#love hate oikawa
skeletalradiohead · 5 months
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this is the only character ever just so you know
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realcube · 2 months
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leader of the sassy man apocalypse.
biggest tone checker. "say that again, but nicely."
when you tell him a story that involves any other man, he'll interupt immediately and say smth like "oh, so your boyfriend" or "and what position were you guys in?"
pretends like he doesn't care at first when you're gossiping to him but soon he is thoroughly engaged. providing the most messy commentary and asking you to elaborate on all the details.
gets so peeved when you don't respond to his gm/gn texts. "fuck me then 😃" (jokingly ofc)
wears your fluffy headband/bonnet around the house to keep his hair out of his face and when you tease him for it, he claims you're just mad bc he looks better in it.
audibly prays for his life when you are in the driver's seat. spewing all sorts of shi about he's too young and good-looking to die 😩
OIKAWA, tsukishima, atsumu, YAKU, kenma, matsukawa, tendou, suna, shirabu
a saving grace during times of need.
a true gentleman: opens doors for you, buys you flowers, walks you home after dates, holds yours hand in busy areas, carries you if your feet are sore & kisses the back of your hands.
you will never carry shopping bags again in your life, even if they only have a couple of items inside. that's his job now.
as soon as an arguement escalates beyond playful teasing and you start to become visibly argry at him, he instantly hits you with the "yes, ma'am." or "you're right, darling."
when you give him your bag to hold (like a purse or a handbag), he takes it happily but is so awkward about it and will not wear it on his shoulder. he'll either hold it by the handles or cradle it in his arms like a baby.
prays and prays it rains or is cold so he can give you a jacket while on dates. and insists you keep it too, otherwise he will get a complex about it. why didn't you want it? do you think it's ugly? is it because you never plan on seeing him again? is it stinky?!
will feed you snacks while you're getting a manicure.
yamaguchi, DAICHI, ushijima, iwaizumi, osamu, aran, yamamoto, semi, ASAHI
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gojosbf · 2 months
it's oikawa day!!!!! everyone say happy birthday to my king
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waveoftheocean · 1 year
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06.10.23 happy birthday iwa-chan!! sorry for inflicting paperwork on you for your bday but at least you have oikawa to help (coughdistractcough) you 🥰
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broadwaybalogna · 2 months
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You cannot say that it isn’t fun to hate characters when there are thousands of people like this LMFAO:
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ariamisus · 2 years
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oik doodle page
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zuiz41 · 2 months
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Happy Birthday to Our Dearest Setter! <3
He's 30** this year, can y'all believe that?
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hannigramislife · 3 months
Whatever this personality type is???
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Keep it the fuck away from me. There is absolutely nothing more annoying than these motherfuckers' social interactions. Everything about how they present themselves to others aggravates me to my very soul. Even in the cases of Oikawa and Gojo, where they're actually very good people, and I like them as characters, they still make me want to claw my eyes out at times.
There is a trait they all share, and while I can't quite articulate it at this time, I can clearly see it. It's staring at me in the face. I see it every time they enter the screen.
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ladytrist · 4 months
It’s just now sinking in to me that perhaps the last time we get to have the same level of energy and thrill when a new season of Haikyuu comes out was during lockdown. I haven’t watched the new movie, I bet it’s great. But nothing will ever match the feeling you get when you know all the fans will finally come together again watching a new season of Haikyuu. Right now, it’s just not the same as before but I understand.
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poisonedpassionate · 2 months
Tooru Oikawa they could never make me hate you
“Oh but he tried to attack kageyama-“
He was an angry middle school kid don’t try and tell me you didn’t wanna fight at least one person in middle school everyone is a little bit deranged at that age
Also he became one of the coolest characters in Haikyuu it’s called ✨Character Development✨
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causenessus · 3 months
me after cold kisses: i never ever ever ever want to do so much research for a smau again
also me (for love notes <3): i must connect my computer to my monitor so that I can display cities in japan that college volleyball teams actually traveled to to play games and then pull up google maps to see how realistic it is that a college volleyball team would travel from one area to another (was thinking of making whatever college everyone goes to be from inarizaki's area but that might be in a completely different area from these cities) (this is important for literally nothing but the way in which I am formatting my song reccs for each chapter)
(i've already read 5 reddit forms and an actual bus website about how college volleyball teams travel)
also i've researched graffiti terms and stuff about photography but they both had like one second of my attention. this whole day has been dedicated to music 😭
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torhues · 2 years
oikawa tooru.
