#love breaking down defiant Whumpees
letitbehurt · 4 months
A Whumpee who, at the start of their captivity, challenged Whumper’s stare. Glaring openly, fists clenched around the bars of their cell, undeterred by the threat of Whumper’s approach.
That same Whumpee, weeks or months or years into their captivity, flinching when they hear Whumper’s footsteps in the corridor. Whimpering at the sound of a key fitting a lock. Curling up tighter in the farthest corner of their cell, unable to meet Whumper’s eyes.
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 months
Hi! I’d love to hear more about your Whump Archetypes concept!
sorry it took me a sec to get to this one. (referencing this post right?)
hero whumpee: sun-coded/ pride of the city/self-sacrificial -> failing to protect those they love/ their torture is videotaped and broadcasted to the city/ sacrifice everything for their friends
sidekick/apprentice whumpee: unshakingly loyal/ optimistic/ eager to prove their worth -> handed over to whumper in a trade for someone more "useful"/ disillusioned by the world/ forced to undergo training that breaks them emotionally and physically, punished if they can't complete their assignments
defiant whumpee: sarcastic/ argumentative/ never goes down without a fight -> muzzled/ publicly humiliated via flogging/ forced to lick their whumper's shoes
stoic whumpee: quiet/ steady head on their shoulders/ no one can control them, only their situations -> put on display/ used as an ashtray in party environments/ when whumper finally makes them break down and sob, its game over
vampire whumpee: threatening demeanor/ proud of their capabilities/ deep-hidden fears that no one knows about -> silver blades that make them bleed/ fangs ripped out/ manhandled and dehumanized until they no longer recognize themself
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defire · 18 days
I love how different whumpee personalities/tropes are formed.
Like why are they defiant?
A defiant whumpee who is trying to wear down their short-tempered whumper--maybe they'll give up eventually
A conditioned whumpee that is just waiting for a moment they have a 90% chance of escape
A defiant whumpee that knows it's pointless and is just trying to encourage their teammates
A defiant whumpee provoking whumper away from their teammates
Or, defiant whumpee provoking whumper because they want whumper to take it too far and end their misery
A stoic whumpee that knows once they open up, they'll break
A stoic whumpee that knows that once they open up, they'll turn defiant and that will provoke more abuse!
A broken whumpee that's trying not to be a project for whumper by being uninteresting
A sad whumpee who chooses not to understand because that's better than being manipulated
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a-living-canvas · 2 months
Hi there, love your writing!! I don’t know if your taking requests, but if you are I would love if you could do a wumpee left alone for a really long time, maybe they misbehaved, or wumper needed a break, so wumper puts them in a room with everything they need, food, appliances, a bed, but no entertainment. And everything is controlled by wumper, food, lights, water, maybe even certain rooms. Maybe wumpee has separation anxiety on top of it all. And in the end wumpee is very touch starved. Sorry it’s so long, feel free to ignore this!
I tried :) I hope you like it <333
The door creaked open slowly. The familiar scent of cologne wafting in the air, flaring up Whumpee's nostrils almost immediately. He sat up from the small bed, his fingers rubbing his eyes shakily. 
It's not from the lack of food, no, Whumper didn't leave him to starve by himself. But from the need to touch. To be touched, to be held.
Even if it's coming from the devil himself.
Whumper pushed the door close with his foot, eyeing Whumpee closely with a calm expression. Ah, how he missed him. He was so defiant before, kicking and thrashing and screaming. But now Whumpee looked…accepting. 
Would you pull away from my touch again?
Would you lean in close to my embrace?
Whumper waited so long for that moment to come. That's why the punishment was needed, to make Whumpee crave him, like he's the aphrodisiac itself.
"Did you miss me?"
He asked gently, his gaze softening at the sight of Whumpee's poor state. Maybe he shouldn't leave him for so long next time. He walked towards the boy, satisfied when the boy didn't flinch nor backed away. Whumpee stayed still like he wanted.
Like a good boy.
Whumper crouched down in front of Whumpee. He made some distance so Whumpee couldn't reach him. Couldn't satisfy his aching feeling to touch another physical being. A part of Whumper wanted to give in, but he was having so much fun to stop at the moment.
Whumpee crawled slowly to Whumper, he wanted to curse at the chains for restricting his movement. Whumper held out his hand, waving it around randomly in the air as Whumpee's eyes followed obediently. 
He stopped his hand right above his head, almost ruffling the soft hair before he grabbed a pair of gloves from his pocket. Whumper put the gloves on in front of Whumpee. He reached his hand forward once again, and this time he patted the other's head.
But Whumpee didn't look satisfied. The lack of warmth and the texture of skin drove him almost crazy. "M-master, please…"
"Oh? Are you begging me, Whumpee? You've never done that before."
Whumper kept patting his head, bringing his hand down to caress his cheek. "Isn't this enough? You never like being touched by me anyway. I just granted your wish."
"N-no, please…"
Whumper hummed, he took Whumpee's chin in between his fingers. He wanted to see how desperate the boy could be. "Please what?"
Whumpee mumbled incoherently, he couldn't bring himself to say it straight to Whumper. But he leaned in, oh so slowly to the thumb caressing his lips. He wanted—he needed more.
Whumper brushed his lips against Whumpee's earlobe, whispering softly, "You wouldn't tell me? Should I find it out myself?"
Whumpee let out a soft gasp, shivers running down his spine as Whumper's warm breath caressed his lobe. Whumper took off the gloves, tossing it aside before pulling away from Whumpee. The boy let out a pitiful whimper at the sudden lack of contact.
Whumper stood up and Whumpee immediately clung to his legs. "M-master…please…please don't leave me again…"
Tears were already dripping down his chin as he looked up at Whumper. His captor sighed but a hint of smile could be seen on his face. He caressed Whumpee's hair gently with the tip of his fingers. 
"Are you going to be good for me?"
"Yes! Yes…! Please…!" Whumpee sniffled. "Please…"
"Alright, alright."
