#lost dog rescue foster
timmydraker · 9 days
Tim begins to distance himself from his family after Damian becomes Robin.
It was obvious in the way he ran off to rescue Bruce, but that was more of a physical thing at the end of the day. He was desperate and had lost any kind of safety net and support he had after Dick threatened Arkham and how badly he hurt Alfred with his instance that Bruce was alive.
Either way he was going to get Bruce back, if not because he felt like he was an aimless, nothing human being without Batman then there was that he wanted to be believed.
Then Dick handed over Robin to Damian who at that point genuinely despised Tim, though there was also a level of jealously in the young Wayne’s mind at the intelligence and analytical Tim.
It was then that Tim decided he would bring Bruce back and then do his own thing, outside of Robin and outside of Batman.
He clearly had done his job hadn’t he? Sure Bruce was dead, but Dick was acting as Batman and that Batman had a Robin, so his reasoning for being Robin was extinguished.
Tim brings Bruce back and the older man praises and thanks him for several days and then, like everything else, the attention moves away. It goes to him connecting with Damian on a vigilante level and catching up on the last several months of him being ‘dead’. It goes to Jason who, now that he’s lost his foster father has decided that maybe he could try a little harder after all.
It goes to everyone and anyone other than Tim and this time? That’s actually the plan.
Tim isn’t as good of a hacker as Barbara, but she’s basically a god at it so compared to others he might as well be master level, just not against her. This he uses to shift around peoples schedules so Alfred has no choice but to let him go to school on his own (Tim may have also invented an early morning ‘club’ that was totally legit and not at all a fabrication). He makes it so when Dick is over or Jason takes the rare opportunity to visit he had to work at WE or DI, something important he can’t neglect.
He never has to walk Ace or Titus because he’s busy with his team mates.
Team mates who think he’s busy helping out Batman.
Tim still does work as a hero, but it’s entirely through his businesses after a while. A few times he has no choice but to go out in a boring black suit with a full face mask and hoodie. It’s got nothing on it, no symbols or gadgets. Nothing to connect him to anyone.
He starts with the homeless, dishing out vaccines like candy without even doing a campaign to showcase it.
Then he changes Bruce’s rather naive approach to orphanages and makes it so every single child who is put through is given a small amount of funding. He makes it so kids have more chance to stay with siblings, makes sure everyone who even so much as enters the ground of a orphanage have a real background check and sure the adoption rate drops, but so does the missing kids and DV cases.
Tim steals over fifty million from people like Luther and Penguin and all kinds of corrupt rich assholes for the majority of the funding and not even a cent of it is traced back to Wayne or Drake businesses. Whiles he’s digging into Lex be manages to get enough evidence to put a sizeable dent in his reputation, even if Lex manages to smooch a fair bit of it back.
He’s manages to take out a large sized trafficking ring and helps get the victims into a real recovery home that he hand picks out security for.
Later, as in a few days afterward, he discovers a dog meat farm and everyone medical veterinary student suddenly finds themself free of student loans and debt and with multiple work opportunities available and volunteer work being down right pleased for.
Tim knows he’s being noticed but given that he basically lives in his office in the heart of the city, he isn’t there to hear his old teammates and ‘family’ talk about the mysterious Dread.
Dread who was named that after a report came out about a theory of an unknown hacker or ‘cyber vigilante’ who was stealing money and information from rich folk and giving it to the poor, giving all of the 1% dread that he would hit them next.
The exact quote was ‘Those with money deeper than their pockets dread the hackers next moves. And they should feel that dread as a warning for this Robin Hood like legend seems to be getting braver.’
Dick was sure the hacker would have been called Robin if he hadn’t chosen that name already, to which Barbara responded with grumbles and growl because she couldn’t find anything other than holes and traps left by the hacker. It was like they knew her every move before she even made it!
Tim, obvious to his growing reputation until it fully took off, hadn’t even considered that his actions would be framed a threat by Batman. He would say it was because he didn’t think Bruce would ever really target him like that, but in actuality it’s because he knew Bruce was one of the few good rich folk. Surely he would be on the side of a secret vigilante hacker trying to use horrible people to do good? He embraced Dread quickly and was happy he make the rich squirm and brought a sense of hope to people, it was just like Robin but instead of them being safe and given light they were given a peace of mind in a mix of revenge and justice.
What Tim doesn’t know is that Bruce is still too far into his whole image of black and white, good and evil, that he tends to forget there’s grey areas.
At least Jason is on the side of Dread, even if he still thinks the myth of a story is just that, a myth.
It’s when Tim blows up a bank when everyone has gone home for the night just so people will find the underground money ring that and he visits the manner to get a few things that he hears them talking about it.
By that point it’s been around two years since he dropped Robin and as usual Dick always greets him with a look of a desperate puppy, “Tim! Hi, you’re here. I haven’t seen you in months, how have you been?”
Tim smiles at Dick even if he hasn’t gotten over his anger at his oldest brother and moves to sit at the breakfast table with everyone (Alfred, Bruce, Jason and Damian).
“Good. Busy, we’ve had a lot of donations lately.”
Jason snorts, “No shit. Isn’t Wayne Enterprise one of the few ones not hit by Dread?”
Bruce grumbles and shakes his head, “I wouldn’t say that. They’ve managed to get into our system and completely changed the Jason Project.”
Jason grins and laughs happily, “you mean improved! Crime Ally is doing great now. Not the best, but still a fuck of a lot better.”
Smiling at the man who once beat him to an inch of his life, Tim takes a sip of his tea and casually says, “You’re welcome.”
The whole table goes quiet as Tim continues to casually sip his tea.
The silence carries for a total minute before Bruce puts down his cup and leans forward with a slight growl in his voice, “Explain.”
“Explain what?”
Bruce stands over his son even from halfway down the table and very obviously tries to calm himself with a deep breath, “What do you mean ‘you’re welcome’?”
Tim makes an ‘oh’ expression before cocking his head to the side in confusion, “I was the one who fixed the Jason Project? Wait, did you guys not realise I’m Dread?”
Damian shouts out a ‘what?!’ That makes Titus jump and Tim laughs under his breath, “What did you think I was doing?”
“Running the business! Not stealing from people and black mailing politicians!”
It’s Tim’s turn to growl now and he stands up himself with a glare at Bruce that is as close as any of them have gotten to the famed Bat-Glare, “Are you fucking kidding me? Like are you a Tully kidding me with that horse shit?”
Bruce looks stunned and Alfred doesn’t even tell him not to swear.
Tim slams his chair into the table.
“What the fuck else would I be doing, Bruce? I’m not Robin, that was taken from me, so what else was I gonna do? I finished my job, not only keeping you from killing anyone but bringing you back, so I had do pick something else. I’m not stealing from the rich, I’m stealing from selfish cunts who ruin peoples lives for no reason and giving it to people like Jason. So, don’t you fucking yell at me and don’t try to make me feel bad for this, not when I’ve done more in two years than you ever have and- don’t you fucking speak Dick, not when you were the one who took my place here away from me! Now, I have a trafficking ring I need to expose so good. Fucking. Day.”
Jason is the only one who follows him.
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sidetongue · 5 months
My dearest Mil,
We are 365 days apart today. You were such a bad dog, but such a good pal. We still visit all of your favourite places full of all my favourite memories of you; the rock wall you scaled like a mountain goat, the fallen tree you balanced on hoping to score a meatball, the cliff’s edge where all of your brothers went tumbling over, and you were the only one smart enough not to. We still had to go down and rescue them, though.
I miss how soft your ears were, I miss your excited woos at dinner time, I miss telling you, relentlessly and fruitlessly, to get off grandma’s table. I miss your favourite tricks that you’d offer up without being asked, I miss you helping me with foster puppies, and I miss your favourite bananas in pyjamas bouncy ball. Sprig chewed it, he didn’t understand why I cried.
When you died, I lost friendships and relationships. People I once cared about showed their true colours during the most painful time in my life. Funnily, they were people you never liked anyway. You were a good judge of character. Your favourite people still miss you. I still miss you.
I am sending so many pats, cuddles, butt scratches, belly rubs, and kisses up to you today. If I could send a random person up so you could hump their leg, I’d do that too. I hope you’re wreaking as much havoc as you can without being kicked out - and I hope I’ll see you again one day.
