raeofalbion · 12 days
Fic Ask Meme:
Because it’s one of my go to favs: Shatter Albion Series.
Is there any scene that you cut from the main story that you wish you could go back to add? (Or alternatively, tell us about a cut scene that you wish you could have included)
( meme ) -- Thank you! :D <3 And thank you for reading! <3 I'm so glad you like the series.
Y'know, it's funny, cuz this is exactly why I rewrote MoI back in...my goodness, was it 2016? (Surely not that long ago??) There were just so many scenes that needed elaborating and missing bits that needed to be added and it felt necessary to do that before continuing on with the series.
But yes! There are still some I cut and either would like to add back in or might repurpose for later. (Sorry, this is long.)
From MoI:
The first time Victoria and Reaver sleep together. I've tried to write this so many times and it just...doesn't ever work out the way I'm picturing it. There's like...half a dozen-ish cut drafts in a document somewhere. Maybe one day I'll make it work.
The original, hand-written draft of MoI included a scene with Logan questioning Ben after Victoria disappears from Reaver's house, suspicious about why his sister's suddenly not writing him. In the end, it was cut cuz it didn't really make sense to have him go to Ben to find out if Victoria had somehow contacted him, but I still kinda like the idea.
Continuing along the Victoria-running-away track: there's a couple little outlines somewhere for a follow up to the scene where she decides to leave, showing how she got out of Reaver's house. One of them involved her actually shooting Reaver with his own gun; the other involved Reaver essentially stalking her through the house, not interacting or trying to stop her but watching her all the while. In the end, I couldn't make up my mind and I felt like nothing I wrote there would be 100% satisfying to readers, so I chose to scrap both ideas. Not sure if that was the right decision, tbh.
There was a scene before the wedding with Walter and Jasper playing cards in the original draft. Tonally, it didn't work, but I still like it.
There was a scene where Reaver sort of...playfully faux-crowned Victoria in the castle? He's being an ass and very sarcastic about it, and Victoria hates the entire thing, but it was supposed to lead to them having semi-public sex. ...which is also the reason it got cut. What smut I'd written was just...not good. And I never really had the will (no pun intended) to rewrite it, so I scrapped it.
An early on scene where Reaver and Victoria get into a proper row after she walks in on him with one of his...uh...friends. I actually had to check and make sure I didn't add this one back in and I'm not sure why I didn't. Reaver yelling at her about them "pretending to play house" and about how he was never going to choose Victoria above his own interests would've been very 👀👀👀 given how things turn out.
Not something I actually cut, but, if I were to do another rewrite, I'd like to add some more Logan scenes, just for the tragedy angle.
From DoV:
Cut one of the mystery dreams (well, I guess now that we're near the end of Blackout I can just say it: one of the dreams she shares with Scythe, where he's trying to contact her) cuz it was too repetitive.
A couple tiny (very tiny!) scenes with Faraday. Just chatting with him. In hindsight, they were unnecessary to cut.
I've talked about this one before, but the original scene where Victoria and Reaver talk about their relationship was cut and rewritten. Originally, Reaver was going to confess his feelings for her there. But it didn't fee organic and didn't really work and it kinda just pissed off Victoria worse. So instead the scene is -gestures to the story- but the line about the singing fish is as close to confessing as Reaver can get himself at that point.
From Blackout:
Technically the entire first draft was cut because my pc ate it, so I'm sure there's a lot of things on there I would like to add back in. T-T
Cut some flashbacks with the Crawler just for length, nothing really plot relevant, though. (I may come to regret this.)
Also cut some really stupid jokes of Reaver's. (I do not regret this.)
Cut a lot of political stuff that will affect the next story, and I...have begun to suspect this will come to bite me in the ass because a couple things were much more relevant than I thought they'd be. :S SO. I don't know what I'll do about that yet.
The next chapter has a rather large chunk from it that was cut and is in the process of being rewritten. Basically: Reaver and Victoria being horny now that they're reunited. It doesn't fit, tonally or pacing-wise, but I am a little sad y'all won't get to read Scythe interrupting them and Reaver complaining under his breath about not getting off. Maybe I'll turn it into a oneshot.
+ Bonus!
