#i was originally just gonna draw the master crown and the red crown
katlynthecat · 3 months
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a lot of my favorite fandoms have small similarities
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feverinfeveroutfic · 3 years
chapter thirty two: last christmas in new york
Sam never had her meeting with Bill at any given time during that following week. The whole entire time she had expected him to linger there over her shoulder as she drew up with pencils, colored and pure graphite otherwise, while in class. While she was relieved that he never did once show up, she still wondered what he had in mind for that summer and the months following.
There came a point in which she hoped that it would only be for that single summer and not the rest of the year. She knew that it was ridiculous to assume such a thing, and yet she still managed to think ahead. She had hope in Anthrax's new album for that coming year and that she and Joey could in fact take things to the next level. So much more that she needed to figure out with him in particular.
Even with the arrival of late October and the first freezing rains of the season, Sam couldn't help but feel that it would be her last autumn in New York, and ultimately her last Halloween there: all the spooky decorations and the fleeting scent of cinnamon in the air made her wish for those first days in the city again, even when she still lived in the Bronx. The smell of cinnamon made her think of Cliff as well. The smell of Christmas and home.
If it really was that significant of a task for her to carry out, then she knew that she would have to spend a great deal of time out there. And yet, the more thought she put into it, the more it felt so ludicrous to her. But then again, home called her with each passing day. Even with the midst of October, the days of the term seemed to drag by, not just for her but for Marla as well, who had come home every day from school looking as though she had run a mile at some point during the day.
Hardly enough time to relish in the rest of her time with one of her best friends, or in New York City. All both young women could do following their work was have dinner and then curl up under the covers with a book to read or with Genie curled up next to them. The very thing they had worked for and the very thing that made both of them head out to school had found its way into the realm of tedium. Sam lay in bed with her eye on her art journals and she wondered where it was all going wrong. A time away from the journals and the art desk, and she could return with a fresh approach.
Of course!
That was also the day she finally found that little bit of curiosity for some insight into it all, given Bill never showed up one time during her classes. Add to this, she thought of something else she had to figure out with Marla in particular. It was right after school and Marla herself had come home early in order to work on her own senior project. Sam knocked on her door and she peered over her shoulder at her. She nudged the door open and stepped inside.
“Hey,” Marla called to her; she swiveled around on her stool and in turn showed Sam the trio of drawings on her desk as well as the look of exhaustion on her face.
“Hey,” Sam replied back to her.
“What's happening?”
“I'm just curious about your own senior project—I also have to confess something. And I don't know who else to say this to—I mean, I haven't spoken to Aurora since Alex's birthday party last month, and we barely spoke to.”
“Yeah, and she made it about herself, too.”
“Right! Add to this, Bel's still at school and the boys are over in Europe right now. So you are literally the only person I can talk to about any this at the moment.”
“Go ahead,” said Marla with a shake of her head.
“Well,” Sam began, and she cleared her throat as well, “I'm not a liar, I'm not gonna lie to you, Marla, but... I'm kind of tired of this whole thing.”
Marla sighed through her nose and she tapped the eraser of her pencil on the inclined desk surface for a bit, and then she nodded her head. She let her eyes wander over to the desk next to her. Those drawings, those bare drawings that seemed to taunt both of them. Those drawings without any sort of feeling to them: they looked as though they hadn't been crafted by a human woman but by a machine.
“You wanna know something—I am, too,” she said in a low voice. She then turned her head back to Sam. “Hey, at least you get a trip out to California and you get to go see your parents again. I don't have a clue what I'm gonna do next year. At least Bel has an idea what she'll be doing: she's gonna be working in a glass shop up in Albany, but I have no idea about myself, though.”
“You and Genie, too,” Sam added.
Sam folded her arms across her chest. “Bel's going up to Albany, really?”
“Oh, yeah. She told me this—today actually—once school is out for the both of us, she's packing it up and bouncing up there. My best friend is actually going to move away from me.”
“Well, at least she's just going up the road, though,” Sam pointed out. “You know, she's not going—clear across the country.”
Marla sighed through her nose. One of their own was about to leave sooner than Sam, and then she would have to leave; Marla's eyes swept back over the pages on the desk next to her. If art brought her hands to that of a machine, then therein lay a dead end for her, and Sam had the impulse to call up Bill and tell him about it. But then again, they were a year apart. Whatever Marla had to do for herself was far different from that which awaited her the next summer.
“Can I at least see what it's supposed to encapsulate?” she asked her at one point. Marla then gave her cherry red hair a light toss back with a flick of her head.