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the temperature drops low, distant howling of wind singing over the city bringing along light showers as the water droplets settled on your glass window arching all the way up to your ceiling from the floor, a soft hum drew out of oikawa’s mouth as you shuffled under the blankets, his nose burying further in the crook of your neck as a muffled laughter fell off your lips at the tickles, and a warm evening nap never felt so right before this, if that is a thing. 
“we should get up,” you mumble, arms wrapping tighter around him.
he nods, pulling you closer. “yes,”
“we have assignments to submit before midnight,” you close your eyes, wrapping your arms around him tighter, as if any space in between is forbidden. as if any space left could possibly threaten your relationship you try to pull him beyond the closest proximities the two of you could be in. 
you feel his lips brush against your temple. “yes,”
“tooru,” you pull away abruptly, hands on his shoulders before they make their way up to his cheeks, your thumbs rubbing soft circles down his cheeks as you pull him back in once again. “forget it,” 
you swear, you feel him smile against your forehead. 
“see, you want me just as much as I want you,” if you could see him, if you weren’t in his arms with your face buried in his chest, you would find yourself laughing at the triumphant smile on his face. you can picture it, though, quite clearly. in your seven months of relationship with oikawa, you know the curve his lips follow when he’s the happiest, or the way he morph into the prettiest smile in the world when he gets to hold you close, or the mischievous grin that dances on his face when you surrender, giving into his tactics of having you close to him. 
and you haven’t known him for any longer than eight months, for you started dating only thirty days after your fated meeting at orientation session. you still haven’t met his friends from highschool, the ones he adores to death and the ones who would love you as soon as they meet you. you didn’t know about his allergies up until two months ago, and you didn’t know he preferred hot chocolates over coffee and tea. it’s fine, he told you when you talked about how little you know of him, and it’s fine, you say right now, because you know the way he breathes, the way his footsteps sound, the way he smells like home. you don’t mind not knowing anything else about him right now because you feel like if he were to meet you with a face you had never seen, with a voice you have never heard before, you would recognize him right away. 
because your heart knows the rhythm his heart beats, and because every pulse echoes of him and you. 
“you should scoot closer because i’m cold,” his words get lost amidst your hair, hands pulling you closer and closer that one more pull and you’ll be on top of him, and it still wouldn’t be close enough. 
“this is the closest we can be, and—” you snicker as if you weren’t trying to do the same a few moments ago, and it’s funny how none of you want to show how deeply in love you are, yet still desperately yearning for each other as if you both are fragments of a single soul living as two. “i’m trying to get out of bed here,” 
a pause. 
oikawa takes his time admiring you, looking at you in the most lovesick way ever, as if, if lovesick was a person, it would be him. and evenings like this make you feel like time has ceased to exist because you find yourself in his arms at all the times, without change. it feels like the universe is offering you your share of fairytales and forevers because it was long due, and even if the world ends tomorrow, or even the next minute, because you wouldn’t have any regrets, for you’d be dying in the arms of your lovers, desperately happy and impossibly deep in love. 
“we should get married,” your eyes widen and his’ mirror the same expression closely, as if he didn’t expect himself to say those words like this, but there couldn’t have been a better timing. oikawa has always been a hopeless romantic, all about love and nothing about giving up. he has had his fair share of relationships, he has seen things, been through highs and lows that they offer, he has spilled tears on his pillows, has been the reason behind someone’s heartbreak and perhaps, his’ too, but oikawa has loved once. 
oikawa had first fallen in love when you spent your night listening to him talk about his likes and dislikes and if they were your own. the second time was when you cradled him in your arms when he lost an important game, crying on his shoulders as if it was a shared loss. the third time was when you told him i love you, and oikawa hasn’t stopped falling in love ever since. 
“ha-ha, funny,” your lips curve into a smile, much flattered at his proposal.
“i’m not kidding,” his hand ghosts up your waist. “i think we should get married, really,” for a second, you consider his words— to marry oikawa, because it sounds extravagant and everything that you could ever ask for right now. in those fractions of a second, you picture your married life with him, living in the same apartment, ever so close that you would no longer have to go over to each other’s places anymore, cooking together, cuddling on the sofa while watching movies, perhaps a mini him and you toddling around— a fraction of a second, and you go all the way from present to future, all the way from being afraid to commit to being knee deep in commitments with no seemingly no regrets. 
all the way from laughing at his words to actually considering them.   
