unimatrix-420 · 2 years
Decentralized social networks to use instead
Instead of Facebook
Instead of Goodreads
Instead of Instagram
Instead of Reddit
Instead of Spotify
Instead of Twitter
Instead of Youtube
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realtyhubph-blog · 1 year
Mekong 1430 Rent Friendship
Lot for Rent in Mekong Angeles City Korean Town
A commercial land that is a one-minute walk from Friendship Highway in Anunas, Angeles City is FOR LONG TERM LEASE PROPERTY FEATURES Total Area: 1430 sq.mVacant Lot, through lotIdeal for commercial purposes such as motels, hotels, retail stores, office building, and many more. NEARBY POINTS OF INTEREST IM Korean Mart, Yuganne 2, Friendship Bridge • Cafe Dia, Jung’s Kitchen, Jun-Jun’s BBQ •…
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sca-nerd · 6 years
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Our Shire spent yesterday morning crusading against cancer by walking a benefit 5k in armor and garb. Funds went to support local families and individuals affected by cancer.
We made it in 1 hour, 6 minutes.
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yama-bato · 4 years
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Larry Colwell
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nruswcom · 5 years
Больные против выздоравливающих | Новости 7-40, 25.2.2020
Больные против выздоравливающих | Новости 7-40, 25.2.2020
Ежедневная программа «Новости 7-40» в прямом эфире с Юрием Гиммельфарбом с понедельника по пятницу в 18-40 МСК.
РЖД за бюджетные деньги приобретает люксовый автотранспорт за 32 млн. рублей (https://zakupki.gov.ru/223/purchase/public/purchase/info/common-info.html?lotId=11692190&purchaseId=8804588&purchaseMethodType=IS),
Путин рассказал об «оружии будущего» в российской армии (https://rg.r…
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harawata44 · 5 years
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任天堂とソニーはそれぞれ異なるゲーム機を開発する、コンシューマーゲーム業界でしのぎを削るライバルですが、1991年には両社が共同で1つのゲーム機を開発していたことがあります。そんな任天堂とソニーのコラボにより誕生した幻のゲーム機が「Nintendo PlayStation」で、マニア垂涎の超激レアなゲーム機が2020年2月にオークションに出品されることとなるそうです。 'Nintendo Play Station' Prototype Will Be Auctioned Off In February https://kotaku.com/nintendo-play-station-prototype-will-be-auctioned-off-i-1840485537
任天堂とソニーが共同開発したゲーム機「Nintendo PlayStation」は、1991年にシカゴで開催された家電見本市・CESの中で、その試作機と名称が発表されました。しかし、詳細な理由は不明ながら、任天堂側がソニーとの契約を破棄したことで、Nintendo PlayStationが世に出ることはありませんでした。ただし、ソニーは任天堂による契約破棄を契機に試作機段階までこぎ着けていたNintendo PlayStationを改良し、「PlayStation」として家庭用ゲーム機市場に参入。その後の大成功っぷりは言うまでもありません。
Nintendo PlayStationの実機写真は以下の記事にまとめられています。 任天堂とソニーが共同開発した幻のゲーム機「Nintendo PlayStation」 - GIGAZINE 
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そんなNintendo PlayStationが、2020年2月に世界最大級のオークションハウスであるHeritage Auctionsでオークションに出品されることが明らかになりました。なお、Nintendo PlayStationの所有者は過去に100万ドル(約1億1000万円)級の買い取り交渉を拒否していますが、オークションでは最低落札価格などが設定される予定はありません。 Nintendo PlayStationを出品するのは、テリー・ディーボルト氏。2009年、同氏は元ソニーの幹部が破棄するためにオークションに出品していたNintendo PlayStationを、その希少さを知らないまま購入したそうです。それから6年が経過した2015年になって、ディーボルト氏の息子が家の屋根裏部屋でほこりをかぶっていたNintendo PlayStationを発見。息子がインターネット上にNintendo PlayStationの写真を公開したことで、Nintendo PlayStationの存在は世に広く知られるところとなります。それ以降、ディーボルト氏はNintendo PlayStationを持って多くのレトロゲーム関連イベントを巡り、Nintendo PlayStationの評判を高めてきたとのこと。 ディーボルト氏は海外ゲームメディアのKotakuに対して、「私はお金を失い続けることはできません。Nintendo PlayStationと一緒にさまざまな土地を旅行することで、多くの仕事をこなしてきましたが、その間私は何もできませんでした。旅行の費用はすべて自分たちで支払っています」とコメント。つまり、Nintendo PlayStationをさまざまなゲームイベントで披露することでかさんだ出費を回収することが、オークションに出品する目的であるとのことです。
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Heritage Auctionsがビデオゲーム関連のオークションを行うようになったのは、2019年の1月から。2019年2月には同オークションにて、未開封の「スーパーマリオブラザーズ」が1100万円以上で落札されています。なお、Heritage Auctions上に開設された、ディーボルト氏が出品したNintendo PlayStationの専用ページは以下の通り。2020年2月27日から入札可能となります。 Nintendo Play Station Prototype - Sony and Nintendo c. 1990s. At | LotID #87001 | Heritage Auctions
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ディーボルト氏は「ノルウェーのある人物からの120万ドル(約1億3000万円)のオファーを断った」と語っており、このオファーよりも高値が付くことを期待している模様。なお、落札価格はディーボルト氏と息子で折半し、未払いの負債を清算すれば「ほとんど何も残らないだろう」とディーボルト氏は語っています。 前述の通り、Heritage Auctionsで行われるNintendo PlayStationのオークションには最低価格が設定されていません。Heritage Auctionsでビデオゲーム関連のディレクションを務めるValarie McLeckie氏は、「特定のアイテムの場合、過去にパブリックオークションで販売されたことがないため、どの程度の価格で落札されるか予測がつかないためどれだけ貴重なものか教えてもらいたいところです」と、貴重なゲーム関連のものを取り扱う難しさを語っています。
