#love (krah)
frogz489 · 8 days
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Heh...I changed it a LOT lol, I think I have a obsession with folly help help help help-
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mariacallous · 2 months
Late last month, Sweden expelled a Chinese journalist who had been reporting from the country for nearly two decades. She had, it turned out, been engaging in what the government described as activities harmful to the country—espionage, in other words. But being expelled was not the end of the world for the journalist, who, judging by her social media presence, seemed to quite enjoy getting back to Beijing. Like her, most of the growing number of foreign spies caught in the West only face expulsion, and often a hero’s welcome at home. It may be time for Western governments to adopt the Estonian approach and put all arrested spies on trial.
“After 18 years away from Beijing, I’m back. I’m going to rediscover the miracle of loving you!” the Chinese journalist posted on her webpage after being expelled from Sweden late last month. Last fall, Swedish authorities picked up the trail, arrested her, and put her in pre-trial detention. Now they’ve removed her from the country. Problem solved—but not much of a deterrent to future efforts.
These days, Western authorities are unmasking a whole lot of spies, especially ones working on behalf of Russia and China. In the United Kingdom, authorities have charged two young Britons—including a parliamentary researcher—with spying for China. Last year British authorities identified Christine Lee, a Chinese businesswoman well-connected in Westminster, as a Chinese agent of influence. This April, a Chinese staffer working for a German member of European Parliament, Maximilian Krah, was arrested after reportedly working for Chinese intelligence for over a decade. Around the same time, German authorities arrested three Germans who had been spying for China.
Last August, the United States arrested two U.S. Navy sailors—naturalized U.S. citizens of Chinese ethnicity—on charges of espionage for China. Two years ago, Norwegian authorities arrested Mikhail Mikushin, a GRU officer who had been working undercover in the country posing as a Brazilian academic. The year before that, Swedish authorities arrested a married couple that had entered the country as Afghan refugees after establishing that they were Iranian intelligence agents. Jan Marsalek, the fugitive ex-chief operating officer of the billion-dollar German payment-processing firm Wirecard, turns out to have spent years working closely with Russian intelligence while also running the firm. Indeed, Russia may have used Wirecard to pay its undercover operatives in other countries, the Financial Times reports.
These arrests are just part of the haul, and Western jails are likely to become fuller still, because powers hostile to the West are expanding their espionage. Over the past couple of decades, Russia and China—and in some cases also Iran—have expanded traditional espionage on targets like the armed forces and other national-security institutions. But that’s just part of what they’re interested in. Every aspect of Western societies, from startups and university R&D to civil society, interests the intelligence gatherers and their masters.
It doesn’t matter that much of the information they collect can be found in newspapers and other publicly accessible sources: The objective is to hoover up as much information as possible. To be sure, agents coming from closed societies may not realize, or may find it convenient to sell to their bosses, just how much information is open in the West. But there’s also value in sheer quantity. And because Western governments have expelled a considerable number of Russian diplomats over the past few years, the number of undercover operatives is thought to have grown even more. Just this May, the U.K. expelled Russia’s defense attaché, Maxim Elovik, for spying.
But what should Western governments do after arresting the suspected spies? Like the two Britons arrested for spying, Western citizens caught in their home countries face prosecution. But what about Chinese, Russians, and other foreigners spying on our countries? Until now, Western governments have usually simply expelled them, as Sweden did with the Chinese journalist. Sweden has also expelled operatives who have been spying on Chinese dissidents, Uyghurs, and Tibetans on Beijing’s behalf. In 2010, after arresting a network of 10 Russian undercover spies including the flame-haired Anna Chapman, the United States swiftly expelled them to Russia in exchange for four Russians serving prison sentences for alleged espionage on behalf of America.
Eight years later, the FBI arrested another glamorous Russian spy, Maria Butina, who had been infiltrating U.S. political circles. By the end of the following year, though, she was safely back in Russia after serving a brief jail sentence. (In the case of diplomats and military officers serving under diplomatic accreditation, expulsion is the only punishment available.)
Expulsion, though, is hardly a deterrent. Russia rewarded Chapman with an extraordinary career as a television personality, while Butina was smoothly elected a member of the Duma.
One European country already takes a radically different approach and does so consistently: Estonia. When the Baltic country began building up its security institutions in the 1990s, after winning independence from the Soviet Union once more, its budding spy catchers eagerly learned from Western colleagues. Then, though, they did things their way. “Over the past couple of decades, Estonia has caught more spies than many larger Western countries, and we prosecute them,” Toomas Hendrik Ilves, a former president of Estonia, told me. “And since we have rule of law, we don’t prosecute unless we have a clear case.”
The decisive moment was Herman Simm, said Arnold Sinisalu, a veteran counterintelligence officer who until last year directed Estonia’s counterintelligence agency, the Internal Security Service. In 2008, the ISS arrested the respected top Ministry of Defense official on charges of spying for Russia, and soon thereafter he was put on trial. “After we prosecuted Simm, we decided that we should go to court as much we can every time,” Sinisalu told me. “And one of the most important decisions we made was that we won’t hide any information. We had those discussions in 2008 and 2009. Since that time, we have done it like this every time.”
Estonia has indeed done so, including last month, when a professor at the University of Tartu was convicted of spying for Russia and sentenced to over six years in prison. “Lots of Western academics said, ‘he can’t be a spy, he’s anti-Putin,’” Ilves noted. “But would a spy go around saying, ‘I’m for Putin?’ This is the world we live in. Anyone can be spying on us.”