Love you so much it hurts,
Mum 🐾
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little-cereal-draws · 8 months
Button House Dog Rescue au
Alison and Mike get the house and the land like in the show but instead of an event hall, they get involved with the local shelter and turn it into a dog rescue. All the ghosts are dogs that they foster/unofficially adopt
Robin (wolfhound): He's been there the longest. He was given up as a puppy for reasons unknown; his owner didn't specify. He was the first dog that they rescued and even tho they tried their best, they still messed up a lot. He doesn't hold it against them tho, he loves them. He's made a lot of friends over the years but they've all been adopted out; no one wants him because of his size so he's been unofficially adopted by the Coopers and he's 100% fine with that. When he sits by the fire and they scratch his belly or behind his ears, he doesn't need another family
Humprey (golden retriever): He used to belong to a rich family but got out one day and was hit by a car. The accident left him unable to move anything but his head and even tho the family was distraught, they opted to put him down. Alison came in at the very last second insisting that she could help him and she did. It's took many years of physical therapy, learning to use mobility aids, and different meds but he can get around relatively easily now. He still opts to sleep in the sun most of the day tho and only occasionally romps around the garden w his friends. He's Mike's favorite bc Mike likes to squish his face. Mike's his favorite because he gives him way too many treats
Mary (dalmatian): She lived with a family but the house caught fire one night. She was able to escape (as were the ppl, dw) but ran the wrong way and got terribly lost in the dark. She had no tag or identification so she was taken to the shelter. She's got terrible anxiety and was constantly trembling when they first got her so Alison bought her one of those compress vests that acts like a weighted blanket. It was hard to get it on her the first time because she would shy away from any move they made but now she insists to have it on 24/7. Since getting to Button House, she's gone from skittish and hiding from everything to fairly confident. Alison believes it's from socializing with the new friends she's made
Kitty (pomeranian): She was given as a birthday present to a rich girl when she was a puppy. The girl wasn't very nice to her however and used her more as a doll she could jerk around than a living being. She would yell at her a lot too for natural puppy behavior (ex: not coming already housebroken, chewing things, making messes, etc) After a year or so, one of the neighbors finally had enough and was able to take her away. Unfortunately, they were unable to foster her so she ended up at Button House. She's still incredibly sweet, outgoing and loves to run and play with the big dogs. Even tho she can't keep up at the start, she always ends up running circles around them thanks to her unlimited energy when they tire out. When she's not doing that, she's "helping" Alison and tripping her up while she tries to work
Thomas (shetland sheepdog): He also belonged to a well-off family that he loved very dearly but got lost. He's convinced they're going to find him one day even tho it's been years at this point. The other dogs feel bad that he still believes this but they don't tell him. When he got to Button House, he latched onto Alison as his new family --or his temporary family since he's only going to be here a short while-- and follows her everywhere now. Definitely has separation anxiety due to his getting separated from his first family and freaks out whenever he can't see her. He'll cry when she shuts the door to the bathroom or her bedroom. He tries every night to sleep in her bed but the Coopers have a strict rule about no dogs in the bedroom so he never succeeds. Instead he lays right outside the door in the hallway and cries himself to sleep each night. It used to hurt Alison's heart but she's used to it now; she can't let him in bc once she does, everybody will want to come in
Fanny (chihuahua): She's white, pretty fluffy, and has magnificent floofs on her ears. She was given up by her family for being "too aggressive." They had several small kids and didn't do their research before getting her. The Coopers were a bit nervous at first but quickly learned she was all bark and no bite. Now she's Alison's lap dog and even tho she's perfectly capable of walking, she likes to be carried places. She's too old to want to play with the other dogs so instead she sits in Alison's lap and watches. She'll bark her head off at them but never goes to join the game. Alison thinks it's quite funny that when it's one on one, she can cow all the big dogs, including Robin, into doing what she wants
The Captain (german shepherd): He's a retired military dog that was unable to find a home because he didn't adjust to civilian life very well. He was never actually in a war tho, he stayed domestic and helped more with bomb sniffing. He was retired bc he was getting old and had a lot of health complications in his hips/joints. He's enjoying it much more at Button House with the other dogs than the few families he went to before and is slowly learning how to relax/be a dog. But because of his health problems, he can't play for very long before he has to lay down (this makes Kitty very sad). Mike's scared of him; he was nervous at the start because he assumed as an army dog he would be aggressive, but his fear got cemented one time they were out on a walk and there was a squirrel. The Captain lunged for it and pulled Mike face first into the mud. Mike swears he almost dislocated his shoulder but Alison isn't sure
Pat (corgi): He was given up by a suburban family who underestimated how much space and exercise he would need. Their yard wasn't big enough and he was either laying around the house all day depressed or ripping up the furniture to entertain himself. It was a very tearful goodbye when they dropped him off but the Coopers assured them he would be in good hands. He was very upset when they didn't come back after a few days but he's gotten used to it now. He loves running around in the big field and all the new friends he's made. He's Alison's favorite because he actually listens to her. She was surprised by how many words he knew and now puts his herding skills to use almost every day. "Pat, can you get everyone in the car?" "Pat, can you get everyone to the bath?" "Pat, can you get everyone for dinner?" He's very good at it and make's sure no one's left behind (even Mike)
Julian (weimaraner): He was adopted by a politician as a publicity stunt when he was a puppy. As he grew up, he was absolutely spoiled and occasionally got to go to events/parties. His owner liked to take pictures of him and post them on social media to get voters' attention so quite a large number of people knew who he was. As he got older tho, the posts stopped getting as many likes and a new puppy was adopted. Before he knew what was happening, he was left at Button House. There was quite an adjustment period as he got used to not fancy food, having to share, and all that but he's loving it now. He's Alison's least favorite because he's so crafty and always up to trouble. When he teams up with Robin, the two of them can easily break into the pantry and eat as much ppl food as they like. Alison's started locking it but somehow they're still getting in. It remains the most infuriating mystery of Alison's life
The plague ghosts: they are quite a few different breeds that were rescued from a very unethical puppy mill. They’re at Button House because it was the only place big enough to house them all. They’ve all got mange tho and are quarantined to a separate part of the house. Even tho they are loving their new life much more than how they were living before, they still dream of the day they’ll be able to go out and play w all the other dogs
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A DC X DP IDEA #2 The love of a daughter
Imagine dis…
 What if Daniella “Danny” Fenton has a former past and name that goes by Delilah Rose Wayne?
Delilah is nothing more than a sweet and happy girl who was showered with love from his older brothers, father, and grandfather. She is the apple of their eye as she lights up the room with her giggles and laughs. Her eyes twinkle and sparkle at any mention of space and stars, and wished to go to space and discover planets and life.
Richard “Dick” Grayson, the one who made sure that she felt cared for. He was there to keep her company, willing to paint his nails for her, willing to do acrobatic flips to impress her and listen to her rambling about her obsession with stars.
Jason Peter Todd, the one who made sure she has someone on her back. He was there to protect her from a simple stray dog to people who wishes her harm. He often managed to drag her into mischief like stealing a few cookies before dinner or even making a mess at the Wayne manor garden.
Alfred Pennyworth, the one who made her warm meals. He was there when it is mealtime. The loved each dish, she felt as if her grandfather made such a dish just for her and her family. She would help Alfred prepare some dishes as well as prepare tea for her father. The grandfather's warmth with each smile felt like she was in front of a fireplace holding a cup of her favorite cocoa.
Finally, her father, Bruce Wayne, was her knight in dark armor in the midst of chaos and darkness. Who played with her with a Batman costume that was bought from a dollar store somewhere? Who gave her life and made her the princess of the Wayne manor. Who read her favorite stories each bedtime after a kiss on her forehead. Who made sure that she felt precious and held her like an expensive pearl.
But those are nothing but stories from the past.
Like all of us we learn someday, that fairy tales are nothing but pure fantasy.
There is no prince charming that can swoop you up and save you from the monstrous dragon. There is no knight in shining armor who promised their loyalty and protection to you. You also live to learn that there is no happily ever after.
