#louis x juno
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junakov · 3 months ago
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I've made another one of these...i love juno and louis tho its more of a situationship
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korkietism · 8 months ago
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Louis Mr. bisexual polyam deer man. Never felt a single emotion except that one time. Maybe has a wolf fetish. Juno bites. Was Juno told to bite…? Don’t ask. Legoshi bites too. He has two hands. Let’s have fetishes together.
I quite like the furry show. I actually almost the entire manga if not the entire thing a couple years ago. Rewatched the show (and actually got to watch season two) in the last few days. Overall? Still like Louis. I love the cast. Silly show.
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ikemengoessbrrrrr · 1 year ago
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Bunch of traditional sketch because I think Beastars want me to comeback
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hoomanbeaning · 3 months ago
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louis: "you kissed me to show compassion to a wounded herbivore. that's the end of it."
juno: "how can you say that? that really hurts."
billy-ray belcourt's a history of my brief body / netflix's beastars final season
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fuzzygraphics · 2 months ago
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wdxghosty · 30 days ago
14 Day Ship Challenge
Day 11 - Juno x Louis
Day 10 - Day 12
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I will die on this hill, Juno and Louis will get together, they’re perfect for each other!!!
Ref pic - OG pic⬇️
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 months ago
Ogma: Are you gay?
Louis: No! I’m just sexually attracted to carnivore women instead of herbivore women.
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idrawprettyboys · 2 months ago
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A quick Beastars doodle. I have to reacquaint myself with drawing the characters.
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w2beastars · 1 year ago
Beast Complex: The Deer and the Wolf
(Warning: This is a VERY self-indulgent fanfic, read at own risk)
He was a red deer at the beginning of his fifties. He had a slim build and fair face that made him look younger than he actually was. The square-framed pince-nez glasses he was wearing helped making him look like an animal of a certain age. He was dressed in a black suit, appropriate due to the funeral he had to host only four days ago.
The CEO of the Horns conglomerate tapped the table with a finger while feeling anxious. Louis was unsure if accepting the offer of a cup of coffee to catch up with her was such a good idea. They hadn't seen each other in years, and they didn't part on good terms. Or at least, not exactly good, but perhaps not bad either. But he had been so surprised to see her attend the cremating ceremony, he had probably not been thinking straight.
Louis took a glance around the coffee shop. Several animals had gathered here to chat. He saw a orange cat with a cell phone of a sort similar to the kind Louis had used when he was a teenager. Louis was glad that phones had made a comeback, he had never been thrilled about the lenses you could put into your eyes, it felt... wrong and intrusive. But perhaps new technology always felt threatening when you had reach a certain age.
Louis then spotted an empty table with a half-filled tea cup and an empty glass. There was a straw in the glass, the end of it had been chewed on.
It made the deer recall something. Something that made him blush.
Louis blinked and turned his attention toward a grey wolf with brown fur. She was dressed in a dark-blue blazer that was open, revealing a white shirt. Her fur was curly. She seemed like she was out of breath, as if she had been running, but she wore high heels.
Louis smiled, more out of a sense of being polite than actually being happy to see her. "Juno, it's good to see you again."
"I'm very sorry, there was a small crisis at the studio. One of the models had accused the tiger who took the photos of looking at her funny. I swear, bunny models are gonna be the death of me..." Juno took a seat at the other end of Louis' table. "Iced strawberry latte, please." She said to the hyena who worked as waiter in the café.
"I would like another coffee." Louis said. He looked at Juno. "So... you seem to be in good health."
"I am."
"Time sure flies by."
"Sure does."
"I should have tried to stay in touch-"
"We have both been busy." Juno said this despite knowing that was not the reason they hadn't talked in years.
There was an awkward pause. Neither the wolf or the deer knew what to say. But after they got their drinks, Juno decided to take the initiative. She recalled that she usually had to when it came to matters with Louis.
"I was not sure if showing up to the funeral was a good idea or not. The article said only family and close friends were invited-"
"I would say you belong in the second category."
Juno raised an eyebrow. "Do I?"
Louis shrugged. "As far as I'm concerned." He sighed and smiled awkwardly. "I appreciate that you came."
Juno took a big sip of her latte. "Your daughter sure didn't. She was rude."
"Only because she thought you were a nosey stranger. I'm surprised Marie didn't recognize you. She wears one of your dresses for parties."