Prosecuting foreign spies is gutsy. “If somebody is in prison, it’s the best way, honestly, to send a message,” Sinisalu told me. It’s also risky, because the spies’ paymasters can retaliate by arresting random Estonians or other Westerners on bogus espionage charges. In recent years, Russia, China, and Iran have shown they’ve no compunction about doing so. But, Ilves said, “taking a tough line hasn’t hurt Estonia. The standard policy of being hush-hush, just sending the spies away, what does it give you? It’s certainly not going to give you better relations with that country.”
Indeed, the risk of having Westerners arrested by hostile regimes may be a price worth paying to reduce spying against our countries. (And these days, Western citizens with no pressing need to visit hostile countries should avoid doing so.) Yes, Sinisalu conceded, hostile countries may retaliate by arresting Westerners, “but if our guys are arrested in Russia, then there we have something we can use in negotiations with the Russians. If you come empty-handed, what are you going to do? Arrested spies are like a treasure that you can trade with them.”
Put differently, an expelled spy is a treasure unnecessarily relinquished. Modern Estonia came late to the counterintelligence game. But an immeasurable advantage of belonging to the Western alliance is that it’s composed of friends who can learn from one another. And at the very moment Western governments have to tackle growing espionage, there’s a country whose blueprints they can study. We may soon see more prosecutions of foreign spies.
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anonwyvern · 7 months
3, 11, 17, 18, 19 for Cross (and Evelyn if you’re feeling froggy lol) from this ask list 👀👀
Ooooh! My main idiots! Yessssssss I shall answer for both 🐸
3. How did you choose their name?
Evelyn: I was (and am) obsessed with the movie The Mummy (1999) and loved Rachel Weisz’s character and wanted to be her so bad when I was a kid that I wanted my name to be changed to Evelyn 🤣
Cross: oh man, quick backstory time. I had an OC for a fantasy story I was writing when I was a teen and had the main anti-hero name be Krahs. Dunno where it came from, I think I shortened it from a longer variation. Eventually scrapped the story but kept the name around for a Charon/FLW fic I wrote (all 122k of it that I never posted oooof) and there was a random ghoul OC I had that carried the namesake of Krahs (pronounced Cross). The spelling of the name itself didn’t really fit his character, and as I was working his personality I was also playing the reboot of Tomb Raider at the time. I came up with this idea I really liked how Croft sounded, so very one-syllable, but didn’t necessarily want it as his name, and then BAM- Cross came to be. I personally love and think it suits him very well…but he does actually have a ‘real name’ that won’t be revealed till the finale of my Fallout series.
11. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
For both of them, yes. Cross was always a womanizer, and Evelyn was an OC ship I had with Charon. They both actually weren’t supposed to be a pairing together originally, but their chemistry worked so well they’re now my main pairing.
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
Evelyn: Being a twin. It sort of made for a weak plot point in the beginning, but I’ve tweaked things and made it work much better now.
Cross: Being a good painter. I scrapped this entirely, since it didn’t really make much sense for his character and felt way too random.
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
Evelyn: Hmm. I can’t say anything, really. I’ve had her fleshed out for some years now, and while I’m definitely getting to explore her more ‘youthful’ nature in my Charon/FLW fic, they’re elements I’ve had for a while.
Cross: He used to play baseball Pre-War. Nothing professional, but he was on the high school team and absolutely dominated the field when playing with the town’s amateur league on Saturdays. Definitely felt like a better fit for him. Plus I have the urge to paint him in a snuggly fitting baseball uniform 😈
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
Evelyn: She’s a freaking superhuman (in MoTC at least). Love the trope of scarily strong unsuspecting women that can kick total ass and bring entire buildings down. Felt very Mary-Sue at first, but then I gave zero fucks and now I unabashedly love it.
Cross: Ooh, I’m gonna be lame and cringe af and say I don’t have one as I love his character as a whole. I’ve put a lot of time and writing into fleshing him out for the past few years, and he’s come a looooong way from being a minor character (and getting killed off very quickly) to being my main goon that carries the entire series on his shoulders. He’s a charismatic, badass, bounty hunting ghoul merc with a foul mouth and questionable moral compass (and a total lovey sap for his wife) and I’m looking forward to completing his story and then rewriting him in new ones.
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ronmanmob · 9 months
character info sheet.
Name: Ronald Kray
Name meaning: Ronald, so sources say, is derived either/variously from the Old Norse Rögnvaldr and the Old English Regenweald - which (hilariously) is very similar looking and sounding to Reginald, the name of Ron's twin brother. Ronald is also sometimes the Anglicised version of the Gaelic Raghnall. All of these connote advice, decisions, and the concept of being a ruler. The name Kray is of German descent and is a variant of 'Krah', which means to resemble a crow somehow.
Alias(ses): Ron, Ronnie, Colonel, Big Ron
Two pictures you like of your character:
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Three headcanons you never told anyone:
Ron tilts his head towards the person he's listening to instead of holding their gaze in the vast majority of cases, nodding along and giving all the appropriate verbal cues that imply attentiveness.
Despite how he struggles expressing them, he's actually quite astute when it comes to sensing and responding to the emotions of others.
The one thing that'd really turn Ron off drink is if he was a violent/angry drunk. That's a step too close to being like his father. Thankfully for the distilleries of the world the man's got a hell of a capacity for alcohol, and when it does hit him it's gregariousness that comes out more than anything.
Three things your character likes to do in their free time:
Walk his dogs
Do puzzles
Tend his garden
Three people your character loves/ loved:
They know
His aunts May and Rose
His mum
Two things your character regrets:
Being in jail when Rose died
Causing his family grief by getting ill*
*this is a very personal opinion of himself; not Ron's or mun's feelings/thoughts/anything about folk who're mentally or physically poorly. Love and light, friends, love and light.
tagged by: I STOLE IT (from @brooklynislandgirl)
tagging: Come take it out my pocket, yeah?
