty girl you never got the balls to ask out your senior year?" comes the rasped drawl of his older brother's voice. Touya is clearly amused, his white hair hanging in his eyes as he leans forward to squint, "She is cute, Sho'—"
"Shut up," Shoto grits, turning his head over his shoulder; he tries to bite back the flurry of nerves that ignite in his gut, "Stop talking."
It is you.
You look... good. 
You're crouched by a small, timid girl in the back of the crowd. Your hand is in hers, and you're pointing upwards at the large paneled screens replaying Endeavor's most historic fights. You're explaining something to her, your knees bent as you squat. You look... the same. As if in the six years since they graduated, you sat still in time. 
For a second, it's like he's seventeen again.
It's his senior year, and he's stuck at the corner of the gym's edge with a half-empty glass of punch in his hand. The lights are low, and there's slow music playing. His tie feels too tight. Bakugo keeps telling him to 'ask her to dance already', and Kirishima is considering bashing his head through the wall. Even Midorya is trying to persuade Shoto. 
"It's prom, man! C'mon, this could be your last chance—"
Touya is about to be a real pain in the ass — his favorite pastime — and make some comment about your ass, but when he turns to lob the one-liner at his baby brother, Shoto's gone.
Shoto is on the move.
The crescendo of gasps draws your attention first.
Then, the cry of "WOAH, IT'S SHOTO!" leaves you dumbfounded. The rippling murmur of excitement bleeds into the children as their eyes — and the eyes of the tour guide — widen at the sight of the approaching Pro Hero. 
Shoto Todoroki.
He looks... good. 
Really good.
He's a bit older, and a bit more filled out than when you were both teenagers. You can see the strength in his arms and shoulders — it's a distant echo of his father's physique, though Shoto is so much more elegant and much... prettier. He's always been.
For a second, you're seventeen again.
It's your senior year, and you're sprawled across Momo Yaoyorozu's bed.
They had finally wrangled out of you who your crush was: something they hadn't been able to do in all their years as classmates.
There's a sticky, Miss Midnight-themed face mask clinging to your expression as you try to flip through the large magazine in your hands as nonchalantly as possible. Mina's voice, as she paints Ochaco's nails a bright pink on the floor, is sweet and saccharine as she looks up at you.
"I think you and Shoto would be, like, the cutest couple ever." 
You're still crouched when the tour guide nervously — like she was caught doing something naughty — introduces The Pro Hero Shoto to the already-aware crowd of elementary school students and their teachers. It's like igniting a match; the uproar of excitement leaves you laughing as three of your boys push forward to bombard him with questions about his quirk. 
Asuke is smiling shyly, now. That's a small win. She's intrigued by the appearance of a real hero, not the "scary statues" — and her big, fat tears stopped rolling the moment you laid a gentle hand on her to quell her anxiety over the new environment with a push of comfort through your quirk. She unhooks her pinkie finger from yours as you guide her towards your co-teacher. 
"Boys," you call with a crisp air of authority as you stand and lead Asuke toward the bulk of the field trip group, "What have we learned about personal space?"
"It's fine, really, Insight," comes Shoto's voice; as warm and placid as you remember. 
"Insight?" mutters your co-teacher at the presumed hero-name; a look of confusion plasters itself on her face, and her big, feline ears perk up. She leans in to whisper in a way that borders on conspiratory, "Do you two know one another?"
"Old classmates," you confirm, not daring to get into the finer details.
Shoto's attention is entirely rooted in the way you manage the kids. There's something beautiful about the ease with which you handle the bouquet of students; you quell the excitement into a manageable decibel like it's as easy as breathing. 
"Shoto," you start as you gesture to him, "Has a very special quirk — Toyamai, he has ice like you. And, fire like Tojiro. He can regulate his temperature. Can anyone tell me what that means?"
There's a wave of hands shooting up, a few me, me, me's rise from the gaggle. 
You're using him as a teaching moment.
Shoto's smile is soft.
You nod at Ogomi, excitedly nodding as the reserved child speaks up. Normally, he hates public speaking. But, recently, he's started working with the speech pathologist during lunch. The boy bounces a little as he answers. "He doesn't g-get too hot, or too c-cold."
"Exactly! Isn't that cool?" you grin at the lazy attempt at a pun, "This is why it's important to learn about our quirks as much as we can!"
Touya thinks this whole thing is just too cute. 
You're different than he remembers — but, granted, things were sorta different last time he saw you. He was a little too busy tryna kill his old man and lil' Shoto. He's different now, too. A changed man! A real licensed hero. Support items and all. 
He hangs back. 
He... I mean, he is a jack-ass but he isn't gonna ruin this for Shoto. 
...It's kinda cute.
Just about as cute as Fuyumi said it was. 
Apparently, Shoto had opened up to her and Natsuo about his feelings after graduation — about how he regretted not doing anything about it. Fuyumi then told their mum, who then off-handedly mentioned it to Touya... and well Touya dug in because, duh, he is a whore for good gossip. He might be the family's black sheep, but Shoto is the glue that binds. 
And he deserves to be happy.
Your co-teacher is ushering the kids to the next installation — a viewing of All Might's Legacy, a new documentary following the retired pro's teaching career. It will be a good wind down for them, in comfy seats and the dark. It's hardly the sort of content an elementary school student would find riveting, but it is All Might. And they love him.
You hang back. 
Shoto's heart is hammering in his chest.
"Hi," you greet back, closing the door to the theater and stepping forward as you weave your arms around you, "Long time no see."
"Yea," Shoto breathes, his hands in his pockets as he meets you halfway across the museum's marble floors, "I... I see you're teaching."
His eyes are as pretty as they were back then. Slate grey and piercing turquoise. "I'm in my second year," you confirm softly, fiddling with the material of your sweater, "Congrats to your old man."
You gesture up at the statue, then wave around to the rest of the installation.
Shoto inhales, then nods; he's staring at your face, blissfully realizing you're just the way you were all those years ago. Kind. "I'll pass it along."
"How's he handling it?" you ask, your eyes raking across his expression and trying not to stick to the sharp slope of his jaw, or the bob of his Adam's apple, "Retirement, I mean."
"He's happy, I think. Touya and I are working together and... things are...  good."
Last month, Endeavor finally retired. He cited his age, and his dedication to passing his legacy to his two sons: Shoto and Touya. Shoto has planted himself firmly within the Top Ten in the last year or so, and shockingly, Touya isn't far behind. People love an underdog's redemption story, you suppose. 
And the underdog in question can read a room. 
This is getting a little too sexually tense for even him.
"Heeeeey, girl," he rasps out, staggering backward with a thumb over his shoulder, "Nice t' see ya. I'll let you two catch up, yea? I'm gonna go pop my head into the theater, see how the kids are handling the snooze fest on screen—"
You jump.
How long has he even been there?
"Hi, D— Touya," you strain, wincing a little; the rehab'd villain doesn't seem to mind.
"Hi, teach'. That cool with you?" he asks, wobbling his thumb and quirking a pierced eyebrow; it's comical, like he's trying to disarm you with humor, "Don't want you thinkin' I'm corrupting your youths—"
"It's fine," you breathe, ignoring the sting of age-old mistrust. You know better. Shoto wouldn't be here, with him, if Touya Todoroki hadn't changed. Endeavor wouldn't be entrusting his legacy to the ex-League of Villain member if he didn't believe in his capacity for good, "Just don't be disruptive."
Casting judgment on someone whose life was nearly destroyed by his own non-conforming quirk would go against everything you taught the kids anyway.
"Touya's whole thing is being disruptive," Shoto grits as his oldest brother slips silently through the doors, "I apologize for him—"
"No," you wave him off, laughing a little, "Don't. It's... nice to see you two together."
Shoto's expression is soft as he wanders a little closer. "It took time — and a lot of therapy — but we've all managed to come out the other side."
"That's great to hear, Shoto," you breathe, your eyes flitting across his face, "I'm really happy for you."
There's a long silence, then — and you can't help but ignore the roil of butterflies in your stomach. The eye contact is heavy with some unspoken thing, and both of your tongues are weighted by secrets-never-turned-confessions. 
It's like finally this dance you've been doing around one another for years breaks — and the two of you throw caution to the wind at the exact same moment. 
"Would you like to—"
"Are you free—"
Hesitant, slow grins bloom on both your faces.
"Dinner?" is all he manages after a sweet moment of soaking up your soft smile, "If you're available...?"
You make yourself available.
Yaoyorozu almost dies when you call her that night — winded from tearing through your entire wardrobe. You explained you had nothing to wear a-and you needed something nice, and you only have an hour to get ready, because Todoroki — yes, stop screaming, Todoroki — is picking you up at 8pm.
Little bro is nervous. Touya can tell. 
From his spot on the sofa, the white-haired ex-degenerate scoffs. Natsuo is digging around for some cufflinks in Shoto's dresser.
"Seriously, Sho'? A suit?" 
"It's a nice restaurant," his brother says tightly, adjusting the collar of the black button-down, "I booked the upstairs dining room for privacy." 
"Who the hell told you t' do that?" Touya quirks a skeptical brow.
"Father was the one who suggested it."
"...That old dog." 
Natsuo rolls his eyes at the exchange before throwing his hands as he emerges from the closet. "Do you have any links that aren't emblazoned with U.A. High School's crest?"
The ones in Natsuo's hands have his graduation year on them.
Shoto winces.
"Want me to ask dear ol' dog of a dad?" Touya snarks from the corner, his posture becoming less and less upright as he scrolls on his phone.
"Already did," comes the soft voice of Fuyumi; she's smiling, padding into Shoto's room with a velvet box, "He offered up his nicest pair. He also says not to screw it up with Insight. He likes her."
Of course, he likes her. You worked under Endeavor for a brief work-study period during your third year. Shoto remembers hearing grumbled praise over dinner one night about your talent for de-escalation.
"You told him who I was seeing?" Shoto asks incredulously, taking the box and working the cufflinks on. He's starting to feel exasperated.
Fuyumi nods, popping down beside Touya. 
"He asked. I'm not gonna lie to him."
"Did y' tell ma?" Touya rasps, peeking up over his phone to inspect Shoto's outfit. Not half bad, honestly. He looks good in all black. A man after his own heart, "M'sure she's gonna be real excited—"
"Yes," Shoto grumbles, "I called her earlier—"
"Chiba Prep is a really good school, y'know," Natsuo buts in as he tries to find a tie that matches Shoto's outfit. Ultimately, though, the middle brother decides against it and tosses the options over his shoulder, "They're, like, on the leading edge for quirk therapies."
"Hey, nerd? Quiet down. The big kids are gossiping," Touya shirks, turning back to Shoto, "What did mum say?" 
"She wants me to call her after—"
"One, you're gonna call mum the morning after," Touya raises a finger, "Because if you don't get laid, I'll be so fuckin' disap—"
Fuyumi slaps Touya's chest. He lets out a pained yelp at the solid smack.
"Uh, ow," he rubs his sternum. "An' two, take a deep breath. You look like you're gonna shit yourself. Those are my pants and they're expensive."
Shoto lets out a long breath. 
Fuyumi's smile is sweet like honey. "Aw, Sho'! It's gonna go great. You two have known each other for such a long time, and catching up is going to be amazing. Just be yourself! Confident and kind—"
"—Hold the door open for her, and pull her chair out," Natsuo adds as he adjusts Shoto's collar for him, "Car door, too—"
It's Touya's turn. He's dead serious. "—And do not chicken out on kissing her at the end of the night. I swear to god."
Easier said than done.
You never did go pro.
Those years of hardened battle instincts have lost their edge. You try to remind yourself this is just Shoto, not The Shoto — but you're a little lost in the whole celebrity of it all when he picks you up in a very nice, sporty little car with ENDVRplates. 
You answer the door and he forgets how to breathe.
He has flowers for you. They're blue and blooming and beautiful. 
Fuyumi's contribution. 
You settled then you were going to kiss him at the end of the night.
The restaurant is... nice. Really nice. The sort of nice you could never aspire to experience on your teacher's salary. Even the valet is a concept that has your head spinning. But, Shoto handles it all with cool ease. The entire time, his hand is settled on your lower back. 
It feels like you've been lit on fire.
You're glad Momo was able to create a dress fitting for the occasion. It's sleek and black. Comfortable, too. Not much can be said for your heels on that front, but it's fine. 
Somehow, Shoto managed to book the entire upper floor of this place in all its glimmering glory — it's just the two of you alone in a sea of tables. 
The waiter is pouring you a glass of the chef's suggested pairing of sake.
You thank him, smile, and take a sip as Shoto unbuttons his suit jacket and watches you. 
For a second, you're seventeen again.
