#lost focus and watched a movie starring a try guy
muppetfreak · 1 year
I can't *believe* ND Stevenson tricked me into watching a movie starring a Try Guy
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solar-wing · 5 months
⚣ Paralyzed 🕷️
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⚣🕷️ A/N → so the yandere/whump fic starring our very own Miguel O'Hara becomes a reality. watching his scenes back in the movie really gets you thinking. Either way definitely will be doing more content with him. WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI | Yandere Miguel O'Hara | Darling Male Reader | Reader is Spiderman in their dimension | Abduction/Kidnapping | Forced Paralysis |Bondage | Emotional & Mental Manipulation |
⚣🕷️ Summary → He should've seen the signs. Should have paid attention to the warnings. If he'd been aware of what he was capable of, he could've been prepared, or at least gotten away safely. Then again, an obsession was something people didn't just give up easily, especially Miguel O'Hara.
⚣🕷️ Words → 2.6K
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
⚣ ENJOY 🕷️
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The signs were clear from the beginning.
All he could think about as his body lay limp was how he missed, or rather ignored every single sign that led to this. Every red flag that was warning him of this moment as the cause of his current paralyzed state kneeled behind him, propping his body up while fastening and securing the scarlet-red web bonds around his body.
“No more running. No more hiding. No volverás a escaparte de mí, cariño.”
The words were not met without merit. From his securely tied legs to the red webs wrapped around his body keeping his arms trapped to his sides, his captor took away any possibility of an escape attempt. He'd lost him once, and he would allow even the slightest chance of losing him again to exist in this dimension or any other for that matter.
It didn't stop him from trying though as he struggled, doing his best to will his body into healing and purging the paralytic toxins from his blood so he could regain his mobility. But, it was no use.
His fate had been set in stone as he was lifted off the ground and placed on the hulking man's shoulder, carried out of the motel room he’d been hiding staying in, the last view of his freedom slipping away farther and farther. Now, it was back to a life of captivity and restrictions all around him, bound to someone he would never love, but who would never not love him.
Had Y/N known Miguel O’Hara, aka Spiderman 2099, would have turned out to be an obsessive and demented mental case, determined to live out his failed love life through him, he'd have thought twice before accepting the Spider's invitation to join his team. Heck, he never would've even showed up to that damn fight with that anomaly on his Earth all that time ago that led to all this.
*13 Months Ago*
Y/N could hear the static noise from the police scanner that was in his book bag, ears perking at the voice coming on the other side detailing an incident or attack at Madison Square Garden, where his dad and other police were working security detail for an event. From the description, it sounded like Kraven, only Y/N couldn't think of a reason why he would attack such a massive event when his usual goal was always to capture him.
However, when Y/N arrived on the scene after getting the police and his dad out of harm's way, he was surprised to see that whoever the Kraven that he knew was not the Kraven attacking the event center. In fact, he wasn't even sure this was Kraven, though he had the same attire. This guy was massive, built like a giant, and dressed like a caveman or Neanderthal.
He apparently shared similar abilities to the hunter he knew, able to track him and move fast, but unlike his usual counterpart, the one in front of him seemed to be stronger. And it would seem he knew him too or at least another version of him if the way he started screaming "Spider! Spider! Spider," over and over again, switching his focus from attacking random attendees and venue staff to now trying to catch him.
Of course, different person, with different tactics, ones Y/N was not used to as he leaped, dodged, and fought with the primate Kraven in the event center, the guy seemingly trying less to straight up kill him and more trying to capture him. Maybe not that different from his Kraven at all.
After some more time and failed attempts, the primate hunter seemed to realize he wouldn't be able to catch him or his web the way he was trying and instead changed tactics, making a break for the door. Panicking at the thought of this guy getting loose in his city, he without thinking rationally went after him only to fall right into hunter's trap when he found himself getting tackled into a wall after the guy jumped out of his hiding spot when he realized his lure worked.
His mind was fuzzy as the hunter held him against the wall by his neck, his feet not touching the ground. He was struggling to breathe and was trying to free his wrists from the tight grip they were being held in.
"Caught you, Spider," the hunter chuckled, squeezing tighter, his large fingers digging into the flesh of his neck as he lifted him off the wall and held him in the air. Y/N's eyes were wide with fear, his hands holding on the wrists of the hunter as he struggled to breathe and keep himself up.
Suddenly, he was over the hunter's shoulder, his vision blurry from the lack of oxygen and the rapid movement.
"Let me go!" He heard a raspy voice shout, and it took him a minute to register that it was his own. He was kicking and fighting, but the hunter held him tightly, not allowing him any chance of escape.
The hunter walked slowly through the empty hallways of the arena as the sound of police sirens rang outside, seemingly overwhelmed by all the noises around him but still looking for something. "Den. Home. This not home," he grumbled, his voice deep and low.
"No kidding," He mumbled, continuing his struggle as he was carried.
The hunter's hand gripped the back of his knees, squeezing slightly in warning. "Find den. Go home."
When they made it to the stadium center, Kraven stood at the top of a staircase looking around while the Spider looked for a way out. While he was looking, he found himself abruptly, on the ground and no longer being held by the hunter, who seemed to be having some uncontrollable, tweaking moment.
Weird, but convenient until the Hunter grabbed him again before he could web away to a safe distance. Suddenly, just behind where they came from, something bright and wide appeared in the middle of the path, swirling with colors, like a portal.
"What the..." He didn't get a chance to finish before the hunter turned around to also observe the phenomenon, a loud whirring coming from it before a red and blue figure suddenly shot out of the portal, tackling the primate Kraven, causing him to drop the Spider again.
Serves him right.
When Y/N made his way down to the floor, he came across his savior, standing up from the ground with a digital cape that dematerialized as he stood up to his full height. His head turned slightly to the approaching Spiderwing behind him cautiously.
"Okay, weird and spontaneous entrance aside, and thanks for the save, but who the heck are you?" Y/N asked.
"Classified," the man, Miguel said, his voice was gruff, and his demeanor overly serious and imposing.
Y/N held a hand to his chin, analyzing the man before him, "Blue Assassin?"
"No," the man replied.
"The Red Caped Crusader?"
"No, I'm–"
"Attitude Dracula?"
"No, stop–"
"Cyber Luchador?"
"No, I'm from a different dimension," Miguel interrupted, his irritation growing.
"A different dimension?" Y/N feigned shock, "Yeah, that's not as shocking as you think it is, big guy."
Miguel raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry, what? How are you not freaked out by this? I just came out of a dimensional portal in the middle of a public arena and you're not surprised?"
"Dude, I got bit by a radioactive spider, got superhuman abilities, and fight crazy idiots on a regular basis who come up with all sorts of hair-brained schemes. Plus, I watch a ridiculous amount of SCI-FI and supernatural shows and movies. Different dimensions are really not as plot-twisting as you think it is. Now, back to the important questions...Emo Daffy?"
"Not funny," The man interjected, "My name is Miguel O'Hara, also known as Spiderman in my dimension like you are in yours."
"So, not Emo Daffy then? Huh, that name would've suited better," Y/N smirked, earning a glare from Miguel as he looked him over, noticing the watch on his wrist, "Oh, nice watch. That how you dimension hop?" He asked, reaching for the watch.
"It's much cooler than a watch," Miguel replied, reaching his wrist back to keep the smaller Spider at bay.
"Yikes, sensitive much? Well, nice to meet you, Miguel. But, there's a confused and brutish caveman hunter probably stomping around, that I should get back to dealing with, so if you don't mind," He pointed toward the direction they came from.
"From what I saw before I came in, better you stay out of the way.. I'll take it from here," Miguel responded, not so subtly shading him for his earlier 'position' with the hunter, who speaking of, was slowly creeping up behind the red-and-blue masked Spider.
"No problem, knock yourself out," Y/N said leaning to the side.
"Huh, why are you saying it like that?"
Y/N stepped to the side as a very pissed-off hunter charged and tackled him from behind, chuckling a little when Miguel yelled at him for not being funny before going to help.
With the added backup now (not that he needed it), Y/N could better focus his attacks now that the hunter's full attention was on him. And since his sudden new partner seemed to know more about this than he did, he got a little more context.
This version of Kraven was from a dimension where they indeed still lived like primates or cavemen, but still had their own developed societies. That world's version of Spiderman was this Kraven's target, that part remained consistent.
However, the reasons he was trying to capture the Spider may have been a little different than what Y/N was expecting. Suddenly, he found himself a bit more grateful for Emo Daffy's appearance.
But, despite their initial introduction, the two Spiders were able to work well together, and with this Kraven having no experience against their weapons and abilities, especially Miguel's, they were able to take him down fairly quickly. Y/N had missed the part where the Spiderman from 2099 used a more special ability to incapacitate the hunter, making it easier to handle him since he couldn't move.
After Miguel had properly secured the hunter, he used the same watch Y/N was ogling earlier to open another portal. Before he left, he delivered some unexpected news to the Earth-6998 Spider.
"Well, that's that. Nice working with you, Spider. Try not to almost get captured next time," he said, in a sarcastic tone.
"Can't help it that I'm such a prize in their eyes," Y/N said.
Despite his joking tone, an air of suspense could be felt by the smaller Spider. Y/N couldn't tell due to the mask, but there was a quick, almost fleeting moment where he could feel Miguel's gaze on him, staring him down. It made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
"Yeah, you are," he finally said.
Though, it was definitely plausible that he could've said that in a completely unserious, sarcastic manner as he'd been doing the entire time they'd spent fighting the hunter who was currently hanging over his shoulder (ironic), it didn't feel like it. There was something else there, a hint of emotion that Y/N couldn't pinpoint.
"Yeah, we'll see you around, I guess. Thanks for the help," Y/N said.
"Hold on," the older Spider interjected, "I know you just met me, but have you ever wondered exactly how many others like you are out there?"
"Like me? You mean other spiders? I mean, yeah sure. Pretty sure everyone has had that thought at some point," the younger man joked, "What's your point?"
Hence, the beginning of a new journey in the young Spiderwing's life, and the first warning sign ignored.
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Miguel decided to take the scenic route home, wanting to enjoy the relieving feeling of finally having his love back in his arms safe. There was nothing wrong with him wanting to relish in his victory a little.
He did have to bite him again when Y/N's healing had managed to rid enough of his venom from his blood, giving him enough control back over his body to fight against his hold. Despite the warnings Miguel tried to give him, Y/N wouldn't listen, still trying to free himself, even if it wouldn't accomplish anything due to his restrained state.
And while it did hurt him to see his love fighting so hard to get away from him, Miguel couldn't deny the pleasure he got from forcing him into defeat. When the young Spider knocked himself a little too hard into the side of Miguel's head, the Earth-982 reveled in sick joy grabbing his prize off the ground, pressing him against the brick surface, and forcing his head to the side so he could sink his venomous fangs into the delicate skin once more.
He only injected a small dose, not wanting to leave any permanent effects on him, but he enjoyed the feeling of the smaller body squirming against his own until it eventually went limp once more. The sounds of his moans and whines as he bit and kissed his skin, tasting his flesh, was a delicious symphony to his ears.
"If I were you Y/N, I would quit it with the defiant behavior and escape attempts. I may have been easy on you since I was so relieved at finding you safe, but don't think I'm above handling you with more forceful methods. Especially considering my unaddressed grief from your long disappearance. All that to say, no me presiones, cariño," Miguel whispered into his ear, a threat and a promise.
Miguel's elongated claws pressed into the helpless Spider's body, eliciting more whimpers from the paralyzed man. Even in his powerless state, the brawny Latino could feel the distress and panic from the smaller Spider, which accomplished nothing but turning him on.
He could've taken him right there in that alley. Could've forced him on his knees and fucked his mouth, or pressed his face against the wall and taken him from behind, his cries muffled against the cold bricks, the fabric of his suit torn to expose parts of his body from their earlier scuffle in his motel room.
He was already half-hard in his suit, his member twitching and aching to be released, missing the tight heat of his love's body. But, he was a patient man. He could wait until the time was right.
Miguel looked down into the orbs staring up at him in hatred and fear, feeling his gut twist unpleasantly at the sight. He do something about that in the future, vowing to earn his love's affection and respect, to make him happy, and to show him that the life he wanted to give him was worth the freedom and choices taken away.
But, for now, he was content to accept the docile and forced submission from the Spider, his expression in defeat but the defiant spirit in his eyes still there. He'd take care of that too in time.
Y/N stared up at the man towering above him, truly seeing him as the monster and villain that he hid from everyone around him. This was the real Miguel O'Hara, a sight that lived in his nightmares before and would continue to with this new memory burned into his mind for ages to come.
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"Let's go, mi amor,” Miguel said, hoisting the paralyzed man onto his shoulder once more, "Nunca volverás a estar lejos de mí, mi amor."
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☀️ | Miguel O'Hara/Spiderman 2099 | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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the-kestrels-feather · 8 months
I know I'm SO late to the party, but In light of the hbomberguy video, I wanted to drop a list of some of my favorite video essayists on here who are all great. Some are well known, some of them not, but all deserve a lot of love thrown their way!
Any creators I know are Queer will have a * next to their names if that's what you're looking for! (Note some of them might not have a star that should, that's not me trying to invalidate anybody I just didn't know, please feel free to correct me!)
Dominic Noble- book content! Has a series called Lost in Adaptation that judges how faithful movie adaptations of books were to their original source material, but also does some reviews/summaries as well. Very publicly denounced JKR after she was revealed to be a TERF and stated he will no longer review anything by her on his channel. Also deleted ALL of his HP videos after finding out she was a TERF (which were his most popular videos), so I have a really deep respect for him tbh. Former Channel Awesome member who publicly denounced them on several occasions, and an all around swell guy.
*Overly Sarcastic Productions- channel run by 2 people who go by Red and Blue. History and Mythology/Literature content, as well as analysis of tropes and media! I've been told their History content can be a bit... Iffy, but I'm not a Historian so I don't know, however if they get something wrong they're good about correcting it for what that counts for. Very interesting to listen to, I've watched Red's Videos roughly 100 times each. Also has a podcast.
*Strange Aeons- fandom/Tumblr history mostly, as well as some history, and weird businesses too. Reads a LOT of cursed content for her channel.
*Lindsay Ellis- Media/film analysis. obviously not as unknown as some of the others on here, but I absolutely adore her content and will forever be sad that she isn't on YouTube anymore.
Cruel World Happy Mind- MLM/explanation of controversial figures. I'm not sure how best to explain her content, but she seems genuinely lovely and is interesting to listen to. Also a victim of Illuminaughtii's ire and deserves some love. The video she made on Blair is a bit outdated since she made it at the start of when this all came to light, but imo it's definitely worth a watch. Her talking about her interaction with Blair genuinely broke my heart.
*Night Mind- Analog horror/Unfiction/ARG content! Analyzes and explains various internet horror pieces, and also has a very nice voice to listen to.
*Lola Sebastian- Film/Media Analysis!
Li Speaks- Deep dives into various nostalgia, mainly flash games!
*Princess Weekes- Media/film/literary analysis!
abitfrank- summaries and analysis of various "darker" children's content such as Coraline (book and movie), Nightmare Before Christmas, and various dark fairy tales
Hello Future Me- writing advice and world building information!
Curious Archive- deep dives into the various bestiaries of video games and the animals in real life that they're similar to, I love his Subnautica video!
In Praise of Shadows- Horror media analysis! Will often focus on specific franchises, but also covers things like horror comics and tropes as well.
Wait in the Wings- theatre! Deep dives into the back stories behind the production of various musicals! His video on Rogers the Musical that he did for April Fool's last year is comedy fucking gold
Weird Reads With Emily Louise- conspiracy theory/cult/weird thing analysis! Looks at things from an objective and skeptical view, and is very in depth. Recently served as a consulting producer on an HBO Max documentary on the Love has Won cult.
Ask a Mortician- death content! Covers various historical events and darker stories of death from the view of a Mortician.
*Izzzyzz- deep dives into fandoms, as well as well as different video games and kids' virtual worlds.
Disney Dan- Disney content! Covers the history of different mascot costumes at Disney and Disney-like parks! Has collaborated with Definctland in the past too!
Yesterworld- theme park content! Discusses history behind rides and parks, as well as some Disney movies. I think has also collaborated with Defunctland and Disney Dan?
Legal Eagle- legal content! Breaks down news about ongoing legal cases in a way that feels approachable. I like him because both my parents are paralegals and his videos have helped me understand what they mean when they're talking about work a little bit
Super Eye patch Wolf- media video essays! Mostly about anime/manga and video games, but also covers things like influencer scams and pro wrestling. His "what the internet did to Garfield" video is SO GOOD
*Jessie Gender- Media Analysis, loves Star Trek
*Laura Crone- Media Analysis video essays, her videos on the Swan Princess are fucking great I highly recommend!
*Lady Emily- Media Analysis, did a whole video on Spuder-Man turn off the dark that is SO good. Co writer for Sarah Z
Tale Foundry- covers different forms of fiction, their xenofiction video is great, as is their Angelarium one!
Defunctland- Theme Park ride and Children's TV History channel!
Jenny Nicholson- one of the sort of "big three" commentary channels with Lindsay Ellis and Sarah Z imo, covers all sorts of stuff but her most recent one is a 3 hour video on the theme park Evermore Park!
*Sarah Z- Fandom history and Media analysis! I really enjoy their content, the Johnlock Conspiracy and DashCon videos are my favorites!
Li Speaks- Flash games/virtual world analysis mostly! She has a very soothing voice to listen to, if you played like. Any MMOs or virtual worlds growing up I Highly recommend. I've watched her video on Horseland SO many times.
*Codex Entry- Video game coverage! Her videos on Pathologic are great if you're like me and wanted more after the Hbomberguy video!