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
okay wait i think you'd a flying-type gym. you totally have an altaria. and maybe a corviknight and swoobat :)
!!!! Altaria I love Altaria it's so fluffy and big and absolutely horrible to fight against if you're at a type disadvantage <3
Corviknight is the big black raven taxi Pokémon I'm assuming in German it's called Krarmor which I think is really funny translation wise because it's very easy to see it's set together with Krah (which is the onomatopoeia for the sound that crows and ravens make) and Armor which is still an English word as far as I'm aware there is no word armor in German but I'm assuming that's because galar is based off of Britain so they used some English words in the Pokémon names like with Intelleon which has the first part from Intelligence as in Intelligence network as in the spy movies and all that and then the second bit is chamaeleon which????? That's not a chamaeleon????? But I like Intelleon because the gigadynamax-intelleon is just. Sniping the enemy with a water gun. Idk why but I think that's really funny. Also Krarmor is a Mika Pokémon Mika would have one of these.
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robotpoetry · 2 years
The Holy Place Where Love Jha
My Sight Gentle May Krah
Spring Sound The Sun Numed
He Knew Not Be In Soot Fred
Told Me And Said Petitioned
I Told My Breast Did Mainland
Iii Struggling In A Little Bra
Free Thel Is Fled Ga
0 notes
once-upon-a-ouat · 6 years
Knight Rook a History: Love - Tower Tales (Day 1)
Alice wants to know what love is and her father isn’t exactly certain how to explain it to her. Some fluff and some angst per my usual. This was supposed to be longer but my brain didn’t agree with me since I’m back to uni as of today and I’m sleepy as hell. Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Read on FFN or AO3
“Papa?” Alice gave him that wide-eyed, curious look that was a clear sign that she’d ask a question to which he most certainly did not have the answer.
“Yes, starfish?” He smiled at her, waiting to see just what cannonball she’d shoot at him this time.
“What is love?”
And there it was. Perhaps if his own history with love hadn’t been so painful, he wouldn’t have been baffled by the question. But the way things were, he was not sure how to answer. What was he supposed to tell her that wouldn’t be a lie but also wouldn’t make her afraid of love? He didn’t have an answer. But he pondered the question for the sake of his little starfish that was looking at him expectantly.
“It’s always being there for the one you love,” he said, memories of Liam’s support and protection flooding his mind. “It’s fighting for the person you love with everything you’ve got,” he continued, seeing Milah’s face in his mind’s eye and almost feeling her gentle but passionate touch on his skin. “It’s being ready to give up everything for the person you love,” he looked at Alice and the fog of sadness that had clouded his mind cleared at the sight of her.
“And you love me, papa?” she asked but it was less of a question and more of an observation that he gladly confirmed.
“More than anything in the world, starfish,” he said as he pulled her closer and she curled up at his side.
“But, papa, what about my mom?” Alice looked up at him, firing at him another question that he didn’t know how to answer. It wasn’t her fault of course. It was Gothel’s. She was the one to blame for everything. For Alice being trapped in the tower and for him not knowing how to explain to her that the woman who was supposed to be her mother and care for her and love her more than everything else was the very reason for her imprisonment. He couldn’t tell her the truth. But he also couldn’t lie to her. Not only because he didn’t want to, but also because Gothel could use it against him. Alice had unwavering trust in him and he’d be damned if he let that witch destroy that too.
“I... really liked her,” he said, looking away, “but she turned out to be something entirely different from what she was pretending to be.” He swallowed. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around it. She’d tricked him in such a vile way, using him to give birth to a child she’d planned to abandon all along. He loved Alice more than his own life but that didn’t change the disturbing circumstances that had led to her birth. He cursed Gothel again for putting him in a situation in which he had to explain to a child all of that madness that he didn’t even understand himself. “She didn’t love either of us,” he said, hoping that it wouldn’t break Alice’s heart too much. It was the truth and it was enough information for her at least for now. One day she’d probably ask again and he’d be forced to explain the situation to her in more detail but he preferred not to think of that now. He looked at Alice. “But that doesn’t matter because we have each other.” He tapped her nose with his finger, trying to cheer her up since her smile had faded. He also tried to keep his hook as far away from her as possible as he felt the irresistible urge to sink it into something. Preferably Gothel’s face.
“But I’m trapped here, papa,” Alice cried, her eyes full of fear, her little hand bunching the fabric of her dress into a fist.
“I’ll find a way to get you out of here, starfish,” he said, not sure how he’d do it, but he knew he would find a way no matter what. “I promise,” he pulled her closer to him protectively. He’d given up the revenge he’d pursued for centuries for her. He’d figure out how to free her from her prison. “I’ll make sure you’ll find love, starfish. You’ll get out of this tower. And you’ll be happy.” He put a kiss on the top of her head and felt her little arms wrap around his waist.
“Thank you, papa,” she said and he could sense the change in her. The anxiety was gone from her voice and her body had relaxed next to his. “And you’ll find love too,” she said, looking up at him with a smile and determination in her eyes. A Jones to the bone.
He smiled back at her despite the pangs in his chest. He doubted he’d find love again. But it didn’t bother him as much as it used to. Because he had his starfish. She was the love of his life and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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vitamine-d · 3 years
...gjate pardites duke ecur rrugeve te Parisit krah njeri-tjetrit, duke bere foto artistike ne lagjet e vjetra. Ne dyqanet specifike qe do hasnim te blija trendafila, cokollata dhe gjera te vogla simbolike per t’i dhuruar aty spontanisht. Ulur ne park having deep convos while holding hands. Gjate pasdites vizite ne muze apo galeri si kritike arti gja while telling jokes, grabbing her ass and kissing her neck per te admiru “artin” dhe per ta vene disi ne “siklet”. Mbremja do ishte nje darke e shijshme ne nje restorant klasik me shije te holle ne ushqim dhe muzike, veshur classy and flirting nen tingujt e violines apo pianos. Me pas nje dhome e rezervuar me pamje panoramike  vetem xham me drejtim per nga kulla Eiffel, Champagne dhe fruta sigurisht. Making love to her all night long per ta karikuar dhe per t’ia shkarkuar serish energjite heret ne mengjes me rough sex...