Sero and Kirishima were always in cahoots when it came to parties back then — somehow, between the two of them, they always managed to smuggle enough booze onto campus to obliterate any semblance of promised sobriety from even the most stoic members of 1-A. 
You remember one night, after a lot of hounding, you finally gave in and joined a few of your classmates on the back lawn for a few drinks. 
A few beers turned into a cup or two of wine, and then another big gulp of whatever deranged jungle juice concoction Kaminiari managed to cook up. It tasted terrible, but you were too drunk to really care. Shoto was no better. He was nursing his fourth drink of the night — a rarity he was even drinking at all — and seemed completely fine with the way your arms brushed as the two of you sat close in the grass. 
He was always so nervous around you. Now, he just seemed... happy. 
"I can't believe there is only one week left until graduation."
Graduation day was the last time you saw him. 
Until this morning, that is. 
You smile into your drink. 
"What?" you ask when his eyes never leave your face.
His fingers twitch towards his own glass. Shoto blinks, then rolls his jaw. He was caught staring. He clears his throat, looking a bit shy. "Nothing."
"Nothing?" you press playfully, cocking your head to the side.
"You..." he starts, then bawks. You're stunning, and it's making it hard to even think straight. He thought these feelings might have mellowed out over the years but seeing you again has just reignited everything. He feels like a hormonal teenager again, "You look beautiful."
Your expression falters into something lovesick. You chew your lip. "You're not so bad yourself, Todoroki."
He manages a half-smile. "Touya had me worried the suit was a bit much."
The idea of Touya offering him advice on his outfit strikes a chord in your heart. It makes you smile even bigger than before. "Well, you can tell Touya that I like it. A lot."
You rake your eyes up and down him. On purpose.
He notices.
Shoto's face feels hot. 
He tries to shake the bone-deep want that has swept his entire body up in its grip, but it's difficult when every single word out of your mouth reminds him just how in love he was with you back in school. You explain, excitedly, why you chose to teach at Chiba Prefectural Prep and catch him up on where you've been living since graduating. He's pleased to learn you're still in the area, living in the city, and decidedly in love with the commute to the school. 
Shoto's always been a good listener — but you can see how much he's changed when he begins to speak about his career. He seems so much more sure of himself than he was all those years ago. It wasn't that he was... unsure... but, no. He was shy. Quiet.
Now, less so. 
It's adorable. 
Dinner comes and goes with conversation over sushi that is far too good for you to even process. It's easy talking to him. It was easy talking to Shoto back, then, too but... Things are different. You're both different. Not in a bad way, but in a way that feels like coming home. 
While you both wait outside for the valet, Shoto shrugs his jacket off and puts it over your shoulders without a single word. Suddenly, you're cradled in a warmth that's very Shoto — his cologne clings to the collar and you bury yourself a little deeper into it. 
Shyly, you step closer and steal his hand. It's calloused and warm. He laced his fingers with yours as if practiced. You bite back a grin. You give his hand a little squeeze when you spot the car coming around the corner.
His silence is calming — and he squeezes your hand back. When you look up at him, you realize he's already looking at you. 
His face is close. It's so... intimate. Very. Nearly better than a kiss. 
But, you've wanted to kiss Shoto Todoroki since you were seventeen. 
The valet driver interrupts the moment with a respectful call of Shoto's name and offers the keys with a shake of the hand. With a little bit of hesitancy, Shoto remembers the thing Natsuo said — the car door, too — and moves around the passenger side to open the door for you. 
It's sweet.
Really sweet. 
The car ride back to your apartment is punctuated with easy conversation — you ask him about Bakugo and Midorya, and you're pleased to hear they're both doing well. He asks about Momo, and if you still keep in touch with Mina and Ochaco. He smiles to himself when you admit you did call Momo for help with an outfit. 
"She did a beautiful job," Shoto breathes, a palm moving from the gear shift to brush over the dress' fabric on your thigh.
His hand settles there. 
Your stomach does a flip. 
You chew your lip, swallow down a sudden burst of nerves, and let your hand rest over his. You squeeze it. Shoto tries to focus on the road. His gaze drifts for a moment at a red light, his heterochromatic eyes dancing across your figure. 
Keep it together. 
He isn't seventeen.
He's twenty-five. He's a Professional Hero. One of the Top Ten in all of Japan. He's more than capable of keeping it together in the face of physical touch from the woman he's dreamed about for years. 
Green light.
His hand is still on your thigh when he pulls up to your apartment. 
The touch is relinquished in favor of putting the sports car in park. 
It makes your chest ache.
Shoto swallows thickly.
Do not chicken out on kissing her at the end of the night.
He'll never forgive himself. But, admittedly, he's bad at this. He's not good at reading body language, or even knowing himself enough to realize he looks mildly terrified as you blink up at him in the passenger's seat. His heart is hammering a mile a minute.
What if you don't want to kiss him?
When would he even kiss you? Now? Or at the door?
Why does he feel like he's going to die?
"This was really... Shoto, are you okay?" you ask as you unbuckle your seatbelt; you pause, your brows knitting tightly. 
"What?" he asks, blinking back to the present moment. The look of fear disappears, "Sorry. Yes. I'm fine."
You're working his jacket off your shoulders, gently leaning to fold it neatly in your lap. Your voice dips low, into something playful. "You didn't look fine..."
"I—" Shoto clamps his mouth shut as he leans an elbow on the center console, "Sorry. I suppose I'm just nervous."
"Nervous?" you grin, a little giggle punctuating your words as you wriggle in the red, leather seat, "Why?"
Your expression makes his expression crack. He ducks his head as he huffs out a laugh. You continue to egg him on via expression alone. "I... Stop it."
"Stop what?" you push some more, your back pressed to the door as you face him in the car, "You're the one being weird—"
"I'm not being weird—"
"Then what's wrong, Shoto?" you tease in a sing-song voice.
"I'm nervous because I want to kiss you."
His words are punctuated by a slow look that takes in every inch of your face. Butterfly wings kiss your stomach walls. And your knees. You feel a little tremble in your chest. 
It feels like someone has sucker punched you square in the sternum. Shoto's no better. He isn't entirely sure what the expression on your face means. Is that... good? Are you happy?
Your voice is a little quieter now. You duck your head and fiddle with his suit jacket as you lean back against the seat, a little closer now. 
"You don't need to be."
Shoto's breath catches at that.
So, he makes his move.
His hand comes first — his calloused palm settles nicely against your face, his thumb brushing your cheekbone as his pointer finger brushes the underside of your jaw. Shoto is slow. Methodical. It's like he's trying to ground himself in the moment. 
Truth be told, he thinks he might be blacking out.
Your eyes flit up his wrist — a dark leather band around his wrist with an expensive watch face, a dark dress shirt with glimmering cufflinks, strong arms and a broad chest, and you can see the dip of his collarbone where the top two buttons of his shirt remain undone. 
He looks so damn handsome with his sharp jaw, pretty eyes, and his trademark white and crimson hair. Even his scar is beautiful. 
The touch pulls you in like he's got his own personal orbit.  
Your elbows are braced along the center console, your eyes flicking across his face as his fingers continue to brush along the soft expanse of your cheek. You wring your fingers together. 
Then, his eyes stick to your lips.
"Can I kiss you?" he whispers, his breath fanning across your face. 
You never did go pro.
But, Shoto did. 
It shows. 
Because, at this moment, all you can do is nod feebly before you're swept into the sort of kiss people go to war for. It's the sort of kiss that sticks to your ribs, that feels like warm, fresh food. It's the sort of kiss that would drive you to the brink, that would make you nod and agree sure, let's get married and have three kids, let's name one after your father, and paint the house blue like your mother's favorite flower—
His mouth is eager, but not in an overbearing way. It's gentle. Slow. As if he needs to remind himself this is real and not some midnight fiction that leaves him aching and alone. Shoto reminds himself to be tepid, pliable, and easy, which is easier said than done when somewhere deep inside of him there's a seventeen-year-old screaming in victory. 
It's better than anything he could have ever imagined. 
And then you whimper. 
It's a sound tied between bliss and relief and it's muttered against his mouth as you lean in and let your fingers brush the fabric of his dress shirt. The tips of your fingers brush his abdomen and he flexes, the feeling foreign and warm. It warrants his other hand to drift to your face and you break for a breath; he doesn't care that there's lipstick smeared across his mouth. He's kissing you again — this time a little bit more feverish, a little bit more aching. 
You melt against him, this time your hands trembling to grip his wrists.
He needs to slow down.
He is not having sex with you in his father's car.
That's shameless.
He needs to slow down.
He has to, or he'll lose himself in this and he refuses to fuck this up. 
Shoto's breath is ragged when he finally peels himself away, his lip parted and eyes half-lidded. His grip on your face is still so soft, so gentle. It's very him. 
You're glad you didn't do this when you were seventeen.
It would have permanently altered your brain chemistry, you're sure of it. How could you ever kiss someone else again after that? 
He's rubbing your cheek with his thumb. You swallow, and try to level out your breathing. It's hard when he's still so close, when he's so... perfect. 
"I've wanted to do that," he murmurs against your cheek, "Since our last year at Yuei."
A well-kissed smile breaks across your face. You reel back, your nose wrinkling as you shake your head in disbelief. Shoto is smiling. A real smile. The sort that's so rare you can count on one hand the amount of times you've ever seen it in person. 
"Are you serious?"
"Very," he says, chastely pressing another to your other cheek as he leans back.
"Me too," you admit shyly, "Can we... do it again sometime?"
Shoto's eyes widen incrementally. Then, his smile eases back onto his face. 
"Are you free this weekend?"
"I can be," you reply easily with a honeyed look, "And I will be. For you."
"I get off patrol on Saturday around seven," he explains before asking timidly, "We could... do dinner again?"
"Works for me," you breathe as you move for the handle of the car door, "After all, I never went Pro. Weekends are free."
Shoto scoffs. 
Then, as you open the door and swing a leg out:
"Oh, and tell Touya I thought the suit sexy."
Shoto's laugh is dry. You leave his jacket on the seat and scurry into your apartment with a lovesick wave. He swears he sees the silhouette of a familiar ponytail greet you at the door, but he doesn't dwell on it. He waits until you're inside and the lights to the front door are shut off.
Then it hits him. He has another date with you this weekend. 
Not so seventeen anymore, Shoto Todoroki. 
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ariestrxsh · 2 months
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⚠️ content warning: ⚠️ smut, utter filth, threesome(ish), cuckhold!chris, dom!matt, use of toys, light elements of BDSM, slapping, spitting, choking, teasing, edging, praise, light humiliation, oral, fingering, masturbation, light fluff if you squint
✍️ Summary: ✍️ You and Chris have been dating a long time now, and you overhear him sharing a fantasy with Matt about wanting to watch you with another man. With Matt being the only person Chris trusts with you, he's the perfect candidate.
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"Matt, can I ask you something?" I woke up to my boyfriend Chris asking his brother with a shakiness in his voice. I must have dozed off. I was curled up on Chris' bed, and both Chris and Matt were sitting in front of me on the floor with their back facing me, playing fortnite. "You just did, idiot. But sure. What's up?" Matt responded. "Is it normal to like..." Chris started, but hesitation lingered in his voice. "Come on, spit it out, kid," Matt poked fun at him. I wasn't sure if I should alert Matt and Chris to the fact that I was awake or not. I kind of felt like I was overhearing an interaction I shouldn't be, but I didn't want to ruin the moment, and selfishly, I wanted to know what Chris was gonna ask his brother. "Is it normal to have fantasies about your girlfriend being with other men, sexually?" Chris confided in Matt. "I mean, it's not totally uncommon," Matt said, snickering at his brother's question.
My eyes widened as I heard their conversation. "Well, I really wanna watch my girlfriend with another man, but I don't know how to talk to her about it," Chris admitted. "Just ask her if she's into that kind of thing or if there's a guy she finds attractive that you guys would both trust enough to do that with," Matt suggested. "Well, there's one guy that comes to mind that I know she finds attractive that we both trust," Chris said, side-eyeing Matt. "Okay, great, then ask him," Matt replied. "I'm trying to, but he's not getting the hint," Chris said after a few seconds of silence. My jaw dropped.
Matt calmly set his controller down and looked over at Chris, "Are you saying you want to watch me fuck your girlfriend?" Matt asked, a smirk forming in the corner of his lip, and Chris couldn't tell if Matt was smiling because he was flattered or because he was about to start teasing him. "Dude, sorry. Just forget it. I can't believe I just asked that," Chris said looking at the floor, his face growing red with embarrassment. "Dude. You don't have to ask me twice. I'll fuck your girlfriend in front of you. That sounds hot as fuck," Matt was almost stunned by his own response. I felt myself growing wet while I listened to Matt eagerly say he'd fuck me. Chris looked back up at Matt, letting down his defenses.