Whumper opened the chain around Whumpee's ankles before pulling him into a tight hug. Whumpee relaxed almost immediately in his arms, his face nuzzling the crook of Whumper's neck. Whumper chuckled,
"So needy…so desperate…"
A firm hand rubbed his back up and down and Whumpee closed his eyes, sighing softly. He waited so long for this. He never knew he could feel so much comfort from—
"Now, you will let me do anything I want to you, yeah?"
@nothing-but-glitter-and-lashes @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @heyyitsworld @risk606 @jennyyy007 @failgiao891 @valravnthefrenchie @theforeverdyingperson
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whumpy-daydreams · 7 months
Since you mentioned living weapon prompts…
Defiant whumpee with some sort of superpower finally breaking and becoming a weapon?
ooh i love this and now its really long and i want to write more because i have the plot bunnies
CW: electric shocks, brainwashing, needle mention, military indoctrination
Whumpee had been sloppy. They'd trusted the wrong people and been screwed over as a result. And now they had been arrested? Drafted? They supposed the specifics didn't matter.
Whumpee was wondering how long they'd been stuck in this stupid chair when a door opened, pneumatics hissing as a portion of the wall slid aside.
The man in uniform didn't smile. He sat opposite, barely registering them as he opened a file, scanning through the two pages inside. That was good. They clearly didn't have much information about what Whumpee could do.
"Please state your name for the record."
If Whumpee could cross their arms they would have. But instead they just cocked their head, lips pursed. A slight twitch was all that gave away the man's annoyance.
"It would be in your best interest to comply."
"Because it will save me time and you pain." He clasped his hands on the table and leaned forward slightly. "Your name."
"You forgot the magic word," Whumpee smirked. A jolt of electricity burst across their wrists and ankles. Clearly the restraints were for more than keeping them in place. "Shit!"
"As I said, it is in your best interest to comply. What is your name?"
"Fuck. You." Another flash of pain, stronger than the last, and Whumpee cried out through gritted teeth. Their heart was pounding now, sweat beginning to bead on their back.
The man waited patiently. Whumpee just glared.
When the electricity hit again they screamed, back arching. White flashed across their vision. Whumpee wished they could move. Wished they could shake out the growing cramps in their arms and legs. Still the man just watched, waiting.
Whumpee lost track of time as shock after shock hit them, the only breaks in the silence being the sounds of screaming and the same question from the man, over and over and over. Your name.
"Whum-" their voice caught between sobs, "-Whumpee. My name's Whumpee."
They were drenched in sweat now, limbs shaking from the electricity that had coursed through them just moments before. They were so tired.
The man just nodded, not bothering to write anything down. Bastard. He already knew their name. All Whumpee had done was shown how much pain they could take.
"Would you like some water?" The question caught them off guard. After a moment Whumpee nodded. The man reached down, putting a glass of water on the table, a straw already in it, but didn't move it closer.
"You are being recruited into a special division here. There are others like you already in service, and you will receive comprehensive training to complete your missions."
"Why would I do that?" Whumpee rasped.
"To serve your country. You would receive compensation: food and lodging, thorough medical care, as well as a generous package when you retire."
"Can I think about it first?"
"While cooperation is preferable, we do not need any consent from you to enrol you into the program. I will repeat that it is-"
"In my best interest to comply." Whumpee finished for him. They looked at the glass of water and thankfully the man got the hint. He brought it forward, holding it so Whumpee could drink from the straw.
They took a long sip, looked at the man, and spat it in his face. "You can go to hell." He reeled back, wiping the water from himself with a sleeve. To Whumpee's dismay he didn't look angry, or even particular annoyed.
"Perhaps you need some time to think about it." Was all he said before leaving, the door hissing shut behind him.
Whumpee sagged forward in the chair, cheeks stained with tears and sweat as their muscles spasmed.
It had been hours. The shocks were random, or random enough that they hadn't been able to find a pattern - though it was hard to keep track when you kept getting electrocuted.
They didn't have the energy to scream any more. Strained whimpers and a rigid body the only sign of the electricity coursing through them. I won't let them do this to me. I won't let them turn me into a monster.
A firm hand on their arm startled Whumpee, who flinched away, silently sobbing. Then a scratch on the back of their hand, the strange feeling of tape keeping something secure. Whumpee didn't have the energy to look.
"Let it run through before shocking again, don't want them dislodging it." A different voice, and a murmur of acknowledgement. A few minutes silence.
"Have you thought about your situation, Whumpee?" The man's voice again, calm and professional. Fuckyoufuckyoufuckyou- "This can all stop if you want it to. All you have to do is cooperate."
It was so tempting. It would be so easy to give in. The exhaustion in Whumpee's body screamed at them to say yes, to accept whatever future they were offering.
With a sob, Whumpee shook their head.
"Why?" The man's voice was different now: softer, gentler. "You have no family, no true friends. Here you will have purpose. People to depend on, a stable place to live, the chance to make a difference in the world."
It was true. Whumpee didn't have anyone they trusted. There was no hope, no purpose, no stability in their future. Because of you. It was their fault Whumpee didn't have those things.
"Just let me leave," they said weakly.
"I can't do that. You belong here, even if you don't realise it yet." Whumpee heard rather than saw the man walk over. He pushed them upright, their head lolling backwards. "What's your name?"
"Whumpee." They didn't know why they said it. Whumpee told themselves it was because he already knew, but deep down that was a lie. It just... happened. They felt pliable, like their brain had been massaged into acceptance.
A video hologram appeared in front of them. It showed people in uniform eating together, playing games, doing training exercises and helping each other. Images of clean facilities, sports and books and tidy bedrooms flashed past one another.
It looked... nice? Not cosy but safe and welcoming. The calm speech of the voiceover repeated itself in Whumpee's brain.
'You'll be part of a family trained to be the best'
Whumpee wanted a family. They wanted to feel safe. Loved. To not have to worry about food and shelter, or who to trust. They're lying to you. The voice in their head took on an uncertain tone.
"Well, Whumpee? Are you ready to cooperate?" Yes. No. Whumpee didn't say anything, their thoughts merging together in a swirling pool of conflicting needs.
The man didn't say anything as he left again. Panic gripped Whumpee and they nearly called after him but it was too late. The door disappeared into the wall.
