#lost magolor
trainerbob23 · 2 years
@gemapples I feel like you will love this one
He's sorry for everything that had happened and wants to make it up to everyone.
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(and after seeing all of those angsty Magolor posts, why not a wholesome one in-between all of the chaos)
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spectraltenkai · 1 year
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He paid the price for his betrayal. 
Drifting alone, far, far away.
Friendless, alone to self reflect.
What is god power to a greedy mage? The opportunity to rise above, or burn in a blaze of regrets.
Inspired by this song as well as some irl stuff lately.
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opal-owl-flight · 2 months
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Last splatfest, I was paired with what appears to be team “Has seen the horrors and needs therapy”……
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katlynthecat · 3 months
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a lot of my favorite fandoms have small similarities
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I've recently been looking at scans from the newest "Find Kirby!" book and I just wanted to show you these utter goofballs that I adore very much
OH MY GOD??? ???????? IM SCREAMING thank you for sharing this with me I owe you my life. This is incredible. LOOK at those guys. Having a lovely time.
At first, I thought that the topping on that cupcake was actually a bomb of some kind and that they were going to be pulling off some great prank, but upon looking more closely I realized the similarly-shaped topping in the upper left has the same rope-looking thing sticking out of it! Which means... they're just sharing a tasty treat over a good chat! Which is just as sweet as that cupcake must be!
(Or perhaps Magolor snatched it, which is why that Kirby is looking so angry... Adorable either way!)
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coolmagoloraskblog · 6 months
Maybe he just needs some sleep. Get him a blanket and pillow
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otterronpas · 5 months
Socially Awkward Magolor - My R
TW: Contains themes of suicide. Viewer discretion is advised.
@the-spam-specialist HI HELLO SPAMBER. GET SURPRISED.
I‘m so excited to finally share this gift with you! @pastille-pain reached out to me about editing this, and I was more than happy to help him out! We’ve been working on this together for the past month, and IT’S FINALLY DONE AND I’M SO PROUD OF HOW IT TURNED OUT WAHH
This is my first time editing a full blown animatic, and the process was so much fun!
From me and Pastille, and from everyone in the Magoverse, we wish you all the happiest of birthdays! Hope this one is a great one!
And a message from Pastille: “APOLOGIES FOR QUALITY OF IMAGES”
Oh yeah. All of you, come get your magolors (Tags are under the cut!)
In order of appearance:
Sam - @the-spam-specialist
Mags - @opal-owl-flight
Mistilor - Me!
Puff - @puffballwarrior-blog
Vhamp - @pastille-pain
Magomon - @cherry-blossom-qf
Iro - @blazingstaro
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usps-first-class · 1 year
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And a few touch ups on my designs
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galaxygermdraws · 2 years
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So fun fact this is the drawing I accidentally copy pasted on top of itself. Originally this was supposed to be a wallpaper type I would offer for Comms, but this was so complicated I would rather not do that to myself. 
In other news I am thoroughly obsessed with RTDLDX, and have beat everything except the True Arena (I have yet to 100% extra mode though, as I had like 4 lives by the final world. It kicked my butt but I do thoroughly enjoy a challenge). I have. so many thoughts. Mostly about this egg (who I am now broke because of. I have spent much money for him)
Also this is my first time properly drawing either of his boss forms I do not understand how other people do it, it was fun but gosh round shapes are hard to draw in one smooth go. Ramble aside, this is a phone wallpaper, if you wanna use it as such! That’s what its meant to be. Prolly works better as a lock screen unless you can move where your apps are
(relogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Thankyu)
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azumetapraline · 2 years
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Yesterday night, I got bored and decided to color and shade a doodle I made in the end of last year.
I really like the idea that they both enjoy friendly (but still fierce) duels once in a while… blade vs magic… so romantic! 🥰 (Especially when afterwards, you need extra health… if you know what I mean 👀)
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flebus · 3 months
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i dont have an explanation for this, i just think theyre foul together.
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Kirby characters but it’s Vines
Meta Knight: Is your baby being a little shit? Yell at them! *looks at Kirby* DON’T BE NAUGHTY!
Kirby: Poyo!
Kirby: Poyoooo!! 
Dedede: I’m driving. 
Magolor: Shotgun!
Bandana Dee: But you had it on the way here-WHOA!
Magolor: *holding a gun* No, I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat. *loads it*
Bandana Dee: Meta Knight, do you ever want to talk about your feelings?
Meta Knight: No.
Dedede: I do. 
Bandana Dee: I know, Dedede.
Dedede: I’m sad. 
Bandana Dee: I know, Dedede. 
Kirby: Daddy...?
Meta Knight: DO I LOOK LIKE-
Marx: Ever hear the sound of a rubber ball breaking a window?
Kirby: Uh-uh.
Kirby: *hands Magolor a harmonica* You play it, you get a hundred million dollars. But a hundred million people will die-
Waddle Dee: And how was the pasta?
Dedede: It was great, send my compliments to the chef!
Waddle Dee: Alright! *Steps into the kitchen* AY CHEF!
Kawasaki: Hm?
Waddle Dee: You have beautiful eyes. 
Meta Knight: You either buckle down and do your work or you’ll end up at McDonalds.
Kirby: We’re going to Mcdonald’s if I don’t do my work?!
Meta Knight: NO-
Magolor: *singing* When I think about my worries and I think about my strife, here is what I simply say...AAAAAAAA-
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
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personally wanna thank the sudden LAD8 news for letting me win cowboy kirby from the new gacha machine at ebisu today
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askthekirbysquad · 11 months
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Have some more frames from that PMV I was working on!
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ab--n · 1 year
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eryth-arts · 2 years
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