"Just a few questions though," Matt said. "Sure," Chris answered. "Do you think she'll go for it? How do you know she's attracted to me?" "I mean, we've never directly talked about it. But the way she looks at you when she thinks no one's watching. I'm confident she wants you, bro," Chris said, smirking at his brother. Matt couldn't help but to smile as Chris stroked his ego. I didnt realize it was that obvious I was attracted to Matt, but then again, he and Chris looked even more similar than most other siblings. How could I not want them both? "Next question - what are the limits? Is there anything you're not okay with me doing?" Matt inquired. Chris mulled over the question, appreciating that Matt was actually taking this matter seriously and handling it with care. "No actually. I guess the limits would be up to her." "Last questions - are you sure? And have you thought about and accepted the consequences that could come from this decision?" "Yes, I have, and yes. I'm sure," Chris said confidently. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but I was loving the sound of it.
"What kind of things does she like in bed?" Matt asked, looking over at Chris and biting his lip. "She loves being eaten out and fingered more than any other girl I've been with," Chris chuckled to his brother, and I felt my face grow red with embarrassment. "And she loves when you talk dirty to her, especially if you call her 'good girl,' I promise it'll drive her crazy," he told Matt over the sound of their thumbs tapping against their controllers. "She like it rough? Or do you think she'd want me to be gentle?" Matt inquired, letting his imagination run wild. "Definitely slow and gentle at first, but once she starts really getting into it, she'll let you slap her around. She loves toys and restraints and shit like that," Chris giggled, and Matt devilishly smiled back in response, "good to know." It felt like a bit of an invasion of privacy as Chris spilled all the secrets about what I liked in bed to his brother, and I didn't know why, but the humiliation turned me on a little bit.
Once their conversation came to a close, I finally rolled out of bed, curled up on the floor nestled into Chris' arms, and tried to act like I didn't just hear their conversation, but it was hard, because I could barely look them in the eyes, especially Matt. The sexual tension between the three of us was so palpable. A few times, I caught Matt hungrily staring at me out of the corner of my eye. The way he was looking at me made me feel like prey he was about to hunt, and this undeniably made me soak my panties even more. I really hoped the conversation Matt and Chris just had would come to fruition, but I didn't want to get too attached to the idea in case Chris was just thinking with his dick when he said that, and if he'd get cold feet. Or if Matt would back out and suddenly think it was too weird.
A few weeks had passed, and I had pretty much given up on the fantasy that Chris would share me with his brother when he didn't mention anything to me about it. But one day, he was over at my house, and we were cuddling on my couch, watching a movie called Deep Water. Neither of us knew what the movie was about when we turned it on to watch it, but it was a really hot movie with elements that I knew Chris was wrestling with in his mind. "I have to be so honest, babe. This shit is turning me on so bad," Chris admitted in a sultry voice. "Oh yeah, why's that?" I asked, egging him on.
"Actually, I wanna talk to you about something," Chris started, pausing the movie. I gave him my full attention, taking in the sight of him, his soft, disheveled brown hair, his blue eyes, his pouty lips. "Would you ever let me watch another dude fuck you?" He finally articulated after a few moments of heavy silence, avoiding eye contact with me. "W-what?" I asked, playing dumb, hoping he would elaborate more. "I know it's a weird question. I've just been having a lot of fantasies lately. And I don't know how I'll actually react in the moment if it happens, but sometimes I think about you with another guy, and it really gets me going," he admitted, finally gaining the confidence to look up from the floor. "I mean, I've always thought a threesome with another guy would be hot," I confided in him. "Yeah? Me too. I don't know why the idea of another man getting you off and you getting him off.. it just does something to me," Chris whispered as I watched a look of desire overcome his expression. "It would be fun to make it into something more than just a fantasy," I replied, fiddling with the rip on the thigh of my jeans. "I would fucking love that," Chris said, pulling me closer to him by my waist and planting kisses on my cheek and my forehead. "Any guys you have in mind?" Chris wondered. "Just whoever you trust the most. But obviously I have to find him attractive," I responded, knowing Chris and I both already had Matt in mind, but I was too afraid to say his name on the off-chance it might hurt Chris to hear me confirm my sexual attraction to his brother. "I know the perfect guy, but it's gonna be a surprise," Chris sneered back.
A few days later, Chris invited me over. "Wear your sexiest lingerie underneath your clothes, baby. I've got big plans for you tonight," he growled into the phone. I picked out a baby pink balconette bra with lace trim and bow and a matching thong. I felt so sexy as I stood in front of the mirror, imagining how Matt would react the first time laying eyes on me like this. I threw on some sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt, and I drove over to Chris' place.
After parking in the driveway, I texted him that I was there and let myself in through the unlocked front door. The house was quiet, and although Matt's car was in the driveway, I didn't see him anywhere. "Chris?" I called, as I pushed open his bedroom door. Before me was the most romantic gesture from Chris I'd ever received before. There were about a dozen lit candles in the room, there were rose petals on the bed, and he had all my favorite toys out - bed restraints, a feather tickler, and my vibrator I kept at his place. My eyes lit up as I took in the sight of it all, the best part being my gorgeous boyfriend sitting at the foot of the bed in the warm glow of the candlelight. He was in nothing but a white tank top and dark green boxers. "Chris, this is incredible," I said in a soft voice.
Chris stood up from the bed and made his way over to me. He caressed my cheek with his hand and kissed my lips. "Take off your clothes, baby. There's someone in the other room, and he requested to see you in your best lingerie and tied to the bed when he comes in," Chris said, licking his lips while he grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it up over my head. "Oh, he's gonna love seeing you in this, darling. It's gonna drive him crazy, I promise," Chris gasped, running his finger seductively over the neckline of my bra where it met my bare skin. He then tugged at the waistband of my sweats and peeked down to see what panties I was wearing. "Good girl. You understood the assignment perfectly. He's gonna cream himself when he gets a load of you," Chris gassed me up, pulling my sweats down and helping me out of them one leg at a time. He picked me up, gripping my ass while I straddled his waist. Our lips embraced one another's in a succession of deep and passionate kisses.
He carried me over to the bed and laid me down. "If at any point you feel uncomfortable and you want to stop or take a break, just use our safeword. I told him what it is too, so I promise we'll take good care of you and we won't force you outside of your limits," Chris whispered tenderly to me while he restrained all four of my limbs to the bed. I nodded. Chris' words were sweet and thoughtful, and I felt so safe knowing I was in good hands tonight. "Are you ready, baby?" He asked, looking into my eyes. I bit my lip and whispered, "So ready."
Chris ducked out of the room for a moment, and I heard him say something along the lines of, "she's ready for you." I could hardly contain my excitement as Chris walked into the room with Matt trailing behind him. I tried to look surprised. He was shirtless, wearing only a pair of black boxers and a silver chain around his neck. His eyes lit up as he took in the view of me tied to the bed in my lacey pink lingerie. "Wow, ma, you look so pretty for me. This is exactly what I had in mind," Matt said to me in a hushed voice while he climbed onto the bed. He crawled between my legs, and his lips met mine. It felt a lot like kissing Chris, but he was a little more gentle, and he took his time a little more slowly, like he was savoring the taste of my lips. Matt pulled away from the kiss and looked deep into my eyes. "Chris is such a good boyfriend, wanting to make you feel as good as possible. He's so sweet for sharing this with me," Matt mumbled, while he took his fingers and started tracing circles around my clit through my underwear. I let out a soft whimper. "These are your favorite toys, huh?" Matt inquired, pulling his hand away and reaching for the feather tickler that was next to my vibrator. I watched as he guided the feather toy across my chest, the same way Chris had done with his fingers earlier. Matt smirked at me as he pulled down the cup of my bra, exposing my hard pink nipple. He started teasing it with the feathery instrument, and I gasped as he grazed over a sensitive spot. I looked over at Chris who was sitting at the foot of the bed, studying the way Matt was exploring my body. His facial expression was one of a mix of jealousy and desire, but I could tell the desire had a stronger hold on him.
Chris' eyes met mine and we exchanged a smile of approval as Matt took the feathery lead and trailed down my body with it. He started tickling the insides of my thighs with it, and I felt my back slightly arch as he drew it over the front of my panties. Chris' eyes kept dancing between my facial expressions and the way Matt was taunting me. "Holy fuck Matt. She loves it," Chris whispered, his eyes sparkling with amazement at how slow and controlled Matt's movements were. And Chris was right. The way Matt was teasing me was perfect, just the way I liked. Slowly, gently, sensually. After teasing me with the feathers for a little longer, Matt nestled his head between my legs and pulled my panties to the side. "Look at that pretty, pink pussy," Matt complimented me. "Can I taste her?" He asked me, looking up at me hungrily. I bit my lip and nodded.
Chris moved from the foot of the bed to my left. He pushed a few strands of hair out of my face and smoothed them down, while his eyes followed the way Matt gently planted a kiss on my sensitive bud. He kept his tongue soft and flat as he grazed my folds. I loved having my pussy licked, and the only thing better than that was Chris intently watching as Matt teased me with his warm breath against my aching core. "Do you like that?" Chris spoke hoarsely into my ear. "Mhmmm," I hummed in response to Chris' question as well as to Matt's tongue. Matt flicked his tongue across my clit a little more fervently, and finally he closed his lips around it and started gently suckling. "That looks like it feels amazing," Chris said, pressing the side of his head against the side of my head watching his brother from my perspective. Matt looked up at both me and his brother, knowing we were loving watching him and smiled deviously at us. "You like the way I eat your girlfriend?" Matt seductively asked his brother, lifting his face from between my legs to show Chris how wet his face was from drowning in my juicy center. Then he continued, swirling his tongue in faster circles around my bundle of nerves. Chris slowly nodded.
The way Matt was working his mouth had me starting to come undone a bit. I tried to hold back some whimpers, but they were stronger than I was. I felt myself tugging at the restraints, cutting off circulation in my wrists, and had my feet not also been tied down, I would have been bucking my hips against his face. Instead, I pathetically struggled to chase his tongue, unable to move the way I wanted to, which had me coming undone even further. Matt could tell exactly what he was doing to me, and he relished in it, loving that the sounds and the writhing beneath him were all his fault.
Before I could finish on his tongue, he abruptly stopped and started lining up his middle and ring finger with my entrance. He looked into my eyes as he pushed them in, curled them upward, and started making a "come here" motion with them. I gasped at how good it felt. I could feel myself gripping him involuntarily, and while he penetrated me, I felt his thumb reach for my bud, and he started making slow, circular motions. "How does that feel, sweetheart? You like the way you're all wrapped around my fingers?" Matt cooed, knowing there was a double entendre in his words. "Yesss," I hissed through my teeth. Chris took my left nipple into his mouth and started carressing it with his tongue, pulling a few more stifled whimpers from my mouth. I loved being shared by them. Although they were both being so slow and gentle, I felt myself starting to get close again.
I didn't know if Matt could tell I was getting close and he was trying to draw it out for as long as possible, or if his timing was just coincidentally impeccable, but right before I could chase my climax, Matt removed his fingers, and looked up at his brother. "You wanna taste?" He asked, reaching out his hand that was glittering with my fluids. Chris grabbed Matt's hand, and while looking into his eyes, he put Matt's two fingers all the way into his mouth and slowly sucked them clean, letting out a soft moan as he did so that vibrated against his brother's fingertips. Matt stared at his brother glossy-eyed, and his lips slowly parted as he felt the hum of the noise Chris made send an electric feeling throughout his body. Matt pulled his hand away, realizing how awkward it was that they had just done that, but they quickly laughed it off, and they blushed at whatever had come over them, but I, on the other hand, nearly came at the sight of Chris cleaning me off of Matt's fingers.
Matt filled me with them again, fucking me at a faster pace this time. My body was aching. My wrists and ankles were so sore from being digging into me as I struggled against them, but I loved it, the sensation of pain and pleasure blurring together and creating a chemical reaction inside of me that was bound to make me explode sooner or later. I convulsed again as Matt brought me right to finish line, and then stopped again.
I let out a desperate sigh, "Matt please," I sobbed as he teased me. "Jesus Matt. I brought you into the bedroom with us to make her feel good, not to torture her," Chris chuckled. "Oh, trust me, she feels good. And by the time I get her there, she'll be feeling better than anyone's ever made her feel before," Matt said, reaching for the vibrator next. "Hey-" Chris started defensively. "Shut up, idiot. This isn't the time to argue about who makes your girlfriend cum harder. Just let her enjoy it," Matt whispered, turning on the vibrator and resting it up against my favorite spot, and I cooed in response.