“Yeah—Mrs. Robinson gave me what to do like the first day of school—which really makes me wonder what Bill has in store for you if he's telling you about it now. I have to fill out this journal—” She set her hand on a brown hard cover journal to the left of her. “—plus make a whole series of drawings, three of them erotic and three of them far more chaste. She told me she wants it to be in the realm of 'yin' and 'yang', like opposites of each other. The meeting of sexuality without it. She described it as like the human experience. Neither side understands the point of the other, although I'm not sure as to how to bring the chaste side to life, you know without being too on the nose with it.”
“Right, right.” Sam paused for a second as she thought about her encounters with Joey; even though Marla couldn't hardly relate to the chaste side of life, she definitely could. “So—is that it?”
“Oh, wait, hang on—she gave me this note before I came home earlier.” She picked up a little sheet of paper stuck onto the corner of the desk. “It says 'Miss Taylor, be sure to tell Miss Grimes to write up letters of recommendation for the pending masters and doctorates.'” She waved the paper about as if it meant nothing. “Yeah, another part of the whole thing is Bel and I have to write up letters of recommendation for a few of our classmates who are going onto to get their master's or doctorate degrees.”
Marla then turned to Sam with her eyebrows raised. “Hey, there's an idea for you. Get your master's. He'll have to take you back home at some point because of that. The only drawback I see with that is everything I've heard about both levels of degree are a lot of work. And I mean, a lot of work. You think we're burnt out right now? That's a whole other can of beans—at least from what I'm told about it.”
“Well, if that's just what a senior project is supposed to be, then it kind of makes me wonder exactly awaits me out in California.”
“I have no clue what he's supposed to give you,” Marla confessed to her with a shake of her head. The cherry red roots of her hair began to fade away in their boldness and into her original plain brown color.
“Hey, look at that—it's time to dye your hair again,” Sam pointed out with a nod of her head.
“Yeah, I know.” Marla patted the crown of her head. “I just haven't decided on what color I want next.”
“I'm telling ya: different colors, like a bunch of stripes.”
Marla chuckled at that. “Stripes, like one is black and the next is a muted tone and then a glossy neon one?”
“I dunno, Sam,” she confessed with a shake of her head, “—that's a lot of work. Like, that is a lot of work. Remember that metallic sheen I had that one time, you know the one where it looked as though my hair was changing colors? That took like a whole afternoon to do because it was hard on my neck and there was a lot of layering involved, too. I mean, just one color takes a whole couple of hours to do. I'm still surprised Charlie was able to keep it neat—like he didn't make this huge mess in the bathroom.”
“Well, there's always doing a single stripe,” Sam pointed out. “Like you can dye your hair solid black and then add a tiny sliver near the crown of your head.”
“Kind of like Alex's hair?”
“Yeah! Except you should make your stripe like bright pink or blue instead of gray.”
“Like neon colored?” Marla smiled.
“Yeah! I can help you with that, too.”
“It's not hard. Yeah, it's one of those things where it's not hard but it's just—time consuming. You don't just dye your hair willy nilly: you have to set time aside to do it. And it also takes work to pull off right because it can just make a mess or not show up at all. One of the things I learned about dyeing dark hair a weird color like blue or pink or even blonde is you have to bleach it before hand and I remember the first time that happened, too. The first time I bleached my hair and I thought 'I'm never doing that again.' Like right after that, I dyed my hair that bright tangerine orange and with those streaks on the side of my head. Remember that?”
“The first time we met each other!” Sam exclaimed. “I liked you with orange hair.”
“I liked it, too. And I liked those little streaks I had, too, because they were odd. And everyone knew me not as 'Charlie's girl' but as 'the girl with the bitchin' hair.'”
“I liked you with purple hair, too.”
“Bel really liked the purple, and so did Danny Lilker. During the Stormtroopers of Death tour, the first time he saw the purple hair on me, it was like one of those cartoon wolves when they see a foxy girl.”
“Did he howl?” Sam laughed.
“He may as well have!”
“But ever since then, you just layered the colors on top of each other.”
“Yeah. This cherry tomato color was done right on top of that metallic hairdo I had, so because of that, it's due for a redo anyways. Which means if I'm going to a weird color again like blue or pink, even if it's just a little Alex Skolnick or Dale Bozzio type streak at the front of my head, I have to bleach it no matter. And you gotta help me with it, too. The first time I did it Charlie helped me and I'm glad he did, too.”
“Well—where are you right now with your senior project?” Sam asked her.