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444names · 2 years
german forenames + the entire phylogeny of birds from wikipedia
Acciforim Achae Acichar Acoltries Adema Adita Adreas Adreatino Aequoric Alasta Alfga Aliformatz Aliifornim Alinanna Alves Aminallin Amormes Andego Andola Andrebard Anikers Annelhae Annelia Annew Ansebke Anter Antia Apoditae Aprinich Apter Apterobeae Aricaves Armes Ausabes Auselied Auster Austof Aveter Aviiformes Axels Aximesina Batjard Berhes Bernic Biangfrina Biformes Birdt Bittormes Bodikoos Bodolby Bruth Bustrob Candel Caned Canna Canne Capte Capter Carae Carald Carightja Carina Carld Castin Catharl Cattos Cavetches Cavinza Chelherin Chricharin Ciforaina Ciforphae Cipeth Codietch Codyna Coladina Colaus Colbea Colena Colphae Conastae Conse Consert Conth Cophae Cormes Corphannes Corpharae Cosith Costober Cramormard Crannathae Cucert Cus-pedia Cypsithild Cypsithona Dagdaelaf Dagmormelm Davick Dichries Diformes Dikat Eagmormes Edmut Egfria Elhen Eline Elmundrena Elves Eminah Emirds Emmarick Emmein Emmes Emmil Emminatrik Emmirds Emuntin Erise Estina Etchae Eteptele Eucanne Eucaves Euckoos Eucul Euradrin Eurina Evalves Falby Falcopoes Falipp Falle Falls Falvin Fannames Felke Ferald Flaurs Flaus Fradons Frames Fratavets Frausand Freas Frebitof Freleva Friannel Fricipp Friconames Frightjach Frina Frise Gabia Gabita Galker Ganithmard Garldo Garlont Gaves Geoger Geogna Geogot Geranza Gericarimo Gerina Gerolia Gertina Giforiega Giforks Giformes Gistine Gobetes Gobirdiets Gotibim Gottoas Gottscas Greae Greagnath Greatrino Gredagmul Grenes Gretae Griforph Grius-pets Grundo Gruthorl Güntz Haeogmuno Haetchards Hanna Hards Haries Hedemart Hedrards Heide Heidermes Heina Heinathae Heliseves Helle Helons Helserds Helserin Henjaredra Heradine Herae Heramest Herid Hermes Hernika Herta Hiforeb Hiformes Hifowls Hilydineda Himormel Himormes Hoclianna Hocomar Hoenz Hoobirks Horan Horma Hormes Horph Humbea Hunbiifts Illotin Imoanna Imormestes Inanneogna Inertidia Inich Isbes Istroltert Jandallen Janna Jannalphar Jarger Jaries Jerdt Jermes Joaves Johae Johaelm Johaepte Johane Johard Josin Jürgeonas Karach Karedema Kariforld Kehan Kingonseph Kiwiformes Kiwiltoma Klaegoes Klanderolf Kuralmird Kuriformes Kuringfre Lenic Lenthanne Lepyorid Lerad Licherouse Lieda Linam Lisheidana Lomilousto Lomirans Lomirdt Lotia Lotid Lukar Lumbirds Lummes Lütoos Maller Mania Manne Mards Marietert Marmes Marniantz Maroscip Marstrogna Matae Mesel Michannan Miforma Miformelga Miformes Mifort Milberatya Milhel Mimorld Mimormes Minas Mineonse Mines Minhons Mirad Morian Morictin Morme Mormelves Mormes Mousormes Nedemilia Nians Nicas Nichein Nichried Nigmards Nigmutte Niiformes Niifornig Nitta Noldons Noles Novalby Nyctianna Nyctormes Oilhel Olfgallra Ollonse Otimoaves Otolfrikt Otten Palaf Passormes Pathes Patya Paudisando Paulin Pedredieb Pellm Penikast Petes Phanna Phanthelom Phart Phiformel Picheimous Piches Pitriedea Pitrogonse Potterie Pterion Racolby Radold Rainaliva Ralke Redricoma Relin Rheidia Rhein Risel Robermes Robets Rogmus Romirae Ronge Ronithes Rosopod Ruthand Saber Sanka Santhel Septel Serwinah Sheidea Sheries Shollmus Shomontz Shonichel Shoos Sigeoas Sithar Sithil Sithoe Sormes Sphae Stian Stidemilin Stina Stoas Striethert Stroas Sulie Sulriana Sunbilisa Sundo Sundrid Sundt Sustine Svegreath Swifowlene Sylvitherd Testrunova Thert Tidega Tiformes Timil Tinad Tinan Tingbirko Torina Tormes Torni Triana Tritom Tromoans Turann Udwiloths Ulitrud Ulrin Ultertina Uterocold Uthmars Uwena Vegfis Viiformes Viifors Vingotorg Vinottom Vollese Vulisans Walda Wathein Wernick Wiestes Wieter Wolie Woliva Wolurs Wormes Wormeslaus Worphard Yvegfisel Yvenz
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anitmb · 6 years
Bug fixing
The joys of being a bad sleepier - more time to code and bug fix. 
I fixed the Bike Here - interaction not showing up when you were standing on the terrain. I don’t want to see the Bike Here interaction on the same lot the sim is standing on so I checked for lotID that it should not be the same as the sim’s current lotID. But who knew the terrain is one big giant lot with it’s unique lotID. Also there is no such check as (Is standing on terrain) so I use a work-around of checking that the lot the sim is standing on is not a residential lot and also not a community lot and when both conditions are true you are standing on a terrain. 