Technically there's an entire story I've cut from Shattered Albion (set between DoV and Blackout) about Reaver and Faraday investigating one of the DLCs together. I would really like to add it, cuz I think it would set up some things for the final book and I think it's fun, but I'm not sure if anyone actually would want to read it.
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atlantis-scribe · 1 year
Top Five: John Sheppard Moments
5. Single-handedly taking out Genii forces Die Hard style in The Storm & The Eye
4. Awkward conversation about feelings with Teyla in Sateda. Always a classic.
3. Talking! a Man! into Feeding Himself! to a Wraith! (Miller's Crossing)
2. Alone and bleeding out in a desert in Vegas
1. Sitting in the Control Chair of the Antarctic Outpost (Rising)
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nimuetheseawitch · 2 months
🌷What's one of your fics that isn't as popular, but you hold dear?
I've bit my tongue too long to hide the blood I'm covered in. It's not popular because it is the weirdest crossover rare pair (John Sheppard SGA/John Reese POI), but I adore it. The concept would not let me go, and writing it was a hot mess that had multiple starts, and then I decided to do a drabble sequence, and I love the result. It's one of my favorite, most self-indulgent fics. But then, I feel that way about most of my rare pairs.
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bagheerita · 3 months
get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @aintgonnatakethis ❤️️
Last song I listened to: "Summer Skin" by Death Cab for Cutie
Currently watching: Honestly? Nothing. I'm always in a state of "going to watch more Stargate," and I'm about to start season 3 of Star Trek TOS and DS9 in my rewatch of each, but I haven't had the time and energy I want to give to it.
Currently obsessed with: Other than boring things like money (because everything is expensive and RL is annoying) though obsessed is the wrong word, more like stressed, I'm going to say the podfic of iridan's "A Simple Thing." Every time Din is like "oh Boba is cool, I don't know how to define this feeling, we're friends right?" and then Boba has a moment where he dies a little and is just like "Sure, we're friends I won't burden you with the fact that my feelings are deeper than that," and then both of them keep discovering that the things they assumed about the other are completely wrong and they have to come back to the drawing board like, "well this relationship is not as contained as previously thought and is leaking into our working relationship," and then someone calls Din Boba's loyal dog massiff and Din's just like "that's fair, I don't mind it at all," or when anyone insults Boba and Din is like "STFU right NOW or I'm gonna cut a bitch," I'm literally just leaning my head back and screaming. I'm not usually someone who listens to books but this podfic is fantastic, especially because when I read (or especially reread) something I tend to skip over things, especially scenes I know the resolution of (like most fight scenes), but listening to it I have to listen to all of it and I can't skip ahead so I'm finding things I hadn't noticed about the fic before. Every chapter is like 1-2 hours long, it's a mini-vacation I give myself to sit back and listen. 💕💕💕💕
NPT: @lord-aldhelm @galadhir @annwayne @lostmeadowjade @only-in-december @ladyofparchments @darklysnarky @mx-seraph @whenwillshitmakesense @chaniis-atlantis @girlscience
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carsonsweebabyturtles · 4 months
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I recently discovered the Halo tv show and I'm completely obsessed. I love it. And I love Vannak. I was going to try to do some Halo art and @lostmeadowjade suggested Vannak watching nature documentaries during downtime on his HUD. The art turned into an edit and here we are. Vannak-134 watching penguins from the rooftops with his lil pigeon friends.
The documentary he's watching Sy in the Huddle which is narrated by David Tennant and one of my faves. So if you haven't seen it I thoroughly recommend it. Enjoy.
I know nothing about the game. I have played it for about 15 minutes because the gameplay makes me nauseous. But I love the show and that's that.
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Thank you @hero-in-waiting and @nimuetheseawitch for the tags!!
List 7 comfort films and tag 7 people:
These are all movies I have re-watched so many times and never get tired of 💜
Thor Ragnarok
Valerian and The City of 1000 Planets
Fifth Element
Titan A.E.
Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
No Pressure Tags: @audioletter @cordeliaperry @trainofcommand @lostmeadowjade @chaos-monkeyy @sga-owns-my-soul @carsonsweebabyturtles
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chaniis-atlantis · 9 months
Thanks @trainofcommand and @lostmeadowjade for tagging me!