“I've been wanting a break,” she confessed. “And it's still early, too.” She then nibbled on her bottom lip. “I'm gonna have to go out and get hair dye, though.”
“You can go blonde for a little bit, though,” Sam pointed out.
“I don't look right with blonde hair,” Marla told her. “It's too sharp of a contrast with my eyes. I'll show you what I mean once we get it. And the first time around it itched like crazy, even when I had washed it all out and tried to make it all nice. I can see people confusing me for Bel, too.” She paused for a minute and then she snapped her fingers. “Tell you what. We can bleach my hair and then I can wash it out real good, and while I'm in the shower, you can run on down the block here and get some black and bright blue hair dye for me.”
“You want blue?”
“Yeah. I think that's a good color to work with now. Either that or green, like bright green. I know I've changed hair colors before school terms ended, but I'm feeling it right now. I'm due for dyeing. I'm ready to dye.”
Without another word, Sam and Marla headed into the bathroom with a bottle of powder bleach, some toner, and a shower cap: there was a pair of rubber gloves in the drawer. Marla held still as Sam mixed the powder and toner in the container right next to her. She would pour the bleach over her head while she lay her neck across in the edge of the bathtub: it was either that or lay down in the sink.
“Charlie suggested that, too,” Marla recalled before she lay down, “and I was like, 'I think that's going to make a huge mess, though, Char.' So kudos to you for helping me lay down in the tub.”
“So once it's mixed together, I just work it into your hair?”
“Yeah, you start from the tips and then work your way up to the top of my head—”
Sam leaned forward for the first piece of hair down in the tub and scrubbed the bleach mixture in. It took some time, but she eventually reached Marla's scalp. She had closed her eyes once Sam reached the crown of her head: the entirety of her hair had been laced with something that made Sam think of bubble bath. Meanwhile, pieces of cherry red hair dye bled off of her hair, such that it resembled to blood.
“How're you feeling?” she asked her.
“Okay. Kinda itchy, though.”
“It's okay. It's part of the process, getting rid of the color in the keratin. So now—where are you?”
“I'm at the top of your head.”
Marla then opened her eyes.
“You got the shower cap on hand?”
“Right here.” Sam gestured to the shower cap on the edge of the tub next to her. She hesitated to pick it up for her given the bleach concoction on the gloves; thus Marla slipped it under her hair.
“Help me out here—”
Sam stuck stray strands of hair into the cap so they all would stay in place on Marla's head. Within a matter of seconds, Marla herself had the cap upon her head.
“So I just let it sit for a bit and then I wash it out under the shower. And then we can color it in with the black and blue hair dye.”
Sam then took off the gloves and washed her hands, and headed out for two bottles of hair dye, one black and one neon blue. All the while, she pictured Alex with that same hair color scheme, that beautiful bright neon blue in lieu of the gray over his brow. She thought about the way he would dye his hair, with that rich jet black hair dye as it blanketed over that little cluster of gray hairs. The more she thought about it, the more hilarious it seemed to her, in how he could cover up a small piece of his hair with black dye. It was an odd little part of him, something that aged him even as he still stayed young, and thus he seemed so timeless to her.
His trademark.
And Joey had those deep black curls piled atop his head and the dark venom that made up his brown eyes.
Within time, she returned to the apartment right as Marla stuck her head under the shower head and washed out the bleach powder from her hair. Sam took her seat on the arm of the couch right next to Genie, who had curled up in her usual spot at the top. She could hear the water dripping from the shower down the hall, but soon enough, the pipes fell quiet and Marla rung out her hair. More silence, and then she surfaced from the bathroom with a towel on her head.
“Here, let me show you what I meant by that,” she told her, and she unfurled the towel from her wet hair. Bleached and pale yellow, such that it made her eyes appear deeper and more voluminous than before, and it washed out her already milky complexion to an even more pale color.
“Wow—you look—possessed,” Sam sputtered out. “Like you're about to take me down to the depths of hell.
“Charlie told me I looked like Johnny Winter when we first did it, but 'possessed' is more like it, though. Anyways, you got the dye?”
“Yup! Right here.”
Sam handed Marla the bottles of black and neon blue hair dye, and she joined her once again for a bit of help. Once again, Marla let the dye sit in her hair for a bit before she washed it out under the shower's head. Come dinner time, she had a head of jet black hair accompanied with an electric blue streak at the top of her head.