Wendigoon- ARG/Spooky content! One of the early proponents of the Mandela Catalog and best known for his conspiracy theory iceberg, but has also covered things like various weird/unsolved crimes, Assassination conspiracies, and other things. His videos on Faith, Blood Meridian, The Mandela Catalog, and his Religion/Cult iceberg are some of my favorites
Dino Diego- Dinosaur fiction, like movies, video games, books, short stories, etc. his 2 videos on West of Eden and Winter in Eden are two of my favorites!
Haley Whipjack- I don't know how to describe her content really? She does a lot of deep dives (her Shrek one is my favorite), currently doing a recap of Once Upon a Time by season that is very fun. She's an elementary school teacher by day (that's not me dozing her she talks about it on her channel), and so she has fun unhinged teacher energy!
Other channels that are a sort of collection of different people talking about different things rather than 1 or 2:
The Exploring Series
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ravenrune · 2 years
Ahhhh. A request for an anon I had already been working on before I got their message. Thanks for the reminder, anon! Domestic stuff. Contains Carlos, Leon, Ethan and Luis. Edit: I think I fixed the issues with dark mode?
Going On Vacation With The RE Guys Headcanons
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Going on vacation with Carlos will involve a lot of activities. He doesn’t like sitting around all day, so he’ll want to try out some new things with you. The destination doesn’t matter much to him, as long as there is something fun to do.
Do you want to learn how to surf? You can do that with Carlos. You want to go bungee jumping? He’s in for that sort of thing, too. Skiing, parasailing, rock climbing; he’s willing to try all of these things. 
Are the aforementioned activities a bit too extreme for you? That is completely fine. He will happily go camping and hiking with you. And if you don’t like sleeping on a shitty mattress, he’ll opt for glamping instead. Nothing wrong with a bit of comfort, right? 
He just wants to be out and about with you. And come on, you gotta admit, sleeping under the stars is pretty damn romantic.
Feel free to suggest anything you’d like to try out on vacation, because he’ll love it when you take initiative. Bonus points if you surprise him by dragging him along to do something fun without telling him what it is beforehand. 
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Leon just needs peace and quiet on vacation and will absolutely drag you away to go on a cruise with him. The further away he is from his job, the better. And as a cruise ship is always on the move, Leon feels it’ll be less likely he’ll get called into work. 
He wants to go north because he’s always wanted to see the northern lights. He thinks it will be romantic, and can’t wait to share the experience with you. You’ll probably end up somewhere in northern Europe.
On the days spent at sea, he’ll want to make the most of it. Spa days, swimming at the pools, eating at the best restaurants and checking out the onboard entertainment are a must in his opinion. If you need some time away from people, he’ll happily cuddle up and watch a nice movie with you. There will be plenty of snacks, of course.
When the cruise ship docks in the countries you pass along the way, Leon will want to do some sightseeing and take a copious amount of pictures. He won’t just take pictures of the scenery, he will be taking a lot of pictures of you, too. 
Later on, when he’s back at work, he’ll be looking at them whenever he’s not feeling great. Seeing you having a good time will always put a smile on his face.
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Ethan wants a normal vacation. Nothing too crazy, nothing too hectic, nothing too special. He’s in need of feeling like a regular human being, so he’ll take you to a typical tourist destination.
Ethan loves to go for walks. It doesn’t matter where. He can walk for hours, just chatting to you about everything that crosses your minds. He’ll take the occasional picture, but his main focus is on spending time with you in a place he’s never been before. A place where nobody knows who he is, and where he’s just another tourist.
He will book the most luxurious hotel room available, because he thinks you both deserve it. He goes out of his way to surprise you with the most wonderful date nights. He puts a lot of thought into them, making sure they’ll blow your mind in the right ways, but never make you feel uncomfortable. 
Ethan will get lost on occasion. Just make sure you’re in charge of how to get places, or you may accidentally end up in a whole other country if you happen to stay near the border of one.
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Luis will plan the most romantic vacation you could possibly think of. He doesn’t care much for major tourist attractions, but will instead look for the more obscure spots your destination has to offer. 
He’ll drag you through the most beautiful little towns he could find on the internet, and he’s full of facts. He knows a lot about the history of the places you’re visiting, and he loves sharing this information with you. 
Luis manages to find all the best restaurants and won’t spare any expense. You can order whatever the hell you like, and he’ll happily pay for it.
He’s not too fond of splitting the bill, so if you’re the type of person who is, prepare to argue with the man on occasion. 
While his main concern is spending time with you, he would like to visit a pub now and then. Just to have a drink together. And if you’re willing to sing karaoke with him, you’ll definitely make his day. So... just do it, okay?
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Tag list: @i-write-stories-not-sins-bitch ... did that work?
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copperpipes · 6 months
What’s going on in your after dark AU
I think of it more as a post-movie fic in comic form with a bunch of worldbuilding headcanons but anyways
After Dark is the name of the comic, I've planned two parts, two arcs.
We are just entering the first arc of the comic! Backyard fairies!
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Its the farmhouse arc that was present in both the 2003 and 2012 iterations (I've watched both) in which the turtles (try to) heal after a big event, be it a failure or a victory. The surroundings of the farmhouse hold many mysteries, because the hamatos will never catch a break :/ poor guys
The parts of the arc will be more just like little one shots with a thin plot connecting them like in the show instead of the plot being the main focus, it thickens towards the end but overall I'm more exploring the world and the characters and what they've been through.
The main characters in this arc would be Mikey, April, Donnie and Casey because Raph and Leo got the film. Splinter and Draxum won't appear in this arc to deal with the aftermath in the hidden city because they believed the boys would be safe away from it (of course they were wrong). Cassandra has a clan of middle-schoolers to run in new york which was put on lock down, so she too in the end won't be able to visit :[
The episodes would be like this:
Mikey in wonderland- the focus is Mikey, he goes to explore the woods a bit because his arms ache and he needs a distraction.
Target practice- the focus is April, the exploration of her role in the predicament the hamatos are stuck along with a small theme of feminism and her being a part of the clan.
Five easy steps to build a tree house- the focus is Casey, he lost his home, and he realizes the turtles he grew up with are gone with it too, also a glimpse of his past and birth.
Its the IRS! but they're not after Donnie?- amateur timestress tries to impress her mentor, and draggs Mikey with her into the mess.
Germophobia- Mikey drags Donnie into the woods to meet someone he met there. Donnie isn't a fan.
Thats it for the first arc I think. There will be smaller stuff in between that'll show the details, how Raph and Leo are doing, what is up in NY and the HC (hidden city).
The second arc is the infamous tmnt space arrrrc
It'll be called star sailor ✨ the main focus in it will be Donnie :D it'll include the triceratons, fugitoid, many aliens and a lot of existential crisis :'] i think it'll be much more angsty and philosophical then the first arc and ooh can't forget the amount of body horror I've planned >:D
Man I should really make a masterpost
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Reader had always had a crush on Randy. She knew he had a crush on Sidney, and would rather have him in her life as a friend than not at all. After the massacre, she went to the hospital, scared that he was mortally wounded. After he came out of surgery she sat by his bedside until he woke up. Without thinking, she kissed him in relief, expecting him to be upset and for things to be awkward.
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✭ pairing : randy meeks x reader
✭ fandom : slashers
✭ summary : (y/n) has a crush on Randy who likes Sidney which makes their friendship dynamic complicated, but after the massacre that had taken place at Stu’s party  only than does (y/n) confess
✭ authors note : honestly I’ve been too high these past days to write lol
✭ slashers masterlist
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(Y/N) had always been a quiet, observant person. She spent most of her time buried in books or lost in her own thoughts. But lately, there was one thought that had taken root in her mind and refused to let go - her crush on Randy Meeks.
Randy was the kind of guy who could make anyone laugh with his quick wit and movie trivia knowledge. He was the heart of their little group of friends, and (Y/N) cherished every moment they spent together. There was just one problem - Randy had his eyes set on someone else, Sidney Prescott.
Sidney was the epitome of beauty and brains, with her stunning looks and sharp intelligence. It was no surprise that Randy had fallen for her. They would often engage in animated discussions about horror movies, and (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy every time she saw them together.
Despite her own feelings, (Y/N) couldn't bring herself to admit her crush to anyone, not even her closest friends. She valued her friendship with Randy too much to risk ruining it by revealing her true feelings. So, she kept her emotions hidden, locked away in the depths of her heart.
One evening, as the group gathered at Stu's house for a movie night, (Y/N) found herself sitting next to Randy on the couch. Her heart raced as he leaned in to whisper something about the movie they were about to watch, his warm breath sending shivers down her spine.
She smiled and nodded, trying her best to focus on the film. But with Randy so close, it was nearly impossible to ignore the turmoil of emotions swirling inside her. She stole glances at him when she thought no one was looking, savoring every moment of their shared company.
As the night wore on, (Y/N) couldn't help but wonder if there would ever be a chance for her and Randy. Would he ever see her as more than just a friend? Or would she forever be relegated to the shadows, silently nursing her unrequited crush?
For now, (Y/N) was content to keep her feelings hidden, choosing to cherish their friendship and support Randy's pursuit of Sidney from afar. But deep down, she couldn't help but hope that one day, the stars would align in her favor, and Randy would see her in a different light. Until then, she would continue to hide her heart, a secret love she dared not share with anyone.
The days passed after the movie night at Stu's house, and (Y/N) found herself in a constant battle with her own emotions. Her crush on Randy Meeks seemed to grow stronger with each passing day, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to hide her feelings.
One sunny afternoon, (Y/N) received a text message from Stu. It read, "Hey, party at my place this Saturday night! You in?" She stared at her phone for a moment, excitement and anxiety warring within her. A party at Stu's house was always a blast, but it also meant facing the reality of seeing Randy and Sidney together.
She sighed and typed back, "I wish I could, Stu, but I've got to work late that night. Have fun though!" It was a half-truth. While she did have a job, (Y/N) could have easily rearranged her schedule if she wanted to attend the party. But she couldn't bear the thought of being there, watching Randy dote on Sidney all evening.
The response came quickly, "Aw, too bad! We'll miss you. Next time then!" Stu was always understanding, and (Y/N) appreciated that he didn't press further.
As the weekend approached, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a sense of regret mixed with relief. She knew that attending the party would have been a chance to spend more time with Randy, but it would also have meant witnessing the affection between him and Sidney up close. The pain of unrequited love was something she wasn't ready to confront just yet.
On the night of the party, as (Y/N) worked late, she couldn't help but wonder what was happening at Stu's house. She imagined the laughter, the music, and the joyful chaos that always accompanied their gatherings. And, of course, she couldn't help but wonder if Randy was making Sidney laugh, sharing popcorn, or discussing their favorite horror films.
As the hours passed, (Y/N) focused on her work, trying to distract herself from the party she had chosen to miss. Deep down, she knew it was the right decision for now. She needed to protect her heart and maintain her friendship with Randy, even if it meant sacrificing her own desires.
Little did (Y/N) know that the events of the party would have far-reaching consequences, ones that would change their lives in ways they could never have imagined.
The morning sun streamed through (Y/N)'s office window, casting a warm glow on her desk. She had spent the previous night working late, oblivious to the unfolding tragedy at Stu's party. As she sipped her coffee and scrolled through her news feed during a break, her heart plummeted at the shocking headlines.
"Massacre at Local House Party - Multiple Dead, Killers Identified"
Her trembling fingers clicked on the article, revealing a gruesome tale of terror. It described how two masked figures, later identified as Stu and Billy, had gone on a killing spree during the party, dressed as the infamous Ghostface. The article listed the victims, many of whom were her friends.
Panic and grief overwhelmed (Y/N) as she read on, absorbing the horrifying details of the massacre. Sidney Prescott had miraculously survived the ordeal, having faced down and defeated her attackers. Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she realized how close she had come to being at the party.
Without a second thought, she abandoned her work, frantically grabbed her things, and rushed to the hospital. She had to know if her friends were okay, especially Randy, who had already occupied a special place in her heart.
Upon arriving at the hospital, (Y/N) found herself in a sea of chaos. Worried family members and friends congregated in the waiting area, all seeking information about their loved ones. She approached the reception desk and inquired about Randy Meeks. The nurse informed her that he had undergone surgery but was in stable condition.
With relief flooding through her, (Y/N) rushed to Randy's room. Her heart pounded with a mixture of emotions - fear, relief, and an overwhelming urge to see him safe and sound. When she entered the room, she found Randy lying in a hospital bed, his face pale and bandaged.
"Randy!" (Y/N) exclaimed, unable to contain her emotions. She rushed to his bedside, her eyes brimming with tears of relief.
Randy turned his head toward her voice, a weak smile forming on his lips. "Hey, (Y/N)," he whispered, his voice hoarse from the surgery. "I didn't expect to see you here."
(Y/N) couldn't hold back any longer. The fear and worry, the relief of seeing him alive, and the pent-up feelings she had hidden for so long all surged to the surface. Without hesitation, she leaned in and kissed him, taking him completely by surprise.
Randy's eyes widened for a moment, and then he responded to her kiss with a gentle warmth that mirrored her feelings. It was a kiss filled with relief, gratitude, and the revelation of their true emotions.
As they pulled away, (Y/N) looked into Randy's eyes, her heart racing. "I'm just glad you're okay," she whispered, her voice trembling.
Randy smiled, his fingers gently brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Me too," he said, his eyes filled with a newfound understanding.
In the wake of the tragedy, amidst the horror and chaos, (Y/N) and Randy had discovered a connection that ran deeper than friendship. Their unspoken feelings had finally found a voice, and together, they would face the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead.
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doctorbitchcrxft · 3 months
hi there! normally, i just focus on my rewrite, but my lovely mootie @star-mum tagged me and i wanted to play!
last song: what's up? by 4 non blondes a claaaassic
favorite color: it changes depending on how i'm feeling lol. today, it's plum or baby pink!
currently watching: the lost world: jurassic park, actually. but currently trying to finish game of thrones. i'm on season 2 right now! my faves are brienne of tarth, tyrion, and margaery.
sweet, savory, or spicy: sweet, for sure. actually, i am a complete sugar addict. i wish i was kidding! instead of going to therapt, i spent two years eating my feelings. i know, i know, obesity is a sensitive topic. as an obese person on a weight loss journey for the sake of my health, i am woman enough to say i have a sugar addiction, i have a problem, and i am working toward being better.
currently reading: aristotle's way by edith hall. yes, i am both a pretentious film bro and a thought daughter
last movie: the hangover. claaaaassic.
relationship: single
current obsession: chappell roan and sexy men. the duality of bisexuality.
last thing you googled: average net worth by age group (lol)
anything else you guys wanna know about me? feel free to ask!! and i'm gonna go ahead and tag @ohgeehowdigethere :3
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tinylongwing · 9 months
I hope it's okay to ask Lord Huron questions on this blog.
Is Buck the narrator for all three most recent "lore albums" or something? I don't know how Lonesome Dreams fits into the storyline, but I might be wrong, and I'm pretty sure the movie soundtrack doesn't. I'm pretty sure he's the narrator for at least Vide Noir, but I'm not sure how he fits in with Long Lost.
If Buck is Strange Trails' narrator, he's not the only one, because Hurricane is from Johnnie's, and The World Ender is from Cobb Avery's. The Yawning Grave seems to be told by some malevolent, omniscient, ancient entity I don't really have a name for, but seems an awful lot like whatever Ender was summoned in Secrets of Life. It's almost like a camera pan effect with the transition to Frozen Pines, almost as if the focus is being shifted to a different character. I'm not entirely sure who that character is, and I'm not all up to date on the lore yet.
There's such a heavy focus on darkness being bad in Strange Trails, and then as far as I know, Vide Noir(the album) is about a guy, Buck Vernon, abusing a substance literally named Black Void, and trying to find his fiancee. Frozen Pines feels like Buck coming back to himself after taking Vide Noir, it basically references the Emerald Star without actually referencing it. It's like Buck talking to Lee; he'll be waiting for her, he's gonna look for her everywhere, etc.
Relistening to Strange Trails specifically looking for Vide Noir references, after Meet Me in the Woods there is SUCH a tone shift, and it starts referencing how he can't go back from the darkness, or how everything she touches turns to back.
This whole exposition has morphed into me actually asking if Vide Noir and Strange Trails are the same story from different perspectives or in different settings. Apologies for the rambling.
It is very okay! It is more than okay, it's great and I would answer Lord Huron questions every day all day if more people did this. ;)
I'm impressed with how much of this you've worked through pretty damn close to accurately without having checked the wiki or watched the movie, haha. I definitely recommend doing both as most of your questions here, the ones we have answers to anyway, will get answered.
But in short, without rewriting the entire wiki for you:
Strange Trails, Vide Noir, and Long Lost are all in the same universe with shared characters that weave in and out of those albums and there are many narrators among them. Buck Vernon is probably the closest thing to a main protagonist since his narration features heavily in Strange Trails and Vide Noir, but he's absent from Long Lost (well, as far as anyone can tell anyway).
Strange Trails is sort of like a loose connection of stories that establish a lot of the strange things and the characters in that universe and start us off learning about Buck and Lee and their relationship, but we also get a lot from Frankie Lou, the World Enders, and a handful of others. Some of the songs narrated by one character about their life in-universe tell stories that are shared in common with other characters (and the music video for The Night We Met in particular shows us this well - that song is by Frankie Lou and appears to be describing her doomed relationship with Z'Oiseau, but the video primarily focuses on Buck on his drive west toward California to find Lee).