At the age of 6, she was told to change her name to Daniela for her safety and was shipped off to Amity park for her protection against rouges who wishes harm to the Wayne family and Batman. They wished for her normality and innocence would stay intact, thus shipping her off but promising to come to get her back after a few days.
She learned that promises tend to be broken.
She knew her father and brothers' nightly activity, loving them for protecting the such dreary city as home but also worrying and caring for them as every time they go out in the night danger lurks in the shadows. So she was patient, waiting day after day after day for her brothers, father, and grandfather for her by the window still.
Days turned into months and turned into years with no family in sight.
There are no brothers who would protect her from bullies. There is no father who would tuck her in for the night, but a large strange couple proclaims themselves as her parents even though her foster sister Jazz is more of a parent than a sister to her. There is no grandfather in sight but a weird man whom he calls her godfather.
But our story doesn’t end there.
Like every princess who lost hope on top of the stone tower, she rescued herself.
After the accident leading to her being both alive and dead at the same time, she carved her own destiny. She swore fate up above that she wouldn’t let this sit by.
Being a hero in a small part of the US patch of land where ghosts, GIW and Vlad are all after her head.
At 16 she made a decision, to destroy all things that are to harm her people.
She may be half human but her people come first and the people who called her family. Namely, Frostbite, Pandora, and Clockwork.
Destroying each government base leaving only ashes, hacking and releasing each database that contains their research with the help of Technus, destroying each technology and weapon the Fenton’s have made including the artificial portal down the basement, getting Nocturn to erase their memories on the fact that they are ecto-biologists and erase the memories of her friends.
Her human friends wouldn’t understand the weight of the crown on her head while the one who had raised her had laid down her life for her to escape the clutches of their own parents. Preparing contingencies in case another case of the Pariah Dark ever happen again.
She is her father’s daughter.
Random natural portals are caused by the imbalance of the realms. When she fixed the problem not only the citizens of the Infinite Realms are more than happy to have the balanced fixed.
Her entire being is the Infinite Realms herself.
Danny became a workaholic to avoid future aches in her core. Her former family living their best lives with her is out of the picture.
How is that fair? Am I not enough?
Seeing the smile her father gave to those he adopted.
Seeing the fond look that was given to her and only her to a SON
Is that it!!! Is it I am not a boy?
It was obvious that they have forgotten about her.
“That terrible feeling that you’re being replaced and there is nothing you can do to stop it.”
If they have replaced her then she can also replace them.
The observers as a grumpy tsundere grandfather, Clockwork a father she never thought she had, Pandora a mother who made her strong so that she could protect herself from the dangers of men, Frostbite an uncle who cared for her mental and physical being, and Dan a big brother who solemnly became her knight and brother alongside Fright Night to scare away the horrors she faced in the hands of her “families” Her former rouges as another figure in her life.
She was satisfied.
Danny is always drowned in paperwork Ember and Kitty had a great idea to start a band in the human realm. This was supported by all the adult figures in her life seeing that she neglected her human half.
Danny went along with it as long they won’t cause trouble like hypnotizing the audience, causing trouble…etc.
Johnny 13, Shadow and Shulker as their bodyguards, and Walker as their manager.
They had created the band Massacre Trio, in which they created songs about their life before the afterlife.
As for their stage outfits and names both Kitty and Ember stayed in their ghost forms and turn into their human forms when they are out enjoying teen things while Danny wore a skull that covers half top of her face and was given the stage name Shade, she wore a hard gothic style that had a bit of tech on her in memory of her life before the afterlife.
Timothy Drake became a fan after hearing one song as well as rest of the world.
At first, they were just creating songs and posting them on Vtube the next thing they know they are already performing on live stages.
Danny felt to be free, without the expectation of you being the King, without the care in the world about her family nor doesn’t care about the fact that this realm is where her ‘family’ lived but at that moment she lived for applause.
What she didn’t take into account are her ever-growing powers.
Tim forced the rest family to watch a live feed in their family living room as a family bonding, as it is also the day Shade reveals her face to the world.
The moment Tim opened the TV all four members were hit with nostalgia with the person wearing a skull singing her heart out in their new song.
(Danny never realized that whenever she sang with her heart it takes effect on those who heard her sing by being happy or crying their hearts out as her powers and core amplify her voice)
Oh, father
Please, father
I'd love to leave you alone
But I can't let you go
Oh, father
Please, father
Put the bottle down
For the love of a daughter
Don't you remember, I'm your baby girl?
How could you push me out of your world?
Lied to your flesh and your blood
Put your hands on the ones
That you swore you loved
Don't you remember, I'm your baby girl?
How could you throw me right out of your world?
So young when the pain had begun
Now forever afraid of being loved
The moment she removed her mask all four of them felt like the air was leaving their lungs.
That is Delilah…
That is my daughter…
That is my sister…
Now the Batfam are now scrambling to get to their missing piece while in the shadows Ra is looking at the female Wayne with both curiosity and disbelief all while Danny’s past is slowly catching up to her.
But do not worry her family of clan is right behind her refusing to part with her.
 PS: If someone out there wanting to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so don’t forget to tag me though.
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lovinglonerhybrid · 3 months
I have a silly g1 idea.
The autobots have a problem you see the ark crashed into the side of a secluded mountain over a million years ago but now there are human roads and houses not to far from them. Now the autobots like humans they think that there interesting little creatures but there is one problem. People keep leaving there pets near the ark and the pets have started to invade the autobots spaces. Prowl now has to share his office with a pair of old cats who sleep on his data pads and knock over his crystals. Ratchet has dogs constantly fetching the wrench’s he throws in the med bay he thinks this is hilarious. Sideswipe and sunstreaker have rounded up a flock of parrots that they have taught to say cybertronion curse words to passing bots. The mini bots have a ferret room. Redalert has a large snake in the security room. The autobots have been in contact with local rescues and if any of the animals in the ark get adopted there is a small celebration but the autobots are content to be long term fosters for all the poor lost and abandoned pets for as long as they can be.
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writersmorgue · 2 months
Fic that came to me in a dream (that I may or may not write eventually who knows) where Deku (2nd year - no war au) gets hit by a quirk that knocks him unconscious and makes him unusually brave and clear headed for 24 hours after waking with a short lived migraine.. he suddenly knows exactly what he wants/has been missing and is brave enough to go after it. So he walks right up to Kacchan, grabs him by the wrist with a low "we need to talk" and drags him out to stand beneath a sakura tree and confess. It works out immediately to his surprise - no fighting, no posturing, no misunderstandings. Just Kacchan standing there with wide eyes and pink cheeks in stunned silence for a few seconds before lunging toward him to grab his face and kiss him! They're attached at the hip through the rest of school, tie for second top marks right behind Momo, get an apartment together after graduation, immediately register together as a hero duo and take the charts by storm.. they toy with the idea of opening their own agency but ultimately decide it's too much paperwork and they're fine having a boss if they can focus on the actual hero work and each other.. Kacchan proposes at the hero gala when they break the top 10 and all of Japan loses their minds.. when they're number 7 and 8 they're part of a rescue team up very similar to Eri's, and there are 2 traumatized toddlers with no next of kin that imprint on them like ducklings, so they make the difficult decision to foster them just like Aizawa did for Eri. And just like Aizawa, they end up adopting them when they still have custody 2 years later. It's slowed their climb toward number 1, but neither of them really mind. They have a family now! They're both so so happy! They buy a house closer to the neighborhood they grew up in, get a dog, get comfortable at 10 and 11 on the charts, celebrate with the rest of Japan when Mirio takes the number 1 spot, cry together at All Might's funeral, cry again when Kiri and Mina welcome their first baby to the world and ask them to be the god parents, watch Kota and Eri and Maharo and Katsuma all graduate.. they're walking home hand in hand after their oldest's middle school graduation and had just decided to stop for ice cream when his heart stops - someone he's thought he's seen from the corner of his eye a few times over the years is now standing right in front of him with a smug look despite the split lip and bags under their eyes - the same person who hit him with that quirk that helped him confess to Kacchan all those years ago. He can't move, can't even breathe, when they stride right up to him and tap him on the forehead. He has time to give Kacchan a panicked look and get confused concern in return before he crumples to the ground unconscious... and wakes up back in Recovery Girl's office in second year. There's a quietly relieved All Might sitting in the chair beside him, and a gruff teenaged Kacchan calling him a reckless idiot leaning against the wall by the door and he's hyperventilating immediately while he thinks about what this means.. he never adopted his children (he can still feel their hands in his and hear their muffled shouts of concern as he fell), never got married (he can feel his wedding band too, just as cold as the tears on his face), never broke the top 10 or celebrated any of his friends doing the same, never graduated, never had his first time with Kacchan, never even confessed to Kacchan.. he lost EVERYTHING in the blink of an eye and suddenly the migraine is back and the pain radiates down into his chest and he's screaming and he can see the panic in All Might and Kacchan's faces but he can't stop.