“and we’re what? nineteen? yet to graduate from university and get a job?” there’s nervousness seeping through his skin from your fingertips, it’s in the way your eyes look at him with fear and hope. “we can’t get married now,” 
“i never said we have to get married now,” and his lips against yours is all you needed to snap back into reality. “i just said we should get married, be it five years later, or ten, or whenever you want,” because oikawa makes love feel like a fairytale, ever so magical and unreal that after a point, you forget how to distinguish between dreams and reality. your heart is so full of him that you can barely call it yours. as if the right person at the wrong time isn’t even something that exists because oikawa is your right person, and wrong time doesn’t make sense because every second with him feels so right. 
“and, what if i don’t want to marry you?” he doesn’t answer your question, not in words, not because he doesn’t have anything to say but because he’s thinking of something big, and before you could clarify that it was a joke, oikawa slips out his ring, the one that he got on your birthday, with its other half in your finger; and he takes your hand, slipping the ring into your finger. 
“what was that for?” 
“it’s for tell you that we’re now engaged so you cannot marry someone else,” and maybe, it’s easier for him to say it so simply, with smiles that resonate with silly intentions
so, you take out your ring and slip it into his finger, a chuckle falling off his lips when it doesn’t go all the way down because of its smaller diameter, though you could care less. “and this is for telling you that choosing someone else isn’t even an option when i have you,” because falling in love with oikawa is a process, like a trust fall into a bottomless pit with no fears because he is standing at the bottom, arms wide open. 
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dawnisatotalqueen · 7 months
title: love grows :: chapter two
characters: haikyuu various x reader
notes: profanity, tsuk*shima (jokes kind of), sugawara being an angel 😍, hinata being a qt, and bestie iwa ofc
summary: after some chaos ensues where hinata and kageyama get kicked out of the gym, the boys come up with the idea for a 3v3 to settle if kageyama can be the setter. of course, you get roped into it, and you're now joining them for 5 am practice.
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Kageyama and Hinata did not get along. That is exactly what resulted in the two of them getting kicked out of the gym. You stuttered, looking between the three older boys.
You didn’t know them. You only knew the two boys who were now kicked out until they could get along.
You heard Hinata and Kageyama plead with the captain who’s name you learned to be Daichi, though he was determined in his stance that the two needed to work together.
The grey haired boy, Sugawara, told you that you could watch practice for today, then the next day you could go over what you needed to do for manager duties with Kiyoko, the other manager.
You were kind of dazed, honestly. The next thing you knew, Kageyama was challenging Daichi to a 2v2, which he turned into a 3v3 with two other first years that would be joining the team. The penalty if they didn’t win? Kageyama wouldn’t be the setter.
After Daichi put Tanaka on the two boys’ team, he had the idea to meet up and practice, which is exactly why you found yourself standing at the entrance to the school, half asleep at 5 AM.
You weren’t technically supposed to be there, but after exchanging numbers with Hinata, he mentioned it to you, and you both decided joining could be fun.
Your brain was starting to regret that.
Well, that was until you heard a now familiar voice cheer your name. You looked around, spotting Hinata and grinning. “Morning!”
He smiled brightly. “Good morning! How’d you sleep?” The two of you turned, heading onto the school grounds.
“Pretty good! I fell asleep on a call with my best friend.” You hummed, remembering how you had talked Iwaizumi’s ear off about your first day and all the new people you had met.
“Ooo. Do they go here?” Hinata tilted his head.
“Ah, no, he goes to Seijoh!”
“Wait, really?!” Hinata gasped a little. “That’s where Kageyama was supposed to go too, right? It’s one of the best schools in the prefecture?”
“Mhm! I was pretty surprised to see him here. We’ve actually been in school together for a while!”
“Really?” He grimaced. “I don’t even wanna imagine what that’d be like..”
You giggled a little. “You know, if you wanna win this thing you’re gonna have to learn how to tolerate him.” You grinned. “I get that he’s kind of an ass, but he’s not that bad, I promise. He’s kind of awkward, actually.”
“Well, he seems pretty mean to me.” Hinata huffed, putting his hands on his hips dramatically. “I met him last year during a volleyball game. I swore to beat him, but.. Here we are. On the same team. And I have to work with him!” He groaned, and you snickered, the both of you arriving in front of the gym and spotting Kageyama.
“Yo!” You called out, waving at him.