“Stylin',” Sam remarked as she disposed of the shower cap; she thought of the mysterious man in her dreams and the ever changing streak in his hair. It was right then that Lars burst into her mind: maybe it was the sight of Marla's eyes having been far more prominent than before she colored her hair blonde for a bit, or maybe it was her helping out Marla with the hair dye, but she thought about how he encouraged her to be more assertive, especially with the boys not around. A break away from the tedium and she was able to find something within herself that could prove to be helpful; or maybe it came from living on her own for a few years that helped her be more of that nature.
Indeed, the next day at school, everyone in the hallways flashed Marla a thumbs up or an eager nod at her new black hair. Before they headed into their drawing class for the morning, Sam heard someone calling her name right behind her. She turned her head and there was Bill running towards her.
“Miss Shelley? A word?”
She returned to Marla.
“I'll meet up with you in a second,” she told her.
A part of her wanted to ask him, “what took you so long?” but alas, she stopped herself in her tracks and they hung off to the side next to the classroom door.
“What's going on?” she asked him.
“I should tell you that it has been confirmed now. You are coming with me out to California for your senior project.”
“I have a couple of questions about that,” she started as Lars returned to her mind once again.
“Go ahead.”
“First off, what am I going to do out there? Second, what if I wanted to get my master's degree?”
“Well, what I am going to give you for it won't be available until we get out there. And next, our master's program here works by way of signing up for it and beginning on your dissertation over the summer.”
“Oh, I see.” Her heart sank at that. “So—when do we go?”
“We head on out to the Golden State on the thirty first of July, and you begin your project on the fourth of August. I'm going to need you to sign some paperwork at some point so it's confirmed that you are in fact with me there.”
He stuck out his hand for her to shake, and even though she took it, an uneasy feeling emerged in the pit of her stomach and inside of her chest. Her fate was sealed right then. In two months' time, she had to relish every second she had with Joey over Christmas break. Their last one together.
She had to give him what she couldn't give to Cliff in their final Christmas together in the two years before. Two years ago she and Cliff spent Christmas at her parents' house! Two Christmases without him. After class, she told Marla about it, who almost fainted when she learned of the exact date of it all. She then told Belinda, who cupped her hands to her mouth to keep herself from doing anything drastic, and then she threw her arms around Sam.
“It's okay, Bel,” she sputtered from her tight grip, “—it's not like I'm leaving right now or even next week. It's the middle of next summer. It's still a ways off.”
“But you're still leaving us, though!” Belinda exclaimed with a break in her voice.
“She's leaving me, especially,” Marla joined in as she brushed away some tears.
“I just wonder how Aurora's gonna react to this,” Sam confessed. “I haven't spoken to her since Alex's birthday.”
“I saw her just yesterday, actually,” Belinda told her. “She and Emile were shopping for baby clothes. She's not showing, though, so part of me feels like she's faking it.”
“Understand, she's barely two months along, Bel,” Marla pointed out. “She will be eventually, though.”
Sam kept her eye on the look of disappointment on Marla's face as she said that, and she was disappointed, too. Aurora had gotten married and let it all go straight to her head: she could shake her head at Joey's antics to Alex all she wanted, but it was Aurora who hadn't thanked Alex for being in her wedding, and she made his special day all about herself. At the same time, she had no other means of coming in touch with Aurora, either. She had moved clear over to Long Island with Emile and with her packed schedule in school, there simply was no way for Sam to clear the air with her, her initial best friend.
As the days grew darker, and the rain froze over into ice followed by sleet and snow, so too did her wish to leave start a fresh new chapter in life. Granted, her move to New York proved to be a new chapter in and of itself, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt her travels out to California could serve as the next one. She was about to leave home for home again, but she had to finish the first arc before she moved onto the next one, and that was spending one good Christmas with Joey.
Winter came with a firm, vengeful grip on the Northeast come finals week and the middle of December, such that the snows blanketed everything to where it felt like they could bury everyone there alive. By the last day of school, Sam had signed the paperwork that Bill had left for her and thus, her fate had been sealed for the next summer. So caught up between both sides but the whole thing was inevitable.
She sat down on the edge of her bed, right next to Genie, with a cup of Mexican hot chocolate in hand, complete with the little marshmallows. Perhaps, even though it would be the summer time, she could teach her mother how to make Mexican hot chocolate, just like the kind she made for Cliff that morning.
She glanced down at Genie and that soft black fur. Careful not to wake her, she petted her head and her back. Genie never moved; instead, she gave her a soft purr. She hoped that she could take another photograph, that one of Genie for her parents to see for themselves when she got to see them again.
She sipped on her hot chocolate when there was a knock on the door.
“I'll get it,” Marla called out.
Another sip and then—
“Hey, Joey!”
“Mm, Joey's here?”
