#louis spraying water
tangerinequeen19 · 1 year
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hydration is important.
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skunkes · 3 months
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Ugly and unfinished bc painting takes fucking forever and i got bored but the sketchbook does handle gouache well yaaay
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evilgwrl · 5 days
Neighbour!Simon Riley x Reader
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Girl Next Door (Six)
CW: You’re approached by a drunk man who grabs you, nothing violent
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The sky settled with a midnight blue, a murder of crows digging among the trees before burrowing away into secluded nests. It had been a multitude of days since you had seen Simon, practically barging out his front door with only a squeak of goodbye after the previous unfortunate incident.
You were constantly distracted. Your brain was plagued by the thought of him, and you felt like you were going to spiral, the whine of anxiety in your stomach doing you no favours. You pondered on the thought of knocking on his door, apologising for ignoring him, yet didn’t.
You headed to the bar instead.
The night air was balmy, the breeze kissing your skin as you walked in. The clinks of glasses and the exaggerated commotion of laughter bounced from the brick walls, faux vines hanging from the indents in an attempt to brighten the grimy room. There was a permanent stench of yeasty beer and cheap wine, couples canoodling in the corner or stumbling out of the toilets, rubbing their noses.
The lights were dim, barely able to see your own feet as you weaved through the throng, bodies pushing up against you as you searched around for your friends. You settled once you had the familiar voice of your long-term friend, Tamara. Your legs hobbled over to their table, ringlets of water staining the wood, multiple drinks already strewed out and consumed. You took in the two men you had never seen before, noting that one must be her new boyfriend she was gushing about.
“There you are!” She cooed, her arms wrapping around you in a tight embrace, the soft ringlets in her hair rubbing against the side of your face, “This is the guy I was telling you about, Max.”
Max stood tall, offering you a polite handshake as you introduced yourself before he nudged the man next to him. The man was handsome, a boyish grin on his face as he extended a hand out to you. You feel a flutter of nerves but push through, engaging in light banter as you return his grip, mumbling your name out. You began to relax under the crowded atmosphere, scoffing down a shot that Max’s friend, who you now know as Louis, had shouted.
You listened to the story of how Tamara and Max met, bustling with laughter as you were fed drinks, the camaraderie drawing you in. The ambience embraced you with a warm glow, a soft smile on your face as you chattered amongst the group, mind fuzzed over with the alcohol that slurred through your bloodstream.
“The next rounds on me, what are we after?” You blurted, standing abruptly as you toppled slightly, Louis’ arm grabbing hold of you in a tight squeeze to catch you. He was sweet, offering you polite nods all night while you spoke, eyes lingering on you a little too long, but he wasn’t what you wanted. Not right now. Not after Simon.
Tamara huffed out, “4 shots,” before she attended to her boyfriend in a drunken matter, smoothing his hair down as they giggled amongst each other.
“Do you need me to come with you?” Louis yelled over the music, his lips curled in a grin before you shook your head, promising him it would only take a minute. You stepped away, huffing out a loud breath as you regained composure, eyes fluttering under the influence as you mingled between crowds to reach the bar. You needed a moment to reprieve, slightly overwhelmed by the severity of people, the damp smell of sweat and alcohol burning through you.
The bar was cooler, the marbled surface offering you a moment of solitude as you ordered the shots, resting your head in your hands as you waited. It wasn’t hard to feel a presence beside you, the scent of hair gel and poorly sprayed cologne blinding you as you felt a hand brush against your waist.
“Hey there beautiful.��
His voice was garbled, alcohol staining his breath as he gulped down the remainder of his beer, eerie eyes watching you with a perverted intensity. His hair was slicked back, brows furrowed as he scanned your face, hazel eyes practically consumed by his pupils as you noted the white residue that stuck to his flared nostrils.
“Can I help you?” Your voice was uneasy as you stared at the bartender, tapping impatiently against the exterior.
“Just wondering what a girl like you is doing here alone.”
You cringed. “I’m not alone but thank you anyway.”
Your lips curled in a polite smile as the bartender handed you the shots, a sigh of relief leaving as you nodded goodbye to the odd man. Talons dug into the flesh of your forearm, turning you around in a huffed frenzy as his face was still.
“I wasn’t done talking to you.”
“Look, I’m here with my friends, I appreciate the compliment, but I’m not interested.”
The warmth of the bar slowly begins to suffocate you as your eyes dart around the room, anxiety penetrating through you as you desperately attempt to get Tamara’s attention. “Come on, don’t be like that,” he insists, his tone shifting from casual to demanding. You felt stuck in place, his grasp coiling around you in a bruising grip. Your tongue was wedged in your throat, eyes widening in fear as you attempted to pull away, the shots slopping around in the tall glasses, liquid rolling down the back of your hands in a sticky mess.
“Please let me go.” Your tone was mousy like it was trapped down your oesophagus, losing all confidence.
“I believe we were having a conversation.”
“I believe she said to let her go.”
Your eyes flickered to the man behind him, face clad in a worn balaclava, eyes impossibly dark as a hand clad itself on the stranger’s shoulder, knuckles an ivory white.
“Listen, man, we were having a simple conversation so get your hand off my fucking shoulder before we have a problem.”
You watched as your neighbour turned him around, a knee pressed against the man’s thighs as he held him by the collar, fingerings lacing the Adam’s apple of his neck, almost tracing the arteries as the stranger stilled.
“We gonna hav’ a problem?” Simon spat, tone an icy low as the man shook his head, rustling himself out of the Lieutenant’s grip. You watched your neighbour for a moment, lips pursed before you furrowed your brows.
“What are you doing here?”
“Friends from m’ task force are in town; you know that,” he smirked, testing the waters between you as almond eyes looked you up and down. Your skin was on show, an iridescent glow settling amongst it with a shining hue, the rest of you covered in a black one-piece, an expensive-looking necklace hanging low above your cleavage.
You rolled your eyes. “Thank you for being my knight in shining armour,” you chortled, jabbing him in the ribs slightly. It was impressive how hard his chest was.
Simon was admiring you, your eyes radiating a toxic that drew him in, poison spreading through his body like wildfire, and he allowed it.
“Let me take you home.”
“But my friends-“
“Let me take you home, Y/N. Please.”
Simon felt pathetic, his tone lacing with a gentle whine as he pleaded you with his eyes, the brown softening into a deeper shade. You liked it. The ride home was peaceful, the benign muse of the radio playing as one of his hands gripped the wheel, another at the gears.
“Y’ alright? He didn’t hurt you did he?”
You let out a ‘hm’, slightly confused before the gentle throb in your arm reminded you. “I’m okay, he was just a drunk guy.”
Your head rested against the window, the zip of trees blurring into a static mess, the dim headlines occasionally piercing through closed eyelids as you huffed out a clement breath. Your cul-de-sac welcomed you with a silent wave, all the houselights a mute shade of nothing as Simon pulled into your duplex.  You giggled as you stumbled from the car, buff hands grabbing onto you as they lifted you up the stairs.
Nimble fingers fiddled with your keys, jabbing them into the door in a frustrated manner before you managed to wedge it open, a satisfied grin across your face, eyes blinded with tipsiness as you turned to your neighbour.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Do you want to sleep with me tonight?” You blurted, covering your mouth immediately as you stumbled over your following words, “I mean in my bed- not with me- because that would be weird to ask- you can say no-“
“Okay. I’ll sleep with you.”
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foreverisntenough · 5 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This series contains fluff, suggestion, smut (unprotected sex,) pregnancy, love bombing, occasionally sad, kind of angsty, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: I hope you like it! THE FINAL CHAPTER 🥺 Start reading ‘Ours’ the sequel of this fic! It will chronical what happens in Trent and Y/N’s lives after this part!
Chapter 30 - ‘You’re Mine’
The sun bathed your room in morning light. You yawned and opened your eyes slowly pulling Trent’s pillow over for you to hug. It was early but you had a plan to run to the shops before he got home. You felt absolutely exhausted yet again despite copious amounts of sleep so you hopped in the shower to help yourself wake up. Even just picking up products made your arms ache. Your limbs barely moved so you ended the shower with 30 seconds of cold water. Jesus, did that wake you up. You stared at yourself naked in the mirror before wrapping yourself in a towel. As you looked at your slender frame you couldn’t help but wonder what was going to change. How much would change? You tucked the towel moving on from your introspective questions and washed your face. You started your skincare moving slow through serums and onto a moisturizer, product after product. It felt good to take a moment to take care of yourself. You felt like you had to look good today so this was a good start. Trent probably preferred you with no makeup but makeup made you feel more confident so you did some, applying blush, mascara, all the things that made you feel just the best version of yourself. You moisturized your whole body before spraying a Le Labo perfume you had been loving recently and made your way to the walk in wardrobe. You didn’t know what to wear though so you made a mess pulling everything out, trying to figure it out. You combed through piles of clothes and rack more it felt endless but you were getting tired again. You landed on a light pink sweat set. It wasn’t exactly groundbreaking but it was cute.You didn’t want to be in real clothes and you didn’t really want to be anything close to sexy so this worked. You meticulously cleaned your closet back up, putting each item exactly where it belonged. You grabbed a pair of Louis Vuitton sneakers to throw on before you left the house but needed to pick up the bedroom a little before you headed downstairs. Once you did you slipped on your sneakers and grabbed your car keys to exit out through the garage. You jumped into one of the big blacked out cars in there and made your way into town. To get started on your long list of errands to do to prepare for Trent’s arrival you began at a stationary store then off to the bakery, and into a few more shops. The more things you pulled together the more excited you got. For the first time since you found out you actually were excited to tell him. Although, you wanted to keep the way you told him simple. That was your vibe, calm, easy, so you grabbed a little something you were planning to place the pregnancy test in and some cardstock for a note. You went and got food to eat in hopes for after he took the news well and you snuck off to some more luxury stores for something fun you’d give him a little later but that would be a surprise all depending on what his response was. It felt like your car was full by the time you were heading back home. Trent let you know he was coming home around noon so around 11:30 your anxiety really began to hit. You felt like you were shaking as you held a pen over the nice piece of cardstock you got. You wrote a simple note and left it on the kitchen island for him to find when he came in.
‘Come upstairs, daddy xx’
It was humorous and ultimately would be cute once he found out why you said that. In retrospect, the word was really what kickstarted the whole conversation about the possibility of a baby. It was around 12:15 when you finally heard the front door open. You heard his bags drop by the front door the way that drove you crazy but you pushed it aside for the moment unable to focus on anything but listening to his footsteps deducing where he was in the house. Your heart began to race, your mind shifting into overdrive.
“Babyyy?!” Trent called out loud from downstairs but you didn’t respond. You let him find his way. He eventually went to the kitchen and saw the note. He knew you were home, your car was there, you said you would be so he picked up the card you had left and smirked. In Trent’s mind this was a cheeky welcome home. He read the card as an invitation to go upstairs to have some incredible sex after he had been gone. A sort of congratulations he scored a great goal. It wouldn’t have been the first time you’d done something like this but boy was he wrong. He didn’t even click that the word ‘daddy’ wasn’t even remotely there sexually. He jogged up the stairs eagerly chuckling to himself excited for what was going to happen. His mind was jumping around trying to imagine what you’d be wearing, what he’d ideally want you to be wearing. He felt greedy like a little kid in a candy store imagining all the different bits of lingerie you’d worn over the years. He pulled himself together a little bit trying to act cool and suave before he opened the door. God, he hoped it was that pink one but his hunger was dulled. Everything slowed as he looked into your bedroom. The room was warmly lit, all the lights on, it was clean and organized, cream and white colors that made the space comfy and homey, the bed was made perfectly and to further his confusion there he saw you sat crossed legged on the boucle bench at the end of your bed. You had stayed in your light pink sweats and the soft light almost managed to illuminate you. You picked your head up and thought your heart could fall out of your chest. You gave him a soft but very nervous smile. You couldn’t shake your anxiety but there was a part of you that also couldn’t help but feel a little excited seeing him. Just him being back home was enough to make you giddy but this was a new emotion you didn’t know and it was overwhelming you. You stared up at him trying to fight back tears you could feel building. You almost forgot how beautiful he was, you could only dream your baby looked just like him. That face started to make you nervous about what it would fall to because you were about to change his life. Contrary to what he thought, Trent wasn’t even disappointed you weren’t in some lingerie on the bed to be honest. You looked absolutely ethereal sitting there. His angel. Your one hand hiding a little white box behind your back, the other anxiously pulling at the bottom of some strands of hair. “What’s going on…” he hesitantly asked, stepping into the room. You gestured your head to the side signaling for him to come over to you and so he did. Albeit, incredibly slowly. He stood in front of you looking down. You remained quiet. You thought if you spoke you’d start crying immediately so in an effort to not do that you pulled the box from behind you and handed it up to him. He took it and inspected the blankness of it and then looked back at you inquisitively with a smile. He held the sturdy but small white box wrapped with a white ribbon having no idea what was inside of it.
“Go on…” you managed to quiver out in a whisper. At that moment, you were pretty sure the world stopped turning. He pulled the ribbon untying the bow, holding onto it while he lifted the lid off agonizingly unhurried. You felt your leg start to bounce with nerves awaiting his reaction. You watched his face intently for any sign of emotion. His mouth was agape a little, his eyes batted trying to make sure he was actually seeing what he thought he was. He looked into the box completely unexpressive. Inside the little white box laid a comforting bed of thin white and metallic shredded paper with the positive pregnancy test resting a top of it. In slow motion you watched the box fall from his now shaking hands onto the floor. The neat and carefully filled box now scattered on your carpet.
“Are you serious?” He said sternly with no emotion on his face. You thought you might pass out starting to think he didn’t want this anymore now that it was real but you nodded anyway telling him that this was in fact happening. This was very real.
“There are two more positive ones in there.” You pointed to the bathroom sheepishly. Trent dropped to the floor falling into a crouching position. He squatted leaning back on his heels. With his head in his hands you could hear him start to sniffle and his breath start to deepen. “T… I.. I’m” you tried to talk but honestly you were petrified and had no clue what to say. Should you apologize? But before you could come up with something he picked his head up to look at you. His eyes all wet, he gave you the sappiest closed mouth smile that almost had the look of a pout to it.
