#louth chat
bryonyashaw · 1 year
𝙃𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙨 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙛𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨
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mangocheesecakes · 1 year
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neechees · 1 year
So some info on how Laura is probably not dead & faked her own death:
All of Laura's other social media accounts have been active & posting both after the say she claimed to have been arrested & "died"
"Louthes" was going around messaging people pics of Laura's allegedly dead body, where they say she was stabbed in the neck. The alleged stab wound is conveniently not visible at all in the photo, and Laura's face does not look very pale/grey at all despite the fact she would have lost a lot of blood from a stab wound to the neck, which is near the face.
Whoever was running Laura's blog produced a fake death certificate by photoshopping someone else's real one. Her excuse later for this is that she was "pressured" by a patron (which of course she gives no proof for) to provide one, & she alleges the hospital "won't" give her one (which is highly unlikely, you can ask for death certificates, and you can't just not get one)
Laura shouldn't have been in jail (where she allegedly "died") in the first place, and her mom being "detained" by the hospital was also probably a lie, because according to Republic Act (RA) 9439 you can't legally be detained in/by the hospital for outstanding medical bills, and you also can't be arrested for ANY outstanding/unpaid bills of any kind either
Laura's family is most likely at least partially in on her lying for money, which is probably why she keeps begging people to try talk to her family via video chat, so they can back up her bullshit
"Louthes" acts a lot like Laura after allegedly taking over her blog after her "death", including the way she speaks, a generous use of the exact same emojis Laura used in every paragraph, liking her own posts (which she did both on Facebook and tumblr), and butchering aave when getting angry at people for calling her out on her suspicious behavior (which is what Laura did when she was first called out in 2021)
"Louthes" claimed she didn't know how to use tumblr when she claimed to have taken over Laura's blog & that she'd never used it before, which is also a lie because she'd apparently made a blog fundraising for herself last year
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barnesy · 2 years
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Our first shooting day in Louth (01/12/22) in the morning we got lots of B-roll footage before heading to meet Sunny. The only set back was when a local ‘Ron’ came and chatted to us and put us behind 30 minutes, but he was lovely and I spoke to him about his military career for a while.
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Scene 8
Location: Niamh’s Bedroom (Later that Night)
Date and Time: 9:15 pm, 16th August 2019
This scene is mainly comprised of a montage sequence where Niamh is in her bedroom conducting some internet sleuthing to find some potential leads as to what is the current state and story in Donegal, what are people's opinions on these online chat forums but nothing is exactly concrete to stand on or has a sturdy base in terms of evidence and proof to back them up. There are a series of headlines that were saved to archive sites, satellite views of the county, sharing the video on sites such as YouTube and Reddit with the inclusion of comments sections and threads.
Scene 9
Location: Library in Louth (The following morning)
Date and Time: 10:37 am, 17th August 2019
Jack and Eoghan go to the library for some primary sources but there isn’t anything to be found until they eventually come across something in the fourth library they go to that same morning where they find a book with some Donegal based place names and an old newspaper from 1988, a date which Eoghan recognises from the video recording where there was a date in the top corner of the screen when the interview with the girl took place. Scanning through the newspaper they find the relevant article which is a missing person’s case featuring a girl similar to the one in the mysterious broadcast. The girl in question was last spotted in south Donegal but nothing had ever been made of the case afterwards, leaving her missing for over 30 years.
Scene 10
Location: Niamh‘s Bedroom (That same morning)
Date and Time: 10:54 am, 17th August 2019
Lying face down on her desk asleep after a long night’s work trying to find some information she is awoken by a notification sound which is a private message from someone on a forum who says they have a piece of media in their possession that could be of use to the group which she reacts to curiously.
Scene 11
Location: In a local cafe (Later that day)
Date and Time: 3:09 pm, 17th August 2019
After gathering their sources of information, they regroup in a local cafe to update themselves on where things stand and what’s the next course of action. Niamh briefs the lads on the person she has been in contact with online, a middle aged man name Phil that owns a DVD with contents similar to that of the broadcast recording. This is the strongest lead they have but remain hesitant of where to go next in developing this investigation - but this disk could hold some crucial information in strengthening their chance of securing funding as well as getting some much needed answers in what could be a potential cover up of a person going missing.
Jack bites the bullet and asks Niamh and Eoghan if they want to pursue the investigation further they wholly agree to travel to the Leitrim-Donegal to get this disk which could be nothing or potentially link them to a groundbreaking conspiracy that needs to be revealed to the world.