“Yeah! Frankie is, too!”
Her two best friends, back to her for one more Christmas in New York. Sam set down the cup on her desk and then she headed back into the front room.
Joey's eyes never looked so brighter than they had before then, even with the look of fatigue upon his face. His black curls stood on every which end atop his head.
“Holy fuck, that was a long flight,” he declared as part of his greeting; the fatigue in his voice meant it had been a grueling stint of the tour. Meanwhile, Frank stumbled into the apartment as well. He let out a long low whistle and then he spotted Sam in the hallway.
“There's our girl!” he proclaimed with his arms outstretched for her. Sam lunged for Frank first. If anything, he was her best friend. Her first real best friend there in New York, and she knew he would be in that position no matter where she went in the world. How she missed the soft musk on the side of his neck and the softest part of his lush black hair.
She then turned to Joey for an embrace as well, and he followed it up with a kiss on the side of her neck. He then held back and gazed right into her eyes.
As brown as the earth, but strangely liquid, as if he was about to burst into tears.
“How is everything?” Marla asked them as she rubbed her hands together.
“Yeah, how was the tour?” Sam joined in.
“Oh, my god, I wish you girls were with us,” Frank confessed. “Those European crowds are—crazy. Just insane. You thought the crowd in Boston was nuts—the crowd in Boston was like a graveyard compared to the people in Germany and Switzerland.”
“They are so passionate, though,” Joey added. “Like Frankie and I met some people before a few of the shows and they're just obsessed with the music.”
“The girls, too!” Frank declared.
“Oh, yeah, they were just ape shit about the Cherry Suicides, too. I think we were in Ireland? They did that song 'Dead Witches' where Zelda just goes crazy on the drums.”
“Yeah, it was Northern Ireland, Joey,” Frank said. “I remember 'cause that was Halloween night. They stretched the song to like twenty minutes, like Minerva just unleashed this huge solo.”
“They played it for like twenty minutes in Oslo and Sweden, too,” Joey added. “Like Minerva was wearin' this little Viking helmet as she did it, too, it was just the coolest thing. Hardcore punk rock made by a black Viking, dare I say.”
“Oh, and the guys loved them,” Frank recalled.
“Who, the Swedes or the Norwegians?”
“Both. Both crowds were just in awe of those girls.” He cleared his throat; he, too, had his fill of touring for the time being.
“Yeah, the Irish weren't too sure of them at first, but they warmed up to 'em pretty well, though. The Scandinavians, it was like instant love there. Kinda makes you wonder what's going on up there.”
“And I'm surprised Zelda doesn't have like giant tree trunks for calves,” Frank joked. “She basically hasn't taken off those duct tape boots Chuck gave her.”
“Although we also performed a few dates here in the States,” Joey continued, “there was just no way we could come in contact with you girls 'cause we were like manically hoppin' around the place. We finished up in Dallas just yesterday, and I am just bushed right now.”
“Wow,” Sam breathed out, “where is Zelda, by the way?”
“Oh, they went back to Rhode Island already,” Frank told her. “Although Joey has sump'n for ya in his car downstairs.”
“Yeah.” Joey showed her that crooked smile and Sam followed him outside, to the cold gray blanket overhead and the thick layer of pure white snow all around them.
His car parked there at the curb, and Sam could make out the sight of something in the back seat.
“So for the last few dates of the tour,” he began over the noise of the street, “I realized that—this is gonna be our last holiday break together.”
“And it's confirmed now,” she told him as they stood before the side of the car.
“It's confirmed!” he exclaimed and he gaped at her.
“It's confirmed. I leave July thirty first.”
Joey swallowed, and Sam could see the tears in his eyes.
“I should tell you this then,” he started as he tucked his hands into his coat pockets.
He lingered closer to her body. “I cherish every moment I have with you, Sam,” Joey told her. “I know I can lose you.”
She peered up to the sky, at the first little flurries of snow as it fluttered down from the gray overhead. She brought her gaze down to the right side of the street, at all the twinkling Christmas lights as they decorated the trees along the sides of the street. Her last Christmas in New York with Joey. The snow was about to bury them both if they didn't act right then and there.
“I cherish every moment I have with you,” he repeated; and he leaned in for an embrace upon her lips. Sweet and soft, like molten dark chocolate; warm and silken, like the cup of Mexican hot chocolate that she had made for Cliff that one morning. For the first time in a year, everything reminded her of Cliff, but at the same time, it reminded her of Joey. Something new, something unique, something completely different than what she had known before.
He held back and gazed right into her face.
“I wish you didn't have to leave,” he told her.