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yel-halansu · 4 years
Vulcan polytheism
Vulcans, in spite of priding themselves on their logic, are also very invested in preserving their ancient traditions, and religion is no exception to this. Dating back to pre-Surakian times, Vulcan religion recognizes multiple deities and spirits of nature that populate the different areas of oT'Khasi. The beliefs of Vulcan religion are not shared exactly by every individual Vulcan, with some gods being worshiped exclusively in certain areas or social groups, and some Vulcans choose to not practice any religion at all.
It is worth noting that even though Surak has an immense influence in Vulcan culture and possessed many traits that could be considered messianic, he is not worshiped as a god. Spiritual practices connected to Surakian teachings, such as meditation, are non-theistic in nature.
Most of the practices of Vulcan religion take place away from the prying eyes of outworlders, however, we do have information about the main deities and spirits that populate its pantheon and legends:
T'Vet: a warrior goddess, still worshipped in some communities in Vulcan in spite of the prevalent pacifist philosophy of Surakian teachings.
Shariel: god of death, who lived in mount Tar’hana, where he spewed lava to terrify the Vulcans into submission. Legends say that he wielded the Pillar of T’Klass as a weapon to battle the other gods in defense of Sha Ka Ree.
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Khosarr: god of war and consort of the goddess Akraana.
Akraana: goddess and wife of Khosarr. It is unclear what she presided over, but it is known that in ancient times her followers excluded themselves from the rest of Vulcan society and lived in self-sufficient colonies in the area of T’paal.
Natara: god of water.
Reah: ancient goddess of the underworld, of death, and bereavement.
Ny'one and T'Priah: god and goddess of fertility, respectively: joined forever in a mystical union.
We also have records of a goddess of the sun, who is said to be woken every morning by her twin sons, and who was worshiped by a sect called Krah-jehl at the temple of T’rinsha; as well as other gods of peace and war who appear depicted in the Stone of Gol.
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Some of the nature spirits of Vulcan legend include:
Rushan: Air spirits.
Gratan: Desert spirits.
Fletan: Water spirits that inhabit certain oases.
Giidas: Guardian spirits.
Sirshos'im: Fire spirits that attract lost desert travelers to devour their souls.
In addition to the wider pantheon, Vulcan religion also recognizes a small group of five figures known as the Ka-ta-pak or Inner Chorus. These are personifications of the strong emotions that can grip the Vulcan heart and lead to destruction if allowed to run unchecked, and different schools of meditation teach how to deal with them in different ways. Each of them has a joyful aspect and a wrathful aspect, symbolizing how emotions can become destructive if not dealt with appropriately:
Tel-alep: also known as the Watcher, he represents curiosity. He is an old Vulcan chained to a great book that contains all the knowledge in the world. His counterpart is Alep-tel, the Bitter, who is jaded by all the experience he has accrued and eager to give advice tainted with cynicism and futility.
Kir-alep: represents peace and acceptance. Its counterpart is Alep-kir, the Sullen, who represents apathy and pessimism. It is represented as the heat of the high desert that drains the energy from the body.
Valdena: the personification of love, joy and beauty. She is portrayed as an athletic maiden dancing between the clouds. Her counterpart is Dena-vel, the Covetous. She traps the things she loves so that only she may enjoy their beauty, and, at the slightest sign of betrayal, she turns into an a'lazb (a Vulcan creature similar to a Terran spider) and drinks the blood of the object of her affection until they're dead.
Kal-ap-ton: represents grief. Usually depicted as a tall, gaunt young man in mourning attire who carries a small pouch full of tears. His counterpart is Tyr-al-tep, the Unforgiver, who makes Vulcans forget about what is and brood only on the possibilities of what might have been. He personifies the inability to let go of the past, and is said to voice any deep regrets that a particular Vulcan may have by whispering into the ears.
Ket-cheleb: also known as the Destroyer and the Blood-Drinker. He is the only figure in the Ka-ta-pak who does not have a joyful counterpart, as he is said to have killed him long ago and hung him on a great tree in the center of the world. He is thought to be the most dangerous, as the Vulcan mind is easily seduced by his cries, and it requires willpower to keep him at bay.
Vulcan polytheism is also the source of many myths, like the famous legend of Sha Ka Ree or the Great Oasis, a paradise at the center of all creation. Much like some cultures on Earth, Vulcans associated certain deities to the planets in their solar system and the constellations they could see in the night sky.
I leave you with this video, a beautiful legend about T'Kai, a trickster figure in Vulcan mythology.
Sources: Memory Beta, Memory Alpha, TAS, VOY, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Orion Press Lexicon, The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans, Hidden Universe Travel Guides: Star Trek: Vulcan, VLD, Kathleen Reynolds' Youtube Channel.
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mayple · 3 years
Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin,
Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!
Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan,
Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!
Huzrah nu, kul do od, wah aan bok lingrah vod,
Ahrk fin tey, boziik fun, do fin gein!
Wo lostfron wah ney dov, ahrk fin reyliik do jul,
Voth aan suleyk wah ronit faal krein!
Ahrk fin zul, rok drey kod, nau tol morokei frod,
Rul lot Taazokaan motaad voth kein!