Vide Noir is slightly more linear and slightly more focused on Buck specifically, except for where it's nonlinear and also has a whole bunch of World Enders/Phantom Riders narration which probably is doing the dual purpose thing again, describing what they're up to while also "coincidentally" helping describe Buck's confusion, anger, and anguish as he searches for Lee, gets black-brained and survives, and finds Lee only to learn that yes she did mean to leave him and she doesn't love him.
But you're absolutely right to dive back in to Strange Trails and look for references to vide noir because they're everywhere - Meet Me in the Woods is a great example of this, though it's primarily describing Frankie's experience with the drug in that case.
The Strange Trails album liner notes were very specific about which songs were performed by which characters and who the narration is supposed to be, so I recommend checking that out in the wiki as a starting point. Vide Noir didn't give us that so it has mostly been a matter of interpretation (though it's easy-ish to sort out which are performed by the Buck Vernon Band and which are performed by the Phantom Riders - but if there are other narrators in there it's still not totally clear and Moonbeam is sort of an odd track out in particular).
Long Lost mostly has told us which characters performed which songs again, which is nice and helpful! And the music/lyric videos have been a big help yet again, as has Alive from Whispering Pines, which obviously also deserves a watch if you haven't seen that series yet.
Anyway, hope this helps - I know some of it boils down to "time to read the wiki" but it just saves me from having to re-type the wiki, haha.
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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Nevermind, the kids are happy, so I’m happy!
But jeez Luise Gus, you’re not even trying to be subtle about it anymore, huh?
You just know that if Gus wasn’t trying to out/support Hunter, he’d insist on going dressed as a normal human. And when people would ask him about his costume, he’d be like: ”I’m dressed as a completely regular, ordinary, normal human!” and they’d be like ”Whoa dude, that is scary.”
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”Funny how things just show up in basements, right? Without you hiding or you putting them there. Life sure is full of surprises!”
And on tonight’s episode of ”Things that can be said by moms with secret nerdy hobbies, or serial killers…”
I guess those Not-Star Trek books really were Camila’s, huh? We got ourselves a closet nerd here!
I kinda get it though. I hate it when people ask me what my hobbies are or what I do on my free time. Because if I answer truthfully and say that I like to write, they’ll inevitably ask what it is I write, and then I’ll have to explain what fanfiction is, and there is just no un-awkward way to explain that to someone who doesn’t know.
Which is why my new tactic is to say ”I guess I like to write stories, like adventure stories. Oh, and I also like to bake!” and hope they focus on the baking part. The downside to that is when they respond with ”Oh, you’re good at baking? You should be on one of those baking shows on TV then!” and I’m like ”No, I didn’t say I was good at it!”
Another tactic is to mention that I have a (this) blog where I talk about cartoons. Most people seem to understand that, even if they don’t ”get it.”
Now, to be fair, they’re probably as interested in hearing me talk about my favorite cartoon as I am hearing them talk about their favorite football teams: not at all.
Speaking of explaining fanfiction though, I do remember in high school, we had this book on literature history. It had a (very) brief blurb on fanfiction with a picture of Lara Croft next to it? For some reason? I recall the teacher skipping over it so we could talk about ancient Greece or something.
I’m sorry, I started rambling there, what was I doing? Right, watching The Owl House, I’m a bit rusty, as you can tell. Let’s get on with it.
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Let’s see, we’ve got a Nontendo Swap, what might be either a DVD box set or a VHS tape (ask your parents, kids) called Rage Ron, another VHS tape called… Jen or maybe Den? I think? I’m no good at reading cursive. I can also see that someone let their intrusive thoughts win and took a bite out of a DVD. Which of the kids do you think it was?
Hold up a second… does the bad guy(?) in the movie have a scar over their eye? Like Luz? I also notice Bad Guy(?) wears multi-colored clothes like Luz did at Hexside, and the tip of their staff kinda looks like an egg, like Luz’ palisman currently does. That… feels like it might be significant, especially considering the movie is called ”The Betrayening.”
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And on tonight’s edition of ”If The Lampman had just waited a few more seconds…” the show explained it to me.
Villainous Lucy (GET IT?!?) betrayed their friends and now everyone is gone. Villainous Luzy says it was for ”the greater good.”
So, obviously, Luz feels like she let down her friends, betrayed them in a sense, and now everyone in the Demon Realm is lost to them.
The thing that’s interesting to me though is that Villainous Luzy says it was ”for the greater good.” That phrase… doesn’t really describe Luz, I think? I mean yeah, her motivation is to do good and help people and save the world and all that. Certainly, a greater good. But the phrase ”for the greater good” is almost exclusively brought up when someone wants to justify an evil action. You see it in villains all the time. They’re looking at ”the big picture” and find that they can justify atrocities for what is (in their mind at least) a greater end result.
To use one famous example from pop-culture, Ozymandias from Watchmen. His big masterplan would kill millions of people… to bring peace to billions, by preventing the impending nuclear war between the US and the Soviet Union.
My point is (and follow me here, I swear it makes sense), ”for the greater good” is not a phrase I would associate with Luz. But… there is a character that I would associate with that phrase. Someone who has a facial scar, a magic staff with a ball-shape, and betrayed someone close to them.
I’m not sure where it’s all going but… Y’all remember that fanfic I wrote after Clouds on the Horizon? All that’s at stake, which you can read HERE. Well, to quote myself:
”I-I hate you,” Luz said slowly, her voice as shaky as her legs. Those words were like poison on her lips. They hurt her more than anyone else. ”We are nothing alike. And I don’t want to be anything like you. Not in any way.”
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Hey, kinda random, but I just remembered back in Yesterday’s Lie, I theorized that Vee slept in the bottom bunk and Luz in the top bunk.
WELL. Actually, this doesn’t prove anything, I could still be right. Luz switched to the bottom bunk to be at level with Amity.
I do think it’s weird that Vee is lying on her back. That cannot be comfortable, right? I was even thinking of making another Vee headcanons post, where one of the new headcanons was that sleeping on their backs was uncomfortable for basilisks. I guess this smashes that to pieces.
Tag yourself, I’m Luz. I’ve slept next to walls my entire life, I’m not about to stop now. Also, we both have horrendous sleep schedules. Most of the time I’m fine, but if I get just a little off-centre then I’m out of tune for the next month.
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alfhitchblonde · 1 year
More Stranger Things WIP
More of THIS
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Descriptions of a PTSD episode and mentions of Panic Attacks
The weight of weed kept her grounded. Kept her from spiraling. It wasn’t that serious. 
“Pass me the joint Chris?” Nancy held her hand to Chrissy who smiled, taking a long drag before handing it to her. 
“God I never would have imagined myself here,” Chrissy sighed. “This is lovely.”
“Yeah,” Nancy agreed, taking a long, hard hit. “Me neither.”
“I can,” Robin stared at the two women, a dopey smile on her lips. “I can’t count on anything after the Russians.”
“Robin!” Nancy gasped as Chrissy laughed. Which in turn made Nancy laugh. She felt so light. Who cared? Who cared about the mountain of NDAs they signed. They were higher than a kite and not like these guys had any clue. 
“Russians?” Eddie looked back at them, holding a tape in his hands. 
“Russians,” Robin nodded solemnly before giggling. “Oh my god Nancy you didn’t see them.”
“Were they hot?” Chrissy asked. 
“Absolutely not,” Robin shook her head. “These ugly ass men.”
“Ugh,” Chrissy collapsed on the floor. “Shame.”
“Okay…” Eddie glanced at them all which Nancy to laugh. This was all absurd and normal. Nothing in her life in the last three years had been normal. But here she was, watching movies with friends and getting high.The TV turned to life as Eddie pressed play and the girls quieted down. Nightmare on Elm’s Street flashed across the screen and Nancy felt herself relax. Nothing could be as scary as the shit she’d seen. Nothing could beat a demogorgon standing above you, millions of sharp teeth lunging at you. That, combined with the weed, should make this a piece of cake. 
Nancy had forgotten that the main girl in this movie had her name but it was fine. It was okay. 
“Fingernails? That made me remember the dream I had last night?”
Fingernails. Like Vecna’s long clawed fingers, like the vines that had crawled up her skin. Nancy took a deep breath, trying to ground herself. 
It is a fucking movie, Wheeler.
“Watch this!”
So what if Freddie Kruger looked a little like Vecna? The burnt, holey flesh reminding her of One. Sounded like him too. The rough, rasp of his voice was similar to how Vecna had sounded, the way he had growled. She was fine. Fine. 
Breathe Nancy. Fucking breathe.
Watching Tina floating, captured in her own nightmare made Nancy want to scream. She tightened her fingers into the blanket, trying to focus. She thought Tina’s hair was blonde not red? It looked so much like Max’s. How Max had looked floating in the air. Did Tina always looked like Max? The actress was a carbon copy, she sounded like her too. The wailing like Max’s when she couldn’t see before they had lost her for several days. 
Nancy could feel Robin’s eyes on her. She didn’t need them. She was fine. Fine. She was in Eddie’s trailer. She was in Eddie’s trailer.
Vecna was smiling, the pulsing under his translucent flesh shining in the lights. “Nancy Wheeler,” he sneered. “Sweet, selfish Nancy Wheeler. Look at you now. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. A broken girl who uses weapons to get her way. Selfish, selfish Nancy Wheeler. Breaking the heart of two boys whose only crime was to love you. You say they are bullshit but you’re the one that’s bullshit. Can barely keep your friends, your brother alive. Almost too late this last time right? Almost missed it. Steve’s death would have been on you. Too slow. Too bad you couldn’t help Barb. Too bad you were so weak, so selfish. Barb was screaming your name when she went you know? Begging for her life. She loved you. Loved you. And you gave her up, left her alone. You could have saved her. Could have kept her alive. Her parents didn’t have to be childless, didn’t have to grieve. But maybe you wanted Barb to die? Didn’t you Nancy? Barb kept you from reaching your full potential. Barb was in your way, isn’t that right Nancy? And you don’t let anyone get in your way…otherwise they end up dead.”
Nancy felt the vines slithering over her, saw Vecna staring back at her on the scream. The screams of Nancy’s friend, Tina were too much. They sounded like Barb. Maybe they were Barb? Barb screamed and screamed and Nancy hadn’t heard, didn’t hear. She felt sick, felt vile, unclean. 
Can be read HERE
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listening to people's opinions on the Rise of Skywalker because i was feeling masochistic and i'm seeing this sort of revisionism that The Force Awakens is a bad movie and that JJ Abrams is a terrible storyteller and director who can't do anything and that Rise of Skywalker was entirely his fault and like? i really hate this revisionism because like there are a lot of things about The Force Awakens that don't work (the "comedy" for one) but you cannot distance The Force Awakens from its context to say that it's a bad movie because The Force Awakens exists entirely in the context of and is a response to the original Star Wars. like The Force Awakens is fucking weaponizing nostalgia, it actually utilizes that nostalgia for a greater thematic and storytelling purpose, it is not just empty nostalgia bait, because you need that nostalgia for the story to work and hit home hard. like The Force Awakens exists in the context of the rest of the franchise. it is literally in response to how the older generation has failed the new ones and the scene of JJ showing you people on the planets that are being destroyed literally exists in the context of the original one where Alderaan gets destroyed off screen and you don't get any sense of the real toll because Lucas chooses to focus that moment on what that means for Leia, but JJ shows you that there are people on the planets that are getting destroyed and it makes you realize how many stories are being lost and how many lives are being lost permanently and lets you breathe in it for just long enough to realize just a fraction of the cost of war, but Lucas did that off screen in the original and that scene is literally responding to and is in conversation with the original so if you watch The Force Awakens without seeing the original you are missing the context that the scene is responding to. and like i can understand why people might not like that to an extent but it's like watching a sequel without the prior parts and complaining something doesn't make sense. that's on you, not on the movie. The Force Awakens is weaponized nostalgia because you require the rest of the context of the franchise and a love for it to understand this part of the story and what it is doing specifically and how it utilizes all of that to build to that moment with Han and how it utilizes all that nostalgia you have to show you how little it actually matters and how cyclical the nature of this story is. and i hate the last scene in The Force Awakens, i think it borderline ruins the fucking movie and its entire message about nostalgia, especially with the choice of score, but the rest of The Force Awakens is so fucking good and i really hate the revisionism that The Force Awakens is a bad movie because it's just repeating the beats of the original when it's repeating the beats of the original with a purpose and responding to those beats and utilizing them for a greater purpose to show how stories repeat themselves in new and different ways and how different contexts and different people can change the meaning of the story and what it's saying like The Force Awakens may repeat the beats of the original but it is for a larger narrative and thematic purpose and you guys don't fucking get it and it pisses me off and i really dislike stupid revisionism like this, like you could entirely not like The Force Awakens for whatever reason but to say it is a bad movie or that it doesn't work or that it's empty nostalgia bait is flat out incorrect.
also, i say all that to say: that is not the case for the Rise of Skywalker because THAT movie is just empty nostalgia bait, Rise of Skywalker is literally a studio's reaction to another artist trying to make something and say something with their art, Rise of Skywalker is not J J Abrams' fault like his storytelling signifiers are there but so much of that movie is clearly Disney and not Abrams and it frustrates me that you people don't get that.
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povlvr · 2 years
3 • Operation: Dinner ... Puppies & A Food Festival | OPERATION: FAKING IT ...?
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Description: You & Bucky get closer as your mission progresses, will it be awkward when Tony suggests you do more than just hold hands?
Pairing: Beefy Bucky Barnes x Female Avenger Reader
Word Count: 8.5k
Warnings: Cute Bucky, swearing, suggestive language 18+ (no smut yet).
A/N: I really can't keep my word count down, sorry guys!! Remember kids: adopt don’t shop but for the sake of this story, in my universe there is no such things as abandoned animals & no animal cruelty at all. 
Series Masterlist
[Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
Team bonding night at the tower usually consisted of a movie or games night, Steve insisted on them ‘for morale’, Bucky rarely came but was told in no uncertain terms that now he was living at the tower there was no excuse for his non-participation. You however, always showed up no matter how many times it ended in chaos, superheroes were way too competitive but watching Thor get all sparkly whenever he lost a hand of cards was never not funny because he was a complete himbo & couldn’t play for shit. 
Tonight was different, there wasn’t a game or movie in sight & you felt like a zoo animal in an exhibit, all eyes focused on you & Bucky, you showed up hand in hand having met up earlier in the day to work out how you would survive the whole night with them. Evading their questions was becoming your superpower, Nat, Thor & Peter had you surrounded as they bombarded you for information, you just wanted to hang out with your friends but that was proving difficult, Bucky was slumped in an armchair with Sam pecking his head trying to get something out of him. Feeling guilty for roping him into this chaos you walked over to where he was sat, without saying a word he opened up his arms & you unceremoniously plonked yourself on his lap.
As he straightened out allowing you to snuggle into him ie. grasp onto him like a sloth clinging to a tree you reached into your pocket & pulled out your phone; you two had important business to discuss.
You looked up at him. ‘Hey.’
‘Hey Bambi, you havin’ a good night?’ he kissed your temple in a way that had quickly become your norm.
‘Nope, thought they would have gotten over it & got on with games night so we could look at the dogs Tony lined up for us but no, apparently, we’re more interesting to gawp at than the new Star Wars movie or Kerplunk.'
‘Ignore them Doll, let’s get down to business & pick our little guy.’
There was no one else in the room from that moment on, they could have been staring or commenting but it was just you & Bucky looking at the cute little puppies.
‘Oh. My. God please Bucky, please can we have this one, he’s so so fluffy.’
‘Sure doll, whichever you want we can have.’ He wasn’t capable of saying no to you.
‘That’s no good, I want them all. Tony, can we have all the puppies?’ You looked up him & tried fluttering your lashes, Bucky squeezed you chuckling when he saw your attempts at convincing Tony to let you have your way.
‘No, kid, one only.’ He was uncharacteristically quiet, observing the goings on like a king watching down upon his court, particularly fascinated by how close you & Bucky had become. He hadn’t ever had Bucky down as a cuddler, but he resembled more of a memory foam mattress than Super Solider the way he was moulded around you at that moment. 
‘No fair.’ You huffed crossing your arms & pouting.
Sam butted in ‘Hold on a sec, you two are getting a puppy, why are you even living in the tower when you have your own places?’ 
‘We’re moving in together & waiting on our place.’ Bucky spoke not taking his eyes off you or your bottom lip sticking out whilst your eyes were bulging at what he had just said. He held your face running his thumb over your pout before pulling you towards him, you could hear Tony choking on his drink but your focus was completely on Bucky’s lips, they practically grazed yours when he swooped past them to whisper something in your ear, his breathe tickling your hair, nose nestling into you as he spoke, ‘play along doll, if they think I’m telling you all the dirty things I want to do to you they’ll ignore us, ok?’ He punctuated the ok with a soft kiss, right at the base of your neck.
You moaned, a full-on moan & the man hadn’t said anything remotely sexual, you were teetering on the edge of grinding down on him but froze your hips mortified that you had that reaction. When he pulled away from you, you were blinking in slow motion & gulping for oxygen, did he really just say that? Was he really thinking of dirty things to do or is it just for show? You re-entered the living realm when he threw you a wink & you half batted his shoulder with a playful slap, ‘You can’t say that stuff when we are in company Bucky.’
He pulled up your phone again encouraging you to lay back against him scrolling down the screen, ‘how ‘bout this one?’
‘mm he’s so adorable, you need to help me pick, they’re all too cute, he’s yours just as much as mine.’
He continued to scroll until he set eyes on the most adorable white fluffy guy, you guessed he was a retriever, but you didn’t care, you were in love. ‘Ok, well this little guy I like, will keep you safe when I’m not with you too.’ 
‘I love him.’ You looked at Bucky with the biggest eyes & smiled at his words, ‘our puppy, our little boy, what we gonna call him? Benedict Barnes is cute.’