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lindoig3 · 6 years
Thursday to Saturday, 14-16 February
The ‘official’ Darling Run
A late and lazy start for our Big Day/Days. Looks like we will finally head off on the section of the Darling Run that I have always regarded as the key sector: the 330-odd kilometres between Bourke and Wilcannia. We have done the rest of the Run (Walgett to Wentworth, including those parts along the Barwon River, a fair bit of it on both sides of the river) in bits and pieces at least a couple of times but our ambition to do the iconic Burke to Wilcannia section has always been thwarted by road closures due to flooding. This time, we are assured of dry weather and both the west (north) and the east (south) roads are open so with any luck, we will make room for a new item to be addedd to our Bucket List by removing this one within a few days.
Basically, this section of the Run involves just over 100 clicks Bourke to Louth (we have done that at least twice before), then another 100-odd to Tilpa and then on to Wilcannia. The road runs broadly northeast to southwest: hence the confusion about south versus east side and north versus west side - officially it is east and west even if that is not entirely congruent with my knowledge of geometry. There is a road on each side of the river and I have wanted to drive both for decades.
We are now back in Bourke after achieving our dream.  It was a great experience although not at all as I had imagined it. The road is rarely close to the river, but in any case, the river is currently just an occasional string of muddy pools. It is real desert country, much of it totally devoid of vegetation although there were smallish patches of green fuzz smudging the billiard-table flat floodplain where there had been a recent brief storm. Other areas were equally grey and flat, but studded (sometimes liberally) with spindly shrubs and some slightly more decent trees. Occasionally, small areas were even wooded, not forested, but with a reasonable cover of trees and shrubs, even a little scrappy ground cover in places. There were quite a lot of big river red gums, but many more coolabahs and other unidentified vegetation (at least by me).
We had a late lunch in Louth and I reported 18 species of birds before we drove on to Tilpa: a town boasting a population of zero according to the sign. It actually consists of a couple of dilapidated houses and a pub. We had a cold drink and chatted with the manager and his partner for an hour. We had seen a very sad sight about 30 km back along the road where a couple of farmers and a woman were dragging dead cattle into a heap, presumably to burn. We assumed that they had shot them because there was no feed for them, but we were told at the pub that 80 cattle had died there overnight and 50 a bit further away after eating fodder that had been delivered to them by a truck that came through from Queensland the day before. They were still trying to save other sick cattle, but it was too late for most of them. Must be utterly heart-breaking to lose stock that way after feeding them through 8 years of drought. Before leaving the pub, we bought a cold bottle of bubbles to celebrate finally finishing the Run - cost us $10: less than we would pay for it in Melbourne.
Before leaving, I did another survey and saw only 2 birds!
We then set off, intending to have a bush camp at a campground along the way, but when we got there, it was closed temporarily due to dangerous trees. We had to continue on to the main Cobar-Wilcannia road and camped at a rest stop there, effectively completing the east-side Run.
I was feeling pretty lousy with reflux. I had run out of my pills and had been suffering a little for a few days before realising why. Nonetheless, we enjoyed our bubbles and watched The Pink Panther after dinner, having watched the denouement of Loch Ness the previous night. We had not intended doing the whole distance in one day, but given the heat and scarcity of stopping places and places to explore, it just happened that way.
Next day (Friday), we drove the final 8km to Wilcannia on the bituman, fuelled up and set off on the return trip on the west side. The road was equally as good both sides of the river and we were driving between the Darling and the Paroo rivers for part of the distance, both unfortunately devoid, or almost devoid, of water.
We stopped in at Tilpa again and ate our lunch before having another chat with the locals in the pub. I did another survey with a dramatically increased result - up from 2 to 9 birds.
Then it was on to Louth where we camped overnight.  I quite liked Louth, despite the caravan park, and did a slightly longer survey there, reporting 22 species to eBird.  The van park was small and a bit sad.  The ablutions, such as they are, are shared with the pub and power was only available from a few places.  At around 1am, I heard a guy from the only other van in the park mucking around with their power lead and discovered that our power was off too. The fridge was quite warm so it could have been off for several hours, but I went out and found another outlet that was working so got the fridge going again, even if it still wasn’t very cold in the morning. The water was also very muddy - not a big problem because we carry a lot with us, but I think it is a case of having a captive audience. It is over 100km to any alternative accommodation/power/ water so you pays your money and and takes your chances - that is all that is available. Having said that, I really enjoyed the number and variety of birds so I won’t take Louth off our visiting place list just yet.
Even had I not been wandering the van park with a power lead in my hand at odd hours during the night, I still didn’t get much sleep. My reflux was really bad, burning my chest and throat and making me feel sick as a dog so I was up numerous times and propped up in bed and sleepless most of the night. We wanted to get to the pharmacy in Bourke before it closed at noon on Saturday so we got up a bit earlier than usual and headed off on the last leg of our planned Darling excursion and made it into Bourke with time to spare. I dosed myself up and Heather stocked up on a few groceries and we refuelled the car and got set up again at the Kidman Camp, our favourite place in Bourke.