But no shocks came. Instead another video started, this time an interview of a young woman in uniform. She had powers too. And despite Whumpee's exhaustion they couldn't help but listen.
Another video played afterwards, and another, and another. Each one echoed in Whumpee's head, the voice telling them it was a lie getting quieter until it all but disappeared. Calmness spread over them, making them forget about the shocks, about the fact Whumpee had been kidnapped.
When the man finally reappeared, Whumpee looked at him silently.
"Are you ready to comply?"
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chaotic-orphan · 1 month
Defiant Leader x Confident Villain (6)
Read part one here! //Continued from here
TW: VERY INTIMATE CREEPY WHUMPER WHO DOESN’T RESPECT BOUNDARIES, WHUMPER WHO DOESN’T UNDERSTAND NO, boundary pushing whumper, close proximity whumper, whumper making whumpee uncomfortable, borderline SA? Kind of? Idk how to tag it, just kind of borderline implied douchebag but i think it can be triggering for people so beware
“Leader?” Villain asked, lunging forward and grabbing Leader’s face in their hands. “Hey, hey. Leader?”
There wasn’t anything except panic racing through their mind as Villain’s fingers trailed down to Leader’s neck, pressing in gently on his pulse. Only then did they relax, tension leaving their shoulders and calves as they pushed back on their heels and just stared at Leader.
“You scared me, you dick,” Villain muttered to nobody. Leader must have passed out from the pain. Doctor did warn them that that could happen when she was training them. Maybe it was a good thing Leader was passed out while his bones fused themselves together again.
Villain ran a hand through their hair, blowing a breath through their lips as they began to pack up their bag. They unclipped the used needle head and put it in the bag of disposables. Supervillain wouldn’t notice one more used anyways, the bag was half full.
No, their rational voice drawled, sarcasm thick. Supervillain wouldn’t notice something so minute at seeing Leader’s healed hand that he took the effort to break. He’ll never notice.
Villain ignored it as they stood, bag in hand. It would be fine. They’d burn that bridge when they came to it.
Villain cranked the metal door open and froze. Supervillain’s sharp eyes met theirs. Villain, the usually calm and cool, collected Villain froze like a child with their hand caught in the cookie jar. Their skulduggery was even childish, quickly hiding the bag behind their back as if Supervillain hadn’t just seen it in their hands.
“Villain,” Supervillain said with a winning smile. Supervillain held a hand up to the person he was talking to, muttering something Villain couldn’t hear before he started walking towards Villain. “So funny, I was just looking for you.”
“Oh, really?” Villain asked, their voice coming out higher than they would’ve liked so they cleared it and pitched it down. “Well, I was just doing my rounds, sir.”
“Were you? So vigilant. How about I inspect it? Like the old days?”
The lie died on their lips at Supervillain’s pointed look. The look that didn’t accept No for an answer. Villain swallowed and inclined their head.
“Of course, sir,” they said pushing the door to Leader’s room back open. Supervillain stepped in and told Villain to shut the door again. Villain didn’t hesitate, though their arms felt heavy as they cranked the door shut again until it sealed properly.
Villain turned to face Supervillain. Even he was dwarfed by the size of the room. It was a bunker from World War II, Supervillain told them when he first showed Villain around. It stored plane parts and guns, ammunition. It was a giant concrete void of space, that Supervillain had repurposed to be his interrogation room.
Villain was far less flashy. The more claustrophobic the better for his victims, though… Leader was able to find the flaw in that approach.
“Hmm,” Supervillain said, drawing Villain’s eyes to his face. “Would you look at that, Villain. Leader’s hand is miraculously healed.”
Villain stepped forward. It was better to admit their guilt now then draw it out and incur Supervillain’s wrath twice.
“I can explain.”
“Can you? I’d love to hear it.”
Villain swallowed and paused, searching for the words because what the fuck were they supposed to say? Villain was Supervillain’s second best interrogator, his best torturer and here they were floundering for words to defend healing Leader’s hand. Their enemy. Supervillain’s prisoner.
Supervillain tilted his head. “No? Do you want me to explain?”
“No, Supervillain… I— listen, I—”
“No, no, no, no,” Supervillain said, wagging a finger at Villain. Only gently scolding them. “I have an even better idea. How about we ask Leader what happened?”
Villain’s eyes shot to Leader, still slumped in his seat and back to Supervillain again. “He’s passed out.”
“I can rectify that,” Supervillain said sweetly. Villain shook their head, holding their hands up placatingly.
“Wait, wait, wait — Supervillain, please. I can—”
“Explain. Please,” Supervillain said, bending to pick up the hammer. His kind, pleasant smile still on his face as he swung the hammer between his fingers. “While I still have some semblance of patience.”
Villain gathered their composure, stuttering wouldn’t help them pacify Supervillain. Villain forced their body to relax before speaking. “You broke every bone in his hand,” Villain said. “The risk of infection was high and then you’d get nothing out of him.”
“And what do I want to get out of him?”
Villain shifted their stance. “He knows exactly who hired him from the commission. He knows who is gunning for you, personally. Shouldn’t we at least try to extract that information before we ki—”
Villain choked on the word. Desperate eyes realising their mistake flashed to Supervillain, searching for sympathy.
“And we can’t extract that information from someone with a broken hand, can we, Villain?” Supervillain asker, sarcasm coating every word. “You’re the expert after all. My expert.”
Supervillain walked around Leader’s chair towards Villain, hammer still in hand. Villain swallowed hard, forcing themselves to remain upright. Not to falter or show weakness. They had no reason to be afraid of Supervillain. Supervillain was their friend. Supervillain trusted them.
Now if they could just assure their heart of that fact maybe it would stop jack-rabbiting in their chest. Supervillain stopped in front of Villain, staring down at them. Villain couldn’t quite meet their gaze so instead they stared at his shoulder. Supervillain swung the hammer between their fingers, but Villain didn’t flinch. Then the metal head of the hammer was under their chin, forcing their head up to meet Supervillain’s icy eyes.
Every muscle in their thighs tensed and released, getting ready to run which was ridiculous because why would they run from Supervillain? If their body could just catch up to their brain that would help them a bunch in this moment.