Fixed the sim jumping onto the starting point when walking to the bike. That was because I calculated the route - then had the sim walk to the bike - then had him sit on and perform the route that I calculated. Well the starting point of that route was the point the sim was standing in before he walked to the bike. So that was fixed by moving the route calculating to happen after walking to the bike. It sounds so logical after you figure it out, every time I exclaim - of course! but when you are staring at the code you don’t always see the reason. Also fixing this bug broke Bike to Lot and Bike Home and I might or might not spend an hour or so just trying different things and sighing in frustration on what is wrong as the code is the same. But again, it was the order of things. I accidentally shifted the route calculating too far down (1 god dam line too down) so my sim was already sitting on the bike when I calculated the route and that failed because it couldn’t calculate it correctly with the sim not standing. So the correct position to calculate the route is after the sim routes to the bike but before he sits on it. 
Third thing I did was have all three interactions Bike Here, Bike to Lot and Bike Home to set up some parameters and call a new interaction Ride Mountain Bike that performs the actual riding. 
Now if you save and exit while the sim is riding. The interaction is still cancelled but without the big drama of disappearing sim and his inventory. 
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wisconsinartknob · 4 years
DALE WILLIAM NICHOLS AMERICAN 1904 1995 OIL ON CANVAS 1968 30 40 THE EVENING MAIL : Lot 2003 : Category : Fine Arts : Sub Category Painting : DuMouchelle : auction : DuMouchelle.com : DuMouchelles.com : dumoart.com : auctiondetroit.com
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sondakika02com · 4 years
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Pierre Lotide Alışılmadık Manzara http://dlvr.it/RVwDHM
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yama-bato · 4 years
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Aart Klein
[ + ]
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kochnovaleksandr · 5 years
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в Кача - Лётное место, Парадром https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ruA-lotID/?igshid=1y8wfos7q3vh
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celebratorypenguin · 7 years
What you find when you look stuff up on the internet - the leather talisman John wore for years in the late 60s (and gave to Alex Mardas) was auctioned off in 2008 for over half a million dollars.
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einnosys-blog · 6 years
SECS/GEM Data Items
SECS/GEM is an industry standard, that defines standard process of communication between equipment and fab host software for controlling and monitoring purposes. By connecting SECS/GEM equipment, fabs can immediately gain operational benefits. Factory hosts can collect data in multiple ways. Along with event reports, the fab host often requires to poll the equipment for current data values. The host can directly request Data values , or can be sampled periodically  in a trace report this process is called Data Polling
There are 3 categories of Data Items defined in SECS/GEM standards:
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Status Variables (SV)
Status variables are data items that identify the status of the equipment, or any of its components, such as sensors, meters, etc. Examples of status variables for process equipment are – Temperature, Pressure, Gas Flows, RF Forward Power, Spin Speed, etc. These data items are generally not attached to events such as lot start, wafer start, etc. A factory host can query the status variables to the equipment any time or can define trace data setup through which it asks the equipment of supplying status variables at regular intervals. A factory host cannot change status variables of the equipment.
