#lotr collection
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autistook · 6 months ago
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I re-re-organized my shelves. Moved a big box full of DVDs next to my TV and made a shelf of it. Now I have two LOTR shelves!
I want Sting on the wall but I'm not allowed to drill, so I'm considering drilling hooks to the front of the shelves and hang it there
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night light Sauron
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paontaure · 2 years ago
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“The Shire”, original art in graphite, ink and watercolor. Print available on my Etsy : https://www.etsy.com/fr/shop/Paontaure
2023 © Paontaure
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trahald-the-burrower · 2 years ago
The best Sméagollum figure to this day:
The reasons why:
He has a Gollum head and a Sméagol head.
He has a fish.
He has a removable loincloth (pocket included).
He is bendy and twisty and grabby.
His proportions are quite accurate, and he even has his mismatching ears.
The rock stand has buttons, one with an S that says Sméagol quotes when you press it and one with a G that says Gollum quotes.
This is the "Return of The King Talking Deluxe Gollum" and I love him. I had two of them when I was 12/13, but I gave one to a little kid.
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baba-the-yagaa · 2 years ago
rip Aragorn, you would've loved carabiners
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eloquentsisyphianturmoil · 5 months ago
Include repeated volumes.
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sun-snatcher · 4 months ago
Elrond has a conch shell.
Not one of the prettier ones you would imagine, with the spikes and spots— No, this is a weathered and lumpy one; Sandy coloured and boring, for lack of a better word, only offset by the fact there’s a weird star-shaped hole you can peek through.
He brings it everywhere he travels.
Theory goes that it’s a magical trumpet gifted to him. Or, that he keeps secret messages in it for safekeeping. And his favourite: that he’s bound to the shell by oath, and if he steps a mere pace away from it, Ulmo would transform him into foam like a cursed sea-nymph. (You can imagine that one was debunked quite easily.)
No matter; the most important thing the Elves have come to learn about its peculiar existence is that above all: You do not touch it. (One of the younger elven recruits of a party learns this the hard way mid-travel, when he’d— bless him— grabbed the shell and suggested the idea to cast it aside, in exchange for more space to fit a spare skin of water.
It’s the first they’d ever seen Elrond snap like a whip.
Nobody dares question it since.)
That is, until young Estel had found it.
They can hardly blame the little child. Idle hands and curious trinkets never mix well, after all, much less with that of a 6-year-old who’s come to learn his bright-eyes and daisy-face lent him the ability to get away with almost anything.
“Look, Atya!” He’s skipped his way up to one of the open galleries of Imladris, hefting the coveted conch over his head as he peers at the night sky. “I can see the Evening Star through this hole!”
The Elves pale. They wait for the tongue-lashing, but the storm never comes.
“Not like that, Estel,” corrects Elrond patiently, bending to lower the child’s arms. “Put it to your ear, and close your eyes. Yes, now tell me, what do you hear?”
“…The sea!” he exclaims, after a focused minute. Then Estel lights up, and so Elrond lights up, and suddenly there’s a laughter in the air akin to a musical ring of bells, so high and sunny it dispels the witnessing Elves’ tension from the air.
“But how? We’re too far from the shores, and I can’t hear as well as you. Do you hear it too? Listen, Atya, listen!”
“Yes, yes,” Elrond laughs, and holds his hand over his son’s to bring the shell to his ears. And yes, indeed, if he closes his eyes, he could almost see it: The great rushing shores of Sirion, the pitter patter of Elros’ feet splashing at the rolling tides, the salt-winds carrying Maglor’s distant singing and Maedhros’ disgruntlement over grains of sand in his hair.
Elros had had a Conch of his own. His was bright and ivory-coloured, long since laid to rest alongside him in Númenor. When they were younger, they used to believe they could communicate with each other through the shells no matter their space apart— some imaginary fancy planted by Maedhros (“You two are twins. That’s a magic no force nor distance in the world can unmake.”) which was inevitably nurtured by their child-like wonder.
Years after Númenor had sunken, Celebrían caught Elrond once or twice, speaking to the old conch, and bringing it up to his ear in hopes of a reply.
“What do you hear, Atya?”
“My brother,” he says. “Amidst the heart of the sea.”
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olessan · 6 months ago
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💞 The Rings of Power | Season 2 Episode 5: Halls of Stone 💞
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bpdlottiematthews · 5 months ago
I love expanding my evil blonde men collection
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the-forest-library · 10 days ago
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the lord of the rings - j.r.r.tolkien
artwork by barbara remington
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frodolover · 7 months ago
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the theme throughout lotr of sam following frodo anywhere, until he can't
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autistook · 1 year ago
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sharp and heavy as hell, official Unexpected Journey replica
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squishroom · 3 months ago
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Just got my Sansukh books! They came out so beautifully! Followed the tutorial @thecryofthegulls provided here to make them on lulu express! They cost $22, $24, and $27 but I got 10% off code (I just looked on their Facebook page for one) so it was only $80 for all three with shipping.
