#losing my mind over the soft sapphics
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butterflywingswrites · 14 days ago
reposting all my anon fics in one place. enjoy 🤗
revenge sex with caitlin part 1
“ugh i am so mad at him!” caitlin burst into your room
“was he jealous again?” you couldn’t hide the annoyance in your voice. connor was always getting jealous for no reason
“yes! i literally hugged a girl and he freaked out. so i broke up with him. i’m sick of this shit”
“yes cait i’m proud of you for standing up for yourself”
“he’s going to be at the party tonight and i really don’t want to see his dumb ass” caitlin sighed
“you should give him something to be jealous about. make out with a hot girl right in front of him” you suggested
“fuck yes i love that” caitlin paused for a second “so are you down?”
“me?!” you almost choked on air
“yeah, why not? you’re hot, you like girls, and he’s been jealous about you before. you’re perfect”
“he’s been jealous about me before?” connor had no reason to be jealous of you. you and caitlin were strictly friends
“he doesn’t like me being friends with hot sapphic girls” she once again called you hot
“well that sucks for him that you play basketball. almost everyone you’re friends with is a hot sapphic girl”
“he’s been jealous of you specifically because you’re really hot and we’re so close” your face heated up. not just hot, really hot
“well then i think i would be the perfect girl to piss him off with” you hoped you hid your excitement in your voice. making out with caitlin was something you always thought about but never dared to believe would happen. now you were excited for the party
“you look so hot. he’s going to lose his damn mind” caitlin giggled as she grabbed your hand. you walked into the party and almost immediately made eye contact with connor from across the room. you raised your eyebrows at him while caitlin gave him a wave. you both walked over to your friends who were sitting in the corner
as the night went on, your friends laughed at connor’s jealous reactions to caitlin’s flirting. caitlin was pulling out all the moves. she started by putting her arm around your shoulder and bringing you close. you had to bite your lip to hold back when she put her hand in your back pocket and squeezed your ass. but when she moved her hand from your back pocket to trace circles on your thigh, both you and connor lost your shit. caitlin’s long fingers on your thighs felt amazing
upon noticing connor’s bulging eyes and balled fists from the corner of her eye, caitlin suggested that you two dance. she grabbed your hand and pulled you onto the dance floor. she turned you around, pulled you close to her, and put her hands on your hips. you danced like that for a bit until she put her head down close to your ear
“you like my hands on your hips babygirl?” you didn’t know where babygirl came from but you were too turned on to ask
“mhmm yes. feels nice” she peppered your neck with soft kisses and you let out a whimper. she brought her mouth back under your ear
“kiss me” she demanded. she turned you around and put her lips on yours. she moaned as she put her tongue inside of your mouth to deepen the kiss. you made out for a while, not caring if connor was watching or not. you were enjoying kissing caitlin-it was even better than you imagined-and you hoped she was enjoying it as much as you. if you were to guess based on how she was moaning into your mouth and grabbing your ass, you would guess she was
“come home with me” she breathed out as you finally broke the kiss. you nodded and she dragged you to out the door. as you were leaving, you turned around to smirk at connor
you and caitlin ran back to her apartment hand in hand. when you finally got to her door and she let you in, you panicked a little
“are you sure caitlin? you’re fresh from the break up and—“ she cut you off with a kiss. she moved you into the bedroom as you were kissing. you didn’t realize you moved that far until she broke the kiss to push you on the bed
“shut up and let me taste you” she straddled you and started making out with you again. you felt her hands on the buttons of your pants trying to get them off. she broke the kiss to undo your zipper and slide your pants off. she kissed the wet spot on your underwear before hooking her fingers in the sides of your underwear and pulling them down. she kissed and nipped on your thighs
“caitlin please” you grabbed her hair
“mhmm please what?” she breathed out against your thigh
“eat me out please” with that, caitlin got to work. she slowly licked your pussy, building up a slow and steady pace
“does this feel good?” she moved her hand to rub circles on your clit “do you like how i eat your pussy?”
“fuck cait so so good” she kept up her steady pace with her tongue and fingers, bringing you closer to your orgasm
“cum for me babygirl. cum on my tongue” your orgasm hit you hard and heavy as caitlin finished you off with her tongue. she moved back up your body to kiss you. you normally didn’t like how you tasted but you loved how you tasted on her tongue. you continued to make out until you felt her tugging on your hair. you smirked a bit
“do you want me to take care of you?” you asked, desperate to finally taste her
“yes babygirl please” caitlin basically begged for you. she flipped you over so you were on top “make me feel good”
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scarletemeraldpurple · 7 months ago
Daddy Agatha Harkness X Sapphic Reader
CW: Hypnosis,no awakener, dubcon
Agatha helps the reader relax after a hard day by taking away their thoughts and playing with their tits. No genital mentions. Reader is called girl a lot and pet as a title is used. Reader is also praised a lot and lightly degraded.
“This’ll feel good angel, I promise.” Agatha said to you as you laid together on the bed.
She wrapped herself arms around you from behind. Her touch was comforting as always.
“I want you to take a nice deep breath in for me. In. Hold it. And out.”
She felt some tension leave your body as you followed her instructions. “So good for me. Take another deep breath in. And out. Just keep breathing for me sweetheart. And as you breathe I’m just gonna keep talking to you gently. Just like this. And I’m gonna hold you close to me as you breathe in and out.”
She squeezed a little tighter. You kept breathing for her. But even as you tried to keep your focus on your breathing, the worries from your day kept popping up in your head.
“So much goes on in that pretty little head of yours, doesn’t it love? We’re gonna take that away today. All you need to do is listen to my voice and I’m going to guide you into mindlessness. It’s going to feel so good. You might find that your thoughts keep creeping back up, and that’s okay. It’s normal. But here’s what I want you to do.” She twirled her finger and whispered something you couldn’t make out. Suddenly a purple spiral swirled in front of your face.
“You’re gonna look into this pretty spiral, and you’re gonna let it pull those thoughts out of your brain. My magic will just hold them for you until I decide to give them back. So stare for me pet, lose yourself in it.”
Your eyes fluttered. The spiral was bright and purple and it really did draw you in. You leaned your head forward just a bit, wanting to drink it in.
“Good girl. Give into the spiral. Give into my magic. Give into me. I’ve got you, sweet thing.”
Agatha’s words were so gentle. You felt warm all over. Your head was starting to feel fuzzy. Your eyelids were starting to feel heavy.
“It’s perfectly natural to start to feel sleepy when you’re so enthralled by something. When it just takes up all your focus. Especially when it’s draining you of all those errant thoughts. You don’t need those with me. You don’t need to think at all with me. Let my words become your thoughts babydoll.”
You let out a sigh, and you let your mouth hang open. Still staring at the spiral. Nothing in your head but the spiral and Agatha’s words.
Agatha chuckled. “Aww look at you. Already blanked out huh? Nod your head.”
You mindlessly bobbed your head up and down.
“Oh what a good girl. I could do anything I wanted to you right now. You’d follow my every command. It feels so good to follow my instructions. To let me shut down your brain. To let me pull every thought out of that pretty little head of yours.”
As much as you wanted to keep staring, you were going totally limp, your head slumped down towards your chest.
“Awww, my little plaything’s getting sleepy. How cute. But…” She grabbed the back of your hair and pulled your head back up. “You’re gonna keep staring for me. I know there’s not much left in that head. But I also know it just feels so good to stare. So good to give in. You’re so good for me. So good at giving in to me.”
You let out a soft sound.
“Such a sweet thing. Let’s test your obedience hmm? For the rest of this trance, every time I ask you a question, you’re going to respond ‘Yes Daddy’. Got it?”
“Yes Daddy.”
“Good girl. Such a pliable mind for me. Are you my good girl?”
“Yes Daddy.”
“Yes you are, my good girl. Are you deeply hypnotized for me?”
“Yes Daddy.” You really were.
“Do you love being hypnotized?”
“Yes Daddy.” You really did. You had never felt so vulnerable, and yet so safe.
“What time is it?”
“Yes Daddy.” Some small part of you knew that didn’t make sense. But you couldn’t think about that, you just needed to do what Daddy had asked. She had taken your mind over completely.
Agatha chuckled. “Good girl. Such a good girl for Daddy. Want Daddy to make you feel even better honey?”
“Yes Daddy.”
“This will feel so good baby, I promise. Daddy’s got you. I’m just gonna take my hands and put them on your tits. Do you like having Daddy squeeze your tits?”
“Yes Daddy.”
“Such a good girl. So helpless to whatever Daddy wants to do to you. Now I’m just gonna rub your nipples baby. Nice little circles as you keep staring at the spiral. No thinking for you, just feelings. Just pleasure.”
You let out a small moan as Agatha played with you. You were just a vessel for receiving pleasure.
“Just rubbing around and around and around. Just like how the spiral swirls around and around and around. And the more I rub your pretty nipples, the deeper you sink for me, and the deeper you sink for me, the more sensitive your nipples become.”
More pathetic sounds of pleasure left your mouth as the suggestion sank in. You felt your sensitivity increase with every move of Agatha’s fingers.
“Good girl. Let me hear you. Let Daddy know how good you feel. Daddy’s good slut. And the pleasure is just growing and growing as you sink deeper for me, as I keep playing with you. I can play with you however I want huh baby?”
“Mmphf. Yes Daddy.”
“Because you’re my good slut, aren’t you baby?”
“Yes Daddy.”
“And you love having Daddy’s hands on you. And you love feeling the pleasure build from just my hands on your nipples, isn’t that right,slut?”
“Yes Daddy.” You said breathlessly.
“Yes of course you do. It’s building and building. I bet you could cum from this. Do you want to cum for your Daddy, sweet girl?”
“Yes Daddy.” Despite only having been touched on your chest, you could feel spikes of pleasure between your legs.
“Hmm, I don’t know if you want it bad enough. Can you beg for me? Show me how badly you need it?”
“Please Daddy. Please you feel so good. Please I want to cum for you. Please please…” Your words mostly turned to babbling after that.
“Such a sweet girl. Cum for me.” Your Daddy instructed with a final pinch of your nipples.
Your eyes rolled back as your back arched. Pleasure jolted from your nipples and spread all over your body.
“Good girl, just feel good, just let go.”
Your breathing was ragged. Your focus was taken off the spiral as the orgasm took over you. You would’ve started to come back to yourself if it hadn’t completely exhausted you.
Agatha took down the spiral with a flick of her wrist and held you close.
“You did so good for me love. You can close your eyes and drift off to sleep. I’ve got you, I’ll be here when it’s time to get up.”
Agatha loved how far you dropped for her. Loved taking away your thoughts. It was fun turning you into a horny little toy, of course. But more than that, she liked taking away your stress, liked keeping you safe in her arms. It fulfilled something in her, in a way that even taking other’s magic didn’t.
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equalhealerr · 4 months ago
“ugh i am so mad at him!” caitlin burst into your room
“was he jealous again?” you couldn’t hide the annoyance in your voice. connor was always getting jealous for no reason
“yes! i literally hugged a girl and he freaked out. so i broke up with him. i’m sick of this shit”
“yes cait i’m proud of you for standing up for yourself”
“he’s going to be at the party tonight and i really don’t want to see his dumb ass” caitlin sighed
“you should give him something to be jealous about. make out with a hot girl right in front of him” you suggested
“fuck yes i love that” caitlin paused for a second “so are you down?”
“me?!” you almost choked on air
“yeah, why not? you’re hot, you like girls, and he’s been jealous about you before. you’re perfect”
“he’s been jealous about me before?” connor had no reason to be jealous of you. you and caitlin were strictly friends
“he doesn’t like me being friends with hot sapphic girls” she once again called you hot
“well that sucks for him that you play basketball. almost everyone you’re friends with is a hot sapphic girl”
“he’s been jealous of you specifically because you’re really hot and we’re so close” your face heated up. not just hot, really hot
“well then i think i would be the perfect girl to piss him off with” you hoped you hid your excitement in your voice. making out with caitlin was something you always thought about but never dared to believe would happen. now you were excited for the party
“you look so hot. he’s going to lose his damn mind” caitlin giggled as she grabbed your hand. you walked into the party and almost immediately made eye contact with connor from across the room. you raised your eyebrows at him while caitlin gave him a wave. you both walked over to your friends who were sitting in the corner
as the night went on, your friends laughed at connor’s jealous reactions to caitlin’s flirting. caitlin was pulling out all the moves. she started by putting her arm around your shoulder and bringing you close. you had to bite your lip to hold back when she put her hand in your back pocket and squeezed your ass. but when she moved her hand from your back pocket to trace circles on your thigh, both you and connor lost your shit. caitlin’s long fingers on your thighs felt amazing
upon noticing connor’s bulging eyes and balled fists from the corner of her eye, caitlin suggested that you two dance. she grabbed your hand and pulled you onto the dance floor. she turned you around, pulled you close to her, and put her hands on your hips. you danced like that for a bit until she put her head down close to your ear
“you like my hands on your hips babygirl?” you didn’t know where babygirl came from but you were too turned on to ask
“mhmm yes. feels nice” she peppered your neck with soft kisses and you let out a whimper. she brought her mouth back under your ear
“kiss me” she demanded. she turned you around and put her lips on yours. she moaned as she put her tongue inside of your mouth to deepen the kiss. you made out for a while, not caring if connor was watching or not. you were enjoying kissing caitlin-it was even better than you imagined-and you hoped she was enjoying it as much as you. if you were to guess based on how she was moaning into your mouth and grabbing your ass, you would guess she was
“come home with me” she breathed out as you finally broke the kiss. you nodded and she dragged you to out the door. as you were leaving, you turned around to smirk at connor
you and caitlin ran back to her apartment hand in hand. when you finally got to her door and she let you in, you panicked a little
“are you sure caitlin? you’re fresh from the break up and—“ she cut you off with a kiss. she moved you into the bedroom as you were kissing. you didn’t realize you moved that far until she broke the kiss to push you on the bed
“shut up and let me taste you” she straddled you and started making out with you again. you felt her hands on the buttons of your pants trying to get them off. she broke the kiss to undo your zipper and slide your pants off. she kissed the wet spot on your underwear before hooking her fingers in the sides of your underwear and pulling them down. she kissed and nipped on your thighs
“caitlin please” you grabbed her hair
“mhmm please what?” she breathed out against your thigh
“eat me out please” with that, caitlin got to work. she slowly licked your pussy, building up a slow and steady pace
“does this feel good?” she moved her hand to rub circles on your clit “do you like how i eat your pussy?”