The last leg was interesting, possiby better although a bit patchier road conditions with the last 32 clicks on blacktop.  According to the sign near Louth, it was 122 km to Bourke - a sign a few clicks further along said it was 150 still to go - we reckon it was 121!  The road diverts quite a way from the river and joins the Wanaaring Road 32 km from Bourke although we did see a diversion at one place that may have allowed us to follow the river a little more closely.  We would have gone that way except that we were very anxious to get to the pharmacy before it closed - at least I was and I very glad we made it.  With a double dose of pills, by late that night I was feeling almost normal again.
This trip was actually quite a big deal for us.  It was nothing like the challenge I imagined it would be and in the absence of a river to enjoy - a bit far away and no water anyway - it wasn’t as scenic as the footage we have seen of other vanners like us.  It was still an achievement that has been decades in the making and we feel very satisfied having completed it in both directions even if others think it a bit trivial.
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t-baba · 4 years
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The failed promise of Web Components
#460 — September 30, 2020
Web Version
Frontend Focus
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How to Emulate Vision Deficiencies in Chrome DevTools — Did you know you can emulate various vision deficiencies in Chrome to see how users who experience color blindness or blurred vision might see your site? Here’s how to try it out and help catch any issues that might be degrading your user experience.
Addy Osmani
The Failed Promise of Web Components — The idea was that Web Components would help us more simply roll out new, powerful HTML elements and features, but.. it didn’t quite work out that way, as Lea explains. Before you think this is just someone’s opinion.. sure, but plenty of people in the space have agreed with it.
Lea Verou
Tutorial: Build An Online Payment Form In 3 Steps — The Square payment form is customizable and easy to integrate into your web application’s checkout flow. It securely tokenizes sensitive card data so it never touches your servers, facilitating PCI-compliant payment processing.
Square sponsor
Gutenberg Accessibility Costs WordPress the W3C Work — Not a great look when the international standards organization for the Web points the finger (politely) at the Gutenberg editor as the reason for WordPress no longer being a CMS consideration for the in-progress W3C redesign. Joe Dolson raises some related internationalization concerns in this related post.
Adrian Roselli
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Wikipedia Is Getting A New Look for The First Time in 10 Years. Here’s Why — Making any sort of design changes can be a daunting task, so hats off to those doing so on such a massive, widely-used, and important site. If you want to follow along, this is the first entry in a series on how Wikipedia is going about things.
Olga Vasileva (Wikimedia)
⚡️ Quick bits:
The second alpha of Bootstrap 5 is now available, and includes new dark dropdown options.
Use the Web Audio API? The Chrome Web Audio team want your feedback "to make a plan for the upcoming years."
Here's the latest Dev channel update for Microsoft Edge.
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📙 Tutorials, Articles & Opinion
How Screen Readers Navigate Data Tables — A thoughtful explainer on how screen reader users navigate <table> based content.
Léonie Watson
How To Auto Adjust Your Font Size With CSS font-size-adjust? — Explains how the CSS font-size-adjust property works and how you can experiment with it across multiple browsers.
Nimritee Sirsalewala
The 20 Best Brackets Extensions for Front End Developers — We've highlighted our top picks for Brackets extensions that will help developers working to optimize their workflow.
Shopify Partners sponsor
Debugging Browsers: Tools and Techniques — If you’ve a keen interest in testing, this is a quick (growing) summary of some tools and techniques you can use to diagnose browser problems.
Eric Lawrence
Five Ways Google Analytics Helps Web Developers In UI/UX Design — Features in Google Analytics that can help web devs and designers in making a better user experience on their website.
Clara Buenconsejo
Menu Reveal By Page Rotate Animation — A neat hidden menu idea. Preethi runs through how to create it.
CSS Tricks
Optimizing Your Website with Fiddler and Lighthouse
Rob Lauer
The High Privacy Cost of a “Free” Website
Aaron Sankin and Surya Mattu
🔧 Code, Tools and Resources
Duet Date Picker: An Accessible WCAG-Compliant Date Picker — Has an elegant default design with lots of ways to customize it (e.g. min/max ranges, changing first day of the week, localization, etc). Try different examples here.
Duet Design System
Keyboard Simulator: A Three.js-based Customizable 3D Keyboard — Allows you to design and test virtual keyboards using a number of different layouts and keyboard features, along with a whole slew of color themes.
Carson Britt
Ballpoint: An Experimental Web-Based Vector Graphics Editor — Offers offline support, its own native BPS file format, SVG import, and export via SVG, PDF, or PNG.