“Oh my fucking god, Y/N… Y/N” He whined with the deepest set puppy dog eyes that broke your heart. You could see tears roll down his face, he got on his knees and crawled over to you wrapping his arms around your waist dropping his head into your lap. “Sorry, Jesus” he laughed a little, shaking his head, nuzzling into you. “I just didn’t… oh my god, baby… is this for real?” He whimpered out kissing your covered stomach. You were taking his physical actions as a positive but had to know for sure, his words weren’t exactly concretely assured.
“You wanted this right? Like me pregnant? Like we are having a baby” You cooed, giggling a little. It was the first time you had said that. ‘We are having a baby.’ You felt a few tears roll down your own cheeks as you stroked your hand over his hair comforting him as he clung to you.
“You have no idea baby.” He muffled into your sweatshirt top before raising it some. He beamed looking at you. He kissed the warm bare skin of your stomach. “Holy shit, I’ve never been so happy in my entire life.” He continued kissing you. “This is fucking insane.”
“Yeah?” You kept giggling. He pulled off your stomach and looked into your eyes. He held your hands and squeezed them tightly .
“C’mere” he whispered. You watched his perfect lips you were praying your baby inherited from him move closer to you. His lips pressed into yours. They were warm and soft. Warmth blossomed in your chest. Your lips brushed over one anothers. The smell of him, the smell of home was dizzying. You leaned further into the kiss as his lips felt somehow even impossibly softer than before against your own. You both started laughing in delirium though having to pull away. You let go of his hands and cupped his cheeks holding his face some distance from yours to really look at him. His big brown eyes had fallen into deep pools. You wiped your thumbs underneath them, wiping away the tears that had fallen. He looked at you like no one else in the world existed. Trent stared into your eyes and felt that no one else existed in the world, in fact you were his entire world and he was most definitely yours.
“Gonna take care of you forever. This is unreal. We’re having a baby. Jesus, You're perfect, beautiful.” Trent just kept yapping away stunned and so you let him ramble on and on as his hands caressed all over your body. He picked you up and sat you up on the edge of the bed before he came and crawled over you. You laid back with a big childish smile. He looked down at your face and exposed stomach and his heart faltered. His hands pressed into the mattress next to you letting his arms prop him up over you. He dropped his head to come in for another kiss. And another kiss. His lips feeling absolutely addicting. You started to makeout and his body pressed down onto yours. He didn’t know when he got so hard but you weren’t going to call him out. Things started to heat up but he got nervous. “Can I do this?” He said pulling away from you a little sliding his hands under your sweatshirt over your stomach and up towards your boobs. You nodded with a little giggle. “I promise I’ll be so gentle with you, baby.” He whispered. You could only laugh.
“T... it’s okay, we can.” You looked at him ferociously innocently. He never felt more in love with you. He almost felt lightheaded. He was so happy with the news and then now the fact that you were carrying his child, god, he was so turned on.
“Okay… still gonna be gentle with you though. Precious cargo, no?” You both giggled before you pulled him down to you. The space between you vanished. He pressed his lips to yours. His one hand cupped your cheek, gently as promised. He moved you up the bed and sat back taking his shirt off. Your eyes gazed over every inch of him. He was heavenly looking. His body was just drool worthy but you snapped out of your lust when you caught the soft smile on his face looking down at you.
“Help, baby.” You cooed cutely pulling at your top. You sat up some and he helped you take the sweatshirt and your shirt with it off over your head. You laid back and lifted your hips up some for him to then pull your joggers off. He left you in your bra and panties, which okay, this morning you made a conscious effort to pick a particular good set that you knew he liked. Trent couldn’t help his eyes from racking over you greedily. He couldn’t even count the amount of times he had seen your naked body. It was infinite but this felt like the very first time. It was nothing like the time years ago in New York though, this was different, this was love in its very purest form. He absolutely worshiped your body. It did so much for him before, his brain was confused how you possibly were able to do more I.e. carry his child now but also how it was physically possible for him to be any more attracted to you, and yet here he was. His pupils dilated looking down at you. He pulled his sweats off leaving you with the perfect view of his hardened cock’s bulge in his boxers. Both of your heart rates speeding up. He got on top of you again as you began to kiss more and more, hotter and heavier. He dragged his fingers over your body while he moved away from your kiss to come whisper in your ear. His hands gently slipped into your panties and in no time he was slowly pumping his fingers in and out of you purposely rubbing his palm against your clit rhythmically.
“Oh god T… Trent fuck, baby. T…” You moaned trying to push yourself up into him for more friction, for him to go deeper.
“Keep saying my name, baby. Such a good girl f’me, gonna make you feel so good like you deserve.” His warm breath hit your ear sending a shiver down your spine. And, boy, was he determined to make you feel good. He kissed down from your ear all the way down to your core. He pulled your soaked panties off as he continued with his fingers. His name still falling from your mouth. He worked quickly and buried his face into your wet pussy. His tongue toyed with your clit as his fingers diligently worked in and out of you. You were a mess. You couldn’t think straight but it was all so smooth, so caring, so soft, so intentional. It definitely was intentional, he knew exactly what he was doing when you felt the tight knot in your stomach snap pulsating around his fingers. “Did so good.” He muttered into your pussy. The vibration causing you to flinch at the overstimulation. He pulled his face covered in your slick away kissing the inside of your thighs letting you come down for a moment. It wasn’t long before he was fucking into you nice and slow. He filled you up and you felt every single inch of him sliding in and out of you.
“Baby… I’m so full. Oh my god. I love your cock so much.” You moaned beautifully and he smirked. Your words were starting to almost slur from the amount of pleasure you were in as his hand reached down to rub small circles on your already sensitive clit. Your pussy dripping onto the sheets below you as he continued to carefully roll his hips up into you. Trent affectionately yapped away, continuing to spill out how much he loved you, how good you were doing, how beautiful you were all falling from his lips nonstop as he enjoyed the feeling of you. “I want you to fuck me like this forever.” You babled back words muffled by moans and kisses. Your hands came and gripped onto his muscular arms. Your hands pressed back into the pillows feeling fuzzy, blanking out everything but the feeling of him inside you. “I’m gonna cum, T” you cried out “I’m so close.” You felt the know in your stomach tighten again. Your breathing getting heavier. You moved your hands up to his face pulling him into a passionate kiss and then letting your manicured fingers gripping onto his hair, enough to make him whisper at the sensation.
“Cum for me, baby” he cooed between kisses as his hard cock pulsating inside of you. “I love you so much, baby. Keep fucking me. Doing so good.” Your sweet moaning of his name pushed him closer and closer to his own edge. “You sound so pretty, baby” Trent smiled down at your face. You looked up at him mouth agape, watery eyes and were taken aback by how beautiful he looked above you. God, he really was perfect. He kissed you again. The drag of his cock in and out of you made you each for anything to hold on to. Switching between the sheets, his hair, then to his muscular back. His hand found its way to your tits. he caressed it, playing with your nipple while fucking you.
“Ah T… you feel so good. Too much.” You whined feeling him pressed deeper and deeper inside of you. Slow and languid you said it but you didn't want him to stop at all. He knew that too.
“You’re doing so good. Such a good girl” he praised, starting to feel overwhelmed by the pleasure from your pussy. He was close now. To be fair, he had been close to cumming since he ate you out. Watching you orgasm with his tongue on your clit was just the perfect sight. “Cum with me, baby, yeah?” His movements were getting sloppy compared to the perfect pace he had kept at as his abs tensed. His lips parted in deep breaths as his eyes rolled back.White hot pleasure flashed behind your eyes and Trent’s lips pushed against yours as he fucked you through your high. His hips finally stuttered and he paused letting him cum fill you, making sure every drop of him was inside of you, where it belonged. He quickly resumed pushing his hips into you though with a groan of your name. His cock twitched inside you, spent. It was intoxicating, everything was, the way your arms were wrapped tight around his shoulders. Pulling him close, running soothingly along his skin as he collapsed onto you with a final, fucked-out thrust. He traced his fingers lazily along your side, neither of you having enough strength to bother moving. All is quiet in your little haven, and you could almost fall asleep. You laid stuck to each other's bodies for ages. Trent’s hands continuing to slowly caress your body as you cuddled up to him. Your head rested onto his shoulder. He looked down at you and smiled.
“How did you get so perfect, hmm?” He cooed with his hand coming to rest over your stomach. You giggled and looked back at him. His smile made your heart beat a little faster than it already was. “Just so pretty all the time, it’s insane.” He kept talking while he squeezed your waist. “Going to be the most beautiful mummy.”
“Stop…T” You feigned embarrassment. “Well, you can say goodbye to all this now I guess though.” You drudged out waving your hand over your naked body pressed into his. It kind of stung thinking about how much your body was about to change. You had a lot of issues with your image from the jump so to imagine things changing and potentially getting worse than they were now freaked you out.
“Baby, baby, baby… don’t do that. This is so fucking amazing. You’re going to be beautiful before, during, and after, you’re so fucking beautiful.” He cooed again, dropping his hand sliding down to palm your ass. “Trust me, if anything you’re only about to get even sexier.” He squeezed your ass cheek saying that.
“Yeah, yeah you say that now.” You groaned. “You’re just excited for when my tits inevitably get bigger.”
“I’m not just saying it! I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little excited for that, you're right….But baby, it’s not about all that. It’s the fact that you’re beautiful for carrying our child, you know how insane that is?” You nuzzled your face into his body hiding feeling a little shy. You laid there while he ranted on and on about how beautiful you were and you listened patiently until he asked you a question. “So what do we do now?” He started to chuckle anxiously thinking about what was next.
“I don’t know, I’ve never been pregnant before.” You joked equally as nervous.
“Same.” He cooed with a straight face. You couldn’t not laugh looking at him. He always managed to be unintentionally funny and simultaneously very cute in serious moments.
“Okay, well seeing that neither of us have been.” You kept giggling and poked at him. “I made an appointment for tomorrow but if you can’t make it, I…” Trent cut you off before you could finish your sentence.
“I can. Baby, I am here for this whole thing. I will be there. I will never not be there. This is the most important thing to me, you are the most important thing to me… this baby is the most important thing to me.” His face kind of dropped saying his last sentence. It was all becoming very real.
“Oh my god like this is mad…” you looked up at him with a scared expression on your face..
“I’m here for you. You’re mine, right baby? Gonna take such good care of you both.” He cooed and your heart shattered at how sweet he was. It was unbelievable you were about to start a family.
“Yeah.. I know” you sheepishly retorted. He held up his pinky towards you and your heart skipped a beat. He was so fucking cute. “Oh so you really mean it, huh?” You teased him.
“Absolutely. You’re mine forever.” You locked your finger around his and he used the moment to pull your arm and subsequently your body to fall into his into a sweet kiss.
“Do anything for you, beautiful.” You pursed your lips and hummed thinking of all the things he already did for you. What more could you possibly want
“Can you hold me closer, T.” You cooed, batting your eyes at him.
“Yeah, he laughed. “I got you.”
The next day you woke up to a large Trent cuddled up so closely on top of you, you could barely breathe and you liked it this way. You had an inkling this was the way this would go. He was going to be so attached to you the second he found out you were pregnant. You slid up to sit against the headboard. He hummed as you moved, clinging to your stomach tighter, pressing sleepy kisses against your bare skin.
“I can’t believe we’re going to be parents… I feel like I’m 18 most days.” You spoke into the quiet room stroking over his hair guiding your hand down to his back to scratch it gently. He purred feeling your nails. He turned his head on your stomach to look up at you. The feeling of his stubble rubbing and tickling you.
“I guess we gotta grow up.” He cooed with a smile.
“Maybe.. we’ll still be cool parents though right, T?” You giggled as your other hand came to pinch at his cheek.
“Yeah, baby. The coolest. Just adding a new baby best friend to the fam, that's all.” He cooed imagining the two of you, the dogs and the new little baby.
“That’s really cute, T.” You pouted thinking about how adorable the sentiment was. The fact that you were really going to have this baby was sinking in moment by moment. He hummed acknowledging you but returning to his task of kissing your stomach.
Your appointment at the OBGYN was later that afternoon so you and Trent got dressed and were ready to head out. He held your hand walking to your cars but looked at you confused when you let go and walked to the drivers side of yours instead of the passengers side of his.
“You can’t drive…” he looked at you and you started to genuinely laugh.
“What? Why?” Shocked, you asked muddied in a laugh. His face didn’t move. “T… I am pregnant, not like unwell.” You tried to reason with him. He just stepped towards you, slipping his hands around your waist. He tucked his head into the nape of your neck, pressing his lips to you.
“Baby… I need you to be safe, can you just come with me? I want to take care of you.” He whispered. He puckered out his bottom lip, giving you his devastating puppy dog eyes. He was committed to convincing you and it almost worked but you were not caving this time. You held your ground against their allure.
“You always take care of me. I am safe. Also, T, be realistic, we can’t be seen driving together going there right now. I want this to be our moment. Hmm?” you cooed. Your hand came to caress his cheek trying to assure him you were okay but also remind him that your pregnancy getting out to any news source or the general public getting wind would be a nightmare and would destroy any opportunity to have privacy for the next 9 months. He finally agreed and you made your way there.
“You’re only about 6 weeks along.” The nurse spoke softly, looking between you and Trent. “If you and your husband want, we can go ahead and schedule the follow up when you’re at 12 weeks. By then we should be able to find out the gender as well.”
“He’s not my husband.” You patted Trent’s thigh.Your words kind of stung him so he placed his much bigger hand over yours pinning it down. Prompting him to lean over and whisper in your ear.
“Not yet, baby.” He cheekily said and it raised goosebumps all over you. Eventually, you looked back to the nurse and so did he. You could see Trent’s brow furrow a little in your peripheral. He was trying to do the math. “Right so she’ll be 12 weeks that’s…” he paused thinking.
“3 months, baby.” You giggled teasing him squeezing your hand above his knee.
“When is it usually most safe to tell people?” Trent asked inquisitively. This was going to be like everything else, he was going to need to know absolutely everything he could. It was incredibly cute and it was incredibly Trent.
“The fetus is typically fully formed after 12 weeks, that tends to be when people feel comfortable but it is up to your personal preference, your discretion what you’d want to do.” The nurse cooed back.