“I want you to grab the medic bag and bring it back to the medbay,” Supervillain told them. The tension almost melted from their body at his words. See? There was nothing to worry about! Villain nodded, though it wasn’t very effective with the hammer under their chin.
“Of course, sir.” Villain said, moving to grab the bag. The hammer stopped them, this time lightly on their cheek, turning their attention back to Supervillain. Something else hid behind Supervillain’s eyes now, like glittering amusement.
“I’m not finished. When you return the bag, I want you to grab the other for me.”
Villain’s brows drew down over their eyes. “The other bag, sir?”
“Yes,” Supervillain said with a grin. His eyes seemed to glisten with malice, drawing Villain further and further into their crystal blue depths. “Your toolkit.”
Villain stiffened. Supervillain’s smile cut into his face.
“And bring it back here, hmm? I think you’re right, Vil. I think we need to get information from him. Leader seems like a tough nut to crack, but, well, I don’t have to tell you that. You probably know all the things that make him tick. Where to poke and prod, and slice.”
Villain’s hands started shaking at their sides, which they quickly balled, trying to hide the tremble from Supervillain. The reluctance. Fuck. Fuck!
Supervillain wanted Villain to torture Leader… that is not what he meant when he said interrogate him! Villain was just trying to come up with a way that would leave Leader still breathing.
Because you care for him, a nasty voice said in the back of Villain’s head. Even after everything, you still care for him, and Supervillain knows.
This is a test.
Villain nodded again. “I couldn’t agree more, sir. Leader would never turn on his team without incentive.”
Supervillain hummed his approval, dropping the hammer from Villain’s cheek. “My, my Villain. You’re going after the whole team now. I didn’t know you could be so vicious.”
Villain inclined their head, a coy smile on their lips that made themself sick. “Of course you did, sir. It’s one of the reasons you keep me around.”
“We’ll see, won’t we?” Supervillain’s smile was pleasant. His words held a very thinly veiled threat. We’ll see if you stay around after torturing Leader. “Don’t be long! I can’t wait to see this.”
Villain didn’t trust their voice so they nodded. It seemed satisfactory enough. Villain grabbed the bag and walked to the door, cranking it open and stepping out. They froze as the door closed behind them, for just a second. They had to do this. They had to do this. They had to torture Leader, or else they would both end up on Supervillain’s to-be-killed list.
Villain didn’t want to end up in a cell next to Leader. Not with how hard they worked to climb the ranks of Supervillain’s organisation. Not to mention some of the enemies Villain had made here who would just love to see them taken down a peg. Reduced to nothing, another prisoner for them to torture. No, Villain refused to put themself in that position. Not even Leader would get in their way of that.
They took their time bringing the bag back to the medbay, grateful that it was on the other side of the bunker, closer to the entrance. It made sense if anyone got injured in the field, but… it was also closer to Villain’s room. Or rather, their workshop, as Supervillain called it.
Villain’s footsteps seemed to echo down the halls, bouncing off the walls and back to their ears, as loud as gunshots. They shouldn’t have tried to help Leader in the first place! What kind of idiot were they? Healing a prisoner? One that Supervillain had personally seen to! They let their emotions get in the way once, they were not about to make the same mistake twice.
Villain opened the door to their workshop. It was a glorified shed of a room with all different torture devices hung perfectly on the wall. Everything was even from the hooks to the actual tools; sorted in groups that made sense to Villain, whips and blunt objects on one side, knives in a group of their own, and miscellaneous others, like tasers and pliers on the other.
Villain glared at the objects now, bending and grabbing his leather bag from under the metal table. Their mutinous brain was working against them, cataloging all the different things that would make Leader break. The knives were Villain’s favourite, but they doubted Leader would break under that kind of pain. It stung, but only for a little while. Still… It was Villain’s specialty and Supervillain would raise his brows if Villain came back without any.
Villain packed a few, and their nasty whip that left their victims screaming and sobbing in their restraints, begging for mercy.
Villain froze as a horrible thought crossed their mind. Leader would turn into one of their victims now. One of their actual victims. Villain was going to have to make Leader beg and plead and cry and scream— they screwed their eyes shut trying to scrub the image from their mind.
It would soon be undeniably in front of them as they caused the damage anyways. They just needed to retreat to that unemotional recess in their brain. Turn on survival mode, just do what they needed to do and hate themselves later for it.
It would be easy, they told themselves. Maybe if they told themselves that enough, they might actually start to believe it. Well… they could live in hope.
“Knock, knock,” Villain straightened, their back going rigid at the voice. “Hey Vil, I saw you sneak into your friend’s room earlier. Are you bringing them something to keep them entertained while they visit?”
Villain turned, not bothering to hide the look of revulsion that appeared on their face whenever they saw Rival. Rival was the definition of a piece of shit personified. He was tall, a creep that made Villain’s skin crawl, and handsome which automatically gave him a licence to be the world’s leading expert on how to not respect people’s boundaries. Rival thought everyone was in love with him, and could give a masterclass on: how to be a bastard while sucking up to your superiors.
“Yeah. Do you want to come? I can beat the shit out of you while they watch, that should keep them entertained.”
Rival smiled his horrible, handsome smile. He had to bend slightly to step through the door into Villain’s workshop. Villain glared at him as he walked over to the wall of knives and took one between his fingers.
“Oh, how I’d love to come and watch…” Rival said, shooting Villain a sideways glance. “You know how much I love to watch you work.”
Villain’s nose scrunched up in distaste. “You ratted me out to Supervillain.”
“Ratted you out? No. Never,” Rival said, turning his body to Villain’s and stepped closer. Rival pressed the flat of the blade under Villain’s chin, tilting their head up to look him in the eye. He had chocolate brown eyes that reminded Villain a little of Medic’s, but where Medic’s were cold and logical, Rival’s were a sickening kind of warm. “Supervillain just asked about your whereabouts and I told him the last place I saw you was in the medbay.”
Villain’s glare turned cutting. “Oh don’t look at me like that, Vil,” Rival said with a pout. “We’re on the same team here.”