“fuck cait so so good” she kept up her steady pace with her tongue and fingers, bringing you closer to your orgasm
“cum for me babygirl. cum on my tongue” your orgasm hit you hard and heavy as caitlin finished you off with her tongue. she moved back up your body to kiss you. you normally didn’t like how you tasted but you loved how you tasted on her tongue. you continued to make out until you felt her tugging on your hair. you smirked a bit
“do you want me to take care of you?” you asked, desperate to finally taste her
“yes babygirl please” caitlin basically begged for you. she flipped you over so you were on top “make me feel good”
Thank you for your service to the community 🫡
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mystic-headcanons · 1 year ago
tragically, there's not enough sapphic jaehee content. forgive me if this isn't quite in character for her-- i just wanted to write smth soft <3
you can't remember when your heart started fluttering around jaehee, or when just hearing her soft voice and even softer giggles was enough to have you blushing. and as time passed, it became harder to keep your feelings at bay. every time she entered a room, your eyes were drawn to her, and every time she popped into the chatroom, you immediately abandoned the conversation you were having just to talk to her.
you weren't the only one who noticed jaehee, though. plenty of men would ask her out; maybe they'd stop her on the street while the two of you were walking home, or maybe they'd slide their numbers to her once she'd made their coffees. and every time it happened, your heart would drop just a little more. these were attractive men, and you were terrified of the day she accepted one of their advances.
(one time, after a few too many glasses of wine, the two of you had opened up about romantic interests. she talked about the men she dated, about how they'd never actually satisfied her, about what she found attractive in a partner. when she had asked you about your romantic preferences, though, you lied. how could you tell her that men didn't interest you? that you found the glint of excitement in her eyes and the sound of her laughter much more interesting? about how you thought about soft skin and soft lips and soft voices much more than tough muscles and tougher emotions? you couldn't utter a word of that to her, and instead shoved the desire deep, deep down and locked it up.)
of course, nothing stays hidden forever. she found out about your hidden feelings on accident when she overheard a conversation between you and zen. mostly everyone- save for jumin and jaehee- knew about your feelings, and you'd taken to ranting to zen more than once. he was always willing to listen and offer advice if you wanted it, and this time was no different. you thought you were alone, but jaehee came home and heard you talking about her. "she's killing me, zen." you'd quietly admitted, letting out a quiet sigh. "i don't know how much longer i can pretend my feelings are platonic."
your quiet admission had jaehee weak at the knees. never before had someone spoken about her with such softness, with such love in their voice. you jumped when you saw her standing in the doorway and stuttered out a quick goodbye to zen as she made her way over to the sofa you had been sitting on. "you can pretend like you never heard that." you offered, voice barely above a whisper as you stared at your phone. fear was coursing through you and your mind was racing with all the ways she could react. would you lose her as a friend? would everything be awkward and stilted now?
you hadn't, however, counted on jaehee warmly smiling at you and moving to grasp your hand between hers. "i had hoped...of course, i didn't want to be selfish, but i had hoped you harbored feelings for me." jaehee spoke, her thumb lightly caressing the length of your palm. "i...i really like you." she admitted, glancing up through her lashes and chuckling at the way your head whipped up. "i just never thought i had a chance, so i...didn't want to say anything. didn't want to overstep any boundaries."
your free hand came up to lightly cup jaehee's cheek, an incredulous look on your face. "jaehee..." you breathed out, before leaning in and pressing your lips to hers in a chaste kiss. "i didn't...i would've told you if i thought i had a chance." you leaned your forehead against hers, smiling as she moved to kiss your forehead. "well. i'm all yours."
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hihimissamericanbi · 1 year ago
Enemies to lovers AND only one bed? Babe, you're speaking my favorite language here. Tell me more.
well hello there, snitchy snitch!!
Okay, picture this. Sapphic enemies to lovers. Wedding trope. Our MCs are the sister of the groom and sister of the bride. They have disliked each other from the moment they met, back when their siblings first started dating. One is "Miss Priss," the other is "Surly Girlie." Our story takes place at the bachelorette party, a weekend away at the beach. Both our MCs arrive late (so they are grumpy AF already) to find they have to share the only room left. and there's only one bed.
NOW. IS THIS NOT THE PERFECT PANSMIONE. Harry and Draco are getting married. Hermione and Pansy never mended things after the war; they still despise (read: are obsessed with) one another. Now, they've had to work together (ew) to plan this stupid joint bachelor trip for the whole crew. To top it all off, Pansy's portkey got cancelled last minute, and Hermione got caught up in a work emergency at the ministry (at least what I was doing was important, parkinson; sorry if I don't feel bad your fancy first-class portkey got bumped). They spend the first night in their shared bedroom bitching each other out and sleeping as far away from each other as they can get, rolled over to each side and huffing in exasperation.
Honestly this works great for any HP ship pairing. Jily having to work together to plan Wolfstar's bachelor trip. Wolfstar exes-to-lovers planning Jily or Jegulus' trip. Drarry planning Ginsy's. You get the idea.
Below the cut for more stream-of-consciousness fic, incl NSFW art from @upthehillart :D
@hpsaffics you're getting a tag here too :)))
After much description of hot girls in bathing suits (hermione's ass) (pansy's legs) and both of them just absolutely losing their minds over each others' bodies, with lots of sniping back and forth to cover up how embarrassingly into each other they are, they end up last ones at the muggle bar the second night, too tipsy to try apparating. Fuck it, granger, dance with me. Oh boy, do they DANCE. It's so fucking hot, they can't get enough of each other, the feel of their bodies close, their flesh beneath each others' hands, that LOOK in pansy's eyes that says I'm going to eat you alive and you're going to say thank you. But just before something drastic happens, like hermione putting her lips to pansy's neck like she's been wanting to for honestly a very long time, longer than she cares to admit, Harry bursts onto the dancefloor "there you are!!! we've been looking everywhere for you get in the uber right now!"
The spell is broken, and, faces beet red, they let harry drag them back to the air bnb. they take turns showering, being sure to change into pj's in the bathroom (Pansy in a giant band tee shirt and booty shorts, Hermione in a lace pink matching set). Hermione is tying her hair up in a specially-charmed silk scarf and going over some notes from work that got delivered by owl while they were out, and pansy thinks she's the loveliest thing she's ever seen. Pansy's caught staring. "what?" "nothing, granger." there's a pause, like maybe they each want to say more, but instead, pansy just turns out her light with her wand. "night, granger," she whispers.
There in the dark, they both lay on their backs, listening to each other breathe. they end up having a tension-filled, intense exchange where they are truly vulnerable with each other for the first time. apologies are given and accepted in the softest whispers. tentatively, pansy reaches out a hand beneath the covers, drags the back of her fingers gently over the soft skin of hermione's arm. "i really am. sorry. i never meant any of it. you." deep breath. "you're the most incredible girl I've ever met. I've always thought so."
and then--
Hermione moves with that intense decisiveness of hers. She rolls over, straddles pansy, grips her face and kisses her long and deep. Pansy opens her mouth to her instantly, and a stupid little moan escapes and it's the most pathetic sound she's ever made but she will make it again and again if it's hermione who pulls it from her. "Want you," Hermione whispers into pansy's neck, finally latching on and sucking, biting, coaxing blooming bruises of violet and and blue to her pale skin. She shoves her hands up underneath pansy's tee shirt, not an ounce of hesitation, grips her tits hard. kneads them, dances fingers over her nipples, seeing which touches elicit the most gasps from the beauty beneath her. pansy is arching and writhing with pleasure, and hermione grins into her mouth, wicked and brutal. The witch who kept a woman in a jar for months for slandering her friends, the witch who destroyed horcruxes and single-handedly kept two boys alive for the better part of seven years, the 20-something witch ruthlessly bulldozing over all the old white bureaucratic wizards at the ministry, is now the witch taking pansy apart inch by inch and fuck if pansy isn't thrilled to be broken by those powerful hands, sucked dry by plush lips, devoured by sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight as they sink into her skin over and over.
But Pansy has a few tricks up her own sleeve. She grips hermione with strong thighs and rolls them over, "Can I take off your scarf?" she breathes it her ear. "wanna pull your hair while i suck on your tits." Hermione whimpers and pulls her scarf off and pansy gathers those fucking curls into her fist and pulls, careful of course not to damage the curl pattern. Pansy licks a long stripe up her now-bared neck and over her ear, then whispers, "pull your top down. let me see." Hermione obeys, of course she obeys, pansy is commanding and relentless and if pansy wants to look hermione will let her. she fingers a strap of her camisole down off one shoulder, skims her fingertips over the top of her breast, just over the nipple still hidden beneath the fabric. Pansy's mouth is dry and her cunt throbs as she anticipates finally getting a glimpse of her nipple, already hard and poking through the silk and lace. "all the way," pansy murmurs. "take it out. show it to me." hermione whines and squirms and finally digs her hand all the way in and pulls out her breast, so fucking full and delicious with large brown nipples that beg to be kissed, so of course pansy does. Pansy looses her patience and pulls the camisole all the way down, exposing both breasts to her gaze and her wandering hands. she dives in, laving attention all across hermione's warm skin, nipping and licking and sucking and groping. her hips have started grinding down against hermione's pelvis, and hermione is arching up to meet her. "wanna make you come," pansy growls between hermione's tits. "how do you like it?" hermione stills, and pansy looks up. "um," hermione bites her lip. pansy kisses it out from behind her teeth. "yes, baby? what do you want? let me give it to you." Hermione take a deep breath. "i thought i was going to have my own room. i may have brought a few... toys." "oh, like what?" Hermione rolls over, digs around her her bag by the bed, and shyly pulls out an ENTIRE FUCKING STRAP. The magic kind that connects sensations from the strap to the wearer's clit. "I was hoping i might get lucky, going out and everything this weekend." Pansy's speechless. "Would you, um, let me fuck you with it?" hermione asks, big brown eyes wide and hopeful.
Cut to, pansy on all fours, legs kicked wide, ass up, facing the mirror by the bed, watching hermione completely naked and fucking her with her cock, her curves bouncing and slapping with every thrust, the sounds wet and loud and crude, mixing with Pansy's gasps over and over and over. Pansy's tee is shoved up by hermione's demanding hand; she's gripping the skin of her shoulder, her other fist burying in Pansy's hip and pulling her back onto her dick even as she fucks into her, hard and deep and fast. Hermione is strong and her grip bruises and Pansy couldn't move if she wanted to. "M close," Hermione murmurs. "yes, yes, yes," pansy chants in reply, all other words fucked right out of her brain. "touch yourself for me, baby, wanna watch you come first." but when pansy collapses down to one shoulder so she can use her other hand to rub her clit, she gasps in shock. Hermione has wordlessly and wandlessly charmed her fingers to vibrate. pansy shouts when her charmed fingers makes contact with her aching clit, swollen and needy from what feels like a lifetime of getting handled by hermione fucking granger. just a few passes through her folds and over her clit has Pansy shaking and coming with a muffled scream, Hermione following right behind her, the force of her orgasm plunging her cock even harder into pansy's pulsing cunt. it kicks off a second orgasm for pansy, back to back, and she screams and screams until hermione finally pulls out and gather pansy into her arms, shushing her and smoothing her hair.
They clean each other up take turns in the bathroom, and fall asleep in each other's arms.
maybe this wedding won't be so bad after all.
ps: below is my headcanon depiction of pansmione from a fic i cannot recommend enough . Art and fic both by @upthehillart
watch out the girls are naked and hot
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headcanonsandmore · 9 months ago
'The Morning After'
Summary: Jo Grant wakes up after a particularly wild UNIT Christmas Party to find herself in bed with Liz Shaw. Not that either of them seem to be complaining.
(WARNING- this fic does contain scenes of a sexual nature, albeit not graphic)
I've been busy with a lot of IRL stuff so I haven't been able to focus much time of my fic-in-progress (the highwayman!AU fic for Nyssa/Tegan). However, I hate not being able to write, so I thought I'd write some sapphic fluff with characters I haven't really written about before; it made for a nice change. With a bit of luck, it's spicy and not male-gazey.
Read on AO3.
Jo Grant stirred. She was aware, firstly, that she was in her bed, despite not having remembered getting home the previous night. Her brain then confirmed that the material of her duvet felt surprisingly soft and… close against her skin. Was she wearing her sheer nightie? She didn’t think so. Hmm. Strange.
She gave a yawn, and turned over onto her side. Her hair hung loosely against her skin, although she could have sworn that she had worn her hair up the previous evening for… was it the UNIT Christmas party? Yes, she remembered putting on her favourite black baby-blue minidress. Oh, had she forgotten to remove her make-up? Drat. She hated when she did that.
Blearily, she opened her eyes.
And realised that she wasn’t alone.
Liz Shaw was lying flat on her back next to Jo. She was staring up at the ceiling, red hair dishevelled and bed-rumpled, locks dangling over the pale skin of her shoulders. She had the duvet pulled up to her chest.
With a startle, Jo came to the realisation that Liz wasn’t wearing anything. And, with another startle, realised that she herself wasn’t either. No nightie. No pyjamas. Not a single stitch.
‘Er… hello,’ she said, a little nervously. ‘Good morning, Liz.’
‘Good morning, Jo,’ came the reply, and Liz blinked quickly, still staring up at the ceiling. Her hands clenched slightly against the material of the duvet. Jo found her eyes momentarily dart down to what that duvet were covering, and felt a happy shiver go through her centre.
‘Er… are you also-’
‘Completely arse naked? Yes.’
Jo let out a giggle. She had to admit, the feeling of the duvet against her bare skin was rather nice. Her stomach fizzed slightly as she took in the situation.
‘How are you laughing?’ Liz exclaimed, her cheeks flushing pink.
‘Oh, come on,’ Jo laughed, nudging Liz gently in the side, causing a small squeal from the older woman. ‘I’ve never woken up like this before.’
‘What? With a naked woman in your bed?’
‘A naked anyone, to be honest.’
Liz’s eyes widened as she turned her face to look at Jo.
‘You… you’ve never…’
‘Not until now, apparently.’
There was a pause, and Jo let out another giggle.
‘If my memory’s correct, you were rather wonderful. Very tender and-’
Jo giggled again, and snuggled up against the older woman’s side, slipping one of her legs around one of Liz’s. A delicious shiver went through the redheads body, but she did not recoil.
With the warmth of Liz’s skin pressed up against her own, Jo’s mind was filled with memories of the previous night. Of dancing in semi-darkness, of hands wandering down Jo’s back, of gentle kisses in a dark cupboard, of pushing open the front door of Jo’s cottage and Liz closing it with a swing of her hips, of the discarding of their clothes in Jo’s living room as their passion took overtook all other concerns, of the two of them falling into Jo’s bed and Liz losing herself in desire inbetween Jo’s-
Jo felt warmth spark between her legs, and pressed her thighs together. Good grief, Liz Shaw definitely had a raunchy side…
Jo stared at the older woman. While Jo herself had something of a petite and gamine figure, Liz was a few inches taller and with considerably more curves. In the physiognomic sense, Liz reminded Jo of the members of her private school’s hockey team; those confident, strong older girls who seemed so confident.
And yet Liz was -to Jo’s quiet surprise- apparently very flustered. And, Jo had to admit, she rather liked the thought that she was the cause of such flusteredness from the otherwise-cool scientist.