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foster-notmatty · 7 months
—Starter for @rachelhargrove Location: True Colors
Foster had just finished covering another class for his boss and he thought that, maybe, he was starting to like doing it. Most of the kids were annoying, sure, but there were a couple he saw bits of himself in — lost kids, just looking for somewhere to belong. He thought he wouldn't mind being the one that finally got through to them, being the one who pulled them back from the brink before they made all the same mistakes. He was getting soft in his old age, he was reluctantly accepting, and he fully intended to blame Phoebe for that fact. What with her bleeding heart, who cried as she made them sit through the dog rescue commercials...
He was cleaning up the stations when he saw a familiar head of brown hair walk by the open door. "Rachel!" he called out, hoping she would stop.
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dreadfutures · 8 months
Loving LUMO: 2018 to Present :)
Just up in my feelings about my dog today. He's doing great! I love my dog! I just wanna talk about him. A lot. :) Like this is looooong.
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I got my dog at the end of my senior year of undergrad, after I knew I got into a PhD program. I knew I couldn't make it through alone so I wanted a dog.
When I was young, I wanted a wolf! I wanted big fluffy scary looking dogs. Then I wanted a pretty, fluffy, exotic dog. But as I grew older and actually MET dogs (I didn't have a lot of them in my life before), I realized that those weren't the dog breeds for me. I wanted a dog that fit my lifestyle, but also a dog that NEEDED a home, and love. And I wanted to make an impact, rescuing a breed that was often found in overflowing shelters in the US.
Why coonhounds? **mentions of animal abuse, skip to the next section
In California, shelters are primarily full of huskies, chihuahuas, german shepherds, and pitbulls. Since I didn't know where I was going to live or what the ordinances would be, I reluctantly decided I couldn't get a pitty. Many of the chihuahuas, huskues, and GSDs in shelters have serious health problems, probably coming from puppy mills and unethical breeding situations. I knew that any dog could develop an expensive health condition (foreshadowing) but I wanted to find a breed where that was less likely to happen.
I had read that the less "pretty" working dogs are usually better bred. They're smart, learn quickly, and (many hunting dogs) are content with long lazy seasons on the couch. I also learned that hunting dogs are abused and abandoned after hunting season, especially when people get "hunting breeds" and assume all the complex training of hunting is instinctive--it's not, it must be trained. But these "Defective"/"Failed" hunting dogs are let go to freeze and starve, and shelters can't take all of them. Someone called them the chihuahua of the south lol.
“It is sad when they treat these dogs as ‘tools’ they can throw away, instead of treating them like family members.”
Whether dumped or lost, these hunting dogs end up in local shelters, if they’re lucky. Many times they end up shot, hit by cars, or die of starvation or disease.
Believe me I read up on all the downsides of adopting a rescue vs. getting a purebred puppy from a breeder. I read up on all the downsides of hunting breeds. And even so I knew this was probably going to be a good fit.
I also found Maddie on instagram, who is a gorgeous redtick coonhound and possibly the most well-trained dog in the world. I was convinced and turned to a national Coonhound Rescue that takes coonhounds from the south and moves them across the country to be loved in places where they're not so common.
Finding Lu
I originally did want a female redtick that looked like Maddie, so I put in an application for one. The rescue called me and said they had another dog in mind for me and my lifestyle, "But he has a lot of skin! That means he drools A LOT."
His name was Dallas.
Dallas is a handsome 2 year old American English Coonhound being fostered in [city]. He enjoys the simple life and loves nothing more than a warm, comfy place to sleep. He is housetrained, cratetrained and leashtrained; also good in the car. He would do well in a home with slightly older children and would make an excellent companion. This boy wants a loving and consistent family or person to show him how great his life can be. He weighs about 55 lbs and also does well with cats and other dogs.
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This is the photo I was sent. :) I fell in love. This was going to be my dog! MY DOG. My first dog. Mine.
I was told he had been found on the streets, emaciated and sick, and that he had become an absolute counter surfer and couch potato in his foster home. And he could climb 10 ft fences if he saw a cat lol. They said he had "anxiety," but as I learned it was severe, severe PTSD from abuse.
I was originally going to name him Mo. For "Mopey." He had the saddest brown eyes and emo eyeliner, it seemed to fit. But "Mo" sounds a lot like "No!" and I soon realized they weren't kidding about hounds being independent and strong-willed. I still wanted "Mo" to be part of his name, but decided on LUMO as a chemistry reference since it was very relevant to my subfield I was going into. So he became "Lu."
The very first day I took him home, he had explosive diarrhea all over the car and there were no dog bathing places taking walk ins, so I had to haul his 35 pounds of skin and bones into the bath. Intense bonding experience to be sure.
He was so, so skinny. You can see in the photos how knobby his tail is, and how you can count his spine, and how all his ribs and his hips stick out. People would come up to me at restaurants and YELL at me "don't you FEED YOUR DOG?????? how can you be so cruel?" as if there wasn't a possibility that I was rescuing an emaciated and abused dog?
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I thought he was skinny because of his past on the streets, and I think that was part of it for sure. But what I learned was that he wasn't just having digestive issues because he was "adjusting to his kibble" -- he's actually allergic to chicken, and he was on a chicken diet.
He was losing a lot of weight from the diarrhea, and he was SO itchy, and he had constant infections in those big, soft ears. We did a lot of elimination to figure out his allergies and he's actually allergic to a lot of things, but chicken is by far the worst.
As soon as I switched him to salmon, he started gaining weight really well, shooting up to a healthy 50 pounds. He also stopped getting constant ear infections!
The trauma
So the thing about Lu is that he isn't just "anxious." Anxious doesn't describe him:
He was terrified of blond men with sunglasses. Like just wanted to melt into the ground and phase through walls levels of terrified. My best friend and room mate was a blond man who wore sunglasses all the time. Fortunately he had grown up on an Estate with a whole bunch of working dogs and was so good at helping me get him over his fear. He was afraid of strangers in general, but none as much as blond and bald guys.
He was GREAT on leash from the start! But randomly, he would just...stop. Freeze, plant his feet, stare glassy-eyed into the distance at nothing at all. Nothing in particular triggered it. Not sounds, not anything I could identify in common. Just sometimes...he'd just freeze and shut down. I had to carry him sometimes as far as a football field to get home. Often it was right in the middle of the street. :( After ten or so minutes of staring, he would come-to, and he would sit down and look around all disoriented.
Also I had been warned about how some dogs "pull" on leash. It turns out that most people are talking about pulling...ahead. And training a dog who pulls ahead is WAY different than a dog who tries to pull backwards. Lu was so skinny that he could slip out of his harness, no matter what size of his harness. I quickly learned there was no tying him off and going into restaurants by myself, because he could EASILY chew through any leash in a few seconds, and he could slip right out of his harness and just DIP. But even on walks, during his PTSD flashback moments, he could pull back so hard his arms would come up by his head and he'd just noodle out of his harness.
He was terrified of stairs. Going up and down. My bedroom was on the second floor. The beach was down a steep flight of stairs.
He had no idea how to play with other dogs at all.
He was scared of grass. It was as if he had never stepped on grass before and thought it was lava. I'm suspicious that he might have been trapped in a concrete outdoor dog run or kennel for most of his young life.
He had persistent UTIs... and he counter surfed and ate a whole stick of butter, and went into acute pancreatic failure.
He had some sort of paw trauma. it was impossible to touch his paws, let alone clip his nails. No matter how skinny and weak he was, it took more than 5 people to hold him down long enough to clip his nails. He was terrible at the groomers. Dremels weren't any betters.