"Hey baby, you ever think about me when you use one of these on yourself?" Matt's lip curled up in the corner as he questioned me. My eyes widened, and I looked to Chris for some kind of approval that he wouldn't take it personally. "It's okay, darling. Just be honest unless you don't wanna answer," Chris said, running the back of his hand along my cheek, sensing my discomfort. I looked back down at Matt, who was awaiting a response. I bit my lip and shook my head yes at him. "Mmmm, good girl. Good answer," Matt murmured. "Tell Matt what kinds of things you think about him doing, princess," Chris pleaded, stroking his length through his boxers. He wanted to hear just as much as Matt did.
My eyes scanned both of their expressions, hanging onto my every last word, but a shyness overtook me. My face started burning with shame as I pictured in my head all the times I'd imagined Matt pinning me down, choking me, spitting in my mouth, slapping me, pounding my pussy while I'm hogtied. The stark difference between those violent fantasies and the soft gentle reality unfolding in front of me made me feel a little embarrassed to admit them. I shook my head no and began avoiding eye contact with both of them. "Awh, sweetheart. You're getting all shy on me," Chris said, tilting my head towards him with a finger beneath my chin. I could still feel the hum of the vibrator nagging at me, begging me to come undone while the boys watched me intently. Just like every other time, Matt stopped.
He stood up and pulled down his underwear, his cock springing out of them. I could tell he was extremely hard, and there was a shiny coat of pre-ejaculate covering his swollen tip. I admired how thick it was and how there were a few veins that ran up his shaft, like a big red-eyed monster I couldn't wait to fall victim to. "I bet you can't wait to have him in you," Chris whispered to me, kissing my neck. "You don't have to tell me what you think about when you play with yourself," Matt told me as he climbed onto the bed and hovered over my emptiness with his incredible member, "but if you tell me, angel, then I'll be able to oblige." He let out a grunt as he pushed himself into me, and I gasped. He slowly pumped in and out of me, allowing me to get used to his girth while his chain lightly swatted me.
Chris was next to us, removing his shirt, taking himself out of his underwear, and making soft sounds and sultry faces while he stroked his cock. "I like to think about you spitting in my mouth and choking me and pulling my hair and fucking me absolutely mercilessly," I whispered while I was looking into Matt's eyes. I watched Chris' eyes widen as he continued furiously pumping his hand up and down.
Matt's face changed to a darker and more deviant expression. He placed his hand on my neck, pushed me down against the bed, and said, "Open up, darling." He spat directly into my mouth, and the taste of his saliva, mine, and taste of my pussy lingered on my tastebuds. He did it again, relishing in how much I loved it. I felt another stream of his spit land on my tongue, and he smiled at me as he started to tighten his grip around my neck. He choked me hard while he started fucking me at a slow but insanely powerful rhythm. Every time he bottomed out inside of me, slamming against my walls, I let out a stifled yelp due to his tight hold on my throat. He removed his hand from my airway and smacked me across my face hard. "Yeah, you like that?" Matt grunted while he fucked me harder, and I felt another sting as he slapped the other side of my face. My eyes rolled back in my head and I smiled.
Chris was still fervently jacking himself off while his brother brutalized me in front of him. The boys had a similar expression on each of their faces, heavy bedroom eyes, slack-jawed, lips slightly parted enough for sweet whimpers to escape them, and both enamored by the way my eyes were tearing up with pleasure.
I was the first to reach my climax, considering Matt had been teasing me more than I'd ever been teased in my whole life. My long-awaited orgasm hit me like a train, my consciousness expanding beyond time and space until I was utterly lost in a cascading wave of ecstacy. I had no control over my body. I trembled and pulled at the shackles that were holding me to the bed, breaking some of the skin on my wrists. My eyes rolled back so far into my head I forgot I had them to begin with, and my neck fell limp so that my crown thumped away at the headboard every time Matt thrust into me after that. My whole body relaxed into the bed, as much as it could while I was still tied to it. "Oh my fucking god Matt," I said breathlessly.
Chris came a few seconds later with his hand curled around the engorged head of his cock, milking it vigorously while he threw his head back and let out a sweet-sounding moan. The first spurt of cum shot up nearly two feet in the air and rained back down on him, covering his stomach, his chest, and a drop of it landing on his bottom lip. With every pump, he'd shoot out another load not nearly as powerful as the last until he'd slowed his hand to a standstill and the last spurt of fluid was just slowly dripping down his hand and his shaft. I had never seen Chris cum like that, and I burned the sight of him into my brain.
Matt's orgasm followed closely behind, and for the few minutes after Chris had finished, he watched in envy as his brother railed me senseless. Finally, as Matt was looking into my eyes, his brow furrowing, and his face contorting into an "O" shape, he pulled himself out of me. A millisecond later, he was stroking himself, busting all over my entrance. He moaned my name and rolled his eyes into the back of his head while he finished. He was smiling like an idiot, panting, and looking down at the mess he'd made on my pussy with great satisfaction.
"Holy fuck," Matt managed to get out breathlessly. "I've never been able to make her cum like that," Chris said with a harsh edge of jealousy. "You could. Easily. I've heard you guys fooling around before. You definitely satisfy her. You just gotta edge her more. You build her up, you break her down, do it over and over again until she can't take it. I'll show you how sometime if you'd like," Matt offered.
Chris' stomach turned, not sure how to wrestle with the cognitive dissonance he was experiencing of loving how I came all over Matt's cock and hating how I came all over his cock, and wondering if I was even still his after that, or if I was going to fall in love with Matt. Chris looked down at the floor, defeated and wondering how he could feel two completely different ways simultaneously. Matt untied me from the bed, and I immediately went over to Chris and threw my arms around him.
"Thank you for letting me experience that. Thank you for being so secure in our relationship that you'd share me with someone to enhance both of our pleasure. I'm so in love with you," I said, pulling him into a kiss. Chris perked up hearing this. "I love you too," he whispered back. "Let's do something tonight. Just the two of us," I said smiling.
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velnoni · 26 days
just like the other ask i love love love! ur interpretation of ford. i need more almost religiously. can we have more hcs involving romance and maybe a little nsfw stuff?
Romantic Ford Headcanons
ask and ye shall recieve.
Will absolutely flush if you kiss his hand, especially in public. He finds something like that mischievous, but lowkey will not complain, merely grumble softly to himself. Morning kisses are a bonus and have helped him adjust to a more slow paced life.
Pet names. Perhaps a shortened version of your name if your name is long enough. My dear, honey, handsome/beautiful. In his journal, he'll refer to you as the love of his life.
Head scratches or foot/back massages. Both of you, when overworked, appreciate them so so much. Ford will greatly appreciate it when you coax him out the lab, into your lap, and run your hands through his peppered hair. He makes a noise stuck between a groan and sigh, and in no time, his breathing evens out. When he does it for you, he will often offer it after a crappy day at work. Cue the extra fingers working magic and applying pressure in all the right places.
It could be said he can make edible meals, but he's no Gordan Ramsey. So when he comes home to you making a home cooked meal, he can't help but fall for you harder. To be able to sit down, eat, and not worry if the food is poisonous...it's enough to make a grown man cry. His favorite recipe might be a spaghetti dish.
Get this man some jelly beans, and he'll be a happy lad.
Play any nerd board with him and Dipper, and you will see his eyes turn into hearts, which should be physically impossible. Finds your facial expression cute when you're stuck on something.
Stargazing on the roof of the Mystery Shack is a must, and he never gets tired of speaking of the stars with you. When you told him about the new horoscopes that sparked a new conversation.
Expedition dates are great, but local diner hangouts always feel more intimate with you. Ford may or may not have stolen a french fry if you weren't looking...perhaps Stan is rubbing off on him.
It's not something you know, but once considered, finding out a way to allow you to see colors humans normally can not perceive like Bill once did for him. But ultimately decided against it.
Random gifts from Ford can range from receiving a flower, clothes that don't stain, or a new creature he found in the wild.
*nsft under the cut
Surprisingly quite sensitive. If you rake your nails against his skin, he'll shiver and try to push you off. But keep doing it, and you'll get a whimper out of him.
If you kiss each finger, naming what you like about him or how you'll screw the daylights out him alongside licking them, please expect said fingers inside of you tonight.
He likes grabbing you by the waist and might give a teasing squeeze if feeling brave. He's smug when he does so. On days when you're both alone, you might feel him wrap his arms around you with a little surprise pressing up your backside. Will always ask for permission to go forward.
The kind of person to see you doing something in your natural habitat and get aroused from it. Reading a book? Biting a pen? Covered in mud from helping Mabel with her garden that was raided by suspiciously handsome men with gnomes riding them? He finds it unbecoming of a scientist to fall folly to such primal instincts but will grab your hand when you're alone and stare at you with a slight desperation.
Kiss sessions can go for a good while with some groping. He prefers to be in control, but if you whisper for him to lay beneath you and say his full name, you'll have the old man putty in your hands. Nibble on his ear and that'll earn you six fingered smack on the butt. His ears are really sensitive you've realized...suspiciously so.
If you point that out and keep asking, Ford might one day ask you to stick your tongue in his ear. And if you ever do this while palming his erection in his pants he'll cum early much to his embarrasment. He could never live down the shame but will always come back for more.
He's a fan of blowjobs since they're easy to clean up and really enjoy when you give them to him at a slow pace. He likes the buildup. He doesn't mind returning the deed. He finds your expression and moans quite invigorating.
There's a slight possibility he might be into sounding. Don't ask how he figured that out but he's too shy to bring it up right now.
Praise kink. It's practically endless! Smart, handsome, gorgeous, sexy, silver fox, cutie pie, fantastic, how are you so good at this, good job, keep doing that, etc.
Likes watching/being watched while masturbating. Bonus points if you walked in on him. Once you did and he came like a hormonal teenager, face beet red and glasses cloudy.
Slow and steamy sex is something he prefers because he likes to watch you come undone under his watchful gaze but there are times where he'll feel spontaneous and rile you up throughout the day so you pounce him in privacy. Conniving fella. Have enough stamina to hold you up & hammer you against the wall but prefers a bed.
"Stanford..." You whispered in a low voice as you rearranged yourself behind him. Ford tensed at your voice, feeling his soul jump as your naked arms slide underneath his own, linking together against his chest. "Y-Yes, my dear?" He asks when he remembers to respond to you. He wanted to look at you, kiss your lips, taste you on his own, and have his hands roam every inch of your body. Especially considering your very naked body in question was pressed against his back side. But he didn't.
He steeled himself to your provactice antics and touched the buckle of his belt. He hears you chuckle into his ear, the softness of your lips when it makes contact with his earlobe. Then his cheek and the side of his neck where that wretched tattoo resided. Oh... He couldn't help but sigh and think mentally he was much too old for this. But as if you read his mind, you cupped the pompous bulge that was quite evident through his corduroy pants. You gave it a gentle squeeze and waited.
"More what?"
His voice is now a whisper. His Adam apple rises as he swallows his saliva. "More, please." He could feel himself come undone when you call him a good boy. Tonight is going to be one of those nights.