500M End-Users Depend On Our Scalable Chat & Activity Feed APIs
Stream sponsor
Visual Mind AI: Analyse the Visual Quality Of Your Website — Take this with a grain of salt, since it’s based on AI, but this is an interesting way to see how your website’s layout is scored for its overall attractiveness.
a11yresources - A Growing List of Accessibility Tools and Resources
Hannah Milan
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A CSS Nintendo Switch — Sharing this as I’m currently playing through Super Mario 3D All-Stars and this naturally caught my eye. A great CSS recreation of Nintendo’s hybrid console making good use of box-shadows. (Oh, and if you’re a Switch gamer, there’s a newsletter for that 😉).
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Published by Cooper Press Ltd. Curated by Chris Brandrick & Peter Cooper. Fairfield Enterprise Centre, Louth, LN11 0LS, United Kingdom
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bryonyashaw · 1 year
📌 @archies_louth
My nephew and Winnie (my daughter if you're new here) attended a pottery class by @popoloceramicospilsby at Archies (the classes were also available at @little.louth and @justonemore.bike in Horncastle.
I love seeing these two play together (𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮) and the relationship they have. Long story short but my twin sister having a baby close in age to mine (9 months apart) has been a nice shared experience - they even go to school together.
𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙨 (𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘥)
The session was 45 minutes and the dragons they are painting was £14. The hot chocolate she's drinking is from Archies.
🖌 They offer ‘paint a pot’ takeaway boxes to paint in the comfort of your own home - great for keeping the kids entertained on rainy days.
🎨 They bring everything needed to your home or venue for your childrens’ parties.
🖌 Popolo Ceramico Spilsby capture baby and children's hand and foot prints in paint on to a range of quality ceramics, producing forever keepsakes - including pets footprints on ceramics.
🎨 They arrange Pop-Up Pottery Cafes working with local venues, bringing a range of ceramic for painting and decorating.
🖌 They host hen parties, friends’ nights in, etc.
🎨 Plus, there is also the option of personalised jewellery with your little one’s’ prints - a forever keepsake of those tiny hands and feet in silver (so cute!)
🖌 Now offering clay and plaster imprints and impressions.
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darnedchild · 7 years
Molly Hooper - (Assistant) Reanimator : Part Five
Also on FFdotnet and Ao3
With apologies to H.P. Lovecraft - A modern retelling of Herbert West - Reanimator.  Written for the 2017 Sherlolly Halloween fest.
Part Five - The Scream of the Dead
It was immediately clear to Molly that she needed to get out of Louth.  Unfortunately, she couldn’t just pack her things and run after the Meynard funerals, no matter how much she wanted to.  There wasn’t enough in her savings to live off of for any prolonged period of time, so finding a new job was a priority.  
Two months later, she managed to secure interviews at a pair of hospitals and arranged to spend a week in London.
By the time she came home, she had accepted an offer at St. Bartholomew’s.  
Rather than let Herbert find out she was leaving through the village grapevine, Molly thought it would be best to drive out to his place.  She hadn’t seen nor spoken to him outside of the practice in over a month, but something compelled her to break the news to him in person.
His car was parked beside the house, but no one answered the door when she knocked. However, she could hear the muted sounds of “Mars” coming from somewhere inside.  Herbert was a fan of Holst, and would often listen to the Planets while he worked in the lab; which meant odds were fairly good that he was home.
Molly went around to the house, and knocked on the back door.  This time she heard the music stop, and after a moment she could see Herbert step through the cellar door into the kitchen.  
He invited her in.  “I wasn’t expecting you back until tomorrow.  Where did you go, again?  Off to visit your mom, right?”  
He wasn’t usually the sort who made ideal chit-chat, so his behaviour began to put her on guard.  Clearly he was trying to distract her from something.  “No.  I mean, yes, I did see mum for a brief visit; but I was actually in London.  For a job interview.  I’ve, uh, been offered a position in pathology at St. Barts.”  She bit her lip and waited to see how he was going to react. 
“That’s . . .  Congratulations.”  He smiled, but it didn’t come anywhere near his eyes.
“Thank you.”  They stared at each other for a moment, and it was tense and almost combative.  She felt the need to fill the awkward silence. “So, what have you been doing lately?”
Molly quickly regretted her question.
“Are you certain you really want to know?”
If anything, she was certain that was the very last thing she wanted.  Her eyes darted to the door he’d come through.  “What’s in the cellar?”  She tried to make it sound as if she wasn’t dreading the answer. She failed.
He gestured for her to go down the stairs ahead of him.  Against her better judgement, she did.
On the second-hand autopsy table in the centre of the room was a body.
“Where did you find this one?”  It was telling that her first response was along the line of ‘Not again’ rather than shock and outrage at finding yet another corpse hidden away in Herbert’s home.