‘So…’ Liz said, slowly. ‘The whole woman-with-a-woman thing…’
‘Oh, stop worrying,’ Jo said, with a chuckle. ‘I’m not completely innocent about these things, you know; I’ve been on nights out with Captain Yates. After the amazing clubs he’s taken me to, the concept of two women together isn’t that much of a shock.’
‘I did wonder. Didn’t he spend most of the evening trying to flirt with Sergeant Benton?’
‘He’s barking up the wrong tree with the sergeant, unfortunately. I don’t think Benton likes anyone like that.’
‘Hmm,’ Liz said. ‘I did wonder.’
‘Quick question?’
‘Liz… why are you covering yourself?’
‘I… I thought you wouldn’t want to…’
‘To see? Liz, I saw way more than them last night, if I remember correctly-’
‘Ssshhh!’ Liz spluttered, giggling. Her hands slipped on the covers, which promptly slid gently off her chest.
Jo gave an appreciative whistle, and grinned, dimples showing in her cheeks.
‘Jo Grant, you are incorrigible.’
‘Says the woman who spent half of last night with my legs around her-’
Liz cut her off with a kiss. Jo giggled, and kissed back. The two women spent a few moments like that, hands gently wandering. The warmth between Jo’s legs began to begin in earnest, sending delicious shivers up her spine and causing gooseflesh to erupt along her arms. Liz -with her longer arms- held Jo close to her, one of her hands gently sinking into the flesh of Jo’s rear end. Not that Jo was complaining.
‘You know,’ Liz said, pulling away slightly. ‘For someone who’s never been with a woman, you’re rather good at this.’
‘I’m a quick study,’ Jo purred, against Liz’s lips. ‘I take it you have no complaints, Doctor Shaw?’
‘Definitely not,’ Liz said, with a giggle. ‘But more evidence would help me form a suitably strong thesis on the subject-’
The telephone of the bedside table rang. The two women startled. Jo sat up, the duvet falling off her, and reached over to pick up the receiver.
‘Miss Grant?’ came the voice at the other end of the line.
‘Er…’ Jo said. ‘Yes, Sergeant?’
‘The Brigadier has called an emergency meeting for a hours’ time,’ Benton said, voice cheerful and matter-of-fact. If Jo remembered correctly, the sergeant had been on duty the previous evening, and so had refrained from drinking. ‘Thought you ought to know.’
‘Oh, thank you, Sergeant Benton.’
‘No problem at all, Miss Grant,’ Benton said. ‘Oh, and… is Doctor Shaw there?’
With a giggle, Jo passed the receiver over and Liz -face steadily turning pink- reached out and took it.
‘Good morning, Doctor Shaw,’ -Benton now insisted on referring to Liz with her academic title, after having discovered the existence of her multiple doctorates- ‘Your car is still outside where you parked it. But the roof’s down and you may need to get to it before it starts raining.’
What Jo could see of Liz’s forehead under her bed-rumpled hair turned burgundy.
‘T-thank you, Sergeant.’
‘No problem. Bye, then, Doctor Shaw; it was lovely to see you again.’
‘Likewise. Goodbye.’
Liz handed the receiver back to Jo, who hung the phone up.
As Jo turned back, she promptly burst into laughter.
‘Oh, stop it!’ Liz groaned, putting her hands over her face.
‘I’m sorry; it is rather funny,’ Jo said, giggling as she nestled down beside Liz again. ‘I’m certain Benton won’t say a word to anyone. Although -given where your hands were going when we were dancing last night-’
‘You little minx!’
Jo let out a happy squeal as Liz turned over and wrapped her arms around the younger woman, pressing kisses to her neck. The scientist continued her ministrations, dipping further down Jo’s torso until-
 ‘Sorry; cold mouth?’
‘No complaints here.’
More kisses followed, and Jo felt several delicious shivers go up her spine as Liz’s tongue and lips worked their magic. Liz’s hands began to wander further down Jo’s torso, causing some delighted exclamations from the younger woman. Jo, for her part, began to slip her hands further down Liz’s back, her hands sinking gently into the gentle flesh of the scientists arse. Liz’s thighs trembled, and she momentarily paused her explorations of Jo’s chest, before continuing in renewed eagerness. 
And so it continued, their bodies becoming slick with perspiration and flushed with desire. Hips bucked, lips perused and hands clenched into the bedsheets. Exclamations echoed softly through the room, along with sweet nothings and certain enthusiastic expletives that Jo hadn’t previously thought Liz was capable of. Thighs trembled, breasts heaved, and mouths met, again and again. It was glorious, heady abandon, in the throes of passion and ecstasy.
Eventually, the two women lay, quietly, in each other’s arms, panting gently to themselves as they caught their breaths. Jo’s head was resting on Liz’s shoulder, and the redhead had her arm draped softly down Jo’s side, fingers gently stroking the glistening sweat on the blonde’s thigh.
‘So…’ Jo gasped. ‘W-what now?’
‘Er….’ Liz said, mopping her brow with one hand. She was no longer hiding under the duvet, which -in any case- was discarded haphazardly over the side of the mattress. The bedsheets under their bodies was caked with sweat, but neither woman had any attempt to move. ‘Not sure. To be honest, I’ve never really… done this sort of thing before.’
‘Oh,’ Jo replied. ‘Well, we can just… figure it out, I suppose.’
‘That sounds nice.’
Jo nodded.
‘You live in Oxford now, don’t you?’
‘Yes; why?’
‘Well…’ Jo said, and Liz was delighted to see a slight blush appear on the blonde woman’s cheeks. Jo’s large dropped slightly, before looking up at the redhead through her long lashes. ‘If I’m ever in the area during my next holiday off, we could… go out for a meal?’
‘I’d like that a lot, Jo,’ Liz said, unable to keep the grin off her face. ‘I like you a lot.’
The smile that blossomed on Jo’s face was like the sunrise.
‘I like you a lot too, Liz.’
She pressed a happy kiss to the scientists cheek.
‘Well, we best get up,’ Jo said, before promptly extricating herself of Liz’s arms and climbing out of bed. She stretched her hands above her head, and shook herself. The air of the winter morning was crisp against her skin, and she enjoyed the feeling of freedom that came with standing like this, especially with a wonderful woman watching her from her bed.
Speaking of which…
Jo smiled to herself. She could practically feel Liz’s gaze on her naked back. With a giggle, she felt the warmth begin to spread between her legs. Hmmm.
‘R-right,’ Liz stammered, from the bed. ‘I’ll wait for you to-’
‘It’s due to rain later this morning,’ Jo said, with a grin over her shoulder at the auburn-haired woman. She saw Liz’s eyes widen, and heat appear on her cheeks and neck. The warmth between her thighs was spreading like a glorious fire once again. ‘You’re in a hurry, aren’t you?’
‘Well, yes.’
‘Then you best share a shower with me… don’t you think?’
With a chuckle, Jo headed to her ensuite, and opened the door, curling a hand through her long blonde hair and flicking it over her shoulder. She stood in the doorway for a moment, gave a cheeky wiggle of her bum, and headed into the bathroom.
Immediately after turning the shower on and climbing into the bath, Jo heard the the sound of bedsprings creaking and of Liz’s feet hitting the floor. With a giddy laugh, the redhead hurried into the bathroom after Jo, closing the door with a swing of her hips.
A few moments later, there was a very happy squeal.
Thanks for reading, everyone! This is my first time writing for both Jo and Liz in any significant capacity, so hopefully the characterisation of them is okay.
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writebethany · 9 months ago
❤️🧡🤍🩷💜A WLW ASK MEME❤️🧡🤍🩷💜 List the top 10 ladies you’ve been obsessed with Ever Of All Time! Then send this on to 5 sapphic mutuals 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
Mentally listing these off I have a type and I'm not sorry about this in the slightest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so in no particular order:
Astra In-Ze. (Supergirl) General badass who wants to do the right thing in the completely wrong way? There was never a universe in which I did not love her. It was inevitable. I watched the first season of supergirl for Cat Grant, and ended up loving Astra more. It's the enemies to lovers of it all. It's the Laura Benanti. It's the being a twin on a world where that was an aberration. It's the ability to take the framework and run to create a whole lot of backstories for fun and profit. *chef's kiss* Really had everything I needed to sink into a character and think about them for all time.
Kommissar (Pitch Perfect 2) Condescending European tall hot lady? By god the movie gave us nothing and yet I kept digging. I literally had to pick out a name to write about her, but I was out here giving her the full random side dude character treatment because she had the trifecta of 'qualities I'm obsessed with.' I followed the actress and watched Danish TV for her. I started learning Danish. That is how obsessed I was with this character. The OT3 fic I wrote with Kommissar/Becca/Pieter is still one of my favorite things I've ever written. It's just so soft while Kommissar doesn't manage to lose the sass or edge. Mmm.
Miranda Priestly (The Devil Wears Prada) It's Miranda Priestly. I'm a millennial sapphic. Need I say more. Never mind that she fits with the overall theme so far of 'mean and pretty (and usually older with a backstory with just a *touch* of softness). I watched the movie as a baby gay who didn't know(tm) yet and zeroed the fuck in on Miranda and then watched it in college and YEP. There we were. Several hundred thousand words of fic later.
Regina Mills. (Once Upon a Time) Mean. ✅ Tragic backstory ✅ Secretly Wants to be good ✅ *GOD* the brain rot I had over Regina Mills. Still love her, but I burned so brightly and that fandom was so. Well. We all know what OUAT was like if you were there Gandalf. She's still such a baby girl, but not *the* baby girl, you understand. She led me to Lana's other works and Swingtown most importantly which also lives in my head rent free, but Regina. Regina will always be that original GOAT from my first *big* foray into fandom and only just got passed with fics from another fandom recently, that's how much I wrote about her.
Narcissa Malfoy. Sometimes when you're a baby gay and the teacher you just realized you have a crush on and finally admit you're gay to yourself writes HP fanfic and writes a version of Narcissa Malfoy that haunts you for fifteen straight years to the point where it becomes your pandemic fic pairing of choice and here you are four years past that with *gestures* yeah. Alas.
H.G. Wells. (Warehouse 13) HOOOOO BOY baby's first fandom. This was another case of me watching the first couple seasons before I knew(tm) but also buying them on DVD because you see I needed them. Mmm complicated villain backstories. I can redeem her, etc, etc. But just the sheer fucking chemistry of HG and Myka and the perfection of HG being this didactic woman who didn't let time define her and then going absolutely ape to avenge her daughter? Yes. Just yes. Love her. Also Jaime Murray. Mhm.
Eve Baird. (The Librarians) Oh Eve. The newest addition to the list. She just wants to protect her people, for all of them to live and be happy. Will forever have a part of my mind rotating her, Jenkins, and Cassandra together like a snowglobe. It just makes sense and I am a sucker for poly.
Rebecca Welton. (Ted Lasso) *screams in we could have had it all* listen. Listen. Listen. I loved the first two season of Ted Lasso. I loved the arc that Rebecca had in them of being a conniving bitch because she was hurt and wanted everyone else to hurt with her. I loved the switch from that to finding family with the team. What the fuck was the third season. What was that ending. Some random fucking dude with a kid? Forever will be angry about it and how it just...took everything that she had with Ted and went 'surely this other random dude will do'. They should have just left her alone if the ultimate goal was for Ted to go. I would have loved that for her, to stand on her two feet. Just. AGH. Anyway seasons 1 and 2 live rent free in my head and we don't talk about bruno after that.
Cat Grant. (Supergirl) While I ended up liking Astra more than Cat Grant. Cat Grant. The parallels between Cat and Miranda are *paralleling* and I still fucking love her to this day. The check boxes are checked. The plucky assistant to fall in love with is right there. Honestly if the show had aired any other time than when I was in grad school, and if Cat had been a main for more than a season I would have been even more obsessed.
Rita Repulsa. (Power Rangers) Listen. Listen. Listen. Six year old me loved Power Rangers. Six year old me also thought Rita Repulsa was the prettiest woman ever to exist. Dear god if you have only seen the Elizabeth Banks Rita, google the original. 0 idea what my six year old self was thinking. Like without the crazy costume yeah, but the crazy costume was there. So. I mean I still think about her on occasion, but usually in the context of HOO BOY I'VE ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THIS about villains. So. She counts. Also the Elizabeth Banks version is certifiably hot so like. Was six year old me wrong?
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coffeebanana · 3 years ago
Sorry not sorry to all the people who subscribe to my Ao3 purely for love square content because July is not for you.
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mistydear · 2 years ago
soften me now, let me take as is given (xvi)
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billie dean howard x reader
summary: You meet Billie in mourning. She's too professional, and you're too angry, and it takes too long to see her again. And again. And again as your lives tumble together.
w/c: 4k
taglist: @thedeconstructionist @cordeliass @strawberryshorttcakkee (talulahmae??) @max-the-d0g @mistysswampmud @angelxsarahp @billiedeanspearls @madamevirgo @cordithatgurl @mayfair-fleur @saucy-sapphic @whatfutureiamdead
chapter one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen
notes: hiiii. sorry about the break, my mental health took a nosedive. it's peak season at work and i might be losing my mind a little bit. hoping to get back into the swing of it though. still have big things planned for this story. would love feedback!! warnings!! smut in this ch. it's pretty tame tbh, purposefully not as emotional as i would usually do
When Billie goes to brunch a few days later with Matthew and Holly, she tells them everything. And in the back of her mind she can still feel the weight of you holding her, the smell of your perfume, and the blush in your cheeks when you tripped over her—when she caught you and held you close. Your hands are so warm and soft when hers are cold, and she could still feel them on her now, the brush of your thumb across her skin. 
“You kissed her?” Holly drawls, low and hushed as she leans over the table. Matthew nearly rolls his eyes. 
“She kissed her cheek,” he corrects, feeling less monumentally shaken than Holly. 
“You kissed her,” she repeats, waving Matthew off. Billie feels her face heating and quickly grabs a drink of ice water, glancing around to make sure no one heard. She can’t quite believe it herself, not sure what had come over her. 
“That isn’t out of character for Billie, Holl,” Matthew argues, stabbing his fork into an egg, resting his elbows on the table. 
“With me or you, yeah. Or when her southern hospitality comes out. Not like this,” Holly enunciates, her accent coming out thicker the more emotion that creeps into her voice. Matthew pauses, his eyes drifting to Billie who has a knot in the pit of her stomach that’s tangling itself a little tighter each day. She swallows, twisting a ring around her finger. 
“I pushed her too far,” she says, and there’s a heaviness behind her eyes, but her voice is cool and even. “I shouldn’t have told her.” 
“You shouldn’ta done it,” Holly presses, and Billie gives her a slow, hard look. It’s one she’s perfected over the years. Giving the least amount away while maintaining the potency of her anger. 
“It’s too much and still not enough,” Matthew jumps in, hoping to break Billie’s rumination. “You can’t manage Y/N’s grief for her. And you can’t keep holding onto your feelings so tightly. Eventually you’re gonna break, and based on everything you’ve said, we are gonna have a level three biohazard on our hands when you fall apart.” 