Sahrot Thu'um, med aan tuz, vey zeim hokoron pah,
Ol fin Dovakiin komeyt ok rein!
Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin,
Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!
Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan,
Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!
Ahrk fin Kel lost prodah, do ved viing ko fin krah,
Tol fod zeymah win kein meyz fuundein!
Alduin, feyn do jun, kruziik vokun, staadnav,
Voth aan bahlok wah diivon fin lein!
Nuz aan sul, fent alok, fod fin vul dovah nok,
Fen kos nahlot mahfaeraak ahrk ruz!
Paaz Keizaal fen kos stin nol bein Alduin jot,
Dovahkiin kos fin saviik do muz!
Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin,
Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!
Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan,
Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draa
We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it Inside we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it And if you ask me how I'm feeling Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up)
We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it Inside we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye
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viking-raider · 4 years
Silver and Magic - Chapter 15
Summary: You make it to the Obsidian Fjord in the Dragon Mountains, looking for your Grandfather and a solution to your dire situation, before its too late. You meet more than just your Grandfather, and when you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself, it’s up to Geralt to make the right one. Not for just you and your life, but his as well.
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia/Reader
Word Count: 3,276
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Rating: M - Cursing, Mention of violence, blood
Inspiration: The Dragon Language the reader uses is Thu’um and Dragon Shouts, from Elder Scrolls. You can find a translator here! What the dragon’s head necklace looks like (x) This is sorta what I picture reader’s sword to look like (x) and how I picture the reader’s eyes (x)
Author’s Note: I’m pulling shit out of my muse’s ass, and probably future ones. Tell me what you think!
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans, @rosie-loves-things, @ohjules, @mary-ann84, @omgkatinka, @the-freak-cassie-131, @heelsamizayn, @agniavateira, @cap-barnes, @romyr4, @michelehansel, @katiebriggs004-blog, @badassbaker, @mrsaugustwalker, @authentic-bish-face, @rizeandvibe, @severuined, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @bellastellaluna, @wondersofdreaming, @thisisntmyrightera, @michelle-1185, @winchwm, @royallylazy, @sofiebstar, @worldicreate, @agniavateira, @fantasygirlsuniverse, @witches-of-discovery-a, @xuxszx, @ayamenimthiriel, @keiva1000, @fantasygirlsuniverse, @itsreigns, @constip8merm8, @scorpionchild81, @mylifefallingupthestairs, @onlyhenrys, @luclittlepond, @ellixthea​, @lebguardians​, @geralt-yennefer-jeskier​, @cherrybloomn​, @p3nny4urth0ught5​, @iloveyouyen​, @hollydaisy23​, @mcuimagination​, @psychosupernatural​, @sweetlybigdragonn​, @whitewolfandthefox​, @moviemonzy​, @the-soot-sprite​, @hell1129-blog​, @trippedmetaldetector​
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A great Purple Dragon rose from the treeline, at the south end of the lake, and you felt an awe and kinship with it as it hovered above the treetops, like it was waiting for you to do something; but you had no idea what. After several moments the Dragon came to you, landing on the edge of the shelf before you and regarded you for several long minutes.
“Hello, Dov Kiir. I am Zoe, wife of Orzac.” The Dragon spoke to you. “You're grandmother.”
You felt a giddiness bubble up inside of you. “I am so pleased to meet you, finally.” You replied, moving closer to her.
“And I you, Mal Gein.” She whispered back, touching noses with you and closing her eyes. She opened her eyes again, and looked at Geralt. “Who is this Joor, Kiir?”
“This is Geralt of Rivia, he's a Witcher.” You told her, turning your neck to look at him. “He is my lover, my...Sil Fahdon.” You tried to explain to her, the best you could.
“A Jul?” Zoe replied, looking back to you. “A man?”
“A Witcher.” You corrected her. “A good mortal. I love him.”
Geralt looked between the two of you mighty Dragons, totally out of the conversation, but trusted, whatever was going on, you would keep him safe.
“Then, why have you come home, Kiir?” She asked, her attention back on you.
“I have a problem, grandmother.” You told her, remembering how tired and on the sharp edge of death you are.
“Tell me, child.” Zoe replied, concerned.
You groaned, letting out a hard breath as your scales shivered and you returned to human form, looking so small beside Zoe, and looked up at her, your knees wobbly. Your pale skin glowed with the red and gold spots and veins, now in the corner of your eyes. Zoe huffed at you through her nose, ruffling a cool breeze over your body, stirring your hair, and relieving some of the heat in your body, like a forge. Zoe's large body walked around you, gently touching parts of your lava-like skin.
“Oh, Child.” She sighed, facing you again, her large mint-green eyes regarding you, sadly. “You're heart-” She whispered, touching the center of your chest, where it was the hottest. “You are losing your human life—soon, your Dragon life, will soon take you over.”
“How do I stop it?” You asked, tears welling up in your eyes, but they quickly dried up, with the heat of your skin.
“We must see your Grandfather.” She said, looking troubled.
“Of course.” You nodded, feeling hopeless.
“This is a trail, there-” She pointed her tail at a worn path. “that you and the...Witcher...may take. Go as far as it will take you, and you will find your Grandfather and I.”
“Thank you.” You told her, nodding your head to her.
“Welcome home, y/n Dilos, daughter of Ronar and Izzi.” She bid you, taking flight and returning back to where she'd emerged.
“She said, we take this trail, and it'll lead us to my grandfather.” You told Geralt, turning towards it; thankfully it was down hill.
“Who is she?” Geralt asked, wrapping his arm around your waist in case you needed support, and followed you down the trail.
“My grandmother, Zoe.” You answered, leaning your shoulder against his side.