Data Value Variables (DV)
Data value variables are data items that are related to a certain event, such as lot start, alarm/error occurring on the equipment, wafer processing/measurement complete, etc. Examples of data value variables are – LotID, SlotNumber, CurrentRecipe, etc. These variables change only when a certain event occurs, such as selecting a recipe, starting lot processing, etc. A factory host queries Data Value variables through defining reports and associating the reports to events.
Unlike status variables, data value variables may not have a value. For example, one of the data value variable is AlarmID, which designates the ID of the most recent alarm. However, it can be empty if there haven’t been any alarms since the equipment was turned ON. A factory host cannot change the data variables of the equipment.
Equipment Constants (EC)
Equipment constants are data items related to the configuration of the equipment – they could contain items related to the equipment hardware, software or SECS/GEM software. Unlike status variables and data value variables, a factory host can change equipment constants through SECS messages. Examples of equipment constants are – PumpDown Time Limit, Equipment Standby Time, Pins Up Wait, etc.
Data Properties:
The Data types listed above have similar properties so that it’s convenient to define the data. The equipment supplier is required to provide these properties in a SECS/GEM manual so that the fab host will be able to understand and communicate with the data. Below are some of the important data properties of the Data Types:
ID – It’s a numeric ID that must be unique in the SECS/GEM interface. These IDs can be grouped by data type and are referred to as SVIDs (Status Variable IDs), DVIDs (Data Variable IDs) and ECIDs (Collection Event IDs).
Name – It’s a name assigned to a data item so that we can identify it easily.
Format –Data type of the item.
Data formats can be simple (numeric, ASCII, Boolean) or complex (arrays, lists, structures). For example, numeric types can be I1, I2, I4, I8 (signed integer types of different byte length), U1, U2, U4, U8 (unsigned integer types) and F4 or F8 (floating point types).
Array types and List contain multiple values in the data item. For example, image data will be formatted as a Byte Array.
Structure types contain a specific type of data. For example, a variable may represent a slot map which contains carrier information and also list of slots with their wafer placement status.
Value –It’s the actual value of the data item. Data values are in an accurate, efficient, self-describing binary format so that its easy for the host to interpret the data. The data format allows collection of more data and with more efficiency.
Alarms & Collection Events (CE) also have IDs and names for their identification.
Data Polling :
The fab host often gets data on a regular intervals through event reports  & trace reports and that it defines. SECS/GEM also provides a system for the fab host to poll data based on its needs.
Fab Automation services.
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For just €700.00 Old African Statue | Lobi Ritual Head Burkina Tribal art | Hand carved | Vintage statue | Antique | Sculpture | African fetish | Decoration First half of the 20th century - Good condition. These head sculptures were used by the Lobi in ‘sacred places’, so-called ‘Milkuùr shrines', atop an earth hill. These ‘Baàthil heads’ are supposed to protect the community from witchcraft, murder, and other evil. The present old ‘Baàthil head’ is made of hard, heavy wood and is has an especially beautiful design. Style: from the region of Birifor. With visible sacrificial patina. First half of the 20th century; H: 36 cm. (ME) Height : 35cm Lenght : 20cm Auctioned by DOROTHEUM in 2014: https://www.dorotheum.com/en/auctions/current-auctions/kataloge/list-lots-detail/auktion/10483-tribal-art/lotID/11/lot/1665816-lobi-burkina-faso-ivory-coast-ghana-ritual-head-called-baathil.html?currentPage=1&img=1 Literature: 'Lobi' by Daniela Bognolo, ill. 53, 54, 56, 58. Free, trackable and insured shipping. I gladly accept returns. Just contact me within 14 days of delivery & ship items back to me within 21 days of delivery. After the order has been placed, this Item will be shipped in maximum 3 business days. Please make sure to provide a valid phone number for shipping. An expert valuation of this item might be available upon request. Please contact me via Etsy if needed.
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dbdraw · 7 years
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The Rowdeo is officially on the beach and ready for action in the morning. Lotide around 7am. I hear tell Salem Haba has been fishing well. Can't wait to drown a few flies. #drawing #watercolor #cheekyfishing #whyknotfishing #flytying #saltwaterflyfishing #rowing #sketchbook #drawing #stripers
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