Pretty early on I had to settle for "progress" over "perfect."
We took baby steps together. From May to August, he became so much more outgoing. He fell in love with my two tall blond sunglasses guy friends. He started learning to get excited about toys. And we developed a routine so he wouldn't destroy my room when I left him alone.
I had to respect that he definitely, 100%, always knew what I wanted him to do when I gave him commands. And when he refused and said "No," there was no food, no toy, no incentive I could give him to get him to do it. At least not that time.
When I first moved to grad school that September, I had a lot of people in my cohort come over to my apartment. Lu hid under my bed the whole time and wouldn't take any treats to coax him out. We lay a whole pack of turkey in front of him and he wouldn't come out. :(
But within a few months, he had a growing circle of human friends that he was comfortable with. And honestly even by October of that year, if a new stranger came to the apartment, all they had to do was get up on the couch and offer him a Merrick toothbrush treat and he'd be in their lap.
Here he is with his companion cube in early 2019. He loved that suede couch lol.
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Health issues :(
So because he ate a whole stick of butter and went into acute pancreatitis, we started monitoring his blood levels. They got better after treatment--but never back to "normal." They remained at the "hmm this looks like renal failure, Cirrhosis, or hepatopathy" levels, which was weird, because he was constantly getting happier and acting healthier every day!!
Eventually a vet suggested we see an internal medicine specialist. Turns out.... Lu's liver is like. Tiny. Like puppy sized. He has had this disease since he was a baby, which is why he's never known he was sick lol.
After about 9k of imaging and stains and biopsies, we learned:
He has copper hepatopathy, which today my new vet's jaw dropped as a like "WOW we HEARD about this in vet school but I've NEVER actually seen it! It's so rare!"
His liver is tiny, full of fibrosis, cirrhotic, tons of remodeling (in the bad way). His liver is ORANGE from how much copper is in it. The damage is completely irreversible. I have a copy of the biopsy & lab results and I can just imagine the scientist at the research institute they sent the samples off to, their voice as they wrote this report. It screams "HOW IS THIS DOG ALIVE?"
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I just find it so funny, as another analytical scientist.
The other funny thing is that they prescribed him chelation therapy to help him get better (it didn't help and he doesn't get worse without it, so we have since stopped that; it was expensive). My PhD thesis is in metal chelation lolololol of Ni, Co, Cu. lololol
So that was an expensive process. He has to have a prescription low-copper diet, which has stopped most of his symptoms of this disease, and we have to do expensive blood tests to make sure he doesn't get worse.
And then he became a sock eater.
He passed the first few. Then he got sick. With the vet's help, he was able to pass it without surgery. And then the next time, it was life or death.
The vet I went to was so unethical and immoral but it was my only fucking option. I wouldn't have my dog here if my best friend at the time hadn't been wealthy enough to give me the 13k I needed on the spot, in cash, to save my dog's life with surgery.
In the hospital, the fucking awful vets:
claimed to use dissolving stitches. I don't think they did; I still feel them! 4 years later!!!
let him get a skin infection all over his body that made his paws swell up and bleed, and his paw pads fall off and bleed. It was terrifying. And cost me more money of course. It was so evil. He still has scarring all over his legs from it where fur hasn't grown back :(
He has bad teeth but according to the vet "not the worst! :)"
He expresses his glands in his sleep sometimes. UGHHHH they don't tell you that about dogs lol.
He still is terrible for claws. It's been worse and worse lately, to the point where I worry about how long his nails are and whether it will be bad for his joints. But it's the only thing he's really ever been aggressive for. :( I really worry about him. I have trained him to scratch a board of sandpaper to file them down, but they get sharp that way too lol.
Progress, not perfect. He lets me give him paw massages and check his nails and manhandle him, but just. Not clippers or dremel. :( Not there yet.
Anyway, he has been super healthy for many years now. He's got lumps and bumps and skin tags. The vet thinks he's about 9 years old, and definitely a senior. ;_; <3
Things I Love about LUMO
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His ears are, I'm not kidding, the softest material in the world. And so warm. He loves it when I stick my finger in his ear and tickle his brain. He loves an armpit scratch. His tail used to be like, stuck, in such a sad position and I never thought he'd wag his tail and now it waves high all the time.
They told me he would probably never be a dog who plays. But when I got him, within a few weeks, I found the puppy inside of him. He runs like a silly rocking horse, completely uncoordinated and flopsy. He'll do fetch. He loves surgically disemboweling stuffed animals. He throws around his XTREME CHEW PLASTIC ANTLER and plays fetch with it with me.
He has several "spots" where I can get his leg thumping when I scratch him. He loves to be wrapped up in a burrito of blankets and sit in a sunbeam.
He leans on me and looks up at me with those big brown eyes and there's no fear or sadness in them anymore it's just sweetness and silliness.
He is so smart. He's attended a bunch of PhD level classes, and he's developed his own language. He's so smart. He knows how to tell me what he wants, he knows the rules and knows how to push them right up to the limit. He loves his sweaters. He will tell me what he wants by tapping on things with his paw. He knows that if I hold out my left hand it's to hold his paw and do a shake. If I hold out my right hand it means wait. He knows that the camera I have can see him and he'll knock it over so he can do mischief.
He loves his velvet chaise lounge. He loves his memory foam ultrasoft velvet bed. He loves his goose down comforter. He loves to sit on my pillow and fart. He basks in sunbeams and curls up in a tiny tiny little ball and he shrimps and sucks on his toes. He's basically a cat. He doesn't really want to go on walks, he pulls me back inside as soon as he's done his business. Except for when we have company--he loves walking with a pack of people.
When he talks to me, like just having a conversation, he sounds like a seal. Like a tortured seal. Or like a crying baby. He's never really figured out how to be a dog or sound like a real dog but we understand each other that's what matters.
He absolutely takes advantage of this to complain when I am not giving him what he wants. He'll roll over on the ground like a drama queen and wail and cry like I'm abusing him and it's because I'm across the room holding a pork chop that's just for me.
Today in the car he was WAILING like a seal, which usually means "LET ME OUT I NEED TO POOP" but after 3 or 4 tries to walk him, he made it clear that what he ACTUALLY meant was "PEDAL TO THE METAL GIRLS LET'S GO WHY AREN'T WE MOVING WHY IS THERE NO WIND ON MY FACE OR FLAPPING IN MY EARS MOOOOOOOOOVE."
For a while he was 69 pounds (NICE) but he's back to 64 lol. He stays between 63-70 pretty much depending on how active he is.
Anyway I have been reminiscing a lot because I figured it was time to add him to the "happy endings" page on the rescue website and I was going down memory lane.
Looking at the photo I took on the day I brought him home, and a photo I took last month, you can see his white face is spreading.
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The defined white bit on his nose that whispers between his eyes has now spread to both his eyebrows, and his cheeks are getting quite white. But his eyes are bright and his ears are perked up and he is safe and warm and loved and stinky and soft. He gets fresh treats all the time (he loooooves celery, and pears, and sometimes carrots and sweet potatoes. and tortilla chips. and salmon oil.). He loves his prescription kibble and our routine. He has lovely friends and lovely car rides and he is just the best dog I could have asked for in my life when I got him and every day.
I've had to be so patient and calm and kind even when I was scared and angry, with his stress and his ptsd and his destructiveness and messiness. All he deserves and needs is love and he knows what's wrong and what isn't, sometimes he just can't help himself, and we move on together. He made sure I had a reason to come home and not sleep in lab during my PhD. He made sure I had a reason to get out of bed during my PhD.
And now we're just living our best lives together. :)
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harveybwabbit92 · 19 days
Spoilers for Ultraman Leo Ep 40: Tw for death.
I just finished EP 40 of Ultraman Leo …Holy shit, that got really dark…I mean Leo was already pretty darkly themed. But damn...
While in space MAC gets destroyed by a monster called Silverbloome everyone is wipe out except for Gen and Dan; who just disappears on Gen after telling him he's on his own to protect the Earth now.
(I guess he went into hiding or was somehow teleported back to the Land of Light?? IDK.)