“So in a month and a half, T.” You giggled again looking at his face continue to struggle.
“I’ll get there, I’m gonna like read or I don’t know, will figure it all out.” He babbled nervously. You smiled sweetly at him squeezing your hand again to reassure him just happy he was with you. He didn’t need to be nervous or do any more. He was doing great. He was amazing already. You left the offices and you clung to Trent in the car park. You swayed back and forth in his arms pressing little kisses to his lips. This was scary and new but at least you had him. You finally said your goodbyes; he went to training and you went home. He went the whole day beaming. Everyone at AXA was so confused by his outwardly cheery disposition but he couldn’t not smile anymore now that he knew he was going to have a baby with you. Later that night, Trent came home when you were in the kitchen beginning to make dinner.
“Nah, nah, nah, I was going to make dinner for you, baby.” Trent's voice almost made you jump. You turned around to see him coming down the hallway holding a big bouquet of pink flowers. You rolled your lip at him and ran over to him giving him a tight hug, abandoning the boiling pot of water on the stove. He wrapped you in his arms and kept you there, even as you cooked. When you were finally done cooking you sat with Trent on the couch eating bowls of pasta sitting unnecessarily close. Your legs draped over his lap. His one hand rubbing up your back.
“I think we should keep this relatively quiet for a little, don’t you? I want to make sure the baby is healthy and I want to share some of this time with just you until we let everyone else know.” You babled stabbing your fork mindlessly into some noodles.
“I understand, agree with you, beautiful. I just want you and the baby healthy so we’ll take it slow. Will keep you two close with me. Make sure everything is okay” He cooed, pressing a kiss to your cheek, squeezing your side. The plan to keep it quiet was great except for the fact that you had to continue on with everyday life carrying a massive secret. It was only mere days later when you had to face the task head on. You sat anxiously at an away game down in London next to Dianne and Tyler. They couldn’t possibly have known but you felt like they somehow did know. It was stressing you out the whole game. You didn’t hide much from his family so this felt wrong. As the final whistle blew you milled about and mingled until Trent was able to come out and meet you after. He beelined directly through a group of people to you, wasting no time with niceties to anyone else in the room. He grabbed you by the waist and his thumbs stroked over your stomach in a coy effort to be subtle. He smiled silently and you couldn’t control the way your heart lurched. You’d think over time his charm would lose its effect or wear down but somehow it only seemed to grow. Him being so sweet about the pregnancy was making it continue that way at a rapid pace.
“We’re so proud of you, daddy.” You cheekily whispered, pulling him into a tight hug. You draped your arms over his shoulders. Trent's heart faltered hearing your words. The word ‘daddy’ had carried way too much weight in your relationship lately. Hell, it got you to this very point but it was a little fun to throw it around now.
“This is the best secret I’ve ever had to keep.” He cooed equally as quiet into your ear. “Love you both so much.” You only giggled in return, beginning to quickly look around the room to make sure no one had heard either of you.
After the game, you all went out to dinner in London. You stood waiting at the bar for your table. Everyone ordered drinks. When the bartender came to Trent, he ordered his quick off the cuff before he turned and looked at you for what you wanted. You gave him a knowing look. He raised his eyebrows at you realizing you couldn’t drink. He leaned over the bar and he spoke quietly to the bartender. He returned and handed you a club soda with a lime. Clever, no one would know it wasn’t your usual tequila soda if they didn’t ask. You smiled cheekily and threw him a wink. You started to talk to Tyler as Trent was talking with his mum. His eyes glued to you. You unintentionally turned your back to him continuing your conversation stirring the little straw around in your soda. Trent watched you over his mum's shoulder. Dianne laughed as she tried to hold his attention. He loved how close you were with his family, how you integrated so quickly. He loved how you were with Tyler and Marcel. It was so important to him that you cared about what he cared about.
“She makes you happy, huh, Trenty?” Dianne cooed watching his gaze soften fixed on you. He shifted in his stance not responding to her. The smile on his face was telling her the answer. He moved around his mum slow squeezing her arm to not totally disregard her and started on his way over to you. You felt his hand come from behind and push your hair off your shoulder. You shuttered under his touch. The feeling of his fingers glide over your neck sending a shiver down your spine. You tilted your head to one side to try to look back at him knowing it was Trent. You watched Trent’s lips turn upwards. His eyebrows rising in smug satisfaction at the hearts that filled your eyes. You turned back with a cheeky grin into him. He pulled you to him and leaned into your ear. He started whispering all sorts of filthy things to you. You shut your eyes and licked over your lips. You pulled away looking at him. You weren’t drinking but you were certainly drunk on love, completely smitten and certain he was the man of your dreams.
"Behave yourself” you giggled, slapping at his chest praying no one could’ve overheard him. Tyler ignored you two immediately the second Trent’s hands were on you resorting to return to Dianne. You sat at dinner bashful and happy. It was such a happy couple of days. It was stressful to have to hide this secret but in general, you and Trent were so happy about the win but ultimately the baby. He was already so touchy with you to begin with but the pregnancy was bringing the affection to a new level. You let him have his way, keeping his hands on you the entire meal. You didn’t mind. You liked it. It made you feel safe. Trent was so protective of you. He kept you close to him instinctively but now, he held you closer with a watchful eye on your stomach. It made you melt and gradually over the night, really horny. When you got home personal space wasn't a thing for you anymore. You hugged his arm, squeezing his bicep, walking back into your house. You were all over Trent. Batting your eyelashes up to him, pressing your boobs against his side as you made your way to the living room.
“You’re not subtle…” he laughed as you tried to convince him to fuck you. You didn’t have to do much, in fact you really didn’t have to do anything at all.
“What do you mean, T?” You giggled feigning innocence climbing on top of him as he sat down on your living room couch. Your boobs subsequently teasingly pressed in his face.
“Alright, I’ll bite, baby.” He laughed. His hands started to caress your body and then swiftly to massage your tits. “You’re very convincing.” He teased you but you just gave him a ‘come on’ look because you knew you were. “Did you know you’re very very hot?” He cooed with a cheeky grin. You sat down on his lap and poorly attempted to reign in the horniness that was washing over you. “Like so fucking sexy.” His words didn’t help that effort. His hands kneading your tits brushing his thumbs over your hardening nipples. The more his hands were on you, the more you thought about your body, the way it was aching for him, and then suddenly, rapidly, you felt yourself tense.
“Hey… you okay?” Trent’s hands slowed in you. You felt emotion rush to your eyes. All at once, your feelings of fear about your body about to change massively came over you. One of the things Trent loved about you was your body and it was about to be gone.
“I’m just scared.” You sugarcoated your emotions for him. His hands fell from your boobs and ghosted down your sides before they settled onto your hips.
“C’mere please” he pulled at you and engulfed you in his arms. “Does it make you feel any better if I tell you I’m scared too?” He said muffled into your neck. His hands rubbed up and down your back comforting you when you least felt it. His honesty did make you feel better.
“Really?” You sheepishly asked. He laughed, pulling you off him to really look at your face. He stared into your eyes. You could feel your heart thumping in your chest.
“Baby… this is massive but you know what else?” He cooed, bringing his hand to caress your cheek. You shook your head softly giving him a ‘no.’ “We have each other in this. We’re doing it together. Hmm? You have me forever, sweet girl. I’m not going anywhere.” He spoke, brushing his thumb over your skin. Your heart warmed. He managed to settle your fears for the moment. He was so reassuring that he would never leave you. You could see it in his eyes, you could feel it under his touch. You cuddled into him. He held you close.
“I love you, T.” You gently spoke, squeezing him a little before resting your head on his chest. You stayed there for a while. The feeling of his heart beat started to lull you to sleep. You tried your hardest to keep your eyes open, to stay awake and in the moment but his loving hold making it incredibly difficult. He pressed a kiss into your hair.
"Go to sleep, baby. I’m gonna be right here forever.” He whispered and you nuzzled further into him. The feeling of being in his arms putting you ever at ease. The vibrations of his voice only pushing you closer to falling asleep. Finally your eyes falling closed. When you woke up the next day you were neatly tucked upstairs in your bed. He always took such good care of you, you never had to ask for anything. You shifted your body only to find that you were alone in the big bed. Your legs moving under the covers some before they bumped into something on the bed.
“T…?” You sleepily whispered out. Rubbing your hands over your eyes. You tried to clear your blurry vision to see where he could’ve been. To no avail, your eyes fixed on the foot of the bed seeing what you presumed to be a gift from Trent.
“Oh you’re up! Morning, pretty girl.” Trent muttered out in a hushed tone, his voice cutting into the room as he rushed over to you. He sat on the edge of the bed and handed you a cup of tea. You raised your eyebrows surprised with a tired smile. You scooted up the bed to lean against the headboard.
“Wow… good morning to you. What’s all this, baby?” You chuckled. You reached out and rubbed your hand up and down the arm he had outstretched on the bed to rest on. He shuffled on the bed though to come sit next to you. He grabbed four boxes and pulled them into his lap. He wrapped his free arm around you, smushing a kiss to your cheek. He pulled you a little closer to him before plopping the first box over on your lap. It was an ambiguously wrapped box so you gave him a curious look.
“One for you.” He cooed and you giggled.
“What’s this for?” You asked pausing before opening the gift: he shot a stern glare back at you so you continued on. You peeled off the paper and saw a familiar orange box you knew well. You opened it slow. It was a pair of Hermes Finesse diamond earrings. You bopped your head back and forth with a big cheesy smile on your face staring at them.
“So pretty, T.” Grabbing his face for a quick peck. You placed the box down onto your comforter after inspecting them for a little while. He plopped the next box in your lap. You rolled your eyes at his childish rough nature so early.
“One for the baby…” he said softly rubbing his hand over your stomach. It was a much larger box than the last. You opened it slow again to find another orange box. You smiled lifting the lid to see an adorable Hermes teddy bear. You pouted your lips at him. You felt like you were gonna cry before he plopped the next one on you, stopping your flooding emotions. “Keep moving along, baby. Have more to open.” He laughed, waving his hand to continue. “For you.”
“You know the baby seems to be getting bigger presents than me, is that how things are going to be?” You teased squeezing his arm. It was his turn to roll his eyes at you. You opened a third orange box. You unlatched a jewelry box to see three stackable rings.
“One for each person in our family now.” He looked into your eyes. You melted thinking of him picking out something so thoughtful. You slid them on and held up your hand to look at the three rings wrapped around your slender finger.
“I love them… I love you.” You collapsed your head onto his shoulder wrapping your arms around his waist.
“You like them, baby?” He spoke before pressing a kiss into your hair. You nodded as he slid the last box over to you. You peeled the paper again slowly to reveal the final orange box. “One more for them” you opened the lid taking your time and your heart slowed. You felt the room close in. You stared down at a cashmere Avalon blanket. You took it out of the box to get a closer look at the detailed lettering embroidered ‘Baby Alexander-Arnold’ That was the tipping point for you. The tears started pouring out. “Oh. C’mon shhh.” Trent pulled you into him. He squeezed you so tight.
“I love you.” You sniffled out. He hummed. You stayed like that for a while. “Wait, wait, actually I got you something too! I didn’t know when to give them to you but now seems good.” You scrambled out of bed messily. Trent laughed at your sleepy body moving without the grace you usually carried.
“Baby, didn’t have to get me anything.” He said as you ran into the wardrobe hearing his voice fade getting further from him. You came out with three bags giddily and jumped on the bed playfully. You took his hands in yours after placing the bags in between you. He gave you a disapproving look for buying him anything.
“Just open it! Please!” You begged childishly pulling on his arm. You shoved one bag over closer to him. He reluctantly grabbed one bag. “Hold on! This one first!” You swapped the bags and he shook his head. He ruffled through the bag and pulled out a baby Liverpool kit.
“Nah… honestly.” He held up the top and turned it around to see ‘daddy’ written across the back with a 66. He looked at you with a sappy smile. Trent felt like this was the first time he really felt like a dad, like this was not only just a baby but his kid. You pecked his lips unannounced. You couldn’t look at the tiny jersey the put getting excited. The idea of bringing your baby to their daddy play was a dream and you knew Trent felt the same. You pushed the next bag at him. He fumbled through the bag again and pulled out a pretty chic, in your opinion, black Prada baby bag. “It’s actually really good.” He laughed unexpectedly, pretty impressed with it. You felt a little relieved he wasn't freaked out by the baby-centric gifts. You picked up the final bag and placed it in his lap. He pulled out a matte all black Prada football. His eyes widened and a big grin pulled across his face.
“Cool dad, no?” You giggled as he threw the designer football up and down. You stopped him when you pulled his face to yours with his cheeks in your hands. His laugh breaking out mid kiss halting it.
“Massively. Thank you, baby.” He cooed muddied in giggles, pressing a kiss to your lips. You hummed. You sat in your bed surrounded by spontaneous baby gifts. You stroked your hand over his high cheekbones. There was nowhere else you should’ve been. This is where you belonged; with your Trent; and that’s just what he was… yours. Trent’s words cut off your moment of reverie. “Not just for these. Thank you for giving me our child.” He spoke softly, rubbing his hands up your sides.
“Ours” you whispered sealed with a kiss.
Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you thought of the chapter / series … 🤍 This was so fun to write and I really hope you enjoyed it.
Go read the first chapter of the sequel series ‘Ours’ xx
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
Can I ask if this hasn’t already been asked how Lestat and Daniel get on in the books? Daniel is Louis friend and Lestat knows that but do their personalities challenge each other and do they bicker or are they friends? How do you think it’ll go in the show? I don’t believe Lestat will hate Daniel in the show or anything extreme he might be frustrated at times but I don’t think Daniel would care much about that to be frank haha and would even feel bad at times because possibly Lestat gets triggered remembering his past or sad about Claudia in a different way than Louis gets sad about Claudia (more emotional, possibly lashes out or ruins their interview schedule because of how sad he is deep down, shows up late, etc.). Overall I think they’ll manage okay and by the end have some shared understanding of each other and possibly respect from both sides. I’m expecting comedic moments of Lestat refusing to give a straight answer and Daniel challenging him and Lestat challenging Daniel for doing that but in a funny way. And when Daniel asks about Louis and their time together from lestat’s POV im curious how Lestat remembers that time and how Louis will be seen from his eyes and how Daniel interprets that vs how he interpreted Lestat from Louis and Armand’s POV
So as a note: Louis and Daniel aren't friends in the books. That's a show thing. A good thing! But it's not from the books, not really.