Rival stepped impossibly closer, forcing Villain’s head up at an uncomfortable angle. “Why is it you can get along with everyone else but me, hmm?”
Villain’s arm twitched up but they stopped when they felt the blade knick their throat. Rival’s eyes got brighter as Villain felt a bead of blood surface.
“Maybe because not everyone here is a creep like you.”
Rival smirked down at Villain. “It’s just the two of us here, Vil,” Rival said with a honeyed voice, dragging the blade up, tracing the outline of Villain’s skull with the tip of the dagger. Rival’s hand replaced the blade at Villain’s throat, tightening when Villain tried to step away. “You like all the attention I give you. Admit it.”
Villain swallowed, feeling the weight of Rival’s hand like a collar as they did.
“Supervillain’s expecting me,” is all Villain replied, expression blank. The corner of Rival’s lips twitched up, but he let Villain go. Villain went back to packing their bag, as if Rival wasn’t there.
Villain was glad of the distraction, ignoring the slight tremble in their hands that usually followed an interaction with Rival. They walked over to the chemical cabinet. The drugs that drove Supervillain’s prisoners mad, that heightened all sensation and set nerves alight in agony.
Supervillain was more sadistic than Villain. He liked when people screamed and cried, and writhed in pain. Even when Villain told him it wasn’t necessary to get information. Especially traitors. He liked to sit in and watch them in their lowest moments, screaming and begging for help, for a mercy that Supervillain would never give.
Rival’s eyes never left Villain as they moved about, packing the last of the things they needed in their bag. They grabbed the handles of their bag in one hand, about to zip it up when Rival’s hand slid over Villain’s and stopped them.
“Take this one too, Vil,” Rival said, depositing the knife he used to knick Villain’s throat into the bag. Villain shivered as Rival brushed the small cut on their throat, ignoring his hungry gaze. “Trust me when I say it’s work is delightful.”
Villain didn’t say anything in return. They zipped up the bag and turned away from Rival, only focused on getting away from the monster beside them. Once they stepped out of the corridor of their workshop, Villain put their hand over their mouth and sucked in a startled breath, tears pricking the backs of their eyes. They wanted to be sick, but Supervillain…
Supervillain was… Supervillain was expecting them. They took the moment to gather themselves before straightening again and walking purposefully towards Leader’s cell.
Villain held their head high. They could compartmentalise that encounter until later. Right now they had to be Supervillain’s Villain. Supervillain’s protégé, his in house torture expert and interrogator. They had no time to be regular Villain.
Hell… Villain hadn’t seen that vulnerable side to themselves in a while. Maybe Leader did make them weak. Maybe they would have never reached their potential if they had stayed with Leader… and Medic and Rogue…
They steeled their heart once they turned down the hall of Leader’s cell. Reminiscing wouldn’t help them with what was to come. In fact, it would most likely hurt them and prevent them from doing what they had to do. What needed to be done. Their loyalty to Leader was dead and they had to prove it.
Villain wasn’t an idiot, this was a test. To see when it came down to it, who was Villain really? The pathetic nobody that Leader remembered or a valued member of Supervillain’s organisation?
Not only that, but which one served them better at this moment in time? This was the last thing that Villain wanted to do today, but whatever God that was watching them was a sadistic freak that liked to see Villain suffer. Maybe they deserved Rival’s attention, maybe it was their karma for what they were about to do.
Villain took a breath and opened the door then disappeared inside, the metal cranking closed behind them.
A.N — Sorry it’s short, and also a cliffhanger, it would have been too long if I continued it but next part soon!!! Thank you for reading :)
Orphanage roll-call (tag-list, lmk if you wanna be added or removed): @nameless-beanie @aarika-merrill @criohfreeze @bandnbookbag @gala1981 1 @theonewithallthefixations @libellule888 @cardboardarsonist @shywhumpauthor r r @written-by-jayy @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @whump-is-love-whump-is-life @icarusignite @shirtzip @honeyed-euphrates @shameless-dumbass s @dutifullykrispyland @starlight-hope @thatlittlefirestarter @iskrapolumianka @withercat22 @elizaisnotokay @jumpywhumpywriter
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simply-whump · 2 months
My Sweet Mobster (놀아주는 여자) - Whump List
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Whumpee : Seo Ji Hwan played by Uhm Tae Goo
Synopsis : Seo Ji Hwan, once a legend of the underworld, is CEO of a food company that offers a fresh start to ex-convicts. His gangland past, though, has a tendency to follow him even after retirement. Go Eun Ha, known as "Sister Mini" to her web channel's mini audience, is a popular but struggling children's entertainer. After a series of embarrassing, comical, and painful misunderstandings Ji Hwan and Eun Ha begin to get to know and understand each other. (MDL)
Genres : Comedy, Romance
Warning! Possible spoilers below!