“I wish I didn't, either,” she confessed, and she couldn't resist the tears in her eyes. “What do you want to give me, by the way?”
“Just that,” he whispered to her. “The only thing in the car here is my guitar. And yeah—it's officially my guitar now.”
She brought her lips to his again. They didn't need any mistletoe to believe it between them.
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houseswolo · 5 years
Day 2 - 'Tis The Season To Be Thirsting
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"You make me fly!"
Let's meet some more Thristies!
(Tumblr: @lilia-ula | Ao3: Lilia_Ula)
What got you into Star Wars?
ROTJ made a huge impression on me as a child. I fell hard for the Ewoks and had a soft spot for Salacious Crumb, the little wannabe Gremlin Jabba kept as a pet. So, I fell in love with the original trilogy backward, starting with VI and ending up with A New Hope. 😂
What made you a Reylo? Lightbulb moment!
Most definitely the subtext within their interactions in TFA. JJ and crew made sure I'd notice the hotness therein. *bless 'em*
Why do you write / make art?
To bring scenes I'll never see on the big screen to life. I'm shameless, a complete gratuitous writer.
The Object of your Thirst…
With my penchant for villainous crushes, Kylo Ren will ever wear the crown.
Which Adam look do you like the best?
TFA Kylo, aka the Grim Reaper I wish would kill me softly, closely followed by Dark Space Prince™ in TLJ. His coloring and features are made for black, and it flusters me endlessly that he humors my fetish by wearing TONS of it off screen.💦
Which part of Adam do you like the best? 
I'm so gonna sound like a creepy dude when I say this, but ah well. His eyes slay me. He is a master of portraying intensity and emotion, and it is best focused in his gorgeous eyes.
Favorite Star Wars Movie
The Last Jedi
What do you like to write / draw / paint the most?
E-rated erotica with feeling behind each thrust
Your TRoS Prediction
Oh, c'mon, I'm a red-blooded Reylo. They gonna tango.
If you were an aesthetic... (colors, images, feels....)
Your destination is a dark, foreboding castle bordered by steep mountains to the North. You ride through flowering orchards an elegant state of decay, the fragrance of blossoms beguiling your senses while the imposing sight of the stronghold fills you with growing dread.
If you were a candy bar, what would your name be?
Drama Creme
What's your ideal environment for writing / creating? 
It takes me time and quiet to submerge, and those commodities are in short supply IRL. Hence, the molasses-in-January pace of my output.😭
Are you a dom or sub? 
I switch but am happiest as a sub.
What's the most exotic/wierd place you've gotten intimate?
There have been more glamorous places, but I'll spring for weird: on a lit-up bench in the middle of City Hall in Honolulu. 2 am. *okaybye*
What's your kink?
Wait, What? Like, as in only one? *dies laughing*
Meaning behind your nick / ID name
Means "Red Lily" in Hawaiian, an ode to my daughter's middle name, my roots and the color red, which tends to dominate the field in my subject matter.
Do you like it rough or soft? 
Favorite fic you wrote or favorite art you made
This Way Lies Ruin
(Tumblr: @queenoferebor | Twitter: @queenoferebor12 | Ao3: Cecilia1204)
What got you into Star Wars?
I am an OT girl. I fell in love with a galaxy far far away as a kid and especially Han Solo, who was my first love. Forty-two years later and I'm still here, even more involved now that fandom is a thing and meeting my soul-sisters from all over the world. I loved the adventure, the romance and the whole concept of good and evil and redemption that SW gave me. I dragged my kids to the movies and I know I'll still be watching them until the day I have to sit right in front of the screen, with the sound at full blast, just to watch my babes in my old age.
What made you a Reylo? Lightbulb moment!
After TFA, I was pretty angry at Kylo, won't lie. Then I read Reylo stuff on Tumblr and before TLJ came out I tried my first Reylo fic and boom, I was hooked. It's basically my fave trope: redeemed bad/misunderstood guy that sees the light when he meets the love of his life. I mean, I'm a Sansan and Dramione, Beauty & the Beast shipper, so it fitted the bill, really.
The Object of your Thirst…
Originally, and for many, many, many years, it was Han Solo. That man could have made me burn up on Hoth. Then along came his son, Ben/Kylo, and while I didn't see it at first, now, hooley dooley but I thirst for him now. I would not not say no to a threesome with both father and son! Just saying 😏
Which Adam look do you like the best?
I'm a complete hoe for shorter hair, so Paterson, Phillip Altman and now Daniel Jones get my hormones racing. I would not say no to a jonesing on his desk on that basement. No, siree!