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gyusimp · 17 days
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𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨 [𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭]
ᴹⁱⁿᵒʳˢ ᴰᴺᴵ! | ᔆᵐᵘᵗ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵉⁿᵗ | ᴬʳᵗ ᵇʸ⠘ ˢʰᵃᵈᵉˢ ᵒᶠ ᴸᴼⱽᴱ ᵒⁿ ᵀʷⁱᵗᵗᵉʳ
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Kenji will always be very sweet. No matter how stupid he made you after sex, he will treat you gently and help you get back on your feet. He will clean you up first and then himself and he will be happy to take a shower together if you are okay with it. Although he is a bit of a fussy person so it is 100% certain that he will not go to sleep without changing the sheets for new ones. For your comfort and his, and he might put some air freshener in the air lol.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I feel like Kenji is very proud of his entire body, but especially his arms and torso. Have you seen that broad back? That man is to die for and he knows it, that's why he loves sleeping shirtless and teasing you. As for you, he loves everything about you, but he definitely has a fixation on your thighs and touching your ass whenever he gets the chance.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He's open to possibilities as long as you are too. Besides cumming inside you, he likes to do it for some reason where a few drops get on your strands of hair or a few drops run down your collarbones. He has a habit of teasing you by kissing you after taste you, so you'll taste yourself on his lips.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He's fantasized about doing things with you in his Ultraman form, why? Because yes. It's really nothing more than a fantasy because not even his pinky finger could fit inside you, but imagining you so small and needy in the palm of his hand has made his thoughts go beyond the limits he thought he knew.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Nothing. Kenji has no prior experience, not even a little. As famous and handsome as he is, we know that he suffered from bullying in his childhood years which affected his social skills so if I can't imagine him with friends, much less having encounters of that kind. His first time with you was an adorable disaster but you took care of making him feel safe always and over time he managed to improve his technique quite a bit.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any one where he can see your face but is also addicted to you riding him or if he's too needy he'll let you on top and spread his legs for you to do whatever you want.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It depends on his mood. He usually acts normal but if he wants to tease you or is really excited he might tell a couple of dirty jokes to make you blush.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
This man is a total grooming person. I can see a shelf in his shower full of hair products, aftershave, skin moisturizers and all that stuff so yes, Kenji pays attention to detail and if he isn't completely shaved there will always be a neat, impeccable trim. You're never going to see a mess down there. Ever.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
There are times when you two are too horny to get romantic but that doesn't mean it's just sex without love. But, when he's truly focused on making love to you in every sense of the word, he's the most romantic man in the world. He makes you feel like you're on cloud nine with his soft caresses and kisses, his words are so deep that when you both finish, you end up seeing everything in rose-colored glasses and even loving your insecurities after he completely praised you from the bottom of his heart.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I don't see Kenji doing this kind of thing, he's a mature adult and quite busy too so if he ever did it, it was in puberty out of pure curiosity. Now he has you so if he's horny he knows you can always help him and if he's lonely he'll just get moody.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I think after taking care of Emi and researching parenting and fatherhood issues he had some praise kinks left, but nothing serious. He doesn't show it anywhere other than the bed and you discovered it little by little on your own when he told you things like how he was eager to fill you with his seed and how excited it made him to think of you carrying his baby in you one day. Whenever you bring it up he doesn't completely deny it but it's because he's a little embarrassed to admit it.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Nothing like the comfort of his bed or yours but he's open to new places to make it more exciting. Places like his basement or the stadium locker room when the team has left have been the perfect spots for a quickie.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He likes you touching him, your hands are his weakness. Also for some reason when you are dressed up nicely, like clothes he is not used to seeing you in for example a skirt and heels to go to work or a nice dress for an event. He always thinks "is that my girlfriend?" and feels the need to rip your clothes off already.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn't agree with the idea of hurting you so he's against BSDM. If you were to ask him to do something related (like asking him to hit you or call you names) he would try to do it at first to fulfill your whim but after a while he would feel uncomfortable and maybe not want to continue. Maybe what he would tolerate a little longer would be to call you names just by seeing your intense reactions and they would be mild words like "slut" or "bitch".
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As I mentioned before, he is inexperienced in person until after a couple of times. He likes to receive but he prefers thousands of times to give. The feeling of your folds against his tongue and your pussy between his lips is indescribable for him. He loves to grab you by the thighs and wrap his arms around your legs while he gets lost between your crotch for hours being blessed with the sound of your voice before his actions.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It will also depend on his mood. A happy, romantic, sweet Kenji who longs to spend time with you after a long week at work will be deep and slow but careful. But a Kenji who is stressed out from losing so many games, fighting with players from other teams and tired of being a baby kaiju's single mother and breaking his back being Ultraman will throw you on the mat face down and grab onto your hips to pound you like there’s no tomorrow and then flip you over to put your knees on his shoulders because you’re dumb enough to do it on your own (of course you’re okay with all of this).
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He is a fan of quickies, he couldn't live without them. He tends to have mental breakdowns more often than you think and between so many games, interviews and training sessions he sometimes comes home too tired to do it slowly and formally, so you can also offer him several quickies a week so that they are little breaks for him and he can de-stress and continue.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He has a slight interest in doing it where he can get caught, like the time where his hands got too far with you in the stadium locker room before a game and his teammates were feet away getting ready in the hallway outside.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He is a professional athlete who is used to hours of training, cardio and all that stuff. His average is 3-4 rounds when he feels mentally stable and physically rested. You usually ends up with pain in your lower back and the back of your knees.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn't have any toys and he wouldn't use them on himself. If he ever bought one it would be to use it with you so you could both experience something new together.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He likes to embarrass you but in a good way. Maybe he'll mention things about how desperate you are or how abundant your release was today with just a few touches. This man's ego is big and it expands to the sky when he can see you under him sweaty and moaning his name repeatedly so it's the perfect setting for him to joke around in more egotistical and arrogant ways with you to make you blush.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
If you're in a completely safe and alone place, Kenji will never shut his mouth. He's unconsciously very expressive in that aspect and will say whatever he wants and needs to say, even if something bothers him. His tone of voice is thicker and more desperate as if he's throwing little tantrums asking for more from you. Sometimes it confuses you when he claims that you're too tight around him. Is he complaining or is he grateful for it?
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He loves to make dirty calls with you when you are at home and he is away from you. He feels very proud of himself knowing the power he has over you and how he manages to make you wet even when he is not present, calling you with some dirty nicknames that he saves just for you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's not too far from average. When the baby is asleep he's pretty normal sized although still noticeable in tight jeans or his Ultraman form. But when the baby wants action he's maybe an inch or an inch and a half taller than average. Kenji is a tall, thin young man so his strengths would be more length than girth.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
In the middle, not too low or too desperate. Although sometimes his thoughts are the ones to blame for making him feel horny and that's when he asks you for help to solve it, but on a scale of 1-10 I'd leave it at 7. He knows when it's more prudent to let himself go and when not to.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He won't fall asleep until you do unless he's had a bad day and all he wants to do is sleep in your arms right after he's cum. If he's tired enough to sleep on the same sheets you two made out with earlier.
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boiohboii · 1 year
The surprise guest (who had to be protected by the host)
Lando Norris x Leclerc! Reader
After Lando Norris had a make out session with YN Leclerc on his stream, it hadn't been intentional, he had been too scared to come face to face with any of his girlfriend's three older brothers. But when his girlfriend's mother invites him over for dinner, he can't just ignore her
in which Pascale Leclerc invites her daughter's boyfriend (or as she likes to call him, her fourth son) over for a family dinner
N.B: I feel like the humor isn't what most of you expected and I am so sorry, I swear I am funnier irl 😭 hope you guys like it... special thanks to @glai1023-blog and @flowerchild-96 for the idea of mama leclerc doting on Lando
For context
The brothers' reactions to the steamy stream
Social media reactions
YN had always been close to her mother, she always told her about her new hair ideas, how she wants to cook a new recipe and her crushes, so when YN started dating Lando Norris her mother was the first person to know (with the promise of not telling her brothers)
Pascale had met Lando quite a lot in the 9 months that the young couple's relationship had stayed secret from her brothers. To say Pascale adored the young Brit was an understatement.
Pascale Leclerc loved Lando Norris like her own son; she learned all his favorite foods, what are his preferred desserts and the meals he hadn't been able to taste before (so that she could make it for him)
With that being said, the Leclerc parent is always big on family. She had instilled in her childrens' head that even if you are busy, you must have a day each month for a family dinner and that all five members of the Leclerc family must be present.
Except for this month, six members were present at that dinner, and three of them were ready to kick the intruder out if it not had been for their mother hitting them on the back of their heads.
It had all started out normal- well as normal as it could be when just a week ago you had seen your sister making out with her boyfriend on live.
Pascale had been in the kitchen making dinner with the help of YN while the three male Leclercs were too traumatised by last week's events to face their sister. It's not that they didn't want to ask her questions, they really did, they wanted to interrogate her, but whenever they catch a glimpse of her they remember the phone screens showing her and her boyfriend.
Boyfriend. That was one person they would love to meet. Charles could probably know where Lando Norris is whenever he wanted, that was the perks of having the same circle of friends, team workers who were also friends and same bosses. Did he want to talk to him? No. Did he want to beat him? Yes.
The doorbell interrupted the brothers creative imagination of how they could kill the British driver. As Arthur was closest to the door he went up to see who it was, not expecting the one who they murdered 100 different ways in their haeds to be standing at the door with 2 bouquets of flowers, a box of chocolate and a box of what appeared to be a cake.
"Oh, umm, hi?"
Lando was about to piss his pants, he saw that expression change on Arthur's face, and he was the youngest of his girlfriend's brothers. With every second Arthur stared at him his heart rate increased with sweat filling his palms as his throat tightened up.
"Who is it Arthur?"
Shit, fuck. Lando knew that voice all too well, and he was not ready to have his head nailed to the front of the paddock for everyone to see.
"Oh dear, hello my son, Arthur move out of the way."
The gentle voice of Pascale Leclerc stopped any and all movements in the living room.
The three Leclercs exclaimed in sync, looking at the young brit with wide eyes and clenched jaws.
The boys' anger increased as they watched their mother fuss over the boy, thanking him for the flowers as she called their sister to place them in a vase, giving him a hug and kissing his cheeks.
"Oh lovely, you didn't have to bring anything. Is that your favorite dessert then?"
Lando was all too aware of the three pairs of eyes staring at him, and if looks could kill he'd be 18 feet under. Gulping, he gave Pascale an awkward smile, too scared to actually utter a word.
Noticing his trembling hands and terrified glances at her sons, Pascale glared at the young men "you three! Stop it!"
"But mum-"
"No! I don't want to hear a word out of any of you if it's not going to be nice! You should respect you sister's boyfriend and my guest!"
"It's a family dinner! You never invited any of our girlfriends to a family dinner before"
"Oh my god," now that's a familiar voice Lando loves hearing "stop being babies about it."
Moving closed, YN took the flowers from Lando's hands "ohhh, mum, he got you your favourite!"
"Thank you love." Giving him a peck on the lips, YN smiled at him, and upon hearing her brothers' groans and complains she gave him a wink before kissing him again.
The three Leclerc brothers were like Hyenas, waiting for their mother to stop protecting their pray so they could have a word (with their fists.)
Sitting at the couch facing the open kitchen they watched as their mother dotted over the British driver, stretching her hand for him to taste the food on the spoon before giving her a wide smile
"You three look like Scar." YN teased as she took a seat besides Charles
"Mon ange," Charles started as he rotated in his seat making him face to face with his sister "please, why didn't you tell us?"
"YN, Lando Norris, really?" Arthur whined as he looked at his younger sister, waiting for an explanation of hers.
"You three are really insufferable," YN stated as she looked at them with a devilish smirk "if you guys are wondering why i didn't tell you, it's just cause I know you three will be earing my ear off about our relationship and yes Arthur, Lando Norris, he makes me happy and he kisses me oh so-"
"LALALALALALAAA" Arthur screamed at the top of his lungs, making his sister laugh while their mother scolded them for the noise
"No, but really," YN took a sip of water "he is really nice to me, he treats me really well and he is so respectful-"
"Oh yeah, making out on live is oh so respectful of him" Lorenzo rolled his eyes then glared at the young boy in the kitchen, getting head pats from their mother like a golden retriever.
"Oh god, don't remind me man" Charles groaned as the image he tried so hard to erase came back much more vibrant and clearer, as if the presence of Lando just solidified it in his brain.
"Okay listen," YN huffed as she crossed her arms "if you don't like him then okay, fine, I will end it before it goes any further, but it was an honest mistake on both of out parts. We're not into that kind of thing."
"God, will you stop doing that!"
"Do you want to tramatise us?"
"Oh god, I did not need to know anything about this."
Hearing her brothers whine and groan from her teasing brings YN the greatest of joys. Was she planning on actually breaking things off for her brothers? Hell no, they're not little princesses they can keep their emotions in check.
"Mon ange, are you really sure that you like him?"
"Yes!" YN insisted as she looked at him like he grew 2 heads "will you just please get to know him?"
Sighing Charles bit his tongue, not wanting to actually upset his sister with what he really wanted to say.
"Okay mon ange, I'll talk to him and I'll make sure everything is normal," Charles got up to make his way to his mother who was now in a matching apron with Lando as he listened to her every word, basking up the praises and head pats given to him "just please, if he hurts you or if you feel like you aren't his top priority don't stick around okay. You are worth so much more than a race driver."
"Aren't you one?"
With that, Charles left his siblings heading off to his mother with a pout as he spotted her patting the Brit's cheek with a full smile
"God, he's so whipped for her." Arthur told his brother, shaking his head.
"Yeah well, I told him it'd bite him in the ass someday."
"Hey! I'm not that bad!"
"YN," Lorenzo looked at her with a blank expression "you take full advantage of it and you know it."
It had been an hour and now the family of five and their guest are sitting at the dinner table, having their first bite of the homemade dinner.
"Oh, this tastes phenomenal Mrs Leclerc. I hadn't had that in a while"
"Oh dear, I'm so glad you like it!" Pascale cooed over the young boy, getting up to place more for him on his plate "YN told me it's one of your favourites."