‘Yeah Doll, that’s cute. Or Benjie Barnes.’
‘hmm, he definitely needs an old man name like his Daddy,’ you playfully poked his chest & continued rolling off cute puppy names.
Bucky was grateful you switched your eyes back to the screen so you didn’t see his head fall back at what you just called him, his knuckles were white from him gripping onto the chair to stop himself throwing you over his shoulder, marching you to his room & fucking you all night. After he cleared his throat & made sure his cock wasn’t pressed anywhere near you he realised he missed all of your name suggestions.
‘How is James an old man name Bambi?’
You shrugged your shoulders, ‘James might not be but Buchanan sure is.’ He squeezed you tightly as you giggled.
‘Hmm needs to go with Gerald too.’ You pondered.
The intrusion into yours & Bucky’s bubble came when Sam couldn’t hold his questions in any longer, ‘Who the hell is Gerald & hold up, why, if you’re moving in together do you have separate rooms here?’ 
‘You’re very nosey Samuel.’ You narrowed your eyes at him, but Bucky didn’t like how you had leaned forward away from him so pulled you back into his arms.
‘What they do in their own home is their business, but under my roof they are in separate rooms. Hands where I can see them Tin Man.’ 
You winked at Tony for his very in character fake outburst, Bucky saw it more of a challenge & his hands found their way to your hips shifting you to lie fully on him with your back pressed to his chest & then wrapped his arms around you. 
His lips found their way to your ear again, it’s like he found your kryptonite & was sweetly torturing you with his soft lips & deep gravelly voice, ‘What about Engelburt? That’s an old man name’ Bucky whispered. You wiggled in delight, ‘Engelburt, Burt, Burtie, little Burtie Barnes. Eeeee I love it.’ You twisted yourself around to face him kissing him right at the corner of his mouth. 
Crawling up Bucky’s chest until your mouth was to his ear you whispered ‘Bambi, Bear, Burtie & Gerald. Our family.’ You plonked yourself on him, chest to chest with your head tucked in below his, you felt so safe as he held you tight & stroked your back slowly whilst he was deep in thought. You could have stayed like that forever.
The word family knocked around in Bucky’s brain as he held you against him, it’s not something he’s had in a very long time, yes, this one included a coffee robot, but the rest seemed pretty perfect, why he said you were going to be moving in together he didn’t know, trying to annoy Sam wasn’t worth the eventual disappointment when he had to move back into his apartment on his own.
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You noticed Bucky was a little quieter than usual in the following days, maybe forcing a makeshift family on him was a bit too much, you weren’t actually together you kept having to remind yourself, would he feel trapped by you if he actually met someone? Obligated to spend time with you & the dog you shared? You had always wanted to see Bucky in love & happy but now the thought of him with someone turned your stomach & made you feel hollow, also kind of rage-y thinking of another person with yours & Bucky’s dog. 
Instead of spiralling as you normally would & worrying yourself sick at all the make shift scenarios your brain conjured up you decided to take matters into your own hands, it was puppy day nothing was going to bring you down. You picked up your phone to text your super soldier.
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Sheer giddiness pulsated through Bucky, granted he was more of a cat man but having a link to you in the shape of a dog was patching the hole in his heart, plus everyone loved puppies. He wasn’t exactly avoiding you since game night more like having to physically tear himself away from you to avoid smothering you & kissing you senseless, he could feel it building exponentially every second he was with you, he was at breaking point when you were wiggling yourself on his lap once you’d finished talking all things puppies as you lay in his arms watching the group finally get on with game night, he found his peace. It terrified him.
The two days of quiet contemplation did him good, normally he would sabotage anything that had to potential to end in happiness & with how he was feeling he knew that if he had a taste of what you offered & he screwed it up, it would devastate him. For once he overruled his fucked-up brain & chose not to run, you were his sunshine, he was ready for this, he knew he could affect you physically when he flirted & was affectionate with you but were you thinking it was all for show & to annoy your nosey friends? He needed to make sure you understood that everything he did was genuine & that he wanted you to be his girl. When he made his way to your room he was buzzing with excitement, a whole day with you was exactly what he needed, seeing your smiley face as you opened the door made his stomach flip.
The journey had seemed endless as you made your way to Brooklyn, Bucky had promised to bring you back to show you his old stomping grounds after he had pointed out a place he used to take girls dancing. You pictured a young Soldier ready to go to war with women hanging off his arms, you felt silly that you were jealous of them but filled with such sadness at never knowing that guy who apparently was a little scoundrel. You walked wrapped around him a little tighter as he told you some of the tales he had managed to recall until you reached the brownstone home, it was beautiful, steps covered in plants, three stories, it oddly felt like home just from looking at it. You were practically vibrating in excitement when you knocked on the big turquoise door, a sweet silver haired woman answered, her kind face welcoming you inside as you introduced yourselves.
As Ms Alice fixed you both some lemonade at her insistence, you were left sitting in the lounge, squished next to Bucky on the mid-century sofa which apparently wasn’t made to cater two adults let alone a super solider & regular-ish size adult, you peered around the gorgeous interior, tall ceilings, panelled walls & wood flooring, it was exactly your vibe.
‘This house is beautiful, you think she’ll let me live with her?’
‘She’ll have to take me in too Bambi.’ The arm he had around you squeezed you further into his side & a kiss was placed in your hair as you wrapped both your arms around him resting you head on his shoulder.
‘You think she takes in strays? Should have made a brownstone part of the deal, I’ll ask Tony if he’ll buy us one later.’ He had no doubt you would & that the answer would likely be yes, even though it was said in jest the thought of living with you, in Brooklyn with your puppy would be too much for his heart to handle.
After Ms Alice had been through all the information you needed & imparted her wisdom about interiors after you mentioned how much you loved her home it was time to meet the puppies. You sat down cross legged on the floor waiting for them, you were between Bucky’s feet & as your legs bounced nervously, he bent down to kiss your head calming you as always.
All of a sudden you heard the patter of tiny paws on the floor & a litter of puppies were let loose in the room, they swarmed you jumping up & climbing into your lap all vying for your attention, Bucky watched on as you delighted in all the puppy cuddles. It didn’t take long to spot your little guy with a distinctive red bow around his neck, as he bounded up to you tail wagging, you scooped him off the floor & you couldn’t help but let out a sob as you held him. You were so happy.
Bucky’s eyes didn’t leave you at any point as you played with all the puppies, you constantly turned around to look at him & ask him if you could buy whichever puppy you were holding, it pained him to say no to you, but one puppy was enough for now. He reached down & picked up Burtie from the mass of puppies surrounding you.
‘Let’s have a look at you little guy.’ Holding the ball of fluff in front of his face he giggled at how desperate the puppy was to give him kisses, he slipped his hand in his coat & clipped a little black collar around his neck.
‘You keep hold of that girl, she’s has a good spirit.’ His face whipped around to Ms Alice who decided to impart a little wisdom on him too having been watching the two of you.
‘I plan to ma’am.’ He placed Burtie back into your arms & placed another kiss on your head. You inspected the collar & noticed the shiny dog tag hanging from it, it read ‘Burtie Barnes’ on one side & on the other ‘If found please return to Bambi & Bucky Barnes 555-1284’.
Experiencing Bucky with your puppy you imagined was akin to a junkie getting their fix, it was like happiness flowing through your veins every second spent in their vicinity, it might not have been planned or PR approved but you couldn’t resist taking a picture of Bucky attempting to look tough with the bundle of love in his arms & uploading it to your Instagram. If the mission was getting the public to see what a softie the super solider currently cradling your entire heart in his hands was, you just succeeded. 
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Bucky somehow managed to drag you away from the old woman’s house, even though you were still sulking that you weren’t allowed to buy them all, he hadn’t ever seen you as happy. He knew if he ever got his memory wiped again they wouldn’t be able to touch this one, it was imprinted on him in a way like no other, to his bones. All he could see was your beautiful smile, wide eyes & a ball of fluff in his arms. His family, every step he took he grew more protective, nothing or no one would take you away from him, he was determined to give you the life you dreamt of in a Brooklyn mid-century home.
After Burtie’s first subway ride you headed to the food festival, Bucky’s was arm flung over your shoulders & your puppy asleep in your arms, he noticed the glances you were giving him followed by cute little smiles, he wanted to know what you were thinking & if you were happy as he was right now, if he was living in a dream, he would kill whoever woke him up, he was utterly content for the first time in decades. 
It didn’t take you long to find some food, the vendors lined up either side of the closed off street & Burtie quickly woke up at the various delicious smells each stall was offering, you chose chicken & avocado tacos with halloumi bites & Bucky reluctantly tried a pulled pork quesadilla & stole most of your bites, according to your super soldier if it wasn’t plain & boiled it was classed as exotic to him. 
It was a dream afternoon together trying out various cuisines in an attempt to develop Bucky’s palate completely undisturbed from your privacy invading friends, although in fairness you did kind of ask for it, you poke the bear it will bite back & as much as you enjoyed being plastered to Bucky whenever you were together being creeped on by a spy & a guy in the vents was freaking you out a little so it felt nice to escape the tower for the day.  
Being so stuck in your head & distracted you missed the curb & before you knew what was happening you decked it to the floor, rolling your ankle in the process. Being the good mother you were, you sacrificed your ego & intact bones to make sure that every hair on you beautiful puppies body was unharmed. 
One minute you were next to Bucky looking like you were in your own world & then the next second you were on the floor, if you weren’t in obvious pain he would have laughed at you holding Burtie up like he was Simba in the Lion King, a film he’s now glad you insisted he watch just to connect the two images. Once he hauled you back on two legs he thought you resembled a new born giraffe trying to walk, when the pain didn’t show signs of easing he didn’t hesitate to crouch in front of you & offer his services as your personal transportation back to the tower.
You gently placed Burtie in Bucky’s jacket zipping it up to make sure he was secure but enough room for him to see out if he wanted, his beautiful little face popping out beneath Bucky’s chin was so adorable you actually stopped a passer-by to ask them if they could take a photo for your scrapbook. You carefully wrapped your legs around Bucky’s waist & rested your elbows gently on his shoulders, which gave your hands-free reign to play with his hair, tickle the puppy or more importantly feed Bucky the churros you insisted he buy you. You made a mental note to show him the film Ratatouille, a tug of his hair & you were living the real-life version, almost.
It was like every second Bucky spent with you somehow made him feel more whole, would there be a point at which he burst? Perhaps, but to be so needed by you, even if it was to carry you around was fulfilling him like he hadn’t felt before. You didn’t need Gerald, he thought, he could be your coffee robot, he had a metal arm so surely qualified at the robot level, he could see you whenever you wanted, first thing in the morning when you were all cute & sleepy, when you were grumpy during that mid-afternoon lull you always had, or whenever you needed a pick-me-up. He could be your pick-me-up. 
He wanted to feel needed by you, to be relied on by someone for something other than fighting, as you were playing with his hair he had to stop connecting the feeling of your fingers in his hair with imagining you tugging on it whilst he split you in two on his cock, he wouldn’t be able to walk if you carried on, so the second you saw the churros & like a magpie honed in on the goods he was relieved that your fingers were now occupied; except now each time you ripped a chunk off & fed it to him he wanted to cry. He needed you & needed to be taken care of by you, it would be more than he ever deserved, Winter Soldier or not. 
Bucky hadn’t even broken a sweat by the time you’d gotten back to the tower, as was the norm these days everyone was lying in wait for you both to get home. Thankfully today you had a secret weapon to distract them, the most adorable puppy that ever lived, in your totally unbiased new puppy high opinion. After Bucky unzipped the little guy & handed him to Scott he carried you to the kitchen, you could see Burtie was lapping up all of the attention strutting around from Avenger to Avenger like he owned the place, Bucky lifted you onto the counter to inspect your ankle.
‘I think we’re going to have to invest in icepacks the amount of injuries you sustain a week Bambi.’ You giggled & tried to act offended.
‘We’ll get you some as a house warming gift, you’ll need a first aid kit too. Don’t think I didn’t see those new roller blades on my credit card.’ You narrowed your eyes at Tony regretting not buying your new blades via Paypal.
‘Least Bucky will patch me up unlike when Nat lived with me & refused to reset my dislocated shoulder that time.’ You stuck your tongue out at her, if the opportunity arose you never failed to bring that up.
She plucked Burtie up from the floor inspecting him almost as she replied to your taunt, ‘You brought it on yourself, I had already re-set your elbow that morning.’
‘Nat, are you serious?’ Bucky was livid that she would leave you in pain.
‘What’s the definition of insanity Bambi?’ you didn’t miss the tone of the nickname she stole off Bucky.
‘Doing the same thing repeatedly & expecting a different outcome & don’t call me Bambi, that’s for Bucky only.’ You pouted at her, you may taunt each other every waking minute but Nat was like your older sister who reigned you in when needed but always there for a non-dislocated shoulder to cry on.
Pride swelled in Bucky’s chest at you not allowing anyone else to give you the moniker he used but he was still pissed at Nat, how anyone could leave you in pain & not help you, you the sweetest soul was barbaric.
‘Bucky she was using Peter’s web fluid to swing from the rafters in the hanger bay & kept falling every time she missed, which was every attempt.’
You looked at him sheepishly, great, he now thought you were dumb. So much for him patching you up all the time. Whilst Nat was being mean he had removed your boot & sock placing a pack of frozen peas on your ankle.
‘Regardless, you don’t leave her in pain, even if she is insane. You should have called me Bambi, not Romanoff’ He booped your nose as he said it & you wanted to kiss him, you never thought you’d find someone who would put up with your idiotic tendencies & offer to still fix you injuries despite them being self-inflicted most of the time.
Yes, you were an Avenger, but you were an accident-prone clumsy Avenger. It’s not like you were the alien fighting breed of Superhero you hung around with, you were silent, stealthy on flat smooth surfaces & tried to use your intelligence to cripple the enemy. You were a hacker, The Viper, with some fighting skills, you just fell over more than your counterparts which always seemed to startle your enemies & usually worked in your favour.
‘You’ll change your mind when I tell you how she got shot.’ You nearly interjected at that, he really didn’t need to know about the incident. At her words Bucky moved himself in-between your legs, caging you face in his hands, running his eyes over you like he was looking for injuries.
‘You were shot Bambi?’ The concern on his features made you want to cry, he looked pained.
You nodded lifting your shirt to show him the scar, his fingers were brushing over it, looking at you intensely, the puddle he left you in just from his fingertips against your skin meant you weren’t walking anytime soon, sprained ankle or not.
‘I’m fine now, promise.’ You wrapped your legs around his waist & arms around his neck to cuddle him.
‘You need to keep your foot elevated, Doll.’
With a mischievous brow wiggle at Bucky telling him to play along you placed the peas on his shoulder, being as graceful as you could manage you manoeuvred your ankle to sit on top, this would shut Nat up & hopefully stop her telling Bucky about the time you accidentally shot yourself. His eyes were wide, he wrapped his arm around your back & slid you to the edge of the counter, your centre now pressed against his hard abdomen with the other leg hooked around his waist. Like any moment with Bucky his hands were clutching your face & his lips were situated at your ear ready to have you melted into the counter at whatever he was about to say but was annoyingly interrupted by the redhead looking disgusted at the sight at your side.
As you suspected, it worked like a charm. ‘Eww you guys are gross, Tony they’re fucking on the counter.’ Nat whined immediately leaving your vicinity.
Without even a glance in your direction he waved his hand like he was decreeing a new law, ‘No fornication on communal furniture kids, Tin Man you better not be violating my eldest child in the same room as me.’
‘So privately is ok?’
Tony’s eyes shot up meeting Bucky’s with a raised brow.
‘Noted, excuse us guys we’re going to be busy for the next hour … or two.’ 
He picked you up from the counter in a fireman’s lift not being able to resist patting your backside.
‘Bucky, Jesus. Put me down.’ Despite enjoying the view of his ass, you were not loving the upside-down view of the world.
‘No can-do Bambi, you’re injured, gotta take care of ya’ he collected your handbag & jacket then plucked Burtie out of Peter’s arms.
As he walked out of the common room he decided on the rest of the night’s plan, ‘You fancy watching a movie Doll?’
‘Sure Bucky Bear. How about 50 first dates? Maybe we could get some tips!’
He laughed as he ran down the hall with you both to your bedroom, once you got all settled & snuggled up you watched a film that you forgot was all about someone with amnesia. You pointed out the irony & Bucky thought it was hilarious once you started apologising about how close to home it was for him but he wouldn’t let you turn it off, he knew he would do exactly the same as the film if you didn’t remember who he was every day.
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Natasha observed with increasing curiosity you & Bucky strolling into the conference room hand in hand, she could see Tony & the PR manager waiting for you & wondered why you were meeting with them. Rebecca usually only got involved with the team if Bruce was let loose or if one of Tony’s hook ups were doing a kiss & tell, maybe people were getting pissed at you both being together, stealing focus from saving the world or maybe it was something more, as Burtie tried to gnaw at her fingers she sat patiently formulating a plan to get to the bottom of whatever was going on. 
After fixing you & Bucky a coffee you sat down at his side waiting for whatever this impromptu meeting was about, as Rebecca set up her tablet with Tony’s ridiculously complicated interface you twiddled your thumbs.
‘Hey, Bucky?’
‘If you could be any kind of fruit, which fruit would you be?’
He couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculous question, where the hell you plucked these thoughts from in your brain he didn’t know.
‘Don’t laugh at me, it’s an actual legitimate question, it’s like a personality test, so if you say tomato you’d be a sociopath or something.’
‘I wasn’t laughing at you Bambi, promise. Just love how your brain works sometimes.’
You were beaming, ‘so what would you be?’
‘uhm … I would be a watermelon.’