Juno smirked. "Then your daughter has good taste."
Louis rolled his eyes and made a small laugh. "Well, aren't you modest..."
Juno did her best not to wag her tail, it was not proper for a wolf her age to do so in public. Then, she looked serious. "I'm very sorry. Well, for what happened to her. To Azuki."
Louis' face changed into a grave expression. "Well... that makes two of us." Louis sighed before placing his cup against his lips.
Juno emptied her cup. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if what she was about to ask was too intrusive. But she had to know. "Did you... love your wife?"
Louis blinked. He coughed, almost spitting out the coffee. He had forgotten how direct this wolf could be. Juno looked at Louis, waiting for an answer. Louis decided to clean his classes to win some time.
"Well..." Louis cleared his throat. "I should just answer yes, that would be the appropriate response, but... it's not that simple. Azuki was very frank, she told me our marriage was about what was best for the Horns Conglomerate. We had a daughter, but that does not necessarily make a couple closer. But we grew to care a great deal for each other. Calling it friendship is not a fitting description, she was not my friend, she was... my companion." Louis smiled. "She knew me so well, she understood me. And now that she is gone... it is as if I lost a small part of myself." Louis sighed, then noticed he was shedding a tear.
He looked at Juno. The wolf started crying as well. And what she said... took him completely by surprise.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Juno yelled, exposing all of her fangs while slamming a fist against the table.
Louis almost lept from his chair. He pushed his classes closer to his eyes as he looked confused. "Excuse me?"
Juno growled, not giving a damn about tact in public space. "Our last night together, when I left that train... the one thing that made me keep calm, the one thing that stopped me from bawling my eyes out and yell at you and kick you in the groin... was knowing you would never be happy with that bimbo!"
Louis was baffled. Then angry. "Hey, that's my wife you are talking abo-"
"I could handle you not being mine because I could comfort myself with you being unsatisfied and unhappy with that pipsqueak! And now you are telling me that you actually miss her?!"
"I... I'm sorry, are you saying that I have hurt your feelings by caring for a female I was married to for thirty years?!"
"Yes, dammit!" Juno stood up and glared at the middle-aged deer. "You owe me me to at least having been a tiny bit miserable with her!"
Louis felt as if he was about to explode as he stood up as well. "You selfish... you childish... you self-centered... you egotistical..." He dropped his glasses as he yelled at the female wolf. "YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED AT ALL, HAVE YOU?!"
For a moment they just glared at each other. The other animals at the coffee-house had stopped talking and eating and instead looked at the heated argument that had started in the middle of the room. The orange cat picked up their phone, wondering if calling the police was necessary
And then, Juno started to giggle, covering her mouth.
Louis narrowed his eyes. "What? What's so funny?"
Juno snorted. "You still look like a little kid when you get all worked up!"
Louis heart was pounding. He was utterly confused. He blushed.
And then he grabbed Juno by the collar of her blazer and kissed her. The wolf was startled, but then hugged the deer and returned the kiss.
Everyone in the coffee-shop looked completely petrified except for the cat who filmed the dramatic scene with their phone.
Then... Louis regained his sanity. He pushed Juno away, resulting in her tripping because of her high heels. "WHAT ON EARTH AM I DOING!? I JUST BURRIED MY WIFE LESS THAN A WEEK AGO! YOU DAMN WOLVES, YOU MAKE ME LOSE MY MIND!" And then he stormed out of the room.
Juno giggled as she sat on the floor. "Wow..."
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dailybeastarsthings · 1 year ago
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On The Morning Commute
🎨 Artist: duckhere on DeviantArt 🌐 Source: https://www.deviantart.com/duckhere/art/last-train-home-882539933
❗ I do not own any rights of the fanart. If you are the artist and want this post to be removed, please message me and I will remove it immediately.
I hope you have a nice day! :)
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simpmvs · 10 months ago
Julouis (Julouis) - Juno x Louis Flag
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Tempted to also refer to the pairing as French Summer, because of "Juno" being close to June (a summery month) and Louis being a French name, but, eh.