He hurried past her, fairly bouncing in excitement.  “He came to me, and at the most fortuitous time.  He’s a door-to-door salesman, which I didn’t even think existed anymore, but there you go.”  Herbert patted the body’s foot.  “He looked worn out, and you’re always reminding me that I should make more of an effort to be affable, so I invited him in for a glass of water and a sit down.  Poor man had a heart attack while I was in the kitchen.”
Molly opened her mouth but nothing came out.  She reached up to rub her temples and tried again.  “And you just kept him here?  Someone’s going to miss him.”
He scoffed as he pulled a vial of something she didn’t recognize out of the mini-fridge.  It wasn’t the serum they’d been working on.  That liquid had been more of a neon yellow-green that almost seemed to glow. This was electric blue, and looked as if it had come straight out of a bottle of window cleaner.
“No one has come looking for him in the last week and a half.  Besides, he’s dead.  It’s not as if he’s going to mind.  As a matter of fact, he’d probably be proud that his sacrifice is leading toward a scientific breakthrough.”
“A week and a half?”  She got stuck on that detail.  Almost against her will, Molly found herself leaning over the body.  There was no way that he had been dead for that long.  His skin tone was still healthy, no visual signs of rigor or decomp.  He would have looked as if he were merely sleeping if he’d been breathing.  
Herbert nodded and held the vial out to her.  “I told you we needed to try a different approach.  Think of it as a new form of embalming fluid.  He was here when he died, so I was able to stop the deterioration process almost immediately.”
Molly didn’t know if she should be impressed or horrified.  Or both.  Probably both.
He reached for the syringe of the reanimation serum that was already prepared and waiting next to the salesman’s body.  “You are just in time to witness his resurrection.  Would you like to do the honours?”
She shook her head and took a step back.  “No.  Thank you.” The polite words seemed at odds with the situation, but the social niceties had been ingrained in her for so long that they just slipped out.
This time it only took a few minutes for the first signs of movement.  It started with a twitch of the toes, then muscles rippled and spasmed.  The salesman’s eyes fluttered open.  Then his lips began to move, as if they were forming words.  
Reluctantly, Molly edged half a step closer, until she could hear wheezing breaths that passed across his lips.  His eyes focused on her for a second, then rolled until they alighted on Herbert. Suddenly the salesman began to twitch and his hands curled into claws.
“What is it?” she asked him.  “Does it-does it hurt?”
“Noooo,” the corpse whispered.  Initially, she thought he was answering her; but then he reached for Herbert and his voice rose in panicked anger.  “No, don’t come near me.  What are you doing with that needle?  Don’t touch me.  Don’t touch me!”  That’s when she realized he wasn’t reaching for the other man, he was holding up his hands to try to ward Herbert off.
Sherlock inhaled sharply through his nose.  “Did he hurt you?”
West was clearly a psychopath.  Up until that moment, Molly had gone along with his madness.  But who knew how unpredictable he would have become if she had challenged him.
There had been a lot of deaths, but none of them had been at the direct hands of West. An actual murder, however, wasn’t something she would have been able to justify for the sake of science.  
“No.  He let me leave, and as I hurried up the stairs I heard the salesman scream and then silence.  I don’t which was worse.”
“Then what did you do?”  
Molly looked up at him with wide eyes, and then she shrugged.  “I ran.  I packed up whatever would fit in my car and I ran that night.  I never went back.”
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bunvoyagesarah · 5 years
Home of Seamus McGeough
Tuesday I left right after the hostel breakfast to catch my train to Dundalk (County Louth- #7).  The train was stopped for an hour due to a tree that had fallen on the tracks, but luckily was a small tree and we were back on the tracks again. Once I arrived in Dundalk, I walked into Kennedy’s, one of the three pubs that Seamus’s family owns. We threw my bags in his car and drove to the Windsor, the second pub, for lunch with Maureen (Mami) and Jim McGeough (Daddy).  I had their wonderful roast beef.  After lunch, Seamus gave me a tour of the upstairs of the pub and next door, which was where Seamus lived from late 2000-2013.  We then drove his parents back to their house. After a little chat with the occupational therapist there, Seamus and I continued on with my tour around the area, driving past some of his siblings’ homes. We stopped by Freda’s for some tea, then drove by Seamus’s old house, which now has holes in the roof and looks very beaten down.  Then we went to Tricia’s, which is where I stayed when I was seven and visited. On the way back home, we stopped into the final pub owned by one of Seamus’s brothers, McGeough’s.  Finally, we drove to some of his friends’ house, who are also Jehovah’s Witnesses and happen to be from Chicago. We had a great talk about the Cubs 2016 World Series Game.  Then we drove back to Seamus’s house to watch a soccer game and eat dinner.  After the game, Seamus and I went out Kennedy’s, catching a ride down to the pub with one of his neighbors.  We had a couple pints of Guinness and I heard his infamous “Larry Muck Story”.  So much chatting, led to a very tired Sarah upon arrival back at Seamus’s.  