Which part of Adam do you like the best? 
All of him! Like, what's not to like? Narrowing it down is hard because I would lick that man from head to toe but it was his eyes and hair that got my attention. I could drown in those eyes and I've always had a hair kink, and his is perfection. Then there's his shoulders, arse, hands, mouth.....
Favorite Star Wars Movie
Was Return of the Jedi and then TLJ. If we get the Reylo pay off in TRoS, that could become my new fave
Your TRoS Prediction
Ben and Rey will declare their love and bone like bunnies in the Millenium Falcon. A girl can hope
What's the most exotic/wierd place you've gotten intimate?
Probably a stairwell. Near a railway line. Not nearly as sexy as it sounds, lol
What's your kink?
Hair. I love hair. And HEAs. If it doesn't have a happy ending, I'm not reading or watching, sorry. I don't want to be sad.
Use three words to describe yourself.
Happy, optimistic, loyal
Meaning behind your nick / ID name
I'm a mad LOTR and Hobbit fan, so that's where Queen of Erebor came from. The 1204 is my birthday
Do you like it rough or soft? 
Soft. I like romance but every now and then...
Favorite toy
My Satisfyer (clit stimulator) is currently my go to.
Favorite SW character besides Kylo and Rey
Han Sol. I really am a Hoe-lo for Solo!
Meet the other Thristies!
Thirst Order Advent Calendar Day:
cc: @tazwren @deadlikemoi @drnucleus @ashtyntaytertot @lostinqueue-ffa @my-jedi-life @shestoolazytologin @kaybohls @nite0wl29 @cosmo-gonika @wilsonthinks66 @roguesinside @areylofan @3todream3 @koderenn @queenoferebor @thereylowritingden @housedadam @house-crylo @houseplaidam
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This is the entry from @otomemonogatari for the fanfic giveaway! Remember, in order to vote, you must COMMENT on this post! To find the rules for voting and the master post, look under #fanficgiveawaymaster or here. The other submissions can also be found under #fanficsubmissions.
(aka when you give up on making cool sounding titles do you just riff off of ‘imperfect girl’.)
Summary: In a bathroom somewhere in the world, a hapless girl finds herself overwhelmed by the world.
Genre:  drabble, angst, slight romance
Pairing: mc/eisuke motherfucking ichinomiya
Rating: mature probably
Author’s Note(more like incoherent ramble tbh): so this be my first “””””””eisuke fic”””” in that focuses more on mc and her inner turmoil. How I got this this idea was because in the past few days I discovered @catchthespade ‘s account and one particular post on mc and eisuke’s relationship they did. It looked at them, their relationship and how it is presented throughout season four. They ‘talked’ about mc’s lack of self worth and esteem and was just a real great break down of both characters. It’s a great read and something when I read it I felt it said what I’ve been thinking for a while  but way better. They also just framed certain scenes that shone them in new lights which me at twelve am doesn’t really ever notice.
So basically, I read this really thotful post and was like ‘mhmmmn, I gonna write about that.’
so I hope you enjoy.
She had once heard of the phrase ‘walk tall my friends…”. It was a baffling phrase. One whose origins she couldn’t remember, and whenever she did try to do so all that was garnered was a perilous sense of loss. But, like most things of torturous sadness, it had stayed with her all the same. The meaning chasing after her in a never-ending maze.
To Walk Tall.
What was it like? What was it like to be able to ‘walk tall’?
She was stubby, small, a midget. She couldn’t walk tall. Whatever god that had decided that didn’t allow her to. She slouched, was wobbly and couldn’t prance in heels. It was a permanent disadvantage to her life. It made it impossible for her to function in the society that had been thrust upon her.
Although, even if she weren’t stumpy and short and incapable of walking she still wouldn’t be able to ‘walk tall’. She was a leech, a parasite,‘an organism which lives in or on another organism and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other’s expense.’She took from him, Eisuke Ichinomiya. She was a negative force in his life that simply stole from and caused him trouble. He’d tell her not to worry, he always told her not to worry, but that never changed the fact that she attracted trouble. It never changed her being useless, and it never changed the fact that she could not walk tall because of her very nature.
Ahh, but dear, they’d cry,don’t worry. It’s just like how we kill our world slowly and how half the population is dying. We know it, oh it exists, but we just don’t worry about it. Ignore it, it shouldn’t matter to us. Instead of worrying, just let it grow, let it swell to a magnificent proportion that absorbs everything with it.
‘Become what you claim yourself to be, you can if you want to. I don’t mind.’Was what he had told her oh so many times.