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Seo Ji Hwan
Ep 1 : (05:10) Has a cramp in his leg (Comedic) — (11:35) Handcuffed (Comedic) — (20:40) Hit in the head (Comedic) — (01:01:05) Hit in the ribs, in pain, trips, falls down the stairs, unconscious, concern for him (semi-comedic)
Ep 2 : (01:30) Brought into an ambulance unconscious on a stretcher, wakes up in a hospital bed, told he has broken ribs and a light concussion, trying to move, wincing in pain, concern for him (semi-comedic) — (Is in the hospital for most of the episode)
Ep 3 : (02:15) Splashed with milk — (53:00) Drunk after accidentally drinking alcohol (comedic)
Ep 4: (01:00) Still drunk
Ep 5 : None
Ep 6 : (57:00) Locked in a freezer — (01:35:00) Getting cold, gives his coat to female lead
Ep 7 : (01:20) Still in the freezer, shivering, worried for someone — (23:10) Sleeping while being seated (exhausting day), concern for him when he wakes up, told to go get an IV, in bed
Ep 8 : (Flashback) (13:50) Surrounded, fighting, hit in the head, keeps fighting, bleeding, stumbling, ears ringing, stabbed, keeps walking unsteadily, collapses — (Present) (29:45) Hit by a car, bleeding from the head — (32:10) Restrained, beaten — (33:10) Laying on the ground, held up, punched — (34:30) Beaten, defiant — (36:55) arrested by the police, handcuffed — (40:25) In an interrogation room, bandage on his head — (43:45) Released, walking with a slight limp, concern for him — (47:45) Concern for him — (50:25) Still walking with a limp, given medicine
Ep 9 : None
Ep 10 : (33:40) Worried for someone, rolls down a small cliff (semi comedic)
Ep 11-13 : None
Ep 14 : (19:00) Drunk — (51:15) Breaks a glass with his hand, bleeding — (58:55) Stressed, hand still injured — (01:02:30) Head injury for the second male lead
Ep 15 : (02:20) Angry, beating someone up, stopped and taken by the police, hand bloody — (03:50) In handcuffs — (09:55) Pinned against a wall — (11:20) Concern for him — (58:48) Hit in the head while protecting his friend, beaten to the ground by a metal bat, gets up, defiant, beaten to the ground again, getting up with difficulty, stabbed, stumbling, collapses, bleeding and in pain (Gif Set)
Ep 16 : (02:00) (Repeat of the previous scene) Beaten, stabbed — (03:20) Bleeding out on the ground, in pain — (04:20) Concern for him, unconscious — (04:55) In the hospital on a stretcher, lots of concern for him, brought for surgery, oxygen mask, on the surgical table intubated, loved ones waiting outside (Gif Set) — (06:30) In a hospital bed in a coma, concern for him — Multiple scenes of him in a coma and his loved ones worrying — (18:20) Wakes up, everyone happy — (27:05) Fakes being in pain, concern for him, bandage on his wound changed
>> More Whump Lists
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runredrabb1t · 2 months
Love me some good old fashioned psychological whump.
Defiant whumpee expecting and being ready/ used to violence but instead being met with the punishment of solitary confinement.
After a day or two, or maybe weeks, they finally crack, they break down. Sobbing, begging, pleading.
Scratching and banging at the door.
Screams of “let me out!” Turn into sobs of “I’m sorry” and “I’ll be good”
When Whumper opens the door, whumpee is huddled in a corner, both physical and mental exhaustion written all over them.
Whumpee looks up, tears welling up “I’m sorry”
Whumper “I’m glad to see you’ve learned”
Now any threats of solitary confinement are met with complete obedience from whumpee
Why is it so appealing ?
Why whump gotta be like daydreaming crack ?
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the-three-whumpeteers · 9 months
The whumper prided themselves in breaking down defiant whumpees, they loved extinguishing the hope and anger that their whumpees always felt. The whumper knew exactly how to quickly break people too- they knew the best torture methods, the perfect things to say, and the right things to deprive them of. Sometimes though, the whumper would take their time and enjoy seeing the whumpee break down little by little.
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serickswrites · 5 months
hey there! it been a while since been here. i have missed it.
i have a prompt for you if you so choose to accept.
what would your take on a sassy whumpee? like there they are at whumpers mercy, while whumpee is just sitting there bored to death like "you jerk, how dare you keep me here and have die of boredom" and whumper is just sitting there questioning his life choices.
this is definitely more crack than anything but i found the idea and wanted to see if you'd like to give it a spin.
take care!
Hello, Anon! Welcome back. (I realize you asked this ages ago...I am really trying to make up for lost time lol).
I can absolutely write this prompt for you. I happen to love a sassy character whether they are a whumpee or not lol. Please enjoy.
Warnings: captivity, restraints, torture, sensory deprivation, white torture, defiant whumpee
Whumper sat in front of their computer watching the screen. They tried to ignore the voice calling through the door. Things were not going as they planned at all.
Whumpee was anything but easy to catch. And now that Whumper had Whumpee bound to a chair in a dark room, their ears plugged with cotton and head phones, Whumper thought that things would get easier. Thought that they could sit back and enjoy watching Whumpee break and descend into madness.
They were wrong.
"Whumper!" Whumpee called, their head turning this way and that. "Really, you are such a jerk. I'm dying of boredom here. I thought you were going to torture me. If this is what you call torture, I hate to think of what you would call actual torture."
Whumper closed their eyes and gritted their teeth. This was supposed to be easy. This was supposed to break Whumpee.
"Whumper! Are you just going to sit here while I'm bored out of my mind? You are so lazy! At least let me lay down for a bit, maybe I can get a nap in since you're just going to bore me to death."
Somehow, Whumper had to find a way to hurt Whumpee. Break Whumpee. Because they couldn't stand the torture of Whumpee defying them every step of the way.
"Guess I'll have to entertain myself by singing. I'm a terrible singer you know. But you brought this on yourself! I'VE GOT A LOVELY BUNCH OF COCONUTS!"
Whumper plugged their ears trying to block out Whumpee's terribly off key, loud voice. They had to find a way to actually hurt Whumpee before Whumpee hurt them.
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unforgivenn · 7 months
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Hi there fellow whumpers! I'm Remy or you can simply just call me Unforgiven. I'm Bisexual, use she/her, and live in Dubai! (Pronunciation of my name cuz a lot of you people are confused)
This is my first blog and I'm really new to this so I have no idea how to make a masterlist. Please go easy on the critism and bear with me😭 I post angst filled writings here. There might be some smol sketches filled with whumpy things which are faaarrrr away from my professional artwork. Also feel free to go through my new blog @unforgivenntired2 as well where I post fanfictions of anime characters!!
Please give @nuriiz134's blog some love and support too (18+) ^^
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Things you should know about my blog
What you can expect to find here
𓆩♡𓆪 Contains a lotttt of Pet whump so if you're not comfortable with it or don't like it then please don't interact with this blog. 𓆩♡𓆪 I absolutely adore scenarios where Whumpers force whumpees to address them as 'sir' (≧∇≦)ノ. 𓆩♡𓆪 I'm very much into psychological torment so there will be a lot of that here. 𓆩♡𓆪 There's something irresistible about defiant whumpees slowly breaking down over time, it's my ultimate weakness 🤌. 𓆩♡𓆪 I'm completely obsessed with stories having human blood bags and vampire whumpers. I mean, humans being treated as both a food source and a pet? That's double the torture!! 𓆩♡𓆪 Carewhumpers hehe 𓆩♡𓆪 Manipulation 𓆩♡𓆪 Small bois crying :)
Prompts are free to use but please tag me if you do. Asks, dm's and requests are always open so please don't feel scared or shy to send one in! <3 Please ignore if I post some bullshit in the middle of the night.