List 7 comfort films and tag 7 people:
The Hobbit: the Battle of the Five Armies - I love the Hobbit trilogy, but this one is my favorite
In the Heart of the Sea - a Moby Dick inspired movie with terrible ratings and a place in my heart
Thor: Ragnarock - my favorite Marvel movie
The Prince of Egypt - every 1997-2004 kids favorite Bible movie
Joseph, King of Dreams (Dreamworks) - for a kid who isn't Christian and didn't grow up it, I went ferral for this thing
The Road to El Dorado - watched it in sixth grade in my spanish class, and my brain rewired
Catch me if you can - fun, catchy, and I love the musical
Npt: @bagheerita @annwayne @ineffableskywalker @colonelshepparrrrd @chaos-monkeyy @massharp1971 @anonmadsci
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stargaterevival · 1 year
Hiya haha @geekygumiho here!
I can’t say I have any opinions on ✨whipped cream intimacy✨ because I have yet to be intimate™️ with anybody, but 👀👀 are scenes like that coming to the fic? 👀👀👀 also did y/n have an allergic reaction to something Daniel ate or is that a *River Song’s voice* ✨Spoiler!!✨ 👀👀
- BB
Definintely *singing* ✨Spoiler!!✨
Having not personally jumped into a vat of cream or jelly with another human being (sorry, Deano Winchester!) I can only assume it's not all it's whipped up to be!
That said, whipped cream DOES feature in this story (You and Me Tumblr post, story on AO3) 🍨 I'm not saying that I was paying attention and understood the assignment...
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gif by @spockemon
Now here comes The Talk.
For readers with Less Experience™️, this story is rated M for a good reason, SEX, it's gonna happen. (Anyone underage: do not read this story!!! You can ask me for the T rated version) I'm not giving away how far these characters are gonna go but I'm gonna be screaming while I write it, so I hope people are gonna be screaming when they read it.
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I haven't rated it Explicit because that's not really my style, no blow by blow. As @lostmeadowjade phrased it, I prefer to "paint it up lyrically". (If you're interested seeing my style in action, I wrote a love scene in my Steve Rogers x OFC romance/mystery What was Lost). This is a gender neutral story anyway so no specific parts will be named in that sense.
All that aside, I can post the lovin' scene as a separate chapter if anyone is uncomfortable with that stuff.
Also, there will be angst, psychological trauma, medical drama, violence, Danny whumping, hurt/comfort, science fiction, alien stuff, you know, the usual. Except politics.
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@i-am-morrigans-apprentice @nerualian you may be interested in this question too.
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massharp1971 · 1 year
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Ooh this is a good one, thanks @lostmeadowjade! I think probably I'll go with action as I really have to work at describing actions at the best of times as I live in the head as a writer. So I naturally would write a scene as baddies come into room, hero feels scared/angry, thinks about how he can get past them... it takes effort on my brain to get to yeah but what does he actually do, and then I have the excruciating tasks of describing bodies moving in a space doing unfamiliar things and it's a struggle.
My greatest challenge was writing a space battle in The Wraith War, I think I did okay but it was hard.
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atlantis-scribe · 1 year
Top Five: Your top five fav posts on this blog in the last... month? (assuming that's a reasonable amount of time to you)
5. Carson is THAT kind of healer (x)
4. Baby Girl vs Poor Little Meow Meow Discourse (x)
3. Siri, why are all the lights on? (x)
2. the Everybody's Parents Are Dorks poll (x)
1. Ra Came Here to Have a Good Time and He's Honestly Feeling So Attacked Right Now (x)
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nimuetheseawitch · 2 months
🎭What genre of writing comes easiest to you?
Oh man, I do not think about genre? But probably just plain old romance? I've only recently gotten into playing more with genre. I want to get better at it. I really want to write some horror.
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10 songs 10 people
Thanks for the tags @nimuetheseawitch, @gingerpolyglot and @alienfuckeronmain!!!
Rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people
Ok so, I don't make playlists but here's 10 songs that I really like.
Terrified - Atreyu
Lead Sails (And a Paper Anchor) - Atreyu
I Survive - We Came As Romans
Heaven Wasn't Built to Hold Me - Four Year Strong
Resentment - A Day to Remember
Yellow King - I See Stars
The Departure - Falling In Reverse
Oblivion - 30 Seconds To Mars
Panic Switch - Silversun Pickups
I am Above - In Flames
No pressure tags: @cordeliaperry @audioletter @lostmeadowjade @carsonsweebabyturtles @frankthesnek @sga-owns-my-soul
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hero-in-waiting · 10 months
Stats Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @gingerpolyglot
Rules: A list of my fics with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and the least words.