He motions between himself and Holly, and Billie’s reminded of what happened the last time she visited her mother. When she came home to LA, she couldn’t stop crying. Matthew and Holly had never seen her so emotional and untethered and raw. He told her one day he needed a hazmat suit just to bring her coffee. A laugh bubbled from her between sobs, and Holly practically jumped on it, kissing her cheek and saying there’s my Billie. There’s a reason she holds herself so tightly and at such a distance from everyone else. She never learned how to heal, never learned how to guard herself without shutting the world out. She’ll never admit it, but Matthew and Holly know that she’s fragile, know that her heart is always either caged or bleeding. 
“Not enough, my ass,” Holly says then turns to Billie, a hand on her arm. “This is the most strung out I’ve seen you since Olivia. You do realize this is flirting.” 
Billie hasn’t seriously dated anyone in a long time, and the mention of Olivia stings a little. They ended on bad terms. Billie wasn’t willing to come out, and Olivia was always very outspoken and proud, and eventually it became a point of contention. She never once called Billie cowardly, but she didn’t have to. Billie thought it enough times to do the damage herself. 
“She got you to dance? In public?” Holly points out, and Billie’s heart twists uncomfortably. You were so welcoming, so soft, and there was never any pressure. It was easy in a way Billie hasn’t experienced in a long time. She was relaxed, which is not a word she uses lightly. And the reality of that thought hits her harder than she expected. She’d spent the last few months dancing around the idea, not quite letting it sink in, not letting herself fully grasp the feeling. But now it’s here. It’s right here, and Holly’s right. 
“I think I’m in trouble,” Billie says, feeling weightless. 
“Honey, you’re way past trouble,” Matthew smirks. 
. . . 
“You’re stewing. I can see you stewing,” Norah says between bites of her takeout. It’s Monday night, and you’re watching a dumb movie you can’t even recall the plot of. 
“I’m angry.” 
“No you’re not,” Norah shoots back, and you pause before you can even start your tenth rant of the week. Norah sighs and shifts on her couch so she can face you directly. “If you were as angry as you say you are with Billie then you’d be done with her. And if you were done with her you wouldn’t be stewing so loudly. You’re not angry. You’re frustrated because you know Billie’s right even if what she did was wrong. And you’re confused because Billie kissed you right before she gave you the most weirdly devotional gift anyone’s ever given you.” 
You go red, not sure how to process those words, but your chest is tightening at a rapid speed, and you suddenly feel like someone pulled down your pants in the middle of a crowded hallway. You open your mouth, but Norah holds up a finger to stop you. 
“Yes, kissed. On the cheek, maybe, but the intention was clear. Gift, yes, because you and I both know you needed that kind of closure. Billie gave you something so precious, Y/N, and I don’t want you to ever forget that. And devotional, extremely yes. Billie Dean Howard is busy and famous and does this for a living, and she chose to devote time, energy, and care into you. She’s a strange woman who shows her emotions in strange ways, but I promise you they’re right there on her sleeve.” 
You sit quietly for a long moment, shoulders slumping down into the couch, needing some kind of support to carry you right now. 
“You think Billie has feelings for me?” you ask, dumbstruck. Norah just stares at you, mouth open. You’re feeling more lost with each moment that passes until Norah grabs her food and faces the TV in a huff. 
“You’re such an idiot.” 
You frown, slumping down further into the couch as silence lapses between you, the movie playing in the background. Billie Dean Howard has feelings for you? For the person who was nothing but cruel to her, who played hot and cold with her for weeks, who used her as a crutch for your grief, who’s still grieving, who’s trying to find a new normal among ghosts and Andy and Billie. Billie. 
Billie with the deep brown eyes and long nails and string of pearls. TV personality Billie Dean Howard. Medium to the Stars and woman who choked you on her bedroom floor. There was a moment sometime after that, right after you fell asleep on her couch, when you realized that this is real. She’s real. It wasn’t as earth shattering as you expected but much more unfathomable than you knew how to process. You’re sort of numb about it in the wake of Kate. In the wake of everything. And you’d never felt selfish about it until this moment. There were times you wondered how much of a burden it must be, how frightening it might get, but now you can’t help but ask yourself if you’d used her. Is she the one being taken advantage of? By the show and her fans and her abilities. 
And why you? Out of everyone’s grief, everyone’s hurt, everyone’s cruelty, why does she want to endure yours? 
“I have to make a phone call,” you mumble, standing up.
“Finally,” Norah grumbles as you step out onto her balcony and close the sliding glass door behind you. 
Your phone rings and rings, and your heart starts beating faster. Right when you think it might go to voicemail, the line connects. 
“Hello,” she says on the other end. It’s not a question. It’s softer than that. 
“Billie, I’m sorry,” you rush, and there’s a heavy beat of silence before you hear her breathe again. 
“For everything. But especially for how I reacted at the bar.” 
“You had every right to—”
“I wish I would have listened to you sooner,” you interrupt, needing to get it out there in the open. “I’m sorry.” There’s silence on the other end, and you’re afraid to break it. So, you listen to the static in the line, almost forgetting to breathe. 
“So am I,” comes the mournful response, and you swallow, looking out over the LA skyline at night. You don’t know how to ask her why, the words stuck in your throat, don’t know how to erase the hurt you both feel. 
“I need you to stop being my medium now.” You hear a little huff on the other end, something that could have been a laugh, and you allow yourself a small smile. 
“Where does that leave us?” she asks, and your heart twists and jumps. Us. You wonder what that means to her. 
“Do you wanna go to Insomnia tomorrow?” Billie does laugh this time, light and relieved. 
“I wish I could,” she sighs, and you lean against Norah’s balcony, chewing your lip. “I have more press to do.” 
“Still.” She sounds just as weary about it as you do. “I can do Thursday night.” You tell her that works, and she tells you okay, and then there’s more silence. 
“Yes, Y/N?” You squirm at how she says your name, low and slow. 
“Can you not…get rid of my house yet?” You’re embarrassed for even asking, and it makes you feel so small and childlike, desperate. 
“It hadn’t even crossed my mind,” she says, and a knot you didn’t know was there unraveled. 
. . . 
On Wednesday night, you’re at Andy’s apartment. And up until about thirty minutes ago you had been watching a movie after a nice evening out. Now, Andy’s laying naked underneath you on her bed. Two of your fingers are buried inside her to the knuckle, and your mouth is on hers as she whines. This isn’t the first time you’ve done this with her, and it won’t be the last. Her hips buck into you, your palm is soaked with her, and she’s gasping so desperately. When she cums, it’s sweet and heady and her back arches with a high moan. And as she rides it out on your hand, you kiss her, deep and slow. 
Gradually, you pull your fingers from her and slip them between your mouths and into hers. She doesn’t blink, her eyes devouring you as she sucks your fingers clean. When Andy kisses you next it’s harder and faster, and you let her flip you over so she’s on top of you, straddling your still clothed thigh. 
“Andy,” you sigh as she kisses your neck. She hums, hand sliding up your bare stomach, gripping your ribcage. “Hey, you know I’m not…” she bites your throat and all rational thought falls away. “Oh god.” 
“Not ready?” she asks, pulling back to check in. You haven’t let her touch you yet. You haven’t let anyone touch you since Kate. It always felt too much like a violation, like you were breaking your vows or her trust or her respect or just her. You feel like Kate might shatter if you were to let someone else touch you the way Kate always touched you. You swallow, watching her chest rise and fall, her curls fall into her face, her bruised lips part for you. 
“Kiss me,” you say, breathless and nervous, and Andy needs no further prompting before she’s spreading your legs and settling her hips between them. She grinds into you, slow and tentative, holding your face in one hand, her mouth sucking marks on your neck. Your heart pounds and you sigh, letting your eyes close. Before you realize it, you're rolling your hips hard up into her, your legs around her, pulling her into you. 
“Baby,” Andy whispers, kissing your neck sweetly. You don’t respond, deciding instead to kiss her. She matches your pace, and when she slides a hand across your chest, still in a bra, you break. This is going to happen or it isn’t, and you’ve just reached the point of no return. 
“Fuck, just—” you struggle to articulate, warmth spreading between your legs. Andy hums, teasing, but she takes the hint. Slowly, she sits back on her heels, hands sliding down your body. You tense, nerves prickling. When her thumbs dig under the waistband of your sweatpants, your breathing quickens, and she pauses. 
“We don’t have to.” 
“I want to,” you respond quickly. And you do. You want to get past this barrier. So she slides them off, tossing them to the floor. You’re left in your underwear and bra, and Andy quickly comes back down to kiss you, one hand gripping your hip, the other your cheek. You’re thankful for the distraction, pulling her down harder. She smiles into you, digging her hips into yours. When her hand finally slides under the elastic of your underwear, you both sigh. You’re wetter than you thought you were, and Andy smiles into your mouth. As her fingers circle, she kisses your neck, sucking and nipping, and you close your eyes, trying to focus on the feeling. 
Without warning, a hollowness builds in your chest that you can’t shake. Your mind drifts and worries. Something isn’t right. You can feel Andy’s fingers slowing, and when she lifts them to your mouth, you take them obediently. The warmth between your thighs cools, but you let Andy touch you with saliva soaked fingers, and that helps, but something’s missing. Why don’t you feel more? 
“Let me taste you,” Andy breathes, and you nod, unable to form coherent thoughts. You squirm out of your underwear, and she tosses them aside, settling down between your thighs. Her hands are soft across your hip bones, and her breath is warm on the hair between your legs, and at the first stroke of her tongue, your head falls back against the pillow. 
Your eyes close, and it feels good, but you know it’s not good enough to make you cum. And it’s not Andy. Fuck, you know it’s not Andy. So you let yourself drift, and a memory surfaces. 
It’s a Sunday morning, and the blinds are half open, sheets crumpled at the end of the bed. You’re naked, and Kate’s mouth is buried between your trembling thighs. She’s already made you cum twice, and there’s a wet toy laying near your hip. 
“Kate, please,” you moan, breath stuttering. 
“Please, what, sunshine?” she asks, breath hot against you. You roll your hips into it, gripping the sheets with one hand. The other is tangled in her hair, pulling her gently back down. “So needy this morning,” she mumbles with a grin, and you groan, head hitting the pillow again. 
“Fuck you,” you grit, but it turns into a loud moan when she sucks on your clit. You break into a sweat, her tongue dipping inside you. “That feels so good,” you whine, bucking your hips up into her mouth. 
You thought that thinking of Kate during sex would hurt. Instead, it makes you so incredibly wet you can hear yourself on Andy’s mouth. Fuck.
Kate hums into you, and it sends a shock wave of pleasure through you. She knows exactly which buttons to press and how often and how hard, and you can’t get enough of it. 
“You wanna cum, baby?” Kate asks, never taking her lips off you. And those words would have sent you tumbling over the edge right there if Kate weren’t actively looking for an answer, looking for you to wait. 
“Yes. God, Kate, please,” you moan, pulling at her hair. You feel desperate, needy, and you’re throbbing, sweating, trembling. Kate kisses you between your legs, drags her tongue up your center, then tells you to cum for her. And you do. 
You do. 
Riding out waves of pleasure on Andy’s mouth, you moan, gripping her hair. As she slows, your mind races, heart pounding. Fuck. 
. . . 
Billie’s there when you get to Insomnia the next night, one leg folded over the other, a book in her hand. She looks up when the bell chimes and stands as you approach, sitting only as you sit. It’s chivalrous and affectionate in a way unique to Billie, the way she holds your gaze as you move. You know she’s calculating and precise in everything she does, but when she looks at you there’s always something deeper, something softer and more careful. 
“Hey,” you breathe, already feeling underdressed and needing some way to break the tension that crackles between you. “I really wish you would just wear normal people clothes every once and a while.” She raises an eyebrow, a smile already creeping onto her lips. 
“I assure you these are normal clothes.” She’s in slacks and a blouse and heels you’d break your ankle in, and her makeup is flawless for 9pm. In response, you look down at your long sleeved shirt and corduroy pants and motion between you helplessly. “You look lovely,” she says, voice softening. 
“You make me look less lovely,” you argue, and she cocks her head down skeptically at you. 
“I promise you it’s the opposite,” Billie responds, and you can tell immediately that she’s serious and wonder if she’s suffered a concussion recently. So, you take a deep breath and shrug your shoulders. 
“I guess we’re both just really ugly and unfashionable then.” Something sparkles in Billie’s eyes, and she chews her lip as if considering whether to let your ridiculous compliments sink in. Your lip quirks up at her, and then you stand. “Come on, let’s order.” She follows you to the counter, and when you pay for her desert, she gives you a withering, embarrassed look but doesn’t put up much of a fight otherwise. Vivian is there, and though she doesn’t smile, you’ve learned that a head nod is essentially equivalent, so you give her one back and stuff a couple dollars in the tip jar. You feel like she’s seen you at some of your worst moments in the same way that Billie has. 
“So how are you?” Billie asks as you dip your spoon into your sundae. You consider the question. You didn’t end up sleeping over at Andy’s last night. Instead, you squirmed in bed with her for an hour before making up an excuse to leave. Then you cried in your car for twenty minutes because you can’t cum without thinking about your dead wife, and you’re not sure what that means. But you think that may be too much to talk about with Billie right after you had a fight about said dead wife. 
“I’m…okay. You?” Billie raises one shoulder. 
“The same.” 
“Scintillating,” you nod, and Billie rolls her eyes. “Tell me about the press stuff.” 
“Really?” Billie winces, digging her fork into her slice of apple pie. You nod, wondering when she’s gonna start believing that you care about her stuff. She tells you that season two’s been officially confirmed with Lifetime, and you congratulate her earnestly and enthusiastically. You think she might even believe it. She also tells you that she’s heard rumors of an Emmy nomination. It’s dismissive and a little sheepish, so you reach over and squeeze her hand. 
“That’s amazing, Billie. Really.” The smile that tugs faintly at Billie’s lips is embarrassed but proud, and that’s enough for you. When you let go of her hand there’s a moment when you miss the coolness of her skin on yours, and you swallow, letting the silence hang for a second between you. 
“Can I tell you something?” You nod, and she looks up at you, her eyes more guarded than before. “After you left, and I didn’t hear from you for a week, I started to think you didn’t want to speak to me again. And I was going to respect that. I’m just…confused. You confuse me.” She shakes her head, looking at you like you’re a puzzle she’s determined to solve, and you’re not sure whether that’s a compliment or not. So, you decide to be honest with her. 