Kageyama looked over, narrowing his eyes at you. “What is she doing here?”
“She’s here to practice. Duh.” Hinata walked up to the doors, pulling on them only to realize they were locked. “Should’ve seen that coming. It’s locked.”
“Okay, let’s go through the window.” Kageyama shrugged, and Hinata turned to him, gawking.
“Are you crazy?! We’d end up getting expelled!”
You heard a yawn behind you, turning around and seeing Tanaka. “Five AM is too early..” He had his hands in his pockets, trying to keep warm.
“Tanaka?” Hinata blinked, looking at the older boy.
“You got two hours! And then, beat it.” Tanaka grinned, spinning the keys to the gym in his hands.
You gasped. “Woah! Cool, dude!”
“You’re awesome!!” Hinata cheered.
“Thank you!” Kageyama spoke, though didn’t show nearly as much visible enthusiasm as Hinata.
“Aha! Yeah, who’s your hero first years?! Call me Sir Tanaka!”
“Sir Tanaka!!” Kageyama and Hinata yelled at the same time, and you cringed.
“That’s a little far.” You eyed Tanaka, and he looked at you.
“Want my help or not?”
You let out a little grumble and sigh. “Sir Tanaka..”
“Alllright!” Tanaka grinned, walking up to the door and unlocking it.
He clicked on the lights, the entire gym brightening, and Hinata gasped. “WOWW!”
“You were just in here yesterday.” Tanaka blinked.
You snickered. “I’ll grab some volleyballs!” You went over to the supply closet, grabbing some, and when you came back out, Sugawara was there.
“Oh– Hey–” You blinked.
Sugawara looked over, smiling softly at you. Tanaka huffed, clearing his throat. “Suga figured out what was going on, so he’s here to help.”
“Oh! Cool! Okay!” You grinned.
It had been a while of practicing, and you sat up on the stage while Hinata practiced his receives with Suga. Hinata didn’t seem to be paying attention completely.
“So, like, have you been on the team since you started going here? Oo, and what position do you play?” You tilted your head at Suga.
He hummed. “Yeah! And I’m the team’s setter.”
“Ooo..” You hissed a little. “Nervous about Kageyama taking your position?”
“No, not really.” He shrugged before pausing and blushing. “Ah, sorry, that came out kind of arrogant. I just mean that if he earns it, he earns it. No hard feelings.”
You stared at him for a second. Was he a gift from God? “Marry me.”
Sugawara stuttered, blinking before a heat crept up his neck. “What?”
“Nothing.” You whistled, leaning back on your hands and acting as if you didn't say a thing.
Before you could be questioned, Hinata started bugging Kageyama about setting for him after he had set for Tanaka.
You felt bad for him, honestly. Kageyama had always seemed a little awkward, but he was downright mean to Hinata. It was hard to have too much hatred for him on Hinata's behalf since you had known him for so long, though.
The next guy you met, you couldn't say the same for, though.
The next guy you met you couldn't say the same for though. You had briefly met the other two first years during practice, but you didn’t talk to them much since you were mostly shadowing Kiyoko to see what you’d need to do.
You had managed to get Daichi to let you leave a little early with the excuse that you were walking home and since it was dark you wanted to get an early start, but really you had made your way out to where Kageyama and Hinata were practicing. Hinata was still working on his receives, and you were almost certain he was about to catch this one when a hand stuck out above him, catching the ball.
You squawked. “Heyy, he almost had that one!” You huffed, looking up and seeing the other two first years.
The blonde one who was admittedly kind of cute raised a brow. “Are you guys seriously practicing out here? You must be the first years who made all that trouble on the first day.”
The green haired one smiled a little. “T-shirts out here? Aren’t you cold?”
Hinata looked a little in awe of the blonde's height before he started to jump for the ball. “Give it back! Hey!”
“Shouldn’t you elementary schoolers be home at this hour?”
Hinata gawked at him. “Who are you supposed to be?!”
Kageyama raised a brow when he looked over. “I guess you’re the other first year players.”
“Quiet! I’ll do the talking!” Hinata huffed.
“Question. How tall are you?” Kageyama tilted his head.
“Glad you asked! Tsukki happens to be 6’2! He’s almost 6’3.” The green haired one grinned.
“6’2???” Hinata stared, mouth agape.
“What’s the point in you bragging about how tall I am, Tadashi?”
“You’re right. Sorry Tsukki.”
Tsukki and Tadashi then.