You gasped, ‘My favourite.’
‘I know Doll.’
‘What do you think I would I be?’
‘A peach.’
‘A Peach?’ 
You didn’t see Tony roll his eyes & fake wretch at the completely lame pick-up line which obviously was a swing & a miss, you completely skipped what he was hinting at. You thought of a peach, you loved peaches, sweet, fuzzy on the outside, soft on the inside, with a stone in the centre. Oh. Was that what Bucky thought of you? Your face dropped & he noticed straight away but before he could clarify why & stop you spiralling Rebecca started the meeting.
You sat dejected trying to think over what Bucky had just said, surely, he didn’t mean it like you interpreted, instead of getting lost in your head you decided to let it go until after the meeting & you could ask him. Mis-communication was not going to be your downfall in this operation or friendship, apart from the obvious non-communication about the growing feelings for the father of your dog & coffee robot.
‘So far, the public generally are accepting the relationship with open arms as we predicted, opinion is lifted & the additional organic content you are producing is only enhancing it.’
You lifted your head ‘What organic content?’
‘You were spotted at the movies & food festival, there was also a picture circulating from game night, Steve’s selfie managed to capture you both in the background cuddling & then the puppy picture you posted which the public have lapped up’
‘A big beefy guy with a puppy works every time, but what do you mean by generally accepting?’ Something about that phrase was bugging you.
At the click of a button Rebecca pulled up some comments on social media showing that some people weren’t quite buying the story being portrayed to them.
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‘I know we can’t expect everyone to react positively, but these accounts have some chunky followings & if it picks up that the whole thing is fake then it could backfire.’
Bucky shuddered at the word fake, none of it was to him, all those moments he wasn’t thinking of how it was being perceived, even in the coffee shop after you held his hand he forgot it was part of the plan, he was just enjoying being connected to you. Sandwiching your little hand between his, enjoying feeling your soft skin, imagining how big his cock would look with your fingers wrapped around it. 
‘What are you suggesting?’
Tony smirked, after your text exchange the day before you were dreading what was about to come out of his mouth.
‘I know we said a bit of hand holding & sitting near one another would be sufficient, but you have a dinner date tonight where a photographer will be taking a couple of pictures maybe a kiss would help shut those stories down before they gain traction.’
‘Absolutely not Stark, you can’t expect her to do that.’ Bucky was livid that he was suggesting this, he didn’t want his first kiss with you to be for show, he wanted it to mean something to you both, to be as real as his feelings were for you.
Wow, ouch, why was the thought of kissing you making him so mad? You tried not to get offended, but it was a bit of an ego blow, most guys wouldn’t care so much & just give you a kiss for the camera, apparently not Bucky Barnes. 
‘It’s not an order, just a suggestion, a little peck on the lips nothing serious.’ Tony’s dismissive tone infuriated you sometimes.
‘She shouldn’t have to be forced into doing something she isn’t comfortable for this circus.’
‘Just think about it, like I said, it’s a suggestion. Don’t pretend to me like you’ve not done anything, you’re practically humping in front of the team on the regular these days.’
You had been quiet up until now, Bucky seemed to be doing all the pushing back needed with Tony but to have someone presume complete false information didn’t fly with you.
You sat forward from your chair looking at Tony in dismay ‘Pardon me?’
‘You heard me kid.’
‘We’ve not done anything Tony. We’re just fucking around with them, pretending we’re together.’
‘Pretending, sure.’
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘You must be a hell of an actress.’
‘Enough.’ Bucky raised his voice, he needed to stop this building into an argument, he hated the thought of you falling out with Tony over this, over him.
‘Come on Bucky, meetings over.’ You grabbed his hand & stormed out the room.
You were silent in the march to your bedroom, you didn’t know what to feel, humiliation at Tony’s brazenness, embarrassment at Bucky not wanting to kiss you, devastation at the peach thing, it was all swirling & overwhelming you.
‘Bambi, come sit, you need to calm down.’ Bucky lead you to the armchair in the corner of your living space & pulled you onto his lap like it was second nature, he could tell you were spiralling from everything that had just occurred, his large palm was draped across your knees anchoring you to him & the other tracing up & down your spine as your breathing slowly returned to a normal level. 
‘I’m so sorry Bucky that was so embarrassing for him to suggest that we’ve been doing stuff & we should kiss. I get it if you don’t want to, it’s fine. We’re fine. Everything’s fine. But what was the peach thing about? Do you really think I have a heart of stone, at first I was like, that’s cute I love peaches, their sweet but they have a stone for a heart, do you really think that? I don’t think I do, I think I’m nice, might not be kissable nice but nice, I think I’m nice to you & everyone, yeah trying to pretend to our friends is mean & I guess I’m not usually mean but they followed me once when they thought I was on a date so I’m teaching them a lesson but maybe it’s too mean’ you couldn’t stop rambling on once you saw his face drop, he probably wasn’t expecting you to come out & ask like the idiot you were.
‘Look at me sweetheart.’ He held your face & kissed your forehead to try & calm you down, it worked instantly, all you could think at that minute how he was so good to you, so patient & kind.
‘Let’s start with the peach, absolutely no chance, in no way nor in any universe would I think you have a heart of stone, darling you, precious you, are currently sat on the lap of someone who was once a brain washed assassin & don’t think badly of him for it, don’t judge or fear him. You have a heart of gold.’
‘Oh, sorry I ….’
‘Don’t you dare say sorry, I should have told you that when I said it because firstly, peaches are my favourite fruit.’
‘Your favourite?’ Your eyes lit up & the sunshine he loved returned to your face.
‘Yes, my absolute favourite, they’re also very sweet & soft just like you but also how do I say this right, it’s a line from that movie you love, you, my sweet soft Bambi have an absolutely breath-taking hiney.’
You leaned forward cackling laughing at what he said, you couldn’t believe he remembered that line & also was trying to tell you that you have a peachy bottom, you needed to thank Natasha later for all the squats she subjects you to whenever you’re training with her.
‘As for Tony’s suggestion, I didn’t want you to feel like you had to do it for a picture, to awkwardly kiss someone you’ve never kissed before in a restaurant & have someone taking a picture. I didn’t want you to lower yourself to that. Your dignity is not worth a better reputation for me.’
You took in his words, there was the gentleman you knew, why did your brain think the worst instead of knowing that Bucky always thought of what was right & not with his dick like most men, maybe you overreacted slightly at Tony. Having a quick kiss would probably would shut people up, but Bucky was right, it would be too awkward & obviously fake if a photographer captured a staged first-time kiss. As quickly as the thought occurred to you, you said it out loud.
‘Maybe if we had a practice kiss first it wouldn’t be as awkward.’
Bucky’s head shot up, he looked at you like you were an alien not speaking his language because it sounded to him like you said you wanted to practice kissing. He had died & somehow ended up in heaven? Maybe all the times he had controlled himself around you, you the literal angel in his lap got him a ticket through the pearly gates either that or this was actually happening. Life wasn’t that kind to him, surely?
‘Well if you were to agree to a kiss on our date Bambi then practicing first might be a good plan.’ You didn’t miss the way his eyes were laser focused on your lips or him wetting his own with his tongue, you may have bitten yours watching him do it because you felt a vibranium thumb touching your bottom lip to release it from your teeth whist your head was being manoeuvred slightly on its axis by the big hand embracing your face. 
Your lips were like magnets finding their way to each other, as if on instinct your legs found their way to either side of Bucky’s thighs not breaking the kiss for a second, you were connected by a force that couldn’t be parted once they met. It wasn’t a respectful kiss, it was an ‘I love you, can’t live without you’ kind of kiss & if those words were never confessed he wanted to convey it in whatever way he could with his mouth. 
Your fingers ran their way through Bucky’s silky soft hair, your brain was empty & completely immersed focusing on the pillowy lips parting & tongue caressing yours, he couldn’t help his hands roaming around to try & pull you as closely as he could to you. You clearly were feeling things the same as him from all the moaning & writhing you were doing in his lap, neither of you wanted it to end. Trying to control his aching cock was proving difficult & as you ground down on him, his hardness jolted you back into the real world, he was hard for you. 
You slowly pulled back, reluctantly retreating from his kiss, the best kiss you’d ever had, it was silly really, this relationship & this kiss, the fake relationship & kiss was the best you’d ever experienced, Bucky was the best man you had experienced full stop. You sighed & as you peered into the most beautiful ocean eyes you realised that this would probably end in heartbreak for you, you loved him, maybe you always did, but there was no way Bucky Barnes would ever love you back like that.
Bucky could see how deep in thought you were, maybe he took it too far, got a bit too handsy with you or it might be the erection currently pressed against you making you uncomfortable. He broke the silence hoping that some levity would bring you out of your head.
‘I think we would be asked to leave the restaurant if we did that over dinner.’
You chuckled & appreciated him not making it awkward, you rested your forehead on his shoulder.
‘We’d be on the news if the photographer was capturing it too, might be worth it to piss off Tony.’
‘I’d rather not get skinned alive.’
And just like that you were back to your usual selves.
You were nervous & wearing a hole in the plush carpet you were currently pacing on waiting for the second mission; Dinner. Bucky was insistent on picking you up at your door like a gentleman & you hoped he wouldn’t be able to see the mound of rejected outfits in your closet, not that you were making an effort. You had eventually settled on a silk leopard print skirt with a thigh high slit, a tucked in skin tight black cami showing a bit of cleavage & some nude heels that elongated your legs perfectly.
Three gentle taps on the door sounded just as you secured your earring, you shook your hands, let out a big breath & opened up to see the most beautiful man holding the most beautiful bouquet of sunflowers with a big smile on his face.
You were fucked & so utterly gone for this man.
‘Bucky, these are beautiful, thank you.’
‘My ma’ would throttle me if I showed up to a beautiful girls door ready to take her out & not have any flowers to give her.’
You pinched his little dimpled chin between your thumb & finger ‘that’s so sweet, she raised you well.’ He leaned into your palm kissing your skin gently.
After quickly filling the sink & placing the flowers carefully in them you were ready to go, before setting off you looked your super solider up & down, he was so handsome in his black dinner jacket & jeans combo, he blushed at you checking him out.
‘Like what you see Bambi?’ 
‘You look so handsome Bear, but take your gloves off, you don’t ever need them around me, ok?’
‘Ok Doll, you look absolutely stunning, I’d have said it earlier, but you took my breath away, so I couldn’t speak.’
You giggled at his shameless flirting, he did make you feel so special all the time & if this is all you ever had with him, it wasn’t so bad.
Given that you were wearing a skirt Bucky drove you to the restaurant, he couldn’t keep his eyes off you in the car, all he could think about your lips against his, you grinding against him on his lap & wanting to run his fingers up & down your folds as you sat in his passenger seat wearing that sinful skirt. He was fully hard & aching for you, he’d been in a constant state of arousal the minute you suggested practicing kissing, it was a continual battle for Bucky not to rip of your clothes & bury his cock inside you, with consent of course.
The restaurant was quiet, far too fancy for Bucky’s taste, the snobbery was reflected in every square inch of the place with the over modernisation of furniture & light fittings, he felt like he was in an episode of Star Trek looking at some of the cuboid chairs.
The maître d' led you to your booth, the lowlight of the room combined with each table perfectly placed under a soft spotlight made you feel completely secluded & in your own bubble, if there were other people there you wouldn’t have known, it was just you & your super solider. You suspected Tony had purchased a few tables around yours so that you could have some privacy or more likely, so that the photographer could get a clear shot of the pair of you.
Every step of the way he was the perfect gentleman, opening the car door, offering his hand as you exited, making sure you were the first through every entrance, pulling out your chair, letting you order first, it was such a contrast to any other date you had been on before, you knew it wasn’t a ploy to sleep with you or impress you, it was just who Bucky was. He did try to impress you when he was offered wine to taste & attempted to be as debonair as possible but fell flat on his face with it when he opened his mouth about the notes, you both were laughing & had no doubt you were pissing off the other diners. Not that you cared.
‘I know you’re probably used to all this with Tony but do you actually like this kind of thing Doll?’ he asked gesturing to the cutlery lined up, all the unnecessary plates & glasses on the table.
‘God no, give me a sofa, pizza & cuddles any day over this.’
One look at the entrée that appeared as if from nowhere over his shoulder & he looked traumatised. You couldn’t help but giggle at his expression.
‘We might have to get one on the way home after this if their portions don’t improve.’
You felt bad that he was going to have to essentially starve himself for the evening whilst you did this, he had a high metabolism thanks to the serum so an endless pit of hunger & this sorry excuse for a meal wouldn’t touch the sides. 
Between teeny tiny courses you were glued to his side, the physical affection came naturally to you with Bucky, he was so warm & even though covered in well honed muscle so comfy to snuggle up to, you noticed his hand constantly on your exposed thigh, every touch higher igniting you. 
You had just finished a pea mousse monstrosity & glanced up at Bucky, his eyes met yours instantly, you loved the way he angled his face down to look at you without needing to pull away, ‘When should we kiss?’ his eyes immediately dropping to your mouth as the question was asked, his tongue darted across his bottom lip.
‘Now seems a pretty good time Bambi, you ready?’ Your eyes were closing & his lips were already pressed to yours as he finished speaking, like last time his big hand held your face securely & it was electric, how was it a better kiss than the first? You behaved yourself as much as you could & kept it appropriate for the most part, hopefully no one in the restaurant was paying attention, as you parted lips Bucky followed up with a smaller more delicate kiss. He was a master at kissing, you wondered when his last kiss was because if he was going on muscle memory alone he must have had a hell of a lot of practice at one point in his life.
‘I hope they managed to get that on camera.’
‘Oh yeah, what if they missed it?’ Your face was still in his hands & you were looking at him so innocently as you said it, as if you weren’t expecting him to say what he was about to.
‘Maybe we should do it again & make sure this time.’ 
‘Yeah, can’t let Tony down.’
His lips were on yours again, this time it was a smashing against each other kiss, you exuded as much force as he did to meet each other’s mouth, you hand was holding on to the back of his neck & you didn’t miss the moan from Bucky when you tugged on his hair. Again, almost inappropriate but you walked a fine line before relenting to move away from each other when the waiter cleared his throat to take away your plates.
You were intoxicated in his arms, drunk on him without having a single drop to drink, you didn’t ever want your mouth to be parted from his, it was like he had a spell on you that you couldn’t break, not that you wanted to.
Your lips found his again, connecting less frantically than the last but combined with his hand sliding up the slit in your skirt & gripping your flesh you had to anchor yourself to the booth otherwise you would have ended up in his lap again, you needed to grind on him to relieve some of the tension building within you. It was the sweetest torture you had ever known.
For the rest of the meal you were in a cycle of kissing & courses, courses & kissing, finding any excuse to connect your lips, ‘the photographer might be in the bathroom’, ‘the pictures might be out of focus’, ‘the photographer might have had a phone call’. As soon as the words were uttered your lips would meet again sometimes frantically other times soft, eventually the course stopped coming & you were ushered out of the place both of you laughing at how eager they were for you to leave.
The pizza you ordered in the car met you at the tower, you heart soared when Bucky picked you up & twirled you in the air before paying for the food, despite you insisting it was just pizza Bucky adored you for the gesture.
You woke up surrounded by warmth, you had spent the rest of the night feeding each other pizza cuddled up together with Burtie it just felt right that he stayed over. You glanced over your shoulder at the Super Soldier wrapped around you, he was just so pretty when he slept never mind with a puppy nuzzled against him. You stupidly picked up your phone & noticed a text from Tony.
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You lay back in your bed, engulfed in comfort & smiled to yourself at the sunflowers sat on your bedside table. Without thinking you snapped a picture & uploaded it. You didn’t care if you were both in denial if this was the result. 
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AN: Let me know what you guys think! I hope you spotted the anchorman quote!!
@enchantedbarnes @anonymously-ominous @criticaltrinket @enlyume @getofffmydick @sebsgirl71479 @nash-dara @tanyaspartak @blithecapricorn @cjand10 @spicoli-waves @happytimeunicorns @ifilwtmfc @sarapolare @buggy14 @ka-x-in @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @justab-eautifulmess @openup-yourmind @namelessav @queen-mal @teambarnes72 @nikkig496-blog @mooievis @julesclues @giftedyoungster3000 @beware-my-thorns @redbarn1995 @povlvr @intense-sneezing @l3itchy-but-cute @capswife @littlelizardlizzie @readerofwords616 @morganmofresh @buckyslucky @mochie85 @jeanbarton @lily-clark163 @kingfleury
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subspencer · 3 years
taking spencer to a drive-in theatre and giving him a blowie <3
taking spencer to a drive in theater, you say? spencer being really into the movie and not realizing that you’re trying to take advantage of the privacy and have a little adult fun, until you make it glaringly obvious?
wc: just under 1.4k
cw: blowjob. no sub/dom dynamic, though reader does call spencer ‘good boy’. reader can be gender neutral.
Taking Spencer to a drive-in movie theater was your idea. It seemed like the kind of date he’d like; old-school drive-ins playing old-school movies. Pretty fitting for an old school kind of guy. And you were right; Spencer’s eyes were practically glued to the rerun of some classic eighties sci-fi movie that you picked out for the evening.
It was perfect. The air outside was cold but the heaters were blasting in the car. Stars littered the night sky, and the dim glow of the projector screen lit up Spencer’s gorgeous side profile like a baroque painting. And the best part about drive-in theaters? The privacy. 
For cuddling in the car, of course. Because you were too good at setting this date up, and Spencer was way too interested in the movie. Flash Gordon lost your interest a long time ago; it’s now shifted to your boyfriend, who is yet to get on the same page as you. 