“I’m upset that you went behind my back. I’m angry, actually. Because you lied to me for months,” you say, voice even and strong. “But I also know that you gave me…a precious, invaluable gift. And I don’t know how to even begin to thank you for it.” Billie presses her lips together, an emotion you can’t place swelling behind her eyes. Embarrassment, maybe. “And I’m sorry I gave you whiplash. I just…I don’t think it’s worth it, really, to be angry at you. I’ve already wasted enough months being angry at you. I want…” you sigh, faltering, because what do you want? What is all of this coming to? “I want to keep doing this. Me and you. At Insomnia. Or at a jazz club, stepping on your toes. Or at your wrap party arguing with your coworkers,” you smile, shrugging, and it pulls one from Billie too. Her hands are in her lap. She’s holding herself tightly, as if too much emotion will make her crumble. 
“I want that too,” she admits, voice hoarse, and you watch her eyes deepen, something inside her swell against her will. Before you can prod at it, she pushes it down. “And I understand you don’t want to hear it, but I am sorry. I wish it were different.” 
“What do you mean?” you ask, your chest tightening. She presses her lips together, gathering her thoughts. 
“If we’d met under different circumstances, there’d be less hurt between us,” she explains, fingers digging into her chest at the word hurt, as if it were a physical pain. And maybe for her it is. 
“Billie,” you sigh, leaning over the table and grabbing her hand from her chest to hold it in both of your own. You didn’t realize she had such a profound guilt complex. Though you suppose in her line of work it becomes inevitable. “If the circumstances were different we wouldn’t have met at all,” you remind her, searching her eyes, thumb swiping across the back of her hand. She gives you a tight, watery smile, and you realize that what she’s feeling is insecure. Your stomach sinks, and you frown, squeezing her hand. “I would have been fine without you. But I’m glad I don’t have to be.” 
She laughs, abrupt and gasping, and you smile, searching her eyes, hoping you conveyed the message you wanted to. There doesn’t seem to be enough words in the English language to express to Billie how you feel. That if you’d met her at Insomnia and she didn’t have the gifts she does, you’d still be glad to know her. Though she seems to understand because she squeezes your hand back. Still, you stand up and round the table, bending down to wrap Billie in a hug. She’s stiff for a moment, but when her arms eventually slide around you, they’re careful and delicate. Briefly, you spread a hand across the back of Billie’s head, holding her against you, leaning your cheek into her hair. 
“We’re good, okay?” you whisper. She doesn’t answer, but you feel her hold you a little more purposefully. When you pull away, there’s a rare vulnerability in her eyes, an openness you savor. You think this might be one of the first times you’re seeing Billie without a mask. 
“Finally?” she asks, brow quirking up, and now it’s your turn to laugh. 
“Yes,” you enunciate playfully. And before you go to sit back down, you steal a bite of Billie’s pie. Her smile is soft and willing and easy as she watches your lips close over her fork. There’s something else in her eyes too, something just a shade darker. And as you stand over her and she looks up, you think maybe Kate used to look at you like that. 
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mrcowboydeanwinchester · 3 years ago
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Howdy, everyone! According to our ever-beloved Jo’s Blog, Jo Harvelle’s birthday is April 7th. That joyous day is just around the corner, so I thought it would be a wonderful chance for us all to honour the freak with a knife collection.
So on April 7th, celebrate by posting poetry, art, fic, amvs, edits, gifs - any content you fancy - just make sure it’s Jo-centric!
Although the celebration is only one day, I thought a few prompts would be nice to get everyone feeling inspired, but there's no pressure to follow them and ALL Jo-centric content is welcome!
not like other girls
hard and/or soft
I personally encourage sapphic/queer Jo content but go nuts with whatever you fancy <3
💗Some quick Roadhouse-keeping:
No homophobia or hate towards queer Jo and queer Jo posts. If you're not on board with that then this isn't the place for you
Misogyny will NOT be tolerated. Please be mindful of what you're posting!
I don't know why there'd be any but absolutely no *ncest content of any kind
NSFW content is cool but minors please do not create/engage with it!
Please tag any NSFW/applicable content warnings so everyone can party it up while staying safe
And that’s it! Be sure to tag to your creations with #josjoyousbday and @ me directly too, if you like, 'cos I'll be reblogging everyone's posts all day! I can't wait to lose my mind over everyone's content and celebrate Jo with you!!!
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thevoidfishsminstrel · 4 years ago
Lena let out an undignified squeak as she grabbed hold of the bookshelf beside her in an effort to not land on her face.
“I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”
Lena turned, wiggling her foot back into her heels properly, before freezing, eyes widening at the caped figure now scrambling to her feet.
An array of books and magazines were spread out on the floor, presumably the culprit of her latest near death experience. It was as though National City’s newly revealed superhero had been sitting in between the bookshelves on the library floor… studying?
Lena clutched the cheesy romance novel she had been too busy reading to her chest as Supergirl looked at her in concern.
Lena’s brain finally restarted and she cleared her throat, straightening her blazer. “Yes. I’m fine. Thank you.”
“You’re sure you’re not hurt?” Supergirl was wringing the edge of her cape in her fingers, looking far too nervous for someone who was suspected to be the strongest being on Earth by several sapphic blogs that Lena most definitely did not read.
“I’m fine.” She reached out to put a hand on Supergirl’s forearm in an impulse comfort gesture. “I promise.”
Supergirl seemed to relax slightly, some of the tension seeping from her shoulders. She held out a hand. “I’m Kara.”
Any tension that had left her immediately returned tenfold, eyes widening in panic as she froze.
Lena bit back a smile and took Kara’s hand, shaking it despite Kara’s lack of movement. “Lena. And don’t worry - your secret’s safe with me.”
Kara deflated, running a hand through her hair. “Alex is going to kill me.”
Lena laughed and patted Kara’s bicep (definitely the strongest being on Earth). “Maybe you should stop saying names now.”
Kara grimaced. “Oops.” She looked like she was about to say something else but stopped and looked at Lena again. “Wait… are you Lena Luthor?”
Lena straightened up, careful mask falling into place to try to hide the way her heart sped up and her throat constricted. “Yes.”
But before she could launch into her speech about how she was different from the rest of her family and only wanted to help, Kara lit up, crouching down to shuffle through her piles of literature until she came up with an issue of a science magazine from a few years ago.
“I just read your article about sustainable building and how we can introduce cost-effective eco-friendly measures to construction to reduce the damage done to the environment and promote a symbiotic relationship with nature.”
Lena blinked.
Kara almost poked herself in the eye before redirecting the movement to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. “Sorry, I just thought it was really interesting. You’re probably tired of people asking you about your work.”
Lena’s eyebrows rose. “No I… I don’t mind.”
Kara smiled and Lena found her heart racing for an entirely different reason. She redirected her attention to the books scattered on the floor.
“So what’s National City’s resident superhero doing studying civil engineering, first aid and… veterinary science on the floor of the library?”
Kara blushed and knelt down to start scooping up all her things. “Sorry - I know I should have been at a desk I just got carried away.”
The pile of books was up to Kara’s eyebrows when she stood up and Lena laughed, taking the top third of them from her. “And I shouldn’t have been reading and walking. But that doesn’t answer my question.”
Supergirl shrugged, toeing at the worn carpet with her red boots. “I’m new at the whole superhero thing. I don’t know where to freeze breath a building to hold it up or how to save someone who’s got water in their lungs from almost drowning. The other day I rescued a snake from a tree and tried to wrap it up in my cape to keep it warm and the owner told me ‘thanks, but reptiles are cold-blooded so they don’t warm up like that.’” She pouted at Lena. “The owner was a ten year old.”
Lena bit back a smile. “So you’re trying to learn how to be a better superhero?”
She shrugged and bit her lip. “I just don’t want to mess up.”
Lena considered her for a moment. “You know, I happen to have degrees in a few different kinds of engineering. And I made everyone at L-corp, including myself, take a first aid course when I took over.”
Kara looked as though she was trying to contain her hopeful expression. It wasn’t working very well, although that probably wasn’t surprising since her motto was ‘hope, help, and compassion for all.’
Kara bounced on her toes excitedly. “Would you help?”
Lena grinned and gestured to the left with her head. “Come on, I know which desk is the best in the library.”
It became somewhat of a routine after that. Every Saturday, Lena would go to the library as normal, pick out a new cheesy romance novel for the week and some kind of thick science book to hide it underneath, and then meet Supergirl in the back corner of the library, at the desk hidden behind the spare computers from the 90s where no one would find them.
Kara would normally already be there, pouring over texts and making notes in coloured pens and highlighters. Lena had bought her a rainbow of folders and dividers for each of the aspects of superheroing she was trying to improve in, and they had spent one very unproductive but fun day labelling and decorating them. They were now covered in random doodles, squiggly multicoloured patterns, and stickers that Kara had found in a rotating rack by the front desk, immediately claiming were essential for her learning.
During the week, Lena would keep an eye on any news of Supergirl, getting some strange looks from Jess when she walked into her office to see Lena cheering as Kara did something they’d worked on together. At the weekend she would listen to Kara excitedly retell those same events until the librarian came over to shush them. She seemed to be the only person in National city that wasn’t completely charmed by Supergirl, and it always led to half an hour of Kara pouting and asking Lena why the librarian didn’t like her.
It was a few weeks before Lena got there first. She frowned, checking the surrounding isles of books for any caped figures but they were all empty as usual.
She sat at their desk and opened up the book she had randomly grabbed off a shelf, putting her latest romance novel inside it to covertly read. It was called ‘Lost and Found: A Love Story’, the back of it claiming it was about a woman who ‘drops her scarf at a train station but ends up finding something much more meaningful in the woman she bumps into at the lost and found.’ It was exactly as awful as it sounded.
Kara bounded up to the table about 20 minutes later, a coffee cup in each hand and a satchel slung over her shoulder that made her cape bunch up awkwardly. She beamed at Lena and set a coffee down in front of her.
“Guess what I just did.”
Lena slammed the books shut inside each other, scrambling to put her arms over them and rest her chin in her hand casually. “What?”
Kara either didn’t notice or didn’t care, rounding the desk and putting her bag down on it with a grin. “I laservisioned the supports of a broken crane back together using some metal from a billboard and now it’s totally fine for use again.”
Lena’s eyebrows rose. “What happened to the crane in the first place?”
Kara’s cheeks heated and she looked away, rubbing the back of her neck as she mumbled, “I may have flown into it a little bit.”
She scowled at Lena as Lena started laughing but it was undermined by the way her lips tugged up.
“Oh!” Kara lit up and started rifling through her bag. “I brought you this.”
She held out a book with a bright smile. Lena’s eyes widened as she looked down at the cover of what was very clearly another cheesy romance.
“It’s my favourite love story. It’s a bit like the one you’re reading at the moment but better, in my opinion. I thought you might like it.”
“What?” Lena scoffed. “I wasn’t reading a romance. I was reading…” she glanced over to check what book she had picked up, internally filling with regret as she read the title, but she had already committed to the facade. “The rhyming dictionary.”
Kara was very clearly trying not to laugh. “Ok. Well I’ll just leave this one here. And in case you didn’t know,” she leaned closer to Lena’s ear as she climbed into her seat, and whispered, “I have x-ray vision.”
Lena blushed, refusing to look at Kara’s smug grin. She cleared her throat and moved her books off to the side, along with the one Kara had put down, as casually as possible, and attempted to change the subject.
“So you remembered about weight distribution in support structures?”
Kara paused in taking folders and notes out her bag to turn to Lena excitedly, rambling on about her save, gesturing wildly with her hands.
Lena picked up her coffee as she listened with a soft smile, absentmindedly taking a sip.
She frowned down at the cup. “Is this my usual?”
Kara paused in her rambling. “Yeah. Does it not taste right?”
Lena shook her head, staring back down at her perfect coffee, cheeks heating at the heart drawn in latte art that Kara probably didn’t even have anything to do with. “No I just… I didn’t know you knew my order.”
Kara grinned, raising an eyebrow (Lena should never have taught her how to do that). “Perhaps you’re not as elusive as you think, Lena Luthor.”
Lena arrived at the library one Saturday to find Supergirl staring at the front doors like she might set light to them any moment.
“What’s wrong Supergirl? Lose a fight with a door handle?”
Kara turned to her with a pout, pointing at a sign hanging on the other side of the glass. It read ‘Library closed until 23rd due to water damage. Apologies for the inconvenience.’
Lena sighed.
“Where am I going to get my books for this week, Lena? I’m never going to understand civil engineering without them.”
Lena bit the inside of her cheek, the rational part of her brain at war with the part that was helpless to the superhero’s pout. It had to be one of her superpowers because Lena would never admit she was actually soft.
She tore her gaze away, trying to seem casual. “I actually have some engineering textbooks at my apartment. I guess you could borrow them if you wanted.”
Lena squeaked as Supergirl crushed her in a bear hug, lifting her a few inches off the ground. “Thank you thank you thank you!”
Lena laughed, trying to turn it inconspicuously into a cough when a passerby gave a slightly shocked and confused look at the sight of a Luthor and a Super laughing on the library steps. Kara dropped her back to her feet, stepping back with a sheepish smile.
“Sorry, I got excited.”
Lena shook her head with a smile. She turned to go but as she went to gesture for Kara to follow, her hand caught against Kara’s. Her brain misfired and decided in the split second where her index finger hooked onto Kara’s pinkie that the best course of action was to commit to it and simply hold hands. In an attempt to make it seem less affectionate and more practical, she walked off quickly, dragging Kara along in the direction of her apartment.
She could feel Kara’s smile like rays of sun behind her. At least her hair was down to cover up the heat that was creeping up the back of her neck.
Her apartment was only a few minutes from the library. She had to slap Kara’s hand away from the elevator buttons before she pressed them all, marveling at how many floors there were.
“So this is where you live?” Kara looked around the hallway, panicking when she snapped a leaf off of a decorative plant, while Lena unlocked the penthouse door.
Lena pretended not to see her discreetly dropping the leaf into the plant pot but raised an eyebrow at her. “No, Supergirl. I just decided we should come and stare at this random person’s door.”
Kara ignored her, walking past into her apartment and looking down at the city below through the large floor to ceiling windows. “Nice view. I should take you flying sometime - it’s even better from up in the clouds, especially at night.”
Lena closed the front door, trying not to think about romantic flights and being cradled in strong arms. “I’ll go get the textbooks.”
She moved towards her home office, Kara trailing behind in interest. The engineering textbooks were over in the left corner and she scanned the alphabetised section for the ones she wanted.
Kara ran her fingers over the spines of books until Lena was done. She smirked at Lena, letting her hand trail teasingly down the bookshelf before she left. Lena blushed as she realised why. Kara had found her fiction section, over half the books in which were very clearly a certain genre.
Lena groaned and followed her out.
They spent the entire afternoon on the floor around Lena’s coffee table, going through the textbooks, laughing over Kara’s constant puns, and eating the seemingly endless supply of snacks Kara produced from her bag. It wasn’t until the sun had started to set that Lena realised how long they’d spent simply telling jokes and stories.
It was alarmingly easy to just be around Kara. Strangely, Lena didn’t think she minded.
Lena frowned as someone knocked on her door. It was a Saturday morning and she was just about to leave to meet Supergirl at the library.