"Thank you so much darling." Lando smiled at YN, feeling more at ease with the glares sent his way as Pascale Leclerc glared right back at her sons.
"Mum," Lorenzo started as he looked at the food in distaste "I don't eat that, you know."
"Well," the mother smiled at her son sarcastically, making sure to get her point across "if you don't like it, then don't eat."
"Oh, c'est brutal maman." Arthur murmured under his breath, looking at his oldest sibling in pity
("Oh, that's brutal mum")
"I said no French!" Pascale warned her youngest son before turning to her now favorite son "tell me Lando, do you like Vanilla cakes?"
"Not really no, but YN told me it's your favorite so I bought it from what I also believe to be your favorite dessert shop."
"Oh dear, you really are my favorite," four voices of a 'mum!' yelled in the dinning room which did not take any of Pascale's attention away from the British young man "you're going to make me swoon."
"Oh my god," YN whispered to her brothers "we lost her."
"Yeah well," Lorenzo grumbled at his sister "he is your boyfriend"
"I lost my mum to my boyfriend."
"Oh, he went out of his way to go to her favourite shop," Arthur stated "she's not letting him go anywhere."
"I think you lost both of them mon ange."
{Taglist: @idaesrhy @masonspulisic}
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percyluvr · 8 months
percy jackson x aphrodite cabin counselor!reader summary: valentine's day at chb brings you and your best friend closer than ever wc: 1.4k
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Today was your favorite day at Camp Half-Blood, Valentine's Day. Maybe it was cliché considering you were an Aphrodite kid, but there was just something about Valentine's Day that was addicting to you. Maybe it was the weeks leading up to it that you played matchmaker even more than you normally did as counselor of the Aphrodite cabin, or maybe it was the cute and overpriced chocolate that the Stoll brothers smuggled into camp for the annual Valentine's party.
However, one thing was for sure: it was not because you had a valentine or were in love. Well, you were in love but still had no valentine which came as a huge surprise to all of your siblings, but even more so your friends at camp. 
Since you were 14 and made cabin counselor, you always had a date to your own Valentine's party. This year was different though, you'd realized your crush on your best friend at the Christmas party and knew then that you couldn't break another person's heart by taking them as your date to the Valentine's party and then dumping them the next day. After you completed the 'rite of passage' as an Aphrodite kid, you decided that you didn't have it in you to break anyone else's heart, so whoever you dated next had to be it for you. 
Today you'd woken up nearly on cloud nine. You'd gone about your routine as normal and then got to work assigning tasks for your siblings to set up the party. While everyone at Camp Half-Blood was invited to the party, you still liked to make invites, because really, why have a party if you can't make cute pink invites for everyone?
Usually, parties like this for 'minor' holidays wouldn't be allowed at Camp Half-Blood, but Mr. D and Chiron, mostly Chiron, made an exception because of how much it meant to the Aphrodite cabin. Mr. D only let you host it because you somehow convinced the Olympians to let his wife come down to accompany him to the party. 
Now, after assigning your siblings to their task, handing out invites, and making sure the party was ready, you were sitting at your vanity, redoing your makeup and hair, while your best friend, Percy, laid on your bed and juggled your stuffed animals, which you usually would have found weird or annoying, but now you couldn't help but notice just how beautiful he was. His black hair always sat messily atop his head, nearly never fully dry because he couldn't keep himself from jumping into the water whenever he felt like it. Before last year, you would've fixed his hair and chastised him for jumping into the lake because it made his hair all weird, but you just admired it now. 
Not wanting to get caught staring, you turned back to your mirror, not noticing the way Percy stared at you with hearts in his eyes in the back.
"You look so cute," he said mindlessly, his brain immediately yelling at his mouth for always saying things he meant to keep to himself.
"What'd you say?" You ask, mad at yourself for not hearing him and hanging onto his every word.
Percy had never felt relief like that in his life.
"Nothing, I just said you look like a fruit," he said, mentally facepalming. "You look like a fruit," what the hell is my problem?
"That doesn't even make sense, but okay," you say, rolling your eyes. 
"Sure it does, if your mind is as awesome as mine."
If your eyes could roll to the back of your head and stay there, yours might as well have already because of how many times you roll your eyes around this boy, but never out of real annoyance. How can someone who would typically be so annoying with his stupid jokes be so cute.
"No," you say to yourself. If I keep thinking like this, I'm just going to mess up our friendship.
Little did you know, the boy you were thinking about was thinking about you in the exact same way.
"Hey, when are you going to be done? The party is in like 10 minutes."
"Yes, Percy, I know, it's not like I'm hosting the party or anything," you say, feigning annoyance. "You can go on your own if I'm taking up too much of your 'precious time', y'know," you say, hoping but deep down knowing that he wouldn't go without you.
"Oh come on, you know damn well I would never go to a party without you, especially a party you're hosting, we're best friends," he says, immediately regretting the last words he said as soon as he heard himself say them.
Friends. That's all you are to him.
"Right, what am I thinking?" He hears you 'laugh', and if Percy Jackson knows anything about anything, he knows that is not a real laugh, but he doesn't know what to say to make it better. 
"Well, I'm done now, I just need to put on my dress, just stay here," you state, sauntering off into the walk in closet. You choose your cutest red dress to pair with your darling white cowboy boots, but can't manage to tie the straps into bows yourself, so you decide to ask Percy for help.
"Hey, can you come in here? I need your help tying this!"
Percy blushes, but walks in nonetheless, and is immediately astonished at the amount of clothes in just your closet alone.
The sight of your bare shoulder and small manicured hands holding up your dress was enough for him to combust on the spot, but he held himself together. 
The sight of the dark red tint on his cheeks brought a cheeky smile to your face, knowing that your plan was set in motion.
His fingers shakily grabbed the ribbons on the dress and tied a bow on each shoulder, but not without him accidentally touching your shoulders with the pads of his fingers. 
His touch could've lit you on fire, even though he was a son of Poseidon, not Hephaestus. Even the tiniest touch was absolutely intoxicating.
You turned around and grabbed Percy's hand. If touching your shoulders was just the first step of becoming addicted to you, he was fully ready to do anything for you now.
It's not like you two never touched each other, but it was never quite like this. Not when you both had a sneaky feeling that the other felt the same way that you did.
Even when you got to the party, you stayed near each other. When you went up to the front of the party and went over your yearly Valentine’s spiel, he was at your side. When you went to get some of the definitely not spiked punch, he was at your side. 
When the slow dance songs came on, he gently grabbed and moved your hand from his to his shoulder.
The way you looked into each other's eyes could in itself be a public display of affection. The pure love in your eyes for each other shut all of your admirers down without you even having to say anything. Your faces slowly got closer to each other, still staring into each other's eyes.
"Are we about to kiss right now?" he asked, mostly as a joke, but a small part of him still had hope.
What he didn't expect was for you to softly, with your honey-like voice, "I don't know about you, but I definitely hope so."
With your consent, he felt like his lifelong wish was coming true, and he immediately pushed his slightly chapped lips onto yours. 
The feeling of finally getting to kiss each other was like the best thing in the world but 500x better. He tasted vaguely like a weird but good combination of saltwater and cookies. 
The longer you kissed, the more passionate it got, and this was definitely pda now. His sharp teeth gently bit down on your bottom lip, causing your mouth to open, allowing his tongue in. You'd never felt something so perfect in your life.
When the two of you finally split, it felt like when you were a little kid and your parents took away your toys.
"Not sure about you, sugar, but that was singlehandedly the best kiss I've had in my life," he said with a smile.
a/n: book!percy my beloved also happy valentine's day to everyone reading this! <3
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thebibliosphere · 3 months
Wait, is Jason in Gotham Knights body horror? Because it doesn't feel like his body even tho he's controlling it? (He died, he came back, it's not the same and never will be)
Or is it more analogous to puberty and feeling like you don't know anything about your body anymore?
Just having thoughts about that boy again
I think Jason in Gotham Knights is very much connected with his physical body. It's his biggest weapon, possibly more so than his guns, given his lasting connection to the Lazarus Pit and the power it gives him.
His backstory talks about building himself up to peak physical condition into the absolute unit he is now, and you can either see that as someone trying to reconnect with their physical self or someone vowing never to be small or weak again.
I tend to think of it as both. It's a reclamation of his physical form but also a transformation into something bigger and stronger that ensures he's the scariest, meanest-looking mother fucker in the room. Basically someone you can't underestimate as a threat.
(Try not to think too hard about the fact that he now largely resembles Bruce in stature, that he is now the group's heavy hitter, the most menacing and the most likely to strike fear into the heart of his opponents, and that Jason molded himself into the person he needed to be rescued by as a child. Don't do it. Do not. I am normal about this.)
But he obviously struggles with feeling present mentally sometimes.
You'll see him zoning out occasionally, touching the J-shaped scar on his face before violently shaking himself back into the present.
He has panic attacks while playing a dance video game with a coffin in it—a coffin his character becomes trapped in because he's not moving fast enough. (hello, trauma)
He's angry all the time and so relieved when Barbra expresses her own rage at something because, yes, finally, someone else is letting their emotions out instead of bottling it up (Dick).
His emails are littered with orders for self-help books, emails from his therapist moving his sessions around, and concerned messages from his friends (Roy comes to mind) saying if he needs to get out of Gotham, they'll make it happen.
Alfred holding him while he sobs over losing Bruce still breaks me every time. I have to pause the game and walk around my house until I feel normal again.
And then there's the cut scene where Dick asks, "Hey, remember that time we all [insert funny thing here]," and Jason admits, somewhat angrily, that no, he doesn't because Lazarus took entire swaths of memories from him and he hates how he can't connect with people the way he used to and he hates the way they all look at him (the way Dick is looking at him now) when he admits he doesn't remember something they clearly loved about the old him: the version of him who didn't have volatile mood swings or made people flinch when he did something as mundane as handle a kitchen knife -- the undead monster he came back as*.
The fact that Dick then contrives to recreate this memory so Jason can be included in a newer version of it -- while also giving him what is arguably a weapon -- fucks me up every time. Dick just yeets a kitchen knife at him, trusting that Jason will catch it, and then just steamrolls over Jason's rightful 'what the fuck' expression with "Hey, we're making food. Get dicing."
And Jason knows what they're all doing. He's aware of it, and he gets the teeniest, tiniest smile before smothering it out. Except he can't quite. He's still smiling as he chops the vegetables. And yes, they're all hopeless at cooking compared to him, and he knows he's going to end up taking over, but that's okay. Because this is for him. He gets to control it.
And that's how Jason gets to make a new memory, one where he is handed a weapon and gets to turn it into a genuine expression of nurturing and care.
Because he does care about them. He wouldn't conspire with Dick to bake Barbara's favorite childhood cookies if he didn't. He wouldn't try so hard to be gentle with Tim triggering the shit out of him while he's struggling with his grief. He just doesn't always know how to express it because he doesn't always know what he's feeling.
Is his anger valid? Or is this Lazarus Pit Rage? Is he being overly sensitive because of his trauma, or is everyone else underreacting because of their trauma? (Should he sign them all up for therapy, quite probably, yes.)
So, you could perhaps argue that Jason experiences body horror in the sense that he doesn't remember all the pieces of who he used to be. (Speaking as someone with severe memory loss from medical trauma, it's certainly a type of horror.) But I don't think it's because he's detached from it physically or doesn't feel in control of his body. I think it's his mind that worries him.
His body he can control. It's his mind that still sparks green sometimes.
*Re the scene with Tim when Tim calls the Talons monsters. "What about me? Do you think I'm a monster?"
No, they don't.
But Jason does. And it scares him shitless.
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phas3d · 2 months
Slytherin boys as gamer bfs and what games they would play with their significant other?
Gamers >:) | Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: cock fighting, animal cruelty, gambling, threats (these are all for fucking tom bc ofc it is...) - suicide joke (mattheo)
contains :: draco, tom. mattheo, theodore, lorenzo
notes :: im ngl idk half of these games in depth - i just heard and seen the sterotypes of these games - fps = first person shooter, dbh = detroit become human, abg = asian baby girl, bow = breathe of the wild ||
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DRACO MALFOY sims 4 / roblox
This man sucks ass at gaming, he literally can't do it
His aim is shit, he screams when he's in a fight, and he rage quits the second he loses
So he has to stick to girly games
He has so many mods and cc for sims that it's insane
His pc runs like it's on life support because of this, pls save that poor computer
And he likes playing roblox too sometimes
But he doesn't even play the normal games
Bro plays Dress To Impress and Maple Hospital...