So happy to add @determamfidd books to my lotr collection!!
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ihobbit · 1 year ago
I want to show you my favorite book. Of course, this is The Hobbit or There and Back Again by J.R.R. Tolkien. I have several books from different years of publication, but this one is my favorite, with illustrations by the author.
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cardboard-crack · 2 years ago
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paganfantasy · 2 months ago
Barbie as Galadriel in Lord of The Rings: Fellowship of The Ring
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Inspired by the first film in the mythic trilogy, Barbie as Galadriel in "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" wears an exquisite stretch mesh gown. Decorations include a "shell" medallion and glittery satin ribbon belt. The shoes and crown complete the beautiful costume, and her long, flowing hair covers her pointed elven ears.
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sesamenom · 1 year ago
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Ringlord High King of Everything Elrond, inspired here
I imagine in this situation elrond would have been partially tempted by boromir's declaration, but instead of trying to fight sauron with it (because even in the weirdest crack au i can think of elrond is still too genre-aware to try that) he tried to use it to supercharge his use of vilya and protect everyone.
basically Ringlord!Elrond turned the entirety of Eriador into a mega-gondolin situation: massive walls (courtesy of numenorean/eregion tech) around the regions bordering the north or Mordor, fortresses along the mountain range and several layers of gates along every road in or out. Everybody goes in; nobody goes out; everyone is safe.
and he ended up claiming the kingship to give him more authority in the process - he's High King of the Noldor and Sindar and King of the Edain (given that there are like three half-vanyar in middle-earth, he's more or less king of all children of iluvatar) and so he can have command over the entirety of the West.
and with the help of the Ring, this actually works! but the corruption starts to show eventually
he uses his kinship to Gondor to forcefully drag them into his neo-gondolin-empire-creation so he can ensure none of his great-nephews will ever have to face sauron. he extends the walls to encompass Mirkwood, because he's the high king of the sindar and has a duty to protect thranduil's realm, and unleashes the full might of his melian-lite powers to purge Sauron's Shadow and the spawn of Ungoliant from the now-Greenwood.
Galadriel and Glorfindel very much see where this is going and are very very worried. galadriel won't let him build walls around lothlorien (because she lives next door to a balrog and knows exactly what happened to gondolin) but celeborn thinks it's a good idea, since after all Doriath wouldn't have fallen if Melian's girdle had still been up. glorfindel tries to talk him out of it but the ring has taken hold
the Ring's power also enhances all his natural weirdness and powers - he has his wings and maia markings permanently activated now, with or without finwean anger. he can fully shapeshift, and he goes from raising waves in the bruinen to raising tsunamis in the great sea.
except the finwean anger seems to be permanently activated now, too, and anyone who harms someone he's deemed under his protection finds themselves the target of a rather ironic vengeance quest. the shapeshifting is looking weird now - his teeth are always sharp now, and his eyes have gone fully inhuman. sometimes he has claws and his wings look more like bats than eagles. and his water powers are more like osse's- he can't calm the waters now (goldberry is the first to notice something's up) and can only stir them into massive ship-sinking storms and tsunamis.
this progresses until he's basically Evil Luthien ruling over a continent-wide Mega-Gondolin, slaughtering orc-hordes before they even reach the white walls and sinking any naval fleet Sauron tries to send around the coast. Everybody is brought in; nobody leaves; everyone is safe...?
he figures out that the dwarven legend of "Durin's Bane" has to be one of the few first age balrogs thats still unaccounted for. and well, it's living right on his border, and he can't risk another fall of gondolin, right? so he leads a small force in there to clear moria, and they shove the balrog off the edge, but it takes one of his captains (except glorfindel) with it (maybe erestor?) and he uses the ring and saves erestor, (and maybe floods the balrog for good measure), and glorfindel is sure he saw elrond's eyes go yellow for a moment.
and even fully corrupted, he knows he can't take the ring directly into mordor. but he can wipe out sauron's armies outside the walls, to protect his kingdom - because turgon's mistake was thinking he was safe even when there were balrogs and dragons and orcs outside, right?
somewhere along the way, arwen realizes what's happening and goes to live with galadriel. one of the twins goes with her; the other stays out of loyalty but eventually follows.
elrond's kingdom has become a cross between doriath and gondolin now, with all the surrounding lands warped by ring-magic to hide it, and layers of stone walls and iron gates preventing anyone from leaving. because everyone is here; nobody leaves; everyone is... safe?
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