She only grew more confused as she opened the door to see a fluffy white cloud panting happily at her and squirming in her direction. A head poked out from behind it, looking just as happy.
“Lena, hi! Sorry to just turn up but the mean librarian lady threw me out because apparently you aren’t allowed to play fetch in the library.”
Lena stared at the woman currently holding a large puppy in front of her, familiar blonde curls pinned back and glasses slipping down her nose. “…Kara?”
Kara blinked at her for a moment before she seemed to realise. “Oh! Right. Sorry - this is what I look like normally. When I’m not being Supergirl I mean. Alex said I wasn’t allowed to wear the suit all the time because it had to be washed.”
Lena nodded slowly, trying to reconcile the image of this Kara with Supergirl and to not think too hard about the implications of Kara being comfortable enough around her to show her her civilian identity. “Right. Why do you have a dog?”
Kara lit up. “I saved an animal shelter from a fire and they let me adopt this guy. Isn’t he adorable?”
Lena looked at the matching faces of excitement. “Very cute. But why is he here?”
Kara shrugged. “Well I couldn’t leave him after I’d just adopted him so I thought he could join us for our study session?”
Lena crossed her arms and Kara pouted. It was somewhat undermined by the puppy licking her face and making her giggle but Lena was still helpless to resist.
“Ok but he better not mess up any of my stuff.”
“Yes!” Kara grinned, wiggling the puppy excitedly, his ears flopping about.
Kara kissed her cheek on her way into the apartment and Lena’s heart skipped a beat. The puppy licked her in an attempt to join in but even that didn’t stop the way her heart raced.
They settled on the couch, facing each other as Lena quizzed Kara with flashcards. The puppy alternated between curling up in Kara’s lap and zooming around Lena’s living room, falling over his own paws.
“Ok, last one. How do you treat a sprain?”
“Ice it with my freezebreath, wrap it so it’s compressed but not cutting off circulation, keep it elevated.”
Lena grinned proudly. “That’s it! Done.”
Kara threw her hands in the air in delight, squealing as she propelled herself forwards to tackle Lena to the couch. She pulled back just as quickly, pushing up to brace herself over Lena.
“Sorry. I got excited.”
All the breath had deserted Lena’s lungs and she stared up at Kara. A light flush rose on Kara’s cheeks, pale pink against the deep blue of her eyes, bringing out the freckles that dusted her skin.
The flashcards slipped from Lena’s grasp as she surged up to meet Kara’s lips. Kara’s arms almost buckled but she caught herself. And then she was kissing back.
Lena’s hands slid up Kara’s back, practically pulling Kara down on top of her.
They were both breathing hard when they pulled apart, eyes closed and foreheads rested together.
Kara was smiling softly down at her when she finally opened her eyes. She had shifted to hold herself up on one hand and one elbow, her free hand gently stroking back Lena’s hair.
She looked like she was about to say something when she did a double take over the armrest of the couch behind Lena and her soft look turned into a wince. “What was it you said about the puppy not messing up any of your stuff?”
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• Lady Dimitrescu x female reader 💋 ( + a glimpse of the daughters).
• Warnings: erotica, graphic adult content, sapphic love, adult romance, Stockholm Syndrome, mild horror elements.
glass angel, part XIV.
Whatever version of your lady you’d dreamt at night could not compare to the haunting beauty she was in the flesh. You stretched your arms and embraced her magnificent shoulders with such ferocity, as if was the last time. Alcina loomed over you like a hungry wolf with marble teeth as sharp as daggers, descending upon her small, quivering prey. But instead of catching your soft throat in her feral jaws, she drew the tip of her elegant nose along your flushed cheek and to the velvet outline of your loose hair. Her rich bosom swelled with a deep breath as she savored the sweet scent of you, and like a bank of snow you melted in her arms.
“Draga mea… ești ca o floare.”
My dear, you’re like a blossom.
She praised in a sensual rumble, and though you could not understand her beautiful mother tongue, you felt the meaning behind her sugary words. Obedient, you leaned backwards until your spine was flat against the rigid surface beneath yourself. Lady Dimitrescu’s figure was shadowed by the wide curve of her elegant hat, and yet you could see the look in her eyes very clearly. Two precious citrine stones shimmering with a foreign hunger, a desire you could not understand.
Her palm upon your chest seemed to seek more than soft flesh as it slipped beneath your thin garments. In a moment, arched blades erupted from the tips of her fingers, and she pulled your nightdress away in shredded ribbons. With a startled gasp you attempted to cover yourself, but she caught your thin wrists and spread your arms like angel’s wings. You quieted down steadily and grasped the table’s rough edges, leaving yourself completely vulnerable to her. The elongated swords retreated into her hand, morphing into human-like fingers once more. It was not a mere illusion of your tortured mind. Indeed she possessed gifts you could not even begin to comprehend, yet instead of being fearful, you worshipped her with even greater ardor.
The chilly air of the room rose goosebumps all over your bare skin, your dainty nipples perking. Those glowing, golden eyes were blistering flames on your nude body, rousing needs within you that you no longer were ashamed of. Undoubtedly, Madam Alcina was more than you were ready to experience, yet you couldn’t deny her; not when the softest brush of her palm beneath your chin melted away all your resistance.
“Mistress… what are you doing to me?”
You wondered, more or less rhetorically. Her lips were on your shoulder as she murmured an answer, each syllable stirring the flames.
“Consuming you, my dear…”
And she drew a languid kiss down the thin arch of your collarbones.
“… rebuilding you…”
Garnet lips closed over the tender teeth marks on your soft breasts.
“…into a beauty eternal, and never-dying.”
She embedded those promises into your skin with sensual kisses, leaving a trail of dark red lipstick down the axis of your body. Willingly, you parted your legs to welcome her, almost eager to feel the pain and pleasure of her mouth there. Your thighs were light as clouds in the hold of her massive palms, even if you wanted you couldn’t resist her sultry whims. Her breath, moist and heated, caressed the trail of curls on your pubic bone down to your blooming flower.
“Please, Madam...”
You begged helplessly, anticipating the lengthy torture she had prepared for you. But the lady pressed a wicked smile to your inner thigh and sensually ran her palm up your soft navel to your chest, easily pinning you to her dining table. You were a meal to be savored and she wouldn’t rush a moment of her enjoyment, even at the cost of your sanity.
“Be good, my angel.”
She ordered. It was all you needed to submit.
Those cursed lips…
Soft like rose petals, loving yet cruel. They caressed vague patterns over the virginal skin of your inner thighs, wrapping around sweet, young flesh with the same hunger they devoured a glass of wine. Each bruise was drawn out, suckled slowly until pleasure turned to pain, and pain turned back to pleasure. Your legs were an open canvas for her to paint with sensual violence, and though you shivered and cried pitifully, your needs were left unanswered.
That burning sensitivity between your legs was agonizing, so much that you attempted to lift your dainty hips, starved for the smallest friction. The rebellious act only brought a massive hand around your throat, pinning you into stillness; your much smaller hands barely clawing at your mistress’s formidably strong arm. You were breathless before you could even begin resisting her hold, both from exhaustion and scorching arousal. Agony left you with no choice but to submit once more, in desperate hopes that you’ll find mercy as part of your reward for being good.
It felt like centuries before relief finally came.
The first touch was a powerful bolt of electricity, shocking your whole body with a suddenness that stunned you. Trickling with hot nectar, your core twitched in sweet anticipation as your lady slowly parted your petals with her fingertip. Exposed, and oddly timid, your cheeks burned scarlet and you must’ve been awfully endearing, for Alcina took a moment to gaze at you lovingly.
“That’s a good girl.”
Her voice was a deep, sultry rumble as she witnessed you unfold to her desire, giving yourself to her completely and without resistance. Each gentle stroke of her finger between your aroused labia had you arch softly in unison with her prolonged teasing. The briefest touch of skin against skin enough to almost push you over the edge, yet she was highly experienced and knew how to control your pleasure, to prevent an unexpected climax.
“Ah-… Alcina…”
A faint plea escaped your parched throat, yet she didn’t loosen her grip. The sensual look behind her thick eyelashes made it difficult for you to even think, let alone put words together. But she knew, oh she knew, how greatly you suffered from the lack of proper stimulation, and it only fueled her sadistic nature. Malevolence surfaced on her dashing features, easily disarming you. She dominated you, reduced you to a humble servant ready to endure and take anything she’d offer. Pain, the most.
As the tip of her soft digit formed slow circles around your engorged jewel, she bowed her head low until you felt her deep breath on your dampened folds. Only teasing, never quite enough; and then it came, like a summer hurricane.
A loud, guttural breath erupted from your throat as you shuddered against the masterful dance of her tongue. With slick precision, Alcina made love to every inch of your delicate vulva, from the depths of your core to the soft canyons of your inner lips. Her mouth closed around you wholly, adding to your immediate gratification with a continuous suction whilst she restlessly mapped the shape of you with her tongue. Each sensual lap pinned you with forced pleasure, breaking you into submission, into pitiful shards of yourself, only to build you anew.
You morphed beneath her, from a simple girl to a grown woman, aware of your own body’s erotic needs. She met each one of your desires with such zealous passion you swore she knew you better than you knew yourself. And when the final wave crashed over you, you emerged as if reborn; a panting, struggling mess on the altar she laid you upon. An immeasurable glee made you lose your mind and howl her name until every corner of her castle echoed with the sound of your intense climax.
Her deft tongue was merciful at last, withdrawing from between your abused folds before the stinging agony of overstimulation could take over. You bit back heaving whimpers as your lady’s soft mouth wandered aimlessly over your body, seeking your quivering lips. The taste of your erotic bliss was heavy on her tongue, making you dizzy as she kissed you deeply, filling your mouth with the entirety of her overwhelming love. With unabashed desperation you clutched to her wide shoulders, hungry for every bit of contact you could get. Perhaps you wanted to consume her more than she threatened to consume you.
Powerless, you fell limp on the mahogany table as she hovered close and stroked your cheek. Your lashes were damp, your eyes shimmering like precious stones with absolute satisfaction as you turned your head to kiss the warmth of her large palm. Too inebriated to mind the pull of your arms above your head by an unknown force. Vivid adoration bloomed in your hazy eyes as you watched your beloved mistress lean back into her chair and light a cigarette elegantly. While smoking, she caressed your inner thigh with the back of her long, velvet fingers.
“Hhhmmm! Oh, she smells delicious!”
A horrifying voice materialized from the other side of the table.
“My mouth is watering!”
“Please let us taste her!”
Two more chirped with disturbing joy, their sound sickening and familiar. Startled, you tilted your head to look at the three mad women looming over you with gruesome smiles and crazed looks in their feral eyes. All at once the flame of your passion died, leaving a cold stiffness in its place. You realized, then, that your arms were held down by monstrous, clawed hands. In their sick, childlike excitement they begun to feel your body with irresponsible grips, leaving faint scratches behind. With a choked yelp you struggled, fighting wildly against their invasive force.
“Now, now, daughters… Let her rest for a moment.”
Lady Dimitrescu spoke calmly, and the assault instantly ceased.
Daughters? . . .
Shocked and terrified, you threw your head forth to look at Alcina, at how nonchalantly she pursed her lips, filling the air with thin ribbons of smoke. She met your gaze with a sly look, and the corner of her perfect mouth twitched into a malicious sneer.
-          To be continued…
*part XV.
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marvelfansince08love · 4 years ago
Welcoming Surprise
Word Count: 2275
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x Reader 
Warning: 18+ NSFW - very filthy, you’ve been warned lmao.
Prompts:  4 “That was amazing, you’re amazing” ,15 “I hope you’ve had enough sleep while I was away because I’m going to ravish you all.night.long” ,21 “Is this what you pictured in that dirty mind of yours, my sweet girl” ,24 “You look sensational” ,37 “Eat me out”
A/n: For my sweet Anon, I hope you enjoy this love! 
P.s: Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes, I tried to fix after scanning it through but my ass is so tired lmao, so enjoy the mess x
Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome​ @natasha-danvers​ @muted-stoneheart​ @saucy-sapphic​ @coconutlipss​ @witchxaf​ @billiedeanhwrd​ @the-enamorando-deity​ @chewbacca0805​ 
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Prompts 4,15,21,24,37
Billie had been away for over three weeks now, filming in Toronto for her new and upcoming TV show investigating ancient buildings that are known for spirit activity. She had asked for you to come along of course, but she knows how much you like having your independence and with your new business venture looking promising you couldn’t up and leave with her, much to the medium’s displeasure. That’s why you were currently sat alone on your cosy plush three piece sofa in your shared luxurious warm home late at night sipping the remaining content from your wine glass, craving just the simplest of touches from your wife’s hands, her warm breath against your skin as she kissed along your collarbone seeking out the familiar moans and groans that leave your lips at the contact. 
Her deep sultry voice teasing you as her wandering hands explore your needing body, giving yourself up to her touch and words. You flush at the dirty thoughts that seem to swirl around in your head from her absence, the thoughts alone making you ache deep inside, needing to relieve the throbbing sensation where you wish to have her talented hands and skilful tongue. 
Placing the now empty wine glass onto the marble coffee table in front of you, the overwhelming feeling of arousal overrides your rational mind as you sink further into the sofa and allowing your hand to skim across your slightly exposed chest, leaning your head back over the top of the sofa you close your eyes and allow yourself to picture your wife’s face and that delicious dirty grin when she makes you come, the feeling of her hands taking control of your very being. Your other hand wandering south to your already wet heat begging to be touched, you moan in relief  as you slowly circle your clit knowing this is the only way to take care of your needs. You continue on, picturing Billie’s fingers instead of your own. So strung up in your own pleasure, you hadn’t heard the soft click of the front door closing behind your wife. 
“You look sensational,” Her rich voice husks close to your ear, making you moan deeper. In your lustful daze you mistake her words as if you had pictured them in your mind but the warm real life breath startles you from your sinful state. 
Turning slightly you gape at the sight of your well put together wife, dressed in one of her signature silk blouses and black pants, a new shade of pink painted across her manicured nails matching her lipstick, this sight of her makes you want to repeat the same word back to her.
“Billie! I- uh, I thought you weren’t back until next week?” You breath, watching as she toes off her heels and crouches down making herself level to you leaving just the piece of furniture between you both. Her delicate hand reaches forward cupping your hot cheek showing evidence of your dirty thoughts and sinful act, her brown eyes sparkle with mischief as she replies.
“What and miss out on this? Oh my darling, if I knew that this was going on without me I would have been home much sooner.” She teases but the arousal is evident in her voice, making you shiver at the intensity of her stare. She leans in close, her lips a breath away from your own. 
“I hope you’ve had enough sleep while I was away because I’m going to ravish you all night long,” The last three words punctuated through desperate kisses. She pulls away quickly and makes work in helping you stand from the couch. 