Like what the fuck are you doing there??? Go on BloxFruits or smth man
What's even worse is he eats EVERYONEEE up in Dress to Impress, he literally always top 3
And when he isn't top 3, he curses and swears but it doesn't go through cause tags
He literally cannot do obbys either oh my fucking god
You know that one meme of Sadness from Inside Out dropping her popcorn and someone quote-tweets it saying, "Damn she can't do anything"
That's exactly who Draco is when it comes to gaming
TOM RIDDLE dark web gambling / elden ring
Oh my fucking God this guy can't have a normal hobby ever
He doesn't game at all,,, literally just gambling bruh
He hosts illegal gambling rings online and even host some in the school basement
One time he even hosted an illegal cock ring fight...
Yes,,, he stole the chickens from Hagrid and made them fight....
He even used magic to give them powers like pokemon....
He made a fucking WATER chicken and FIRE chicken fight
Thank god he didn't actually let them kill each other, he just did it until one was near death
But back to gambling - he also manipulates people in so many ways
He casts a spell that silently chants "go all in, go all in" so it subconsciously makes people bet more
Bro even gets some students in DEBT!?!?! Like how tf did you do that and WHYYY would you do that
If someone doesn't come down to the basement in a while to gamble,,, then Tom will fix that
Besides illegal gamlbing...
He plays Elden Ring, which is pretty normal
Besides the fact that he BEAT THAT SHIT IN LIKE 2 DAYS?!!??!!?
Normally streamers, pro gamers, they all take weeks and sometimes even months just to make progress
But Tom is just,,, just better ig?
So yeah... He sticks to gambling cause every other game is just too easy for him
MATTHEO RIDDLE gta V / fortnite / rocket league / nba 2k24
God this guy is the worst sterotypical middle school boy ever
He even had the ugly ass big blue headset with the shit mic on it
Plays GTA V every now and then, only when he's angry
That's when he goes around town and just beats the shit out of everyone
Likes playing Fortnite for hours on end with his friends, mostly Theo and Lorenzo cause they can actually keep up with him (Draco is ass at FPS and
Plays rocket league and NBA 2k24 because of fucking course he does - look at him....
He's just a boy....
A really toxic one.....
Definitely screams "KILL YOURSELFFFFF!!!!!!" if he loses and honestly he's kinda real for that
THEODORE NOTT god of war / detroit become human
Loves games that have a long story
It's a good mix of story and fighting, he can't really get into pure FPS games
Have done most routes in DBH and even found easter eggs and hacks
Tries to get you into the lore as well but sometimes it goes so deep you get confused
"NO!!! Connor in route 8 is actually a pretty neutral guy and he's-"
Like bro what??? Why do you know everything about this "Connor" guy??? smh
He dabbles in some FPS sometimes, like playing Fortnite with Matt and Enzo
And he actually REALLY good
Has great aim and precision
But he just can't get into it for some reason, it's not his type
LORENZO BERKSHIRE valorant / zelda breath of the wild
I feel like Enzo playing Valorant makes so so sooo much sense
He's not AS toxic as the other guys, but he's still weird and fuck-boy-ish in his own way
Definitely plays with e-girls and tries to bag an ABG
But he gets catfished....
He's pretty good at Valorant, surprisingly
His mic stays on for every single game... Even if no one else is talking
This man will talk to a fucking wall and still be yapping
"Okay guys way I need to pee" ...
There's only bots in his server.........
He also loves RPG games and stuff like that
So BOW is perfect for him to shut off his mind and just roam and do useless tasks
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kalims · 2 years
you say I love you as a goodbye accidentally | all
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"okay," you smile at no one in particular, though you've got a feeling the other person on the line can feel your smile. "thanks. I love you, bye," without a single thought behind your head you hang up and emit a dreamy sigh.
your smile drops as your face shifts into panic.
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completely spaces out, lowkey having a crisis. did you mean it or no? part of him wishes you were because his heart is just gonna start combusting either way. everyone is concerned why he's been staring into thin air for the past two minutes tightly gripping his phone like it's his life support. he looks like he's in a dilemma and two seconds away from suffocation because of how long his breath seems to have been caught away.
can't stop thinking about it and seems more silent when in person with you. *ascends to heaven*
riddle, deuce, azul, jamil, silver.
is very.. verbal about it. is either bragging to everyone who really does not want to listen to his constant nagging or proclaiming, as in busting everyone's eardrums off with his shrill screams of excitement. if he could he would practically be characterized by someone jumping around the room in a fit of joy and adrenaline. he just has to do something to tame the literal mile his heart is running.
is way more affectionate with you than normal which you don't know if you should be concerned with or happy.
cater, floyd, kalim, epel, rook (sometimes.)
on the more calming side. but can't help but crack a smile at your words, partially aware that it was out of habit but it didn't exactly stop the myriad of crisis you just sent his mind to. though he looks completely fine on the outside he's just teensy, tiny bit freaking out on the inside. don't worry, all you need to know that he is very pleased about it.
starts to tell you 'I love you too' by the end of your calls, making everyone assume you're dating but it's more like a married couple than a normal.
trey, jade, vil, lilia.
is just a big fat tsudere that can't seem to look you in the eye properly when you both meet in real life. you have no idea what he's thinking but what you do know is the words you accidentally blurted last night so.. basically two idiots who are thinking the same thing but refuse to talk due to the embarrassment. would talk about it if the other initiates first though..
wants to talk about it but also doesn't wanna talk about it?
deuce, epel, sebek, jack, idia.
NEVER LETS YOU FORGET ABOUT IT. having dinner? oh would you look at that, that's before you told him the words. raining? it was raining during that time too. do you just want to rest? too bad, because his face is twisting to that smug look and you know full well what's coming out of his mouth next. he's always teasing you about it.
thinks what you said was a joke but doesn't really mind if it is. an 'I love yous' an I love you and he will keep reminding you that :) playfully but uses it against you :'( *descends to hell*
ace, leona, ruggie, lilia.
immediately brightens up and flashes everyone with his sunshine because he's so happy. his familiar love for you just grows a thousand times bigger than before and he finds himself doing what you ask without any complaints. he just wants to help you <3 cause he just kinda considers you as a family figure now..
leaves idia in the dust lowkey haha.. he still loves him tho
ortho (platonic)
grins and looks immensely pleased. his giggles are a little ominous but even you can discern the clear happiness in them. it was so subtle that you didn't even notice him straying closer than usual.
can't seem to leave you alone now.
rook, jade, floyd.
uhm.. hello? child of man? lilia told him that this.. electronic box would make him hear your voice even through the portal of diasomnia but he can't seem to hear anything, nor see anything but a black screen. strange. is it broken? (yes malleus, you broke it because you were too excited to talk to the prefect.)
did not know but probably would have died if he ever heard it and immediately propose to you and stage a ceremony.
note. why did I forget about some characters until the last moment lolll. I am out of ideas fr HAHA. perhaps this is the end of the posting streak?
not proofread
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akutasoda · 7 months
Yay! Requests are open!
Can I please request BSD men with an eerie fem! s/o? Not gn.
Like, breathing is always very light, footsteps are silent and even the sounds of her internal organs (heartbeat, blood flowing through her veins) is very faint, she's always smiling and is almost mechanical in her movements and actions. She's her most genuine when giving them affection, is a very pleasant and sweet person but there's just something....off..about her. Like a subconscious feeling they can't quite place but ignore because they love her.
-Sincerely, 💋
mechanical affection
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synopsis - how are they when they s/o is eerie and rather ominous
includes - dazai, ranpo, fyodor, jouno
warnings - fem!reader (no pronouns mentioned however), fluff, wc - 900
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osamu dazai ★↷
↪dazai had met his fair sharre of 'creepy' people throughout his youth, but none of them ever actually scared him or made him slightly uncomfortable. you were the first.
↪what scared him the most was how mechanical you seemed. your actions and expressions seemed too robotic to be your genuine feelings and movements. no part of it seemed biological.
↪he cared little for how quiet your heartbeat and such was. he normally couldn't hear people's heartbeats and he could control his own so that probably was the least eerie part about you.
↪ however the lack of sound when you moved or breathed did put him on edge to begin with. it was too silent for him to let his guard down but when he got used to your presence - and your more sweeter side - he didn't mind too much.
↪ speaking of sweeter side, it did surprise him at first but he loved it. a weird sort of happiness surged through him when you gave him genuine affection for two reasons. one, the fact that only he recieved this sid eof you and two, he'd never recieved this level of affection before and getting it from you? it became a great comfort.
↪if the mafia raught him anything, it was that he should always be on guard around suspicious people. whenever you were around he couldn't help but want to apply that to you.
↪a constant nagging voice telling him to run or be careful was around when you were near. but maybe this one time he'd ignore it.
ranpo edogawa ★↷
↪the world's greatest detective was known for solving cases and everything to do with his work. a part of that would make him great at reading people and so he barely feared anyone. but when it came down to you and the nagging fear you implanted in the back of his head, he felt helpless.
↪your presence made him uncomfortable to be simple. it was a nagging put of dread that he couldn't get rid of because he couldn't read you. your silence to eerie for him to be comfortable anyway. he sometimes compared you to a ghost or some sort of spectre because of this.
↪he also hated the fact that you acted so unnatural and mechanical. everything about you from your expressions to your movements was so eerie. but weirdly enough he became accustomed to it.
↪he started veiwing it as a challenge. he became motivated to be able to finally understand you and rid himself of thsi dread you installed in him. and a good starting place was when you showed him genuine affection.
↪yes it did catch him off guard, but he quickly became accustomed to a more genuine and affectionate you behind closed doors. you became not so eerie and instead rather sweet. he still didn't fail to notice the fight or flight in his brain around you still.
fyodor dostoevsky ★↷
↪it took a vey long time for fyodor to come to trust you even a tiny bit. it would be the first time somebody's presence would cause him to be on edge, to think something was wrong and that made him distance himself from you.
↪but eventually that fear turned into a weird, sort of morbid curiosity. why did you cause him to fear you? was it the mechanical actions you would show. or was it how every part of you was eerie and too irregular.
↪fyodor only liked people he could read. they were predictable per say, easy to understand and therefore caused him no threat but from time to time some people could change that. your seemingly mechanical actions made you impossible to read and he wanted to know why.
↪he became even more curious when he gave him genuine care. your once eerie aura seemingly melted away as you showed him a sweeter side that he weirdly loved. but even when you showed affection that nagging fear still lurked.
saigiku jouno ★↷
↪ it's safe to say he barely knew you existed to begin with. he couldn't hear your heartbeat and such unless he really focused on the faint sound - leasing to him sometimes having the uncomfortable feeling someone was with him if you were around.
↪he hates it really, he can't hear your breathing or footsteps either so he truly has no idea where you could be at any given time. it really threw him off guard as it made him feel vulnerable around you.
↪he had heard from others how they'd complain about how mechanical you looked and some twisted part of him found some joy in knowing how some people feared you for this. sometimes he'd actually wish he could see it.
↪ however he did still indulge himself in your more sweeter side - the side he felt pride in knowing only he recieved. your genuine kindness did throw him a bit at first but he accustomed to it and enjoyed it.
↪he even ignored the constant nagging pit of dread in the back of his mind telling him to run, to fight, to get away from you just so he could indulge himself in your kindness.
↪the only time he could ever hear your heartbeat was when you two were hugging. and so this made the action treasured and all the more endearing for him.
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love-belle · 1 year
paper rings !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which she would say yes, even with paper rings.
for when you're certain that they're your person. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au irl // lewis hamilton x fem!reader
warnings - language
author's note - one of the cutest things i have ever written, loved this request!! i hope you like it, i love you, thank you for reading <3
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by lewishamilton, yourbestfriend, lilymhe and 729,926 others
yourusername best believe i'm still bejeweled
username just one chance pls 🙏
username im so norma abt her hahahaha!! SO normal abt losing my wife to a man that goes vroom vroom in circles!!
lewishamilton the most beautiful ❤️
-> yourusername thank u baby ❤️
lewishamilton can't believe how lucky i am
-> yourusername that's all me
-> username i NEED what these bitches have
username she's not wearing her engagement ring question mark
lilymhe girlfriend 💌
-> yourusername girlfriend 💌
username the ring ⁉️⁉️⁉️
username she ate so hard they named the restaurant after her
username she's not wearing her ring ://
≡;- ꒰ °real life ꒱
"hey, baby."
"hey," lewis mumbled, not sparing y/n a single glance as he continued to watch a random episode of modern family.
"how was your night?" y/n continued to make conversation with him, removing her high heels and discarding her handbag. she walked towards where he was at and kissed the top of his head before petting roscoe a few times. "sorry, there was traffic and then i had to drop aaliyah at her boyfriend's place cause she got too drunk to drive."