Lestat and Daniel... Lestat and Daniel like each other:
"Khayman sat in the downstairs study talking with Daniel now, Daniel who liked to let the hunger build, Daniel who wanted to know all about what it had been like in ancient Miletus, and Athens, and Troy. Oh, don't forget Troy. I myself was vaguely intrigued by the idea of Troy. I liked Daniel. Daniel who might go with me later if I asked him; if I could bring myself to leave this island, which I have done only once since I arrived. Daniel who still laughed at the path the moon made over the water, or the warm spray in his face. For Daniel, all of it-her death even-had been spectacle. But he cannot be blamed for that."
I think Lestat and Daniel might, especially if Daniel is already a vampire for the documentary, a vampire turned (supposedly) "out of spite" by Armand. Daniel, who freed Louis.
I think Lestat and Daniel will get along like a house on fire, actually. Oh, with sparring matches, and challenges, and biting comebacks. But Lestat likes that - and Daniel does, too. I think the more emotional breakdowns (that we saw (maybe exaggerated) hints of) might come through the story itself... and if it is true what Sam hinted at? Then maybe Claudia, there, haunting Lestat.
Because she does, in the books. She haunts Rue Royale, she haunts Lestat, she haunts Louis. She haunts the narrative.
I cannot wait to see what Daniel will drag out of him, actually. I hope it will be a bit sharper and edgier than Daniel in season 2... I had actually expected more of him there, tbh.
But I think Daniel and Lestat will be their own dynamic. Because Daniel likes Lestat, canonically. And I think in the show, he does, too, because he saw beyond the tale that was spun. He called the bullshit. And he knows he has to get to the source.
We know Daniel was already at the concert, so here's a snippet of Daniel at the concert from the books :)
And Lestat was Christ on the cathedral cross. How describe his overwhelming and irrational authority? His face would have been cruel if it hadn't been for the childlike rapture and exuberance. Pumping his fist into the air, he bawled, pleaded, roared at the powers that be as he sang of his downfall-Lelio, the boulevard actor turned into a creature of night against his will! His soaring tenor seemed to leave his body utterly as he recounted his defeats, his resurrections, the thirst inside him which no measure of blood could ever quench. "Am I not the devil in you all!" he cried, not to the moonflower monsters in the crowd but to the mortals who adored him. And even Daniel was screaming, bellowing, leaping off his feet as he cried in agreement, though the words meant nothing finally; it was merely the raw force of Lestat's defiance. Lestat cursed heaven on behalf of all who had ever been outcasts, all who had ever known violation, and then turned, in guilt and malice, on their own kind. It seemed to Daniel at the highest moments as though it were an omen that he should find immortality on the eve of this great Mass. The Vampire Lestal was God; or the nearest thing he had ever known to it. The giant on the video screen gave his benediction to all that Daniel had ever desired.
... I think theirs will be a very fun, and very interesting dynamic^^ Because Daniel has something Lestat wants, to make him open up (namely knowledge about Louis)... and then... 😈
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The Cowboy Hat Rule
𖤐Pairing: Cowboy! Price x City girl! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: smut, cowboy hate rule, strangers to lovers, slight fingering, p in v, slight eating out, handjob, drinking, smoking, making new friends, small town love, some humiliation
𖤐Summary: Y/n came to a small town just outside the city she grew up in and found herself in a small local bar and had some fun with some strangers
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Y/n was packing her stuff to get ready to move out west to a small town just outside her hometown. Y/n was a city girl no doubt.
She use to get spray tans before vacations or before she goes out anywhere with her friends. Only shop at high end store like Gucci, Louis, Fendi and Prada, her groceries costed around someone’s rent, she paid so much.
She decided to move so she could have her freedom and wanted to start a small farm with Chickens to sell their eggs, cows to sell their milk and cheese, and sheep for their wool.
She found an abandoned ranch house with almost 4 arces of land, just enough for a barn and enough grass for the animals to graze and eat.
Y/n took some notes on how to take care of them and is honestly excited to have a farm. She likes a challenge and she also is ready to give up her lavage lifestyle for the barnyard.
She had looked did some digging around the small town and saw a small bar, a local grocery store, a strip mall with probably 7-8 different stores, she’s never really heard of.
A mechanic, a salon, a sandwich shop, and she also saw a couple of other farms and every Saturday there is a local Flee Market.
She can’t wait to move and live there.
Y/n saw her new home just up ahead. The movers were confused on if this was the right house but pulled into the driveway and helped unload the truck.
One of the movers looked at Y/n trying to see if they were at the right house.
“Miss? Are we here?”
“Yes! We are here. Awww~ this place is amazing,” she said as she opened the door and took in the sight, it needs to be done up some but she can fix it or see if anyone around knows how to fix certain things.
She let the movers inside and place her couch, love seat, tables, nightstand, dresser and bed down in their certain spots.
Y/n was excited and grabbed her box’s from her car and placed her bathroom stuff in her master bathroom, bedroom stuff in her master bedroom and so on.
She paid the movers and started to set up her bed. And started to unpack the kitchen supplies and bathroom supplies. She unpacked her TV for her bedroom and started to set up her Netflix, HULU, Disney+ and YouTube and did the same with her TV in the living room.
She took in all her stuff in her own house and not in a apartment. Y/n went outside and started to take pictures on where she wanted her barn for her animals.
She didn’t know if she wanted to put it next to the large oak tree to act as shade for her animals or next to the pond to act as a natural water source for them.
She doesn’t know, but she will come up with something.
Now…small town love. She hasn’t really thought about love or finding love in a small town like this place, after her last relationship she’s kind of put off from dating for about a year.
She liked the single life even though it can be very lonely at times hints why she wanted a farm. Give her something to do so she won’t be bored out of her mind, and she can keep herself occupied.
She got in her car and drove to a local store that carried a lot of farm products from equipment, feed, even animals. She parked her car and got out, she definitely looked out of place.
A white t-shirt, black leggings, tennis shoes and a high ponytail. She looked like she just got done doing a hard workout. Everyone else looked like typical country people dressed like they’re ready for the local rodeo.
She rubbed the back of her neck before walking inside and grabbed a cart and started to look around for feed and took a look at the ducks, geese, bunnies and other birds they well selling, unfortunately not the ones she’s looking for.
She just smiled at the cute baby animals and headed to the back where there was flowers and some small sheds. She looked at one that looked like a mini version of a red barn it was cute, something she could use as a chicken coop.
“Hello, you finding everything okay?” A man walked up to her, she jumped a little bit before turning to him.
“Oh yeah…ummm~ I’m actually new to town and I bought that abandoned ranch house on the hill.”
“Oh that house, I’ve never seen anyone live there. It’s like they just made a random house for no reason.”
“Yeah that’s what my seller told me. Like they gave up half way through.”
“Well welcome to Mountain County, oh I’m Alex,” he put his hand out and Y/n shook it.
“Nice to meet you, Alex. I’m Y/n,” she said with a smile on her face.
“But anyways, what are you gonna do with the 4 acres?”
“A small farm, just a couple of animals sell their products and make money I guess,” she awkwardly laughed.
“Ahh~ I own a farm as well, I do this part time and I work on my farm full time. I sell crops at the flee market, I sell corn, potatoes, dried sunflower seeds, carrots, bell peppers, you name I probably sell it.” He laughs.
Y/n could tell he was trying to be friendly and not sound like he’s being cocky.
“Do you have animals?”
“Yeah, cows, sheep, horses, pigs, goats, llamas and chickens, I gonna get geese and ducks soon.”
“That’s cool, do you have any tips for me?”
Alex and Y/n could probably talk for hours and hours but unfortunately that’s not the case. Y/n and Alex exchanged numbers to keep in touch and so if Y/n had any questions she could text Alex and ask.
Y/n headed home unpacked some more of her boxes and started to set everything she just bought outside her home. She will be getting a small shed she could keep the feed and whatever inside of it.
She headed back into her house. She changed out of her sweaty clothes and changed into some shorts and a tank top leaving her hair in the ponytail.
She laid on her couch grabbing her phone and looked at some picture of her 'friends' back at the city seeming to be having a blast without her. She didn't even get a 'goodbye party' from them.
She rolled her eyes and continued to scroll through the social media. Y/n saw her considered 'best friend' hanging out with her ex-boyfriend, they were all huggy on each other which made her feel gross.
The guy she told her friend about that was such a jerk to her, and she's over here hanging out with her. Thinking it's okay and that Y/n may never see it.
"So annoying," she rolled her eyes at the post and tossed her phone to the side ready to turn on the TV, but her phone pinged making her look at her phone and saw Alex's name pop up.
Alex: *Hey at The Mountain Top Bar, they're doing all you can get shots and drinks and they're doing line dancing, come join us*
Y/n: *Us? Who am I meeting, Alex?*
Alex: *Some friends of mine, come on, come join us*
Y/n: *Give me a minute*
Alex: *Yeah, take your time, sweet thing*
Y/n went to her car and drove to The Mountain Top Bar, she was in a dark green, emerald dress, she looked stunning. She exited her car and opened the door to the bar.
She read a sign with pretty handwriting font saying what Alex told her.
All you can eat, free shots and drinks on the house and Line Dancing of the century
She smiled at the sign. She opened the door and saw people dancing, laughing, getting drinks at the bar and playing darts and pool. She looked around for Alex and couldn't find him till she looked at the bar seeing him look like a cowboy like every guy in this place.
She walked up to him and gently tapped his shoulder getting his attention.
"HEY! You made it," he said as he got up and hugged her waist.
"Yeah, thanks for telling me about this, I would have never guessed," she said.
"Anytime, come, meet the guys," Alex said.
They walked to the bar counter and Alex got his friends attention to look at Y/n.
"Y/n, this is. Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Alejandro, König and Price is somewhere around here..." Alex said as he looked around the bar. "Oh, there he is," Alex pointed to a tall, buff man on the dancefloor dancing to Fake ID line dance.
(Okay, no but IMAGINE Price doing the Fake ID line dance from Footloose...jaw dropped, or line dancing in general, periodt)
Y/n watched in amazement as she watched this man dance with perfect synchronization with the rest of the people dancing around him.
"Wow," she said with a smile.
"Yeah, he's being a showoff, come have a drink with us," Alex said.
Y/n talked with the guys and enjoyed her drink given to her by Alex. Alex promised to give her the first drink of the night.
"HEY! Price, this is Y/n," Alex said, and Y/n placed her drink down and turned to Price.
Price gave Y/n a smirk and titled his cowboy hat towards her.
"Howdy," he said, Y/n felt her cheeks heat up.
"Hi," she said with a smile.
Alex could see Y/n's cheeks all heat up, he smirked and gently nudged his shoulder at Y/n.
"Hey," she whispered at him.
"Why don't we go play pool, Price, Y/n you guys stay here and guard our spots," Alex said.
"Yeah, yeah, sure thing," Price said.
Alex and the rest of the guys left the bar and Y/n and Price just awkwardly looked away from each other feeling embarrassed from being left alone with each other.
"Sorry about Alex," Price said.
"It's okay."
"Are you new in town? I've never seen you here before?"
"Yep, I just moved in this afternoon, Alex is the first person I met while I've been here and now, I guess his friends are my friends, maybe...that Ghost guy doesn't seem to like me."
"Ghost, doesn't like anyone...he just sticks with us because we're the only people who will talk to him," Price chuckled.
"Ahh~ that makes sense," Y/n said.
Price leaned on the bar counter looking at Y/n as she talked about her life about being in the city. Price has never really talked to a city girl before; he was thought that the 'city folk' were a bunch of weirdos and think only about themselves but surely enough he's wrong about Y/n.
"And I left because I wanted to change up my lifestyle, I've always wanted to be a farmer but thought I've never had the time for it, but I realized lately how much free time I have nowadays and so, I thought that I should come live out here and start my own small farm."
"How small? And what will you sell?"
"Just sheep, cows and chickens, sell wool, milk, cheese and eggs."
"Mmm~ yeah, that'll be great."
Price was listening to her talk, and he heard a certain song come on Take it off by Kesha came out, he turned and grabbed her hand.
"Hey come dance," he said.
"But I don't know how to line dance."
"That's okay, follow my lead."
They went to the dancefloor, Price stood in his position with Y/n to his left. She looked nervous but stood in her stance and watched as some people bounced to the song before the lyrics started.
Soon they started everyone started as Y/n felt lost, she didn't know what to do even when looking at Price for help. He was too big of a natural and Y/n could barely stay on her feet. When she would try and move backwards like everyone else, she tripped a bit but caught herself before she could fall.
Price saw and just chuckled at her being clumsy. Y/n could hear him chuckle at her, she felt a bit embarrassed, she stopped what she was doing and headed back to the bar.
Price looked to his right and didn't see Y/n, he looked around and saw her at the bar. He was trying to swiftly make it off the dancefloor was soon trapped on the floor by people crowding around.
Y/n sat at the bar, running her finger over the rim of her glass and looked bored out of her mind.
Alex came up next to her.
"Hey, where's Price?"
"On the dancefloor...I can't keep up," she said, taking a sip from her drink.
"It's okay, line dancing can be hard for people who don't know what to do, trust me, it was hard for me, but I got it down, later." Alex looked at Y/n looked at Price on the dancefloor and turned back to her glass.
"I think, I should go..."
"No, no, stay a bit longer," Alex tried to convince her to stay. "Do you smoke?" He asked. "Come on, you may need some fresh air, come on," Alex said as Y/n followed him outside the bar.
Price saw Y/n and Alex leave the bar to go outside. He again tried to get off the dancefloor and followed them outside.
"Hey, what happened?" He asked with his hands out looking at Alex who was leaning against the brick building and Y/n stood in front of him picking at her nails.
"Sorry...I...I just couldn't keep up and to save myself from embarrassment, I decided to stop."
"Aww, honey, it's okay-"
"Should I leave you two alone?" Alex asked, ready to put out his cigar.
"If you don't mind," Price told him.
Alex left Price and Y/n alone again. She looked down at her feet as Price took Alex's spot against the brick wall.