His hands rest around your waist as you lean your back and head on his chest, watching him more than anything. The more you take in his features –– dark brows, adorable button nose and full, pink lips –– the less you care about the movie. You take up focus with his hands, instead, and begin toying with his fingers that lay on your waist. They’re long, pretty, and they spur your imagination like no other thing has ever done. 
No longer feeling patient, you crane your head up and begin kissing the underside of his chin, his jaw, and his neck, sucking softly and moaning against him. His eyes flick down to you, catching you giving him a longing look, and he smiles. Before you can get too excited, thinking he’s finally gotten your hint and has decided to take full advantage of the privacy of a drive-in theater, he just as quickly turns back to the screen.
“Spencer,” you whine, tugging on the front of his shirt to call his attention. He shoots you another smile without looking, and laces his fingers with yours, thinking he’s satisfied your need for touch with a simple squeeze of your hand.
“You picked a really good movie, babe,” he whispers and pecks the top of your head.
You have to resist rolling your eyes because clearly it must be fucking good if he’s not at all picking up on the mood you’re trying to set. Returning to kissing his neck, you drag the hand he’s interlocked with yours down your body until they meet the top of your shorts, and let them hover there. At the same time, you take his free hand from your waist, pushing it higher up so that it lays right over your chest.
He barely registers it. Not even as you cover his hand with your own and press down until his palm fully envelopes you, fingertips digging into your breast as you arch into him. You even let out a tiny, mewling sound that he always likes to hear. And the only thing he’s noticing is whatever is happening in this god forsaken movie.
You pull away, annoyed, and his hands drop to the car seat as you sit up straight, crossing your arms as you wait for him to say something. It’s childish, it’s needy, but you don’t care because you’re waiting for him to ask you to come back into his arms. A few minutes go by, and he’s said nothing. Just entirely entranced by the movie. 
So deeply, in fact, that he doesn’t notice as you slide off the seat and get down onto the floor of the car. As best as you can, you crawl over to him, kneeling beside his legs. You place your palm on his knee and massage it, watching his face to see how he reacts. He merely offers a passive hum, so you shift your hand higher, trailing featherlight touches on the inside of his thigh. Spencer lets out a soft giggle, but still, his eyes never shift away. 
When your fingers find his zipper, he raises his hips to help you tug off his trousers and boxers until you’re able to pull his dick free from the fabric. But at this point in your relationship, he could be acting purely out of muscle memory. He’s still not looking.
Only once you start placing little kitten licks up and down his cock, does he stop and ask, “Whatchya doin?” with a soft chuckle. 
You close your mouth and press your lips against the tip, humming a kiss. He twitches in your hand at the sensation of the vibrations. “Nothing,” you smile. The fucker still hasn’t looked at you, but his hands find the back of your head, his fingers carefully web through your hair as you continue playing with him. Entirely passive. 
His thumb starts rubbing slow, absentminded strokes onto your scalp as you wrap your mouth just over the head, sucking gently and flitting your tongue through the slit. 
“Fuck!” his knee jerks at the pleasant surprise. He finally looks down at you, biting his lips and digging his fingertips into your scalp, encouraging you to keep going, “That feels so good.” 
Pulling away, you flatten your tongue and lick a broad stripe along his length, base to tip before taking him back into your mouth. He watches you push down until he’s as far into your throat as you can take, making sure he feels you gag softly around him. 
You’ve got his attention right where you want it as he starts guiding your head gently, whining for more and pushing you down on his dick at a relaxed pace. His tongue sweeps over to soothe his bottom lip, sore from biting it, as he watches himself slide in and out of your mouth. “You look so pretty like that,” he whimpers, holding you far down on him. 
You let him enjoy it for a few minutes – watching you take him and controlling your movements – before pulling away and releasing him. He immediately protests the loss. 
“Don’t watch me, baby, watch your little movie,” you smirk, taking him loosely into your hand and stroking him. He knows he’s not going to get a single thing more until he does as you say, yet he grinds into your palm, chasing your hand with his hips as you move up and down. You can tell he’s already close to finishing by the way the muscles in his thighs tense, and you remove your hand to deny him of it. “Did you hear me?” 
“You liked your movie so much, so watch it,” you sneer. Reluctantly, he follows instructions, fixing his eyes back on the screen. For the first time tonight, it’s the last thing he wants to be looking at right now. “Good boy,” you praise, returning to your work.
You know it’s a form of punishment for him that he can’t watch you while you get him off. He may have a perfect memory, but nothing holds a candle to seeing it happen right in front of him. And, you also know that Spencer can’t keep his eyes open when he cums. He always shuts them tight the second he finds release, mouth hanging uncontrollably open as he hits a high. 
So each time he starts getting close, you can tell by his eyes starting to flutter, and you pinch the sensitive flesh on the inside of his thigh. “Keep watching,” you remind him, and he forces his eyes back open. 
“Please?” he begs. “Please, I wanna come,” his hips strain against your grip on them, “And I wanna look at you.” 
You mumble around him to give him permission, and he wastes no time. The second he gets to watch you, with your lips glistening with spit that trails down to your chin, softly smudged makeup under your eyes, he shoots his release down your throat.
As you pull away, he runs his thumb over your bottom lip, catching any drops that slipped away. You gladly draw his finger into your mouth, sucking it clean. “That’s my favorite view,” he smiles, dazed. 
You hum around the digit, releasing it with a lazy smile of your own, “And don’t forget it.” 
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Alternate Reality
A/N- it's here! Finally 🥵 that Thor and Chris Hemsworth Man-Sandwich I was telling you about, inspired by @mostly-marvel-musings Threesome Fic ⬅️⬅️
Summary- You don't care how or why it's happened but all of your dreams are about to come true when your boyfriend and his alternate universe clone are in the same room together.
Word count- 3,112k
Pairing- Chris Hemsworth X You X Thor
Warnings- Swearing, smut, smut and more smut
18+ only!
Posted: 14th June 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires
@swaggysposts @skyfullofsong123
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"What the actual…" Your trial of thought disappears as you watch the huge ring of light appear in the middle of your living room. Chris wraps his arms around you instinctively, as you both stare dumbfounded. The place on the other side of the ring looks different, where ever it was it definitely wasn't here. The funny thing is, you knew what these rings were and who was in control of them but how could that be? They're fictional characters from a movie your boyfriend starred in.
You're proved wrong, when the God of Thunder himself steps through the ring and into your dimension. The very same God of Thunder that Chris stars as, surely this is a dream conjured up by your sick imagination. The tall, broad God looks exactly the same as Chris with the exact same characteristics he portrayed in the movie. You pinch yourself just to check you weren't dreaming, screwing your eyes shut and opening them again a couple of times while Chris stares, completely lost for words.
"Is there something in your eyes?" Thor asks in the exact same voice you were expecting to hear, a look of amusement in his eyes at your reaction.
"Wait, what the fuck? You're real?" You ask.
"I am from an alternative Universe to yours, I have been sent here to gather information from you." Thor says nonchalantly, pulling his eyes away from you and looking to Chris.
"From me? But I'm just an actor, I don't even understand how this is real." Chris says, his eyes blown wide with shock.
"We want to know how the infinity war happened here so we can plan our moves and ultimately win."
"We, who's we?" 
"I have been sent by the Wizard, err I mean Doctor Strange."
"Of course you have, of course you're all real." Chris takes a minute to compose himself, running his hand through his hair and sighing heavily. "Fuck mate, you don't want to know how it worked out in the end." Chris paces the room, trying to make sense of everything that's happening.
"Yes we do, any information we can acquire may be able to help us defeat Thanos." 
"How do you know that it will play out the same way as it did in the movies?" Chris enquires, stopping on the spot to look at Thor.
"We don't but we are willing to try anything." You can see a note of anguish on Thor's face, knowing how the movie pans out you can take a guess at what he's thinking about.
"Y/N why are you so quiet?" Chris turns away from Thor, looking over at you sitting on the bed with your legs crossed.
"Just trying to focus my attention else where and not on the fact there's two of you stood right in front of me." 
"There's not two of us, this guys some sort of clone." 
"I believe I am a lot older than you, therefore you are the clone." Thor corrects Chris, looking rather happy with himself.
"Yeah you look it mate. You've got a lot more wrinkles around your eyes." You focus on the childish behaviour, hoping it would stop the images of the two of them running around your mind, naked. That maybe just maybe it would put you off slightly but who are you kidding? There's two of him, here in front of you and one of them is a literal god. You remember all the fantasies you had while Chris was filming Thor, begging him to bring his costume home so he could fuck you as Thor. Now the actual Thor is here as well as Chris, it couldn't get any better.
"Why don't you just slap your dicks out and measure them while you're at it." You slap your hand over your mouth, surprised that you'd actually spoken out loud. Both of them turning to look at you equally surprised.
"What?" You question innocently. "You can't tell me you're not at least a little bit curious to know if your cocks are the same size? I know I am." 
"I'd be more than happy to show you, my sweet." Thor mutters under his breath folding his arms across his chest and leaning against the door frame. His statement not quite going unnoticed by Chris when he glares at him before shooting daggers back at you.
"Are you enjoying this?" Chris asks, his voice oozing possessiveness.
"Oh, more than you'll ever know." You smile smugly. "You don't know how long I've had this actual fantasy, only it's not quite going how I planned." 
"You've fantasised about fucking other men?" 
"No not over men, just you… Times two." You shrug your shoulders.
"And how exactly does this fantasy play out in your mind?" They both look curious, forgetting about their arguments for a minute, Thor standing straight waiting intently.
"Do you really have to ask?" You say slyly feeling super confident and ready to make your move. I mean it's not everyday your going to be faced with this situation, you need to make the most of it. "Why don't I show you?" 
"I am not opposed to this." Thor perks up eagerly, puffing out his broad chest.
"You don't get a say." That death-glare aimed at Thor again "and I'm not quite sure how I feel about this." 
"Relax baby, it's not like big man over here is here to stay. It's a one time deal. Besides if you fulfil my fantasies I'll be more than happy to fulfil yours." Chris thinks about it for a second while you run your hands over his thick shoulders, loosening him up. You pull his face down to reach yours, open mouthed kisses taking away any thoughts he had.
You open one eye, spying Thor in your peripheral checking out your curves with a sly, lustful look in his eye. You catch his hand in yours pulling him behind you where he wastes no time wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you into him and planting wet kisses down the side of your neck. A tiny moan muttered into Chris' mouth makes his eyes flutter open. Anger flaring in his eyes at the sight of Thor's hands all over you.
"Listen, if we're doing this. I'm in charge. You got it, space punk?" Chris reaches over you to poke his finger in to Thor's chest.
"I think the lady should be in charge, not you nor I and she does not seem to be protesting against this." Thor turns you around to face him, one hand guiding your face to his open, eager lips.
"No, her lips are mine." Chris pulls you back from Thor, your lips still pursed needily.
"For fuck sake Chris, I am not an object. Listen, Chris I love you. Let's just play nice ok?" You grab their hands, pulling them both in front of you. The sight of them together makes you unwillingly gasp, your pussy clenching.
"Exactly." Thor smiles smugly.
"And Thor, stop winding him up. Let me take the lead." You reach up to kiss Chris first, making sure to satiate his jealousy while he wraps his arm around your lower back protectively. "Love you." You remind him before pulling away and moving to Thor.
Standing in front of the God of Thunder you search his face, trying to find any subtle differences. Apart from a couple of scars on Thor's face, they were identical. A slow smirk spreads across his face as he watches you, his hands twitching by his side, desperate to get a hold of you.
You move closer to him. Exploring his face with your hands before taking his bottom lip in your teeth, the seductive smile that appears makes your nervousness ebb away. Lust taking over as you kiss him deeply, finding that difference you were looking for. The kiss, not better and not worse just different. And the taste, he doesn't taste like Chris, he has an otherworldly taste you have never experienced before. It tastes like sin, like you're cheating and your stomach flips at the thought.
"Do you like what you see?" Thor asks after you pull away, not wanting to linger on the kiss for too long with Chris watching.
"Of course, you're beautiful." He smiles back at you, a twinkle in his eyes. There's an immediate connection with the two of you, an enigmatic connection that you're not willing to dive further into right now.
"Hey." Chris pouts, the intimacy between you and Thor making him feel pushed out.
"Babe, you're identical." You roll your eyes. "He's you, you're him." You point between the two of them. The puppy dog look in Chris's eyes completely contradicts the growing erection in his shorts.
"Yeah but…" Chris tries to protest before you cut him off, not giving him chance to ruin this for you.
"Just shush and take off your shorts." That stops him in his tracks, his eyes growing wide, a moment of lust flashing before them.
"What are you laughing at? You too." You say to Thor.
"Wait a minute, why are we stripping and you're still completely dressed?" Thor asks, while hastily unbuttoning his trousers.
"Now that is something we agree on, come here."
Your two favourite men, the best looking men in at least two dimensions, work in tandem to remove your clothes. The touch of Thor's fingertips to the nape of your neck sends shivers down your spine, an electrical current running through your veins. Your heart beating impossibly fast as you finally get your own way.
Chris kneeling on one knee to slowly pull down your shorts and panties. His thumb hooked in either side as he takes his time revealing your pussy, the pussy that is usually all his. Now he's come to terms with your desires and he's ready to take it in turns blowing your mind. On cue, Thor's hands move lower down your back, his fingers trailing a path down your spine and leaving goosebumps in their wake.
Lifting your top over your head, Thor's hands fall back to your breasts. His arms wrapped around your shoulders as he takes your nipples between his fingers. Your mouth left agape as you feel the warmth of his breath against your neck, at the same time as Chris's fingers spread on your stomach, clutching as his thumb presses against your clit making you moan deeply.
You almost lose control, your legs going weak as you hear Thor groan at the sound of your pleasure, quiet enough for only the two of you to hear. Your body on fire already with the feel of two pairs of hands tweaking your senses into overload. Your body jerking with every oversensitive touch.
Thor moves your hair to the side, biting gently on your neck as Chris' tongue takes over his thumb. The tip circling slowly over your bundle of nerves making your legs buckle completely, falling back into Thor, his body holding up your weight as he moves backwards towards the bed and sits down on the end of it. Chris moving with you, still on his knees at the foot of the bed. The feel of Thor's huge cock pressing against your bare ass is too much and you need to feel it, you need it inside of you.
No longer bickering they finally fall into a rhythm, content on accomplishing the same goal. Giving you as much pleasure as possible and it's driving you wild.
Thor holds your legs open, giving Chris better access to your dripping folds. Your head resting against Thor's shoulders as Chris' fingers curl up inside of you, when you moan it drives them both frantic with lust. The same desires and turn on's as well as the same looks. An unspoken bond between you all.
Thor's uneven breath on your neck, his beating heart against your shoulder blade and Chris' unrelenting fingers stroking against your spot - push you over the edge. As you cry out, arching against Thor's swollen cock, his thumb reaches down to your bundle of nerves - the pressure unbearable - working as a team to pull another orgasm from you. The sound of them both groaning as their fingers drive you into another realm of pleasure, grinding against Thor as your moans become feral. Your arousal dripping around Chris' fingers, his eyes pooled with need.
Thor stops to pull down his pants, lifting you up and onto his cock. The angle making you groan like a dying animal as he stretches your walls deliciously. Your face screwed into a ugly expression as you watch Chris stand, freeing his cock from his own pants and guiding it to your mouth.
Your mouth eagerly open, waiting for it to be filled with your loves huge, smooth cock, dripping with that sweet precum. Hardly noticing the ache in your thighs as you bounce yourself on Thor's cock while he rests back on to his hands watching your ass jiggle with every movement.
The sight of Chris watching you get fucked pulls you over once more, the look of lust in his eyes as you savagely take his cock in your mouth as Thor ruins your pussy. The fact Thor looks just like him is like watching himself fuck you, like some fucked up porn but he loves it. He loves it way more than he thought he would, grunting with every jerk of your hand and twist of your mouth. Your tongue swirling around his tip as he twitches inside of your mouth.
"Spit on it." Thor says his voice so deep and laced with need as he eases out of you, lifting you effortlessly into the air while he lays back down on the bed.
"Spit on my cock." You do as your told without delay. Drenching him in even more lubrication.
Chris waits anxiously, handling his own dick with gritted teeth as he watches Thor positioning himself at your tight hole. Squeezing himself between your cheeks slowly, waiting patiently for you to become accustomed to the size of his cock. You suck in air between your teeth, your body defying you as it tries to push his cock back out but you want it, you want it so fucking bad.
You take his cock, you take it so well and he gives you more, he gives you it all until he's balls deep in your ass. You spread your legs open wide, an invitation for Chris to join in the fun and he doesn't hesitate. Holding onto your knees while he pushes himself into your pussy. You feel so full, your eyes hooded with arousal, the feel of two cocks inside of you at the same time from the men you desire most. 
Chris unable to hold back any longer, thrusts into you, pushing you back into Thor, his hands holding you by the waist as he begins bucking you up slowly. The pleasure is indescribable, unlike anything you have ever experienced before. You're pretty sure this is what heaven feels like, a whirlwind of pure bliss as your holes are filled so tightly. 
Chris' fingers gripping into your knees as Thor's fingers grasp your waist, they fall into the perfect rythym which isn't suprising. Their cocks entering and retreating all at the same time until the pressure builds immediately, your body jerking with powerful gusto, your legs shaking uncontrollably. You scream and I mean scream as your body comes undone, gripping around their cocks as you cum, a gutteral moan leaving your lips afterwards.
Thor pushes you forward as he chases his own release, the tight grip around his cock making it inevitable. The same time Chris pounds into your pussy, your body leaking juices consistently. Knocking your languid body backwards and forwards which each incredulous thrust from the two sex gods.