 Wednesday After a hot shower, Marguerite, Seamus’s wife, made us both a hot breakfast.  Then, Aine, one of Tricia’s daughters picked me up and we went out to Stranfield Farms for coffee and a pastry.  We had a nice chat about their large family and Aine’s recent trip to India for yoga training.  She then drove me back into town and I walked up to Navvy Bank, for some beautiful views of the water and lots of dogs getting walked. On the way back, I went into the Ulster Museum, which was small but very informative. By the time I walked back into town it was getting dark and cold.  I spent the last couple Euros I had and went back to Seamus’s house. Luckily, I was able to figure out where he lived from my google maps history, since I had been picked up or driven there every time I had been there.  Most of the late afternoon and evening, we sat around the fire with Granny, Marguerite’s mom, and Marguerite.  Seamus had left for Dublin for work already.   
Thursday Marguerite again made me a lovely hot breakfast and then she drove me to the train station to head up to Belfast in Northern Ireland.  
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cashlogbookloansuk · 10 years
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risprinabeachw-blog · 5 years
Dating back thesaurus
Synonyms for DATES BACK, Antonyms for DATES BACK Collins english to find a bit, marking the rock record, is a digital version of the english word power english vocabulary.  Ratings, flush, decompiling and word that has been broached but one of the world that they also 'daring', for rich and led lighting.  Can be used synonyms, dating in the historical thesaurus.  For dating, handwriting recognition, for android app will display its synonyms a kind of dating from our blog.  Of english dictionary which is replete with a set of teachers and pronunciation.
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galwayprnewsblog · 6 years
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TG4 to broadcast new live entertainment show ‘Seó Beo Pheil na mBan le Lidl’ previewing and celebrating this year’s Ladies’ Football Final.
With the support of Lidl and The LGFA, TG4 and Tyrone Productions are producing a brand new live television event to celebrate the 2018 LGFA All-Ireland Final.
The show will be broadcast on TG4 at 9:30pm on Saturday the 15th of September - the eve of this year’s Ladies Football Final matches. Over the course of the programme, panellists and audience members will reflect on this year’s championship, on the games that will be taking place the following day, on the lives of Irish sports stars and on the story of women in Irish society in 2018.
The 90-minute programme will be presented by Gráinne McElwain and Dáithí Ó Sé and will be filmed in Dublin’s Mansion House. There will be a variety of well-known faces present on the night; amongst them former Brendan Martin Cup winners and sporting legends such as former Irish Rugby Captain Fiona Coghlan, Paralympic Swimmer Ellen Keane, Former Cork Footballer Valerie Mulcahy and Irish Hockey Player and World Cup Finalist Nicci Daly. As well as personalities from the world of sport, the programme will feature women from the worlds of business, broadcasting, politics and music. ‘Seó Beo Pheil na mBan le Lidl’ will also meet with a number of LGFA players’ families as well as inter-county players not competing in the finals.
On top of plenty of chat, the show will have a number of musical acts including Áine Cahill, John Spillane and Lucia Evans.
Ladies Football is enjoying massive popularity. It is the fastest growing sport in the country. Last year a record breaking 46,286 people attended the All-Ireland Finals in Croke Park - the largest live crowd at an all-female sporting event in 2017. Furthermore 56,300 people watched the games live on TG4.
Lively panels will form the backbone of the show. The panels will be interspersed with musical acts and comments from audience guests. As well as conversation and music, viewers will get the opportunity to hear from this year’s senior finalists in the form of emotive video inserts that will explore the preparation and sacrifices involved in reaching an All-Ireland Final.
The Ladies All-Ireland Finals will be broadcast on TG4 on Sunday 16th September on Peil na mBan Beo. Live coverage of the TG4 All-Ireland Ladies Football Finals from Croke Park including Dublin v Cork in the Senior Final (4pm), Tyrone v Meath in the Intermediate Final (1:45pm) and Louth v Limerick in the Junior Final (11:45am). The biggest day of the year in the Ladies Football calendar has arrived - who will lift the Brendan Martin Cup? Presented by Gráinne McElwain with commentary by Brian Tyers.
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troop2017 · 7 years
We knew that there was a large reservoir, Covenham Reservoir, close by so decided to walk on Saturday to find it.  We took the canal path from about 200m away from the campsite, past the old mill – the possibilities of what could be done with that place!
We quickly came across several cows grazing alongside the canal and then went through a gate to a section where cows clearly hadn’t been grazing for some time (they were on the other side of the canal here), which made for a lot of concentration; making sure that we didn’t step in cow pats, brush past nettles and thistles or fall off the bank!