"Honey, tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing's wrong, I just didn't want to embarrass myself or you, so I just left and went to the bar and came out here with Alex."
"Honey, I've been embarrassed before by others and let's just say some had it worse, it's your first time, who cares, everyone had their first time, line dancing. Did Alex tell you he fell probably 7 different times during Fake ID, boy could barely stand after tripping so much, he basically made camp on the ground," Price laughed trying to make Y/n feel better.
Y/n still feel awkward that she didn't know what she was doing. She tried to smile at Price telling a story about Alex falling but it didn't make her feel any better.
"Come on, honey, there has to be more to it then you thinking you can embarrass me or yourself," he said, putting his pointer finger under her chin making her look up at him.
"I just...I just need to go home, I'm tired from moving and making new friends, that I'm just worn out," she gave a lazy smile to him and was about to walk to her car, but Price stopped her.
He took his black cowboy hat off his head and stuck it on Y/n's head, some people outside saw it happen and their eyes widened at Price's sudden gesture. They've never seen Price do that.
"Price?" He leaned forward and his lips touched hers, he was gentle about it and smirked when he pulled away from her lips.
"I have a question for you, little lady."
"O-Okay," Y/n was too stunned to even think straight.
"Do you know the hat rule?"
"Hat rule?"
"I know you, city folk probably don't do that, but here...in the country, when someone puts their hat on your head...it means they're taking you home...and you little lady, get to come home with me," he said with a cheesy grin on his face.
Y/n was shocked that he did this, she JUST met him tonight, at least take her on a date before making her 'yours' first Price, come on now.
"D-Do I have to go with you tonight?"
"Nah. but it just shows that...you're mine and whoever fucks with you, I'll know," he said with a smirk on his face.
"Take me home, please."
Price had picked up Y/n out of his red and white Ranger. He kicked his door open and was kissing Y/n’s lips getting a soft moan from her.
He smirked and took her to his bedroom. He placed back on the ground as his hands found her butt and started to gently squeeze them and unzip her dark green dress letting it fall to her ankles.
She kicked it away just leaving her in her underwear. She could hear Price struggling to unbuckle his pants, so, she decided to help him. Her hands were a natural, she pulled his unzipped pants to the side where she can feel his hardened dick in her palm.
She smirked into the kiss as she could feel his hot breath on the side of her neck. Her hands moved up and down, they were soft and felt like someone was barely touching him.
"Oh g-god," he mumbled, he kissed her neck some more but could barely stay on his feet from how gentle she was being with him.
"Am I hurting you?" She asked.
"N-No...I'm...f-fuck," he mumbles again.
Y/n fell on her back on the bed behind her teasing Price once she stopped, she looked down at him, he was taking off his shirt and pants, he removed his cowboy hat and put it on Y/n's head.
"Holy fuck, you look amazing in it, little lady," he said, licking his bottom lip.
"Thank you, kind sir," she tipped the hat at him with a cheeky smile on her face.
He trapped her on the bed and kissed her lips, his hands ran all over her body, holding her waist and he moved his hands down to her thighs and pulled her the edge of the bed.
Price looked down at her and kissed her lips again, his hands cupped her face. She started to remove her underwear and Price smirked before sticking his fingers into his mouth getting them wet and feeling her folds, they were already wet.
He stuck them inside of her lower half and earned a loud and high-pitched squeal from her. Her hand gripped his wrist trying to push his fingers out, but she didn't want them to leave her.
He moved his fingers in and out of her quickly and earned a moan from her. She looked down at his fingers inside of her and watched him pull them out seeing a thick white substance thickened on his middle and ring finger.
He brought his fingers to his mouth and cleaned them off, she felt her folds drench in the white liquid. He bent down to her clit and licked the white liquid clean off her, she grabbed a handful of his hair wanting him to keep going and not stop.
"P-Please don't s-stop, P-Price," she moans. His tongue went inside of her and licked her folds again.
"Hmmm~" he hums and sat up, his left hand grabbed her wrists holding them above her head and his right hand on his dick hitting his tip just above her clit. She moans at the wet sounds clapping against each other.
"Ah!" She moans.
He pushed himself inside of her. She looked helpless underneath him; his right hand held her waist, gripping her tightly that he could very well leave a hand mark on her side.
He moved slowly at first but soon picked up the pace when he could feel her tighten around his dick. He bit his bottom lip possibly making it bleed.
He leaned down to her lips kissing them, once he pulled away, he could see the blood on her lip, he wiped his lip with his thumb and saw the blood and licked his thumb removing the blood from her lip.
Y/n didn't care she was feeling good by Price. He didn't stop moving fast, he wanted her to moan his name, moan so loud that her voice breaks. He cups her face and kisses her lips again.
"H-Holy fuck," he cussed under his breath as he looked at Y/n's face, it was red, and he could see tears threatening to fall from her eyes. He wipes her tears away getting a soft smile from her.
"Are y-you sure I'm n-not hurting you?" He asks.
"I-I'm sure," she stutters as her head went back and moaned again feeling her stomach tighten and she could feel that same liquid run down her clit and possibly onto the bedsheets, Price was huffing and puffing due to the feeling of coming as well.
He pulled out and he watched the cum quickly squirt out of her, he licked his lips and grabbed a rag to help clean her up.
Price had started a bath for Y/n. She was currently in it washing herself as Price stripped the bed and put clean sheets on it and had sweatpants hanging low on his waist showing off his Calvin Klein boxers.
He fixed the pillows and went to the bathroom with some clean clothes for Y/n. She looked up at him with tired eyes and saw him drop an oversized t-shirt and a clean pair of boxers on the sinks counter.
He sat on the edge of the bathtub and looked down at her.
"How's the bath?"
"Good, I love this feeling," she said, bring her hand out of the water and watching the water droplets fall back into the tub.
"I'm glad..." he said, cupping her face. "Tomorrow...would you like me to show you around, my property?"
"That'll be great, thank you," she said with a soft smile on her face.
Y/n came into the bedroom and fell on one side of the bed and cuddled up to Price's chest, she grabbed her phone and wanted to play dirty like her 'best friend' did with her.
She got on Price's stomach, he was confused and placed his hands on the side of her thighs.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
"Just...a little payback for what my 'friend' did to me, by getting together with my ex. I'm going to show I'm not bothered by it and show you off...I'm not gonna show your face, I'm just going to make them feel jealous that I moved on and they can't hurt me," she said with a smirk on her face.
She took a photo of her sitting on her stomach showing off his toned body, his hands on her thighs and her left hand placed on his stomach.
She took several others, one where she leaned against his chest and showed a bit of his face, but she put a blue heart emoji over his face.
She posted them to her social media and within an instant people were liking it and some people, she did still keep in touch with where wandering who this guy was with Y/n.
"She's mad," Y/n evilly giggled at her 'friend' commenting.
Best_friend132: *Girl, you've only been there for a day and you're already screwing someone*
Y/n rolled her eyes and tossed her phone to the nightstand and looked at Price with a smile on her face. She cuddled to his side and Price placed his hand on her waist as he read his book and Y/n could look at the pages with him.
"What even is this?"
"It's called 'Ace' it's about this Mafia couple who hate each other but in the long run fall in love with each other," she sat up stunned that Price, would read romance books, he doesn't even look like he would even read books. If he did it would be a hunter magazine.
"You read romance novels?"
"Yeah, some are interesting, but I usually read adventures, thrillers and humor, really. But some romance books are good."
"Never expected you to read romance novels," she giggles at him.
"Yeah, I know. I try and keep this away from the guys, they'll never let it down." He said, shaking his head and putting his book down and hugged Y/n's waist before they both drifted off to sleep.
Y/n woke up to the sound of a rooster doing his usual morning call, Price woke up as well with his face berried into the crook of her neck and gave her a slight kiss.
She moaned into him kissing her neck, she cupped the side of his head and she felt him rub his hardened dick against her.
"Sorry, can't help it..." he said as Y/n placed her hand in his pants and started to help him out.
She moved her hand up and down, her thumb touched the tip of his dick, he gave out a very breathy groan.
"Fuck," he moans before leaking cum on her thumb. It was very quick, and he knows that, he wasn't embarrassed he finished fast, he just wanted to cum in Y/n's hand. It was just...amusing to him to cum inside her hand.
Price had gotten ready for his farm work, Y/n sat on the porch waiting for Price, she looked up when she heard the screen door to the house slam shut.
"Come on, let me show you around."
"Okay," she stood up excitedly and followed Price around his farm like she was a lost puppy, which she was, she didn't know where everything was.
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tisaolin · 2 years
Was this one is the deleted request?
Can I request a S/O that likes to make annoying jokes and pranks to their partner?
Please make Shang Tsung and Fujin because they pretty much hard to anger and make Scorpion and Mileena since they have VERY bad temper
S/O likes to
annoyingly poke their partner's cheek
using water squirt ring (sometimes)
pull my fing- wait that's too much
You can use if you have other prank ideas as well
Keep up the good work!!
Kombatants with a playful s/o
Characters: Shang Tsung, Fujin, Mileena, Scorpion
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He’s actually fond of the poking and doesn’t mind when you make a “whee” sound everytime you sneak from behind him and poke his cheek. He finds it adorable.
WTF! He literally SCREAMS that when you shoot him with a water gun. Same when you do the ole bucket trick.
When you use the ole whoopie cushion on him, He looks at you and theres like minutes of awkward silence until he starts snickering.
Pranks got so bad he had to BEG you to stop while literally on the verge of tears, “PLEASE,YOU GOT TO STOP THE BULLSHIT 😖”
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He’s a little confused but he finds the pranks cute.
The poking his cheeks makes him smile, physical touch is his cup of tea fr.
When you spray him with water, he uses wind to make you fall. Starting prank wars NOW!
Raiden is absolutely MORTIFIED at what you turned his brother into.
It’s a never ending battle between the two of you.
In the end, you won when you got some fake hair to make it seem like you cut his actual hair.
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Almost at his breaking point fr.
Poking his cheeks isn’t too bad but he does ask if you can stop because it gets annoying.
When you spray him with a water gun he has to meditate in order to keep himself from MURDERING YOU.
He almost set you on fire when you made him fall down the stairs 😞(geez louis please dont kill him)
The snakes in a pringles can is probably the only prank that made him laugh, after being scared lol. “ARE YOU LAUGHING??” “…no” “YES YOU ARE”
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Mileena (shes so cute I LOVE HER SOO MUCH)
Mileena loves you so much, so she tries to remain calm.
Poking whats left of her cheeks (im so sorry) causes her to ALMOST BITE YOU😟.
“YO WHAT THE FUCK MEL” “DO.NOT. TEST MY PATIENCE” looks like you learned your lesson after that because you didnt do it anymore.
Spray her with the water gun again, it brings a tingling sensation.
When you swapped her shampoo with hair dye. She gave you a look you will NEVER forget.
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Perfect example frfr(this how I apparently look at people)
🤦🏾‍♀️congratulations, you’ve made Mileena so mad she snaps at you.
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It’s still Wednesday woohoo! Thanks to @whatsintheboxmh @inkweedandlizards @heartstringsduet @sznofthesticks @orchidscript @three-drink-amy @lemonlyman-dotcom @alrightbuckaroo @carlos-in-glasses @theghostofashton @sanjuwrites @carlos-tk @bonheur-cafe and @jesuisici33 for the tags! The boys are so achy and soft in First Time After (which is taking me an age to write, but I’m having so much fun working on it!)
“I love you,” Carlos tells him, and TK nods, sniffles. His cheeks are wet and his eyes hurt now, a strangely moreish ache to every blink. When he presses his eyes shut for long enough, the feeling translates into sheer fatigue, and he wonders how much longer he can go without caving to it. But it’s not time yet. Since the tears started tonight, hard and fast in the bedroom, he hasn’t been able to stop them. They’re gentler now, and he can speak without sobbing, but the steady stream over his cheeks has left his face puffy and pink, and still Carlos stares at him as though TK hung the moon, as though somehow he were still magnificent.
“I love you too,” TK says, and Carlos gives a delicate squeeze to his waist. TK, through his tears and the thick haze of his grief, manages a smile at the press of his boyfriend’s touch.
Carlos’s eyes seem to brighten at the gesture. A ghost of relief flits across his features, palpable while the steam rises and the water sprays hard against TK’s back, loud against the pristine tiles of the shower floor. Carlos slides a hand through TK’s wet hair, eyes tracking the movement as he does it. TK’s gaze stays trained to Carlos’s face, catching the perfect fleeting second in which his lips press tighter together, quirk upwards at the edges. A smile; small and gorgeous and achingly sad. TK’s chest cracks open anew at the sight, the way Carlos’s eyes sparkle here, the big light off, whole bathroom candlelit. The spark in his eyes is like hope in a dark place, like a wordless promise of what they do have, no matter what they don’t. The very thought stirs another current of grief through him, crashing beneath his ribs like waves breaking over rocks. A rush of tears stings his tired, aching eyes, and his lip trembles as he peers up at his boyfriend.
“You’re an incredible person,” he says, fighting the way his voice wants to strain; quickly losing the battle. “Do you know that?”
No pressure tags below the cut 💛
@birdclowns @welcometololaland @paperstorm @catanisspicy @chicgeekgirl89 @detective-giggles @fitzherbertssmolder @freneticfloetry @goodways @herefortarlos @lightningboltreader @louis-ii-reyes-strand @mooshkat @meditating-honey-badger @noxsoulmate @never-blooms @paperstorm @sugdenlovesdingle @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @rosedavid @reasonandfaithinharmony @rmd-writes @thisbuildinghasfeelings @thebumblecee
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dailytomlinson · 1 year
Athens recap
Louis showed up wearing an all black outfit with a VTMNTS T-shirt paired with Sunflower Mike shorts
Setlist had 21 songs
Fan project for Lucky Again
"I've got a good feeling about this show already”
“Beautiful, Athens!”
"I see you trying to get me with that game! It’s below the waist, it’s gotta be below the waist! Come on!"
Fan project for Saturdays
"I fucking love this show! You guys have been fucking amazing, thank you, thank you, thank you. It’s Andrew and The Lathums last show with us– who’s fucking squirting me with a water gun?! You can fuck off! Only kidding! [moves away to avoid the water] Right, give it up for Andrew and The Lathums last gig, go fucking big. I brag to everyone about you lot, go fucking big! There you go. [to fan who sprayed him water] I bet you think you’re really funny with a water pistol, don't ya!"