Your mind blank, your eyes blurred with the hedonistic pleasure coursing through you. You don't ever want it to end, you want to stay lost in this state of arousal forever but at the same time your body can not take it anymore, the whole thing has been like one neverending orgasm.
You've lost count of the amount of times you've cum, one after the other until your no longer sure of your name or even where you are. Your mind consumed with pure satisfaction. 
They're both grunting in synchronisation as they finally release at the same time, pushing into you with one last powerful thrust making you spiral out of control. The feel of their mighty load shooting inside of your holes makes you scream again, your cum spilling out and dripping down, pooling beneath you.
Your mind is still consumed, no coherent words can be spoken when you fall backwards on to Thor, rolling to the side of him and pulling Chris down with you. You all lay panting on the bed, smiles plastered on all of your faces. Smiles you're pretty sure aren't going to leave you for a very long time. That is until the ring appears back in your bedroom and reality sets in.
You can't stay in the state of satisfaction for any longer and you're likely never to feel this amount of pleasure ever again. Thor has to leave and it makes you emotional, you'd built a connection with him in such a short space of time and you weren't ready to let go yet.
"Don't go, please." You manage to string together the words as you pull on his arm.
"I'm sorry, I have to." Thor says, you can hear the sadness in his voice. Chris doesn't speak, he lets you have your moment. Reaching up to kiss his lips fevently, his hands tangling into your hair as he returns the kiss just as deeply. Dreading having to pull away from him and watch him leave but he does. He pulls away, your fingertips losing grip as he looks back over his shoulder before stepping into the ring. Gone forever.
"What did you find out?" Strange asks Thor immediately upon his return.
"What do you mean, oh?" 
"I erm… Didn't get any information." His mind is consumed with you, his mission has failed but he doesn't care.
"You will have to go back." Doctor strange declares, anger and frustration laced in his voice.
"I will go back as many times as you wish." He smiles triumphantly, maybe he will have to keep thinking of reasons to be sent back to you.
"What exactly did you do while you were gone?" Strange asks. Thor doesn't answer, instead his thoughts drift away, the memories replaying in his mind like a movie. 
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
yandere bully ! BAKUGO KATSUKI
goodiebag WARNINGS: yandere, heavy dubcon, bordering on noncon, profanity, manipulation
It's safe to say that Bakugo had gotten used to a certain lifestyle. 
Being top three in all years in the Hero-course, girls fawning, falling at his feet left and right, drooling, begging him to fuck them. 
Or… begging him to take them out on a date. 
But let’s be honest… no girls want to date him, they just want to ride his dick once a week. They just want to know what it feels like to be taken by a real man before halting, limping back to their clueless vanilla-boyfriends, all made up of soft smiles and warm hugs and nothing like Bakugo and how he spanks their girlfriend’s ass until blood leaks from popped veins and his name comes falling from their lips like tearful prayer.
Nowadays though, he’d had to kick more girls to the curb than he could count on both his hands without as much as getting his dick wet from the girl he’d picked for himself, the star that was once so bright and shining like a wild sunflower before he forced himself into her life. 
She seemed to have wilted, as she wouldn’t even spare him a second glance until he forced it from her.
Or… that was unfair. She was perfect, doing everything he asked, but… it wasn’t really willingly, now was it? 
All he needed was ask, but he knew she didn’t try to make him happy because she wanted to, she didn’t try and make him laugh because she wanted to, it didn’t come naturally as it did with others, she did it because she was scared shitless of what he would do if she didn’t.
It made him so unbelievable angry to see her laugh with others. Wrathful, vengeful even, when she buckled over and nearly fell, rolling on the floor in the pit of her humor, crying with how painfully she was wheezing. So furious because he couldn’t even blame her. He couldn’t blame her for preferring other people over him, other smiling laughing idiotic people, pleasant people as opposed to him and his aura of grumpiness. 
Some insouciantly greedy, almost evil, part of him whispered to him those times he saw her smile that genuine angel-bright smile, never with him, that perhaps if he simply took her, took her away, tucked her away more so than what he had already, that perhaps she’d have no choice but to share that light with his darkness, because supernova’s like her need things to shine for, they crave lighting people up, they’re just so fucking eager to please, and if he were the only one around to absorb all which she had to give, then she’d have no choice but to share.
It shouldn’t have been legal for him to demand more of her. 
She did everything he asked. 
She worked out with him, pushing herself to limits and extents she didn’t even know existed, almost until she barfed, almost until she collapsed, then praising his teaching-methods instead of admitting it was too much. 
She watches his movies, where she would contort the scary imagery of whatever horror or action movie Bakugo would put on the screen into the finest goriest comedy, cough up her lungs at the guts and brains leaking from sliced abdomens or cracked skulls, burry her face in his shoulder as she cried out laughter, instead of jumping into his arms like the scared little lamb she was supposed to be, begging him to turn it off and giving him an opportunity to slide his hand up her shirt. 
She studied with him, again gushing about what an amazing tutor he is instead of being honest by letting him know what an absolutely aggressive jerk he is, saying words she’d regret and have to find a way of apologising for, making it up to him in so many ways Bakugo lusted for, fantasised about when he laid next to her at night. 
She joined him with his friends, let him sleep in her bed, she even ate what and when he told her eat, dressed how he wanted her to dress, changed if he didn’t approve, cheered like his own personal perfect cheerleader at his battles, being probably the loudest person in the bleachers, making all the boys jealous of him, doing everything and more, and still, still it just wasn’t what he wanted, wasn’t what he needed.
And no, what he needed wasn’t her pussy served on a platter. 
What he needed was leverage. He needed reassurance, he needed her trapped, locked down, glued to him. He needed to know, to believe, to trust that he had her not just for now, but for as long as he wanted, forever. 
And having her in the most primal shameless way, showing her what he could give her, show her that he isn’t just a god on the battlefield but has those same godlike skills when it comes to making her see stars was how he intended to make her need him. 
Granted, he’s never actually made love like how she’d probably want to, but he’s fucked plenty of sluts to have confidence in saying that he knows the female body like the back of his hand. 
If he could just feel her melt beneath him, just make her unravel, wrap her around his pinky, just once and he would know, she wasn’t leaving him anytime soon, she wasn’t ever going to leave him, not unless she wanted her pretty pictures leaked.
Not that he would ever let anyone see her like that, that was just for him, but he doubted she would think too much of what he was willing to do or not. That’s the beauty of threats, they don’t need to be true for the outcome to be fruitful. 
Though, he really wished it didn’t come to that. 
No, once she gets a taste of what it feels like to be taken care of the way he would take care of her, when she wakes up from what fever-dream he’s given her with a mouthful of honey and the newfound realisation that with him is where she belongs, where she’s always belonged, where she’ll always belong.
Perhaps it was about the sex. 
He had been good, loyal, patient, understanding, boyfriendly. 
She wasn’t the only one making sacrifices. 
It’s unfair of him to hold that against her, and he knows that… most of the time… but no one can blame him for forgetting it when he sees her sitting next to him in that short school-skirt, so in-reach, so grabbable, with his bed taunting them from right behind his back, how easy it would be to just pick her up and throw her down on it, watch her bounce while looking up at him in a giggling fit. 
He can’t be expected to focus on doing algebra with that in his mind, he can’t be expected to tutor her when she looks at him with that apologetically hopeless clueless expression, laughing that nervous laugh that every time warns him about how completely lost she is to what he’s talking about.
Granted, it was him who told her he would be tutoring her, because god and every teacher along with him knew she needed it, what with how she daydreams or pranks each and every class away like the ditzy klutz she is.
“I… I- I don’t know?” Was her answer to yet another equation he’d poured out from between his grit teeth.
Plan A revolved around her wanting to repay the favor, give him a little present for helping her out. Tit for tat, eye for an eye, sort of thing. And usually she would, give him a little something in return, a chaste kiss to his cheek, a frisky make-out session that always ended just a bit too early, never fully what he wanted.
Plan B was to tire her out, creating an opening for him to suggest that they do something that requires less thinking. She usually gets distracted, sometimes she’ll even initiate it in hopes he’d let her off the hook with studying, she’d pout her lips, look at him with those large pretty puppy-dog eyes, coax him into cuddling, but she’d always fall asleep just a minute later.
Plan C was a spin off plan B. Where in hopes of making her the bad guy, he would be sweet, he has been sweet, offering his help to tutor her, she would grow tired like she always does, only this time he wouldn't allow her to rest, therefor causing her to��snap, resulting in her saying something she’d regret, again resulting in her apologising, something he could mold into her owing him a favour, something that would end up with having her splayed out on the sheets of his bed, ready for the taking. 
He just needed an opportunity to hold something against her, an excuse, a favor to cash in, he needed her backed up into a corner.
Plan C wasn’t working though, unfortunately.
She never grew fed up with him, she never said anything foul. 
He was stupid to think that an opportunity like that would arise. She isn't like him after all. In fact, she’s the farthest thing from him.
Well, time for plan D then. Another spin off plan B.
Don’t hold it against him, but he’d been spouting bullshit for the last three minutes in hopes of making her frustrate over herself, where the former plan had evolved into something a bit more crucial. 
But, she’s insanely tolerant, reminding him of Kirishima’s sturdy quirk, though he had to admit finding her unfaltering confidence and dedication way more mind-blowingly impressive. 
He had been chipping at that composure of hers for the last two hours without breaching the surface. 
But there was still hope. 
Everyone has a breaking point after all, and he could sense she was getting fed up. Fed up with his tone, fed up of him treating her like a moron, fed up with him. 
It would only take one last blow now and she’d break.
Or so he thought.
He had impressive amounts of patience, but he was also nearing his breaking point and finally after one more of her soft-natured laughs, he was the one that had enough, he didn’t want to wait any longer.
And plan E was looking way more opportune by the minute.
“You think it’s funny that you’re an idiot?”
Her eyes widened and turned instantly glossy at his harsh words, looking like a kicked-puppy, before it contorted into an expression of something akin to anger but not truly as vicious. 
Yet, obviously taking offence, huffing as she got up to leave, proving how she too was done with playing their little fantasy, uncaring, or rather forgetting, that she wouldn’t be going anywhere without his permission.
“I think so too, I think it’s fucking hilarious.” He mocked, hand gripping her shirt and pulling her back between him and the desk. 
Already she was pushing at him, as he leaned in closer gripping her hips and gliding her onto his desk, wanting to feel her thighs and legs cradle around his torso. 
“But, you know what I find even funnier?” 
She opened her mouth to speak, but she was given no room to let her protest out as he raised his voice in warning. 
“What I bet you laugh your ass off at behind my back?!” 
Her annoyance turned ashen, faltering into that meek fearful look he didn’t realise until know that he’d missed. 
“Is how much of an idiot I am.” 
Her brows scrunched, hands placed on the thick stiff muscles of his arms as she felt him start to rub circles into her midriff where his fingers where digging into her soft flesh through her shirt. 
“I’ve been so fucking patient.” It was barely above a whisper, almost sounding broken, like a cry or a plead or an apology, but then his face split into a snarl as he leered at her, teeth flashed at her face making her jump slightly where she sat planted on the desk. “So fucking patient with you that it’s ridiculous.” 
His nose touched hers where she slightly bowed her head. His eyes were blood-shot, or perhaps it was just how they always looked. She wouldn’t know as she made it her unrelenting mission to never look directly at him. 
But now she couldn’t escape his stare, the stare she’d feared so much, pushed tight up against her, so tight she smelled his breath when she inhaled, so tight she felt the thin hairs on her upper lip dance as he huffed out his own growling breaths. 
“And no, I’m not talking about math.”
Her hands had moved to his chest as he hunched further and further over her, pressuring her to lie down on the desk. 
“Please, Baku-” She tried, adding slightly more pressure to her hold on him, but honestly... no amount of her strength would be able to fend him off, especially with the mood he was in.
“No!” He cut her off with a growl, finally forcing her down on her back underneath him, as he palmed the doughy flesh of where her hips connected to her ass, greedy and so very hungry, still keeping a firm hold on her with a thumb hooked on her hip, keeping her in place. “No more please, and I told you it’s fucking Katsuki.” 
She flinched as he spit the correction in her face, feeling something bulging slot and rub itself up against where her skirt had hiked up and exposed her thin panties. 
“No more pleas, no more excuses, no more teasing, no more jokes.” 
He spotted a tear dripping down her cheek, escaping with how hard she was squeezing her eyes shut to avoid his gaze.
She whimpered before she spoke. “I- I’ve do- done every- everything you- you asked.” She blubbered, her hands removed from their insignificant standoff with his chest and shot up to cover her face as she began crying, wiping at them as they fell, pathetic and broken and so pretty his balls hurt with how much he wanted to bury himself inside her no doubt tight cunt.
Desperate now, he bumped his erection into her heat. Trying to steal her focus away from the action by gripping her chin between his rough finger-pads, his lips brushing up her jawline, inhaling her perfume, the scent making another pleasurable shiver spring to his cock, again humping into her. 
“So, what’s one more thing?”
Her heart would have sunk by his words if it weren’t for the building intensity that spiked it to beat faster, hammering in her chest as she felt what she now had no doubt was him pushing into the scared place found between her thighs. 
She could feel her panic bubble up where she was pushed against the cold wooden desk, with her boyfriend’s unwanted heat radiated and seeping through her clothes to tickle her skin. 
She didn’t want this. She wasn’t sure if she ever would want this. 
Bakugo had told her so many times that this was something she needed, everyone needed, but as her heart kept pumping so profusely in her chest, as though it were some blaring alarm, she wasn’t at all sure if she liked the way the stubble on his shaved chin scratched as it rode up her neck when he planted soft open-mouthed wet kisses there, she wasn’t sure if she at all wanted his large calloused wandering hands to stroke and tamper with her soft skin as he pulled her shirt out of her skirt to touch and feel up her stomach and squeeze the soft flesh of her tits, and the more and more his threatening clothed cock continued in rubbing desperately against her own teased sex she fell short of understanding just what it was she didn’t want, if it was the intimacy or just him.
Her panic built like bile in her throat, wanting to burst, which it did. 
“I’m not ready- I don’t- can’t we just…” 
He captured her chin between his thumb and index finger, lips coming to shut her up, cut off whatever protesting excuses she was about to splutter out. 
She tried getting her words out, trying ever so timidly to shake from the kiss, yet however which way she tried turning her head, Bakugo simply followed to deepen it, turning more bruisingly passionate by the second.
Her hands were kept unsurely in their delicate touching on his chest, again in her fear of souring the mood she only barely pushed at him to get off, whereas his hands grasped and groped up her thighs, feeling her soft flesh up like dough, squeezing and kneading and just touching her, all of her, despite her small hums of discomforted surprise.
Large encompassing hands took a break from their pioneering and easily pried her smaller ones off his chest, interlocking his fingers with hers and pushing them down to her sides where they wouldn’t get in the way. 
The kiss then turned rough, hungry as he yet again rocked himself into her, a rugged groan escaping from deep within his throat as her struggles met him with her own type of delicious friction, kissing his sensitive bulge with little caution.
He was so sensitive from having to have held back his primal urges for so long, especially after being teased daily by the soft grabbable little mouse he slept next to throughout every night without being allowed to do more than simply hold her, being teased with her ass slotted against his crotch as they spooned. 
If she wasn’t careful with her movement he might just become a pathetic mess and cum in his pants with how pent up he was.
His other hand made to slip under her skirt to feel up the lace of her panties, wanting nothing more but to slip his finger inside her no doubt tight little hole and work her up until she’d be dripping drenching his hand with wetness, wanting to hear those panicked whimpers turn into ones of pleasure instead, but she was making it impossible with all her troublesome wiggling. 
His fingers forgot their quest between her thighs in favor of picking her up and moving her to the bed instead. 
She tried pushing, but it was so weak that he could pretend to not feel it. 
He wouldn’t be stopping unless she flat out screamed at him, and even then, she’d have to be brutally clear or else he’d take it for screams of pleasure.
He made sure the fall was soft, placing her down on her butt first before his hand cusped the back of her head as he pushed her down onto her back with him hovering on top, deep kisses aiding his quest in pressing her and keeping her beneath him.
She jostled under the entrapment of his weight when his digits stroked up over her panties, rubbing and dipping into the warm tender skin found beneath. 
Her hands pushed at him then, only a little, though it should have been enough to get her message across, but as she realized it wouldn’t she turned her head to the side, freeing her lips from his attacking ones and allowing her to speak her protest, or… more whine than speak.
He shushed at her from where he was nuzzling in her neck, seeming almost lovesick like a frenzied pup as he began to lightly hump into the mattress, his teeth nibbling at the thin skin of her throat. 
“Don’t worry… I’ll make you feel good.” It was a drawled-out mumble, but it told her of how he had no intention of stopping.
“But-” She tried, but was quickly made to shut up as her chin was once again captured and dragged to make her look up at him, his lips again pressing into her, seizing all words.
Soon his antagonizing finger hooked under her underwear, rough-textured fingertips quickly making their way to rub over the sensitive lips found at their disposal. 
Her struggles grew then, her chest jutting forward to try and lift him off her, to allow her to speak, but it was as though he was glued to her, his fingers nearly marking their presence into her cheeks as his wet mouth and even wetter tongue continued exploring the insides of her mouth. 
She whimpered at the feel of his fingers pushing through her folds, gliding up and down the slit. Jolting once too violently, Katsuki laid all his weight down onto her, trapping her there completely, quenching the harshness of her struggles and subduing them to what felt like she was trying to meet his desperate humping.
“Trust me.” 
He should have whispered it, he should have tried making it sound less aggressive as he cuddled with the lips of her pussy, sticking one finger inside her warmth, followed by her squealing in surprise against his lips. 