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Geralt had to carry you the last two miles of the trail, before you came to a house butted up against a huge slab of obsidian. There was a beautiful older woman, with mint-green eyes, standing in the open doorway.
“Bring her in, Joor.” She said, moving out of Geralt's way and motioning inside.
Nodding, Geralt did so and followed her instructions to take you into an upstairs room and laid you down on the bed. “Are you her Grandmother?” Geralt asked, as she bent over you.
“Yes.” Zoe replied, fussing over you.
“You can transform into a human as well?” You asked, looking up at her.
“Of course, Kiir.” She replied, brushing her fingers through your hair, with such affection. “It was the only way your grandfather and I could visit your parents.” She explained to you. “Orzac banished your father from the Fjord, but he never stopped love his children.” She told you, smiling softly at you. “We visited them often, we tried to be with your uncle Orsa, but-” Zoe frowned, shaking her head. “He is still angry.”
“He's still alive?” Geralt frowned, narrowing his eyes at her.
“Yes, he and his wife live in, what we call, the East Gate Cliffs.” Zoe explained to him, placing her hand on your forehead and closing her eyes. “Krah.” She whispered, and her hand became frigid against your skin, cooling your face. “They went there, when they were sent away, and will have nothing to do with us, that isn't hostile.”
“Can you save her?” Geralt whispered, watching you.
“It will be hard.” Zoe answered, moving her cold hand to your chest. “She is so close to death..” She sighed.
“What do you mean?” Geralt demanded.
“Her Dovah Zii, is burning her human body from the inside out, the soul of a Dragon, is incredibly strong. But, hers is even more so, being y/n is a Ved Dovah-”
“A what?” He frowned, shaking his head at all the use of Dragarian.
“A Black Dragon.” She elaborated, glancing at him. “They are the strongest, other than Yuvon—Gold Dragons, like her grandfather. Their spirits are great, it's a surprise y/n was even born, especially, as she was.”
“Why?” You panted, getting delirious.
“Long ago,” Zoe said, sitting on your bed side, her cold hands moving over your body. “There were two gods, Aher and Oara, they loved each other with a fiery passion, that all were jealous and envious of. Before the Conjunction of the Spheres, there was a great battle, between the gods and goddesses about who would rule once the Conjunction happened. But, Aher and Oara, didn't want power, they just wanted to be one, to love each other, for the millennia. When the battle happened, Aher was trapped by an rival god, and was about to be killed, when Oara came from nowhere and stood between them, her skin turned to scale, protecting him from harm. But, it was for not, the god managed to wound her, and in his rage, its said that Aher breathed fire on the god, burning him to blackened bones.”
You surfaced in and out of consciousness, buoyed by her voice and cold of her hands.
“Crushed, as he held Oara as she died, they poured their magic and love together, creating the first two dragon eggs, that laid dormant until the Conjunction, when they hatched. The first, a white egg, for Oara had the most beautiful white hair, emerged first. Soon afterwards, the other egg hatched, a gold egg, for Aher had eyes of pure, molten gold. The powerful embodiment of the god and goddess.” She stroked your hair, watching with worry as your eyes rolled back. “But, even in the body of mighty Dragons, their love and power was too much for them to contain, so they had a child, Dilos; the first Black Dragon, who was strong enough to contain everything his parents could not. He went on to marry and have his own child, Orzac, and so the line of Dragons began. You, y/n, are a reincarnation of Dilos. Your great-grandfather.”
“What?” Geralt snapped, standing at the foot of the bed.
Zoe carefully turned your head and showed him your Dragon Mark, and traced it. “The lower case d.” She said, softly. “Dragons can be reincarnated, it's incredibly rare though. This is how we know she is.” She explained. “That and only Black Dragons are reincarnated, its extremely rare for any other color to be so.”
“Where is Orzac?” Geralt asked, watching you move fitfully.
“He had business to take care of.” Zoe answered, shushing you. “Life of a king.” She laughed, softly. “I am going to put her to sleep, it will help settle her and, hopefully, slow the damage, until Orzac arrives.” She said, looking back at Geralt, sensing his worry. “Praan Ahrk Hahnu, Dii Fron.” You took a deep breath, your eyes opening for a moment, before you let the breath out and relaxed, your eyes falling shut and body laying still. “I am sure, since she's made it this far, that you'll care for her, while I tend to other things.” Zoe said, rising. “There's nothing more I can do for her, now.”
“I'm not leaving her side.” Geralt told her, staunchly.
Zoe patted his arm. “I am sure of it, Witcher.”
Geralt sat down beside you after Zoe left, brushing his fingers through your hair and over your cheek. Your body was relaxed, but your face was still slightly pinched with pain and restlessness, the sheets and pillow beneath you growing damp. “You'll get better again, me minne. I'll do anything to have you better again.” He told you, brow creased as he watched you with worry, leaning in to kiss your chapped lips.
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“Witcher.” Orzac greeted him as he returned, stepping into the room.
“Orzac.” Geralt greeted him back, standing up.
“I am sorry, we've met like this again.” The Dragon commented, folding his arms and regarding you in bed.
“Tell me, there's something you can do for her.” Geralt, all but, begged him.
Orzac moved closer to you, touching his first two fingers to your forehead and closing his eyes, sliding his fingers down the bridge of your nose, over your lips and chin, to your throat, and stopping in the center of your chest, a hum rumbling in his chest. He turned to Geralt, suddenly. “Do you love her, Witcher?” He asked, studying him.
“With all that I am.” He answered him, narrowing his eyes.
“Would you die for her?”
“A million deaths.” Geralt growled.
“Would you bind yourself to her?” Orzac asked, tilting his head.
“Like, marry her?” Geralt frowned, confused.