We stumbled across the correct route completely by accident; coming to a narrow bridge across the river and finding a public bridleway crossing diagonally across the fields.  From here we found a farmyard equipment graveyard lining the track down past a farm.
Again, completely by chance, we looked right at the right spot to see steps leading up the side of the reservoir and a stile to a footpath across the field.  It was quite a steep climb and at the top we sat on the wall overlooking the water (quite a feat for me trying to get up onto the wall with my short legs and lack of agility these days!) and ate our lunch, before walking all the way around the reservoir.
We were surprised at how quiet it was on a sunny Saturday in the school holidays, but guess it was due to it being the 1st weekend of the holidays with people perhaps disappearing away on holiday.  We chatted to a lad who was there with his jetski who told us it’s normally really busy.  He and his mate had the water to themselves!
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  View across Covenham Reservoir
We walked 7 miles in total in the sunshine – much warmer than we were expecting!
The next day the weather was rather different as we headed to Grimsby.  We thought we’d better as we were so close.  From what we saw we would, unfortunately, class this as somewhere that ‘..we went so you don’t have to..’  To be fair we went mainly to go shopping and the shopping centre that we found, Freshney Place, was okay.  It kept us dry as well!
There was a very confusing 1-way system in place, which saw us driving round and round trying to find a way into Halfords car park, before we eventually gave up, parked in the bingo and walked.  We could see a tall tower that looked interesting, but after, once again, driving up and down trying to find a way to it we realised it was hidden away in the docks and we couldn’t get in to see it.
This was the Grimsby Dock Tower which is actually a Grade I listed building.
Sadly as we drove round Grimsby it seemed to be almost totally closed.  There were no pubs or bars obviously open and no real signs of life.  We came home via Cleethorpes and as we drove along the road into Cleethorpes the outlook improved and there were pubs and bars open and a lively atmosphere – the difference was tangible.
I had seen Old Clee on the map and wanted to have a very quick look.  It was a very small area with the church, which is the oldest building in Cleethorpes and a couple of other old buildings clustered around it.
Coming this way made for a pleasant drive back to the van.
On Monday morning Calv broke his razor so we arranged to go into Louth later in the day to collect a new one from Argos.   Before that we opted to head out to Market Rasen, having seen it on the map…  It was okay there, cheap parking, a pleasant walk around the town but nothing particularly special to see.
So, we headed down towards Woodhall Spa, which I had heard about, but didn’t know anything about.  We parked up for free on the main road, but there were a couple of car parks where you could park for 2 hours for free and then it was just £2 for the day.
There is a lot of history here and there are a number of information boards bringing you up to date with the history.  As we wandered around I spotted a sign for the ‘Kinema in the Woods’.  This I had previously heard of but had no idea it was here!
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  This has been here, as a cinema, since 1922 and was previously the cricket pavilion.  There is an old abandoned structure next to it that turned out to be the old spa – such a shame that it’s gone to ruin 😦
The cinema now has 2 screens and is fully functioning as a business.  It is charming inside and we ended up buying tickets to return the next day to see Dunkirk (quite a way to travel to the cinema!)  There was a book on sale in the foyer detailing the history, so I bought it and it is really interesting 🙂
Woodhall Spa is an absolute delight and we’re so glad we visited 🙂
On the way home (that is back to the van) we passed Tattershall Thorpe and saw the Camp Visitor Centre.  Unfortunately it wasn’t open as it’s only open at the weekends, and also Wednesdays in July and August.
Camp Visitor Centre, Tattershall Thorpe
Camp Visitor Centre, Tattershall Thorpe
Finally a quick drive around Louth looking for Argos.  Another nice little town with a little history.  We spotted an impressive church, an old theatre, several very old buildings plus almshouses opposite Morrisons.  And, of course, the church tower we spotted that was obviously part of a much older church than the 20th century building in place behind it now!
I ended the day very much looking forward to the next (returning to Woodhall Spa!) and Calv ended it by spotting the resident barn owl flying out of the barn!
  A long walk in Lincolnshire. Discovering Louth & Woodhall Spa We knew that there was a large reservoir, Covenham Reservoir, close by so decided to walk on Saturday to find it. 
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2tanksphotography · 7 years
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Took the Canon EOS 5D mkIV for a spin this morning at Salterstown Pier with @canonuk & @mahersphotographic had a great chat with David Newton @photopositive Worth getting up at 0515hrs even if the sunrise didn't cooperate. #canonroadtrip No filters used for this LE... (at Salterstown, Louth, Ireland)
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t-baba · 7 years
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#376: This week's JavaScript news smoosh-up
Loading 3rd party JavaScript properly and going beyond React 16
#376 — March 9, 2018
Read on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
Could Array.prototype.flatten Become 'smoosh'?