Louis looking happy, you’re welcome!
Closing: Silver Tongues
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carlos-tk · 10 months
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thanks for the tags @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @carlos-in-glasses 💗
some more slutty seven sentences from [redacted fic] for you to enjoy on this beautiful sunday 😚🤠
As he follows the trail of TK’s dirty clothes to the bathroom, he turns the knob of the wooden door and takes in the sight before him. He’s greeted by a hot, hard and naked TK Strand, eyes closed with a hand around his thick c*ck as the recently installed waterfall shower head rains down on him.
“Hi baby you started without me,” he alerts TK to his presence and watches as he startles. The hand around himself freezes as his eyes open, dilated pupils meeting Carlos’, as he relaxes and one again begins to lazily stroke up and down his length.
“It took you long enough,” he says matter-of-factly as he darts his tongue out to lick his bottom lip. He steps out of the spray and flicks some of the water from his eyes, “Get in here cowboy,” he demands, the hand not around his c*ck reaching out for Carlos.
Carlos shoves his shirt over his head, shucking his jeans and boxers down to his ankles in record time, his belt buckle landing with a thunk as he kicks them aside.
He approaches the shower and slides in alongside TK in the cramped space. “So this cowboy thing is really doing it for you huh?” he asks, as his hand brushes TK’s hip and the warmth of the water pelts down on his skin.
“You have no idea,” TK groans out, hand releasing its grip from his c*ck and shoving Carlos against the tiled wall and out from under the spray. TK’s body is pressed tight against him, hands clumsy and desperate to touch as much of Carlos as he can, trailing a hand up to his defined pecs and pinching Carlos’ pebbled nipple between his thumb and finger.
no pressure tags below the cut 💗
@thisbuildinghasfeelings @inflarescent @celeritas2997 @inkweedandlizards @rmd-writes @reyesstrand @welcometololaland @liminalmemories21 @lemonlyman-dotcom @reyestrandd @three-drink-amy @orchidscript @alrightbuckaroo @strandnreyes @firstprince-history-huh @heartstringsduet @freneticfloetry @herefortarlos @lightningboltreader @ladytessa74 @louis-ii-reyes-strand @never-blooms @fitzherbertssmolder @birdclowns @basilsunrise @redshirt2 @mikibwrites @mooshkat @noxsoulmate @theghostofashton @bonheur-cafe @thebumblecee @whatsintheboxmh @wandering-night19 and YOU 💗
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knickynoo · 7 months
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s02ep12 "St. Louis Blues"
Previous episodes linked here.
In this episode:
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Almost at the end of the series, folks. We don't have much Real Doc content left, so let's treasure our time with him while we can.
We find our friend Doc at the Hill Valley baseball field, where the Hill Valley Dreamers are playing against the Riverburg Big Dudes. According to Doc, the teams aren't very good, and most of the seats remain empty during the games. However, this hasn't stopped Doc from somehow managing to end up in the worst seat possible.
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He does occasionally poke his head around the beam to talk to us, but he just. Goes back to sitting behind it. There is NO ONE else around, and he can literally sit in any seat he wants, but he's resigned himself to being unable to see the game.
I love Doc so much. Where else am I going to find a man who's like this?
As he enjoys an iced tea and a hot dog, Doc shares that the food and drink were both introduced at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, which he went to with his family. We go into the cartoon then.
Marty and Jennifer are on a date to play mini-golf, but it isn't going well. If you've been keeping up with these posts, you probably know that Marty and Jen don't exactly have a great relationship. Jennifer is angry at Marty like 80% of the time on account of Marty being an immature doofus who likes to tease Jennifer and lie to her. As they play golf, a series of mishaps (due to Marty's clumsiness) causes Jen to be sprayed with water and then covered in green goo from the fake volcano.
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Marty thinks this is very funny. Jennifer does not.
After laughing at Jen for a little, a girl in a convertible pulls up to chat with them. Her name is Liz, and she's apparently a rich, snobby girl who goes to Marty's college.
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Liz asks Marty if he wants to be her date to a party at the country club or, "play kiddie golf with the witch." And even though Marty has plans with Jennifer (you know, his girlfriend) for later that night, he decides he'd rather go to the country club!! With this mean girl Liz!!!
Jennifer stomps away angrily, to which Marty does not even react. He just laughs and goes, "Well, looks like I'm free."
Jail for Marty.
He goes right to a barbershop to get a haircut in preparation for his country club date, but even the cheapest haircut is $92.50. Marty leaves and figures maybe he can borrow money from Doc.
Doc, Clara, Jules, and Verne are all at an amusement park. After paying $275 just for admission and then being charged $10 each for a drink, Doc and Clara propose they take the time machine to visit an old-fashioned amusement park where the prices are much more reasonable. Jules and Verne aren't interested, though; they want to stay and ride the present day thrill rides. Clara and Doc decide to take the trip themselves and tell the boys they'll be back in two hours.
Meanwhile, after arriving at the Brown home and finding it deserted, Marty comes upon one of Doc's inventions in the garage—the "Hair Cut O Matic." Ah, the perfect solution to Marty's problem!
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Except, as is the case with most of Doc's inventions, it malfunctions pretty much right away. Marty barely has five seconds to admire his fresh new cut before his hair starts morphing before his very eyes.
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Listen. Marty deserves this, okay?
Also, I don't think I've really mentioned this in past posts, but some episodes have quick segments called "Back to the Facts" which is when Cartoon Doc reads off a fun fact that relates to the episode. I assume these were played at the start or end of the commercial breaks? Anyway, this episode has an interesting one where Doc notes when the first roller coaster opened (1804) and mentions that they probably didn't go as fast as the "roller coasters of today—which can travel up to 66 mph."
I did some research because my initial thought was, "That can't be right. Roller coasters in 1992 could only go up to 66 mph??" But it appears that fact was right, as I looked up a list of coasters from that year and couldn't find any that went above around 60 mph. Which is crazy because that seems so...slow? Roller coasters today can reach much higher speeds, with the fastest coaster in the world ("Formula Rossa" in the United Arab Emirates) going almost 150 mph.
I personally have ridden the fastest coaster in North America, "Kingda Ka," which hits 128 mph. This beast:
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Yes, the drop is every bit as wild as it looks. No experience like it. I think I've been on it two or three times? It gets shut down a lot because if there's significant enough wind, it sways and becomes too unsafe to ride, lol.
Must refocus. Marty goes to the amusement park to try to find Doc and ends up having to cough up $100 for the entrance fee anyway. So...Marty had the money. He just didn't want to use it for his haircut.
He has a stunning, beautiful braid at this point, btw.
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Marty's hair briefly returns to normal, and he buys himself a hat to hide it as he continues to wander around the park looking for Clara and Doc. He's eventually spotted by Jules and Verne, and this is where I got sidetracked AGAIN because I could not for the life of me figure out what Verne was saying after he sees Marty. It sounded like, "Hey, lookie! Michael came back from The West!" I went back and listened two more times, and it sounded the same. I assumed it was an obscure reference to something, but I couldn't figure out what. Then I went and turned on the subtitles and saw the line is, "Fievel came back from The West!" which still didn't help me at all.
So, I did some searching and found it's a reference to An American Tail: Fieval Goes West, which is the sequel to An American Tail, a movie that's apparently about a Jewish mouse named Fievel Mousekewitz? I guess this is something the kids of 1992 would have known?
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Marty, Jules, and Verne travel to the World's Fair in 1904 and set up the Time Train as a fair exhibit: The Train of the Future. A Tannen relative, P.T. Tannen, sees it and is intrigued. He's looking to set up an exhibit of his own that will bring in a lot of money, and for a moment, it looks like he might take the train. However, it turns out that he wants MARTY for his exhibit. A boy with magically changing hairstyles is just the thing he's looking for.
After kidnapping Marty and locking him in a cage, P.T. starts attracting quite the crowd to view such a freak of nature. Doc and Clara even wander in and are horrified to see who it is. The audience screams in terror as Marty's hair continues to change.
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Doc and Clara attempt to create a diversion and rescue Marty, and there's a moment where another one of those weird mistakes with the animation happens. As you may remember, there have been instances of character's eyes and skin tones changing color randomly during scenes, as well as objects disappearing from the frame. This show is full of errors, but this one is a first. After being caught by P.T. Tannen, Doc's eyes inexplicably glow for several seconds.
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I would love to know what was happening behind the scenes of this show because it's so sloppy a lot of the time.
After successfully escaping with Marty, everyone returns home. Marty dresses in a spiffy suit, gets his hair fixed, and takes the DeLorean over to Liz's house. There has not been one sighting of Marty's truck over the course of this whole show, so I assume he doesn't have one in the cartoon universe. He's always borrowing the DeLorean. Also, not a single mention of parents or siblings.
Marty's whole experience with his hair has taught him a very valuable lesson: it's not nice to make fun of other people. He tells Liz that he never should have teased Jen at the mini golf place and says he can't go to the country club with her. This doesn't bother Liz one bit since she found a "better" date to take her: someone who is rich and popular. Marty goes to Jen's house with flowers, pizza, and some movie rentals and apologizes to her. She forgives him, gives him a kiss, and we go back to Real Doc, who catches a baseball in his ice cream cone. He still attempts to eat it.
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This is a fun episode. I like when I get to go and do a few minutes of research and learn about things like roller coaster speeds and animated mouse movies. But I can't believe so many episodes are built on the premise of Marty being a meanie and having to go through something awful to learn his lesson. Cartoon Marty is so wildly different from Movie Marty, and it makes me sad to think about the potential the show could have had. Bob Gale should approve a reboot of the cartoon but make it GOOD this time. He should hire the Tumblr BTTF fandom to work on it.
Join me next time as we head into the final episode of the series. 😭
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stephensmithuk · 1 month
Taking a Cure and Breaking Carlsbad
Because there is really nothing new under the sun at the end of the day, some people were just as obsessed about their health as they are now.
CW for discussion of historical atrocities and capital punishment.
Taking the Waters
It was believed in the 19th century and indeed for a few centuries before that "taking the waters" from wells in certain inland towns with natural springs was good for your health. A lot of places had gained this reputation, like Bath in England and Spa in Belgium. Yep, that's where the name comes from.
You could either drink the waters, bathe in them or both. This was segregated by sex, as you would generally be naked in the latter case.
The arrival of the railways made "taking a cure" a good deal easier. Bath was connected to London by the Great Western Railway and today you can get there by 125mph train in under 90 minutes from Paddington.
So, many of the rich and famous would take holidays in these places, where they would drink the water, go on a restricted diet, take long walks and undergo various treatments, prescribed by spa physicians.
Some of these were medically sound. Some come across as quackery of the first water, pun fully intended.
Treatments included - and you can still find many of these in modern day spa facilities - mud baths, massages, seaweed wraps, steam rooms etc. There was also something called a Vichy Shower, which involves lying on a slab while being sprayed with water from multiple nozzles in a shower bar.
Yes, Vichy in France is a spa town. The reason the collaborationist government went there in 1940 is because it had a lot of hotels to put everyone up.
Karlovy Vary
Anyway, Carlsbad was the former English spelling of Karlsbad, a town in Bohemia then under Austrian rule. You may know it better under its modern name of Karlovy Vary, today in Czechia (aka the Czech Republic, its long form name), about sixty-six miles west of Prague. It has an airport, but the flights are limited there - you will generally need to go to Prague, then get a coach or train.
Three American places and one in Canada still bear the name Carlsbad, the most notable being the coastal city in California, now home to a Legoland.
The name in both German and Czech means "Charles' baths".
While there were settlements in the area going back to the Bronze Age, legend has it that Charles IV, King of Bohemia, found a warm spring by accident while exploring the local area and the waters healed his injured leg. In any event, he gave the place royal privileges in 1370.
His successor, Wenceslaus IV, would give the town a right of asylum and the place also had a ban on carrying weapons.
In 1526, Louis II would drown as he fled defeat by the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Mohács, ending his dynasty as he had no legitimate children. Austrian Ferdinand I was elected as his successor and to cut a long story short, Bohemia lost its independence, becoming part of the Austrian Empire.
The 16th and 17th centuries weren't great for the place; a massive flood, a big fire and Swedish troops looting the place three times in seven years during the Thirty Years' War.
In 1819, the town would hold a conference of representatives from the states of the German Confederation, passing decrees increasing press censorship and banning nationalist societies among other things in an attempt to slow moves towards unification.
In the event, that unification would happen in 1871, but Austria would be excluded from the new Germany and instead unified with Hungary in the Dual Monarchy, aka Austria-Hungary. Karlsbad would be in the Austrian part of this new Empire and was in fact majority-German speaking.
Anyway, back to Karlsbad. The town was rapidly developing in popularity as a resort during the course of the 19th century and would become even more popular in 1870, when a railway line was built from Prague to Eger (now Cheb) on the border with Germany.
The railway line allowed for through carriages to operate from across Europe. In 1888, it took a day and 8 1/2 hours to get there from London. By 1911, CIWL was offering a through sleeping carriage, along with parlor/dining car from Ostend to Carlsbad, the former reachable from Charing Cross via train and ferry. The journey was now doable in 26 hours and 21 minutes.
The appeal for spa fans was clear - 80 springs with water running up to 74 degrees Celsius. Mineral water and herbal bitters were bottled and exported all over Europe. The mountain scenery and fresh air allowed people to take walks as part of their "cure."
The best-known spa by the Raffles time was the Imperial Spa, of which more later.
There were also plenty of hotels or pensions. The September 1888 Bradshaw's Continental advertises eight of them, with no less than seven boasting of English-speaking staff or indeed managers. The most famous hotel, opened in 1701 and still going strong in 2024 is the Grandhotel Pupp, which featured extensively in the 2006 James Bond film Casino Royale where it played the Hotel Splendide. Indeed, Karlovy Vary has a big starring role in that film.
Churchgoers were well-provided for, with churches for multiple denominations. The Anglican one is now a waxworks museum of all things.