Anyway, He just leaves Leo stuck in space surrounded by the ruins of MAC and I assume to collect the dog tags off the bodies of his unfortunate coworkers that were caught up in the blast. (this is just my theory as to why he was so late returning to Earth.)
Meanwhile Silverbloome arrives on Earth and then eats the freaking shopping mall that Gen’s family that being his girlfriend Momoko, his foster daughter Kaoru and his best friend Takeshi were all shopping at; effectively killing all three of them it even shows them hiding in a toy store before caves in around them, it then switches to Kaoru's doll lying under a pile rubble, while it says in a creepy cheerful little voice that she's feeling tired and wants a lullaby.
The only survivor is Kaoru's older brother Toru because he didn't go shopping with them.
Then there's a time skip it's revealed that Gen and Toru were taken in by a Nurse who was working at the crisis center when the two came in looking for their lost family members, both Gen and Toru are quickly accepted by her daughters and husband as family members.
Things seems to be looking up for Gen again as there hasn't been any monster attacks since MAC was destroyed... But when Silverbloome suddenly returns; this time attacking the school Toru is attending!
Luckily the boy is saved in time; as a vengeful Leo shows up to rescue him. However, the ultra can't fight back because there are children still in the school and Leo didn't want to risk any of them getting hurt in the crossfire; Silverbloom knew this and started beating the crap out of him.
Eventually the teachers able to evacuate all the kids and Leo is able to exact revenge for his deceased friend and family members by jamming his fist straight into Sliverbloome's guts; And. Ripping. Them. Out!
On the upside though the guy responsible for controlling Silverbloome gets beaten to death by Toru with the help of some other children on the last episode.
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acaciusbride · 9 months
I’m not a religious person, at all. While I think religious beliefs are beautiful, they’re not for me, not really. But I AM superstitious.
I lost my beautiful kitty, Charlie, seven weeks ago today. The day after he passed, my husband called me and said he would be late home from work because he’d caught an injured stray dumpster diving out the back & was going to drop him to a vet clinic.
No chip, no tattoos, no sign of being owned at all. The clinic staff basically told my husband in no uncertain terms to get lost and take the stray with him.
Apologising profusely to me, he didn’t know what to do. He knew I wasn’t in any state to have a new cat in the house. But here’s the thing. I’ve worked in cat rescue for almost six years; helping an animal in need is second nature to me, even over riding grief.
“Bring him here.” I said. “I’ll call the rescue boss and we’ll see what we can do.”
The rescue we work with is small. Like, there are less than one hundred of us spread across the state, including admin and transport who don’t foster. We don’t have a physical shelter.
And we’re at capacity, but what can we do? He’s injured, and we aren’t the sort of people to put an injured yet friendly stray back where we found him, especially when the locals say he was being used as dog bait.
My husband brings a crate into our spare room.
“I don’t want it.” I say, then feel like a jerk, but it’s been thirty hours since Charlie and I don’t want another cat in my house. But this guy needs me, so I dial the rescue boss.
“There’s a cat in my house.”
“Uh…” we both know she’s trying not to state the miserable obvious.
“The cat I was messaging you about that my husband found. The vet told him to get lost so now there’s a cat in my house.”
“Okay. Is he feral?”
I unzip the crate and the scrawniest, grumpiest looking black cat stares back at me, blinking huge green eyes. His back leg is dragging. Stupidly, I offer a hand. He sniffs. Not feral.
“Not feral.”
The unnamed cat slinks under my dresser and sprawls out while I set up a cage for him.
“Cool. He’s your problem now.”
“My problem?”
“Yep. I’ll book him a vet trip in the morning. I know you don’t want him, but we don’t have anyone else who can take him. You need a win right now. Hopefully he’s a quick in and out, yeah?”
“Don’t get attached.”
“Yeah, fat chance. I never want another cat.”
And I didn’t. The idea of going to the shelter and picking out a new cat repulses me. We went to just look a couple of weeks ago and it felt wrong. I realised that no matter how much time passes - a month, a year, ten years, I’m never going to be able to pick out another cat, I’m never going to be able to choose a cat. It feels too much like replacing.
I originally named the stray Tairn, because I’d been reading Fourth Wing and liked the name - black dragon, black cat - it works.
I took him for his original scans at the vet and they said it was an old injury. To give him time. Okay, can do. As I drove him there he escaped his cage and lounged on the back seat of my car. Jerk.
That night I put him in his cage and he fell asleep in a startlingly familiar way; the same way Charlie used to sleep when I first rescued him. Both boys had injuries to their rear right legs.
Both boys slept cradling their injured legs. I snapped a picture and put them side by side.
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A week later we got Charlie’s ashes back, and when I put his urn on the shelf I’d set up for it, Tairn hopped up beside him and curled up around his urn.
I shooed him away and told him I didn’t want him, but the coincidences and similarities were starting to spook me a bit.
For weeks and weeks and weeks I told myself I didn’t want him. Right up until we went to the specialist vet for a second opinion on his leg. Right up until they told me they needed to amputate. Right up until I drove to pick him up on December 30th.
I was absolutely adamant I did not want this injured, cheeky cat who had never known love before. That I would rehome him because he wasn’t mine.
I made the mistake of renaming him, giving him the name I would give him if he was my cat - Ezra, after my favourite Pedro character, because he’s also missing a limb. But still I was adamant I didn’t want him.
Right up until that night, when we came home from dinner and he was sitting in the window, waiting for us, seemingly unbothered about missing a leg, just waiting for us instead. Like he belonged there. And I felt this?? Rush of relief. Like that’s exactly where he’s supposed to be.
He started coughing from his surgery and I panicked, and that’s when I knew I was screwed.
I have Charlie’s paw print tattooed on my hand. Ezra sometimes puts his paw over it, holding onto my hand so he can lick.
He’s started purring, and sleeping on my bed. And I… have decided to let myself love him. Because I think, given all the signs, that’s what Charlie would want.
Because I’ve been so adamant about NOT wanting him, about NOT choosing him, but he’s stubborn and he’s chosen me anyway. and maybe, just maybe, this is how I can heal. With a cat I Didn’t Want, but love unconditionally regardless.
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invisibleraven · 3 months
going to a cat café for Reggie/Willie please and thank you
"I'm really more of a dog person," Reggie commented as Willie dragged him towards The Mat Catter Café.
"I'm not saying we bring one home," Willie replied. "But I thought it would be fun to enjoy some yummy treats while cute little kitties roam around."
"I do like treats..."
Willie grinned at that, bringing them in and asking for a table in the kitten room. They were seated quickly, and Willie cooed as a little tabby wound around his ankles.
Reggie smiled, loving how happy his partner looked, giving the kitten scritches while he looked over the menu and decided on a tray of pastry and lemonades to enjoy.
"While it might be tempting, please don't feed the cats any of your food," the hostess requested. "We do have treats for sale if you want though."
"I'll take a bunch!" Willie said, now cuddling a little orange cat while the tabby napped off on a stool nearby. He only let the kitten go as their food was delivered, though the cat was happy enjoy a nap in his lap.
"You're enjoying this way too much," Reggie said, though he was smiling as Willie pet the kitty while munching on a croissant.
Willie shrugged, and took a sip of his drink. "I've always liked animals, and my favourite group home growing up had a few cats. I even rescued a stray or two behind the club but Caleb made me take them to the SPCA since he was allergic."
Reggie smiled softly-Willie didn't like talking about his youth growing up in the foster system, so a happy memory of that time was a rare and precious thing. They had bonded over their terrible families and had strived to give each other the love and affirmation they had been denied for so long.
The waitress returned, giving them a small bag of treats, making a few pointy ears perk up. Willie attracted a tuxedo cat and a fluffy ball of white fur that the waitress told them was a ragdoll.
Reggie had to laugh as Willie was swarmed with cats, but he looked so delighted, he didn’t car about the amount of fur coating his clothes or the tiny needles from cats kneading him.
“You wanna try?” Willie asked, holding out the bag.
“I mean we should leave some cats for everyone else,” Reggie teased. But he still took the bag and held his hand out to the few cats roaming around him.
Finally a little calico with one eye came over, sniffing Reggie’s hand, rubbing at his fingers and gently nipping them before taking the piece of freeze dried salmon. Then jumped up into Reggie’s lap, spun around a few times and settled into a ball.