Once stood, she takes your previously occupied hand and brings your now wet covered fingers to her full pink lips, the warmth of her mouth around your wetness makes you whimper on the spot, she smirks around your two fingers her tongue collecting your arousal before removing them and placing her wet lips to your own. Her tongue sweeping across your own as you taste yourself upon her lips, she pulls away for a second catching her breath. 
“God I’ve missed you, darling.” She whispers, against your lips.
You lean your head against her own before replying. “Take me to bed and show me how much you’ve missed me, baby,” You beg, your voice deep and full of need. She smirks lightly at your begging, loving the desperate need for her and her touch. 
“Oh I plan to do exactly that, my sweet girl.” She promises, grabbing a hold of your hand and pulling you gently through the house and up the stairs purposefully swaying her hips showing off her perfectly formed ass, knowing just how much her ass in those particular pants drove you crazy. 
Tugging you close, she kisses you hard and meaningfully before shoving you gently onto your shared queen sized bed, her smirk more prominent as you yelp at the sudden change of direction. You watch dutifully from the middle of the bed as she leisurely unbuttons her silk blouse exposing her full breasts and toned stomach, you lick your dried lips in anticipation knowing that she doesn’t like being interrupted when putting on a show for you, only for you. Once dressed down in only her underwear, she approaches the bed almost predatorial her eyes locked onto you like she hasn’t eaten in days and finally finds her prey to feast her watering mouth. She crawls slowly onto the bed approaching her vibrating body, ready for her. With a hand against your shoulder she guides you down into the soft mattress sinking deep into the plush pillows, her fingers instantly going to remove the piece of clothing that is restricting her access to what's hers. 
Having undressed you bare, you shiver as the cool temperature hits your hot skin, before becoming distracted by the soft touch of Billie’s lips and fingers tracing every inch of skin she can get a hold of and what she can’t touch with her fingers her lips find instead. Her fingers trace south as she reaches your sweet spot, moaning in unison as she curves a finger into your entrance, rubbing against your walls coaxing your arousal to build. 
“So wet for me, my darling wife,” She mocks teasingly, making you groan at her smug expression. 
“Billie I swear- god, fuck!” You whimper, as she adds another digit making you lose all train of thought. 
“It’s just Billie, sweetie,” She teases, making you glare at her briefly before reaching forward and pushing your lips against hers hard, sucking and biting at her bottom leaving it swollen and red before replying.
“Don’t be cocky.” You scold, half-heartedly. Making her chuckle breathlessly before moving her mouth towards your sensitive nipple, swirling her tongue around the swollen nub. Your hands thread through her blonde volumized locks, keeping her head close to your breasts as she continues to pump her fingers into your needing heat, stroking at your sweet spot making you cry out. Bring her face towards your own with two hands you kiss roughly while she slows down her movements, dragging out your pleasure. 
“I love you,” You say, in between kisses. Overwhelmed with love and passion for this vibrant woman. She pulls back slightly, locking her big brown eyes onto your own.
“I love you so much, Mrs. Howard.” She whispers back, smiles softly before taking your bottom lip in between her teeth and sucking gently letting go with a quiet pop. 
Her head travels down your body, leaving wet trails of kisses along your glistening body before finally flickering the tips of her tongue against your swollen clit, making you jolt at the electricity of desire that coursed low within your navel.
“Is this what you pictured in that dirty mind of yours, my sweet girl?” She coaxes, mocking you teasingly from your earlier act making your flush before humming in agreement. 
“But this is so much better.” You admit, loving the feeling of her on you again.  Leaning your head against the headboard, you surrender yourself to your love allowing her mouth and fingers to work their magic on your responsive body. The tension builds low within your stomach making your clench harder around her fingers, your legs squeezing slightly against either side of her head making her chuckle softly against your clit, the vibrations increasing the build up of arousal. Your mouth gapes wide at your silent cry of pleasure as you reach your peak, sagging heavily against the headboard as Billie continues to drag out your orgasm making sure to take every ounce from you. She cooed gently against your glistening pussy pressing a kiss on either inner thigh before crawl back up to your body and kissing you softly allowing you to taste yourself from her tongue. 
Before you comment on her lack of needs being fulfilled, Billie removes herself from the top of your body and moves to the head of the bed next to you, her intentions clear as she crooks a finger towards you in a ‘come hither’ gesture making you crawl in between her legs, hands on either side of her you lean in close, nose brushing against her own. 
“Eat me out.” She demands softly, the authority behind her sultry voice making you shiver in desire. You grin at the alluring voice before pressing opened kisses on her breasts, making your way down towards her dripping cunt. 
“With pleasure,” You reply, smugly. Eyes lifting to meet her lustful filled brown ones as you slowly remove her black laced panties. Blowing gently on her sensitive bundle of nerves you watch with glee as her body jolts at the cool air, her body's response against your own always sending a thrill of pleasure low in your stomach. Your flat tongue licks hard between her wet folds making her gasp and squirm above you, egging you on further to continue your agonizingly slow strokes. She purrs low, making an effort to grab hold of the top of your head keeping you close to where she needs you most. 
“That’s it sweetheart. God I’ve missed your tongue, Jesus Y/N!” She cries out, as you tease her entrance with your tongue dipping in slowly before tilting your tongue up, collecting her arousal before repeating the movement over and over again. Her acrylics scrap gently across your arms that have snaked their way around her thighs keeping her still, you groan at the feeling of her nails scratching across your skin showing you just how close she is to coming for you. 
Watching her mouth open wide, eyes wound tightly shut at the sheer pleasure was one of the most beautiful sights you have ever laid eyes upon. With that permanent image in your head you turn your gaze away and focus on the task of pleasing your beautiful blonde wife. Her hands become desperate, holding onto you tightly as you feel her clench around you making you speed up your strokes, your finger rubbing circles against her clit as she comes undone in front of you.
Once Billie has come down from her high, you move from your position and allow your wife to crawl in between your legs at the head of the bed, her back to your front as she relaxed further into your open arms, your glistening naked bodies pressed against one another. Pressing a kiss to her shoulder, Billie leans her head against yours catching her breath as she scratches along your arms that are placed protectively across her chest as if keeping her safe within your own makeshift barrier. 
“That was amazing, you’re amazing.” She whispers into the dark room, too scared to break the bubble you have created in your shared space. 
“God I’ve missed you. Don’t ever leave me that long again.” You moan, humour evident within your voice as she chuckles softly at your poor attempt of sulking. 
“Don’t worry next time, I’m taking you with me.” She teases back. 
“Oh and keep me locked away in your trailer, for you use for sex? I’m hurt.” You joke but the glint of glee that sparkles bright in her eyes shows you just how fond she is of your proposal, even if it was a joke. 
“That might not be a bad idea, sweetheart. God I can see the headline already, ‘New and upcoming TV star Medium Billie Dean Howard and Sex Slave!’.” She continues to tease, making you grumbling into her neck, biting slightly at the skin. 
“You know I may have missed you but the couch is still an option for you tonight, my darling wife.” You threaten, but the teasing glint indicates anything but. 
“Why do that when I’m not finished with you yet, ‘oh darling wife’.” Her suggestive tone, making you gulp slightly in anticipation. The idea, sending fire to your stomach already at her wicked grin. 
As you look deep into your wife's gleeful eyes, you thank your lucky stars for having found someone that fits so perfectly next to you in this whirlwind that’s called life. Knowing that although she may not be around as often as you would like, you are who she comes home to after it all and being here in this moment with her in your arms, home safe and sound is all that truly matters.
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ververa · 4 years ago
“I see red...”
Request: hiiii could you do a Lenore Osgood x fem reader fic (smut) where the reader would call her mommy/daddy and Lenore would call her princess or some cute pet name
A/N:  I know I'm the worst for taking so long 🙈🙈🙈 I apologize, but school and everything has been pretty hectic lately. Also I'm kinda struggling with writing, not to mention that smut definitely isn’t my strong suit, so I'm sorry if this is bad 🙈 I did my best.
Hope you will enjoy it!!!
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Lenore Osgood x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW
Word count: 1,548
You laid on Lenore's king sized bed, sprawled out – just the way the older woman liked. Your hands rested on both sides of your body, your nails were digging into satin bedding as you desperately needed to keep a hold of something when Lenore made your legs spread in one swift move. It never took her too much effort. Just a simple touch of her delicate hands, her nails lightly scratching, leaving white marks on your sensitive skin - were enough to turn you into a mess. It always worked the same. It drove you crazy every damn time without fail. Lenore knew it and took great pride in being able to make you feel that way.
As your legs parted, making enough space for Lenore, she crawled onto the bed, positioning herself between your thighs. You watched her, but didn't move, remembering the rule - no touching. You knew better than to disobey Lenore. You knew that being a good girl and following the rules could be far more rewarding than misbehaving. And the truth was - you were happy to comply. You would do anything, everything for her. Whatever she wanted you to be, you would be - because nothing could compare to the feeling she gave you. Nothing compared to her and nothing had ever felt so good as being with her.
You liked the way she looked at you. You liked the way she touched you. You liked all of it more than any words could ever describe. And Lenore was well aware of it.
Lenore smiled looking at you. You adored that little smirk - the sign of satisfaction on her face, almost as much as having her hands on you. She was clearly pleased with the fact you had no panties on. You were wearing only a skimpy, black nightgown - the one she bought for you and liked so much. It wasn’t a coincidence. She knew. You had been thinking about it. Dreaming about it. Dreaming about her. She had you wrapped around her finger. She had you right where she wanted to - ready, eager, at her beck and call.
“Take it off, darling,” she said, lightly pulling at the lacy material and giving you some space.
You nodded, sitting up and stripping off the thin fabric. That’s what she liked. Obedience.
Lenore took in your naked form and smiled contently, dreamily even. That grin itself was enough to make your head spin. You definitely could lose your mind for that woman. You did lose your mind and there was no turning back…
“Lie down” Lenore ordered and you obliged immediately. “So eager, aren’t you, darling?” she chuckled, shifting, sitting in a more comfortable position.
You blushed, nodding. There was no use denying, you were way too obvious to try and do so anyways.
“Well well, then I should probably give you what you want, hm?” she said, tracing her fingers across your thigh and closely watching the way your body responded to her touch.
“Please…” you gasped.
“Please what, princess?”
“Please, touch me” you looked at her pleadingly.
“Hmm...I don’t know. Should I do it?” she teased and chuckled, as you rolled your eyes. “I need to think about it,” she said in an indifferent tone, looking at her nails instead of you.
“Please please… mommy” you pleaded, knowing it would work, as it did every time.
Lenore’s eyes widened at the title you used. It wasn't the first time you called her mommy. It probably wasn't the last time either. At least she hoped so.
It didn't matter how many times before you had called her that. It didn't matter how many more times you would do it. She could listen to it all the time. Again and again. And the power that one simple word carried would never decrease.
"You are such a good girl for me" she praised "I guess I should reward you, hm?"
You nodded eagerly. Ready and waiting as you always were for her.
"Please…" you said softly, as Lenore positioned herself between your legs once again. Her hand slid up your thigh, making you shiver. You arched your back, giving her an invitation.
"That's my girl" she chuckled, bringing her body down on top of yours - accepting the invitation.
Her lips found yours within seconds. Her hands got a hold on both your wrists and made you move them up, keep them above your head. She shifted to grab them both in one of her hands, so that she could use the other as a support. She held you like that for a while. Her lips trailed down your chin, down the center of your neck. 
"Keep them here" she said, pecking your lips, before letting go of your wrists.
You complied, as you always did. You kept your hands up, out of the way, curling your fingers and biting your lower lip, as Lenore explored your exposed skin. She explored it with her hands, with her lips, with her tongue. She was in no hurry. She let herself enjoy all the ways your body responded to her actions. You made soft sounds as she worked, sighs, giggles, a sudden intake of breath - as she moved and her lips met your stomach. She stopped then and moved forward, placing a few kisses up the space between your breasts.
She didn't keep you waiting too long. She never teased too much. She wanted to hear you moan, scream her name. She liked to watch you whine underneath her. She liked to watch you burn with desire.
Lenore raised your legs higher and you wrapped them around her. The fabric of her silky, red robe was tickling your exposed skin. 
Her lips met yours again, and as they did she entered you, inserting two fingers inside you, sliding deeper, watching you closely as you arched your back and gasped. She smiled.
"Look at me. Look into my eyes" she demanded.
Your eyes met her blue ones, which were now almost completely black with lust. Lenore smirked, before leaning in and capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, pumping her fingers in and out. You kept rolling your hips, searching for even more friction.
"If you keep doing it, I'll stop" Lenore warned and you immediately stopped. You didn't want her to stop. Not when you were so close.
Her lips moved to suck on that one, particularly sensitive spot in your neck that only Lenore knew existed.
"Oh!– Uh!– Lenore" you moaned, momentarily closing your eyes.
"Who?" she pulled away to look at you with one eyebrow raised.
Your eyes opened as you quickly corrected yourself.
"M-mommy" you said, your voice shaking.
"That's it, princess" she smirked, before continuing kissing down your neck. Each peck of her lips on your sensitive skin was leaving you breathless, pushing you further to the edge. Her touch was gradually setting you on fire. You closed your eyes and drew in a hitching, shallow breath. 
"I'm gonna-" a whine escaped your lips "I'm gonna… cum"
"Cum for me, sweet girl" she said in a low voice, curling her fingers inside of you.
You gasped then moaned. And for a moment all you could see was red… Nothing in the world compared to that feeling. You had never felt anything so strong as you did with Lenore. She got your mind flying high, yet kept you completely conscious at the same time. Conscious and incomplete. 
Lenore watched as you fell apart underneath her and then observed how you slowly came down from the blissful state you were in. She stared at you with a small smile on her face. Her nails were lazily drawing different shapes on your abdomen, as she waited for you to catch a breath.
It took you a moment to finally be able to open your eyes. As you did so, you turned your head to look at her. Lenore looked into your glazed eyes and brushing your cheek asked,
"How did it feel, sweetheart?"
"Amazing" you said and met her smile with one of your own.
Lenore moved to sit up and reach for a cigarette, though before she could you rolled over and straddled her lap. The woman hummed contently as you wrapped your arms around her neck and kissed her. She placed her hands on your hips to pull you even closer. The action made you smile against her lips.
Lenore's nails dug into your back and you continued kissing down her neck and cleavage until you reached the bottom of her robe's neck. She gasped as you kept placing kisses all around the neckline. You pushed down the edge of her robe, exposing her shoulder, giving your lips more skin to conquer.
"Since I've been good, it's time you let me have a taste of you" you said at which Lenore's grin only got bigger.
The heiress undid her robe, exposing her naked body. You could feel your cheeks getting warmer. The excitement of what was next took your mind over completely.
Having Lenore's hands and lips on you felt  amazing, blissful. Though being able to return the favor felt even better. You hadn't even started yet, but you already were ready to pray and beg her for more.