Many rich and famous faces would show up at Carlsbad and nearby Marienbad. Chopin and Beethoven visited there. Anthony Joseph Drexel, founder of what is now J. P. Morgan & Co visited there in 1893... then had a fatal heart attack.
As the Redux points out, all these rich people were prime targets for thieves.
An 1884 guide to the place can be found here:
Things were going pretty swimmingly for the spa town... and then the First World War happened, rather damaging the tourist industry.
The collapse of Austria-Hungary saw the town incorporated into the new country of Czechoslovakia following the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye in 1919. Local protests in March 1919 ended in six deaths after things turned violent and Czechoslovak soldiers opened fire, but the local population of what was now Karlovy Vary soon accepted their new situation. A 1930 census made clear that the place remained overwhelmingly German in its composition.
The place didn't recover to its pre-war popularity; the Great Depression really didn't help in that department. The German-speaking areas of Czechoslovakia had a lot of industries, like toy-making, which were reliant on exports... and protectionism was now very much in vogue. There were also tensions between the German minority and the Czech majority.
Then a certain Austrian man with a toothbrush moustache came along. Karlovy Vary was in what was becoming known as the Sudetenland... and you can probably see where this is going.
In September 1938, the Munich Agreement, signed without the Czechoslovaks being involved (who had to accept it), saw the Sudetenland handed over to Germany. By March 1939, the Germans had invaded and annexed the rest of the Czech part of the country, Poland and Hungary had taken various bits of territory and a pro-Axis client state was set up in what was left of Slovakia. However, it does not seem there was any mass support for this by the Germans of Karlovy Vary.
The Nazis set up the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in the Czech bits they'd got in March 1939.
While a full discussion of their horrific rule is beyond the scope of this post, Karl Hermann Frank, born in what was then Carlsbad, would be placed in charge of the Nazi police apparatus in the protectorate. He would eventually become Minister of State, the most powerful official in it and in these roles would play a primary role in the mass murder of the Jewish population in the Protectorate. He would also give the orders to destroy Lidice and Ležáky, murdering nearly all their inhabitants, in reprisal for the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich in 1942.
Karlovy Vary would play host to a Gestapo prison; I imagine the town also saw some use by soldiers on leave.
Karlovy Vary was out of the effective range of Allied bombers for much of the war but came under heavy bombing twice in the final months of the conflict; bombers heading for Dresden in February 1945 appear to have also bombed Karlovy Vary (and Prague) by mistake. The town was heavily damaged, but the spa part escaped destruction.
Karlovy Vary was part of an agreed stop line for George S. Patton's Twelfth Army Group in May 1945 as they raced east. They met some resistance as they approached (namely the dangerous 88mm guns that had to be taken out individually), but the town surrendered without a fight on 7 May 1945; German forces there just wanting to surrender to the Americans and not the Red Army, who would treat them much worse.
However, it had already been agreed that this would be an area under Soviet occupation and Patton's forces had to cross back over the restored border into Germany, handing the place over on 11 May.
The Czechoslovakian-government-in-exile had declared its German and Hungarian minorities collectively responsible for the occupation. The Allies at the Potsdam Conference agreed that Germans east of their new borders should be transferred in an orderly fashion to Germany i.e. expelled.
It would be anything but orderly. Many had already fled west to get away from the Soviets, either in organised evacuations or on their own initiative, the later continuing after the surrender. At least 100,000 civilians died in this flight from aerial attack or other causes, such as the atrocious winter of 1944-45.
Now, Czechoslovakia would kick out nearly all the rest. Germans and Hungarians had their land seized, their citizenships revoked and were sent west or north; around 1.3 million and 800,000 respectively.
Mobs and those in uniforms engaged in massacres with varying degrees of official connivance; with the harsh conditions of the expulsion as well, it is estimated by a joint German-Czech commission that 15,000 to 16,000 died, along with another 3,400 suicides.
Others ended up in internment camps, also with harsh conditions.
Those who could prove they were anti-fascists or who were essential for the economy, a number estimated up to 250,000, were allowed to stay. In other cases, Communist Party redistributed assets to Czechs in the border areas, getting a lot of support in post-war elections as a result.
The expulsion/deportation remains something of an elephant in the room in the now three countries - it was historically a much bigger issue. West Germany paid compensation to those thrown out from its own funds and the international community concluded that Czechoslovakia taking their assets meant that no reparations needed paying. A Czechoslovak law granting immunity for crimes committed in 1945 in the name of liberation remains in force. A joint agreement in 1997 saw Germany accept responsibility for Nazi crimes and Czechia express regret for the deaths in the expulsions; various attempts at reconciliation have happened. The surviving Sudeten Germans do not want their land back in general, just official recognition.
The events have come up from time to time in the politics of the area, but I shall leave that discussion for others to have.
In the aftermath, the Czechoslovaks also conducted war crimes trials of those who had engaged in such horror upon their country. Karl Hermann Frank, captured by the Americans the day after the war ended, was extradited back to Czechoslovakia, and sentenced to death by the People's Court in Prague. On 22 May 1946, he was executed in front of 5,000 people in the courtyard of Pankrác prison; it was a ticketed event with "scalpers" to boot in what would be the final public execution in Prague. It was also photographed and filmed for the media; the footage can be found easily online, so you may not want to look this up. Especially as the method of hanging was the Austro-Hungarian pole method, not a pleasant way to go.
The Communists, starting to lose popularity, sized power in a coup in 1948 and created a Soviet-aligned state.
The Grandhotel Pupp had already been nationalised, the Pupp family having been expelled and was renamed the Grandhotel Moskva in 1951.
The Karlovy Vary Film Festival began in 1946 and quickly became prominent after it introduced an international film competition two years later, by 1956, it was a top-tier festival, up there with the likes of Venice and Cannes. Moscow got jealous and forced the festival to go from annually to bi-annually; it alternated with the festival in the Soviet capital until 1993.
The need for "hard currency" such as the West German mark to be used to pay for imports into the CSSR meant Karlovy Vary continued to market itself to foreign tourists, especially West Germans. The erection of the Iron Curtain made travel to and from Czechoslovakia a lot harder, as you now needed a visa to go there from the West; there was also a mandatory foreign exchange requirement, although paying for the hotel could cover that. East Germans, who could travel to Czechoslovakia without the need for a visa, seem to have found Karlovy Vary too expensive and went to other spa towns. In any event, the Soviet invasion of 1968 that ended the Prague Spring damaged visitor numbers further, not to mention destroying the credibility of much of the Eurocommunist movement, who mostly parted company with Moscow in short order.
As for the Imperial Spa, built in 1895 and known as Spa I since 1922, it had been renovated in the late 1940s so it could operate all-year round and declared a cultural monument. However, increasing maintenance costs meant it stopped operating as a spa in the late 1980s, becoming a casino, falling further into disrepair.
Things, however, were about to improve. The Velvet Revolution of 1989 saw the largelyFilm/TheMummy1999 peaceful end of the Communist government (a lot of people were beaten up by security forces, but no-one died, although a hoax story of a death played a key part) and Czechoslovakia's return to democracy. It became two democracies in short order; it became clear that the Czechs and Slovaks had different ideas of the direction of travel for their country, so the Velvet Divorce followed in 1993, creating Czechia and Slovakia. Both countries would maintain good relationships with each other and join the EU together in the 2004; Czechia retains the koruna, having not yet joined the eurozone.
In 1990, Karlovy Vary got city status as the tourists came back. The Grandhotel Pupp got its name back - a deal being reached with the family in 1992 for use of the trademark. The film festival returned to being an annual event, only being skipped in 2020 for obvious reasons, although a shorter festival happened in November. In 2024, the Crystal Globe was won by A Sudden Glimpse to Deeper Things, a British documentary on an abstract artist called Wilhelmina Barns-Graham.
The Imperial Spa was declared a national monument in 2010 and a renovation began in 2019, allowing the place to fully reopen in 2023.
I think that's a good place to end it. I am now thinking of going there myself...
7 notes · View notes
idolatrybarbie · 1 year
lust for a vampire
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for my fifty follower celebration! @heareball asked: max phillips and prompt no. nine— "you look so pretty like this." title from the song. i am so sorry this ended up being like, gross. and long. thanks to @wannab-urs for the reassurance and beta. if you recognize the horror movies referenced in this fic i love you.
rating & word count: 4k words | explicit
warnings: very briefly mentioned drug use, sexually explicit content, more plot than porn, dubious consent question mark, supernatural stalking, blood and its consumption, pussy slapping (like once), orgasm denial, spit play ???, background sex work/stripping, physical altercation (not with max), vaginal fingering, pet names (sweet thing, honey, sweetheart), i changed how vampires work from bsb because my writing, my rules.
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It’s late now. Another thirty minutes and you get to flick the switch to the overhead lights—on and off, on and off again. Closing time. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here. Then there’s bar cleanup, a little sweeping, some heavy mopping. Assuring that no one’s upchucked on the stone bust of sexy Dracula out front, or making one of your coworkers clean it up if they have.
You can’t say that this is exactly what you dreamed of doing for the rest of your life: living in the slimy suburbs of a tourist trap border city, doubling as a bartender and host at a vampire-themed titty bar. Whatever. You suppose there are worse things. The patrons are usually so distracted by the girls that are actually naked that they leave you alone. The most you get is a grunted drink order, sometimes with an accompanying snort if the man ordering has just spent a little time in a bathroom stall with a bump of Big C.
Usually. Tonight, there’s a man at the corner of the bar who seems to be paying you attention in particular. He’s eyeing you more than Kali, the dancer spinning half nude on the main stage pole as crimson-coloured corn syrup slides down her body in waves.
You noticed him right away. He looks nothing like your regulars; usually sex and death goth chicks and their annoying boyfriends, or black metal listeners who could use a good shower…or three. No, the man at the bar is unlike anyone you’ve ever seen walk in here before. A tailored suit jacket strains slightly against the breadth of his shoulders, waistcoat unbuttoned as he sits sipping at his third whiskey and coke. His hair is slicked yet stylishly tousled. The glint in his eye tells you that he knows he looks good. Cocky, then.
Mercy saunters up to him with a sway in her hips, skin as pale as the moon outside. She bleaches her hair to white twice a month, keeping it shorter to handle the damage. The woman is a vampire in the flesh if you’ve ever seen one, clad in crimson lace as she lays a hand of finely manicured claws on his shoulder.
Mercy leans into him, whispering something softly into his ear. At first, you can’t gauge his reaction, watching the exchange out of the corner of your eye. You’re torn between him shaking his head and telling her to get lost, or happily obliging to let her take him for a private show.
He seems to be considering it, too, eventually nodding with a bright smile. You can’t look at his mouth as he does, teeth too bright for the low light. It looks like they almost glow. He and Mercy disappear to the back, finding one of the empty private rooms to take their business. You finish polishing another rack of glasses before a customer flags you down for a refill.
You don’t see the man when you announce last call, or again before you’re locking the doors behind the last couple of stragglers. The girls are in the back already, taking off their makeup and packing up to head home. You give the bar another good wipe down as Martin and Phil take the dirty glasses to the back. When the bar is adequate in its cleanliness, you get started on spraying down the tables. Louis is mopping both stages, the sudsy water of the industrial pale turning black from the sweat, spit, and fake blood.
Closing at three o’clock, the lot of you get out at almost four-thirty in the morning. The light of dawn hasn’t quite hit the horizon, the moon missing from the sky behind clouds of city smog. The streets are truly dark. You navigate through the alley behind the club, passing a twin pair of Dumpsters.
It must have rained while you were inside, the sidewalk wet with remnants of it. Puddles pool in the corners of the road. If you were anyone else, if you were anywhere else, this scene might be a little concerning. This is the part where the killer emerges, silent but deadly behind the wisp of a girl as she walks the streets alone. The situation isn’t exactly safe, per say. Definitely not ideal. It isn’t your fault that the closest lot with free parking is four blocks away.
You are no wisp, and this is no monster movie. This is a Saturday night like any other.
Or, well, it’s supposed to be. Turning another corner, you come upon Mercy standing in the middle of the sidewalk. Still clad in her outfit from the club, she notices you almost immediately. You stop yourself, processing what it is you’re looking at. Darkness stains half of her silky lingerie, and in this lighting you can’t tell if it’s real or fake.
Mercy sways where she stands, eyes narrowing the slightest before her face softens, an agreeable smile pulling at her lips. Her six inch heels clop against the concrete as she closes the short distance between the two of you.
“Mercy?” you ask. “What are you doing out here?”
“Hey baby,” she drawls.
“Is everything okay?”
“Much better now,” Mercy smiles. Her teeth are stained red. All of this blood…is it hers?
“What happened? Did someone do something to you?”
Your pulse is racing as you dart your eyes around the street. It remains empty spare you and her, your eyes telling you that the coast is clear. Still, the situation feels off. Mercy is still smiling as your stomach roils in your gut. When she sways a little too far to the right, you grab ahold of her arm, looping it around your shoulder.
“We’ll get you back to my car, okay?” you ask.
Mercy takes a couple of steps with you before the axis of the world changes. No, wait. Only the axis of you. The dancer has you pressed to the hard, clumpy brick of a building. Her arm sits over your neck, putting pressure on your windpipe. You claw at her arm, scratching at the milky white of her skin. It’s no use. Mercy is putting those self-defense classes to good use trying to choke you out right now.
She moves in closer to your face, nosing at your jaw down to the side of your neck.
“Smells so good. I just need…a little bit,” Mercy breathes into your ear.
“No,” is the only word you can press past your lips.
“It’ll only hurt a little, honey,” she continues, voice dripping with sweetness. It’s the one she uses with clients, a tone that’s pulled thousands of dollars of cash from the eager wallets of horny bastards. “Then, it’s going to feel so, so good.”
As your vision speckles, Mercy licks a long, wet stripe along the skin of your neck. Something about the action sets you off; the pre-emptive finality of it activates your survival instincts as you bring a knee up to her gut. The blow winds her. Mercy pushes herself off of you to clutch at her stomach, a frustrated growl ripping itself from her throat.
“That wasn’t very nice, bitch,” she mutters.
You take off down the street, praying to whatever god that Mercy’s newfound kink for street violence hasn’t instilled in her the ability to sprint in Pleasers. You’re so close now; the lot where your Chevy sedan has been parked and baking since dinnertime is finally in sight. Air isn’t quite reaching your lungs as fast as you need it, the world around you hazey as you continue to run to your car.