Tsukki looked at Kageyama. “You’re Kageyama from Kitagawa First, aren’t you? Tch, a star player like you at a school like this?”
“So?” Kageyama narrowed his eyes, stepping forward.
“Look, Pal! We are not gonna lose to you, do you understand me?!” Hinata huffed, looking up at Tsukki.
Tsukki stared at him before scoffing. “Isn’t that cute? I didn’t realize that little skirmish actually meant something to you, we couldn’t care less about it. But if it means that much to you, I guess we could throw it.”
“WHAATTT?” Hinata gawked at him.
“Fine. Throw it or work yourself to death for all I care. It doesn’t matter ‘cause I’m still gonna win on Saturday.”
“You mean we, right?!”
Tsukki laughed. “So confident! Well that’s the King for you.”
“Hey! Don’t call me that!” Kageyama grit his teeth, stepping forward before you placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking your head.
“I knew it. Rumor has it you lose your cool every time somebody brings up your old nickname. But who wouldn’t want to be the King of The Court? I mean it really suits you, right your Highness?”
Kageyama was shaking with anger and you narrowed your eyes at Tsukki. “That’s enough.” You stepped in front of Kageyama. “I don’t know who you think you are coming over here and fucking with people, but you’re not all that.”
Tsukki raised a brow. “And who are you?”
“Y/N, not that it matters but I went to school with Kageyama and you’re wrong. He’s not like that.” You narrowed your eyes on the blonde.
He scoffed. “Right. I saw him at finals.” He looked back up at Kageyama. “I still can’t believe your teammates put up with all those selfish sets you’d toss up. I know I wouldn’t.” He paused. “Oh, I bet that’s why you’re here, right? They finally got sick of you?”
“Hey, I said that’s enough–” Before you could say anything else, Kageyama moved you out of his way and grabbed Tsukki by the collar.
“Tsukki!” Tadashi gasped, both him and Hinata in somewhat defensive stances.
You and Hinata both stared at Kageyama as he glared at Tsukki before letting him go, turning around and going back to his bag, picking it up. “We’re leaving.”
“Wha–” You sputtered when Tsukki spoke again.
“Running off? Guess the King’s not a threat after all.” You saw the way Hinata’s eyes snapped to Tsukki. “I hope his majesty puts up more of a fight on Saturday–” He tossed the ball up and you’re not sure how it happened, but Hinata was in the air, jumping to grab the ball as Tsukki gawked at him. He landed pretty smoothly too.
“Would you just shut up about the stupid King?! I’m here too!” Hinata glared at him. “You have no idea what I’m capable of!”
“Oh yeah?” Tsukki narrowed his eyes and Hinata grimaced.
“What’s that look for anyway, buddy?! Are you trying to start something with me?!”
Tsukki sighed, smiling. “There’s no need to argue, alright? Let’s all just enjoy playing some volleyball together. It’s just a game, right?”
Hinata furrowed his brows. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like. Bye.” He turned around.
Hinata huffed. “Hey, not so fast! You never told me who you are!”
The two boys both turned back to him.
“I’m Kei Tsukishima, Year 1 Class 4.”
“I’m Tadashi Yamaguchi!”
Not Tadashi then.
“As of today, we are officially your new teammates. Even if it doesn’t feel like it. Anyway, I’m looking forward to his Majesty’s royal sets.”
“Cya!” Yamaguchi called out, walking off with Tsukishima.
Hinata and Kageyama glared at the two as they walked away and you huffed, turning around. “What dicks.”
“For real! We should show them who’s boss.” Hinata grinned.
“It doesn’t matter.” Kageyama said, turning around.
“Hey! Where you going?!”
“Huh?” Kageyama turned to him.
“We still have some work to do, don’t we?”
Kageyama stared at him before setting his bag back down.
You don’t know what it was, but those guys really pissed you off, and you were more determined than ever to help Kageyama and Hinata beat those jerks. Especially the stupid blonde one.
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taglist: @writing-for-me-at-this-point @casabaswrld @one-piece-frvr7
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nobrain-onlysteven · 4 months
Do you ever see a character and get so overwhelmed with rage emotion and a tense desire to throw rocks at them (affectionate)?
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skiptoyuri · 2 months
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fake ass hater i saw u squeeing and KYAA! ♡ing over The World Famous Athlete Oikawa-Senshu
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sunafc · 4 months
i'm sorry but i literally can't comprehend how some people don't like oikawa as a character.. 😭
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