“Of the sort.” Orzac replied, glancing at you.
“Yes.” He whispered, softly.
“Then, this choice, of her life-” Orzac said, looking back at Geralt. “is in your hands. As her soulmate, you must choose how to save her.”
“What are my choices?” Geralt asked, without hesitation.
“There are four.” Orzac explained, seating himself in a chair beside your bed. “One, you allow her to die. Two, we remove her Dragon heart and start her human one. Three, I remove her Human heart and she will turn into her Dragon form, permanently.”
“Why can't you just restart her human heart again?” Geralt asked, feeling himself getting agitated.
“That is the fourth choice,” He answered with a sigh. “But, it's not as easy as you may think. It will change her.”
“Change her, how?” The Witcher got a sick feeling in his stomach.
“There is a very old ritual.” The Dragon began to explain to him. “The Passage of the Sacred. It will change her, it may enhance certain powers, enhancing her Dragon abilities, magic, senses, dragon form; which is already quite strong. It may enhance her human and Mage abilities. It may give her new ones. But,” He settled his eyes on Geralt. “It may take her powers, some or all of them. She may not return from it, either. Some get lost on their journey through the passage.”
“Why do I decide this?”
“She isn't capable of making them herself, you can see as much.” He waved his hand over you. “So, the choice resides with her one true mate, You, Geralt of Rivia.” He smiled between you and Geralt. “Your love for each other is the embodiment of Aher and Oara.”
“I'm not a Dragon, I'm a Witcher.” Geralt huffed.
Orzac laughed. “They didn't start out as Dragons, Witcher. They didn't even start out as Gods. They ascended, because of their love for one another.” He grinned. “I will give you time to decide.”
Geralt grabbed Orzac by the arm before he could leave the room. “I want y/n back.” He told the other male. “I will do anything, so, I want you to do the Passage.”
He blinked at Geralt, and a slow smile crossed his face. “Very well then. I'll prepare the ritual, when it's ready, I'll retrieve you both.”
“Thank you.”
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Geralt picked you up, not allowing anyone else too, and carried you down a path that led into a cave system near the lake. He noticed several humans by shimmering pools and lifted his brow at Orzac.
“Dragon Menders.” Zoe explained. “Those we've entrusted our powers and secrets with.”
Nodding, Geralt carefully laid you down on a stone slab indicated by one of the Menders, and stepped away from you, but made sure he was near enough to step in, if he didn't like how they were treating you. A mender retrieved a bucket and dipped it into one of the pools, then slowly poured it over your body, steam rose as the heat of your body evaporated the water. They poured several buckets of water over you, cooling your body considerably. Another Mender entered, covered in strange tattoos and markings, and carrying a large stack of what looked like white gauze. She dipped the gauze into the waters, then slowly started wrapping it around your feet, working up your body.
“What is she doing?” Geralt whispered to Zoe.
“Wrapping her in the fabric of our people.” The Mender replied, her focus still solely on you. “My people have been serving, worshiping and mending Dragons of millennia, we have utilized the Dragons' powers and magic, mixed with ours to aid them, in all things.”
“Lena is our best Mender.” Zoe explained, smiling at her. “Y/n's mother was a Dragon Mender.”
“I thought she was a Dragon?” Geralt frowned.
“She was.” Lena replied, dipping more fabric in the waters and started wrapping your arms. “For her abilities as a Healer, Orzac, gifted her the form of a Dragon. All White Dragons were once a Dragon Mender, that has transcended through the Passage of the Scared, returned, and proven themselves worthy of the heart and soul of a Dragon.”
“Then, our son, Ronar, fell in love with her.” Zoe chimed in, watching. “and they married.”
Lena paused, holding your unwrapped arm and turning towards Orzac. Orzac nodded, stepping forward, pulling a titanium-oxide blade from his belt, taking your hand in his and slicing into your palm, making Geralt jerk with anger. But, Zoe rested her hand on his thick arm and smiled at him, then nudged him forward. Lena held your bloody hand as Orzac grabbed Geralt's and did the same to his palm, making him growl and hiss. The Dragon King pressed your and Geralt's bloody hands together and held them tight between his.
“Do you still mean, that you will bind yourself to her, Witcher?” Orzac asked him, panting. “To marry her, in the will of Dragons.”
“Yes.” Geralt snapped.
“As the might of Dragons,” Orzac said in a strong and powerful tone, his voice carrying through the stone rooms. “King and God of our people, I give my son's daughter to this mortal, to Geralt of Rivia, Witcher, to bind them as one; in love, life, blood and power.”
Geralt felt a burning tingle race up his arm, a white hot heat blooming between your and his palms, and felt strangeness surge through his body and mind, threading his bloody fingers between yours, and squeezing, his amber-gold eyes glowing.
“Gron Ahrk Kos Gein. Fah Nu, Ahrk Enook Bok.” Orzac growled and a gold halo glowed around your linked hands, his eyes changing to their Dragon form. “You are one of us now, Witcher.” He told Geralt, watching as Geralt's pupils changed from pinpoint circles, to narrow slits. “You are tied to each other, bound by all things, as husband and wife, and so much more.”
Geralt shook his head, seeing the change in his vision, even with his eyes being enhanced by the Witcher trials. Orzac let your hands go and Geralt looked at his palm, it was healed, the only trace was a thin and neat scar; you hand was the same. Lena wrapped your arm, then wrapped the rest of your torso, securing your arms to your chest as she did, then carefully wrapped your neck and head. With the  help of another Dragon Mender, they picked up your body, carrying you to one of the pools, and gently lowered you in, allowing your body to sink to the bottom, and out of view. Lena took your Orzac necklace and turned to Geralt, motioning him to bend to her short level, and slipped the necklace over his head, settling it around his neck and against his chest, over his heart.