“She’s vibrating!” Reggie exclaimed.
“She’s purring Sparky,” Willie replied. “Means she likes you.”
Reggie was awed by how trusting this little cat was, and he gently stroked her soft fur. He felt his breathing slow, his whole body relaxing with the movement and the gentle purring.
“Oh wow,” the waitress remarked as she came to take their dishes. “Pirate never does this.”
“On people,” she clarified. “We’ve had a real hard time getting her adopted because she’s so anti-social. She was abused, so she has a hard time trusting.”
“Is that how she lost her eye?” Reggie asked, laying his hand over the cat’s head, rubbing behind her ears.
The waitress nodded sombrely. “She’s fine now, and gets along fine with the other cats, but I’ve never seen her act like this with a human before.”
“You think she likes dogs?” Willie asked.
“Loves ‘em,” the waitress replied. “We’ve had her in a few foster homes and she loved the dogs there, just not the people.”
Reggie looked up at Willie, then down at the cat who shared so much background with the two of them. Who chose him out of everyone. And he couldn’t bear to leave her here.
“Can I get an adoption form?” he asked. “I think it’s about time we got Chewie a little sister.”
“Told you that you’d like it in here,” Willie snarked.
“I blame you,” Reggie said as Pirate glanced up at him, yawned and curled back up to resume her nap.
“I take it all,” Willie remarked. “Until you become a crazy cat dad and fill our house with felines.”
“I think she’ll be enough,” Reggie replied, petting the cat once more.
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dreinstein777 · 1 year
Your pet loves you dearly! Why? PICK A CARD(dog)
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This is for entertainment purposes only, take what resonates with you the most. You are Loved
Pile 1 Chaotic Einstein
Pile 2 Good Girl Nabi
Pile 3 The Wisest Cositas
Pile One-Chaotic Einstein
I’m so sorry pile 1, truly. Many of you are separated from your pet. It sounds like you need a lot of healing. When your lovely pet passed away, you were torn, sleepless nights, perhaps a reck. This separation was more than ever imagined, this love was a family pet, or a pet from a relationship. You looked after them the most, this pet loved that you always made sure that they were 100% percent okay. Making sure someone checked on them, had enough treats, food and water. Like best friends, your pet loves you so much, loved to take care of you more than when you took care of her. You gave her a best friend and in return she was yours. This pet was likely a girl, possibly lost tragically or suddenly. For most of you she may have passed away but for others she may have been forced away from you. She loves you, a lot. You did enough and all you could to love her. Don’t worry.
Pile Two-Good girl Nabi
Hi pile 2,your pet is an unusual pet, pink toed spider, lizard, bearded dragon, salamander, snakes. I’m getting a lot of reptiles. Maybe even fish. Any animal that could be in a tank. They just really Love staring at you. Watching you do your thing. If it’s a snake I can imagine you studying and you let this snake rom around your bed. Nice little snake I love their energy. They just love hanging with you. If I am correct these animals aren’t affectionate, most of the time like to keep with themself, (please correct me if I’m wrong) so I’m sure they do get their own time to relax, and they appreciate that. They appreciate the space you provide them, prioritizing their need for space, stretching time, exploring. For most, your pet might be angry when getting help shedding their skin, they appreciate the worries but I’m hearing, “I got this bro”. You might help them anyways incase they can’t get it off themself or help them with a soak in the water.
Pile Two-The Wisest Cositas
This pet must be a rescue, either that or someone given up this pet due to health reasons. This pet loved you instantly. The very last trust in the world was given to you. They love the care and space provided you provided. This is why they love you. Doesn’t seem like this pet is very affectionate. They may look like they don’t care. But the home provided, the house, food, and water, toys, safe area to be. Is much appreciated. I can vision a cat laying like a loaf sleeping, all alone ignoring everyone. The moment you look away he looks at you. For some people you could’ve fostered this pet, maybe the shelters were full and needed help. Or a friend is moving and needed someone to help search for a new home for their pet. This is more appropriation than loving here. This pet really appreciates the effort you put for them. Even if you think you could’ve done more.
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catsofcalifornia · 1 year
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Daffodil and Tulip from Animal Rescuers Without Borders in San Diego, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help (as well as lots of videos of Daffy and Miss T)!
Hello! My name is Tulip, but you can call me Miss T!
I am looking for a furever family who is READY for a lifetime companion in me.
Let me tell you a little about myself now that I have lived in a foster home in San Diego. I was rescued from a high kill shelter in San Bernadino when my foster mom read about my plight being red listed for lack of space. I found myself in that shelter when someone turned me in as a stray. I was exited from the shelter a couple of days later along with another feline friend who happened to be rooming in a kennel next to mine who also had the same fate as me AND another friend. So, our foster mom named us Daffy, Tulip and Sebastian and away we went to safety. She made room in her home for us all and Daffodil and I ended up being roomies in her spare bedroom while the boy named Sebastian took the bathroom. We were saved the first week of march and had to wait to be ready for adoption since we were ALL extremely sick with nasty shelter germs that made us sickly with what they called a upper respiratory infection. Our foster mom had to give us daily medications, fluids and help us eat because we all had lost our appetite, we were a little depressed remembering what we had to endure in the streets and then that shelter. Once we realized we had lucked out being chosen and under a loving safe home we decided to trust humans and slowly got to know them and trust them. We are SO happy now and our quarantine and medical has been finally finished and we are now READY to find loving families of our own so this amazing human can continue to help friends we left behind who will also need her home to be saved. To find the right family for me, this is what our foster mom has to say about me on 03/29/23 "........
Tulip and her best friend Daffodil were rescued together from a high-kill shelter in San Bernardino.  They were found together in a field. It is not certain if they are siblings, but they sure act like best friends! Tulip is about one year old and is a tabby over white domestic short hair. She is on the smaller side but big personality! She loves to rub up against her human and give lots of head bunts. She enjoys sleeping in her cat tree by the window and acting as the neighbor watch. She also likes playing with her rainbow string toy and scratching on her cardboard scratcher. She will also get on your lap and love on you. Tulip would do best with her friend Daffodil in any home. She is not phased by household activity, and just wants to hang out with her partner in crime. ..... Daffodil is about one year old and is a medium haired black and white kitty. She is more on the petite side. Daffodil is so curious about everything! She likes to follow her human around everywhere and check the surroundings out. She enjoys hanging up on the highest part of the cat tree and rolling around with her catnip toy. If you stand there she will put her paws out to love on you as she's purring. Daffodil would do best with her friend Tulip in any home. She is not phased by household activity, and just wants to hang out with her partner in crime "
I have EXCELLENT Manners in the 'sand box' and I do like to look out the window but never tried escaping, I am content with this lifestyle. I have only lived in the same room as Daffodil and we are friends, NOT sure how I would be in a home with other cats BUT I am happy to try it if you would like to foster to adopt me. However, I do know I would LOVE to stay with my friend Daffy, if you are open to adopting us friends? I think I would be happy as a single cat as well, but I just wanted to mention I enjoy the companionship of my friend "Daffy" as well. I have not lived or seen dogs so I am not sure how I would feel around them, nor have I lived with little humans called 'children' but I suspect they would be good friends to have, especially if they want to adore me and present treats through the day for me.
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rowanthestrange · 8 months
Foster Pup Blog:
How I ate breakfast this morning
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We survived the night!
Given his trauma reactions to being locked in, we aren’t shutting him in his Secret Den yet, so the middle-ground we’re going for is having him in the living room overnight. …obviously that also has a shut door, and his separation anxiety won’t be having that (and nothing’s ever fully day one puppy proof), so I get to move temporarily onto the sofa. Depending on how long he’s here, the plan is that he gets used to the crate enough we can first drop the blanket down like a door, then add the door, then remove me. Or failing that, work out the majority of unsupervised puppy-proofing problems, give the sofas up for lost and get to be happy if they don’t get chewed up, and slowly move me out of the room that way.
But he did manage to last a whole night from around 11pm to 6:30am without waking up for a walk about. And while we did have a little full-bladder accident this morning he did really tried to hold it and we’d have probably made it if I hadn’t chanced trying to put my hoodie on first. (We’re on the second story so it’s not as instant out as we’d like, but he’s already got the idea).