"'s okay," was all lewis said, making y/n frown as she turned back to look at him. he was still watching the tv, his head thrown back against the back of the couch with roscoe next to him.
"uh — i'll be right back, i need to change," y/n spoke, her confusion only growing as her fiancé gave no reply, not even a slight hum as an indication that he had heard her.
moving towards their bedroom, y/n could feel herself grow more confused, thinking of all of the possible reasons as to why lewis would be so short and distant with her.
maybe he was just having a bad day? maybe he was just tired? was he sick? did i do something? another rumour of me hooking up with my best friend? he found out i broke his favourite vase?
her mind swarming with plausible to way-too-ridiculous reasons, she didn't even notice her changing her own clothes until she was left staring at the heap that was her dress by her feet. picking it up and throwing it on the bed, she made her way towards the living room, hoping that maybe she just imagined it. that it was just ber overthinking mind that over analysed a situation.
"hey," y/n spoke again, walking around to the couch to the front of it. sensing that she wanted to sit here, roscoe stood up and moved a bit, just enough so that y/n could scoot in and then laid back, this time on her. "hey," lewis replied, his eyes flickering to her before he focused again on the show in front of him.
okay so, maybe she didn't imagine it.
"what are we watching?" y/n questioned, scratching behind roscoe's ears, desperate to make a conversation with him, seeing him for the first time since this afternoon.
"modern family," lewis sighed exasperated and as much as y/n hated to admit it, it made her feel like he didn't want her there at the moment. sure, he may have had his reasons but it didn't feel exactly good, noticing that her fiancé didn't wanna be around her at the moment.
as long as she's been with lewis, almost seven years, they've always communicated with each other. from the smallest of things like when y/n told lewis that she hated his choice of carpet for their living room to the biggest and the most important stuff like when lewis talked to y/n about wanting to wait until after they were married to have kids.
and the best thing about this was the other always understood. lewis understood that yeah, bright pink did clash with the warm and pastel tones of their home and y/n did understand that waiting until they were fully settled down was the best option.
and now, watching him not talk to her when there was obviously something bothering him was a bit confusing but still, she knew it was best to give him some space.
"uh — i'll be in the bedroom," y/n spoke, her voice just barely above a whisper and she knew he heard her because of the way his face changed and the way he turned to look at her with the slightest bit of confusion showing in his eyes. "it's been a long night and i just really want to sleep."
"okay," lewis whispered back and gave her a small smile, the most reaction she'd been able to get out of him since she came home.
"good night," y/n stood up, kissing roscoe's on the head before she turned toward lewis, who was watching his with an unreasonable look on his face. "good night, baby, i love you."
she barely heard an 'i love you' back before she was walking away from the couch and towards their bedroom. closing the door behind her, she picked up her dress from the bed and placed it on the chair by the dressing table, making a mental note to take it to the dry cleaners. after looking at herself one more time in the mirror and removing whatever was left of her makeup, she was in bed, covers drawn up to her chest.
y/n didn't know how long she laid there for, moving in and out of sleep. her mind was still stuck on lewis like a broken record, wondering what had happened while she was out. in the midst of her analysis, she didn't hear the footsteps approach the door until the person was right in front of it and the handle twisted and y/n quickly closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep just so he wouldn't question her about what she was doing.
the door opened and closed and the soft patter of footsteps could be heard.
there was silence for a full minute before lewis got in next to her, the sheet rustling. for the first five minutes, he stayed on his own side and y/n had to resist the urge to pull him closer to her, finding it hard to sleep when he was not holding her. then, he turned towards her and y/n had a feeling he was starting at her, finding it harder and harder to not let her expression change. she could feel movement next to her and ruled it out as lewis getting comfortable until a hand moved to lay across her abdomen and pulled her closer.
she heard lewis inhale deeply, his head moving to lay in the crook of her neck. she could feel his warm breath on the exposed part of her collarbone, feeling the goosebumps rise on her skin. she shifted against him, her hand moving to hold him closer.
they stayed like that for what felt like mere minutes, their breathing the only sound in the room along with the ticking of the clock with each passing second. y/n figured lewis fell asleep, with how even his breathing was and she was about to move to get a bit more comfortable when he spoke.
"i'm sorry," his voice was quiet in the room, his thumb tracing circles on her stomach where her tank top had risen up slightly. "for ignoring you, kind of and being distant. i know you don't like it."
"it's okay, lew. i just want you to be able to talk to me, whenever you feel like," y/n assured him, kissing the top of his head.
"it's a stupid thing, really," lewis chuckled half heartedly, his body vibrating against hers. "don't even worry about it."
"i always worry about it when it comes to you, you know that," y/n reminded him, making him look at her. "and it's not stupid if it bothers you. what is it, love?"
"it's just that — " lewis stopped before he could continue, taking a deep breath before speaking again. "you weren't wearing your engagement ring, when you were out with your friends and then that post you posted on your instagram, people took notice of that and they were all like 'why isn't she wearing her ring' and 'did they break up' and there were some hate comments too. i reported them, by the way. and then, i don't know, i just kinda got into too much overthinking and just made myself upset over nothing and i ignored you and you went back when it was so clear you just wanted to talk to me and i feel — "
he was interrupted by a kiss.
y/n kissed in the middle of his rambling, pulling him closer with the front of his t-shirt while one of her hands rested on his cheek. a surprised noise left lewis' mouth before he melted into the kiss, tilting his head so that he could deepen the kiss.
y/n pulled away, making lewis chase her lips once again and she gave him another soft kiss before pulling back fully and looking at him with a soft smile.
"do you not like the ring?" was the first thing that came out of his mouth, making y/n furrow her eyebrows.
"do you not like the ring?" lewis repeated himself, sitting up slightly. "because if so, i can get you another one and this time you can come with me. i chose that one all by myself and i wasn't even really sure about it being 'you' because your style literally changes every week and i can totally understand if you don't like it like — that's totally valid and i'm sure — "
"oh, my god," y/n sat up straight, folding legs under her as she looked at her fiancé. "you think i don't like the ring?"
"... yeah."
"lewis," y/n dragged out the 's', standing up from the bed and rapidly moving towards her dresser, opening a small box and pulling out her ring, her engagement ring. "this the most beautiful ring i have ever seen in my life."
and it was, really. it had intricate patterns throughout the band, with a giant diamond sitting in the middle with several diamonds surrounding it. and what made it even more special was the fact that lewis had his initials, along with hers engraved on the inside of the ring. that's what made y/n fall in love with it.
"really?" lewis asked hopefully from the bed, watching her make her towards his side of the bed. she sat down next to him and took his hand in hers, the ring still clutched in her free hand.
"but that ring is not the reason i said yes, you know that, right? like, you could ask me to marry you with a ring made out of tissue paper and foil and i would still end up saying yes," y/n whispered, leaning in closer and placing a soft kiss on his lips before she gave him the ring and put out her hand for him to slide it on. "as long as it's you asking me that damn question."
lewis chuckled, sliding on the ring onto her ring finger and kissing it. he looked at her, the smile being so genuine that it shone in his eyes and y/n could see him being in love and she knew she was no different from him.
"marry me, will you?" lewis asked again, in the empty room with no one, no shining lights, no crowd standing there applauding, no extravagant arrangement of flowers, just them, a total contrast to when he had first asked the question. even though the answer was already yes, he couldn't help but ask. just so he could hear it one more time.
"only because you asked so nicely," y/n teased him, making lewis chuckle before he leaned in, closing the gap between them.
no shining lights, no crowd standing there applauding, no extravagant arrangement of flowers, just them.
yet, somehow, this managed to be even more special than that one.
≡;- ꒰ °real life ꒱
y/n wasn't there when lewis woke up, just a post it note, along with a small box on her side of the bed saying that she was called to her office a bit early and wouldn't be home until late afternoon.
lewis smiled as he looked at the numerous hearts drawn on the note. he kept the note aside, mentally noting that he would have to add it to his collection of notes he had received from y/n throughout the course of their relationship. he took the box and opened it, his face scrunched up in confusion before he smiled, a laugh leaving him as he took out the contents of the box.
it was a paper ring.
the most simple thing yet he knew he would choose this over a million something diamond ring. a small heart on the top with the ridges along the band, it was perfect.
there was another note attached to it, just one simple line and it had lewis smiling for the rest of the day
'i like shiny things but i'd marry u with paper rings ♡'
yeah, he made the right choice marrying her.
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, lilymhe and 862,926 others
yourusername i like shiny things but i'd marry you with paper rings 💌
tagged lewishamilton
username brb crying.
lilymhe gf are u cheating on me ://
-> yourusername NEVER baby he's just a side piece
-> lewishamilton ...
username i see how kind god has been to others 💔💔
username no bc they're so in love i could throw up
charles_leclerc is that why he's been blasting that damn song the whole day
-> lewishamilton it's a great song ❤️
-> yourusername yes it is ❤️
lewishamilton uh huh that's right darling ❤️
-> yourusername you're the one i want ❤️
lewishamilton loved the ring so much 💍 i love you
-> yourusername im so glad <3 i love you sm
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faeryarchives · 8 months
i'm not jealous !! (savanaclaw x gn!reader)
requested by anon: Heyy, saw the req is open again 👀 Can i req headcanons of savannaclaw with gn s/o where s/o gives all of their attention to another person rather than their own boyfriend (accidentally or not on purpose, maybe 'cause that person needs something important and s/o helps them). Thanks 💓 note: this is very overdue 😭 recent fics: savanaclaw with a furina-like female reader & octavinelle with a fischl like female reader! & you feel like home & let me kiss you
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* ˚ ✦ leona kingscholar
"you're leaving already?" "mmm! since the vdc is coming up, vil asked me to help in managing the team. i will try to make it up to you okay, leo?" "hmp, suit yourself."
leona is not a clingy type of guy but he for sure wants to have most of his time either sleeping or being with you (yes he is clingy)
he is too used to the fact that you would find your way to bother him everyday + it feels empty without you by his side
so when you start to hang out more around the vdc group instead of him- this man will be very very petty 😭
not because you were busy no leona knows how much you want to help other people but what takes the cake is the fact that you started cancelling out your plans
"i'm sorry love, can we take a rain check? things are kinda hectic here right now" "... oh my god, are we supposed to go out today? sorry leo, i promise i will make it up to you."
the moment you try to make it up, he will tun the other way, his tail aggressively thumping on the floor while leona will look you dead in the eyes menacingly
"finally have some time for me now?" "leo-" *cue his tail thrashing*
at first he will try to look unmoved by your apologies and the only thing you can do is talk to his tail
he finally give in after receiving home made food with meat and being his pillow for a while but never do that again 🤬🤬🤬
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* ˚ ✦ ruggie bucchi
i dare to say he is the most vocal out of the three
because what do you mean you can't come to your date because something about someone happened 🤬 that is not your responsibility young one 🫵
ruggie won't move if something will not benefit him but with you involved this hyena will run
"wow welcome back, did you have fun?" "uhuh, come here you hyena your face is not fooling anyone."
ruggie's approach would be in a teasing way
but it is a facade to not show his jealousy too much because you were supposed to spend your time together 😔and a guy like ruggie values his time especially with you
"why don't you spend time with them again?" "...ruggie, are you jealous?" "what like it's supposed to be a secret?"
while he is the most vocal one - he is the one who will also give you silent treatment when you start to cancel on your plans
you were supposed to do things together are you replacing him now!
"i'm not one to share what is mine. especially when it's you."
after wrapping things with your friend's problem - expect this hyena to be attached to you to the bone and give him some donuts when you are at it
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* ˚ ✦ jack howl
this man will be dejected for the entire time to the point that people are pointing out how his ears droop
unlike the other two, jack would try to convince himself that it's normal for you to pay attention to other things
at first jack would try to help you out because you are also friends after all but unfortunately it's not the field he can offer his help so all he can do is to reassure you that he's fine
"jack are you sure?" "it's alright. they need your help right?"
but to be honest he needs your help too 😭 he already reassured you right? but why does he feel so jealous whenever you come back to hang out only to talk about your friend whom you had helped out
"jack, you look a little sick - are you okay?" "well... it's because you keep talking and spending more time with them." "huh?" "why don't you just go hang out with them instead? i'm sure they'll keep you better company, right?"
after that - as much as jack doesn't want to avoid you, he just can't help it + he can't look at you in the eye after suddenly blaming you
technically both of you are at fault but shouldn't your relationship be built on trust
when you finally confront him, all your problems are clarified and just lack communication with each other
it may take some time for jack to fully acknowledge that feeling and become more open about it but one thing that he knows for sure that he trusts you
"i'm sorry for saying such things that day."
"you're so cute, you know that? don't worry jack, i love being with you."
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