Most Hits/Kudos/Bookmarks: oh poor atlas, the worlds a beast of a burden (SGA, mcshep) with
14,669 hits, 715 kudos and 373 bookmarks. which is amazing to me. like this is the fic that made me want to start writing again and i love that people love it
Most Comments: Stay my Matt/Foggy DD fic. This was the fic that made me realize I NEVER want to post without everything being edited again bc I was SO BAD about it, which I also thing is why there si more comments bc I took a long time to work my way through it.
Most Words
Stand Alone: Impetus (McShep) with 121k
Series: Betray The Moon (Teen Wolf, Pre-Sterek) 4 novellas with with 157k total
Least Words: Sun and Sand (OT4, SGA) my four little happy drabbles I love them
no pressure tags (also dont know who else has done this soooo sorry if I tagged you twice) for: @spurious @colonelshepparrrrd @nimuetheseawitch @lostmeadowjade @logicgunn and anyone else who wants to do it
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bagheerita · 9 months
Tag 9 people to get to know better
Thanks @chaniis-atlantis for tagging me! ❤
3 Ships
This is literally an impossible question for me.... so I'm going to give you my current three favorite genres of ships. 1. I'll ship Todd with (almost) anyone. 2. I love finding new Stargate rarepairs with amazing fics; my current favorite is Carter/Sheppard. 3. When I'm in a writing mood I don't like to read SGA fic, so I usually go off to some fandom for a show I didn't actually like/never finished, like Merlin or Teen Wolf to read fics that are better than the show. I'm currently working my way through the Chris Argent/Peter Hale tag in the Teen Wolf fandom.
First Ever Ship
First fandom was OG Star Wars. I shipped Han/Leia, though most of the fic I read at that time was more focused on Luke & Han action disaster shenanigans than shipping.
Last Song
"I Spent a Night in the Desert" by Lucy Spraggan
Last Movie
It's been a few weeks since I watched a movie but pretty sure the last one was Polite Society (2023, dir Nida Manzoor). Fantastic movie, highly recommend.
Currently Reading
Stargate Rebellion. It's a novel written after the movie but before SG1 came out. I'm only ten pages in but it's hilarious how wrong different it is from everything they decided to do in the show. Like, the Goa'uld aren't even a concept, Jack's son's name is "Junior"... like wtf 🤣
Currently Watching
Nothing actively at the moment, I don't really watch new shows very often. But the Stargate Rewatch is Eternal. "Siege" is next on my list, and then "Time."
Currently Consuming
Sushi! ❤ Inari sushi is my favorite (of the ones they had available. Unagi is also fantastic)
Currently Craving
time, more of it
Npt: @only-in-december @anomalousrobot @tiltingheartand @ladyofparchments @riftbard @judgeverse @lostmeadowjade @whenwillshitmakesense @potentialproblem01
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atlantis-scribe · 1 year
10 People to Know Better
Tagged by @darklysnarky :)
Relationship Status: single
Last Song I Listened To: Black Sheep by Metric
Three Favourite Foods: chocolate cake, chicken intestine bbq, & sugar apple
Last Thing(s) I Googled: '[word for sugar apple in my native language] in english' lol
Dream Trip: i've just spent the last couple of weeks arranging this trip next month with two of my best friends to get us hand-poke-tattoed in the mountains. fingers crossed it all goes according to plan!
tagging: @sparrowsarus @itwoodbeprefect @femamerica13 @logicgunn @johnsheppard-assshaker @lostmeadowjade @alienfuckeronmain and anyone else who wants in <3
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nimuetheseawitch · 10 months
Last Line
Rules: Make a new post, post your latest line from your WIP & tag as many people as there are words.
Thanks @sparrowsarus and @lostmeadowjade for tagging me! My actual last lines written were posted last night in my most recent fic for the music festival, so you're getting the last line I wrote in the noir fic:
"It's never that easy, McKay."
No pressure tags: @dedkake, @luredin, @colonelshepparrrrd, @portlandwithyou, @trainofcommand
And please let me know if you don't want me to tag you in things like this in the future.
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