He does woof at just about everything, which we’re trying to positively train out, but given everything it might take a while, which we may or may not have. And he seems to have an understandably wonky view of ‘object permanence’. If my husband goes behind a door or upstairs, the little lad hears noises and woofs at him like it’s a stranger until he sees him. Makes sense. He’s been in kennels with their many entrances and exits and huge variety of people working there. The humans in his life must have seemed completely random and unknowable to him. When he woke up this morning (and bear in mind I’m not one to anthropomorphise) he slid out of bed, butt first, had a little sleepy look around, and when he noticed me you could see the shock and surprise in his eyes, and he then rushed up for cuddles. He must’ve grown to enjoy being with so many people, and then they leave again. With a human baby we try to limit their number of primary caregivers to prevent attachment disorders; probably something similar for puppers.
The rescue people are still all but forging the adoption papers. Even the foster care coordinator is pushing for it, though you’d think that’d reduce our utility (“sometimes I might want a dog fostered alongside another - if he can do it then there’s nothing stopping that”) and oh he is lush. But the thing I think is weird is…ok I’m trained to some degree in dog and animal care (and frankly the childcare I think also counts, a lot of similarities tbh except sadly not allowed to clicker-train the toddlers), and yes I’ve got time, flexibility, and enough income to cover sudden basic needs/medical care. But I don’t think we’re that special - those are standards the forms want you to meet. It’s just one of those things where you’re thinking what the usual clientele on the list for adopting a rescue puppy are like then? Cus I’d have thought we’d be average really, our home and garden setup isn’t great, and we had to cart our big old border collie/doberman cross in the back seats of a clapped-out Mini that didn’t even have back doors and he had to climb through the front ones (and we’re still transporting this little lad in the same one! Though actually do plan to get another now cus it’s costing new car money to fix it at this point). I don’t know, it’s just like…you know when you see visible emotional relief in a service worker’s eyes when something goes wrong and you’re nice to them, and you’re like ‘fuck I thought this was normal politeness levels, what are people usually like to you?’ That. At the end when I pulled the tape-measure out of my pocket in our first meeting with him so I could size what harness he’d need, one of them literally went “yeah I want you to have him”. But I don’t know, maybe a baseline awareness of what you’re getting into is not actually the default I think it is. Might be Autisming. Just because you think through details of needs and how something might work in a full flow-diagram mega tree of options, doesn’t mean everyone does.
And I do think he is going to be a bit more of a pickle than they think with these early impermanence trauma complications, more so than pure simple separation anxiety I think. And I suppose we would just be adding another stone to that wall, with him leaving us for yet another brand new set of humans… Or is that just justifying myself?
(Though one more neutral thing is that he lies flat with frog-legs a lot:)
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(EDS people recognise that hypermobility? They’ll be able to check him for hip dysplasia/its level if so when he gets snipped, but our vet friend is at least a little unsure on their health and wants him on joint supplements if he stays (a lot easier than Brigsy since this one isn’t allergic to seafood). And we do know what his therapy exercise needs and the hydrotherapy people well)
How do you know whether to trust that people see something right in you? Or is that also a form of arrogance - not trusting other’s assessment of you? Bah. Sorry. This is what happens when I start actually blogging on the blogging site.
Have some compensatory puppy pictures:
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audinosaur · 1 year
Hello friend >:)
Give me your most random kyouhaba headcanons - domestic or not, idm, I just need to know
they "dated" for a bit during their third year (and by "dated" i mean they made out and cuddled and held hands and stuff, but weren't technically boyfriends), then lost touch after graduation
at least until they ran into each other at a grocery store, older and more mature, and what started as an awkward friendly attempt to reconnect turned into love ✧˖°.
they turn all of their dates into a competition. romantic walk through the park? "let's race to see who can get to that tree first". candlelit dinner? "i bet i can eat more bread rolls than you without getting full".
the only thing they love more than winning is the frowny look on the others face when they've lost (which they obviously kiss away later)
yahaba falls asleep midway through movies/shows and always complains later-on about how "you should've woken me up asshole!!", and kyoutani just snorts
(truth is he likes how peaceful yahaba looks while he's sleeping, so he'd never disturb that)
kyoutani is an intense sleep sprawler, he'll fall asleep in a normal position then wake up with his leg dangling off the bed, his arm under his back, and his elbow yahaba's (angry) face
they go on a shit ton of triple dates w the other sendai frogs & their partners and yahaba loves to call kyoutani a bunch of pet names in front of them bc he gets super embarrassed (tsukki & kogane love to tease him)
they dye each others hair :) they've done it so much that one of their bathrooms is strictly dedicated to hair dying & dog washing
speaking of dogs they'd for sure foster a bunch of rescue dogs omg
they also adopt 3! (a shiba inu, a bulldog, and a chow chow)
(maybe even more but idk how many dogs is too many)
and of course they have yahaba's cat (which i think would be super fluffy and bitchy, with major princess syndrome)
i flip flop between whether they'd have kids or not, but if they did they'd have one daughter, who they'd spoil to bits (and would be ridiculously stubborn holy shit)
they. are. amazing. words cannot describe how much i adore them
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laineystein · 10 months
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A bit of a nighttime rant/blog thing because I’m leaving soon and can’t sleep (though that has nothing to do with the fact that im leaving soon — I typically can’t sleep as most of you know by now)
I spent a lot of the day in our little shul here. I’ve come to really love being one of the only women on base and I’m definitely one of the only frum female soldiers…if not *the* only one. But it’s nice because it’s so quiet and it’s like existing in your own shul and it was just me and Hashem chatting for almost two hours. Then I prayed for our hostages and our chayalim. And then I cried. Which I’ve done a lot lately. But it was like therapy and I was so grateful to have it! When we leave I will be in a place with no privacy and no quiet. I’m really trying to cherish it.
When I finally emerged to eat I ran into a soldier I actually met recently. He’s 19 (a baby!!!) and a lone soldier. He’s the sweetest young man and I adore him. And he told his Ima that he feels safe with me around and I’ve spoken to her on the phone so now I feel extra responsible for his wellbeing. Anyway! We went for a run after dinner and we talked about a friend we lost last week. Then we talked about the other “friends” we’ve lost; the ones that have chosen to turn a blind eye and push us away while our tribe is going through the most painful thing a group can experience. It’s a different kind of trauma, to grieve the living. I genuinely only had two goy friends before all of this and now I only have one. The other I have completely detached from and have no desire to ever speak with her again. When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. I’ve said it before but I have my tribe and my safety and happiness will always lie with the Jewish people and I’m so content with that. My lone soldier friend, however, (and rightfully so), is really struggling with this. He did not grow up in a Jewish neighborhood like I did. He was not born in Israel. Many of his friends are goy. And he is really struggling with them. And my heart breaks for him. Because I don’t know what to say to make him feel better. Because what I want to say is to forget them and focus on the love of the Jewish community. But I know that’s not as easy for everyone as it is for me. And I just wish there was more I could give him. So if anyone has any words of wisdom I will happily share it with him!
Then I spent the rest of my night checking out supplies and packing my kit while on the phone with my husband. Which took me far too long because I kept getting distracted which has been happening a lot lately. Too many balls in the air, not enough hands to catch them all. But my bags are finally packed so I’m just waiting at this point. Which is the effing worst…hence why I’m currently shouting into the virtual abyss.
Did I mention that my husband might be fostering a dog while I’m gone? A dog that was found in the South was sent to a rescue in Tel Aviv and it had puppies and now my husband wants to foster one…and cited my physical absence in his life as being equivalent to missing the energy of a small hyper dog, hence the need. So I’ll probably be going home to a dog because my husband is the most laidback individual that is not at all affected by anything and will excel at canine fatherhood the way he excels at everything else in life. Standby for updates on this disaster.
How’s everyone else doing? Anyone have any good news? How’s the diaspora? Everyone okay out there? I worry about y’all. People have lost their damn minds. Just a reminder you can apply for aliyah anytime you want. We’d love to have you 💙
Tov, going to attempt sleep I guess. Take care of yourselves, fam 🫶🏼
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