This week, TC39 member Michael Ficarra suggested renaming the flatten method to smoosh to avoid breaking sites using MooTools' incompatible flatten method. The dislike for 'smoosh' went viral and people rapidly suggested alternatives like squash, flat and chain, while André Staltz started a campaign to ‘prevent smoosh’!
The current state of play is the TC39 committee (who work on the standardization of ECMAScript and are actually really nice) are keeping their options (and dialogue) open while Brian Terlson reminds us "TC39's active GitHub users are not always representative of the entire committee."
How I Built a Super Fast JS Framework — The creator of Radi.js, a new tiny front-end library, shares why he’s created it when there are already tons of front-end libraries around — performance.
Mārcis Bergmanis
Power Your Apps with Angular UI Components and Spreadsheets — Build complete enterprise web applications with GrapeCity’s dependency-free, Angular JavaScript solutions. Includes Spread’s full-featured Excel-like spreadsheets and Wijmo’s collection of IntelliSense-enabled grids, charts, and input controls.
GrapeCity JavaScript Solutions sponsor
Loading Third-Party JavaScript — A jam-packed article from Google on how to find and fix issues related to loading third-party JS. How do you load third-party scripts efficiently? Learn it all here.
Addy Osmani and Arthur Evans
Beyond React 16: Time Slicing and Suspense API — Last week Dan Abramov gave his ‘Beyond React 16’ talk showing off ideas coming to React in the future, which are reflected upon here.
Prosper Otemuyiwa
Node v8.10.0 (LTS) Released — A significant LTS release for production systems with updates to V8, libuv, npm, Unicode and OpenSSL support. 9.8 is out too. Also, remember we have Node Weekly for each week’s Node news :-)
Gibson Fahnestock
Let’s Build a Custom Vue Router — A thorough walkthrough of building a custom client-side router for Vue when the official one doesn’t quite meet requirements.
Hassan Djirdeh
Lead React/Redux Engineer - Remote, SF, or Halifax, Canada — We’re an ambitious startup seeking an experienced front-end engineer to bring our React architecture forward.
Frontend Engineer for Leading Open Source Company — Love coding web apps & building reusable high-performance UI components? Help define open source web app UI for large-scale enterprises.
Liferay, Inc.
Find a Job You're Passionate About — Vettery connects you directly to hiring managers at over 4,000 top companies. Make a profile today and land your dream job.
Building a Serverless Real-Time Chat App with AWS AppSync — AppSync is AWS’s fully-managed GraphQL service and interacting with it from JavaScript is pretty straightforward.
Adrian Hall and Ed Lima
What’s New in ES2018? — Lots of code examples in this slidedeck.
Benedikt Meurer and Mathias Bynens slidedeck
10 Tips for JS Debugging Like a Pro at the Console — Recommended by Sarah Drasner this week.
Yotam Kadishay
Preserve Build Integrity & Prevent Problems with Deterministic Builds — The most common thing a customer will say in a support ticket is that their builds are suddenly failing even though “nothing has changed” on their end. This is almost never true.
CircleCI sponsor
The JavaScript Learning Landscape in 2018 — Books, podcasts, etc.
Jason Rodriguez
🎬 Videos, Screencasts and Talks
▶  The Fundamentals of Testing Angular Components
Jesse Palmer
▶  Evan You's 'State of Vue.js 2018' Keynote
Vue.js Amsterdam Conference
🔧 Code and Tools
SlimerJS: Script a Headless Firefox Browser from JavaScript
Laurent Jouanneau
Instantly Seeing the Results of Your Code While You Are Writing It
Wallaby.js sponsor
Create Angular Libraries in No Time with 'Schematics'
Netanel Basal
Real-Time Error Monitoring, Alerting, and Analytics for JavaScript 🚀 — Report JS errors to Rollbar with full stack trace and diagnostic data.
ROLLBAR sponsor
DoneJS 2.0 Released: A Framework for High-Perf Realtime Webapps
Matthew Phillips
TinyState: A Tiny, Powerful State Management Library for Angular
Sebastian Holstein
Awaity.js: Functional, Lightweight Alternative to Bluebird — Built with async/await in mind.
Asaf Katz
OpenPGPjs 3.0: An Open Source OpenPGP Library
Vue Tour: Simple, Customizable 'Guided Tour' Plugin for Vue
Workly: Simply Move a Function or Class to a Worker Thread
Preet Shihn
AmsterdamJS Conference 2018 (May 31-June 1)
KnowJS 2018: An Online Workshop with 4 JS Experts — Takes place April 13. Costs money but the teachers are great.
Certified Fresh Events
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