And, he says that but: Would he really tear himself apart for something so selfless? Would he really allow her to become such a horrible leech on his life?
How could she walk tall then? How could she if she leapt into the arms of her failings? How could she when there would be nothing about her that would have a reason to? How could she when she was so useless? How could she if all she ever did was lean and prop herself up on another?
How could something so pitiful ever even breath?
‘Please. Please. Please just stop. Don’t exist for a minute. All of it, please, for one tiny moment as short as my worthiness, please just stop.’She screamed.
The window in front of her, it long and bearing her for all the world to see, was frosted with ice and snow to the point where it burned skin to a blazing heat. Inside out, her organs too were burnt to a crisp that would never fully heal. The white fire always so close that her tongue danced with its taste as if it were a crème brûlée flamed to perfection. It the best treat you could ever eat.
In the window pane itself, there was a girl. Now, the girl wasn’t there when she had first entered the lofty bathroom, there was nothing but the stillness of a frozen world. But once her toes touched the toasty waters of the tub, the girl appeared stark and bared for all the world to see.
And she, the girl, was a small thing. Pathetic you could say. Frame weak and fragile to the touch, she was almost like amber: easy to shatter and break into millions and million of teeny tiny itty bitty pieces. You could tell of her childish nature from how she carried herself. She slouched, shoulders bunched high and eyes downcast, almost afraid to look at the world as it was. There was nothing spectacular about her: body without any major curves with everything small, whatever beauty she sported not once ever captivated on.
She was, in short, a missed opportunity. Not quite a women in too many regards. A poor example of what a women should be.
She closed her eyes, head face up and did not look at the girl in the window. Her and the light reflecting a truth too vibrant to witness with open eyes. Too real to bear its consequence. She wouldn’t even peak a sneak.
Don’t think. Don’t give it a chance. Don’t give her room to breath.
Shoving it all away with hands and knees and elbows and anything she could use, she felt uncomfortable in the deep tub. The bathroom was too large, so much space completely useless for anything but walking. The marble floors cost an amount that would certainly make her head implode, with the bath itself able to fit too much.
In it she felt so tiny, like a rat scrounging for somewhere to live. To be truthful, she always felt like a rat and sometimes she even thought she had more in common with them than actual people.
It never used to be like that, however. Along the way she had devolved to such a pathetic way of existing. Where that had began she could pin point exactly however it was not like she could say it. To do so would admit a lot and neither of them could. She couldn’t face the fact and he couldn’t acknowledge her, and so it ended up as another shard of her reality that would chase after her like it were the hunt. Haunting her for all of eternity.
Ah~ But that was a bit dramatic, a bit of an exaggeration, a bit too much of a lie. There were moments where she forgot all about it, forget who she was and the way which the world she lived in worked and how vast it was. How poor of a person, a women, she was. It came in rough kisses and exposed breasts and tantalising touches that trailed up further and further along her thighs. Mewing like a kitten so hopeless in its ways.
Oh, how sweet those poisonous moments were~ Even now they brought a smile to her lips. The fact that drinking something that killed her made her happy too disgusting.
Although: was it better that there were times where all she knew was the man know as Ichinomiya?
Although: wasn’t that her life already?
Drawing in her legs, she tried to abandon that too. Yet, how could she when it was just her and them?
Then she couldn’t help but hope for there to be something else. For there to be the pattering of rain or even just a ringing hum. Just some noise so she wouldn’t be so alone.
Ahh, but that was all she ever was.
She chuckled.
No wonder she couldn’t stand tall. She was begging for things as simple as that.
Eisuke, on the other hand, stood tall. If anyone ever stood tall it was him. He was the tallest. And there she was trailing behind him, so insignificant and so small.
If anything he was untouchable.
If anything he was irreproachable.
She wasn’t worth him.
Wasn’t worth anything.
Her arm followed the dripping water, then the rest of her soon followed too, and then everything was clear. Or unclear. It wouldn’t matter much longer.
Instead, stay here for awhile, Don’t get up. Rest your pretty head, the watercalled.
Under neigh, everything was so blue and so beautiful. Was she too, for once, beautiful? A crown? A gem? Twenty million? Was she that?
And now, she could feel it. She could feel the water take her in its arms and it felt so good and so lovely and so right. Her breath was stolen and her checks became a blush red and her thighs dripped.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
More and more she cried.
More and more she wanted her vision to fade.
Body to fade.
World to fade.
Fade, fade away.
For there to be nothing but stardust.
Such pretty pretty stardust
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