Her fingernails marked their presence into his skin as she held onto his arm, still not allowed to protest, still only barely allowed to breath.
He couldn’t help but growl at the feel of how tight she was, or… at the feel of how unprepared she was. 
She whimpered as it was no doubt uncomfortable being skewered onto his thick finger without being at all wet, but he was determined to make that change. 
His thumb pushed into her clit, starting to rub slow carful circles into the hooded and hidden pearl, wanting it to pucker out to meet him. And soon, at the hands of his experienced fingers, and perhaps encouraged by her virginal thrill of having something touch her for the first time, his wishes were met. 
The finger buried inside her began squishing in wetness, allowing him to add another one at the expense of her gasping against him, her hands relenting slightly in their need to push him off, a soft uncertain hum simmering against his lips, making him smirk, gloat and bloom with cocky bliss.
Working her tightness with his digits, coating them in slick, he began curling them, feeling the waves of her tensing and melting beneath him. Parting them, scissoring them inside of her plushie walls, his thumb rubbing tight patterns into her bead.
Encouraged by her struggles subsiding he began pumping the digits in and out, feeling her wetness coat his hand. The actions finally earning him a moan, a sweet trembling breathy moan, one that got right to his head as his grin widened against her lips. 
“You see?” He asked, lips still barely detaching from her, breathing the words into her. “You were just scared…” 
Their eyes locked and he was happy to see her orbs large and glossy yet cotton-flavored and blissful as she looked up at him. 
“You don’t need to be scared with me, just let me do this for you, trust me…” 
He kissed her softly now, no brutality or forcefulness, but lightly and sweetly and tenderly, so much so she almost forgot it was Bakugo. 
“I’ll make you feel good.”
But it was Bakugo. 
It was Bakugo. 
Bakugo who’d forced her into a relationship. 
Bakugo: her self-proclaimed boyfriend, her self-proclaimed roommate, her tutor, her guard-dog, her warden. 
Bakugo, who was now persuading her into giving him her virginity.
She was about to answer, but as though he precepted her growing trepidation he met it all with a sharp hooking of his fingers, making her arch her back up into him, her knees trembling where they were pushed up over his thigh next to his hips. 
“Just relax…”
An open-mouthed uncontrolled moan escaped her then. “Katsuki~” 
She felt her hips buck back into his hand, letting him know that he had her completely wrapped around his finger, just as figuratively as it was literal.
“That’s right…” He spoke softly, maintaining the aura of safety, wanting to keep her exactly like that, all soft and sweet and vulnerable for him. “You just focus on me, babe.” 
He placed a tender kiss to her jaw, contrasted with how he now rubbed vigorously onto her swollen bud, feeling her tremble, quake at his hands. 
He knew he had her right where he wanted her, chasing that high he was giving her, her legs instinctively wrapping themselves around his torso, reminding him of his own arousal, but he couldn’t pay himself any mind. 
Right now all he needed to worry about was sealing the deal.
An excited jumpy hitched breath left her lips, precious as it was sweet, chest rising above the bed and pressing against his own in such a soft expression of gratitude, just as her legs squeezed tightly around his waist, keeping him close, pussy clenching around his fingers so tight he could only dream of what it would feel like wrapped around his cock, as her eyelids started to flutter, squishing to a close, but not before he saw her eyes cross, reaching towards the light, a light he ignited for her.
She was left a panting mess, her walls fluttering around his digits, happily sucking on them as she spilled.
But she wasn’t left blissed out for long as she hurriedly scurried back to herself, hands covering her face as she hung her head in embarrassment, feeling that dreadful feeling wash over her, that draining shame feeling like death’s embrace. 
“I’m sorry.” She squealed, words muffled beneath the cover of her hands.
His brows scrunched as he perceived her, trying to spot her face from beneath what shield she’d made with her hands.
“I- I made a mess…” 
It sounded as though she were about to cry, so ashamed her body began to shake, her thighs pressed together, hiding where she cocooned herself in the bed in front of him.
His hand trailed soft fingers up her forearm to wrap around her wrist, gently prying her hand away from her face. 
He sighed, heart clenching at the sight of her glossy shameful eyes. 
“You’re so fucking adorable…” 
There was a slight chuckle attached to the statement, his lips kissing her temple before they brushed against the shell of her ear. 
“Why don’t you make a mess on my tongue next?”
The question left her shell-choked, her lip quivering at the promise of his mouth kissing her down there in the same manor he kissed her lips: brutally, passionately, with teeth. 
“M-Mn-No…” She spoke bashfully, still anxious.
Too cute for her own good.
His hand, the one soaked with her essence, ascended to his face, his fingers disappearing into his mouth, lips enclosing around them as he sucked the juices clean off, giving a groan at her taste as well as her shocked but curious expression, smirking once he let his finger go with a kiss.
His hands moved front and centre, beginning to tamper with the buttons to her uniform. 
“You’re safe with me.” He repeated, knowing it was something she needed to hear, especially as he began opening button after button, revealing her precious pearly-white bralette, where under was found glory in the shape of soft warm pillows. “Trust me.” 
He shoved her shirt off her shoulders, bringing it out of her reach, not allowing her the freedom of covering herself if she were to change her mind and snatch it back from his hands. 
She hummed in unease as though to ask if he had to go any further, to which he answered by kissing her forehead, a gesture that made a shiver run up her spine, unsure if it was of pleasure or something more eerie. 
His finger running, dancing around to her back, tickling the skin where her bra was held together. 
He felt her tense up, but ignored it and continued in his quest, pinching the clasp and taking hold of the straps to pull the annoying thing off, leaving her bare and beautiful.
Taking a second to admire her as her nipples perked at once at the hands of her embarrassment, he held back the urge to pinch, forcing himself to be soft, soft and sweet and safe, something he needed to remind himself of. 
Hands moving carefully to hold one of the mounds, a careful squeeze followed by a careful rub of the nipple between his thumb and index finger.
“Lay back down.” His voice was so warm, so warm it left her perplexed, unable to tell that the words shaped a demand as he placed one large hot hand in the space between her breasts, adding slight pressure to ease her back down into the bed, all the while her curious yet terror-wide watery eyes looked up at him, falling prey to his dominant crimson ones. 
His head followed hers, lips pressing one soft kiss to her wet ones.
There is something about being bare in front of someone fully dressed. Something so dominating, something so frightening. But, surely the fact that he looked at her as though she were the world made everything safer, surely it evened the scales, surely… she wasn’t completely powerless.
“Let me prove just how much I love you.”
He could feel how terribly fast her heart was beating as he kissed down her neck, over her collar bone, careful to not bite too harshly, giving into simply nibbling or grazing his teeth, fighting the urge to mark her up so prettily. 
Mouth moving to suck at the exposed sensitive skin of her tits, forgetting himself as he made to grind the protruding nib between his teeth, being met with a squeal from the girl beneath him, her hands instinctively pushing at his shoulders. 
But again, her racing heartbeat and impulsive struggles were subdued, Bakugo making to squeeze her cheeks between his fingers, squishing her plump bloated reddened lips together, whispering upon them as he leaned in close. 
“Don’t worry, babe, you know I won’t hurt you.” 
She nodded, but still he felt her shiver, heard the tremor in her breathing, the soft sniffles she couldn’t keep at bay, just as pathetic as they were adorable and mouthwatering for him to hear.
Once he reassured himself she wasn’t about to roll out of bed and stagger towards the bathroom, running like a spooked hare, he placed a chaste kiss to the side of her mouth before peppering a dozen more down her neck, over the nipples he’d played with, going further down and lower and lower until he was all the way down to kissing the space found just beneath her bellybutton, his ears shifting to listen to how the bed creaked upon her shuffling, yet those anxious movements where seized when his hefty arms wrapped beneath her thighs, pulling her all snug and personal, lining her up perfectly with his face, all for him to see what gorgeous mess he’d made of her, all glistening and blushed with arousal. 
He couldn’t wait any longer to give her a taste, feel her melt on his tongue, hear her moan as he buried his face into her.
He flicked a light kitty-lick over her budding clit, felt her quake in his arms, looking up yet still down at her where he couldn’t quite place what emotion terrorised her face the most, whether it was mostly anxiety, discomfort, shame, embarrassment or pleasure. 
It didn’t discourage him though as he made the same movement again, only now twirling his warm textured tongue around the pearl, swirling around it, circling it like a shark, before his entire mouth enclosed it, devoured it, sucked on it, his tongue placed flat on top of it as he dragged it over the sensitivity again and again, sucking fervently, feeling her panic at the intrusive pleasure, yet being held steady in his arms with no way of getting away.
He let up, letting go with a wet pop before running his tongue deeply down the slit, plunging into her weeping hole where it wormed its way inside. 
She wiggled as his nose bumped into her ravaged clit, all sensitive with tender swelling.
She was all shaky breaths, no sound too loud, no sound too brazen or wanton. 
He needed to change that. 
He planned to go slow, but had wanted it to be a surprise, and so, instead of lightly grazing his teeth over the silken bud he gave into biting down on it, gnawing it lightly between the rows of his teeth.
She shrieked, hands pushed with force against his head to get him off as she climbed higher up on the bed, away from him, yet the movement was soon stilled, or rather reversed with the strength of Bakugo’s arms coiled around her thighs, dragging her back to meet his hungry mouth. 
“Don’t move.” 
Carmine eyes stared up at her from down in between herself, and she felt her knees go weak as they shook at the terrifying growl that accompanied his threat. 
“Just… trust me.” 
She didn’t. 
She didn’t trust him, she feared him, feared his marred and mauled hands, those scars running up over the great juicy muscles of his arms, those deadly arms themselves, capable of both withstanding and giving destruction, proof that he can and has survived far greater than what she could ever hope, proof that she was no match, no equal. 
She didn’t trust him, she feared him, feared how his thumb now rubbed over her clit, creating such godsend friction that had her unraveling, melting into his mouth, and that mouth itself, that tongue, those teeth, how they devoured her for everything she was worth. 
She didn’t trust him, but she found... falling suited her, and chasing the fires had unknowingly become a feeling she rather cherished than feared, a little less like dying, and more like... coming home.
By the time she came to, reeled back into reality, yet still remaining far away, succumbed by bliss, her eyes were opium-blown as she blinked dumbly, not realizing how Bakugo had placed himself on her side, eyes full of awe as he watched her, leg tangled with legs, heart to heart, hand held lazily on her hip, drawing small patterns up and down her side, watching her flushed face drowse into the pillow until those pretty chaste eyes met his again.
His boxers were sticky. 
She’d been too busy, too distracted with the feeling of his lips and tongue and teeth abusing what found between her legs to notice how he’d been humping the mattress while eating her out as though he were starved and crazed and feral with lust. And even though she felt him groan and growl, the reverberations that tremored at the roughness of his gruff timber was enough to make her eyes cross and forget, even forgive them from ever happening.
“How about making a mess on my cock next time?” 
His hand stroked her cheek after pulling the covers up to drape her naked body that now had begun to shiver in the crash of coming down. The thoughtful action a stark contrast to his cocky suggestive tone, eyes glinting wickedly at the little lamb he’d lured into and onto his wolf fangs, still tasting her essence on his tongue, watching as those skittish brows erupted into that beautiful panic that somehow resembled hope as she looked at him wide-eyed, smitten with plead and all things soft. 
“I’m joking…” 
He gave a smile, soft but in a different way, admiring what was his. 
“Or, not really… but whenever you want, whenever you’re ready.” 
The thumb stroked over her cheek once again, before his lips pressed a long firm kiss to her forehead, hinting for her to nuzzle into his neck, where his smell had become like ritual, something she wasn’t meant to go on without for too long.
She thought she’d made it clear she wasn’t ready for any of this. What makes the next step any different? Still, with the defeatist thought, she did like the defeatist she was, timid hands coming to hold onto Bakugo’s fire-hot skin, slotting herself tight against his body. 
She didn’t trust him, but she trusted his love, she trusted his lust, she trusted he would never let her go, and that perhaps those arms of his weren’t too bad. Perhaps if she thought of how safe she was she could more or less forget or rather forgive that they were there to keep her trapped, perhaps if she spent enough time believing she was kept safe by him, then she’d forget all the reason as to why being trapped with him was the farthest thing from safe.
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yunoysl · 3 years
𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝐥.𝐦𝐡)
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Mark is made aware that the 00 liners think you, his girlfriend, are hot.
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: breast/nipple play, fingering, unprotected sex, exhibitionist, hair pulling, small degradation, creampie, slightly rough sex
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When the 00 line admitted to Mark when they were drunk that they find you hot, at first he got kinda jealous and upset, but then he got the sudden idea of doing it with you in front of them.
The next day after that he called you and told you what they admitted to him. You were very shocked when you found out. You had been friends with them since before you and Mark started dating. You never saw them that type of way.
Mark forgot about it until two weeks later when you called him and asked if movie night was still on. He said yes, of course, when he realized he could take notice of how they react to you—even told you to wear a skirt instead did your usual sweatpants. Mark didn’t tell you his plan, but he knew you wouldn’t be opposed to it.
When you arrived you were thankfully wearing an oversized hoodie—his to be specific and most likely not wearing anything underneath it—and Mark’s favorite skirt that just barely covered your ass.
“Hi Y/N” they greated you once they saw you.
“Hi guys. You excited for movie night?”
He took notice of the way they stared at you when you were bent over grabbing a drink from the fridge, you being completely unaware of the lustful stares you were getting.
“What movie are we watching today” you took a seat on the couch, the 00 line crowding around you to sit down. Renjun and Haechan sitting on the floor, Jeno on the reclining chair, and Jaemin on the couch next to you and Mark.
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In the middle of the movie, you feel Mark’s cold hands slip under your shirt. You don’t think anything of it, this isn’t something new he’s done, but then his hand starts moving up towards your breast
“Mark...” you look to the side to see Jeno is looking at you, watching Mark start to play with your breast. “Jeno’s watching”
“Let him, put on a show for him to enjoy” he pulls your bra down, your bare nipples brushing against the fabric of your—his—hoodie. He takes your right breasts into his hands, fondling with it under your hoodie. Mark’s cold hand has you shivering. After a while he finishes playing with your breasts to pinch your nipples, taking turns with each one, his free hand reaching down to your skirt, pushing your underwear aside to feel your wet pussy. You whimper as he’s rubs your clit, when you suddenly remember that you’re not alone.
You look up to see all of them—Haechan, Jeno, Jaemin and Renjun—looking at you and Mark. You don’t even bother to let Mark know that there’s an audience, too occupied with one of his hands pinching and pulling your nipples and the other playing with your pussy, your arousal gathering on them.
Jeno is in a trance watching you both, Renjun is trying to watching the movie in front of him and not the much more interesting scene happening in the room, and Jaemin and Haechan are grabbing their crotches, feeling themselves harden.
Mark dips his head down to take one of your nipples into his mouth, watching as the 00 line get turned on watching you both.
“Do you want them watching you? If you’re uncomfortable we can stop-“
“No- no umm... I want this. I’m okay with this” You make eye contact with them to assure that they’re okay watching.
They are.
Mark slips two fingers into your wet pussy—easily sliding in—as he sucks on your nipples, taking turns giving both of them the much needed attention they needed. His fingers curl to find your g-spot, making you bite your lip to stop your moans from escaping. You close your legs around his hand, but that didn’t stop Mark.
“You’re so cute, crying to conceal your moans” he leans into your ear, “let them hear you. Let them know that only I can make you feel this way” you see as Jaemin and Haechan have pulled their cocks out of their pants, tips angry and red as they thrusts their hands up and down their members. Jeno is trying desperately to look anywhere but you and Renjun is still trying to focus on the movie, but the imprint in his sweats give it away.
Mark is scissoring his fingers inside you when you finally come undone on his fingers, your nails digging into his arm as you do. You watch with heavy eyes as he takes his fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean.
He pushes you down into the couch, your ass in the air as he enters you, his cock sinking deep into you as you manage to fit all of him in one go. Your whimpering into the couch cushion as he delivers hard thrusts into you, almost knocking the air out of you.
You look to the side when you hear moans to see all of the 00 line’s pants gone, no longer trying to be quiet and their cocks out as they touch themselves, very turned on at the sight of Mark ruining you.
The movie long forgotten by now.
You feel so good and full, and you’re also enjoying the attention you’re getting from the 00 line, the view of them pleasuring themselves to you making you clench around Mark.
Mark manhandles you and pulls your hair to use it as leverage to you up into his chest. He fucks you from behind, the 00 liners watching as Mark fucks you into next week, his cock hitting you in all the right places. He pushes you back down into the couch and holds your hands behind your back, pushing you into the perfect arch as he pounds into you harder and faster.
“You’re so wet. So pretty” you whine from the feeling of his hand having a right grip on your hip, delivering thrusts that almost have you passing out and seeing stars.
“You’re clenching me so hard. Does having an audience turn you on? Are you such a slut that having people watch you makes you wetter?” He rolls his hips into you, thrusting into you until the only thing escaping your mouth are the cries of his name.
“I’m gonna-“ tears threaten to fall from your eyes.
“Come for me. Let them know who can have you screaming like this” You’re so lost in the feeling of his cock you don’t notice you already came around him.
Your pussy clenches around Mark as he fucks you deeper, chasing his own orgasm, “Fuck!” He groaned finally cumming inside you.
The 00 line also follows right after, their cum shooting onto the floor and their bodies, making a mess around them.
Mark pulls out of you and pulls you into his chest as his cum leaks onto his thighs. “Did you enjoy that”
“More than I thought I would” Mark laughs at that.
You look to see the 00 line cleaning up before heading to their rooms, their faces slightly red at the embarrassment they were feeling. You and Mark laugh at them, hoping to have it happen again as that was the best sex you’ve both had yet.
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