Tag list: @midnight-lestrange​, @natasha-danvers​, @stopkillinglilyrabe​, @welshdragonrawr​, @saucy-sapphic​, @yang12e​, @xixxiixx​, @pradababey​, @marvelfansince08love​, @scoumastersarahismyname​, @misssmephisto​, @queeniesstrudel​
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fullmoonremus · 5 years ago
And This Is How It Starts | Susan Pevensie x Reader Soulmate AU
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Warnings: Slight homophobia, shitty friends???
Time/Era: Modern AU
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: Everything your soulmate loses, you receive. Turns out, Y/N’s soulmate is very forgetful. 
Request: helloo. can you write a sapphic susan fic please! take it whatever way you'd like :)
A/N: I’m not sure how many people read Susan fics, but I really like this one :D
masterlist | narnia playlist | read on ao3
“Gross, can you guys please cut it out?” Y/N stated, watching her best friend suck faces with her soulmate. She was on his lap and their make out session was starting to grow more intense than Y/N was comfortable with. Hannah pulls away from Alex with an exaggerated groan. 
“You’re just jealous you’re still stuck in the ‘lose it and receive it’ phase. Not my fault you haven’t found him yet.” Her voice was light and teasing, but Y/N couldn’t help but fell her heart rip. 
“I’ll find her eventually,” Y/N sighed, taking a book out of her schoolbag. It was a small, very beat-up copy of The Hunger Games. 
“Her?” Alex responded, tearing his gaze from Hannah’s face. “How do you know it’s a her?” 
Y/N opened the book delicately to reveal “Susan Pevensie” written in perfect cursive on the back of the front cover. The book had multiple stains on it, most likely tea judging by the color, and the same perfect cursive riddled the pages. Whoever Susan was, she adored this book with her life. Y/N’s fingertips lightly traced the writing before turning the book for her friends to see. Hannah scrunches her face at it. 
“It could be his friends, you know. Like she lent it to him and he lost it,” Alex kisses Hannah’s cheek. 
“Or this Susan girl is his girlfriend,” Hannah smirks.
“Or,” Y/N was growing frustrated. Whenever she hinted that her soulmate might be a girl, everyone dismissed her suspicions. “My soulmate is Susan Pevensie and she keeps losing her things. And besides, this book is really loved, she wouldn’t just give it to someone.” 
Hannah scoffed, tossing her hair in a very I know everything, and you don’t kind of way. “Fine, believe what you want. Not sure why you would want a girl soulmate anyway, I know I wouldn’t.” 
“Well, yeah, of course you don’t. You’re straight,” Y/N flipped to a random page and read the gorgeous handwriting that was scrawled in the margins. Her mouth twitched slightly at how perfect the script was. 
“What? And you aren’t?” 
“No, I’m not.” Y/N’s eyes didn’t move from the page as she spoke. The teens sat in silence. “Is there a problem?” 
“No! No, of course not,” Alex answered quickly. ‘I guess we just, uh, didn’t expect it… I guess.” 
“Well, surprise. Now that that’s out of the way, do you guys like The Hunger Games?” 
The two grew even more uncomfortable at the sudden tension they were feeling. “No, not necessarily.” 
“She seems to. A lot. And there’s a cute little strawberry bookmark on page 47,” Y/N sighed dreamily picturing what Susan must look like. Based on her cursive alone, she must be absolutely jaw-dropping. 
“Has, er, Susan lost anything else recently?” Alex asked. Y/N nodded excitedly, digging in her bag again. She pulled out a set of keys with a feather pendant keychain, a light pink lipstick, a glass water bottle, and a small fabric coin purse. Y/N grinned down at the items then looked back towards her friends. 
“Oh, she must be quite forgetful. Do you have any other stuff?” Y/N’s grin brightened even more. 
“Oh, loads, this is just what she’s lost within the past week,” The keys jingled as she moved her hands. “The keys must’ve really ruined her day. I wonder what they’re to.” 
“Hopefully somewhere in England. Where’s the money from?” Hannah gestured to the yellow coin purse. Y/N shrugged and tossed it towards her friends. It was rather small, barely the size of Y/N’s palm, and it had a gorgeous diamond quilt pattern. 
“No clue. I haven’t opened it if I’m being quite honest.” Alex’s noble fingers undid the clasp and looked inside. 
“Well, it’s definitely British currency, which is helpful.” He tipped the pouch and emptied the contents into his hand. As expected, a variety of different coins came toppling out, along with a folded piece of paper and various pins. “Can I have this?” 
“No, you cannot have my soulmate’s belongings. Give me that,” Y/N grabs ahold of all the bag and its contents. With her hand cupped like a funnel, the pins and money fall smoothly into the coin purse. Y/N discards the pouch into her bag and begins to unfold the paper. 
She had expected the paper to be riddled with text, like a to-do list or a small reminder. Instead, it appeared to be a little photograph of a family. The paper itself seemed to be fragile as if it had been handled a lot or had gotten wet, so Y/N handled the photo with care. 
The scene depicted the smallest of the group, a little girl, giggling up at the oldest as the other two looked on with large smiles. Y/N turned the photo to look at the back, just in case any date was included with the photo. In the same gorgeous script as the book, Lucy laughing at Peter because Ed insulted him “in the name of justice.” June 15  was written in black ink. Y/N turned the picture over frantically and scanned the faces of the family. 
Susan was absolutely beautiful; her dark brown hair was styled in effortless waves and her lips were painted with a cherry red color. Her eyes were wrinkled in the corners, due to her contagious smile, and she looked like she was filled to the brim with happiness. Y/N had never seen such gorgeous baby blue eyes. 
The poor girl was speechless, her mind running a mile a second and vision focusing on only Susan’s portrait. 
“She’s gorgeous,” Y/N murmured breathlessly. 
“Who is?” 
Y/N looked up at her friends, turning the photo to show them. 
“Susan, my soulmate.” 
Susan read over the essay that sat in her lap, taking in every detail of the writing. It wasn’t hers, but it was her soulmate’s misplaced homework. The topic wasn’t overly exciting, an analysis of a book Susan hasn’t read, but just the way her soulmate wrote captivated her. Y/N L/N, which was the name written on the top of the paper, had such a poetic way of writing. It was as if she was telling Susan a story, rather than writing about an 18th century novel. 
“Reading the essay again, are we?” Peter snickered from next to her. Susan would have hit him with the paper, but she didn’t want to risk damaging it. 
“Yes, what’s the problem with that?” 
“Nothing, Su, I just don’t think rereading missing homework is going to bring Y/N any closer to you. It’s over a year old.” Peter had found his soulmate when he was young, so he didn’t quite understand his siblings’ desire to find their other halves so quickly. 
“Not physically, but I already know a lot about her from this one paper. I know her handwriting, how she talks, the way she feels about some things…” 
“Yeah, how she feels about classic literature. Not exactly groundbreaking.” Peter sunk deeper into the couch cushion in an attempt to get comfortable. 
“Maybe not to you, but to me it is. You don’t have to be such a happiness drain, you know.” Susan was growing more frustrated by the minute. She didn’t want her older brother to snatch the paper away from her, so she gently creased it and placed it into her notebook. 
“I’m just taking the piss.” 
“Well, it’s not funny. And shouldn’t you be doing your wash? We leave for school tomorrow.” Susan stood up, lifting her bag off of the floor and onto her shoulder. 
“Yes, alright mother.” 
“Y/N! Are you coming?” Hannah hollered over her shoulder. She was walking towards the train station with a large group of her friends. Y/N waved her off. 
“I’ll meet you there! Save me a seat, yeah?” Hannah shrugged her off and continued the conversion she was more invested in. 
Y/N sighed, watching their backs disappear into the distance. She never quite liked the group Hannah was friends with, so them leaving her out never quite bothered her. Especially when she could get sandwiches for the train ride. 
The teen was waiting at a crosswalk when she spotted her. Susan was stood at the newspaper stand outside of the corner store Y/N was going to. She looked stunning as she flipped idly through a Vogue magazine. The sun shone across her hair and Y/N thought she looked similar to an angel. 
When the light turned green, Y/N scurried across the street in order to meet her love. However, she paused a few paces away to steady her breathing. 
“Excuse me, are you Susan Pevensie?” Y/N spoke, voice shaking. Susan turned around, utterly confused. Y/N was right in her assumption; Susan was in fact an angel. An angel that looked even more heavenly in person. 
“Yes, and may I ask who you are? And how you know my name?” 
“Oh, right, um I’m Y/N L/N. I’m not sure if you know who-” Susan’s eyes widened and she couldn’t help but cut Y/N off. 
“You’re my soulmate.” Her red lips were slightly agape as she took in Y/N’s appearance. “Excuse my bluntness, but you’re even prettier than I imagined.” 
Y/N’s cheeks grew hot and her fingers fumbled with the buckles on her bag. She was much more nervous than she had hoped, but Y/N couldn’t help it. Once the bag was open, she gripped Susan’s possessions and held them out. 
“You need to keep better track of your things, love.” Susan’s perfectly manicured fingers brushed Y/N’s as she took back her book and keys. Y/N’s legs felt like jelly. 
“How could you possibly know what I looked like?” 
“You lost a picture of your family. Well, I suppose a coin purse with a picture folded inside. Still, a picture was lost and I saw it.” Y/N rambled, making Susan giggle. “I’ve been looking for you for ages,” 
“And I you, darling.” Susan placed her belongings into her bag and embraced Y/N. Y/N didn’t quite know what to do; Susan smelt of rose petals and honey and her hair was so soft as it brushed against Y/N’s cheek. All the same, Y/N wrapped her arms loosely around Susan’s waist. 
“Am I allowed to kiss you?” She whispered into Y/N’s ear. Y/N could have fainted on the spot, but she squeaked out a small yes. 
Susan kept her arms wrapped around Y/N’s neck as she kissed her gently. Y/N’s thumbs danced across the floral patterned fabric that covered her hips as she kissed back. It was light and fleeting, but it still made Y/N feel like she was going to burst. The pair pulled away and looked into each other’s eyes. Susan’s were even bluer in person. 
“Can I buy you a sandwich?” Y/N croaked, cutting the tension. Susan giggled happily. 
“As long as you let me cover the dessert.” 
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midnightechoes · 4 years ago
Daily Writing 2021: March 20th - Pride & Family part 4
Read it on AO3.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
Submit a prompt for me to write! (I mostly do sapphic ships, especially Catradora, Supercorp, Harlivy, Pertrapta, and Dansen)
Lillian sat in her cell, leaning into a not-very-comfortable blue metal chair, reading the current book she had checked out of the library. It was a relatively quiet night in the prison, or at least, as quiet as a prison could be before lights-out.  And yet, the elder Luthor was having trouble concentrating, the memory of her earlier conversation with her daughter, and Lena’s subsequent storming out, replaying over and over in her mind. She let out a deep sigh, frustrated at her daughter’s obscene public show of emotion.
Just as Lillian was sinking into the story of the book, a tapping, as if someone knocking, jolted her. A quick stroll to the front of her cell proved empty, there didn’t seem to be anyone there. Her brow knitted in annoyance as she tried to crane her head against the bars in order to see as far down the hall as she could. Still, there was nobody in sight. Then she heard the tapping again. Lillian spun on her heels, eyes squinting, her lips pursed as she slowly made her way to her window. Even in the darkness of night, even through the smudge and dust-caked window, the vibrant blue and red of her visitor was plain to see.
The elder Luthor paused for a moment, letting out a small huff, before finally pulling the lever that slid open half of the window that was set in between bars.
“Visiting hours are eight to four,” Lillian cooly delivered, her arms crossed as she leaned against the wall, taking in the view of Supergirl leaning against the wall next to her third-story window.
“Would you even see me if I scheduled a visit?” Supergirl quietly inquired, staring straight out at the night.
“Perhaps, if you came as Supergirl. Might be fun just to see the look on everyone else’s faces.”
Both women let out a soft chuckle at the notion.
“I’d invite you in, but, well,” Lillian finished by tapping a knuckle on bars.
Supergirl hummed in response. There was a moment of silence between them, neither sure where to begin. The air between them was heavier than usual, more tense than usual, which was saying something for two people that have been pitted against each other in a life and death dance of violence and terror many times.
“I assume this about Lena,” Lillian muses, finally breaking the silence.
“Hasn’t most of what’s happened between us been about Lena?” Kara shot back. Lillian lowly grunted in reply. “She said she told you about us, and you didn’t take it well.”
“That’s can’t come as a surprise.”
Kara didn’t answer immediately, instead taking a moment to gather her thoughts. “Not to me, at least. Lena, though… There was a part of her that really believed that you’d care more about her happiness than you do about your prejudices.”
“That’s your vault,” Lillian snapped, causing Kara to turn to face her for the first time.
“My fault?!” Kara huffed.
“You made her weak.”
“I gave her a place where she could be vulnerable, where she didn’t have to live with walls erected around her at all times. Lena is not weak,” Supergirl growled.
Lillian locked eyes with Kara, who was now floating just in front of her window, a snarl forming in her throat.
“What do you want, Kara?” the elder Luthor flatly asked.
The directness of Lillian’s question made Kara settle, just a little. “I came here because my girlfriend came home today, angry and in tears because of her ‘family’. And I was hoping that we could come to some sort of agreement, for Lena.”
“Leave her,” Lillian fired back immediately.
“Not happening,” Kara spat out through gritted teeth.
“Then, it seems we are at an impasse.”
“Just like that? You’re not even willing to try, even if it means losing your daughter, again,” Kara barked.
“And what about you? Are you willing to drive a wedge between Lena and the only family she has left?”
Supergirl bit down on her lip, fighting her initial instinct to argue Lillian’s point, to tell her that over the last year, Lena had become part of Kara’s family, that Lena had Alex and Eliza and J’onn and Brainy and Kelly and Nia, all of who shared just as much blood with Lena as Lillian did, but all of who shared infinitely more love than the elder Luthor had. Kara took a deep breath and floated forward, gripping the bars. “I’m here, aren’t I? There doesn’t have to be this animosity between us. We can try to find some common ground. I’m willing to try.”
Lillian chuckled. “We have nothing in common, Supergirl.”
“We have one thing in common,” Kara retorted. Lillian simply raised her eyebrow, so Kara continued on. “We both love Lena. You can try to deny it, but you know it’s true. For all your disapproval, and chastising remarks, you love your daughter. And you know that I love your daughter. Hell, I think you knew how I felt about her even before I did,” Kara laughed.
“I love your daughter, Lillian. She makes me happier than I ever thought I could be,” Kara murmurs, a wistful smile on her face so bright that it shown in the dark of the night around her. “And all I want to do, every day, more than anything, is to make her happy.
“That’s why I’m here because I know that us being friends, or at least being civil to each other, would make her happy.”
“You make it sound easy,” Lillian sighed, her eyes wandering around the room, staring at nothing in particular.
“It could be,” Kara smiled.
There was another silence between the two for a moment.
“Just, think about it,” Kara asked, then flew off.
For a while, Lillian remained there, leaning against her wall, staring out her window, taking in the cool night air.
Part 5.
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