What i probably won't write
𓆩♡𓆪 BBU 𓆩♡𓆪 NSFW 𓆩♡𓆪 Tiny whumpee/Giant whumper 𓆩♡𓆪 Fandom whump 𓆩♡𓆪 Furries. Please don't even ask me about it.
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Some stories I'm absolutely obsessed with and you should check out as well!!
Jack and Asher by @whumpasaurus101
Play Pretend by @oddsconvert
@astrowhump's every single story.
Whiskey and Baxter by @cyberwhumper
Smile for the camera by @morning-star-whump
@demondamage's aziphem and haziel
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Sypnosis: In a world where power reigns supreme, Noah, a 17-year-old, finds himself thrust into a nightmare beyond comprehension. He's kidnapped by Andrey if it even is called kidnapping. All the torture he endures, everything he goes through whether it be mental or physical torture. Everything is legal and no one can stop it unless they want to be beheaded. Forced to become a slave, Noah's life got a 180 degree turn where betrayal and pain lurks at every corner and shadow.
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16th HOUR
based on this
Sypnosis: In a messed-up world where your whole life changes on your 16th birthday, society decides if you're human or livestock based on your social status. If you get the livestock label, you lose all your human rights and become a piece of property, destined for work, experimentation, or even get slaughtered for meat. What happens when Samuel gets classified into the livestock category despite being the son of a big-time businessman?
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DEAR SOMEONE (recently started)
Sypnosis: When Mile is given a notebook as a “reward” for his obedience, he’s both terrified and relieved. To Ezra, it’s a token of control, a way to keep Mile’s mind occupied and compliant. But to Mile, it becomes a lifeline, a place to pour out his soul, document his suffering, and cling to the last shreds of humanity.
Dear Diary, Why is this happening to me?
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Masterlist is constantly updated Reblogs are always appreciated <3
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letitbehurt · 9 months
What phrases give you immediate whumperflies?
This is such a difficult question because most of the things that give me Whumperflies are actions, thoughts, or moments. But here are a few phrases that get me every time:
From Whumper:
“You’ll regret that.”
“Shut them up.”
“Is that what you want?”
“I asked you a question.” / “Answer me.”
“Make them look at me.”
“You should thank me for this.”
“Let’s try this again.”
“I’m not going to kill you, but you’re going to wish I would have.”
From Whumpee:
“You wouldn’t do that.”
“Don’t touch me.”
“Anything else. Please. Just not that.“
“Please, don’t take it.”
“Don’t hurt them.”
“But I did what you wanted, please, I did—“
“What are they going to do to me?”
“Please, not again.”
“Fuck you.”
From Caretaker:
“Touch them again and I’ll kill you.”
“Do you trust me?”
“You’re safe.”
“You need to eat/drink something.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay—it’s just a nightmare. It’s not real.”
“I can stay, if you want.”
“Is this okay?”
“Let me help you.”
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jennyyy007 · 3 months
FAMILY 🍼 pt. 2
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Confidence - Claras pov. 🍭
Cw: female whumpee, male whumper, multiple whumpees, forced infantilization, defiant whumpee, forced diapering
It’s okay.. everything is okay..
Clara has prepared for this moment for years. Hundreds of hours of true crime podcasts and documentaries. Her bookshelf full of thrillers or even some horror books that could educate her on how to behave in and escape those situations.
She knows exactly how to get out of here.
Until she didn’t…
The hours of waiting silently for any sign of another person seemed to go by so.. incredibly.. slowly…
Struggling against the cuff didn’t help and her jaw is starting to feel really sore due to the gag in her mouth. Some saliva is dripping down her jaw and her eyes feel puffy from crying.
She would understand her situation if she was tied up in a dark and scary basement. Waiting to be bought back by her parents.
Or chained down in a torture chamber, just waiting for the sweet release of death.
But nothing… absolutely nothing… prepared her for this.
Cuffed to a baby crib in a pastel blue room that looks like it belongs to a spoiled four year old. Lots of stuffies and toys, shelves with books. Even a full on play kitchen standing against one wall.
What were her kidnappers intentions.. what creep would abduct a teenage girl and force her into such a position…
And how did this even happen…
She remembers falling asleep during the movie her sister made her watch. Second part of harry potter. The chamber of secrets.
If she’s one hundred percent honest.. Clara hated the marathon her sister makes her and her brother watch every Christmas season. But she doesn’t tell her..
Laceys a sweetheart. And as much as Clara dislikes unrealistic fantasy movies.. she would never ever tell her sister that.
The worries Clara has to face right now are unimaginable. Not just because of her own fate.. but her siblings as well.
If someone broke in and kidnapped her.. they could most likely also have harmed Lacey and Finn. She just hopes whoever took her.. left her siblings behind.
Finally! A noise. It’s the bedrooms door opening, slightly creaking.
The girl wouldn’t pretend to lay down and sleep now. It’s too late anyway since she’s sitting on her knees at the edge of the bed. Peaking at the man entering her lovely little paradise of cutesyness from behind the cell bars.
“Look who’s awake!”
He says cheerfully and Clara can’t help but flash a quick look of disgust up at him. A shiver running down her spine because of the way he’s baby talking her.
“Did you have sweet dreams cutiepie?”
The man asks as he quickly uses the key to unlock her cuff before picking her up under her armpits.
She just has to stay calm. If she doesn’t act scared he won’t be successful. And acting defiant won’t help her now either. She has no idea what sick ideas are running around in this mans head.. she needs to read him. Figure out how to break him.
…. What the…
He just put her down on a changing table before chaining her hands to the wall behind her. Before she can register anything he pulls down her cotton panties, throwing them in a laundry basket beside the table.
She can’t help but whimper under the gag as she raises her knees in front of her. Trying to cover herself up a little.
Her captor walks over to a drawer before pulling out a pack of diapers and ripping it open, taking one out.