“This necklace has become attuned to y/n's powers.” She told him, touching her fingertips to the mystic crystal eyes in the pendant. “While, she is on her Passage, she will need a guide, a reason to return to us, and her life here. She will be drawn back by her power, but, if she doesn't have a true reason to return, then not even her power will bring her back.” Lena explained to him, meeting his eyes, that had returned to normal. “You, Geralt, as her Soulmate, and now her husband, must be that reason. You must call her back to life.”
“And, if I can't?” Geralt asked, feeling his heart pound.
“Then, she will not return, she will remain in the waters here, for all time. Lost.” Lena told him, sadly, glancing at the pool they submerged you in. “And the only Black Dragon of the Continent, since Dilos, will be gone.”
“How do I recall her, then?” He asked, his eyes trained on the pool and his throat tight.
“Stay here.” Lena said to him, resting her tattooed hand on his arm. “Think of her, talk to her, of your love for her. The life you want with her. What you love about her, and that you want her back.”
“How long will it take her to come back to me?” Geralt asked, he hadn't stopped thinking about those things, since he met you.
“All depends on her.” She answered him, sighing. “Depends on how much damage was caused to her, how much strength she had, and has, left. What life of her is left, and how much she wants to come back.”
“I won't leave until she comes back.” Geralt said, with deep conviction. “and if she never comes back, I still won't leave.” He added, pressing his lips together and fighting hard against showing the emotions so many people had accused him of not having, as a Witcher.
“You are the son of Dragons and Dilos now, Witcher.” Orzac told him, resting his hand on Geralt's shoulder. “Family. My grandchild's Soulmate, husband and love. You will always be welcomed here, for as long as you want, whenever you want.” He said, with his own honest conviction.
“I will ensure, that one of the Menders tends to your needs, while you are here, Witcher.” Lena told him, feeling for him. “However long that is.”
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bitchwhoreofastorm · 4 years
"Zu'u lovaas wah viidosti Zu'u lovaaas wah viidosti Zu'u lovaas wah viidosti, zu'u meyz mul."
"What is it?"
"What are you singing?"
"Zu'u dreh meyz viidosti Zu'u dreh meyz viidosti Zu'u los viidosti, mul ahrk krah."
"It sounds like a love song."
“Is it?”
"Hi du daar viidosti Hi du vidost do dii Hi dreh du daar viidosti, sos ahrk qeth."
"I want to know the words."
"They don't really mean anything."
"Still, I want to know."
"I thought you hate it when I speak this language."
"I like this one. It's sweet."
"Insolent wife, will you finish it, at least?"
"... Ahrk zu'u dreh ag sosiil Ahrk zu'u dreh meyz hi. Zu'u dreh nu meyz viidostiil, zu'u meyz hi."
"... That's all I remember of it. It ends there."
"Zu'u meyz hi... I become you?"
"I become you."
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nirnrave · 4 years
another dovahzul lullaby
tumblr user @boethiah​ posted one of these many a moon ago, and it inspired me to make my own! it was fun playing around with dovahzul’s “grammar” hfglkdfhlkg
Ton krah felniirre laat nunon gein getiid Haalle do laag fen dein hi fod rovaan Hahnu do briisevu, fariik dahik maltiid Daar lein tol mu voth hind wahlaan
Daar leinu los lovaas, los rot med du'ul. Hi ofan mu unslaad razaan Zu'u hon tul hiliil, wah hokoron mul Ahrk wah hin mandro daan.
Fod tiid bo fod vopraan kent, ov: Zu'u fen ni sarein, ni saraan Lokaali(, zu’u) fen hi ontzos mahlov Ko vesey ahst oblaan
A thousand cold winters last only a second The hands of sleep will keep you safe as you wander Dream of dawn's beauty, precious for its transcience the world we created with hope/a wish
This world of ours is a song, is a word like a crown You gave (gifted) us an eternal beat (rhythm) I still hear your heart, strong against enemies (against enemies strong) And against the doom of your drum. (your drum's doom)
When the time comes to have to (must) wake up, trust: I will not hesitate, not/nor wait My love (, I) will once more embrace you In a kiss at the end
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art-now-uk · 3 years
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hunting for Love, The KRAH
This painting was inspired by the Deer hunt mosaic from Ancient Greece that was created at the time of Alexander the Great in Northern Greece. I recreated this powerful image in a surreal and mythological way to express the way human men hunt women as animals do in nature.
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timesimmer · 4 years
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Middle of Nowhere 
Zeg: It seems that the Stone & Sand tribe continue to work together. Madih has been promised to the eldest son of the Sand tribe.The moon has blessed Chief Vall and his partner Rona with a child. It should be here soon. 
Chief Nazen: The moon has blessed? Hasn’t he been blessed enough! First with my tribe and now with a child. 
Krah: Chief it’s time that we attack. The men are ready to destroy the Stone tribe. 
Chief Nazen: Destroying them would be to easy. I want them to suffer. I want my brother to watch as we burn everything and everyone that he loves. 
<--- Previous / Beginning / Next --->
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mr-gentlemann · 5 years
do doja t beheshe mir pasi njof dhe un nje shokun tim qe esht ne te njejten gjendje. ndihem sprrr keq sepse sdi cfar t bej per ta ndihmuar but thjesht mundohem q tja shof ndonjher at buzeqeshjen teper te zorshme. love ❤
Dhe une do te doja te isha me mire . Do te doja te kisha dhe ate ne krah . Do te doja te isha gjith jeten me te . Do te doja ta perqafoja . Do te doja ti dhuroja cdo gje . Do te doja ta kisha prane cdo moment 😭😭
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