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cj9cago · 2 years ago
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Beastars Louis x Juno
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mewo777 · 2 months ago
im so tired im so tiiirreeeddddd of shows that are so desperate to shove in the concept of a nuclear family by any means necessary good god. beastars s1 and 2 are quite possibly among my favorite shows of all time, and for good reason. the entire show is so focused on parallels between love and consumption and i LOVE that about it. but season 3….. oh my god…. genuinely i gag every time louis and juno are on screen together because individually i absolutely love those two characters but why is it that when theyre together juno is entirely stripped of her personality and just becomes so romance obsessed and focused on louis and louis alone. her entire character is to be ambitious and to take what she wants so why is that shoved aside to force in this weak relationship between the two of them when their friendship was so so fun and interesting. i LOVE them as friends because it offers such a unique perspective into the concepts of carnivore and herbivore relationships that are non romantic so why for the love of god is every show on earth so obsessed with shoving in romantic relationships into every possible crevice they can find. i loved s1 and 2 beyond words can describe and somehow, after years of waiting for this show to have another season all these few episodes have done for me is leave a horrible sour taste in my mouth. also yahya makes me mad as hell but thats just because im a hater so maybe that adds to my overall disdain for this season. im just so disappointed because this show couldve been about so, so much more but no. we just HAVE to have our simple little nuclear families hamfisted into everything. and i know they dont even get together but god does it drive me insane that they even had to have a romantic relationship in the first place when their friendship was so perfect. this show started off as a testiment to all kinds of love but for some god forsaken reason i cant seem to wrap my head around they just had to end it on a note of “forget everything the show stands for, were going to make it romance now !” (yes im aware given legoshi and harus relationship it was romance to begin with, but that was special, unique to them. the idea of louis being another side to legoshis coin of loving herbivores was again, special, unique to him and legoshis relationship, and now all that feels stained by this random worthless relationship between louis and juno where juno just gets tossed to the side anyway, so what was the point?) i seriously wish theyd just focused this season on developing the relationships between characters we already knew and loved, with the addition of yahya and melon, without having to shove in new relationships that legitimately feel like nothing but fanservice. i get way too worked up about things that dont matter but by god if louis and junos relationship has 0 haters i am dead. i will die on the hill that their love is essentially meaningless, juno in her ever growing ambition seeing louis as a prize to be won to grow her status as a wolf(as she once saw legoshi given the whole “most powerful couple at school” thing) and louis, though he chastised legoshi for falling for haru because she was the first herbivore to pay attention to him, is fundamentally no different. like i said, two sides of the exact same coin, and louis “love” for juno is entirely circumstantial. they are not special to eachother like legoshi and haru, or even legoshi and jack(obviously in a platonic sense but regardless what legoshi and jack have as friends is something unique and special to them)(this unique sort of love between people is literally a fundamental theme in the show and they just completely shove that aside for the sake of some stupid cishet relationship please just kill me)
anyway tldr: louis and juno do not love each other in any way that cant be described as meaningless and i will hate their relationship till the day i die
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twisting-echo · 1 year ago
Now another serious question ¿is it normal to feel a whole lot of panic when you don't like a ship, but not understanding why you don't like it?
For example, i don't like juno x Louis from beastars... but i don't know why... and that terrifies me 😣 (also i don't know if this is the correct emoji to capture fear so, could you correct me if i used it wrong).
Well, don't be afraid to not like something if you don't know why.
You don't have to know why you don't like something, and that's okay. It's perfectly normal. Sometimes things just don't click or resonate with you, and that's okay. Sometimes you can feel totally 'MEH' about something and not know why, and it's completely normal and okay.
But if you did want to ask yourself why you don't like this ship, maybe it's because you ship these characters with someone else, or maybe you don't like one or both characters, or maybe you don't like how one character treats the other character, or maybe you don't like how they act as a couple, or you feel the ship is bland and it just doesn't do anything for you.
But whatever the outcome is, just don't work yourself up over it because it's not worth beating yourself up over something you don't like.
The emoji you used to express fear and anxiety was well expressed, in my opinion.
And I haven't read the manga or watched season 2, so I wouldn't know how to judge the relationship between Juno and Louis. Sorry, but your feelings are valid for not liking them as a ship.
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dailybeastarsthings · 2 years ago
Another Dance Lesson
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I KNOW I'VE ALREADY DREW THEM OUT DANCING BEFORE- i just love them that much so I drew it out again 💀💛 also they are totally dancing to that "its been a long, long time" song here bye-
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fuzzygraphics · 1 month ago
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