No- no no!-
Taglist: @a-living-canvas
(Feel free to text me when you want to be added as well!!)
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a-crumb-of-whump · 2 years
Random Whump Prompts/things
Content: Kidnapping, non-con drugging, sleep deprivation, forceful physical treatment, defiant whumpee, PTSD/trauma, muzzles, collars, [non-sexual] nudity, forced to watch, multiple whumpees, conditioned whumpee, whumpee-turned-caretaker.
Whumpee screaming Caretaker's name as they're taken away from them.
That classic moment when Caretaker rescues Whumpee from their cell/basement/etc. and Whumpee's convinced that they're not real because they've had dreams/hallucinated this moment countless times before.
Whumpee's last words to Whumper are something along the lines of "I hate/blame you" and though Whumper tries not to let it get to them - they didn't care for Whumpee afterall - they're haunted by that phrase for years afterwards.
Caretaker having to drug Whumpee so they'll get some sleep/won't resist food or treatment/etc.
Whumpee trying their favourite meal for the first time since their rescue.
Caretaker going multiple nights without sleeping because Whumpee won't sleep unless they're actively watching over them.
Whumpee attacking Caretaker out of fear and feeling terrible about it afterwards.
Multiple people having to restrain Whumpee just so they can be treated.
Addition to the previous one: Caretaker pushing through the crowd of people and shoving those pinning them down out of the way before engulfing Whumpee in a hug. After months of no kindness whatsoever, Whumpee just breaks.
Whumpee initiating a hug for the first time since their rescue.
Whumpee getting to see their friends/family/pets for the first time since their rescue.
Whumpee doesn't let anyone touch the muzzle on their face or the collar around their neck for days after their rescue, but finally they're able to kneel down in front of Caretaker and quietly ask for permission for it all to come off.
Whumpee being forcibly stripped from their clothes in front of someone they love.
That moment when two whumpees are reunited with each other. Whumper drops the first Whumpee on the floor in their cell and the second one comes scrambling over to engulf them in a hug and comfort them.
Whumpee doesn't know that Caretaker was whumped until their whumper shows up one day and teases them about it. Letting Whumpee in on all the secrets Caretaker has tried so hard to hide...
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whumporama · 18 days
What is your favorite:
-Whump (type) trope?
-Whumpee trope?
-Whumper trope?
-Caretaker trope?
Oh, difficult questions! <3
Whump types... there are so many good ones! It really depends on the mood and the character currently in my head. But I will always love captivity as an overall theme, whatever happens in it can vary, but just captivity is great. And you know, chains are awesome.
Whumpees... I am a sucker for defiant Whumpees (or stoic ones). Just characters who are strong and capable, who fight back and won't back down. Who are smart and need Whumper to also be smart, because otherwise they lose. I love it because when they break down, it's such a huge moment, that it hurts so good. (Also difficult to pull off and not feel out of character, so when done well, I'm sobbing)
Whumper, hmm. Smart Whumpers, who are also capable. I'm a bigger fan or ones with a goal, rather than just 'mehehe I'm evil' (though that can be enjoyed from time to time, too). But it really depends on the situation and Whumpee. I don't really have a huge preference, only some things I really don't like.
And Caretakers, I love Caretakers who don't know what they're doing in terms of emotional care. They can fight and save Whumpee, they can take care of all their wounds, but comfort them? Ehmmm help? Especially because I love stoic Whumpees, so Caretaker really doesn't know how to deal with someone who insist they're fine when they're clearly not.
But then depending on the Whumpee, I also love non bullshit Caretakers. "You're not fine, stop pretending." And who do know just what to say. It depends!
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suspensefulpen · 8 months
Whumpuary Day 15: Muffled Screams | Hostage
TW: Hostage, Kidnapping, Creepy Whumper, Pet Whump, Shock Collar
this is kind of a part two to Day 5
Whumper walked into the room with a proud grin and a glass in his hand. He sat down on the sofa next to the bound and gagged Caretaker. He smiled at her attempts to break free and scream, both failing miserably. He snapped his fingers twice before giving her his full attention. “You may as well give up, Darling. No one can hear you scream. Plus, you’ll hurt your throat and you don’t want that. Do you?” 
She stopped screaming when Whumpee walked into the room on all fours. She squinted and noticed what looked like a shock collar going around his neck. She grimaced as she watched Whumper command him as if he were a dog. He then trotted away, still on all fours. “Wow, you give up easier than I remember.” Her gaze quickly shifted back to Whumper. “I didn’t expect you to actually stop screaming. I figured you’d be defiant and stubborn about it like you are about everything else. Don’t stop because I said something. Your muffled screams are actually quite cute.” She glared at him. 
Whumpee came back to the room with a wine bottle. He handed it to Whumper before leaving. Caretaker attempted to speak. “What’s that?” Whumper raised a brow as he poured himself a glass. “I’m sorry Love, I didn’t catch that.” When Caretaker attempted kicking him, he paused and looked up. He chuckled, putting the bottle down. “Ah, I forgot.” He leaned forward and pulled down the gag. “Repeat that Darling?” 
“I said why are you doing this?!” She spat. 
“Doing what?” He frowned briefly. “I haven’t done anything.” 
“You haven’t done anything?! You literally kidnapped me and now you’re holding me hostage!” 
“Well, I had to get you back to me somehow.” He smiled with a quick shrug before sipping the wine. “You clearly weren’t coming on your own. Anyway, aren’t you happy to be back, Love? How does it feel to be home again?” 
“I hate you.” 
He gasped, holding a hand over his heart. “Be careful what games you play, Caretaker.” 
“Just let me go! I don’t want to be here! I left you for a reason back then, what makes you think that’s going to change?!” 
Whumper turned serious as he slammed the glass down on the end table nearby. He leaned forward. “Because I changed. I changed just so you’d take me back. I got everything you ever asked me for but I never got you. I changed everything just for you. Hell, I even burned all of those stupid suits you hated so much. I got you a pet, ready to obey anything you tell it. I did all of this for you.” 
She frowned, speaking more calmly. “And yet, you’re still a sick bastard.” 
“And it’s all because of you.”
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