Blinking, the parking lot is gone when you open your eyes again. Someone’s dropped a black curtain in front of you—or so you think. When you collide chest-first with a man on the sidewalk, you recontextualize. You were staring at the shoulder of his suit jacket.
Another moment passes as you realize just who the man is. Three-piece, from the club. The man who sat at the bar making eyes at you all night long. Tonight must be a cosmic punishment.
“Hey, whoa there.” He holds his hands out, almost in surrender. Concern blankets his features as he looks you over. “Everything alright?”
“Look, I really don’t have time—”
You stop yourself, sucking in frantic gasps of air. Grabbing onto the nearest wall, you brace yourself as you cough and choke on oxygen. The stranger watches you, then glances down the street the way you came. It seems his critical thinking skills have kicked in.
“Is someone following you?” he asks.
“My crazy fucking coworker…” you start, “has taken up casual street assault.”
“Let’s get you out of here, alright? Is your car nearby?”
You nod, pushing yourself up and off the wall. He guides you across the street to your car, standing with you as you sift through your bag for the keys. When you find them, you turn to the man.
“Well, thanks.”
“Not a problem at all,” he says. Slowly, he turns to walk away. Then you remember how many drinks you served him earlier.
“Hey, do you want a ride home?” Bad idea. Bad idea.
The man turns around and faces you once again. “I’m alright,” he says.
Three whiskey and cokes, a couple of shots, and whatever might have gone out to his private room that you hadn’t been able to keep track of.
“It’s not a hassle,” you shrug.
This is better. You would rather drive to a stranger’s house at dawn and drop him off than have him pass out somewhere in the street—or worse, let him try to drive home and end up hurting someone.
You tell him your name. He says his name is Max. The two of you get into your car. Buckling your seatbelt, you ask, “Maxwell? Or Maximillion?”
“Just Max.”
You hum. “Straight to the point.”
“I try to be.”
The car starts with minimal fanfare and you pull out of the parking lot. You scan the streets for any sign of Mercy, but come up empty in your search. You’re too tired to think about her or the odd encounter anymore.
“So what draws someone like you to a place like that?” you ask, referring to the club.
“Someone like me?” Max asks.
“Come on, look at you. The suit? You look like you’re fresh off the trading floor.”
“Not quite. Mergers and acquisitions,” he says.
“Point still stands,” you say. “What brings you to a gothic striptease?”
Max shrugs beside you. “Reminds me of college, I guess.”
You can’t help the laugh that falls from your mouth. The strange answer does nothing to satisfy your lingering curiosity, but you focus back on the road. Max tells you when to turn and which streets to take, leading you out of town. Twenty minutes into your drive, you realize he’s guiding you past the university and over the connecting bridge.
“Lewiston?” you ask, glancing at him. Max is already staring at you, eyes softening when they meet yours.
“It’s quaint,” he says.
And he’s right. When you pull into the driveway of his house, you momentarily wonder if you’ve arrived at the wrong address. Max doesn’t share the hesitance, getting out of the car and rounding the front to meet you at the driver’s side window. You roll it down, letting him duck his head in the slightest bit.
Max leans his forearms against the opening in the door. “Thanks for the ride,” he says. And then he’s offering to let you come inside, grab a coffee before you hit the road again.
You want to say no—should, considering how late (early?) it is. Glancing at the clock on your dashboard, you look up at Max to politely decline, but can’t summon the words. There’s something about his eyes, dark and wondrous as they stare. He doesn’t blink, waiting on your answer.
“A coffee couldn’t hurt,” you say. A smile pulls at the corners of his lips.
Max steps away from the door to let you get out. It closes with a solid thud, and then he’s leading you up to the front steps of his home. He doesn’t reach for any keys, simply turning the knob and pushing the door open. You barely make note of this, too distracted by his presence and the walls of his front hallway.
Everything in here seems perfect, the cutesy makings of a home somewhere in the countryside. And yet that’s what makes it totally out of place; the floral wallpaper, the simple wooden frames holding photos of faces you can’t quite parse in the dark. Maybe you’re letting outdated stereotypes get the better of you, but someone like Max would usually be living in a sleek, stainless steel cavern—not Little House on the Prairie.
Like he can read your mind, he says, “This isn’t my usual decor. It was my grandmother’s house.”
“Oh,” you nod. “Sorry for your loss.”
Max shakes his head, giving you a dismissive wave as he turns left and mills about a small yellow kitchen. “She was old. It happens. I’m in town to settle up some things, see what ends up happening to this place.”
“So you aren’t from around here,” you say.
Back turned to you, the laugh he lets out shakes his broad shoulders the slightest bit. “You caught me,” Max says.
“Between condolences and meetings with lawyers, you find solace watching naked women cover themselves in blood?”
He’s facing you again. The coffee has started to brew, steam rising from the machine as the warm smell of arabica greets your nose.
“Something like that,” he says. “What about you? The bartending life all that they say it is?”
“It’s alright.” You lean in the doorway, never quite stepping into the kitchen. “Not as terrible as other places.”
“But you aren’t fulfilled,” Max says for you.
“Things could be worse.”
“Hm,” is all he gives you.
Max gets two mugs out of his grandmother’s cupboards, filling them both when the coffee is done a few silent minutes later. He closes the distance between the counter and where you stand to hand one to you. Then he sits at the short table wedged in against the wall. The implication to sit down with him settles over you, but Max doesn’t say anything.
He’s waiting because he knows that you will. Deep down, you know it too.
When you cross over the threshold into the room, the world shifts. Only slightly, barely noticeable with the porcelain burning in your palm. You take the seat across from Max and set the coffee down.
“How is it?” he asks, nodding at it.
“Good,” you say. Neither of you have taken a sip of the stuff.
Max’s hand is on the table, resting on a doily next to his own mug. He asks, “What’s got a woman like you walking the streets at night all alone?”
“Free parking,” you say.
His lip twitches. “That all?”
“Fourteen dollars a night adds up when you work six times a week.”
“No, I mean,” Max says, “that can’t be it.”
His hand is closer to your own now. You aren’t sure when it moved. The proximity of his skin to yours sets your pulse racing again; instinct kicking in once more.
“Small town, lots of tourists. People from all over the world in and out of there all the time. You’re sure to come across some scary characters.”
“When you’re the one plying ‘em with alcohol, it’s a little different. Don’t wanna bite the hand that feeds,” you say. “I can handle myself.”
“I’m sure you can,” Max agrees. He uses his pointer finger to draw a line along the length of your thumb. His touch is ice cold. The contact makes you shiver.
“I don’t scare easy,” you continue, heart in your throat now.
“Is that right?” he asks.
You can’t tell what he means by that. You move to grab the mug before you, finally taking a sip to avoid answering the question. The brew is acrid. This close to your nose, it smells like lemons and bleach. Frowning into the mug, you look up at Max again. His chair sits empty.
Your brain can’t catch up with your eyes. Suddenly, something is pressing into your back, and for the second time tonight you find yourself pinned to an unfamiliar wall. Max is gentler than Mercy, a single hand at your shoulder to press you against the peeling paint behind you.
You open your mouth to say something, anything at all. Please don’t kill me. The coffee’s fine, I swear.
“Aw, don’t be scared,” he says, low and close to your ear. The words rumble in his chest, something like a purr against your ribcage.
“Don’t hurt me,” you whisper.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Max says. “You look so pretty like this.”
“What do you want?”
“What do you want?” he asks, turning the question around. “I’ve watched you… I know you, sweetheart. This isn’t the life you want, is it? Certainly not the life you deserve.”
Despite yourself, you start to lean a little into his body; aching cold against your broiling warmth. Your neck and forehead are damp with sweat.
“I can give you all you’ve ever wanted,” Max says. “Remake you and your life. Never grow old. Never die.”
It’s fun to be a vampire. Yeah, you’ve seen that nineties movie too.
All night, you’ve been missing the forest for the trees. Mercy and her frantic, violent behaviour; the stains that soaked her lingerie. Max sidling up to the bar again, out of place and yet perfectly suited to the grimey, bleeding environment.
“Max…” you breathe.
“All you have to do is say yes,” he says.
This man is overwhelming, breathing down your neck and nosing along your jaw. He’s not pinning you to the wall anymore. You’ve elected to stay here. Thoughts are hard to manage, everything covered in a thick fog.  His presence is intoxicating, and you have a feeling that’s on purpose.
All girls don’t want bad boys, and yet you feel yourself caving. An answer sits on the tip of your tongue. If only you could spit out the goddamn words…
“Please,” you say.
“And she’s polite with it too. Sweet thing.” Max’s cool thumb drags across your cheek. “What do you need?”
“Anything. Everything, please.”
God, this is pathetic. In your right mind this scene would make you sick, but at this moment you can’t help it. You are a wound all over, easing into Max’s soothing touch. He can fix this—fix you, needy and wanting in this lovely little home. It’s all you want; all you’ve ever wanted.
Max kisses your neck once, twice before he pulls away. His right hand wraps around your ribs to support you, the other trailing up and over your stomach, your sternum. He splays his fingers across your clavicle, feeling the heat of your skin. His touch is bleak, sapping the warmth from your body.
You can’t tell if it’s his voice or your own echoing in your ears. What draws someone like you to a place like this? But what kind of place is this exactly?
Max shreds the front of your shirt, the sparkly white logo of the strip club torn in two as the fabric hangs limply off your body. With no bra underneath, he has free access to fondle your breast. His cold hand over your heart makes you shiver.
Kissing down your chest, he still holds your side, even as he crouches in front of you. Through bleary eyes, you watch as Max kisses at either of your hips before making quick work of the button and zipper of your jeans. You pull at his hair, needing him up here. Truly, you need him everywhere; to consume you and warp you beyond identification. Go ahead and make you something new.
“Max, please,” you whine.
He licks a line from your stomach to the dip between your neck and collarbones, cold air catching at the saliva in the absence of his tongue. Then he’s face to face with you again, smiling. Max slides his hands into your pants and tuts lightly. You’re wet, and he can feel it. Embarassment floods you, making you squirm.
“Oh honey, relax. It’s only natural,” he says.
Max rubs at you over your panties, lightly grazing your clit through the fabric with each pass. It’s gentle. It isn’t what you need.
You grip his arm harshly. No matter what he is, it hurts. A little bit of something flashes in his eyes, coming and going too quickly. Something you need.
“Give me what I want,” you demand softly.
“This what you want, huh?” Max asks.
He shoves his fingers past the band of your panties, the pads of his fingers brushing hard against you. Two of them find your clit, circling over it deliciously. Still, this isn’t enough. You whimper with a shake of your head.
“Oh no, sweetheart. That’s not it,” Max says knowingly. He’s teasing and it’s killing you. “Want these, huh?”
As he asks, Max bares his teeth at you; long and intimidating, the enamel looks sharp and pointy. Seeing them has you canting your hips up into his hand.
“Bite me,” you gasp. “Bite me, bite me, please.”
His fingers on you move impossibly faster, hedging you towards the edge at a lightning pace. Heat spreads from between your thighs outwards, creeping up through your stomach, your arms, your fingertips. It’s a struggle to keep yourself upright against the wall.
Max returns his mouth to your neck, sucking and licking at your skin. You close your eyes and wait, expecting the heavy hammer of pain to fall on you soon, orgasm just out of reach. Instead, he tugs your underwear down a little further in your jeans, cupping you in his hand. He slaps your cunt once, drawing your attention back to him.
“Look,” Max says. “Pay attention now.”
Then he continues his ministrations, fingers on your clit again. You open your mouth to groan. It’s then that he bites you, catching you off guard. The pain is searing, so hot that it’s cold underneath your skin. You can feel the length of his fangs where they dig deep into flesh.
Blood rushes from the punctures immediately, trailing in a thick stream down your body. Max gulps as he drinks it down, hand still working you over. Your orgasm drowns you, an unforgiving wave. It hurts, stomach clenching at the sensations that wrack your body. There is no air left in your lungs, all of it punched out by the pain. He’s holding your head underwater.
What kind of place is this? A very, very bad one. Strawberry Shortcake’s den of iniquity. You’re bleeding out surrounded by dainty floral wallpaper and a man—monster—that’s going to eat you alive.
You slump between the wall and Max’s chest as he withdraws his teeth from you. Blood pumps out of your carotid artery in a steady pace, another gush with each beat of your heart. It pools on the white tile of the floor.  Everything is red and slippery.
Max bites into the flesh of his wrist and brings it to your lips. With the little strength you have left, you grip his arm and hold it against your mouth. You drink what slowly flows from his veins. Max’s blood is cold against your tongue, going down like a shot of cheap tequila.
“There you go, sweetheart. That feel better, hm?” he asks.
When he’s sure you’ve swallowed, he tips your head back gingerly. His face over yours, Max purses his lips. He lets spit gather between them before pushing it out of his mouth, pulling yours open with his thumb to catch it. The saliva, mixed with your own blood, slides coolly against your tongue.
You’re dying, probably. Maybe you’re already dead. Doesn’t matter, really.
Max is here. He has remade you.
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masteredinstinct · 9 days
if you catch louis looking @ your muse like this spray water at him
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code-pain · 6 months
Yakumo, spraying a melted cutting board with a tiny water gun: We gotta cool this bitch down. Cool it down.
Protagonist: I actually just put the cutting board in the oven...
Louis, visibly confused: Okay, so they decided to put the cutting board in the oven?
Yakumo, spraying Protagonist: You FUCKING DUMBASS!
Protagonist: Dude, I forgot-
Yakumo: OH MY FUCKING GOD! We're trying to make Chicken Alfredo right now, and you fucking MELT the cutting board in the oven at 400 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT!?
Jack: *Watching in complete confusion while trying to process this whole situation.*
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larry-hiatus · 1 year
Tip of the Tongue
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Explicit ~ 4.9K
Part six of the Center Stage Whore series
Harry can’t control what his fans do while he’s on stage, so when some of them started spraying water on him, he did the only logical thing and stuck his arms and tongue out, embracing the impromptu shower. The person who doesn’t embrace the action is Louis, who decides to give Harry a few showers of his own and remind the boy what his tongue is good for.
Read it on AO3
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